



















伯莱塔“风暴”第四次来袭——T×4“风暴”半自动霰弹枪作者:太特斯来源:《轻兵器》 2011年第11期太特斯译伯莱塔“风暴”系列意大利伯莱塔公司于1526年成立,无论是在意大利还是在全世界,都是数得着的老牌轻武器生产商。














该枪外观呈亚黑色,发射弹壳长76mm的标准12号霰弹,全枪长955mm,枪管长470mm,管状弹仓容弹量5 发,空枪质量仅2.9kg——在半自动霰弹枪与唧筒式霰弹枪中这个质量算是相当轻了。

HP DesignJet Z6 系列打印机和 HP DesignJet Z9+ 系列打印机用户指南说

HP DesignJet Z6 系列打印机和 HP DesignJet Z9+ 系列打印机用户指南说

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目录1 简介 (1)欢迎使用您的打印机 (2)安全防范措施 (2)主要组件 (6)打开和关闭打印机 (10)前面板 (11)HP Utility (14)HP 打印预览 (14)内嵌式网站服务器 (15)示范打印件 (15)配置打印机 (16)移动打印 (23)辅助功能 (23)其他信息资源 (23)2 纸张操作 (25)一般建议 (26)将纸卷装到卷轴上 (26)将纸卷装入打印机 (29)取出卷筒 (31)装入单张纸 (31)取出单张纸 (34)敏感纸张模式(仅限 Z6dr 和 Z9+dr) (34)查看有关纸张的信息 (35)纸张预设 (35)打印纸张信息 (37)移动纸张 (37)进纸并裁切纸张 (38)保持纸张 (38)更改晾干时间 (38)打开和关闭自动水平裁纸器 (39)打开和关闭自动垂直修剪器(仅限 Z6dr 和 Z9+dr) (39)使用收纸器 (39)ZHCN iii3 使用两个卷筒(仅限 Z6dr/Z9+dr) (47)多卷筒打印机的优点 (48)打印机如何向纸卷分配作业 (48)4 网络 (50)简介 (51)控制网络协议 (51)前面板上的菜单项 (51)链路配置方法 (54)故障排除 (54)5 打印 (58)简介 (59)从 U 盘打印 (59)使用打印机驱动程序从计算机进行打印 (60)高级打印设置 (60)6 移动打印 (73)移动打印 (74)从操作系统中打印 (74)通过电子邮件打印 (HP ePrint) (75)从 HP Smart 应用程序中进行打印和共享 (75)移动规格 (75)7 作业队列管理 (76)前面板中的作业队列 (77)内嵌式网站服务器或 HP DesignJet Utility 中的作业队列 (82)8 颜色管理 (85)简介 (86)如何再现色彩 (86)颜色管理流程简介 (86)颜色校准 (86)颜色配置 (88)打印机驱动程序中的颜色管理 (90)在前面板中执行颜色管理 (95)9 实际打印示例 (96)根据正确的大小调整比例打印草稿以便修订 (97)从 Adobe Acrobat Reader 或 Adobe Acrobat Pro 中打印 PDF 多页作业 (97)用正确的颜色打印文档 (99)iv ZHCN打印项目 (105)打印演示文稿 (108)在 Microsoft Office中执行打印操作与大小调整操作 (111)使用垂直修剪器打印无边界作业 (113)10 检索打印机用量信息 (116)获取打印机统计信息 (116)检查用量统计信息 (116)检查作业的用量统计信息 (119)检查成本分配 (120)11 处理墨盒和打印头 (121)关于墨盒 (122)检查墨盒状态 (122)卸下墨盒 (122)插入墨盒 (123)关于打印头 (125)检查打印头状态 (125)卸下打印头 (125)插入打印头 (128)安全模式 (131)12 维护打印机 (132)检查打印机状态 (133)清洁打印机表面 (133)维护墨盒 (133)移动或存放打印机 (133)更新固件 (134)更新软件 (135)打印机维护套件 (135)安全文件擦除 (136)磁盘清理 (136)13 附件 (137)如何订购耗材和附件 (138)附件简介 (142)处置说明 (144)14 纸张问题的故障排除 (145)无法成功装入纸张 (146)纸张类型不在驱动程序、HP Utility 或前面板中 (147)ZHCN v打印机在错误的纸张类型上打印 (149)自动裁切不可用 (149)暂停以等待纸张 (149)卷筒纸张不进纸 (150)纸张卡塞 (150)出纸盘中留有纸带,因而发生卡纸 (153)出纸区域和裁纸器轨道区域留有纸带,因而发生卡纸(仅限 Z6dr 和 Z9+dr) (153)打印机在有纸时显示缺纸 (153)打印件未准确落入纸筐 (153)打印完毕后纸张留在打印机中 (153)打印完毕后裁剪纸张 (153)水平裁纸器裁切不正常 (154)垂直修剪器裁切不正常(仅限 Z6dr 和 Z9+dr) (154)垂直修剪器裁切不准确(仅限 Z6dr 和 Z9+dr) (155)垂直修剪器:打印机报告模块缺失(仅限 Z6dr 和 Z9+dr) (156)垂直修剪器在废纸上留下痕迹 (157)卷轴上的卷筒松弛 (157)重新校准进纸 (157)15 打印质量问题的故障排除 (160)一般建议 (161)水平线条(条纹)横贯图像 (161)条纹表现为不整齐的水印 (162)整幅图像模糊或呈颗粒状 (162)纸张不平 (162)打印件出现磨损或刮花 (163)纸张上出现墨渍 (163)接触打印件时黑色墨水脱落 (164)对象的边缘呈阶梯状或不清晰 (164)对象的边缘比预期亮度暗 (165)裁切纸打印件底端出现水平线条 (165)不同颜色的垂直线条 (165)打印件上出现白点 (165)颜色不准确 (166)我的打印件缺乏光泽均匀性(仅限 Z9+) (167)图像不完整(底部被裁剪) (167)图像被截切 (167)打印的图像丢失某些对象 (168)线条过粗、过细或丢失 (168)线条呈阶梯状或参差不齐 (169)打印的线条为双线或颜色错误 (169)线条不连续 (170)vi ZHCN图像诊断打印件 (171)如果仍然存在问题 (173)16 墨盒和打印头问题的故障排除 (174)无法插入墨盒 (175)墨盒状态信息 (175)打印机未检测到光亮剂墨盒(仅限 Z9+) (175)无法插入打印头 (175)前面板建议重新安装或更换打印头 (175)清洁打印头 (176)清洁打印头墨滴检测器 (177)对齐打印头 (179)打印头状态消息 (181)17 打印机一般问题的故障排除 (182)打印机不打印 (183)前面板无法初始化 (183)打印机速度非常慢 (183)计算机和打印机之间的通信失败 (184)无法访问内嵌式 Web 服务器 (184)无法连接到 Internet (184)Web 服务问题 (185)自动文件系统检查 (185)警报 (185)18 前面板错误消息 (186)系统错误日志 (186)19HP 客户服务 (187)简介 (188)HP 专业服务 (188)客户自行维修 (189)与 HP 支持部门联系 (189)20 打印机规格 (190)功能规格 (191)物理规格 (192)内存规格 (192)电源规格 (192)ZHCN vii噪音规格 (193)术语表 (194)索引 (197)viii ZHCN1简介●欢迎使用您的打印机●安全防范措施●主要组件●打开和关闭打印机●前面板●HP Utility●HP 打印预览●内嵌式网站服务器●示范打印件●配置打印机●移动打印●辅助功能●其他信息资源ZHCN1欢迎使用您的打印机您的打印机是一种彩色喷墨打印机,适合在最大宽度为 610 毫米或 1118 毫米的纸张上打印高质量的图像。

梅克莱 DC 电源 Series 2260B 说明书

梅克莱 DC 电源 Series 2260B 说明书

• • • • • • • • APPLICATIONS• Environmental test, stress test, and accelerated life testing • LED and high power component testing • Automotive testing • Battery research and test • Production test360W and 720W Programmable DC Power SuppliesPrecisely control voltage rise time with the variable slew rate control.Emulate the Response of a BatteryTest a circuit or device under the most realistic conditions by applying a test source with the output resistance that is equivalent to the output resistance of the actual source that will be used to power the circuit or device. For example, a battery has a varying internal resistance, and a device powered by a battery will have a voltage applied to the device that is reduced by the voltage drop across the battery’s internal resistance. Versions of the Series 2260B supplies can have an internal resistance up to 5.9W to simulate devices such as a lead-acid battery.Use the programmable internal resistance to simulate a battery’s output. In this example, a Model 2260B-80-13 power supply is simulating a 10V battery whose internal resistance is 0W , 0.9W , 1.8W , and 2.7W . The resulting voltage at the output terminals drops from 10V to 5.98V due to the voltage drop across the internal resistance of the battery.Create Custom Voltage Source WaveformsAn internal test sequence mode allows the Series 2260B supplies to output a set of voltage levels for varying time intervals at each level. The test sequence can be stored and used repeatedly to deter-mine DUT performance at number of voltage levels. In addition, the analog input control can be used to create voltage profiles that simulate how a battery responds to a fast changing load current requirement such as a large inrush current. Also, generate a combined DC output level with an AC signal superimposed on it to test how a circuit responds to noise on its DC power source. The analog input control parameter can be either a voltage input or a resistance input. With this analog control capability, numerous types of DC supply signals can be generated to test circuits and devices under a wide range of circumstances.D C P o w e r S u P P l i e SA signal generator (top plot) controls the 2260B to create a complex DC supply waveform (bottom plot) that simulates both a voltage drop due to a large inrush current and noise on the DC supply line.Flexible and Fast for Automated Test SystemsThe Series 2260B power supplies will work in any automated system because they can interface to a controller with either a USB, LAN, or optional GPIB interface. Furthermore, the Series 2260B supplies have fast discharge capability to dissipate the voltage on the output quickly. These supplies also have a fast (1ms) transient recovery time to load changes. The combination of the fast discharge time and the fast transient responsehelps minimize critical test time in automated test systems.Rear panel of 360W models.Rear panel of 720 models.P r o g r a m m a b l e D C p o w e r s u p p l i e sGENERALAnAlog Control: External voltage or resistance con-trol of output, voltage and current monitor outputs, turn-on, turn-off control, status monitoring, 26-Pin Connector (Rear Panel).InterfACe:USB: 1.1/2.0,Type A Host (Front Panel), Type B Control (Rear Panel).lAn: 100BASE-T (100Mb/s).gPIB: (with optional 2260B-GPIB-USB Adapter).AC InPUt rAnge: 85VAC-265VAC, 50/60Hz, single phase MAxIMUM Power ConSUMPtIon: 500VA (2260B-30-36, 2260B-80-13) 1000VA (2260B-30-72, 2260B-80-27).Power fACtor: 0.98 (typical).fAn: With thermal sensing control envIronMent:operating: 0° to 50°C, 20% to 85% RH. Storage: –25° to 70°C, 90% RH or less.teMPerAtUre CoeffICIent (after 30 minutes warm-up): voltage: 100ppm/°C. Current: 200ppm/°C.SAfety: Complies with European Union Low Voltage Directive.eleCtroMAgnetIC CoMPAtIBIlIty: Complies with European Union EMC Directive.DIMenSIonS, weIght:2260B-30-36 and 2260B-80-13: 71mm wide × 124mm high × 350mm deep (2.80 in. × 4.88 in. × 13.78 in.). net weight: Approx. 3kg (6.6 lb.) Shipping weight: 4.3kg (9.5 lb.).2260B-30-72 and 2260B-80-27: 142.5mm wide × 124mm high × 350mm deep (5.61 in. × 4.88 in. × 13.78 in.). net weight: Approx. 5kg (11 lb.) Shipping weight: 6.8kg (15 lb.).wArrAnty: 3 years.regUlAtIon (Cv):load: 0.05% of setting + 5mV. line: 0.05% of setting + 3mV.regUlAtIon (CC):load: 0.1% of setting + 5mA. line: 0.1% of setting + 5mA.voltAge Slew rAte rAnge: rising and falling: 0.1V/s to 60V/s (2260B-30-36, 2260B-30-72). 0.1V/s to 160V/s (2260B-80-13, 2260B-80-27) .CUrrent Slew rAte rAnge: rising and falling: 0.01A/s to 72A/s (2260B-30-36) 0.01A/s to 144A/s (2260B-30-72) 0.01A/s to 27A/s (2260B-80-13) 0.01A/s to 54A/s (2260B-80-72).reMote SenSe:0.6V total voltage drop in load wires.oUtPUt DelAy tIMe rAnge:on Delay and off Delay: 0s to 99.99s.InternAl reSIStAnCe rAnge: 0.000W to 0.833W (2260B-30-36) 0.000W to 0.417W (2260B-30-72) 0.000W to 5.926W (2260B-80-13) 0.000W to 2.963W (2260B-80-27).SerIeS AnD PArAllel CAPABIlIty:Parallel operation: Up to 3 units including the master unit. Series operation: Up to 2 units including the master unit.ProteCtIon fUnCtIon:ovP: 10% to 110% of rated output voltage range. Accuracy: ±2% of rated output voltage.otP:10% to 110% of rated output current range. Accuracy: ±2% of rated output current.otP: Activated by elevated internal temperatures.ISolAtIon voltAge: 500VDC, output to chassis.AnAlog voltAge Control:voltage Setting Accuracy: ±0.5% of rated output voltage.Current Setting Accuracy: ±1% of rated output current.AnAlog reSIStAnCe Control:voltage Setting Accuracy: ±1.5% of rated output voltage.Current Setting Accuracy: ±1.5% of rated output current.2260B-30-362260B-30-722260B-80-132260B-80-272260D C P o w e r S u P P l i e SSeries 2260B AccessoriesModel 2260-001: Accessory Kit: Analog controlmating connector, pins, cover, and ground wire.Model 2260-002:Simple IDC tool.Model 2260-003:Contact removal tool.Model 2260-004 Accessory Kit: Air filter, analog connector cover, analog control lock lever, M8-size output terminal bolts, washers and screws, and M4-size output terminal screwswith washers.Model 2260-005: Cable, 0.5m (1.6 ft.), to connect two series 2600B power suppliesin series.Model 2260-006: Cable, 0.5m (1.6 ft.), to connect two series 2600B power suppliesin parallel.Model 2260-007: Cable, 0.5m (1.6 ft.), to connect three series 2600B power suppliesin parallel.Model 2260B-gPIB-USB Adapter: Provides a GPIB interface for the Series 2260B powersupplies.Model 2260B-exterM: Extended terminal; Test Leads, 0.7m (28 in.), and terminal box to bring outputs to the front of the instrument or another location. Magnetic base attaches to sideof instrument.Model 2260B-rMK-eIA: Rack mount kit (EIAracks).Model 2260B-rMK-JIS: Rack mount kit (JIS racks).S e r i e s 2260B A c c e s s o r i e sSpecifications are subject to change without notice. All Keithley trademarks and trade names are the property of Keithley Instruments.All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective companies.KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS ■28775 AURORA RD. ■CLEVELAND, OH 44139-1891 ■440-248-0400 ■Fax: 440-248-6168 ■1-888-KEITHLEY ■A Greater Measure of ConfidenceBENELUX+31-40-267-5506 www.keithley.nlBRAZIL55-11-4058-0229 CHINA86-10-8447-5556 FRANCE+33-01-69-86-83-60www.keithley.frGERMANY+49-89-84-93-07-40www.keithley.deINDIA080-30792600www.keithley.inITALY+39-049-762-3950www.keithley.itJAPAN81-120-441-046www.keithley.jpKOREA82-2-6917-5000www.keithley.co.krMALAYSIA60-4-643-9679MEXICO52-55-5424-7907RUSSIA+7-495-664-7564www.keithley.ruSINGAPORE01-800-8255-2835.sgTAIWAN886-3-572-9077UNITED KINGDOM+44-1344-39-2450Mouser ElectronicsAuthorized DistributorClick to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information:K eithley Instruments, Inc.:2260-0022260-0072260-0062260-0052260-0012260-003。



