



Chapter 61. How are different types of learning related to learning English as a foreign language? Learning has been classified in many different ways .The most useful classification is based on the task of learning (i.e. what is being learned).Based on the nature of the learning task, three types of learning are identified :skill learning ,affective and social learning, and cognitive learning .Type 1,signal learningThis is a somewhat specialized type of learning.It is called signal learning to emphasize that the learner is associating an already available response with a new signal or stimulus .One important characteristics of this type of learning is that it involves the Pavlovian conditioned response ,which is general ,diffuse ,and emotional.This kind of response has a truly “involuntary”character .A fear response ,for example,involves general ,diffuse activity including speeded heartbeat,constriction of blood vessels and other internal involuntary behavior .In our daily life, learning to respond to alarm clock bells or automobile horns falls into this type of learning .Type 2,stimulus-response learningType 3 chainingType 4 verbal association (or sequence)Type 5 multiple discriminationType 6 concept learningType 7 principle learningType 8 problem-solvingLanguage learning is a complex task which involves all these types of learning . For example,in learning the pronunciation of a second language,the learner is concerned with how to produce the appropriate sound patterns –a sensorimotor skill or part of a skill.If the learner cannot distinguish two sounds and therefore cannot pronounce them,he needs to know the articulatory description of the two sounds .This involves conceptual learning.The actual learning of a second language is accompanied by emotional reactions, and entire learning experience may lead to a fixed constellation of likes and dislikes directed towards the language and the people speaking that language.2.Illustrate the general learning strategies with examples from yourself or your Students in learning English.ways in which a learner attempts to work out the meanings and uses of words, grammatical rules, and other aspects of a languagemetacognitive strategies :1.thinking about the mental processes used in the learning process2.monitoring learning while it is taking place, 3.evaluating learning after it has occurred A. advance organizersB. directed attentionC. selective attentionD. self-managementE. functional planningF. self-monitoringG. delayed productionH. self-evaluationcognitive strategies:processes and behavior which learners use to help them improve their ability to learn or remember something, particularly those which learners use with specific classroom tasks and activitiesA. repetitionB. ResourcingC. translationD. groupingsocioaffective strategies:social-mediating activity and transacting with others3.What are the major strategies employed by good students in your class?Tarone defines learning strategy as attempts to develop linguistic and sociolinguistic competence in the target language. The motivation for the use of learning strategy is the desire to learn the target language rather than the desire to communicate .Production strategies are used to accomplish communication goals;they reflect an interest in using the language system efficiently and clearly without excessive munication strategies are an adaptation to the failure to realize a language production goal.They therefore serve an important role in negotiating meaning between individuals.Rubin suggests that the good language learner :1)is a willing and accurate guesser2) has a strong drive to communicate3)is often uninhibited about his weaknesses in the L2 and ready to risk making mistakes4)is willing to attend to form5)practices6)monitors7)attends to meaning in its social contextStern identifies four basic sets of strategies from the basic considerations and research of language learning:1)Active planning strategy Good language learners will select goals and subgoals,recoginize stages and developmental sequences and actively participate in the learning process2)”Academic “(explicit)learning strategy Good language learners are prepared to study and practice .They pay attention to the features of language as a formal system with rules and regular retationships between forms and meaning.3)Social learning strategy Good language learners seek communicative contact with target language users and are active participants in authentic language use4)Affective language Good language learners can cope effective with the emotion and motivational problems of language learning .They approach the task of L2 learning in a positive frame of mind and cultivate positive attitudes towards themselves as language learner s, towards language and language learning in general,and towards the target language and its society and culture.4.What is the difference between learning strategy and learning style?There was significant difference between learning strategy and learning style.,but it simply existed in one type of learning strategy.Three learning styles (visual,auditory and kinesthetic)did not influence all the six types of learning strategies (memory, cognitive, compensation, metacognitive, affective and social).The learning styles only influenced the use of social strategies.In addition ,after the Post Hoc Scheffe test,researchers found that learners with auditory learning styles use more social strategies than those with vusual learning style.In conclusion, the common element in all these styles involves the way people perceive problems and the effect this might have on the paths taken to a resolution.In this sense, learning styles are more general and abstract than learning strategies,for learning style refers to the way people perceive problems , whereas learning strategies refer to the paths they take to arrive at asolution of the problem.5.Discuss the relevance of the three pairs of learning styles to learning English as a foreign language.Field independence vs.field dependenceA field-independent person tends to perceive analytically . That is ,he tends to perceive particular relevant items in a field as discrete from the field as a whole. A field-dependent person, on the other hand, tends to perceive globally; his perception tends to be dominated by the total field.As a result,the parts embedded in the field are not easily perceived. It has been found that field-dependent persons tends to show a strong social orientation; they are usually more empathetic and more perceptive of feelings of others. Field-independent persons , on the other hand, tend to show an “impersonal orientation”; they are generally individualistic and less aware of the things by which others are moved.Some researchers have found that the field-independent person is the better L2 learner because he will be better able to focus on the relevant variables in a language lesson or a conversation.Other researches, however, have found that field-dependent persons are superior L2 learners because of their social orientation. Brown speculates that field-independence may be more important in traditional classroom settings with a strong emphasis on analysis on analytical activities, whereas field dependence may be more important in the natural setting. In language learning it is often necessary to understand language items in their context and at the same time it is also necessary to classify the items out of that context to understand them paradigmatically . Therefore , the optimal degree of both may be necessary for successful language learning.Reflectivity vs.impulsivityThe person who makes an impulsive, off-hand response is an impulsive, whereas the one who is prepared to pause and reflect on the mature of a question and the accuracy of the answer is a reflective . Reflectives tend to be more anxious about the quality of their performance and more capable of sustained attention than impulsives. It has been found that impulsive learners make more errors in L2 reading than reflective learners but they are faster readers. However , Hewett has found that subjects who rate themselves more frflective athan impulsive achieve significantly better reading scores.Kagan et al. have found that inductive reasoning seems to be more effective with reflective learners.Broad vs.narrow category widthIt has been found that L2 learners who are broad categorizers tend to overgeneralize rules they have learned because they tend to subsume too many items under one rule,whereas narrow categorizers have difficulty in making generalizations, which are necessary for efficient L2 learning,because they tend to create a rule for every item. Naiman et al. have hypothesized that the best language lcarners would be those who neither generalize too much nor too little. That is to say, both operations are needed under different circumstances in language leaning;the good language learner is probably a “middle-of-the-roader”,reasonably precise in the application of rules and yet prepared to take risks in order to test the limits of a rule.6. Why is it necessary for the language teacher to have some knowledge of these cognitive variables?Three major groups of cognitive variables: types of learning, strategies of learning and styles of learning. The first is related to learning tasks, whereas the other two are related to individual characteristics of learners.It is noteworthy that the combination of those variables constitutes a multiplicity of individual differences in language learners. The teacher needs to recognize and understand those differences so as to provide optimal opportunities for his learners.To have some knowledge of these cognitive variables will undoubtedly help the language teacher to get a better understanding of students’ learning potential and eventually contribute tolanguage teaching.善良是女人最好的修养,做一个善良的女人,在别人遇到困难时伸出援助之手,遭遇挫折时给予微笑和鼓励,懂得为他人着想,懂得谦让感恩。



