质量专业英语大全零件材料类的专有名词 Quality English

质量专业英语大全零件材料类的专有名词BIOS: Basic Input Output System(基本输入输出系统)Transistor:晶体管LED:发光二极管Resistor:电阻Variator:可变电阻Capacitor:电容Diode:二极管Transistor:三极体Transformer:变压器(ADP)Sensor:感应器Filter:滤波器Flat Cable:排线Inductor:电感Buzzer:蜂鸣器Socket:插座Slot:插槽Fuse:熔断器Current:电流表Solder iron:电烙铁Magnifying glass:放大镜Caliper:游标卡尺Driver:螺丝起子Oven:烤箱TFT:液晶显示器Oscilloscope:示波器Connector:连接器PCB:printed circuit board(印刷电路板)PCBA: printed circuit board assembly(电路板成品)PP:并行接口Attach:附件Bazel:面板(panel)Lable:贴纸Guide:手册Manual:手册,指南Card:网卡Switch:交换机Router:路由器Sample:样品Gap:间隙Sponge:海绵Disk:磁盘片PROG:程序Barcode:条形码System:系统CD-ROM:光驱Cable:线材Audio:音效K/B:Keyboard(键盘)Mouse:鼠标Card reader:读卡器Screw:螺丝Rubber:橡胶垫Rubber foot:脚垫Bag:袋子Metal cover:金属盖子Plastic cover:塑料盖子Tape for packing:包装带Bar code:条形码Power cord:电源线Carton:纸箱部门名称的专有名词QS:Quality system质量系统CS:Coutomer Sevice 客户服务QC:Quality control质量管理IQC:Incoming quality control 进料检验LQC:Line Quality Control 生产线质量控制IPQC:In process quality control 制程检验FQC:Final quality control 最终检验OQC:Outgoing quality control 出货检验QA:Quality assurance 质量保证SQA:Source(supplier) Quality Assurance 供货商质量保证(VQA)CQA:Customer Quality Assurance客户质量保证PQArocess Quality Assurance 制程质量保证QE:Quality engineer 质量工程CE:component engineering零件工程EE:equipment engineering设备工程ME:manufacturing engineering制造工程TE:testing engineering测试工程PE:Product Engineer 产品工程IE:Industrial engineer 工业工程ADM: Administration Department行政部RMA:客户退回维修CSDI:检修PC:producing control生管MC:mater control物管GAD: General Affairs Dept总务部A/D: Accountant /Finance Dept会计LAB: Laboratory实验室DOE:实验设计HR:人资PMC:企划RD:研发W/H:仓库SI:客验PD: Product Department生产部PA:采购(PUR: Purchaing Dept)SMT:Surface mount technology 表面粘着技术MFG:Manufacturing 制造MIS:Management information system 资迅管理系统DCC:document control center 文件管制中心厂内作业中的专有名词QT:Quality target质量目标QP:Quality policy目标方针QI:Quality improvement质量改善CRITICAL DEFECT:严重缺点(CR)MAJOR DEFECT:主要缺点(MA)MINOR DEFECT:次要缺点(MI)MAX:Maximum最大值MIN:Minimum最小值DIAiameter直径DIMimension尺寸LCL:Lower control limit管制下限UCL:Upper control limit管制上限EMI:电磁干扰ESD:静电防护EPA:静电保护区域ECN:工程变更ECO:Engineering change order工程改动要求(客户)ECR:工程变更需求单CPI:Continuous Process Improvement 连续工序改善Compatibility:兼容性Marking:标记DWGrawing图面Standardization:标准化Consensus:一致Code:代码ZD:Zero defect零缺点Tolerance:公差Subject matter:主要事项Auditor:审核员BOM:Bill of material物料清单Rework:重工ID:identification识别,鉴别,证明PILOT RUN: (试投产)FAI:首件检查FPIR:First Piece Inspection Report首件检查报告FAA:首件确认SPC:统计制程管制CP: capability index(准确度)CPK: capability index of process(制程能力)PMP:制程管理计划(生产管制计划)MPI:制程分析DASefects Analysis System 缺陷分析系统PPB:十亿分之一Flux:助焊剂P/N:料号L/N:Lot Number批号Version:版本Quantity:数量Valid date:有效日期MIL-STD:Military-Standard军用标准ICT: In Circuit Test (线路测试)ATE:Automatic Test Equipment自动测试设备MO: Manafacture Order生产单T/U: Touch Up (锡面修补)I/N:手插件P/T:初测F/T: Function Test (功能测试-终测)AS组立P/K:包装TQM:Total quality control全面质量管理MDA:manufacturing defect analysis制程不良分析(ICT)RUN-IN:老化实验HI-pot:高压测试FMI:Frequency Modulation Inspect高频测试DPPM: Defect Part Per Million(不良率的一种表达方式:百万分之一) 1000PPM即为0.1%Corrective Action: (CAR改善对策)ACC:允收REJ:拒收S/S:Sample size抽样检验样本大小SI-SIV:Special I-Special IV特殊抽样水平等级CON:Concession / Waive特采ISO:国际标准化组织ISA:Industry Standard Architecture工业标准体制结构OBA:开箱稽核FIFO:先进先出PDCA:管理循环Plan do check action计划,执行,检查,总结WIP:在制品(半成品)S/O: Sales Order (业务订单)P/O: Purchase Order (采购订单)P/R: Purchase Request (请购单)AQL:acceptable quality level允收质量水平LQL;Limiting quality level最低质量水平QVL:qualified vendor list合格供货商名册AVL :认可的供货商清单(Approved Vendor List)SCM :供应链管理 (Supply Chain Management) SFC :现场控制 (Shop Floor Control)TOC:限制理论 (Theory of Constraints)TQC :全面质量管理 (Total Quality Control)FYI/R:for your information/reference仅供参考ASAP:尽快S/T:Standard time标准时间TPM:total production maintenance:全面生产保养ESD Wrist strap:静电环IT:information technology信息技术,信息科学CEO:Chief Executive Officer执行总裁COO:Chief Operaring Officer首席业务总裁SWOT:Strength,Weakness,Opportunity,Threat优势,弱点,机会,威胁Competence:专业能力Communication:有效沟通Cooperation:统御融合Vibration Testing:振动测试IDP:Individual Development Plan个人发展计划MRP:Material Requirement Planning物料需求计划MAT'S:Material材料LRR:Lot Rejeet Rate批退率ATIN:Attention知会3C:Computer ,Communication , Consumer electronic 消费性电子5W1H:When , Where , Who , What , Why , Ho5M: Man , Machine , Material , Method , Measurement 人,机器,材料,方法,测量4MIE: Man,Material,Machine,Method,Environment人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源)7M1I: Manpower , Machine , Material , Method, Marke t , Management , Money , Information人力,机器,材料,方法, 市场,管理,资金,信息1 Accuracy 准确度2 Action 行动3 Activity 活动4 Analysis Covariance 协方差分析5 Analysis of Variance 方差分析6 Approved 承认7 Attribute 计数值8 Average 平均数9 Balance sheet 资产负债对照表10 Binomial 二项分配11 Brainstorming Techniques 脑力风暴法12 Cause and Effect Matrix 因果图(鱼骨图)13 CL:Center Line 中心线14 Check Sheets 检查表15 Complaint 投诉16 Conformity 合格(符合)17 Control 控制18 Control chart 控制(管制)图19 Correction 纠正20 Correlation Methods 相关分析法21 CPI: continuouse Process Improvement 连续工序改善22 Cross Tabulation Tables 交叉表23 CS: Customer Sevice 客(户)服(务)中心24 DSA: Defects Analysis System 缺陷分析系统25 Data 数据 Description:品名26 DCC: Document Control Center 文控中心27 Decision 决策、判定28 Defects per unit 单位缺点数29 Description 描述30 Device 装置31 Do 执行32 DOE: Design of Experiments 实验设计33 Element 元素34 Engineering recbnology 工程技35 Environmental 环境36 Equipment 设备37 Estimated accumulative frequency 计算估计累计数38 E Equipment Variation 设备变异39 External Failure 外部失效,外部缺陷40 FA: Failure Analysis 失效分析41 Fact control 事实管理42 Fatigue 疲劳43 FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect Analysis失效模式与效果分析44 FP First-Pass Yield (第一次通过)合格率45 FQA: Final Quality Assurance 最终质量保证46 FQC: Final Quality control 最终质量控制47 Gauge system 测量系统48 Grade 等级49 Histogram 直方图50 Improvement 改善51 Initial review 先期审查52 Inspection 检验53 Internal Failure 内部失效、内部缺陷54 IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程质量控制55 IQC: Incomming Quality Control 来料质量控制56 IS International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织57 LCL: Lower Control limit 管制下限58 LQC: Line Quality Control 生产线质量控制59 LSL: Lower Size Limit 规格下限60 Machine 机械61 Manage 管理62 Materials 物料63 Measurement 测量64 Median 中位数65 MSA: Measurement System Analysis 测量系统分析66 Occurrence 发生率67 Operation Instruction 作业指导书68 Organization 组织69 Parto 柏拉图70 PPMarts per Million (百万分之)不良率71 Plan 计划72 Policy 方针73 Population 群体74 PQA: Process Quality Assurance 制程质量保证75 Practice 实务(践)76 Prevention 预防77 Probability 机率78 Probability density function 机率密度函数79 Procedure 流程80 Process 过程81 Process capability analysis 制程能力分析(图)82 Process control and Process capability制程管制与制程能力83 Product 产品84 Production 生产85 Projects 项目86 QA: Quality Assurance 质量保证87 QC: Quality Control 质量控制88 QE: Quality Engineering 质量工程89 QFD: Quality Function Desgin 质量机能展开(法)90 Quality 品质91 Quality manual 品质手册92 Quality policy 质量政策(质量方针)93 Random experiment 随机试验94 Random numbers 随机数95 R:Range 全距(极差)96 Reject 拒收97 Repair 返修98 Repeatusility 再现性99 Reproducibility 再生性100 Requirement 要求101 Responsibilities 职责102 Review 评审103 Reword 返工104 Rolled yield 直通率105 RPN: Risk Priority Number 风险系数106 Sample 抽样,样本107 Sample space 样本空间108 Sampling with replacement 放回抽样109 Sampling without replacement 不放回抽样110 Scatter diagram 散布图分析111 Scrap 报废112 Simple random sampling 简单随机取样113 Size 规格114 SL: Size Line 规格中心线115 Stratified random sampling 分层随机抽样116 SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业书117 SPC: Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制118 Specification 规范119 SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Assurance 供货商质量保证120 Stage sampling 分段随机抽样121 Standard Deviation 标准差122 Sum of squares 平方和123 Taguchi-method 田口(试验)方法124 Theory 原理125 TQC: Total Quality Control 全面质量控制126 TQM: Total Quality Management 全面质量管理127 Traceablity 追溯128 Training 培训129 UCL: Upper Control Limit 管制(控制)上限130 USL: Upper Size Limit 规格上限131 Validation 确认132 Variable 计量值133 Verification 验证134 Version 版本135 VOC: Voice of Customer 客户需求136 VOE: Voice of Engineer 工程需求137 Inventory stock report:库存清单报告138 Sales order report:出货报告质量人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的质量管理人员OQC output quality control 最终出货质量管理人员IQC incoming quality control 进料质量管理人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 质量工程人员质量保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认CP capability index 能力指数CPK capability process index 模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供货商质量评估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FQC运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收质量水平S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 质量/可靠度/服务P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 批号AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计质量管理GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径N Number 样品数其它质量术语类QIT Quality Improvement Team 质量改善小组ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QI Quality Improvement 质量改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知(供货商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程检验标准程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类ES Engineering Standard 工程标准CGOO China General PCE龙华厂文件IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格部类PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制PCC Product control center 生产管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制DC Document Center 资料中心QE Quality Engineering 质量工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 质量保证(处)QC Quality Control 质量管理(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Laboratory 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部生产类PCs Pieces 个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等) CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 栈板PO Purchasing Order 采购订单MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供货商)识别码SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造PC Personal Computer 个人计算机CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件N/A Not Applicable 不适用QTY Quantity 数量I/O input/output 输入/输出NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许APP Approve 核准,认可,承认CHK Check 确认ASS'Y Assembly 装配,组装T/P True Position 真位度5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measuremen t, Message4MTH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源)SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略质量保证DQA Design Quality Assurance 设计质量保证MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造质量保证SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 销售及服务质量保证LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率SPS Switching power supply 电源箱DT Desk Top 卧式(机箱)MT Mini-Tower 立式(机箱)DVD Digital Video DiskVCD Video Compact DiskLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayCAD Computer Aided DesignCAM Computer Aided ManufacturingCAE Computer Aided EngineeringPCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告NG Not Good 不良WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需计划OS Operation System 操作系统TBA To Be Assured 待定,定缺D/C Drawing ChangeP/P Plans & ProcedureEMI Electrical-Music Industry 电子音乐工业Electrical Magnetic Interference 电子干扰RFI Read Frequency Input 读频输入MMC Maximum Material ConditionMMS Maximum Material SizeLMC Least Material ConditionLMS Least Material SizeLED lighting-emitting diode 发光二极管QBR Quarter Business RecordCIP Continuous improvement processFGI Forecasted Goal InventoryCNC Computerized numeral controllerB2C Business to customerB2B Business to businessAVL Approved vendor listPOP Procedure of packagingEOL End of lifeVDCS Vender defect correcting sheetPDCS Process defect correcting sheetGRN Goods receiving noteA/R Accounting receivableA/P Accounting payable专业词汇通用类president董事长operator作业员position职务general manager总经理special assistant 特助deputy manager |'depjuti| =vice manager副理deputy supervisor =vice supervisor副课长group leader组长line leader线长supervisor 课长responsible department负责单位Human Resources Department人力资源部Head count 人头数production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管课stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂administration/general affairs dept./总务部production unit生产单位meeting minutes会议记录distribution department分发单位subject主题conclusion结论decision items决议事项pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日Color management 颜色管理Visual management 目视管理production capacity生产力first count初盘irst check初盘复棹second count 复盘second check复盘复核quantity of physical inventory second count 复盘点数量physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity账面数量difference quantity差异量spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单cause analysis原因分析waste materials废料description品名specification 规格model机种work order工令revision版次remark备注registration登记registration card登记卡to control管制application form for purchase请购单consume, consumption消耗to notify通知to fill in填写to collect, to gather收集statistics统计cosmetic inspection standard 外观检验规范computer case 计算机外壳(组件)personal computer enclosure 计算机机箱产品roll/coil material卷料spare parts =buffer备品plastic parts塑料件sheet metal parts/stamping parts 冲件material check list物料检查表finished product成品semi-finished product半成品good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts 良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库packing material包材plastic basket胶筐production tempo生产进度现状lots of production生产批量manufacture procedure制程to revise, modify修订to switch over to, switch—to, switching over切换engineering bottleneck, project difficulty工程瓶颈glove(s)手套Industrial alcohol工业酒精broom扫把mop拖把vacuum cleaner吸尘器rag 抹布garbage container灰箕garbage can垃圾箱garbage bag垃圾袋liaison联络单rags抹布lamp holder灯架to mop the floor拖地to clean a table擦桌子air pipe 气管delivery deadline交货期die worker模工production, to produce生产equipment设备resistance电阻beacon警示灯coolant冷却液crusher破碎机club car高尔夫球车plate电镀power button电源按键reset button重置键forklift叉车Workshop traveler 天车trailer =long vehicle拖板车Hydraulic trolley手压车hydraulic hand jack油压板车casing = containerization装箱velocity速度patent专利coordinate坐标supply and demand供求career card履历卡barricade隔板carton box纸箱to pull and stretch拉深work cell/work shop工作间sub-line支线bottleneck 瓶颈组装类Assembly line组装线Layout布置图Conveyer流水线运输带Rivet machine拉钉机Rivet gun拉钉枪Screw driver起子Electric screw driver电动起子Hydraulic machine 液压机Pneumatic screw driver气动起子automation自动化to stake, staking, riveting铆合add lubricant oil加润滑油argon welding氩焊cylinder油缸robot机械手conveying belt输送带transmission rack输送架to draw holes抽孔bolt螺栓nut 螺母screw 螺丝identification tag标示单screwdriver plug起子插座automatic screwdriver电动启子to move, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库packing包装staker = riveting machine铆合机fit together组装在一起fasten锁紧(螺丝)fixture 夹具(治具)pallet/skid栈板barcode条形码barcode scanner条形码扫描仪fuse together熔合fuse machine/heat stake热熔机processing, to process加工delivery, to deliver 交货to return delivery to. to send delivery back to return of go ods退货easily damaged parts易损件standard parts标准件to lubricate润滑spring 弹簧spare tools location/buffer手工备品仓spare molds location模具备品仓tox machine自铆机烤漆类phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉organic solvent有机溶剂demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传rack上料volatile挥发性degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmot剥黑膜D.I. rinse纯水次Chromate铬酸处理Anodize阳性处理seal封孔scraped products报放品disposed products处理品dismantle the die折模auxiliary function辅助功能heater band 加热片thermocouple热电偶derusting machine除锈机degate打浇口dryer烘干机induction感应induction light感应光response =reaction =interaction感应ram连杆edge finder巡边器concave凸convex凹cold slug冷块blush 导色gouge沟槽;凿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line证示线grit沙砾granule =pellet =grain细粒sand blasting喷沙grit maker抽粒机cushion缓冲fillet镶;嵌边roller pin formality滚针形式cam driver铡楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄轴品质类qualified products, up-to-grade products良品defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品defective product box不良品箱poor processing 制程不良poor incoming part来件不良exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露excessive defect过多的缺陷critical defect极严重缺陷major defect主要缺陷minor defect次要缺陷not up to standard不合规格cosmetic defect外观不良lack of painting烤漆不到位slipped screw head/slippery slipped thread滑丝missing part漏件wrong part错件oxidation氧化defective threading抽芽不良poor staking铆合不良deficient purchase来料不良deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良cosmetic inspection外观检查inner parts inspection内部检查blister 气泡angular offset 角度偏差dent 压痕scratch 刮伤deformation 变形filings 铁削defective label 不良标签abrasion 磨损Breaking. (be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕疪shine亮班splay 银纹gas mark焦痕delaminating起鳞speckle斑点mildewed =moldy = mouldy发霉deformation变形burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边poor staking铆合不良excessive gap间隙过大grease/oil stains油污inclusion杂质shrinking/shrinkage缩水mixed color杂色fold of packaging belt打包带折皱painting make-up补漆discoloration羿色water spots水渍impurity 杂质Mismatch 错位failure, trouble 故障deformation 变形rust 生锈peel 脱漆Shrink 缩水Contamination 脏污water spots 水渍Gap 间隙label error 标签错误Missing label 漏贴rejection criteria 拒收标准Suspected rejects 可疑庇abrasion 损伤、磨损Texture surface 印花纹表面Streak 条纹stains 污点Blotch 斑点discoloration 脱色Inclusion 杂质slug mark 压痕dirt grime 灰尘blush 毛边薄膜sink 下凹Hickey 漏漆labels and logos 贴纸与商标Configuration labels 组合贴纸corrugated container 瓦摆纸箱Delaminating 脱层splattering 散点Gouge 锉孔puckering 折痕品管七大手法层别法:stratification直方图:histogram柏拉图:plato diagram查检表:check sheet特性要因图:charateristic diagram散布图:scatter diagram管制图:control diagramOTHERS(其它)塑料八大缺点:缩水,未射满,焦化,毛边,刮伤,污点,水口,色差另外还有:水纹,沾杂色,披锋,水泡一般用料为:ABS(较硬),PVC(较软)塑料材料在制程过程中须考虑缩水比例状况。

C.零部件类 端子(Contact or Terminal)、铁壳 (shell ) 屏蔽罩 shield case、弹片 spring 绝缘体:包括塑胶(Housing)、盖子(Spacer)、胶片(Mylar) 接地零件(EMI):如接地簧片(弹片)(Grounding Scrip) 固持零件:如铆钉(rivet)、螺母 Nut、螺钉 Screw 导引元件 DIP(Grounding dip) 松退元件 Latch、hook 垫圈 washer 吸取盖 cap 探针 pogo pin D.包材类 真空盘 Tray 承载带 Tape &Reel 管 Tube 纸箱 Carton 保丽龙 Polyfoam 隔板 partition 防水袋 Waterproof bag 包装 Packaging 干燥剂 Drier
1.连接器产品零部件英语术语 连接器产品零部件英语术语
A.连接器 连接器 connector / conn. 卧式类型(也称90度) Right Angle Type (RA) 直立式类型(也称180度) Vertical Type 侧插式(也称侧立式) Flag Type 破板式类型(也称沉板式) Offset Type 穿孔式 DIP Type 表面粘着技术 SMT 母端 Female/ Receptacle 公端 Male/ Plug PCB线路图 PCB Layout 冲压 stamping 成型 molding 组装 assembly 自动机 Auto machine 治具 Fixture/JIG 塑模 mold tooling 冲模 die 电镀 plating 闪镀金 Gold flash(GF) 尺寸 Dimensions 公差 Tolerance 设计失效模式分析 DFMEA 过程失效模式分析 PFMEA

