GM Food (转基因食品)




如何辨别转基因食品和非转基因食品?转基因食品(Genetically Modified Food,简称GM食品)是指在基因层面上利用生物技术手段,将特定基因从一种生物体中引入到另一种生物体中,改变其遗传物质结构,使其获得新的生物特性,从而生产出GM食品。



一、转基因食品和非转基因食品的定义A. 转基因食品的定义和特点转基因食品是利用生物技术手段改变食品遗传物质组成的食品。


B. 非转基因食品的定义和特点非转基因食品是指未经过基因改造的天然食品,种子无经过技术改造,不含有外源基因,保持原有的特性。


二、转基因食品和非转基因食品的区别A. 转基因食品的生产过程和技术转基因食品是在实验室中,将人工合成的基因植入不同的作物或食品中。



B. 转基因食品和非转基因食品的组成成分转基因食品会在其组成成分中添加外源基因,这些基因会改变食品品质,提高产量等,从而增加其价值。


C. 转基因食品和非转基因食品对人体健康的影响转基因食品可能对人体健康产生某些副作用,但科学家们一直在探讨和研究这些食品的安全性。

GM food

GM food

转基因食品GM food[ 2012-03-13 16:50 ]特别推荐:2012两会双语直通车近日,著名农业专家、“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平表示,在粮食生产上,要采取严格的措施监管转基因技术的应用,在没有实验结果作为根据的前提下,对转基因食品生产和销售的安全性“要慎重”。

请看新华网的报道:Application of transgenic technology should be restricted on all food production and the government should take a "scientific and prudent attitude" toward genetically modified (GM) food, Yuan said.袁隆平表示,所有的粮食生产都应该限制转基因技术的应用,政府对转基因食品应采取“科学谨慎的态度”。

文中的genetically modified (GM) food就是指“转基因食品”,genetically modified 就是指“转基因的”,是指利用genetic engineering technology(基因工程技术)/transgenic technology(转基因技术)在物种基因组中嵌入了foreign gene(非同钟,外源基因)的食品,包括转基因植物食品、转基因动物食品和转基因微生物食品。


两会前夕,国务院法制办公布了由国家发改委、国家粮食局会同有关部门起草的《粮食法征求意见稿》,其中第十二条特别提出,“transgenic grain seeds(转基因粮食种子)的科研、试验、生产、销售、进出口应当符合国家有关规定。

任何单位和个人不得擅自在principal grain cultivars(主要粮食品种)上应用转基因技术。



商业化生产批准情况 2002年,中国已批准商品化的转基因作物有4种: 棉花、西红柿、甜椒、矮牵牛花。
2004年中国已有6个基因作物获得批准, 其中3个直接涉及食品。
其中食品只有西红柿、甜椒两种。 由于甜椒缺乏优良品种,并未播种,
从2007年8月7日在中国农科院召开的 植保( 中国) 协会转基因作物研讨会上传来消息, 目前我国政府已经批准 抗病毒木瓜、 抗病毒番茄、 耐储藏番茄、 抗病毒甜椒、 抗病毒辣椒 5种转基因食品作物进行商业化种植生产。 此外, 抗病虫转基因水稻商业化生产所需要的 各种安全评价程序和试验环节也已经完成。
•自1995年起,全世界转基因食品的发展一直就未停顿过。 •转基因食品遍及六大洲—北美洲、拉丁美洲、亚洲、大 洋洲、欧洲和非洲, •4 大主要种植国的份额分别为: 美国68%、 阿根廷23%、加拿大7%,中国1%。 •转基因食品大多数集中于发达国家(占总数的85%), 主要是美国、加拿大,发展中国家只占24%左右。
(五) 转基因食品的兴起
•1973年,美国斯坦福大学的斯坦利· 科恩教 授首次开发成功转基因技术。 •10年后,第一株转基因植物诞生
1983年,世界上成功培育了第一例转基因植物——烟草 1993年,美国市场上投放了第一例转基因食品——晚熟西红柿 1994 年美国农业部(USDA) 和美国食品与药品管理局(FDA) 批准第1 个转基因作物产品延熟保鲜转基因番茄获得进入市场 1996年、1997年,第一例转基因耐贮存番茄获准并商品化生产
1995年 1996年 1997年 1998年 1999年 2000年
面积(万公顷)120 284 1255 国家(个) 4 6 销售额(亿美元) 0.75 2.35 6.70



