语言学教程试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学是研究语言的科学,它包括以下哪些分支学科?A. 语音学B. 语法学C. 语义学D. 以上都是答案:D2. 下列哪一项不是语言的要素?A. 语音B. 语法C. 词汇D. 逻辑答案:D3. 以下哪个选项是语言的交际功能?A. 表达思想B. 传递信息C. 娱乐D. 以上都是答案:D4. 语言的变异性指的是什么?A. 语言随时间的变化B. 语言在不同地域的变化C. 语言在不同社会群体中的变化D. 以上都是答案:D5. 以下哪一项不是语言的属性?A. 任意性B. 创造性C. 规律性D. 可变性答案:D6. 语言学中“音位”指的是什么?A. 语言中最小的音义结合单位B. 语言中最小的意义单位C. 语言中最小的语音单位D. 语言中最小的语法单位答案:C7. 语言的“语法”指的是什么?A. 语言的发音规则B. 语言的词汇规则C. 语言的句法规则D. 语言的语义规则答案:C8. 以下哪一项是语言的语义学研究的内容?A. 音位的分类B. 词义的演变C. 句法结构的规则D. 语言的交际功能答案:B9. 语言的“方言”是指什么?A. 一种语言的不同变体B. 一种语言的书面形式C. 一种语言的口头形式D. 一种语言的文学形式答案:A10. 以下哪一项不是语言的语用学研究的内容?A. 语境对语言使用的影响B. 语言的交际功能C. 语言的词汇规则D. 语言的交际策略答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学的四大分支学科包括语音学、语法学、语义学和______。

答案:语用学2. 语言的任意性是指语言的______和意义之间没有必然的联系。

答案:形式3. 语言的创造性表现在人们可以创造新的______来表达新的概念。

答案:词汇4. 语言的规律性是指语言具有______的规则。

答案:系统性5. 语言的变异性包括语言随时间的______、地域的______以及社会群体的______。





























































1870年波兰语言学家.博杜恩.德. 库尔德内首先提出“应用语言学”术语。








在欧洲,语言学摆脱“哲学的婢女”的地位,成为一门独立的学科,始于19 19 世纪。


































In troductio n [check your un dersta nding]1. f Syn tax and sema ntics each have their own stre ngths.2. f Pragmatics is also in terested in how Ian guage use affects the Ian guage system.3. t4. f5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he ' s coming.⑵ Yes. [No, he isn ' t comi ng](3) His kno wledge about whether Pat likes cog nitive lin guistics or not.2.(1) a. John is obviously not Hitler. There is only one Hitler in the world.b. Golf as aninanimate object can ' t play a human being (John).c. It is a case oftautology that conv eys no new in formati on.d. “Idea ” doesn ' t have color and can ' t sleep since it is inanimate. The whole sentence doesn' t make sense.(2) a. it can be used for com muni cati on in a con text where Joh n shares somepers on ality with Hitler.b. whe n Joh n is a poor player of golf.c. in a con text where a certa in boy has done someth ing wrong (out of n aught in ess).(3) whe n the sentence is used in poetry to pers on alize the word "idea".2. (1) a. In an entrance of a park.b. I n the restroom of some public places like an airport.a. People are forbidden to bring dogs into the park.b. This place is for adults to change infantdiapers.3. (1) Here the speaker wants to express his complaint that the couple are talking too loudly (and the implicit request for them to stop talking).(2) By saying so, the young man wants to convey their refusal to “ my” request.The background knowledge we need is that since it is usually impolite to listen to other people ' private conversation, it is normal that hear a word“(tIh”us cthaen ' t couple can continue their talk).4. (1) This notice implies that all those who jump the red light are uncivilized, whatever the reason.(2)讲卫生的人不会随便吐痰。

































































In troductio n [check your un dersta nding]1. f Syn tax and sema ntics each have their own stre ngths.2. f Pragmatics is also in terested in how Ian guage use affects the Ian guage system.3. t4. f5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he ' s coming.⑵ Yes. [No, he isn ' t comi ng](3) His kno wledge about whether Pat likes cog nitive lin guistics or not.2.(1) a. John is obviously not Hitler. There is only one Hitler in the world.b. Golf as aninanimate object can ' t play a human being (John).c. It is a case oftautology that conv eys no new in formati on.d. “Idea ” doesn ' t have color and can ' t sleep since it is inanimate. The whole sentence doesn' t make sense.(2) a. it can be used for com muni cati on in a con text where Joh n shares somepers on ality with Hitler.b. whe n Joh n is a poor player of golf.c. in a con text where a certa in boy has done someth ing wrong (out of n aught in ess).(3) whe n the sentence is used in poetry to pers on alize the word "idea".2. (1) a. In an entrance of a park.b. I n the restroom of some public places like an airport.a. People are forbidden to bring dogs into the park.b. This place is for adults to change infantdiapers.3. (1) Here the speaker wants to express his complaint that the couple are talking too loudly (and the implicit request for them to stop talking).(2) By saying so, the young man wants to convey their refusal to “ my” request.The background knowledge we need is that since it is usually impolite to listen to other people ' private conversation, it is normal that hear a word“(tIh”us cthaen ' t couple can continue their talk).4. (1) This notice implies that all those who jump the red light are uncivilized, whatever the reason.(2)讲卫生的人不会随便吐痰。



