• 优点:1)价格低廉
液被排除。 • 透析液和血液在透析膜两侧逆向流动,保持二者高流速可增加溶质弥散。
• 血液滤过仅仅通过对流的方式来清除溶质,即水和溶质一起顺 压力梯度被滤出。由于大量溶液被滤出,需补充大量置换液 (大于40l/次)。
• 血液滤过比血液透析能更好的清除大分子溶质如β2-微球蛋白、 糖基化终产物等,提高小分子物质的清除率,稳定心血管系统, 改善炎症反应。
• 近代科技及透析技术的发展使透析器性能有了很大提高,一些 特殊类型的透析器也在投入临床应用。
• 1. 用于小儿透析 面积<0.5m2, UFR < 的婴幼儿透析器。 • 2. 用于出血倾向患者 乙烯聚乙烯醇(EVAL)透析器有防凝作
用的半透膜,可少用肝素,也可选择用肝素包被的血仿膜的透 析器。
大学的年轻医生William Kolff 制造了第一台人工转鼓式人工肾。
• 1945·9 Kolff治疗1例急性胆囊炎 伴急性肾功能衰竭的昏迷患者, 透析1周后,开始利尿,好转出院。 此为首例由人工肾救活的急性肾衰竭患者。
• 第二次世界大战期间,Murray and Delmore and Jhomas成功研 制第一台蟠管(coil)人工肾,于1946年应用于临床。
• 在临床上使用过的透析器主要有三类:
4.1 融资历史
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4.2 投资事件
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1.4 主要人员
1 2
1 2
艾艺 艾菁
自然人 自然人
/ /
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本报告生成时间为 2018 年 10 月 21 日 07:52:45, 您所看到的报告内容为截至该时间点该公司的天眼查数据快照。
一.企业背景:工商信息、分支机构、变更记录、主要人员 二.股东信息 三.对外投资信息 四.企业发展:融资历史、投资事件、核心团队、企业业务、竞品信息 五.风险信息:失信信息、被执行人、法律诉讼、法院公告、行政处罚、严重违法、股权出质、
息公开来源尚未公开、公开形式存在差异等情况导致的信息与客观事实不完全一致的情形。仅供客户参 考。
1.3 变更记录
2000 – 2005: + 10.9 % 2006 – 2010: + 6.3 %
Source: PCI
标准卫生环境下灌装的产品: 葡萄酒, 香槟, 啤酒 矿泉水 碳酸软饮料 改良卫生环境下灌装的产品: 低度碳酸软饮料 非矿化水 果汁 冰茶 运动饮料 蔬菜汁 牛奶混合饮料
机械和卫生设施的共同改进 无再次污染的危险 关键步骤的自动化 (封盖装 置的自清洗,清洁和无菌处 理) 易于接近功能部件,不影响 无菌性
具有流量计的流量式灌 装系统 用于灌装非碳酸饮料的 灌装阀 只需要一个控制阀
自动自清洗 装置 自清洗回路
产品制备: 灵活可变的混合系统, 用于多种液体原料的处 理
热处理: 可调节的产品巴氏杀菌 / 超高温处理 根据产品的 特性决定
哈博曼 技术讲解
• HAWIFLEX® grades: 合成橡胶 – H2707-00 70-80 Shore A, abrasion and corrosion resistant up to t=75°C, pH 5-9H – H3807-01 88 Shore A, abrasion and corrosion resistant up to t=75°C, pH 0-14 – H3911-04 88 Shore A, abrasion and corrosion resistant up to t=95°C, pH 0-14 •
• 填料、机械、动力密封结构
金属内衬和塑料内衬,典型材料:PU-lined HAWIFLEX® grades: hawiflex合成橡胶具有出色的耐磨性结合碎,高耐冲击性. 精密成型产品
Rubber linig grades: 橡胶衬里材料
• 填料、机械、动力密封结构
典型材料:PU-lined HAWIFLEX® grades: hawiflex合成橡胶具有出色的耐磨性结合碎,高耐冲击性. 精密成型产品
Rubber linig grades: 橡胶衬里材料
NP型号 – 中度磨蚀场合
• NPW金属耐磨损泵是为适应中 度磨损或者具有破碎固体结块 要求专门设计生产的产品。
•Maximum grain size, depending 230 [mm] on type 最大颗粒直径
•Pipe connections:泵管径
DN 100 up to DN 500
人工举升介绍(英文版) Introduction To Artificial Lift Methods
We tend to associate artificial lift with mature, depleted fields, where Pavg has declined such that the reservoir can no longer produce under its natural energy. But these methods are also used in younger fields to increase production rates
Advanced Artificial Lift Methods
Advanced Artificial Lift Methods – PE 571
Introduction to Artificial Lift Methods
Advanced Artificial Lift Methods
Introduction to Artificial Lift Methods
Advanced Artificial Lift Methods
Introduction to Artificial Lift
Gas Lift
Advantages: Gas lift can be used in deviated or crooked wellbores, and in hightemperature environments that might adversely affect other lift methods, and it is conducive to maximizing lift efficiency in high-GOR wells. Wirelineretrievable gas lift valves can be pulled and reinstalled without pulling the tubing, making it relatively easy and economical to modify the design. Disadvantages: the availability of gas and the costs for compression and injection are major considerations. Lift efficiency can be reduced by corrosion and paraffin. Another disadvantage of gas lift is its difficulty in fully depleting low-pressure, low-productivity wells. Also, the start-and-stop nature of intermittent gas lift may cause downhole pressure surges and lead to increased sand production.