I agree genetically modified food.First of all, we need to know what is genetically modified food? Generally speaking, the technology of GM is putting other genes from the same species or different species into new organisms through biological methods to achieve the expected goal. Apparently, genes are naturally existing, rather than artificially created. So I believe that it is harmless to humans.Next, the genes by scientists selected are what humans need. For example, the Mr Zhang of Huazhong agricultural university significantly increased the content of carotene in the improved "golden rice". It positively contribute to the intake of vitamin A. In developing countries, it is a research that can save millions of children’s lives.Finally, genetically modified foods have more advantages compared with traditional food. It contains more nutritional quality and grows faster. Undoubtedly, it is a good solution to ease the global food crisis.Speaking of GM-foods, what we concern most is the transgenic security problems. It is ignorant to say GM-food unsafe. Some people don't even understand the essence of genetic definition. It is safe to eat as long as it get through preliminary experiments which have special indexes and theoretical tests, I ague. For example, BT - toxic proteins of rice is a kind of transgenic crop. Some people consider it toxic when they hear "toxic protein". In fact, it’s toxic to the worms but nontoxic to people. Likely, a drop of water can drown an ant, but can a drop of water drown a man? The answer is clearly no. The action of BT - toxic proteins is not the same on insects and mechanisms. In terms of current experiments and theories, the BT - toxic protein is no harm to people. Biology is a subject of science and science is rigorous. Therefore, it is almost impossible or a small probability eventsthat GM-foods can harm humans.In fact, the safety of genetically modified food mainly depend on whether the cultivation environment was safe. There exist so many unobservable factors. Such as the change of soil microorganism, the field distribution of each species, as well as the related biological changes. These changes will appear in the short term. It takes decades, or even hundreds of years of monitoring. It deserves more attentions and supports but not oppositions.I believe science and I support GM-foods. One day, it will dominate the earth.。



转基因食品真相与谣言转基因食品(Genetically Modified Food,缩写为GMF)是指通过基因工程技术,将外源基因导入食品作物,并使其表达特定的功能基因。




一、转基因食品的真相1. 转基因食品经过严格的科学评估转基因食品的研发过程通常经历多个阶段的科学评估,包括基因导入、基因表达、稳定性和安全性评估等。


2. 转基因食品并非全部有害转基因食品并非一概而论都有害。




3. 转基因食品经过监管并且有标识在很多国家和地区,转基因食品的生产、销售和标识都受到严格监管和管理。



二、转基因食品的谣言1. 转基因食品与健康问题的关联有关转基因食品与健康问题的争议主要集中在基因导入食品是否会引发过敏、毒性、病变等方面。



2. 转基因食品对环境的危害一些人担心转基因食品可能对生态环境造成危害,如对非转基因植物的传粉繁殖、对有益昆虫的损害等。

转基因食品GM FOOD

转基因食品GM FOOD
background of
What is GM Food?
Genetically modified foods are foods derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering techniques. These techniques are much more precise than mutagenesis (突变) where an organism is exposed to radiation or chemicals to create a non-specific but stable change. Other techniques by which humans modify food organisms include selective breeding(选择性育种); plant breeding(植物育种), and animal breeding(动物育种), and somaclonal variation(体 细胞克隆变异).
Also in 1995, the Bt Potato was approved safe by the Environmental Protection Agency, making it the first pesticide producing crop to be approved in the USA. In 1996, the first genetically modified Canola(菜 籽油) was available on the market. In the year 2000, scientists discovered that they were able to genetically modify foods to increase their nutrient value. In the year 2005, Alfalfa(苜蓿)began being marketed in the USA. As of 2012, there are many ongoing court cases and FDA (the U.S. Food and Drug Administration) investigation into genetically modified foods.