应用语言学知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新牡丹江师范学院第一章测试1.Applied linguistics is grounded in real-world language-driven problems andconcerns primarily by linkages to practical issues involving language use,language leaning and teaching.()参考答案:对2.It is of importance for applied linguistics to incorporate with otherdisciplinary knowledge in its efforts to address language-based problems. ()参考答案:对3.Second language pedagogy is a large area of research activity incontemporary applied linguistics. ()参考答案:对4.Applied linguistics is the study of language and linguistics in relation topractical problems. ()参考答案:对5.Work in language teaching has two interrelated strands. What are they? ()参考答案:how language should be taught;what kind of language should be taught第二章测试1.Corpus can tell us what is possible or correct or not possible or incorrect inlanguage.()参考答案:错2.Corpus approach utilizes a large and principled collection of naturallyoccurring texts as the basis for analysis. ()参考答案:对3.Corpus linguistics is not able to provide all possible language at one time. ()参考答案:错parable corpora of different languages can be used by translators and bylearners to identify differences and equivalences in each language. ()参考答案:对5.() is a collection of texts-essays. Its purpose is to identify in what respectslearners differ from each other and from the language of native speakers, for which a comparable corpus of native-speaker texts is required.参考答案:Learner corpus第三章测试1.Second language acquisition is also closely related to psychology, cognitivepsychology, and education. ()参考答案:对2.SLA is concerned with the nature of the hypotheses whether conscious orunconscious that learners come up with regarding the rules of the secondlanguage. ()参考答案:对3.Second language acquisition is the study of how second languages arelearned.()参考答案:对4. A model needs to explain the reason that causes the phenomena. ()参考答案:错5.The features of a theory are ()?参考答案:simple;applicable;useful;predictive第四章测试1.Integrative motivation occurs when learning a foreign language is only aninstrument or a medium to meet some demands.()参考答案:错2.Extrinsic motivation is evoked by incentive coming from the environment.()参考答案:对3.learning strategies are any set of operations or steps used by a learner thatwill facilitate the acquisition. ()参考答案:对4.Metacognitive strategies help learners to regulate their learning.()参考答案:对5.In classroom, a VISUAL learner prefers ().参考答案:facial expression;teacher’s gestures;body language第五章测试1.Pragmatics emphasizes mutual knowledge in communication which consistsof the sender intending to cause the receiver to think or do something.参考答案:对2.Pragmatics is an important field of inquiry for disciplines that study humancommunication and social interaction. ()参考答案:对3.Interlanguage pragmatics only deal with use of second language pragmaticknowledge. ()参考答案:错4.Learning the linguistic code of a language is situated in social context. ()参考答案:对5.Grice identified the principle of cooperation and further categorized itsmechanisms into four basic maxims. They are().参考答案:maxim of relation;maxim of manner;maxim of quality;maxim ofquantity第六章测试1.The elements of language express meaning well beyond literal meaning andwell beyond structure-based meaning.()参考答案:对2.Discourse analysis is concerned with the study of the relationship betweenlanguage and the contexts in which it is used. ()参考答案:对3. A turn is each occasion that two speakers talk and a turn ends when anotherspeaker takes a turn. ()参考答案:错4.Learners’ participation in the classroom could be affected by theirpsychological states, cultural backgrounds, and b learning styles. ()参考答案:对5.Discourse analysis enables to().参考答案:gain a great deal from looking at real language use as a source ofcriteria for the evaluation of test performances;assist language teachers and materials writers to evaluate language course book;analyze andunderstand real language data;understand better the kinds ofdiscourse that language learners are exposed第七章测试1.Quantitative research is a type of scientific inquiry that is very subjective inwhich the researcher attempts to participate the actual study.()参考答案:错2.Qualitative researchers are much more personally involved in their studiesand has traditionally been the mainstream of second language research. ()参考答案:对3.Quantitative methods are generally not covering the reasons for particularobservations.参考答案:对4.Learning and teaching are both progressive and the teachers must makeprogress together with their students. ()参考答案:对5.The development of teachers' identities goes hand in hand with ethicalpurposes, moral values, and philosophies that underpin their work in schools and classrooms. ()参考答案:对。



