Exposition and Argumentation
试题要求学生根据所给的情景和要表达的意义,写出一篇 100 字左右的文章。
记叙文的几个要点为: 1. 时间、地点、人物、事件,这几个要素在写作时要交代清楚。
2. 人称:记叙文一般可以有第一人称和第三人称两种叙事方式:第一人称是作者以当事人的口吻,把文章中的事情以“我”的所见所闻的方式来叙述,第三人称是写作者从旁观者的角度来叙述,反映事件中的不同人的感受和见解。
3. 记叙文的线索一般为时间,即按照事件的发展顺序来写。
4. 重点突出,层次分明,详略得当。
5. 注意文章的完整性。
6. 所用的时态通常为一般过去时。
例: NMET 2021 辽宁卷下面四幅图片描述的是星期天上午在中山公园里发生的一件事。
注意:1. 短文必须包括所有图片的主要内容,短文的内容要连贯,完整。
2. 短文单词数 100左右。
3. 参考词汇:货摊 stand 抢夺 snatch 逮捕 arrest 写作步骤: 1. 审题:理解图意,将几幅图连成一个完整的故事。
2. 列出要点:地点:公园的冰激凌货摊旁。
3. 将要点扩展成文,注意上下文的连接,用适当的连词,副词。
4. 通读一遍,改错。
Possible Version: One Sunday morning, there were some people in Zhongshan Park. At a stand, a woman was buying an ice cream when a young man behind her snatched her handbag away. She shouted, “Stop the thief! He's snatched mybag!” Hearing this, a few people began to run after him. There was an old man sitting quietly on a bench nearby. As the snatcher was running past him, the old man quickly picked up his umbrella and put it between the snatcher's legs. The young man fell down on the ground hard. Soon two policemen came in a police car and arrested him. The woman thanked the old man, and the people around praised the old man for his cleverness. (二)议论文:在近几年的高考中,议论文的比重占得越来越多,议论文的出题形式可以多种多样,有看图写作、图表、表格、书信等各种类型,但文体实际上是议论文,而有时是夹叙的议论文。
托福iBT 评分标准
评分:39题,基本上每题一分,summary题最多两分,chart题(即多选题)如果有五个选项值三分,chart题如果有七个选项值四分.没有全对也可能得到部分分数. 总分45.根据正确和错误的情况可以知道45分中得了多少分,再按比例换算成30分制-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------听力:包括四(六)段演讲和两(三)段对话,每篇演讲后有6个问题,对话后有5个问题,答题时间为60(90)分钟注:括号里的数据为加试时的情形这些演讲或对话都是基于北美各大学院校的真实交流编制的.每段对话或演讲长度为4~6分钟,具有相当高的真实性.比如,演讲人有时可能会稍稍偏离主题,可能与学生互动,可能做扩展性论述等等.此外,这些段子口语色彩浓厚,比如开头不当,自己纠正自己的错误发音,重复都是可能出现的,也会有停顿,犹豫的情况.在听的时候可以做笔记.考试的其中一种形式是让考生听一段演讲演讲是教师在课堂里给学生授课所使用的语言.内容可能是教师一个人讲,可能是学生问老师问题或者老师问学生问题.演讲的话题可以分为四类:1 艺术 (建筑/个人创作/城市规划/手工艺/洞穴和岩石艺术/音乐和音乐史/摄影/文学和作者/书本,报刊杂志)2 生命科学 (动植物的灭绝或为了防止这一现象的努力/鱼和其它水生物/细菌和其它单细胞生物/病毒/医疗手段/公共卫生/感觉器官的机理/生物化学/动物行为/栖居地和动植物对它的适应/营养和它对身体的影响/动物交流)3 物理(天气/海洋学/冰川/沙漠等极端环境/污染,替代能源,环境政策/大气层/天文学/光的性质/声的性质/电磁波/电视,收音机,雷达技术/数学/无机化学/电脑科学/地震学)4 社会科学(非工业文明人类学/早期创作体系/历史语言学/商业和管理/大众传媒/群体行为/儿童成长/教育/现代史)评分:34道题,一题一分,总分34分,按比例换算成30分制新托福阅读和听力评分标准DETERMINE READINGAND LISTENING COMPLETE TEST SCORES To determine a scaled score in a Reading or Listening Complete Test section, you must first determine the number of points you received in the section. In Listening, you simply need to count the number of questions you answered correctly (out of 34) because the number of points is the number of questions you answered correctly. In Reading, you must determine the number of points you received on the last question of each reading (numbers 13, 26, and 39) before you can determine the total number of points. The last question of each reading is a chart question that is worth more than one point, and you may receive partial credit