
Unit One Text A Man in the Realm of NatureAlexander SpirkinHuman beings live in the realm of nature. They are constantly surrounded by it and interact with it. Man is constantly aware of the influence of nature in the form of the air he breathes, the water he drinks, and the food he eats. We are connected with nature by "blood" ties and we cannot live outside nature.Man is not only a dweller in nature, he also transforms it. Humanity converts nature's wealth into the means of the cultural, historical life of society. Man has subdued and disciplined electricity and compelled it to serve the interests of society. Not only has man transferred various species of plants and animals to different climatic conditions, he has also changed the shape and climate of his environment and transformed plants and animals.As society develops, man tends to become less dependent on nature directly, while indirectly his dependence grows. Our distant ancestors lived in fear of nature's destructive forces. Very often they were unable to obtain the merest daily necessities. However, despite their imperfect tools, they worked together stubbornly, collectively, and were able to attain results. Nature was also changed through interaction with man. Forests were destroyed and the area of farmland increased. Nature with its elemental forces was regarded as something hostile to man. The forest, for example, was something wild and frightening and people tried to force it to retreat. This was all done in the name of civilisation, which meant the places where man had made his home, where the earth was cultivated, where the forest had been cut down.But as time goes on mankind becomes increasingly concerned with the question of where and how to obtain irreplaceable natural resources for the needs of production. Science and man's practical transforming activities have made humanity aware of the enormous geological role played by the industrial transformation of the earth.At present the previous dynamic balance between man and nature and between nature and society as a whole, has shown ominous signs of breaking down. The problem of the so-called replaceable resources of the biosphere has become particularly acute. It is getting more and more difficult to satisfy the needs of human beings and society even for such a substance, for example, as fresh water. The problem of eliminating industrial waste is also becoming increasingly complex.Modern technology is distinguished by an ever increasing abundance of produced and used synthetic goods. Hundreds of thousands of synthetic materials are being made. People increasingly cover their bodies from head to foot in nylon and other synthetic, glittering fabrics that are obviously not good for them. Young people may hardly feel this, and they pay more attention to appearance than to health. But they become more aware of this harmful influence as they grow older.As time goes on the synthetic output of production turns into waste, and then substances that in their original form were not very toxic are transformed in the cycle of natural processes into aggressive agents. Today both natural scientists and philosophers are asking themselves the question: Is man's destruction of the biosphere inevitable?The man-nature relation – the crisis of the ecological situation – is a global problem. Its solution lies in rational and wise organization of both production itself and care for Mother Nature, not just by individuals, enterprises or countries, but by all humanity. One of the ways to deal with the crisis situation in the "man-nature" system is to use such resources as solar energy, the power of winds, the riches of the seas and oceans and other, as yet unknown natural forces of the universe.But to return to our theme, the bitter truth is that those human actions which violate the laws of nature, the harmony of the biosphere, threaten to bring disaster and this disaster may turn out to be universal. How apt then are the words of ancient Oriental wisdom: live closer to nature, my friends, and its eternal laws will protect you!人在自然界| 亚历山大·斯伯金人类生活在大自然的王国里。

Please be good friends with animals.2、保护动物,与自然和谐。
Protect animals, harmony with nature.3、保护鸟类,保护生物多样性。
Protect birds, protect biodiversity.4、爱鸟护鸟是人类的美德。
The bird is a virtue of mankind.5、不买珍稀木材,保护动物家园。
Do not buy rare wood, protect animal homes.6、爱护动物光荣,虐待动物可耻!Take good care of animals, shame on animals!7、地球没有了动物,就如蓝天没有了白云。
The earth without animals, like the blue sky without clouds.8、如果爱鸟,请去观鸟,不要关鸟。
If you love birds, please don't close the bird to bird watching.9、见到街头耍猴的违法现象应予制止或举报。
See the phenomenon of illegal street shuahou shouldstop or report.10、生命来自于热爱当生命已成过去你我将不复存在!Life comes from love. When life is gone, you and I will be gone!11、请勿轻率地将动物拿回家,若养不活既摧残生命又伤害童心。
Please do not lightly be animal to take home, if you keep not to live not only ruined lives and hurt the heart.12、爱护鸟儿吧!不要让树木感到孤独。

生物学常用网站science杂志美国生物技术信息中心(NCBI)nature杂志人类基因组数据库(NCBI)/dBest/index.htmlCMS MBR 生物网站/srs5bin人类基因组数据库(NCBI)/web/Genbank/index.htmlpubmed医学文献检索/PubMed/medline.html日本DNA数据库(DDBJ)http://www.ddbj.nig.ac.jpscience online国内镜像/蛋白质信息资源(PIR)/Dan/proteins/pir.htmlCell杂志/基因组数据库(GDB)http://www.gdb/org/美国科学院院刊PNAS网址(免费)/蛋白质结构数据库(PDB)/网上全文的生物学期刊/bio/journal.htmSander蛋白质二级结构数据库http://www.sander.embl-heidelberg.de/国家自然科学基金委员会/Rutgers大学核酸数据库工程/上海生化所/蛋白质科学网络服务器/中国微生物信息网络/chinese/chinese.html蛋白质科学网络服务器/中文科技期刊/periodical/index.htmPangea公司生物信息学服务台器/HIV基因数据库生物科学综合站点互联网上的生物学网站http://www.biologie.de/home.html该网站链接到生物学新闻、生物学历史和动物系统科学等方面的网站。
生物学管理虚拟信息中心[url=/biocontrol/biocontrol.html]/biocontrol/bioc ontrol.html[/url]该网站提供生物学管理组织、资料库和有关网站的链接目录表生物学空间该网站介绍与生物技术产业有关的在线贸易展示会和电子出版物。

生物专业大学排名 USNews世界大学排名 最新世界大学排名.doc

生物专业大学排名 USNews世界大学排名最新世界大学排名【】USNews于今年10月评出了202X世界大学学科排名,其中包括生物与生物化学排名。
The world's best universities for biology and biochemistry show strength inproducing research in the field and have top-notch reputations. The field ofbiology and biochemistry includes many subjects, such as anatomy, physiology andpathology, which all share a core mission of analyzing the science of life.These are the top global universities for biology and biochemistry.生物和生物化学领域世界顶尖大学显示了领域内的科研优势,并且有极高的声誉。

