常用杂志缩写1.药学学报Acta Pharm Sin2.中药材Chin Med Mat1.药学学报 Acta Pharm Sin2.中药材 Chin Med Mat3.植物学报 Acta Bot Sin4.中国药学杂志 Chin Pharm J5.天然产物研究与开发 Nat Prod Res Dev6.中草药 Chin Tradit Herbal Drugs7.中国药学英文版 J Chin Pharm Sci8.河南植物志 Flora of Henan9.中国中药资源志要 The Chinese Traditional Medicine Resource Records10.中华大辞典 Dictionary of Chinese Traditional Medicine11.新编中药志 Modern Chinese Material Medica12.分析化学手册 Handbook of Analytical Chmuistry13.中国临床药理学杂志 Chin J Clin Pharmacol14.中国中药杂志 Chin J Chin Mater Med15.中国药科大学学报 J Chin Pharm Univ16.沈阳药科大学学报 J Shenyang Pharm Univ17.中国新药杂志 Chin New Drug J18.中国医院药学杂志 Chin Hosp Pharm J19.中国药典 Ch.P20.中国天然药物 Chin J Nat Med21.时珍国医国药 Lishizhen Med Mater Med Res22.第二军医大学学报 Acad J Second Mil Med Univ23.中华人民共和国药典 Pharmacopoeia of the People`s Republic of China24.药物分析杂志 J Pharm Anal25.中国临床药理学杂志 Chin J Clin Pharmacol26.医药导报 Her Med27.中国药理与临床 Chin Med Pharmaco Clinic28.中国实验方剂学杂志 Chin J Exp Tradit Med Form29.化学快报 Chem Pharm Bull30.亚洲天然产物 Nat Prod Lett。
核心期刊 EI SCI
北京科技大学学报 (英文版)
北京理工大学学报 (英文版)
X--环境科学、安全科学:1、环境科学 2、中国环境科学 3、环境科学学报 4、环境化学 5、环境污染治理技术与设备 6、环境科学研究 7、环境保护 8、环境污染与防治 9、环境工程 10、农业环境保护(改名为:农业环境科学学报) 11、化工环保 12、工业水处理 13、海洋环境科学 14、中国环境监测 15、环境科学与技术 16、水处理技术 17、农村生态环境 18、应用与环境生物学报 19、中国人口、资源与环境 20、长江流域资源与环境 21、环境监测管理与技术 22、自然灾害学报 23、水资源保护
适合高三的杂志期刊1、《中学生英语》2、《中华少年》3、《中学课程辅导》4、《未来英才》5、《求知导刊》6、《读书文摘》7、《知识窗》8、《课外语文》9、《语文天地》10、《作文成功之路》11、《新课程导学》12、《高中数理化》13、《校园英语》14、《英语广场》15、《小作家选刊》16、《好家长》17、《数学大世界》18、《启迪与智慧》19、《数理化学习》20、《中学物理》21、《成才之路》22、《新校园》23、《中学化学》1. The Adroit Journal在The Adroit Journal审阅评选文章的人是谁?和你一样的年轻人!这份杂志由高中生、大学生和崭露头角的作家运营,出版的类别分为“21岁以上”和“21岁以下”两类,你的作品会和各个年龄阶段作家的优秀作品出现在同一版面。
2. Alexandria Quarterly这份期刊既有电子版也有纸质版,刊登了不少精妙的视觉艺术作品和文学作品。
Alexandria Quarterly推崇多样化的艺术,因不以年龄论优秀作品而闻名。
3. AGNI这份颇具声望的杂志由波士顿大学创办,既有电子版也有纸质版。
如果能够在AGNI发表作品,那么你就向成为真正的作家迈进了一大步!4. CicadaCicada不仅接受小说、纪实和诗歌作品,还刊登漫画。
在这份受欢迎的期刊发表作品是一项了不起的成就!5. The Claremont Review这份国际杂志刊登来自世界各地的英文作品。
我国被SCI检索的期刊名称1 北京科技大学学报(MMM英文版)2 材料科学技术(英文版)3 大气科学进展(英文版)4 代数集刊(英文版)5 地球物理学报6 地质学报、土壤圈(英文版)7 分析化学8 钢铁研究学报(英文版)9 高等学校化学学报10 高等学校化学研究(英文版)11 高分子科学(英文版)12 高分子学报13 高能物理与核物理14 固体力学学报(英文版)15 光谱学与光谱分析(中文)16 红外与毫米波学报(中文)17 化学学报18 计算数学(英文版)19 结构化学20 科学通报(英文版)21 理论物理通讯(英文版)22 力学学报(英文版)23 生物化学与生物物理进展24 生物化学与生物物理学报25 生物医学与环境科学(英文版)26 世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版)27 数学年刊B辑(英文版)28 数学物理学报(英文版)29 数学学报(英文版)30 无机材料学报31 无机化学学报32 武汉工业大学学报(材料科学英文版)33 物理化学学报34 物理学报35 物理学报—海外版36 稀土学报(英文版)37 稀有金属(英文版)38 稀有金属与材料工程39 应用数学和力学(英文版)40 有机化学41 植物学报(英文)42 中国海洋工程(英文版)43 中国化学(英文版)44 中国化学工程学报(英文版)45 中国化学快报(英文版)46 中国科学A辑(英文版)47 中国科学B辑(英文版)48 中国科学C辑(英文版)49 中国科学D辑(英文版)50 中国科学E辑(英文版)51 中国文学(英文版)52 中国物理快报(英文版)53 中国药理学报54 中国有色金属学报(英文版)55 中华医学杂志(英文版)56 自然科学进展(英文版)。
Life杂志历史上最伟大的10张封面[10P]Life周刊发行76年了,让我们通过Life周刊的封面图一起来回顾那历史上的伟大瞬间和我们曾经走过的历史 (76)年前的这一周,Life杂志,这个前身是在大萧条时期就存在的幽默周刊,以摄影纪实的定位发行了其第一期杂志。
1964年8月28日这4个有着mop-topped(披头士专有发型)发型,笑嘻嘻的英国小伙子在2月份刚来到美国,就受到了纽约成千上万粉丝们的热烈欢迎,并在The Ed Sullivan Show(CBS节目)上的演出获得了7300万的惊人收视率。
著名的10种化学期刊杂志著名的10种化学期刊杂志1,Science创刊于 1880年,创办人是电灯的发明人、鼎鼎大名的科学家—托马斯·爱迪生 (Thomas Alva Edison)。
Science 周刊每星期都以高超的编辑手段,向世界各地的订户提供两种不同的科学信息:该星期有关科学和科学政策的最重要的新闻报道以及报告全球科学研究最显著突破的精选论文。
2, Nature创刊于1869年, 一共有十一种刊物在Nature 这个大家族里:周刊Nature;月刊Nature Genetics(1992创刊);Nature Structural Biology (1994创刊);Nature Medicine (1995创刊); Nature Biotechnology(1996创刊);Nature Neuroscience (1998创刊);Nature Cell Biology (1999创刊);Nature Immunology (2000创刊);及另外三份综述性期刊Nature Reviews Genetics, Nature ReviewsMolecular Cell Biology and Nature Reviews Neuroscience (2000创刊)。
3, Chemical Reviews创刊于1924年,宗旨在于发表广泛,专业,可读性强的研究成果,这些工作涉及各个化学领域,主要是某一领域内的综合性的批判性的评论,而非原创研究。
基础医学1-1.生物化学与细胞学1-2.病理学1-3.免疫学生物化学与细胞学2006-3-28 10:20:001.1 胚胎发育研究进展1.2 生物化学杂志/1.3 分子生物学杂志/jmb/1.4 生物化学/journals/bichaw/ 1.5 生物化学与细胞生物学http:///www.nrc.ca/cgi-bin/cisti/journals/rp 1.6 生物化学杂志/1.7 分子生物学杂志/jmb/1.8 生物化学杂志/1.9 生物化学杂志http://jb.bcasj.or.jp/1.10 美国生物化学期刊1.11 生化在线/~jlyon/biochem/1.12 生物技术文献/hub/hub.cfm含最新出版的生物技术类文章。