for a partially correct answer. (For example, perhaps a question is worth three points and has 6 correct answers. If you correctly answer all 6, then you get 3 points. If you correctly answer 4 or 5, then you get 2 points. If you correctly answer 2 or 3, then you get 1 point. If you por tly answer 0 or 1, then you get 0 points.) After you have determined the number of points you have earned on the chart questions, add this number to the number correct on the rest of questions 1 through 39 to determine your total pointsout of 45. When you know the total points you received in a Reading or Listening Mini-Test section, you can refer to the following irt to determine your scaled score out of 30 for this section.口语:IBT口语部分持续时间约为20分钟,共6个问题,每个问题的答题时间为45到60秒.前2题为独立口语项目,要求考生完全以自己的观点和经历为依据作答.后4题为综合口语项目,要求考生在回答前听一段对话或演讲的节选(有时在听之前还要阅读一段文字)——这样就同时考察了听说(读)的能力,你的答案要以你听到(和看到)文章的为依据.独立项目(问题1和问题2)问题1:你将会被要求讲述你熟悉的一个人,地方,物品或事件问题可能包括:一个你去过的地方,一件你生命中重要的事情,一个影响你的人或者一项你喜欢的活动等.在你看到问题后,你有15秒的思考时间,然后有45秒的作答时间.你可以用笔写下简略的提示.答案既需要有描述(比如一件"什么事情"很重要等),也需要有解释(比如"为什么"它很重要等).在答案中应当包括具体的细节或例子,这样使你的描述包含更多的信息,解释让人更容易理解.问题2:在两个可能的行动,境遇或观点中选择一个你偏好的,并用理由,解释,细节或例子来支持你的选择.实际选择哪个并不重要,重要的是你是否能很好地说明你这样选择的理由.这个问题涉及到的话题包括学生感兴趣的方方面面,比如在家学习好还是在图书馆学习好,学生学的课程应该广些好还是专些好,应该要求学生住寝室还是准许他们住校外等.同问题1一样,你有15秒的考虑时间和45秒的回答时间.综合口语项目:问题3:首先,一段和校园生活有关的短文会出现在屏幕上,然后你会听到两个人(某些情况是一个人)讨论这个话题.你将会被问到一个和刚才看到听到内容相关的问题.准备时间为30秒,回答时间为60秒.这个问题的话题可能包括学校的政策,规章制度,计划,校园设施,校园生活质量等.在整个过程中,你都可以记笔记.短文可能是各种形式的,比如来自学校管理部门的一个介绍新停车规则的公告,或者是一封写给校报编辑的关于学校限制寝室收音机使用新政策的书信,或者是一篇发表在校报上讨论建一个新足球场的文章.短文除了描述建议(提议)以外,通常还有两条支持或反对的理由.阅读文章很短,通常是75~100字,你将会有充足的时间去阅读它(40~45秒).读完文章后,会听到两个人对话.讨论你刚才看到的文章所说的内容.其中一个人会强烈地支持或反对这项提议(建议),并且会说明他的理由.这段对话比较短,通常持续60~80秒.接下来你就会问到一个问题.回答这个问题不需要你自己的观点,而是让你阐述某个说话者的观点,并总结他持有那个观点的理由.问题4:先阅读一段学术主题的短文,然后听一段教授的讲话,再回答一个问题.这个问题的话题可能包括生命科学,社会科学,物理科学和人文科学.回答时间为60秒.阅读短文长度为75~100词,它为你理解后面将听到的演讲提供了背景知识.通常阅读短文会概括地抽象地去说明一个问题,而听力短文则会具体地有针对性地去说明它,通常是提供一个拓展的例子,反例或概念的运用.问题仍然是要你总结你所看到的和听到的内容.问题5:先听讨论校园有关情景的一段短对话,然后回答问题.在对话中,两个人会讨论一个难题和两种可能的解决方案.你需要简短地描述一下这个问题,说明你偏好哪一种解决方案,并且对你的选择做出解释.回答时间为60秒.通常对话双方是两个学生/学生和教授/学生和学校工作人员(助教,图书管理员,行政人员等).对话中讨论的难题可能是日程冲突,不可避免的缺席,无法获取的资源,学生选举,经济困难等.有些时候,这个难题同等地影响到对话的两个人,他们必须选择一个共同的解决方案.有些时候,这个难题只与说话者之一有关,此时一个说话者会说明自己的难题,而另一个说话者会提供两种可能的解决方案.对话的时间为60~90秒.问题6:先听一段教授的学术演讲,然后回答问题.回答时间为60秒.演讲的时间从60秒到90秒,集中讨论一个话题.通常开头会以定义一个概念,重点提及一个问题或者是介绍一种现象,然后会讨论关于它的重要方面.演讲会包含有助于阐明概念或问题的例子.问题让你利用所听到的信息解释这个概念或问题.演讲的内容可能包括任何方面的进程,方法,理论,观点或现象.评分:每道题0-4分,再换算成0-30分.因为是6道题,分数平均下来很可能会有小数位,比如3.1分,2.9分.所以口语的分数可能是0-30分里任意一个分数,而不仅仅是0,1,2,3,4所对应的分数评分者重点注意以下三个方面:1 表达:表达的清晰程度,流利程度,以及对发音,自然的节奏和语调的把握2 语言的使用:运用语法和词汇表达意思的准确度,驾驭简单和复杂语言和选用恰当词汇的能力3 话题的展开:回答问题的完整性和连贯性,从一个观点到另一个观点的衔接自然与否,以及各观点之间的逻辑性.新托福口语评分标准-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------写作:作文部分包括两道试题,需在大约50分钟的时间内完成。
Argumentation and Exposition
What is argumentation?