gm food 英语作文

gm food 英语作文

gm food 英语作文英文回答:Genetically modified (GM) foods, also known as genetically engineered (GE) foods or bioengineered foods, are foods produced from organisms whose DNA has been modified using genetic engineering techniques. Genetic engineering involves the deliberate modification of an organism's genetic material, often by introducing a gene from another organism or by altering an existing gene. GM foods can be designed to resist pests or diseases, withstand herbicides, produce new vitamins or minerals, or improve taste or shelf life.There are a number of potential benefits of GM foods. For example, GM crops can be designed to:Resist pests or diseases, reducing the need for pesticides and herbicides.Withstand harsh environmental conditions, such as drought or salinity.Produce higher yields of food, helping to feed a growing population.Provide nutritional benefits, such as increased vitamin content or lower saturated fat content.However, there are also some potential risks associated with GM foods. For example, there is concern that GM foods could:Cause allergic reactions or other health problems.Harm beneficial insects or other wildlife.Lead to the development of herbicide-resistant weeds.Contaminate non-GM crops.The potential benefits and risks of GM foods arecomplex and still being studied. It is important to weigh the potential benefits of GM foods against the potential risks before making a decision about whether or not to consume them.中文回答:转基因食品,也称为转基因工程食品或生物工程食品,是由使用基因工程技术对 DNA 进行改造的生物体生产的食品。



转基因食品:科技进步的双刃剑In the modern era of biotechnology, genetically modified foods (GM foods) have become a subject of much debate and controversy. Proponents argue that GM foodsoffer potential benefits such as increased crop yields, reduced pesticide use, and better nutritional value. On the other hand, critics fear potential health risks, environmental impacts, and ethical concerns associated with genetic modification. In this essay, I will explore both sides of the argument and offer my own perspective on the issue.The benefits of GM foods are numerous and diverse. Firstly, genetic modification can significantly increase crop yields, thus helping to feed a growing global population. By inserting genes that confer resistance to herbicides or pests, farmers can reduce their reliance on pesticides and other chemicals, which not only saves money but also reduces environmental pollution. Additionally, GM foods can be engineered to contain higher levels of nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, thus improving their nutritional value.However, the potential risks of GM foods cannot be ignored. One of the main concerns is the potential for genetic modification to create new allergens or toxins in food. While extensive testing is conducted before GM foods are approved for human consumption, there is always a risk that unknown side effects may emerge in the long run. Furthermore, the long-term effects of genetic modification on human health are still largely unknown.Environmental impacts are another important consideration. Although GM crops can help reduce pesticide use, there is concern that they may disrupt natural ecosystems by outcompeting native species. The spread of GM genes into wild relatives of crops could also lead to the loss of genetic diversity, which is crucial for the long-term sustainability of agriculture.Ethical concerns are also raised by GM foods. Some people argue that genetic modification goes against the natural order and is therefore unethical. Others fear that GM foods may be used to create "Frankenfoods" that are unnatural and unhealthy. These ethical considerations aredeeply rooted in cultural and religious beliefs and are difficult to resolve through scientific argumentation alone. In my opinion, GM foods represent a double-edged swordof progress. On one hand, they offer the potential to address some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity, such as food security and nutritional deficiency. On the other hand, they raise important questions about the ethics and safety of genetic modification that need to be carefully considered.To address these concerns, I believe that a balanced approach is needed. We should continue to invest inresearch and development to ensure that GM foods are safe and effective. At the same time, we should also establish strict regulatory frameworks to ensure that GM foods are labeled accurately and that consumers have the right to choose whether or not to consume them.In conclusion, genetically modified foods present both opportunities and challenges for society. It is important that we approach this topic with an open mind and a willingness to consider both sides of the argument. Bydoing so, we can ensure that we make informed decisions about the role of GM foods in our future food supply.**转基因食品:科技进步的双刃剑**在现代生物技术时代,转基因食品(GM食品)已成为备受争议和热议的话题。



