Community structure in social and biological networks




Social life is an integral part of our existence,shaping our personalities,values,and behaviors.It is through our interactions with others that we learn,grow,and develop as individuals.Here are some key aspects that highlight the significance of social life:1.Personal Development:Social life provides a platform for personal growth.It is through our relationships and interactions that we learn empathy,communication skills, and conflict resolution.These skills are crucial for our personal and professional development.2.Cultural Exchange:Social interactions expose us to different cultures,beliefs,and customs.This exposure broadens our horizons,fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of diversity,which is essential in todays globalized world.3.Mental Health:Engaging in social activities is beneficial for mental health.It helps to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation,which are common in todays fastpaced, technologydriven society.Social connections can provide emotional support and a sense of belonging.4.Professional Networking:Building a network of professional contacts is vital for career advancement.Social life offers opportunities to meet people from various industries,which can lead to new job prospects,collaborations,and mentorship.munity Building:Social life is the foundation of community.It is through our social interactions that we form bonds with our neighbors,contribute to local events,and participate in community projects,which in turn strengthens the social fabric of our neighborhoods.6.Innovation and Creativity:Social life stimulates creativity and innovation.When we share ideas with others,we can create new perspectives and solutions to problems.This exchange of ideas is the driving force behind many advancements in science,technology, and the arts.7.Conflict Resolution:Social life teaches us how to navigate conflicts.It is through our interactions with others that we learn negotiation skills,compromise,and the importance of finding common ground.8.Civic Engagement:Being socially active often leads to greater civic engagement. Social life can inspire individuals to participate in political processes,volunteer work, and advocacy for social causes,contributing to the betterment of society.9.Health Benefits:Studies have shown that people with strong social ties tend to have better physical health.Social support can influence health behaviors,such as exercise and diet,and can provide a buffer against stress.10.Life Satisfaction:Ultimately,social life contributes to our overall life satisfaction. The joy of shared experiences,the comfort of companionship,and the sense of being part of something larger than ourselves all contribute to a more fulfilling life.In conclusion,social life is not just a part of our routine it is a fundamental aspect of human existence that enriches our lives in numerous ways.It is through our social interactions that we find meaning,build relationships,and contribute to the world around us.。

Microbial Community Structure

Microbial Community Structure

Microbial Community Structure Microbial community structure refers to the composition and organization of microorganisms within a particular environment. This structure is a keydeterminant of the functions and dynamics of microbial communities, impacting various ecological processes such as nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, and disease resistance. Understanding microbial community structure is essential for numerous fields, including environmental science, agriculture, medicine, and biotechnology. In this discussion, we will explore the significance of microbial community structure, the factors influencing it, and the methods used to study and manipulate it. The significance of microbial community structure lies in its pivotal role in maintaining ecosystem stability and functioning. Microorganismsare ubiquitous and diverse, existing in various habitats ranging from soil and water to the human body. The interactions and relationships among different microbial species within a community shape its structure and determine its overall impact on the environment. For example, in soil ecosystems, microbial communities play a crucial role in nutrient cycling, decomposition of organic matter, and soil fertility. In the human gut, the composition of microbial communities has been linked to host health, metabolism, and immune function. Therefore, studying microbial community structure is essential for understanding and harnessing the potential of microbial communities in diverse applications. Several factors influence microbial community structure, including environmental conditions, resource availability, and microbial interactions. Environmental factors such as pH, temperature, and oxygen levels can significantly impact the composition and diversity of microbial communities. For instance, acidic soils may harbordifferent microbial species compared to alkaline soils. Additionally, the availability of resources such as carbon, nitrogen, and energy sources can shape the competitive interactions among microorganisms, influencing community structure. Microbial interactions, including competition, predation, and mutualism, also play a crucial role in shaping community structure by affecting the relative abundance of different microbial taxa. Studying microbial community structure involves the use of various techniques and approaches, including high-throughput sequencing, metagenomics, and bioinformatics. High-throughput sequencing technologies, such asnext-generation sequencing, allow researchers to analyze the genetic material of entire microbial communities, providing insights into their composition and diversity. Metagenomics, which involves the direct sequencing of DNA from environmental samples, enables the study of the functional potential of microbial communities. Bioinformatic tools and computational analyses are essential for processing and interpreting large-scale microbial community data, allowing researchers to identify key microbial taxa and their functional roles within a community. Manipulating microbial community structure holds great potential for applications in agriculture, bioremediation, and human health. In agriculture, the use of microbial inoculants and biofertilizers aims to enhance soil microbial communities, promoting plant growth and nutrient uptake. Bioremediation strategies leverage the metabolic capabilities of microbial communities to degrade pollutants and contaminants in the environment. In human health, efforts to modulate the gut microbiota through probiotics and fecal microbiota transplantation highlight the potential for manipulating microbial community structure to improve host health and treat diseases. In conclusion, microbial community structure is a complex and dynamic aspect of microbial ecology with far-reaching implications for ecosystem functioning, human health, and biotechnological applications. Understanding the factors influencing microbial community structure and the methods used to study and manipulate it is essential for harnessing the potential of microbial communities in diverse contexts. Continued research in this field will contribute to advancements in environmental sustainability, agriculture, medicine, and biotechnology, ultimately benefiting society as a whole.。

Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices

Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices
Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices
M. E. J. Newman
Department of Physics and Center for the Study of Complex Systems, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109–1040
We consider the problem of detecting communities or modules in networks, groups of vertices with a higher-than-average density of edges connecting them. Previous work indicates that a robust approach to this problem is the maximization of the benefit function known as “modularity” over possible divisions of a network. Here we show that this maximization process can be written in terms of the eigenspectrum of a matrix we call the modularity matrix, which plays a role in community detection similar to that played by the graph Laplacian in graph partitioning calculations. This result leads us to a number of possible algorithms for detecting community structure, as well as several other results, including a spectral measure of bipartite structure in neteasure that identifies those vertices that occupy central positions within the communities to which they belong. The algorithms and measures proposed are illustrated with applications to a variety of real-world complex networks.