Argumentative essay is a text that establishes a claim or position which aims to convince the reader that its ideas are true, or, at least, worth considering.
convincing or persuading.
While exposition does not always contain argumentation, argumentation always contains exposition!
Strategies for argumentation
Lecture 4
Understanding Paragraphs
Beggars do not envy millionaires, though of course they will envy other beggars who are more successful.
"Hope is the poor ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้an's bread."
What is exposition?
It is a type of writing in which the writer communicates to the reader his opinion about a topic or an issue and provides material to inform or explain the opinion.
Exposition is further divided into Examples, process, definition, classification, comparison and contrast, cause and effect
新托福阅读介绍 sunny
1、 熟词僻义 注:直接按照脑中记忆来答题 (1) 后面还需验证 (2)除了背单词还要背词组(No better than= the same as) 2、 利用词根词缀的含义辅助我们猜答案(尤其是找词缀来 确定倾向)
4、 利用上下文进行推理(这是验证时的手段) 因为符合上下文的不一定是对的,不符合上下文的一定不对。
语法 获取信息
理解中心或主题思想、主要观点、重要事实和细节、语境中的词汇意义以及代词指 代
对文章所暗示的内容做出推论 理解文章内文概要 认知文章的结构和写作目的 理解观点之间的相互联系 能够将文章主要观点和重要细节组织成分类图表或概要
2. 指代题(Reference Question)
考查读者认定代词与其它首语重复机制以及先行词/后置 词的关系的能力。
3. 事实信息题( Factual Information Question)
考查读者抓住文章中阐明的信息,并排除干扰回答问题 的能力。读者的任务是在题中某意译的短语选出一个与文章 中某相应句子建立对应关系。此题型虽然有难度,数量也较 大,但属于老题型。
10. 完成表格题 (Fill in The Table Question)
考查考生从文章中归纳和组织主要但分散的观点和其他相 关重要信息的能力。这种题型是听力部分填表题的在阅读部 分的深化和发展。它同样是考查读者对分散信息点的进行简 单的归类整理。
(0232)《英语写作二》复习思考题I.Define the following writing terms (20)Outline Thesis sentenceNarration DescriptionExposition ArgumentationStyle InductionSummary DeductionBook Report Hasty generalizationPost hoc fallacy SyllogismII.Give brief answers to the following questions. (20)1.What is a complete composition?2.What is the difference between paragraph development by comparison and by contrast?3.What is the difference between coherence and unity?4.Can you name three ways of beginning a composition? And what are they?5.What are the two major logical reasoning methods? Explain them.6.Can you explain simile and metaphor, please?7.Can you name three ways of essay development?8.What’s the difference between exposition and argumentation?9.What is the order to be used in narration?10.What is the order to be used in description?III.Choose one of the following topics and develop a composition of about 250 words. (30)1.Death Penalty in China2.A Little Learning Is A Dangerous Thing3.Is Character Fate?4.Is Money Everything?5.The One Child Policy of China6.Does the End Always Justify the Means?7.God Must Be Lonely8.The Most Important Quality for College Students in the 21st Century9.Mercy Killing10.Honesty Is the Best Policy11.Superstar Worship12.Economic Development and Environmental Protection13.Friendship14.Dream and Reality15.Does High Salary Prevent Corruption?(0232)《英语写作二》复习思考题答案IV.Define the following writing terms (20)Outline: the framework of the composition you are going to write. Topic outline and sentence outline are commonly used.Thesis sentence: the sentence that best states the main idea of the article you are going to write.Narration:one of the four major types of writing, the other three being description, exposition, and argumentation. Narrative writing gives an account of events or experiences in chronological order; that is, in the order in which they occurred. A writer can also use the flashback method of story-telling, starting with an important point in the sequence of events to be narrated and then going back in time. A story can be narrated from the first person point of view or from the third person point of view. Two kinds of narration are discriminated: the straight or simple narrative and the plot narrative. The former records a series of events without introducing complications and solutions. The latter makes use of suspense and climax, stresses cause and effect, and is usually fictional. In its broad sense, narrative writing includes stories, biographies, histories, news items, and narrative poems. Narration does not work alone. It goes hand in hand with description.Description: one of the four major forms or types of discourse. It means painting in words a picture of a person, place, object, scene or setting. It enables the reader to see, hear, taste orfeel in imagination. Description is seldom used for its sake. It goes hand in hand with narration, exposition or even argumentation. While narration follows time order, description makes use of space order. Scientific description is objective, literary description is impressionistic, and journalistic description is a combination of the two. In literary description, figurative language abounds. Metaphor, simile, and personification are the most commonly used figures of speech.Exposition:one of the four major types of writing. Its function is to explain, explore or expound. Ways of development used in expository compositions include: definition, illustration, comparison, contrast, classification, analysis, cause and effect, and generalization. In drama and fiction, exposition refers to the essential information