1.13 化学工业简介/index2.cgi1.14 化学与工业/1.15 巴西化学工业科学杂志.br/cienciahoje/1.16 超光谱简报/www/opto-knowledge/hyperspectrum/ 1.17 国际科学期刊/ed/一个全新期刊,但化学部分内容较少。
1.18 生物化学杂志/jbc/期刊内容完整,至少到1996年6月。
1.19 化学物理期刊/1.20 腐蚀科学与工程期刊/JCSE/JCSE.htm1.21 有机合成与天然化学产品期刊http://science.springer.de/molec/molecule.htm期刊内容完整,登录后允许以PDF格式下载。
1.22 物理化学期刊/plweb/jrpublic/jpchax/ACS 期刊,在限定时间内免费。
1.23 分子影像/molecular_vision/index.html1.24 网络科学/netsci/1.25 科学家/1.26 分析化学进展(国际卷)http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/trac1.27 未来冲击波/ASRG/wave/wavehp.html 涵盖美国化学界的同类著作,热点文章。
1. Nature Chemistry (《自然化学》):发表原创性和高质量的化学研究文章,并涵盖了各个化学子领域的相关内容。
2. Journal of the American Chemical Society(《美国化学学会志》):是美国化学学会(ACS)的旗舰期刊,以发表化学领域高影响力和高质量研究著称。
3. Angewandte Chemie International Edition(《应用化学国际版》):发表化学相关研究的原创文章,尤其注重交叉学科研究和前沿科学领域的发展。
4. Chemical Communications(《化学通讯》):发表化学前沿研究和创新性成果的短篇通信,以速度快、质量高著称。
5. Accounts of Chemical Research(《化学研究进展》):为化学科学家提供了综述和追踪最新进展的机会,发表了很多重要的综述和概述文章。
6. Chemical Reviews(《化学评论》):涵盖了广泛的化学领域,发表了深度和广度较大的综述和评论文章,对于推动化学领域的发展有着重要影响。
7. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters(《物理化学学报通讯》):以短篇文章的形式迅速发表最新的物理化学研究成果,覆盖了理论和实验两个方面。
8. Organic Letters(《有机化学快报》):专注于有机化学领域的发展,发表了重要的有机合成和反应方面的研究成果。
9. ACS Catalysis(《ACS催化》):以催化领域为主题,发表了催化化学、催化机理和催化材料等方面的研究文章。
10. Chemical Science(《化学科学》):由英国皇家化学学会(RSC)主办,发表具有广泛影响力的原创化学研究,覆盖了化学学科的所有领域。
小学类报刊杂志(全)序号邮发代号报刊名称刊期单价(元) 出版日期类别批次省份出版地种类1 1- 12 中国少年报周报 3.25 (月价) 周3 小学类 2 北京武汉报纸2 1-259 现代教育报.小学生专刊半月报6.00 (季价) 每月10.25 小学类 2 北京北京报纸3 1-278 语言文字报〔低年级〕周报 2.20 (月价) 周7 小学类 2 北京北京报纸4 1-279 语言文字报〔中高年级〕周报 2.20 (月价) 周7 小学类 2 北京北京报纸5 1-349 21世纪少年英文报周报 24.00 (季价) 周2 小学类 2 北京北京报纸6 2-157 辅导员月刊 13.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 北京北京杂志7 2-225 中小学数学(小学版) 月刊 16.50 (季价) 每月10日小学类2 北京北京杂志8 2-415 素质教育.小学版(中高年级〕月刊 12.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 北京北京杂志9 2-621 小学各科教与学月刊 17.40 (季价) 每月15日小学类 3 北京北京杂志10 2-785 少先队小干部月刊 13.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 北京北京杂志11 2-935 小百科(B版) 月刊 15.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 北京北京杂志12 4-312 小学数学教师月刊 9.00 (季价) 每月6日小学类 2 上海上海杂志13 4-313 小学语文教师月刊特殊订价每月6日小学类 2 上海上海杂志14 4-322 小学科技月刊 7.50 (季价) 每月3日小学类 1 上海上海杂志15 4-427 少先队活动半月刊特殊订价每月1.15 小学类 1 上海上海杂志16 4-609 作文世界(小学版) 月刊 12.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 上海上海杂志17 4-761 英语画刊(小学) 月刊 12.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 2 上海上海杂志18 4-776 中文自修(小学.预备班版) 双月刊 13.50 (半年) 单月6日小学类 2 上海上海杂志19 5- 14 求知报·小学中年级版(三、四年级)周报特殊订价周1 小学类 2 天津天津报纸20 5- 18 求知报·小学高年级版(五、六年级)周报特殊订价周1 小学类 2 天津天津报纸21 5- 25 求知报.小学低年级版(一.二年级) 周报特殊订价周1 小学类 2 天津天津报纸22 6- 30 小学生作文(中高年级版)月刊 9.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 天津天津杂志23 6-180 小学生作文(低年级)月刊 9.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 天津天津杂志24 6-205 简妙作文(小学版) 月刊 12.00 (季价) 每月10日小学类2 天津天津杂志25 6-207 经典阅读(小学版) 月刊 12.00 (季价) 每月10日小学类2 天津天津杂志26 6-211 作文通.欢乐写话(小学低年级版) 月刊 5.40 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 天津天津杂志27 6-212 作文通.欢乐写作(小学中高年级版) 月刊 5.40 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 天津天津杂志28 7- 13 作文与阅读报(小学版) 周报 4.00 (月价) 周1 小学类 2 辽宁铁岭报纸29 7- 31 求知时报(小学版) 周报 4.00 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 辽宁铁岭报纸30 7- 91 小学生报(低年版) 周报特殊订价周4 小学类 2 辽宁沈阳报纸31 7- 92 小学生报(高年版) 周报特殊订价周5 小学类 2 辽宁沈阳报纸32 7- 93 少年科普报(小学版) 周报 4.00 (月价) 周1 小学类 2 辽宁抚顺报纸33 7-301 现代教育报.思维训练人教新课标二年级数学周报 21.00 (半年) 周4 小学类 2 辽宁铁岭报纸34 7-302 现代教育报.思维训练人教新课标三年级数学周报 21.00 (半年) 周4 小学类 2 辽宁铁岭报纸35 7-303 现代教育报.思维训练人教新课标四年级数学周报 21.00 (半年) 周4 小学类 2 辽宁铁岭报纸36 7-304 现代教育报.思维训练人教新课标五年级数学周报 21.00 (半年) 周4 小学类 2 辽宁铁岭报纸37 7-305 现代教育报.思维训练人教新课标六年级数学周报 21.00 (半年) 周4 小学类 2 辽宁铁岭报纸38 7-306 现代教育报.思维训练北师大新课标二年数学周报 21.00 (半年) 周4 小学类 2 辽宁铁岭报纸39 7-307 现代教育报.思维训练北师大新课标三年数学周报 21.00 (半年) 周4 小学类 2 辽宁铁岭报纸40 7-308 现代教育报.思维训练北师大新课标四年数学周报 21.00 (半年) 周4 小学类 2 辽宁铁岭报纸41 7-309 现代教育报.思维训练北师大新课标五年数学周报 21.00 (半年) 周4 小学类 2 辽宁铁岭报纸42 7-326 现代教育报.思维训练人教修订版四年级数学周报 21.00 (半年) 周4 小学类 2 辽宁铁岭报纸43 7-327 现代教育报.思维训练人教修订版五年级数学周报 21.00 (半年) 周4 小学类 2 辽宁铁岭报纸44 7-328 现代教育报.