community structure in time-dependent,multiscale,and multiplex networks

community structure in time-dependent,multiscale,and multiplex networks

DOI: 10.1126/science.1184819, 876 (2010);328 Science , et al.Peter J. Mucha NetworksCommunity Structure in Time-Dependent, Multiscale, and MultiplexThis copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only.clicking here.colleagues, clients, or customers by , you can order high-quality copies for your If you wish to distribute this article to othershere.following the guidelines can be obtained by Permission to republish or repurpose articles or portions of articles): December 2, 2010 (this infomation is current as of The following resources related to this article are available online at/content/329/5989/277.3.full.html A correction has been published for this article at:/content/328/5980/876.full.html version of this article at:including high-resolution figures, can be found in the online Updated information and services,/content/suppl/2010/05/13/328.5980.876.DC1.html can be found at:Supporting Online Material /content/328/5980/876.full.html#related found at:can be related to this article A list of selected additional articles on the Science Web sites /content/328/5980/876.full.html#ref-list-1, 3 of which can be accessed free:cites 19 articles This article /content/328/5980/876.full.html#related-urls 1 articles hosted by HighWire Press; see:cited by This article has been/cgi/collection/comp_math Computers, Mathematicssubject collections:This article appears in the following registered trademark of a Science 2010 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science; all rights reserved. The title Copyright American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005. (print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published weekly, except the last week in December, by the Science o n D e c e m b e r 2, 2010w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o mCommunity Structure inTime-Dependent,Multiscale,and Multiplex NetworksPeter J.Mucha,1,2*Thomas Richardson,1,3Kevin Macon,1Mason A.Porter,4,5Jukka-Pekka Onnela 6,7Network science is an interdisciplinary endeavor,with methods and applications drawn from across the natural,social,and information sciences.A prominent problem in network science is the algorithmic detection of tightly connected groups of nodes known as communities.We developed a generalized framework of network quality functions that allowed us to study the community structure of arbitrary multislice networks,which are combinations of individual networks coupled through links that connect each node in one network slice to itself in other slices.This framework allows studies of community structure in a general setting encompassing networks that evolve over time,have multiple types of links (multiplexity),and have multiple scales.The study of graphs,or networks,has a long tradition in fields such as sociology and mathematics,and it is now ubiquitous in academic and everyday settings.An important tool in network analysis is the detection of mesoscopic structures known as communities (or cohesive groups),which are defined intuitively as groups of nodes that are more tightly connected to each other than they are to the rest of the network (1–3).One way to quantify communities is by a quality function that compares the number of intracommunity edges to what one would expect at random.Given the network adjacency matrix A ,where the element A ij details a direct connection between nodes i and j ,one can construct a qual-ity function Q (4,5)for the partitioning of nodes into communities as Q =∑ij (A ij −P ij )d (g i ,g j ),where d (g i ,g j )=1if the community assignments g i and g j of nodes i and j are the same and 0otherwise,and P ij is the expected weight of the edge between i and j under a specified null model.The choice of null model is a crucial con-sideration in studying network community struc-ture (2).After selecting a null model appropriate to the network and application at hand,one can use a variety of computational heuristics to assign nodes to communities to optimize the quality Q (2,3).However,such null models have not been available for time-dependent networks;analyses have instead depended on ad hoc methods topiece together the structures obtained at different times (6–9)or have abandoned quality functions in favor of such alternatives as the Minimum Description Length principle (10).Although tensor decompositions (11)have been used to cluster network data with different types of connections,no quality-function method has been developed for such multiplex networks.We developed a methodology to remove these limits,generalizing the determination of commu-nity structure via quality functions to multislice networks that are defined by coupling multiple adjacency matrices (Fig.1).The connections encoded by the network slices are flexible;they can represent variations across time,variations across different types of connections,or even community detection of the same network at different scales.However,the usual procedure for establishing a quality function as a direct count of the intracommunity edge weight minus thatexpected at random fails to provide any contribu-tion from these interslice couplings.Because they are specified by common identifications of nodes across slices,interslice couplings are either present or absent by definition,so when they do fall inside communities,their contribution in the count of intra-community edges exactly cancels that expected at random.In contrast,by formulating a null model in terms of stability of communities under Laplacian dynamics,we have derived a principled generaliza-tion of community detection to multislice networks,1Carolina Center for Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics,Department of Mathematics,University of North Carolina,Chapel Hill,NC 27599,USA.2Institute for Advanced Materials,Nanoscience and Technology,University of North Carolina,Chapel Hill,NC 27599,USA.3Operations Research,North Carolina State University,Raleigh,NC 27695,USA.4Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,Mathematical Institute,University of Oxford,Oxford OX13LB,UK.5CABDyN Complexity Centre,University of Oxford,Oxford OX11HP,UK.6Department of Health Care Policy,Harvard Medical School,Boston,MA 02115,USA.7Harvard Kennedy School,Harvard University,Cambridge,MA 02138,USA.*To whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail:mucha@1234Fig.1.Schematic of a multislice network.Four slices s ={1,2,3,4}represented by adjacencies A ijs encode intraslice connections (solid lines).Interslice con-nections (dashed lines)are encoded by C jrs ,specifying the coupling of node j to itself between slices r and s .For clarity,interslice couplings are shown for only two nodes and depict two different types of couplings:(i)coupling between neighboring slices,appropriate for ordered slices;and (ii)all-to-all interslice coupling,appropriate for categoricalslices.n o d e sresolution parameterscoupling = 0123451015202530n o d e s resolution parameterscoupling = 0.1123451015202530n o d e sresolution parameterscoupling = 1123451015202530Fig. 2.Multislice community detection of the Zachary Karate Club network (22)across multiple resolutions.Colors depict community assignments of the 34nodes (renumbered vertically to group similarly assigned nodes)in each of the 16slices (with resolution parameters g s ={0.25,0.5,…,4}),for w =0(top),w =0.1(middle),and w =1(bottom).Dashed lines bound the communities obtained using the default resolution (g =1).14MAY 2010VOL 328SCIENCE876CORRECTED 16 JULY 2010; SEE LAST PAGEo n D e c e m b e r 2, 2010w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o mwith a single parameter controlling the interslice correspondence of communities.Important to our method is the equivalence between the modularity quality function (12)[with a resolution parameter (5)]and stability of com-munities under Laplacian dynamics (13),which we have generalized to recover the null models for bipartite,directed,and signed networks (14).First,we obtained the resolution-parameter generaliza-tion of Barber ’s null model for bipartite networks (15)by requiring the independent joint probability contribution to stability in (13)to be conditional on the type of connection necessary to step between two nodes.Second,we recovered the standard null model for directed networks (16,17)(again with a resolution parameter)by generaliz-ing the Laplacian dynamics to include motion along different kinds of connections —in this case,both with and against the direction of a link.By this generalization,we similarly recovered a null model for signed networks (18).Third,we interpreted the stability under Laplacian dynamics flexibly to permit different spreading weights on the different types of links,giving multiple reso-lution parameters to recover a general null model for signed networks (19).We applied these generalizations to derive null models for multislice networks that extend the existing quality-function methodology,including an additional parameter w to control the coupling between slices.Representing each network slice s by adjacencies A ijs between nodes i and j ,with interslice couplings C jrs that connect node j in slice r to itself in slice s (Fig.1),we have restricted our attention to unipartite,undirected network slices (A ijs =A jis )and couplings (C jrs =C jsr ),but we can incorporate additional structure in the slices and couplings in the same manner as demonstrated for single-slice null models.Notating the strengths of each node individually in each slice by k js =∑i A ijs and across slices by c js =∑r C jsr ,we define the multislice strength by k js =k js +c js .The continuous-time Laplacian dynamics given byp˙is ¼∑jr ðA ijs d sr þd ij C jsr Þp jrk jr−p isð1Þrespects the intraslice nature of A ijs and the interslice couplings of C jsr .Using the steady-state probability distribution p ∗jr ¼k jr =2m ,where 2m =∑jr k jr ,we obtained the multislice null model in terms of the probability r is |jr of sampling node i in slice s conditional on whether the multislice struc-ture allows one to step from (j ,r )to (i ,s ),accounting for intra-and interslice steps separately asr is j jr p ∗jr ¼k is2m s k jr k jr d sr þC jsr c jr c jr k jr d ijk jr 2m ð2Þwhere m s =∑j k js .The second term in parentheses,which describes the conditional probability of motion between two slices,leverages the definition of the C jsr coupling.That is,the conditional probability of stepping from (j ,r )to (i ,s )along an interslice coupling is nonzero if and only if i =j ,and it is proportional to the probability C jsr /k jr of selecting the precise interslice link that connects to slice s .Subtracting this conditional joint probability from the linear (in time)approximation of the exponential describing the Laplacian dynamics,we obtained a multislice generalization of modularity (14):Q multislice ¼12m ∑ijsrhA ijs −g sk is k js 2m s d sr þd ij C jsr id ðg is ,g jr Þð3Þwhere we have used reweighting of the conditionalprobabilities,which allows a different resolution g s in each slice.We have absorbed the resolution pa-rameter for the interslice couplings into the mag-nitude of the elements of C jsr ,which,for simplicity,we presume to take binary values {0,w }indicating the absence (0)or presence (w )of interslice links.YearS e n a t o rCTMARI DENYIL IN MIWI IA KSMONDVA AL ARFL GALA MSSC KYOK WVCOID MTNMWYORAK HI Congress #ABFig.3.Multislice community detection of U.S.Senate roll call vote similarities (23)with w =0.5coupling of 110slices (i.e.,the number of 2-year Congresses from 1789to 2008)across time.(A )Colors indicate assignments to nine communities of the 1884unique senators (sorted vertically and connected across Congresses by dashed lines)in each Congress in which they appear.The dark blue and red communities correspond closely to the modern Democratic and Republican parties,respectively.Horizontal bars indicate the historical period of each community,with accompanying text enumerating nominal party affiliations of the single-slice nodes (each representing a senator in a Congress):PA,pro-administration;AA,anti-administration;F,Federalist;DR,Democratic-Republican;W,Whig;AJ,anti-Jackson;A,Adams;J,Jackson;D,Democratic;R,Republican.Vertical gray bars indicate Congresses in which three communities appeared simultaneously.(B )The same assignments according to state affiliations.SCIENCEVOL 32814MAY 2010877REPORTSo n D e c e m b e r 2, 2010w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o mCommunity detection in multislice networks can then proceed using many of the same com-putational heuristics that are currently available for single-slice networks [although,as with the stan-dard definition of modularity,one must be cautious about the resolution of communities (20)and the likelihood of complex quality landscapes that necessitate caution in interpreting results on real networks (21)].We studied examples that have multiple resolutions [Zachary Karate Club (22)],vary over time [voting similarities in the U.S.Senate (23)],or are multiplex [the “Tastes,Ties,and Time ”cohort of university students (24)].We provide additional details for each example in (14).We performed simultaneous community de-tection across multiple resolutions (scales)in the well-known Zachary Karate Club network,which encodes the friendships between 34members of a 1970s university karate club (22).Keeping the same unweighted adjacency matrix across slices (A ijs =A ij for all s ),the resolution associated with each slice is dictated by a specified sequence of g s parameters,which we chose to be the 16values g s ={0.25,0.5,0.75,…,4}.In Fig.2,we depict the community assignments obtained for cou-pling strengths w ={0,0.1,1}between each neighboring pair of the 16ordered slices.These results simultaneously probe all scales,includ-ing the partition of the Karate Club into four com-munities at the default resolution of modularity (3,25).Additionally,we identified nodes that have an especially strong tendency to break off from larger communities (e.g.,nodes 24to 29in Fig.2).We also considered roll call voting in the U.S.Senate across time,from the 1st Congress to the 110th,covering the years 1789to 2008and includ-ing 1884distinct senator IDs (26).We defined weighted connections between each pair of sen-ators by a similarity between their voting,specified independently for each 2-year Congress (23).We studied the multislice collection of these 110networks,with each individual senator coupled to himself or herself when appearing in consecutive Congresses.Multislice community detection un-covered interesting details about the continuity of individual and group voting trends over time that are not captured by the union of the 110in-dependent partitions of the separate Congresses.Figure 3depicts a partition into nine communities that we obtained using coupling w =0.5.The Congresses in which three communities appeared simultaneously are each historically noteworthy:The 4th and 5th Congresses were the first with political parties;the 10th and 11th Congresses occurred during the political drama of former Vice President Aaron Burr ’s indictment for treason;the 14th and 15th Congresses witnessed the beginning of changing group structures in the Democratic-Republican party amidst the dying Federalist party (23);the 31st Congress included the Compromise of 1850;the 37th Congress occurred during the beginning of the American Civil War;the 73rd and 74th Congresses followed the landslide 1932election (during the Great Depression);and the 85th to 88th Congresses brought the major American civil rights acts,including the congressio-nal fights over the Civil Rights Acts of 1957,1960,and 1964.Finally,we applied multislice community detection to a multiplex network of 1640college students at a northeastern American university (24),including symmetrized connections from the first wave of this data representing (i)Facebook friendships,(ii)picture friendships,(iii)roommates,and (iv)student housing-group preferences.Be-cause the different connection types are categorical,the natural interslice couplings connect an individ-ual in a slice to himself or herself in each of the other three network slices.This coupling between categorical slices thus differs from that above,which connected only neighboring (ordered)slices.Table 1indicates the numbers of communities and the percentages of individuals assigned to one,two,three,or four communities across the four types of connections for different values of w ,as a first investigation of the relative redundancy across the connection types.Our multislice framework makes it possible to study community structure in a much broader class of networks than was previously possible.Instead of detecting communities in one static network at a time,our formulation generalizing the Laplacian dynamics approach of (13)permits the simulta-neous quality-function study of community struc-ture across multiple times,multiple resolution parameter values,and multiple types of links.Weused this method to demonstrate insights in real-world networks that would have been difficult or impossible to obtain without the simultaneous consideration of multiple network slices.Although our examples included only one kind of variation at a time,our framework applies equally well to networks that have multiple such features (e.g.,time-dependent multiplex networks).We expect multislice community detection to become a powerful tool for studying such systems.References and Notes1.M.Girvan,M.E.J.Newman,Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.99,7821(2002).2.M.A.Porter,J.