necessary for the audience and readers to appreciate what has happened and what is to happen.Argumentation:one of the four main types of writing, the other three being narration, description, and exposition. An argumentative essay aims to convince or persuade the reader that something is true or false.Style: how a writer says something. Style is the man.Induction: one of the methods used in the process of logical reasoning. It is the opposite of deduction.Summary: a type of writing that retells the main story in a book or that summarizes the main content in a longer piece of writing.Deduction: one of the methods used in the process of logical reasoning. It is the opposite of induction.Book Report:a type of writing that not only retells the main story in a book or that summarizes the main content in a longer piece of writing, but also contains the writer’s interpretation and analysis.Post hoc fallacy: a fallacy in logical argumentation. It is the logical fallacy of believing that temporal succession suggests a causal relation. It occurs when one confuses correlation with causation. One commits the fallacy when one asserts that if one thing happens after another, the first must be the cause of the second. It is the assumption that because one thing follows another that the one thing was caused by the other.Syllogism: in deductive reasoning, a method of presenting a logical argument that derives itsconclusion from two premises or propositions. In its most basic form, the syllogism consists of three divisions: a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion. An example of a syllogism is:Major premise: When it rains, the streets get wet.Minor premise: It is raining.Conclusion: The streets are wet.V.Give brief answers to the following questions. (20)1.What is a complete composition? (It has the beginning paragraph, supporting paragraphsand concluding paragraph.)2.What is the difference between paragraph development by comparison and by contrast?(The former emphasizes the similarities and the latter differences)3.What is the difference between unity and coherence? (The former means “one paragraph,one main idea”and the latter means “the unbroken and smooth forward movement ofideas.”4.Can you name three ways of beginning a composition? And what are they? (By asking aquestion, by using a quotation, by making an analogy and so on.)5.What are the two major logical reasoning methods? Explain them. (Induction anddeduction)6.Can you explain simile and metaphor, please? (The former is an explicit comparisonbetween two essentially different things. It is indicated by “like” or “as”. The latter is animplicit comparison between two distinct things. It is without “like” or “as”.)7.Can you name three ways of essay development? (By cause and effect, by comparisonand contrast, by classification, by time and space, and the like.)8.What’s the difference between exposition and argumentation? (The former explains andanalyses, the latter persuades and convinces.)9.What is the order to be used in narration? (time order)10.What is the order to be used in description? (space order)VI.Choose one of the following topics and develop a composition of about 250 words. (30)1.Death Penalty in China2.A Little Learning Is A Dangerous Thing3.Is Character Fate?4.Is Money Everything?5.The One Child Policy of China6.Does the End Always Justify the Means?7.God Must Be Lonely8.The Most Important Quality for College Students in the 21st Century9.Mercy Killing10.Honesty Is the Best Policy11.Superstar Worship12.Economic Development and Environmental Protection13.Friendship14.Dream and Reality15.Does High Salary Prevent Corruption?。
Chapter 6 Composing Essays6.2 Types of WritingThere are four types of writing: description, narration, exposition and argumentation.1. DescriptionGenerally, description is concerned with people, places and things. It is the art of translating the mental image (意象)of some object , person, place, or scene into words. It is a way of painting images in a certain logical pattern. The writer intends to tell how something looks like, sounds like, smells like, tastes like, or how one feels.2. Basic Elements of DescriptionAll descriptions involve two elements: the object –that which is seen or heard, and the observer— he who also sees or hears it.描写性文章有两大要素——描写对象和观察主体。
3. Basic Types of DescriptionDescriptions can be divided into two basic types: the objective and the subjective. Objective description attempts to report accurately the appearance of the object as a thing in itself, independent of the observer’s perception of it or feeling about it.(描写文可以分为两种:客观描写和主观描写。
