

欧美小电影里常用英语 -回复

欧美小电影里常用英语 -回复

欧美小电影里常用英语 -回复在欧美小电影中,常用的英语表达可以分为以下几类:1. 社交场合用语:- Hi, how are you?(嗨,你好吗?)- Nice to meet you.(很高兴见到你)- Can I buy you a drink?(我能为你买杯饮料吗?)- What's your name?(你叫什么名字?)2. 爱情场景用语:- I love you.(我爱你)- You mean the world to me.(你对我来说意义非凡)- Will you marry me?(你愿意嫁给我吗?)- I can't live without you.(没有你我不能活)3. 日常对话用语:- How was your day? (你今天过得怎么样?)- What are your plans for the weekend?(这个周末你有什么计划?)- I'm sorry.(对不起)- Thank you.(谢谢你)4. 情感表达用语:- I'm so happy.(我非常开心)- I'm sorry for your loss.(对你的损失我感到非常难过)- I'm really disappointed.(我非常失望)5. 街头对话用语:- Excuse me, can you help me?(打扰一下,你能帮助我吗?)- Where is the nearest subway station?(最近的地铁站在哪里?)- Do you have the time?(你知道现在几点吗?)这些只是一些常见的英语表达,具体使用还要根据具体情景进行选择。



斯瓦西里常用语常用语 MANENO YA SIKU ZOTE数字moja mbili tatu nne tano1 2 3 4 5毛家母比立他吐恩呢他闹sita saba nane tisa kumi6 7 8 9 10西他撒把那耐提萨库米ishirini thelathini 20 30以西累尼塞拉西尼arobaini bamsini40 50阿老巴以你哈姆西尼sitini sabini60 70西提你萨比你themanini tisini mia80 90 100赛马尼尼体系你米娅mia tatu elfu elfu kumi300 1000 10000米亚塔图埃尔夫埃尔夫库米laki moja milioni十万百万拉克毛家米利奥尼milioni mia moja亿 100000000 一百个百万米利奥尼米娅毛家kumi na sita--16--十又六ishirini na tisa --- 29mia saba na ishirini na tano --- 725elfu mbili na mia tatu --- 2300milioni mia saba na hamsini --- 七亿五千万milioni kumi na mbili--- 一千二百万序数- a kwanza 第一- a pili 第二- a tatu 第三- a nne 第四- a tano 第五- a sita 第六- a saba 第七- a nane 第八- a tisa 第九- a kumi 第十- a thelathini na tano第三十五注:每个词前的“-a”表示当第一、第二、〉〉〉等在句中出现时,税局中被形容的名词词性的变格而变化。

如:la,ya,wa,cha,vya,pa,za,kwa举例:mtu wa kwanza 第一个人gari la nne 第四辆车kiti cha sita 第六个席位时间Jumapili Jumatatu Jumanne星期日星期一星期二就马匹里就骂他途就马恩耐Jumatano Alhamisi Ijiumaa星期三星期四星期五他闹阿尔哈米西一九马阿Jumamosi wiki星期六星期,周舅妈毛希微克leo jana kesho juzi今天昨天明天前天莱奥加纳开销就泽kesho kutwa wiki hii后天本周开销库特瓦为可黑以wiki iliyopita wiki ijayo上周下周微克依李要屁他微克一家要alfajiri asubuhi清晨早晨阿尔法激励阿苏步黑mchana jioni alasiri中午傍晚下午姆恰那季奥尼阿拉洗礼siku tarehe kutwa天日,号整天西裤他来海库特瓦usiku kucha mwaka miaka夜昼年-单年-复屋西裤库恰姆瓦卡米阿卡mwaka huu--今年--姆瓦卡胡mwaka kesho=mwaka ujao明年姆瓦卡开销=姆瓦卡武家奥mwaka jana=mwaka uliopita姆瓦卡加纳=姆瓦卡武里奥疲沓------------去年mwaka juzi-前年-姆瓦卡就泽Januari Februari Machi一月二月三月加鲁阿累非布鲁阿累马启Aprili Mei Juni Julai四月五月六月七月阿普雷利卖艺就你就来一Agosti Septemba八月九月阿高四蹄赛蒲台穆巴Oktoba Novemba十月十一月奥克套把闹翻穆巴Desemba saa十二月小时,点钟戴伞穆巴萨阿kamili nusu robo整半四分之一卡米利努苏劳保dakika nukta robo saa分秒一刻达克卡努克塔劳保萨阿wakati kasoro ngapi?时候缺、差几多少瓦卡提卡效劳恩嘎批zamani usiku wa manane过去以前午夜扎马尼屋西库瓦马那耐时间举例:注:当地时间规律,凡是大于六的钟点减六,减剩下的就是所需要的点数;反之小于六或等于六的时间就加六,如:八点saa(8-6=2)mbili一点saa(1+6=7)moja.saa moja saa sita七点十二点萨阿毛家萨阿喜他saa saba saa tisa一点三点萨阿萨巴萨阿提萨saa kumi na mbili六点萨阿库米哪穆比例saa mbili na nusu八点半萨阿穆比例哪努苏saa moja na robo tatu七点三刻萨阿猫加纳劳包他土saa mbili kaso robo八点差一刻萨阿穆比例卡少劳包saanane na dakika ishirini 二点二十分萨阿那耐那达克卡依稀累尼Leo ni siku gani?今天星期几?莱奥你西裤嘎你siku ya Ijumaa。



27句美国⼈最常⽤⼝头禅,背完英语棒棒棒哒!27句英语⼝头禅1. Whatever.随便!2. I don't know.我不知道。

3. You got a problem?你有病啊!4. This is so meant to be!这就是天意!5. Really?真的假的?6. What is the fuss?吵什么?7. Still up?还没睡呀?8. It doesn't make any difference.没关系。

9. He can't come to the phonenow.他现在不能接电话。

10. I apologize on behalf of him.我替他道歉。

11. Don't take ill of me.别⽣我⽓。

12. Why are you so sure?怎么这样肯定?13. Is that so?是这样吗?14. Right over there.就在那⾥。

15. That rings a bell.听起来⽿熟。

16. I am the one wearing pants in the house.我当家。

17. Good for you!好得很!18. Help me out.帮帮我。

19. Let's bag it.先把它搁⼀边。

20. Talk truly.有话直说。

21. That is a boy!太好了,好极了!22. My hands are full right now.我现在很忙。

23. Don't make up a story.不要捏造事实。

24. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.⼩别胜新婚。

25. Get an eyeful.看个够。

26. Shoot the breeze.闲谈。

27. Tell me when!随时奉陪!。



英语打招呼的日常口语1. Hi there! How have you been?嗨!你最近怎么样?2. Hey! Long time no see!嘿!好久不见了!3. Hello, how's it going?你好,最近怎么样?4. Hi, what's new?嗨,有什么新鲜事吗?5. Hey, how's life treating you?嘿,生活对你怎么样?6. Hi, how are you doing today?嗨,你今天怎么样?7. Hello! What's happening?你好!发生了什么事?8. Hi, how's your day been so far?嗨,你今天怎么样?9. Hey there, how's everything going?嘿,一切都还好吗?10. Hi, are you having a good day?嗨,你今天过得愉快吗?11. Hello, how's your week been?你好,这周怎么样?12. Hi, how's your family doing?嗨,你家人都还好吗?13. Hey, did you have a good weekend?嘿,周末过得愉快吗?14. Hi there, how's your job going?嗨,工作进行得怎么样?15. Hello, how's the weather over there?你好,那边的天气怎么样?16. Hi, how's that project you're working on?嗨,你在做的那个项目进行得怎么样?17. Hey, how was your holiday?嘿,假期过得怎么样?18. Hi, how's your health these days?嗨,你这些天身体怎么样?19. Hello, how's your new year going so far?你好,新的一年进行得怎么样?20. Hi, how's everything in your life right now?嗨,你现在的生活一切都还好吗?。




















