
对于物品类话题,我们根据历年考试话题的汇总,为大家概括为两大类:具体类物品如:Describe a book you read、a gift you received from others、a wild animal、a handicraft、an electrical appliance that is useful to you、an important letter that you received、a game you played in your childhood等;抽象类物品如:Describe an interesting news、a useful website、 a performance you saw、a organization、your future job、your future plan、something that you don't know but would like to learn等。
例如:描述a gift时,首先要描述这件礼物具体是什么,外观或是很吸引人的地方;然后,再说是谁送给你的,父母?朋友?同学还是同事?也可以说说这件礼物是从什么地方买的,如果是手工制作的那一定是很用心,同学们可以仔细描述一下。

雅思口语part2高频话题汇总我们都知道雅思口语考试是与考官面对面交流,有三部分的考试内容,在考生们看来最难的部分莫过于雅思口语partz部份,今天小编为帮助大家有效备考,特意整理了雅思口语part2高频话题汇总,希望对大家备考能够有帮助,一起来看看详细内容介绍吧!雅思口语part2高频话题汇总1A family member you spent most time withA historical place you are interested inAn advertisement that made you want to buy somethingA piece of good news brought by telephoneAn interesting/impressive speechA course you want to learn if you have timeA sports activity good for healthA traffic jamA TV/Radio ProgrammeA song雅思口语part2高频话题汇总2A classmate,还可以用来形容 best friend,happy person,A good friendA family member,an old person who influenced you the most,someone you admire一个家庭成员,一个老的人对你的影响是最大的,你欣赏的人A happy person,a successful person,A person who has influenced you一个快乐的人,一个成功的人,一个人影响了你A person you would like to spend a day with,successful person,famous person一个人你想花一天时间,成功人士,著名的人A character in TV show or films,happy person,successfulperson一个角色在电视节目或电影,快乐的人,成功的人Describe a colleague,successful person描述一个同事,成功的人Describe a music group or singer in your country,famous person描述贵国音乐集团或歌手,著名的人Describe your neighbor,your best friend描述你的邻居,你最好的朋友Describe your parents,family member描述一下你的父母,家人Describe your personality and its advantages结合自己的学习工作谈自己性格的优点Describe your teacher,a friend描述一下你的老师,朋友雅思口语part2高频话题汇总3雅思口语part2高频话题--物品方面:物品类的话题其实并不难回答,只要能简单描述清楚物品的特征就可以,最重要的问题是在于说出这个物品带给自己的益处,感受,经历等。

雅思口语part2描述人为了帮助大家备考雅思的口语部分,本文整理了雅思口语part2描述人供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!雅思口语part2人物范文受欢迎的人P2Describe a popular person.You should say:Who this person isWhat kind of person he or she isWhy this person is popularAnd explain how this person influences the publicP31.What are the qualities of being popular?2.Do you know any pop star who really likes helping others?3.Do you think children should imitate their idols?4.What influences do pop stars have on teenagers?5.Do you think pop stars have more freedom or less freedom?解析题目要求考生描述“一个受欢迎的人”。
范文Speaking of a popular person I know, the first name that comes to my mind is David Beckham. So today, I will be talking about him, a well-known celebrity not only in his country UK, but also around the whole world.David Beckham was born in Leytonstone, London in the year1975. He is most widely known as one of UK’s greatest footballers. He played football for the England National team from 1996 to 2009, and also worked for some other famous football clubs like the Manchester United and Real Madrid. As a professional player, he became an icon of football around the world at a young age and is now probably one of the most esteemed sports celebrities alive. He is a legendary footballer who has a unique style in his bending free-kicks as a right winger. In 2004, David Beckham was listed in the FIFA's 100 greatest living players in the world. He was twice the runner-up for 'FIFA World Player of the Year’. These statistics are to signify how popular he is. By the way, he became one of the highest paid footballers in the world back in 2013, from which you can tell how much people love him.When it comes to the reasons why Beckham is so popular, first thing I have to say, is that he truly is an extraordinary football player. I’ve always been a fan of the UK football team, and Beckham was the footballer I most wanted to learn from back in high school. Besides, he’s also a fashion icon among the young, always displaying great tastes of clothing. Another important factor that makes him so popular I guess, is his efforts put in charity. He has been a UNICEF ambassador for a long period of time, founder of The David Beckham UNICEF Fund, and his recent philanthropic works also turned out to be quite exceptional.As a successful football player, Beckham, along with his teammates, has made a hit among football fans around the world, attracting more people to explore this exciting sport. In the meantime, his endeavors into improving the quality of children’s life in undeveloped countries, also helped a lot in drawing people’s at tention to this severe problem.雅思口语part2 :关于一个你尊敬和喜欢的人Tips for answering this cue card topic about a person you respect or admire:You can talk about one of your relatives who is is a senior citizen like your grandfather, grandmother. If you talk about one of your grandparents, you would be able to give lots of details since you know a lot about them. Alternatively, you can talk about one of the aged persons who is your relative, neighbour, friend's grandparents, teacher, a renowned person of your country who has great contribution in some ways.It is advisory not to talk about a person who is dead. As the issue expects you to talk about the old person who is alive and have some sort of interaction with you or had some intimacy or influences on you. While describing the qualities s/he has, keep in mind that you should talk in a way so that you can conclude by saying that you admire his/ her for all the previously said qualities s/he has and because of your intimacy/ relationship with him/ her.Usually we like a senior person for some of the following reasons:S/he is a relative and has intimacy with us.We have some good memories with this person. S/he ha does many things for us.We are close to the person and we share our updates.S/he is talented and gives us good advises when needed.Is a successful person and exemplary for others.Have some contributions for the betterment of others.Is a honest/ brave an very talented person.You have learned a lot from him/ her. He still gives you good advises.Is kind and a well-wisher.Is bit strange and you like his/her qualities.Successful parents and led a great life.You do some short of activities together.Some similar Cue Card topics:1. Describe someone in your family.2. Describe a teacher from your past.3. Descried a senior citizen you like.4. Describe someone who is a successful person.5. Talk about one of your neighbours.6. Describe a person you often seek advice from.7. Describe an old person you know.8. Describe a person who led an idea life雅思口语part2人物类话题,该怎么回答雅思口语一、积累词汇是根本词汇是攻克话题的根本,所以多做积累是十分关键的。

