目前德国亚琛工大的六十多个专业拥有近三万五千正式注册学生;这些专业都以理工硕士, 文科硕士或国家统一测试结业。亚琛工大另备有多种深造或补充专业课程, 学位后课程以及各种学习节目,为求学者提供了继续深造的机会。大学的科目表几乎覆盖了所有老牌大学可以提供的专业。50%左右的学生选择了技术工程专业,如机械制造、电子等;18%左右理科专业:数学,物理等;余下的学生则各有10%在文科系、经济系或医学专业就读。
亚琛工业大学(简称RWTH Aachen)位于北莱茵-威斯特法伦州,是德国最负盛名的理工科大学之一,也是世界顶尖理工科大学之一。
同校名人诺贝尔奖得主Philipp Lenard –诺贝尔物理学奖 1905Wilhelm Wien –诺贝尔物理学奖 1911Johannes Stark –诺贝尔物理学奖 1919Peter Debye –诺贝尔化学奖 1936Karl Ziegler –诺贝尔化学奖 1963Thomas Südhof –诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 2013莱布尼兹奖得主Peter R. Sahm –铸造科学 1986Norbert Peters –燃烧工程1990Dieter Enders –有机化学1993Siegfried Bethke –基本粒子物理学1995Wolfgang Marquardt –过程工程 2001Wolfgang Dahmen –数学 2002Dierk Raabe –材料科学 2004Martin Beneke –理论粒子物理 2008Leif Kobbelt –计算机图形及多媒体 2013Rainer Waser –材料科学和纳米电子学2013科学家(工程科学)Bodo von Borries – Professor of Electrical Engineering, co-inventor of electron microscopePhilipp Forchheimer (1852–1933) Civil EngineeringOtto Intze – Professor of Hydraulic engineeringTheodore von Kármán – Pioneer of modern Aerodynamics;航空航天时代的科学奇才,火箭之父,钱伟长、钱学森的导师Georg Menges – Former leader of Institute for Plastics engineering and creator of Georg-Menges PrizeHerwart Opitz – Professor of Machine tools and Production engineeringJesco von Puttkamer – Rocket engineer, space exploration technologyAugust Ritter – Professor of Mechanics and AstrophysicsF.A.F. Schmidt – Professor of Internal combustion enginesRolf Gpfert – ArchitectJB Mangun Wijaya – Indonesian architect and novelist科学家(自然科学和医学)Hans Günther Aach - Botanist, former director of the Botanical InstituteFriedrich Asinger - Chemist, former director of the Institute for Technical and Petrol ChemistryOtto Blumenthal – MathematicianMartin Bojowald – PhysicistMartin Wilhelm Kutta – MathematicianHans von Mangoldt – MathematicianFriedrich Robert Helmert – Mathematician and GeodesistHelmut Zahn – Chemist, first synthesis of insulinHans-Harald Bolt – Director of the Max-Planck Institute for Plasma PhysicsHerbert Capellmann - PhysicistStefan Kuetter - Physician, general practitionerVolker Dohm - Physicist, recipient of the Walter Schottky awardUbbo Felderhof- PhysicistWilhelm Keim – Chemist, former director of the Institute for Technical and Petrol Chemistry Otto Lehmann – Father of liquid crystal researchDieter Vollhardt - Physicist, recipient of the Max-Planck medalWalter Metzner – CEO of the Max-Planck Institute for Solid State ResearchClaus Müller – MathematicianHorst Niemeyer – MathematicianDierk Raabe – Director of the Max-Planck Institute for Iron ResearchFriedrich Schlgl - PhysicistArne Stahl - PhysicistThomas Thiemann – PhysicistRanga Yogeshwar – Physicist and science journalistLu Yongxiang – President of the Chinese Academy of SciencesArnold Sommerfeld – Professor of applied mathematics, 1900–1906. Famous physicist Rudolf Schulten (1923–1996) Physicist and father of the Pebble bed reactor科学家(人文科学)Walter Biemel – PhilosopherArnold Gehlen – SociologistHans Glinz – Germanist and LinguistLutz F. Hornke – Psychological Assessment, Organizational PsychologyKlaus Mehnert – Journalist and Professor of political scienceHartwig Neumann (1942–1992) Historian for old buildings and fortresses政治人物Necmettin Erbakan –土耳其首相Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie –印度尼西亚总统 (1998-1999)Ulrich Daldrup – Professor of International Law, former Mayor of the City of Aachen Ulla Schmidt – Politician, Federal ministerRangin Dadfar Spanta –阿富汗国务大臣 (since March 2006)Ena von Baer – Chilean journalist, politician, ministry of Segegob (March 2010 - July 2011), designated Senator (July 2011 to date)亚琛工业大学(简称RWTH Aachen)位于北莱茵-威斯特法伦州,是德国最负盛名的理工科大学之一,也是世界顶尖理工科大学之一。
1. RWTH Aachen
2. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
3. TU München
4. TU Darmstadt
5. Uni Stuttgart
6. TU Hamburg-Harburg
6. TU Ilmenau
8. TU Braunschweig
9. TU Dresden
10. TU Berlin
10. TU Kaiserslautern
1. Uni Mannheim 2. Uni Köln 2. LMU München 4. Uni Münster 5. WHU Vallendar 6. Frankfurt School of Finance & Management 7. Uni Frankfurt am Main 8. EBS Oestrich-Winkel 9. KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt 9. Uni Hohenheim 11. TU München 12. RWTH Aachen 12. Uni Bayreuth 14. HHL Leipzig 15. Uni Göttingen
6. 汉堡-哈尔堡工业大学
6. 伊尔默瑙工业大学
8. 布伦瑞克工业大学
9. 德累斯顿工业大学
10. 柏林工业大学
10. 凯撒斯劳滕工业大学
1. 曼海姆大学
2. 科隆大学
2. 慕尼黑大学
4. 明斯特大学
5. 瓦伦达尔大学
6. 法兰克福财经管理大学
7. 法兰克福大学
8. 厄斯特里希-温克尔大学欧洲商学院
Informatik 信息学
Elektrotechnik 电气工程
那么,对于国际学生来说,亚琛工业大学的第一学期和高级学期分别怎么申请呢?下面和出guo一起来看看吧!What to Do1.Fill out the Online Application and then print it out.2.Send the signed application with the required documents to Division 2.1 of the RWTH Aachen International Office before the deadline has passed.国际学生第一学期申请1.填写线上申请表并打印。
Your DocumentsPlease supplement your application with the following documents:Print out of the signed online application, also called the admissions applicationCopy of your school-leaving certificate, secondary school certificate, or likewiseIf you have already pleted an at least four year long academic degree in your home country, such as a Bachelor, Licence, or Lisans diplomasi, you do not need to submit your school certificates.提交以下文件:1.打印签名的线上申请表(也叫入学申请表)2.毕业证书或中学证书副本如果你已经在自己的国家完成了至少四年的学术学位学习,比如学士、执照,则不需要提交中学证书。
QQ群:252379454新 Nhomakorabea微博:搜索“比勒费尔德中国学生学者联合会”
