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雅思口语话题part2原创范文之:名人(Describe a popular person)

Describe a popular person

You should say:

Who the person is

What kind of person he or she is

Why you think this person is popular

How this person influences the public

This popular person is a Hong Kong singer named Jackie Cheung. He has a nickname God of Songs because of his amazing voice and singing skills. He has been active on stage for more than three decades, so his fans are of different age groups. Even my father is a huge fan of his. His famous songs like goodbye kiss were so popular that everybody could sing it. And that album was one of the best selling albums of all time. Apart from singing, he has also acted in many movies and has won many awards for his acting. Unlike many celebrities who have negative gossips in their personal lives, he is also regarded a very upright and responsible person who has donated a lot money to charity. I think he is a very nice man, and all my friends think highly of him too. Even though he is more than 50 years old now, he still sings regularly at concerts. His concerts always attract hundreds and thousands of fans from around China. Through his singing, he conveys a positive message to all his fans.

雅思口语题库part2话题范文汇总之:崇拜的商人(a business person you admire)

Describe a business person you admire

You should say:

Who is this person

what is his/her business

Why you admire this person


2.主题:Alex Smith

3.故事线:Alex Smith继承了父亲的电子产业,通过努力工作,在当地的商业市场上建立了自己的帝国,现在拥有两家实业公司,在本国很有名。他的成功之道在于,果断决策和逐渐增强业务。

Mr. Alex Smith (…or say a name you prefer…) is a successful businessman I know about. He is from my hometown and he now owns two groups of industries and the products line of his companies are famous in our country.

Since he is from the same town where I spent my childhood and teenage time, I have heard a lot about him and few times I met him as well.

He was a son of a successful local businessman and he inherited his father’s electronic industry many years back. That was just the starting and over time he has worked really hard and built his empire in the local business market. In few years, he took some giant leapt in his business and lately has been awarded as one of the bet business entrepreneurs in the country. From the local electronic business he had inherited from his father, he gradually and successfully amassed the fortune and business success and thus has become one of the enviable businessmen in the country.

Taking great decisions and gradually enhancing the business