-P.Onnela,P.J.Mucha,Not.Am.Math.Soc.56,1082(2009).3.S.Fortunato,Phys.Rep.486,75(2010).4.M.E.J.Newman,Phys.Rev.E 74,036104(2006).5.J.Reichardt,S.Bornholdt,Phys.Rev.E 74,016110(2006).6.J.Hopcroft,O.Khan,B.Kulis,B.Selman,Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.101(suppl.1),5249(2004).7.T.Y.Berger-Wolf,J.Saia,in Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2006),p.523(10.1145/1150402.1150462).8.G.Palla,A.-L.Barabási,T.Vicsek,Nature 446,664(2007).9.D.J.Fenn et al .,Chaos 19,033119(2009).10.J.Sun,C.Faloutsos,S.Papadimitriou,P.S.Yu,inProceedings of the 13th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2007),p.687(10.1145/1281192.1281266).11.T.M.Selee,T.G.Kolda,W.P.Kegelmeyer,J.D.Griffin,CSRI Summer Proceedings 2007,Technical Report SAND2007-7977,Sandia National Laboratories,Albuquerque,NM and Livermore,CA ,M.L.Parks,S.S.Collis,Eds.(2007),p.87(/CSRI/Proceedings).12.M.E.J.Newman,M.Girvan,Phys.Rev.E 69,026113(2004)mbiotte,J.C.Delvenne,M.Barahona, supporting material on Science Online.15.M.J.Barber,Phys.Rev.E 76,066102(2007).16.A.Arenas,J.Duch,A.Fernandez,S.Gomez,N.J.Phys.9,176(2007).17.E.A.Leicht,M.E.J.Newman,Phys.Rev.Lett.100,118703(2008).18.S.Gómez,P.Jensen,A.Arenas,Phys.Rev.E 80,016114(2009).19.V.A.Traag,J.Bruggeman,Phys.Rev.E 80,036115(2009).20.S.Fortunato,M.Barthélemy ,Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.104,36(2007).21.B.H.Good, Montjoye,A.Clauset,Phys.Rev.E81,046106(2010).22.W.W.Zachary,J.Anthropol.Res.33,452(1977).23.A.S.Waugh,L.Pei,J.H.Fowler,P.J.Mucha,M.A.Porter,/abs/0907.3509(2009).24.K.Lewis,J.Kaufman,M.Gonzalez,A.Wimmer,N.Christakis,works 30,330(2008).25.T.Richardson,P.J.Mucha,M.A.Porter,Phys.Rev.E 80,036111(2009).26.K.T.Poole,Voteview ()(2008).27.We thank N.A.Christakis,L.Meneades,and K.Lewis foraccess to and helping with the “Tastes,Ties,and Time ”data;S.Reid and A.L.Traud for help developing code;and A.Clauset,J.-C.Delvenne,S.Fortunato,M.Gould,and V.Traag for discussions.Congressional roll call data are from (26).Supported by NSF grant DMS-0645369(P.J.M.),James S.McDonnellFoundation grant 220020177(M.A.P.),and the Fulbright Program (J.-P.O.).Supporting Online Material/cgi/content/full/328/5980/876/DC1SOM Text References17November 2009;accepted 22March 201010.1126/science.1184819Table munities in the first wave of the multiplex “Tastes,Ties,and Time ”network (24),using the default resolution (g =1)in each of the four slices of data (Facebook friendships,picture friendships,roommates,and housing groups)under various couplings w across slices,which changed the number of communities and percentages of individuals assigned on a per-slice basis to one,two,three,or four communities.w Number of communitiesCommunities per individual (%)1234010360001000.112214.040.537.38.20.26619.949.125.3 5.70.34926.248.321.6 3.90.43631.847.018.4 2.80.53139.342.416.8 1.511610014MAY 2010VOL 328SCIENCE878REPORTSo n D e c e m b e r 2, 2010w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o m1 sCiEnCE erratum post date 16 july 2010 ErratumReports: “Community structure in time-dependent, multiscale, and multiplex networks” by P. J. Mucha et al . (14 May, p. 876). Equation 3 contained a typographical error that was not caught during the editing process: The δsr term should have been outside of the paren-theses within the square brackets. The correct equation, which also appears in the support-ing online material as equation 9, is as follows:See the revised supporting online material (/cgi/content/full/sci;328/5980/876/DC2), which also includes a correction to equation 11. The computations supporting the examples described in the Report were all performed with the correct for-mula for Q multislice . The authors thank Giuseppe Mangioni for pointing out the error.Post date 16 July 2010o n D e c e m b e r 2, 2010w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o mCOMMENTARY16 JULY 2010 VOL 329 SCIENCE 276LETTERSedited by Jennifer SillsLETTERS I BOOKS I POLICY FORUM I EDUCATION FORUM I PERSPECTIVESC R ED I T : ME H M E T K A R A T A Y /W I K I M E D I A C O M M O N SBrazilian Law:Full Speed in Reverse?IS IT POSSIBLE TO COMBINE MODERN TROPI-cal agriculture with environmental conserva-tion? Brazilian agriculture offers encourag-ing examples that achieve high production together with adequate environmental pro-tection (1, 2). However, these effective prac-tices may soon lose ground to the conven-tional custom of resource overexploitation and environmental degradation.A revision to the Forest Act, the main Bra-zilian environmental legislation on private land, has just been submitted to Congress, and there is a strong chance that it will be approved. The proposed revision raises seri-ous concerns in the Brazilian scientifi c com-munity, which was largely ignored during its elaboration. The new rules will benefi t sectors that depend on expanding frontiers by clear-cutting forests and savannas and will reduce mandatory restoration of native vegetation illegally cleared since 1965. If approved, CO 2 emissions may increase substantially, instead of being reduced as was recently pledged in Copenhagen. Simple species-area relation-ship analyses also pro j ect the extinction of more than 100,000 species, a massive loss that will invalidate any commitment to biodi-versity conservation. Proponents of the new law, with well-known ties to specifi c agribusi-ness groups, claim an alleged shortage of land for agricultural expansion, and accuse the current legislation of being overprotective ofFunding Should Come to Those Who WaitWE APPLAUD THE PERSPECTIVE BY T. CLUTTON-BROCK ANDB. C. Sheldon (“The Seven Ages of Pan ,” 5 March, p. 1207) on the value of long-term behavior and ecologi-cal research. We pick up where they left off: funding. Long-term research has cumulative value that far exceeds its annual rate of return. Sadly, quick empiri-cal studies trump long-term research in the reward sys-tem for academic promotion in ecology and behavior. If long-term research is to fl ourish, we must build a reward system for studies characterized by deferred gratifi ca-tion. A sea change in these values must precede attemptsto address funding.To secure the future of long-term fi eld projects, we must act on three fronts:(i) We must devise funding mechanisms for “legacy” projects deemed too valuable to falter. Whereas the National Science Foundation’s (NSF’s) National Ecological Observatory Network and Long-Term Ecological Research programs support long-term collaborative, site-based research, there is a compelling need to support the diversity of long-term investiga-tor-initiated programs. As implemented, NSF’s Long-Term Research in Environmental Biol-ogy program is a fi rst step, but has insuffi cient support to maintain many valuable projects.(ii) We must develop mechanisms to fund the establishment of new programs with long-term potential. Such potential may not be initially appreciated, but with vision and support, new systems studied over the long run will produce novel insights.(iii) Support for ecological research must be increased. We do not advocate robbing Peter (short-term research) to pay Paul (long-term research). However, we maintain that Paul has already been robbed and some balance needs to be restored.Most of us involved in long-term research have a story to share, in which time-lim-ited funding shortages took our programs to the edge of a precipice. Investigators that suc-ceed and become known for long-term research, almost by defi nition, have found a way to adapt to funding shortfalls, usually at great personal sacrifi ce. A recent case at the Los Amigos Biological Station in the Peruvian Amazon speaks to the value of funding continuity (1). During a 4-year period of programmatic support, the scientifi c productivity of the station surged, producing many valuable fi ndings and building substantial scientifi c capacity for the region. Since the funding evaporated, the station has failed to return to its former glory, at great loss to our ability to make scientifi c inroads into understanding the ecology of this area, characterized by unrivaled biodiversity.Of course, long-term programs must remain intellectually vibrant and methodologically rigorous if they are to be supported. In the end, the onus is on ecologists to convince ourselves, society, and funding agencies that long-term research has unique and irreplaceable value.RONALD R. SWAISGOOD,1* JOHN W. TERBORGH,2 DANIEL T. BLUMSTEIN 31Applied Animal Ecology, San Diego Zoo’s Institute for Conservation Research, San Diego, CA 92027, USA. 2Center for Tropi-cal Conservation, Duke University, Durham, NC 27705, USA. 3Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA.*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: rswaisgood@Reference1. N. C. A. Pitman, Trends Ecol. Evol . 25, 381 (2010).Long-term studies. Studies spanning decades have yielded insights into red deer and other species. Published by AAASo n D e c e m b e r 2, 2010w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o m SCIENCE VOL 329 16 JULY 2010277the environment in response to foreign inter-ests fronted by green nongovernmental orga-nizations. However, recent studies (3) show that, without further conversion of natural vegetation, crop production can be increased by converting suitable pastures to agriculture and intensifying livestock production on the remaining pasture. Brazil has a high poten-tial for achieving sustainable development and thereby conserving its unique biological heritage. Although opposed by the Ministry of the Environment and most scientists, the combination of traditional politicians, oppor-tunistic economic groups, and powerful land-owners may be hard to resist. The situation is delicate and serious. Under the new ForestAct, Brazil risks suffering its worst environ-mental setback in half a century, with criti-cal and irreversible consequences beyond itsborders.JEAN PAUL METZGER,1* THOMAS M. LEWINSOHN,2CARLOS A. JOLY,3 LUCIANO M. VERDADE,4 LUIZ ANTONIO MARTINELLI,5 RICARDO R. RODRIGUES 61Department of Ecology, Institute of Bioscience, University of São Paulo, 05508-900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. 2Depart-ment of Animal Biology, State University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil. 3Department of Plant Biology, Biol-ogy Institute, State University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil. 4Center of Nuclear Energy in Agriculture, University of São Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil. 5Program on Food Secu-rity and the Environment, Stanford University, Stanford, CA94305, USA. 6Department of Biological Sciences, “Luiz deQueiroz” College of Agriculture, University of São Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil.*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: jpm@p.brReferences1. D. Nepstad et al., Science 326, 1350 (2009).2. C. R. Fonseca et al., Biol. Conserv. 142, 1209 (2009).3. G. Sparovek et al., Considerações sobre o Código Florestalbrasileiro (“Luiz de Queiroz” College of Agriculture, Uni-versity of São Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil, 2010); orestal/Sparovek_etal_2010.pdf.Sponsors of Traumatic Brain Injury Project I’M DELIGHTED THAT SCIENCE TOOK THE TIMEto highlight the ongoing efforts of the Common Data Elements Project for research in psychological health and traumatic brain injury (“New guidelines a im to improve studies of traumatic brain injury,” G. Miller,News of the Week, 16 April, p. 297). The level of interagency collaboration that made the project possible is exactly the type of lea dership tha t America ns should expectfrom the federal government.As noted in the story, the project is co-sponsored by four federal agencies—threeof whom were mentioned. The other agency is the National Institute on Disability andRehabilitation Research (NIDRR) withinthe Department of Education. NIDRR hasleadership, resources, and subject matter experts without which this project would nothave been nearly as successful. Together, all four agencies will continue to develop rec-ommendations and support ongoing efforts to improve and refine the Common Data Elements.GEOFFREY MANLEYDepartment of Neurosurgery, Brain and Spinal Injury Cen-ter, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA. E-mail: manleyg@Warming, Photoperiods, and Tree PhenologyC. KÖRNER ANDD. BASLER (“PHENOLOGY under global warming,” Perspectives, 19 March, p. 1461) suggest that because of photoperiodic constraints, observed effects of temperature on spring life-cycle events cannot be extrapolated to future tempera-ture conditions.However, no study has demonstrated that photoperiod is more dominant than temper-ature when predicting leaf senescence (1), leafing, or flowering, even in beech—one of the species most sensitive to photoperiod (2, 3). On the contrary, the literature [e.g., (4, 5)] supports the idea that spring phenol-ogy is highly dependent on temperature dur-ing both the endodormancy phase (the period during which the plant remains dormant dueTECHNICAL COMMENT ABSTRACTS Comment on “Observational and Model Evidence for Positive Low-Level Cloud Feedback”Anthony J. Broccoli and Stephen A. KleinClement et al . (Reports, 24 July 2009, p. 460) provided observational evidence for systematic relationships between variations in marine low cloudiness and other climatic variables and found that most current-generation climate models were defi cient in reproducing such relationships. Our analysis of one of these models (GFDL CM2.1), using more com-plete model output, indicates better agreement with observations, suggesting that more detailed analysis of climate model simulations is necessary.Full text at /cgi/content/full/329/5989/277-aResponse to Comment on “Observational and Model Evidence for Positive Low-Level Cloud Feedback”Amy C. Clement, Robert Burgman, Joel R. NorrisBroccoli and Klein argue for additional diagnostics to better assess the simulation of cloud feedbacks in climate models. We agree, and here provide additional analysis of two climate models that reveals where model defi ciencies in cloud simulation in the Northeast Pacifi c may occur. Cloud diagnostics from the forthcoming Climate Model Intercomparison Project 5 should make such additional analyses possible for a large number of climate models.Full text at /cgi/content/full/329/5989/277-bCORRECTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONSNews of the Week: “Invisibility cloaks for visible light must remain tiny, theorists predict” by A. Cho (25 June, p. 1621). The size limit on a cloak for infrared or visible light was misstated. It is a few hundred micrometers, not a few micrometers.News Focus: “Putting light’s light touch to work as optics meets mechanics” by A. Cho (14 May, p. 812). In the third para-graph, “pitchfork” should have been “tuning fork.”Reports: “Community structure in time-dependent, multiscale, and multiplex networks” by P. J. Mucha et al . (14 May, p. 876). Equation 3 contained a typographical error that was not caught during the editing process: The δsr term should have been outside of the parentheses within the square brackets. The correct equation, which also appears in the support-ing online material as equation 9, is to the right. See the revised supporting online material (/cgi/content/full/sci;328/5980/876/DC2), which also includes a correction to equation 11. The computations supporting theexamples described in the Report were allperformed with the correct formula for Q multislice . The authors thank Giuseppe Mangioni for point-ing out the error.Published by AAASo n D e c e m b e r 2, 2010w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o m。