雅思口语话题part2精选参考精选篇四Describe a long walk you ever had.You should say:when this happenedwhere you walkedwho you were withand explain how you felt about the walk1.适用考生:全适用2.主题:一次深夜散步的经历3.故事线:几年前在一次重要会议结束后,我去上海出差时,我已经走了一段很长的路来放松自己。
雅思口语part2话题高分篇五Describe a visitor in your homeYou should say:Who was this visitorWhen did he/she visit your homeWhy did he/she come to visitAnd explain whether you like him/her or not雅思口语8分范文:I’m going to talk about an occasion when a very close friend of mine visited where I live.He is a Chinese person. His real name is Xin Lin, but we usuallycall him by his English name, which is Steven. He was studying in the same university with me in England when we did our Master’s last year, and we both lived in the same flat in the university halls of residence. We were so close with each other because we spent a lot of time cooking and talking with each other, but we have n’t met for a few months since we left England.So the occasion was a month ago when he visited Vietnam to travel. He had never been to my country although China is right next to Vietnam. So, he decided to come to my country to visit me.We were really excited to meet each other again, and he was excited as well to come to my house for the first time. I invited him for dinner, and I myself cooked something very special for him, which was a traditional Vietnamese dish. We talked a lot during the meal, and we reminded each other of the memories we shared in England.I was very happy when Steven came to see me. The reason is because we had not had a chance to see each other for a long time, and you know, it always feels good seeing an old friend. The occasion brought back a lot of good memories that I think I can never forget. PART 3题目及参考答案1. In your country, how do people treat visitors?I think people in my country are generally very hospitable, and they are usually very welcoming when having visitors. They would usually be willing to invite visitors to have dinner, especially if the person is a close friend or a relative.2. Do you think hospitality is less important than it was in the past?I do not think so. I believe it has always been important for people to be friendly and welcoming to people visiting their houses.It is even more crucial to behave properly with visitors coming from other countries such as tourists, because the way local people treat tourists can have a great effect on the image of a country. So, I think hospitality is as important today as it was in the past.3. What are the benefits of staying with a friend when visiting a new place?Well, the biggest advantage is that you can save money when staying in a friend’s house. This is because it is usually expensive when staying in hotels. Another benefit is that when you stay with your friend when coming to a new place, your journey is likely to be more interesting and enjoyable. If you stay alone, you might get bored and lonely.4. What are the advantages of staying in a hotel instead?It would be more convenient to stay in a hotel, I guess. Hotels are usually located close to the main tourist attractions of a city, so it will be less time-consuming if travellers choose a hotel. Also, you can receive good services from the hotel. For example, you can have free breakfast ready in the morning, while you will need to spend time cooking when you stay with a friend.雅思口语话题part2高分范文之城市角落(a place in your city you want to go to)Describe a place in your city you want to go toYou should say:What is this placeWhere is this placeWhy you like this placeAnd explain what do you want to do there1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:城市角落(a place in your city youwant to go to)There are lots of places I like to go, depending on my mood. Today ‘though, I’m going to tell you about a special place near to where I live. I will explain where it is and how I get there. I will try and describe what it looks like and explain why I like the location so much.I am lucky, although I live in a city, from my house I can walk to the edges of the Peak District, which is a beautiful national park just a few miles from the city centre. To get to the national park I have to walk from my house down some local roads, and up a steep hill past some allotments. After about a mile or so striding out away from the urban areas, I get to a lovely bit of woodland which has a public footpath you can follow on wards and upwards. It can be a bit of a scramble towards the end of the path as it is very steep indeed, but eventually, you leave the woodland and are on the edge of open farmland. Another footpath crosses some sheep-filled fields, and finally, you are on the moors of the Peak District. It is really spectacular.The Peak District can be a really wild place, with its vast expanses of open moorland. You are high up, and it is quite exposed so it can be very windy and cold even in the summer. There are rocky outcrops and strange configurations of stones that have been weathered by centuries of wind and rain to create dramatic shapes. Some boulders are in piles, and there are steep vertical cliffs too. The area attracts lots of people who like walking, climbing and bouldering because of its unique and beautiful landscape. Everywhere is dark wet peat underfoot and lots of heathers. This is a low growing plant that flowers at the end of the summer turning the wholelandscape purple. The park covers a huge area, I think around 555 square miles, so the terrain differs from area to area, of course, I am biased, but I believe I live near the most remarkably beautiful part.I love this place, because if ever I am feeling down, or a bit enclosed, in just an hours walk I can find myself in a deserted but picturesque place, where the elements are more extreme. In winterrain and wind can batter you, but in summer the sky seems to go on forever. Every day is different up there, and every hour of every day too. The area is so huge, that often you can have it all to yourself, of course, there are other walkers about, but you can quickly disappear in the vastness of the space. The people who live in Sheffield, like me, are very proud that we are so near to the Peak District National Park, and it is no surprise it became the United Kingdom's first national park on 17 April 1951. A birthday that should be celebrated I think!PART 31. In your country, how do people treat visitors?I think people in my country are generally very hospitable, and they are usually very welcoming when having visitors. They would usually be willing to invite visitors to have dinner, especially if the person is a close friend or a relative.2. Do you think hospitality is less important than it was in the past?I do not think so. I believe it has always been important for people to be friendly and welcoming to people visiting their houses. It is even more crucial to behave properly with visitors coming from other countries such as tourists, because the way local people treattourists can have a great effect on the image of a country. So, I think hospitality is as important today as it was in the past.3. What are the benefits of staying with a friend when visiting a new place?Well, the biggest advantage is that you can save money when staying in a friend’s house. This is because it is usually expensive when staying in hotels. Another benefit is that when you stay with your friend when coming to a new place, your journey is likely to be more interesting and enjoyable. If you stay alone, you might get bored and lonely.4. What are the advantages of staying in a hotel instead?It would be more convenient to stay in a hotel, I guess. Hotels are usually located close to the main tourist attractions of a city, so it will be less time-consuming if travellers choose a hotel. Also, you can receive good services from the hotel. For example, you can have free breakfast ready in the morning, while you will need to spend time cooking when you stay with a friend.雅思口语话题part2高分范文之:喜欢的季节(your favorite season) Describe your favorite season of the yearYou should say:How is the weather likeWhy do you like this seasonWhat activities do you usually do during itHow would different kinds of weather affect people1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:喜欢的季节(your favorite seasonof the year)My favorite season in Canada is summer. The real summer in Canada lasts only two months, July and August. During these two months, thetemperature climbs above 20 and it's always sunny. The trees become green again and the whole city is full of various flowers. Day timeis longer and night time is shorter. Most time we have sunlight until 10 in the evening.The reason that I like summer is because summer time is the best season for outdoor activities. I love hiking, jogging, and biking. I can go to national parks or city parks easily in summer. Summer gives me so much fun.Just like what I've said, I love hiking, jogging, and biking in summer. I still remember I went to different national parks last summer for hiking. I saw beautiful lakes and mountains. I even encountered a bear looking for food, which was pretty amazing experience.Weather may affect people' choice of activities. It's warm outside in summer, so more people will choose outdoor activities. We always have more music festivals or food festivals in summer. Winter is super cold in Canada. People would like to stay home instead of going outside.雅思口语话题part2精选高分篇六Describe a person that you want to know more aboutWho is he or she?When did you meet this person?Where have you met?What did you do?Why do you want to know more about him or her?雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:想认识的人(Describe a person that you want to know more about)I love to meet new people. Today, I would like to talk about acharismatic person I met a year ago.Last year I was going to Mumbai by train for an official meeting. On the way, a young lady boarded the train from a small railway station. She occupied the seat in front of me. Very soon we started talking about our hobbies, studies and work etc. Her name was Sukriti Singh. She was a second-year student of the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai.One particular thing which made her quite special was her high confidence level. Normally, girls don’t travel alone in my country. In most cases, they are accompanied by their parents or some other family member. But, since she was on her own, that clearly reflected her boldness.I found this girl very interesting. Her in-depth knowledge of latest technology and space science made me re-think about my opinion about females. I used to think that Indian women are only interested in fashion. Science is not their cup of tea. But, this meeting was a real mind-changer. She helped open my eyes towards the commonattitude of ignorance males have towards females regarding their intelligence. Now, I fully understand that women have the potential to succeed in any field.雅思口语话题part2高分篇七Describe a public place that you think need improvementsYou should say:What the place isWhen do you go thereWhat do you like and dislike in the public place1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:改进公共设施(public place that you think need improvements)The public place that I think need improvements is the community library near my home. I often go there after work, probably twice a week.There are several aspects I like about the library. The first one is the whole atmosphere. Every time I go into the library, I can see people in all ages reading books, surfing in the internet, discussing questions, or watching movies, which makes me feel peaceful. The second one is the variety of books. It not only has Chinese books but also some English books. The third one is the easy access to all the materials. Application to the library card is easy and free. People can borrow 6 books for one time.However, there are some parts I don't like about the library. For example, the library doesn't have a quiet study area. It's pretty noisy for people or students who want to study lonely and quietly. The library can consider to build a quiet study room in the future.雅思口语话题part2高分范文之:未来居住的城市(city or country you want to live)Describe a city or country you most want to live in the future You should say:What is itWhere is it locatedWhy do you like it1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:改进公共设施(public place that you think need improvements)The city I most want to live in the future is Guangzhou. It is located in Guangdong Province, southern China. It's not far away from Hong Kong.I like to live in this city for several reasons. First of all,it's warm in winter. I personally don't like cold weather. I canstill wear sweaters or shirts in December in Guangzhou. Secondly, Guangzhou has a great job market. Career planning is one of the most important things for me. When I consider the city is livable or not, I pay more attention to the job market of the city. Guangzhou is one of the most developed cities in China. In the future, it will needall kinds of professionals to build the city better. I believe this will be a good opportunity. The last reason is the delicious food in Guangzhou. Guangzhou is famous for dim sum, and dim sum is myfavorite food.雅思口语话题part2高分范文之:从某处(人)学会(sth you learned in a place/from a person)Describe something you learned in a place/from a personYou should say:What was it that you learnedWhen did this happenWhere was it/ Who taught youHow difficult was it to learn1-4月雅思口语新题part 2范文之:从某处(人)学会(Describe sth you learned in a place/from a person)Several years ago, I tried to learn how to bake cakes in rice cooker and succeeded in making it. My roommate is a baking genius and she taught me to bake cakes at home.Learning how to bake cakes in rice cooker was pretty difficult because of several reasons. First of all, the portions of materials used were hard to control because I didn't have enough professional cooking tools. I estimated all the materials and merged together. I actually failed once, and succeeded at the second time. Secondly,baking cakes in rice cooker is different from baking in oven. I couldn't change the temperature of rice cooker and I couldn't know how well the cake became with the time passing by either. I had to guess and make sure the cake was not over-cooked. I had to pay more attention to the cake and couldn't leave the cake alone. The last difficult thing was how to take the cake out of the rice cooker. I had to slip the whole cake into a plate with some skills.雅思口语话题part2高分范文之:好的服务(where you received a good service)Describe an occasion where you received a good service from a company or shopYou should say:What the service wasWhen and where it happenedWhom you were together withHow you felt about itAnd explain why you think it was good service1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:好的服务(an occasion where you received a good service from a company or shop)Two years ago, I succeeded in returning a broken sweater to customer service at ABC store in Canada with my friend. I was very satisfied with the returning service there. It could be the best returning experience I've ever had.I bought a sweater from ABC store two years ago and washed it immediately after buying it. However, I found it's broken after being washed on the same day. I took this sweater to the store, wishing I could return it by some luck because usually clothes couldn't be returned or exchanged after being washed. The lady was so nice. Sheapologized immediately after listening to my request. She said it's their quality problem and promised to refund in 3 business days. She apologized again for the poor quality and shopping experience. Ididn't expect it could be solved so smoothly and easily. I would like to shop there again just for their great service.。

面对雅思口语Part2你这样回答会跑题扣分在雅思口语考试中,Part 2无疑是重点和难点,对于考生来说也是备考花费时间最多的一个部分。
如果答题的时候跑题了肯定大家都不愿意面对这种情况,下面小编给大家带来面对雅思口语Part 2 你这样回答会跑题扣分,希望大家引以为戒!面对雅思口语Part 2 你这样回答会跑题扣分大家都知道Part 2的考试形式是考官给考生一个话题册的某一页,这一页上是一个话题,比如说“Describe a magazine you enjoy reading”,同时还包含了下面四点提示,也就是考生非常熟悉的“You should say”四点内容,于是考生的问题也就随之而来。
雅思官方也提到了说“You will not be penalized if your talk does not follow all the cues on the card”,也就是说考生的分数不会因为漏说了某一点或某两点受到过多影响,当然前提不要跑题,而是“It's more important to talk fluently and keep going for 2 minutes than to cov er all the points on the topic card.”A:什么样的素材是跑题?Q:拿9-12月题库的考题为例,在很多资料上被翻译成“集中注意力的活动”的话题“something you do to make you concentrate”其实是不准确的,应该是“描述能让你集中注意力做某件事的活动”,比如喝咖啡、喝茶、听轻音乐、去安静的环境等等,而不是集中注意力去做的某件事。

Describe your best friendI met my best friend while I was at university. He was in the same class. At first, he scolded me for leaning back on the chair, but, after a while, we began to become good friends. I used to meet him regularly at an Internet cafe. He went there regularly. We would spend hours there together. He would always lend a hand to me because I didn't know much about computers at that time.He's a humble guy, never shows off his knowledge, even though he can. He's sincere and doesn't mind mildly scolding you or even himself in all the same sentence. He is usually very sociable, but sometimes he can also be a bit shy. He is good at soccer and volleyball and used to be on the school team. He's quite muscular and his hair is frizzy. He has very droopy eyes, like a puppy, and a very wide mouth.I think the main reason we are such good friends is because we havea lot in common and we both have the same kind of humour. We also always support each other whenever we need help. I think we are such good friends because we don't feel we ever have to pretend around each other, and we are really helpful to one another. I will miss this guy a lot if I go overseas, but since he is always at the Internet cafe, I can email him, and he's probably right there to receive it!。