XX年德国材料专业大学排名榜单大家有理解德国材料专业大学排名吗?下面由为大家精心的xx 年德国材料专业大学排名榜单,希望可以帮到大家!1.RWTHAachen(亚琛工业大学)2.KarlsruherInstitutfürTechnologie(卡尔斯鲁厄工业大学)3.TechnischeUniversit?tMünchen(慕尼黑工业大学)4.TechnischeUniversit?tBerlin(柏林工业大学)5.TechnischeUniversit?tDarmstadt(达姆施塔特工业大学))6.Universit?tMannheim(曼海姆大学)7.TechnischeUniversit?tDresden(德累斯顿工业大学)8.TechnischeUniversit?tKaiserslautern(凯撒斯劳滕工业大学)9.Universit?tStuttgart(斯图加特大学)10.TechnischeUniversit?tHamburg-Harburg(汉堡工业大学)ElektrotechnikstudierenSieambestenandiesenUniversit?ten1.TechnischeUniversit?tMünchen(慕尼黑工业大学)2.KarlsruherInstitutfürTechnologie(卡尔斯鲁厄工业大学)3.RWTHAachen(亚琛工业大学)4.TechnischeUniversit?tDarmstadt(达姆施塔特工业大学)5.TechnischeUniversit?tKaiserslautern(凯撒斯劳滕工业大学)6.Universit?tStuttgart(斯图加特大学)7.TechnischeUniversit?tDresden(德累斯顿工业大学)8.TechnischeUniversit?tBerlin(柏林工业大学)9.TechnischeUniversit?tBraunschweig(布伦瑞克工业大学)10.TechnischeUniversit?tHamburg-Harburg(汉堡工业大学)BWLstudierenSieambestenandiesenUniversit?ten1.Universit?tMannheim(曼海姆大学)2.Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?tMünchen(慕尼黑大学)3.WHU-OttoBeisheimSchoolofManagement(奥托贝森管理研究院)4.Universit?tzuK?ln(科隆大学)5.Westf?lischeWilhelms-Universit?t(明斯特大学)6.JohannWolfgangGoethe-Universit?tFrankfurta.M.(法兰克福大学)7.FrankfurtSchoolofFinance&Management(法兰克福金融管理学院)8.EBSUniversit?tfürWirtschaftundRechtWiesbaden(欧洲商学院)9.Humboldt-Universit?tzuBerlin(洪堡大学)10.ESCPEuropeBerlin(ESCP欧洲商学院)JurastudierenSieambestenhier德国法学专业前十名的大学:1.Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?tMünchen(慕尼黑大学)2.Universit?tBayreuth(拜罗伊特大学)3.Universit?tHeidelberg(海德堡大学)4.Humboldt-Universit?tzuBerlin(洪堡大学)5.Universit?tzuK?ln(科隆大学)6.RheinischenFriedrich-Wilhelms-Universit?tBonn(波恩大学)7.EberhardKarlsUniversit?tTübingen(蒂宾根大学)8.Westf?lischeWilhelms-Universit?t(明斯特大学)9.BuceriusLawSchoolHamburg(汉堡法学院)10.Albert-Ludwigs-Universit?tFreiburg(弗莱堡大学)MaschinenbaustudierenSieambestenandiesenUniversit?ten1.RWTHAachen(亚琛工业大学)2.TechnischeUniversit?tMünchen(慕尼黑工业大学)3.KarlsruherInstitutfür Technologie(卡尔斯鲁厄工业大学)4.TechnischeUniversit?tDarmstadt(达姆施塔特工业大学)5.TechnischeUniversit?tBerlin(柏林工业大学)6.Universit?tStuttgart(斯图加特大学)7.TechnischeUniversit?tDresden(德累斯顿工业大学)8.TechnischeUniversit?tKaiserslautern(凯撒斯劳滕工业大学)9.TechnischeUniversit?tHamburg-Harburg(汉堡工业大学)10.TechnischeUniversit?tDortmund(多特蒙德工业大学)NaturwissenschaftenstudierenSieambestenhier1.TechnischeUniversit?tBerlin(柏林工业大学)2.Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?tMünchen(慕尼黑大学)3.RWTHAachen(亚琛工业大学)4.Universit?tHeidelberg(海德堡大学)5.Humboldt-Universit?tzuBerlin(洪堡大学)6.JohannWolfgangGoethe-Universit?tFrankfurta.M.(法兰克福大学)7.TechnischeUniversit?tMünchen(慕尼黑工业大学)8.KarlsruherInstitutfürTechnologie(卡尔斯鲁厄工业大学)9.FreieUniversit?tBerlin(柏林自由大学)10.JohannesGutenberg-Universit?tMainz(法兰克福大学)VWLstudierenSieambestenandiesenUniversit?ten德国国民经济学前十名的大学:1.JohannWolfgangGoethe-Universit?tFrankfurta.M.(法兰克福大学)2.Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?tMünchen(慕尼黑大学)3.Universit?tzuK?ln(科隆大学)4.Universit?tMannheim(曼海姆大学)5.RheinischenFriedrich-Wilhelms-Universit?tBonn(波恩大学)6.Humboldt-Universit?tzuBerlin(洪堡大学)7.Universit?tKonstanz(康茨坦茨大学)8.FreieUniversit?tBerlin(柏林自由大学)9.Georg-August-Universit?tinG?ttingen(哥廷根大学)10.Universit?tLeipzig(莱比锡大学)WirtschaftsinformatikstudierenSieambestenandiesenUniversit? ten1.TechnischeUnversit?tDarmstadt(达姆施塔特工业大学)2.TechnischeUniversit?tMünche(慕尼黑工业大学)3.Universit?tMannheim(曼海姆大学)4.Universit?tzuK?ln(科隆大学)5.TechnischeUniversit?tIlmenau(伊尔默瑙工业大学)6.TechnischeUniversit?tDresden(德累斯顿工业大学)7.Universit?tHamburg(汉堡大学)8.TechnischeUniversit?tChemnitz(开姆尼茨工业大学)9.Universit?tLeipzig(莱比锡大学)10.Universit?tHohenheim(霍恩海姆大学)WirtschaftsingenieurwesenstudierenSieambestenandiesenUniver sit?ten1.RWTHAachen亚琛工业大学2.Karl sruherInstitutfürTechnologie(卡尔斯鲁厄工业大学)3.TechnischeUniversit?tDarmstadt(达姆施塔特工业大学)4.TechnischeUniversit?tBerlin(柏林工业大学)5.TechnischeUniversit?tHamburg-Harburg(汉堡工业大学)6.TechnischeUniversit?tDresden(德累斯顿工业大学)7.TechnischeUniversit?tKaiserslautern(凯撒斯劳滕工业大学)8.TechnischeUniversit?tIlmenau(伊尔默瑙工业大学)9.Friedrich-Alexander-Universit?tErlangen-Nünberg(纽伦堡大学)10.TechnischeUniversit?tBraunschweig(布伦瑞克工业大学)。
3 德国亚琛工大流体传动与控制教材简介
德国亚琛工大流体传动与控制教材简介德国亚琛工大流体传动与控制教材简介张海平 2003-4A brief Introduction to Teaching Materials of Fluid Technology in TH Aachen GermanyZhang Haiping(德国美因兹 蔡勒公司ZOELLER-KIPPER GmbH) 作者简介:张海平(1947--),男,江西湖口人,工学博士,现主要从事车载液压系统及控制硬软件的研发。
关键词:流体技术;外国教材;液压控制,微机应用关键词:国人常称的亚琛工大(Technische Hochschule Aachen直译应为亚琛工学院)其实是一所综合性大学(网页,始建于1870年,1875年定名为“工学院”,沿用至今。
现设9个系:1.数学, 信息学与自然科学2.建筑3.建筑工程4.机械学5.矿山,冶金与地质学6.电子技术与信息技术7.哲学8.经济学9.师范系,已不再开课10.医学在机械系中设有工作学、燃料、涡轮、推动技术、车辆、船舶、航空与航天、陶瓷、塑料、激光、核反应堆、热动力、纺织、黏结、电站等30个专业、55个研究所与专业教研室。
其中的流体动力和控制研究所(IFAS, 全称 Institut fuer fluidtechnische Antriebe und Steuerungen,以下简称流技所) 由巴克教授于1968年创办。
亚琛工业大学 车辆工程
车辆工程 学习经验笔者就读于亚琛工业大学车辆与运输专业(Fahrzeugtechnik & Transport M. Sc.),专业方向为道路车辆(Straßenfahrzeugtechnik)。
希望能帮助大家更快的适应亚琛的学习生活,也减少一些不必要的麻烦,本文主要分为3个方面:1、亚琛车辆工程专业简单介绍2、道路车辆课程简介3、选课攻略1、亚琛车辆与运输专业简单介绍亚琛车辆与运输专业属于机械学院(学院办公地址:Kackertstraße 9,52056 Aachen,这里设置有Fachstudienberatung,可以为学生提供咨询帮助), 目的是培养能够进行车辆相关研究,开发和生产的知识人才。
亚琛的车辆与运输专业下分三个专业方向:Straßenfahrzeugtechnik道路车辆Schienenfahrzeugtechnik轨道车辆Fördertechnik 传动技术在每学期开学初,可以在Campus Office中选择自己的专业方向,但是选专业方向并不是太急,每学期开学初都可以选,所以大家不必第一个学期就选专业方向,可以先上一两个学期的课程,多了解一下,再选自己喜欢的专业方向。
以下,附录几个相关的链接:1、亚琛工业大学机械系车辆与运输专业简介 enge/Liste_Aktuelle_Studiengaenge/Studiengangbeschreibung/~bkpy/Fahrze ugtechnik_und_Transport_M_Sc_/2、车辆与运输专业课程要求 aaaaaaaaakwku2、道路车辆课程简介因为笔者所学专业方向为道路车辆(Straßenfahrzeugtechnik)方向,所以,以下的课程简介只适用于有志于道路车辆方向的同学,有志于其它车辆方向的同学请咨询对应专业的学长学姐以及学院。
摩擦系统,另一方面是提高各种液压元件在非满载时的效率。应用通用仿真程序,也自行开发 排量机构的专用研发工具。
(1)元件开发 1)效率测试 2)通过在排量机构中试验改进滑动接触 3)表面镀层对元件特性的影响 4)水液压变速器的结构 5)研发工件夹紧机构的微型液压元件 (2)噪声和脉动 1)空气噪声测量 2)传动振动测量和计算 3)模式分析 4)通过改进结构降低固体噪声 5)通过改进控制器降低流体噪声 (3)设计工具 1)开发泵和马达用的设计软件 2)控制过程仿真 3)排量机构中液压量、机械学和摩擦学的计算 2.2 部分已结束的研究项目 (1)液压排量机构适应环保系统 (2)提高非满载工况的效率 (3)通过改进结构降低固体噪声 (4)降低液压元件与系统的噪声和流体脉动 2.3 当前正在进行的研究项目 (1)柱塞机构中的摩擦系统 (2)生物基定制燃料(与第一组合作) (3)产业化项目“柱塞机构中使用真空镀膜的滑动摩擦副” (4)风能装置中的液压驱动链 (5)混合液压驱动 3.阀技术和机电一体化
3)行走机械 4)伺服气动 5.2 已结束的研究项目 (1)气动步进输送 (2)伺服气动手 (3)气动设备诊断 (4)微型气动座阀的密封 (5)智能两钳抓取器 (6)为提高气动阀磁铁动特性的非稳态计算 (7)控制功率降低的气动调节阀 5.3 正在进行的研究项目 (1)气动元件的快速测量 (2)高度集成多驱动器伺服气动手的驱动 (3)密封接触的摩擦力模型 (4)气动中通过考虑流动脉冲、流动导向及压力波传播改进建模 (5)通过利用排气提高效率 在流技所,所有的理论研究、仿真、模型化都必须与实际测试结果对比。 在下午的学术报告会上,贺特克公司的 Bauer 博士介绍了这混合驱动中蓄能器的作用。费 斯托公司的 Post 教授介绍了通过仿生技术改进自动化技术。Frutronics 公司的 Kempermann 博 士介绍了如何提供移动液压中的集成系统。力士乐公司的 Breuer 博士介绍了目前在研发液压 泵马达中如何使用现代研发工具:MKS、FEM、EHD、CFD、M.Elemente。 晚上,穆任霍夫教授自掏腰包不收礼,在拉尔古城堡举办宴会。席间,他的朋友、导师、 同事、子女致辞,从方方面面回顾了教授迄今走过的路,不乏善意的挖苦,风趣幽默、笑声掌 声不断,直至深夜。 穆任霍夫教授对笔者表示,很愿意与中国企业合作,例如,向中国企业提供他们的研究成 果,接受中国企业委托测试,或参与研究项目。