转基因食品的影响对人类健康的风险与机遇转基因食品(Genetically Modified Food,简称GM食品)是指通过基因工程技术改变植物或动物的基因,使之具有特定性状或功能的食品。









































转基因食品Genetically modified foods or GM foods, also genetically engineered foods, are foods produced from organisms that have had changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering. Genetic engineering techniques allow for the introduction of new traits as well as greater control over traits than previous methods such as selective breeding and mutation breeding.[1]转基因食品(GM foods),又称基因工程食品。



Commercial sale of genetically modified foods began in 1994, when Calgene first marketed its unsuccessful Flavr Savr delayed-ripening tomato.[2][3] Most food modifications have primarily focused on cash crops in high demand by farmers such as soybean, corn, canola, and cotton seed oil. Genetically modified crops have been engineered for resistance to pathogens and herbicides and for better nutrient profiles. GM livestock have been developed, although as of November 2013 none were on the market. 商业销售的转基因食品始于1994年,卡尔金公司第一个将还未取得成功的Flavr Savr后熟西红柿投入市场。



转基因食品法律法规转基因食品法律法规1. 前言转基因食品(Genetically Modified Food,GMF)是通过基因工程技术对食品进行改良和修饰的食品。


2. 转基因食品的定义转基因食品是指通过人为方式改变食物的基因组成,将其他物种的基因导入到食物中,以改善其性状和品质的食品。


3. 转基因食品法律法规的分类根据不同国家和地区的立法原则和管理要求,转基因食品的法律法规可以分为以下几类:(1) 转基因食品的安全评估和监管法规;(2) 转基因食品的标识和信息公开法规;(3) 转基因食品的生产和销售管理法规;(4) 转基因食品的进出口管理法规。

4. 转基因食品的安全评估和监管法规(1) 安全评估原则和流程:详细介绍转基因食品的安全评估原则和流程,包括风险分析、风险评估和风险管理等环节。

(2) 安全评估数据要求:明确规定转基因食品安全评估所需的数据要求,包括基因组学分析、蛋白质组学分析、毒理学评估和营养评估等。

(3) 安全评估结果的监管措施:规定安全评估结果的监管措施,包括批准上市、限制使用和禁止生产等。

5. 转基因食品的标识和信息公开法规(1) 标识要求和规范:明确规定转基因食品的标识要求和规范,包括标签的内容、字体大小和位置等。

(2) 信息公开渠道:设立转基因食品信息公开渠道,向公众提供相关的转基因食品信息,如食品成份、转基因成份的比例和安全评估结果等。

6. 转基因食品的生产和销售管理法规(1) 生产管理规范:制定生产管理规范,包括转基因生物的种植、养殖和加工等环节的管理要求。

(2) 销售管理要求:规定转基因食品的销售管理要求,包括销售渠道、销售许可和销售标准等。

7. 转基因食品的进出口管理法规(1) 进口管理流程:明确转基因食品的进口管理流程,包括申请进口许可、进口检验和进口标识等。


的牛乳中含有基因药物,提取后可用于人类病症 的治疗。在猪的基因组中转入人的生长素基因, 猪的生长速度增加了一倍,猪肉质量大大提高, 现在这样的猪肉已在澳大利亚被请上了餐桌。
9.2.3 转基因微生物食品
微生物是转基因最常用的转化材料,所以,转 基因微生物比较容易培育,应用也最广泛。例 如,生产奶酪的凝乳酶,以往只能从杀死的小 牛的胃中才能取出,现在利用转基因微生物已 能够使凝乳酶在体外大量产生,避免了小牛的 无辜死亡,也降低了生产成本。
基于转基因食品潜在安全的不确定性,世界各国政 府都加强对转基因食品进行管理。主要原则是:一、 执行严格的安全评价制度;二、标识制度,即在转 基因食品包装上加贴标识。 目前我国转基因食品法规主要为《农业转基因生物 标识管理办法》,2002年3月20日起实施,规定对 转基因产品实施标识制度。第一批标识管理的转基 因生物目录是:大豆种子、大豆、大豆粉、大豆油、 豆粕、玉米种子、玉米、玉米油、玉米粉、油菜种 子、油菜籽、油菜籽油、油菜籽粕、棉花种子、番 茄种子、鲜番茄、番茄酱。
转基因食介绍、检测 及其安全性问题
转基因食品(genetically modified foods, GMF) 是由细胞DNA中经非生殖方法插入了特定外源基 因或基因片段,并获得某种良好性状的动物、植 物或微生物制成的食品。例如抗虫害、抗病毒、 抗杂草的转基因玉米、黄豆、油菜、土豆、西葫 芦等。
目前我国正式批准投入商业种植的转基因作物 只有两种:一是具有自主知识产权的抗虫棉, 另一个是延迟成熟的番茄,其中抗虫棉的种植 面积2003年已累计达到4000万亩,而番茄则还 处于小范围种植阶段,仅10000亩。 进口的转基因食品局限在大豆、玉米、油菜等 领域。我国进口的大豆中,70%是转基因大豆, 在我国市场上70%的含有大豆成分的食物中都有 转基因成分,像大豆油、色拉油、磷脂、酱油、 膨化食品等等。