雅思口语题库part2话题范文之:一个有礼貌的人(apolitepersonthatyoumet)雅思口语题库part2话题之:一个有礼貌的人(a polite person that you met)Describe a polite person that you metwhere you met the personHow you met the personWhy you think the person was polite雅思口语题库part2范文1:一个有礼貌的人1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:马修3.故事线:马修是“我”的中学同学,他对人很有礼貌,总是对人们说谢谢,哪怕是最轻微的事情。
Ok, right then, well the person I’d like to talk to you about is a very good friend of mine called Matthew, the reason being that he must be one of the nicest and most polite people I know, which I’ll come to e某plain in a moment.But firstly, as for how I know him, well we’ve basically known each other since middle school, because we were in the same class together, and we still see quite a lot of each other. You know, if I feel like going out and doing something, I normally give him a call and see if he’s free to meet up.And moving on to why I think he’s so polite, well it’sbasically because he’s just got really good manners. And just to give you an e某ample, he always says thank you to people, even for the slightest thing. For instance,I’ve noticed that whenever we’re eating at a restaurant, he will thank the waiters and waitressesevery time they bring a dish to the table. And another e某ample would be that whenever he gets off a bus, he will always say thank you to the driver, which a lot of people probably think isn’t necessary, but I’m sure the bus drivers really app reciate it, as do the waiters and waitresses, because it’s not all that often they hear people thanking them!So yeah, that’s basically why I’d say he’s such a polite person, and I’m just trying to think if there’s anything more to add, um……, oh yeah, and one other thing to mention would be that he’s always very complimentary to people. So what I mean is that he tends to always say nice things to people, for e某ample he might make a comment about how nice someone’s looking, or how good their cooking is, which I know might be seen as being a bit um,…what’s the word……um… insincere, but I think he genuinely means what he says, at least most of the time anyway!And I mean, I can’t remember a single time when he’s ever been rude or unpleasant to anyone, and I also can’t really imagine him being nasty to anyone either.So yeah, that’s pretty much it then. Thanks for listening.4.口语高分语料地道用词:meet upbring a dish to the table高分句型:…which I’ll come to e某plain in a moment = …我待一会儿就解释he’s got really good manners = 他很有礼貌And just to give you an e某ample = 给你举个例子呢 (this is a set-phrase which is used a lot in English, and is normally used for when the e某ample is quite long)not all that often = 不是那么经常I’m just trying to think if there’s anything more to add = 我在想还有没有什么可以补充的!he’s always very complimentary to people = 他总是对人很恭维he tends to always = 他一般总which might be seen (by some) as being insincere = 可能会被别人看作是虚伪he genuinely means what he says = 他是真的认为的at least most of the time anyway = 反正大多数时候是这样 (this is a useful structure: at least……anyway 反正……是这样)what’s the word = 哪个单词怎么说?!(卡住的时候,可以用这句话 you can use this phrase when you are trying to think of what word to use.自言自语的话, it’s best to t ry and keep talking, even when you are thinking!雅思口语题库part2范文2:一个有礼貌的人1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:叔叔3.故事线:我的叔叔在和别人交谈时,他是非常谦虚的。

1.雅思口语part2人物类常见题目Describe a popular comic actor/actress in your country.Describe a childhood friend of yours.Describe someone who is talkative.Describe an interesting person you would like to meet.Describe a teenager you know.Describe a famous person/celebrity in your country.雅思口语考试中的part2只考一道题,考生有1分钟读题+准备的时间,然后1-2分钟时间来回答这个话题,先看题目:Describe a popular comic actor/actress in your countryYou should say:Who he/she isHow you knew him/herWhat comedies have he/she performedExplain why he /she is popular拿到题,有同学可能会担心,我不看喜剧怎么办?喜剧名字不会翻译怎么办,就算看喜剧感觉也说不了2分钟的时间怎么办?其实在备考过程中,建议大家把每道part2题目准备2分钟的答案,这样哪怕考试紧张会忘记一些句子,也还可以说到1分多钟的时间。
段落2: 具体针对1-2个性格特点展开描述(这个性格特点要符合题目要求,比如喜剧演员的特点可能是sense of humor, think quickly等; 健谈的人可能是 extrovertive, open-minded 等);段落3: 举例子 (如果描述像童年伙伴,长辈等身边的人,可以说说你和他/她一起做什么事,什么感受; 如果是不认识的人,可以说说这个人经常和他的朋友做什么事,你看到他经常做什么事等等);段落4: 评价总结 (对这个人的评价和感受,给身边人带来的影响,剩下哪些话没说,简单描述几句)2.雅思口语part2答题思路大多数的考生反映,Part2的口语现在和Part3有很大的联系,同时接近于客观题。

雅思口语话题part2参考篇一Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.You should say:what animal it waswhere you saw itwhat happened when you saw itand explain why you thought it was interesting.1.适用考生:全适用2.主题:锦鲤3.故事线:关于有趣的动物,我想告诉你关于锦鲤在中国很受欢迎,日本和其他亚洲国家。
雅思口语话题part2高分篇二Describe a public place that you think need improvementsYou should say:What the place isWhen do you go thereWhat do you like and dislike in the public place1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:改进公共设施(public place that you think need improvements)The public place that I think need improvements is the community library near my home. I often go there after work, probably twice a week.There are several aspects I like about the library. The first one is the whole atmosphere. Every time I go into the library, I can see people in all ages reading books, surfing in the inter, discussing questions, or watching movies, which makes me feel peaceful. The second one is the variety of books. It not only has Chinese books but also some English books. The third one is the easy access to all the materials. Application to the library card is easy and free. People can borrow 6 books for one time.However, there are some parts I don't like about the library. For example, the library doesn't have a quiet study area. It's pretty noisy for people or students who want to study lonely and quietly. The library can consider to build a quiet study room in the future.雅思口语话题part2高分范文之:未来居住的城市(city or country you want to live)Describe a city or country you most want to live in the futureYou should say:What is itWhere is it locatedWhy do you like it1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:改进公共设施(public place that you think need improvements)The city I most want to live in the future is Guangzhou. It is located in Guangdong Province,southern China. It's not far away from Hong Kong.I like to live in this city for several reasons. First of all, it's warm in winter. I personally don't like cold weather. I can still wear sweaters or shirts in December in Guangzhou. Secondly, Guangzhou has a great job market. Career planning is one of the most important things for me. When I consider the city is livable or not, I pay more attention to the job market of the city. Guangzhou is one of the most developed cities in China. In the future, it will need all kinds of professionals to build the city better. I believe this will be a good opportunity. The last reason is the delicious food in Guangzhou. Guangzhou is famous for dim sum, and dim sum is my favorite food.雅思口语话题part2高分范文之:从某处(人)学会(sth you learned in a place/from a person) Describe something you learned in a place/from a personYou should say:What was it that you learnedWhen did this happenWhere was it/ Who taught youHow difficult was it to learn1-4月雅思口语新题part 2范文之:从某处(人)学会(Describe sth you learned in a place/from a person)Several years ago, I tried to learn how to bake cakes in rice cooker and succeeded in making it. My roommate is a baking genius and she taught me to bake cakes at home.Learning how to bake cakes in rice cooker was pretty difficult because of several reasons. First of all, the portions of materials used were hard to control because I didn't have enough professional cooking tools. I estimated all the materials and merged together. I actually failed once, and succeeded at the second time. Secondly, baking cakes in rice cooker is different from baking in oven. I couldn't change the temperature of rice cooker and I couldn't know how well the cake became with the time passing by either. I had to guess and make sure the cake was not over-cooked. I had to pay more attention to the cake and couldn't leave the cake alone. The last difficult thing was how to take the cake out of the rice cooker. I had to slip the whole cake into a plate with some skills.雅思口语话题part2高分范文之:好的服务(where you received a good service)Describe an occasion where you received a good service from a company or shopYou should say:What the service wasWhen and where it happenedWhom you were together withHow you felt about itAnd explain why you think it was good service1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:好的服务(an occasion where you received a good service from a company or shop)Two years ago, I succeeded in returning a broken sweater to customer service at ABC store in Canada with my friend. I was very satisfied with the returning service there. It could be the best returning experience I've ever had.I bought a sweater from ABC store two years ago and washed it immediately after buying it. However, I found it's broken after being washed on the same day. I took this sweater to the store,wishing I could return it by some luck because usually clothes couldn't be returned or exchanged after being washed. The lady was so nice. She apologized immediately after listening to my request. She said it's their quality problem and promised to refund in 3 business days. She apologized again for the poor quality and shopping experience. I didn't expect it could be solved so smoothly and easily. I would like to shop there again just for their great service.雅思口语话题part2高分篇三i use social apps and knowledge-sharing apps everyday because the two meet my biggest two needs.i think in China there are already all kinds of apps to cater to people's every specific need, so it is hard for me to even name one special original app.But i would like the future world to have more apps for knowledge sharing like Quora and Zhihu(知乎).Definitely the Wechat,≮≮China's number one national app.It gets nearly a user pool of 1 billion.And you know what,more than half of them are daily active users. People socialise,buy,have fun and read ,basically do everything on the Wechat.The first app i really used is an app for podcast,named Zune. it is an app developed by Microsoft for the windows phone. i really enjoyed it so much since i can subscribe to and automatically download all kinds of podcasts from BBC,the Guardian and so on with ease.Yeah,of course, how can the smart app developers miss out on so important and vast a population,like 3 hundred million. There are some easy and relaxing game apps for old people and they really enjoy killing some time and even have some online social life over the fun gaming time.雅思口语题库part1话题范文之:Dictionary1-4月雅思口语part1相关话题:dictionary1. How often do you use your dictionary?2. Do you like paper dictionary or electronic dictionary?3. What kinds of dictionaries have you used before?4. How will dictionaries change in the future?雅思口语Part 篇四部分雅思口语Part2万能模板内容:Describe your job in detail.I am an Engineer. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I work for a large construction company. To be more precise, we specialize in the building of railway bridges. Secondly, I would like to mention that I am in the designing department. We have to look at the site for a new bridge, and then decide what type of bridge will be suitable. Lastly, we have to make recommendations to the railway company of all the alternatives, and give them some idea of the costs.Is your job important to you?That’s a broad question. Allow me to explain by shortly mentioning the following points: First of all, my job is important to me because by doing it I can serve my community and my country. For example, when my company builds a new road, many people benefit from our work. Secondly, it makes me feel good about myself. For instance, I am earning enough money to be able to rent my own apartment.这类模板被称为是TSE方法。
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a popular person 描述一个受欢迎的人.doc