同学们可以按照自己的专业结合学校信息进行留学准备 Technische-Universität Aachen Augsburg Bamberg Universitaet Bayreuth Universität Berlinät Berlin Universität Berlinät Bielefeld Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonnät Bochum Universität Braunschweigät Bremen Technische Universität Cottbus Universität Chemnitz Universität Clausthal Universität Dresden Universitaet Darmstadt Technische Universität Dortmundät Duisburg-Essenät Duesseldorf Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernbergät Erfurt Universitaet Frankfurt am Main Universität Bergakademie Freiberg Moritz Arndt Universität Greifswald Giessenät Goettingen in Hagen Halle Wittenbergät Hamburg Universitaet Heidelberg Stiftung Universität Hildesheim Universitaet Hohenheim Technische-Universität Ilmenau Universitaet Kalserslautern Universität Kasselät Kielät Koeln Universität Konstanz/index.php Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologieät Leipzig Universität Lueneburg Universität Koblenz-Landauät Luebeck Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz von Guericke Universität Magdeburgät Marburg Universitaet Mannheim Universitaet Muenchen Muenchen Wilhelms-Universitaet Muensterät Oldenburgät Osnabrueckät-Osnabrueckät Paderborn Passauät Potsdam Regensburgät Rostock Universität Siegen Universitaet Stuttgart Universität Trier Universität Tuebingen Universität Ulm Bauhaus-Universität Weimat Universität Wuppertal。
自己申请亚琛工业大学(RWTHAachen)的经验自己申请亚琛工业大学RWTH Aachen的经验2010-03-15 035034 转载▼ 标签申请亚琛工大经验杂谈分类亚琛顺时针今天收到了亚琛工大Produktionstechnologie Bedingte Zulassung, Master, 德语的纸质录取通知书,本来Zu在4月22号就邮到北理工的,结果万恶的收发室居然没给任何通知,让我担惊受怕了将近一个月想到论坛里可能很多同学的申请还没有开始,自己也谈不上有什么特别的经验,只是想把自己申请的一些想法写出来,希望能够帮助到大家。
20121. RWTH Aachen(亚琛工大)2. Uni Karlsruhe(卡尔斯鲁厄大学)3. TU Darmstadt(达姆施塔特工大)4. TU Muenchen(慕尼黑工大)5. Uni Stuttgart(斯图加特大学)6. TU Berlin(柏林工大)7. TU Dresden(德累斯顿工大)8. TU Braunschweig(布朗施威格工大)9. TU Kaiserslautern(凯泽斯劳滕工大)10. Uni Hannover (汉诺威大学)20111 Aachen (RWTH) 亚琛工业大学74,32 Darmstadt (TU) 达姆斯塔特工业大学45,33 München (TU) 慕尼黑工业大学41,24 Karlsruhe 卡尔斯鲁勒大学39,95 Dresden (TU) 德累斯顿工业大学27,76 Stuttgart 斯图加特大学24,37 Kaiserslautern (TU) 凯泽斯劳滕大学20,38 Berlin (TU) 柏林工业大学19,69 Braunschweig (TU) 不伦瑞克大学19,610 Hamburg-Harburg (TU) 汉堡工业大学18,911 Ilmenau (TU) 伊尔梅瑙大学15,512 Clausthal (TU) 克劳斯塔尔工业大学14,213 Bochum 波鸿大学12,214 Erlangen-Nürnberg 纽伦堡埃尔朗根大学10,115 Dortmund (TU) 多特蒙德工业大学9,5学校机械排名综合排名2012 2011 2010 2012 2011 20101 1 1 29 1 29 RWTH Aachen(亚琛工大)2 4 2 15Uni Karlsruhe(卡尔斯鲁厄大学)3 2 3 18 18 TU Darmstadt(达姆施塔特工大)4 3 4 1 1 TU München(慕尼黑工大)5 6 5 8 12 8 Uni Stuttgart(斯图加特大学)6 8 8 32 8T U Berlin(柏林工大)7 5 7 19 7 19 TU Dresden(德累斯顿工大)8 9 11 33TU Braunschweig(布朗施威格工大)9 7 9TU Kaiserslautern(凯泽斯劳滕工大)Uni Hannover10 39(汉诺威大学)10 10Hamburg-Harburg (TU)汉堡工业大学11 6 23Ilmenau (TU)伊尔梅瑙大学12 12Clausthal (TU)克劳斯塔尔工业大学Bochum13 36波鸿大学14 13 14Erlangen-Nürnberg纽伦堡埃尔朗根大学Dortmund (TU)15 15多特蒙德工业大学14Freiburg(TU)弗莱堡工业大学。
RWTH Aachen
亚琛工业大学(简称RWTH Aachen)位于北莱茵-威斯特法伦州,是德国最负盛名的理工科大学之一。
亚琛工业大学位于北莱茵-威斯特法伦州,(德语:RWTH Aachen(Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule,亚琛北莱茵威斯特法伦工业大学),又译作亚琛工业大学、亚琛科技大学)为德国亚琛最大的大学,成立于1870年,是欧洲最负盛名的理工科大学之一,与另外一所著名高校慕尼黑工业大学称工科双雄。
讲师:Ing. Feldhusen
外文资料翻译及原文1、译文对使用合成酯类润滑油生态毒理学特性的影响评估GUDRUN MAXAM, STEFAN HAHN, WOLFGANG DOTT AND ADOLF EISENTRAEGER RWTH Aachen, 卫生和环境医学研究所, Pauwelsstr.30 D-52057Aachen, 德国,2002年5月28日接受摘要:合成酯润滑剂需要有关它们的技术和生态毒理学特性优化。
很久没有来这里了,记得3年前的这个时候还在国内.那时几乎每天上论坛,发帖子,提问题.从开始的材料准备,审核,到后来的担保金的办理,签证.在网上也碰到了很多热心的网友,他们帮忙解释,回答问题.可以说我对于留学德国的所有细节都是从这里了解的,因为是DIY,所以当然的自己操心打点一切了.转眼三年过去了,我实现了自己来德国的梦想,也刚刚完成了自己所有的课程的考试,准备开始实习和论文.今天又看到许多在网上如我当时一般为自己梦想奋斗的兄弟姐妹们,觉得应该写点什么,算是对自己一年半的学习生活的总结,也希望能对想来或即将来德国的人有所帮助.RWTH Aachen(亚琛)的master program (英语授课)德国的学位分类可以和DB的火车票种类有的一比,五花八门,种类繁多.让对此不了解的人选择起来,就像在赌博,又像在纷纷杂杂的火车站买票,感觉一不小心就会买错票,搭错车.在亚琛(Aachen)的中国学生有多少人,没有一个具体的可信统计数字,但至少超过了1000人.其中读master的人只是很小的一部分.每年来的人加起来(不包括来自清华和北科大的交换生)大概不会超过30人.从2005年开始,master program开始全面收费,每个学期大概是600到700欧元,比起英国来说还是便宜的,所以估计仍然会吸引到不少人.我在RWTH Aachen (以下简称RWTH)的Master Program读通信工程(Communications Engineering), 2003年9月入学.之所以选择读Master而不是读Diplom主要是因为觉得这样毕业的时间比较短,当然前提是国内本科已经毕业了.事实上,这里还有用德语授课的master, 学生听课和diplom的学生一起. 但英语授课的master则是教授单独用英语上课的(以下再提及的master都仅指英语授课的master). RWTH的Master课程主要覆盖了机械,汽车,电子,软件,冶金,生物等工程领域.各个专业的开设时间早晚不一,像机械或电力等专业开始的很早,一般在1998年左右.很多德国的大学都是在那个时候纷纷开始建立International Master Program的.而其他的一些专业可能开始的时间大概3到4年前.但总得来说,master在德国的教育体系里是一个比较新的东西,虽然听说很多学校应该出台了废止Diplom学制的时间表(可能是在2010年),在那以后都会实行master/bachelor的学制和国际接轨.因此,master的教学仍然是在一个改革和摸索的阶段,这一点,从我所在的专业课程设置的改变与微调可以体现出来(后面会详述).从某种意义上来说,德国的大学在利用International Master Program作实验,为全面引进master做准备. 另一方面,德国所在的欧盟有所谓的Erasmus教育体系.就是加入这个体系的学校互相承认学分,并派交换生到各自的学校学习,因此这也提出了必须设置英文授课的要求.我在上课的时候就会碰到来自法国,希腊,西班牙等国的交换学生.每个master学生都要通过一个德语的初级考试,否则最终拿不到学位,有点类似国内没有英语四级就不能拿到学位一样的规定.当然在此之前会有免费并必须参加的德语培训班.对于这个规定,我倒觉得是可以理解的.一方面,在德国的学习生活需要基本的德语知识;另一方面,德国也希望她的毕业生有一定的德语知识,因为语言是文化的载体,这无形的也是文化的传播.据我所知,其他学校的master也会有类似的东西,但不一定是免费的,也不一定有规定的考试.然而,在专业的学习过程中,都是用英语.因此用到德语的机会很少,平时生活中,也主要是十分基本的交流.所以,来德国读master有可能最后是德语没学好,英文没进步(因为常用的词非常局限,说错了也不会有人来纠正).可是,在德国学德语的过程,能感觉到在一个纯外语的环境下,学习该外语的优势.那就是所见即所得.你生活中都必须要用到的东西,你每天去超市买菜,就会对蔬菜水果等等名词耳闻目睹, 久而久之就记下了,而很多东西的英文叫法却不熟悉.还有很多作文,就是要你写下你在德国的生活,对于刚来的外国人来说,当然会言之有物.在德语班的培训,也能够感觉到这边的语言培训与国内学德语的不同.因为老师一上来就用德语讲课,既使学生是零基础.这样你被强迫到一个陌生的语言环境中,不得不丢掉对母语或者其他外语的依赖,全力以赴的使自己能够尽快的熟悉这门语言.所以,有这么好的语言环境,其实只要肯努力,还是能学的很好的.RWTH和她的教学与考试—快枪手,猫和老鼠的故事RWTH在中国由于她的几个杰出校友(路甬祥,韦钰等等)而声名显赫,也成为许多来德国的中国学生的第一选择,还有很多人是从德国其他的城市慕名转学而来.但我来到这里后,最大的感受是她与工业界的结合之紧密.很多Institute的教授都是在相关专业有数十年的工业界的背景,许多人都已经做到了像奔驰,宝马,西门子这样公司的技术总监或重要负责人的位子后,又申请来到亚琛工大做教授.这一点,在国内是不可想象的.这里的教授的职位比起国内一个职称的意味来说,更多的是荣誉的标志和对相关领域的成就的认可.因此教授在Institute有最高的学术方面的权利,既使是校长,也没有无权去干涉某研究所的教授行使自己的职权.一旦成为教授,他一般可以一直在他所在的研究所工作至退休.一个研究所只有一个教授,因此他可以在那里工作二三十年.这一点,我觉得是不合理的.因为这样的机制十分容易造成教授不思进取,而更优秀的人才不能得到引进.由于RWTH的存在,亚琛也吸引了许多大公司在此设立分公司或者研究所.像西门子,飞利浦,爱立信,微软都在此有研究所.给我上移动通信的一个教授的研究所整个就设在爱立信在这边的一个大楼里,而100米远就是微软的研究所.虽然该所跟爱立信没有任何从属关系,但想必一定有相关的合作.这不正是与工业界联系紧密的最好写照么?由于教授在工业界的背景,他与相关领域的公司通常保持亲密的合作伙伴关系.一方面,他可以领导手下的博士生与公司合作,从事相关的项目课题研究;另一方面,他可以请在公司工作的员工参与教学.由第一线的员工来介绍当前的技术原理与应用,恐怕是对于state-of-the-art最好的诠释了.Master课程的教学方式主要分为lecture和exercise.一般lecture 由教授讲,exercise由手下的博士生讲.各占一个半小时.所用的教材主要是教授使用的幻灯片.复习与考试也主要以此为主.客观的来讲,这里的教授讲课水平一般,很难期待能从他的课里获得很多的知识或细节.但一般可以从课中了解到哪些是重要的知识点等等.很多细节知识点都需要自己去找参考资料来获得.提到RWTH,不能不谈谈这里的考试.如果把学校比作一座工厂,她的毕业生就是这个工厂的产品.那么RWTH确实是严把质量检查关,来确保她的产品的合格率.而这主要是通过考试来完成的.这里的考试一般分为笔试和口试两种.