八种英文写作手法具体English Answer:1. Narration: The chronological recounting of events through the use of descriptive language and dialogue.2. Description: The vivid portrayal of a person, place, thing, or event using sensory details and figurative language.3. Exposition: The explanation and clarification of a topic or concept through the use of facts, examples, and evidence.4. Argumentation: The logical presentation of a claim or thesis, supported by evidence and reasoning.5. Persuasion: The attempt to convince the reader to adopt a specific point of view or take a particular action.6. Comparison and Contrast: The examination of similarities and differences between two or more subjects.7. Analogy: The comparison of two different things to highlight a common feature or principle.8. Metaphor: The implicit comparison of two unlikethings to create a vivid image or convey a hidden meaning.中文回答:1. 记叙文,通过使用描述性语言和对话来按时间顺序记述事件。
21世纪大学英语英语课文讲解Unit 8 (a)
Unit 8 教案Pre-reading Activities:Warm-up Questions1.What do you know about Bill Gates and his company Microsoft? What is Gates most famous for?2. What do you consider to be the most important technological achievements of the last 20 years? Why is each important?3. What kind of technological innovations might we see in the next 20 years?4. Skim the text to get the answers to the following questions:a). What sort of “revolution” does Gates believe is currently occurring?b). What stage of the revolution are we in now?c). How long does Gates expect it to go on?Text –related Information1.Bill (William) Gates (1955—)Bill Gates is an American computer programmer and businessman who in 1975 co-founded Microsoft (later Microsoft ) with Paul Allen, a private company for the manufacture and sale ofcomputers. As a teenager, he helped computerize his high school’s payroll 发薪簿system and founded a company that sold traffic-counting systems to local governments. At 19 he dropped out of Harvard University and co-founded Microsoft Corp. with Paul G. Allen (b. 1954). Microsoft began its domination of the fledgling乳臭小儿microcomputer industry when Gates licensed the operating system MS-DOS to IBM in 1980 for use in IBM’s fist personal computer. As Microsoft’s largest shareholder,chairman and chief executive Gates became a the youngest multi-billionaire in 1986, and within a de cade he was the world’s richest private individual. Beginning in 1995, he refocused Microsoft on the development of software solutions for the Internet, and he also moved the company into the computer hardware and gaming markets with the Xbox video machine. In 1999 he and his wife created the largest charitable foundation in the U.S.2. The Road AheadAuthored by Bill Gates, The Road Ahead was first published by the Penguin Group (New Y ork) in 1995. In the book, Bill Gates looks ahead to show how the emerging technologies of the digital age will transform all our lives and gives us his vision of the undiscovered territory on the information highway.3. Harvard SquareHarvard Square is a large triangular area in the center of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Often traffic-congested, it is located next to Harvard University at the intersection of Massachusetts A venue and John F. Kennedy Street, and is a highly traveled space for Harvard and MIT students, along with residents of Boston, Cambridge, and other nearby cities. In an extended sense, the name “Harvard Square” can refer to the entire neighborhood surrounding this intersection for several blocks in each direction.4. Microsoft Corp.In 1975, two young men from Seattle founded a company that would be to the Computer Age what the Ford Motor Company was to the Automobile Age. Like Henry Ford, William H. Gates Ⅲand Paul Allen transformed a new technology by building on the inventions of others, creating a mass market for what had once been a novelty for the few. Their company—originally called Micro-soft, an abbreviation for microcomputer software—helped change the living, working, and recreational habits of hundreds of millions of people around the world.ⅡSummary of the TextIn this foreword the author described some features of his oncoming chapters. His own adventure with PCs started 20 years ago. It was a technology literally ignored by the public then. Bu now, it concerns with PC-related technology flourished, together with widespread misunderstandings. The book was meant to give a general idea of the future development. The author was trying to be serious, but maybe his prediction will be rather humorous in ten or twenty years. Personal career was ignored in this book, technical detail was also not given, and it was a book written for a largest possible audience. Meant to be prolonged speech, although hundreds of times more difficult than writing a speech.III Text StructurePart I (para.1): Beginning with his story, the author pointed out the personal compute revolution has affected millions of lives.Part II (para.2-7): The upcoming communications revolution and misunderstanding: The wide spread misunderstanding of the information highway makes it necessary for a broad set of peopleto participate in the debate on the communication revolution.1.(para.2): The author explained the profound meaning, condition, upcoming change, even problem and benefits of the communications revolution.2.(para.3):PC industry is the foundation for the Communication Revolution.3.(para4-7): The author made clear about some misunderstanding on information highway.Part III.(para8-12) The purpose for which Bill Gates wrote the book1.