在线消毒棒 CleanCart A CleanCart C
• 热消毒结合脱钙和清洗,简单 安全的消毒流程 • 每周使用 CleanCart A 清洗棒, 消除有机沉积物、脂肪和蛋白 质 • 每日使用CleanCart C 清洗棒, 消除沉积的钙和镁盐
在线配置B干粉 • 方便操作 • 节约存储空间
• Nils Alwall(1904-1985)改进了转鼓人工肾,使其能通过负压进 行超滤。Alwall 在1948年第一次尝试进行血管通路手术,但由于各 种并发症,1949年停止了该类手术。 • 1964年,Nils Alwal在金宝公司开发血液透析系统
血液透析机:1960 (西雅图)
Seattle 无泵血液透析系统液流图 “Scribner tank”, 1960
Gambro AK-1 • • • •
Gambro AK-2
Gambro AK-3
AK代表“Artificial Kidney”人工肾脏的意思,在瑞典隆德生产 AK-1不能配置透析液,使用的是150-200升罐装碳酸氢盐透析液 AK-2加装了轮子,可以用于ICU急救 AK-3具有透析液配比装置并使用醋酸盐透析液,金宝开始使用经典蓝色标识
Mini II 血液透析机 :1965
• Milton Roy公司 根据Mini-I型改 进了设计。 • Mini-II非常成功 并成为第一个商 业化的家庭血透 机
Travenol RSP: 1967
Lundia Coil 1.2m²
• • • • •
Travenol 实验室开发,家庭血透机 一台价格1400美金 储水罐可以储存120升透析液,许多中 心仍使用自来水 6个小时的治疗时间,一周1-3次 使用幡管透析器
ABG沥青摊铺机、压路机Accurate输送带及各种供料品Action Equipment System Inc装载机、反铲及正铲挖掘机、压路机Ajusta Buckets,Inc液压缸、建筑工程重型附件、厂房建设及重型建筑机构Akzo Nobei Asphalt稀浆封层机、路面养护车、各类养护剂,检测设备ApplicationsAllen Engineering Company刮板输送设备、布料器、震实器Allmand Bros,Inc混凝土泵车,移动式照明塔,挖掘装载机Altec高空升降梯、起重机、挖掘机、电缆及重运输设备Ammann Group沥青拌和站,混凝土拌和站Amulet Manufacturing Company重型设备附件、机械紧固件、液压夹具APE Equipment&Specificatio振动拔桩机Aqua-jet cutting services各种工业切割设备技术Ardco Corp.移动式液体罐车Assaloni co.多用途扫雪车、剪草机Astec Industries碎石设备、筑路设备Astec industries Inc.沥青拌和机Atlas Copco Group各类工程、矿用钻机,气体压缩机,发电机组,电动工具Badger-Insly Equipmment公路设备、建筑设备Barage Products,Inc越野叉车Barko Hydraulics林业设备、建筑设备、工业设备Bauer Group桩工钻机,地下连续墙抓斗Berco S.P.A工程机械配件BICES北京国际工程机械展览会Bitelli铣刨机、压路机、推土机、摊铺机Bizzocchi Co.高空作业车Bomag AG压路机、平地机、稳定土拌和机、遥控式振动板Bombelli专业除雪车Bridgestone/Firestone牵引面、装载机、推土机BRNO F&E CO.,LTD布鲁诺商展有限公司Burkeen Manufacturing Co挖沟机、电缆布埋机Canada NRC(CCMC)加拿大建设工程与设备开发研究中心Carbo Tech Group隧道施工技术与产品Cascade Corporation叉车属具、叉车部件Case两头忙、滑移式多功能装载机、农业机械caterpillar土方机械、筑路机械、农业机械、发电机Cedarapids,Inc摊铺机、沥青拌和站、碎石及筛分设备Champion Road MachineryLimite平地机、沥表摊铺机、压路机CIFA S.P.A 混凝土搅拌站、混凝土布料杆、混凝土搅拌运输车、振动棒Conder高空作业升降平台Continental BiomassIndustries,Inc木材粉粹机、根除机Controls,Inc数字式发动机、发电机保护和控制系统Crusher Rental &Sales,Inc碎石机Cummins Enginc Company发动机、空压机、发电机、挖掘机、牵引车Daewoo挖掘机、装载机、推土机、吊车、挂车、混凝土泵DaimlerChrysler Co.汽车工业技术Deutz发动机技术Diamond Z Manufacturing研磨机Ditch Witch挖沟机、钻孔机、打桩机Dover Convepor电梯、升降工作台、叉车Dresser履带装载机、轮胎装载机、压路机Elgin Sweeper Company清扫车Fiatallis North America两头忙、履带推土机、装载机、平地机、挖掘机Graco Inc.大功率牵引车Gradall Co.液压挖掘机、伸缩臂挖掘机、越野叉车Grove Worldwide吊车、电梯Haulpak泵车HEK manufacturing BV桅升式作业平台Herrenknecht AG隧道开挖技术,全断面护盾式隧道掘进机Hitachi Construction MachineryCo.挖掘机Honda Corporation汽车、工业技术、发动机Hormann Group of Companies铁路通讯系统,基站通讯控制系统、车载信息系统Hotmix Industries 移动式筒式沥青连续拌和站Howly Machinery PTE Ltd.精密切削技术Hyundai Group挖掘机、装载机、工业产品、船舶、重工业技术Idromeccanica空气压缩机Ingersoll-Rand冲击钻、钻机、空压机、压路机、滑移式多功能装载机J Mastenbroek&Co.,Ltd.大型挖沟机、电缆铺设机、软管铺设机、水下电缆铺设机、履带式自卸车,履带式击磨机、散料移布及JCB两头忙、推土机、伸缩臂叉装机Jeamar Winches Inc.