教授有权决定考试采取哪种方式.笔试主要通过非常大的题量来考查学生对相关知识点的掌握程度和熟练程度.与国内非常不同的是对于熟练度的考查.很难想象在国内,还会有很多会做但没有时间做完的情况.但在这里确是每门考试的风格,即使只是想及格,也需要非常快的速度来完成.否则,及格都成问题.这种风格至少是RWTH笔试的普遍情况.我和其他的同学刚来的时候,对此感到颇有不适.我所在的program笔试一般是90分钟.主要由4至5道大题组成.每道大题又由很多小题组成.一般及格是要完成50%.但即使这样,90分钟在很多情况下不是绰绰有余,而是紧紧张张的度过的.所以我们戏称这里的考试在培养”快枪手”.而另一方面,考试的知识点有可能是所有讲过或没有讲过但仍然出现在讲义上的.在一门课上完后,往往会没有任何重点的感觉,而教授对于考试的说明经常会是例行的”对于基本知识点的考查”.这样,考试的难度就变得陡然增加了.说完笔试,再谈谈口试.在来德国以前,我从没有接触过口试.这边却很频繁的使用口试这种形式.通常一次口试持续15至30分钟不等.根据教授的风格,口试风格也不尽相同.基本上,他可能问任何跟课程相关的问题,即使是上课或者讲义中从没有出现的问题.所以,可以说复习与考试有些像猫和老鼠.经常会复习了很多重点,可是在口试中却没有一个被问到,好像教授的问题和你复习的重点总是如同捉迷藏.因为口试的灵活性,复习起来更要面面俱到,所以准备起来比笔试需要更多的精力;另一方面,口试一次是一个人或一组人同时进行,故每个人可能碰到的题很可能不一样,所以偶然性会增加.即可能会碰到完全没有准备到位或者准备不充分的,那么就可能考的不理想甚至会挂掉;但也可能正好考到你准备到位的因而得到比较高的分数.Communicaitons Engineering(以下简称CE)因为自己是学这个专业的,所以重点介绍一下.这个program成立于2001年, 每年冬季入学.不同的master专业成立的时间不尽相同,最早一般在1998年左右.因此不同专业的成熟程度也因此有所不同.当然也有一些共同点,但必须指出的是,RWTH的各个master专业在学制的具体细节上还是有差异的.如对于考试的规定,CE与其他的专业就不相同.每门课最多只能考三次,而考三次的课不能超过两门.对于这个规定里的”次”的具体解释,就存在很大的不同.在其他的专业,一”次”是表示开始的笔试加上后来的口试.笔试完了,还有机会口试,最后的成绩一般是在笔试与口试后取平均.如果不过,则算一次不过.但在CE,第一次的笔试或口试不过,就算做一”次”不过.因此,比起其他的专业,CE的每门课都少了三次机会. 另外,每个专业会有一些关于seminar或者小论文的规定,这些也因专业不同而有所不同.还有很多其他的方面都会有差异.除了德语,CE的master总共要修15门课,其中一门经济管理课程,10门必修课,4门选修课.经济管理课程的开设的初衷是非常不错的,希望工程师也能懂经济.由于自己在国内的大学期间选修过经济的一些课程,因此上起这边的这门课不是很吃力或陌生.讲课的是RWTH经济管理系的教授.它主要就是关于宏观微观经济学的介绍,管理的介绍,加上公司体制和国际贸易的基本概念的介绍.考试是笔试,也主要是对于一些基本概念的提问,名词解释等.所以给人的感觉是干巴巴的,有些乏善可陈.对于这门课,我觉得应该把经济与专业联系的更紧一些,在基本概念的介绍后,应该多一些相关专业的具体案例分析.具体到本专业,可以考虑请在Nokia或Siemens等公司的人来讲课.这一点,另外一个专业electrical power就做的很不错,他们的这门课集中地介绍了电力经济,把经济与本专业结合起来,我觉得比起那种泛泛的经济学名词解释要来得亲切和生动.10门必修课主要还是围绕数字通信系统来的.包括信源和信道编码,信号与系统,VSLI,天线和微波,计算机通信网,无线通信网,信号检测理论,数字接收机算法设计等等.4门选修课一般可以从6门左右的用英语讲的课程中自行选择感兴趣的.也可以去选择用德语授课的,但前提当然是要求自己的德语能够足够好了.英文授课中主要有关于射频电路设计,微处理器设计,密码学,多媒体通信,移动通信等等.当然,随着这个program的渐渐成熟,相信还会有越来越多的用英文讲的课程供选择.对于该master课程的个人感受在来亚琛学习前,想象中的这个课程还是和现实有许多不同.比较起国内的研究生,这边的master学生更像是本科生,学习生活主要就是上课和考试,而考试又是整个课程的重中之重. 虽然这个课程要求学生参加至少两个月的工厂(公司)实习,但在平时的学习中对于实际的动手操作缺乏相关的培训.比方说相关应用编程的能力,相关领域业界流行的工具软件的使用等等.学习的侧重点主要是理论上的一些知识,和实际的结合还是很欠缺的.平常能见到教授的机会也就是在课堂上,更不用说由教授指导做项目了.由于整个课程受到diplom学制的影响很深,它的侧重点是希望学生能够在与电子通信领域相关的每个方面的知识都有所掌握.先不谈这是优点还是缺点,但确实是这边的教学的一个很突出的特点.我和几个德国的diplom毕业接着读博士的学生谈到这一点,他们都十分赞同我的观点.之所以如此,是因为在德国实际知识的应用主要是在博士生阶段进行的,一般每个所的博士生主要就是在教授的带领和指导下完成一些研发项目,而diplom 学生还是在书本和理论知识的积累阶段.正因为master课程的设置目标和侧重点是相关领域大的知识面的扩展,由于课程时间的关系,学生很难在通信领域的某个方向有比较深入的了解,很多情况下都是点到为止,虽然一门课的知识点铺的很宽,但一门课上下来,主要还是体系与框架的介绍.而与之相关的实际工程的应用等等却很少能有介绍.如前面提到的那样,因为实际的应用主要是在博士生阶段开始的.这也可以解释为什么德国的学制一般都比较长,但学成后的基础和知识当然会比较扎实.也许是认识到了这一点,德国才从上世纪末开始引入master课程与国际接轨.现在看起来,我觉得它还是深深受到diplom学制的影响而显得有些华而不实,这不是指diplom,而是指master课程.因为作为master学生,在完成本科的学习后,必然要在相关领域的某个方向做比较深入的学习和研究.虽然目前这样的课程设置能够丰富学生的专业知识面,但由于每个人的精力有限,不可能面面俱到的深入和精通,加上个人的兴趣,这样的设置有些不切实际的冗长和笨重.所谓术业有专攻,master学生应该能够有更多的选择自由度,去选择自己感兴趣的课程和研究方向.而不是把大部分的精力放在应付林林总总的必修考试上面.写下这些文字一方面力求客观的反映亚琛master课程的风格,另一方面加入了自己的一些看法.当然只言片语很难全面介绍亚琛和她的课程及教学,我的看法也难免会有偏颇,所以请网友们作为参考的同时,也多思考和比较,欢迎讨论和指正.所谓兼听则明. 我发现来到这里的人更多的是还在国内为出国而忙碌和奔波的人.而相反,已经在德国的反而来得少.其实,也是容易理解的.我来到德国后,上这个论坛的次数屈指可数,因为确实很忙.现在终于有时间闲下来,所以也期待有更多已经人在德国的朋友在闲暇之余写一些关于你们的学习生活及心得与大家分享,让更多的人了解德国这边特别是master课程的特点和风格.。
德国最好的大学专业排名Informatik 信息学1. RWTH Aachen2. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology3. TU München4. TU Darmstadt5. TU Kaiserslautern6. TU Ilmenau7. TU Berlin8. LMU München9. Uni Stuttgart10. Uni Mannheim1. 亚琛工业大学2. 卡尔斯鲁厄理工大学3. 慕尼黑工业大学4. 达姆施塔特工业大学5. 凯撒斯劳滕工业大学6. 伊尔默瑙工业大学7. 柏林工业大学8. 慕尼黑大学9. 斯图加特大学10. 曼海姆大学31.631.625.619.713.712.812. Elektrotechnik 电气工程1. RWTH Aachen2. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology3. TU München4. TU Darmstadt5. Uni Stuttgart6. TU Hamburg-Harburg6. TU Ilmenau8. TU Braunschweig9. TU Dresden10. TU Berlin10. TU Kaiserslautern1. 亚琛工业大学2. 卡尔斯鲁厄理工大学3. 慕尼黑工业大学4. 达姆施塔特工业大学5. 斯图加特大学6. 汉堡-哈尔堡工业大学6. 伊尔默瑙工业大学8. 布伦瑞克工业大学9. 德累斯顿工业大学10. 柏林工业大学10. 凯撒斯劳滕工业大学56.441.535.127.721.316.016.015.614.912.812.8 Betriebswirtschaftslehre 企业经济学1. Uni Mannheim2. Uni Köln2. LMU München4. Uni Münster5. WHU Vallendar6. Frankfurt School of Finance & Management7. Uni Frankfurt am Main8. EBS Oestrich-Winkel9. KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt9. Uni Hohenheim11. TU München12. RWTH Aachen12. Uni Bayreuth14. HHL Leipzig15. Uni Göttingen 1. 曼海姆大学2. 科隆大学2. 慕尼黑大学4. 明斯特大学5. 瓦伦达尔大学6. 法兰克福财经管理大学7. 法兰克福大学8. 厄斯特里希-温克尔大学欧洲商学院9. 艾希施泰特天主教大学9. 霍恩海姆大学11. 慕尼黑工业大学12. 亚琛工业大学12. 拜罗伊特大学14. 莱比锡大学15. 哥廷根大学45.534.034.027.621.821.218.615.413.513.511.510.310.39.68.3Naturwissenschaften 自然科学1. RWTH Aachen2. TU München3. LMU München4. TU Darmstadt5. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology6. Uni Heidelberg7. TU Berlin8. Uni Frankfurt am Main9. TU Dresden9. Uni Hannover1. 亚琛工业大学2. 慕尼黑工业大学3. 慕尼黑大学4. 达姆施塔特工业大学5. 卡尔斯鲁厄理工大学6. 海德堡大学7. 柏林工业大学8. 法兰克福大学9. 德累斯顿工业大学9. 汉诺威大学25.422.420.917.916.414.912.911.99.09.0 Volkswirtschaftslehre 国民经济学1. Uni Mannheim2. Uni Frankfurt am Main3. Uni Bonn4. Uni Köln5. LMU München6. Uni Münster7. Uni Göttingen8. Humboldt-Uni Berlin9. Uni Hohenheim9. Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg1. 曼海姆大学2. 法兰克福大学3. 波恩大学4. 科隆大学5. 慕尼黑大学6. 明斯特大学7. 哥廷根大学8. 柏林洪堡大学9. 霍恩海姆大学9. 埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学29.725.323.422.621.917. Maschinenbau 机械工程1. RWTH Aachen2. TU München3. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology4. TU Darmstadt5. TU Braunschweig5. TU Dresden7. Uni Stuttgart8. TU Berlin9. TU Dortmund10. TU Ilmenau1. 亚琛工业大学2. 慕尼黑工业大学3. 卡尔斯鲁厄理工大学4. 达姆施塔特工业大学5. 布伦瑞克工业大学5. 德累斯顿工业大学7. 斯图加特大学8. 柏林工业大学9. 多特蒙德工业大学10. 伊尔默瑙工业大学73.745.344. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen 经济工程1. RWTH Aachen2. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology3. TU Darmstadt4. TU Kaiserslautern5. TU Berlin6. TU Dresden7. TU Ilmenau8. TU Braunschweig 1. 亚琛工业大学2. 卡尔斯鲁厄理工大学3. 达姆施塔特工业大学4. 凯撒斯劳滕工业大学5. 柏林工业大学6. 德累斯顿工业大学7. 伊尔默瑙工业大学8. 布伦瑞克工业大学54.843.537.420.918.317.416.515.78. TU Hamburg-Harburg 10. TU Dortmund8. 汉堡-哈尔堡工业大学10. 多特蒙德工业大学15.713.0 Jura 法学1. LMU München2. Uni Heidelberg2. Uni Münster4.Uni Bonn5. Uni Köln6. Uni Bayreuth7. Humboldt-Uni Berlin8. Uni Tübingen8. Uni Göttingen8. Buccerius Hamburg1. 