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a popular person 描述一个受欢迎的人思路点拨:以下思路谨供参考,希望大家结合自己的切身经历编写答案。
我们在选取某个受欢迎的人的时候,不必局限于能够给社会给人们带来深远影响的big potato(大人物),也可以说说我们身边的小王、张三。
Describe a popular personYou should say:Who the person isWhat kind of person he or she isWhy you think this person is popularHow this person influences the public我想说的一位受欢迎的人是金星。
A popular person that I want to say is Jinxing, who is a very famous ballerina and modern dancer in China. A lot of people knew her started from the news that she became one of the first few transsexuals to be recognized as a woman by the government in China.事实上,我对她不了解,直到我看了2017年她在达沃斯世界经济论坛上的一个采访视频才逐渐加深对她的认识。

关于友谊的雅思口语雅思口语描述自己朋友1. Do you think friends are important?解题思路:朋友这个大话题的论述在人物题的话题卡中出现频率也是不低的,所以第三部分中对于朋友相关的问题也是比较普遍的。
没有朋友大多数时间(much of the time )我们都会很孤独,虽然有的时候一个人也是很自在的(it’s nice to be left alone),这里对于nice 替换可以有brilliant, fantastic等一类的词语。
但是无人交谈(have no one to talk to)也是很可怕的。
有了朋友我们可以有相同的爱好(similar interests),聊聊我们的人生,分享自己的经历(share e某periences)。
朋友应该是被紧紧抓住的(Friends should be held close),因为他们是我们能拥有的最有价值的东西(the most valuable things)。
参考答案:Of course friends are important! Without friends we would be lonely much of the time, and although sometimes it’s nice to be left alone, it would be horrible to have no one to talk to. With friends we can enjoy similar interests, talk about our lives and share e某per iences. Friends should be held close, because they’re some of the most valuable things we can have. A true friend will always be there for you when you need them most. A strong group of friends is as good as, if not better than, a family.2. Do you prefer to have one or two close friends or a widecircle of friends?解题思路:这道题虽然是第三部分的题目,但是问的个人的观点,所以可以表明个人的观点及态度。

雅思口语Part2新题8.5分范文答案:拜访朋友雅思口语是雅思考试中比较难得分的部分,很多雅思考生在口语上都很头疼,怎么都拿不到高分,所以大家掌握一些雅思口语的答题模板是非常重要的,下面就为大家推荐雅思口语Part2新题8.5分范文答案:拜访朋友,大家可以参考雅思口语Part2新题8.5分范文答案:拜访朋友拜访朋友Describe an experience that you visited a friendWhere you visited him or herWhat you didWhy you visited him or her And how you felt about it1. Where you visited him or her?I wanna talk about a time that I had a great time with my friend. Last summer vacation, I finished my class, and got bored, so I decided to take a trip to Yan tai and visit my friend cuz I have not seen him for a long time.2. What you did?The trip went pretty well, and I arrived at Yantai, my friend and I venturing through the whole city and we talked a lot about what happened recently, and what happened in our university and so on. We actually had a fun. To be honest, I just fall in love with that amazing city.3. Why you visited him or her?Actually, talking about the reason, like I just mentioned, I have not seen him for a long time and I really miss him. I really miss the time that we spent together. And plus, I never been to Yantai before, my friend highly recommends that place to me.4. And explain how you felt about it?I felt that the trip was quite meaningful, I thought whatimportant is not where we are, but with whom you are with. You know, it was really hard to say goodbye, and I promised him I will see you again in the future. That was kinda a unforgettable trip to me and I will always cherish that time.雅思口语part2新题及解析:拜访过的有趣的房子或公寓Describe an interesting house or apartment that you visited.You should say:where it was;whose home it was;what it looked like;and explain why you think it was interesting.解析:题目要求描述一个你拜访过的有趣的房子或公寓,你可以描述一些具有当地特色的房子,如福建的土楼,湘西的高脚楼或陕西的窑洞等等。