如何保护海洋生物多样性的措施英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1How to Protect the Ocean's Amazing CreaturesThe ocean is a huge, wonderful place filled with countless types of creatures. From tiny shrimp to gigantic whales, the diversity of life in the sea is mind-blowing! But sadly, many ocean animals are in danger because of human activities like pollution, overfishing, and damaging their homes. If we want to keep enjoying the ocean's incredible biodiversity, we need to take action to protect it. Here are some important steps we can take:Stop Polluting the OceanOne of the biggest threats to ocean critters is all the trash and chemicals we dump into the water. Plastic bags, bottles, straws, and other litter can strangle or choke fish, turtles, birds, and marine mammals when they mistake it for food. Toxic chemicals like oil, gasoline, paints, and cleaning products poison the water and make animals very sick.To protect sea life, we need to properly dispose of our trash instead of littering. Recycle as much as possible and findalternatives to single-use plastics. Don't pour chemicals down drains and be very careful about oil spills or leaks from cars and boats. Even common litter like cigarette butts and food wrappers can pollute the ocean, so always use trash cans!Sustainable FishingHave you ever seen pictures or videos of huge nets full of fish being pulled onto boats? While fishing is a way for people to get food, overfishing happens when too many fish are caught faster than they can reproduce and replenish their populations. This leads to decimated fish stocks.Overfishing doesn't just impact the hunted species - it disrupts entire ocean ecosystems. With fewer prey fish around, predators like tuna, sharks, and marine mammals starve. Removing too many predators allows populations of smaller creatures to explode out of control. The delicate balance gets thrown off.To fish sustainably, we need to enforce limits on how many of each species can be caught and prevent illegal overfishing. Fishing methods that reduce accidental bycatch of non-target species should be prioritized. In some cases, temporary bans may be needed to allow depleted populations to recover.Sustainable aquaculture (fish farming) is another way to meet demand for seafood without destroying wild stocks.Protect Ocean HabitatsAnimals need healthy habitats to survive and thrive. For ocean dwellers, that means everything from warm tropical coral reefs to chilly arctic waters. Their habitats provide food, shelter, breeding grounds, and migration routes. But human activities are destroying and degrading many marine habitats.Coastal development, pollution, irresponsible tourism practices, bottom trawling fishing methods, and acidification from absorbing excess carbon dioxide are severely damaging fragile ecosystems like coral reefs, mangrove forests, kelp forests, and sea grass beds. Climate change is warming and acidifying ocean waters, causing mass bleaching of corals. These diverse hotspots of biodiversity are increasingly threatened.Protecting ocean habitats will require many efforts. We must establish more marine protected areas that restrict harmful activities. Coastal zones should be carefully managed with efforts to preserve natural habitats. Greenhouse gas emissions must be slashed to combat climate change impacts. And everyone can help by respecting wildlife and their environments when we visitbeaches or take ocean activities like boating, snorkeling, or diving.Reduce Plastic WasteWhile all forms of ocean pollution are problematic, plastic waste is one of the most pervasive and devastating. Millions of tons of plastic trash enter the ocean each year from littering, poor waste management, and allowing plastic debris to be swept into waterways and out to sea.Plastic pollution is choking ocean ecosystems on a massive scale. Sea turtles, whales, dolphins, fish, and seabirds consume or get entangled in plastic items like bags, straws, bottles, and abandoned fishing gear. Microplastics are finding their way into every level of the food chain. Chemicals from plastic leak into the water, accumulating in the bodies of marine life.We can all do our part by reducing single-use plastics, recycling properly, participating in beach and community cleanups, and putting pressure on corporations to find sustainable packaging alternatives. Every piece of plastic that stays out of the ocean is a win for the planet's beloved marine creatures.Support Ocean ConservationWhile individual actions are crucial, protecting ocean biodiversity will require worldwide cooperation and support for conservation efforts by organizations, governments, scientists, and ordinary citizens.Conservation initiatives like marine protected areas, habitat restoration projects, pollution cleanups, stringent regulations on commercial activities, and bans on toxic chemicals all play vital roles. Funding for research to study marine ecosystems, monitor wildlife populations, develop sustainable practices, and explore new conservation solutions is also essential.Everyone can contribute through lifestyle changes, consumer choices, grassroots activism, civic engagement, and supporting respected environmental groups. We all must become educated advocates for the ocean and its priceless biodiversity before it's too late.The ocean's vibrant diversity of life is one of nature's most awe-inspiring wonders. From the loud, charismatic dolphins and whales to the silent, alien-like creatures of the deep sea, every species is a precious part of the planet's heritage. If we don't protect them, that amazing biodiversity could be lost forever.It's up to every one of us to cherish the ocean and take action to preserve its incredible riches. Whether it's reducingyour personal pollution, speaking up for conservation, or exploring a career in marine biology, do your part for the sake of the ocean and all its wildly wonderful living wonders! The survival of this vital part of planet Earth is in our hands.篇2How to Protect Ocean LifeHave you ever been to the beach and seen all the different creatures that live in the ocean? The ocean is full of amazing animals like colorful fish, playful dolphins, massive whales, and so many more! But did you know that many ocean animals are in danger? Humans are causing harm to the ocean and its inhabitants in several ways. If we don't take action soon, some species may disappear forever! That would be really sad. Let me tell you about some of the threats to ocean life and what we can do to protect it.One big problem is pollution. Humans produce a lot of trash and waste that ends up in the ocean. Things like plastic bags, bottles, containers, and other debris can harm or even kill ocean creatures. Marine animals sometimes mistake plastic for food and eat it, which makes them sick or causes internal injuries. The plastic can also entangle and trap animals, preventing them frombeing able to swim, eat, or breathe properly. Toxins and chemicals that get dumped or spilled into the ocean are poisonous for marine life too.Overfishing is another serious threat. Fishing is an important industry that provides food for people. But catching too many fish can deplete whole populations and disrupt the balanced ocean ecosystem. Some fishing methods like trawling and longline fishing also accidentally capture non-target species like dolphins, turtles, sharks and seabirds which then get thrown back into the ocean already injured or dead.Climate change driven by human activities like burning fossil fuels is harming the ocean as well. As greenhouse gas levels rise, the ocean absorbs more heat and carbon dioxide, making the water warmer and more acidic. This is very stressful for marine species and endangers ocean habitats like coral reefs. With rising temperatures, sea levels are increasing too, flooding coastal areas that many species depend on for breeding and nursing their young.The good news is that there are lots of things we can do to help protect the amazing biodiversity of the ocean! Simple actions in our daily lives can make a big difference.First, we need to reduce plastic waste and keep trash out of the ocean. Things like plastic straws, utensils, bottles, and bags often get thrown away as litter that can end up in rivers, lakes and seas. Instead of using single-use plastics, we should carry reusable items like metal straws and cloth bags. Any plastic items should be recycled properly. We can also participate in community clean-up events to remove litter from beaches and waterways before it enters the ocean.Next, we should be thoughtful consumers of seafood. Only buy fish caught through sustainable methods that don't deplete species populations or harm other marine life. It's best to look for eco-labels and follow guides on which types of seafood are sustainably sourced. We can also reduce demand by having meat-free meals more often.Additionally, we must find ways to reduce our carbon footprint and cut greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Simple actions like walking, biking or taking public transportation instead of driving help. We can also conserve energy at home by turning off lights and electronics when not in use. Planting trees is great too since they absorb and store carbon dioxide.Schools, communities and governments also play an important role in ocean conservation. At school, we can have lessons and organize activities to raise awareness about marine biodiversity and the threats it faces. Community groups can advocate for stronger laws and policies that regulate pollution, overfishing and other harmful activities. Governments should create more marine protected areas that restrict human activities and destructive practices, giving ocean habitats and species a chance to recover and thrive.With creativity and commitment, I'm sure we can keep the ocean and its incredible array of life healthy for generations to come. We all need to do our part, no matter how small the action. The ocean and its diverse species are precious resources that we simply cannot afford to lose. Let's appreciate the oceans and work together to protect them!篇3How to Protect the Amazing Creatures of the OceanThe ocean is an incredible place, filled with fascinating creatures of all shapes and sizes. From the massive blue whale, the largest animal on Earth, to tiny shrimp no bigger than your fingernail, the ocean is teeming with life. In fact, scientistsestimate that the ocean contains over 2 million different species of plants and animals!Unfortunately, many of these amazing ocean creatures are in danger. Humans are causing a lot of damage to the oceans through activities like overfishing, pollution, and climate change. If we don't take action soon, we could lose some incredible ocean animals forever.Luckily, there are things we can do to protect marine life and keep the oceans healthy for all the cool critters that live there. Here are some important steps we should take:Stop OverfishingOne of the biggest threats to ocean creatures is overfishing. This happens when people catch too many fish, leaving not enough behind to breed and replenish their population. It's like if you took every single cookie from the cookie jar – there wouldn't be any left for later!To stop overfishing, we need to put limits on how many fish can be caught. We should also avoid eating endangered fish species so their numbers can recover. My favorite lunch is a tuna sandwich, but maybe I'll start packing a peanut butter and jelly instead to help save the tuna.Reduce Ocean PollutionPollution is another major problem for marine life. Trash and chemicals that get dumped into the ocean can hurt or even kill fish, whales, dolphins, and other sea creatures. Plastic is especially dangerous, as animals can get tangled up in it or mistake it for food.We need to stop treating the ocean like a giant trash can! Instead of littering, we should properly dispose of our garbage and recycle as much as possible. We can also use less plastic by carrying re-usable bags and bottles.Protect Coral ReefsCoral reefs are like underwater cities where thousands of species live and find food and shelter. They're one of the most diverse ecosystems on our planet. But coral reefs all over the world are dying due to pollution, overfishing, and climate change.To save the coral reefs, we need to reduce our carbon footprint by driving less, using less electricity, and finding other ways to cut back on greenhouse gas emissions. We should also avoid disturbing coral reefs while activities like snorkeling or scuba diving.Create Marine Protected AreasMarine protected areas are sections of the ocean where fishing and other human activities are limited or banned. They create safe havens where ocean species can recover and thrive without too many disturbances.Setting up more of these protected zones, especially around important habitats like coral reefs and breeding grounds, will give struggling species a chance to rebuild their populations. It's kind of like a national park, but underwater!Learn More About Ocean LifeOne of the best ways we can protect marine creatures is by learning as much as we can about them. The more we understand how different species live and what they need to survive, the better we can take steps to keep them safe.We're still discovering new ocean species every year! By studying the ocean closely, maybe we can unlock the secrets to saving these amazing animals. Who knows, maybe one of you reading this will grow up to be a famous marine biologist!The oceans are incredible, life-filled places, and it's up to all of us to keep them that way. By ending overfishing, stopping pollution, protecting coral reefs, creating marine reserves, andlearning more about the ocean, we can make sure these wonderful marine creatures will be around for generations to come. Let's work together to be great ocean guardians!。