目录BOHLER N709 (2)BOHLER L718 (4)BOHLER N700 (4)BOHLER N701 (4)BOHLER S390 (4)BOHLER S790 (5)BOHLER S390与BOHLER S790的差异 (5)BOHLER N7091.特性:易硬化,不锈钢,耐腐蚀,抗高温至315°C2.应用:航空航天工业的零部件,如高强度的螺丝钉,螺栓和起落装置的零件等。

3.化学构成:化学元素构成(占比%)碳硅锰铬钼镍铝0.03 ≤0.08 ≤0.08 12.70 2.20 8.10 1.10 4.标准:LW:1.4534AMS:5629热成型锻造:1200-1000°C(2190-1830°F)空气冷却热处理退火:925°C(±15°C)/1700°F(±60°F)空气或水中时效硬化:PH560°C(1040°F)/4小时/空气PH540°C(1050°F)/4小时/空气PH510°C(950°F)/4小时/空气5.在室温下的机械性能条件产品尺寸硬度0.2%的最小张力N/mm²最小抗拉强度N/mm²最小伸长率L Q T最小冲击强度L Q TSA1St / BSch / F >10 <150≤ 100最大. 363 HB -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --PH2560°C(1040°F)38 - 43 HRC 1150 1220 - 1400 10 10 -- 40 20 --PH540°C(1005°F)43 - 47 HRC 1320 1400 - 1550 9 9 -- 30 15 --PH510°C(950°F)44 - 48 HRC 1400 1500 - 1650 9 -- -- 15 -- --低温下的冲击强度, ISO-V in J ( average values) at条件温度-200°C(-328°F)-150°C(-238°F)-100°C(-148°F)-50°C(-58°F)0°C32°F)+20°C(68°F)LA / PH560°C (1040°F) 5 7 13 30 47 54 LA / PH540°C (1005°F) 5 6 9 16 27 40 LA / PH510°C (950°F) 2,5 2,5 5 9 15 32 1SA:退火处理2PH:沉淀物硬化6.高温性能0.2%的张力N/mm²条件温度20°C(68°F)100°C(210°F)200°C(390°F)300°C(570°F)400°C(750°F)500°C(930°F) PH540°C(1005°F)1440 1360 1260 1160 1050 7207.加工建议车用硬质合金刀具切入深度(mm) 1 1-4 4-8进度(mm/rev)0.1 0.1-0.3 0.3-0.6 BOEHLERIT 等级SB10, SB20, EB10SB20, EB10, EB20SB30, EB20, HB10 ISO 等级P10, P20, M10P20, M10, M20 P30, M20, K10切入速度(m/min)可转位刀片位于边缘15分钟140-40 110-30 80-25钎焊硬质合金工具位于边缘30分钟110-35 90-25 60-15可转位硬质合金刀片位于边缘15分钟BOEHLERIT国家标准121 BOEHLERIT国家标准12116013016013011090钎焊硬质合金刀具切削角度倾斜角间隙角倾斜角度12 to 20°6 to 8°0°12 to 15°6 to 8°0°12 to 15°6 to 8°- 4°车用高速钢工具切入深度(mm)0.5 3 6进度(mm/rev)0.1 0.5 1.0 高速钢工具等级S700 / DIN S10-4-3-10切入速度(m/min)位于边缘60分钟30-20 20-15 18-10倾斜角间隙角倾斜角度14 to 18°8 to 10°0°14 to 18°8 to 10°0°14 to 18°8 to 10°- 4°铣削硬质合金刀具进度(mm/rev)0.2 0.2-0.3切入速度(m/min)BOEHLERIT SBF/ ISO P2590-60 70-40 BOEHLERIT SB40/ ISO P4060-40 50-25钻用硬质合金刀具钻头直径(mm)3-8 8-20 20-40进度(mm/rev)0.02-0.05 0.05-0.12 0.12-0.18 BOEHLERIT / ISO-grade HB10/K10HB10/K10HB10/K10切入速度(m/min)50-35 50-35 50-35顶角间隙角115 to 120°5°115 to 120°5°115 to 120°5°BOHLER L7181.性能:耐高温,易沉淀硬化;镍基合金具有特别高的热强度和热屈服强度在高达750°温度下,出色的渐变行为高至700°C;和正常热作钢相比,其在机械力和热应力条件下被用作热作工具时,较高的热强度优势尤为明显;可空气冷却。



【摘要】@@ 第27届国际狩猎和运动武器展览会上,伯莱塔公司的新枪9000系列引起了许多代表的关注,成为枪展上的焦点.
2.莱迪思MachXO2 PLD系列为低成本、低功耗设计树立了新的标准
4.莱迪恩发布了五款新的适用于LatticeECP3 FPGA系列的IP套件



轻武器及附件新品作者:郭萍来源:《轻兵器》 2014年第12期意大利伯莱塔公司PICO袖珍手枪PICO袖珍手枪是伯莱塔公司最新推出的一款发射0.380英寸ACP枪弹的袖珍手枪,“PICO”就是微型的意思。






意大利齐亚帕武器公司FAS 6004气手枪这是齐亚帕武器公司专门针对射击比赛所设计的单发运动手枪,外形较传统。

FAS 6004气手枪采用内置气瓶,刀形准星,缺口式照门,照门可调节左右及高低。



美国Gamo户外公司GR Stricker转轮气手枪GR Stricker转轮气手枪外形与传统转轮手枪没有什么太大区别,但其内部结构与传统转轮手枪差别较大,该枪发射0.177英寸(4.5mm)气枪弹,气瓶装在握把内,扣动扳机时,击锤回转击打气瓶阀,气瓶放气将转轮弹膛内的弹发射出去。






H3A-KDBM H-T3-F HM-017-F CDF-1.0/3150006202 HM-DM/5140009950 SVL-32-M/60132102 H10B-AD-LB/2300100303 H10B-SDR-LB-M25 H10B-T3-M HM-017-M HM-DM/5140009950 CDM-1.0/3150006102 988701-795-0020
空模块 金属电缆固定头金属 10B开孔安装带金属盖单扣快插下壳 H10B表面安装下壳带金属盖
3模块框架公 17针模块公
空模块 10A公冷压针线径1.0 profinet通讯M8双端预铸线双公头 profinetM8公头连接器 M8双端预铸电源线 RJ45公插,CAT5屏蔽插头,金属,8芯 PROFINET绿色屏蔽PVC固定安装电缆
908651 988011-211-0020
999071-T PN-789 GLZT3-118-1
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
名称 金属防护上壳 小型接插体母 公制螺纹金属接头 金属防护下壳 小型接插体公头 公制螺纹金属接头 24V电源快插防水盖 RJ45带保护外壳(公)转RJ45(公)不带保护外壳 RJ45(公)转RJ45(带保护外壳母头) 通讯快插防护外壳 10B高结构上壳侧面出线单孔 3模块框架母 17针模块母 10A母冷压针线径
型号 H3A-MTG-M20 2200031440
HA-004-F 1200042711 SVL-20-M 60120102 H3A-MAGSV-M20 2200031252 HA-004-M 1200042611 SVL-20-M 60120102



意大利伯莱塔92f型手枪汇报人:2023-11-18CATALOGUE 目录•引言•伯莱塔92F型手枪的技术特点•伯莱塔92F型手枪的性能参数•伯莱塔92F型手枪的使用和维护•总结与展望01引言伯莱塔92F型手枪采用了开放式枪栓、短后座作用原理,具有高度的可靠性和准确性。