英语常用问候语英语问候语 11.Good morning [afternoon ,evening ],John .早安(午安,晚安〕约翰。

2.Hi, John.嗨,约翰。

3.Hi, Mark .how are you doing?嗨,马克。

你好吗?4.Fine. And you?不错。

你呢?5. Hello,Jane. how are you?哈罗,珍。

你好吗?6. Pretty good. Thanks. And you?很不错,感谢。

你呢?7. What’s upheld? Nothing much.怎么了?没什么。

8. What’s happening?近来好吗?9.Nothing much .I’m just taking one day at a time.没什么。


10.How are you feeling today?你今日觉得怎样?11.Just so so.一般。

12. How is it going?近况如何。

13. How’s everything with you?你的一切如何?14.Hi! Are you having fun?嗨,你过得开心吗?15.How have you been (feeling、?你近来如何?16. So far so good.到目前还好。

17.Hi, there!嗨,哈罗!18.How are you doing? I can’t complain too much.你好吗?我不能太埋怨。


19.How is your businegoing?你生意做得怎样?20.How are things going?事情进行得怎样?21.How is your day going?过得如何?22.How are you doing these days? Well, about the same .最近好吗?嗯,差不多一样。

小度写范文向阳常在作文800字 向阳春常在800字作文精选十六篇]模板

小度写范文向阳常在作文800字 向阳春常在800字作文精选十六篇]模板

向阳常在作文800字 [向阳春常在800字作文精选十六篇]文章摘要:向阳春常在作文800字无聊的日子,使我的生活变得黯淡无光,偶尔翻阅书籍,几米的《希望井》中的一句话使我的天空一下子亮了起来:掉落深井,我大声呼喊,等待救援天黑了,黯然…… 相信没有人会拒绝阳光,拥抱黑暗吧,就像向日葵一样,面对阳光才可以开得更加的灿烂。















3、如何使用nofollow标签使用方法如下:nofollow标签有2种使用方法:(1)网页级的nofollow<meta name=”robots” content=”nofollow”说明:这段代码告诉搜索引擎,整个页面都不要追踪,代码放到代码之间。

(2)连接级的nofollow<a href=”http://www.****.com/” rel=”nofollow”>这里是锚文本</a>说明:在超链接中加入rel=”nofollow”,告诉搜索引擎整个链接不要追踪。




hello回答用语1. "Hello! How are you today?":这是一种常见的回答方式,用于询问对方的近况。

2. "Hi there! What's up?":这是一种比较随意的回答方式,用于询问对方有什么新鲜事或需要帮忙的事情。

3. "Good morning/afternoon/evening!":这是根据不同时间段的问候方式,用于表示礼貌和尊重。

4. "It's nice to see you!":这是一种表示友好和欢迎的回答方式,用于当你认识对方时。

5. "I'm doing well, thank you. And how about you?":这是一种礼貌的回答方式,用于回答对方的问候,并反问对方的情况。

6. "Hello! I'm [your name]. Nice to meet you.":这是一种自我介绍的回答方式,用于当你首次与对方见面时。

7. "Hey! Long time no see. How have you been?":这是一种用于问候老朋友的回答方式,表示你们已经很久没有见面了。

8. "Hello! I hope you're having a great day.":这是一种表示祝福的回答方式,用于希望对方度过美好的一天。

总之,回答 "Hello" 的方式有很多种,你可以根据不同的情境和对方的关系选择合适的回答方式。




Yes, I did like something today. I was scrolling through my social media feed and came across a friend's post about their new pet. It was a cute picture of a puppy, and I couldn't resist giving it a like. I mean, who doesn't love adorable animal photos, right?
Later in the day, I also liked a recipe video that a food blogger had shared. It was for a delicious-looking pasta dish, and I thought to myself, "I definitely need to try making that sometime."
So, yes, I definitely clicked that like button a couple of times today.









你今天忙吗英语作文带翻译Title: Are You Busy Today? (今天你忙吗?)。

Have you ever stopped in the midst of your hectic dayto ponder upon the question, "Are you busy today?" It's a simple query, yet it carries profound implications. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, being busy has become somewhat of a badge of honor, a symbol of productivity and importance. However, amidst this rush, it's essential to pause and reflect on the true meaning of busyness.首先,让我们来定义“忙碌”。




It's important to realize that being busy doesn'talways equate to being productive. In fact, busyness canoften be a disguise for inefficiency or a lack of prioritization. The key is to discern between tasks that truly contribute to our goals and those that simply keep us occupied. By focusing on what truly matters, we can avoidthe trap of busyness and instead work towards meaningful progress.另外,我们也需要意识到,不断地忙碌可能会对身心健康造成负面影响。



英语问候语英语问候语11. How are you doing?—你好吗?除了被人说烂了的 "How are you?" 之外,美国人见面时候最常用的打招呼方式就是:"Hey! How are you doing?""How's going?" 也很常见。

2. What's up?—什么事?"What's up?" 也是很常用的一种打招呼方式。

举个栗子比方说Sherlock在路上看到我跟我说 "Hey! __X"那我通常就会答说 "Hi! Sherlock. What's up?"这就是问对方近来怎样,有什么事吗?通常如果没什么事人家就会说 "Not much."不过还有一种情况也很常见,你先跟人家说 "Hey! What's up?" 那别人也不说 "Not much",反而反问一句 "What's up?" 所以 "What's up?" 已经变成有点 "Hello"的味道在里面了。

"What's up?" 也常被用来问人家有什么事?例如有人登门拜访, 你就会说 "What's up?" (有何贵干? )在南非的打招呼方式是 "How zit?" 这是从 "How's it?" 衍生变化而来。