Introductioncheck your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t4. f5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK1 Yes, he’s coming.2 Yes. No, he isn’t coming3 His knowledge about whether Pat likes cognitive linguistics or not.2.1 a. John is obviously not Hitler. There is only one Hitler in the world.b. Golf as an inanimate object can’t play a human being John.c. It is a case of tautology that conveys no new information.d. “Idea” doesn’t have color and can’t sleep since it is inanimate. The whole sentence doesn’t make sense.2 a. it can be used for communication in a context where John shares some personality with Hitler.b. when John is a poor player of golf.c. in a context where a certain boy has done something wrong out of naughtiness.3 when the sentence is used in poetry to personalize the word "idea".3.1 a. In an entrance of a park.b. In the restroom of some public places like an airport.a. People are forbidden to bring dogs into the park.b. This place is for adults to change infant diapers.4. 1 Here the speaker wants to express his complaint that the couple are talking too loudly and the implicit request for them to stop talking.2 By saying so, the young man wants to convey their refusal to “my” request.The background knowledge we need is that since it is usually impolite to listen to other people’ private conversation, it is normal that “I” can’t hear a word thus the couple can continue their talk.5.1 This notice implies that all those who jump the red light are uncivilized, whatever the reason.2讲卫生的人不会随便吐痰;6. 1 This is an advertisement for a holiday inn and its food is so delicious that it can make the customer’s wife jealous. The “French toast” probably means a type of specialty provided by this holiday inn.2 C: 你去哪里吃饭了没E: How are youHow’s everything going7. 1 He means he doesn’t speak French.2 Russian majors don’t speak French.3 Yes. It helps to indicate a negative answer.8. 1 a. He uses “that” under the assumption that his mom knows which letter is being referred to.b. He uses an imperative sentence to ask her mother to close the window,which is impolite.Mother: Who is Ping Ping3 Wang: It’s not my fault, is itLi: Yes.-----------------Native speaker: Hi, you look good.Zhang: Not good, not good at all.Exercises Task3.1. when we get someone to do something, we tend to minimize the effort to be involved, but when we complain we tend to exaggerate the complaint. People want to be polite by mitigating缓解,减轻,平静the imposition, which is face-threatening.2. The first imperative is a general grammatical form, but the second, though still an imperative, can be used to sound more polite because of the addition of "will you"3. in the officeBoss: Come to my office later.Clerk: Yes, sir.--------during the afternoon teaBoss: How is your dad, TomClerk: He’s fine. Thanks, Pat.4. He wants to suggest that he did not break the window because he was engaged with in something else in other places.5. In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, Holden, a middle school student alwaysbreaks the pragmatic conventions and in that way shows his rebellion.6. While we teach English to Chinese students, we not only impart linguistic information phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax of English but also pragmatic information appropriate use of English in dynamic context. For instance, how we can use the question tag反了 tag questions to sound moreUnit 1Check your understanding1. f That is the view held by John Austin in the early stage.2. f Implicit performative utterances do not have a performative verb.3. f4. f The completion of the perlocutionary act requires the addressee’s cooperation.5. tIn-Class Activities1.1 If you’ve ever said “I promise” or “I apologize”, you have performed those acti ons by the simple act of saying them. But “I know” and “I believe” are declarative. Saying them does not bring about any immediate change in the belief or knowledge of the speaker.2 a. I wish you a great success.I admit I’m wrong.b. I misunderstand your point.I see what you mean.3 Yes. For example, when we say “我在这里向你道歉”,we are performing the act of apologizing.2.1 “A full apology” here means a wholly performative utterance of apology like “We apologize to the Chinese government and the Chinese people”. Indeed, “sorry” is not a performative verb.2 To some extent, “sorry” can implicitly perform the act of apology.3.1 The kidnapper intends to perform the acts of threatening and requiring.2 He wants to make his words sound like a n advice instead of a threatening. 4.1 a. locutionary act: the act of verbally saying “Today is not a free admission day”.illocutionary act: it implicitly requires people to pay the admission fee. perlocutionary act: people pay the admission fee if at all.b. locutionary act: the act of verbally saying “Thank you for your generous donation and your support”.illocutionary act: it implicitly urges people to donate.perlocutionary act: people donate money if at all.a' "Admission fee required today"b’ "W e expect your generous donation and your support"The first is chosen to be less imposing. The second is chosen to attract people’s donation.5.1 No, it is not a verdictive. It is just an advertisement from s a hotel whose name happens to be “Jurys”.2 The proprietor plays a game of words to attract customers.ExercisesTask 3locution: “No smoking in this area”. Illocution: Forbidding people from smoking here. Perlocution: People do not smoke here.b. constative. Locution: “Ticket passengers only”. Illocution: Asking passengers to buy tickets if they want to enter the museum. Perlocution: Passengers buy tickets to enter the museum.c. constative. Locution: “Token vending machine”. Illocution: Informing the public of the fact that they can buy tokens through this machine. Perlocution: People buy tokens through this machine if at all.2.Yes. It solves the problem that constatives can indeed be regarded as implicit ways of doing things. Thus, all utterances are “performative” in essence.Y es, I agree. Suppose A said to B “it’s stuffy here”. The actual effect may be that A is understood to be complaining, but the intended effect is that someone should open the window or the door and it may bring B to perform the act instead of letting him ju st listen to A’s complaint.3. 1a, 2a, and3a are performative utterances and can stand the test “hereby”. However, in 1b, 1c and 2b, 2c, “know” , “think”, “amuse” and “flatter” are not performative verbs. In 3b, the third person subject is used. In 3c, simple past tense is used.4. Both verdictives and exertives involve a demonstration of powers, rights, or influence. However, verdictives have the force of issuing a formal or official and giving a verdict, while exertives involve making decisions in favor of or against a certain course of action, or advocacy of it.5. These utterances are not, that is, not. The uttering of them on formal occasions is or is part of the doing of a certain kind of action, the performance of which, again, would not normally be described as just “saying” or “describing" something cf. Austin 1962, 5..“This meeting is now adjourned.”“The court is now in session.”“This church is hereby de-sanctified.”批准,认可,使合法化Unit2Check your understanding1. f It is criticized as lacking criteria for classification.2. f The hearer is held responsible.3. f4. t5. fIn-Class Activities1.1 No, they are essentially directives.2 “你能帮我还书吗,谢谢哦;”“We’ll be very grateful for your presence.”3 Because they expect other people’s compliance instead of refusals. One feels indebted感激的, 受惠的, 蒙恩的i f one does not comply with the request.2 Yes. The second promise is achieved with a condition which may turn the promise a commissive into a requirement a directive.3.1 No. Utterance a is a threat. Utterance b involves something that the speaker cannot xcontrol. Utterance c describes something in the past rather than something that the speaker will do in the future. Utterance d involves an act that the hearer rather than the speaker will do in the future. Utterance e has a third person as the subject. Utterance f is a statement about something that happened in the past.2 a. propositional content condition what is said is about something that the speaker has done wrongly; b. sincerity condition the speaker is serious or sincere in making the apology; c. preparatory conditions . the person who is apologizing should have made mistakes d. essential condition both sides understand that what the speaker says is an apology.Zhang: 这件事你不应这样处理的;Li: 好嘛,算我错了行了吧;where the speaker is not sincere4.1 The customer when he says there is a fly in my soup which is meant to bea complaint.2 Because saying that can normally attract the waiter’s attention and the waiter knows what to do in a context like this.Yes. Sometimes, we speak indirectly to save our or others’ face.3 Yes, I agree with her. Hearing the customer’s words, the waiter may not take it seriously if he is not joking.5.1 The role of the underlined part is explaining the reason of the refusal so that Andy will accept Jack’s refusal more readily.Not necessarily. A white lie also does the same trick.2 a. Calling on people to save water.b. Denying people the right to park here.The “irrelevant” information is used to enh ance the chances of successfully performing the directive acts.ExercisesTask3.1.a. Austin was a leading exponent of 'analytical' or 'Ordinary Language' philosophy. His work in the 1950s provided both a theoretical outline and the terminology for the modern study of developed subsequently. He was the initiator of the speech act theory. He drew the distinction between constative utterances and performative utterances, although he latter discarded the distinction. He introduced the trichotomy of locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act.John Searle is widely noted for his contributions to the, and. has introduced the notion of 'indirect speech act'. He has reclassified illocutionary acts. He has developed the theory into a general theory about human communication.No. Threatening seems to be a directive as well as a commissive act. Open.how to do speech acts in L2. Doing the same speech act in L1 and L2 may not be the same.on whether the sincerity condition is violated or not.5.a. declarationb. representativec. representatived. directivee. expressivef. commissiveg. directiveh. commissivei. declaration6.“Excuse me” is usually used to interrupt other people, so its preparatory condition is that there are others talking about or doing something, when the sp eaker’s interruption is not expected. However, “sorry” is used in a different situation, and its preparatory condition is that the speaker has made a mistake.7.Effectiveness: a>b>c>d other things being equalPoliteness: a<b<c<d other things being equal8.a. It runs counter to the preparatory condition that the door must be closed at the moment.b. It goes against the sincerity condition. It is felicitous as an act of thankingc. It goes against the preparatory condition that what the speaker is going to do must be to the hearer’s disadvantage yet refusing to eat dissert is not.Unit 3Check your understanding1. f2. f3. f4. f5. fIn-Class Activities11 a. direct answer about his father’s professionb. His father can help.c. His father cannot help.2 A: Your father must be very great.B: He is a lawyer.----------A: Does your father earn a lot of moneyB: He is a lawyer.2.1 Both of them are implicit rather than stated by the actual meaning of the2 An implicature can be part of sentence meaning or dependent on conversational context, and can be conventional or unconventional. But connotation is conventional and attached to words.3 “Fox” can connote cunningness. When we say “he is a fox” in response to “what do you think of Jack”, w e indicate that Jack is cunning like a fox.3.1 Yes, it implies that Jack has one and only one brother.2 Entailments are true whenever the statement uttered is true, but different implicatures may be derived when the sentence is used in different contexts. No.Yes. For instance, Jack has a brother; indeed, he has two.3 A: Jack must be spoiled by his parents.B: Jack has a brother.4.1 cancelability or defeasibility.2 Yes. The words “not … yet” has the conventional implicature that something is possible after the given time.5.1 Jack may refill his car in the garage.2 Yes, the garage may be closed at the moment.3 a. The sea foods are fresh. / Do buy the sea foods.b. You can win here. /Play here.6.1 Hearer meaning is the hearer's understanding of the speaker's utterance.2 A: Tom is quite clever in that aspect.B: I agree. He’s the cleverest person I’ve ever seen.A: But I don't mean he is really clever in that aspect.3 a. Hearer's and speaker's background knowledge may be different.b. Their expectations, beliefs, and the like may be different.ExercisesTask31.a. There is convention of usage in natural language.b. Today I declare you husband and wife.He is at sixs and sevens.2. A: Are you happy.B: Yes.A: Are you happyB: Yes. Quite, quite.There are other possibilities. . Speakers mean less than what they say. A: Are you happy.B: Yes. I am the happiest person in the world.3. Saying does not necessarily amount to the same thing as "meaning". By saying4.A: She is a charming lady. I mean only when she smiles.By saying the first sentence, A may imply he is attracted by the lady, but by adding the second sentence he denies the implicature.5. No.Yes.a. Jack: Let's go out drinking tonight.Jane: My grandma is ill. But, my mother is comingb. Jack: How did Philip and Pike do in the OlympicsJane: Philip won a medal.Obviously, a has a particularized implicature and b has a generalized implicature. It is comparatively easy to add a sentence to a to cancel the implicature, but in b it is difficult. Anyhow, we