社区概念介绍英文作文A community is a group of people who live in the same area or share common interests. It can be a neighborhood, a town, or even a virtual community online. Communities provide a sense of belonging and support for their members.In a community, people come together to help each other, share resources, and solve common problems. They may organize events, activities, and initiatives to improve the quality of life for everyone in the community.Communities can have a strong sense of identity and culture, with traditions, customs, and values that are passed down through generations. They may also have their own local businesses, schools, and organizations that contribute to the community's unique character.In a community, people build relationships and connections with their neighbors, friends, and fellow community members. These relationships create a sense oftrust, cooperation, and mutual understanding that strengthens the community as a whole.Communities can be inclusive and diverse, welcoming people from different backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life. They provide a space for people to express themselves, celebrate their differences, and learn from each other.In times of crisis or hardship, communities come together to support each other and provide assistance. Whether it's natural disasters, economic challenges, or social issues, communities rally to help those in need and find solutions to overcome adversity.In conclusion, a community is more than just a group of people living in the same area. It's a network of relationships, shared values, and mutual support that enriches the lives of its members and creates a sense of belonging and unity.。

Modularity and community structure in networks

Modularity and community structure in networks

a r X i v :p h y s i c s /0602124v 1 [p h y s i c s .d a t a -a n ] 17 F eb 2006Modularity and community structure in networksM. E.J.NewmanDepartment of Physics and Center for the Study of Complex Systems,Randall Laboratory,University of Michigan,Ann Arbor,MI 48109–1040Many networks of interest in the sciences,including a variety of social and biological networks,are found to divide naturally into communities or modules.The problem of detecting and characterizing this community structure has attracted considerable recent attention.One of the most sensitive detection methods is optimization of the quality function known as “modularity”over the possible divisions of a network,but direct application of this method using,for instance,simulated annealing is computationally costly.Here we show that the modularity can be reformulated in terms of the eigenvectors of a new characteristic matrix for the network,which we call the modularity matrix,and that this reformulation leads to a spectral algorithm for community detection that returns results of better quality than competing methods in noticeably shorter running times.We demonstrate the algorithm with applications to several network data sets.IntroductionMany systems of scientific interest can be represented as networks—sets of nodes or vertices joined in pairs by lines or edges .Examples include the Internet and the worldwide web,metabolic networks,food webs,neural networks,communication and distribution networks,and social networks.The study of networked systems has a history stretching back several centuries,but it has expe-rienced a particular surge of interest in the last decade,especially in the mathematical sciences,partly as a result of the increasing availability of large-scale accurate data describing the topology of networks in the real world.Statistical analyses of these data have revealed some un-expected structural features,such as high network tran-sitivity [1],power-law degree distributions [2],and the existence of repeated local motifs [3];see [4,5,6]for reviews.One issue that has received a considerable amount of attention is the detection and characterization of com-munity structure in networks [7,8],meaning the appear-ance of densely connected groups of vertices,with only sparser connections between groups (Fig.1).The abil-ity to detect such groups could be of significant practical importance.For instance,groups within the worldwide web might correspond to sets of web pages on related top-ics [9];groups within social networks might correspond to social units or communities [10].Merely the finding that a network contains tightly-knit groups at all can convey useful information:if a metabolic network were divided into such groups,for instance,it could provide evidence for a modular view of the network’s dynamics,with dif-ferent groups of nodes performing different functions with some degree of independence [11,12].Past work on methods for discovering groups in net-works divides into two principal lines of research,both with long histories.The first,which goes by the name of graph partitioning ,has been pursued particularly in computer science and related fields,with applications in parallel computing and VLSI design,among other ar-eas [13,14].The second,identified by names such as blockFIG.1:The vertices in many networks fall naturally into groups or communities,sets of vertices (shaded)within which there are many edges,with only a smaller number of edges between vertices of different groups.modeling ,hierarchical clustering ,or community structure detection ,has been pursued by sociologists and more re-cently also by physicists and applied mathematicians,with applications especially to social and biological net-works [7,15,16].It is tempting to suggest that these two lines of re-search are really addressing the same question,albeit by somewhat different means.There are,however,impor-tant differences between the goals of the two camps that make quite different technical approaches desirable.A typical problem in graph partitioning is the division of a set of tasks between the processors of a parallel computer so as to minimize the necessary amount of interprocessor communication.In such an application the number of processors is usually known in advance and at least an approximate figure for the number of tasks that each pro-cessor can handle.Thus we know the number and size of the groups into which the network is to be split.Also,the goal is usually to find the best division of the network re-gardless of whether a good division even exists—there is little point in an algorithm or method that fails to divide the network in some cases.Community structure detection,by contrast,is per-2haps best thought of as a data analysis technique used to shed light on the structure of large-scale network datasets,such as social networks,Internet and web data, or biochemical munity structure meth-ods normally assume that the network of interest divides naturally into subgroups and the experimenter’s job is to find those groups.The number and size of the groups is thus determined by the network itself and not by the experimenter.Moreover,community structure methods may explicitly admit the possibility that no good division of the network exists,an outcome that is itself considered to be of interest for the light it sheds on the topology of the network.In this paper our focus is on community structure de-tection in network datasets representing real-world sys-tems of interest.However,both the similarities and differences between community structure methods and graph partitioning will motivate many of the develop-ments that follow.The method of optimal modularity Suppose then that we are given,or discover,the struc-ture of some network and that we wish to determine whether there exists any natural division of its vertices into nonoverlapping groups or communities,where these communities may be of any size.Let us approach this question in stages and focus ini-tially on the problem of whether any good division of the network exists into just two communities.Perhaps the most obvious way to tackle this problem is to look for divisions of the vertices into two groups so as to mini-mize the number of edges running between the groups. This“minimum cut”approach is the approach adopted, virtually without exception,in the algorithms studied in the graph partitioning literature.However,as discussed above,the community structure problem differs crucially from graph partitioning in that the sizes of the commu-nities are not normally known in advance.If community sizes are unconstrained then we are,for instance,at lib-erty to select the trivial division of the network that puts all the vertices in one of our two groups and none in the other,which guarantees we will have zero intergroup edges.This division is,in a sense,optimal,but clearly it does not tell us anything of any worth.We can,if we wish,artificially forbid this solution,but then a division that puts just one vertex in one group and the rest in the other will often be optimal,and so forth.The problem is that simply counting edges is not a good way to quantify the intuitive concept of commu-nity structure.A good division of a network into com-munities is not merely one in which there are few edges between communities;it is one in which there are fewer than expected edges between communities.If the num-ber of edges between two groups is only what one would expect on the basis of random chance,then few thought-ful observers would claim this constitutes evidence of meaningful community structure.On the other hand,if the number of edges between groups is significantly less than we expect by chance—or equivalently if the number within groups is significantly more—then it is reasonable to conclude that something interesting is going on. This idea,that true community structure in a network corresponds to a statistically surprising arrangement of edges,can be quantified using the measure known as modularity[17].The modularity is,up to a multiplicative constant,the number of edges falling within groups mi-nus the expected number in an equivalent network with edges placed at random.(A precise mathematical formu-lation is given below.)The modularity can be either positive or negative,with positive values indicating the possible presence of com-munity structure.Thus,one can search for community structure precisely by looking for the divisions of a net-work that have positive,and preferably large,values of the modularity[18].The evidence so far suggests that this is a highly effective way to tackle the problem.For instance, Guimer`a and Amaral[12]and later Danon et al.[8]op-timized modularity over possible partitions of computer-generated test networks using simulated annealing.In di-rect comparisons using standard measures,Danon et al. found that this method outperformed all other methods for community detection of which they were aware,in most cases by an impressive margin.On the basis of con-siderations such as these we consider maximization of the modularity to be perhaps the definitive current method of community detection,being at the same time based on sensible statistical principles and highly effective in practice.Unfortunately,optimization by simulated annealing is not a workable approach for the large network problems facing today’s scientists,because it demands too much computational effort.A number of alternative heuris-tic methods have been investigated,such as greedy algo-rithms[18]and extremal optimization[19].Here we take a different approach based on a reformulation of the mod-ularity in terms of the spectral properties of the network of interest.Suppose our network contains n vertices.For a par-ticular division of the network into two groups let s i=1 if vertex i belongs to group1and s i=−1if it belongs to group2.And let the number of edges between ver-tices i and j be A ij,which will normally be0or1,al-though larger values are possible in networks where mul-tiple edges are allowed.(The quantities A ij are the el-ements of the so-called adjacency matrix.)At the same time,the expected number of edges between vertices i and j if edges are placed at random is k i k j/2m,where k i and k j are the degrees of the vertices and m=14m ijA ij−k i k j4m s T Bs,(1)where s is the vector whose elements are the s i.The leading factor of1/4m is merely conventional:it is in-cluded for compatibility with the previous definition of modularity[17].We have here defined a new real symmetric matrix B with elementsk i k jB ij=A ij−FIG.2:Application of our eigenvector-based method to the “karate club”network of Ref.[23].Shapes of vertices indi-cate the membership of the corresponding individuals in the two known factions of the network while the dotted line indi-cates the split found by the algorithm,which matches the fac-tions exactly.The shades of the vertices indicate the strength of their membership,as measured by the value of the corre-sponding element of the eigenvector.groups,but to place them on a continuous scale of“how much”they belong to one group or the other.As an example of this algorithm we show in Fig.2the result of its application to a famous network from the so-cial science literature,which has become something of a standard test for community detection algorithms.The network is the“karate club”network of Zachary[23], which shows the pattern of friendships between the mem-bers of a karate club at a US university in the1970s. This example is of particular interest because,shortly after the observation and construction of the network, the club in question split in two as a result of an inter-nal dispute.Applying our eigenvector-based algorithm to the network,wefind the division indicated by the dotted line in thefigure,which coincides exactly with the known division of the club in real life.The vertices in Fig.2are shaded according to the val-ues of the elements in the leading eigenvector of the mod-ularity matrix,and these values seem also to accord well with known social structure within the club.In partic-ular,the three vertices with the heaviest weights,either positive or negative(black and white vertices in thefig-ure),correspond to the known ringleaders of the two fac-tions.Dividing networks into more than two communities In the preceding section we have given a simple matrix-based method forfinding a good division of a network into two parts.Many networks,however,contain more than two communities,so we would like to extend our method tofind good divisions of networks into larger numbers of parts.The standard approach to this prob-lem,and the one adopted here,is repeated division into two:we use the algorithm of the previous sectionfirst to divide the network into two parts,then divide those parts,and so forth.In doing this it is crucial to note that it is not correct, afterfirst dividing a network in two,to simply delete the edges falling between the two parts and then apply the algorithm again to each subgraph.This is because the degrees appearing in the definition,Eq.(1),of the mod-ularity will change if edges are deleted,and any subse-quent maximization of modularity would thus maximize the wrong quantity.Instead,the correct approach is to define for each subgraph g a new n g×n g modularity matrix B(g),where n g is the number of vertices in the subgraph.The correct definition of the element of this matrix for vertices i,j isB(g)ij=A ij−k i k j2m ,(4)where k(g)i is the degree of vertex i within subgraph g and d g is the sum of the(total)degrees k i of the vertices in the subgraph.Then the subgraph modularity Q g=s T B(g)s correctly gives the additional contribution to the total modularity made by the division of this subgraph.In particular,note that if the subgraph is undivided,Q g is correctly zero.Note also that for a complete network Eq.(4)reduces to the previous definition for the modu-larity matrix,Eq.(2),since k(g)i→k i and d g→2m in that case.In repeatedly subdividing our network,an important question we need to address is at what point to halt the subdivision process.A nice feature of our method is that it provides a clear answer to this question:if there exists no division of a subgraph that will increase the modular-ity of the network,or equivalently that gives a positive value for Q g,then there is nothing to be gained by divid-ing the subgraph and it should be left alone;it is indi-visible in the sense of the previous section.This happens when there are no positive eigenvalues to the matrix B(g), and thus our leading eigenvalue provides a simple check for the termination of the subdivision process:if the lead-ing eigenvalue is zero,which is the smallest value it can take,then the subgraph is indivisible.Note,however,that while the absence of positive eigen-values is a sufficient condition for indivisibility,it is not a necessary one.In particular,if there are only small positive eigenvalues and large negative ones,the terms in Eq.(3)for negativeβi may outweigh those for positive.It is straightforward to guard against this possibility,how-ever:we simply calculate the modularity contribution for each proposed split directly and confirm that it is greater than zero.Thus our algorithm is as follows.We construct the modularity matrix for our network andfind its leading (most positive)eigenvalue and eigenvector.We divide the network into two parts according to the signs of the elements of this vector,and then repeat for each of the parts.If at any stage wefind that the proposed split makes a zero or negative contribution to the total mod-5ularity,we leave the corresponding subgraph undivided. When the entire network has been decomposed into in-divisible subgraphs in this way,the algorithm ends. One immediate corollary of this approach is that all “communities”in the network are,by definition,indi-visible subgraphs.A number of authors have in the past proposed formal definitions of what a community is[9,16,24].The present method provides an alter-native,first-principles definition of a community as an indivisible subgraph.Further techniques for modularity maximization In this section we describe briefly another method we have investigated for dividing networks in two by mod-ularity optimization,which is entirely different from our spectral method.Although not of especial interest on its own,this second method is,as we will shortly show,very effective when combined with the spectral method.Let us start with some initial division of our vertices into two groups:the most obvious choice is simply to place all vertices in one of the groups and no vertices in the other.Then we proceed as follows.Wefind among the vertices the one that,when moved to the other group, will give the biggest increase in the modularity of the complete network,or the smallest decrease if no increase is possible.We make such moves repeatedly,with the constraint that each vertex is moved only once.When all n vertices have been moved,we search the set of in-termediate states occupied by the network during the operation of the algorithm tofind the state that has the greatest modularity.Starting again from this state,we repeat the entire process iteratively until no further im-provement in the modularity results.Those familiar with the literature on graph partitioning mayfind this algo-rithm reminiscent of the Kernighan–Lin algorithm[25], and indeed the Kernighan–Lin algorithm provided the inspiration for our method.Despite its simplicity,wefind that this method works moderately well.It is not competitive with the best pre-vious methods,but it gives respectable modularity val-ues in the trial applications we have made.However, the method really comes into its own when it is used in combination with the spectral method introduced ear-lier.It is a common approach in standard graph par-titioning problems to use spectral partitioning based on the graph Laplacian to give an initial broad division of a network into two parts,and then refine that division us-ing the Kernighan–Lin algorithm.For community struc-ture problems wefind that the equivalent joint strategy works very well.Our spectral approach based on the leading eigenvector of the modularity matrix gives an ex-cellent guide to the general form that the communities should take and this general form can then befine-tuned by our vertex moving method,to reach the best possible modularity value.The whole procedure is repeated to subdivide the network until every remaining subgraph is indivisible,and no further improvement in the modular-ity is possible.Typically,thefine-tuning stages of the algorithm add only a few percent to thefinal value of the modularity, but those few percent are enough to make the difference between a method that is merely good and one that is, as we will see,exceptional.Example applicationsIn practice,the algorithm developed here gives excel-lent results.For a quantitative comparison between our algorithm and others we follow Duch and Arenas[19] and compare values of the modularity for a variety of networks drawn from the literature.Results are shown in Table I for six different networks—the exact same six as used by Duch and Arenas.We compare mod-ularityfigures against three previously published algo-rithms:the betweenness-based algorithm of Girvan and Newman[10],which is widely used and has been incor-porated into some of the more popular network analysis programs(denoted GN in the table);the fast algorithm of Clauset et al.[26](CNM),which optimizes modularity using a greedy algorithm;and the extremal optimization algorithm of Duch and Arenas[19](DA),which is ar-guably the best previously existing method,by standard measures,if one discounts methods impractical for large networks,such as exhaustive enumeration of all parti-tions or simulated annealing.The table reveals some interesting patterns.Our al-gorithm clearly outperforms the methods of Girvan and Newman and of Clauset et al.for all the networks in the task of optimizing the modularity.The extremal opti-mization method on the other hand is more competitive. For the smaller networks,up to around a thousand ver-tices,there is essentially no difference in performance be-tween our method and extremal optimization;the mod-ularity values for the divisions found by the two algo-rithms differ by no more than a few parts in a thousand for any given network.For larger networks,however,our algorithm does better than extremal optimization,and furthermore the gap widens as network size increases, to a maximum modularity difference of about a6%for the largest network studied.For the very large networks that have been of particular interest in the last few years, therefore,it appears that our method for detecting com-munity structure may be the most effective of the meth-ods considered here.The modularity values given in Table I provide a use-ful quantitative measure of the success of our algorithm when applied to real-world problems.It is worthwhile, however,also to confirm that it returns sensible divisions of networks in practice.We have given one example demonstrating such a division in Fig.2.We have also checked our method against many of the example net-works used in previous studies[10,17].Here we give two more examples,both involving network representationsmodularity Q network GN CNM DA this paper3419845311331068027519maximal value of the quantity known as modularity over possible divisions of a network.We have shown that this problem can be rewritten in terms of the eigenval-ues and eigenvectors of a matrix we call the modularity matrix,and by exploiting this transformation we have created a new computer algorithm for community de-tection that demonstrably outperforms the best previ-ous general-purpose algorithms in terms of both quality of results and speed of execution.We have applied our algorithm to a variety of real-world network data sets, including social and biological examples,showing it to give both intuitively reasonable divisions of networks and quantitatively better results as measured by the modu-larity.AcknowledgmentsThe author would like to thank Lada Adamic,Alex Arenas,and Valdis Krebs for providing network data and for useful comments and suggestions.This work was funded in part by the National Science Foundation un-der grant number DMS–0234188and by the James S. 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探索和谐共融的社区画卷In the heart of the city, nestled within the hustle and bustle, lies a unique community that stands as a beacon of unity and diversity. This community, known as "Green Acres", is a vibrant and thriving hub where residents from diverse backgrounds come together to create a sense of belongingand mutual respect.Green Acres is not just a place to live; it's an extension of the residents' lives, their values, and their dreams. The architecture of the community reflects a harmonious blend of modern and traditional elements, symbolizing the perfect blend of old and new. The green spaces and parks scattered throughout the community provide a haven for residents to relax, unwind, and connect with nature.The community is home to a diverse range of people,each with their unique stories and backgrounds. From young families to established professionals, everyone finds a sense of belonging here. The sense of community is further strengthened by the various events and activities organized regularly, such as cultural festivals, sports tournaments,and community service projects. These events provide opportunities for residents to mingle, share their experiences, and build meaningful relationships.Education is a cornerstone of Green Acres. The community boasts several top-notch schools and educational institutions that cater to the needs of children from different age groups and backgrounds. These schools not only provide academic excellence but also foster a culture of inclusivity and respect, preparing the children to become responsible and contributing members of society.Safety and security are paramount in Green Acres. The community is well-patrolled by a dedicated security team, and advanced surveillance systems are installed to ensure the residents' peace of mind. This allows the residents to enjoy their lives without any fear or worry, knowing that their loved ones are safe and secure.Green Acres also prides itself on its commitment to sustainability. The community has implemented several eco-friendly initiatives, such as solar power systems, water conservation measures, and recycling programs. This not only helps in reducing the carbon footprint but alsoeducates the residents about the importance of protecting the environment.In conclusion, Green Acres is not just a residential community; it's a vibrant and diverse ecosystem where people from different backgrounds come together to create a sense of unity and belonging. It's a place where children grow up in a nurturing environment, where families find their happiness, and where everyone can pursue their dreams without any hindrance. Green Acres is a testament to the power of unity and diversity, a beacon of hope in the heart of the city.**探索和谐共融的社区画卷**在城市的中心,置身于喧嚣与繁华之中,有一个独特的社区,它如一座灯塔,照亮着团结与多元共融的道路。