手动卷扬机、滑轮Jerr-Dan各种液压救援清障车JLG Industries,Inc.高空作业平台、电梯John Deere两头忙、推土机、履带挖掘机、装载机、平地机、叉车Junttan OY液压桩锤,桩工钻机Kalyn Siebert重型半挂车Kato Co.,Ltd重工业设备、汽车起重机Kawasaki constructionmachinery装载机,压路机、铲运机、摊铺机、推土机、除雪车K-D Manitou,Inc.越野叉车、伸缩臂叉车、小型装载机、修边机Kent Demolition Tools液压和汽动工具Kleemann Reiner Gmbh碎石及筛分设备Kolbelco steel,Ltd. 发动机、电焊机、钢铁、电子、挖掘机、起重机、装载机、抓斗、钻机、空压机Komatsu推土机、挖掘机、平地机、装载机Lancier液压元件,油压软管,电动部件,泵,配件Laser Alignment,Inc.激光测量仪器Leon's Manufacturing Company装载斗、铲板、刮板Linde Gmbh工业气体,制冷设备,化工产品,液压元件,叉车Link-Belt履带吊车、越野吊车Linnhoff沥青拌和站Machinery Trader工程机械设备经销网Mannesmann AG 履带式起重机,汽车起重机,梁式输送机,吊链,电动葫芦,液压缸,机械零部件Mannesmann Dematic履带起重机,汽车起重机,梁式输送机,抓斗,电动葫芦Mannesmann Dematic India. 汽车起重机,堆垛机,梁式输送机Manuli rubber industries工程机械橡胶零部件Maxon Industries,Inc.混凝土设备、环保设备、手动挖掘机MBW Incorporated水泥光整工具、小型建筑设备McMoRan Oil&Gas Co.(moxy)石油及天然气产品MINEXPO美国国际矿业设备展览会Mitsubishi heavy industries汽车起重机,汽车,叉车,电梯Mobil corp.石油开发,油类制品Mobile Concrete移动工混凝土拌和设备Morbark建筑和锯木设备Moxy Trucks of America,Inc.叉车Nichiyu Asia Sdn.Bhd电瓶叉车Niigata engineering数控电动,液压真空引射模具成型机Nissan Motor co,.Ltd.汽车技术与产品Nordberg OY碎石及筛分设备Normet OY 自行式矿井钻车,隧道混凝土喷浆机,自行式高空作业车,森林集材机,叉车Nuclear Regulatury Commission 核能开发研究,原子能原料测试,核能工业的运输与存储,核废料处理O&K Orenstein&Koppel,Inc. 挖掘机Offshore Technology挖泥机,打桩机ORU S.P.A. 水泥混凝土拌和站Paccar Inc.牵引车,泵车,载重车,混凝土搅拌运输车Palm Manufacturing &Sales履带配件Parsons-Trenchers挖掘机、布线机Payhauler Corp 50t越野吊车Pettibone装载机、钻机、吊车、叉车Powerscreen International筛分和清洗设备Putzmeister America混凝土泵R M&C M筑路机械与施工机械化杂志Rammer USA Inc.液压破碎锤Ramrod装载机及附件Rock Systems,Inc.碎石加工成套设备Royal Dutch/Shell Group ofCompanies石油工业,油品开发Samsung履带气挖掘机、轮胎挖掘机、装载推土机Sany(china),Ltd. 拖式泵,压路机Schneider Equipment Ltd.工程机械经销Schwing America.拖式泵,混凝土泵车Shuttle Lift工业吊车Snorkel工业和建筑业高空作业设备South West ConstructionEquipment振动压路机、铲运机、凸块压路机、移动水塔SRS Crisafulli,Inc.挖泥和泵送设备StansteelAsphalt Plant Products沥青拌和设备STFA Group工程机械经销,海运业务Sullair Corporation固定和移动空压机Sunoco Inc.石油工业,油品开发SUZUKE MOTOR Corporation汽车工业、发动机技术TCM Construction,Inc. 建筑设计,建筑施工,建筑施工管理Terramite Construction 小型牵引车、装载机、挖掘机、压实板EquipmentTiger Tool International,Inc.修理工具Tunnel 隧道杂志,介绍隧道掘进施工工艺,施工产品,有关公司,中英文对照UNACOMA意大利铲土运输设备集团与机械车辆集团协会Unit Rig重型越野车Vacamasters Division ofBarone,Inc.真空抽提机Vactor排水管道及污水处理设备Vermeer挖沟机、钻孔机、风镐VMI,Inc.挖泥设备Volvo轮式装载机、挖掘机、运输设备Watrana traction co.经销各类叉车配件Z F Industries Inc.设备传动系统。
maxon lift te-33 liftgate 维护手册说明书
M-17-11 REV. C MAY 2021
To find maintenance & parts information for your TE-33 Liftgate, go to www.maxonlift. com. Click the PRODUCTS, TUK-A-WAY & TE-33 buttons. Open the Maintenance Manual in the PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION window. For parts, click on the PARTS PORTAL, TUK-A-WAY & TE-33 buttons.