use other ways to achieve the same implicatures in a and b. What's more, particularized implicatures are more unconventional and they have greater indeterminacy.6.a. conventional there's no need for context information One cannot use the door before 6 . “before”b. Conventional No free refills for non-same visit “only”7. openOne may say no, though. Conversational implicature is context dependent. To some extent, it is arbitrary, because different people may get different implicatures even in the same context and different contexts may generate different implicatures as well.8.A. when people talking about boys' qualities.B. When people are talking about boys' ability to do mathematics.9.Conversational implicatures are sensitive to context and dependent on the observance of Cooperative Principle while flouting a particular maxim. People may arrive at different conversational implicature for the same utterance. The conclusions arrived at by syllogism are context free and people get the same conclusion be means of reasoningUnit 4Check your understanding1. f2. f3. f4. f5. fIn-Class Activities1.1 Both metaphors and irony go against the maxim of quality that requires the speaker to be truthful. A metaphor involves saying that one thing is another and an irony consists in the expression of one's meaning by using language2 Understatement “It’s not too bad” is a form of speech in which a lesser expression is used than what would be expected; hyperbole “Haven’t seen you for ages” is a in which statements are exaggerated. Their use runs counter to the maxim of quantity as well as that of quality.2.1 Yes, the maxim of manner is exploited. Mr. Bennet implicates that he will let his wife tell him who has taken the house. Also, the maxim of quantity is violat ed when Ms. Bennet responds to her husband’s question “Is he married or single”2 By saying "I have no objection to hearing it", Mr. Bennet means that his wife has the freedom to supply the information in front of him, which in turn means he a grees to listen to his wife although he is not enthusiastic about it.3 The author implies that Mrs. Bennet is very enthusiastic to tell other people things even at a small hint of agreement.3.1 One may be only superficially relevant in terms of the literal meaning; one can also be interactionally relevant in terms of the illocutionary goal.2 Yes, it may run into similar trouble. It is difficult to define "be brief", "obscurity of expression", and "be orderly". Brevity and orderliness are matters of degree.4.1 a. quality b. quantity c. relation d. manner2 Quality .: I am not so sure, but... C: 事情可能是这样的;Quantity It’s going to be a long story. 说来话长;Relation By the way, …顺便说一句,……Manner To put it differently, ...不妨换个说法,……5.1 The Maxim of Quality is moral in nature, while the other three are not.2 No, he was concerned with what people had said implicitly instead of how they should talk.6.1 A. Manner Implicature: Visitors are supposed to pay to get in.B. Quality Implicature: People must work hard, if they want to earn a lot of money.2 Yes, but the advertising discourse violates the maxims more often because they intend to attract people's attention through it. The ad goes against the maxim of quantity and manner underinformative; not perspicuous. ExercisesTask3Yes, I agree. It is moral in nature.3. Politeness. If we treat politeness as a form of cooperativeness.4. 1 Relati on Implicature: I don't want to lend it to you./I haven’t finished my homework.2 Quantity Implicature: I have no brothers.3 Relation Implicature: I don't want to play tennis.4 Relation Implicature: I don't want to eat oysters.5. 1 The speaker just admits he went out last night, but he doesn't answer wherehe had been.2 The speaker just gives an answer in a general way, although the other one wants to know his specific job.3 The Chinese word phrase "ji guang" is too general.Yes, there are some patterns these responses share, . all of them provide only general information, less informative than what the interlocutor expects.6. Newspapers, literary works and so on.7. Yes , I think so. For example, Chinese tend to consider the provision of extra information as generous behavior rather than invariably a deliberate act to convey implicature.8. Yes, especially some social factors. For example when we say "他没受过教育", the factor we take for granted is that the people who haven't received education is likely to misconduct.Not necessarily.. WANG: 冷山真的很有意思;XU: 冷山不是一座山吗Unit 5Check your understanding1. f2. t3. f4. t5. fIn-Class Activities1.1 She doesn't like all of them.2 . The water is warm.Implicature: The water is not hot.3 Yes.. 甚至小孩子都能做出这道题;This sentence implies that adults can tackle the question.2.1 No.2 Yes, the English translation implies that passengers may still make some noises.3.1 The a-utterance and the b-utterance are cases of pragmatic / metalinguistic negation whereas the c-sentence and the d-sentence are cases of normal propositional negation. Yes, because the first two cases involve a Horn scale.2 Yes. What is negated in the two cases is the strong degree of the acts conventionally implied by the verbs.4.1 The finger refers to John's finger and the house and car refer to those of someone else's.2 If there is additional information for these sentences, they can be interpreted differently. . John went into a house. It turned out to be his newly bought house.5.1 It takes the exclusive meaning when it conjoins two events or things that cannot concur at the same time. It takes the inclusive meaning when it conjoins two events or things that concur at the same time.2 Basic meaning: the inclusive reading . at least one is trueDeprived implicature:the exclusive meaning when context suggests that only one is allowed6.1 Both the first and the second "sale" mean discounted sale. Usually, the end of year sale is selling goods at a lower price; the use of 50% means selling clothes or something at a lower price.2 "luck", "opportunity"ExercisesTask31.A. I don’t know John will win the championship.B. Not all people today are vegetarians.C. Jack does not have a fever.D. Guangzhou does not have a hot/cold winter.E. My son does not get straight A's all the time.2.A. That Jack can lift 200 pounds already implicates that he can lift at most 200 pounds, but "in fact" indicates the opposite, so the second clause is not necessary and fault.B. The second clause here intends, through the use of “in fact”, to cancel the implicature of the first clause.C. Similarly, that Jack can finish the job in three days already implicates that he can finish it in at most three days, but "in fact" indicates the opposite, so the second clause is not necessary and fault.D. The second clause here intends, through the u se of “in fact”, to cancel the implicature of the first clause.3. Similarity: both of Horn and Levinson base their Q-principle on the firstDeference: Horn's R-principle is based on the second sub maxim of Quantity Maxim, relation maxim and part of Manner Maxim, while Levinson' I-principle is based on the second maxim of Quantity Maxim and his M-principle based on Manner Maxim.4. According to the Q-principle which stipulates that the speaker has given sufficient information and the R-principle which suggests that the information supplied must satisfy the upper most limit of expectation, in "it's the taste", "the taste" means more than "a taste", but a good taste Yes, . It's the taste which I hate most.Other examples: "She is the one." / Make the change. 新李宁5. "身材","长相" means good figure and good appearance. "有钱" means not just having money but being rich. "有个性" means she is special or unique in her personality.Examples in English: She's got legs.He is a man with a job.6. Open.Unit 6Check your understanding1. f2. f3. f4. f5. tIn-Class Activities1.1 a. "yours", "right now"b. "here", "your"2 To bring the addressees closer and make them identify with addressers. Impress the addressees as if things are happening at the moment.2.1 No2 Whether they concern the encoding of spatial location relative to the location of the speaker in the speech event.3.1 Yes. We use "here" to replace the place's name.2 Sometimes the speaker may use his or her name inst ead of using “I” to highlight his or her identity or individuality.4.1 Only when the date of manufacturing and that of selling are the same.2 "最后三天" is not definite, because one may not know from which day the last three days begin.3 It is not known what time the speaker left.4 Yes. What is the present price The price may change over time. The word “当前” is deictic.5.1 Yes. It is used for emphasis6.1A. "we", "ourselves"B. "we", "today"C. "I", "here", "now"D. "I", "last place"E. "YOU", "here"F. "I"G. "today"2 There may be a difference in the coding time and the receiving time; there may be the speaker perspective and the hearer perspective.7.1 “I’m coming” takes the addressee as the deictic center.2 Yes.ExercisesTask31. A. "there". B. "you"2. In a, the speaker uses the progressive aspect instead of the normal simple present tense. The use of the present progressing aspect shows the speaker's passion and strong love are ongoing.3. b, d, f are gesturally deictic expressions and the rest contain symbolically deictic expressions.4.Discourse deictic refers to another linguistic expression or a piece of discourse, . This in This is a great story whereas anaphoric refers to the same item as a prior linguistic expression, . he in John is an incredible athlete; he came in first in the race.the speaker wants to be economic and both the speaker and the hearer share the background knowledge, . he in He is the cimenal, deictic expressions preempt their corresponding non-deictic expressions. When the speaker wants to create some special effects, we may use non-deictic expressions, . Mr Darcy calls Mrs Darcy Mrs Darcy in Pride and Prejudice to express his joy and love.6. The use of “your” and “us” is interactive with anyone who bumps into the ad.Mini-project2.公差、甄爷、小婿、小人、太爷、丫头、丫鬟、探花、巡盐御史、龙钟老僧、敝友、老先生、祖母、史老太君、王侯、贼、子弟、祖父、师长、政老爹、妾、庶出、小姐、夫人、琏爷、第二回贾夫人仙逝扬州城冷子兴演说荣国府The social deixis above shows the hierarchy in the feudal society.Unit 72. t3. f4. f5. fIn-Class Activities1.1 Mary's bedroom is not clean.2 Yes.2.1 b. College students can speak English. through the use of “therefore”2 b. College students can speak English.3 Here, we presuppose that college students generally can speak English. With this presupposition, the speaker talks in that way, and "therefore" confirms the inference, and then we get the conventional implicature.3.1 I think George Yule’s classification is not based on the same criterion. The first four are more content oriented, whereas the last two are form sensitive.2 Open.4.1 a. Peter is a good basketball playerb. Mary did the job well last week."than" and "as well as" triggers the presupposition.2 Yes.3 John was arrested before he arrived in Beijing.5.1. The presupposition in the first episode is that the speaker beat his wife. The addressee cannot answer "yes" or "no".2 Yes.3 By asking which eye of the horse is blind, Washington presupposes that one of the eyes of the horse is blind, so the thief has to choose one. However, the fact is that neither of the eyes of the horse is blind.6.1 a. The addressee liked literatureb. The addressee felt nickel and dimed.c. The addressee is not smokingYes, it is used strategically.2 This sentence itself presupposes that many patients have chosen xxx medicine, which may not be the case.7.1 a. “变心”presupposes the existence of “心”.b. It is now hard for Jane to leave the addressee. and a couple of others2 a. The tone is ironic.b. The message that Jane loves Rochester is explicitly conveyed to him.1.a. Entailment refers to the semantic relation between two propositions, of which one logically follows from the other, while semantic preposition refers to the semantic relation between two propositions, of which one is the premise or pre-condition of the other.b. While semantic presupposition, based on the linguistic form, is related to truth value conditions of a proposition, pragmatic presupposition, made possible by the speaker, is related to felicity conditions of an utterance.c. Conventional implicature, often conveyed by some special linguistic form like “therefore” and “but”, rests on pragmatic presupposition.2. Everything the speaker assumes to be in existence or true prior to making an utterance.3.A. I have done it. Counterfactual conditionalB. I bought a bike. Wh-questionsC. Linguistics was invented by someone. Marked stressD. The boy didn't fall asleep. Implicative verbsE. His sister flew to Beijing. Cleft sentencesF. John is rich. Factive verbs/clausesG. You have been late before. Interatives4. We can cancel the contained presupposition by simply adding "he didn't even try.", or "he slept through it." and so on.5. No. By saying "明晚我们在什么地方见面 ", he presupposes that they have agreed to meet each other. The girl feels puzzled because she has come to the agreement with the young man.6. A. Some ATM/Visa Check Cards are not free.B. A card is generally invalid when it is past the expiration date.7. By saying"哪里偷人家东西有没有被人家抓过", the policeman presupposes that the suspect has stolen something before. Whether the suspect answers yes or no, he will definitely admit he has stolen something before.8.A. Presupposition: women take care of other people.B. Babies sleep well.C. Other soaps clean things well but make their color fade.D. Good air conditioners are generally made abroad.9. The utterance "我正好相反" means Goethe always makes way for the idiots, which in turn presupposes that the critic is an idiot.Unit 8Check your understandingPeople can violate the rules of turn-taking from time to time.“Preferred” correspond to structurally “unmarked”.In-Class Activities。