5 What Is Community

5 What Is Community

What Is Community?什么是社区Communities are natural human associations based on ties of rela tionship and shared experiences in which we mutually meaning in our l ives, meet needs, and accomplish the persons we were meant to become, discover meaning, generate ethical values, and develop a culture a c ulture which would be impossible for single, isolated individuals to accomplish alone.社区是基于各种相互联系和共同经历而形成的自然的人类组织.在社区里,我们的生活互相影响,包括如何满足需要,如何成为我们理想中的人,意义的发现,伦理价值的产生,以及开创一种文化.这种文化对于单独的,孤立的个体来说是不可能创造的.When we talk about community, we talk about two things simultane ously. Community is located in space and time and it exists beyond sp ace and time. Community is embodied in a space, structure, and presen ce, but community transcends location; it cannot confined by structur e or mere history.当我们谈论社区时,我们同时谈论两个方面。




Community Infrastructure: The Backbone ofa Vibrant NeighborhoodInfrastructure is the lifeblood of any community, providing the essential services and facilities that underpin daily life. In today's interconnected world,access to reliable infrastructure is no longer a mere convenience; it is a necessity. From ensuring clean water and sanitation to facilitating education and transportation, infrastructure plays a pivotal role in shaping the social, economic, and environmental well-being of a community.In the realm of community infrastructure, several key elements stand out as essential for sustainable andinclusive development. Clean water and sanitationfacilities are fundamental for maintaining public healthand hygiene. Adequate water supply and sewage treatment systems are crucial for preventing water-related diseases and ensuring a healthy environment.Educational facilities, such as schools and libraries, are equally important. These institutions provide aplatform for knowledge acquisition, skills development, and cultural exchange, laying the foundation for a skilled andengaged workforce. Access to quality education is crucialfor breaking the cycle of poverty and promoting social mobility.Transportation infrastructure is another cornerstone of community development. Efficient road networks, public transportation systems, and pedestrian-friendlyinfrastructure enhance connectivity within the community, facilitating economic activity and social interaction. Good transportation systems also reduce commuting time and costs, improving the overall quality of life.Green infrastructure, such as parks, greenbelts, and bicycle paths, is gaining increasing importance in today's era of climate change and urbanization. These spacesprovide recreational opportunities, enhance biodiversity, and mitigate the urban heat island effect. Green infrastructure also contributes to air and noise pollution reduction, promoting healthier living conditions.Moreover, community infrastructure must be inclusive, accessible, and affordable to all members of the community. This requires a conscious effort to address issues ofinequality and ensure that infrastructure projects benefit everyone, regardless of their socio-economic status.In conclusion, community infrastructure is the backbone of a vibrant and sustainable neighborhood. It encompasses various elements, from clean water and sanitation to educational facilities, transportation systems, and green infrastructure. By investing in comprehensive and inclusive infrastructure, communities can foster social, economic,and environmental well-being, creating vibrant andresilient neighborhoods that thrive in the present and future.**社区基础设施:活力社区的中流砥柱**基础设施是任何社区的生命线,为日常生活提供了必不可少的服务和设施。

老龄化社会 基于社群的综合保健与照顾服务框架-最新国标

老龄化社会 基于社群的综合保健与照顾服务框架-最新国标

老龄化社会基于社群的综合保健与照顾服务框架1 范围本文件为应对人口老龄化社会所面临的挑战提供了框架。




2 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本文件。

2.1社群community通常生活在一个确定的地理区域、对自身的群体身份有所认识、有着共同的需求并致力于满足上述需求的人群[来源:WHO关于老龄化与健康的全球报告(第5卷)[4],有修改]2.2基于社群的服务community-based services基于社群的照顾community-based care为增进、保持或恢复健康,最大限度地减少疾病和残疾对于日常生活的影响,在个人或家庭居住地为其提供的一体化健康社会服务注1:亦使用“基于社群的项目”术语。

[来源:ISO/TR 14639-2:2014,2.12,有修改]2.3尊严dignity人因其为人而应享有的受到尊重的权利[来源:WHO关于老龄化与健康的全球报告(第5卷)[4]]2.4功能性能力functional ability使人们能够成为自己并致力于自己所珍视的事情的、与健康有关的特征,注1:由个人内在能力、相关环境特征,以及个人与上述特征之间的相互作用组成。