机械工艺:Aabnormal wear 异常磨损abrasive 磨蚀的,磨损的,磨料acetate 醋酸盐,醋酸纤维素access opening 人孔,检修孔accumulator 累加器,蓄电器,活套acetylene welding 乙炔焊acid 酸acknowledgment 承认,确认,答谢acquisition 获得,获得物activate 成立,创立,激活,刺激activated 有活性的actuator 传动装置,激活器,调节器adapter 联接器,接合器,适配器addition 附加(物);添加(物);增加(物)adherence 粘附,粘着,坚持adhesive 粘合剂adjusting screw 调节螺钉,调节螺栓adjusting wedge 调整楔aerosol 悬浮微粒,悬空微尘,气雾剂affix 粘贴,词缀aggregate 合计,聚合(的),骨料,粒料agitator 搅拌器air breather 通气孔,通气阀,通气装置airfoil 机翼,螺旋桨air inlet 进风口,进气口air vent 排气孔,排放口aisle 过道,走廊aligning 校正,找正alloy 合金aluminium 铝ammonia 氨水amplifier 放大器anchor 锚,锚固,铆钉angular ball bearing 径向止推滚珠轴承anhydrous 无水的,无结晶水的annular 环形的,环的anti-backlash 反冲洗anticorrosion 防腐蚀anti-crimping roll 防皱辊anti-crossbow 防皱anti-flutter 防颤applicator 涂敷器(人)applicator roll 涂敷辊apply 涂,敷,申请,应用apron 护板,挡板,围裙aqueous 水的,含水的,溶于水的aqueous solution 水溶液arbor 主轴,轴,心轴,乔木,树阴asbestos 石棉aspirate 吸气,吸入assembly frame 装配架atomize 雾化atmosphere 气氛,大气authority 专家,当局,官方axis 轴,轴线Bbacklash 退回,齿隙,后移间隙backup roll 支承辊baffle 挡板,隔音板,折流板,防护板baking condition 烘烤条件ball and socket joint 球窝接头,球面垫band 带子,地带,带bander 打捆机,打捆工barrel 桶,卷筒,辊身base 地脚板bay 跨度,跨径beaker 烧杯beam 横杆,梁,束bearing block 轴承座bell housing 外壳,外罩,外箱,飞轮壳bellow 风箱,波纹管bender 弯曲机bending 挠度bin 矿仓,矿槽,料箱,垃圾箱binder 装订工,绳线,粘结剂bladder 气泡blade 刀片,锯条blind flange 管口盖凸缘,法兰盲板blink 闪烁,闪光,眨眼blister 水泡,起泡,砂眼,缩孔,夹渣block 轴承座blockage 阻塞,堵塞,堵塞物blocker 预锻模blower 鼓风机,空气压缩机,喷嘴bolt 螺栓,螺钉bond 粘结(剂) boot 保护罩,料仓bore 钻孔,孔bracket 托架,托座,括弧brake pedal 制动踏板braking 制动,刹车breakage 破损breather 给油箱,吸潮器,通气孔breech 烟道,臀部bridle 辊式张紧装置bridle stand 张力辊支座bromophenol 溴苯酚brush roll 刷辊buckle 弯曲,瓢曲,褶皱,变形,带扣buffer 缓冲器buggy 四轮车,手推车bump 拐点bumpless 无拐点的bung 塞子,堵盖burette 滴定管,试管bushing 衬环,环套,衬套,衬瓦bypass line 支管线,旁通管道Ccable drum 电缆盘,电缆卷筒cable trench 电缆沟calcium 钙cam roller 凸辊camber 镰刀弯camber height 拱度cantilevered mandrel 悬臂式芯轴capacitance 容量,电容carbide 碳化物, 碳化钙(电石),硬质合金carbon 碳,石墨cardan shaft 推进轴,万向轴,中间轴carriage frame 运输车支架carrier 支座,承载器carrousel 回转,卡洛塞尔,行李输送带cart 拖车,车cartridge 座,芯,筒,夹头,卡盘cascade 串级,级联cascade connected 串联caseharden 表面硬化,渗碳硬化cassette 箱,盒cast 铸造caster 角轮,投掷者Catch trough 接收槽category 种类,范畴catenary 悬链线,垂曲线的caustic soda 苛性钠cavity 洞,穴,腔centiare = square meter 平方米cellophane adhesive tape 玻璃胶带纸centrifugal 离心力,离心的ceramic 陶瓷ceramic fiber 陶瓷纤维CFM=cubic feet per minute 立方英尺/分chalking 粉化chamber 室,腔changeover 换卷channel 沟渠,槽钢chassis 底盘,起落架chimney 烟囱chill cast 硬模铸造,冷硬铸造chisel 凿子chloride 氯化物chock 楔形物,垫块chock clamping plat 轴承座夹紧装置chopper 切碎机chromate 铬酸盐chromate treatment 铬酸盐处理chrome 铬,镀铬chromium 铬chuck 轴承座chute 斜道circular shear 圆盘剪circumferential 圆周的clad 敷层,覆盖层,包覆金属clamp 夹钳,夹紧装置clay 粘土clearance 间隙clevis U型架clogging 堵塞,闭合clutch 离合器,联轴器coagulation 凝结物,凝结coating 镀,涂料coating bath 镀槽cobble 轧废,废品cobalt 钴cock 座,表座,(水)龙头coil 钢卷,线圈,蛇形管coke oven gas 焦炉煤气cold crushing strength 冷碎硬度cold mill complex 冷轧厂cold rolled steel coil 冷轧钢卷collapsing 毁坏,断裂collar 辊环collecting basin 集液池colloid 胶状(的),胶质(的)colloidal 胶状的,胶质的commissioning 试车,开工投产compartment 室,间compatible 兼容的compatibility 兼容性,互换性,通用性competent 胜任的,有资格的,称职的complete with 连同,包括compliance 顺从,服从,灵活性component 元件,构件composition 成分,组成,合成物,作文compression 浓缩,压缩concave 凹的;凹面的concentration 浓度,精选,浓缩condensate 冷凝水,冷凝,冷凝物condenser 冷凝器conditioner 调节装置conductivity 传导率conduit 管道,导管,沟渠cone 区,圆锥configuration 外形,轮廓,配置conical flask 锥形烧瓶consecutively 连续地,连贯地consistent 一致的contactor 接触器,开关contamination 污染,污染物continuous pickling line 连续酸洗线convection 对流convective 对流的convergence 集中,收敛convex 凸起的conveyor 运输机,输送机coolant 冷却液cooling water 冷却水copolymer 共聚物core 中心,核心corrosion 腐蚀corrugate 加工成波纹corrugated plate 波纹板counter flange 反翼缘counterbalance 平衡锤,补偿,平衡counter to 相反地counterweight 平衡物,配重coupling 连接器,耦合器,联轴器cover plate 盖板crack 裂纹cradle 支架,筐架,料箱,槽cradle roll 托卷棍crane 起重机,吊车crank 曲柄,曲轴crankshaft 曲轴crest 波峰criteria 标准,规范critical 挑剔的,批评的,危急的,临界的crop 切头,切尾crop bucket 切头箱,切头桶cross cut test 横切试验cross joint 四通,十字接头cross section 横断面crosswise 斜的,交叉的crown 隆起,拱度cumulative 累计的cursor 光标,指针,游标cursor key 光标键curtain 窗帘,门帘curvature 弯曲,曲率curve 曲线cushion 垫子,缓冲垫cutting torch 割炬,切割吹管cylindrical 圆柱cylindricalness 圆柱度Ddamper 阻尼器,风门,调节挡板,缓冲器dark brown 咖啡色data block 数据库datum level 基准面debris 碎片,残骸dedicated 专用的,献身的,一心一意的deflection 偏移,挠度deflector plate 折向板deflector roll 转向辊deformation tester 变形测定器degreasing 脱脂dehumidifier 减湿器delivery pump 输送泵delivery section 出口段delivery valve 导出阀,排气阀,出油阀de-mineralised water 脱盐水demineralize 软化density 密度deposit 放置,堆积,沉淀物depute 委托,委派,委任,授权…做代理derive 得自,起源desalted 脱盐的descale 除鳞,去氧化物detach 分离,分开detector 探测器,检波器detent 棘爪,扳手,凸轮detergent 清洁剂deviation 背离,偏差,偏转dew point 露点di- “二”…diagnostic 诊断diaphragm pump 隔膜泵,膜片泵die 夹钳diesel 柴油机diffusor 扩散器dilute 稀释,冲淡,弱的dilution 稀释法dipper 吸管disc brake 盘式制动器discharge chamber 排气室discharge line 排放管路discoloration 变色disconnection coupling 快速离合dismantle 拆除dismount 拆卸disperse 分散,散开disposal 处理,处置,安排disregard 忽视,漠视,不尊重,不顾divert 转移,转向,转入,消遣diverter 分离器,分流器,转向器dolly 小车domed 半球形的dosing spool 定量给料工具double filter 双滤器down time 停机时间,停产时间downcut 下切侵蚀(切下) downstream 下游的draft = drauft 气流,通风drain valve 排水阀drawer 开卷刀drip tray 化霜水盘drive shaft 传动轴driven spindle 传动轴droop 下垂的状态dross 渣滓drum 圆筒,卷筒dunk 浸泡,扣篮dryer 干燥器,干燥机duct 输送管,管;通过管道输送duct stack 烟囱ductwork 管网ductile 可延展的ducting 管道duly 适当的,按时的,正式的dumper 翻车机,翻料机,自卸汽车duplex 双向的duty 功,负载dynamic impact 动力冲击Eearthing 接地eccentric 偏心轮的eccentricity 偏心eddy current type 涡流式edge elongation 边部延展elastomer 合成橡胶elastomer covered 衬胶electrolytic 电解的elevation 海拔,正面图eliminate 消除elongation 延伸率Emergency diesel generation紧急柴油发动机emission (光、热等)散发emissivity 辐射能力,辐射系数emitter 发射器emulsion 乳化液encase 装入,包住,装箱enclosed 被附上的enclosure 箱,罩,密封,包围,封装,机壳endless chain 环链,循环链enhance 提高,增强entry section 入口段environment 环境,外界EOT crane 天车epoxy 环氧基树脂,环氧的epoxy resin 环氧树脂equalization 均等,均衡,应力消除erase 擦掉,删除,退磁,除去记录E-stop 紧急停车Evacuation 腾出,抽空,排空,疏散,撤离evaporation 蒸发eventuality 偶然性,不测事件excess 多余(的),过度(的)exclusive-use jig 专用夹具exhaust 排气,抽空exert 尽力,施加(压力)expansion joint 伸缩接头,补偿节explosion-proof 防爆extension cartridge 延伸筒exterior 外部(的)extinguish 熄灭extractor 拉杠extrusion 挤出,推出Fface 工作面faceplate 面板,划线平台facilitate 使方便,使容易fatigue 疲劳ferrous sulfate solution 硫酸亚铁溶液fibre blanket 纤维毯fibre core 纸板筒filling point 装料点film 涂膜,涂层fingeprint 指纹firing 烧结,烘烤flange 法兰(盘),凸缘flash-butt welder 闪光焊机flash frequency 频闪flatness 平面度,平直度flattener 矫平机(直头机)flattening roll 矫直辊flex 弯曲flexible coupling 弹性联轴节,缓冲接头flexible hose 柔软管,挠性软管flexible joint 挠性连接,挠性接头f l e x i b l e t u b e挠性管f l o c絮状物floor level 地面,地面标高,地坪面floor plate 盖板fluctuation 波动flue 烟道f l u i d流体f l u o r e s c e n t荧光的f luo r ine氟flush 迸流,充溢,冲洗f o ld折叠font 字体,光源,源泉foreign matter 杂质forge 铸造forklift 叉车,铲车formulation 配方设计,方程式,公式化foundation bolt 地脚螺钉FPM 英尺/分f r a m e框架f r o n t a x is前轴fuel gas 燃气f u r n a c e炉GGalvanizing paint 银粉漆galvanized sheet 镀锌板gangway 过道gantry crane 高架移动起重机gap 辊缝gasket 垫圈gauge 量规,计器,测量gear 齿轮,传动装置gear ratio 齿轮比gear reducer 齿轮减速机gearbox 齿轮箱gel 凝胶体general arrangement 总体布置,总平面布置girder 大梁,工字钢,槽钢gland(密封)压盖; 填料盖[箱]; 密封套[装置] glow 发光,发热glower 炽热体,灯丝grained 有木纹的,漆成木纹的granite 花岗岩granular 粒状的gravity 万有引力,重力gravity drain 自重泄油,自重泄油管路grease 油脂,润滑脂grid 格子,栅格,颗粒细度grind 研磨,磨床grinding machine 磨床,砂轮机grinding paper 砂纸g r i n d i n g w h e e l砂轮gripper 夹子,抓爪,钳子g r o o v e槽,沟guide frame 导向架guide pin 定位销,导销guillotine 剪板机Hhand crank 手摇摆,手动曲柄hand drill 手钻hand lamp 手提灯hand pump 手泵,手压泵,手摇泵handrail 扶栏hanger 挂钩hardened steel 淬火钢harmonic filter 谐波滤波器hatch 舱口,舱口盖,开口head end 带卷头部headstock 主轴箱,主轴承hearth 炉膛,炉底部分heater 加热器,发热器heavy duty 重型,重载helical 螺旋线(面,形)High Velocity Oxygen Flame 高速氧枪火焰hinge-mounted 铰接安装hoist 卷扬机,绞车holddown 压板,连接板,压紧装置holder 固定器,支座,支架hollow roll 中空辊hood 罩hood assembly 烟罩hook 钩子,掣子爪hose 软管host 主机hot air blower 热风机hot dipped galvanized steel sheet 热镀锌板hot rolled steel coil 热轧钢卷hot run 热试车housing 机体,框架housing post 牌坊立柱humidity 湿度Hunter lab-make tester亨特试验室生产的测试器hydraulic 液压的hydrochloric acid 盐酸hydrofluoric acid 氢氟酸hydrogen gas 氢气IIdentical 同样的,完全相同的,可互换的Identify 识别Identity 身份,特性idle roll 空转轧辊idler pulley 惰轮,空转轮,导轮ignition 点火,点燃illumination 照明,灯彩immersion heater 浸没式加热器,电热煮沸器immerse 沉浸,浸入impact wrench 拧紧扳手,套筒板手,冲头impart 透露,给予impeller 叶轮impingement (气体等)撞击incident angle 入射角in conjunction witn (副词) 与…配合,一起incorporate 合并(的),一体化(的)indicator 指示器,指示剂inert 无活动的,惰性的,迟钝的inertia 惯性,惯量inertial compensation 惯性补偿infiltration 渗透,渗入infra-red 红外线(的)ingot 锭,铸块inherent 固有的,内在的inhibit 抑制,阻止,禁止,约束inhibitor 缓蚀剂injector 喷嘴innovation 创新inorganic 无机的insulating brick 耐火砖inlet 入口,引入insert 插入物,衬垫(套)insistant 立即的,方便的,即时的inspection manhole 检查入孔intake filter 入口过滤器intensity 强度,亮度interception 拦截,断球,窃听,折射interconnecting pipework 中间管线interconnecting piping 连接管道interface 操作界面,接口interference 干预interior 内部(的)interlock 联锁,联动intermittent 间歇的,断断续续的internal stress 内应力interstand rail 中间机座轨道intervention 干涉intimate 亲密的,紧密的,宣布,暗示intimate contact 紧密接触inversion 倒置invoke 援引,恳请,应用ion exchange water 离子交换水ionize 离子化ionization 离子化,电离iron chloride 氯化铁iron spangle 铁屑isolation 隔绝,隔离,绝缘Jjack 起重器,插座jackscrew 螺旋起重机jet 喷出jib crane 动臂起重机jog operation 点动操作joint 焊缝,接点joy stick 操纵杆K keeper 柄,夹子,锁紧螺母keyway 键槽LLance 喷头,切口,标枪laser 激光,激光器l a t c h插销lateral 侧部,支线;横的,侧面的lateral bending 侧弯launder 溜槽出(铁等),清洗,熨LED=light emitting diode 发光二极管leakage 漏,漏损leng th wise 纵向leveling shim 矫直垫片leveling stand 矫直架leveller mark 矫平标记levelling 矫直,矫平lever 杠杆,手柄lifting tackle 天车light gauge 小型量规light source 光源light weight 轻质,自重line manning 生产线人员配备line stop 全线停车linear position transducer 线性位置检测器liner 衬垫,垫片linin g 衬层linkage 连接,联结,连杆机构local control 局部控制local control box 地面站locknut 锁紧螺母log book 值班日记Login=logon 进入(系统),注册,登录logo 标识语,教学语言longitudinal 纵向的,经度的longitudinal side 纵向的looper 活套loose coiling 松卷lubrication 润滑luster 光泽度Mmagnifying glass 放大镜majority 多数,成年mandrel 芯轴manifold 集管,管道manometer 压力计mash strainer 网式过滤器,滤网matching part 装备件material coil 原料卷maximize 最佳化,使…增加(加强)mega- (前缀)百万倍membrane pump 隔膜泵mesh (齿轮)的啮合,网眼,网格metal matrix 金属模版metal stitcher system 带钢缝合系统meteorological 天气的,气象的metering roll 计量辊micrometer 千分尺mild steel 低碳钢mill bar 轧件mill stand 轧机机座mineral wool 矿棉,石棉minor 较小的,次要的,未成年人minimum spangle 小锌花miscellanous 各种各样的modular 模的,模数的,组合的modulate 调节,调整,调制modulus 模数,系数molten 熔化(的)monochromatic 单色的,单频的manoeuvre 演习,策略,策划manoeuvrability 机动性,可操作性,灵活性monorail 单轨mortar 灰泥,用灰泥涂抹mount 底座mounting pad 安装垫片multiple 多重的multiply 增加,乘,繁殖multi-stage 多级的Nnatural coating 顺涂neoprene 氯丁橡胶neutrality 中性,中立nickle 镍nip pressure 夹紧力nipple 喷嘴nitride 氮化物nitriding 渗氮,氮化nitrile rubber 丁腈橡胶n i t r o g e n氮气nominal diameter 公称直径nozzle 喷管,喷嘴n u t螺母OOffset 偏移量Oftentimes 时常地Oil bath 油浴,油槽oiler 涂油机on board piping 机上配管on board system 机上系统opacity 不透明性,浑浊度open loop 开路,开环open-grate thread 网状护栏opening 通道,开度, 辊缝,掀板operating platform 操作平台optimum 最佳(的),最适宜(的)ordinary maintenance 日常维修orientation 方向,方位,定位organic 组织的,有机的orifice 孔,口orifice plate 孔板original position 原始位置original sample sheet 原样板orthogonal 直角的,垂直的oscillate 摆动outgoing feeder 引出线outlet 出口,出路overflow 溢流overflow weir 溢流堰overhead crane 高架起重机,桥式吊车overhung arbor 悬挂轴overlap 重叠,搭接overwind 旋得太紧overwrite写在…上面,写得过多,用写覆盖oxidant 氧化剂oxy welding 氧焊Ppad 垫片,衰减器paddle 桨,桨状物,搅拌paint pan 涂料盘pan 盘子,面板paper core 纸芯parallelism 平行parch 烘,烤pass line 轧制线pasteboard 纸板peeler 开卷器peep 偷窥,偷看penetrate 穿透,渗透perforate 穿孔,打孔perimeter fencing 围栏peripheral force 圆周力peripheral speed 圆周速度,周速permeate 渗入,弥漫,扩散perpendicular 垂线,垂直(的),正交的phenol blue 酚蓝phenol purple 苯酚p h e n o l p h t h a l e i n酚酞phenomenon 现象philosophy 基本原理,哲学,人生观phosphoric acid 磷酸photo sensor 光感应器photocell 光电管photoelectric 光电的pickle 酸洗pick-up roll 汲料辊pigment 色素,染料pillar 柱子pillow block 枕垫pin 细棒,芯杆,销,枢轴pin hole 销孔pinion stand 小齿轮箱,齿轮座pinion stand reducer 齿轮减速机pinhole type 针孔型pipe cap 管帽pipette 吸液管piping 管系,导管piston 活塞pit 坑pitch of crest 波长pivot 支点,枢轴;装枢轴于pivot frame 摆动架plan view 平面图,俯视图planish 碾平plane profile 平面图plastic 塑料platability 可镀性platen 台板,工作台,压纸卷轴platform 平台,工作台platinum 白金,铂plausibility check 真实性检查(核对)plenum 充气增压,全体人员plummer 轴台,承载台pneumatic brake 风闸,气压制动器polish 磨光,抛光polished trace 划痕polyester 聚酯polymer 聚合体polypropylene 聚丙烯polyurethane 聚亚胺酯polyvinyl denfluoride 聚乙烯基polyvinyl plastisol 聚乙烯塑料溶胶pore 小孔,气孔portable hardness meter 便携式硬度仪portable surface meter 便携式表面仪portable winch 轻便绞车porthole 观察孔,舷窗positioner 位置调节器position transducer 位置检测器positive 正的post 柱,(拉丁语)在…之后potable water 饮用水potassium dichromate 重铬酸钾potassium iodide 碘化钾potential 潜在的,势能pour 浇铸power truck 自动装卸机power unit 动力装置,发电机组ppm = part per million (浓度)百万分.. precipitate 沉淀物;使沉淀precondition 预处理preflex 预弯,预加弯力pre-heater 预热器preliminary test 初步测试premature 过早的,未成熟的premelt 预熔化prepack 预先包装,预先充填pre-rinse section 预漂洗段pressure compensated pump 压力补偿泵pressure filter 压力过滤器pressure-proof 抗压preventive maintenance 防性维修,定期检修principally 主要地priority 先,前,优先,优先权probe 探针,探测器procedure 程序,手续,工序,工艺规程process flow sheet 工艺流程图proce ss sec tion 工艺段processor 处理器promoting agent 活性剂precurement 获得,采购,斡旋,促成profile 外形,剖面propagate 传播,传送,遗传,繁殖,宣传property 性能,资产proprietary 专利的,私有的,私有财产的protective film 保护膜protective goggles 护目镜protective mask 防毒面具PTFE 聚四氟乙烯pull rod 拉杆,拉直(出)装置puller 扳直装置,拉直装置pulley 滑轮,皮带轮pull-through machine 拉出装置pulpit 主控室pulsation 波动punch 冲头,冲压机purge 清除p u r i t y纯度pushbutton 按钮pusher 推杆,推出机pyrometer 高温计Qq u a d r a n t象限,四分仪,信号区quill 滚针Rrack and pinion 齿条和齿轮radial bearing 径向轴承radial fan 径流式风扇radiant tube 辐射管radiator 散热器,冷却器radio- isotope 放射向同位素radioactive ray 放射线rail steel 钢轨钢rake (angle) 倾斜,斜度ramp 斜坡,斜线上升,(斜线)调节器reclaim 回收,再生,利用,开垦recoiler head 卷取机芯轴reconfigure 重新装配,改装rectangular 矩形的,成直角的recuperator 换热室,蓄热器reddish brown 红棕色reduce 提炼,还原,减轻体重reducer 减压器,减速机reductive atmosphere 还原气氛reel 芯轴reel head 卷取机,电缆盘reflection angle 反射角refractory 耐火材料,耐高温的regenerated acid 再生酸register 记数器,寄存器regrind 重新研磨regulator 调节器reinforcing bar 钢筋,螺纹钢筋relay 继电器residual 剩余的;残余物residue 渣滓;残余物resignation 辞职,放弃resin 树脂resistance thermometer 电阻温度计resistant-to-solvent gloves 防护手套retardant 缓蚀剂return filter 回流过滤器reversal 反向;反转reverse coating 逆涂r e vo lu tion转速,旋转rig 吊索工具rigidity 刚度,刚性rinse 漂洗,冲洗rocker 球面,摇杆Rockwell C 洛氏Crod 杆roll coater system 辊涂系统roll coolan t s ys te m 轧辊冷却系统roll eccentricity 轧辊偏心率roll peripheral speed 辊的线速度roll station (罐身机予成圆)滚压部分rope 钢丝绳rotating joint 旋转接头roundness 圆度royal purple 蓝紫色rubber plate 橡胶板run-off 溢流rupture 破裂,裂开,割裂Ssaddle 鞍座salt water spraying test 盐水喷淋试验sample 试样sandblast 喷沙,喷沙器sanitation 卫生,卫生设施saturated 饱和的,渗透的scaffolding 脚手架scissors 剪刀,交叉scale 刻度scale breaker 破鳞机,除鳞机scale dust 氧化铁灰尘scale-free metal 无氧化金属scanning 扫描schematic diagram 原理图,示意图schematic drawing 示意图scissors 剪刀SCFM=standard cubic foot per minute标准立方英尺/分scoop 铲子;掘,挖scrap 废料scraper 刮板scratch 擦伤screw 螺丝钉,螺杆;调节,旋screw jack 螺旋千斤顶screw nut 螺栓,螺母screw type pump 螺旋式泵scroll 卷轴;成卷形,涡壳scrubber 洗涤塔,擦洗者,板刷,擦布seal 密封seal magazine 卡扣盒seam 焊口seat position 基座位置sectional steel 断面钢sectional view 截面图,断面图,剖视图sectionalize 分段sector 部分self-vulcanization 橡胶硫化作用semi-automatic 半自动sensor 传感器separating arms 分离臂separator 隔离器,横梁service access 维修通道service platform 操作台,维修台settling chamber 沉淀室,降尘室sewage 下水道shaft 旋转轴shaft extension 轴伸长节shear block 剪刃锁紧sheave 滑轮,带槽轮,捆shelf 支架shield 防护shimming 衬垫调整,垫片shock absorber 减震器shoe block 制动块,闸瓦,刹车块Shore 肖氏硬度short stroking 短程shot blasting 喷砂清理,喷丸清理shrink 皱缩shroud 覆盖物shutdown 停工,歇业,关闭shutter 百页窗shuttle car 穿梭式送锭车side frame 侧面面机架,侧壁,侧板side view 侧视图silica 硅土,二氧化硅silicate 硅酸盐silicon polyester 硅改性聚酯sink 下降,沉落sink roll 沉没辊sketch 草图,略图skew 倾斜skimmer 撇渣器,铲削器,漏勺skin passed spangle 光整锌花slab 厚板,混凝土路面sleeve 套筒,轴套,袖砖slewing pillar crane 旋转转柱起重机slider 滑动触头,滑尺slitter 纵切圆盘剪,圆盘式纵剪slope 斜度slot 狭缝,槽sludge 泥渣skew 歪斜的,走偏smart type 智能型snatch 抢劫,抓举,瞬间snout (炉)鼻子,猪嘴,伸出物snubber roll 压辊soak 浸透,浸湿s od iu m h yd r ox ide氢氧化钠soil 污物,土壤s o l e n o i d螺线管solid 可靠的,连续的,立体的,三维的solid state 固态,稳态solid steel 镇静钢,实心solvent 溶剂soundness 坚固性sound absorber 吸音材料spacer隔板,垫片,取间隔的装置,逆电流器span 跨度,范围,间距,一段时间spangle 锌花,亮晶晶的小东西s p e c ime n样品s p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r分光光度计s p e c t r u m 振幅speed compensation 速度补偿spherical 球状的spindle 轴,杆,心轴,连接轴splash 飞溅splash guard 挡泥板split pillow blocks 可拆分的枕垫,枕块,枕座Split type 剖分式spool 线轴;缠绕sprocket 链轮(齿) squeeze 挤,压榨Stabilizing Roll 稳定辊stack 组套,叠加;烟囱staff 平衡轴,杆,标尺stagger 错移,交错(的)stagger formation 交错排列staggered pattern 交错排列形式stagger wound 错边卷取stagnation 停滞stain 污点stainless steel 不锈钢s t a l l栏stand 台,座,架,机架standard luster plate 标准光盘standby 待用的,备用设备starch solution 淀粉溶液start-up 启动,开机s te a m 蒸汽steel measuring tape 钢卷尺steel plates and shapes 钢板,型钢steel scale 钢尺Stellite 钨铬钴合金,硬合金steepness 坡度stere=cubic meter 立方米sticker 粘结钢板stiffening rib 加强筋stitcher 缝合机stock solution 备用溶液stool 托架,垫板stopper 制动器strain 拉紧,过滤,应变strainer 滤净器strand 股,线,绳,绞合线strap 打捆strategic 战略的,重要的,关键的strategy 战略,策略stressometer 板形仪,应力计strip 剥,脱,拆,带钢str ipper pla te 分馏柱塔板,卸卷器strobe (light)闪光灯Stroboscopic light 频闪灯stroke 行程stub 短管,线头sturdy 坚固的,耐用的stud bolt 双头螺栓,短轴,接线柱submerge 淹没subpanel 安装盘,屏,板subplate 底板subsequent handling 后续工序substrate 衬底,基底suction pipe 吸管,吸出管sulfuric acid 硫酸sulphate 硫酸盐sump 污水坑,水坑,机油箱surcoat 表层surface board 基板superficial 表面的,肤浅的,浅薄的surplus 过剩(的);多余(的)swash-plate 旋转斜盘swatch 样品,样本swelling 隆起swing 摆动,回转switch 转换开关,转变,电键swivel chute 旋转溜槽symmetrical 对称的synthetic resin paint 合成树脂涂料synthetic rubber 合成橡胶Ttail end 带卷尾部tail out 脱尾tailstock 尾架,尾座,顶针座tangent 切线,正切,接触的,相切的tank 油箱,槽tap 座,攻丝tape 带taper gauge 锥度仪taper tension 斜张力tapered 有锥度的tapered roller 圆锥滚子telescopic spindle 伸缩式接轴temper 回火temper mill 平整机,平整机座tensile stress 张应力tension leveller 拉矫机tensiometer roll 张力计辊terminate 使终止,限定therm 千卡ternary 三元的,三重的thermoplastic 热塑性塑料thinner 稀释剂t h r e a d i n g喂料,车螺纹,穿带through shaft 通轴throw 行程,摆度,偏心距thrust 推力,轴向力thymol blue 百里酚蓝tightness 气密性tilt 倾斜,翘起timer control 时间发送器,程序装置titration 滴定法toggle 紧线钳,肘节,触发器toggle mechanism 弯头接合,曲柄杠杆装置tolerance 公差tonnage 吨位,吨数torque 扭矩,转矩transfer car 运输小车transient 瞬时的,过渡的transition 转换,过渡transverse 横向的,横断的transverse side 横断面trapezoidal 梯形的traverse 横过treating solution 精制用溶液tri- “三”…trimmer 切边剪TRIP=transformation-induced plasticity 高强度及高延伸性trolley 滑车,缆车,触轮,有轨电车troubleshooting 发现并修理故障trough 槽(的),槽钢trough duct 水槽输送管tubular 空心的,管状的,管式的tubular steel 钢管tungsten carbide 碳化钨,硬质合金turbulence 紊流turn key 总控钥匙turndown roll 向下转向辊turnover roll 反转辊turret side trimmer 转塔侧边剪UUniformity 一致,均匀性Unipolar 单极的universal joint 万向接轴unwind 展开,伸直,未卷绕的up-cut shear 上切剪uptime 正常运行时间utility conditions 公辅条件Vvacuum 负压,真空,负压度vane 叶片vapour 蒸气variable 变化的,变量variation 变动,变化,变异,变体viewing port 观察口verify 校对ventilation 通风vertically 纵向vestibule 通廊vibration 振动violet 紫色的violetrays 紫外线,紫光viscometer 黏度计viscosity 粘度visibility 能见度visualization 看得见,可视visually inspect 目测Wwalking beam 步进梁warehouse 仓库warmer coil 过渡带washer 洗涤机,垫圈,衬垫waste acid 废酸water column 水柱(高)waterproof 防水的water quench zone 水淬槽wedge 斜锁板weigher 称重机wheel 轮子,车轮whereas 然而,反之whilst 同时white rust 白锈winch 卷扬机,绞盘车winch drum 绞车卷筒wind 卷, 绕wind velocity 风速wing 轮叶, 叶片wire 金属丝,电线wire braid 金属编织层workpiece bed 加工件车床workshop 车间,工厂worm gear reducer 蜗轮减速机worm shaft 蜗杆轴worm wheel 蜗轮wound 缠绕wrap angle 包角wrapper 打捆机wrapping arm 助卷臂wringer roll 挤干辊wrinkle 起皱,皱纹wrought=work的过去式锻造的Yyield point elongation 屈服平台Zzinc bath 镀锌槽,Zirconium 锆Zirconium oxide 氧化锆电气:Aabsolute 绝对的a c c e s s o r y 附件accelerate 加速access 存取,访问,通道,进刀access control 存取控制accessible 易接近的,易取得的,易达到的account 计算accumulator 累加器acoustic 声学的,传声的acquisition 采集,获得,捕获,征购,技能actuator 执行器adapter 适配器address bus 地址总线adjust 调节adjustable-voltage inverter 电压型逆变器affirmative 肯定(的),赞成(的),乐观的air 空气,通风air-conditioner 空调机air silencer 消音器alarm 报警algorithm 运算法则,算法along with 连同…一起alphanumeric 文字和数字的ammeter 安培计amp(ampere) 安培计amplifier 放大器AI(analog input) 模拟量输入analog 模拟ancillary 辅助设备angle 角度,角anti-condensation 抗凝聚antistatic 抗静电archive 存档,档案文件arithmetic 算术,算法armature 电枢appar atu s 仪表assess 评估,估算,征收(税、费)asynchronous machine 异步电机attribute 品质,属性,归因于Auto paging system 自动对讲系统automation 自动控制autotransformer 自耦变压器Aux. AC motors 辅助交流马达Aux. Relay 辅助继电器available 可用的,有意义的Bbackground application 后台应用程序back-view 历史记录backup 备份ballast 镇流器b a tte r y 电池bed 底座behavior 举止,行为,工作情况,工作状态belt 带,皮带belt drive 皮带传动bi-directional 双向的binary 二进制的b i p o l a r tr a n s i s to r双极晶体管bit 位block 程序块,数据块block diagram 方块图blower 鼓风机Bool 布尔值(数据类型) booster 调压器boundary 边界,范围brake coil 制作线圈branch circuit 支路brake lining 制动片brake resistance 制动电阻breakage 破裂breakdown current 击穿电流breaker 开关,断路器bridge 桥browse 浏览,翻阅bundle 捆bus 总线,母排bus coupler cubicle 母排连接柜busbar 母线button 按钮by-pass circuit 旁路电路byte 字节(二进制)Ccabinet 箱,室cable 电缆cable tray 电缆盒cage rotor 鼠笼转子calculation 计算calibrate 校准,校验call 访问,召集,打电话,呼叫call by value 赋值calling program 调用程序cancelling circuit 补偿电路capacitance 电容,容量capacitive 电容性的capacitor 电容器captance 容抗caption 标题,字幕,加上标题(字幕等)captor 捕捉器cascade 串联,级联cathode 负极,阻极ceiling voltage 峰值电压center tap 中心轴头central processing unit 中央处理单元chain 电路,链路change over valve 转换阀,换向阀change-speed motor 交变电动机channel 通道charge 负荷,电荷charge circuit 充电回路charge current 充电电流chart 图,表checkout 测试,调试check valve 止回阀,逆止阀chopper 断路器circuit 回路,环路circuit breaker 断路器client 客户端clip 夹子clip-on ammeter 钳形电流表clock 时钟,时钟脉冲clock generator 时钟脉冲发生器close 闭合,接通,合闸close-cycle control 闭环控制close loop 闭合环路,闭合回线code 代码,编码code command 编码指令coder 编码器coil 线圈collector 集电器,换向器,集电极color difference meter 辨色仪command 命令,指令common bus 公共母线communication 通信,联络commutate 转换,整流commutator 换向器,整流器compile 编译compliant 顺从的,适应的computer 计算机conducibility 导电率conductance 传导,电导率conductivity 传导率,电导率conduit 导管configuration 配线,构造connect 连接,接通consent 同意,赞成,插口,插座consequence 因果关系,推论,结果consistency 浓度,密度,一致性,连贯性console 控制台constant 常数,恒定的constant speed motor 恒速电动机contactor 接触器control bus 控制总线control circuit 控制回路,控制电路control desk 控制台control pulpit 控制台,操纵台control relay 控制继电器,监测继电器controller 控制器converter 变频器,转换器coordinating control 并列控制?Core 核心,中心,磁心,铁心Critical command 紧急指令Critical function 紧急功能cubicle 室,间current 电流current source inverter 电流型逆变器current transformer 电流互感器cursor 指针cycle 周期,循环cycle interrput 周期性中断cyclical 轮转的,循环的Ddanger 危险damp 湿度damper 减速器data access 数据存取data base 数据库,基本数据data bus 数据总线DC (direct current) 直流电DC-AC inverter 直流-交流逆变器DC link 直流环节decelerate 减速d e la y 延时delay relay 延时继电器delete 删除depletion 损耗,弄空,递减depute 委托desktop 桌上型电脑,台式电脑detect 检查,检测diagnostic 诊断dial gauge 指示表dialing keypad 拨号键区diameter 直径diesel generator 柴油发电机differential pressure switch 压差计differential pressure transducer 差压变送器differentiate 区分,辨别,求…微分digital 数字的disable 中止,抑制,使无效,使残废discharge 放电disconnect switch 隔离开关discrete 分离的,无联系的,离散的discrete component 分立元件discretization 离散化disk brake 圆盘制动器disposition 配置,安排d is tan ce跳离distant exchange 远程交换distortion 失真distribution box 配电箱double 成双的double wave 全波download with 下载downgrade 降格,降级,降低,下坡drive 传动,驱动drive motor 驱动电机drive side 驱动侧,传动侧d r o p a w a y脱扣drop of voltage 电压降dual 复式的,二元的duct 电缆槽duplex 双的duty voltage 负载电压Eearth 地,接地earth wire 接地电路eddy 旋涡,涡流eddy current braking 涡流制动edge 边缘effective address 有效地址elaboration 详述,详尽的细节electric 电动的,电气的electric motor 电动机electrical field 电场electrical heater 电加热器electrical outlet 插座electrode 电极electromagnetic film 电磁膜electronic 电子的embed 嵌入,装入emergency 紧急,应急的emergency power 紧急电源emitter 发射极enable 激活,允许enclosure 关闭,附件encoder 编码器end-user 终端用户energy 功率,能量engineer room 工程师室extinguish 熄灭entering 输入,插入,记入entry 入口,进入,输入ergonomics 人类工程学,生物工程学error 误差,错误Ethernet 以太网Evaluation 评价,估价,确定…的数值evaluation unit 处理单元exclude 排除,拒绝,不包括…在内execution 执行exit 出口,退出explicit 清楚的,显然的,明白的external 外部的extract 提取,摘录,浓缩物extrapolation 外推法Fface 表面的fan motor 风扇电动机fast acting fuse 快速熔断器fault 故障fault display 故障显示fault alarm 故障报警feedback 反馈feeder 电源线fiber 光纤field 场,电场field bend 屈服范围field bus 现场总线field failure 失磁field winding 励磁绕组filter 过滤器,滤波flash disk 闪存flanged cable tray 带凸缘的电缆盒floppy 松软的flux 流量,通量,焊剂,熔化force 强制forced commutation 强迫换流format 格式化,格式forms 窗体formula 公式,配方,分子(式),客套话front view 前视图f r e q u e n c y 频率full duplex conversation 全双工通信function 函数,功能function block 功能块fuse 保险丝,熔线Ggain 增益,放大系数gate 门电路,门脉冲gate pulse module unit 门极脉冲模块gate turn-off thyristors门极关断型晶体管gauge board 仪表盘general program 通用程序generator 发电机gloodlamp 探照灯gloss meter 光泽计governor motor 调速马达gradient 倾斜的,梯度,坡度,斜面,斜率ground 接地,地线grounding brush 接地刷ground circuit 接地电路group battery 电池组Hhand 手hand control 手动控制,人工控制handset 电话听筒harddisk 硬盘hardware 硬件hardware diagnostic 硬件诊断harmonic 谐和的harmonic 谐波h a r mo n i c c o mp o n e n t谐波分量heat exchanger 热交换器heating sink 散热器hierarchical 分等级的hierarchy 层次,等级制度,数据层次high speed controller 高速控制器high speed counter 高速计数器high voltage 高压HMD 热金属探测器hold 保持holding load 恒定负载holding relay 保持继电器homogeneity 同质,均匀性horn 扬声器,报警器horse power 马力,功率hour 小时HP=horsepower 马力hub 集线器,电线插孔humidity 湿度hunk of cable 电缆盘Iicon 图标,肖像,偶像identifier 表示符号image 图像impedance 交流阻抗implement 工具impose 征税,强制执行,利用impulse 脉冲,冲量,冲动,即兴incoming feeder cubicle 进线柜indirect address 间接地址induc tan ce 电感in d u c t 电感,感应induction alternator 感应交流发电机induction coupling 感应耦合induction motor 感应马达i n e r t i a惯性i n f e r e n c e干扰i n f o r m a t i o n信息injection enhanced IGBT注入式增强型IGBT initial 初始值initialization 感应线圈input 输入insert 插入inspection 检查,检验install 安装,建立instruction 指令in s tr u men t 仪表instrumentation 仪器,仪表insulance 绝缘电阻insulation class 绝缘等级integer 整数,整体integrity 正直,诚实,完整,完整性integral 积分,积分的,整体的integrated 完整的,综合的integrated circuit 集成电路intelligent terminal 智能终端。