思维训练人教新课标一年级数学周报 21.00 (半年) 周4 小学类 2 辽宁铁岭报纸45 7-329 现代教育报.思维训练北师大新课标一年级数周报 21.00 (半年) 周4 小学类 2 辽宁铁岭报纸46 8-133 小学生学习指导(低年级) 月刊 7.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 辽宁大连杂志47 8-134 小学生学习指导(中年级)月刊 7.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 辽宁大连杂志48 8-135 小学生学习指导(高年级)月刊 7.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 辽宁大连杂志49 8-136 优秀作文名师点评(小学版) 月刊 10.50 (季价) 每月10日小学类 2 辽宁铁岭杂志50 8-137 小学生优秀作文.中高年级月刊 5.40 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 辽宁丹东杂志51 8-141 小学生优秀作文(低年级版) 月刊 5.40 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 辽宁丹东杂志52 8-156 中国实用内科杂志(指南版) 月刊 24.00 (季价) 每月10日小学类 3 辽宁沈阳杂志53 8-159 文学少年(小学) 月刊 15.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 辽宁沈阳杂志54 8-167 小学生作文辅导(作文与阅读版) 月刊 7.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 辽宁铁岭杂志55 8-190 实践新课程月刊 18.00 (季价) 每月5日小学类 2 辽宁铁岭杂志56 8-199 小学生课程辅导(阅读与写作) 月刊 6.60 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 辽宁铁岭杂志57 8-201 数学小灵通(小学1-2年级版) 月刊 5.70 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 辽宁沈阳杂志58 8-207 作文之友(小学版) 月刊 6.60 (季价) 每月10日小学类 1 辽宁铁岭杂志59 8-209 小学生课程辅导(数学辅导版) 月刊 6.60 (季价) 每月10日小学类 2 辽宁铁岭杂志60 8-233 阅读与作文(小学低年版) 月刊 10.50 (季价) 每月3日小学类 1 辽宁铁岭杂志61 8-239 少年大世界(1-3年级) 月刊 11.70 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 辽宁大连杂志62 8-240 少年大世界(4-6年级) 月刊 11.70 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 辽宁大连杂志63 8-247 阅读与作文(小学版高年版) 月刊 10.50 (季价) 每月3日小学类 1 辽宁铁岭杂志64 8-269 英语辅导报精装合订本(小学低年级)上/下半年刊 30.00 (半年) 3.9月15日小学类 16 辽宁铁岭杂志65 8-270 英语辅导报精装合订本(小学四年级)上/下半年刊 30.00 (半年) 3.9月15日小学类 16 辽宁铁岭杂志66 8-271 英语辅导报精装合订本(小学五年级)上/下半年刊 30.00 (半年) 3.9月15日小学类 16 辽宁铁岭杂志67 8-272 英语辅导报精装合订本(小学六年级)上/下半年刊 30.00 (半年) 3.9月15日小学类 16 辽宁铁岭杂志68 8-287 小学语文大眼界月刊 7.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 辽宁沈阳杂志69 8-288 小学数学大眼界月刊 7.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 辽宁沈阳杂志70 8-289 小学生应用作文月刊 7.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 辽宁沈阳杂志71 8-580 少年读者(小学版) 月刊 11.40 (季价) 每月15日小学类4 辽宁大连杂志72 11- 4 小学生阅读报(低幼版)周报 2.21 (月价) 周5 小学类2 吉林长春报纸73 11- 6 小学生阅读报(中高年级版)周报 2.60 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 吉林长春报纸74 11- 15 作文评点报(低幼版·小学一、二年级)周报 5.20 (月价) 周3 小学类 2 吉林四平报纸75 11- 16 作文评点报(小学版·3-6年级)周报 4.35 (月价) 周3 小学类 2 吉林四平报纸76 11- 64 读写说素材报.语文大博览(小学版) 周报 4.67 (月价) 周6 小学类 2 吉林吉林报纸77 11- 67 读写说素材报·作文精萃(小学版)周报 4.67 (月价) 周6 小学类 2 吉林吉林报纸78 11-117 作文评点报小学阅读版旬报 3.00 (月价) 月6.16.26 小学类 2 吉林四平报纸79 11-121 读写说素材报学习考试小学版周报 5.40 (月价) 周6 小学类 2 吉林吉林报纸80 12- 5 小学时代(奥妙)科幻版月刊 15.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林白城杂志81 12- 15 小学时代(文言版)妙笔月刊 15.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林白城杂志82 12- 24 小作家选刊(小学生版)月刊 15.00 (季价) 每月5日小学类 1 吉林白城杂志83 12- 25 作文与考试(小学版)月刊 6.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林长春杂志84 12- 65 小学生作文辅导(低年级看图作文版) 月刊 7.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林长春杂志85 12-122 小学生作文辅导月刊 7.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林长春杂志86 12-148 数学大世界(小学中高年级辅导版)月刊 7.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林长春杂志87 12-149 数学大世界(小学低年级辅导版)月刊 7.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林长春杂志88 12-159 小学生作文辅导.今天写什么习作素材版月刊12.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林白城杂志89 12-193 小学生阅读与写作(一、二年级版)月刊 4.50 (季价) 每月15日小学类 3 吉林长春杂志90 12-206 小学生阅读与写作(三年级版) 月刊 4.50 (季价) 每月15日小学类 3 吉林长春杂志91 12-207 小学生阅读与写作(四年级版) 月刊 4.50 (季价) 每月15日小学类 3 吉林长春杂志92 12-208 小学生阅读与写作(五年级版) 月刊 4.50 (季价) 每月15日小学类 3 吉林长春杂志93 12-209 小学生阅读与写作(六年级版) 月刊 4.50 (季价) 每月15日小学类 3 吉林长春杂志94 12-224 小学生故事与作文月刊 9.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类1 吉林长春杂志95 12-258 小学生阅读世界月刊 9.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林长春杂志96 12-270 作文评点报合订本(学前班及小学1-2年级)半年刊32.00 (半年) 6.12月30日小学类 3 吉林四平杂志97 12-271 作文评点报合订本(小学3-6年级)半年刊 28.00 (半年) 6.12月30日小学类 3 吉林四平杂志98 12-283 优秀作文选评(小学版)月刊 10.