平隔 顺振 性性 好好
悬架方式 气囊方式
全空气悬架 科曼公司产品结构 前:单导向臂 后:4连杆机构
小 型
大 型
系统可靠性耐久性 A
前:单导向臂 后:单导向臂
复合式空气悬架 其他公司产品结构 前:板簧+气囊 后:板簧+气囊
• 2、综合性能------整车舒适性(平顺性)、操纵稳定性、制动稳定性的好坏
• 1) 板簧悬架:先天性的舒适性差,整车的平顺性与操纵稳定性、制动稳定性不能很好的 协调,使用3-5万Km综合性能不稳定,嘎吱嘎吱响。
• 2) 空气悬架:
• 1) 系统本体可靠性提高------维修成本低、停班率少;
• 2) 维护成本低------空气悬架10万Km免维护;
• 3) 提高整车其它部件的使用寿命
min. 42
Abmessungen in mm / DIMENSIONS IN MM 1994-JUN-29-AEA-Wu
min 42
为取得最大打击力设计的 特制 迷你-Scalemaster
E = 34
Min. 50.
h 2 = 50
垂直喷射高度 1
Existing Nozzle: 喷嘴型号: 压力: 流量: 喷射角: 垂直喷射高度: 打击力: Changed to : Scalemaster 5 x 694.807.27 200 bar 101,8 l/min 30° 200 mm 0,59 N/mm² Mini- Scalemaster
垂直喷射高度 2
垂直喷射高度 2
老喷嘴: Scalemaster 5 x 694.807.27 200 bar 101,8 l/min 30° 200 mm 0,59 N/mm² 喷嘴型号: 压力: 流量: 喷射角: 垂直喷射高度: 打击力: 换成 :
结果: • 可采用小口径喷嘴 • 打击力基本保持不变
换成 : Lechler Scalemaster 喷嘴型号: 压力: 流量: 喷射角: 垂直喷射高度: 打击力: 694.727.27 200 bar 63,6 l/min 30° 200 mm 0,38 N/mm²
优点: •节水~ 36% •温降小 •能耗降低 •节能!
简单精确的喷 嘴定位保证焊 接质量 15° 偏转角已 在喷嘴头中预 先作好 定位头还可以 用于系统的打 压试验
勒伊曼生产公司PLG 1000 Hide-A-Way汽车悬挂车产品说明书
Owner’s Manual PLG 1000 Hide-A-Way®DOT – Private Use LiftLEYMAN MANUFACTURING CORPORATION10900 Kenwood RoadCincinnati, OH 452421-866-LEYMAN-1 • 1-866-539-6261 • 513-891-6210Fax 513-891-4901********************LML00189-4/20/12TABLE OF CONTENTSGeneral Specifications2 Operating Instructions 3 - 4 Emergency Hand Pump Operation5 Recommended Oils and Lubrication6 Troubleshooting Guide7 Electrics8A – 8B Interlock Switch Wiring9A – 9B Power Unit10A – 10B Emergency Hand Pump 11 Gate Assembly12A – 12B Preventative Maintenance 13 Decal Placement14 Notes15Page 1GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSCUSTOMER:Medical CoachesMODEL:PLG 1000 – 8445RRCS RATED LOAD:1000 lbs.TYPE:DOT - Private Use Lift PLATFORM OPERATINGDIMENSIONS:73.75” wide x 36” deep UNOBSTRUCTEDPLATFORM OPERATINGVOLUME:73.75” x 36” x 30” = 46.1 cu. ft.OVERALL PLATFORMDIMENSIONS: HYDRAULIC PRESSURE:84” wide x 45” deep + 21” flip ramp 2000 PSI – Provided by trailer Hydraulic power unitOPERATION:Power up/gravity downPower stow/deploySERIAL #:NOTE: “DOT Private Use Lift” verifies that this platform lift meets only the “Private Use Lift” requirements of FMVSS No. 403. This lift may be installed on all vehicles appropriate for the size and weight of the lift, except for buses, school buses, and multi-purpose passenger vehicles other than motor homes with a gross weight rating (GVWR) that exceeds (4,536 kg) 10,000 lbs.Page 2Page 3NOTE: This patient lift gate does have an Inner Roll Stop. Therefore when loading a wheelchair at ground level, the wheelchair may be loaded in the forwarddirection.Page 4INNER ROLLSTOPINNER ROLL STOPOPERATING THE EMERGENCY HAND PUMPPage 5RECOMMENDED HYDRAULIC OILS/LUBRICATIONHYD. OILS: This lift gate uses the vehicle hydraulic power unit as the source for fluid power.Follow the hydraulic oil recommendations given in the vehicle instruction manual. LUBRICATION: ROLLER CHAIN for POWER IN / OUTLightly brush SAE 30 oil on carbon steel chain. PLG gates manufactured afterJune, 2009 have stainless steel roller chain, which requires NO lubrication.TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTPROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDYVehicle power unit runs, but platform will not go UP or go IN / OUTPlatform will not go DOWN. All other functions work.Platform only goes UP/ DOWN, will not go IN / OUTPlatform will not go UP/ DOWNOil build-up in cylinder vent line collection tank. Platform may bleed down.1. “C” valve is not activating.1. “A” valve is not activating.1. Secondary platform is not folded, so limitswitch is preventing IN / OUT movement, as itshould.2. “B” valve is not activating.3. Limit switch between primary and secondaryplatform is not functioning properly.1. Handrail is open or object is resting near InnerRoll Stop, preventing UP / DOWN movement,as it should.2. Handrail gate switch not functional.3. Inner Roll Stop photo-sensor not functioning.1. One or both cylinders have an internal leak atthe piston seal.1. Check for power at “C”valve coil. Check fordefective “C” coil.1. Check for power at “A”valve coil. Check fordefective “A” coil.1. Fold secondaryplatform.2. Check for power at “B”valve coil. Check fordefective “B” coil.3. Check for power atGREEN wire onterminal strip on box lidthat goes to IN / OUTswitch.1. Close handrail orremove object fromInner Roll Stop.2. ONLY AS A TEST,connect a jumper wireon terminal strip on boxlid as shown on p. 9A. Ifthis solves problem, fixhandrail switch.3. Check sensor alignmentand positioning. Checkfor power at terminal 86on relay with no objectnear Inner Roll Stop.1. Repair or replacecylinder.Page 7272P17518Self tapping screw 266P46300Shrink tube 4” each 24” total251P46214Orange wire 16 ga.36”241P46019Red wire 16 ga.36”234P46471Blue wire 16 ga.36”, 4 pcs.221P46018White wire 16 ga.36”212P46017Black wire16 ga.36” each201AA-551-327Toggle switch assembly For in/out191AP-551-016Switch bracket 182P46444Fork terminal 177P46319Fork terminal 161P46314Jacketed wire 16-415 ft. (180”)151P46186Jacketed wire 16-321 ft. (252”)141P46329Plug conn. female 13Plug conn. male Included in item 11Ref. P4632812Toggle switchIncluded in item 11Ref. AA-551-326111AA-551-210Pistol grip walk around Includes switch & plug Includes coil cord102P46485½ split nylon loom 1 pc.-24”, 1 pc.