机械工程专业英语词汇1机械工艺:A abnormal wear 异常磨损 abrasive 磨蚀的,磨损的,磨料 acetate 醋酸盐,醋酸纤维素 access opening 人孔,检修孔 accumulator 累加器,蓄电器,活套 acetylene welding 乙炔焊 acid 酸 acknowledgment 承认,确认,答谢 acquisition 获得,获得物 activate 成立,创立,激活,刺激activated 有活性的actuator 传动装置,激活器,调节器 adapter 联接器,接合器,适配器 addition 附加(物);添加(物);增加(物) adherence 粘附,粘着,坚持 adhesive 粘合剂 adjusting screw 调节螺钉,调节螺栓 adjusting wedge 调整楔 aerosol 悬浮微粒,悬空微尘,气雾剂 affix 粘贴,词缀 aggregate 合计,聚合(的),骨料,粒料 agitator 搅拌器 air breather 通气孔,通气阀,通气装置 airfoil 机翼,螺旋桨 air inlet 进风口,进气口 air vent 排气孔,排放口 aisle 过道,走廊 aligning 校正,找正 alloy 合金 aluminium 铝 ammonia 氨水 amplifier 放大器 anchor 锚,锚固,铆钉 angular ball bearing 径向止推滚珠轴承 anhydrous 无水的,无结晶水的 annular 环形的,环的 anti-backlash 反冲洗 anticorrosion 防腐蚀 anti-crimping roll 防皱辊 anti-crossbow 防皱 anti-flutter 防颤 applicator 涂敷器(人) applicator roll 涂敷辊 apply 涂,敷,申请,应用 apron 护板,挡板,围裙aqueous 水的,含水的,溶于水的aqueous solution 水溶液 arbor 主轴,轴,心轴,乔木,树阴 asbestos 石棉 aspirate 吸气,吸入 assembly frame 装配架 atomize 雾化 atmosphere 气氛,大气 authority 专家,当局,官方 axis 轴,轴线 B backlash 退回,齿隙,后移间隙 backup roll 支承辊 baffle 挡板,隔音板,折流板,防护板 baking condition 烘烤条件 ball and socket joint 球窝接头,球面垫 band 带子,地带,带 bander 打捆机,打捆工 barrel 桶,卷筒,辊身 base 地脚板 bay 跨度,跨径 beaker 烧杯 beam 横杆,梁,束 bearing block 轴承座 bell housing 外壳,外罩,外箱,飞轮壳 bellow 风箱,波纹管 bender 弯曲机 bending 挠度 bin 矿仓,矿槽,料箱,垃圾箱 binder 装订工,绳线,粘结剂 bladder 气泡 blade 刀片,锯条 blind flange 管口盖凸缘,法兰盲板 blink 闪烁,闪光,眨眼 blister 水泡,起泡,砂眼,缩孔,夹渣 block 轴承座 blockage 阻塞,堵塞,堵塞物 blocker 预锻模 blower 鼓风机,空气压缩机,喷嘴 bolt 螺栓,螺钉 bond 粘结(剂)机械工程专业英语词汇2boot 保护罩,料仓 bore 钻孔,孔 bracket 托架,托座,括弧 brake pedal 制动踏板 braking 制动,刹车 breakage 破损 breather 给油箱,吸潮器,通气孔 breech 烟道,臀部 bridle 辊式张紧装置 bridle stand 张力辊支座 bromophenol 溴苯酚 brush roll 刷辊 buckle 弯曲,瓢曲,褶皱,变形,带扣 buffer 缓冲器 buggy 四轮车,手推车 bump 拐点 bumpless 无拐点的 bung 塞子,堵盖 burette 滴定管,试管 bushing 衬环,环套,衬套,衬瓦 bypass line 支管线,旁通管道Ccable drum 电缆盘,电缆卷筒 cable trench 电缆沟 calcium 钙 cam roller 凸辊 camber 镰刀弯 camber height 拱度 cantilevered mandrel 悬臂式芯轴 capacitance 容量,电容 carbide 碳化物, 碳化钙(电石),硬质合金 carbon 碳,石墨 cardan shaft 推进轴,万向轴,中间轴 carriage frame 运输车支架 carrier 支座,承载器 carrousel 回转,卡洛塞尔,行李输送带 cart 拖车,车 cartridge 座,芯,筒,夹头,卡盘 cascade 串级,级联 cascade connected 串联 caseharden 表面硬化,渗碳硬化 cassette 箱,盒 cast 铸造 caster 角轮,投掷者Catch trough 接收槽 category 种类,范畴 catenary 悬链线,垂曲线的 caustic soda 苛性钠 cavity 洞,穴,腔 centiare = square meter 平方米 cellophane adhesive tape 玻璃胶带纸 centrifugal 离心力,离心的 ceramic 陶瓷 ceramic fiber 陶瓷纤维 CFM=cubic feet per minute 立方英尺/分 chalking 粉化 chamber 室,腔 changeover 换卷 channel 沟渠,槽钢 chassis 底盘,起落架 chimney 烟囱 chill cast 硬模铸造,冷硬铸造 chisel 凿子 chloride 氯化物 chock 楔形物,垫块 chock clamping plat 轴承座夹紧装置 chopper 切碎机 chromate 铬酸盐 chromate treatment 铬酸盐处理 chrome 铬,镀铬 chromium 铬 chuck 轴承座 chute 斜道 circular shear 圆盘剪 circumferential 圆周的 clad 敷层,覆盖层,包覆金属 clamp 夹钳,夹紧装置 clay 粘土 clearance 间隙 clevis U 型架 clogging 堵塞,闭合 clutch 离合器,联轴器 coagulation 凝结物,凝结 coating 镀,涂料 coating bath 镀槽 cobble 轧废,废品 cobalt 钴 cock 座,表座,(水)龙头 coil 钢卷,线圈,蛇形管 coke oven gas 焦炉煤气机械工程专业英语词汇3cold crushing strength 冷碎硬度 cold mill complex 冷轧厂 cold rolled steel coil 冷轧钢卷 collapsing 毁坏,断裂 collar 辊环 collecting basin 集液池 colloid 胶状(的),胶质(的) colloidal 胶状的,胶质的 commissioning 试车,开工投产 compartment 室,间 compatible 兼容的 compatibility 兼容性,互换性,通用性 competent 胜任的,有资格的,称职的 complete with 连同,包括 compliance 顺从,服从,灵活性 component 元件,构件 composition 成分,组成,合成物,作文 compression 浓缩,压缩 concave 凹的;凹面的 concentration 浓度,精选,浓缩 condensate 冷凝水,冷凝,冷凝物 condenser 冷凝器 conditioner 调节装置 conductivity 传导率 conduit 管道,导管,沟渠 cone 区,圆锥 configuration 外形,轮廓,配置 conical flask 锥形烧瓶 consecutively 连续地,连贯地 consistent 一致的 contactor 接触器,开关 contamination 污染,污染物 continuous pickling line 连续酸洗线 convection 对流 convective 对流的 convergence 集中,收敛 convex 凸起的 conveyor 运输机,输送机 coolant 冷却液 cooling water 冷却水 copolymer 共聚物 core 中心,核心 corrosion 腐蚀 corrugate 加工成波纹 corrugated plate 波纹板 counter flange 反翼缘counterbalance 平衡锤,补偿,平衡 counter to 相反地 counterweight 平衡物,配重 coupling 连接器,耦合器,联轴器 cover plate 盖板 crack 裂纹 cradle 支架,筐架,料箱,槽 cradle roll 托卷棍 crane 起重机,吊车 crank 曲柄,曲轴 crankshaft 曲轴 crest 波峰 criteria 标准,规范 critical 挑剔的,批评的,危急的,临界的 crop 切头,切尾 crop bucket 切头箱,切头桶 cross cut test 横切试验 cross joint 四通,十字接头 cross section 横断面 crosswise 斜的,交叉的 crown 隆起,拱度 cumulative 累计的 cursor 光标,指针,游标 cursor key 光标键 curtain 窗帘,门帘 curvature 弯曲,曲率 curve 曲线 cushion 垫子,缓冲垫 cutting torch 割炬,切割吹管 cylindrical 圆柱 cylindricalness 圆柱度Ddamper 阻尼器,风门,调节挡板,缓冲器 dark brown 咖啡色 data block 数据库 datum level 基准面 debris 碎片,残骸 dedicated 专用的,献身的,一心一意的 deflection 偏移,挠度 deflector plate 折向板 deflector roll 转向辊 deformation tester 变形测定器 degreasing 脱脂 dehumidifier 减湿器机械工程专业英语词汇4delivery pump 输送泵 delivery section 出口段 delivery valve 导出阀,排气阀,出油阀 de-mineralised water 脱盐水 demineralize 软化 density 密度 deposit 放置,堆积,沉淀物 depute 委托,委派,委任,授权…做代理 derive 得自,起源 desalted 脱盐的 descale 除鳞,去氧化物 detach 分离,分开 detector 探测器,检波器 detent 棘爪,扳手,凸轮 detergent 清洁剂 deviation 背离,偏差,偏转 dew point 露点 di- “二”… diagnostic 诊断 diaphragm pump 隔膜泵,膜片泵 die 夹钳 diesel 柴油机 diffusor 扩散器 dilute 稀释,冲淡,弱的 dilution 稀释法 dipper 吸管 disc brake 盘式制动器 discharge chamber 排气室 discharge line 排放管路 discoloration 变色 disconnection coupling 快速离合 dismantle 拆除 dismount 拆卸 disperse 分散,散开 disposal 处理,处置,安排 disregard 忽视,漠视,不尊重,不顾 divert 转移,转向,转入,消遣 diverter 分离器,分流器,转向器 dolly 小车 domed 半球形的 dosing spool 定量给料工具 double filter 双滤器 down time 停机时间,停产时间 downcut 下切侵蚀(切下) downstream 下游的 draft = drauft 气流,通风drain valve 排水阀 drawer 开卷刀 drip tray 化霜水盘 drive shaft 传动轴 driven spindle 传动轴 droop 下垂的状态 dross 渣滓 drum 圆筒,卷筒 dunk 浸泡,扣篮 dryer 干燥器,干燥机 duct 输送管,管;通过管道输送 duct stack 烟囱 ductwork 管网 ductile 可延展的 ducting 管道 duly 适当的,按时的,正式的 dumper 翻车机,翻料机,自卸汽车 duplex 双向的 duty 功,负载 dynamic impact 动力冲击Eearthing 接地 eccentric 偏心轮的 eccentricity 偏心 eddy current type 涡流式 edge elongation 边部延展 elastomer 合成橡胶 elastomer covered 衬胶 electrolytic 电解的 elevation 海拔,正面图 eliminate 消除 elongation 延伸率 Emergency diesel generation 紧急柴油发动机 emission (光、热等)散发 emissivity 辐射能力,辐射系数 emitter 发射器 emulsion 乳化液 encase 装入,包住,装箱 enclosed 被附上的 enclosure 箱,罩,密封,包围,封装,机壳 endless chain 环链,循环链 enhance 提高,增强 entry section 入口段 environment 环境,外界机械工程专业英语词汇5EOT crane 天车 epoxy 环氧基树脂,环氧的 epoxy resin 环氧树脂 equalization 均等,均衡,应力消除 erase 擦掉,删除,退磁,除去记录 E-stop 紧急停车 Evacuation 腾出,抽空,排空,疏散,撤离 evaporation 蒸发 eventuality 偶然性,不测事件 excess 多余(的),过度(的) exclusive-use jig 专用夹具 exhaust 排气,抽空 exert 尽力,施加(压力) expansion joint 伸缩接头,补偿节 explosion-proof 防爆 extension cartridge 延伸筒 exterior 外部(的) extinguish 熄灭 extractor 拉杠 extrusion 挤出,推出Fface 工作面 faceplate 面板,划线平台 facilitate 使方便,使容易 fatigue 疲劳 ferrous sulfate solution 硫酸亚铁溶液 fibre blanket 纤维毯 fibre core 纸板筒 filling point 装料点 film 涂膜,涂层 fingeprint 指纹 firing 烧结,烘烤 flange 法兰(盘),凸缘 flash-butt welder 闪光焊机 flash frequency 频闪 flatness 平面度,平直度 flattener 矫平机(直头机) flattening roll 矫直辊 flex 弯曲 flexible coupling 弹性联轴节,缓冲接头 flexible hose 柔软管,挠性软管 flexible joint 挠性连接,挠性接头 f l e x i b l e t u b e 挠性管 f l o c 絮状物floor level 地面,地面标高,地坪面 floor plate 盖板 fluctuation 波动 flue 烟道 f l u i d 流体 f l u o r e s c e n t 荧光的 f luo r ine 氟 flush 迸流,充溢,冲洗 f o ld 折叠 font 字体,光源,源泉 foreign matter 杂质 forge 铸造 forklift 叉车,铲车 formulation 配方设计,方程式,公式化 foundation bolt 地脚螺钉 FPM 英尺/分 f r a m e 框架 f r o n t a x is 前轴 fuel gas 燃气 f u r n a c e 炉GGalvanizing paint 银粉漆 galvanized sheet 镀锌板 gangway 过道 gantry crane 高架移动起重机 gap 辊缝 gasket 垫圈 gauge 量规,计器,测量 gear 齿轮,传动装置 gear ratio 齿轮比 gear reducer 齿轮减速机 gearbox 齿轮箱 gel 凝胶体 general arrangement 总体布置,总平面布置 girder 大梁,工字钢,槽钢 gland(密封)压盖; 填料盖[箱]; 密封套[装置] glow 发光,发热 glower 炽热体,灯丝 grained 有木纹的,漆成木纹的 granite 花岗岩 granular 粒状的 gravity 万有引力,重力 gravity drain 自重泄油,自重泄油管路 grease 油脂,润滑脂机械工程专业英语词汇6grid 格子,栅格,颗粒细度 grind 研磨,磨床 grinding machine 磨床,砂轮机 grinding paper 砂纸 g r i n d i n g w h e e l 砂轮 gripper 夹子,抓爪,钳子 g r o o v e 槽,沟 guide frame 导向架 guide pin 定位销,导销 guillotine 剪板机Hhand crank 手摇摆,手动曲柄 hand drill 手钻 hand lamp 手提灯 hand pump 手泵,手压泵,手摇泵 handrail 扶栏 hanger 挂钩 hardened steel 淬火钢 harmonic filter 谐波滤波器 hatch 舱口,舱口盖,开口 head end 带卷头部 headstock 主轴箱,主轴承 hearth 炉膛,炉底部分 heater 加热器,发热器 heavy duty 重型,重载 helical 螺旋线(面,形) High Velocity Oxygen Flame 高速氧枪火焰 hinge-mounted 铰接安装 hoist 卷扬机,绞车 holddown 压板,连接板,压紧装置 holder 固定器,支座,支架 hollow roll 中空辊 hood 罩 hood assembly 烟罩 hook 钩子,掣子爪 hose 软管 host 主机 hot air blower 热风机 hot dipped galvanized steel sheet 热镀锌板 hot rolled steel coil 热轧钢卷 hot run 热试车 housing 机体,框架 housing post 牌坊立柱 humidity 湿度Hunter lab-make tester 亨特试验室生产的测试器 hydraulic 液压的 hydrochloric acid 盐酸 hydrofluoric acid 氢氟酸 hydrogen gas 氢气IIdentical 同样的,完全相同的,可互换的 Identify 识别 Identity 身份,特性 idle roll 空转轧辊 idler pulley 惰轮,空转轮,导轮 ignition 点火,点燃 illumination 照明,灯彩 immersion heater 浸没式加热器,电热煮沸器 immerse 沉浸,浸入 impact wrench 拧紧扳手,套筒板手,冲头 impart 透露,给予 impeller 叶轮 impingement (气体等)撞击 incident angle 入射角 in conjunction witn (副词) 与…配合,一起 incorporate 合并(的),一体化(的) indicator 指示器,指示剂 inert 无活动的,惰性的,迟钝的 inertia 惯性,惯量 inertial compensation 惯性补偿 infiltration 渗透,渗入 infra-red 红外线(的) ingot 锭,铸块 inherent 固有的,内在的 inhibit 抑制,阻止,禁止,约束 inhibitor 缓蚀剂 injector 喷嘴 innovation 创新 inorganic 无机的 insulating brick 耐火砖 inlet 入口,引入 insert 插入物,衬垫(套) insistant 立即的,方便的,即时的 inspection manhole 检查入孔 intake filter 入口过滤器 intensity 强度,亮度 interception 拦截,断球,窃听,折射机械工程专业英语词汇7interconnecting pipework 中间管线 interconnecting piping 连接管道 interface 操作界面 ,接口 interference 干预 interior 内部(的) interlock 联锁,联动 intermittent 间歇的,断断续续的 internal stress 内应力 interstand rail 中间机座轨道 intervention 干涉 intimate 亲密的,紧密的,宣布,暗示 intimate contact 紧密接触 inversion 倒置 invoke 援引,恳请,应用 ion exchange water 离子交换水 ionize 离子化 ionization 离子化,电离 iron chloride 氯化铁 iron spangle 铁屑 isolation 隔绝,隔离,绝缘Jjack 起重器,插座 jackscrew 螺旋起重机 jet 喷出 jib crane 动臂起重机 jog operation 点动操作 joint 焊缝,接点 joy stick 操纵杆Kkeeper 柄,夹子,锁紧螺母 keyway 键槽LLance 喷头,切口,标枪 laser 激光,激光器 l a t c h 插销 lateral 侧部,支线;横的,侧面的 lateral bending 侧弯 launder 溜槽出(铁等),清洗,熨 LED=light emitting diode 发光二极管 leakage 漏,漏损leng th wise 纵向 leveling shim 矫直垫片 leveling stand 矫直架 leveller mark 矫平标记 levelling 矫直,矫平 lever 杠杆,手柄 lifting tackle 天车 light gauge 小型量规 light source 光源 light weight 轻质,自重 line manning 生产线人员配备 line stop 全线停车 linear position transducer 线性位置检测器 liner 衬垫,垫片 linin g 衬层 linkage 连接,联结,连杆机构 local control 局部控制 local control box 地面站 locknut 锁紧螺母 log book 值班日记 Login=logon 进入(系统),注册,登录 logo 标识语,教学语言 longitudinal 纵向的,经度的 longitudinal side 纵向的 looper 活套 loose coiling 松卷 lubrication 润滑 luster 光泽度Mmagnifying glass 放大镜 majority 多数,成年 mandrel 芯轴 manifold 集管,管道 manometer 压力计 mash strainer 网式过滤器,滤网 matching part 装备件 material coil 原料卷 maximize 最佳化,使…增加(加强) mega- (前缀)百万倍 membrane pump 隔膜泵 mesh (齿轮)的啮合,网眼,网格 metal matrix 金属模版 metal stitcher system 带钢缝合系统 meteorological 天气的,气象的机械工程专业英语词汇8metering roll 计量辊 micrometer 千分尺 mild steel 低碳钢 mill bar 轧件 mill stand 轧机机座 mineral wool 矿棉,石棉minor 较小的,次要的,未成年人 minimum spangle 小锌花 miscellanous 各种各样的 modular 模的,模数的,组合的 modulate 调节,调整,调制 modulus 模数,系数 molten 熔化(的) monochromatic 单色的,单频的 manoeuvre 演习,策略,策划 manoeuvrability 机动性,可操作性,灵活性 monorail 单轨 mortar 灰泥,用灰泥涂抹 mount 底座 mounting pad 安装垫片 multiple 多重的 multiply 增加,乘,繁殖 multi-stage 多级的Nnatural coating 顺涂 neoprene 氯丁橡胶 neutrality 中性,中立 nickle 镍 nip pressure 夹紧力 nipple 喷嘴 nitride 氮化物 nitriding 渗氮,氮化 nitrile rubber 丁腈橡胶 n i t r o g e n 氮气 nominal diameter 公称直径 nozzle 喷管,喷嘴 n u t 螺母OOffset 偏移量 Oftentimes 时常地 Oil bath 油浴,油槽 oiler 涂油机on board piping 机上配管 on board system 机上系统 opacity 不透明性,浑浊度 open loop 开路,开环 open-grate thread 网状护栏 opening 通道,开度, 辊缝,掀板 operating platform 操作平台 optimum 最佳(的),最适宜(的) ordinary maintenance 日常维修 orientation 方向,方位,定位 organic 组织的,有机的 orifice 孔,口 orifice plate 孔板 original position 原始位置 original sample sheet 原样板 orthogonal 直角的,垂直的 oscillate 摆动 outgoing feeder 引出线 outlet 出口,出路 overflow 溢流 overflow weir 溢流堰 overhead crane 高架起重机,桥式吊车 overhung arbor 悬挂轴 overlap 重叠,搭接 overwind 旋得太紧 overwrite 写在…上面,写得过多,用写覆盖 oxidant 氧化剂 oxy welding 氧焊Ppad 垫片,衰减器 paddle 桨,桨状物,搅拌 paint pan 涂料盘 pan 盘子,面板 paper core 纸芯 parallelism 平行 parch 烘,烤 pass line 轧制线 pasteboard 纸板 peeler 开卷器 peep 偷窥,偷看 penetrate 穿透,渗透 perforate 穿孔,打孔 perimeter fencing 围栏 peripheral force 圆周力机械工程专业英语词汇9peripheral speed 圆周速度,周速 permeate 渗入,弥漫,扩散 perpendicular 垂线,垂直(的),正交的 phenol blue 酚蓝 phenol purple 苯酚 p h e n o l p h t h a l e i n 酚酞 phenomenon 现象 philosophy 基本原理,哲学,人生观 phosphoric acid 磷酸 photo sensor 光感应器 photocell 光电管 photoelectric 光电的 pickle 酸洗 pick-up roll 汲料辊 pigment 色素,染料 pillar 柱子 pillow block 枕垫 pin 细棒,芯杆,销,枢轴 pin hole 销孔 pinion stand 小齿轮箱,齿轮座 pinion stand reducer 齿轮减速机 pinhole type 针孔型 pipe cap 管帽 pipette 吸液管 piping 管系,导管 piston 活塞 pit 坑 pitch of crest 波长 pivot 支点,枢轴;装枢轴于 pivot frame 摆动架 plan view 平面图,俯视图 planish 碾平 plane profile 平面图 plastic 塑料 platability 可镀性 platen 台板,工作台,压纸卷轴 platform 平台,工作台 platinum 白金,铂 plausibility check 真实性检查(核对) plenum 充气增压,全体人员 plummer 轴台,承载台 pneumatic brake 风闸,气压制动器 polish 磨光,抛光 polished trace 划痕 polyester 聚酯 polymer 聚合体polypropylene 聚丙烯 polyurethane 聚亚胺酯 polyvinyl denfluoride 聚乙烯基 polyvinyl plastisol 聚乙烯塑料溶胶 pore 小孔,气孔 portable hardness meter 便携式硬度仪 portable surface meter 便携式表面仪 portable winch 轻便绞车 porthole 观察孔,舷窗 positioner 位置调节器 position transducer 位置检测器 positive 正的 post 柱,(拉丁语)在…之后 potable water 饮用水 potassium dichromate 重铬酸钾 potassium iodide 碘化钾 potential 潜在的,势能 pour 浇铸 power truck 自动装卸机 power unit 动力装置,发电机组 ppm = part per million (浓度)百万分.. precipitate 沉淀物;使沉淀 precondition 预处理 preflex 预弯,预加弯力 pre-heater 预热器 preliminary test 初步测试 premature 过早的,未成熟的 premelt 预熔化 prepack 预先包装,预先充填 pre-rinse section 预漂洗段 pressure compensated pump 压力补偿泵 pressure filter 压力过滤器 pressure -proof 抗压 preventive maintenance 防性维修,定期检修 principally 主要地 priority 先,前,优先,优先权 probe 探针,探测器 procedure 程序,手续,工序,工艺规程 process flow sheet 工艺流程图 proce ss sec tion 工艺段 processor 处理器 promoting agent 活性剂 precurement 获得,采购,斡旋,促成 profile 外形,剖面 propagate 传播,传送,遗传,繁殖,宣传 property 性能,资产机械工程专业英语词汇10proprietary 专利的,私有的,私有财产的 protective film 保护膜 protective goggles 护目镜 protective mask 防毒面具 PTFE 聚四氟乙烯 pull rod 拉杆,拉直(出)装置 puller 扳直装置,拉直装置 pulley 滑轮,皮带轮 pull-through machine 拉出装置 pulpit 主控室 pulsation 波动 punch 冲头,冲压机 purge 清除 p u r i t y 纯度 pushbutton 按钮 pusher 推杆,推出机 pyrometer 高温计Qq u a d r a n t 象限,四分仪,信号区 quill 滚针Rrack and pinion 齿条和齿轮 radial bearing 径向轴承 radial fan 径流式风扇 radiant tube 辐射管 radiator 散热器,冷却器 radio- isotope 放射向同位素 radioactive ray 放射线 rail steel 钢轨钢 rake (angle) 倾斜,斜度 ramp 斜坡,斜线上升,(斜线)调节器 reclaim 回收,再生,利用,开垦 recoiler head 卷取机芯轴 reconfigure 重新装配,改装 rectangular 矩形的,成直角的 recuperator 换热室,蓄热器 reddish brown 红棕色 reduce 提炼,还原,减轻体重 reducer 减压器,减速机 reductive atmosphere 还原气氛 reel 芯轴 reel head 卷取机,电缆盘 reflection angle 反射角 refractory 耐火材料,耐高温的regenerated acid 再生酸 register 记数器,寄存器 regrind 重新研磨 regulator 调节器 reinforcing bar 钢筋,螺纹钢筋 relay 继电器 residual 剩余的;残余物 residue 渣滓 ;残余物 resignation 辞职,放弃 resin 树脂 resistance thermometer 电阻温度计 resistant-to-solvent gloves 防护手套 retardant 缓蚀剂 return filter 回流过滤器 reversal 反向;反转 reverse coating 逆涂 r e vo lu tion 转速,旋转 rig 吊索工具 rigidity 刚度,刚性 rinse 漂洗,冲洗 rocker 球面,摇杆 Rockwell C 洛氏C rod 杆 roll coater system 辊涂系统 roll coolan t s ys te m 轧辊冷却系统 roll eccentricity 轧辊偏心率 roll peripheral speed 辊的线速度 roll station (罐身机予成圆)滚压部分 rope 钢丝绳 rotating joint 旋转接头 roundness 圆度 royal purple 蓝紫色 rubber plate 橡胶板 run-off 溢流 rupture 破裂,裂开,割裂Ssaddle 鞍座 salt water spraying test 盐水喷淋试验 sample 试样 sandblast 喷沙,喷沙器 sanitation 卫生,卫生设施 saturated 饱和的,渗透的 scaffolding 脚手架 scissors 剪刀,交叉scale 刻度scale breaker 破鳞机,除鳞机scale dust 氧化铁灰尘scale-free metal 无氧化金属scanning 扫描schematic diagram 原理图,示意图schematic drawing 示意图scissors 剪刀SCFM=standard cubic foot per minute标准立方英尺/分scoop 铲子;掘,挖scrap 废料scraper 刮板scratch 擦伤screw 螺丝钉,螺杆;调节,旋screw jack 螺旋千斤顶screw nut 螺栓,螺母screw type pump 螺旋式泵scroll 卷轴;成卷形,涡壳scrubber 洗涤塔,擦洗者,板刷,擦布seal 密封seal magazine 卡扣盒seam 焊口seat position 基座位置sectional steel 断面钢sectional view 截面图,断面图,剖视图sectionalize 分段sector 部分self-vulcanization 橡胶硫化作用semi-automatic 半自动sensor 传感器separating arms 分离臂separator 隔离器,横梁service access 维修通道service platform 操作台,维修台settling chamber 沉淀室,降尘室sewage 下水道shaft 旋转轴shaft extension 轴伸长节shear block 剪刃锁紧sheave 滑轮,带槽轮,捆shelf 支架shield 防护shimming 衬垫调整,垫片shock absorber 减震器shoe block 制动块,闸瓦,刹车块Shore 肖氏硬度short stroking 短程shot blasting 喷砂清理,喷丸清理shrink 皱缩shroud 覆盖物shutdown 停工,歇业,关闭shutter 百页窗shuttle car 穿梭式送锭车side frame 侧面面机架,侧壁,侧板side view 侧视图silica 硅土,二氧化硅silicate 硅酸盐silicon polyester 硅改性聚酯sink 下降,沉落sink roll 沉没辊sketch 草图,略图skew 倾斜skimmer 撇渣器,铲削器,漏勺skin passed spangle 光整锌花slab 厚板,混凝土路面sleeve 套筒,轴套,袖砖slewing pillar crane 旋转转柱起重机slider 滑动触头,滑尺slitter 纵切圆盘剪,圆盘式纵剪slope 斜度slot 狭缝,槽sludge 泥渣skew 歪斜的,走偏smart type 智能型snatch 抢劫,抓举,瞬间snout (炉)鼻子,猪嘴,伸出物snubber roll 压辊soak 浸透,浸湿s od iu m h yd r ox ide氢氧化钠soil 污物,土壤s o l e n o i d螺线管solid 可靠的,连续的,立体的,三维的solid state 固态,稳态solid steel 镇静钢,实心solvent 溶剂soundness 坚固性sound absorber 吸音材料spacer隔板,垫片,取间隔的装置,逆电流器span 跨度,范围,间距,一段时间spangle 锌花,亮晶晶的小东西s p e c ime n样品11s p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r分光光度计s p e c t r u m 振幅speed compensation 速度补偿spherical 球状的spindle 轴,杆,心轴,连接轴splash 飞溅splash guard 挡泥板split pillow blocks 可拆分的枕垫,枕块,枕座Split type 剖分式spool 线轴;缠绕sprocket 链轮(齿) squeeze 挤,压榨Stabilizing Roll 稳定辊stack 组套,叠加;烟囱staff 平衡轴,杆,标尺stagger 错移,交错(的)stagger formation 交错排列staggered pattern 交错排列形式stagger wound 错边卷取stagnation 停滞stain 污点stainless steel 不锈钢s t a l l栏stand 台,座,架,机架standard luster plate 标准光盘standby 待用的,备用设备starch solution 淀粉溶液start-up 启动,开机s te a m 蒸汽steel measuring tape 钢卷尺steel plates and shapes 钢板,型钢steel scale 钢尺Stellite 钨铬钴合金,硬合金steepness 坡度stere=cubic meter 立方米sticker 粘结钢板stiffening rib 加强筋stitcher 缝合机stock solution 备用溶液stool 托架,垫板stopper 制动器strain 拉紧,过滤,应变strainer 滤净器strand 股,线,绳,绞合线strap 打捆strategic 战略的,重要的,关键的strategy 战略,策略stressometer 板形仪,应力计strip 剥,脱,拆,带钢str ipper pla te 分馏柱塔板,卸卷器strobe (light)闪光灯Stroboscopic light 频闪灯stroke 行程stub 短管,线头sturdy 坚固的,耐用的stud bolt 双头螺栓,短轴,接线柱submerge 淹没subpanel 安装盘,屏,板subplate 底板subsequent handling 后续工序substrate 衬底,基底suction pipe 吸管,吸出管sulfuric acid 硫酸sulphate 硫酸盐sump 污水坑,水坑,机油箱surcoat 表层surface board 基板superficial 表面的,肤浅的,浅薄的surplus 过剩(的);多余(的)swash-plate 旋转斜盘swatch 样品,样本swelling 隆起swing 摆动,回转switch 转换开关,转变,电键swivel chute 旋转溜槽symmetrical 对称的synthetic resin paint 合成树脂涂料synthetic rubber 合成橡胶Ttail end 带卷尾部tail out 脱尾tailstock 尾架,尾座,顶针座tangent 切线,正切,接触的,相切的tank 油箱,槽tap 座,攻丝tape 带taper gauge 锥度仪taper tension 斜张力tapered 有锥度的tapered roller 圆锥滚子telescopic spindle 伸缩式接轴12temper 回火temper mill 平整机,平整机座tensile stress 张应力tension leveller 拉矫机tensiometer roll 张力计辊terminate 使终止,限定therm 千卡ternary 三元的,三重的thermoplastic 热塑性塑料thinner 稀释剂t h r e a d i n g喂料,车螺纹,穿带through shaft 通轴throw 行程,摆度,偏心距thrust 推力,轴向力thymol blue 百里酚蓝tightness 气密性tilt 倾斜,翘起timer control 时间发送器,程序装置titration 滴定法toggle 紧线钳,肘节,触发器toggle mechanism 弯头接合,曲柄杠杆装置tolerance 公差tonnage 吨位,吨数torque 扭矩,转矩transfer car 运输小车transient 瞬时的,过渡的transition 转换,过渡transverse 横向的,横断的transverse side 横断面trapezoidal 梯形的traverse 横过treating solution 精制用溶液tri- “三”…trimmer 切边剪TRIP=transformation-induced plasticity 高强度及高延伸性trolley 滑车,缆车,触轮,有轨电车troubleshooting 发现并修理故障trough 槽(的),槽钢trough duct 水槽输送管tubular 空心的,管状的,管式的tubular steel 钢管tungsten carbide 碳化钨,硬质合金turbulence 紊流turn key 总控钥匙turndown roll 向下转向辊turnover roll 反转辊turret side trimmer 转塔侧边剪UUniformity 一致,均匀性Unipolar 单极的universal joint 万向接轴unwind 展开,伸直,未卷绕的up-cut shear 上切剪uptime 正常运行时间utility conditions 公辅条件Vvacuum 负压,真空,负压度vane 叶片vapour 蒸气variable 变化的,变量variation 变动,变化,变异,变体viewing port 观察口verify 校对ventilation 通风vertically 纵向vestibule 通廊vibration 振动violet 紫色的violetrays 紫外线,紫光viscometer 黏度计viscosity 粘度visibility 能见度visualization 看得见,可视visually inspect 目测Wwalking beam 步进梁warehouse 仓库warmer coil 过渡带washer 洗涤机,垫圈,衬垫waste acid 废酸water column 水柱(高)waterproof 防水的water quench zone 水淬槽wedge 斜锁板weigher 称重机wheel 轮子,车轮whereas 然而,反之13whilst 同时white rust 白锈winch 卷扬机,绞盘车winch drum 绞车卷筒wind 卷, 绕wind velocity 风速wing 轮叶, 叶片wire 金属丝,电线wire braid 金属编织层workpiece bed 加工件车床workshop 车间,工厂worm gear reducer 蜗轮减速机worm shaft 蜗杆轴worm wheel 蜗轮wound 缠绕wrap angle 包角wrapper 打捆机wrapping arm 助卷臂wringer roll 挤干辊wrinkle 起皱,皱纹wrought=work的过去式锻造的Yyield point elongation 屈服平台Zzinc bath 镀锌槽,Zirconium 锆Zirconium oxide 氧化锆电气:Aabsolute 绝对的a c c e s s o r y 附件accelerate 加速access 存取,访问,通道,进刀access control 存取控制accessible 易接近的,易取得的,易达到的account 计算accumulator 累加器acoustic 声学的,传声的acquisition 采集,获得,捕获,征购,技能actuator 执行器adapter 适配器address bus 地址总线adjust 调节adjustable-voltage inverter 电压型逆变器affirmative 肯定(的),赞成(的),乐观的air 空气,通风air-conditioner 空调机air silencer 消音器alarm 报警algorithm 运算法则,算法along with 连同…一起alphanumeric 文字和数字的ammeter 安培计amp(ampere) 安培计amplifier 放大器AI(analog input) 模拟量输入analog 模拟ancillary 辅助设备angle 角度,角anti-condensation 抗凝聚antistatic 抗静电archive 存档,档案文件arithmetic 算术,算法armature 电枢appar atu s 仪表assess 评估,估算,征收(税、费)asynchronous machine 异步电机attribute 品质,属性,归因于Auto paging system 自动对讲系统automation 自动控制autotransformer 自耦变压器Aux. AC motors 辅助交流马达Aux. Relay 辅助继电器available 可用的,有意义的Bbackground application 后台应用程序back-view 历史记录backup 备份ballast 镇流器b a tte r y 电池bed 底座behavior 举止,行为,工作情况,工作状态belt 带,皮带belt drive 皮带传动bi-directional 双向的binary 二进制的14b i p o l a r tr a n s i s to r双极晶体管bit 位block 程序块,数据块block diagram 方块图blower 鼓风机Bool 布尔值(数据类型) booster 调压器boundary 边界,范围brake coil 制作线圈branch circuit 支路brake lining 制动片brake resistance 制动电阻breakage 破裂breakdown current 击穿电流breaker 开关,断路器bridge 桥browse 浏览,翻阅bundle 捆bus 总线,母排bus coupler cubicle 母排连接柜busbar 母线button 按钮by-pass circuit 旁路电路byte 字节(二进制)Ccabinet 箱,室cable 电缆cable tray 电缆盒cage rotor 鼠笼转子calculation 计算calibrate 校准,校验call 访问,召集,打电话,呼叫call by value 赋值calling program 调用程序cancelling circuit 补偿电路capacitance 电容,容量capacitive 电容性的capacitor 电容器captance 容抗caption 标题,字幕,加上标题(字幕等)captor 捕捉器cascade 串联,级联cathode 负极,阻极ceiling voltage 峰值电压center tap 中心轴头central processing unit 中央处理单元chain 电路,链路change over valve 转换阀,换向阀change-speed motor 交变电动机channel 通道charge 负荷,电荷charge circuit 充电回路charge current 充电电流chart 图,表checkout 测试,调试check valve 止回阀,逆止阀chopper 断路器circuit 回路,环路circuit breaker 断路器client 客户端clip 夹子clip-on ammeter 钳形电流表clock 时钟,时钟脉冲clock generator 时钟脉冲发生器close 闭合,接通,合闸close-cycle control 闭环控制close loop 闭合环路,闭合回线code 代码,编码code command 编码指令coder 编码器coil 线圈collector 集电器,换向器,集电极color difference meter 辨色仪command 命令,指令common bus 公共母线communication 通信,联络commutate 转换,整流commutator 换向器,整流器compile 编译compliant 顺从的,适应的computer 计算机conducibility 导电率conductance 传导,电导率conductivity 传导率,电导率conduit 导管configuration 配线,构造connect 连接,接通consent 同意,赞成,插口,插座consequence 因果关系,推论,结果consistency 浓度,密度,一致性,连贯性console 控制台15。