慕尼黑大学2.海德堡大学2. 明斯特大学4. 波恩大学5. 科隆大学6. 拜罗伊特大学7. 柏林洪堡大学8. 蒂宾根大学8. 哥廷根大学8. 汉堡法学院23. Wirtschaftsinformatik 经济信息1. TU Darmstadt2. TU München3. Uni Mannheim4. TU Ilmenau5. TU Dresden6. Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg7. TU Braunschweig8. Uni Köln9. Uni Frankfurt am Main 9. Uni Münster 1. 达姆施塔特工业大学2. 慕尼黑工业大学3. 曼海姆大学4. 伊尔默瑙工业大学5. 德累斯顿工业大学6. 埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学7. 布伦瑞克工业大学8. 科隆大学9. 法兰克福大学9. 明斯特大学24.823.222.412.09.68.587.87.27.2最好的应用科学大学Informatik 信息学1. FH Karslruhe2. FH Darmstadt3. FH München4. FH Esslingen5. FH Köln5. FH Mannheim 7. FH Dortmund 7. FH Furtwangen 9. FH Aachen9. HTW Berlin 9. HTW Dresden 9. HIT Stuttgart 1. 卡尔斯鲁厄应用科学大学2. 达姆施塔特应用科学大学3. 慕尼黑应用科学大学4. 艾斯林根应用科学大学5. 科隆应用科学大学5. 曼海姆应用科学大学7. 多特蒙德应用科学大学7. 富特旺根应用科学大学9. 亚琛应用科学大学9. 柏林技术与经济应用科学大学9. 德累斯顿技术与经济应用科学大学9. 斯图加特工程应用科学大学11.710. Wirtschaftsinformatik 经济信息1. FH Karlsruhe2. FH München 1. 卡尔斯鲁厄应用科学大学2. 慕尼黑应用科学大学9.37.63. FH Reutlingen4. HdM Stuttgart5. HTW Berlin5. FH Pforzheim7. HTW Dresden8. FH Furtwangen 8. FH Kaiserslautern 10. FH Esslingen 10. FH Hannover 10. FH Köln3. 罗伊特林根技术,经济,信息与设计应用科学大学4. 斯图加特传媒学院5. 柏林技术与经济应用科学大学5. 普福尔茨海姆应用科学大学7. 德累斯顿技术与经济应用科学大学8. 富特旺根应用科学大学8. 凯撒斯劳滕应用科学大学10. 艾斯林根应用科学大学10. 汉诺威应用科学大学10. 科隆应用科学大学6. Betriebswirtschaftslehre 企业经济学1. ESB Reutlingen2. FH Pforzheim3. FH Köln4. HTW Berlin5. FH München6. MBS München6. FH Münster8. FH Wiesbaden (RheinMain)9. FH Bonn-Rhein-Sieg10. ISM Dortmund10. FH Frankfurt am Main1. 罗伊特林根商学院2. 普福尔茨海姆应用科学大学3. 科隆应用科学大学4. 柏林技术与经济应用科学大学5. 慕尼黑应用科学大学6. 慕尼黑商学院6. 明斯特应用科学大学8. 莱茵美因应用科学大学9. 波恩-莱茵-锡格应用科学大学10. 多特蒙德国际管理学院10. 法兰克福应用科学大学24.312. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen 经济工程1. FH Karlsruhe2. FH Esslingen3. ESB Reutlingen4. FH Mannheim 4. FH München6. FH Darmstadt7. HTW Berlin7. HTW Dresden 7. FH Pforzheim 10. HAW Hamburg 10. FH Heilbronn 1. 卡尔斯鲁厄应用科学大学2. 艾斯林根应用科学大学3. 罗伊特林根商学院4. 曼海姆应用科学大学4. 慕尼黑应用科学大学6. 达姆施塔特应用科学大学7. 柏林技术与经济应用科学大学7. 德累斯顿技术与经济应用科学大学7. 普福尔茨海姆应用科学大学10. 汉堡应用科学大学10. 海尔布隆应用科学大学13.910. 电气工程1. FH Karlsruhe2. FH Aachen3. FH München4. FH Esslingen5. FH Darmstadt6. FH Köln7. HTW Dresden 1. 卡尔斯鲁厄应用科学大学2. 亚琛应用科学大学3. 慕尼黑应用科学大学4. 艾斯林根应用科学大学5. 达姆施塔特应用科学大学6. 科隆应用科学大学7. 德累斯顿技术与经济应用科学大学15.114.112.810. FH Ulm9. FH Mannheim 9. FH Pforzheim 9. HTW Berlin9. FH Nürnberg 9. FH Kaiserslautern 7. 乌尔姆应用科学大学9. 曼海姆应用科学大学9. 普福尔茨海姆应用科学大学9. 柏林技术与经济应用科学大学9. 纽伦堡应用科学大学9. 凯撒斯劳滕应用科学大学7. 机械工程1. FH Aachen2. FH Darmstadt 2. FH Esslingen4. FH München5. FH Karlsruhe6. FH Mannheim7. HAW Hamburg 7. FH Köln9. HTW Berlin 9. FH Reutlingen 1. 亚琛应用科学大学2. 达姆施塔特应用科学大学2. 艾斯林根应用科学大学4. 慕尼黑应用科学大学5. 卡尔斯鲁厄应用科学大学6. 曼海姆应用科学大学7. 汉堡应用科学大学7. 科隆应用科学大学9. 柏林技术与经济应用科学大学9. 罗伊特林根应用科学大学13.812.612.611.510.。
一、关于亚琛工业大学Thinking the Future,The Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments provided a huge boost to the further development of RWTH Aachen University. The institutional strategy on which the successful Excellence Initiative application was based has, in the meantime, been expanded to form a long-term strategy to strengthen all the areas of the University and enhance their profiles. In the process it has gained great momentum, which can be seen, among other things, in the extensive building activities.Visible evidence of this is the RWTH Aachen Campus that is being developed in close cooperation with industry and which is to form one of thelargest research campuses in Europe. Students and employees of RWTH Aachen will benefit equally from these developments and are expressly invited to get involved in shaping the individual initiatives.The many stimulating ideas already have an impact on the whole urban region of Aachen and the entire tri-border area of Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. An innovative knowledge community is evolving that is closely networked with some of the world’s leading research and industry partners.RWTH Aachen is a major driving force behind this development. And Aachen, as a liveable and lovable city at the crossroads of three cultures, provides an ideal environment for this creative process of development.RWTH Aachen graduates learning together PeterWinandyRWTH Graduates in High DemandWith its 260 institutes in nine faculties, RWTH Aachen is among the leading European scientific and research institutions. 44,517 students in 152 courses of study are registered for the winter semester of2015/16, including 8.556 international students from 128 countries. Teaching at RWTH Aachen is first and foremostapplication-oriented. Its graduates are thereforesought-after as junior executives and leaders in business and industry.National rankings (de) and international assessmentsat test to the RWTH graduates’ marked ability to handle complex tasks, to solve problems constructively in team work and to take on leadership roles. It is therefore not surprising that many board members of German corporate groups studied at RWTH Aachen.Research Centers, Collaborations and PatentsThe work of the research centers of RWTH Aachen is closely oriented towards the current needs of industry. This leads to numerous developments that are patented and utilized. The competence centers of RWTH Aachen achieve very effective cross-subject, inter-faculty collaboration in interdisciplinary networks while maintaining a high level of specialization and differentiation into distinct subject areas. This was also the deciding factor for international research institutions, such as Microsoft and Ford, to be set up in the Aachen regionThe University’s innovative capacity is further reflected in the high number of business start-ups (currently more than 1,400). As a result, around 32,000 jobs have been created in the region in the last 25 years.Furthermore, RWTH Aachen is the largest employer and education provider in the region. It will continue to play adecisive role as a driving force in influencing and shaping this high-tech region in the future.思考未来!德国联邦和州政府的卓越倡议为进一步发展提供了巨大的推动力,亚琛大学正在发展。