Community Building: The Foundation ofSustainable SocietiesCommunity building is a pivotal aspect of societal development, encompassing a diverse range of activities and strategies aimed at enhancing the social, economic, and environmental well-being of a local community. It involves the collaboration and participation of individuals, groups, and organizations to create a vibrant, inclusive, and resilient community that meets the needs of its residents and contributes positively to the larger society.At the heart of community building is the concept of collective action. This involves the mobilization of community resources, including human capital, financial resources, and social networks, to address common challenges and seize opportunities for growth. Through collective action, communities can identify and prioritize their needs, develop strategies to address them, and implement projects that have a lasting impact on the lives of their residents.One key aspect of community building is the promotion of social cohesion. This involves fostering a sense ofbelonging and unity among community members, which can be achieved through various means such as organizing cultural events, promoting intergenerational interactions, and creating spaces for community dialogue and engagement. A strong sense of community cohesion can lead to increased trust and cooperation among residents, which in turn can facilitate the implementation of community-led projects and policies.Another important aspect of community building is the enhancement of economic opportunities. This involves supporting local businesses, creating jobs, and providing access to educational and training resources that can empower residents to secure better employment and improve their economic status. By fostering a vibrant local economy, communities can attract new investment, promote innovation, and enhance the overall prosperity of their residents.Environmental sustainability is also a crucial component of community building. This involves promoting environmentally friendly practices, such as recycling, energy conservation, and sustainable urban planning, to protect the natural environment and ensure the long-termviability of community resources. A commitment to environmental sustainability can also foster a sense of community responsibility and stewardship, encouraging residents to take ownership of their local environment and contribute to its preservation.The process of community building is iterative and requires ongoing collaboration and participation from all stakeholders. It is important to recognize that each community is unique and faces its own set of challenges and opportunities. Therefore, community-building efforts must be tailored to the specific needs and context of each community, leveraging its unique resources and strengths to achieve sustainable outcomes.In conclusion, community building is a fundamental aspect of societal development that contributes to the overall well-being and resilience of local communities. By fostering collective action, promoting social cohesion, enhancing economic opportunities, and embracing environmental sustainability, communities can create a vibrant and inclusive environment that nurtures the growth and prosperity of its residents. The ongoing collaborationand participation of all stakeholders are crucial to ensuring the success of community-building efforts and promoting the development of sustainable societies.**社区建设:可持续社会的基石**社区建设是社会发展的重要组成部分,涵盖了旨在提升社区社会、经济和环境福祉的多种活动和策略。





Society is a complex and diverse system composed of various individuals groups and organizations that interact and influence each other forming the environment in which we live. In this English essay we will explore different aspects of society including social structure culture education economy and politics.首先社会结构是社会的基础。





Firstly social structure is the foundation of society. It includes different levels of organizational forms such as families communities organizations and governments. The family is the basic unit of society providing emotional support and material security for individuals. The community is a platform for individuals to establish connections and interact with others helping to form social cohesion. Organizations and governments are responsible for making and enforcing rules to maintain social order.其次文化是社会的重要组成部分。



社区概念介绍英文作文英文:Community is a concept that refers to a group of people who share common interests, values, and goals. It is asocial unit that can be defined by geographic location, cultural background, or other factors that bring people together. Communities can be small or large, and they canbe found in rural or urban areas.Communities are important because they provide a senseof belonging and support. They offer opportunities forsocial interaction, networking, and collaboration. Communities can also be a source of resources and services that are tailored to the needs of the people who live there.For example, I live in a small community in the countryside. We have a community center that offers avariety of programs and activities for people of all ages. We also have a volunteer fire department that providesemergency services to the community. These resources are important for our community because we are far away from larger urban areas.In addition, communities can also be virtual. Online communities are becoming increasingly popular, especially with the rise of social media. These communities can bring people together from all over the world who share common interests and goals.Overall, community is an important concept that plays a significant role in our lives. It provides a sense of belonging, support, and resources that are tailored to our needs.中文:社区是指一群有着共同兴趣、价值观和目标的人们。



Social harmony is a crucial aspect of a wellfunctioning society.It is the foundation upon which a peaceful and prosperous community is built.The establishment of social harmony requires a collective effort from all members of society,including the government,individuals,and various organizations.Firstly,the government plays a pivotal role in fostering social harmony.It is responsible for creating and implementing policies that promote equality,justice,and fairness.This includes ensuring that all citizens have access to basic needs such as education, healthcare,and employment opportunities.The government should also work towards reducing income disparities and addressing social issues that may lead to conflicts or unrest.Secondly,individuals have a responsibility to contribute to social harmony.This can be achieved by practicing tolerance,respect,and understanding towards others,regardless of their background or beliefs.People should be open to different perspectives and be willing to engage in constructive dialogues to resolve disagreements.Additionally, individuals should strive to be lawabiding citizens and contribute positively to their communities.Thirdly,organizations and institutions also play a significant role in promoting social harmony.They can do this by providing platforms for dialogue and exchange of ideas,as well as by organizing events that bring people together.For example,community centers, schools,and religious institutions can host workshops,seminars,and cultural festivals that celebrate diversity and encourage social cohesion.Furthermore,education is a powerful tool in nurturing social harmony.It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate complex social issues and promotes critical thinking.Schools should incorporate values such as empathy, compassion,and teamwork into their curriculum to instill these qualities in students from a young age.Lastly,media and technology can also contribute to social harmony by providing accurate information and fostering open communication.They can help dispel stereotypes,promote understanding,and bring people together by highlighting shared values and common goals.In conclusion,social harmony is essential for the wellbeing and progress of any society. It requires a multifaceted approach that involves the government,individuals, organizations,education,and media.By working together,we can create a more inclusive, harmonious,and prosperous society for all.。



英语作文介绍社区Community is a fundamental aspect of human existence that provides individuals with a sense of belonging, support, and shared experiences. A community is a group of people who live in the same geographical area and share common interests, values, and goals. It is a place where people come together to interact, support one another, and work towards a common purpose.One of the primary benefits of living in a community is the sense of belonging it provides. When individuals are part of a community, they feel connected to others who share their experiences, challenges, and aspirations. This sense of belonging can foster a deep sense of identity and self-worth, as people feel accepted and valued for who they are. Additionally, communities offer a network of support, where individuals can rely on their neighbors and fellow community members for assistance, advice, and emotional support during times of need.Another important aspect of community is the shared sense of responsibility and civic engagement. Within a community, individualsoften work together to address local issues, improve the quality of life, and promote the overall well-being of the neighborhood. This can involve participating in community events, volunteering for local organizations, or advocating for changes that benefit the entire community. By working together, community members can create a more vibrant and resilient environment that meets the needs of all its residents.Moreover, communities provide opportunities for social interaction and cultural exchange. Neighborhoods often host various events, such as festivals, fairs, or block parties, where community members can come together to celebrate their shared heritage, traditions, and diversity. These events not only foster a sense of community pride but also allow individuals to learn about and appreciate the unique qualities of their neighbors.In addition to the social and cultural aspects of community, it also plays a crucial role in shaping the physical environment. Well-designed communities often feature accessible public spaces, such as parks, playgrounds, or community centers, where residents can engage in recreational activities, socialize, and connect with one another. These shared spaces can contribute to the overall livability of a community, promoting physical and mental well-being, as well as fostering a sense of community pride and ownership.Furthermore, communities can serve as important hubs for economic and educational opportunities. Local businesses, schools, and other institutions within a community can provide employment, educational resources, and services that cater to the needs of the residents. By supporting these local institutions, community members can contribute to the economic and social development of their neighborhood, creating a more sustainable and vibrant environment.However, it is important to acknowledge that not all communities are equal, and some may face challenges such as economic disparities, social tensions, or lack of access to essential resources. In these cases, it is crucial for community members to work together to address these issues and promote greater equity and inclusivity. This may involve advocating for policy changes, organizing community initiatives, or collaborating with local authorities to address the specific needs of the community.In conclusion, community is a fundamental aspect of human existence that provides individuals with a sense of belonging, support, and shared experiences. It is a place where people come together to interact, support one another, and work towards a common purpose. By fostering a sense of community, individuals can contribute to the overall well-being and development of their neighborhoods, creating a more vibrant and resilient environmentfor all. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, the importance of community continues to be a vital component in shaping our personal and collective experiences.。



When writing an English essay about what we are doing, you should follow a clear structure that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Here is a sample essay to guide you:Title: What Are We Doing?Introduction:In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it is essential to take a moment to reflect on our actions and their implications. This essay aims to explore the various activities we engage in and the reasons behind them, ultimately seeking to understand the purpose of our actions.Body Paragraph 1: Personal and Professional PursuitsThe first aspect to consider is our personal and professional lives. Many of us are constantly working towards achieving our goals, whether it is advancing in our careers, pursuing higher education, or developing new skills. This drive for selfimprovement is a fundamental part of human nature, as it allows us to grow and adapt to the everchanging world around us.Body Paragraph 2: Social and Community InvolvementAnother significant area of our lives is our involvement in social and community activities. We engage in various forms of social interaction, from casual conversations with friends to participating in community events and volunteering for charitable causes. These activities not only enrich our lives but also contribute to the wellbeing of society as a whole.Body Paragraph 3: Leisure and RecreationLeisure and recreation are also essential components of our lives. We spend our free time in various ways, such as watching movies, reading books, playing sports, or traveling. These activities provide us with a break from our daily routines, allowing us to recharge and maintain a healthy worklife balance.Body Paragraph 4: Reflection and SelfAwarenessLastly, it is crucial to recognize the importance of reflection and selfawareness in our lives. Taking the time to evaluate our actions and their consequences can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of ourselves. This introspection can help us make more informed decisions and lead more fulfilling lives.Conclusion:In conclusion, what we are doing encompasses a wide range of activities, from personaland professional pursuits to social involvement and leisure. Each of these aspects plays a vital role in shaping our lives and contributing to our overall wellbeing. By understanding the purpose behind our actions, we can strive to make the most of our time and lead more meaningful lives.。

Soil Microbial Community Structure

Soil Microbial Community Structure

Soil Microbial Community Structure Soil microbial community structure is a fascinating and complex topic thatplays a crucial role in the functioning of ecosystems. It refers to thecomposition and diversity of microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, archaea, and viruses, present in the soil. These microorganisms interact with each other andwith plants, animals, and the environment, influencing nutrient cycling, soil fertility, and overall ecosystem health. From an ecological perspective, understanding soil microbial community structure is essential for comprehendingthe intricate web of interactions that occur in soil ecosystems. Microorganisms in the soil are involved in various processes, including organic matter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and plant-microbe interactions. The composition and diversity of these microbial communities can have a profound impact on the functioning and stability of ecosystems. One perspective to consider is the impact of human activities on soil microbial community structure. Human-induced changes, such as land-use change, agricultural practices, and pollution, can significantly alterthe composition and diversity of soil microorganisms. For example, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture can disrupt the natural balance of soil microbial communities, leading to a decrease in diversity and an increasein the abundance of certain microorganisms. These changes can have far-reaching consequences for soil health and ecosystem functioning. Another perspective to explore is the role of soil microbial community structure in plant health and productivity. Soil microorganisms play a vital role in nutrient cycling and the availability of essential elements for plants. They can enhance nutrient uptake, promote plant growth, and protect plants from pathogens. The diversity and composition of soil microbial communities can influence plant health and productivity, making it an important consideration in agriculture and horticulture. Furthermore, soil microbial community structure can also be influenced by abiotic factors such as soil pH, temperature, moisture, and organic matter content.Different microorganisms have specific environmental preferences, and variationsin these abiotic factors can select for certain microbial groups. Understanding these relationships can help us predict how soil microbial communities may respond to environmental changes, such as climate change or land management practices.From a personal perspective, the study of soil microbial community structure evokes a sense of awe and wonder at the complexity and interconnectedness of the natural world. It highlights the importance of microorganisms, often invisible to the naked eye, in driving essential ecosystem processes. It also underscores the need for sustainable land management practices that support the diversity and functioning of soil microbial communities. In conclusion, soil microbial community structure is a multifaceted topic that encompasses ecological, agricultural, and environmental perspectives. It is essential for understanding ecosystem functioning, plant health, and the impacts of human activities on soil ecosystems. By studying and appreciating the complexity of soil microbial communities, we can gain valuable insights into the functioning and resilience of ecosystems and work towards sustainable land management practices.。



城市社会治理中社区文化建设研究—以连云港为例发布时间:2022-07-05T02:48:50.480Z 来源:《中国教师》2022年3月第5期作者:潘刚毅周海华[导读] 社会治理中的社区文化建设是城市发展中的文化治理,是以文化为重点的社会治理,对城市社会生活共同体的形成和城市的发展进步意义重大。

潘刚毅周海华江苏海洋大学计算机工程学院中共连云港市委党校[摘要] 社会治理中的社区文化建设是城市发展中的文化治理,是以文化为重点的社会治理,对城市社会生活共同体的形成和城市的发展进步意义重大。