应用语言学第四章课后习题答案Chapter41. Is it easy for the child to acquire his mother tongue? Why (not)?No, it is not easy for the child to acquire his mother tongue.First of all, he must segment the sound stream into meaningful units (words or phrases). This requires his ability to analyze. Then, he must combine them to arrive at the intended underlying propositions. This requires his ability to synthesize.2. What questions must theories of L1 acquisition answer? Why?Psycholinguists who study child language are confronted with a more complex task than theoretical linguists whose major concern is competence (i.e. the system of language) and sociolinguists whose major concern is performance (i.e. the use of language). Psycholinguists have to be concerned with both competence and performance.Because they look at language from different angles, and because their purposes in the study of language are different.3. Sketch out Skinner’s behavioristic t heory of L1 acquisition.Skinner’s behavioristic model is embodied in his classic V erbal Behavior. His theory of verbal behavior is in fact an extension of his general theory of learning by operant conditioning. According to Skinner, verbal behavior, like other human behavior, is controlled by its consequences. When consequences are rewarding the behavior is reinforced and maintained, and even increased in strength and frequency. When consequences are punishing or when there is no reinforcement,the behavior is weakened and eventually extinguished. Therefore, effective language is the production of correct responses to external stimuli. The L1 acquisition process is one in which the child’s correct responses are repeatedly reinforced and finally a habit is formed.4. What are the main points of mediation theories? Why are they called mediation theories?Mediation theories are represented by O. H. Mowrer and C.E. Osgood. Their goal is to fill the “black box” with postulated internal psychological structures and processes in order to account for the observed behavior of organisms. They have developed a principle of mediated association, according to which two things associated with a third thing tend to be in association with each other. Once the association is established, an internal link is built up even when the third thing is not present.They need media. The internal mediating response is considered to be an internal replication of a “real” response. From a behavioristic point of view, meaning is an internal replica of an external response.5. How do the nativist theories account for L1 acquisition?Nativist theories are represented by N. Chomsky, E. H. Lenneberg, and D. McNeill. According to these theories, human babies are somehow predisposed to acquire a language. Lenneberg contends that language is a species-specific behavior which is biologically determined. The child is born with the biological basis for the acquisition of language. Chomsky claims the existence of a little black box which he calls the language acquisition device (LAD). He regards it as “the genetically determined language faculty”, “an innate component of the human mind that yields a particular language throughinteraction with presented experience.” McNeill describes four innate linguistic properties of the LAD and suggests that infants are born with a hierarchy of linguistic categories and the basic grammatical relations.6. What are the main arguments of the cognitive theories?Cognitive theories are represented by D. I. Slobin, J. Piaget and L. Bloom, who attempt to account for the linguistic knowledge of the child by a more general theory of cognitive development. Slobin suggests that the conceptual development of all human children is the same with regard to the order of attainment of conceptual categories and that a number of cognitive prerequisites lie behind the emergence of communicative speech. Slobin characterizes this development as new functions first expressed in old forms. Piaget outlines four major stages of intellectual development in the child, and claims that intelligence actually develops well before language. Stage One, the sensory-motor stage(ages 0-2). Stage Two, the preoperational stage(ages 2-7). In the first stage(ages 2 to 4 or 5) the child’s language is egocent ric speech. In the second stage(by ages 6-7), the child’s language has become soc ialized speech, which is characterized by intercommunication and exchange of ideas. Stage Three, the concrete operational stage (ages 7-11). Stage Four, the formal operational stage(ages 11-16). Bloom concludes that the development of perception and cognition are keys to the understanding of the process of child language acquisition.7. What do you think of the different L1 acquisition theories?There is one common problem with all of the theories. They all ignore the social aspect of L1 acquisition. Just a s Armstrong et al point out”…language acquisition studies show thatlanguage does not develop through an individual’s interaction with the natural environment. It emerges only out of social interaction, but social interaction within constrained limits…With out the introduction to words and seminal idea that words symbolize—without the initial acquisition process which is social—we would have no equipment with which to make linguistic inferences.”。