好的生物学方面的网站41个1.http://cellbio.u / 得克萨斯大学细胞生物学研究生培养方面的网站。
2.http://cimewww.epfl.ch 一个电镜方面的网址。
3./ Geoge Madson 大学的教学网站4./bio/bio181/BIOBK/BioB ookCELL2.html 一个细胞学教学网。
5./bio/B IO181/BIOB K/BioB ookTOC.html 老外的细胞生物学在线图书。
6./home0/ecoli/molecula/home.htm 一本分子生物学简明读本。
7./photobase/cgris图库.html 种质资源图库。
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10./ 37度网,有许多不要钱的医学书籍和图片,精彩。
11./ 动物图片12./micromenu.htm 各种古董显微镜,图片非常精彩,全面。
13./ 生物软件网,有大量材料和网址。
14./subject/biology/ 中基网生物,有动植物图片。
15./Cell-biology/ 关于细胞膜、细胞骨架方面的讲述的确不错。
16./ 精彩的电镜照片,让你垂涎三尺。
17./~lthompso/bgy53/ 普通生物学教学课件18.http://www.grt.kyushu-u.ac.jp信号转导部分很好。
19.http://www.grt.kyushu-u.ac.jp/spad/menu.html 细胞因子信号转导。
20./faculty/Eng manj/bio2114/power/cell/ 细胞生物学教学网站,有很多幻灯片。
21./~newmanl/GraphicsCatalog.html 细胞生物学图片。
22./exhibits/gallery/fluorescencegallery.htm 荧光显微镜照片。

国内外生物医学网络信息资源国外生物医学信息资源简介1.生物医学信息网站1.1 EurekAlert /由美国科学发展委员会(American Association for the Ad-vancement of Science(AAAS))和斯坦佛大学共同建立。
内容收集了近900个全球新闻团体和250多个撰稿单位,如:Al-bert Einstein医学院,Mayo诊所,耶鲁大学等。
1.2 Oline Mendelian Inher-tance in Man(OMIM)/Omim免费信息资源。
包含了著名的Vicotr McKusick's遗传疾病目录,链接MEDLINE数据库文献和由国家生物技术信息中心(NCBI)提供的序列数据。
该中心还开发了包含PubMed 在内的Entrez数据库。
另外还有图象、参考文献、基因图、病理解剖图以及通过Loansome Doc.公司订购的文献。
1.3 ATCC数据库/ATCC(American Type Culture Collection)是一个向世界范围的政府、企业、学术机构提供生物制品、技术服务和教育项目的全球性生物科学组织,其目的是收集、鉴别和保存参照物、相关生物材料有关数据,并将他们分发给科学家们。
1.4 肿瘤治疗OncoLink /美国宾西法尼亚大学癌症治疗中心的OncoLink系统,提供肿瘤医学知识的Web信息服务系统,无论对于从事肿瘤治疗工作的医生或是正在接受治疗的肿瘤病人,都可以通过这个系统,医生可以获得有关肿瘤研究的最新信息,患者可以更多地了解肿瘤发病和治疗方面的知识,以便更好地配合医生治疗。

Warming Up Two: Problems for the U.S. schoolchildren
Listen to a very brief report about problems for the U.S. schoolchildren. According to the report, what were the top seven problems for the U.S. schoolchildren in the 1940s? And what are the seven problems that youngsters in the U.S. school face today? Listen carefully and note down the problems.
Part III: How the Downturn Affects Students
Students are traditionally low on funds, but how will the recession affect their immediate futures? A report out last week suggests badly, with a fall in graduate vacancies. David Bowden meets the next generation reconsidering their career options.
Career Choice
Key words of act two: Checkup; injection; cry? Feel terrible; being a mother is not easy; work; you have us; hired a woman to watch; I did; Robbie; full-time mother; continue to teach piano lessons; needed the money; getting the house; relax; wound up; enjoying; do both, work at home, solve your problem, lucky to have you all
时事新闻(英文)News report

New words
• • • • • • • • • • 10.symptom 症状 11. genome['dʒi:nəum]基因组,染色体组 12.pathogen ['pæθədʒən] 病原体,病菌 13.pathoge'nicity 病原性,致病因 14.epidemic adj. 流行的,传染性的 n. 传染病,流行病 15.infect 感染,传染 16.susceptible [sə'septəbl]易感的 17.antibi'otics 抗生素 18.de'scendant 子孙
The modern plague bacterium changes its DNA units slowly, but it does quite often rearrange the order of its genes. Some experts believe gene order can affect pathogenicity [,pæθədʒi'nisiti] . Dr. Krause had available only tiny fragments of DNA, so although he was able to reconstruct all the medieval bacterium’s genes he could not establish the exact order in which the genes were arranged, leaving open the possibility that the bacterium was inherently more pathogenic because its genome was differently organized. All the teeth used in the study will be returned to the skulls from which they were taken, now in a London museum whose archaeologists excavated ['ekskə,veit] the East Smithfield cemetery in the 1980s.