为了防止大家在考场时无话可说,同学们在备考阶段一定需要多积累一些口语话题哦~下面小编给大家带来雅思口语Part2参考答案大全,一起来学习一下吧!雅思口语Part2答案:家庭成员1I've got a small family with only 5 members and all of us are very close to each other and we love each other very much. Among them I love my mother more than anyone else in the whole world. I adore my mother for her caring, loving, adorable behaviors and wit. She is the person I can share everything with and that's the reason I worship her so much.Possibly she was the first human I saw when I opened my eyes in this world. A relationship with a mother is divine and all of my childhood memories are either related to my mom or my school. I can still remember a day I was late to come back home after school and that's because there was a ceremony at the school I did not know about. All of a certain I found that my mother was entering through the school-gate to find me. I was so frightened that my mother would rebuke me for being late unnoticed and she must be mad at me. But to my best surprise, when my mother saw me she had a warm smile in her face that I'll never forget till my last breath in this earth. Then she hugged me and gave me a kiss. I felt then that I love my mother more than me. She attended the program at the school and afterward we came back home together.I spent my 19 years or so with my father and mother but I stay at a metropolitan city now for my education. Whenever I get vacation I meet my mother at my village home. On an average Ispend 2/3 months with my mother each year but I talk to her over phone almost twice a day.The reasons why I admire her are endless. She is caring, tender, she has got a big heart and she possesses love for everyone. She had been an ideal mother to raise 3 kids and making sure our education and moral values. She had made a lot of sacrifices all of her life and had never complained about anything to my best knowledge. She is the person who reminds me the power of love and caring.雅思口语Part2答案:家庭成员2I have got 6 family members and all of them are very dear and close to me. If I need to pick one family member among them to talk about, that would be my father. My father’s name is (say your father’s name) and he is around 50 years old. He is the kind of person I would want my offspring to be. He did his graduation in a time when formal education was not people’s first choice. They would rather start earning from work rather than going to school. My father fought to ensure his education with the people who thought working or doing some sort of business has more value than education. But my father believed that education is the most important part of a man’s life. He heartily held the idea that education shapes a man’s life and is the kind of power and asset that would always accompany him.I have lots of memories of my father and I see him every day. There exists a strong bonding between us that only two of us feel.I still remember those days of my childhood when I used to wait in the evening for my father to return from office. He would then play with me and help on completing my lessons. I vividly remember him sometimes taking me to the market and buy me gifts. When I was an infant he moved to the city from the villageto ensure me better schooling and environment. That was a decision that has changed my life path. He himself helped me finishing my home works and lessons, always allured me of gifts if I could complete my study. Besides my education he taught me lots of moral values and important things of life.He used to work in a Government organization and for his hard-working and kindness; he is revered by all of our relatives, his friends and neighbors.He believes in humanity, good behavior, our creator, and leads a life that can be exemplary. He still does most of his own works and helps my mom on her house hold works. After retirement he has picked 2 new habits: gardening and teaching neighbors’ kids. He is a quiet and intelligent man who has benevolent heart and that what make him so admirable to me. He is still the pillar of our family and all of our family members love and respect him very much.Tips for answering this Cue Card Sample:You already know a lot about your family members and this cue card should be an easy one to answer. Just focus on the questions mentioned bellow the Cue card topic. Following questions may come for this cue card and note the quick answers of these questions:1. Who is he/she? : My mother / My father/ My bother/ My sister etc.2. Your relationship to this family member: She is my mother/ he is my father etc.3. What you do together: We walk out together/ cook together/ study together/ talk a lot about family issues etc.4. What is s/he like: He/ She is kind, talented, energetic, worksa lot, dedicated, caring, possess a great personality, open mindedetc.5. How long do you know him /her: From my childhood/ all of my life/ for more than 20 years etc.6. How often do you see him/her: Everyday/ once in a month/ most of the time I stay at home/ in every three months etc.7. Why do you like him/ her or why do you admire him/ her?: S/he loves me a lot, very close to me, very caring, have a good heart, talented, helpful, my best mentor etc.While talking about what is s/he like or what qualities he /she has or even why do you like/ admire him/her you can use some of the following points:For father: He is honest, brave, had a good heart, talented, leads an ideal life. has sacrificed a lot to up-bring us, is an exemplary person, everybody respects him, is the best person I have ever seen, Loves me very much, hardworking, punctual, talented etc.For mother: She is so caring, loving, hardworking and possesses a good heart, had done a lot to up-bring us, very close to me, very understanding, one of my best friends, knows a lot of things and has so many practical skills etc.For brother: He is so brave, talented, well mannered, knows a lot about different things, had always been supportive to you, loved by others, cooperative and have lots of memories together, like a mentor to me, is my best buddy, taught me almost everything he knows, always protects me etc.For sister: She is caring, a good friend, loving, a good mentor, helps you on study or on other tasks, supportive, a very good friends, talented and well-mannered.If you prepare for this cue card you should be able to answerthe following cue cards as well with very little changes:1. Talk about someone who cares you a lot.2. Describe a person who you like very much.3. Describe the person whom you admire most.4. Talk about a person you know for a long.5. Talk about a senior person whom you like a lot.6. Talk about a person who has a great influence in your life.雅思口语Part2答案:喜欢的餐馆Thank you very much for giving me the chance to talk about my favourite restaurant. The name of my favourite restaurant is (say the name of the restaurant you are going to talk about) and it’s situated at the centre of the city I am currently living in. Not only I like the spacious, serene environment, tasty menus that the restaurant serves, but I have lots of memories related to this restaurant. I remember that my parents celebrated some of my birthday parties there, our college friends arranged the get-together parties, one of my cousins’ marriage ce remony was celebrated there and similarly I attended lots of other parties at this very restaurant.The restaurant has 3 floors and the sitting arrangement is quite nice. Paintings of famous artists have been hanging on the walls and the place is quite neat and clean. The interior decoration is charming and gorgeous feeling. The ground floor is spacious and can accommodate more than 50 cars' parking. The front view of the restaurant is different as the place gives the impression of an urban garden.The restaurant offers several dishes including exotic deserts, ice-creams and also offers a separate place for the kids to play and have fun. The prices are reasonable and the foods are served quickly as opposed to some other restaurants where you willhave to wait for a long for your foods to appear on your table. The waiters and other staffs are friendly and welcoming. The restaurant offers Chinese, Italian, Indian, Thai, Pakistani and local menus that gives you a wide ranges and options to pick from. The soft background music and instrumentals make the environment more enjoyable and soothing. The tables are not congested and people can chat over their personal topics without interruption. The long glass made windows offer the city view which makes the place worth visiting besides the delicious foods. The place must be a good place to be as I often found the foreign tourists visiting the restaurant. The authority lets the customers provide their feedbacks and comments on foods and the place and as I have noticed they take prompt action on a customer complaint.In short, this is a really nice restaurant to go and enjoy the delicious meals.Tips for answering this Cue Card Sample:You should talk about a restaurant that you know about. Do not pick a renowned restaurant that you know very little. You are free to describe the interior design, service, external environment, dishes served of the restaurant the way you like. It does not have to be an exact match with the restaurant you actually go a lot. You should add some of your memorable events of this restaurant. Some of the common features that people like abouta restaurants are:1. Delicious dishes.2. Reasonable price.3. Easy to go there from home.4. Quiet and nice environment.5. Attractive decoration and view.6. Playground for kids.7. Open space.8. Privacy.9. Service and behaviour of the staffs.10. Special treats for the regular customer.11. Variety of foods.12. Past memory related to the restaurant.13. Recommendation from friends and family members.14. Discounts, etc.In your answer you can use the above mentioned points.If you are prepared for this cue card sample you should be able to answer the following cue cards as well:1. Talk about a place you often go to. (You can say that you often go to this restaurant)2. Describe a place you would recommend your friends to visit.3. Describe a party centre you went recently.4. Describe a restaurant you recently visited.5. Talk about a place where you often meet your friends.6. Describe a restaurant that you enjoyed going to.雅思口语Part2答案:对你有影响的书籍Whenever I get time, I try to read books and the ranges vary from profession related books, technical, religious, fiction, classic and contemporary books. The book I would like to describe is a novel called ‘Kane and Abel’ and is written by the famous British writer Jeffrey Archer. Sometimes I read book reviews on internet and after reading 2/3 books by Jeffrey archer, I tried to get the list of all books by Jeffrey Archer. I found that most of the Jeffrey Archer f ans have recommended the book ‘Kane & Abel’. Some people even commented that this is the best bookever written by the same author. I made my mind at this very moment to read this book. After one month or so, I bought the book from a book store and started reading it.The book was first published in 1979 in the United Kingdom and in USA in 1980. The book was the international success and reached No. 1 position on the New York Times best-selling book list. The story-line started with the birth of two infants named Kane and Abel in the year 1906. One of them was born to a life of prosperity and eases in USA in a rich family while the other one to a world of hardship and struggle. On different sides of the Globes, they grew up: one shaped by a luxurious upbringing, fine schooling and history he read, the other one who lost his mother at the time of his birth and did not know who his father was, well tempered by war, slavery and history he was part of. The story telling of Jeffrey Archer is magical and enchanting. Most of his story simply mesmerizes the readers and for Kane and Abel the attraction worked even more. Every page I turned tempted me to read further. Not for a single moment I could have stop thinking about the events and characters of the books and that had a major influence on me. The characters have their own charismatic powers and followed their own paths. One is gold, meritorious while the other one is steel and have forfeited the Dead himself. On their journey in life, they confront each other and became the ultimate adversary of each other. In their relentless battle, both men knew that there could be only one victor- and one vanquished.Across three generations and around a rapidly changing world, their war rages unchecked, for the love of a dream, the loss of an empire, and the lure of a fortune. Kane became the owner of the largest bank in USA while Abel came to USA as apenniless emigrant after the World War I. With intelligence Kane started flourishing the banking business, while Abel made his fortune at last in Hotel business. The first time they confronted each other as a bank owner and a debtor. Though Kane wanted to help Abel regain his business by financing further, but could not do so because of the bank’s board members’ decision. After that Abel considered Kane as his greatest enemy and sought to destroy Kane. As time passed both had to fight their own fates but the vendetta remained on their hearts. When both men finally grew older, their son and daughter fell in love and got married. They never agreed on the marriage because of their personal hatred of each other. Abel succeeded to buy the bank stocks of Kane’s Bank to hold the power to veto Kane. At the end of the story both confronted each other for the second and last time. After that Kane died and after his death, Abel learned that it was Kane who backed him financially to start his hotel business. The story was told like a magician and is a powerful portrait of a world and two men that a reader would never forget.。

雅思口语话题part2参考范文:和朋友愉快聚餐Describe a dinner you enjoyed with your friends.When and where you had the dinnerWho you ate the dinner withWhat you ateAnd explain how you felt with this dinner1.适用考生:全适用2.主题:一次愉快的自助餐3.故事线:最近和朋友们在城市夜餐厅吃自助餐。
雅思口语高分范文示例:Recently I ate buffet at City Night Restaurant with my friends.I had this meal about two weeks ago and we ate buffet in the evening time. That was actually a get together short of a party with my school friends whom I have not met for a long in person. Over the phone, we talked and planned to have a meal cum get together party together to discuss us and to meet those friends in person. We picked the City Night Restaurant because it is in a suitable location for all of us and we knew the food quality of this restaurant was good.We met at around 5 pm and we spent some good timetogether. Lots of things have changed and some of our friends have done many challenging things and we all enjoyed the stories and updated we gave each other. Four friends of mine from school came to this occasion and they were James, Jessica, Harper and Patrick (...or say names of your friends...)It was a gathering we had been planning for a long and as part of our meeting, we planned to have a great feast. From the very beginning, we planned to have met in a restaurant and not at home. Usually arranging to get together type party at a restaurant is easier and more convenient than arranging it at home. No one feels shy or uneasy being at other's home and the host does not have to go through a big preparation. The friends who came at this gathering also liked the environment and foods of City Night Restaurant and that was the main reason we planned to have it outside our home.雅思口语part2范文:亲友聚会地点Describe a place where you often visit with your friends or familyYou should say:Where the place isHow you know the placeHow you go thereWhy you want to visitToday, I’m going to share with you a place where I usually/often go to relax/read and write/ hang out with my friends, which is a small café/restaurant near my company/my house named “ABC”As a full-time employee/student, I have to go to work/ school 5 days a week; therefore, the only time that I can visit this place is on weekends. I always try to make time for my little trip to“ABC” café every Saturday or Sunday.The coffee house is located on a quiet street with a lot of trees planted on both sides. Additionally, it has a patio with hanging gardens which I like very much; it makes me feel like I?m sitting in a garden of my own.Separated from the hustle and bustle of the city life in Hanoi, this place allows me to sit quietly and reflect, relaxing after a week of hard work. I can concentrate on a personal project such asreading or writing in my journal without being interrupted by other people.It serves great coffee, tea, and cakes, thus, the place always smells very nice. In addition, the employees are also friendly and helpful.Sometimes, I go there with my friends. Over a nice cup of coffee/tea, we share our stories and smell the beautiful scent of the flowers. At that moment, we can escape from reality for a little while and enjoy ourselves even more.雅思口语part2范文:和朋友出去Describe an experience that you went out with your friends and had a good time和朋友出去Describe an experience that you went out with your friends and had a good time You should say:Where you wentWhen you went out What you didAnd explain why you had a good time上个月有一天和发小一起出去吃火锅,然后去电影院看了复仇者联盟·终局之战(复联四)。

最新雅思口语Part2话题答案整理最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a time you were not allowed to use a phoneYou should say:Where you wereWhen it happenedWhat you did thereAnd why you were not allowed to use yourcellphone参考范文In February last year I was so lucky to participate in a reality TV program recording with my friends. The show named Super Brain was extremely popular in China and through this program we had the chance to explore something new in the fields we did not know before.I still remembered that freezing afternoon, all the audience gathered at Nanjing International Expo Center. To my friend and me, this was a once-in-a-life chance so we excitedly discussed that we should take a lot of photos from the second we enter the studio hall.Well perhaps plan never runs smoothly cause when we satdown in the fabulous studio hall we were informed that no one was allowed to take photos or videos during the whole recording process. The staff told us that some audience used to take photographs secretly and post them on the Internet ahead of the telecast just in order to steal the spotlight. They were proud to give away the spoiler but it was no doubt a nuisance to the television station.Although I wanted to take just one picture as a memento and my friend also looked sad, we decided to comply with the rules and packed up our electronic devices. To be honest that night was still amazing and I enjoyed the show even though no photo was taken.最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a piece of good news that you receivedYou should say:what this news waswhen and where you heard ithow you heard itand explain why you think it was good news参考范文The best news for me up till now is that my parents finallystopped forcing me to take the college entrance examination, so that I could focus on the preparation for the IELTS test.Well actually that’s a long story, and I’ll try to make it short.Um。