应用语言学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 应用语言学主要研究的领域是什么?A. 语言理论B. 语言教学C. 语言翻译D. 语言习得答案:B2. 下列哪项不是应用语言学的研究内容?A. 语言规划B. 语言测试C. 语言变异D. 语言哲学答案:D3. 应用语言学中的“应用”一词指的是什么?A. 理论的应用B. 实践的应用C. 两者都是D. 两者都不是答案:C4. 应用语言学的发展历程中,哪个时期被认为是现代应用语言学的开端?A. 20世纪初B. 20世纪50年代C. 20世纪70年代D. 20世纪90年代答案:B5. 在语言教学中,应用语言学关注的核心问题是什么?A. 语言形式B. 语言内容C. 学习者需求D. 教学方法答案:C6. 语言规划通常包括哪些方面?A. 语言选择B. 语言标准化C. 语言现代化D. 所有以上答案:D7. 语言测试的主要目的是什么?A. 评估语言能力B. 选拔人才C. 促进语言学习D. 所有以上答案:D8. 语言习得研究在应用语言学中的作用是什么?A. 提供教学理论基础B. 指导语言教学实践C. 两者都是D. 两者都不是答案:C9. 语言变异研究在应用语言学中的应用是什么?A. 了解语言多样性B. 促进语言理解C. 两者都是D. 两者都不是答案:C10. 语言翻译在应用语言学中的重要性体现在哪些方面?A. 文化交流B. 信息传递C. 两者都是D. 两者都不是答案:C二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述应用语言学在语言教学中的应用。