根据某资源网资源贴整理,大家共享国外生物学网站1/.pk/////美国国家科学院院刊/美国植物病理学会/国际植物病理学会/英国植物病理学会/http://www.botany.utoronto.ca/ResearchLabs/MallochLab/index.stm /mycolink.html/ Genes & Development/////美国冷泉港实验室/美国冷泉港实验室出版社/美国国家科学院/美国微生物学会杂志/美国微生物学会/美国医学研究院/bto/microbes/index.htm#T op/里诺内华大学生物资源研究中心(生物信息学组织)生物信息学组织官方网站。
美国国立生物信息中心-NCBI<English>/相关新闻资源AgWebAmerican ScientistBBC - Sci/T echBINASBio-IT WorldBioWorldBloombergBoston GlobeBtech Investor BusinessWeekCBS MarketWatch CNBCChemScopeCNN-T echnology EconomistForbesFortuneGenomeWebILF NewsMercury News Moreover - Biotech MSNBC - T echNatureNature: BiotechNY Times - Science Red HerringSan Fran. ChronicleThe ScientistScience Magazine Scientific American Signals MagazineThe T SectorUpsideWall StreetJournal Wash. Post - Biotech 相关信息资源About: Biotech/med AgBioForumAg Biotech InfoNet AgBiotechNetAmer. Journ. of Bioethics BioExchangeBioFindBioInformerBioresearch OnlineBioSpaceBiotech ChroniclesBiotech DictionaryBiotech JournalsBiotech Knowl. Cen.Biotech ProgressBiotech Resource - OECDBioView - JobsBioVistaBio-WebBioWorldBtech InvestorCouncil for BiotechDoubleTwistElec Journal of Biotech - BiotechGenetic Engin. NewsIonianNational Agri. LibraryNature Mag - BiotechNBIFPharmaPortalSciWebSignals MagazineTECSOC - BiotechTIGR DatabaseWWW Virtual Library国外生物学网站2国外医学网址大全(转贴)国外卫生管理/f?kz=97848670国外卫生管理团体/f?kz=97852143国外卫生管理论坛及NEWS /f?kz=97852561国外健康网(含论坛及组织) /f?kz=97858752国外医学会. 红十字会/f?kz=97868849国外医疗管理/f?kz=97877812国外主要医院网站/f?kz=97927864国外预防医学网(含食品安全)/f?kz=97933600国外血液病网站/f?kz=97938492国外妇幼(含健康儿科) /f?kz=97944322国外生物医学网/f?kz=97954968国外科学研究基金/f?kz=97962581国外医学院校(含论坛及机构) /f?kz=98005217国外医学图书馆(不含数据) /f?kz=98016192国外基础医学网站(病理) /f?kz=98026552国外基础医学网站(解剖) /f?kz=98028846国外基础医学网站(生理) /f?kz=98032258国外基础医学网站(遗传) /f?kz=98035061国外药理学机构/f?kz=98077303国外药学信息/f?kz=98081281国外药物滥用及毒物.中毒学/f?kz=98085451国外药典查询/f?kz=98088180护理机构与网站/f?kz=98090246国外护理论坛/f?kz=98094130国外外科学(普外) /f?kz=98096481国外外科学(心脏、主动脉外科)/f?kz=98097538国外外科学(血管外科) /f?kz=98099089国外外科学( 腹外科) /f?kz=98099521国外外科学( 腹腔镜) /f?kz=98100759国外外科学( 创伤外科) /f?kz=98101162国外外科学( 颅脑、普外科) /f?kz=98102459国外外科学( 整形外科) /f?kz=98102868国外外科学( 移植) /f?kz=98103559国外外科学( 泌外) /f?kz=98103821国外外科学( 麻醉及其它)/f?kz=98104325国外内科学(循环系统) /f?kz=98157899国外内科学心脏病信息/f?kz=98160843国外循环系统学心衰方面/f?kz=98162002国外循环系统学(心脏外科)/f?kz=98162463国外循环系统学(介入方面)/f?kz=98162675国外循环系统学(血脂研究)/f?kz=98163440国外循环系统学(抗凝与病理的研究)/f?kz=98180299国外循环系统学(高血压) /f?kz=98181504国外循环系统学(心律失常) /f?kz=98183119国外呼吸系统网(机构)/f?kz=98186238国外呼吸系统网(哮喘)/f?kz=98188114国外呼吸系统网(慢性阻塞性肺病)/f?kz=98189129国外呼吸系统网(肺肿瘤)/f?kz=98203256国外呼吸系统网(结核病)/f?kz=98207003国外医学网址大全国外呼吸系统网(成人呼吸窘迫与睡眠呼吸暂停)/f?kz=98210540国外消化系统网(机构)/f?kz=98212998国外消化系统网(肝病)/f?kz=98217185国外消化系统网(内镜)/f?kz=98216098国外消化系统网(消化信息)/f?kz=98214811国外消化系统网(肠道病)/f?kz=98237934国外泌尿系统网(机构)/f?kz=98239922国外泌尿系统网(泌尿疾病信息)/f?kz=98296091国外泌尿系统网(狼疮性)/f?kz=98299579国外泌尿系统网(透淅及其它)/f?kz=98311052国外神经系统网(机构)/f?kz=98313016国外神经系统网(神经疾病信息)/f?kz=98316840国外神经系统网(脑梗塞及出血)/f?kz=98319323国外神经系统网(头痛研究)/f?kz=98321789国外神经系统网(癫痫) /f?kz=98322908国外神经系统网(帕金森氏病)/f?kz=98331143国外神经系统网(老年性痴呆)/f?kz=98334633国外神经系统网(神经外科及其它)/f?kz=98336228国外内分泌系统网(机构)/f?kz=98337903国外内分泌系统网(糖尿病)/f?kz=98386600国外内分泌系统网(肥胖)/f?kz=98388056国外内分泌系统网(骨质疏松)/f?kz=98388669国外肿瘤系统网(机构)/f?kz=98389335国外肿瘤系统网(癌症信息)/f?kz=98390652国外肿瘤系统网(肿瘤护理)/f?kz=98392487国外肿瘤系统网(研究基金)/f?kz=98392764国外五官科系统网(口腔信息)/f?kz=98398976国外五官科系统网(综合信息)/f?kz=98400100国外五官科系统网(耳鼻喉科)/f?kz=98404661国外传染科系统网(感染性疾病)/f?kz=98408664国外传染科系统网(耐药研究)/f?kz=98411236国外传染科系统网(结核病) /f?kz=98411649国外传染科系统网(艾滋病) /f?kz=98412597国外生物学网站3艾滋病专利数据库/pto/access.html早老性痴呆(Alzheimer)网.au/~dhs/ad.html阿基米德计划/arch/arch.htmlAvon乳腺癌预防知识/Avon/avon.html牙科教育资源/uni/projects/der/derweb.html残疾学入门/CommonRoom/DisabilitiesAccess/杜克大学医疗中心/联机急救/~afoster/safety/健康网/health/index.html保健信息资源www-hsl.mcmaster.ca/tomflem/top.html心脏支持工作组/~rwall/HIVNet 家用测试工具/KitsHP.htmlHyperDoc:国家医药图书馆/工作和健康学院www.iwh.on.ca/home.htmMayo卫生所/MS基金会/cyber.serv/hwp/support/ms/menu.html 然药品和代用疗法/~amrta养学习中心/~rlc/远地区的医疗(Remote Area Medical) /ram/联机Rogaine /rogaine/虚拟医院/界卫生网/国外生物学网站4生物工程常用数据库核苷酸顺序数据库(GENBANK)人体基因库氨基酸顺序数据库(SWISS-PRO)酵母基因组数据库(YEASTS)美国种质保藏中心(ATCC)美国专利局数据库(USPO)国外生物学网站5生物统计和医学信息/bioinfo.html活细胞/kcj/quill/遗传学教育中心/instruction/medicine/genetic心脏预览/tfi/preview/heartpreview.html视觉化科学教育/people/art035/Bin/science.html生命树/tree/phylogeny.html虚拟青蛙解剖页/vfrog/国外生物学网站 62.极其不错的专业试题库!3.链接地址:小妹偶然发现一个分子生物学试题库,有1221道分子生物学试题!!有些难度不小!可惜未分章节,有答案!!但要填上e-mial和名字,并且每页选十题,可在每页不断选取!!.网址:,然后进入"考试指南".索要答案的方法是Y ounger先发现的!!THANK YOU!!!(9月15日9时修订!!)去“生物谷”到“生物谷站内资源”,然后去“分子生物学”栏,再打开其中的“生物化学与分子生物学经典电子书(14本)”栏找到其中的“Genes 2000”(就是GENES 7),点击其后的"打包下载"(有下划线)即可!神经科学站点midas 整理一、神经科学团体组织神经科学学会神经科学学会(The Society for Neuroscience)简称SfN,成立于1970年,会员30,000人,是目前世界上最大的一个有关脑和神经系统研究的组织。