-48” loose92P23504Lock nut 82P19501Screw74P46318Female connect term.61P46487Relay 52P46139Cord grip42P25054Rubber grommet 32P46382Term. Block 21P46395End-Term. strip 11P46486Elect. Box 6 x 6 x 4Index No.Reqd Part NumberPart Name MaterialMaterial Size Remarks/Wgt.Assy. CA-551-196Model: Med CoachLeyman Manufacturing CorporationPage 8BBLACK GREENWHITE BLACKGREEN WHITEELECTRICSPage 9AINTERLOCK SWITCH ELECTRICSPage 9BPOWER UNITPage 10APOWER UNIT251P33199TEE F-M-F243AT-501-101-012Hydraulic line assembly12 ft.238P46156Butt Connector221BA-501-158Hand pump assembly Loose211CA-551-196Electrics201P33006Street elbow19 1 AT-501-101-021 Hydraulic line assembly 21 ft.181AT-501-101-015Hydraulic line assembly15 ft.173AT-501-100-018Hydraulic line assembly18 in.165P33169Quick disconnect socket On end of hoses 154P33168Quick disconnect plug 1 loose145P33216Street tee131P33616Inline filter121P33650Drain valve N.C.112P33719Drain valve N.O.101P33147Relief valve91P33506Check valve84P33217Male elbow72P33199Male street tee61P33190Coupler54P33064Nipple41P33207Bolt kit31P33206Valve sub plate21P33205 4 way valve11BP-501-229Mtg. plateIndex Reqd Part number Part name Material Material size Engineering remarks No.Part name Model: MED COACHPower unit AssemblySub. AssemblyScale: Approx. 1/2Dwg. DA-501-221LEYMAN MANUFACTURING CORPORATIONPage 10BEMERGENCY HAND PUMP142P23502Nut¼ - 20132P26007Flat Washer¼122P15540Soc Head Cap Scr 111AP-501-267Mtg. bracket 104P46250Loom clamp94P17518Self tapping screw 82P23510Nut5/16 - 1872AT-501-100-060Hyd. Line Assembly652P33169Quick disconnect Socket 42P33101Adapter32P26506Flat Washer 5/1622P10040Bolt 5/16 x 111P33902Hand Pump Index No.ReqdPart No.Part Name Material Material Size Remarks Wgt.Leyman Manufacturing CorporationPart Name:Hand Pump KitAssembly:BA-501-158Page 11PLG GATE ASSEMBLYPage 12APLG GATE ASSEMBLY PARTS LISTINDEX## REQD.PART #PART NAME11A5102-4C OUTER SLIDE21A5102-3C INNER SLIDE315100-0B1 (RIGHT HAND)TENSION ARM315100-0B2 (LEFT HAND)TENSION ARM4 1 A5102-2C COMPRESSION ARM51CA-707-152PLATFORM INNER61DA-707-153ALUM. RAMP71AL5006-D HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT82Q5001-0A8PIVOT PIN92P38500CHAIN #50 X 51 ½”102Q5001-0A14PIVOT PIN11ELECTRICS124Q5001-OA3PIVOT PIN132Q5001-0A6PIVOT PIN144Q5001-0A18PIVOT PIN154P37550ROLLER, GREASELESS164P23523HEX NUT174P32015GREASE FITTING, IF REQUIRED 184P38501CONNECTING LINK192A5002-2A FRONT STOP202F5002-2A SPACER214P26501WASHER224P10505HEX HEAD CAP SCREW232P47500ROLL PIN241A5008-3A IDLER SPROCKET251P25157DRIVE SPROCKET264P26014LOCK WASHER272P10501HEX HEAD CAP SCREW 3/8 X 16 X 1”288S270-001.500STOP2925014-A SAFETY SNAP HOOK302P38515CHAIN – 3/8” X 9 LINKS314C5102-33A CHAIN MOUNT322P25157SHAFT SPROCKET331BA-501-005ROD LUBE KIT341CA-201-055LOCK352BP-707-125ROLLER ADJ. CAM361BA-707-159RETENTION RAMPPage 12BPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEMAINTENANCE by MONTHSMODEL PLG1000CUSTOMER:LOCATION:VEHICLE #: GATE MODEL #: GATE SERIAL #:v = OK A = ADJUSTED N = NOT APLICABLE X = REPAIR3 MONTHS VALVES / CABLES / CONTROLSCheck batteries for corroded, loose, or broken connectionsCheck batteries for proper voltage level and chargingCheck all wiring at switches and valve board for corroded, loose, or broken connectionsCheck solenoid valves for proper operationCheck reservoir for proper oil level. Power unit used for several trailer functions.Inspect circuit breakers and fuses for proper operationCheck charge line / power line for corroded, loose or broken connections at both endsCheck amp draw of motor with batteries fully charged batteries and tight clean connectionsCheck all ground wires for corroded, loose, or broken connectionsCheck vent line over-flow tank. Excessive oil means a piston seal problem.STRUCTURE COMPONE NTSCheck for proper operation of gate UP/ DOWN, power IN and OUT.Check platform and lifting gear for any impact damageCheck cylinders and hydraulics line for leaks, abrasions, cuts, or broken lines and fittingsCheck all cylinder pins for loose, broken, or missing roll pinsCheck all pivot pins for loose, broken, or missing roll pinsSteam / pressure wash all components as neededCheck proper operation of Inner Roll Stop, Retention Ramp, and all safety interlocks.LUBRICATIONLightly oil IN / OUT chain. Since June, 2009 the chain is stainless steel and needs no lube.Grease Cam Roller on Inner Slide, if grease fittings are present.Grease all lifting arm pivot points.Grease BOTH Inner Roller Stop shafts at the holes in the hinge barrels.12 MONTHS PERIOICAL CHECK LISTCheck pivot point bushings for wear or damage24 MONTHSFlush hydraulic system and change hydraulic oilClean and repaint as necessaryServiced By: Date:Page 13INSTALLATION OF SAFETY DECALS DECAL LOCATION DECAL NUMBER DESCRIPTIONNear UP / DOWN switch storage boxOn UP / DOWN switch pistol gripOn STOW / DEPLOY toggle switch Near Lift Gate power switchJust below door thresholdNear hand pump P55157P55350P55294P55302P55353P55351P55157P55138P55352Safety Decal 4-1/2” x 4-7/8”Operating InstructionsSafety Decal 7” x 7”Max. Capacity Decal 1000 lbs.UP / DOWN DecalSTOW / DEPLOY DecalSafety Decal 4-1/2” x 4-7/8”Safety Decal 2” x 26” horizontalHand Pump Operating InstructionsPage 14NOTESPage 15。
这其中以丹麦LINAK ®(力纳克®)的直线电动推杆系统最为有名。