(para.8-10): The author explained the purpose of writing the book further. The book is a travel guide for the forth coming journey.2.(para.11-12): The author told us his feeling of writing the book.para.11 The process of thinking about and writing the book longer than I expected.para.12 Hope: I hope it stimulates understanding, debate, and creative ideas.3.Skill learning in writing and reading1) Reading skill: “Metaphor”暗喻Metaphor i s a way of thinking of one thing in terms of another thing makes a COMPARISION between two unlike elements. This comparison is IMPLIED rather than STA TED(1). Make a list of all the words and phrases you can find with which Gates refers to computer technology as if it were a road, journey, or adventure.(2). Do you think this comparison of computer technologies to a journey is an effective one? If so, explain how the image of travel fits well with the new technologies. If not, what would be a better comparison?a. The past twenty years have been an incredible adventure for me. (Line 1)b.It has led us to places we had barely imagined. (Line 9)c.We are all beginning another great journey. (Line 11)d. We aren’t sure where this one will lead u s either. (Line 11)e. This revolution will ... take us all farther. (Line 13)f. There is never a reliable map for unexplored territory.(Line 18)g. But this next journey, to the so-called information highway.(Line 30)h. I hope it can serve as a travel guide for the forthcoming journey. (Line 61)W ords & Expressions1. Incredible:adj. 1. impossible to believe, 难以置信的The plot of the book is incredible. 这本书的情节让人难以置信。
narration , and exposition作文类型
narration , and exposition作文类型narration 记叙文、argumentation 议论文、exposition 应用文、description说明文等。
1、narration 记叙文:
2、argumentation 议论文:
3、exposition 应用文:
4、description 说明文:
文章的常见文体有描写文(Description)、记叙文(Narration)、说明文(Exposition)、议论文(Argumentation)、及应用文(Pratical Writing)等。
Narration is to tell some kind of story, and its sentences are logically ordered in chronological sequence; description is to picture, and its sentences are logically organized on a spatial principle; exposition is to explain, and argumentation to argue or persuade. The organization of the details in an exposition has no set pattern. The order depends on the subject and often on the author's logic, or on the dominant impression(主体印象).
Passage 2
Some people hold the opinion that private cars are superior to bicycles in many ways. Others, however, argue that the bicycle is much better. Personally, I would prefer the use of cars because I think cars have more advantages.
Passage 1
An ideal teacher must have the following characteristics. He should know his subject, but he can make mistakes if he is willing to learn. His personality is as important as his scholarship. An ideal teacher must be enthusiastic. He should be a bit of an actor and he shouldn't be afraid to show his feelings and express his likes and dislikes. An ideal teacher is one who grows, learns, and improves himself along with his students.
叙议结合的作文150字左右英文回答,In my opinion, combining exposition and argumentation in writing can be very effective. Exposition allows the writer to present information or explain a concept in a clear and concise manner. It helps the reader to understand the topic better. On the other hand, argumentation allows the writer to present their opinions or arguments on a particular issue. It helps to persuade the reader and make them see the writer's point of view. By combining these two writing styles, the writer can provide a balanced and well-rounded piece of writing.For example, let's say I am writing an essay about the importance of exercise. In the exposition part, I can provide factual information about the benefits of exercise, such as improved physical health, increased energy levels, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. This will help the reader to understand why exercise is important.In the argumentation part, I can present my ownopinions and arguments about the topic. I can share my personal experience of how exercise has improved my own physical and mental well-being. I can also include research studies or expert opinions to support my arguments. Thiswill help to persuade the reader and make them consider incorporating exercise into their own lives.中文回答,在我看来,将叙述和论证结合在写作中可以非常有效。
Types of writing
? Traditionally, writing is classified into three forms as narration, exposition and argumentation (议论 文) in Chinese, or as narration, description, and exposition in English. We can also consider English writing four major genres ( 体裁), as narration, description, exposition , and argumentation.
Passage 1
? An ideal teacher must have the following characteristics. He should know his subject, but he can make mistakes if he is willing to learn. His personality is as important as his scholarship. An ideal teacher must be enthusiastic. He should be a bit of an actor and he shouldn't be afraid to show his feelings and express his likes and dislikes. An ideal teacher is one who grows, learns, and improves himself along with his students.