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第四章世界卫生组织(WHO)的信息资源世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)是联合国负责全球卫生事业专门机构,始建于1948年。
第一节WHO主页主页(http://www.who.int/zh/index.html)左栏有:关于世卫组织,说明WHO 的使命;国家,简介各成员国情况;健康主题,世卫组织站点,出版物,研究工具等6个栏目。
图4-1 WHO的主页第二节健康主题健康主题(Health Topics,http://www.who.int/topics/zh/)是指导用户深入特定主题的索引。
世卫组织站点(WHO sites),指导用户直接链接WHO所属分支机构站点(sites),在内容上既有与健康主题的重复,又有对Topics的补充。
例如,在站点中有儿童环境卫生(Children’s environmental health, CEH),而健康主题中却没有,CEH是WHO一个独立工作项目。

(英语)高一英语阅读理解试题(有答案和分析)一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Tenminutesofgentleexercisecanimmediatelychangehowcertainpartsofthebraincom municateandcoordinate(协调)withoneanotherandimprovememoryfunction,accordingtoanencouragingnewstudy. Thescientistsinvited36peopleofdifferentagestothelabandhadthemsitquietlyona fixedbicyclefor10minutesor,onaseparatevisit,pedalthebicycleatapacesogentle thatitbarelyraisedtheirheartrates.Italsowasshort,lastingforonly10minutes.I mmediatelyaftereachsessionofthesittingorslowpedaling,thepeoplecompletedaco mputerizedmemorytestduringwhichtheywouldseeabriefpictureof,forinstance,atr ee,followedbyavarietyofotherimagesandthenanewimageofeitherthesametreeorasi milarone.Thepeoplewouldpressbuttonstoshowwhethertheythoughteachimagewasneworthesameasanearliershot.Thetes tisdifficult,sincemanyoftheimagescloselyresembleoneanother.Itrequiresrapid ,skillfulscanningrecentmemoriestodecidewhetherapictureisneworknown.Next,th escientistshadeachpeoplerepeatthisprocess--ridingorsittingonthebikefor10minutesandthencompletingmemorytesting--butthetestingnowtookplaceinsideanM.R.I.machine(磁共振成像仪)thatscannedthepeople'sbrainswhiletheyrespondedtotheimages. Thentheresearcherscomparedresults.Theeffectsoftheexercisewereclear.Thepeop lewerebetteratrememberingimagesaftertheyhadriddenthebike,especiallywhenthe imagesmostcloselyresembledoneanother.Inotherwords,thehardertheirmemoriesha dtodotheirbest,thebettertheyperformedaftertheexercise.TheM.R.I.scansshowed thatmemorypartsofeachpeople'sbrainlitupatthesametimewithpartsofthebrainassociatedwithlearni ng,indicatingthatthesephysicallyseparatepartsofthebrainwerebetterconnected nowthanwhenthepeoplehadnotfirstexercised.1)Howdidtheresearchersconductthestudy?A.Byfillingupquestionnaires.B.Byinterviewingmanypeople.C.Bycomparingexperimentdata.D.Byreferringtohistoricalreports.2)Whomightbenefitmostfromthestudyresult?3)Whichofthefollowingstatementsagreeswiththestudyresult?4)Whatcanbethebesttitleforthetext?A.Eventenminutes'exercisemaybegoodforthebrainB.ThereisnoneedforhumansdoingexerciseeverydayC.Onlytenminutes'lightexercisebenefitstheyoungmostD.Exercisecanchangepeople'sbrainsandmindsinalongtime【答案】(1)C2)C3)D4)A【分析】【剖析】这是一篇说明文。

2023USNews美国生物学专业大学排名30强2023usnews美国生物学排名1、麻省理工学院Massachusetts Institute of Technology专业排名:1所在州:马萨诸塞州综合排名:22、斯坦福大学Stanford University专业排名:1所在州:加利福尼亚州综合排名:63、加州大学伯克利分校University of California-Berkeley专业排名:1所在州:加利福尼亚州综合排名:224、加州理工学院California Institute of Technology专业排名:4所在州:加利福尼亚州综合排名:95、哈佛大学Harvard University专业排名:4所在州:马萨诸塞州综合排名:26、约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University专业排名:6所在州:马里兰州7、普林斯顿大学Princeton University专业排名:6所在州:新泽西州综合排名:18、加州大学旧金山分校University of California-San Francisco 专业排名:6所在州:加利福尼亚州综合排名:-9、耶鲁大学Yale University专业排名:6所在州:康涅狄格州综合排名:510、康奈尔大学Cornell University专业排名:10所在州:纽约州综合排名:1711、杜克大学Duke University专业排名:10所在州:北卡罗来纳州综合排名:912、斯克里普斯研究所The Scripps Research Institute专业排名:10所在州:-综合排名:-13、洛克菲勒大学Rockefeller University所在州:纽约州综合排名:-14、芝加哥大学University of Chicago专业排名:13所在州:伊利诺伊州综合排名:615、圣路易斯华盛顿大学Washington University in St Louis专业排名:13所在州:密苏里州综合排名:1416、冷泉港实验室Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory专业排名:16所在州:-综合排名:-17、加州大学圣地亚哥分校University of California-San Diego 专业排名:16所在州:加利福尼亚州综合排名:3418、哥伦比亚大学Columbia University in the City of New York 专业排名:18所在州:纽约州综合排名:219、加州大学戴维斯分校University of California-Davis专业排名:18所在州:加利福尼亚州20、加州大学洛杉矶分校University of California-Los Angeles专业排名:18所在州:加利福尼亚州综合排名:2021、德克萨斯大学达拉斯西南医学中心University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center专业排名:18所在州:德克萨斯州综合排名:-22、威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校University of Wisconsin-Madison专业排名:18所在州:威斯康星州综合排名:4223、密歇根大学安娜堡分校University of Michigan-Ann Arbor专业排名:23所在州:密歇根州综合排名:2324、宾夕法尼亚大学University of Pennsylvania专业排名:23所在州:宾夕法尼亚州综合排名:825、华盛顿大学University of Washington-Seattle Campus专业排名:23所在州:华盛顿州综合排名:5926、贝勒医学院Baylor College of Medicine所在州:德克萨斯州综合排名:-27、康奈尔大学Cornell University专业排名:27所在州:纽约州综合排名:1728、生物医学科学梅奥诊所研究生院Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences专业排名:27所在州:明尼苏达州综合排名:-29、西北大学Northwestern University专业排名:27所在州:伊利诺伊州综合排名:930、伊利诺伊大学香槟分校University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign专业排名:27所在州:伊利诺伊州综合排名:47申请要求1.成绩要求GPA:3.0;TOEFL:100;GRE: Q800。