起源自推出以来,伯莱塔92F 型手枪经历了多次改进和升级,不断提高其性能和适应性。












规格型号电压LCE系列光亮型,带杆LCE-102 24VAC/DCLCE-1M2 90~250V AC LCE-202 24V AC/DC LCE-2M2 90~250V AC LCE-302 24VAC/DCLEC-3M2 90~250V AC LCE-402 24V AC/DC LCE-4M2 90~250V AC LCE-502 24V AC/DC LCE-5M2 90~250V AC闪烁带蜂鸣器型带杆LCE-102FB 24VAC/DC LCE-1M2FB 90~250V AC LCE-202FB 24V AC/DC LCE-2M2FB 90~250V AC LCE-302FB 24V AC/DC LCE-3M2FB 90~250V AC LCE-402FB 24V AC/DC LCE-4M2FB 90~250V AC LCE-502FB 24V AC/DC LCE-5M2FB 90~250V AC 常亮型,不带杆LCE-102W 24VAC/DC LCE-1M2W 90~250V AC LCE-202W 24V AC/DC LCE-2M2W 90~250V AC LCE-302W 24V AC/DC LCE-3M2W 90~250V AC LCE-402W 24V AC/DC LCE-4M2W 90~250V AC LCE-502W 24V AC/DC LCE-5M2W 90~250V AC 闪烁带蜂鸣器型不带杆LCE-102FBW 24V AC/DCLCE-1M2FBW 90~250V AC LCE-202FBW 24V AC/DC LCE-2M2FBW 90~250V AC LCE-302FBW 24V AC/DC LCE-3M2FBW 90~250V AC LCE-402FBW 24V AC/DC LCE-4M2FBW 90~250V AC LCE-502FBW 24V AC/DC LCE-5M2FBW 90~250V ACLCS系列常亮型,带杆LCS-102 24V AC/DCLCS-202 24VAC/DCLCS-302 24VAC/DCLCS-302KLCS-402 24V AC/DCLCS-502 24V AC/DCLE系列常亮型,带杆LE-101P 12V AC /DCLE-102P 24V AC/DCLE-110P 100V ACLE-120P 220V ACLE-201P 12V AC /DCLE-202P 24V AC/DCLE-210P 100V ACLE-220P 220V ACLE-301P 12V AC /DCLE-302P 24V AC/DCLE-310P 100V ACLE-320P 220V ACLE-401P 12V AC /DCLE-402P 24V AC/DCLE-410P 100V ACLE-420P 220V ACLE-501P 12V AC /DCLE-510P 100V ACLE-520P 220V AC闪烁带蜂鸣器型带杆LE-101FBP 12V AC /DC LE-102FBP 24V AC/DCLE-110FBP 100V ACLE-120FBP 220V ACLE-201FBP 12V AC /DCLE-202FBP 24V AC/DCLE-210FBP 100V ACLE-220FBP 220V ACLE-301FBP 12V AC /DCLE-302FBP 24V AC/DCLE-310FBP 100V ACLE-320FBP 220V ACLE-401FBP 12V AC /DCLE-402FBP 24VAC/DCLE-410FBP 100V ACLE-420FBP 220V ACLE-501FBP 12V AC /DCLE-502FBP 24V AC/DCLE-510FBP 100V ACLE-520FBP 220V AC常亮型,不带杆LE-101W 12V AC /DC LE-102W 24V AC/DCLE-110W 100V ACLE-120W 220V ACLE-201W 12V AC /DCLE-202W 24V AC/DCLE-210W 100V ACLE-220W 220V ACLE-301W 12V AC /DCLE-302W 24V AC/DCLE-310W 100V ACLE-320W 220V ACLE-402W 24V AC/DCLE-410W 100V ACLE-420W 220V ACLE-501W 12V AC /DCLE-502W 24V AC/DCLE-510W 100V ACLE-520W 220V AC闪烁带蜂鸣器型不带杆LE-101FBW 12V AC /DC LE-102FBW 24V AC/DCLE-110FBW 100V ACLE-120FBW 220V ACLE-201FBW 12V AC /DCLE-202FBW 24V AC/DCLE-210FBW 100V ACLE-220FBW 220V ACLE-301FBW 12V AC /DCLE-302FBW 24V AC/DCLE-310FBW 100V ACLE-320FBW 220V ACLE-401FBW 12V AC /DCLE-402FBW 24V AC/DCLE-410FBW 100V ACLE-420FBW 220V ACLE-501FBW 12V AC /DCLE-502FBW 24V AC/DCLE-510FBW 100V ACLE-520FBW 220V ACLES系列常亮型,带杆LES-102A 24V AC/DC LES-202A 24V AC/DCLES-302A 24V AC/DCLES-402A 24V AC/DCLES-502A 24V AC/DC常亮型,不带杆LES-102AW 24V AC/DC LES-202AW 24V AC/DC LES-302AW 24V AC/DC LES-402AW 24V AC/DC LES-502AW 24V AC/DCLME系列常亮型,带杆LME-102 24V AC/DC LME-110 100V ACLEM-120 220V ACLME-202 24V AC/DCLME-210 100V ACLME-220 220V ACLME-302 24V AC/DCLMS-302 24V ACLME-310 100V ACLME-320 220V ACLME-402 24V AC/DCLME-410 100V ACLME-420 220V ACLME-502 24V AC/DCLME-510 100V ACLME-520 220V AC闪烁带蜂鸣器型带杆LME-102FB 24V AC/DC LME-110FB 100V ACLME-120FB 220V ACLME-202FB 24V AC/DC LME-210FB 100V ACLME-220FB 220V ACLME-302FB 24V AC/DC LME-302FB-RYG 24V AC/DC LME-310FB 100V ACLME-320FB 220V ACLME-402FB 24V AC/DC LME-410FB 100V ACLME-420FB 220V ACLME-502FB 24V AC/DCLME-510FB 100V ACLME-520FB 220V AC常亮型,不带杆LME-102W 24V AC/DC LME-110W 100V ACLME-120W 220V ACLME-202W 24V AC/DCLME-210W 100V ACLME-220W 220V ACLME-302W 24V AC/DCLME-310W 100V ACLME-320W 220V ACLME-402W 24V AC/DCLME-410W 100V ACLME-420W 220V ACLME-502W 24V AC/DCLME-510W 100V ACLME-520W 220V AC闪烁带蜂鸣器型不带杆LME-102FBW 24V AC/DC LME-110FBW 100V ACLME-120FBW 220V ACLME-202FBW 24V AC/DC LME-210FBW 100V ACLME-220FBW 220V ACLME-302FBW 24V AC/DC LME-310FBW 100V ACLME-320FBW 220V ACLME-402FBW 24V AC/DC LME-410FBW 100V ACLME-420FBW 220V ACLME-502FBW 24V AC/DC LME-510FBW 100V ACLME-520FBW 220V AC一灯三色常亮型,带杆LME-102-S1(4,or7) 24V AC/DCLME-110-S1(4,or7) 100V ACLME-120-S1(4,or7) 220V AC一灯三色闪烁带蜂鸣器型LME-102FB-S1(4,or7) 24V AC/DC LME-110FB-S1(4,or7) 100V ACLME-120FB-S1(4,or7) 220V AC一灯三色常亮型,不带杆LME-102W-S1(4,or7) 24V AC/DC LME-110W-S1(4,or7) 100V ACLME-120W-S1(4,or7) 220V AC一灯三色闪烁带蜂鸣器型LME-102FBW-S1(4,or7) 24V AC/DC LME-110FBW-S1(4,or7) 100V AC不带杆LME-120FBW-S1(4,or7) 220V AC 一灯四色常亮型,带杆LME-102-Q1(2,or4) 24V AC/DC LME-110-Q1(2,or4) 100V ACLME-120-Q1(2,or4) 220V AC一灯四色闪烁带蜂鸣器型带杆LME-102FB-Q1(2,or4) 24V AC/DC LME-110FB-Q1(2,or4) 100V ACLME-120FB-Q1(2,or4) 220V AC一灯四色常亮型,不带杆LME-102W-Q1(2,or4) 24V AC/DCLME-110W-Q1(2,or4) 100V ACLME-120W-Q1(2,or4) 220V AC一灯四色闪烁带蜂鸣器型LME-102FBW-Q1(2,or4) 24V AC/DC LME-110FBW-Q1(2,or4) 100V AC不带杆LME-120FBW-Q1(2,or4) 220V AC LME-S1 R/A/G一灯三色模块LME-S4 R/G/BLME-S7 A/G/BLME-Q1 R/A/G/B一灯四色模块LME-Q2 R/A/G/CLME-Q4 A/G/B/CLMS-302K 24V AC/DCWE系列WE-302-RYG 24V AC/DC常亮型WE-302-RYB 24V AC/DC镀铬灯休WE-302-RYC 24V AC/DCWE-402-RYGB 24V AC/DCWE-402-RYGC 24V AC/DCWE-402-CYGB 24V AC/DCWE-502-RYGBC 24V AC/DCWEP-302-RYG 24V AC/DCWEP-302-RYB 24V AC/DCWEP-302-RYC 24V AC/DC象牙白灯体WEP-402-RYGB 24V AC/DC WEP-402-RYGC 24V AC/DCWEP-402-CYGB 24V AC/DCWEP-502-RYGBC 24V AC/DC闪烁带蜂鸣器型WE-302FB-RYG 24V AC/DC镀铬灯休WE-302FB-RYB 24V AC/DC WE-302FB-RYC 24V AC/DCWE-402FB-RYGB 24V AC/DCWE-402FB-RYGC 24V AC/DCWE-402FB-CYGB 24V AC/DCWE-502FB-RYGBC 24V AC/DCWME系列WME-202A 24V AC/DC常亮型WME-2M2A 90~250V AC WME-302A 24V AC/DCWME-3M2A 90~250V ACWME-402A 24V AC/DCWME-4M2A 90~250V AC闪烁带蜂鸣器型WME-202AFB 24V AC/DCWME-2M2AFB 90~250V ACWME-302AFB 24V AC/DCWME-3M2AFB 90~250V ACWME-402AFB 24V AC/DCWME-4M2AFB 90~250V ACME系列ME-102A-R(Y)DC 24V 常亮型ME-102A-G(B,C)DC 24V 标准灯体200mmME-1202A-RY DC 24VME-202A-RG DC 24VME-202A-RB DC 24VME-202A-RC DC 24VME-302A-RYG DC 24VME-302A-RYB DC 24VME-302A-RYC DC 24VME-402A-RYGB DC 24VME-402A-RYGC DC 24VME-502A-RYGBC DC 24V短灯体40mmMES-102A-R(Y)DC 24V MES-102A-G(B,C)DC 24VMES-202A-RY DC 24VMES-202A-RG DC 24VMES-202A-RB DC 24VMES-202A-RC DC 24VMES-302A-RYG DC 24VMES-302A-RYB DC 24VMES-302A-RYC DC 24VMES-402A-RYGB DC 24VMES-402A-RYGC DC 24VMES-502A-RYGBC DC 24V常亮型MP-202-RY DC 24V标准灯体220mmMP-302-RYG DC 24VMP-402-RYGB DC 24V短灯体45mmMPS-302-RYG DC 24VCLE CLE-24 DC 24V 3WLED照明灯CLE-24N CD 24V 3W常亮型 STD系列STD-102 AC/DC24V STD-110 AC/100VSTD-112 AC/120VSTD-123 AC200/240VSTD-202 AC/DC24VSTD-210 AC/100VSTD-212 AC/120VSTD-223 AC200-240VSTD-302 AC/DC24VSTD-310 AC/100VSTD-323 AC/120VSTD-312 AC200-240VSTD-402 AC/DC24VSTD-410 AC/100VSTD-412 AC/120VSTD-423 AC200-240V闪烁带蜂鸣器型STD-102F AC/DC24V STD-110F AC100VSTD-112F AC120VSTD-123F AC200-240VSTD-202F AC/DC24VSTD-210F AC100VSTD-212F AC/120VSTD-223F AC200-240VSTD-302F AC/AC24VSTD-310F AC100VSTD-312F AC120VSTD-323F AC200-240VSTD-402F AC/DC24VSTD-410F AC100VSTD-412F AC120VSTD-423F AC200-240VPT系列RT-24K 24V AC/DC 8种清晰的报警音RT-100K 100V ACRT-200K 220V AC音声合成型RT-24VS 24V AC/DC6种曲调和2种警钟音RT-24L 24V AC/DCRT-100L 100V ACRT-200L 220V ACEB系列EB-24K 24V AC/DC 8种清晰的报警音EB-100K 100/220V AC ETB-24B 24V AC/DCETB-100B 24V AC/DC6种曲调和2种警钟音EB-24L 24V AC/DCEB-100B 100/220V ACEMB-24 24V AC/DCEMB-100 100/220V AC1种清晰的报警音ESB-24P 24V AC/DC ESB-240P 240V ACBT系列BT-04JS 24V AC/DC 音声合成型BT-04KS 100V ACBT-04QS 220V AC8种清晰的报警音BT-24K 24V AC/DCBT-100K 100V ACBT-200K 220V AC6种曲调和2种警钟音BT-24L 24V AC/DCBT-100L 100V ACBT-200L 220V AC8种不同的世界名曲BT-24M 24V AC/DCBT-100M 100V ACBT-220 220V ACBV系列BV-04CS 24V DC音声合成型BV-04KS 100/220V AC BA系列BA-24K 12/24V DC BA-100K 100/200V ACBC系列BC-24L 12/24V DC 2种曲调和2种警钟音BC-100L 100/200V AC BM系列BM-202 24V AC/DC 85dB(at 1m)BM-210 100V ACBM-220 220V AC90dB(at 1m)BM-202H 24V AC/DC BM-210H 100V ACBM-220H 220V ACIP34 BM-202D 24V AC/DC BM-210D 100V ACBM-220D 220V ACEWS系列1种世界名曲EWS-24M 12/24V DCEWS-48M 48V DCEWS-100M 100V ACEWS-220M 220V ACEWS-24L 12/24V AC/DC1种曲调或警钟音EWS-48L 48V DCEWS-100L 100V ACEWS-200L 220V ACEWS-24K 12/24V AC/DC1种清晰的报警音EWS-48K 48V DCEWS-100K 100V ACEWS-200K 220V ACEW系列8种不同的世界名曲 EWS-24M 12/24V AC/DC EWS-48M 48V DCEWS-100M 100V ACEWS-200M 220V AC6种曲调和2种警钟音EW-24L 12/24V AC/DC EW-48L 48V DCEW-100L 100V ACEW-200L 220V AC8种清晰的报警音EW-24K 12/24V AC/DC EW-48K 48V DCEW-100K 100V ACEW-200K 220V ACsignal tower STP系列STE-302 AC/DC 24V STP-102 AC/DC 24VSTP-110 AC100VSTP-120 AC220VSTP-202 AC/DC 24VSTP-210 AC100VSTP-220 AC220VSTP-302 AC/DC 24VSTP-310 AC100VSTP-320 AC220VSTPW-102 AC/DC 24V STPW-110 AC100VSTPW-120 AC220VSTPW-202 AC/DC 24V STPW-210 AC100VSTPW-220 AC220VSTPW-302 AC/DC 24V STPW-310 AC100VSTPW-320 AC220VSTPB-102A AC/DC 24V STPB-110A AC100VSTPB-120A AC220VSTPB-202A AC/DC 24V STPB-210A AC100VSTPB-220A AC220VSTPB-310A AC100V STPB-320A AC220V STFPB-302A AC/DC 24V STFPB-310A AC/DC 24V STFPB-310A AC/DC 24V SE-202A AC/DC 24VSE-302A AC/DC 24VSE-402A AC/DC 24V SEW-302D AC/DC 24V SEB-302D AC/DC 24V SEB-510D AC100VSLE-302A AC/DC 24V SLP-102V AC/DC 24V SLP-110V AC100VSLP-120V AC 220~240V SLP-202V AC/DC 24V SLP-210V AC100VSLP-220V AC 220~240V SLP-301V AC/DC 24V SLP-302V AC/DC 24V SL-302V AC/DC 24V SLP-310V AC100VSLP-320V AC 220~240V SLP-102W AC/DC 24V SLP-110W AC100VSLP-120W AC 220~240V SLP-202W AC/DC 24V SLP-210W AC100VSLP-220W AC 220~240V SLP-301W AC/DC 12V SLP-302W AC/DC 24V SLP-310W AC100VSLP-320W AC 220~240V LHE-102A AC/DC 24V LHE-110A AC100V LHE-120A AC 220~240VLHE-210A AC100VLHE-220A AC 220~240V LHE-302A AC/DC 24V LHE-310A AC100VLHE-320A AC 220~240V LHE-402A AC/DC 24V LHE-410A AC100VLHE-420A AC 220~240V LHE-502A AC/DC 24V LHE-510A AC100VLHE-520A AC 220~240V LHE-102AFB AC/DC 24V LHE-110AFB AC100V LHE-120AFB AC 220~240V LHE-202AFB AC/DC 24V LHE-210AFB AC100V LHE-220AFB AC 220~240V LHE-302AFB AC/DC 24V LHE-310AFB AC100V LHE-320AFB AC 220~240V LHE-402AFB AC/DC 24V LHE-410AFB AC100V LHE-420AFB AC 220~240V LHE-502AFB AC/DC 24V LHE-420AFB AC100V LHE-502AFB AC 220~240V WM-202 AC/DC 24VWM-210 AC100VWM-220 AC 220~240V WM-302 AC/DC 24VWM-310 AC 100VWM-320 AC 220~240V WM-402 AC/DC 24VWM-410 AC100VWM-420 AC 220~240V WM-502 AC/DC 24VWM-510 AC100VWM-520 AC 220~240VWM-202FB AC/DC 24VWM-210FB AC100VWM-220FB AC 220~240V WM-302FB AC/DC 24VWM-310FB AC100VWM-320FB AC 220~240V WM-402FB AC/DC 24VWM-410FB AC100VWM-420FB AC 220~240V WM-502FB AC/DC 24VWM-510FB AC100VWM-520FB AC 220~240V LGE-120 AC 220~240VLGE-102FB DC 24VLGE-120FB AC 200~240 LGE-302FB AC/DC 24V LGE-402FB AC/DC 24V LGE-202 AC/DC 24VLGE-302 AC/DC 24VLGE-320 AC200~240VLGE-402 AC/DC24VLGE-420 AC 200~240LGH-102FKA AC/DC 24V LGH-202FKA AC/DC 24V LGH-302FKA AC/DC 24V LGEH-120FKA AC 220~240V LGEH-220FKA AC 220~240V LGEH-302FKA AC/DC 24V LGEH-320FKA AC200~240V LGEH-102FL AC/DC 24V LGEH-120FL AC200~240V LGEH-102M AC/DC 24V LGEH-110M AC200~240V LGEH-320M AC200~240V cube TowerKJ-101/102 DC12V/24V KJ-110 AC 100VKJ-120 AC 200VKJ-201/202 DC12V/24VKJ-210 AC 100VKJ-220 AC 200VKJ-301/302 DC12V/24VKJ-310 AC 100VKJ-320 AC 200VKJ-401/402 DC12V/24VKJ-410 AC 100VKJ-420 AC 220VKJB-101/102 DC12V/24V KJB-110 AC 100VKJB-120 AC 220VKJB-201/202 DC12V/24V KJB-210 AC 100VKJB-220 AC 220VKJB-301/302 DC12V/24V KJB-310 AC 100VKJB-320 AC 220VKJB-401/402 DC12V/24V KJB-410 AC 100VKJB-420 AC 220VKJS-101/102 DC12V/24V KJS-110 AC 100VKJS-120 AC 220VKJS-201/202 DC12V/24V KJS-210 AC 100VKJS-220 AC 220VKJS-301/302 DC12V/24V KJS-310 AC 100VKJS-320 AC 220VKJSB-101/102 DC12V/24V KJSB-110 AC 100VKJSB-120 AC 220VKJSB-201/202 DC12V/24VKJSB-220 AC 220V KJSB-301/302 DC12V/24V KJSB-310 AC 100V KJSB-320 AC 220V Rotating LirhtRU-12 DC 12VRU-24 DC 24VRU-100 AC 100VRU-220 AC 220VRUP-12 DC 12VRUP-24 DC 24VRUP-100 AC 100VRUP-220 AC 220VRH-12A DC 12VRH-24A DC 24VRH-24AUL DC 24VRH-100A AC 100VRH-200A AC 220VRH-240AUL AC 240V#RH-48A DC 48VRHB-12A DC 12VRHB-24A DC 24VRHB-24AUL DC 24V RHB-100A AC 100V RHB-200A AC 220V RHB-240AUL AC 240V WH-12A DC 12VWH-24A DC 24VWH-100A AC 100VWH-200A AC 220VWHB-12A DC 12VWHB-24A DC 24VWHB-100A AC 100V WHB-200A AC 220V SKH-12EA DC 12VSKH-24EA DC 24VSKH-200EA AC 220V SKH-101A DC 12VSKH-102A DC 24VSKH-110A AC 100VSKH-120A AC 220V SKHB-12A DC 12V SKHB-24A DC 24V SKHB-100A AC 100V SKHB-200A AC 220V SKP-102A AC 100VSKP-110A AC 100VSKP-120A AC 220VRES-12A DC 12VRES-24A DC 24VRES-100A AC 100V~110V RES-220A AC 200V~220V SKV-101A DC 12VSKV-102A DC 24VSKV-110A AC 100VSKV-120A AC 220VRV-110A AC 100VRV-120A AC 220V SKHB-1006ASKHB-1006MAFlash LightMS-24MSF-24PS-24PS-220PSF-12/24 DC 12/24V PSF-100 AC 100VPSF-220 AC 220VPSX-100 AC 100VPSX-220 AC 220VKX-12 DC 12VKX-24 DC 24V#KX-48(B0357) DC 48V KX-100 DC 100VKX-220 DC 220VKX灯管粗立共通XP-24 DC 24VXP-200 AC 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BF-0800 天耐克
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HD 191 预制型水压比例器系统(预制型水泡比例器储蓄膜袋)说明书