2. 描述语言规划的主要内容。



























Introduction[check your understanding]1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t4. f5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he’s coming.(2) Yes. [No, he isn’t coming](3) His knowledge about whether Pat likes cognitive linguistics or not.2.(1) a. John is obviously not Hitler. There is only one Hitler in the world.b. Golf as an inanimate object can’t play a human being (John).c. It is a case of tautology that conveys no new information.d. “Idea” doesn’t have color and can’t sleep since it is inanimate. The whole sentence doesn’t make sense.(2) a. it can be used for communication in a context where John shares some personality with Hitler.b. when John is a poor player of golf.c. in a context where a certain boy has done something wrong (out of naughtiness).(3) when the sentence is used in poetry to personalize the word "idea".3.(1) a. In an entrance of a park.b. In the restroom of some public places like an airport.a. People are forbidden to bring dogs into the park.b. This place is for adults to change infant diapers.4. (1) Here the speaker wants to express his complaint that the couple are talking too loudly (and the implicit request for them to stop talking).(2) By saying so, the young man wants to convey their refusal to “my” request.The background knowledge we need is that since it is usually impolite to listen to other people’ private conversation, it is normal that “I” can’t hear a word (thus the couple can continue their talk).5.(1) This notice implies that all those who jump the red light are uncivilized, whatever the reason.(2)讲卫生的人不会随便吐痰。



Th refore,

learning, we need to understand that the learner is an organism who needs to understand himself and communicate this self to others freely and non-defensively.
2. Discuss the three types of mo va on and their relevance to successful L2 learning. Answer: integra ve mo va on is the desire on the part of a language learner to 1earn the second language in order to communicate with, or find out about members of the second language culture, and does not necessarily imply direct contact with the second language group. Assimila ve mo va on is the drive to become an indis nguishable member of a speech community, and it usually requires prolonged contact with the second language culture. Assimila ve mo va on is characteris c of persons who, perhaps at a very young age, learn a second language and second culture in order to iden fy almost exclusively with that second culture. Thus, of the three types of mo va on, this last type is the most intense and effec ve. Opinions differ as to the rela onship between mo va on and success in L2 learning. Some scholars support the view that mo va on is the effect of success in L2 learning.
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常见的英语缩略语有:AFAIK(as far as I know)据我所知;BTW(By the way)顺便问一下;JAM(Just a moment)等一会儿;CU(See you)再见;OIC(Oh,I see)哦,我明白了;R U THERE(Are you there?)你在那里吗?英语减缩型可以分成两种,一种是用每个单词或词组的首字母来表示整句话,例如AFAIK、BTW、JAM;另一种是用字母和单词之间相近的读音来减缩单词或词组,例如CU、OIC、R U THERE,有时这两种方式会同时使用,例如CUL(See you later)再见。


































































外来词在现代汉语中占有10%以上的比例,据统计,总数有近万个,仅音译词就有2000 多个,主要分布在政治、经济、科技、商业、体育、通俗流行文化等方面,分别来自于梵文、拉丁文、希腊语、意大利语、日语、俄语、英语、法语、德语等,比如从俄语中吸收来的布尔什维克、苏维埃,从法语中吸收来的蒙太奇,从英语来的巴士、芭蕾、汉堡等,数量最多的是英语。