26个话题卡1.Describe a friend.2.Describe someone who does something very well.3.Describe a person you know who likes to helpothers.4.Describe a friend who you had at school.5.Describe your best friend.6.Describe a teenager who you know.7.Describe an occasion when someone gave youimportant help in a difficult situation8.Describe some good advice you received9.Describe a child you know.10.Describe a friend who you had when you were achild11.Describe a good neighbour of yours12.Describe a person who you once lived with13.Describe an old person you know who you admre14.Describe an interesting old person who you know15.Describe a person who you would like to besimilar to the future.16.Describe a person who is good at his or her job17.Describe the person in your family who you spendmost time with18.Describe a success you have had19.Describe a leader you admire20.Describe a creative person21.Describe the first time when you talked to aforeigner22.Describe a person you helped.23.Describe a positive change in your life24.Describe a person you would like to spend sometime with25.Describe a person who move in with you26.Describe a person who moves to a newaccommodation通用素材AppearanceShe is taller than most of her friends,skinny,and with Bob hair,we all call her “panda”,as she prefers black and white for clothes,and most mportantly ,there is a picture of panda on her pajama,which makes her looks so lovely.翻译:她比大多数朋友都高,瘦削,有着一头蓬松的头发,我们都叫她“熊猫”,因为她喜欢穿黑白相间的衣服,最重要的是,她的睡衣上有一张熊猫的照片,这让她看起来很可爱。

雅思口语第二部分内容题目Part 2●People:1. A family (not yours) 别人的家庭2. A successful person 成功的人3. A celebrity 名人4.An artist you adored 你崇拜的艺术家5. A TV/radio program presenter 主持人6. A friend you knew for a long time 认识很长时间的朋友7. A best friend 好朋友8. A person who speak foreign language 说外语的人9. A child you knew 小孩10.An adventurous person 具有冒险精神的人11.The oldest person you knew 最老的人12.The old person you want to talk with 交谈的老人13.A family member you admired 崇拜的家人14.A person you would like to travel with 一起旅行的人15.A person you helped 你帮助过的人16.A person in the news that you want to meet 想见的新闻人物17.A character of childhood story 童话人物18.A neighbour 邻居19.A person who is a good leader 好的领导20.A leader in sports, economy or politics you admired崇敬的领导21.A person who have a healthy lifestyle 一个有健康生活方式的人22.Two people from the same family一个家庭的两个人23.A good student who you studied with 好学生24.A personality of yourself 自己的性格25.A person who taught you smt 教你的人●Object:1.Family equipment (except computer) 非电脑的家用设备2.Something you have to save money to buy 存钱买的东西3. A item of clothing which you usually wear 衣服4.Advertisement 广告5. A film you watched recently最近看的电影6.Foreign Music 外国音乐7. A song you remember from your childhood童年的歌8.New law 新的法律9.Something new you have learned to do oncomputers 用电脑做的事10.A job that can make the world a better place美好的工作11.A interesting animal in your country 祖国有趣动物12.Foreign food you want to have 外国食物13.An expensive thing you want to buy if youhave enough money 想买的贵东西/doc/e66818571.html, (educational)Program 喜欢的电视节目15.A newspaper or magazine 报纸或杂志16.A gift you gave 礼物17.A song you like一首歌18.A family photo 家庭照片19.A book you like to read again 想读第二遍的书20.Your dream job as a kid小时候想做的工作21.A job you want to do 想做的工作22. A product from other country外国商品23.A letter you received收到的信24.An old thing of your family 家里的旧东西25.A furniture家具26.A helpful website网站27.A foreign culture外国文化28.Something you made yourself 自制物品29.A vehicle 车30.Small business you want to own想做的小生意●Event:1.An occasion you were late 迟到的场合2. A traditional festival 传统节日/ An important celebration 重要的庆祝3. A day off 空闲的一天4.An outdoor activity 户外活动5. A small thing you do to protect the environment 保护环境的一件小事6. A naughty thing 淘气的事7.An interesting news you heard 有趣的新闻8.An event you do with others together 跟别人合作的事9. A sport you would like to be good at 你擅长的体育运动10.Story you heard in your childhood 童年听过的故事11.A walk you take regularly 日常散步12.A visit to one of your family members of friends 一次拜访13.A sport or competition you want to take partin 想参加的体育比赛14.Family event 家庭事件15.A change you would like to make to your lifestyle in order to improve your health 生活的改变16.An happy event when you were a child童年开心的事17.A conversation 一次对话18.Musical event 音乐事件19.A successful event you want to achieve 成功的事20.A past experience that has positive influence on your current life 积极的改变21.A wedding 婚礼22.An experience when you were angry 一次生气的经历23.Something Unusual or Interesting You want to do 想做的有趣或不寻常的事24.An experience that someone give you money as gift 给钱的经历25.A bad weather you have experienced before经历的坏天气26.A journey longer than you expected 一个比你预计时间长的旅行27.A traveling you would like to make in thefuture 未来的旅行28.A journey or trip when you were a child 童年的旅行29.An interesting subject有趣的课程30.A special meal特殊一餐31.A situation when you were congratulated 为你的庆祝32.Something kind that sb did for you别人为你做的好事33.An experience you lost something丢东西的经历Place:1.Museum 博物馆2. A place you have lunch 吃午饭的地方3. A place you learn past events 学到往事的地方4.Recent change of your hometown 家乡最近的改变5.Historical building 历史建筑6. A place with a lot of noises 有噪音的地方7. A hotel 住过的旅馆8. A peaceful place 安静的地方9. A place near a lot of water that you enjoyed visiting when you were child 童年近水的地方10.An ideal house 理想的房子11.A leisure centre 休闲中心12.A place you want to travel to 想去旅游的地方13.A street/road 一条街道14.A building in a school or university that you attended 学校的建筑15.The room in your home where you spent themost time when you were a child 小时候住过的房间16.A park/garden you once went to 去过的公园17.A shopping place 购物的地方18.Public Building 公共建筑19.An Enjoyable Place in your city or town 愉快的地方20.Live in a flat/house 喜欢住公寓还是别墅21.An open air place户外地方22.Restaurant 餐厅23.A workplace 工作场所24.An Interesting Shop that you often go to有趣的商店25.A foreign you want to travel出国旅行26.A popular swimming place游泳场所27.Recent change of hometown家乡的变化People:01.名人Describe a famous person (artist, singer, ) in your/foreign country(老题重现).02. 乐队或歌手Describe a music group/band/singer in your country03.久违好友Describe a friend you haven't seen fora long time(好友变体)04.有雄心抱负的年轻人Describe a young man with ambition.(待补)Event:01.喜欢的天气Describe your favorite weather (坏天气变体)02. 幸福婚姻Describe a Happy marriage(wedding 的变体)03.让你笑的事儿Describe a experience something make you laugh04. 沟通方式Describe one of your favorite ways of communication (telephone/letter/e-mail/text message) 05.礼貌场合Describe an occasion you have to be polite06. 历史事件Describe a historical event you know07. 集体活动Describe a group activity you often take part in (at school,uni,or work)08. 看到动物的经历Describe an occasion that you saw an animal09.未来计划Describe your plans/goal for the future (such as your career or study plans 想做工作变体)10.难而胜任之事Describe a difficult thing you did well (待补)Object:01.童年玩具Describe a toy that was important to you in your childhood (老题)02.Describe a science lesson that you learned (biology, chemistry or physics) (喜欢的课程变体)03.有意思的照片Describe a most interesting photography that you like .Place:01.有水的地方Describe a river/sea/lake you enjoyed visiting. (近水之地变体)02. 自然美景(这道题目不明确故有三个时态分别问一般,过去,将来)Describe a naturally beautiful place where you can relax:Describe a natural beauty you visited:Describe a natural beauty you would like to visit:03.放松的地方Describe an open-air place you go to (went) where you feel relaxed 04.图书馆Describe a library that you visited.(public/school library)05. 喜欢的街道Describe a street (in your hometown) you like(老题).。

雅思口语part2考官范文:ausefulwebsite雅思口语是雅思考试中比较难得分的部分,很多雅思考生在口语上都很头疼,怎么都拿不到高分,所以大家掌握一些雅思口语的答题模板是非常重要的,下面就为大家推荐雅思口语part2考官范文:a useful website,大家可以参考雅思口语part2考官范文:a useful website喜欢上的网站Describe a useful website that you like to visit.Useful phrases:(Talking about Taobao…)Ok, well the first website that came to mind when I saw this topic was Taobao dot com, which (I suppose you could say) is the Chinese equivalent of 好的,那么当我看到这个话题的时候,我第一想到的网站是淘宝网,这个网站应该可以说是相等于(国外的).There’s a huge range of stuff you can buy on this website.(“stuff” just means “things”, and is uncountable, so no “s” at the end. It’s used a lot in spoken English)One of the best things about this website is that the prices are generally a lot cheaper than in the shops.I mainly go on it to buy things like clothes…I know that shopping online can be quite risky, because the product often isn’t as good as it looks on the website, but if you do enough research, such as read (through) the customer reviews of the product you’re thinking of buying, then I think you can avoid this kind of thing happening to you, because you’ll be able to get an idea of (你将能够了解) how reliable the supplier is.(Talking about )Ok right then, well (好的,那么) the website I’d like to talk to you about is Ted dot com, which you might (well) have heardof before, and possibly even been on (你可能听说过,也可能上过).And as for what’s on the website, well to put it simply, it’s basically a huge collection of video speeches by various people from all kinds of fields,So it’s a really great resource (一个极好的资源) for learning stuffIt’s completely free, you know, it doesn’t cost anything to listen to the talks,And what’s great about it is that (它很好的一点就是) you can choose Chinese or English subtitles(字幕) for most of the talks, and also download them onto your computer.I also like to read the comments (评论) written by other people who have watched the talk.I go on it (probably) something like two or three times a week(我大概每周量、三次上这个网站) , so pretty much every other day (所以差不多每隔一天)I’m normally on it while I’m having my lunch (我一般吃午饭的时候在上个网站) because most of the talks are between about 10 to 20 minutesAs for why I think it’s a good website –well first and foremost , it’s because the (vast) majority of talks are incredibly interesting, at least in my opinion anyway (至少在我看来), so there’s a tremendous amount you can learn from them. (能够从它们学到很多很多!)…I think it’s wonderful to have a website like this, which brings all these great talks together in one place…and another good thing about it is that the talks on the website don’t go on for too long (不延续太久). You know we’ve all listened to speeches which drag on and on(拖延很久), but these ones are (generally) all quite short and to the point(直切主题的).(Talking about Yahoo)…what I like about Yahoo is that the news articles are always very short and concise(简明的), you know, not too wordy (文字略嫌罗唆) like a lot of other news websites.…and another good thing about the article s on Yahoo is that they are generally written in a pretty colloquial (口语的) style, which makes them easy to read.(Talking about the BBC World Service Website)…I would say it’s definitely one of the best English learning resources on the web, because you can listen to the radio live for 24 hours a day……and as well as this (除此之外), there are loads of other radio programmes you can also listen to.(loads of = lots of – and used mainly in spoken English)(Talking about Renren website人人网)Ok, well the first website that came to mind when I saw this topic was Renren dot com, which (I suppose you could say) is the Chinese equivalent of Facebook.…it’s basically the Chinese version (版本) of Facebook.…it’s a social networking site (社交网站)…you can upload photos onto the website so that your friends can enjoy looking at them.雅思口语解析:A website you like to visit在描述website 这个雅思话题其实大家有很多选择,例如像论坛,贴吧,新闻,B站等等,但是为了能够生动形象的解释出你都干了什么,为什么喜欢等等。