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Examination Regulations for the Bachelor Degree Program Mechanical Engineeringat RWTH Aachen UniversityAttachment 3Guidelines for the practical training1 Goal of internshipFor a sufficient understanding of technical lectures and tutorials as well as a preparation for future work, a training regarding practical basics of the chosen profession is essential.The practical training of RWTH Aachen University students is one of the substantial preconditions for a successful course of study and is in itself part of the education. The students should experience in practice the production of materials, their treatment, processing and forming, as well as the resulting products in their structure and way of action. Additionally they should also familiarize themselves with test procedures used to inspect completed work pieces, with the assembly of machines and devices, and with their installation on site. On top they should acquire an overview of pre-production areas, especially design and production planning.The trainees should particularly show interest in social structures within the company.2 Duration and schedulePrior to start of studiesAt the time of matriculation, 6 weeks of internship have to be documented (exception see section 12). It is recommended to cover these 6 weeks with areas of the basic internship. For enrollment merely the presentation of the internship confirmation (no reports) is necessary. Accreditation of the pre-study internship is not connected to the enrollment. The verification of carrying out the internship according to the guidelines as well as the possible accreditation from this takes place after the start of studies. For this, full documentation of the internship (internship confirmation and reports) must be submitted to the internship office by the end of the first semester without any specific reminder from the internship office.During the studiesThe practical training during the studies takes 14 weeks for mechanical engineering students. These should be conducted within the practical semester (7th semester) scheduled in the curriculum. The practical training in a company should at least last 3 weeks. Until registration of the bachelor’s thesis the full internship must be finished and accredited.3 Recognition of internship, credit pointsAccreditation of the internship is based on the reports, the internship confirmation and an oral presentation describing the period of practical training. More detailed information can be found in sections 9, 10 and 11. For an accredited internship 144 Plan of instructionThe following training plan lists all mandatory areas of the Basic Internship and the options for Specialized Internship. It must be noted that more weeks than those listed under “maximum weeks” may not be taken into account.Type of activity Number of weeksMinimum Maximum Basic InternshipDuring the internship all activities from GP1 to GP4must be covered in the stated minimum number of weeks.GP1 Cuttingprocesses 2 4processes 1 2GP2 FormingGP3 Thermal joining and cutting processes 12GP4 Primary shaping processes 1 2 Specialized Internship AAt least two of the six activities listed for the Specialized InternshipA (FP1 - FP6) must be carried out.treatment 1 3FP1 HeatFP2 Tool and apparatus manufacture 1 3FP3 Maintenance, servicing and repair 1 3FP4 Measurement, inspection and quality control 1 3 technology 1 3FP5 SurfaceFP6 Assembly 1 3 Specialized Internship BCompletion of Specialized Internship B is recommendedfor all students, but is not mandatory.FP7 Development, design and production planningFP8 Project internship specific to the studies and to the field of specialization after consultation with the internship officeComments on the plan of instructionThe different sections of the internship can be performed in any order. It is nonetheless recommended to perform activities of the Specialized Internship after completion of the Basic Internship.GP1: Metal cutting processes:e.g. filing, chiseling, sawing, drilling, countersinking, galling, manual tapping, lathe turning, planing, milling, sanding, lapping, broaching, honing.GP2: Metal forming processes:e.g. hammer and die forging, extrusion, beating out, kneading, upsetting, coining, drawing, rolling, stretch forming, cupping, metal spinning, stamping, fine-edge blanking, bending, leveling, riveting.GP3: Thermal joining and cutting processes:e.g. gas welding, arc welding, resistance welding, flame cutting, special welding and thermal cutting techniques, brazing. Basic trainings in gas melting and arc welding of the “German Association for Welding Techniques” (Deutscher Verband für Schweißtechnik e.V.) will be recognized.GP4: Primary shaping techniques for iron, non-ferrous metals, plastics:Structure and assembly of a model, composition of model boxes and cores, mould making, manual forming with models and jigs, introduction to dry-moulded and green sand casting, work at the core moulding and casting facilities (sand casting, precision casting, chill casting, die casting, centrifugal casting, continuous casting).Important: The training must include observation of the casting process.Sintering: producing mouldings by means of powder metallurgy.Extrusion of plastics.FP1: Heat treatment:e.g. normalizing, soft annealing, diffusion annealing, curing and roughing of work pieces and tools, case hardening and nitriding.FP2: Tool and apparatus manufacture:e.g. manufacture and repair of tools, apparatus, chucks, measuring tools, jigs.FP3: M aintenance, servicing and repair:e.g. maintenance and repair of equipment and machines.FP4: Measurement, inspection and quality control:e.g. mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, optical measurement techniques, gauges, surface measurement technologies, special measurement techniques in mass production; introduction to manufacturing-related machining tolerances and cost/precision ratios.FP5: Surface technology:e.g. surface coatings (varnishing, galvanizing, enameling, fluidized