《食品安全学》课程转基因食品转基因食品〔Genetically Modified Foods,GMF〕是利用现代分子生物技术,将某些生物的基因转移到其他物种中去,改造生物的遗传物质,使其在形状、营养品质、消费品质等方面向人们所需要的目标转变。



一、什么是转基因食品转基因食品(Genetically Modified Food,GMF)是指利用基因工程〔转基因〕技术在物种基因组中嵌入了〔非同种〕外源基因的食品,包括转基因植物食品、转基因动物食品和转基因微生物食品。












• (2)心理因素
• 一个原因是人们对不可控的事物、身外之物具有原始的敬 畏感(恐惧),并受习惯和心理定势的影响。另一个原因是 人们对自己生命的珍视和对死亡的恐惧
• (3)大众传媒的作用。( Pusztai事件) • (4)经济因素
有些国家和地区是从国家角度出发,为了保护本国农业利益而反对转基因 食品。以美国、欧盟为例
• 由于转基因农业技术研究及应用可能产生的风险 具有潜伏性、不可逆性、不确定性,那么,我们 应该在科学给出最终结论前采取各种措施对它们 加以防范,以阻止伤害的发生。 • 按照预防原则的要求,建立健全转基因农业技术 及农产品的安全性能预测、评估、检测等制度, 预防和控制转基因农业可能对人类、环境造成的 不良影响,促进转基因农业可持续发展。预防原 则体现了“安全要比后悔好”的价值取向。通过 预防原则也满足了不伤害原则的基本要求。
责划分不明确,存在交叉或真空现象 )

• (4)大众传媒的正确宣传
• 自然辨证法生态自然观中,坚持人与自然、 环境协调可持续发展,强调人类的长远、 整体利益,实质上是以人为本的生态自然 观。 • 1食品生产应遵循生态自然观,服务于人 • 2.转基因食品应保证食品安全,这是为了人 的存在 • 3.有利于改善营养的转基因食品是注重人的 发展且应该兼顾人的心理需求。
• (1)基因技术的不断完善。 • (2)发展转基因食品检测技术 • (3)建立和完善管理体系。
• 目前世界上对转基因食品的管理模式主要有三种。即以美国和加拿大为 代表的宽松管理模式,以欧盟为代表的严厉管理模式,以日本为代表的既不 宽松也不严厉的中度管理模式。具体管理方式包括申报、审批、标签、监督 等。我国,建议在保证安全的基础上采用相对宽松的管理模式,以促进转基 因食品和基因技术的发展。 我国目前有《基因工程安全管理办法》(1993)、《农业转基因生物安 全管理条例》(2001)、《农业转基因生物安全评价管理办法》(2002)等 法规 ,并加入了联合国《生物多样性公约》(1992.6.5)等多边协议 。(权



