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Nowadays, the global economy develops with a rapid speed. However, the developments of most countries based on the fossil energy consuming, which leads to the problems of increasing emission of carbon dioxide and critical environmental pollution. All of these, to some degree, have seriously affected the quality of economy and the sustainability of development. Therefore, to decrease the greenhouse gases, becomes a common view from the theory to the action and the low carbon economy trend is gradually clear. Low carbon economy, as a new mode, relates to the mode of production, living code, values, and country rights and so on. So scientists pay a high attention to this area, make much research and discussion on the low carbon economy.

Surely, china, as a big developing economic country, develops the low carbon economy is the trend of the times. Taking this into consideration, the paper focuses on the low carbon economy through the preliminary investigation of some aspects in china, hoping that it can make contribution to our economy.

Therefore, the core content of the paper is mathematical modelling by analyzing the necessity of developing the low carbon economy in our country, mainly from the aspects of economic growth and energy consumption. And probing into a series of economic effect and recessive problems or challenges from the new mode can be triggered. Then the paper will bring forward the possible suggestions and measures according to the low carbon economy. So, we can make the conclusion that it is positive to develop the

low carbon economy mode, from the sustainable development to the core competency promotion.

A thinking way should be set up with the Government as the driving force, the enterprises as the mainstay, and the individuals as the base.

KEYWORDS:low carbon economy,energy,economic effects,feasibility of the low carbon economy


第一章引言 (1)

第二章低碳经济综述 (2)

第一节低碳经济的概念与实践综述 (2)

第二节低碳经济的意义与作用 (3)

第三章我国发展低碳经济必要性的模型分析 (4)

一、模型的建立 (4)

二、数据的说明和处理 (4)

三、进一步的模型建立 (5)

第四章低碳经济模式下的经济效应分析 (7)

第一节低碳经济模式的性质分析 (7)

一、能源利用的高效率性 (7)

二、生态环境的弱胁迫性 (7)

三、行业的高标准性 (7)

四、经济发展的强带动性 (7)

五、经济发展的可持续性 (7)

第二节低碳经济模式的经济效应分析 (7)

一、低碳经济可以获得规模经济与结构效应 (8)

二、低碳经济可以促进绿色税制的建立 (8)