Passage 3
It was full spring and in the shallow pool the frogs croaked [krəuk] drowsily ['drauzili] . The bamboos at the corner of the house swayed [swei] slowly under a gentle night wind and through the twilight he could see dimly the fringe [frindʒ] of trees at the border of the near field. They were peach trees, budded most delicately pink, and willow trees thrusting [θrʌst] forth tender green leaves.
NarrationTy源自es of writingTraditionally, writing is classified into three forms as narration, exposition and argumentation(议论 文) in Chinese, or as narration, description, and exposition in English. We can also consider English writing four major genres (体裁), as narration, description, exposition, and argumentation.
Passage 1
An ideal teacher must have the following characteristics. He should know his subject, but he can make mistakes if he is willing to learn. His personality is as important as his scholarship. An ideal teacher must be enthusiastic. He should be a bit of an actor and he shouldn't be afraid to show his feelings and express his likes and dislikes. An ideal teacher is one who grows, learns, and improves himself along with his students.
夹叙夹议类英语作文模板英文回答:As a student, I have had the opportunity to write essays in various genres, including the "narrative and argumentation" type. This type of essay, also known as "exposition and argumentation," combines both storytelling and analysis. It allows me to present my ideas and opinions while also providing evidence and examples to support them.In this type of essay, I usually begin with a captivating story or anecdote to grab the reader's attention. For example, I might start with a personal experience that relates to the topic I am discussing. This helps to create a connection between the reader and myself, making them more interested in what I have to say.After setting the stage with a story, I transition into the main body of the essay, where I present my arguments and analysis. I avoid using repetitive phrases such as"firstly," "secondly," or "finally." Instead, I use transitional phrases like "in addition," "moreover," and "furthermore" to smoothly move from one point to another. This not only makes my writing more coherent but also keeps the reader engaged.To support my arguments, I provide evidence and examples from various sources, such as research studies, statistics, or real-life situations. These examples help to illustrate my points and make them more relatable to the reader. Additionally, I make sure to explain the significance of each example and how it relates to my overall argument.When it comes to addressing counterarguments, I do not simply dismiss them. Instead, I acknowledge their existence and provide a thoughtful response. This shows that I have considered different perspectives and strengthens my own argument. For instance, if I am arguing in favor ofstricter gun control laws, I might acknowledge the argument that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." I would then provide evidence and reasoning to counter thisargument and support my own stance.In the conclusion of my essay, I summarize my mainpoints without using phrases like "in conclusion" or "to sum up." Instead, I restate my thesis statement in a fresh way and leave the reader with a thought-provoking statement or question. This helps to leave a lasting impression and encourages the reader to think further about the topic.中文回答:作为一名学生,我有机会写各种类型的文章,包括夹叙夹议类的文章。
我眼中的鲁迅夹叙夹议作文Lu Xun, a prominent figure in modern Chinese literature, is known for his unique and influential writing style. 鲁迅,作为现代中国文学的杰出人物,以其独特而有影响力的写作风格而闻名。
His works often feature a combination of narration, exposition, and argumentation, allowing readers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the social and cultural issues addressed in his writings. 他的作品常常融合叙述、阐释和论述,使读者能够全面了解他作品中涉及的社会和文化问题。
One of the most notable examples of this style can be seen in his essay "A Madman’s Diary," where Lu Xun u ses the first-person narrative to convey a sense of urgency and helplessness in the face of social and cultural norms. 这种风格最显著的例子之一可以在他的散文《狂人日记》中看到,在这篇文章中,鲁迅运用第一人称叙述来表达对社会和文化规范的无奈和紧迫感。
Through the use of this literary technique, Lu Xun effectively captures the reader's attention and prompts them to reflect on the harshrealities of early 20th-century China. 通过运用这种文学手法,鲁迅成功地吸引了读者的注意力,并促使他们思考20世纪初中国的严酷现实。
四大梗概作文500字六年级上册示例回答如下1:Q: What are the four major types of compositions in the 6th grade primary school textbook?A: The four major types of compositions in the 6th grade primary school textbook are narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive.Q: 六年级上册的教材中有哪四种主要的作文类型?A: 六年级上册的教材中主要包括叙事、描写、说明和议论四种主要的作文类型。
示例回答如下2:Title: The Four Major Outlines - A 500-word Essay for Grade 6, Semester 1Introduction:In this essay, we will discuss the four major outlines that are commonly used in writing. These outlines serve as a roadmap for organizing our thoughts and ideas, helping us to create a well-structured and coherent piece of writing. Let's exploreeach outline in detail.Outline 1: Chronological OrderThe first outline is based on chronological order. It involves presenting information or events in the order they occurred. This outline is often used in narratives or historical essays, where the sequence of events is crucial. By following a chronological order, readers can easily follow the flow of the story or understand the historical timeline.Outline 2: Cause and EffectThe second outline revolves around cause and effect relationships. It focuses on explaining the reasons behind certain events or