GMFood——英语作文“转基因食物”英语作文GM Food 转基因食物You are required to write an article titled GM Food on the basis of websites and sofewares. In the article, you are expected to present the points as follows:the definition of GM food, the possible prospects and problems, your attitude towards GM food. The article should be no less than 500 words.Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from genetically modified organisms. Genetically modified organisms have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering, using a process of either Cisgenesis or Transgenesis. GM foods werefirst put on the market in the early 1990s. Typically, genetically modified foods are transgenic plant products: soybean, corn, canola, and cotton seed oil.Last year, the Ministry of Agriculture awarded the safety cerfiticate to two kinds of transgenic rice, and this triggered a large-scale discussion. Many people oppose it and refuse to eat GM foods. They objected to GM foods on several grounds such as:GMF’s have not been a success, there is no test in human being. The GM foods maybe change human gene in future.Genetically modified crops will affect other plants around them and change other species, then more and more species will vary or disappear.GM foods have the advantage i n both price and output, so traditional farmers will lose the market. Then few companies whohave transgene proprietary technology will control food market.On the contrary, many proponents of GM foods have other opinions:People eat GM foods, then the foods are analysed and assimilated like normal foods, there is no theory to support that GM foods will change human being’s gene.There is a food supply issue in the developing world, in order to meeting the demand for food and confronting the climate change we need to increase use of GM crops.The GM crops use less pesticide, It is more safty than normal crops.Actually, more and more GM foods appear in our lives. When you have dinner in the restaurant, maybe you eat the GM oil, GM corn and GM rice, bu t you just don’t know.Genetically modified food is science brings us the product, now of cultivated land areaof less, genetically modified food will play more and more important role, if the use of transgenic technology can solve the world food shortage problem, it is not quite good? Genetically modified food in the world now is a kind of new things, new things, people need time to promote its accept also need some time, we cannot put new things in the cradle, a stick to it from the beginning, that cannot be eaten of genetically modified food. You think wedon't of hybrid rice is a genetically modified food? But we can open it from? And if they can pass the soybeans genetically modified technique using atmospheric nitrogen inside his produces fertilizers to other crops gene transfer in the mankind, it is. Everything is both sides, especially technology, science and technology is a double-edged sword? Genetically modified foodhas its disadvantages, like some worry, because it will not change, will destroy genetic evolution, etc. Genetically modified food and nutrition inside it isn't like that, the propaganda of people worry is understandable, after accepting a new things take time. But we also should see the benefits of them,I think as time slowly past, genetically modified foods will be accepted by people.。

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Topic: Is GM food good or not? Why?
Title: GM Food-a hidden risk
According to studies about genetically modified food and the principle of making GM Food, we can sum up that there are five main risks about GM Food. The first one is the problem of toxicity. When genes are extracted from a cell and added to another cell, the toxin they have will increase. When we eat GM Food, we are more like taking poison for suicide. The second one is Allergic reaction. Some people who were not allergic to some food before may be allergic to it because when GM Food is made, some genes that contain individual allergic element will be moved from one creature to other creatures. In the mid 1990s, Pioneer Hi-Bred tested the allergy of a transgenic soybean that expressed a Brazil nut seed storage protein in hope that the seeds would have increased levels of the amino acid methionine. The tests showed that individuals allergic to Brazil nuts were also allergic to the new GM soybean. Pioneer has indicated that it will not develop commercial cultivars containing Brazil nut protein because the protein is likely to be an allergen. The third one is the problem of nutrition. Scientists think the new genes may destroy the original nutrient of a creature and the new food will never contain original nutrient again, so that we can only fill our stomachs by eating those food. The forth risk is the resistance to antibiotic. According to the principle of making GM Food, this new kind of food may let persons have resistance to drugs. When persons have resistance to drugs, the antibiotic will have no effect on them and they will easily die even only because of ailment. The last one is environmental hazards. Genetically-modified food can grow in harsh environments, so it is a big threat to ordinary food. It will seize the living space of ordinary food and the ordinary food will gradually die out. After several years, there will be only artificial food in the world. Do you want to live in a man-made world where there are only man-made creatures? I think nobody wants, right?
/discoveryguides/gmfood/overview.php /view/21817.htm