bed coating etc.) including preparation.FP6: Assembly:e.g. pre-assembly and final assembly in one-off and high-volume production of machines, vehicles, apparatus and installations.FP7: Development or design of machines, apparatus and technologies, production planning.FP8: Project internship specific to the studies and to the field of specialization after consultation with the internship office:Students should be introduced to the engineer’s working environment through practical work at a company closely related to their specific studies and field ofspecialization. Know-how and abilities previously acquired during the studies shall be applied.5 Application for an internshipStudents have to look for a suitable internship themselves. Before the training starts, the future trainee should become acquainted with the regulations governing the internship, the report etc. on the basis of the guidelines or in special cases directly with the Internship Office of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University.The Employment Office and the local Chamber of Industry and Commerce certify suitable recognized companies for trainees.6 Companies for trainingDomestically, only companies certified for training purposes by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce can be considered for the Basic Internship and for the Specialized Practical Training A, since here exclusively next to acquiring an inside view of the industrial working environment (with its cost pressures and tight deadlines) also gaining an insight into the social component of the work process is possible.Internships at companies in the craft trades sector, which generally specialize in maintenance and repair work, with no independent production, or at university institutes or self-owned or parental companies, will not be approved.Internships at job tutoring or research companies can be approved only in special cases after consultation with the internship office and up to a maximum of no more than 6 weeks of basic internship.The total length of all training outside industry may not exceed 6 weeks. All internships must be authorized by the internship office before the internship starts. The plan of instruction has to be followed.7 Behavior of trainees in the companyTrainees are not to be given special treatment during their practical training. They can gain respect and recognition of their superiors and colleagues by closely observing company regulations, complying in an exemplary manner with work schedules and company discipline, and trying to excel in diligence, performance and cooperativeness. Apart from organizational aspects, machine technology and the relationship between machine and manual work, the trainees should gain an insight into the human side of company operations and its influence on the manufacturing process.They should experience the relationship between lower and middle level executives and workers in the company, and try to empathize with their social problems.8 Supervision of traineesIn the companies, the trainees are usually under the care of a training supervisor, who provides for appropriate training in line with company capabilities and the internship regulations. He or she will instruct trainees about relevant matters in conversations and discussions.Furthermore, the trainees will be assigned a mentoring professor by the internship office who is available for technical matters during the internship.University trainees are not required to attend vocational colleges. Voluntary participation in in-company theory instruction classes may not shorten the already brief internship period.9 Report on practical trainingThe trainees have to compile a report during their internship about their activities and observations.The report, which should describe the various areas of the training in a single coherent text (no daily reports), should document experience gained in the work process (processing examples, problems during the manufacture of engineering products, machine defects, impact of machines on humans and the environment, problems of work organization).A short description of the internship company must be included (line of business, size, products). Either reporting notebooks or stapled DIN A4 sheets are to be used for the reports.The report should be about 2 DIN A4 pages per week in length (sketches and text).The reports should be computer-printed. Work sheets and copies (e.g. of regulations, literature etc.) are not acceptable substitutes for self-written reports. All reports must be stamped and signed by the instructor.10 Internship confirmationOn completion of the internship, the trainee receives a confirmation from the company stating the length of the training in various work areas and any days of absence from the company due to sickness or vacation. The internship confirmation must be issued by the internship company. Confirmations from employment agencies cannot be accepted.11 Accreditation of the internship and overall certificate of approvalAccreditation of the internship and issuing of the overall certificate are carried out by the Internship Office of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University. The accreditation procedure involves the student’s report, the confirmation and an oral presentation describing the internship.Report, confirmationFor accreditation of the internship, presentation of the report according to section 9 and the internship confirmation according to section 10 in the original is obligatory.In any case, type and duration of the training in the different work areas must be apparent at all times from the documents. Affidavits are not an acceptable substitute for internship confirmations.The internship documents are to be presented to the internship office for approval at the latest 6 months after completion of the internship. Newly enrolled students can submit the documents up to the end of the first semester at the latest. If