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5. My favorite sport is basketball. (同义 句转换) like I _____ basketball _____. best
英汉双簧 根据汉语提示补全句子。每空一词。 6. 这片陆地被绿草所覆盖。 is covered by The land __ ________ _____ lots of green grass. 7. --- 一起出去放风筝怎么样? --- 这是个好主意。 --- How about flying kites outside together? That’s a good idea --- ________ __ _____ _____.
uring 6. D _____ the summer holidays, children like to visit some interesting places.
7. It is importantto do sports every day. _______ We may fall ill if we don't take any exercise.
19. The girl was born in a small _____ town (镇).
20. Don't leave your footprints (足迹) on ________ the wall, boys and girls.
用所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子完 整、通顺。 snowy 21. It is _____ (snow) today, so it's very cold.
13. Don't throw rubbish onto the ground _____ (地面). 14. Water is a kind of useful energy(能 _____ 量).
15. The boy wants to _____ (踢) the ball kick on the playground after school.
33. 不要把这些报纸扔掉。它们有用。 Don't throw away these newspapers. _____ _____ They are useful.
34. 人们喜欢在秋天的时候到户外放风筝。 fly kites People like to _____ _____ in the open air in autumn.
8. 人类需要水和空气来维持生命。 Human beings _____ water and air need _____ keep their lives. to
9. 放学后,有些同学在操场上做运动, 有些在教室搞卫生。 _____ students do sports on the Some playground and _____ do the cleaning some in the classroom after school.
37.这个周末出去野餐怎么样? picnic How abouthaving _____ _____ this _____ a weekend? 38.我们暑假期间可以到美国旅游。 take a trip We can _____ _____ _____ to America during the summer holidays.
39. 地球上有成千上万种生物。 There are thousands of living things on Earth _____ _____. 40. 你应该停止玩电脑游戏。这会影响你 的健康。 You should stop_________ computer ___ playing games. It's bad for your health. 41. 我的姐姐想在她25岁时结婚。 get _______ My sister wants to ___ married at the age of 25.
16. The water in this river is dirty and it kill can _____ (杀死) lots of fish. few 17. There are _____ (很少) students in the classroom. problem 18. I hope you can solve the ________ (问题) by yourself, Linda.
relatives 26. I have many ________ (relative) in Guangzhou, so I don't feel lonely. 27. I enjoy swimming (swim) in the sea ________ very much. 28. The lovely girl comes from Australia _____ (Australian).
从方框中选择合适的短语,并用其适当 形式完成句子。 31. 学校图书馆为我们提供了各种各样的 书。 The school library provides us _____ _______ with different kinds of books. 32. 不要把这些脏水倒入水槽。 put Don't ___பைடு நூலகம்_ the dirty water _____ the into sink.
4. What can we do to… 我们能做些什么事以……
5. What else can we do? 我们还能做一些什么呢? 6. That's a good idea. 这是个好主意。 7. ask sb. not to do… 让某人不要做某事 8. Are there any other things we can do to help? 我们还能做些其他什么事来帮忙? 9. need…to… 需要……来做某事
ry 3. It is very d _____. You'd better drink more water. verything 4. Don't worry, Peter. E ________ goes well these days. 5. It is the duty of all people to p rotect _____ the environment.
35. 我觉得冬天堆雪人很有趣。 I think it's interesting to _____ _____ make snowmen in winter.
36.夏天的时候我经常和爸爸到珠江游泳。 I oftengo swimming __ ________with my father in the Pearl River in summer.
22. Many people fall ill because of the air pollution _________ (pollute).
23. What a good day today! The sun shines brightly(bright). ______ 24. The man catches (catch) lots of fish in ______ the lake every day. spend 25. I always _______ (spend) two hours cleaning the house every weekend.
10. start to do something 开始做某事
11. I like…best… 我最喜欢…… 12. love to do something 喜欢去做某事 13. What's the weather like? 天气怎么样?
14. have a lot of fun 玩得很开心 15. It is + adj. + to do sth 做某事是……的
8. The farmers grow many vegetables in the f _____. ield
9. I hope to have my o _____ house. I wn don't want to live with others. 10. The old museum is too small, so the arge government wants to build a l _____ one.
根据句意及汉语提示填写单词,使句子 完整,通顺。
11. We _____ (必须) go to school on time. must We shouldn't be late for school. 12. We want to go on a picnic in the park quiz after the _____ (小测验).
45. 大多数时间,她都陪在她的家人身边。 spends She ______ most of the time ____ her with family.
句型演练 Sentences 1. be covered by…
3. There be…like…
2. Some…and some… 一些……一些…… 有……比如……
29. The man walks to her and shines _____ (shine) her face with a flashlight (手 电筒). kilometres 30. Guangzhou is more than 100 _____ (kilometre) away from Shenzhen.
根据句意及首字母提示填写单词,使句 子完整、通顺。 1. In some places, people b _____ wood urn to keep warm in winter.
lows 2. The wind b _____ and it becomes very cool.
3. Besides giving him some money, we can tell him some ways to make money to help him. (就划线部分提 问) What _____ _____ else can we do to help him besides giving him some money? 4. My father likes to go hiking in spring. (同义句转换) loves to go hiking My father _____ _____ _____ _____ in spring.
16. my favorite…is… 我最喜欢的……是……
句型转换。每空一词。 1. We have a good time in the museum. (同义句转换) have a lot of fun We _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ in the museum. 2. It is sunny today. (就划线部分提问) What’s the weather like _______ ___ _______ _____ today?
42. 我喜欢去海滩吹吹风。 go to the _____ I like to _____ _____ _____ beach to enjoy the wind. 43. 你能帮我把这个箱子抬起来吗? lift up Can you _____ _____ the box for me?
44. 许多动物如猪、牛都生活在陆地上。 Lots of animals like pigs and cows on the land live _____ _____ _____.