HD 191 预制型水压比例器系统(预制型水泡比例器储蓄膜袋)说明书

SISTEMA DOSIFICADOR DE DEPÓSITO DE MEMBRANA PREMONTADO(BLADDER TANK PROPORTIONING SYSTEM PRE-PIPED)DATOS TÉCNICOSAPLICACIÓNEl sistema dosificador de espuma de depósito de membrana utiliza presión de agua para inyectar concentrado de espuma en el suministro de agua y proporciona automáticamente concentrado de espuma a través de un amplio rango de flujo y presión, con una bajada de presión muy baja. Este sistemano requiere una bomba de suministro de concentrado de espuma.ESPECIFICACIÓNEl sistema dosificador de espuma de depósito de membrana está disponible con depósitos de membranas horizontales y verticales. Los depósitos de acero al carbono están diseñados y construidos de acuerdo con la sección del código ASME VIII Div. 1 para recipientes a presión expuestos a llama.La presión máxima de trabajo es 12 Bar (175 PSI). El montaje del depósito vertical está soportado por patas soldadas al depósito con accesorios para su anclaje. Los depósitos horizontales están apoyados con dos fijaciones soldadas al depósito y perforadas para su anclaje. El depósito tiene orejetas de elevación.El sistema está suministrado con un recipiente de presión, membrana, válvula de llenado y de drenaje y concentradoMONTAJE DE Vertical u H orizontal DEPÓSITO TIPO CONCENTRADO Para depósito vertical 200 litros CAPACIDAD ALM.hasta 7500 litros (53 A 2000 Galones (EEUU)) Para depósito horizontal 200 litros a 15000 litros (53 a 4000 Galones (US))PRESIÓN MÁXIMA 12 Bar (175PSI) Sumin. estándar TRABAJOSe puede poporcionar presión nominal más elevada a petición PRUEBA PRESIÓN Según código ASME HIDRÁULICA CONSTRUCCIÓN Acero al carbonoRECIPIENTEsegún código ASME sección VIII Div 1, pararecipientes a presión expuestos a llama. CE Marking Opcional ASME “U” STAMP Opcional BLADDER Buna-N TUBO CENTRALPVC perforadoTUBERÍAEXTERNALado agua: Acero al carbono sin soldaduras sch 40Lado concentrado de espuma: Acero inoxidable sch 40CONTROLADOR Tipo wafer con acero inoxidable DE RATIO304/CF8 estándar Opcional: Acero inoxidable 316/CF8M o bronce VENTILACIÓN Y PURGA Válvula bola APROBACIONES Listado ULSUMIN.OPCIONAL Consultar página 3ACABADORojo RAL 3000INFORMACIÓNPEDIDO ESPECIFICAR:1)Tipo de depósito, vertical u horizontal2)Capacidad almacen.3)Nº modelo,tamaño de controlador de ratio con flujo y presión4)Tipo de concentrado de espuma a utilizarse y porcentaje inducción necesario5)Elementos opcionalesde espuma, controlador de ratio y válvula de ventilación. A petición se pueden suministrar una escalera y un indicador visual como elementos opcionales.Todas las válvulas están etiquetadas mostrando una posición y función de trabajo normal.Todos los depósitos tienen un gran tamaño para permitir la expansión de todos los concentrados, si hay alguno. PRINCIPIO DE FUNCIONAMIENTOLas instrucciones para rellenarlo están proporcionadas con el equipo. Una vez que se haya establecido el flujo de agua principal y que se abran las válvulas de entrada y de salida, el agua entra en el área entre la pared del recipiente y la membrana, aplicando presión a la membrana. El agua que fluye a través del chorro del controlador de ratio crea una zona de bajas presiones comunes al flujo de agua hacia abajo y el concentrado de agua. Esto inyecta el concentrado en el controlador de ratio a través de un orificio dimensionado proporcionado a un venturi de agua. Esto garantiza una dosificación correcta a través de un amplio rango de condición de flujo.El sistema dosificador de depósito de membrana funciona con el mismo principio que el de un sistema dosificador de presión de equilibrio. El concentrado de espuma se inyecta en el controlador de ratio utilizando presión de agua.El sistema también se suministra con una válvula de control de concentrado de espuma como elemento opcional .La válvula permite fluljo de concentrado sólo cuando se establece en el sistema una presión de agua de 2,1 kg/cm2 . Para una bajada de presión y de características de flujo consulte el catálogo de controlador de ratio. Para bajada de presión y características de flujo consulte el contrlador de ratio.SELECCIÓN DE DEPÓSITOS DE MEM-BRANA HORIZONTALES / VERTICALES Ventajas de los depósitos horizontales(i)Mejor estabilidad que los depósitos verticales en zonaspropensas a terremotos(ii)Más fáciles de rellenar que los depósitos verticales (iii)Más fáciles de transportar, almacenar e instalar(iv)Gran capacidadVentajas de los depósitos verticales(i)Precisa menos espacio en el suelo que los depósitoshorizontalesINSTALACIÓN, INSPECCIÓN Y MANTEN-IMIENTOEn cada unidad hay embalado un manual de instalación, inspección y mantenimiento. El manual proporciona procedimientos detallados en esquemas, procedimiento inicial, inspección y mantenimiento. El manual de instrucciones ha de ser leído con atención cuidado y seguirse durante la instalación y puesta en marcha del sistema.Después de varias pruebas exitosas iniciales una persona autorizada ha de recibir la formación para realizar inspecciones y comprobaciones del sistema. Es recomendable llevar a cabo inspecciones físicas del sistema con regularidad, la inspección debe verificar que no hay daños en ningún componente y que todas las válvulas están en su posición correcta según los requisitos del sistema. El sistema debe ser revisado completamente al menos una vez al año y de acuerdo con el código NFPA aplicable o de acuerdo con las directrices de la organización que tenga jurisducción local.No desconecte el sistema ni ninguna válvula para reparar o comprobar el sistema sin colocar una patrulla de incendios itinerante en la zona cubierta por el sistema. La patrulla debería seguir activa hasta que el sistema vuelva a ponerse en servicio. Informe también al personal local de seguridad y a la sala de control por si una falsa alarma no fuera comunicada.PRECAUCIÓN1)No suele en el depósito ya que puede dañar lamembrana equipada dentro del depósito.2)Liberar la presión antes de una inspección ymantenimiento del sistema.3)El indicador visual no es hermético, o sea que antestomar la lectura del concentrado, se ha de liberar la presión del depósito.4)El depósito de membrana se ha de instalar debajo desombra para evitar la radiación directa del sol en el equipo.5)Mientras diseña sistemas de espuma, se tienen quetomar medidas para permitir la eliminación de los tubos internos centrales. Los tubos centrales son de longitud total y/o altura del depósito de membrana. 6)El código ASME puede precisar una protección contrala sobre presión antes de presurizar el sistema. HD FIRE no suministra una válvula de descarga de presión con los depósitos. Es la responsabilidad del propietario proporcionar la protección contra la sobre presión para el depósito de acuerdo con el código ASME.7)Se ha de seguir el procedimiento de llenado deconcentrado. Un procedimiento de llenado incorrecto pueden dañar la membrana. El producto HD tiene la garantía limitada y un procedimiento de llenado incorrecto anulará la garantía.NOTA1)El concentrado de espuma se tiene que llenar en lamembrana con mucho cuidado para evitar la rotura de la membrana. Las directrices de llenado proporcionadas con el equipo han de cumplirse estrictamente.2)Suministro de aire con regulador (0 a 1.0 kg/cm2)necesario durante el procedimiento de llenado, ha serdispuesto por el instalador / usuario.3)Suministro de agua a 0-1.5 kg/cm2 necesario para elllenado del depósito durante la puesta en servicio a ser dispuesta por el instalador / usuario.4)La bomba de llenado del concentrado ha de serdispuesta por el instalador / usuario.5)Se debe proporcionar una longitud mínima de 5(cinco)veces el diámetro de la tubería recta sin obstrucciones en la entrada y salida del controlador de ratio, donde el diámetro de la tubería es el tamaño nominal del controlador de ratio.SUMINISTRO OPCIONAL•Indicador visual con válvula de cierre y drenaje (material de vidrio o de policarbonato)•Escalera•Válvula de control de concentrado•Kit de llenado•Tubería de acero inoxidable para lado de suministro de agua•Tubería de acero inoxidable y suministro estándar de válvulaSS304/CF8.Opcionales son : SS316/CF8M o SS316L•Pintura según requisito específico•Depósitos diseñados contra seísmos•Diseñados a medida para mayor potencia, materiales y dimensiones•Revestimiento interno de alquitrán epóxico, suministro estándar o cualquier otra pintura, según requisitos del cliente•Material de controlador de ratio de bronce, acero inoxidableCF8, CF8M•La válvula de descarga no está incluida en el suministro estándar, es opcional según el requisito específico del clienteVÁLVULA DE DESCARGA (SUMINISTRO OPCIONAL)(i)Válvula de seguridad(ii)Flujo total según ASME(iii)Flujo total, sello “U”LISTADO Y APROBACIÓN1)El sistema dosificador de depósito de membrana estálistado UL sistema canalizado.2)Listado y Aprobación sólo es válido de las formasindicadas en el Listado y Aprobación aplicables. DETALLES DE ENVÍOi)Todas las aberturas del depósito serán tapadas para suenvío.ii)Todas las tuberías canalizadas, válvulas, indicadores de presión indicadores visuales, etc. estarán embaladas aparte para su envío.iii)El depósito se montará en un palet, con tablones como sistema de embalaje estándar de HD FIRE.Para cualquier requisito de embalaje personalizado, póngase en contacto con HD Sales.SISTEMA DOSIFICADOR MANUAL DE DEPÓSITO DE MEMBRANA VERTICALSISTEMA DOSIFICADOR AUTOMÁTICO DE DEPÓSITO DE MEMBRANA VERTICALINLETWANº VÁLVULADESCRIPCIÓNPOSICIÓN NORMALSISTEMA MANUALSISTEMA AUTOV1VÁLVULA DE CIERRE DE CONCENTRADO DE CERRADA ----V1A VÁLVULA DE CIERRE DE CONCENTRADO DE ----CERRADA V2VÁLVULA DE CIERRE DE PRESIÓN DE AGUA ABIERTA ABIERTA V3VÁLVULA DE DRENAJE DE DEPÓSITO DE AGUA CERRADA CERRADA V4VÁLVULA DE VENTILACIÓN DE DEPÓSITO AGUA CERRADA CERRADA V5VENTILACIÓN DE CONCENTRADOCERRADA CERRADA V6VÁLVULA LLENADO CONCENTRADO / DRENAJE CERRADA CERRADA V7INDICADOR VISUAL VÁLVULA DE LLENADO CERRADA CERRADA V8INDICADOR VISUAL VÁLVULA DE DRENAJE CERRADA CERRADA B1VÁLVULA DE ANULACIÓN MANUAL ----ABIERTA B2VÁLVULA EN REPOSO----CERRADASÍMBOLOS Y ABREVIATURAI N D I C A D O R V I S U A LI N D I C A D O R V I S U A LSISTEMA DOSIFICADOR MANUAL DE DEPÓSITO DE MEMBRANA HORIZONTALSISTEMA DOSIFICADOR AUTO DE DEPÓSITO DE MEMBRANA HORIZONTALINLETWA TER V8V8Nº VÁLVULADESCRIPCIÓNPOSICIÓN NORMALSISTEMA MANUALSISTEMA AUTOV1VÁLVULA DE CIERRE DE CONCENTRADO DE CERRADA ----V1A VÁLVULA DE CIERRE DE CONCENTRADO DE ----CERRADA V2VÁLVULA DE CIERRE DE PRESIÓN DE AGUA ABIERTA ABIERTA V3VÁLVULA DE DRENAJE DE DEPÓSITO DE AGUA CERRADA CERRADA V4VÁLVULA DE VENTILACIÓN DE DEPÓSITO AGUA CERRADA CERRADA V5VENTILACIÓN DE CONCENTRADOCERRADA CERRADA V6VÁLVULA LLENADO CONCENTRADO / DRENAJE CERRADA CERRADA V7INDICADOR VISUAL VÁLVULA DE LLENADO CERRADA CERRADA V8INDICADOR VISUAL VÁLVULA DE DRENAJE CERRADA CERRADA B1VÁLVULA DE ANULACIÓN MANUAL ----ABIERTA B2VÁLVULA EN REPOSO----CERRADASÍMBOLOS Y ABREVIATURAGARANTÍA LIMITADAHD FIRE PROTECT PVT. LTD. a partir de ahora referida como HD FIRE garantiza al comprador original de los productos de protección contra incendios fabricados por HD FIRE y a cualquier otra persona a quien se transfiera ese equipo, que ese esos productos estarán libres de defectos en materiales y mano de obra con uso y cuidado normales, y dos(2) años desde la fecha del envío por parte de HD FIRE. Los productos o los componentes que hayan sufrido mal uso, una instalación inadecuada, corrosión, una reparación no autorizada, alteración o no mantenida perderán la garantía. HD FIRE no debe ser responsabilizado por errores de diseño de sistema o instalación inadecuada o información inexacta o incompleta suministrada por el comprador o por los representantes del comprador. HD FIRE reparará o sustituirá material defectuoso que se devuelva a fábrica sin costo alguno, con los gastos de transporte prepagados, despues de que hayamos inspeccionado el material defectuoso en el momento de inicial de envío desde nuestra fábrica. HD FIRE no será responsable de ninguna pérdida fortuita o accidental, daño o gasto resultante directamente o indirectamente del uso del producto incluidos daños o lesiones a personas, daños a la propiedad y sanciones resultantes de cualquier producto o componente fabricado por HD FIRE. HD FIRE no será responsable de cargas laborales o gastos de la reparación o ajuste del producto. HD FIRE no será responsable de ningún daño o gastos relacionados con la adaptación o uso de sus datos y servicios de ingeniería. En ningún caso la responsabilidad de los productos de HD Fire superará un importe igual al precio de venta. La presente garantía es exclusiva y sustituye al resto de otras garantías y representación ya sea expresada, implícita, ral o por escrito, incluida pero no limitada a, ninguna garantía implícita o comerciabilidad o aptitud para un propósito en particular. Por lo tanto el resto de garantías y representaciones están canceladas.NOTA:El equipo presentado en este boletín se tiene que instalar de acuerdo con los últimos estándares de publicación del NFPA u organizaciones similares y también con la presentación de códigos gubernamentales u ordenanzas cuando sea aplicable.La información proporcionada por nuestra parte es según nuestro leal saber y creencia, y son sólo directrices generales. La gestión del sitio y el control de la instalación están fuera de nuestro alcance. Por lo tanto no damos garantía por el resultado y no nos responsabilizamos de daños pérdidas o sanciones sean las que sean, resultado de nuestrassugerencias, información, recomendación o daños debido a nuestro producto.El desarrollo de producto es un programa continuo de HD FIRE PROTECT PVT.LTD.y por lo tanto el derecho a realizar modificaciones sin previo aviso es exclusivo de la empresa.D-6/2, ROAD NO 34, WAGLE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, THANE 400604, INDIA.•TELÉFONOS : + (91) 22 21582600 • 2582 6958 • 2582 6793• FAX : +(91) 22 2581 2524 • 21582602•EMAIL:**********************:HD FIRE PROTECT PVT . LTD.Protecting What Matters Most to You。