力纳克的推杆系统还新增了各种更智能的系统,例如OpenBus™数字智能系统,CCS( Care Communication System)智能床系统,以及各种先进的系统,将电动推杆与当前的新科技结合。
正因为LINAK 推杆系统的灵活和多样,让它可以应用到生活中多种不同领域,简单概括,力纳克的推杆系统可以应用到以下几个领域:一、医护系列(MEDLINE® & CARELINE®)力纳克针对医疗和护理领域的推杆系统,专为医护领域的电动推杆系统提供可靠,并通过世界各地广泛医疗认证的安全可靠系统。
针对全球不断发展的升降办公桌市场,力纳克不断创新研发出各种首创的新型升降桌系统,例如Plug and Play™(即插即用), PIEZO™(安全防撞),ZERO™(超低待机能耗)等新技术。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告北京科勒曼商业有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:北京科勒曼商业有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分北京科勒曼商业有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业批发业-其他批发业资质一般纳税人产品服务帽、眼镜、照相器材、工艺品、箱包、通讯设1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告尔曼电梯(苏州)有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:尔曼电梯(苏州)有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分尔曼电梯(苏州)有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质空产品服务:特种设备设计;特种设备安装改造修理(依法1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
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User Manual 3 Compliances and Standards 4 Safety Instructions 4 General Description 5 Technical Specifications 5Product Label 7 Suspension Alternatives 8 Hanger Bars for Human Care Lifts 9 Compatibility 9 Sling Application 10 Care Instructions 1323SymbolsWARNING symbol indicates a poten-tially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in serious injury to the user or damage to propertyand/or the device itself.INFORMATION symbol indicatesrecommendations and information for proper, trouble-free usage.WEIGHT CAPACITY symbol indicates maximum user weight for the product. Do not exceed this weight in any circumstance.CE MARKING symbol indicates product meets requirements of EU Directive 93/42/EEC (MDD) and/or EU Regulation 2017/745 (MDR).RECYCLE according to local regulations.MEDICAL DEVICE symbol indicates that the product is a medical device according to the definition ofmedical device in EU Directive 93/42/EEC (MDD) and/or EU Regulation 2017/745 (MDR).READ INSTRUCTIONS and ensure you fully understand them before using this product.Product modification is not per -mitted.Before use, always check that the product is not damaged or worn.Human Care’s products are continuously being developed and updated to provide our customers with the highest quality. We reserve the right to make design changes without prior notice.Always make sure that you have the most recent version of the manual which is available for downloadingContact your local distributor if you have any questions about the product and its use.Notice to user/patient in case of serious incidentAny serious incident that has occurred in rela -tion to the product, should be reported to the local contact, who reports to the manufacturer, and the competent authority of the country in which the user/patient is established.User ManualHuman Care is an ISO 13485:2016 certified Swedish medical device company. The Quality Management System is in compliance with US 21 CFR part 820.The product is CE marked in accordance with EU Directive 93/42/EEC (MDD) and/or EU Regula-tion 2017/745 (MDR), as class I medical device. The CE mark is on the product.This product has been tested in accordance with ISO 10535.Compliances and Standards Safety Instructions•sling before starting to lift him/her.• Check that the lift is balanced when moving, raising and/or lowering the client. If you are using a Human Care lift with telescopic hanger bar, it is important that the bar hooks are in the same position on both sides.for indoor use with one client at a time and must only be used for transferring a person. This product is not a swing.• Make sure no sharp objects are in contact with the sling.The process of lifting and moving a person always involves risks. Therefore, you must read the user manuals for the lift and the lifting equipment carefully. Always make sure that the lifting equipment you are using is intended for use with the lift. As a care provider, you are responsible for the client’s safety and you must know whether the client will be able to cope with the lifting process. The sling must be fitted to meet the client’s specific needs. If you are in any doubt, please contact the supplier.• Carry out a careful visual inspection of the sling every time you use it.• Check that the right sling is being used for the client. The model, size and material must meet the client’s needs.• Plan the moving and lifting process so that it is as safe as possible.• Before raising the client, check that the sling is correctly attached to the lift/hanger bar once the lift straps are stretched.• It is important that the hooks of the hanger bar are in the correct position, with the opening of the hook facing upwards on both sides to securely hold the straps in place. Recheck the position of the hooks once the lift straps are stretched.