USB连接器行业相关英语单词总结USB Version: 2.0 /3.0 /3.1Gen1 /3.1Gen2USB 版本 : 2.03.0/3.1Gen1 /3.1Gen2USB Connector Type: A /B /CUSB 连接器类型 : A /B /CUSB Connector Profile: Standard,Mini, MicroUSB连接器外形 : 标准,小型,微型Connector & Housing Type: Receptacle连接器和壳体类型 : 母端Number of Ports: 1端口数量 : 1产品名称和描述Product Name & Description角度偏差Offset中心接触件Center contact插针Pin插孔Jack面板插座Panel jack穿墙插座Bulkhead jackPitch 间距中心线Centerline毫米Millimeter (mm)厘米Centimeter (cm)印刷线路板PCB:Printed Circuit Board的缩写PCB安装固定类型PCB Mount Retention Type印刷电路板端接方法Termination Method to Printed Circuit Board连接器安装类型Connector Mounting Type表面贴装Surface Mount通孔焊料Through Hole-solder面板安装Panel mount板锁Board lock(Free hanging)电缆安装(自由悬挂)Cable mountPC板安装PC mount边缘安装(偏腿)End launch法兰安装Flange mount表面贴装器件SMD:它是Surface Mounted Devices的缩写表面贴装技术SMT:Surface Mounted Technology的缩写SMT+通孔SMT+Through Hole压紧SMT式SMT Hold-Down焊接式Solder直腿式Straight legs安装方向Installation direction水平Horizontal弯式(直角)Right angle直式Straight垂直Vertical连接器系统Connector System电缆对板Cable-to-Board线对板Wire-to-Board包装方式Packaging Method卷轴Reel卷带装Tape & Reel管装Tube电路应用Circuit application端子额定电流(最大值)(A) Contact Current Rating (Max) (A) 工作温度范围(°C)Operating Temperature Range (°C)欧盟RoHS 2011/65/EUEU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU欧盟ELV指令2000/53/ECEU ELV Directive 2000/53/EC Sealable 可密封的。
#CABLE 连接器业内英语