BTAPC9KPro冲锋枪美国陆军在2019年3⽉29⽇宣布,将与B&T美国分公司签订⼀份价值2 575 811.76美元的合同,⽤于购买该公司⽣产的APC9K Pro冲锋枪,作为美国陆军最新制式武器——SCW(Sub Compact Weapon的缩写)。

根据这份合同,美国陆军计划第⼀批购买350套SCW,每套SCW 中除了枪,还包括弹匣、背带、操作⼿册、附件和备件,⽽且将来随时可能会再追加1 000套SCW。

美国陆军SCW计划起源于何时?中标的APC9K Pro冲锋枪有哪些特点?请看——APC9K Pro冲锋枪右视图美国陆军SCW计划起源美军⾃⼆战装备过M1汤姆逊和M3A1“注油枪”这两种冲锋枪以来,之后再未正式换装过新型冲锋枪。

虽然美军有个别单位采购和使⽤了各种型号的冲锋枪,如越战期间有特种部队使⽤以⾊列乌齐冲锋枪、瑞典古斯塔夫M45冲锋枪等等,⽽1980年代后也有不少美军特种部队采购HK MP5冲锋枪,但这些都不是经美军正规的装备选型、定型流程⽽采购的制式装备,⽽是个别单位动⽤⾃⼰的“⼩⾦库”购买的⾮制式装备。

所以APC9K Pro冲锋枪的⼊选将是美国陆军70多年来,第⼀次换装新型制式冲锋枪。

不过,截⾄2019年6⽉,B&T APC9K Pro还没有获得陆军的“M”字母前缀的制式编号。

M3A1冲锋枪直到1970~1980年代仍未完全从美军中退役美军越战中使⽤的瑞典古斯塔夫M45冲锋枪,被称为“瑞典K”美军在越战中装备的XM177E1虽然其正式名称为“冲锋枪”,但根据现在的分类标准,被认为是短突击步枪多年来,MP5系列冲锋枪虽被美军特种部队⼤量采⽤,却是美军没有正式编号的⾮制式武器1991年“沙漠风暴”⾏动期间,美国陆军上将、多国部队总指挥施⽡茨科普夫的护卫⼈员由三⾓洲突击队派出,他们使⽤的武器是柯尔特723型卡宾枪(M4A1卡宾枪的前⾝)SCW计划起源于2018年,当时美国陆军向轻武器业界公布了⼀份名为Sub Compact Weapon的招标要求。