FUSION MEDIA生物传感技术在融媒体报道中的应用分析——以新华网国庆报道为例孙艳平(河北传媒学院,河北 石家庄 051430)【摘要】万物互联时代,传感器新闻越来越受重视,在融媒体报道中,应用生物传感技术搜集、分析人的情绪情感数据,并生产内容,成为新闻业界一项新的突破。
【关键词】生物传感技术;传感器新闻;媒体融合;新华网【基金项目】2019年河北传媒学院研究生创新资助项目(HCCXYB20190013)阶段性成果中图分类号:G22 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-0348(2020)010-136-03Application analysis of biosensor technology in financialmedia report——Take the National Day report of Xinhuanet as an exampleSun Yanping(Hebei Media College, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 051430)[Abstract] In the era of Internet of everything, sensor news is getting more and more attention. In thefinancial media report, the application of biosensor technology to collect and analyze human emotional dataand produce content has become a new breakthrough in the news industry. In this paper, the case analysismethod is used to analyze the advantages and problems of biosensor technology in practice through thediscussion of the content of the production of the biosensor intelligent robot "Star" in the National Dayreport of Xinhuanet in 2019. On this basis, suggestions for the integration of biosensor report and traditionalreport are put forward. This paper believes that biosensor is a new data acquisition tool, which expandsthe measurement dimension of instantaneous communication effect, and will bring more accurate and far-reaching communication changes for the financial media reports.[Key words] Biosensor technology; Sensor news; Media fusion; 随着媒体融合的进程不断加深,越来越多的新兴技术被应用其中,万物皆媒的时代已经到来。