3. Could you do me a favor?—帮个忙你能不能帮我个忙?"Could you do me a favor?"或是"Could you give me a hand?" 算是比较正式而礼貌的讲法。



[00:39.18]- Okay. I'll go first. Um- - Okay. 好,我先说[00:42.49]Let me say, uh, we don't really need to be here. 其实,我们根本不用来[00:46.22]See, we've been married five years. - 我们结婚已经5年了- 6年[00:48.23]- Six. - Five, six years.[00:51.13]And this is like a checkup for us. 5、6年了这就好像给汽车做个年检[00:54.70]Um, a chance to poke around the engine... 有机会可以检查一下引擎换换机油[00:59.00]maybe change the oil, replace a seal or two.[01:02.21]Yeah. - 替换一两个密封条- 没错[01:05.74][Man] Very well then. Let's pop the hood. 很好那我们开始吧[01:10.01]On a scale of one to 10, how happy are you as a couple? 从1分到10分你们会给彼此之间的感情打几分?[01:12.55]- Eight. - Wait. - 8分- 等一下[01:14.95]Ten being perfectly happy and one being totally miserable? 10分代表非常愉快1分代表非常痛苦,还是……?[01:18.39]- [Sighs] - Or- - Just respond instinctively. - 凭直觉说- 好[01:21.63]Okay.[01:23.36]- Ready? - Ready. 准备好了么?[01:24.93]- Eight. - Eight. 8分[01:29.50]How often do you have sex? 你们多长时间做次爱?[01:32.37]I don't understand the question. 这道题我不懂[01:35.34]Yeah, I'm lost. Is this a one-to-10 thing? 我也糊涂了,也要打1到10分吗?[01:38.44]Like, is one very little, or is one nothing? 那1分是表示做得很少,还是根本不做了?[01:41.55]Because, you know, tech-technically speaking... 严格来讲,0分才是根本不做了[01:44.32]the zero would be nothing.[01:47.29]That's right. And if we don't know what one is-What's 10? 是的,我们不知道什么是1分,什么是10分[01:50.36]- Yeah, 'cause 10- Oh, God. - [Laughs] 嗯,因为10分,天啊[01:54.49]- Constant. Uh- - Unrelenting. - 永恒的- 不屈不挠的[01:58.13]- N-Not stopping for, like- I mean, just- - Nothing to eat. - 不停下来,我是说,就像…- 没什么可吃的[02:01.43][Breathes Deeply, Chuckles][02:04.50]Like Sting. 就像抢劫[02:06.57]Well, look at Sting's day job. Who else has 60 hours a week to put in the sack? 抢劫也就是一天的活谁一周有60小时做这个呢?[02:10.71]It's not a one-to-10 scenario. It's a basic question. How often do you have sex? 这不是1到10的游戏,这是基本问题你们一周做爱几次?[02:22.99]How about this week? 那就说说这个星期吧[02:28.93]- Including the weekend? - Sure. - 周末也算吗?- 当然[02:33.81]片名:《史密斯夫妇》[02:37.54]Describe how you first met. 说说你们是怎么认识的?[02:39.90]Uh, it was- It was in Colombia. - 那是在哥伦比亚- 博格拓[02:42.34]Bogota.[02:44.34]- Five years ago. - Six. 5年前[02:46.36]是6年[02:48.11]Right. Five or six years ago. 好吧,5、6年前[02:52.41](博格拓, 哥伦比亚)[02:56.25](5、6年前)[02:59.06]- [People Chattering] - [Sirens Wailing In Distance] [03:03.83][Gunfire][03:05.83][Shouting In Spanish][03:08.83]Hey. Que pasa? - 嗨,怎么回事儿?- 有人炸了兵营[03:10.84][Speaking Spanish] 警察正在检查所有独身的旅行者[03:22.78][Spanish] 你一个人吗,先生?[03:24.78]Hmm?[03:27.74]小姐,请出示你的护照……[03:34.24]你的证件[03:38.16]- 你一个人吗?- 不[03:40.63]No.[03:42.43][Safety Releases][03:44.77]No, no, no, no. Esta bien. 不,不是[03:47.21]She's with me. Esta bien. 我们俩是一起的[03:49.97][Soldiers Pounding On Doors, Shouting][03:56.41][Shouting, Pounding Continue][03:59.15]I'm Jane. 我叫珍妮[04:02.15]John. - 我叫约翰- 很高兴认识你[04:03.96]- Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet ya. 我也一样[04:10.76]- To dodging bullets. - To dodging bullets. - 为了虎口脱险- 干杯[04:13.63]~~[Latin, Slow][04:16.43][Chattering, Laughing][04:18.84]So, it speaks. 话说完了[04:21.91]- But does it dance? - [Exhales] 跳个舞怎么样?[04:24.31]~~[Continues][05:07.39][Thunder Rumbling][06:01.07]~~[Fades][06:05.71][Bell Tolling In Distance][06:35.61][Door Opens][06:42.28]- [Door Closes] - Hiya, stranger. 嗨,陌生人[06:45.38]Hiya back. 我回来了[06:50.15]I think room service fled. I did what I could. 没有客房服务[06:52.08]我尽力了[06:55.03]Thank you. 谢谢[06:58.70]Mm! Oh, that's good. 味道真不错[07:01.83]- I hope so. I had to milk a goat to get it. - [Laughs] 希望如此, 我可是找了只羊挤的[07:30.29]- [Cup Shatters] - [Siren Wailing In Distance][07:34.53]~~[Singing In Spanish][07:42.81]Hey.! Step right up.! 女士们,先生们过来瞧瞧啊,碰碰运气吧[07:44.94]Ladies and gentlemen, try your lu-[07:46.94]How about you, little lady? Wanna try your luck? 嗨,这位女士,想试试么?有奖品哦[07:49.21]Win a prize.[07:51.22]Hmm. Yeah. All right. 好啊[07:56.42]- Two. - We got two over here. - 两位- 欢迎两位[08:00.66]- Do you know how to hold it? - Step right up! Five shots. Five dollars. - 你知道怎么握枪么?- 来,走过路过,不要错过……[08:03.83]- Yeah. - Yeah? - 对- 这样?[08:04.73]对[08:06.56][Clears Throat][08:08.57]- You gotta aim. - [Laughing] I am. - 您必须先瞄准- 我在瞄准[08:11.70]Don't laugh. I'll kill you. 别笑,我会打到你的[08:13.91]- [Laughing] - You didn't blink.[08:16.08]要用一只眼瞄准[08:17.74]Would you like to win a stuffed animal for your little girl?[08:21.25]- Come on. - [John] Ooh.[08:22.98]Everybody's a winner.[08:25.38]Do we still get somethin'? 有奖品么?[08:27.39]Beginner's luck. 瞎蒙的[08:31.06]- I wanna go again. - We're goin' again. - 我想要再打一次- 那就再打一次[08:35.33][Targets Clattering][08:42.17]Everybody's a winner. Win a prize. Win a prize.[08:45.84]Where'd you learn to shoot like that? 你在哪儿学的射击?[08:49.01]Beginner's luck. 瞎蒙的[08:53.48]Stop. Stop. You've only known the girl for six weeks. 行了,行了你才刚认识她6个星期![08:56.68]I'm in love. She's smart, sexy. 我爱上她了她聪明、性感[08:59.52]She's uninhibited, spontaneous, complicated. 不羁、自然、有内涵是我见过的最美妙的女子[09:03.35]She's the sweetest thing I've ever seen.![09:05.96]I knew Gladys for two and a half years before I asked her to marry me. 我认识格拉蒂丝两年半以后才向她求婚的[09:08.99]You have to have a foundation of friendship, brother. The other stuff fades. 婚姻需要以相互了解为基础不然的话, 很容易破裂的[09:14.27]Hi. 嗨[09:22.67]So, you don't think this is all happening a little fast? 你不认为这太快了吗?