Bernard BTB MIG Guns 半自动空气液化煤气焊接枪说明

Bernard BTB MIG Guns 半自动空气液化煤气焊接枪说明

BernardA Divison of Miller Electric Mfg. Co. 449 West Corning Road Beecher, Illinois 60401 USAPhone: 1-855-MIGWELD (644-9353) (US & Canada Only) +1-519-737-3000 (International)Fax: 708-946-6726For more information, visit us at Issued Nov. 2016 • Index No. BTB/1.6Bernard ™ BTB MIG GunsSemi Automatic Air-Cooled MIG Welding Guns Compatible with Centerfire™, Quik Tip™ and TOUGH LOCK™ Consumable Series for betterarc startsChoice of fixed or rotatable necks in multiple lengths and angles to maximizeweld accessTwo cable options — Industrial Grade or Steel Monocoil Cable for heavy duty durabilityNo tools requiredto change rotatable necksVariety of straight and curved handle styles and sizes to fitevery applicationBernard™ BTB MIG Guns combine the best features of our legacy Q-Gun™, S-Gun™ and T-Gun™ MIG Gun lines to bring you our most flexible and rugged MIG gun offering.Industrial-grade BTB MIG Guns are engineered to accommodate each welder's neck, handle and trigger preferences for increased weld access, comfort and productivity. Plus, these gun variations can all be supported with a common line of high-performing consumables which simplifies ongoing maintenance and inventory costs. This unique combination of gun configurability and simplified support provides a total cost of ownership that's difficult to match.Choose from an expanded list of the best features of our top MIG gun linesSelect the best handle style and size for welder comfort One year manufacturer’s warranty on all configuredMIG guns NEW!The new C Series Handle provides all the benefits of the T Series Large Straight Handle plus additional ergonomic benefits, such as the handle overmold and swivel atno extra cost !Engineered for Simplicity. Built for Durability.2Industrial Grade CableDetailsThe heavy duty Industrial Cable featurescotton wrapped copper and durable triggerleads surrounding a hytrel inner tube. Theindustrial grade cable is compatible withall amperages, cable lengths and all handlestyles and sizes.NOTE: Not all amperages are available inevery handle style.Amperages200 Amp300 Amp400 Amp500 Amp600 AmpCable Lengths8 ft (2.44 m)10 ft (3.05 m)12 ft (3.66 m)15 ft (4.57 m)20 ft (6.10 m)25 ft (7.62 m)Handle StylesB SeriesSmall Curved HandleLarge Curved HandleO SeriesSmall Curved HandleLarge Curved HandleT SeriesSmall Straight HandleLarge Straight HandleNEW!! C SeriesLarge Straight HandleSteel Monocoil CableDetailsThe Steel Monocoil Cable offers extrastructural integrity through the steelmonocoil inner tube which gives it superiorpinch resistance and helps to ensure goodgas flow and wire feedability. The steelmonocoil cable is ideal for use in weldingapplications that require longer gun cablesthat may be frequently looped or stretchedaround corners to the point of pinching.Amperages300 Amp400 Amp500 Amp600 AmpCable Lengths8 ft (2.44 m)10 ft (3.05 m)12 ft (3.66 m)15 ft (4.57 m)20 ft (6.10 m)25 ft (7.62 m)Handle StylesO SeriesSmall Curved Handle (300A & 400A only)Large Curved HandleT SeriesLarge Straight Handle (300A & 400A only)NEW!! C SeriesLarge Straight Handle (300A & 400A only)handle300, 400, 500,3QT2-3030° Short QT2-4545° Short QT2-6060° Short QT2-8080° ShortQT3-30 30° Medium QT3-4545° Medium QT3-60 60° Medium QT3-8080° MediumQT5-3030° Long QT5-45 45° Long QT5-6060° LongQT2-3030° Short QT2-4545° Short QT2-60 60° Short QT2-8080° ShortQT3-3030° Medium QT3-4545° Medium QT3-6060° Medium QT3-8080° MediumQT5-30 30° Long QT5-4545° Long QT5-6060° LongFixed Necks205-45 45° Short 205-60 60° Short 315-45 45° Medium 315-60 60° Medium T Series Small Straight HandlesB Series and O Series Curved HandlesRotatable NecksB Series, O Series Curved Handles and T Series,C Series Large Straight HandlesSee Centerfire™ Consumables Spec Sheet (SP-CFC) for more information and additional options that can be ordered separatelyContact TipsCenterfire™ Consumable SeriesT-0230.023" (0.6 mm)T-030 0.030" (0.8 mm)T-035 0.035" (0.9 mm) T-039 0.039" (1.0 mm)T-045 0.045" (1.2 mm)T-0520.052" (1.4 mm)DiffusersDS-1 Small, Brass D-1 Large, BrassT-062 1/16" (1.6 mm)T-078 5/64" (2.0 mm)T-094 3/32" (2.4 mm)T-109 7/64" (2.8 mm)T-1251/8" (3.2 mm)NS-1218B 1/2" Bore, 1/8" Recess, Brass NS-5818C 5/8" Bore, 1/8" Recess, CopperNozzles405-45NB 45° Long 405-60NB 60° Long T Series Small Handles are not compatible with rotatable necksNeck & Handle Consumables200A 300A 400A 500A 600AInsulator Part NumberFixed Necks for T, C Series Straighthandles Centerfire™4523R4423RQuik Tip™4423R TOUGH LOCK™402-11Rotatable Necks for O, B, T, C Serieshandles Centerfire 4523R4423R Quik Tip 4423R TOUGH LOCK 10012Fixed Necks for O and B Series handlesCenterfire 4523R4423R Quik Tip 4423R TOUGH LOCK10012Neck InsulatorsUsers should be aware that neck insulator replacement for Bernard BTB MIG Guns is based on several variables including:• Gun Amperage• Neck & Handle Combination •Consumable SeriesUse the chart on the right to select the appropriate replacement neck insulator.Aluminum Specific Contact TipsT-035AL 0.035" (0.9 mm)T-047AL 3/64" (1.2 mm)T-062AL 1/16" (1.6 mm)305-45 45° Short 305-60 60° Short 405-45 45° Medium 405-60 60° Medium 505-45 45° Long 505-60 60° Long T Series Large Straight Handles405-45LL 45° Longest 405-60LL60° Longest305-45CT 45° Short 305-60CT 60° Short 405-45CT 45° Medium 405-60CT 60° Medium 505-45CT 45° Long 505-60CT 60° Long C Series Large Straight Handles405-45LLCT 45° Longest 405-60LLCT60° LongestN-5818C 5/8" Bore, 1/8" Recess, Copper N-5814C 5/8" Bore, 1/4" Recess, Copper N-3414C3/4" Bore, 1/4" Recess, Copper4TOUGH LOCK™ Standard Duty Consumable SeriesContact Tips NozzlesRetaining Head403-14-230.023" (0.6 mm)403-14-300.030" (0.8 mm)403-14-350.035" (0.9 mm)*403-14-1.00.039" (1.0 mm)403-14-450.045" (1.2 mm)**Part number also applicable for aluminum wire in corresponding size401-6-62 5/8" Bore, 1/8" Recess, Copper404-18 BrassTOUGH LOCK™ Heavy Duty Consumable SeriesContact TipsNozzles403-20-300.030" (0.8 mm)403-20-350.035" (0.9 mm)*403-20-1.00.039" (1.0 mm)403-20-450.045" (1.2 mm)*403-20-520.052" (1.4 mm)403-20-116 1/16" (1.6 mm)*403-20-564 5/64" (2.0 mm)403-20-332 3/32" (2.4 mm)403-20-364 3/64" (1.2 mm) Aluminum*Part number also applicable for aluminum wire in corresponding size401-6-62 5/8" Bore, 1/8" Recess, Copper401-5-62 5/8" Bore, 1/4" Recess, Copper401-5-75 3/4" Bore, 1/4" Recess, CopperRetaining Head404-26 Dual Taper, BrassSee TOUGH LOCK™ Consumables Spec Sheet (SP-TLC) for more information and additional optionsQUICK LOAD™ Liners (front-loading)415-23-15Q for 0.023" (0.6 mm) wire415-30-15Q for 0.030" (0.8 mm) wire415-35-15Q for 0.035" (0.9 mm) wirefor 0.039" (1.0 mm) wirefor 0.045" (1.2 mm) wire415-116-15Q for 0.052" (1.4 mm) wirefor 1/16" (1.6 mm) wire415-564-15Q for 5/64" (2.0 mm) wire415-332-15Q for 3/32" (2.4 mm) wire415-23-25Q for 0.023" (0.6 mm) wire415-30-25Q for 0.030" (0.8 mm) wire415-35-25Q for 0.035" (0.9 mm) wirefor 0.039" (1.0 mm) wirefor 0.045" (1.2 mm) wire415-116-25Q for 0.052" (1.4 mm) wirefor 1/16" (1.6 mm) wire415-564-25Q for 5/64" (2.0 mm) wire415-332-25Q for 3/32" (2.4 mm) wire15' (4.57 m) Gun Lengths25' (7.62 m) Gun Lengths10' (3.05 m) Gun Lengths415-35-10Q for 0.035” - 0.045” wire415-116-10Q for 0.045” - 1/16” wireSee QUICK LOAD™ Liner Spec Sheet (SP-QLL) for more informationLiner Retainers (required for initial installation)415-26 for 0.035” - 5/64" wire415-24 for 0.078" - 3/32" wireSee Quik Tip™ Consumables Spec Sheet (SP-QTC) for more information and additional options that can be ordered separatelyQuik Tip™ Consumable SeriesT1023 0.023" (0.6 mm)T1030 0.030" (0.8 mm)T1035 0.035" (0.9 mm)T1039 0.039" (1.0 mm)T1045 0.045" (1.2 mm)T1364 3/64" (1.2 mm)Contact TipsNozzlesDiffusersN1C58Q5/8" Bore, Plated CopperN1C34HQ 3/4" Bore, Plated Copper, HDD118Q1/8" RecessD114Q1/4" RecessT1052 0.052" (1.4 mm)T1116 1/16" (1.6 mm)T1068 0.068" (1.7 mm)T1072 0.072" (1.8 mm)T1564 5/64" (2.0 mm)T1332 3/32" (2.4 mm)T1764 7/64" (2.8 mm)T1118 1/8" (3.2 mm)5Universal Conventional Liners (rear-loading)L1A-15 for 0.023" - 0.030" wire L2A-15 for 0.030" - 0.035" wire L3A-15 for 0.035" - 0.045" wire*L4A-15 for 0.045" - 1/16" wire**L6A-15 for 5/64" wire L7A-15 for 3/32" wireL8A-15for 7/64" - 1/8" wire15' (4.57 m) Gun Lengths25' (7.62 m) Gun LengthsSee Universal Conventional Liner Spec Sheet (SP-L) for more information10' (3.05 m) Gun LengthsL3A-10 for 0.035" - 0.045" wire L4A-10 for 0.045" - 1/16" wireL1A-25 for 0.023" - 0.030" wire L2A-25 for 0.030" - 0.035" wire L3A-25 for 0.035" - 0.045" wire*L4A-25 for 0.045" - 1/16" wire**L6A-25 for 5/64" wire L7A-25 for 3/32" wireL8A-25for 7/64" - 1/8" wire*Standard Liner for 0.035" & 0.045" Guns **Standard Liner for 1/16" GunsConventional Liners for Aluminum Wire (rear-loading)415-45-03 for 0.035" - 3/64" wirePolymer Liner415-35-2 for 0.035" - 0.045" wire Steel Wrapped Nylon 415-116-2 for 0.045" - 1/16" wire Steel Wrapped Nylon 415-116-23 for 3/64" - 1/16" wirePolymer Liner15' (4.57 m) Gun Lengths25' (7.62 m) Gun Lengths10' (3.05 m) Gun Lengths415-45-02 for 0.035" - 3/64" wirePolymer Liner415-116-22 for 3/64" - 1/16" wirePolymer Liner415-45-04 for 0.035" - 0.045" wireSteel Wrapped Nylon1880259E Power Pin Kit5060T Euro Block Assembly 4816 Adaptor Nut425-820E for 0.030"-0.045"428-920Efor 0.052"-3/32"Bernard™1880259B Quick Disconnect Kit2200140 Power Pin (Includes O-Rings)Miller ®1880259M Power Pin Kit2200137 Power Pin (Includes O-Rings)214-81 for 0.030"-0.045"214-91 for 0.052"-3/32"214-9 for 7/64" - 1/8"OXO ™1880259X Power Pin Kit 427-12 Power PinAutoLength PinEuroAutoLength PinLincoln ®1880259L