[Abstract] The construction of community culture in social governance is the cultural governance in urban development. It is a social governance focusing on culture, which is of great significance to the formation of urban social life community and the development and progress of the city. Lianyungang has initially taken shape in the process of multi-element co construction and co governance, but there are still problems in the depth and breadth of co construction and cultural integration. It is necessary to broaden the ways of cultural identity construction, enrich the content of cultural construction and improve the effectiveness of cultural governance.[关键词]城市社区文化社会治理建设路径社会治理中的社区文化建设是城市发展中的文化治理,是以文化为重点的社会治理,是从社会管理走向社会治理过程中,呈现出主体多元性和活动多样性特征,其功能是依靠发挥文化的治理作用,促进矛盾化解、利益调和、社会价值共识形成、真正形成社会生活共同体,最终实现社会的和谐稳定与发展进步。

Bacterial Communities in Bioreactors

Bacterial Communities in Bioreactors

Bacterial Communities in BioreactorsBacterial communities in bioreactors play a crucial role in various industrial processes, such as wastewater treatment, biogas production, and biofuel generation. These communities consist of diverse species of bacteria that work together to break down organic matter and produce valuable byproducts. However, maintaining a stable and efficient bacterial community in bioreactors can be challenging due to various factors such as environmental conditions, substrate availability, and competition among different bacterial species. One of the primary challenges in managing bacterial communities in bioreactors is maintaining the right environmental conditions for their growth and activity. Factors such as temperature, pH, oxygen levels, and nutrient availability can significantly impact the composition and function of bacterial communities. Fluctuations in these environmental parameters can lead to imbalances in the community, affecting the overall performance of the bioreactor. Therefore, it is essential to carefully monitor and control these conditions to ensure the stability and efficiency of the bacterial community. Another significant factor that influences bacterial communities in bioreactors is the availability of substrate. Different bacterial species have specific substrate preferences, and the composition of the substrate can influence the diversity and abundance of the bacterial community. For example, in a biogas production bioreactor, the type and ratio of organic matter fed into the system can affect the dominance of certain bacterial species, ultimately impacting the biogas yield. Therefore, optimizing the substrate composition is crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive bacterial community in bioreactors. Competition among different bacterial species is also a critical aspect to consider when managing bacterial communities in bioreactors. Some bacteria may outcompete others for resources, leading to shifts in the community structure. Additionally, the production of antimicrobial compounds by certain bacterial species can inhibit the growth of others, further influencing the dynamics of the community. Understanding the competitive interactions among bacteria is essential for predicting and controlling the behavior of the community in bioreactors. In addition to the abovementioned challenges, the introduction of external factors such as contaminants or invasive species can also disrupt thestability of bacterial communities in bioreactors. Contaminants such as heavy metals or toxic chemicals can inhibit the growth of certain bacterial species, leading to a decrease in overall community diversity and function. Similarly, the introduction of invasive species can alter the dynamics of the community and potentially outcompete native bacteria, posing a threat to the bioreactor's performance. Despite these challenges, the management of bacterial communities in bioreactors is crucial for ensuring the efficiency and reliability of industrial processes. Advances in bioreactor design, monitoring technologies, and microbial ecology have provided new insights and tools for better understanding and controlling bacterial communities. For example, the use of next-generation sequencing and metagenomic analysis allows for the comprehensive characterization of bacterial communities, enabling the identification of key species and their functions within the bioreactor. Moreover, the development of advanced control strategies, such as feedback mechanisms and adaptive management, can help maintain the stability of bacterial communities in dynamic environments. In conclusion, the management of bacterial communities in bioreactors is a complex and challenging task that requires a deep understanding of microbial ecology, bioreactor engineering, and process optimization. By addressing the environmental conditions, substrate availability, competitive interactions, and external influences, it is possible to maintain a stable and efficient bacterial community in bioreactors. Continued research and innovation in this field will undoubtedly lead to the development of more robust and sustainable bioreactor systems, driving the advancement of various industrial processes that rely on microbial communities.。

Microbial Community Composition

Microbial Community Composition

Microbial Community Composition Microbial community composition is a fascinating and complex topic that plays a crucial role in various ecosystems and environments. These communities consist of a diverse array of microorganisms, including bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses, that interact with each other and their surroundings in intricate ways. The composition of these microbial communities can have significant impacts on the health and functioning of ecosystems, as well as on human health and disease. One perspective to consider when discussing microbial community composition is the importance of diversity within these communities. A diverse microbial community is often more resilient and adaptable to changes in environmental conditions, as different species can perform unique functions and help maintain overall ecosystem stability. For example, in soil ecosystems, a diverse microbial community can contribute to nutrient cycling, soil fertility, and plant health. On the other hand, a loss of microbial diversity can lead to ecosystem imbalances and decreased resilience to disturbances. Another important aspect to consider is the role of keystone species within microbial communities. Keystone species are microbial taxa that have a disproportionate impact on community structure and function, despite their low abundance. These species can play critical roles in driving ecosystem processes, such as nutrient cycling, decomposition, and disease suppression. Identifying and understanding the role of keystone species within microbial communities is essential for predicting and managing ecosystem dynamics. Furthermore, the composition of microbial communities can also have implications for human health and disease. The human microbiome, which consists of trillions of microorganisms living in and on our bodies, plays a crucial role in maintaining our health and well-being. Disruptions to the microbial community composition in the gut, for example, have been linked to various health conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, and allergies. Understanding the factors that influence microbial community composition in the human microbiome is essential for developing strategies to promote health and prevent disease. In addition to the ecological and human health implications, microbial community composition is also influenced by a variety of factors, including environmental conditions, host-microbe interactions, and microbial competition. Environmental factors such astemperature, pH, nutrient availability, and oxygen levels can shape the composition of microbial communities in different ecosystems. Host-microbe interactions, such as those between plants and their root-associated microbes, can also influence microbial community composition and function. Moreover, microbial competition for resources and niche space can drive the assembly and structure of microbial communities in complex ways. Overall, microbial community composition is a dynamic and intricate field of study that holds great importance for ecosystem functioning, human health, and disease. By exploring the diversity, keystone species, and factors influencing microbial communities, researchers can gain valuable insights into the complex interactions that drive microbial community dynamics. Understanding and managing microbial community composition is essential for maintaining healthy ecosystems, promoting human health, and addressing global challenges such as climate change and emerging infectious diseases.。