[09:26.28]You know me. I never do anything without thinking it through. 你知道我做事从来都是经过深思熟虑的[09:29.25]What does he do? - 他是干什么的?- 他是搞建筑的,有名的承包商[09:31.25]He's in construction. He's a big-time contractor.[09:34.79]A server goes down on Wall Street... 只要华尔街上哪台服务器坏了无论何时何地,她总是会及时出现[09:36.99]she's there anytime, day or night.[09:39.26][John Grunting][09:43.39]She's like Batman for computers. 就像蝙蝠侠[09:45.56]He's gone as much as I am, so... it's perfect. 他的性格和我也很像简直是天生一对[09:50.90]I give the whole thing six months tops. 依我看你们俩最多也就坚持六个月[09:53.47]Eddie, I asked her to marry me. 埃迪[09:55.34]我已经向她求婚了[09:57.91]- What? - [Gloves Pounding] 什么?[09:59.98]- I'm getting married. - What? I can't hear ya. - 我要结婚了!- 我听不清[10:03.51]- I'm getting married. - I can't hear him. - 结婚!- 我听不清[10:05.78]Can you stop hittin' him? I think he said somethin' crazy. - 别打他了,他刚才说什么?- 我要结婚了[10:07.92]I'm getting married! [Echoing][10:09.25]I'm getting married! [Echoing][10:17.20](5、6年后)[10:33.68]- [Teakettle Whistling] - [Chattering On TV][10:40.95][Toothbrush Whirring][10:51.03]- Gotta get these filters changed. - Mm-hmm. - 这水龙头该换了- 你看维克斯勒大夫怎么样[10:53.03]What did you think of Dr. Wexler? 他的问题有些不知所谓[10:55.50]- His questions were a bit wishy-washy. - Yeah. Sorry. 是啊,小心手臂不是很有见地[10:59.10]- Not the most insightful. - No.[11:02.14]His office is clear across town. 他的办公室在城市另一边[11:04.48]You know that 4:00 means we hit rush hour. I'm not crazy about that. 你知道4点钟是交通高峰期我可不是很想去[11:09.95]- So, that's settled then, yeah? - Okay. - 就这么定了? - 好[11:13.92]- [Woman Chattering On TV] - Okay.[11:16.63]好[11:33.37]- Dinner's at 7:00. - Yep. I'll be there- here. 晚饭7点钟[11:35.28]我会赶回来的[12:07.41][Beeping][12:15.11][Woman Chattering On TV][13:14.11]- Hi, babe. - Perfect timing. - 亲爱的- 时间正好[13:16.41]- It's pissin' rain out there. - [Keys Clatter] 外面下好大的雨[13:22.48]Here's your butter. I bring you butter.[13:29.19]- How was work? - Eh, so-so. - 工作怎么样?- 老样子[13:31.19]- Yeah? - Yeah.[13:33.52]Oh, I stopped off for a drink with Eddie. 我路上和艾迪喝了一杯[13:39.13]- This is salted. - What? - 这是加了盐的- 什么?[13:41.93]It's salted. 这是加了盐的[13:45.24]Is there any other kind? 还有别的样子的吗?[13:47.44]Unsalted. 不加盐的[13:49.77][Quietly] Like I asked for. 就像我要的那种[13:52.14][Sighs] It's fine. I'll make it work. 没什么,我凑合用吧[13:55.58]- Okay. - Oh, I got new curtains. 我买了新窗帘[14:00.35]Well? What do you think? 你看怎么样?[14:03.75]- Huh. - There was a struggle over the material.[14:07.26]This little tea sandwich of a man- 还有一个怪癖的男人也想买这个窗帘我们争了好半天[14:09.33]- He got his hands on them first, but I won. - Of course you did. 是他先看到的[14:11.50]- 但最后还是我赢了- 当然[14:13.63]They're a bit green. I think we're gonna have to reupholster the sofas... 新窗帘偏绿,沙发和地毯都需要换一下才相衬我想换条波斯地毯,你看呢?[14:16.40]and definitely get a new rug, maybe a Persian.[14:18.37]Or we can keep the old ones. Then we don't have to change a thing. 要不就还用原来的这样就什么都不用换了[14:23.37]We talked about this. You remember? 我们不是已经谈过这件事儿了吗?[14:30.05]I remember. I remember 'cause we said we'd wait. 我记得我们说要先等一等的[14:32.85][Sighs] If you don't like 'em, we can take 'em back.[14:34.81]如果你不喜欢,我就去退掉[14:37.86]Okay. I don't like 'em. 好吧,我不喜欢[14:41.09]You'll get used to 'em. 你会慢慢习惯的[14:46.30]- I like 'em. - Yeah. 我喜欢[14:50.03][Thunder Rumbling][15:06.22][Basketball Bouncing][15:23.40]Huh. Zero percent A.P.R. Till March. (信用卡)免年息促销到3月份为止[15:29.04][Wexler] So, part two. Here we are. 现在我们开始第二阶段[15:31.64]Only this time, you came back alone. Why did you come back? 只不过这次你是一个人来的这是为什么呢?[15:34.91]I'm not sure really. 我也不清楚[15:38.25]Let me clarify. I love my wife. 我先声明,我爱我的妻子[15:40.62]Um, I want her to be happy. 我希望她幸福[15:43.22]Uh, I want good things for her. 我希望她一切顺利[15:47.99]But there are times... 但有时候,我……[15:53.03][John Sighs][16:09.68]- Honey, would you just- - Five more minutes. - 亲爱的,你能不能……- 再看5分钟[16:11.82][Wexler] So what's the problem?[16:13.88]There's this huge space between us... 我们之间存在着巨大的距离[16:17.32]and it just keeps filling up with everything that we don't say to each other. 因为有很多事情,我们都不告诉对方[16:23.09]- What is that called? - Marriage. - 这叫什么来着? - 婚姻[16:27.26]What don't you say to each other? 你们不告诉对方的是些什么事情呢?[16:32.57][Exhales] Uh- Hmm.[16:35.51]The GMC Yukon got three stars.[16:38.98]This looks nice. Did you do something new? 看上去不错嘛新菜式?[16:42.95]- Mm-hmm. - Yeah? 是吗?[16:45.82]I added peas. - 我加了豌豆- 对,豌豆[16:47.82]Yeah, peas.[16:51.86]Yeah, it's the green. 对,绿色的[16:55.93]Sweetheart, will you pass the salt? 亲爱的,把盐递过来一下好吗?[16:58.83]It's in the middle of the table. 不是在桌子中间么[17:01.63]Oh, is that the middle of the table? - 在桌子中间?- 对,就在你我中间[17:03.87]Yeah. It's between you and me.[17:08.87]Okay.[17:53.85]- How honest are you with him? - Pretty honest. - 你对他有多诚实?- 相当诚实[17:56.92]I mean, it's not like I lie to him... or anything. 我是说……[17:58.42]我从不对他说谎只不过……[18:00.49]We just, uh, [Clicks Tongue] Have little secrets.[18:03.93]Everybody has secrets, you know. 有些小秘密每个人都有小秘密啊[18:31.92]Shit. Sorry, hon. 对不起,亲爱的,我在找……[18:34.32]- I'll get it. - No, I got it. I got it. Don't move.[18:36.33]- [Phone Ringing] - Oh, that's me.[18:41.83][Ringing][18:44.67][Sports Announcer Chattering On TV][18:49.91][No Audible Dialogue][18:52.68][Laughs][19:03.35]- [Loud Clatter] - [Jane] Jesus! - 天啊!亲爱的,你吓着我了- 对不起,亲爱的,我在找…[19:06.96]- Honey, you scared me. - I'm sorry, hon.