Power Pin Kit 214-2-1 Power Pin214-87 for 0.030"-0.045" 214-97 for 0.052"-3/32"AutoLength PinTweco ® #41880259T4 Power Pin Kit214 Power Pin (Includes O-Rings)214-80 for 0.030"-0.045"214-90 for 0.052"-3/32"AutoLength PinTweco ® #51880259T5 Power Pin Kit214-12 Power Pin (Includes O-Rings)214-812 for 0.030"-0.045" 214-912 for 0.052"-3/32"AutoLength PinSee Universal Power Pin Spec Sheet (SP-PPK) for more information6Flex NecksSave labor and time — change, rotate or bend the Flex Neck to your desired angle without tools. The connection improves conductivity for better weld quality and lessens heat to increase operator comfort. Available in 6" and 8" lengths and is easily removable for jump liner changover.Compatible with Bernard Centerfire™ and Quik Tip™ Consumables.QT-F-6 6" length QT-F-8 8" length1680085C Rotatable Adaptor (required for use with C Series handles only)For B Series and O Series Handles, and C Series Handles Configured with Rotatable NecksThe Flex Neck for T Series handles features a braided copper conductor tube with a bend radius of up to 80° allowing you to reach your weld joints comfortably. The flex neck can be replaced without disturbing cable connections and is compatible with select Tregaskiss™ TOUGH LOCK™ and TOUGH ACCESS™ Consumables.405-FLT Series HandlesSee Flex Neck Spec Sheet (SP-FN) for more informationSpecialty NozzlesTOUGH ACCESS™ Consumables are a sleek line of consumables (including retaining heads and nozzles) that allow entry into those hard-to-reach places that would otherwise be inaccessible due to fixture design or weldment.Available in straight bore (5/8") and bottleneck (1/2") style nozzles, these unique consumables are compatible with TOUGH LOCK™ Contact Tips. Compatible with Fixed Necks on StraightHandle Styles only.NozzlesRetaining Heads401-54-62 Straight Bore – 5/8" Bore, 1/8" Tip Recess 401-55-62 Straight Bore – 5/8" Bore, Flush Tip401-56-62 Straight Bore – 5/8" Bore, 1/8" Tip Stick-Out 401-57-62 Straight Bore – 5/8" Bore, 1/4" Tip Stick-Out 401-54-50 Bottleneck* – 1/2" Bore, 1/8" Tip Recess 401-55-50 Bottleneck* – 1/2" Bore, Flush Tip401-56-50 Bottleneck* – 1/2" Bore, 1/8" Tip Stick-Out 401-57-50Bottleneck* – 1/2" Bore, 1/4" Tip Stick-Out 404-50-25 Heavy Duty Retaining Head 404-54-25Standard Duty Retaining Head Neck Insulators402-17-25Neck Insulator*Standard Duty consumables recommended for bottleneck stylesSee Bernard Jump Liner Spec Sheet (SP-JL) for more informationBernard Jump Liners (included with and to be used with Rotatable Neck option guns)Jump liners replace only the most commonly worn and clogged liner area to reduce the amount of time a gun is offline and to minimize inventory. These jump liners enable quick and easy neck change-out so guns can be easily adapted to fit multiple applications.The Bernard Jump Liners connect with conventional liners at the base of the neck and run through the most commonly worn area up to the contact tip.For use with Rotatable Neck option guns.QJL-2330 0.023" - 0.030" (0.6 mm - 0.8 mm) 14"QJL-2330-XL 0.023" - 0.030" (0.6 mm - 0.8 mm) 27"QJL-3545 0.035" - 0.045" (0.9 mm - 1.2 mm)14"QJL-3545-XL 0.035" - 0.045" (0.9 mm - 1.2 mm) 27"QJL-116 1/16" (1.6 mm) 14"QJL-116-XL 1/16" (1.6 mm) 27"QJLH-116 1/16" Heavy Duty (1.6 mm)14"QJLN-364* 0.035" - 3/64" Nylon (0.9 mm - 1.2 mm) 14"QJLN-116*1/16" Nylon (1.6 mm)14"*Nylon liners available for aluminumwire. See Liner spec sheet (SP-L) for more information.TOUGH ACCESS TM Consumables (see SP-TLC for more information)Ideal for heavy-duty applications such as shipbuilding, fabrication and other heavy equipment manufacturing operations. Heavy-Duty Centerfire Nozzles feature a removeable nozzle cone, thicker wall and a high-temperature insulator.Centerfire TM HD Series (see SP-CFC for more information)Quik Tip HD Series features a two-piece nozzle comprised of a nozzle cone and nozzle body. The removeable nozzle cone lowers downtime and consumables cost by allowing replacement of the cone without removing and replacing the entire nozzle.Quik Tip TM HD Series (see SP-QTC for more information)7Specialty NecksThere are additional standard necks available in multiple lengths and bends that will help ensure a high quality weld and to improveoperator comfort.See Neck Spec Sheet (SP-N) for more information.Additional AccessoriesStore your Bernard MIG Gun neatly and efficiently between welds with this gun hanger.422H Compatible with fixed or rotatable necks1790002 Compatible with B Series Small and Large HandlesGun HangerHeat ShieldOur durable heat shield prevents injury by protecting the user's hand from the heat of the weld, improving operator comfort and weld quality.421 Compatible with fixed or rotatablenecksQ-Neck CouplerThe Q-Neck Coupler is designed to connect any two Q-Necks for flexibility and tominimize the need for special-order necks. Compatible with any rotatable necks.QT-CPLNeck GripsThis high temperature rubber sleeve for curved handle MIG guns provides the operator with improved accuracy andreduced heat exposure. The Q-Neck Grip is designed to help users hold the neck in a steady position, improve overall weld quality and reduce operator fatigue.1840067For Curved Handle MIG GunsThis neck grip features a heavy duty metal spring for straight handle MIG guns configured with fixed necks. Designed to reduce heat exposure and help users hold the neck in a steady position in order to improve weld quality and reduce operator fatigue.406-1 60°406-2 45°For T Series and C Series HandlesHandle Replacement KitsB Series Small and Large 1880155 200, 300 amp (std, locking, dual pull)1880198 400 amp (std, locking, dual pull)DSA-1 400 amp Dual Schedule (std. and locking)O Series Small 1880219 200, 300, 400 amp (std, locking)177370 200, 300, 400 (std. with ext.)O Series Large 1880220 400, 500, 600 amp (std, locking, dual pull)1880221 400, 500, 600 amp Dual Schedule (std. and locking)T Series Small 320300 amp (standard)Distributed By:©2016 BernardSubject to Change – The information presented in this spec sheet is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of printing. Please visit for the most up-to-date information.Brand and product names shown above are trademarks of their respective owners.AmperageLengthHandle & Trigger OptionNeck OptionConsumableWire SizesPower PinLiner TypeQ4015AE8DMLIndustrial Grade08 ft. (2.44 m)B Series Small Curved HandleQ20, Q30Rotatable †2 TOUGH LOCK™^A 0.023”(.6 mm)B Bernard™C Universal Conventional Cable A Short 30° Standard DutyQ20 200 Amp10 ft. (3.05 m)A Standard Trigger 3 TOUGH LOCK™^^B 0.030”(.8 mm)E Euro L QUICK LOAD™ Liner Max. wire size 1/16”B Locking TriggerB Short 45° Heavy DutyAutoLength™ System**12 ft. (3.66 m)C Dual Pull Trigger5 Quik Tip™^^^C 0.035”(.9 mm)L Lincoln ® Q30 300 AmpC Short 60°Q QUICK LOAD™ Liner***Max. wire size 5/64”15 ft. (4.57 m)B Series Large Curved HandleQ408 Centerfire ™^^^D 0.039”(1.0 mm)M Miller ®J Short 80° Q40 400 Amp 20 ft. (6.16 m)A Standard TriggerE 0.045”(1.2 mm)O OXO™ ǂMax. wire size 5/64”B Locking TriggerD Medium 30°25 ft. (7.63 m)C Dull Pull TriggerH 0.052”(1.4 mm)R Tweco ® #4Q50 500 AmpD Dual Schedule SwitchE Medium 45°(Miller Lead)Max. wire size 3/32”E Locking Dual Schedule I 1/16”(1.6 mm)F Medium 60°S Tweco #4Q60 600 AmpO Series Large Curved Handle K 5/64”(2.0 mm)(Lincoln Lead)Max. wire size 1/8”Q40, Q50, Q60, S40, S50, S60K Medium 80°G Standard Trigger L 3/32”(2.4 mm)T Tweco #4Steel MonocoilH Locking Trigger G Long 30°(std. Lead) CableI Dual Pull Trigger M 7/64”(2.8 mm)S30 300 AmpK Dual Schedule Switch H Long 45°U Tweco #4Max. wire size 5/64”L Locking Dual Schedule N 1/8”(3.2 mm)(NAS Plug)I Long 60°S40 400 AmpT Series Large Straight Handle Aluminum W Tweco #5Max. wire size 5/64”Q30, Q40, Q50, Q60, S30, S40FixedQ 0.035”(.9 mm)(std. Lead)M Standard Trigger N Short 30°††S50 500 AmpN Locking Trigger R 3/64” (1.19 mm)X Tweco #5Max. wire size 3/32”P Dual Pull Trigger O Short 45°(Miller Lead)Q Dual Schedule Switch S 1/16” (1.6 mm)*S60 600 AmpR Locking Dual ScheduleP Short 60°Max. wire size 1/8”T Series Small Straight Handle W Short 80°††Q30S Standard TriggerQ Medium 30°†† O Series Small Curved Handle R Medium 45°Q20, Q30, Q40, S30, S40T Standard Trigger S Medium 60°U Locking TriggerX Medium 80°††C Series Large Straight Handle Q30, Q40, Q50, S30, S40T Long 30°††V Standard Trigger W Locking Trigger U Long 45°X Dual Pull Trigger Y Dual Schedule Switch V Long 60°J Insight Limited ǂǂY Extra Long 45°†††Z Extra Long 60°††††Not compatible with T Series Small Straight handle styles.†† For B Series and O Series Curved Handle styles only. Not compatible with T Series Straight Handle styles.†††For T Series Large Straight Handle styles only. Not compatible with B Series and O Series Curved Handle styles or T Series Small Straight Handle styles.^Available for wire sizes up to 0.045" for 200, 300 and 400 amp guns.Not available for 500 or 600 amp guns.^^Available for wire sizes up to 3/32" for 300, 400, 500 and 600 amp guns. Not available for 200 amp guns.^^^Available for wire sizes up to 1/16" for 200 amp guns, up to 5/64" for 300-400 amp guns, up to 7/64" for 500 amp guns, and up to 1/8" for 600 amp guns. *Not available for TOUGH LOCK Standard Duty (SD) Contact Tips.**Available for wire sizes between 0.030" and 3/32". Not compatible with Bernard Power Pin or OXO Power Pin options. Not compatible with aluminum wire.***Available for wire sizes between 0.023" and 3/32". Available for cable lengths up to 15 ft (4.57 m). Not compatible with aluminum wire.ǂNot compatible with T Series Small Straight Handle Styles. ǂǂAvailable only with Miller® power pin.。