• It is important to always check that the loops are at the bottom of all hooks (see pictures) and securely placed below the locking pin on all hooks.45The General purpose sling is available in reusa -ble and single patient use versions with loops and/or clips. This sling allows for easy seatedtransfer and has built in flexibility to achieve proper leg and body positioning for patients with some upper body control.General DescriptionThe illustration shows the NSB-104C and NSB-103CThe illustration shows the NSB-103 and NSB-105Technical SpecificationsIt is crucial to use the right size of sling for the client. To help differentiate our sizes, they are colour coded for quick identification. The colour code is found next to the sling’s label in the shape of a loop. This loop can also be used to properly store or hang the sling.6* Only distributed in USAGeneral purpose sling single patient use with clips NSB-104C-S polymethylpentene 4 straps S 775 mm / 31”838 mm / 33”304 mm /12”318 kg/ 700 lbsGeneral purpose sling single patient use with clips NSB-104C-M polymethylpentene 4 straps M 972 mm / 38”883 mm / 35”425 mm /17”318 kg/ 700 lbsGeneral purpose sling single patient use with clips NSB-104C-L polymethylpentene 4 straps L 1143 mm / 45”1029 mm / 41”533 mm /21”318 kg/ 700 lbsGeneral purpose sling single patient use with clips NSB-104C-XL polymethylpentene 4 straps XL 1334 mm / 53”1143 mm / 45”679 mm /27”318 kg/ 700 lbsGeneral purpose sling reusable with clips NSB-103C-S Polyester/cotton 4 straps S 775 mm / 31”838 mm / 33”304 mm /12”318 kg/ 700 lbsGeneral purpose sling reusable with clips NSB-103C-M Polyester/cotton 4 straps M 972 mm / 38”883 mm / 35”425 mm /17”318 kg/ 700 lbsGeneral purpose sling reusable with clips NSB-103C-L Polyester/cotton 4 straps L 1143 mm / 45”1029 mm / 41”533 mm /21”318 kg/ 700 lbsGeneral purpose sling reusable with clipsNSB-103C-XLPolyester/cotton4 strapsXL1334 mm / 53”1143 mm / 45”679 mm /27”318 kg/ 700 lbsProduct LabelThe label on the sling contains the following Array information:1. Human Care company logo2. This way up arrow and marking the centreline of the sling3. CE and MD marking4. Product name and size5. Picture showing the sling in use6. Part number7. Safe Working Load8. “This way out, back” – outside of the sling,not in touch with the client9. Manufacturer10. QR-code to our webpage11. Latex free12. Read the manual before use13. Visual inspection14. Date and country of production15. Batch number16. Serial number17. Washing instructionsa. Machine Wash Temperatureb. Do Not Bleachc. Tumble Dry, Low Heatd. Do Not Dry Cleane. Never Ironf. Do Not Use Fabric Softener18. Owner name. (For example, write theclient’s name or another unique identifier)19. Indicate annual inspection20. Unique Product Code21. Barcode/EAN7Suspension Alternatives Our slings are designed with the premise that all people are different with varying lifting requirements, needs or desires.To make all our clients feel as comfortable as possible in our slings, most of them can be used with 2 or 3-point suspensions. Some slings can also be used with a 4-point suspension. Below the options are displayed.2-point suspensionSuitable for most lifting situations providing a good seating position. 2-point suspension is available with floor lifts, fixed and portable ceiling lifts.Two-point suspension with crossed leg support: Thread the strap on one leg section through the strap on the other leg section before attaching them to the hanger bar.An individual assessment of the client’s needs must always be carried out before choosing an alternative connection method.3-point suspensionOffers an elongated sitting position and more even weight distribution. The 3-point suspension is suitable especially for clients carrying an increased risk of pressure sores or who need additional space for the upper body.Thread the left leg section through the loop on the right leg section. Attach the leg section lifting straps to the leg hooks and the back section lifting straps to the lift.4-point suspensionA spacious sitting position making it suitable for larger clients or when using a stretcher. 4-point suspension is available with both fixed and portable ceiling lifts or floor lifts.89(55751 45 cm, 17,7” / 55764 55 cm, 21,7”)(7275x)(70800)CompatibilityHuman Care Group slings are designed for use with all Human Care lifts and hanger bars. The products are also compatible with products of other suppliers utilizing the same attachment method for securing slings to a hanger bar and lift. However, due to the wide range of products worldwide, Human Care cannot be responsible for any errors that may result from improper use or application of combinations of slings, hanger bars and lifts of other suppliers. The use of the combined system is at the prescriber’s own risk and liability.To ensure the safety of the client and caregiver, Human Care recommends the following mini -mum requirements: 1.When using slings with lifts and hang -er bars, made by manufacturers other than Human Care, the combined system needs to be designed with the same sling attachment method for the hanger bar of floor lifts and ceiling lifts, meaning loop style slings are combined with a loop style hanger bar, clip style slings are combined with a clip style hanger bar.2.The involved patient lifts and sling must be CE marked in accordance with the medical device directive, MDD 93/42/EEG / upcoming MDR 2017/75 and comply with standard requirements for patient lifts as stated in EN ISO 10535.3.The caregiver must follow the manufactu -rer’s instruction manuals and recommen -dations with respect to the use, care, client, caregiver, cleaning, and inspection of the slings and lifts.4.Different products on the assembled lift system: i.e., lift, hanger