[19:09.79]I was lookin' for the, uh- You goin' out?[19:12.04]你要出去吗?[19:14.26]Yeah. Some clown crashed a server in a law firm downtown... 对,城里有个律师事务所的服务器坏了我必须去一趟[19:16.70]and ended the world as they know it, so, yes.[19:19.37]Mmm.[19:22.71]We promised the Colemans. 我们答应要去科尔曼家的[19:25.04]- I know. - Okay. - 我知道- 好[19:27.04]I'll be there. In and out. 我会去的很快就能搞定[19:29.38]Just a quickie.[19:33.15]It probably feels like you're the only people going through this. 你也许会觉得只有你有这些问题[19:35.25]But I'll tell you something. There are millions of couples... 但我告诉你成千上万的家庭都存在这些问题[19:38.76]that are experiencing the same problems.[19:42.59]Uh-huh.[20:02.75]- [Chattering] - [Horn Honks][20:24.64]- We got a plane in an hour. - All right. - 一小时后,我们要坐飞机走- 好的[20:28.07][TV Contestant] Quotes. 800.[20:30.07][Trebek] Prodded about possible insider trading...[20:32.14]she remarked on national television...[20:34.41]"I want to focus on my salad."[20:36.55]- Brian. - Martha Stewart.[20:38.55][TVContinues, Indistinct][20:54.06]- ~~[Folk] - [Chattering][21:09.31]- Forty. - [Announcer Chattering On TV] - 40 - 好,我跟……[21:12.48]I'll match your- What the hell? What's this shite? 靠,你是干什么的?[21:16.39]Sorry. Where's the can around here? 对不起,厕所在哪里?[21:18.99]- For Chrissakes. - Take a-[21:22.53]- Hey, you guys playin' poker? - Private game. Piss off. 你们在玩扑克吗?[21:23.59]- 我们自己玩的,你给我滚- 我可以一起来吗?[21:26.23]Hey, could I sit in? You think I can sit in? 你难道听不明白“你给我滚”?[21:28.27]What part of"piss off" do you not understand?[21:30.37]Guys. Hey, whoa, whoa. Be a little friendly. 哥们儿,别这么凶嘛我有钱……[21:33.50]- I got the cash. I got the ca- - [Muttering] 别激动,老兄[21:35.61]Dude, I'm just showing you my bankroll, man. 哇,好酷啊,你真酷[21:39.28]I got the money. [Farts] 听到我说的了么?[21:41.85]You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? 听到我说的了么?有人感兴趣么?[21:45.12]Poker- Don't even know her. 没有,因为我会把你们赢光的我知道,好吧[21:47.62]So if you want me to sit in, I'll sit in.[21:49.69]And I'll play some cards with youse. If you don't, I won't. 听着,我想……哥们儿,你的鞋不错嘛[21:52.19]I just- Fine with me, I'll go.[21:54.22]- [Laughing] - [Murmuring][21:57.69]- Jesus. - Here's an empty chair. I could sit right here. 上帝![22:00.96]That is Lucky's chair. - 这张椅子空着,我可以坐下来……- 这是罗奇的位子[22:03.37]Wh-Where's Lucky? I don't see Lucky. 罗奇在哪?我怎么看不到罗奇[22:05.87]- Lucky's not back yet. - Then I'll sit here. - 罗奇还没回来呢- 那我就先坐这里[22:09.17]Unless... I'm too hot for ya. 除非……[22:13.48][Person Gargling] 你们怕输给我[22:17.15][Spits][22:52.92]- Solid silver. - Ooh. Raise the socks. - 纯银的- 哦,不错啊[22:56.15]- Ooh. - "To dodging bullets. Love, Jane."[22:58.35]“虎口脱险,爱你的珍妮”[22:59.92]- In the pot. Put it in the pot. - [Laughing] 放在桌子上,放上去[23:02.23]- Ohh! Ohh! - Oh, he's pulled something.[23:05.26]- He's pulled something. - You're in trouble now. 喔,他赢了[23:07.63]- Sixty dollars, eh? - In! 你们有麻烦啦[23:08.82]- 60块,对吧?- 赚了![23:11.74]- [All Laughing] - [Loud Chattering][23:13.70]来啊![23:17.07][Laughing] Let's play some poker.! 接着来玩牌吧![23:19.14]- Drat! - [Exclaims][23:21.65]You've got 14 different tells. - 5点- 他连输了14把[23:24.01]- You are bleeding William Tell. - [Laughing] 你的运气真是背到家了[23:26.12]~~ [Humming William Tell Overture][23:28.72]- ~~[Humming Continues] - What the hell is this?[23:32.76]- Sorry, Lucky. - Looks like you're done, pal. - 这他妈的是谁?- 对不起,罗奇[23:35.53]- Thanks for the memories. - Oh, you Lucky? 你该走了,朋友和你玩牌很开心[23:37.53]- Yeah. - No kiddin'. 你是罗奇吗?别开玩笑了[23:39.33]What is it, kid? You lookin' for a job or somethin'? 你是什么人?找活儿干的吗?[23:42.07]- You are the job. - [Silenced Gunshots] 你就是我的活儿[23:45.94]- [Gasps] - [Gunshots Continue][23:47.97][Bodies Thudding][23:59.65]Pair of threes. 一对3[24:07.02]- Have you been a bad boy? - Yes. - 你是个坏男孩吗- 是的[24:09.26]- Mm-hmm? - [Whip Snaps] - [Moans][24:14.26]You know what happens to bad boys? 你知道我会怎么对待坏男孩吗?[24:16.30]- [Whip Snaps] - [Moans][24:19.00]- They get punished. - Oh, yeah. Punish me. - 我会惩罚他们- 哦,惩罚我吧[24:20.84][Moans][24:24.17][Moans][24:26.71]Have you been selling big guns to bad people? 你是不是把军火卖给坏蛋了?[24:29.78]Huh? [Groans][24:31.58]- [Body Thuds] - [Objects Clatter][24:35.85]- [Knocking] - [Man] Mr. Racin.[24:39.89]Mr. Racin. You okay? 瑞西先生?[24:41.45]瑞西先生?你没事吧?[24:44.49]Oh, Colemans. 哦,要去科尔曼家[24:51.84]He's down.! 他出事了![24:58.48]On the sofa![25:11.12]- Hey! - Taxi. 计程车[25:18.33]- Everything okay at work? - Yeah. Here. - 工作顺利吗?- 是的,这边[25:20.30]- Yeah? - And you? How was the game? - 是吗?- 你呢?比赛怎么样?[25:23.43]- The game was good. - Good. - 很精彩- 不错[25:25.74]Nets in overtime. 网队加时赛赢了[25:29.24]- You been drinking? - That's right, miss. - 你喝酒了?- 你说对了,小姐[25:32.21]- ~~[Christian Pop] - [Man, Woman] Welcome, neighbors.! 欢迎,邻居们![25:34.88]- Hey. Hi, Susan. - Good to see you, John. - 嗨,苏珊- 你好,约翰[25:37.98]- Hi. - There you go. - 这是给你们的- 哦,太棒了[25:39.98]- Oh, this is wonderful. - Thank you. 谢谢[25:42.19]- ~~[Continues] - Oh, I love that. - 这衣服真好看- 谢谢,你的也是[25:44.32]- What a lovely dress. - Thank you very much. So is yours.[25:48.93]Come on. Let's go see the girls. - 来,我来给你介绍几个姐妹- 别玩太疯了[25:50.93]Don't stray too far, guys. 你想来支古巴雪茄吗?(古巴雪茄是世界上最好的,但在美国禁售)[25:52.93][Clears Throat] You want a Cuban? 不,我不抽烟[25:54.93]- Oh, no, no, no. I don't smoke. - Oh.[25:57.57]- Clean body, clean soul. That's what Suzy says. - Ain't that the truth? - 干净的身体,清洁的灵魂,苏珊总这么说- 没错[26:00.60]- You guys have any vices? - Well, you know. - 你什么恶习都没有么?