武器伯莱塔Cx4风暴卡宾枪伯莱塔Cx4 风暴是一款由意大利枪械商伯莱塔为运动用途、个人防卫和执法机关使用而研制和生产的半自动手枪口径卡宾枪,能够使用来自伯莱塔92/96/M9系列、伯莱塔8000“美洲狮”以及伯莱塔Px4 Storm这些总共七款或以上不同型号的全尺寸型手枪的弹匣,发射9×21毫米IMI(其原来口径)、9×19毫米、.40 S&W和.45 ACP 这四种口径的手枪子弹。


伯莱塔Cx4 Storm是伯莱塔Mx4 Storm的长枪管半自动民用型版本。

伯莱塔Cx4 Storm是由合金和聚合物材质的闭膛待击和直接自由枪机式操作的半自动手枪口径卡宾枪。


例如,伯莱塔92FS 9×19毫米口径的弹匣亦可以用在了Cx4(膛室也要是9毫米口径)。


伯莱塔Cx4 Storm与不少手枪、包络式枪机冲锋枪一样,将弹匣装入与枪托相连成一体的手枪式握把内。

伯莱塔Cx4 Storm在需要转换使用伯莱塔Px4 Storm、伯莱塔92/96和伯莱塔8000/8040“美洲狮”等9×19毫米/.40 S&W口径伯莱塔手枪的弹匣时需要两件套件(这不包括伯莱塔Rx4 Storm)。

这些套件的包括:使用伯莱塔Px4 Storm的弹匣需要装配C5C620弹匣插座和C89210弹匣释放按钮;使用伯莱塔92/96的弹匣需要装配C5A511弹匣插座和C89109弹匣释放按钮;而使用伯莱塔8000/8040“美洲狮”的弹匣则需要装配C5A670弹匣插座和C89110弹匣释放按钮。

而目前.45 ACP口径型号只能够使用伯莱塔8045“美洲狮”的8发单排可拆卸式弹匣。

BK型小型警报器 派特莱

BK型小型警报器 派特莱

保险丝 电源
按照电源端子左侧的标识进行接线, 将负极接于标识为0V的端子上。
接点电压输入: DC12V 无电压接点输入: 7mA
信号电子回路 无电压接点输入 外部接点 BK 6mA ← 各频道 12V (15V) COM NPN回路 外部接点 6mA ← 12V (15V) COM ( ) 内为BK-24 信号接点容量 电流容量 耐电压 漏电流 ON电压(Vsat) BK 各频道
BD 型 � AC 90V~250V NPN 三极管
BK 型
保险丝 250V 0.5 A 保险丝 125V 0.5 A 220V AC 100V AC
� DC 12V/24V NPN 三极管
( ) 内为BK-24 峰值电流与保险丝
保险丝 125V 0.5 A
12-24V DC
型号 峰值电流 保险丝 BK-24 最大 20A/ 5ms 125V 1A 无 BK-100 125V 0.5A 无 250V 0.5A BK-220
( )中为BKV-JF
型号 峰值电流 保险丝 BK-24 最大 10A/ 5ms 125V 1A BK-100 最大 1.5A/ 5ms 125V 0.5A BK-220 最大 1.2A/ 5ms 250V 0.5A
信号接点容量 电流容量 耐电压 漏电流 ON电压(Vsat)

Valor 1100M 电子火器说明书

Valor 1100M 电子火器说明书

OverviewMantel1100M engineFraming1/2” thick non-combustible board or equivalent—NOT suppliedSupplied as vertical outlet, fi eld-convertible to horizontal outletRemote Handset Wall Holder Remote battery & Wall switch(required) 35-foot wire lentgh (supplied)Trim with barrier screen(required)Fixed Framing Kit 1130FFK or Clean Install Kit 1130CIK install at framing stage and allow non-combustible wallfi nish to fi nish up to it.All other trims overlap the surrounding non-combustible wall fi nish and are adjustable to accomodate material up to 3/4” thickness overtop of the base 1/2” non-combustibleboard. For material thickness greater than 3/4”, the appliance requiresrepositioning furtherforward in the framing cavity.Wall Finish.Any wall fi nishes applied over non-combustible board mustalso be non-combustible. Combustible mantels are ok provided they conform to speci fi cations of installation.Non-combustible hearthCombustible fl oor1/2” Micore supplied with appliance.Use as a thermal break between non-combustible hearth material and combustible material underneath.Combustible Framing Allowed Beneath Fireplace. Do not install the appliance directly on carpet.Note: This appliance may be installed in outdoor, weather protected environments as de fi ned in the GV60CKO Outdoor Conversion Kit instruction manual.Optional HeatShift System 4 x 5” Ø outletsDimensions7-1/2”[191 mm]1-1/2”[38 mm]M i n . 41-1/2” t o t o p o f c e m e n t b o a r d40”Electrical Inlet PointOptional 1270RBKRemote Blower Kit outletOptional1270RBKRemote Blower Kit outletGas Line Access PointZero Clearance 6WDQG 2΍VHeaderCenter Line6-5/8” dia.Venting ȴHOGconvertible from top to rear facing outlet Center of ventHeat shield required for rear facing vent outlet6WDQG 2΍V +HDW 6KLHOGNote: This dimension is for the 1130FFK and 1130CIK Kits only.For all other trims this is the maximumrequired and may be reduced if positioning the unit forward of the framing to accomodate thickness of non-combustible material over top of non-combustible board.1-5/8”4-3/8”317-1/2”t o f r o n t o f s t u d13-3/4”18”t o f r o n t f a c e o f n o n -c o m b u s t i b l e b o a r d29”19-1/4”27-1/2”36-1/8”38”25-1/4”30”Optional HeatShift® System outlets1-1/4”5-1/2”DW %DFN DQG 6LGHV59” [1499 mm ]41-3/4” [1061 m m ]Top ViewFront View Left Side View Right Side View。

pro-face sp5000系列 硬件手册说明书

pro-face sp5000系列 硬件手册说明书

安全信息 ....................................................................................................7 关于本书 ....................................................................................................8 概述......................................................................................................... 11
对于将本指南或其内容用作商业用途的行为,施耐德电气未授予任何权利或许可,但 以“原样”为基础进行咨询的非独占个人许可除外。
由于标准、规格和设计会不时更改,因此本指南中包含的信息可能会随时更改,恕不 另行通知。
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标准主机模块 ................................................................................28 增强型主机模块............................................................................. 30 开放型主机模块............................................................................. 32 LED 指示 ......................................................................................34 显示模块 ............................................................................................35 精良显示模块 ................................................................................35 高级显示模块 ................................................................................39 LED 指示 ......................................................................................42 规格......................................................................................................... 44 一般规格 ............................................................................................44 电气规格....................................................................................... 44 环境规格....................................................................................... 46 结构规格....................................................................................... 47 功能规格 ............................................................................................49 显示规格....................................................................................... 49 存储器 ..........................................................................................51 时钟 .............................................................................................51 触摸屏 ..........................................................................................51 接口规格 ............................................................................................52 接口规格....................................................................................... 52 接口连接....................................................................................... 54 用于 COM1/COM2 的串行接口 (RS-232C 和 RS-422/RS485) .............................................................................................57 辅助输出/扬声器输出接口 (AUX) ....................................................59 DVI-D 输出接口.............................................................................60 尺寸......................................................................................................... 62 标准主机模块...................................................................................... 62 SP-5B00 ......................................................................................62 增强型主机模块 ..................................................................................63 SP-5B10 ......................................................................................63 开放型主机模块 ..................................................................................63
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Perrelet ‘s jumping hour and large second hand, calibre P-191
Your new timepiece is fitted with the exclusively designed rotor, the signature of Perrelet’s high-quality, precision movements, glass-covered to display the workmanship of the movement and the beauty of the Perrelet «tapestry» engraving. This decorative concept for the oscillating weight was developed by Perrelet’s own watchmakers and designers to pay tribute to the fabulous invention of Abraham-Louis Perrelet, the self-winding movement (around 1770). This system allows the watch to operate by simply using the energy produced by the wearer’s own movement.
Your new watch, fitted with the Perrelet P-191 calibre, was created to provide you with the clearest possible readability of the display. The jumping hour is a predecessor of the digital watch… the (digital) hour display can be viewed through a large aperture positioned at 12 o’clock. The minute display is indicated by a hand fixed on an off-centre minute dial. This draws attention to the second hand, which is positioned at 6 o’clock, and so offers excellent precision. This nonconformist design offers an extremely attractive, precise and exclusive display.
Information shown on diagram 1 Aperture for jumping hours 2 Minute hand 3 Second hand Your watch has a 3-position crown: A Crown in the movement’s manual winding
Réf. A1037 – A3009 – A3012
Cal. P-191
Vue éclatée de l’assemblage du rotor exclusif Perrelet Explosion drawing of Perrelet’s exclusive rotor
Technical data on the movement
- Thickness of the basic movement, oscillating weight included: 5.20 mm
- Fitting diameter: 30.00 mm - Total diameter of the movement: 30.00 mm - Vibrations/hour: 28’800 (4Hz) - Jewelling: 27 rubies - Autonomy of the movement when fully wound:
position B Crown in the free position (inactive) C Crown in the position for setting the time, with
stop second
Basic functions
Setting the time of the watch Pull the crown to position C. The time can then be set by turning the crown forward or backward.
42 hours - Automatic rewinding mechanism with oscillating
weight, with an incrusted hardened mineral glass featuring non-reflecting coating and sandblasted Perrelet logo, fitted on ball bearing - Anti-shock system on balance: Incabloc - Fine adjustment device
DescripLeabharlann ion of the watchInformation provided by the watch - Jumping hour in window (retrograde jumping
hour disc) - Off-centre minute hand - Small second hand at 6 o’clock
Winding the watch If the watch stops, a few turns of the crown (in position A) will start it again. The wearer can then keep the watch wound simply by moving his or her wrist.