工 程
的橙色之间的颜色;Black-黑色;Blue-蓝色; Purple/Violet-紫色;Gray-灰色;White-白色 Pink-粉红色;Beige-浅褐色、米色、贝吉色;
Ivory-象牙白色;红褐色- Henna Red/Blue- 红滚蓝
OEM= Original Equipment Manufacturer
ODM= Original Designing Manufacturer
工 程 英 语 六
Assembly— 集合、装配、集结、汇编
HD-SUB= High density subminiature
USB cable;IEEE1394 CABLE;DVI交互式数字视
Cable Assembly- 线材组装
Flow Chart- 流程图
保 险 商 试 验 所
UL是英文保险商试验所(Underwriter Laboratories Inc.)的 简写。UL安全试验所是美国最有权威的,也是界上从事安全试 验和鉴定的较大的民间机构。它是一个独立的、非营利的、为 公共安全做试验的专业机构。它采用科学的测试方法来研究确 定各种材料、装置、产品、设备、建筑等对生命、财产有无危 害和危害的程度;确定、编写、发行相应的标准和有助于减少 及防止造成生命财产受到损失的资料,同时开展实情调研业务。 总之,它主要从事产品的安全认证和经营安全证明业务,其最终 目的是为市场得到具有相当安全水准的商品,为人身健康和财 产安全得到保证作出贡献。就产品安全认证作为消除国际贸易 技术壁垒的有效手段而言,UL为促进国际贸易的发展也发挥着 积极的作用。

HDMI连接器专用英语对照HDMI连接器专用英语词汇符合HDMI标准的连接器 Connectors to HDMI Standard高清多媒体接口 High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI)HDMI A型连接器 HDMI Type A ConnectorHDMI B型连接器 HDMI Type B ConnectorHDMI C型连接器 HDMI Type C Connector一体式数字音频和视频 Digital Audio and Video in one数字电视 Digital Television (DVI)覆盖范围 Scope要求 Rating额定电流 Contact Current Rating温度范围 Temperature Range湿度 Humidity Range大气压力 Atmospheric Pressure控制信息 Preamble数据包 Data Island视频信息 Video Data测试方法和要求 Test Methods and Requirements最小化传输差分信号 Transition Minimized Differential Signaling (TMDS) 高清数字内容保护 High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection(HDCP) 低电压差分讯号 Low-Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS)扩展显示标识数据 Extended Display Identification Data(EDID)显示数据信道 Display Data Channel(DDC)全屏蔽提供静电放电保护 Full shielding for electrostatic discharge protection全屏蔽防静电 Full shielding for ESD protection提供无铅工艺 Lead-free process available带或不带面板凸缘 Offered with or without panel flange面板凸缘 Panel flange点对点 Point-to-point分支 Multi-drop热插拔检测 Hot Plug DetectTMDS屏蔽线 TMDS Shield Lines消费电子控制 Consumer Electronics Control(CEC)视频游戏主机 Video game consoles光缆组件 Cable assembliesHDMI连接器专用英语句子高清多媒体接口是将视频和音频合并到单一数字接口的一种规范。

A.连接器 连接器 connector / conn. 卧式类型(也称90度) Right Angle Type (RA) 直立式类型(也称180度) Vertical Type 侧插式(也称侧立式) Flag Type 破板式类型(也称沉板式) Offset Type 穿孔式 DIP Type 表面粘着技术 SMT 母端 Female/ Receptacle 公端 Male/ Plug PCB线路图 PCB Layout 冲压 stamping 成型 molding 组装 assembly 自动机 Auto machine 治具 Fixture/JIG 塑模 mold tooling 冲模 die 电镀 plating 闪镀金 Gold flash(GF) 尺寸 Dimensions 公差 Tolerance 设计失效模式分析 DFMEA 过程失效模式分析 PFMEA
2.连接器测试常用英语 连接器测试常用英语
A.ELECTRICAL 电气要求 Contact Resistance 接触阻抗 Low Level Contact Resistance (LLCR) 低电压接触阻抗 Insulation Resistance 绝缘阻抗 Current Rating 额定电流 Voltage Rating 额定电压 Dielectric strength /Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 耐电压 B.MECHANICAL 机械要求 Insertion & Withdrawal Force / Mating & un-mating force 插入力/拔出力 Normal Force (端子)正向力 Durability 寿命、耐久 Vibration 震动 Mechanical Shock 机械振动 Retention Force (端子)保持力 Solder-ability 沾锡性 C. ENVIRONMENTAL 环境要求 Thermal Shock 冷热冲击 Salt Spray 盐雾 Humidity 耐湿性、恒温恒湿 Solder heat resistance 耐焊性

司 英 语公 司 英 语公司英语一、织机构及职位XX电子有限公司XX Electronics CO., Ltd总经理办公室General manager’s office企管部Enterprise management department (EM)行政部Administration department (AD)销售部Sales department (SD)财务部Financial department (FD)技术部Technology department (TD)物控部Production material control department (PMC)生产部Production department(PD)模具部Mold manufacturing department, Tooling manufacturing department (TM)品管部Quality Assurance department (QA)冲压车间Stamp workshop, press workshop注塑车间injection workshop装配车间Assembly workshop模具装配车间Mold and die Assembly workshop金属加工车间Metal machine workshop电脉冲车间Electric discharge process workshop线切割车间wire cutting process workshop 工磨车间Grinding workshop总经理General manager (GM)副总经理Vice-general manager经理manager董事长president副董事长Vice-presidentXX部门经理Manager of XX department 主任、主管supervisor拉长Line leader组长Foreman, forelady秘书secretary文员clerk操作员operator助理assistant职员staff二、产品连接器connector端子terminal条型连接器bar connector阴连接器Housing阳连接器wafer线束wire harness间距space额定电压 rated voltage额定电流 rated current接触电阻contact resistance绝缘电阻insulation resistance 超声波焊接ultrasonic welding 耐压withstand voltage针pin物料编号part number导线wire基体金属Base metal电缆夹cable clamp倒角chamfer接触面积contact area接触件安装孔contact cavity 接触长度contact length接触件电镀层contact plating 接触压力contact pressure接触件中心距contact space 接触簧片contact spring插孔socket contact法兰、击缘Flange界面间隙interfacial gap键Key键槽keyway过渡段ramp屏蔽套shielding定位基准Datum reference扁平电缆flat cable ,Ribbon cable柔性印刷电线Flexible printed wiring多层印制电路Multilayer printed circuit焊盘pad图形pattern间距pitch负极Negative pole正极positive pole回流Reflow原理图Schematic diagram单面板single sided board双面板Two-sided board,Double-sided board 表面安装surface Mounting翘曲warp, bow波峰焊wave soldering编织层braid同轴电缆coaxial cable电介质dielectric电缆中导线的头数ends外部干扰external interference填充物filler护套jacket比重specific gravity电阻的温度系数Temperature coefficient of resistance 三、模具塑料模具mould of plastics注塑模具injection mould冲压模具die模架mould base定模座板Top clamping plateTop plateFixed clamp plate水口推板stripper plateA板A plateB板B plate支承板 support plate方铁 spacer plate底针板 ejector plate面针板 ejector retainer plate回针 Return pin导柱 Guide pin有托导套 Shoulder Guide bush 直导套 Straight Guide bush动模座板Bottom clamp plate Moving clamp plate基准线datum line基准面datum plan型芯固定板core-retainer plate 击模固定板punch-retainer plate 顶针ejector pin单腔模具single cavity mould 多腔模具multi-cavity mould多浇口multi-gating浇口gate缺料starving排气breathing光泽gloss合模力mould clamping force锁模力mould locking force挤出extrusion开裂crack循环时间cycle time老化aging螺杆screw麻点pit嵌件insert活动镶件movable insert起垩chalking浇注系统feed system主流道 sprue分流道runner浇口gate直浇口direct gate , sprue gate轮辐浇口spoke gate , spider gate点浇口pin-point gate测浇口edge gate潜伏浇口submarine gate , tunnel gate 料穴cold-slug well浇口套sprue bush流道板runner plate排飞槽vent分型线(面)parting line定模stationary mould,Fixed mould 动模movable mould, movable half 上模upper mould, upper half下模lower mould, lower half型腔cavity凹模cavity plate,cavity block拼块split定位销dowel定位销孔dowel hole型芯core斜销angle pin, finger cam滑块slide滑块导板slide guide strip楔紧块heel block, wedge lock拉料杆sprue puller定位环locating ring冷却通cooling channel脱模斜度draft滑动型芯slide core螺纹型芯threaded core热流道模具hot-runner mould绝热流道模insulated runner mould熔合纹weld line (flow line)三板式模具three plate mould脱模ejection换模腔模具 interchangeable cavity mould 脱模剂release agent注射能力shot capacity注射速率injection rate注射压力injection pressure差色剂colorant保压时间holdup time闭模时间closing time定型装置sizing system阴模female mould,cavity block阳模male mould电加工设备Electron Discharge Machining 数控加工中心CNC machine center万能铁床Universal milling machine卧式刨床Horizontal planer车床Engine lathe平面磨床Surface grinding machine去磁机Demagnetization machine万能摇臂钻床Universal radial movable driller 立式钻床Vertical driller超声波清洗机Ultrasonic clearing machine 四、品管SPC statistic process control品管保证Quality Assurance品管控制Quality control来料检验IQC Incoming quality control巡检IPQC In-process quality control校对calibration动态试验dynamic test环境试验Environmental test非破坏性试验non-destructive test光泽gloss击穿电压(dielectric) breakdown voltage拉伸强度tensile strength冷热骤变试验thermal shock test环境试验炉Environmental chamber盐雾实验salt spray test绝缘电阻测试验仪Insulating resistance meter 内应力internal stress疲劳fatigue蠕变creep试样specimen撕裂强度tear strength缩痕shrink mark, sink mark 耐久性durability抽样sampling样品数量sample sizeAQL Acceptable Quality level 批量lot size抽样计划sampling planOC曲线operation curve试验顺序sequence of tests环境温度ambient temperature 可焊性solderability阻燃性flame resistance五、生产注塑机injection machine冲床Punch machine混料机blender mixer尼龙nylon黄铜 brass青铜 bronze紫(纯)铜 copper料斗hopper麻点pit配料compounding涂层coating飞边flash预热preheating再生料reworked material 再生塑料reworked plastics 工艺设计process design 紧急停止emergency stop 延时time delay。