documents are handed in late, it may lead to the non-recognition of the internship due to a lack of verifiability.The internship office decides in how far the practical training meets with the regulations and whether it can be accredited as an internship. The office may stipulate additional weeks of training if the confirmation and the report do not provide evidence of adequate training in certain areas of the internship. If the report on a period of the training is carelessly written or indicates a lack of understanding, the training period may be rejected or may be accredited only in part. The internship office confirms the approved duration of the internship on the confirmation issued by the internship company submitted with the report.The internship office will not notify students of the outcome of the accreditation process. It is the student’s duty to make sure that his or her internship has been accredited. It is recommended that students should enquire about the accreditation of their internship in due time, in case certain areas of work need to be repeated or supplemented.PresentationThe trainees report on their practical training in form of an oral presentation at the institute of their mentoring professor of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.The type and duration of the oral presentation are to be discussed with the mentoring professor. After the presentation and the ensuing discussion the mentoring professor issues a confirmation, which must be presented at the internship office together with all accredited internship confirmations in order to receive accreditation of the practical training.Overall internship certificateThe overall certificate is issued only if the internship has been fully completed.All practical training confirmations approved by the internship office and the oral presentation confirmation issued by the mentoring professor must be presented in the original.Objections to any decisions of the internship office or the mentoring professor can be made to the Examination Board.12 Military service, community serviceFuture students who can prove that they cannot carry out the 6 weeks of internship required before enrollment because their military or community service has not yet ended may be admitted to the university without the pre-study internship.Practical instruction in technical military units can be approved as part of internship, if the work was part of a material maintenance stage of training. Each material maintenance stage will be counted as two weeks of internship.The relevant documentation must be submitted to the internship office for approval. No reports need to be handed in for such training. Future students themselves must apply for a posting to a suitable technical unit before starting their military service. Information can be obtained at the military service advice center or the local army recruiting office. All the above requirements apply equally to community service.13 Accreditation of previous practical activitiesApproval of any previous practical activities, for example completed professional training, periods of professional work etc. can be given so long as the areas of work specified in section 4 have been covered during the training.14 Practical training abroadIt is recommended that students also perform their internships in abroad. The maximum period for this is usually 10 weeks. For accreditation of such internships the above regulations are binding. To prevent problems of accreditation, it is suggested to coordinate the internship abroad with the internship office.The International Office has further information on internships abroad and on possible financial support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).These guidelines apply without exception to all future students living in foreign countries and intending to study at RWTH Aachen University. At least half of their internship should be performed at companies in German-speaking countries.The report and internship confirmation must be in German or English. The internship confirmation may also be an officially attested translation into German or English, as long as the original in the corresponding national language is also presented.15 Exchange programsThe duration and content of the internship within the framework of an exchange program (e.g. TIME-Dual Diploma Program) are regulated by contractual arrangements of the partner universities.16 Internship contractThe trainee relationship becomes legally binding through an internship contract agreed and signed by the trainee and the company.All the rights and duties of the trainee and the company should be stated in the contract.17 Vacation, sickness, days of absenceDue to the short periods of the trainings, trainees are not allowed to take holidays.absence, the trainee should ask the internship company to extend the contract to perform the training period to the necessary degree.18 Compulsory insuranceInformation concerning the compulsory insurance may be obtained from the respective health insurance company. Insurance for internships abroad is guaranteed in form of a special training insurance taken out by the trainee respectively the company.19 Transitional regulationsAny practical training which has commenced before these regulations come into effect will be recognized insofar as it has been carried out in accordance with the regulations pertaining when the period of internship began. If the number of weeks of recognized trainings is greater than 20, no Specialized Internship A needs to be performed.20 Postal address of the Internship OfficeRWTH Aachen UniversityInternship Office of the Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringUniv.-Prof.Dr.-Ing. M. ModigellEilfschornsteinstr. 18, Room 31352056 AachenEmail: Website:Telephone: +49 (0)241 80 95306Fax: +49 (0)241 80 92701Office hours: see websitePlease note: Only the German version of these guidelines (“Richtlinien für die。