雅思口语part2 答案题库雅思哥预测高频题目

目录1-青少年...................................................................................................................................................... .......................... - 1 -1-好邻居...................................................................................................................................................... .......................... - 2 -1-一见如故...................................................................................................................................................... ...................... - 3 -1-有礼貌的人...................................................................................................................................................... .................. - 4 -2-完美假期...................................................................................................................................................... ...................... - 5 -2-图书馆...................................................................................................................................................... .......................... - 6 -2-咖啡馆...................................................................................................................................................... .......................... - 7 -2-房间...................................................................................................................................................... .............................. - 8 -3-机器人...................................................................................................................................................... .......................... - 9 -3-童年玩具...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 10 -3-关于未来的书和电影...................................................................................................................................................... - 11 -3-博物馆...................................................................................................................................................... ........................ - 12 -3-表演...................................................................................................................................................... ............................ - 13 -4-网站...................................................................................................................................................... ............................ - 14 -4-电视节目...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 15 -4-最近的改变...................................................................................................................................................... ................ - 16 -4-不同寻常的工作...................................................................................................................................................... ........ - 17 -4-培训课...................................................................................................................................................... ........................ - 18 -5-海边活动...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 19 -5-城市旅游...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 20 -5-放松方式...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 21 -5-童年游戏...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 22 -6-乐于助人...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 23 -6-纪录片...................................................................................................................................................... ........................ - 24 -6-书...................................................................................................................................................... ................................ - 25 -6-合作项目...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 26 -6-业余计划...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 27 -6-小语种...................................................................................................................................................... ........................ - 28 -7-错误的决定...................................................................................................................................................................... - 29 -7-不满意的购物...................................................................................................................................................... ............ - 30 -7-让你想购物的广告...................................................................................................................................................... .... - 31 -7-喜爱的衣服...................................................................................................................................................... ................ - 32 -8-花园...................................................................................................................................................... ............................ - 33 -8-漂亮的房子...................................................................................................................................................... ................ - 34 -8-重要的植物...................................................................................................................................................... ................ - 35 -9-交通工具...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 36 -9-拥挤的地方...................................................................................................................................................... ................ - 37 -9-迟到的经历...................................................................................................................................................... ................ - 38 -10-好家长...................................................................................................................................................... ...................... - 39 -10-特殊宴会...................................................................................................................................................... .................. - 40 -10-传统事件...................................................................................................................................................... .................. - 41 -11-给别人的礼物...................................................................................................................................................... .......... - 42 -11-设备...................................................................................................................................................... .......................... - 43 -- 1 -12-体育事件...................................................................................................................................................... .................. - 44 -12-重要人士...................................................................................................................................................... .................. - 45 -13-有意义的歌...................................................................................................................................................... .............. - 46 -13-重要的信息...................................................................................................................................................... .............. - 47 -14-有趣的演讲...................................................................................................................................................... .............. - 48 -14-数学...................................................................................................................................................... .......................... - 49 -14-向家人学习...................................................................................................................................................... .............. - 50 -- 1 -1-青少年Describe a teenager who you knowYou should sayHow old they areHow and where you met him or herWhat you and this person do togetherWhat kind of person he or she isAnd explain how you feel about him or herOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a teenager I know, and I suppose Iwould like to talk about Lucy, my next door neighbor’s daughter.Now going on to my next point which is how and where I met this person, what I’d like to add here is that we have been neighbors for 3 years. Every time she saw me, she said hello to me. We chatted some times and I found her an easygoing person, and then, as you can see, we became good friends.Moving onto the business of what kind of person she is, I should underline the fact that she is a talkative girl who has a wide range of interests. Her mother is a professor majoring in communications and Lucy travelled a lot with her mother. She is fascinated by collecting different souvenirs especially something with unique historical significances. Whenever she took on a journey, she would keep a travelogue noting the fancies she encountered on the road, which she would share with me later when she came back. She also inherited the passion towardsphotograph from her mother. Furthermore, she has a very amiable personalityand people feel at ease when communicating with her.Finally then, if there’s time, I could deal with the last point of what kind of relationship I have with her. It is obvious that as we are at the same age, there is no generation gap between us when we are talking. Sometimes she showed meher photos and I would like to share the latest films and books with her just like what normal friends do. So the moment I read the topic, Lucy’s name came to my mi nd immediately. That’s all what I want to say.- 2 -1-好邻居Describe a good neighbor of yoursYou should sayHow long you have known this neighborWhat sort of person they areHow often you see themAnd explain why you consider this person to be a good neighborOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a good neighbor I know, and I suppose I would like to talk about my next door neighbor, Lucy.Now going on to my next point which is how long I knew this person, what I’d like to add here is that we have been neighbors for 3 years. Every time she saw me,she said hello to me. We chatted some times and I found her an easygoing person, and then, as you can see, we became good friends.Moving onto the business of what kind of person he is, I should underline the fact that she is a talkative girl who has a wide range of interests. Her mother is a professor majoring in communications and Lucy travelled a lot with her mother. She has been to Nepal and Tibet, where I have always desired to be. Whenevershe took on a journey, she would keep a travelogue noting the fancies she encountered on the road. She also inherited the passion towards photograph from her mother. Furthermore, she has a very amiable personality and people feel at ease when communicating with her.Finally then, if there’s time, I could deal with the last point of why I consider Lucy to be a good neighbor. It is obvious that as we are at the same age, there is no generation gap between us when we are talking. I am really fascinated by her travelling experience and she also taught me yoga, meditation and other aerobics. So the moment I read the topic, Lucy’s name came to my mind immediately. That’s all what I want to say.- 3 -1-一见如故Describe a person who became your good friend at the first meetingYou should sayWho the person wasWhen you first met this personWhat you did togetherAnd explain why you became good friends at the first meetingOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a person who became my good friend at the first meeting, and I suppose I would like to talk about my next door neighbor, Lucy.Now going on to my next point which is how I knew this person, what I’d like to add here is that we have been neighbors for 3 years. Every time she saw me, she said hello to me. We chatted some times and I found her an easygoing person, and then, as you can see, we became good friends.Moving onto the business of what kind of person she is, I should underline the fact that she is a talkative girl who has a wide range of interests. Her mother is a professor majoring in communications and Lucy travelled a lot with her mother. She has been to Nepal and Tibet, where I have always desired to be. Whenevershe took on a journey, she would keep a travelogue noting the fancies she encountered on the road. She also inherited the passion towards photograph from her mother. Furthermore, she has a very amiable personality and people feel at ease when communicating with her.Finally then, if there’s time, I could deal with the last point of why we became good friends at the first meeting. It is obvious that as we are at the same age, there is no generation gap between us when we are talking. I am really fascinated by her travelling experience and she also taught me yoga, meditation and other aerobics. So the mo ment I read the topic, Lucy’s name came to my mind immediately. That’s all what I want to say..- 4 -1-有礼貌的人Describe a most polite person you knowYou should sayWho the person isHow you know the personWhat the person looked likeAnd explain why you think this person is most politeOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a polite person, and I suppose I wouldlike to talk about my next door neighbor, Lucy.Now going on to my next point which is how I knew this person, what I’d like to add here is that we have been neighbors for 3 years. Every time she saw me, she said hello to me. We chatted some times and I found her an easygoing person, and then, as you can see, we became good friends.Moving onto the business of what kind of person she is, I should underline the fact that she is a talkative girl who has a wide range of interests. Her mother is a professor majoring in communications and Lucy travelled a lot with her mother. She has been to Nepal and Tibet, where I have always desired to be. Whenevershe took on a journey, she would keep a travelogue noting the fancies sheencountered on the road. She also inherited the passion towards photograph from her mother. Furthermore, she has a very amiable personality and people feel at ease when communicating with her.Finally then, if there’s time, I could deal with the last point of why I think this person is most polite. It is obvious that as we are at the same age, there is no generation gap between us when we are talking. Whenever Lucy saw me on the upstairs, she waved hello to me with a big smile on her face. Sometimes when I carried something really heavy, if she happened to be around ,she would come to my help immediately just like what friends do. So the moment I read the topic, the name of my neighbor occurred to me immediately. That’s all what I want to say.