phenomena and the consequences that follow. This outline helps us understand the connections between different factors and how they influence each other. It is commonly used in persuasive or argumentative essays, where we need to analyze the causes and effects of a particular issue.Outline 3: Compare and ContrastThe third outline involves comparing and contrasting two or more subjects or ideas. It allows us to highlightsimilarities and differences between them, providing a comprehensive analysis. This outline is often used in expository or informative essays, where we need to present a balanced view of multiple perspectives or examine different aspects of a topic.Outline 4: Problem and SolutionThe fourth outline focuses on presenting a problem and proposing solutions to resolve it. This outline is commonly used in opinion or persuasive essays, where we aim to convince readers of our viewpoint and suggest practical solutions. By identifying the problem and offering viable solutions, we can engage readers and encourage them to take action.Conclusion:In conclusion, the four major outlines discussed in this essay - chronological order, cause and effect, compare and contrast, and problem and solution - are essential tools for effective writing. By utilizing these outlines, we can organize our thoughts, present information logically, and engage readers effectively. Whether we are writing narratives, persuasive essays, or informative pieces, these outlinesprovide a solid framework to create well-structured and engaging compositions.中文回答:标题:四大梗概 - 六年级上册500字作文引言:在这篇文章中,我们将讨论写作中常用的四大梗概。
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Exposition and Argumentation
Exposition is a type of writing in common. An expository usually explains something , such as the process of making a machine ,the causes of a natural or social phenomenon , the planning of a project ,or the solution of a problem. For an object, exposition mainly deals with processes and relationships . For a historical event ,we discuss its cause and effect ,its nature, and its signifition in history.
The methods which are good for paragraph development are also good for expository essays . for example:
1.Illustration. It is the of example to illustrate a point. A successful illustration
paper depends on
1)A wise selection of sufficient examples which are specific and typical ,
interesting and relevant
2).An expert arrangement of these examples ---similar or related examples Should be grouped together and arranged climactically.
2.Division and classification . when using division or classification in your writ-
ing , keep in mind the following guidelines:
1).choose an appropriate principle of division /classification suited to your
2).apply your principle consistently and thoroughly ,and avoid overlapping
3. comparison and contrast .
When you write a comparison /contrast paper, you explain or clarify for one of the three following purposes:
1). To present information about something unfamiliar by comparing it
with something familiar.
2). To show the superiority of one thing by comparing it with another .
3). To show the reader of the similarities and differences of two things to
help the reader understand or evaluate them.
When you write a comparison/contrast paper, keep in mind the following principles of selection and development:
1). Only items of the same general class can be compared/contrasted.
2). A comparion/contrast essay usually follows one of these two patterns: The subject-by-subject or the point-by-point pattern.
3). A comparison/contrast essay should be balanced; the two items being
compared/contrasted are to be given equal treatment.
4). The comparison/contrast should be supported by concrete and
relevant facts.
5). A comparison/contrast shows similarities and differences in order to
make a particular point.
4. Cause and Effect
Determining causes and effects is a complex process. When writing the y of paper , try to remember the following logical requirements:
1). Do not over-simplify causes.
2). Beware especially making a mistake in logic known as the fallacy of
post hos ,ergo propter hos— Latin words meaning “after this
therefore because of this .
3). Distinguish between direct and indirect caust and effects and
between major and minor causes and effects.
4). Do not omit links in a chain of causes and effects.
5). Be objective and support the analysis with solid, factual evidence. 5. Definition .
Definition is necessary when one uses a term that may have various denotative Or connotative meanings or shades of meaning . Definition papers consist mostly of extended or informal definitions. Keep in mind the following points: 1). A definition paper discusses abstract terms such as liberty,equality, Beauty,love,socialism,etc, the denotative and especially connotative meanings of which are often different to different people.
2). A definition paper answers fully ,though often implicitly, the
question “what is …..?”
3). Definition paper follow no set pattern.
4). A D.P. may be either deductive or inductive.
An Argumentation essay tries to make the reader agree with its point of view support it ,to persuade him to change his mind or behavior, and to approve a
policy or a course of action that it proposes.
If you wish to write a good argumentative essay, you should do your best to meet the following requirements.
1). A debatable point
2). Sufficient evidence
3). Good logic
4). Clear logic
5). Good use of the other three types of writing – description ,narration . and especially the various methods of exposition.
6). An honest and friendly attitude。