- 多多少少有点[26:03.04]- Can I get you a drink? - Uh, yes. Chardonnay, please. - 你要喝点什么吗?- 夏敦埃(白葡萄酒),谢谢[26:08.38]- Girls? [Chuckles] - [Woman] Chardonnay. - 你们呢?- 一样[26:10.15]- Daddy, Daddy, Daddy! - I'll be up here at the filling station. - 爸爸- 我去喝一杯[26:13.35]Duxbury's never gonna close that high. I hear their stock's getting butchered. - ……股票也不好做- 服务生,给我来杯苏格兰酒[26:16.02]- Hey, boys. Scotch. - Hey, John. - 好的,先生- 日子不好过啊[26:18.02]- Yes, sir. - It's a bloodbath over there. 上个季度你赚了多少?有没有受到影响?[26:20.06]Johnno. How'd you make out last quarter? You take a beating?[26:22.53]- Actually, I got all my dough buried under the toolshed. - [Laughing] 实际上我把所有的钱都埋在杂物间下面了[26:26.73]- So, Chuck got the promotion. - My God.! That is so great.! - 我老公刚升职了- 哦,太好了[26:29.70]- [Women Exclaiming] - Fantastic.! 太激动了我们终于可以把厨房重新装修一下了[26:31.70]- I'm so excited. We can finally put the addition on the kitchen. - [Baby Crying] [26:34.54]Oh, shoot. Not again. 喔,又来了(孩子吐了)[26:37.37]I should wear a raincoat. 我应该穿件雨衣[26:39.94]You know what? Would- Can you hold her for a second? 你能帮我抱一下吗?[26:43.55]- What? No. I'd rather not. - It's all over the applique. - 什么?不……- 它弄得到处都是[26:46.18]- Oh, no, I'm- - Please, just- - 不,我……- 请帮帮忙[26:48.16]好吧[26:51.76]Oh. Seltzer. 我得去洗洗[26:57.13]- [Coos] - Oh, she likes you. 啊,她喜欢你[27:13.51]I liked your dress tonight. 我喜欢你今晚穿的衣服[27:16.78]It was nice. 很漂亮[27:19.08]Thank you. 谢谢[27:24.69][Toothbrush Vibrates] 字幕制作:LRC中国[27:31.63]- Be there in the morning. Okay. - Of course. - 早上到那边,好- 当然[27:34.90][Phones Beep][27:39.50]- Everything all right? - Uh, yeah. It was- It was Dad. - 有什么事吗?- 没,没事,是爸爸打来的[27:43.04]He's a- He thinks he has pneumonia. 他以为得了肺炎[27:45.24]I'm sure it's just a cold, and you know how he is. He'll be fine. 我估计是着凉了,你知道他就那样,会没事的[27:48.55]Yeah. Probably. 应该会吧[27:51.21]Maybe you should go see him. I think he'd like that. 也许你得去看看他,他会高兴的[27:55.39]Hmm. Yeah. Yeah, maybe I will. 也许吧[28:05.86]- [Cell Phone Clatters] - Good night then. 晚安[28:11.50]- Who was that? - Huh? - 你那是谁打来的?- 嗯?[28:13.57]- Who was on the phone? - Oh, the Atlanta office. - 谁刚才打电话来?- 哦,亚特兰大那边的办公室[28:16.87]There's a problem with the specs for the dam again. 大坝又出了点问题[28:19.91]I'll fly in the morning. I'll be gone a couple of days. 我明早飞过去,在那待两天[28:24.88]- That damn dam, huh? - Yup, that damn dam. - 该死的大坝- 嗯,真该死[28:30.55]- All right, good night, John. - Good night. - 好吧,晚安,约翰- 晚安[29:13.20]Okay.[29:18.80][Chattering On TV][29:24.57][Beeping][29:57.94]- There's trouble in Atlanta again. - That's what I hear. 早上好,史密斯先生亚特兰大又有麻烦了[30:00.64]- What you got? - I've got your boarding pass and taxi receipts. - 我听说了,有什么要给我的?- 登机牌,计程车收据……[30:04.41]- Get rid of that gun-gum. - You got a tissue?[30:06.03]把口香糖吐出来[30:07.88]- And your hotel bill. Now don't lose those. - Thanks. - 你有纸巾么?- 还有你的旅馆帐单,别丢了[30:11.12]- The door's unlocked. - [Toilet Flushing] 门没锁[30:13.22]Mornin', pal. 早上好,伙计[30:14.62]- How you doin'? - Same old same old. People need killin'. - 你怎么样?- 还那样[30:18.86]Oh, Johnny. I might have a little get-together this weekend... at my house. 这周末在我家有个聚会[30:23.63]Barbecue. No ladies. Dudes only. It's gonna be awesome. 烤肉,没有女人,只有大老爷们,很爽的[30:27.44]- Yeah. I'll talk to the missus. - You wanna use my cell phone? - 嗯,我回头和我老婆说一声- 你要用我手机吗?[30:31.54]Maybe you wanna give her a call in case you wanna decide to scratch your ass... 也许你要擦屁股时也得给她打电话[30:34.34]or use the head later, make sure she thinks it's okay. 或者回头报告,确保她同样[30:37.35]You live with your mother. 你和你妈住一块[30:39.98]Why would you bring her into this? She happens to be a first-class lady. 你总向她报告干什么?她像是第一夫人[30:43.02]I don't have to check in with her every time I wanna do somethin; 我不是什么事都向她报告[30:45.32]She cooks, cleans, makes me snacks. 她做饭,打扫,给我弄吃的[30:48.93]I'm the dumb guy? 我是聋子?[31:05.51][Typing][31:07.58]John Smith. 约翰·史密斯[31:13.38]- [Woman's V oice, Filtered] Hello, John. - Good morning, Atlanta. - 你好,约翰- 早,亚特兰大[31:16.69]Quite the body count this week. 这星期有很多目标其中有一个最重要,我们需要你来完成[31:18.72]We have a priority one, so I need your expertise.[31:22.03]The target's name is Benjamin Danz, A.K.A. "the Tank." 目标的名字叫本杰明·丹兹绰号坦克[31:26.90][Woman Continues] He's a direct threat to the firm. 他对公司有很大威胁受到DIA的严密保护[31:29.57]D.I.A. Custody.[31:31.60]They're making a ground-to-air handoff to heli... 国防情报局准备在墨西哥边界以北15公里处用直升机进行地空转运[31:34.70]10 miles north of the Mexican border.[31:37.11]I need you to make sure the target does not change hands. 一定不能让他们顺利交接[31:40.98]The Tank? “坦克”?[32:05.50]- L-Temp Technology Staffing. - [Computer V oice] Jane Smith confirmed. - 埃坦科技……- 确认是珍妮·史密斯[32:08.47]Stand by for contact. 准备放行[32:10.47][Man's V oice, Filtered] Sorry to interrupt, but we have a situation. 对不起,打扰了有重要情况[32:13.24]You know the competition would love to see us burn... 对手总想消灭我们这次需要你亲自出马[32:16.11]so I need you to handle this personally.[32:18.28]- Target? - Benjamin Danz. - 目标?- 本杰明·丹兹[32:20.48]I'm rolling the specs now. 资料马上传给你这次一定要干净利索[32:22.49]- We need this quick, clean and contained. - Yes, sir.[32:24.84]好的,先生[32:34.60]- Good morning, ladies. - Good morning. - Hello, Jane. - 早上好,女士们- 早上好[32:36.35]- 早上好- 你好,珍妮[32:40.57]Yesterday's op resulted in one kill and one agent in protective custody. 