我们该如何维持生物多样性英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Our Wonderful World of Plants and AnimalsHello, my friends! Have you ever taken a walk in the park or gone on a hike in the forest? If you have, you've probably seen all sorts of amazing plants and animals living together. From tall trees and colorful wildflowers to squirrels scampering about and birds chirping in the branches, nature is full of wonderful living things!All of these different kinds of plants and animals make up what we call "biodiversity." Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. It refers to all the different species of living creatures that inhabit our planet. Just imagine how boring it would be if everywhere you went, you only saw the same few plants and animals over and over again! Thanks to biodiversity, we get to experience the incredible richness and beauty of nature.Why is Biodiversity Important?Biodiversity is really important for many reasons. First of all, every living thing on Earth plays a role in the environment and is connected to other living things in some way. Plants and animals all depend on each other to survive. For example, bees help pollinate flowers, which then produce fruits and seeds that birds and other animals eat. If we lost too many species, it could throw off the whole balance of nature!Biodiversity is also important for humans. Many of the foods we eat, the materials we use for clothing and shelter, and even some medicines all come from plants and animals found in nature. Imagine if we lost those resources! Plus, spending time in nature surrounded by diverse plant and animal life is good for our mental and physical health.Threats to BiodiversitySadly, biodiversity all over the world is under threat from human activities. Habitat loss is one of the biggest dangers to plants and animals. When forests are cut down to make way for farms, cities, and roads, many species lose the homes where they live and the food they eat. Pollution from factories, cars, and trash also harms biodiversity by poisoning the air, water, and soil that living things need to survive.Climate change caused by things like burning too many fossil fuels is another major threat. As the Earth gets warmer, some plants and animals can't adapt quickly enough to the changing temperatures and weather patterns. Other threats include overhunting, overfishing, and the spread of invasive species (plants and animals that are moved from their natural homes to new areas).How Can We Help Protect Biodiversity?The good news is that there are lots of things we can do to protect biodiversity and make sure our planet stays healthy and full of amazing life! Here are some ideas:Reduce, reuse, and recycle as much as possible to cut down on pollution and waste.Save energy and water at home by turning off lights, taking shorter showers, etc.Walk, bike, or take public transportation instead of driving when you can.Plant trees, flowers, and gardens to create habitats for local wildlife.Buy sustainable products made from renewable or recycled materials.Support national parks, nature reserves, and conservation efforts.Learn about endangered species and how to help protect them.Spread awareness about biodiversity by teaching others why it's so important!Every little action we take to be moreenvironmentally-friendly helps protect the incredible variety of life on Earth. We're all part of this planet, so it's up to every one of us to be good caretakers of nature. Let's work together to keep our world full of amazing plants, animals, and vibrant biodiversity for many years to come!篇2Title: Our Colorful World: Why Biodiversity MattersHave you ever wondered why our planet is so vibrant and full of life? From the tallest trees in the rainforest to the tiniest insects buzzing around your backyard, Earth is home to an incredible variety of living beings. This rich tapestry of life is called biodiversity, and it's what makes our world so special and beautiful.Biodiversity is all about the different kinds of plants, animals, and other organisms that live on our planet. It's like a big, colorful puzzle with millions of pieces – each piece representing a unique species. Some pieces are big and bold, like elephants and whales, while others are tiny and intricate, like microscopic bacteria. Together, they create a masterpiece that has been billions of years in the making.But why is biodiversity so important? Well, imagine if you had a puzzle with just a few pieces – it wouldn't be very exciting, would it? The same goes for our planet. Without biodiversity, our world would be a dull and lifeless place. Let me share a few reasons why we should cherish and protect the incredible variety of life on Earth.Nature's Superheroes: Every Species Has a RoleEach plant, animal, and organism plays a vital role in keeping our planet healthy and balanced. It's like a giant team of superheroes, where every member has a special power to contribute.For example, bees are nature's pollinators, helping plants reproduce and grow by carrying pollen from one flower to another. Without bees, we wouldn't have many of the fruits and vegetables we enjoy. Trees, on the other hand, are like the lungsof the planet, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen for us to breathe.Even the smallest creatures, like bacteria and fungi, have important jobs. They help break down dead plants and animals, recycling nutrients back into the soil for new life to grow.A Delicate Balance: The Web of LifeAll the different species on Earth are connected in a delicate web of life. When one species disappears or struggles, it can have ripple effects throughout the entire ecosystem.Imagine a forest where all the wolves were gone. Without wolves to hunt deer, the deer population would grow out of control, eating too many plants and trees. This could lead to soil erosion, loss of habitat for other animals, and even changes in the local climate.That's why it's so important to protect every species, no matter how big or small. Each one plays a crucial role in keeping nature's delicate balance.Nature's Medicine CabinetDid you know that many of the medicines we use today come from plants and other natural sources? Scientists areconstantly discovering new cures and treatments hidden in the amazing diversity of life on our planet.For example, the Pacific yew tree provides a compound used to treat certain types of cancer. And did you know that the venom from some snakes and spiders is being studied as a potential treatment for diseases like diabetes and heart conditions?By protecting biodiversity, we're not only preserving the beauty of our world but also safeguarding nature's vast medicine cabinet, which could hold cures for diseases we haven't even discovered yet.A Living Library of KnowledgeEvery species on Earth is a treasure trove of information waiting to be explored and understood. Scientists are constantly learning new things from studying the incredible diversity of life, from how animals navigate using the stars to how plants adapt to extreme environments.This knowledge can help us develop new technologies, design more efficient machines, and even solve global challenges like climate change and food shortages.Imagine if we lost an entire species before we had a chance to learn from it. It would be like burning down a library filled with priceless books – a tragic loss of knowledge and potential.A Tapestry of Wonder and JoyBeyond the practical reasons, biodiversity is simplyawe-inspiring and beautiful. It's a kaleidoscope of color, shape, and sound that fills our world with wonder and joy.Can you imagine a world without the majestic roar of a lion or the mesmerizing dance of a butterfly? What about a world without the vibrant hues of a peacock's feathers or the enchanting melody of a songbird's call?Biodiversity is nature's greatest masterpiece, and we have the privilege of being a part of it. It's a source of inspiration, creativity, and pure happiness that enriches our lives in ways we can't even imagine.Protecting Our Colorful WorldNow that you know how important biodiversity is, you might be wondering what you can do to help protect it. Well, the good news is that even small actions can make a big difference!Here are a few simple things you can do:Learn about the amazing plants and animals in your local area and teach your friends and family what you've learned.Reduce, reuse, and recycle as much as you can to help protect natural habitats.Plant a garden or a tree to provide food and shelter for local wildlife.Be an advocate for biodiversity by writing letters or creating art to raise awareness.Support organizations and projects that work to protect endangered species and their habitats.Remember, every single one of us has a role to play in keeping our planet's colorful tapestry of life vibrant and thriving. By working together, we can ensure that future generations can enjoy the wonder and beauty of our incredible, biodiverse world.So let's celebrate the amazing diversity of life that surrounds us and do our part to protect it. Our planet is a true masterpiece, and it's up to us to be its guardians.篇3How Can We Maintain Biodiversity?You've probably heard about biodiversity before, but what does it really mean? Biodiversity refers to the variety of living things on our planet, including plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms like bacteria. It's kind of like having a big, colorful garden with all sorts of different flowers, trees, and critters living together!Why is biodiversity so important? Well, let me tell you! Every living thing on Earth plays a role in the environment, and they all depend on each other in some way. It's like a big, complicated web of life. If one species disappears, it can affect many other species that rely on it for food, shelter, or other needs.For example, bees are really important pollinators, which means they help plants reproduce by carrying pollen from one plant to another. Without bees, many plants wouldn't be able to make fruits and seeds, and that would affect the animals that eat those plants. See how everything is connected?Biodiversity is also important for humans. We rely on plants and animals for food, medicines, and other products. Plus, diverse ecosystems like forests, wetlands, and coral reefs help clean our air and water, and provide us with places to enjoy nature and have fun!Unfortunately, human activities like pollution, habitat loss, and climate change are threatening biodiversity all over the world. Many species are going extinct, which means they're disappearing forever. That's really sad, isn't it?But don't worry, there are things we can do to help maintain biodiversity and protect the amazing variety of life on our planet. Here are some ideas:Protect natural habitatsOne of the biggest threats to biodiversity is the loss of habitats, like forests, wetlands, and coral reefs. When these areas are destroyed or damaged, the plants and animals that live there have nowhere else to go.We can help by supporting efforts to create and maintain protected areas, like national parks and wildlife reserves. These are safe havens where plants and animals can live and thrive without being disturbed by human activities.Reduce, reuse, and recyclePollution from things like plastic waste, chemicals, and greenhouse gases is harmful to many species and can damage their habitats. By reducing the amount of waste we produce, reusing items instead of throwing them away, and recyclingmaterials like paper, glass, and metal, we can help keep our air, water, and land clean.Plant native speciesWhen we plant gardens or landscapes, we should try to use native plants – plants that naturally grow in our local area. Native plants provide food and shelter for local wildlife, like birds, butterflies, and small mammals. Plus, they're better adapted to the local climate and soil, so they're easier to grow and maintain.Be a responsible pet ownerIf you have a pet, like a cat or dog, make sure to keep them safe and under control. Pets can sometimes harm or disturb local wildlife, especially birds and small animals. Keep your pets indoors or on a leash, and don't let them roam freely in natural areas.Support sustainable practicesLook for products and services that are environmentally friendly and sustainable. This means they're produced in a way that doesn't harm the environment or deplete natural resources. For example, you can buy sustainably harvested wood products, organic food, or clothing made from recycled materials.Learn and educate othersThe more we understand about biodiversity and its importance, the better we can protect it. Read books, watch documentaries, and visit nature centers or zoos to learn about different species and ecosystems. Then, share what you've learned with your friends and family!Preserving biodiversity is really important for the health of our planet and for future generations. By working together and making small changes in our daily lives, we can all help maintain the amazing variety of life on Earth.Remember, every living thing has a role to play, and we're all part of the same big, beautiful web of life. Let's work together to keep that web strong and vibrant for years to come!篇4Title: Protecting Our Planet's Precious BiodiversityHey there, friends! Have you ever heard of the word "biodiversity"? It's a really important word that describes the amazing variety of living things on our planet Earth. From the tiniest bugs crawling on the ground to the tallest trees reaching for the sky, our world is filled with an incredible mix of plants and animals.Biodiversity is like having a huge box of crayons with every color imaginable. Each plant, animal, and living creature is a different shade, and together, they create a beautiful picture –the picture of life on Earth. Just like how a picture wouldn't be as vibrant and interesting with only a few colors, our planet wouldn't be the same without its rich biodiversity.But here's the thing, my friends – our planet's biodiversity is in trouble. Over the years, many plants and animals have become endangered or even gone extinct because of human activities. That means they've disappeared from the Earth forever, and we'll never get to see them again. Isn't that sad?So, what can we do to protect biodiversity and keep our planet's colorful picture intact? Well, there are lots of things we can do, and every little bit helps!First of all, we need to take care of the places where plants and animals live – their habitats. Cutting down forests, polluting rivers and oceans, and building on natural areas can destroy the homes of many living creatures. We should try to protect these habitats as much as we can, so that plants and animals have safe places to live and grow.Another way to help is by reducing our waste and recycling as much as possible. When we throw away too much trash, it canend up in nature and harm plants and animals. Recycling and using less plastic can make a big difference in keeping our planet clean and healthy.We can also learn about the different plants and animals in our area and teach others how important they are. Maybe you can start a nature club at school or volunteer at a local park or nature center. The more people understand the value of biodiversity, the more they'll want to protect it.And you know what else? We can make choices that are good for the environment, like walking or riding a bike instead of taking the car, and turning off lights and electronics when we're not using them. These small actions can really add up and help reduce our impact on the planet.Imagine if everyone in the world did their part to protect biodiversity. We could keep our planet's beautiful picture vibrant and colorful, with all sorts of fascinating plants and animals for generations to come. Just think of all the amazing creatures we'd get to see and learn about!So, let's all work together to maintain biodiversity, my friends. It's up to us to take care of our planet and ensure that every shade and color of life continues to thrive. After all,biodiversity is what makes our world so special and extraordinary!篇5How Should We Maintain Biodiversity?Hi there! My name is Sam, and I'm a 4th grader. Today, I want to talk to you about something really important –biodiversity! Now, I know that might sound like a big, complicated word, but it's actually pretty simple. Biodiversity just means the variety of living things on Earth, like plants, animals, and all the other cool creatures out there.Why is biodiversity so important, you ask? Well, let me tell you! Imagine a world where there were only a few kinds of plants and animals. It would be so boring, wouldn't it? But more importantly, it would be really bad for our planet. You see, all living things are connected in a big, complex web called an ecosystem. Each plant and animal plays a role in keeping that ecosystem healthy and balanced.For example, bees are super important pollinators, which means they help plants reproduce by carrying pollen from one flower to another. Without bees, we wouldn't have lots of the fruits and vegetables we love to eat! And did you know thatsharks help keep the ocean healthy by eating sick or weak fish? If there were no sharks, the ocean would be out of balance, and that could be bad news for all the other creatures that live there.Unfortunately, human activities like pollution, habitat destruction, and overhunting have caused many plants and animals to become endangered or even extinct. That means they're in danger of disappearing from the Earth forever! Isn't that sad? That's why it's so important for us to take care of biodiversity and protect all the amazing creatures that share our planet.So, what can we do to help maintain biodiversity? Here are a few ideas:Reduce, reuse, and recycle! Cutting down on waste and pollution can help protect the homes of many plants and animals. Simple things like using a reusable water bottle instead of buying plastic ones can make a big difference.Plant some trees or start a garden! Having more plants around can provide food and shelter for all sorts of critters, from birds to butterflies to bugs. And gardening is a fun way to get closer to nature!Learn about endangered species and what you can do to help them. Maybe you can donate to organizations that work to protect them, or spread awareness about their plight.Be a responsible pet owner. If you have a pet, make sure you don't release it into the wild, as that can disrupt the local ecosystem. Also, try to choose pets that aren't threatened or endangered species.Visit national parks, zoos, and nature reserves. Not only is it a lot of fun to see all the amazing plants and animals, but it also supports the important work these places do to protect biodiversity.Speak up! Use your voice to encourage your family, friends, and community to make choices that are good for the environment and all the living things that call it home.I know it might seem like just one person can't make a big difference, but that's not true at all! Every little thing we do to protect biodiversity adds up. And the more people who join in, the bigger the impact we can have.Imagine a world where all the incredible creatures – from the tiny ants to the massive blue whales – could thrive and live peacefully. Wouldn't that be amazing? By working together andmaking some simple changes, we can make that dream a reality. After all, this planet belongs to all of us, and we should do everything we can to take care of it and all its amazing biodiversity.So, what are you waiting for? Let's get out there and start exploring, learning, and protecting the incredible variety of life on Earth! Who's with me?篇6How Can We Maintain Biodiversity?Hey there, friends! Have you ever heard of the word "biodiversity"? It's a really cool word that talks about all the different kinds of plants, animals, and other living things on our planet Earth. Can you imagine how many different species there are? From the tiny ants crawling on the ground to the massive blue whales swimming in the ocean, our world is filled with an amazing variety of life!But did you know that many of these plants and animals are in danger? Their homes, called habitats, are being destroyed, and some species are even going extinct, which means they're disappearing forever. Isn't that sad? We need to do something toprotect biodiversity because every living thing on Earth is important and has a special role to play.So, what can we do to maintain biodiversity? Let me share some ideas with you!Protect Natural HabitatsOne of the biggest threats to biodiversity is the destruction of habitats. When forests are cut down, wetlands are drained, or rivers are polluted, the plants and animals that live there have nowhere else to go. That's why it's so important to protect natural areas like forests, grasslands, and wetlands.Imagine if you came home from school one day and found that your house had been knocked down. You'd be so scared and wouldn't know where to go! That's how animals feel when their homes are destroyed.We can help by supporting organizations that work to protect natural areas and by being careful not to damage these places when we visit them.Stop PollutionPollution is another big problem for biodiversity. When we release harmful chemicals into the air, water, and soil, it can make plants and animals very sick, or even kill them.Think about it this way: if you ate a sandwich that was covered in dirt and chemicals, you'd probably get a really bad tummy ache, right? Well, that's what happens to plants and animals when they're exposed to pollution.We can help by reducing the amount of waste we produce, recycling as much as possible, and using eco-friendly products that don't harm the environment.Plant Native SpeciesOne way to support biodiversity is to plant native species of plants in our gardens and parks. Native plants are those that have grown naturally in an area for a long time, and they provide food and shelter for local wildlife.Imagine if you were a bird looking for a place to build your nest. Wouldn't you prefer a tree that you've lived in for generations, rather than a brand new, strange tree that you've never seen before? That's why native plants are so important for animals.We can help by choosing to plant native flowers, trees, and shrubs in our gardens, and by supporting local organizations that work to restore natural habitats with native plants.Be a Responsible ConsumerDid you know that some of the products we buy can actually harm biodiversity? For example, when we buy products made from unsustainable sources, like tropical hardwoods or animal furs, we're contributing to the destruction of habitats and the endangerment of species.It's like if you kept taking cookies from the cookie jar without letting your parents buy more. Eventually, there would be no cookies left, and that would be very sad!We can help by choosing to buy products that areeco-friendly and sustainably sourced, and by supporting companies that are committed to protecting the environment.Learn and Teach OthersOne of the most important things we can do to maintain biodiversity is to learn as much as we can about it and to share that knowledge with others. The more people understand the importance of biodiversity and the threats it faces, the more likely they are to take action to protect it.Think about it this way: if you had a really cool toy that you loved playing with, wouldn't you want to share it with your friends and teach them how to play with it too? That's how weshould think about biodiversity – it's a precious gift that we need to protect and share with others.We can help by reading books and articles about biodiversity, watching documentaries, and even going on nature walks to learn about the plants and animals in our local area. Then, we can share what we've learned with our friends, family, and classmates, and encourage them to get involved too.Maintaining biodiversity is so important for the health of our planet and for all the amazing plants and animals that call it home. It might seem like a big challenge, but if we all work together and do our part, we can make a big difference.Remember, every little action counts, whether it's planting a native flower in your garden, recycling your bottles and cans, or teaching your friends about the importance of biodiversity. Let's work together to protect the incredible diversity of life on our beautiful planet!。