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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0112110v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s t a t -m e c h ] 7 D e c 2001Community structure in social and biological networksMichelle Girvan 1,2and M.E.J.Newman 11Santa Fe Institute,1399Hyde Park Road,Santa Fe,NM 875012Department of Physics,Cornell University,Clark Hall,Ithaca,NY 14853–2501(Dated:December 7,2001)A number of recent studies have focused on the statistical properties of networked systems such as social networks and the World-Wide Web.Researchers have concentrated particularly on a few properties which seem to be common to many networks:the small-world property,power-law degree distributions,and network transitivity.In this paper,we highlight another property which is found in many networks,the property of community structure,in which network nodes are joined together in tightly-knit groups between which there are only looser connections.We propose a new method for detecting such communities,built around the idea of using centrality indices to find community boundaries.We test our method on computer generated and real-world graphs whose community structure is already known,and find that it detects this known structure with high sensitivity and reliability.We also apply the method to two networks whose community structure is not well-known—a collaboration network and a food web—and find that it detects significant and informative community divisions in both cases.I.INTRODUCTIONMany systems take the form of networks,sets of nodes or vertices joined together in pairs by links or edges [1].Examples include social networks [2,3,4]such as acquaintance networks [5]and collaboration net-works [6],technological networks such as the Internet [7],the World-Wide Web [8,9],and power grids [4,5],and biological networks such as neural networks [4],food webs [10],and metabolic networks [11,12].Recent re-search on networks among mathematicians and physi-cists has focused on a number of distinctive statistical properties that most networks seem to share.One such property is the “small world effect,”which is the name given to the finding that the average distance between vertices in a network is short [13,14],usually scaling log-arithmically with the total number n of vertices.Another is the right-skewed degree distributions that many net-works possess [8,9,15,16,17].The degree of a vertex in a network is the number of other vertices to which it is connected,and one finds that there are typically many vertices in a network with low degree and a small number with high degree,the precise distribution often following a power-law or exponential form [1,5,15].A third property that many networks have in common is clustering,or network transitivity,which is the prop-erty that two vertices that are both neighbors of the same third vertex have a heightened probability of also being neighbors of one another.In the language of social net-works,two of your friends will have a greater probability of knowing one another than will two people chosen at random from the population,on account of their com-mon acquaintance with you.This effect is quantified by the clustering coefficient C [4,18],defined by C =3×(number of triangles on thegraph)2fashion.This idea is discussed further in Section II.)The ability to detect community structure in a network could clearly have practical munities in a social network might represent real social groupings,perhaps by interest or background;communities in a ci-tation network [19]might represent related papers on a single topic;communities in a metabolic network might represent cycles and other functional groupings;commu-nities in the Web might represent pages on related topics.Being able to identify these communities could help us to understand and exploit these networks more effectively.In this paper we propose a new method for detecting community structure and apply it to the study of a num-ber of different social and biological networks.As we will show,when applied to networks for which the com-munity structure is already known from other studies,our method appears to give excellent agreement with the expected results.When applied to networks for which we do not have other information about communities,it gives promising results which may help us understand better the interplay between network structure and func-tion.II.DETECTING COMMUNITY STRUCTUREIn this section we review existing methods for detecting community structure and discuss the ways in which these approaches may fail,before describing our own method,which avoids some of the shortcomings of the traditional techniques.A.Traditional methodsThe traditional method for detecting community struc-ture in networks such as that depicted in Fig.1is hier-archical clustering.One first calculates a weight W ij for every pair i,j of vertices in the network,which repre-sents in some sense how closely connected the vertices are.(We give some examples of possible such weights below.)Then one takes the n vertices in the network,with no edges between them,and adds edges between pairs one by one in order of their weights,starting with the pair with the strongest weight and progressing to the weakest.As edges are added,the resulting graph shows a nested set of increasingly large components (connected subsets of vertices),which are taken to be the commu-nities.Since the components are properly nested,they can all be represented using a tree of the type shown in Fig.2,in which the lowest level at which two ver-tices are connected represents the strength of the edge which resulted in their first becoming members of the same community.A “slice”through this tree at any level gives the communities which existed just before an edge of the corresponding weight was added.Trees of this type are sometimes called “dendrograms”in the sociological literature.FIG.2:An example of a small hierarchical clustering tree.The circles at the bottom of the figure represent the vertices in the network and the tree shows the order in which they join together to form communities for a given definition of the weight W ij of connections between vertex pairs.Many different weights have been proposed for use with hierarchical clustering algorithms.One possible defini-tion of the weight is the number of node-independent paths between vertices.Two paths which connect the same pair of vertices are said to be node-independent if they share none of the same vertices other than their ini-tial and final vertices.It is known [20]that the number of node-independent paths between vertices i and j in a graph is equal to the minimum number of vertices that need be removed from the graph in order to disconnect i and j from one another.Thus this number is in a sense a measure of the robustness of the network to deletion of nodes [21].Another possible way to define weights between ver-tices is to count the total number of paths that run be-tween them (all paths,not just node-independent ones).However,since the number of paths between any two ver-tices is infinite (unless it is zero),one typically weights paths of length ℓby a factor αℓwith αsmall,so that the weighted count of the number of paths converges [22].Thus long paths contribute exponentially less weight than short ones.If A is the adjacency matrix of the network,such that A ij is 1if there is an edge between vertices i and j and 0otherwise,then the weights in this definition are given by the elements of the matrixW =∞ ℓ=0(αA )ℓ=[I −αA ]−1.(2)In order for the sum to converge,we must choose αsmaller than the reciprocal of the largest eigenvalue of A .Both of these definitions of the weights give reasonable results for community structure in some cases.In other cases they are less successful.In particular,both have a tendency to separate single peripheral vertices from the communities to which they should rightly belong.If a vertex is,for example,connected to the rest of a network by only a single edge then,to the extent that it belongs to any community,it should clearly be considered to belong to the community at the other end of that edge.Unfortu-nately,both the numbers of node-independent paths and the weighted path counts for such vertices are small and hence single nodes often remain isolated from the network3when the communities are constructed.This and other pathologies,along with poor results from these methods in some networks where the community structure is well known from other studies,make the hierarchical cluster-ing method,although useful,far from perfect.B.Edge betweenness and community structure To sidestep the shortcomings of the hierarchical clus-tering method,we here propose a new approach to the detection of communities.Instead of trying to construct a measure which tells us which edges are most central to communities,we focus instead on those edges which are least central,the edges which are most“between”communities.Rather than constructing communities by adding the strongest edges to an initially empty vertex set,we construct them by progressively removing edges from the original graph.Vertex“betweenness”has been studied in the past as a measure of the centrality and influence of nodes in net-works.First proposed by Freeman[2,23],the between-ness centrality of a vertex i is defined as the number of shortest paths between pairs of other vertices which run through i.It is a measure of the influence of a node over theflow of information between other nodes,especially in cases where informationflow over a network primarily follows the shortest available path.In order tofind which edges in a network are most“be-tween”other pairs of vertices,we generalize Freeman’s betweenness centrality to edges and define the edge be-tweenness of an edge as the number of shortest paths between pairs of vertices that run along it.If there is more than one shortest path between a pair of vertices, each path is given equal weight such that the total weight of all the paths is unity.If a network contains commu-nities or groups that are only loosely connected by a few inter-group edges,then all shortest paths between differ-ent communities must go along one of these few edges. Thus,the edges connecting communities will have high edge betweenness.By removing these edges,we separate groups from one another and so reveal the underlying community structure of the graph.The algorithm we propose for identifying communities is simply stated as follows:1.Calculate the betweenness for all edges in the net-work.2.Remove the edge with the highest betweenness.3.Recalculate betweennesses for all edges affected bythe removal.4.Repeat from step2until no edges remain.As a practical matter,we calculate the betweennesses using the fast algorithm of Newman[24],which calcu-lates betweenness for all m edges in a graph of n vertices in time O(mn).Since this calculation has to be repeated once for the removal of each edge,the entire algorithm runs in worst-case time O(m2n).However,following the removal of each edge,we only have to recalculate the betweennesses of those edges that were affected by the removal,which is at most only those in the same compo-nent as the removed edge.This means that running time may be better than worst-case for networks with strong community structure(ones which rapidly break up into separate components after thefirst few iterations of the algorithm).To try to reduce the running time of the algorithm further,one might be tempted to calculate the between-nesses of all edges only once and then remove them in order of decreasing betweenness.Wefind however that this strategy does not work well,because if two commu-nities are connected by more than one edge,then there is no guarantee that all of those edges will have high betweenness—we only know that at least one of them will.By recalculating betweennesses after the removal of each edge we ensure that at least one of the remaining edges between two communities will always have a high value.III.TESTS OF THE METHODIn this section we present a number of tests of our algo-rithm on computer-generated graphs and on real-world networks for which the community structure is already known.In each case wefind that our algorithm reliably detects the known structure.puter-generated graphsTo test the performance of our algorithm on networks with varying degrees of community structure,we have applied it to a large set of artificial,computer-generated graphs similar to those depicted in Fig.1.Each graph was constructed with128vertices,each of which was connected to exactly z=16others.The vertices were divided into four separate communities with some num-ber z in of each vertex’s16connections made to randomly chosen members of its own community and the remaining z out=z−z in made to random members of other com-munities.This produces graphs which have known com-munity structure,but which are essentially random in other ing these graphs,we tested the perfor-mance of our algorithm as the ratio of intra-community to inter-community connections was varied.The results are shown in Fig.3.As we can see,the algorithm per-forms near perfectly when z out≤6,classifying virtually 100%of vertices into their correct communities.Only for z out>6does the fraction correctly classified start to fall off.In other words the algorithm performs per-fectly almost to the point at which each vertex has as many inter-community connections as intra-community ones.This is an encouragingfirst result for the method.4012345678number of inter−community edges z out0.00.51.0f r a c t i o n o f v e r t i c e s c l a s s i f i e d c o r r e c t lyFIG.3:The fraction of vertices correctly classified by our method as the number z out of inter-community edges per ver-tex is varied,for computer generated graphs of the type de-scribed in the text.The measurements with half-integer val-ues z out =k +1in the2000season.Inter-conference play is not formly distributed;teams that are geographicallyto one another but belong to different conferences more likely to play one another than teams separated large geographic distances.Applying our algorithm to this network,wefind that identifies the conference structure with a high degree success.Almost all teams are correctly grouped with other teams in their conference.There are a fewdent teams that do not belong to anytend to be grouped with the conference with which are most closely associated.The few cases in which algorithm seems to fail actually correspond toin the scheduling of games.For example,the conference is broken into two pieces and grouped members of the Western Athletic conference.This pens because the Sunbelt teams played nearly as games against Western Athletic teams as they did teams in their own conference.Naturally,ourfails in cases like this where the network structure uinely does not correspond to the conferenceIn all other respects however it performs remarkablyIV.APPLICATIONSIn the previous section we tested our algorithm on number of networks for which the communitywas known beforehand.The results indicate that our gorithm is a sensitive and accurate method for community structure from both real and artificial works.In this section,we apply our method to two networks for which the structure is not known,and that in these cases it can help us to understand theup of otherwise complex and tangled datasets.Our example is a collaboration network of scientists;our ond is a food web of marine organisms in theBay.A.Collaboration networkWe have applied our community-finding method to collaboration network of scientists at the Santa Fe stitute,an interdisciplinary research center in Santa New Mexico(and current academic home to both authors of this paper).The271vertices in this represent scientists in residence at the Santa Fe tute during any part of calendar year1999or2000, their collaborators.An edge is drawn between a pairscientists if they coauthored one or more articlesthe same time period.The network includes all journal and book publications by the scientists involved,along with all papers that appeared in the institute’s techni-cal reports series.On average,each scientist coauthored articles with approximatelyfive others.In Fig.6we illustrate the results from the application of our algorithm to the largest component of the collab-FIG.5:Hierarchical tree for the network reflecting the sched-ule of regular season Division I college football games for year 2000.Nodes in the network represent teams and edges rep-resent games between teams.Our algorithm identifies nearly all the conference structure in the network.6FIG.6:The largest component of the Santa Fe Institute col-laboration network,with the primary divisions detected by our algorithm represented by different vertex shapes.oration graph (which consists of 118scientists).Vertices are drawn as different shapes according to the primary divisions detected.We find that the algorithm splits the network into a few strong communities,with the divisions running principally along disciplinary lines.The com-munity at the top of the figure (diamonds)is the least well defined,and represents a group of scientists using agent-based models to study problems in economics and traffic flow.The algorithm further divides this group into smaller components that correspond roughly with the split between economics and traffic.The next com-munity (circles)represents a group of scientists working on mathematical models in ecology,and forms a fairly cohesive structure,as evidenced by the fact that the al-gorithm does not break it into smaller components to any significant extent.The largest community (represented by the squares)is a group working primarily in statisti-cal physics,and is sub-divided into several well-defined smaller groups which are denoted by the various shad-ings.In this case,each sub-community seems to revolve around the research interests of one dominant member.The final community at the bottom of the figure (tri-angles)is a group working primarily on the structure of RNA.It too can be divided further into smaller sub-communities,centered once again around the interests of leading members.Our algorithm thus seems to find two types of commu-nities:scientists grouped together by similarity either of research topic or of methodology.It is not surprising toFIG.7:Hierarchical tree for the Chesapeake Bay food web described in the text.see communities built around research topics;we expect scientists to collaborate primarily with others with whom their research focus is closely aligned.The formation of communities around methodologies is more interesting,and may be the mark of truly interdisciplinary work.For example,the grouping of those working on economics with those working on traffic models may seem surpris-ing,until one realizes that the technical approaches these scientists have taken are quite similar.As a result of these kinds of similarities,the network contains ties be-tween researchers from traditionally disparate fields.We conjecture that this feature may be peculiar to interdis-ciplinary centers like the Santa Fe Institute.B.Food webWe have also applied our algorithm to a food web of marine organisms living in the Chesapeake Bay,a large estuary on the east coast of the United States.This network was originally compiled by Baird and Ulanow-icz [26]and contains 33vertices representing the ecosys-tem’s most prominent taxa.Most taxa are represented at the species or genus level,although some vertices rep-resent groups of related species.Edges between taxa in-dicate trophic relationships—one taxon feeding on an-other.Although relationships of this kind are inherently directed,we here ignore direction and consider the net-work to be undirected.Applying our algorithm to this network,we find two well-defined communities of roughly equal size,plus a small number of vertices that belong to neither community—see Fig.7.As the figure shows,the split between the two large communities corresponds quite closely with the division between pelagic organisms (ones7that dwell principally near the surface or in the middle depths of the bay)and benthic organisms(ones that dwell near the bottom).Interestingly,the algorithm includes within each group organisms from a variety of differ-ent trophic levels.This contrasts with other techniques that have been used to analyze food webs[28],which tend to cluster taxa according to trophic level rather than habitat.Our results seem to imply that pelagic and benthic organisms in the Chesapeake Bay can be separated into reasonably self-contained ecological sub-systems.The separation is not perfect:a small number of benthic organismsfind their way into the pelagic commu-nity,presumably indicating that these species play a sub-stantial role in the food chains of their surface-dwelling colleagues.This suggests that the simple traditional di-vision of taxa into pelagic or benthic may not be an ideal classification in this case.We have also applied our method to a number of other food webs.Interestingly,while some of these show clear community structure similar to that of Fig.7,some oth-ers do not.This could be because some ecosystems are genuinely not composed of separate communities,but it could also be because many food webs,unlike other net-works,are dense,i.e.,the number of edges scales as the square of the number of vertices rather than scaling lin-early[27].Our algorithm was designed with sparse net-works in mind,and it is possible that it may not perform as well on dense networks.V.CONCLUSIONSIn this paper we have investigated community struc-ture in networks of various kinds,introducing a new method for detecting such structure.Unlike previous methods which focus onfinding the strongly connected cores of communities,our approach works by using in-formation about edge betweenness to detect community peripheries.We have tested our method on computer generated graphs and have shown that it detects the known community structure with a high degree of suc-cess.We have also tested it on two real-world networks with well-documented structure andfind the results to be in excellent agreement with expectations.In addi-tion,we have given two examples of applications of the algorithm to networks whose structure was not previously well-documented andfind that in both cases it extracts clear communities which appear to correspond to plausi-ble and informative divisions of the network nodes.A number of extensions or improvements of our method may be possible.First,we hope to generalize the method to handle both weighted and directed graphs. Second,we hope that it may be possible to improve the speed of the algorithm.At present,the algorithm runs in time O(n3)on sparse graphs,where n is the num-ber of vertices in the network.This makes it impractical for very large graphs.Detecting communities in,for in-stance,the large collaboration networks[6]or subsets of the Web graph[9]that have been studied recently,would be entirely unfeasible.Perhaps,however,the basic prin-ciples of our approach—focusing on the boundaries of communities rather than their cores,and making use of edge betweenness—can be incorporated into a modified method that scales more favorably with network size. We hope that the ideas and methods presented here will prove useful in the analysis of many other types of networks.Possible further applications range from the determination of functional clusters within neural net-works to analysis of communities on the World-Wide Web,as well as others not yet thought of.We hope to see such applications in the future.AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank Jennifer Dunne,Neo Martinez,Matthew Salganik,Steve Strogatz,and Doug White for useful conversations,and Jennifer Dunne, Sarah Knutson,Matthew Salganik,and Doug White for help compiling the data for the food web,collaboration, college football,and karate club networks,respectively. 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