PCB连接器专用英语对照PCB连接器专用英语词汇印刷电路板 Printed Circuit Board (PCB)PCB连接器 PCB Connector线对板连接器 Wire-to-Board Connector板对板连接器 Board-to-Board Connector柔性扁平电缆 Flexible Flat Cable(FFC)FFC端子 FFC ContactFFC壳体 FFC HousingZIF连接器 ZIF Connector高拔出力 High extraction force三重插接连接器 Trio-Mate Connector柔性电路板 Flexible Printed Circuit(FPC)0.25mm 间距柔性印刷电路 (FPC) 连接器0.25mm pitch Flexible Printed Circuit (FPC) Connector0.3mm 间距 FPC 连接器 0.3mm Pitch FPC Connector0.5mm 间距 FPC 连接器 0.5mm Pitch FPC Connector1.0mm 间距 FPC 连接器 1.0mm Pitch FPC Connector1.25mm 间距 FPC 连接器 1.25mm Pitch FPC Connector可适应 FPC/FFC 电缆 Can accommodate FPC/FFC cable具有 ZIF 和非 ZIF 样式 Available in ZIF and non-ZIF styles多种引脚间距选择 Variety of centerline spacing options采用SMT和T/H PCB端接 Available in SMT and T/H PCB termination无需工具 Requires no tooling低电压差分信号 Low-Voltage Differential Signaling(LVDs)PCB连接器专用英语句子这些连接器在低压差分信号 (LVDS) 和嵌入式Display Port (eDP) 应用中都能提供卓越的性能。

一:常用術語Engineer standard 工標Document center (database center)資料中心Design Center 設計中心Painting 烤漆(廠) Assembly組裝(廠)Stamping 沖壓(廠)Education and Training 教育訓練proposal improvement/creative suggestion 提案改善Technological exchange and study 技術交流研習會Technology and Development Committee 技術發展委員會BS Brain Storming 腦力激蕩QCC Quality Control Circle 品質圈PDCA Plan Do Check Action 計劃執行檢查總結DCC delivery control center 交貨管制中心3CComputer 電腦類產品Consumer electronics 消費性電子產品Communication 通訊類產品FOUR CONTROL YSTEM 四大管制系統Engineering control system 工程管制系統Quality control system 品質管制系統Manufacturing control system 生產管制系統Management control system 經營管制系統7SClassification 整理(sorting, organization)-seiriRegulation 整頓(arrangement, tidiness)-seitonCleanliness 清掃(sweeping, purity)-seisoConservation 清洁(cleaning, cleanliness)-seiktsuCulture 教養(discipline)-shitsukeSave 節約Safety 安全二:英文縮寫品質人員名稱類QC quality control 品質管理人員FQC final quality control 終點品質管制人員IPQC in process quality control 制程中的品質管制人員OQC output quality control 最終出貨品質管制人員IQC incoming quality control 進料品質管制人員TQC total quality control 全面質量管理PQ passage quality control 段檢人員QA quality assurance 質量保證人員OQA output quality assurance 出貨質量保證人員QE quality engineering 品質工程人員品質保證類FAI first article inspection 新品首件檢查FAA first article assurance 首件確認CP capability index 能力指數CPK capability process index 模具製程能力參數SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供應商品質評估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FQC運作類AQL Acceptable Quality Level 運作類允收品質水準S/S Sample size 抽樣檢驗樣本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 極嚴重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 輕微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品質/可靠度/服務P/N Part Number 料號L/N Lot Number 批號AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件檢查報告PPM Percent Per Million 百萬分之一制程統計品管專類SPC Statistical Process Control 統計製程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 統計品質管制GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重測性判斷量可靠與否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直徑N Number 樣品數其它品質術語類QIT Quality Improvement Team 品質改善小組ZD Zero Defect 零缺點QI Quality Improvement 品質改善QP Quality Policy 目標方針TQM Total Quality Management 全面品質管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料認可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件類ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程變更通知(供應商) ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改動要求(客戶) PCN Process Change Notice 工序改動通知PMP Product Management Plan 生產管制計劃SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 製程檢驗標準程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 製造作業規範IS Inspection Specification 成品檢驗規範BOM Bill Of Material 物料清單PS Package Specification 包裝規範SPEC Specification 規格DWG Drawing 圖面系統文件類ES Engineering Standard 工程標準IWS International Workman Standard 工藝標準ISO International Standard Organization 國際標準化組織GS General Specification 一般規格部類PMC Production & Material Control 生產和物料控制PCC Product control center 生產管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生產計劃控制MC Material Control 物料控制DC Document Center 資料中心QE Quality Engineering 品質工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 品質保證(處)QC Quality Control 品質管制(課)PD Product Department 生產部LAB Laboratory 實驗室IE Industrial Engineering 工業工程R&D Research & Design 設計開發部生產類PCS Pieces 個(根,塊等)PRS Pairs 雙(對等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 棧板PO Purchasing Order 采購訂單MO Manufacture Order 生產單D/C Date Code 生產日期碼ID/C Identification Code (供應商)識別碼SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批號P/N Part Number 料號OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原始設備製造商PC Personal Computer 個人電腦CPU Central Processing Unit 中央處理器A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 盡可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 電子郵件N/A Not Applicable 不適用QTY Quantity 數量I/O input/output 輸入/輸出NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 極嚴重不允許APP Approve 核準,認可,承認CHK Check 確認ASS'Y Assembly 裝配,組裝T/P True Position 真位度5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message4MTH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 人力,物力,財務,技術,時間(資源) SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品質保證DQA Design Quality Assurance 設計品質保證MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 製造品質保證SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 銷售及服務品質保證LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率SPS Switching power supply 電源箱DT Desk Top 臥式(機箱)MT Mini-Tower 立式(機箱)DVD Digital Video DiskVCD Video Compact DiskLCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶顯示器CAD Computer Aided Design 計算機輔助設計CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 計算機輔助製造CAE Computer Aided Engineering 計算機輔助工程PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷電路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善報告NG Not Good 不良WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出貨要求PPM Percent Per Million 百萬分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生產保養MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需計劃OS Operation System 作業系統TBA To Be Assured 待定,定缺D/C Drawing Change 圖面變更P/P Plans & ProcedureEMI Electrical-Music Industry 電子音樂工業Electrical Magnetic Interference 電子干扰RFI Read Frequency Input 讀頻輸入MMC Maximum Material ConditionMMS Maximum Material SizeLMC Least Material ConditionLMS Least Material SizeLED lighting-emitting diode 發光二极管QBR Quarter Business RecordCIP Continuous improvement processFGI Forecasted Goal InventoryCNC Computerized numeral controllerB2C Business to customerB2B Business to businessA VL Approved vendor listPOP Procedure of packagingEOL End of lifeVDCS Vender defect correcting sheetPDCS Process defect correcting sheetGRN Goods receiving note 貨物收貨單A/R Account receivable 應收款A/P Account payable 應付款三:專業詞匯通用類President 董事長Operator 作業員Position 職務G eneral manager 總經理special assistant 特助deputy manager |'depjuti|=vice manager 副理deputy supervisor =vice supervisor 副課長group leader 組長line leader 線長supervisor 課長responsible department負責單位Human Resources Department 人力資源部Head count 人頭數production department生產部門planning department企劃部QC Section品管課stamping factory沖壓廠painting factory烤漆廠molding factory成型廠administration/general affairs dept./ 總務部production unit生產單位meeting minutes會議記錄distribution department分發單位subject 主題conclusion 結論decision items 決議事項pre-fixed finishing date預定完成日Color management 顏色管理Visual management 目視管理production capacity生產力first count初盤first check初盤復櫂second count 復盤second check 復盤復核quantity of physical inventorysecond count 復盤點數量physical inventory 盤點數量physical count quantity帳面數量difference quantity 差異量spare parts physical inventorylist 備品盤點清單cause analysis 原因分析waste materials 廢料description 品名specification 規格model 機種work order 工令revision 版次remark備注registration登記registration card 登記卡to control 管制applicationformfconsume, consumption消耗to notify 通知to fill in 填寫to collect, to gather 收集statistics 統計cosmetic inspection standard外觀檢驗規範computer case 電腦外殼(組件)personal computer enclosure電腦機箱產品front plate前板rear plate后板chassis |'∫æsi| 基座bezel panel面板Hood 上蓋base pan 基座bezel 面板riser card 擴充卡flat cable 排線TOP driver cage 上磁架bottom driver cage 下磁架resin film 樹脂膜raw materials 原料materials 物料steel plate 鋼板roll/coil material 捲料spare parts =buffer 備品plastic parts 塑膠件sheet metal parts/stamping parts沖件material check list物料檢查表finished product 成品semi-finished product半成品good product/accepted goods/accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-goodparts 不良品disposed goods 處理品warehouse/hub 倉庫packing material 包材basket 蝴蝶竺plastic basket 膠筐flow chart 流程表單production tempo 生產進度現狀lots of production 生產批量manufacture procedure制程to revise, modify 修訂to switch over to, switch—to,switching over 切換engineering bottleneck, projectdifficulty 工程瓶頸glove(s) 手套gl Band-Aid創可貼Industrial alcohol工業酒精Broom 掃把Mop 拖把vacuum cleaner 吸塵器rag 抹布garbage container 灰箕garbage can 垃圾箱garbage bag 垃圾袋liaison 聯絡單rags 抹布lamp holder 燈架to mop the floor 拖地to clean a table 擦桌子air pipe 氣管delivery deadline 交貨期die worke 模工production, to produce 生產equipment 設備resistance 電阻beacon 警示燈coolant 冷卻液crusher 破碎機club car 餐車plate 電鍍power button 電源按鍵reset button 重置鍵forklift 叉車Workshop traveler天車(行車)trailer =long vehicle 拖板車Hydraulic trolley 手壓車hydraulic hand jack油壓板車casing = containerization 裝箱velocity 速度patent 專利coordinate 座標supply and demand 供求career card 履歷卡barricade 隔板carton box 紙箱to pull and stretch 拉深work cell/work shop 工作間sub-line 支線bottleneck 瓶頸模具工程類plain die 簡易模pierce die 沖孔模forming die 成型模progressive die 連續模stage die 工程模compound die 復合模shearing die 剪邊模riveting die 鉚合模feature die 公母模male die 公模female die 母模cavity 型控母模core 模心公模die change 換模to fix a die 裝模to repair a die 修模punch set 上模座punch pad 上墊板punch holder 上夾板stripper pad 脫料背板up stripper 上脫料板upper plate 上模板lower plate 下模板die pad 下墊板die holder 下夾板die set 下模座bottom block 下墊腳bottom plate 下托板(底板)upper supporting blank上承板upper padding plate blank上墊板top plate 上托板(頂板)top block 上墊腳stripping plate 內外打(脫料板)outer stripper 外脫料板inner stripper 內脫料板lower stripper 下脫料板punch 沖頭insert 入塊(嵌入件)deburring punch 壓毛邊沖子groove punch 壓線沖子stamped punch 字模沖子round punch 圓沖子special shape punch 異形沖子bending block 折刀roller 滾軸baffle plate 擋塊located block 定位塊supporting block for location定位支承塊air cushion plate 氣墊板air-cushion eject-rod氣墊頂桿trimming punch 切邊沖子stiffening rib punch = stinger加強筋衝子ribbon punch 壓筋沖子reel-stretch punch卷圓壓平沖子guide plate 定位板sliding block 滑塊sliding dowel block滑塊固定塊die locker 鎖模器pressure plate =plate pinch壓板thickness gauge 厚薄規cutting die, blanking die沖裁模die block 模塊folded block 折彎塊sliding block 滑塊location pin 定位銷lifting pin 頂料銷die plate, front board 模板padding block 墊塊stepping bar 墊條panel board 鑲塊to load a die 裝上模具to unload a die 御模具active plate 活動板lower sliding plate 下滑塊板upper holder block 上壓塊upper mid plate 上中間板spring box 彈簧箱spring-box eject-rod彈簧箱頂桿spring-box eject-plate彈簧箱頂板bushing block 襯套cover plate 蓋板guide pad 導料塊pilot 導正筒trim 剪外邊pierce 剪內邊pocket for the punch head挂鉤槽slug hole 廢料孔radius 半徑shim/wedge/heel/pad/spacer/gas ket 楔子torch-flame cut 火焰切割set screw 止付螺絲form block 折刀round pierce punch =die button圓沖子shape punch =die insert異形子stock located block 定位塊metal plate 鈑金miller 銑床grinder 磨床tolerance 公差score =groove 壓線sliding block滑塊lathe車active plate 活動板baffle plate 擋塊cover plate 蓋板groove punch 壓線沖子air-cushion eject-rod氣墊頂桿spring-box eject-plate彈簧箱頂板capability 能力parameter 參數factor 系數driller 鉆床set up die 架模height of die setting up架模高度analog-mode device 類模器inner guiding post 內導柱inner hexagon screw內六角螺釘dowel pin 固定銷coil spring 彈簧lifter pin 頂料銷eq-height sleeves =spool等高套筒pin銷lifter guide pin 浮升導料銷guide pin 導正銷wire spring 圓線彈簧outer guiding post 外導柱stop screw 止付螺絲located pin 定位銷outer bush 外導套press specification 沖床規格die height 閉模高度flow mark 流痕welding mark 溶合痕post screw insert螺紋套筒埋值self tapping screw 自攻螺絲stripper plate 脫料板piston 活塞handle mold 手持式模具flash mold 溢流式模具positive mold 擠壓式模具split mold 分割式模具die lifter 舉模器top stop 上死點bottom stop 下死點one stroke 一行程to continue, cont. 連動to grip(material) 吸料location lump, locating piece,location block 定位塊reset 復位to file burr 銼毛刺embedded lump |in'bed| |l mp|鑲塊stamping-missing 漏沖to tight a bolt 擰緊螺栓to loosen a bolt 擰鬆螺栓punched hole 沖孔to cut edge =side cut =side scrap切邊to bending 折彎to pull, to stretch 拉伸engraving, to engrave 刻印stamping 油印to stake 鉚合designing, to design 設計design modification設計脩改成gauge(or jig) 治具pedal 踩踏板stopper 阻擋器flow board 流水板torque 扭矩spline =the multiple keys花鍵quenching 淬火tempering 回火annealing 退火carbonization 碳化alloy 合金tungsten high speed steel鎢高速的moly high speed steel鉬高速的forming成型(抽凸,沖凸)draw hole 抽孔bending 折彎emboss凸點dome凸圓semi-shearing半剪stamp mark沖記號deburr or coin壓毛邊punch riveting沖壓鉚合side stretch側沖壓平reel stretch卷圓壓平groove壓線stamp letter沖字(料號)tick-mark nearside正面壓印tick-mark farside反面壓印extension DWG展開圖procedure DWG工程圖die structure DWG模具結構圖沖壓類punch, press沖punching machine 沖床hydraulic machine油壓機jack升降機decoiler整平機manufacture management製造管理stamping, press沖壓feeder送料機rack, shelf, stack料架taker取料機to reverse material 翻料to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |'skræpid|報廢scrape ..v.刮;削robot機械手production line流水線packaging tool打包機packaging打包成型類well type蓄料井insulated runner絕緣澆道方式hot runner熱澆道runner plat澆道模塊valve gate閥門澆口band heater環帶狀的電熱器spindle閥針spear head鉋尖頭slag well冷料井cold slag冷料渣air vent排氣道welding line熔合痕eject pin頂出針knock pin頂出銷return pin回位銷反頂針sleeve套筒stripper plate脫料板insert core放置入子runner stripper plate澆道脫料板guide pin導銷eject rod (bar)(成型機)頂業捧subzero深冷處理three plate三極式模具runner system澆道系統stress crack應力電裂orientation定向sprue gate射料澆口,直澆口nozzle射嘴sprue lock pin料頭鉤銷(拉料杆)slag well冷料井side gate側澆口edge gate側緣澆口tab gate搭接澆口film gate薄膜澆口flash gate閘門澆口slit gate縫隙澆口fan gate扇形澆口dish gate因盤形澆口diaphragm gate隔膜澆口ring gate環形澆口submarine gate潛入式澆口tunnel gate隧道式澆口pin gate針點澆口runner less無澆道sprue less 無射料管方式long nozzle延長噴嘴方式spur澆口;溶waste廢料board看板sliding rack滑料架to impose lines壓線to compress, compressing壓縮character die字模to feed, feeding送料material change, stock change材料變更feature change 特性變更prepare for, make preparations for準備rotating speed, revolution轉速abnormal handling異常處理組裝類Assembly line 組裝線 Layout 布置圖Conveyer 流水線運輸帶 Rivet machine 拉釘機 Rivet gun 拉釘槍 Screw driver 起子Electric screw driver 電動起子 Hydraulic machine 液壓機 Pn e u m a t i c s c r e w d r i v e r 氣 automation 自動化to stake, staking, riveting 鉚合 add lubricant oil 加潤滑油 argon welding 氬焊 cylinder 油缸 robot 機械手 conveying belt 輸送帶 transmission rack 輸送架 to draw holes 抽孔 bolt 螺栓 nut 螺母 screw 螺絲identification tag 標示單 screwdriver plug 起子插座 automatic screwdriver 電動啟子 to move, to carry, to handle 搬運 be put in storage 入庫 packing 包裝staker = riveting machine 鉚合機 fit together 組裝在一起 fasten 鎖緊(螺絲) fixture 夾具(治具) pallet/skid 棧板barcode 條碼barcode scanner 條碼掃描器 fuse together 熔合fuse machine/heat stake 熱熔機 processing, to process 加工 delivery, to deliver 交貨to return delivery to. to send de l i v e r y b a ck t o r e t u r n o f g o o d easily damaged parts 易損件 standard parts 標準件 to lubricate 潤滑 spring 彈簧spare tools location/buffer 手工備品倉spare molds location 模具備品倉 tox machine 自鉚機烤漆類 phosphate 皮膜化成 viscosity 涂料粘度 alkalidipping 脫脂 main manifold 主集流脈 organic solvent 有機溶劑 demagnetization 去磁;消磁 high-speed transmission 高速傳遞 heat dissipation 熱傳 rack 上料 volatile 揮發性 degrease 脫脂 rinse水洗 alkaline etch 齡咬desmot 剝黑膜 D.I. rinse 純水次 Chromate 鉻酸處理 Anodize 陽性處理 seal 封孔scraped products 報放品 disposed products 處理品 dismantle the die 折模 auxiliary function 輔助功能 heater band 加熱片 thermocouple 熱電偶 derusting machine 除銹機 degate 打澆口 dryer 烘干機 induction 感應 induction light 感應光 response =reaction =interaction 感應 ram 連杆 edge finder 巡邊器 concave 凸convex 凹 cold slug 冷塊 blush 導色 gouge 溝槽;鑿槽 satin texture 段面咬花 witness line 證示線 grit沙礫 granule =pellet =grain 細粒 sand blasting 噴沙 grit maker 抽粒機 cushion 緩沖 fillet 鑲;嵌邊roller pin formality 滾針形式 cam driver 鍘楔 shank 摸柄 crank shaft 曲柄軸品質類qualified products, up-to-grade products良品defective products, notup-to-grade products不良品defective product box不良品箱poor processing 制程不良poor incoming part來件不良exposed metal/bare metal金屬裸露excessive defect過多的缺陷critical defect極嚴重缺陷major defect主要缺陷minor defect次要缺陷not up to standard不合規格cosmetic defect外觀不良lack of painting烤漆不到位slipped screw head/slippery slipped thread滑絲missing part漏件wrong part錯件oxidation氧化defective threading抽芽不良poor staking鉚合不良deficient purchase來料不良deficient manufacturing procedure 制程不良cosmetic inspection外觀檢查inner parts inspection內部檢查blister 氣泡angular offset 角度偏差dent 壓痕scratch 刮傷deformation 變形filings 鐵削defective label 不良標簽abrasion 磨損Breaking. (be)broken,(be)cracked斷裂short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕疪shine亮班splay 銀紋gas mark焦痕delaminating起鱗speckle斑點mildewed =moldy = mouldy發霉deformation變形burr(金屬)flash(塑件)毛邊poor staking鉚合不良excessive gap間隙過大grease/oil stains油污inclusion雜質shrinking/shrinkage縮水mixed color雜色fold of packaging belt打包帶折皺painting make-up補漆discoloration羿色water spots水漬impurity 雜質Mismatch 錯位failure, trouble 故障deformation 變形rust 生銹peel 脫漆Shrink 縮水Contamination 臟污water spots 水漬Gap 間隙label error 標簽錯誤Missing label 漏貼rejection criteria 拒收標准Suspected rejects 可疑庇abrasion 損傷、磨損Texture surface 印花紋表面Streak 條紋stains 污點Blotch 斑點discoloration 脫色Inclusion 雜質slug mark 壓痕dirt grime 灰塵blush 毛邊薄膜sink 下凹Hickey 漏漆labels and logos 貼紙與商標Configuration labels 組合貼紙corrugated container 瓦擺紙箱Delaminating 脫層splattering 散點Gouge 銼孔puckering 折痕CONNECTOR中英文對照表。