昨天的行动死了一个,还有一个被拘留[32:43.11]Not good. We'll get him out tomorrow. - 明天再保他出来- 两箱G-40送来了[32:45.11]Another two cases of the G40's. The grenade launchers are here. - 还有枪榴弹发射器- 再要一些[32:47.81]Order 10 more. All right. Go, Jas. 好,开始吧杰丝[32:50.21]The target's name is Benjamin Danz, A.K.A. "the Tank." 目标的名字叫本杰明·丹兹绰号“坦克”[32:53.98]- Are you serious? - Yeah. - 你肯定吗?- 是的[32:55.99]The target's being moved across the border to a federal facility. 目标将穿过边界被护送到某个联邦机构[32:59.06]The only point of vulnerability is just south of the border. 唯一可以动手的地方在边界南面[33:03.06]I want G.P.S. And S.A.C. Of the canyon... 我要当地的GPS和SAC数据还有最近三天的天气报告[33:05.53]and the weather report for the last three days.[33:09.13]Target will rendezvous with the helicopter here at a deserted airstrip. 目标会在一个废弃的跑道上转乘直升机那里是我们唯一的机会[33:12.14]We will have one chance to strike.[33:17.31]怎么还是沙漠![33:42.93]~~ [Humming][33:55.91]- [Jasmine] Are we green? - Perimeter is armed. We are up and running. - 准备好了么?- 一切就绪,四周炸药埋设完毕[34:07.89][Computer Beeping][34:13.40][Man] Red team.! Red team.! This is BroadwayJoe. 红色,红队,这是蓝队我们正在进入指定区域[34:15.93]- Halftime is approaching. - [Man #2] Copy that, BroadwayJoe. 收到,蓝队[34:22.07][Sighs][34:26.21]~~[Rock][34:47.13][Loud Crash][34:49.17]- ~~[Continues, Muffled] - [Motor Roaring In Distance][34:55.64]Oh, come on. 喔,天啊[35:06.18]- You getting this? - [Jasmine] Affirmative. Is it a threat? - 你看见了么?- 看到,对我们有威胁吗?[35:12.26]Countdown's initiated. Convoy is not in the zone yet. 倒记时开始了卡车还没有进入引爆区域[35:16.43]There's an idiot in the field. He's gonna blow the charges. 有个傻瓜闯了进来会引爆炸弹的[35:19.00]~~[Continues][35:34.01]~~[Ends][35:37.81]- [Neck Cracks] - Ah.[35:42.55]Okay. 好吧[35:48.32][Sighs, Urinating][35:52.20]You gotta be kidding. 怎么这么巧![35:57.37][Sighs] Civilians. 平民[36:12.55]Let's see if we can't get a tune out of this trombone. 让我们看看这玩意儿的威力[36:19.32][Jasmine] We're picking up a weapon signature. 发现武器[36:21.32]Shit! Not a civilian. 糟糕,不是平民[36:24.76][Weapon Snaps][36:26.56]Oh, man. 嘿,真是的[36:29.23]Asshole. 混蛋[36:32.07][Groans][36:40.51]Convoy is in the zone! Countdown is initiated. 倒计数开始[36:42.68][Grunting][36:58.06][Gasps][37:04.03]Whoa![37:06.44]You should so not be allowed to buy these things. 这东西没买错[37:16.98][Guard] Abort.! Abort.! 放弃![37:20.45][Helicopter Departing][37:59.69]I think I got I.D.'d on that hit. 我想我可能被认出来了你有没有被认出来过?[38:02.69]- You ever been I.D.'d on a hit? - Not that I'm aware of, no. - 没有- 看来我有麻烦了[38:05.19]- Right. I think I'm in trouble. - You get a look at 'im? - 你看到他了么?- 个子比较矮[38:08.46]Little thing. Buck 10, buck 15 tops.[38:11.23]- Maybe he's Filipino. - Maybe. 也许是菲律宾人[38:14.27]I'm not even sure it was a him. 不一定是个男的[38:18.14]Are you sayin' that you got your ass kicked by some girl? 你是说你被一个女的打中了?[38:20.78]- That's right. - Really? 我想是的,而且是个职业的[38:22.51]- A pro. - This should be easy. 那应该不难查到一共有几个女杀手呢[38:24.51]I mean, how many hitters do you know that are chicks? Right?[38:26.58]I'm sorry, man.[38:28.15]- You guys want any dessert? - What do you have, honey? - 你们还要来点甜点吗?- 有什么?[38:30.85]- Ice cream. - Ice cream? - 冰淇凌- 听起来不错,什么味儿的?[38:32.69]- That sounds delicious. What flavors do you have? - Chocolate and vanilla.[38:35.26]I don't like either of those... separately. - 巧克力的和香草的- 两种我都不喜欢[38:37.26]But maybe mixed together, that could be... a nice little dish. 不过放在一起的话可能不错你懂我的意思?[38:40.20]You know what I mean? And not just a little pink spoon. 而且别光是一小杯我要个大的圣代[38:42.23]I'd like the whole sundae.[38:44.70]- That could be arranged. - Perfect. - 可以办到- 太好了[38:46.77]Could be arranged. Did you hear that? I'd like to have her kick my ass. “可以办到”,你听听那口气看来她对我有意思[38:49.37]- You know what I mean? - Right.[38:51.67]Did you get any other details on her besides her weight class? - 除了体重之外还有其它的线索么?- 笔记本电脑[38:53.74]- Laptop. - I'm sorry? You're in a whole zone right now.[38:56.18]I'm havin' a hard time talkin' to you. 你说什么?[38:58.01]- Laptop. - Okay, laptop. - 笔记本电脑- 笔记本电脑,好[38:59.65]I wanna know who that bitch is! 我要知道那个混蛋是谁把录像带给我[39:02.08]- Get me that tape. Get me that tape. - Jane. - 珍妮- 把录像带给我[39:05.72]- What? - It's Father. - 怎么了?- 老板的电话[39:14.96]The F.B.I. Secured the package. The window's closed, sir. FIB放弃了交接行动失败了[39:18.33]I told you we couldn't afford any mistakes on this one. - 我告诉过你不允许有任何闪失- 还有另外一个杀手[39:20.54]- There was another player. - We do not leave witnesses.[39:22.05]我们不能留下任何活口如果那个杀手认出你,你是知道规矩的[39:24.17]If this player I.D. 'd you- You know the rules.[39:28.74]You have 48 hours to clean the scene, Jane. 我给你48小时,珍妮[39:31.81]Lookin' forward to it, sir. 我会办妥的,先生[39:37.05]All right. We have a new target. Let's find out who he is. 好,新的目标我们来查查他是谁[39:43.59]Jesus. [Scoffs] What did you do to it? 天啊,怎么搞成这样?[39:46.63]Put a campfire out with it? 在火里烤过?[39:49.83]Buy a new one. 买个新的吧[39:52.13]This one has sentimental value for its owner. 它的主人对它很有感情[39:54.64]Who's that? - 是谁的?- 我正是希望你能告诉我,格温[39:56.74]Well, Gwen, I'm just hoping you'd tell me.[40:01.71]So, uh, why you gotta know so bad anyway? 你为什么这么急着想知道?[40:06.22]You know me. Just tryin'to return some lost property. 我只想物归原主[40:08.75]- Hey, Phil. - Hey, John. - 嗨,费尔- 嗨,约翰[40:12.96]- Are you a vegan? - No. - 你吃素?- 不[40:15.56]My girlfriend is. 我女朋友吃素[40:19.50]Here we go. 让我们看看[40:21.83]Upgraded RAM module. 升级的内存模组[40:24.90][Man On P.A.] Line three. Pick up.[40:28.10]Chip's Chinese. Imported by Dynamix. 芯片是中国产的。