bar, sling, scale and other accessories may have different max. loads. It is always the lowest maximum allowable load indicated for the respective products and the system that applies for the entire system.Always check the markings on all individual products in the system.5.Individual risk assessment, including a practical test of the system and validation with the specific combination used are required to affirm that the size of the sling is correct for the intended use and compa-tible to the width and design of the hanger bar. The combined system needs to be documented by the competent assessor.If there are any questions, please contact your local Human Care office or distributor.10Sling ApplicationApplying the sling from a seated position(NSB-103 used as reference)1. Stand behind or to the side of the patient and hold the sling with label facing up and away. Work the sling down the back, the bottom edge should be placed behind thepatient´s coccyx.2. Pull the leg sections through to the front. Raise each leg and pull the leg sections under patient´s legs.3. Lower the hanger bar and securely attach straps (please see page 2). There are diffe -rent ways to attach the loops to a hanger bar and to position the legs. This sling can be used both with 2-, 3- or 4-point hanger bars. The image above shows attachment to a 4-point hanger bar with legs in a divided position. Please see chapter “positioning the legs” to the right for the different options when using a 4-point hanger bar. For attachment of this sling to a 2-point or a 4-point hanger bar, please see chapter “attaching sling tohanger bars” to the right.4. Continue lifting the patient. It is a good idea to put your arm around the patient while you are moving him/her to create a greatersense of security.11Applying the sling from a lying position (NSB-103 used as reference)Positioning the body1. Stand to side and turn the patient to face you. Place gathered sling behind back with label facing up and away.2. Turn the patient on back and pull gatheredsling towards you.3. Bring the leg sections underneath the thighs to achieve the desired positioning of thelegs.4. Lower the hanger bar and securely attach straps (see page 2) with appropriate loop.For sling with clips: Attach the leg section lifting clips to the lifting frame. Turn the lift around and attach the backsection lifting clips to the lift frame.To achieve the upright position, use the short loops of the head and shoulders and the long loops of leg straps.To achieve the reclined position, use the middle or long loops of the head and shoulders strapsand the middle or short loops of leg straps.Positioning the legs (4-point hanger bar)To achieve the open position, bring the leg sections up between the thighs and attach the leg straps to the hanger bar.To achieve the divided position, bring the leg sections up between the thighs, thread one leg strap through the bottom opening of other (left) and attach the leg straps to the hanger bar cross over style.For a more relaxed position, attached to the center hook of the hanger bar.To achieve the closed position, pull one leg band than the other underneath both thighsand attach to the hanger bar.12Attaching the General purpose sling to hanger bars Care InstructionsCheck for wear and tearCheck the sling for wear and tear. It is important to check the fabric, the edging, the seams and the lifting straps.Damaged lifting equipment must not be used.CleaningHuman Care slings are intended for individual use. To avoid infections or transmission of bac-teria, it is important to clean the slings properly. All slings should be machine washed and dried as soon as possible. Slings should always be cleaned after use in a wet situation.Single Patient Use (SPU) slings can not be was-hed, they should be discarded.Always refer to the label of the slingbefore washing.Periodic inspectionA periodic inspection must be carried out at least every 6 months. See Human Care’s peri-odic inspection log which can be found on our website Product lifetimeThe product´s expected lifetime 3 years or 150-180 times washing, if the product is used as intended and maintained according to the manufacturer´s instructions, depending on the intensity of use and maximum load applied during use. If the product label is no longer legible, the product should be discarded.Warranty and supportIf you need information or support, please contact your Human Care office,or distributor.RecyclingOnce the product has reached the end of its life, it should be disposed according to your coun-try’s rules, especially for the separate collection of electrical and electronic products. Correct disposal helps prevent negative consequences for the environment and human health.13141Ref: HSG (95) 18: Hospital Laundry Arrangements for Used and Infected Linen, Department of Health, NHS (National Health Service, England)Disinfection ProcedureHuman Care slings are intended to be used with one patient at a time. To avoid possible trans -mission of infectious diseases, it is important to clean the sling if it has become soiled or if it is to be used by a different patient.99533 R e v 01 M L U s e r M a n u a l G e n e r a l P u r p o s e S l i n g M a y 2021。
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