IT专业英语词汇精选(L1)L Labelling 标记L Lambert 朗伯(亮度单位)L Language 语言L Length 长度L Line 线路L Load 负载L Local 局部L Lumen 流明(光通亮单位)L Luminance 发光度.l Lex的源码文件格式〖后缀〗.l Lisp的源码文件格式〖后缀〗.l WATCOM wlink的链接器指令文件格式〖后缀〗L&A Lundeen & Associates 伦丁联合公司(美国,出品企业内部网设备)L2 Cache Level 2 Cache 二级高速缓存(通常由SRAM组成)L2F Level 2 Forwarding 二级转发,第二层转发(思科公司开发的网络协议)L2TF Layer Two Tunneling Protocol 第二层隧道协议(IETF的)L6 Laboratories Low Level Linked List Language 实验室低级连接表语言(美国贝尔电话公司研制)L8R latter 后者〖网语〗LA L. Alderman L. 奥尔德曼(美国南加州大学教授,1994年首次推出分子计算机)LA Laboratory Automation 实验室自动化la Lao People's Republic 老挝人民共和国(域名)LA Launch Antenna 发射天线LA Layered Architecture 层体系结构LA Library Association of the United Kingdom 英国图书馆协会LA Line Adapter 线路适配器LA Line Amplifier 线路放大器LA Linear Amplifier 线性放大器LA Link Acknowledgement 链路确认LA Link Address 链接地址LA Link Allotter 链路分配器LA Load Address 装入地址LA Local Address 本地地址,局部地址LA Local Area 本地区,区域LA Logical Address 逻辑地址LA Logout Analysis 退网程序分析,事件记录分析LA Lucas Arts 卢卡斯艺术公司(美国,1982年成立,世界著名娱乐光盘制造商,二十世纪十大电脑游戏公司之一)LAA LASER Attenuator Assembly 激光衰减器组件LAA Library Association of Australia 澳大利亚图书馆协会LAA Link Attention Acknowledgement 链路警示信号确认LAB Local Area Broadcast 局部区域广播LAB Logic Array Block 逻辑阵列块.lab NCSS和SOLO的数据文件格式〖后缀〗.lab Q+E for MS Excel的邮件标签文件格式〖后缀〗LABS Low –Altitude Bombing System 低空轰炸系统LAC Launcher Assignment Console 发射台作业控制台LAC Line Address Counter 行地址计数器LAC Load Accumulator 装入程序累加器LAC Low Complement of Address 地址少量补充LACE Library Advisory Council for England 英国图书馆咨询委员会LACE Local Automatic Circuit Exchange 当地自动线路交换机LACN Local Area Communication Network 局域通信网络LACN Local Area Computer Network 局域计算机网络LACR Low Altitude Coverage Radar 低空探测雷达LAD Language Acquisition Device 语言捕获装置LAD Load Address 装入地址LAD Logical Analysis Device 逻辑分析设备LAD Low Accuracy Data 低精度数据LADD Local Area Data Distribution 本地区数据分配LADS Local Area Data Set 本地区数据设置LADS Local Area Distributed System 本地区分布式系统LADT Local Area Data Transport 本地区数据传送LAE Least Absolute Error 最小绝对误差LAEC Los Angeles Electronic Club 洛杉矶电子俱乐部LAMA Local Automatic Message Accounting 当地报文自动计数LAMC Language and Mode Converter 语言与方式转换器LAMP Library Addition and Maintenance Point 程序库补充维护点LAMP Logic Analyzer for Maintenance Planning 用于维护计划的逻辑分析程序LAN Local Area Network 局域网,本地网,局网LANACS LAN Asynchronous Connection Server 局域网异步连接服务器LAND LAN Directory 局域网目录LANDP LAN Distributed Platform 局域网分布平台(IBM的)LANE Local Area Network Emulation 局域网仿真Lanet (Limitless ATM Network) 无限的异步传输模式网络LANI LAN Interconnection 局域网互连LAN-IC LAN Interconnect Service 局域网互连业务LANNET Large Artificial Nerve NETwork 大型人工神经网络LANS Local Area Network Server 局域网服务器LANSH Local Area Network Switch Hub 局域网开关集线器LAP Learning Activity Package 学习活动程序包LAP Line Access Point 线路接入点LAP Link Access Procedure 链路访问规程,链路接入规程LAP Link Access Protocol 链路存取协议LAP A (Byte Oriented Link Access Procedure) 面向字节的链路访问规程LAP B (Bit Oriented Link Access Procedure) 面向位的链路访问规程LAPB Link Access Procedure Balanced 平衡式链路访问规程,均衡式链路接入协议LAPD Link Access Procedure for D channel D通道链路访问规程,数字信道链路接入规程〖ISDN〗LAPF Link Access Procedure for Frame –mode 针对帧方式的链路访问规程LAPM Link Access Procedure for Modems 用于调制解调器的链路访问规程LAMP Link Access Protocol for Modems 用于调制解调器的链路访问协议LAPS Light Addressable Potentionmetric Sensor 光寻址电位分析传感器LAR Last Address Register 最后地址寄存器LAR Least Absolute Residual 最小绝对剩余,最小绝对残差LAR Local Acquisition Radar 局部捕获雷达,局部探测雷达LAR Local Address Register 当地地址寄存器LARAM Line Addressable RAM 行定址随机存取存储器LARCT LAst Radio ConTact 最后一次无线电联系LARPS Local And Remote Printing Station 本地和远程打印站LARR Large Area Record Reader 大面积纪录阅读器LARS Laser Angular Rate Sensor 激光角速率检测器LARS Launch Area Recovery System 发射区回收系统LARS Local Area Radio System 局域无线电系统LAS Launch Auxiliary System 发射辅助系统LAS Learning Apprentice System 新手学习系统LAS Light Activated Switch 光敏开关LAS Local Address Space 当地地址空间LAS Logical compare Accumulator with Storage 累加器与存储器的逻辑比较LAS Loop Actuating Signal 环路启动信号LASAM Laser Semi –Active Missile 激光半主动式制导导弹LASCR Light Activated Silicon Controlled Rectifier 光敏可控硅整流器LASD Local Access Statistical Demultiplexer 本地接入统计式解双工器,局部接入统计反复用器LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation 激光,激光器,受激辐射式光放大器LASL Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 洛斯阿拉莫斯科学实验室LASS Light –Activated Silicon Switch 由光触发的硅开关LAT Local Area Transport 局域传送,本地区传送LATA Local Access Transmit Area 本地访问传送区域LATOS Language for Temporal Ordering Specification 用于暂时定制规范的语言LAU LAN Access Unit 局域网接入单元LAU Language Assignation Unique 单赋值语言LAU Line Adapter Unit 线路适配器单元LAURA Linear Automatic Reliability Analysis 线性自动可靠性分析LAWN Local Area Wireless Network 局域无线网LAX LAN Access eXchange 局域网存取交换机.lay APPLAUSE的字表页面布局文件格式〖后缀〗LB Laminar Bus 分层总线lb Lebanon 黎巴嫩(域名)LB Line Buffer 线路缓冲器LB Line Block 线路阻塞LB Line Busy 占线LB Linear Burst 线性突发LB Link Block 链路阻塞LB List Box 列表框〖编程〗LB Load Balance 加载平衡LB Local Battery 局部电池LB Local Bus 本地总线,局部总线LB Lower Byte 低位字节LBA Least Busy Alternative 最不忙选择对象LBA Local Battery Apparatus 本地电池设备LBA Logical Block Address(ing) 逻辑块寻址〖硬盘〗LBC Left Bounded Context 左限界上下文LBC Line Balance Converter 线路平衡转换器LBC Line Bus Controller 线路总线控制器LBC Local Bus Controller 本地总线控制器LBD Logic Block Diagram 逻辑方框图.lbg dBase IV的卷标发生器数据文件格式〖后缀〗LBID Local Buffer IDentifier 局部缓冲区标识符LBIR Laser Beam Image Recorder 激光束图像记录器LBIR Laser Beam Image Reproducer 激光束图像重现器.lbl dBase IV、Clipper 5、dBFast和FOXBASE的标签文件格式〖后缀〗LBM Local Buffer Memory 局部缓冲区(器)存储器.lbm DeluxePaint位图图形文件格式〖后缀〗.lbm XLib线性位图图形文件格式〖后缀〗.lbo dBase IV的编译标记文件格式〖后缀〗LBR Laser Beam Recording 激光束纪录LBR Low Bit Rate 低位率格式(Xing公司专用).lbr 由LU (lue220.arc)生成的压缩存档文件格式〖后缀〗LBRV Low –Bit –Rate V oice 低比特率语音(编码技术)LBS Load Balance System 加载平衡系统LBS Load Balancing and Scheduling 加载的平衡和调度LBT Line Busy Tone 线路忙音LBT Listen –Before –Talk 先听后说LBT LoopBack Test 回送测试.lbt FoxPro的标签备忘录文件格式〖后缀〗LBX Local Bus Accelerator 局域总线加速器.lbx FoxPro的卷标文件格式〖后缀〗LC Leased Channel 租用信道LC Letter of Credit 信用证LC Level Control 电平控制LC Library of Congress 国会图书馆(美国)LC Line Concentrator 线路集中器,集线器LC Line Connector 线路连接器,接线器LC Link Control(ler) 链路控制(器)LC Liquid Crystal 液晶LC Local Call 室内电话LC Local Control 本地控制LC Logic Channel 逻辑通道LC Logic Corporation 逻辑组合LC Loop Check 环路检查LC Low Complexity 低复杂性〖MPEG〗LC Lower Case 小写体LC Lower Control 下限控制LC Luminance Channel 亮度通道lc St. Lucia 圣卢西亚(域名)LCA Line Control Adapter 线路控制适配器LCA Lotus Communications Architecture 莲花公司的通信体系结构LCB Line Control Block 线路控制块LCB Link Control Block 连接控制块LCB Logic Control Block 逻辑控制块LCC Laboratory Control Computer 实验室控制计算机LCC Language for Conversational Computing 会话式计算语言LCC Launch Control Center 发射控制中心LCC Leaderless Chip Carrier 无管脚芯片载体,无引线芯片载体LCC Library of Congress Classification 国会图书馆分类法(美国)LCC Life Cycle Costs 寿命周期成本LCC Line Concentration Controller 线路集中控制器LCC Link Controller Connector 链路控制器连接口LCC Local Communication Console 本地通信控制台LCC Logical Channel Control Module 逻辑通道控制语言LCC Lost Call Cleared 丢失的呼叫被清除LCCC Leaderless Ceramic Chip Carrier 无引线陶瓷芯片载体LCCC Library of Congress Computer Catalog 国会图书馆计算机编目(美国)LCCCN Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 国会图书馆目录卡片编号LCCM LAN Control Client Manager 局域网控制客户机管理器LCCP LANtastic Customer Control Panel LANtastic顾客控制面板LCCS Large Capacity Core Storage 大容量磁芯存储体LCD Legacy Corporation Database 公司祖传数据库,企业商贸数据库LCD Light Coupled Device 光耦合器件LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示(器)LCD Local Clock Distribution 本地时钟分配LCD Loss of Cell Delineation 单元描绘丢失LCD Lost Call Delayed 丢失的呼叫延时LCDM Logarithmic Companded Delta Modulation 对数压扩后的增量调制LCDTL Load Compensation Diode Transistor Logic 负载补偿二极管晶体管逻辑(电路)LCF Logical Channel Fill 逻辑通道填充LCF Low Cost Fiber 低成本光纤.lcf Norton Guides compiler的链接器控制文件格式〖后缀〗LCFS Last Come First Served 后来先服务LCGD Liquid Crystal Graphic Display 液晶图形显示LCGI Local Common Gateway Interface 本地通用网关接口LCGN Logical Channel Group Number 逻辑通道组编号LCGS Laboratories Command Guidance System 实验室指挥领导系统LCH LatCH 锁存器LCH Logical CHannel 逻辑通道LCH Logical CHannel queue 逻辑通道队列LCH Lost Call Held 丢失的呼叫挂起LCID Local Character set IDentifier 局部字符集标识符LCK Library Construction Kit 库构筑工具包.lck Paradox的文件锁格式〖后缀〗LCL Library Control Language 程序库控制语言LCL Linkage Control Language 连接控制语言LCL Logical Connection Layer 逻辑连接层LCL Longitudinal Conversion Loss 纵向转换损失LCL Lower Control Limit 控制下限.lcl FTP Software PC/TCP的数据文件格式〖后缀〗LCLV Liquid Crystal Light Valve 液晶光阀LCM LANdesk Client Manager LANdesk的客户机管理器LCM LANdesk Configuration Manager LANdesk的配置管理器LCM Large Capacity Memory 大容量存储器LCM Large Core Memory 大容量磁心存储器LCM Line Control Memory 线路控制存储器LCM Line Control Module 线路控制模块LCM Link Control Module 链路控制模块LCM Liquid Crystal Module 液晶模块LCM Load Control Module 加载控制模块LCM Local Customer Manager 当地客户管理器LCM Logical Channel Map 逻辑通道映射LCMD Logarithmic Companded Delta Modulation 对数压扩增量调制LCMP Loosely Coupled MultiProcessor 松散配合多处理器LCN Local Communications Network 本地通信网LCN Local Computer Network 本地计算机网络LCN Logical Channel Number 逻辑通道编号LCN Logically Connected Node 逻辑连接节点LCN Loosely –Coupled Network 松散耦合网络.lcn WordPerfect的经文文件格式〖后缀〗LCOS Line Class Of Service 线路业务种类LCP Language Conversion Program 语言转换程序LCP Line Control Processor 线路控制处理器LCP Link Configuration Protocol 链路配置协议LCP Link Control Procedure 链路控制规程LCP Link Control Program 链路控制程序LCP Link Control Protocol 链路控制协议LCP Loading Control Program 装入控制程序LCP Logical Construction of Program 程序逻辑结构LCPBX Large Computerized Private Branch eXchange 大型计算机化私用分支交换机LCR Inductance –Capacitance –Resistance 电感、电容、电阻LCR Least Cost Routing 最低成本路由选择LCR Line Call Rate 线路呼叫率LCRIS Loop Cable Record Inventory System 环路电缆纪录式存货清点系统LCS Landing Control System 着陆控制系统LCS Large Capacity(Core) Storage 大容量(磁芯)存储体LCS Laser Communications System 激光通信系统LCS Learning Classifier System 学习分类器系统LCS Library Computer System 图书馆计算机系统LCS Line Conditioning Signal 线路调节信号LCS Local Communication Server 本地通信服务器LCS Low order Connection Supervision 低位连接监督LCS Loudness Contour Selector 响度范围选择器.lcs ACT!历史文件的数据文件格式〖后缀〗LCSU Local Concentrator Switching Unit 本地集线器切换装置LCT Line and Circuit Tester 线路电路检测器LCT Line Control Table 线路控制表LCT Local Civil Time 当地民用时间LCT Logic Channel Terminal 逻辑通道终端LCTL Longitudinal Conversion Transfer Loss 纵向转换传送损失LCU Level Conversion Unit 电平转换器LCU Line Control Unit 线路控制器,行控制器LCU Local Control Unit 本地控制器LCU Loop Control Unit 环路控制器LCW Line Control Word 线路控制字,行控制字.lcw Lucid 3-D的电子表格文件格式〖后缀〗LD Laser Diode 激光二极管〖DVD〗LD Laser Disk 激光唱盘LD Light Director 灯光调度LD Limiter –Discriminator 限幅器-鉴别器LD Link Disconnect 链路断开LD Linear Decision 线性判定LD Logic Driver 逻辑驱动器LD Long Distance 长途电话局,远程LD Loop Disconnect 环路断开.ld Telix的长途码文件格式〖后缀〗.ld1 dBase的覆盖图文件格式〖后缀〗LDA LoaD A direct 直接送入累加器A〖指令〗LDA Local Data Administrator 本地数据管理员LDA Local Data Area 本地数据区LDA Local Display Adapter 本地显示器适配器LDA Locate Drum Address 查找磁鼓地址LDA Logical Device Address 逻辑设备地址LDAP Light(weight) Directory Access Protocol 简单目录访问协议,轻权目录访问协议,轻量级地址薄访问协议LDAPD Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Daemon 轻型目录访问协议后台驻留程序〖因特网〗LDB Large Data Base 大型数据库LDB Local Data Base 本地数据库LDB Logical Data Base 逻辑数据库.ldb 微软Access的数据文件格式〖后缀〗LDBS Large Data Base System 大型数据库系统LDBS Local Data Base System 本地数据库系统LDBU Legato Data Backup Utility 连续演奏(唱)数据备份工具LDC Latitude Data Computer (本文来自第一范文网,转载请保留此标记。

连接器行业专业英语高频词句(中英对照)Connecter 连接器Cable 导线Wire-to-wire 线至线Wire-to-board 线至板Mini-universal 小型通用Circular plastic connectors 塑料密封环连接器DL (dual-leaf) contact sockets 双叶式触点插座Drawn spring DIP contact socket 弹簧触点插座Zig-zag package sockets 锯齿形封装插座Positive lock connectors 确立锁定连接器Coax mix 同轴混合Shielded circular DIN connectors 屏蔽式圆型DIN连接器Memory card connectors 记忆装置插结连接器SIMM sockets 单列记忆模件插座Low profile 低高度CIS (commercial interconnection system) 商用连接系统Hinge connectors 铰连连接器Card-edge connectors 边缘插接连接器Euro card connectors 欧式插接连接器Modular interconnection system 组合连接系统interconnection system 互连系统RF connectors 射频连接器Twin-Ax connectors 双轴互连系统Low profile coaxial tap 低高度型有源同轴电缆线器4 position data connectors 4位数据连接器Insulation and wire support 绝缘体及导线套Ring-Tongue terminals 环形舌端子Wire size range 线径范围Slotted-Tongue terminals 叉式舌片端子Butt splices 对头接头Dentented Ring-Tongue terminals 卡爪环舌型端子Fits tab thickness 配合接片厚度Accepts terminals 配合端子Crimp-type tabs 压接式接片Free-Hanging and Panel-Mount Applications 自由悬挂及面板装嵌适用Cable clamp 电缆钳位夹PC Board vertical pin headers 垂直接插式接插头组件PC Board Right-Angle pin and socket headers 水平接插式接插头组件Panel-Mount connectors 面板装嵌连接器Insulation Displacement plugs 绝缘位移连接插头Dielectric withstanding voltage 介质承受电压Free-Hanging type cap housings 自由悬挂式套座壳体Semiautomatic crimping machine 半自动压接机Power supply 供给功率Air pir pressure 气压Panel mount type cap housings 面板装嵌套座壳体Post header for printed circuit board 印刷底板用柱头Mass termination assemblies 集体端接组件Post header assemblies 接插柱头组件Polarized right angle post header assembly 有极向性水平接插柱头组件Friction lock 锁尖装置Sigle leaf connectors 单叶片连接器CPC (circular plastic connectors) 塑料密封环型连接器Crimp Snap-In contacts 压接式套入触点Socket with straight solder tails 直立焊脚插座Retention feature solder tails 弯曲焊脚Sockets with retention feature solder tails 面板附定曲脚插座2High Pressure Tin (HPT) sockets 镀锡高压芯片Positive lock retention feature 彻底锁定装置Plug-Grounding Indents 插头外罩接地凹位Solder Cup connector 焊杯触点连接器Straight Exit RFI/EMI shield for Jacketed cable 直线引出RFI/EMI屏蔽外壳外套导线束适用Backshell assembly 后部外壳组件Board-Mount connectors with threaded inserts and board locks 底板安装连接器附内丝牙及板扣Board-Mount Receptacles 底板安装插座Non-Polarized Receptacles 无定位型插座Handset plug assembly 电话线插头组件Line cord plug assembly 听筒插头组件射频同轴连接器RF coaxial connector1.按尺寸分类 Connector types by size●标准连接器standard connector●小型连接器miniature connector●微型连接器sub-miniature connector●超小型连接器micro-miniature connector2. 结构和安装类型 Connector configurations & mounting styles2.1接电缆的连接器 Cabled connector●直式 straight●弯式 right angle (直角)●穿墙式 bulkhead n. 隔壁,防水壁,分壁2.2不接电缆的连接器 Uncabled connector●PC板安装 PC mount●表面贴装 surface mount●边缘安装(偏腿)end launch●法兰安装 flange mount3. 联接机构 Coupling mechanism●螺纹联接 threaded connection(e.g. SMA)●卡口式联接 bayonet coupling(e.g. BNC)●推入式联接 snap-on coupling(e.g. MMCX)●快速锁紧联接 quick-lock coupling(e.g. QMA)●滑入式联接 slide-on coupling (e.g. BMA)4. 组成部件 Parts●壳体 body/shell/housing●绝缘子 insulator●夹头绝缘子 clamp top insulator●中心接触件 center contacta.插针 male/pinb.插孔 female/jack●中心导体 center conductor●内导体 inner conductor●外导体 outer conductor●插座/插口 jack-panel jack 面板插口/插座-bulkhead jack 穿墙插座4●插头 receptacle5. 材料 Material●黄铜 copper●铍青铜 beryllium copper●锡磷青铜 phosphor bronze●聚四氟乙烯 PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene 特氟纶teflon ●不锈钢 stainless steel●合金 alloy●实心聚乙烯 solid PE●泡沫聚乙烯 foam PE /cellular polyethylene●白铜 white bronze●硅橡胶 silicon rubber●裸铜 BC=bare copper●易切削黄铜free cutting brass●稀土磁铁rare earth magnet●铝箔 aluminium foil●基材 base material●FR-4板材 FR-4 plate●硅脂 silicon grease●润滑硅脂 lubricating silicone grease6. 电镀 Plating/finishing●镀金 gold plated●镀镍 nickel plated●钝化 passivated●镀三元合金 SUCO plating●镍磷合金(无磁镍)镀层 SUCOPRO●铜,锡,锌镀层 copper-tin-zinc plating●滚镀 barrel plating●合金电镀 alloy plating7. 电气特性 Electrical characteristics●阻抗(欧姆) impedance (ohms)a.特性阻抗 characteristic impedanceb.标称阻抗 nominal impedance●频率范围 frequency range●工作频率 operating frequency●工作电压 working volt●额定电压 voltage rating●介质耐压 DWV=dielectric withstanding voltage (如:最大/小有效值为a伏 e.g. aVrms.max/min)●海平面耐电压:proof voltage at sea level●射频泄露 RF leakage●绝缘电阻 insulation resistance●插入损耗 insertion loss●电压驻波比 VSWR6●额定热电流 rated thermal current●介电常数 dielectric constant●击穿电压 breakdown voltage●额定电流 current rating●电容 capacitance●电感 inductance●电晕损耗 corona loss●熄灭电压 extinction voltage●屏蔽效应 shielding efficiency●低损耗 low loss8. 机械特性Mechanical characteristics●耐久性(次数)durability/mating life(cycles)●电缆保持力 cable retention force●啮合力 engagement force●分离力 separation force/ disengagement●轴向力 axial force ( insertion & withdrawal 插入&抽出力) ●扭矩 torque●径向扭矩力 radial torque●弯曲力矩 bending moment●弯曲半径 bending radius●抗张强度 tensile strength●机械应力 mechanical stress●机械互换性:mechanical compatibility●中心接触件固定性 center contact captivation●制动 cathers mit9. 环境性能及试验Environmental characteristics & test●工作温度范围 operating temperature range●贮存温度 storage temperature●密封,透气/不透气 sealing,hermetic/non-hermetic●防潮 moistureproof/ dampproof●耐湿 humidity resistance●防水 waterproof●耐高温 high temperature resistance●耐热性 heat resistance●抗腐蚀性 corrrosion resistance●阻燃 flame resistant●抗风化,耐风雨,不受气候影响的 weather proof●热冲击 thermal shock●冲击 shock●振动 vibration●稳态湿热 damp heat, steady state●恒温 costant temperature●大气压(力),气压 barometric pressure●热处理,低温退火 annealing8●盐雾试验 salt mist/spray test●高压绝缘试验,闪点试验,火花试验 flash test●破坏性试验 destructive test●气密性试验 air tightness test●放电试验 discharge test10. 附件 Accessory●线夹 crimp ferrule●垫片 gasket●热缩管 heat shrink tubing/ heat-shrinkable tubing ●护线套 barrel crimp●衬套 bushing/braid clamp●卡环 lock ring/ snap ring●卡圈/弹簧卡环/压紧圈/挡圈 retainer ring●卡圈 collar●限位环 spacing ring/ stop collar●防晃圈 anti-rock ring●弹性接触件 resilient contact●锁销 lockpin●锁紧垫圈 lock washer●弹簧/性垫圈 spring washer●密封圈 seal ring●开口垫圈 slotted washer●防尘帽 dustproof cover/ dust cap●螺母 nut/screw nut●螺纹套筒 threaded sleeve●滚花螺母 knurled nut●直纹滚花 straight knurls●网纹滚花 crossed knurls●防松螺母/自锁螺母 locknut●锁紧螺母,止动螺母,压紧螺母 jam nut●紧固螺母 clamp nut●螺丝钉screw●法兰盘/凸缘盘 flange plate●橡胶圈 gum ring●纯胶管,软管 gum rubber tubing●连接套 barrel splice / joint sleeve●波导管 waveguide●弹簧夹 spring finger●弹簧片 spring lamination●紧固件 fixture/fastener●紧固螺栓 fastening bolt/ binding bolt●密封塞子 sealing plug●密封盖 sealing cover●匹配针 matched pin10●两芯电源插座 2-Core Socket●无源元件 passive component11. 工装夹具 Work fixture●夹具 clamping yoke●冲压工具 stamping tool●去毛刺工具 deburr tool●螺丝刀 screwdriver●平口螺丝刀 slotted screwdrier●十字花螺丝刀 phillips screwdrier●铆合机 staker / riveting machine ●翻边器/卷边器 hemmer/fold back tool ●钳子/镊子 pliers●螺丝钳/夹钳 clamp●电缆钳 cable nipper●剪钳,老虎钳 cutting nipper●尖嘴钳 sharp-nose pliers●钢丝剪钳 wire nipper●锉刀 file●扳手 wrench●钢锯 hacksaw●铆钉钳 rivet clipper●铆钉机 rivet driver●整平器,剔除器 flush trimmer●修边模 flush trim die●卡接槽口 clamping Slot●卡接工具 clamping cool●卡线钳 clamping pincers●力矩扳手 torque spanner●拧上 screw on●拧下 screw off射频同轴电缆及组件RF coaxial cable & cable assemblies1. 电缆类型 Cable types●超柔电缆 super-flexible cable●柔软电缆 flexible cable●半柔电缆 semi-flexible cable●半刚电缆 semi-rigid cable●跳/馈线 jumper/feeder cable●波纹电缆 corrugated cable2. 电缆组件类型 Cable assembly types●半刚电缆组件 semi-rigid cable assembly●半柔电缆组件 semi-flexible cable assembly●柔性电缆组件 flexible cable assembly●低损耗、稳相电缆组件 low loss & stable phase cable assembly12●毫米波电缆组件 millimeter wave cable assembly3.电缆设计Cable design3.1外导体设计 Design of outer conductor●单屏蔽 single screen●双屏蔽 double screen●绕包带和屏蔽层 tape and screen●金属管(半刚)tube(semi-rigid)●波纹 corrugated3.2 内导体设计 Design of inner conductor●实芯线 solid wire●绞合线 stranded wire●金属管 tube●螺纹管 screwed tube3.3 电缆结构 Cable construction●内导体 inner conductor●介质 dielectric●屏蔽层 shielding layer 编织层 braid layer/ply●护套 jacket3.4 电缆材料●镀锡铜 TC=tinned copper●铜包钢 BCCS=bare copper clad steel●镀银铜线 SC=silver covered copper●镀锡铜线 tinned copper●铜包钢线 CCS=copper clad steel●镀银铜包钢线 SCCS=silver covered copper clad steel●铜包铝线 BCCAl=bare copper clad aluminum●镀锡铜编织层 tinned copper braid●裸导线/无镀层导体 plain conductor●裸线, 裸导线 naked wire4. 电缆的装接方式 Cable attachment method4.1 柔软电缆 Flexible cable●压接式 crimp●夹持式 clamp4.2 半刚电缆 Semi-rigid cable●焊接式 solder5. 其它 Others●电缆旋转(挠动)cable rotation (nutation)●电缆拉伸 cable pulling●电缆弯曲 cable bending●电缆扭转 cable torsion/twisting●屏蔽线 shielded wire●双绞线 twisted pair●屏蔽双绞电缆 STP=shielded twisted pair●扁形软电缆 flat flexible cable●扁形双芯软线 flat twin flexible cord14●绕包带式 tape wrapping type●挤出型 extruded type●包带节距 tapping pitch射频同轴转接器RF coaxial adapter1. 转接器类型 Adapter types●系列间转接器:between-series adapter●系列内转接器:in-series adapter焊接用词汇●焊接槽 solder bucket●焊接柱 solder spill●焊片 solder gasket●焊锡圈 soldering ring●焊接孔solder eye●浸锡 tin soaked●焊锡丝 tin wire●漏焊 missing welding●虚焊 incomplete weld / weld defect/cold solder joint ●硬钎焊 solder brazing●焊割两用气焊枪 welding and cutting torch●焊接夹具 welding fixture●焊剂/焊料 welding fluid/ flux●焊接应力 welding stress●焊锡坑 solder cup●焊接涂料 welding paste●焊接部分 welding portion●无焊缝的 weldless●烙铁 soldering iron●烙铁架 iron stand●脱焊 loose weld●元器件表面焊接整洁,焊点圆滑 component surface is clearlywelded with smooth welding point●元器件无虚焊,漏焊,错贴 no cold solder joint, solder skipsand wrong welding of components●solder bath method 焊槽法技术要求&其它 Techinical requirments & others●机械和电气基准面 mechanical and electrical referenceplane●符合RoHS要求 RoHS compliant (e.g.this part complies withRoHS)●括号中尺寸为参考尺寸dimensions with()denote referencedimensions●铣槽和涨口/收口 slotted & flared/closed●去除毛刺 remove burrs/ deburr16●除锈 rust cleaning/removing●点铆 stamp●扩口 enlarge kerfs●毛边flash●编织层翻边 wrap the braid over the braid clamp(衬套)●外观,外形 appearance/outline●界面防水等级 interface waterproof level●标记内容:商标 型号 批次号 labels: trade mark,type, batchnumber●未注明公差按… non-specified tolerances according...●…要求为非磁性材料 …required to have non-magneticmaterial●导电环氧树脂回填 conductive epoxy back fill●外观检查:镀层表面无斑点和痕迹,界面无金属碎屑 Visualinspection: plating surface must be without spot and cinch marks; interface must be clean of metal chip●外观良好 good appearance●产品承认书 product acknowledgement●喷锡,黑油,无铅工艺 tin sprayed,black oil,lead free●无杂质 free of foreign matter●整涂覆 overall braid●现场安装field installation●两体结构two-body structure●尾部微带 rear strip●中心接触件弹性支撑center contact with elasticity support缩写和首字母缩写词 Abbreviations & acronyms:●连接器 CONN=connector●接触件 CONT=contact●超小D型连接器 D-sub CONN=D-subminiature connector●阴连接器/外壳 HSG=housing●印制电路板 PCB=print circuit board●产品型号,零件号 P/N=part number●订购单 P/O=purchasing order●数量 QTY=quantity●图纸 DWG=drawing●组件 ASS’Y=assembly●日期代码 D/C=date code●序号,编号 S/N=serial number●不良品,不合格品 NG=no good●不适用 N/A=not applicable●不可用,无法使用 N.A.=not available●直角 R/A=right angle●检验水平 IL=inspection level●可接受的 AC=acceptable18●可接受质量水平 AQL=acceptable quality level●退货,拒收 REJ=rejection●物料单,材料(零件)清单 BOM=bill of materials●无源交调 PIM=passive intermodulation●三阶交调 IM3= Intermodulation 3-tone●印制电路板PCB= printed circuit board●技术更改指令 ECO=Engineering Change Order●工程更改请求 ECR= Engineering Change Request●工艺更改通知单 PCN=Process Change Notice●制程能力/生产过程能力指数 CPK=capability of productionindex●过程工艺持续改进 CPI=continuous process improvement●大批量生成 MP=mass production●操作指南,使用说明书 OI=operating instruction●生产制造 MFG=manufacturing●作业指导书,制作规程 MI=manufacturing instruction●生产控制 PC=production control●质量保证 QA=quality assurance●质量控制 QC=quality control●统计过程管控 SPC=statistical process control●十亿分之一 PPB=part per billion●百万分之一 PPM=part per million●尽快 ASAP=as soon as possible●供参考 FYI=for your information●美国线规 AWG=American wire gauge(e.g. AWG23,意思就是23号线)●平均线规 AWG=Average wire gauge●部门 Dept.=department●有 W/=with●没有 W/O=without**瓦楞纸箱 corrugated carton/slotted carton20。
Display Port 连接器专业英语句子翻译总结