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林长春杂志99 12-288 快乐学语文(小学版)月刊 6.60 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林长春杂志100 12-289 快乐学数学(小学版)月刊 6.60 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林长春杂志101 12-290 快乐学英语(小学版)月刊 6.60 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林长春杂志102 12-331 快乐作文(小学版) 月刊 6.60 (季价) 每月1日小学类1 吉林长春杂志103 12-351 开心学作文(小学版)月刊 6.60 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林长春杂志104 12-352 开心学语文(小学版)月刊 6.60 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林长春杂志105 12-353 开心学英语(小学版)月刊 6.60 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林长春杂志106 12-354 开心学数学(小学版)月刊 6.60 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林长春杂志107 12-474 获奖作文选萃.小学版月刊 9.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 吉林吉林杂志108 13-134 提前读写报(低)周报 6.51 (季价) 周1 小学类 2 黑龙江哈尔滨报纸109 13-135 提前读写报(高年级)周报 5.85 (季价) 周5 小学类2 黑龙江哈尔滨报纸110 14- 3 小学生作文向导月刊 7.50 (季价) 每月5日小学类 1 黑龙江哈尔滨杂志111 14-135 《学生之友》(小学版.探秘)月刊 12.00 (季价) 每月5日小学类 1 黑龙江哈尔滨杂志112 14-199 作文成功之路.小学月刊 10.50 (季价) 每月20日小学类 4 黑龙江肇东杂志113 14-213 百家作文指导(小学中高版) 月刊 9.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 黑龙江哈尔滨杂志114 14-278 小学阅读指南月刊 7.20 (季价) 每月10日小学类 2 黑龙江兰西杂志115 14-288 小学阅读指南(低幼版)月刊 7.20 (季价) 每月20日小学类 4 黑龙江兰西杂志116 14-303 百家作文指导(小学低年级) 月刊 9.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 黑龙江哈尔滨杂志117 14-309 《小雪花》(小学快乐作文)月刊 9.60 (季价) 每月10日小学类 2 黑龙江哈尔滨杂志118 14-310 《小雪花》(小学生成长指南)月刊 8.40 (季价) 每月20日小学类 4 黑龙江哈尔滨杂志119 14-330 《小雪花》(小学趣味英语)月刊 24.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 黑龙江哈尔滨杂志120 14-331 黑龙江教育(小学文选)月刊 15.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 黑龙江哈尔滨杂志121 14-333 黑龙江教育(小学教学案例与研究))月刊15.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 黑龙江哈尔滨杂志122 15-101 作文报(小学版)半月报 2.00 (月价) 每月1.15日小学类 2 内蒙古赤峰报纸123 15-159 作文报.西部小学版半月报 2.00 (月价) 每月10.25日小学类 2 内蒙古赤峰报纸124 15-201 双语学习报.时文阅读版.小学低年级(英) 周报特殊订价周4 小学类 2 内蒙古赤峰报纸125 15-202 双语学习报.时文阅读版.小学高年级(英) 周报特殊订价周4 小学类 2 内蒙古赤峰报纸126 17- 42 少年智力开发报(小学1.2年级思维训练) 周报 15.60 (半年) 周1 小学类 2 河北石家庄报纸127 17- 43 少年智力开发报(3-4年级思维训练)周报 15.60 (半年) 周2 小学类 2 河北石家庄报纸128 17- 44 少年智力开发报(5.6年级思维训练) 周报 15.60 (半年) 周3 小学类 2 河北石家庄报纸129 17- 46 少年智力开发报(5年级数学) 周报 13.20 (半年) 周3 小学类 2 河北石家庄报纸130 17- 47 少年智力开发报(6年级数学) 周报 13.20 (半年) 周3 小学类 2 河北石家庄报纸131 17- 51 少年素质教育报(小学三年级版) 周报 2.17 (月价) 周1 小学类 2 河北石家庄报纸132 17-111 少年素质教育报(小学四年级语文) 周报2.17 (月价) 周2 小学类 2 河北石家庄报纸133 17-112 少年素质教育报(小学五年级语文) 周报2.17 (月价) 周3 小学类 2 河北石家庄报纸134 17-113 少年素质教育报(小学六年级语文) 周报2.17 (月价) 周4 小学类 2 河北石家庄报纸135 17-116 少年素质教育报(少学三年级教学)周报 2.17 (月价) 周1 小学类 2 河北石家庄报纸136 17-117 少年素质教育报(少学四年级教学)周报 2.17 (月价) 周2 小学类 2 河北石家庄报纸137 17-118 少年素质教育报(少学五年级教学)周报 2.17 (月价) 周3 小学类 2 河北石家庄报纸138 17-119 少年素质教育报(少学六年级教学)周报 2.17 (月价) 周4 小学类 2 河北石家庄报纸139 18- 74 轻松写作文(小学版)月刊 12.00 (季价) 每月15日小学类 3 河北石家庄杂志140 18-106 快乐英雄(小学版)月刊 14.40 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 河北石家庄杂志141 18-122 华夏少年.简快作文月刊 12.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 河北廊坊杂志142 18-164 快乐作文(低年级版) 月刊 6.90 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 河北石家庄杂志143 18-165 快乐作文(中年级版) 月刊 6.90 (季价) 每月11日小学类 3 河北石家庄杂志144 18-166 快乐作文(高年级版) 月刊 6.90 (季价) 每月21日小学类 5 河北石家庄杂志145 18-192 中华活页文选(小学版.快乐读与写) 月刊 9.60 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 河北廊坊杂志146 18-207 快乐作文.趣味双语(双语版)双月刊13.80 (半年) 单月1日小学类 1 河北石家庄杂志147 18-293 少年发明与创造(小学版) 月刊 14.40 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 河北石家庄杂志148 18-319 小学生必读(低年级版)月刊 6.00 (季价) 每月5日小学类 1 河北石家庄杂志149 18-320 小学生必读(中年级版) 月刊 6.00 (季价) 每月5日小学类 1 河北石家庄杂志150 18-324 教育实践与研究(小学版) 月刊 15.00 (季价) 每月10日小学类 2 河北石家庄杂志151 18-325 小学生必读(高年级版)月刊 6.00 (季价) 每月5日小学类 1 河北石家庄杂志152 18-360 少年智力开发报.小学1-2年级思想训练半年刊 15.60 (半年) 6.12月15日小学类 18 河北石家庄杂志153 18-361 少年智力开发报.小学3-4年级思想训练半年刊 15.60 (半年) 6.12月15日小学类 18 河北石家庄杂志154 18-362 少年智力开发报.小学5-6年级思想训练半年刊 15.60 (半年) 6.12月15日小学类 18 河北石家庄杂志155 21- 24 都市生活周报 8.50 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸156 21- 38 德育报(小学生版) 半月报 2.40 (月价) 每月5.20日小学类 2 山西太原报纸157 21- 63 学习方法报.小学1-2年级版周报 2.17 (月价) 周3 小学类 2 山西太原报纸158 21- 64 学习方法报.小学3年级版周报 2.17 (月价) 周3 小学类 2 山西太原报纸159 21- 65 语文报.