Advanced Materials Industry92断寻找新的生物材料方面提供了真正的进步。
”(环球塑化)国内规模最大、产能最高可降解塑料项目落户恒力石化2021年1月19日,恒力石化(600346)与欧瑞康巴马格惠通举行年产60万吨P B S类生物可降解塑料项目签约仪式,这标志着国内规模最大、产能最高的可降解塑料项目正式落户恒力石化。
相关专业人士介绍,P B S是以脂肪族丁二酸、丁二醇为原料制备的新一代全生物可降解材料,可通过石油制取,也可通过生物发酵来制备。
P B S降解性能优异,具有良好的生物相容性和耐热性能,其加工性能是目前降解塑料中最好的,几乎可在现有通用塑料加工设备上进行各类成型加工;同时,可以将大量碳酸钙、淀粉等廉价填料与PBS共混,以降低成本。
此次,恒力石化年产60万吨P B S类生物可降解塑料项目同样落户康辉石化并采用恒力石化自主研发的工艺技术和配方。
这一国内最大规模和最高产能的P B S类生物可降解塑料项目将大幅缓解国内P B S类生物可降解塑料供需缺口。
(人民网)中复神鹰青海碳纤维项目有新进展据报道,2020年12月30日,中国化学工程第六建设有限公司承建的青海中复神鹰年产10 000t高性能碳纤维及配套原丝项目1号碳化车间生产线试车成功。

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