- 5 -2-完美假期Describe a perfect holiday you want to haveYou should say:Who you will be together withWhen, where you will spend the holidayWhat you will do on holidayAnd explain why you think it will be a perfect holiday.Ok, so the topic on my card is to describe a perfect holiday I want to have, and I suppose I would like to choose just to stay home with my best friends, where I could enjoy a period of leisure time ignoring the distractions outside.Now going on to my next point which is whom I’d like to be together with, what I’d like to add here is that perhaps I will share this time with my girlfriends. This period could provide me an opportunity to communicate with them and furtherour affection. Communication is vital to maintain a relationship, especially for young people like us.Moving onto the business of what I would like to do on the leisure days, I should underline the fact that I would like to read books over a cup of milk tea or coffee. Besides, we will do some cooking at home and whenever a delicious dish is prepared, we will feel so proud of ourselves. In my view, we can even just stand side by side, making cookies, laughing together, which may make us feel relaxed and secured.Finally then, if there's time, I could deal with the last point of why I think it will be a perfect holiday. To tell you the truth, I am not crazy about travelling outside, which is too troublesome in my eyes. I regard the perfect holiday as a time that I could relax myself and release stress from my heavy study load. In this way, I would cherish it very much, which is also a good opportunity for me to think deeply about my life and our future. That’s all I want to say.- 6 -2-图书馆Describe a library that you visitedYou should say:Where it wasWhat it looked likeWhat you did thereAnd explain what influence it had on you or how you felt about it.Ok, so the topic on my card is to describe a library that I visited, and I suppose I would like to choose a library in my hometown, which was designed like a reading salon and I often visited there several years ago.Now going on to my next point which is what it looked like, what I’d like to add here is that though it is not a very grand building, it has a very plain yet attractivefaçade, which was in line with my philosophy of beauty. A simple decoration did not reduce my passion in reading at all, on the contrary, I got more absorbed inmy books.Moving onto the business of what I usually do in the library, I should underline the fact that while reading books, I would like to listen to some music, especially classic music which helps soothe my emotion. I like reading books on how to cook, and later I will try those recipes back home. I have really learned some cooking skills from the books I read in the library.Finally then, if there's time, I could deal with the last point of how I felt about the library. To tell you the truth, I regard the library as a place that I could relax myself and release stress from my heavy study load. In this way, I cherish the experience very much, which is also a good opportunity for me to think deeply about my life. That’s all I want to say.- 7 -2-咖啡馆Describe a café you know in your hometownYou should say:Where it isHow often you go thereWhom you usually go there withAnd explain how you felt about it.Ok, so the topic on my card is to describe a café in my hometown, and I suppose I would like to choose café named Sculpting in Time, which was designed like a salonand I often visited there several years ago.Now going on to my next point which is where it is, what I’d like to add here isthat it is located on a very busy street in the city center. Though it is not a very grand building, it has a very plain yet attractive façade, which was in line with my philosophy of beauty.Moving onto the business of what I usually do in the cafe, I should underline the fact that I love reading books over a cup of tea, while listening to some soft music, which helps soothe my emotion. I like reading books on how to cook, and later Iwill try those recipes back home. I have really learned some cooking skills fromthe books I read in the cafe.Finally then, if there's time, I could deal with the last point of how I felt about the cafe. To tell you the truth, I regard the cafe as a place that I could relax myself and release stress from my heavy study load. In this way, I cherish the experience very much, which is also a good opportunity for me to think deeply about my life. That’s all I want to say..- 8 -2-房间Describe a room you spend most of the time inYou should say:Where the room isWhat the room looks likeWhat you usually do in the roomAnd explain how you feel about the room.Ok, so the topic on my card is to describe a room I spend most of the time in, and I suppose I would like to choose the room I frequently visited in a café named Sculpting in Time, which was designed like a salon and I often visited there several years ago.Now going on to my next point which is where it is, what I’d like to add here isthat it is located on a very busy street in the city center. Though it is not a very grand building, it has a very plain yet attractive façade, which was in line with my philosophy of beauty.Moving onto the business of what I usually do in the room, I should underline the fact that I love reading books over a cup of tea, while listening to some soft music, which helps soothe my emotion. I like reading books on how to cook, and later Iwill try those recipes back home. I have really learned some cooking skills fromthe books I read in the cafe.Finally then, if there's time, I could deal with the last point of how I felt about the room. To tell you the truth, I regard the cafe as a place that I could relax myself and release stress from my heavy study load. In this way, I cherish the experience very much, which is also a good opportunity for me to think deeply about my life. That’s all I want to say.- 9 -3-机器人Describe a robot you knowYou should sayWhat sort of robot it isWhat it looks likeWhat it can doAnd explain how you feel about the robotOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a robot, and I suppose I would like to choose Wall-e and EVE, they are robots in an award-winning animation movie,which I have seen last year.Now going onto my next point which is what the intelligent robots looked like, and what I’d like to add here is that Wall-e got a cubic body and designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future. What’s more, as with his regular duties, he inquisitively collected artifacts of human civilization. He falls in love with another robot named EVE, who also has a programmed task, and follows her into outer space on an adventure that changes the destiny of both his kind and humanity. Moving onto the business of how I felt about the robot, I should underline the fact that these robots exhibit an appearance of free will and emotions similar to humans, which develop further as the film progresses. Frankly speaking, I regarded the robot as the great progress that made by human-beings. I strongly believe that the robot could change our future life, which would be more convenient for us to do something beyond our abilities. However, we can’t rely too much on robots, otherwise human beings will suffer from obesity and our planetwill get stuck in crisis as the film indicates. Human beings must take a prudent attitude in employing robots. That’s all I want to say..- 10 -3-童年玩具Describe a toy that was important to you in your childhoodYou should sayWhen you got this toyHow you got this toy ( or who gave you this toy)What you did with this toyWhat topics you usually speak aboutAnd explain why it was important to you or why you like itOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a toy that was important to me in my childhood, I suppose I would like to choose Wall-e, a robot model from the award-winning movie, which I got from parents several years ago.Now going onto my next point which is what the toy looked like, and what I’d like to add here is that Wall-e got a cubic body and in the movie, it was designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future. What’s more, the most unique feature is that the eyeballs of the robot model can start rolling when batteries are installed.Moving onto the business of how I felt about the toy, I should underline the fact that, frankly speaking, I regarded robot as the great progress that made byhuman-beings. I strongly believe that the robot could change our future life, which would be more convenient for us to do something beyond our abilities. Furthermore, taking care of the robot model helps me cultivate my sense of responsibility and keeps me away from loneliness. However, we can’t rely toomuch on robots, otherwise human beings will suffer from obesity and our planetwill get stuck in crisis as the film indicates. Human beings must take a prudent attitude in employing robots. When I was still a child, the experience with therobot became an unforgettable memory to me, which I would cherish forever.That is all I want to say.- 11 -3-关于未来的书和电影Describe a film or book about future that you read or watchedYou should sayName of the book or filmWhen you read or watched itWhat it was aboutAnd explain how you felt about itOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a film about future that I watched, and I suppose I would like to choose “Wall-e ” an award-winning animation film, which I watched about several years ago.Now going onto my next point which is what the film was about, and what I’d like to add here is that the film depicts in 2805, Earth is covered in garbage due to decades of mass consumerism. With a cubic body, Wall-e designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth. What’s more, as with his regular duties, he inquis itively collected artifacts of human civilization. He falls in love with another robot named EVE, who also has a programmed task, and follows her into outer space on an adventure that changes the destiny of both his kind and humanity.Moving onto the business of how I felt about the film, I should underline the fact that these robots exhibit an appearance of free will and emotions similar to humans, which develop further as the film progresses. Frankly speaking, I regarded the robot as the great progress that made by human-beings. I strongly believe that the robot could change our future life, which would be more convenient for us to do something beyond our abilities. However, we can’t rely too much on robots, otherwise human beings will suffer from obesity and our planetwill get stuck in crisis as the film indicates. In the movie, humans becomemorbidly obese after centuries of living in microgravity. As a result, human beings must take a prudent attitude in employing robots. That’s all I want to say.- 12 -3-博物馆Describe a museum that you visitedYou should sayWhere it wasWhat it looked likeWhat facilities it hadAnd explain what influence it had on youOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a museum that I visited, and I suppose I would like to choose a museum that displayed robots, which I would like to visit when I was still a child.Now going onto my next point which is what I saw in the museum, and what I’d。
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Though I have many friends, my friendship with them grew up with times and mutual understanding. But I can recall that my friendship with George grew up almost all of a sudden. George is senior to me by 2-3 years and I did not meet him until I was in the 4th semester in my University. One of my term final exam's schedules was changed and I did not know that. According to my previous exam schedule I reached my University and was totally confused what to do when I heard that the exam was already over. I went to our Departmental head's office and he could not find a way around of it. He blamed me that I should have been more careful about the changes. I explained him that I was sick and did not come to university for 3-4 days and that made me unaware of the exam schedule changes. Then I found that someone who was sitting next to me in the departmental head's office asked me to meet the course teacher and explain the situation. He then escorted me to our course teacher's room and talked to the teacher. It seemed to me that George was already personally known to our teacher and they had an intimate relationship. Hearing everything the teacher agreed to arrange an exam for me next day in his office room.
My friendship with George grew up after that event and albeit our age differences we found that we had many common interests and habits. We started spending time and I visited his home many times. We worked in a retail shop for about 6 months and that helped us become more intimate.
George is now staying in USA and we do not meet each other in person. But we have online communications and we often let each other know our updates.
Tips for answering this cue card topic:
You should talk about a person who became your friend accidentally for this cue card. Usually we have friends from our childhood, classes and locality but this this cue card would be bit different from the topic “Describe one of your friends”. This cue card expects you to talk about a person who became your friend for a reason and whom you met accidentally i.e. you helped him/ her sometime and later you became friends or can be opposite. However the basic rules
for describing this person would be very similar to describing a friend.
Read the tips for the cue card ‘Describe a friend who y ou really like to spend time with’ that you can also apply for answering this cue card.
We accidentally made friends in many different ways and some of the common ways are:
1. We meet someone in a party/ park/ occasion and start
a conversation and find that there are lots of common interests between us. We simply exchange our email address or phone number and keep in touch.
2. We find someone in need of help and raise our helping hands and thus the person becomes grateful and keeps communicating and thus the friendship grows.
3. Sometimes a friend introduces with his/her friend who later become our friend. (This is a very common reason)
4. We meet someone helpful in a time when we need
certain helps and thus the person helps us can later become our friend.
5. We meet people in our journey and some of them have influential personality, common interest and thus can become our friends.
6. We mistakenly get letters, emails or couriers from an unknown person who later becomes our friend because of the follow up communications. etc.。