低幼版周报 3.47 (月价) 周4 小学类 2 山西太原报纸160 21- 67 学习方法报小学4年级版周报 2.17 (月价) 周3 小学类 2 山西太原报纸161 21- 68 学习方法报(小学五年级版) 周报 2.17 (月价) 周3 小学类 2 山西太原报纸162 21- 69 学习方法报(小学六年级版) 周报 2.17 (月价) 周3 小学类 2 山西太原报纸163 21- 72 小学生拼音报读写起步版彩色周报 3.25 (月价) 周3 小学类 2 山西运城报纸164 21- 73 小学生拼音报创新学习版新闻纸彩色版周报 2.17 (月价) 周4 小学类 2 山西运城报纸165 21- 76 语文报教师版(小学) 半月报 1.60 (月价) 每月10.25 小学类 2 山西太原报纸166 21- 79 语文报.小学版(3-4年级) 周报 2.17 (月价) 周3 小学类 2 山西太原报纸167 21- 80 作文周刊.小学低年级版周报 3.47 (月价) 周1 小学类2 山西太原报纸168 21- 81 作文周刊.小学中年级版周报 2.60 (月价) 周1 小学类2 山西太原报纸169 21- 82 作文周刊.小学高年级版周报 2.60 (月价) 周2 小学类2 山西太原报纸170 21- 88 学习报小学中年级版周报 2.17 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸171 21- 89 学习报(小学高年级版) 周报 2.17 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸172 21- 90 英语周报(大学综合版) 周报 7.83 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸173 21- 93 语文报.小学版(5-6年级) 周报 2.17 (月价) 周3 小学类 2 山西太原报纸174 21- 98 学习报(小学低年级版) 旬报 2.40 (月价) 月1.11.21 小学类 2 山西太原报纸175 21-109 英语周报高二课标人教版周报 4.83 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸176 21-111 英语周报高一人教修订版周报 4.83 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸177 21-115 学英语(小学五年级版) 旬报2.40 (月价) 月5.15.25 小学类 2 山西太原报纸178 21-153 学英语.小学初级版旬报 2.40 (月价) 月5.15.25 小学类 2 山西太原报纸179 21-175 小学生拼音报.教学文摘版半月报1.00 (月价) 每月15.30 小学类 2 山西运城报纸180 21-176 小学生拼音报.读写起步版(新闻纸彩色版) 周报2.17 (月价) 周3 小学类 2 山西运城报纸181 21-182 学英语.小学四年级版旬报 2.40 (月价) 月5.15.25 小学类 2 山西太原报纸182 21-187 学英语.小学教师版周报 2.17 (月价) 周2 小学类 2 山西太原报纸183 21-197 英语周报小学初学版周报 4.80 (月价) 周1 小学类 2 山西太原报纸184 21-198 英语周报小学四年级版周报 4.80 (月价) 周1 小学类2 山西太原报纸185 21-199 英语周报小学五年级版周报 4.80 (月价) 周1 小学类2 山西太原报纸186 21-200 英语周报小学六年级版周报 4.80 (月价) 周1 小学类2 山西太原报纸187 21-210 学英语小学六年级版旬报 2.40 (月价) 月5.15.25 小学类 2 山西太原报纸188 21-236 新课程小学毕业升学考试全程检测月报特殊订价每月8日小学类 2 山西太原报纸189 21-241 小学生拼音报拓展学习版新闻纸彩色版周报 2.17 (月价) 周4 小学类 2 山西运城报纸190 21-249 新课程七年级数学人教版周报 2.57 (月价) 周1 小学类 2 山西太原报纸191 21-385 新课程.一年级(语文) 半月报 2.40 (月价) 每月8.28日小学类 2 山西太原报纸192 21-386 新课程.一年级(数学) 半月报 2.40 (月价) 每月8.28日小学类 2 山西太原报纸193 21-387 新课程.二年级(语文) 半月报 2.40 (月价) 每月8.28日小学类 2 山西太原报纸194 21-388 新课程.二年级(语文)苏教版半月报 2.40 (月价) 每月8.28日小学类 2 山西太原报纸195 21-389 新课程.二年级数学(人教版) 半月报 2.40 (月价) 每月8.28日小学类 2 山西太原报纸196 21-390 新课程.二年级数学苏教版半月报2.40 (月价) 每月8.28日小学类 2 山西太原报纸197 21-391 新课程.三年级(语文)人教版旬报2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸198 21-392 新课程.三年级(语文)苏教版旬报2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸199 21-393 新课程.三年级数学人教版旬报2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸200 21-394 新课程.三年级数学苏教版旬报2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸201 21-395 新课程.四年级(语文)人教版旬报2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸202 21-396 新课程.四年级(语文)苏教版旬报2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸203 21-397 新课程.四年级(数学)人教版旬报2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸204 21-398 新课程.四年级(数学)苏教版旬报2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸205 21-399 新课程.五年级(语文)人教版旬报2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸206 21-400 新课程.五年级(语文)苏教版旬报2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸207 21-401 新课程.五年级(数学)人教版旬报2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸208 21-402 新课程.五年级(数学)苏教版旬报2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸209 21-403 新课程.五制(五年级语文) 旬报 2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸210 21-404 新课程.五制(五年级数学) 旬报 2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸211 21-405 新课程.六制(六年级语文) 旬报 2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸212 21-406 新课程.六制(六年级数学) 旬报 2.10 (月价) 月8.18.28 小学类 2 山西太原报纸213 21-421 学习报.小学三年级语文(人教版)周报 2.17 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸214 21-422 学习报.小学四年级语文(人教版)周报 2.17 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸215 21-423 学习报.小学五年级语文(人教版)周报 2.17 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸216 21-424 学习报.小学五年级语文(人教版)周报 2.17 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸217 21-425 学习报.小学三年级语文(苏教版)周报 2.17 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸218 21-426 学习报.