Display Port 连接器(1)根据 Display Port 标准设计的音频/视频连接器。
Our audio/video connectors designed to the Display Port standard. These new products enable high-definition media content on computers and audio visual components.(2)我们的电缆组件通过了由独立 VESA 授权测试中心开展的全面电池测试,从而获得 Display Port 规范 1.1a 版中定义的全面认证。
Our cable assemblies have achieved full certification as defined in Display Port Specification Version 1.1a, passing a thorough battery of tests performed by an independent VESA authorized test center.(3)这些认证电缆组件基于通过 1 个、2 个或 4 个主链路通道进行的一致数字数据传输,传输速率为每通道 1.62 Gbps(低比特率)或每通道 2.7 Gbps(高比特率)。
These certified cable assemblies are based on consistent transmission of digital data through 1, 2, or 4 main link lanes at the reduced bit rate of 1.62 Gbps per lane or high bit rate of 2.7 Gbps per lane.(4)这将为计算机和消费类应用带来高清晰度的高品质视频。

连接器专用英语对照Connecter 连接器Cable 导线Wire-to-wire 线至线Wire-to-board 线至板Mini-universal 小型通用Circular plastic connectors 塑料密封环连接器DL (dual-leaf) contact sockets 双叶式触点插座Drawn spring DIP contact socket 弹簧触点插座Zig-zag package sockets 锯齿形封装插座Positive lock connectors 确立锁定连接器Coax mix 同轴混合Shielded circular DIN connectors 屏蔽式圆型DIN连接器Memory card connectors 记忆装置插结连接器SIMM sockets 单列记忆模件插座Low profile 低高度CIS (commercial interconnection system) 商用连接系统Hinge connectors 铰连连接器Card-edge connectors 边缘插接连接器Euro card connectors 欧式插接连接器Modular interconnection system 组合连接系统interconnection system 互连系统RF connectors 射频连接器Twin-Ax connectors 双轴互连系统Low profile coaxial tap 低高度型有源同轴电缆线器4 position data connectors 4位数据连接器Insulation and wire support 绝缘体及导线套Ring-Tongue terminals 环形舌端子Wire size range 线径范围Slotted-Tongue terminals 叉式舌片端子Butt splices 对头接头Dentented Ring-Tongue terminals 卡爪环舌型端子Fits tab thickness 配合接片厚度Accepts terminals 配合端子Crimp-type tabs 压接式接片Free-Hanging and Panel-Mount Applications 自由悬挂及面板装嵌适用Cable clamp 电缆钳位夹PC Board vertical pin headers 垂直接插式接插头组件PC Board Right-Angle pin and socket headers 水平接插式接插头组件Panel-Mount connectors 面板装嵌连接器Insulation Displacement plugs 绝缘位移连接插头Dielectric withstanding voltage 介质承受电压Free-Hanging type cap housings 自由悬挂式套座壳体Semiautomatic crimping machine 半自动压接机Power supply 供给功率Air pir pressure 气压Panel mount type cap housings 面板装嵌套座壳体Post header for printed circuit board 印刷底板用柱头Mass termination assemblies 集体端接组件Post header assemblies 接插柱头组件Polarized right angle post header assembly 有极向性水平接插柱头组件Friction lock 锁尖装置Sigle leaf connectors 单叶片连接器CPC (circular plastic connectors) 塑料密封环型连接器Ceimp Snap-In contacts 压接式套入触点Socket with straight solder tails 直立焊脚插座Retention feature solder tails 弯曲焊脚Sockets with retention feature solder tails 面板附定曲脚插座High Pressure Tin (HPT) sockets 镀锡高压芯片Positive lock retention feature 彻底锁定装置Plug-Grounding Indents 插头外罩接地凹位Solder Cup connector 焊杯触点连接器Straight Exit RFI/EMI shield for Jacketed cable 直线引出RFI/EMI屏蔽外壳外套导线束适用Backshell assembly 后部外壳组件Board-Mount connectors with threaded inserts and board locks 底板安装连接器附内丝牙及板扣Board-Mount Receptacles 底板安装插座Non-Polarized Receptacles 无定位型插座Handset plug assembly 电话线插头组件Line cord plug assembly 听筒插头组件。

5.中位數 Median
6. 全距 Range
7. 可數集 Countabl e set
8.隨极現 象 Random Phenomen a 9.數學模 式 Mathemat ical Model
10.統計 規律 Statisti cal regulari zation
11. 無效假設 Null Hypothes is
dent 压痕
scratch 刮 伤 deformatio n 变形 filings 铁 削 defective label 不良 标签 abrasion 磨损 Breaking. (be)broken ,(be)crack ed 断裂 short射料 不足
splay 银纹
stripper plate脱料 insert core放置入 runner stripper plate浇道 脱料板 guide pin 导销 eject rod (bar)(成 型机)顶业 subzero深 冷处理 three plate三极 runner system浇道 系统 stress crack应力 电裂 orientatio n定向 sprue gate 射料浇口, 直浇口
12.鋼尺 Steel Rule
13.厚薄 規 Thicknes s Gage
14.半徑 規(R規) Radius Gage
15.數控 投影机 CNC 3D Vision Measurin g System (Quick Vision Ace)
二. 測量
1.原點 Origin Point
2.X軸 XAxis
qualified products, up-tograde products良 defective products, not up-tograde products不 良品 defective product box不良品 poor processing 制程不良 poor incoming part来件不 良 exposed metal/bare metal金属 裸露 excessive defect过多 的缺陷 critical defect极严 重缺陷 major defect主要 缺陷 minor defect次要 缺陷 not up to standard不 合规格 cosmetic defect外观 不良 lack of painting烤 漆不到位 slipped screw head/slipp ery slipped missing part漏件 wrong part 错件 oxidation 氧化 defective threading 抽芽不良

连接器专业英语对照转载2009-06-03 14:42:40 阅读139 评论0 字号:大中小订阅Connecter 连接器Cable 导线Wire-to-wire 线至线Wire-to-board 线至板Mini-universal 小型通用Circular plastic connectors 塑料密封环连接器DL (dual-leaf) contact sockets 双叶式触点插座Drawn spring DIP contact socket 弹簧触点插座Zig-zag package sockets 锯齿形封装插座Positive lock connectors 确立锁定连接器Coax mix 同轴混合Shielded circular DIN connectors 屏蔽式圆型DIN连接器Memory card connectors 记忆装置插结连接器SIMM sockets 单列记忆模件插座Low profile 低高度CIS (commercial interconnection system) 商用连接系统Hinge connectors 铰连连接器Card-edge connectors 边缘插接连接器Euro card connectors 欧式插接连接器Modular interconnection system 组合连接系统interconnection system 互连系统RF connectors 射频连接器Twin-Ax connectors 双轴互连系统Low profile coaxial tap 低高度型有源同轴电缆线器4 position data connectors 4位数据连接器Insulation and wire support 绝缘体及导线套Ring-Tongue terminals 环形舌端子Wire size range 线径范围Slotted-Tongue terminals 叉式舌片端子Butt splices 对头接头Dentented Ring-Tongue terminals 卡爪环舌型端子Fits tab thickness 配合接片厚度Accepts terminals 配合端子Crimp-type tabs 压接式接片Free-Hanging and Panel-Mount Applications 自由悬挂及面板装嵌适用Cable clamp 电缆钳位夹PC Board vertical pin headers 垂直接插式接插头组件PC Board Right-Angle pin and socket headers 水平接插式接插头组件Panel-Mount connectors 面板装嵌连接器Insulation Displacement plugs 绝缘位移连接插头Dielectric withstanding voltage 介质承受电压Free-Hanging type cap housings 自由悬挂式套座壳体Semiautomatic crimping machine 半自动压接机Power supply 供给功率Air pir pressure 气压Panel mount type cap housings 面板装嵌套座壳体Post header for printed circuit board 印刷底板用柱头Mass termination assemblies 集体端接组件Post header assemblies 接插柱头组件Polarized right angle post header assembly 有极向性水平接插柱头组件Friction lock 锁尖装置Sigle leaf connectors 单叶片连接器CPC (circular plastic connectors) 塑料密封环型连接器Ceimp Snap-In contacts 压接式套入触点Socket with straight solder tails 直立焊脚插座Retention feature solder tails 弯曲焊脚Sockets with retention feature solder tails 面板附定曲脚插座High Pressure Tin (HPT) sockets 镀锡高压芯片Positive lock retention feature 彻底锁定装置Plug-Grounding Indents 插头外罩接地凹位Solder Cup connector 焊杯触点连接器Straight Exit RFI/EMI shield for Jacketed cable 直线引出RFI/EMI屏蔽外壳外套导线束适用Backshell assembly 后部外壳组件Board-Mount connectors with threaded inserts and board locks 底板安装连接器附内丝牙及板扣Board-Mount Receptacles 底板安装插座Non-Polarized Receptacles 无定位型插座Handset plug assembly 电话线插头组件Line cord plug assembly 听筒插头组件。

端子英语专业术语Terminal is a term commonly used in the field of electrical and electronic engineering. It refers to a device or a point at which a conductor from an external circuit is connected. In electronics, a terminal may be either a screw-type connector or a blade connector. Screw-type connectors are commonly used in audio equipment, and blade connectors are commonly used in telecommunications equipment. In power distribution systems, terminals may be used to connect multiple conductors together or to connect a conductor to a load. There are also special terminals designed for high-power applications that can handle large currents and voltages.In addition to their basic function of connecting conductors, terminals may also be used for signal processing and transmission. For example, terminals may be used in RF systems to connect antennas, transceivers, and other equipment together, or in acoustic systems to connect speakers and microphones to amplifiers and other signal processing equipment.Terminals come in many different shapes and sizes, depending on the application. Some terminals are designed for surface mount (SMT) applications, while others are designed for through-hole mounting. Some terminals are designed for use with stranded wire, while others are designed for use with solid wire.Overall, terminals are an essential component of many electrical and electronic devices, and their design and function are critical to the reliable operation of these devices. Proper selection and installation of terminals is therefore important in ensuring the long-term performance and reliability of electrical and electronic systems.中文翻译:术语“端子”在电气和电子工程领域中被广泛使用,它指的是外部电路的导体连接的设备或点。

汽车线束行业英语术语汽车线束(Automotive Wiring Harness)是汽车中用于传递电力和信号的复杂电气系统。
以下是与汽车线束行业相关的一些英语术语:1. Wiring Harness: 线束,由导线、电缆、连接器等组成的电气系统组件,用于连接汽车的各个部分。
2. Connector: 连接器,用于连接线束中不同部分或连接线束与汽车其他组件的设备。
3. Terminal: 端子,连接器的一部分,用于与导线连接。
4. Cable: 电缆,通常是多股绝缘导线的组合,用于携带电力或信号。
5. Grommet: 软管,用于线束通过车身或其他部件时,保护导线免受振动和磨损的橡胶或塑料套管。
6. Loom: 缠绕管,用于保护和组织线束,通常是一种塑料或织物套管。
7. Branch Connector: 分支连接器,用于将线束分为两个或多个分支。
8. Conduit: 导管,用于保护线束免受外部环境的影响,通常由金属或塑料制成。
9. Shielding: 屏蔽,用于保护线束免受电磁干扰的屏蔽层。
10. Fuse Box: 保险丝盒,用于存放和保护汽车电气系统中的保险丝。
11. Junction Box: 分线盒,用于连接多个线束。
12. ECU (Electronic Control Unit): 电子控制单元,负责控制汽车的电子系统,可能需要与线束进行连接。
13. Wire Gauge: 导线规格,用于描述导线的直径或截面积的标准。
14. Twisting: 扭绞,将两个或多个导线以螺旋形式绕在一起,以减少电磁干扰。
15. Crimp: 压接,一种连接导线和连接器的方式,通过压紧金属部件实现电气连接。
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2007-04-03 18:01
(1),Card edge:Dimm,PCI,AMR,SLOT,AGP,SLIM PCI 120P/CNR 60P.
(3),I/O Connector:Combo(Sound Jack);Hi-Rise(D-Sub-25P;DR-9PM;
(6),新產品:SIMM;Rece slim 15P; Rece slim 25P;PCI 184;DINN184/200/232. B-T-B,SAZ 462/370 S O DIMM,ZIF 370,PGA 292CBlue
a.机械特性(mechanical performance):
A.保持力(retention force)
B.插拔力(mating/unmating force)
C.操作耐久性(operation durability)
D.端子正向力(normal force)
E.机械沖擊(physical shock)
b.電气特性(electrical performance)
A.接触電阻(termination resistance)
C.耐壓絕緣(dielectric withstanding voltage)
c.環境特性(humidity-temperature cycling)
A.冷熱沖擊(thermal shock)
B.溫濕循環(humidity-temperature life)
C.耐高溫(temperature life)
D.耐腐蝕性气体(mixed flowing gas)
E.鹽水噴霧(salt spray)
一.測量儀器名稱(Measurement Cools Name)
1.游標卡尺 Vernier Caliper 液晶卡尺 Digimatic Caliper
防水數顯卡尺 Water-Resistance Digimatic Caliper
表卡 Dial Caliper
2.深度尺 Depth Gage 液晶深度尺 Digimatic Depth Gage
游標深度尺 Vernier Depth Gage
3.高度尺 (Height Gage) 液晶高度尺 Digimatic Height Gage
4.千分尺(分厘卡) Micrometer 液晶千分尺 Digimatic Micrometer
內徑千分尺 Inside Micrometer 數顯外徑千分尺Digimatic Outside Micrometer
5.百分表 Dial Indicator
液晶百分表 Digimatic Indicator 探頭 Contact Point
6.摃桿表 Dial Test Indicator 磁性座 Magnetic Stand
7.塊規 Block Gage 試棒(Pin規) Pin Gage
8.投影机 Profile Projector
9.工具顯微鏡 Measuring Microscope
10.三次元 Coordinate Measuring Machine
11.万用角度尺 Universal Bevel Protractor
12.鋼尺 Steel Rule
13.厚薄規 Thickness Gage
14.半徑規(R規) Radius Gage
15.數控投影机 CNC 3D Vision Measuring System (Quick Vision Ace)
1.原點 Origin Point
2.X軸 X-Axis
3.基准面 Reference Place or Basic Plane or Datum
4.面補正 Plane Alignment
5.軸補正 Axis Alignment
6.原點設定 Origin Point Setup
7.點 Point 8.線 Line 9.橢圓 Ellipse 10.圓柱 Cylinder 11.圓錐 Cone
12.球体 Sphere 13.面 Plane 14.求交點 Create An Intersection
15.求中點(線) Create A Symmetry
4.標准差Standard Deviation
5.中位數 Median
6.全距 Range
7.可數集 Countable set
8.隨极現象 Random Phenomena 9.數學模式 Mathematical Model
10.統計規律 Statistical regularization 11.無效假設 Null Hypothesis 12.單邊檢定 One-sided test 13.指標函數 Indicator Function
14.R&R Repeatability & Reproducibility(重复性与重現性)
15.量測人員偏差 Appraiser Variation。