nofollow是什么?(DOC)前面在几篇文章中多次提到nofollow标签,没想到会有很多人问我到底什么是nofollow标签(我本以为大家应该知道的,最基本的),今天我就具体的来分享下本人对于nofollow标签的相关认识,主要跟大家说下nofollow是什么意思,nofollow 标签的作用,nofollow标签使用方法和实现方式以及nofollow标签的一些使用示例。


一、nofollow是什么意思nofollow是什么意思:nofollow 是一个HTML标签的属性值。




二、nofollow 标签的作用在seo优化中可以屏蔽垃圾评论链接,nofollow标签可以指引搜索引擎爬虫更好的抓取,收录我们的网页。





正是百度、谷歌、Yahoo、MSN 为了应对垃圾链接(Spam)引入的一个属性,此属性目前应该被广泛采用。

三、nofollow 标签使用方法和实现方式nofollow标签通常有两种使用方法:1、将”nofollow”写在网页上的meta标签上,用来告诉搜索引擎不要抓取网页上的所有外部和包括内部链接。

<meta name=”robots” content=”nofollow” />2、将”nofollow”放在超链接中,告诉搜索引擎不要抓取特定的链接。

<a rel=”external nofollow” href=“url”><span>内容</span></a> 现在的主流搜索引擎,如google,soso,百度都是支持nofollow标签的。

中国人常用的口头禅 英文怎么说

中国人常用的口头禅 英文怎么说

中国人常用的口头禅英文怎么说口头禅是学习口语的一个重要部分,说实话,口头禅学得地道,一开口就能给人一种高级感话说回来,我们学了这么多年的英语口头禅,什么whats up 呀,how you doing blahblahblah,都是老外常用的说法,大家有没有想过,汉语里的口头禅,用英文是怎么讲的?说不定能开启学习新思路了!英语君今天就整理了一些汉语中常用的口头禅以及它们对应的最最最地道的英文表达~1.你在搞笑吗?Are you kidding me?Tip:口语必学金句!说不定哪天砍价/吵架就能用上对不对!2.还没睡呀?Still up?Tip:每次撩人都是这一句,要不就换个花样,来句英文?3.昨晚没睡好吧?Rough night?Tip:一句话开启话题,拉近距离!4.一会儿聊。

Catch up later.5.完蛋了!Im screwed!Tip:screw这个词,义项说起来多到让人窒息,但是最最常用的还是口语中的这个说法!同样常用的搭配screw up有搞砸的意思。

6.你怎么回事啊?Whats your problem? / What is wrong with you?Tip: 同一句话,不同语境和语气,中英文都有不同的意义啦!比如吵架时候来一句"Whats your problem!?',那肯定是要引战了,但如果只是一句轻轻的问候可能就是鸡汤时间到了。


Dont get me started.Tip: 看到这句话,简直都能感觉到说话人的无奈了千万别让我开始吐槽啊,我可能一天一夜也讲不完呐。

8.真的假的?/你可别逗我了!(震惊脸)Shut the front door! / Shut the fridge!Tip:虽然是问句,但是大家都知道这句话在语境中的特殊意义了姬友突然跟你说,你中了五百万,这个时候你要咋回答她呢?来一起念,SHUT! THE! FRONT! DOOR。

日常英语口语 教你对老外说“不”

日常英语口语 教你对老外说“不”

日常英语口语教你对老外说“不”1. I am sorry to turn you down。


Turn you down 就是回绝别人的要求,例如有一次我要请老美去参加一个 party,她说她很抱歉无法参加,就是用的这句 "I am sorry to turn you down." 另外像是男生要追女生,女生要回绝他,也可以用 turn down,例如 "I am sorry but I have to turn you down."另外不要忘了,turn down 还有一个解释就是把音量或是冷气关小。

以前我也常把 turn you down 和 let you down 搞混了,这二者是完全不同的意思,turn down 表示回绝,而 let down 那么表示让人家失望。

2. I am not interested。


刚来美国,家里又有的人一定要赶快把这句话学会,因为很快地就会有推销员找上门来,这时你要说的就是 "I am not interested." 这样子对方就不会纠缠太久了。


像这句 "I am not interested." 听来就不太客气。

通常要使得回绝别人的话听来客气一点,只要在句首加上 "I am sorry." 整句话的口气立刻就不一样了。

所以礼貌一点的说法应该是 "I am sorry. I am not interested." 听来是不是客气很多?3. I'll think about it。


这句话也是在买东西时候讲的,例如你去百货公司专柜买化装品,虽然专柜小姐讲了半天你也觉得还不错,但总觉得太贵,你就可以说 "OK, I'll think about it." 就是我再考虑看看了!当然你就可以趁机脱身了。



HeyTalk常用英语短语大全一问候类简单的问候:Hi!你好!/嗨!Hello!你好!Hey!你好!/嘿!Hey there!你好!Yo!嗨!(俚语)Yo, G!嗨,哥们!(俚语)Howdy!你好!(方言)Good morning.早上好。


Good afternoon.下午好。


Good evening.晚上好。


一般的问候:How are you?你怎么样?How do you do?你怎么样?How you doing?你过得怎样?How are you?你怎么样?How are you doing?你过的怎么样?How are you doing these days?这些天你过的怎么样?How are you keeping?你过的怎么样?How are you feeling?心情怎么样?How are you getting on?近来如何?How are you getting along?近来如何?How are things?事情办得怎么样了?How are things going (with you)?近况如何?How's it going?近况如何?How's everything? 一切都好吗?How's everything going? 一切都好吗?How's everything with you?你一切都好吗?Is everything going well with you?你一切都好吗?Is everything OK? 一切都好吗?How's anything at home?家里一切都好吗?Is John okay?约翰好吗?How's your family?家人怎么样?How's it been?近来怎样?How's work?工作怎样?How's life?过得怎样?How's business?生意怎么样?How's your wife(husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, mother, father...)?你的妻子(丈夫,女朋友,男朋友,母亲,父亲...)怎么样?How is she(he)?她(他)怎么样呢?How's he getting along these days?他这些天过得怎么样?How was your weekend?周末过得怎样?How you been?你过得怎样?How have you been?你过得怎么样?How have you been recently?你最近过得怎么样?How have you been doing?最近怎么样?How have you been getting along?近来过得怎样?How did it go today?今天怎么样?How goes it?近来如何?How goes the world with you?近况如何?What's happening with your family?你家怎么样?What's up?怎么样?What's new?有什么新鲜事?What's new with you?有什么新鲜事?What's new in your life?有什么新鲜事?What's happening recently?最近在忙什么?What's going on with your family?家人状况如何?What are you doing these days?这些日子在忙什么?What are you up to these days?你最近在忙什么?What have you been doing?你最近在做什么?What have you been doing lately?你最近在做什么?What have you been up to?你最近在忙什么呢?What are you doing?你在干什么呢?What are you doing here?你在这儿做什么(你怎么在这儿)?What are you doing around here?你在这儿干什么呢?What are you two doing here?你们俩在这儿做什么呢?What are you still doing here?你还在这儿干什么呢?What's the hurry?你这急着干什么呢?Where are you headed?你去哪儿?I'm just killing time你只是在消磨时间。

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