小学四年级语文(苏教版)周报 2.17 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸219 21-427 学习报.小学三年级数学(苏教版)周报 2.17 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸220 21-428 学习报.小学四年级数学(人教版)周报 2.17 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸221 21-429 学习报.小学五年级数学(人教版)周报 2.17 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸222 21-430 学习报.小学六年级数学(人教版)周报 2.17 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸223 21-431 学习报.小学三年级数学(苏教版)周报 2.17 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸224 21-432 学习报.小学四年级数学(苏教版)周报 2.17 (月价) 周5 小学类 2 山西太原报纸225 22- 13 青少年日记(小学生版) 月刊 9.00 (季价) 每月16日小学类 3 山西太原杂志226 22- 33 小学生.心理成长月刊 13.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类1 山西太原杂志227 22- 35 小学生.多元智能月刊 13.50 (季价) 每月1日小学类1 山西太原杂志228 22- 51 小学教学设计(语文品德版) 月刊 12.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 山西太原杂志229 22- 57 小学语文教学月刊 13.50 (季价) 每月4日小学类 1 山西太原杂志230 22- 58 小学教学设计(数学科学版) 月刊 12.00 (季价) 每月10日小学类 2 山西太原杂志231 22- 65 新作文(四-六年级版) 月刊 9.00 (季价) 每月15日小学类 3 山西太原杂志232 22- 73 新作文(小学作文创新教学) 月刊 12.00 (季价) 每月15日小学类 3 山西太原杂志233 22- 97 新作文.小学四-六年级合订本(06年) 年刊 40.00 (全年) 1月15日小学类 3 山西太原杂志234 22-106 教学与管理(小学版) 月刊 17.40 (季价) 每月15日小学类 3 山西太原杂志235 22-123 新作文.小学(1-3年级版) 月刊 9.00 (季价) 每月15日小学类 3 山西太原杂志236 22-141 德育报.小学生版(06年活页报集) 年刊 25.00 (全年) 2月28日小学类 11 山西太原杂志237 22-166 语文报.小学版合订本(5-6年级) 双月刊 18.00 (半年) 双月30日小学类 12 山西太原杂志238 22-169 语文报.小学版(3-4年级)合订本双月刊 18.00 (半年) 双月30日小学类 12 山西太原杂志239 22-178 语文教学通讯(小学) 月刊 13.80 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 山西太原杂志240 22-180 学习方法报合订本(小学1-2年级版) 半年刊15.00 (半年) 6.12月30日小学类 18 山西太原杂志241 22-181 学习方法报合订本(3年级) 半年刊 15.00 (半年) 6.12月30日小学类 18 山西太原杂志242 22-182 学习方法报合订本(4年级) 半年刊 15.00 (半年) 6.12月30日小学类 18 山西太原杂志243 22-183 学习方法报合订本(5年级) 半年刊 15.00 (半年) 6.12月30日小学类 18 山西太原杂志244 22-184 学习方法报合订本(6年级) 半年刊 15.00 (半年) 6.12月30日小学类 18 山西太原杂志245 22-197 新课程.小学版月刊 23.40 (季价) 每月8日小学类 1 山西太原杂志246 22-200 新作文小学1-3年级合计本(06年) 年刊 40.00 (全年) 1月15日小学类 3 山西太原杂志247 22-201 新作文小学作文创新教学合计本(06年) 年刊52.00 (全年) 1月15日小学类 3 山西太原杂志248 22-206 学习报小学低年级合订本半年刊 17.00 (半年) 6.12月15 小学类 18 山西太原杂志249 22-207 学习报小学中年级合订本半年刊 16.00 (半年) 6.12月15 小学类 18 山西太原杂志250 22-208 学习报.小学高年级合订本半年刊 16.00 (半年) 6.12月15 小学类 18 山西太原杂志251 22-319 小学教学设计(英体美版)月刊 12.00 (季价) 每月20日小学类 4 山西太原杂志252 22-367 学习报.小学三年级语文合订本(人教版) 半年刊 16.00 (半年) 6.12月15日小学类 18 山西太原杂志253 22-368 学习报.小学四年级语文合订本(人教版) 半年刊 16.00 (半年) 6.12月15日小学类 18 山西太原杂志254 22-369 学习报.小学五年级语文合订本(人教版) 半年刊 16.00 (半年) 6.12月15日小学类 18 山西太原杂志255 22-370 学习报.小学六年级语文合订本(人教版) 半年刊 16.00 (半年) 6.12月15日小学类 18 山西太原杂志256 22-371 学习报.小学三年级语文合订本(苏教版) 半年刊 16.00 (半年) 6.12月15日小学类 18 山西太原杂志257 22-372 学习报.小学四年级语文合订本(苏教版) 半年刊 16.00 (半年) 6.12月15日小学类 18 山西太原杂志258 22-373 学习报.小学三年级数学合订本(人教版) 半年刊 16.00 (半年) 6.12月15日小学类 18 山西太原杂志259 22-374 学习报.小学四年级数学合订本(人教版) 半年刊 16.00 (半年) 6.12月15日小学类 18 山西太原杂志260 22-375 学习报.小学五年级数学合订本(人教版) 半年刊 16.00 (半年) 6.12月15日小学类 18 山西太原杂志261 22-376 学习报.小学六年级数学合订本(人教版) 半年刊 16.00 (半年) 6.12月15日小学类 18 山西太原杂志262 22-377 学习报.小学三年级数学合订本(苏教版) 半年刊 16.00 (半年) 6.12月15日小学类 18 山西太原杂志263 22-378 学习报.小学四年级数学合订本(苏教版) 半年刊 16.00 (半年) 6.12月15日小学类 18 山西太原杂志264 24- 48 少年电脑世界(低年级配光盘版) 月刊 30.00 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 山东青岛杂志265 24-202 山东教育(小学刊) 月刊 14.40 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 山东济南杂志266 24-204 当代小学生(中.高) 月刊 6.60 (季价) 每月1日小学类1 山东济南杂志267 24-205 当代小学生(低年级) 月刊 6.60 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 山东济南杂志268 24-206 小学生文摘月刊 6.60 (季价) 每月1日小学类 1 山东济南杂志。
所选十个期刊1、Process Biochemistry【刊名】生化工艺【出版社】:Elsevier Science【ISSN号】:1359-5113【2009年影响因子】:2.444 【简介】:月刊,全年12期,SCI收录期刊。
2、Journal of Theoretical Biology【刊名】理论生物学杂志【出版社】:Elsevier Science 【ISSN】:0022-5193【2009年影响因子】:2.574 【简介】:英国,1961年创刊,半月刊,全年24期,SCI收录期刊。
3、Bioinformatics【刊名】生物信息学【出版商】Oxford University Press 【ISSN】:1367-4803【简介】:英国,2006创刊,月刊,全年24期。
1 / 15人教版2024-2025学年八年级上学期英语期中常考题型:单元主题写作10篇(满分范文)一、主题写作1.我和Kelly 是好朋友,放学后两人都喜欢看电视,但是我们喜欢不同的节目。
请根据下表中的信息,写一写我和Kelly 对电视节目的喜好以及对各节目的不同看法。
写作提示:表示love ;表示喜欢;表示不喜欢;表示不介意;表示不能忍受TV programsI Kelly Chinese historyeducational sports shows excitingtalk shows boring interestingsoap operas meaningless boring写作要求:1. 应包括以上所有内容要点,可适当增加细节,使内容充实,意思连贯;2. 字迹工整,语言精练,表达准确,条理清楚;3. 词数80词左右,文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Kelly and I are goodfriends.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【正确答案】例文Kelly and I are good friends. We both like watching TV, but we like different TV programmes.I love Chinese history very much, because I think it is very educational. While Kelly can’t stand it. I also like sports shows, because they are very exciting. And Kelly doesn’t mind watching them. For talk shows, I think they are boring. But Kelly like them, and she thinks they are interesting. I can’t stand soap operas, because they are meaningless. Kelly think they are boring too, so she doesn’t like them.【详解】1.题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文。
通常生物期刊名稱的縮寫都以國際標準組織 (International Organization for Standardization) 所訂之期刊名稱縮寫 (International List of Periodical Title Word Abbreviation) 為基準,早期此標準刊印於 ISO 833-1974,但1979年已被撤銷,如今到 ISO網站(http://www.iso.ch/iso/en/ISOOnline.frontpage)查看,我們可發現他們出版了兩本有關出版物及書目的縮寫規則: 即1. Information and documentation -- Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles of publications (ISO 4:1997)2. Information and documentation -- Bibliographic description and references -- Rules for the abbreviation of bibliographic terms (ISO 832:1994)當然,這都得花錢購買。
WIN THE ULTIMATE SPA VACATION PAGE 30SPECIAL10th ANNIVERSARY ISSUE23GetawaysInviting Austin, Bali, England, Morocco, Orlando, Palm Springs, Phoenix, China and MoreStress-Free TravelChecking Out Airport SpasFeel Better FastThe Healthy DetoxEnergize Y our SkinAnti-Aging’s Newest SecretMARCH/APRIL 2006$4.99/CANADA $6.99Heal thy Living, Travel and RenewalSpacelebrate!anniversar y specialF U T U R E S T O C KTo celebrate the occasion of spa being 10years young, we take a warm-hearted look at the past and present of spa —along with what’s on the horizon for the future. May the next decade bring passion, balance and health to all.10yearsof spacelebrate!10visionary views –the spaof the future•“Simpler, more holistic and more specialized.”— Clodagh, international interior and architectural designer (Nemacolin Woodlands)•“Models for optimal living built with healthy and sustain-able materials.”— T ara Grodjesk, President, T ara Spa Therapy•“Prevention-based and early intervention spa hospitals and medical spa hotels.”— Janice Gronvold, Founder/Director, Spectrec (Obagi Skin Health Institute)•“Children in school will know what spa life means.”— Kerstin Florian, Founder/President,Kerstin Florian International•“A community feeling of being known and cared for.”— Karen Korpi, Vice President, Ritz-Carlton spas• “A complete philosophy of wellness — with visible, palpable benefits .”— Sylvie Hennessy, Creator/Founder,Pevonia Botanica Spa Care•“Anti-aging rejuvenation centers with the latest medical devices.”— Dr. Bruce Katz, Director, Juva Skin & Laser Center•“T echnology-free zones ,where we will learn to connect with the natural world in adeeply meditative environment.”— Susan Harmsworth, Founder, E’Spa•“A merging between therapies and results with measurable outcomes .”— Diane T rieste, Vice President,Cortiva Institute (spa education and training)•“Resource centers for inclusive health.”— Dr. Howard Murad, Founder,Murad/Murad Medical Spacelebrate!•Flowers under the massage table cradle … eye candy of the most tranquil variety.•The sound (and ions) of actual water flowing in the treatment room to connect us with nature.•A good choice of music —not just the usual "spa music". •Warm treatment rooms so we can really relax; heated tables and temperature-control mean a lot. •Complete water circuits (steam, sauna and cold plunge at a minimum) that come with instructions and quiet places to rest in between.•An oversized heated water pad on the massage table —lends comfort, warmth and nostalgia at once. •Lounges that offer loose tea, ripe fruit and real food in addition to glasses for water — not plastic bottles.•Face and body products in the treatment rooms that use only natural aromas —nothing synthetic.•Robes that are right for the climate: cotton kimonos for the tropics and plush wraps in the mountains.•A delicious shower to start or finish, complete with quality shampoo and conditioner, moisturizer on the spot and (best of all) a view of the sky.10special touches we love10wow! spa openings•New Y ork: T ownhouse Spa,New Y ork City, opening March.WOW FACTOR :Individual floors for men, women and mingling. •Pennsylvania: The Lodge at Woodloch, Hawley, opening May. WOW FACTOR :A 100-seat spa cuisine restaurant. •Spain:Caudalie Vinothérapie Spa at the Hotel Marqués de Riscal, Elciego, opening July.WOW FACTOR :Designed by award-winning architect Frank O. Gehry.•T exas: Cooper Aerobics Center at Craig Ranch, Dallas,open now. WOW FACTOR :The light-filled 75,000-square-foot fitness center.•Thailand: Four Seasons T ented Camp Golden T riangle,Chiang Rai, open now. WOW FACTOR :A suspension bridge over the San V alley leads to the open-air spa.M /A 2006 SPA27•Bora Bora:InterContinental Resort and Thalasso Spa Bora Bora, opening May. WOWFACTOR :Overwater treatment bungalows with transparent floors.•California:Healing Arts Institute at T wo Bunch Palms,Desert Hot Springs, opening June. WOW FACTOR :Daily classes in traditional and complementary therapies.•California:The Spa atRancho V alencia, Rancho Santa Fe, opening July. WOW FACTOR :An outdoor water circuit in a secluded garden available for private bookings.•Mexico: Loreto Bay,Nopalo, opening December.WOW FACTOR :The first of seven eco-friendly spas in this living community.•Mexico: Willow Stream the Spa at the Fairmont Mayakoba,Cancún, opening April. WOW FACTOR :T reetop level treatment rooms.celebrate!•Social center THEN :Hot tubs NOW : Hammams•Men’s treatmentTHEN :Hot shave at the barber NOW : Love handles wrap •Workout of choice THEN :T readmill NOW : Gyrotonic•Spa lifestyleTHEN :Visiting a destination spa for a weekNOW : Living in a destination spa wellness community •Key to serenityTHEN :Y oga and meditation NOW : Y oga and meditation (Some things never change!)•Deluxe facialTHEN :Imported mud masque NOW : Collagen-boosting laser treatment•Finishing touch THEN :Vichy shower rinse NOW : Full-surround multihead Wall of Sound shower •T rendiest treatment THEN :Aromatherapy massage NOW : Airbrush tan•A week at the Golden Door THEN :$4,375NOW :$7,500•Spa cuisineTHEN :Peeled carrots on a plate NOW : Low-cal gourmet meal served with wine10essentials – then & now。
1、International Journal of Nursing Studies ,国际护理研究杂志,ISSN:0020-7489,影响因子:. 主编:Professor lan Noman 电话:(+44)207848 3365 E-mail2、Oncology Nursing Forum, 肿瘤护理论坛,美国肿瘤护理学会出版,ISSN(印刷):0191-535X,ISSN(电子):1538-0688 Impact:;地址:Onology Nursing Society 125 Ebterprise Drive Pittsburgh,PA 15275-1214电话:866-257-4667 E-mail: ,3、Cancer Nursing 癌症护理 ISSN(印):0162-220x, 影响因子:. 出版商:Kathleen M. Phelan.4、Nursing Research ,护理研究。
ISSN:0029-6562. 影响因子:..5、Nursing Outlook ,护理展望,ISSN:0027-6554 影响因子:编辑部:6、Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 心血管护理杂志 ISSN:0889-4655 影响因子:10471 出版商:Jathleen M..Phelan.7、 Journal of Advanced Nursing 高级护理杂志 ISSN:0309-2402 影响因子:Email:8、Research In Nursing and Health 护理与健康 ISSN:0160-6891 影响因子:.9、Journal of Nursing Scholarship 护理学刊 ISSN:1527-6546 影响因子:出版社Lbtackwell Publishing Email.10、Advances in nursing science 护理学进展,ISSN:0161-9268, Impact:出版商:Sandra Kasko E-mail电话:2 主编:Peggy L. Chinn,RN, PhD,FAAN University of Connectcut School of Nursing.11、Worldview on Evidence –Based Nursing ,循证护理 ISSN:1545-102X,影响因子.12、Nursing Ethics ,护理伦理, ISSN:0969-7330, 影响因子:。
著名的10种化学期刊杂志著名的10种化学期刊杂志1,Science创刊于 1880年,创办人是电灯的发明人、鼎鼎大名的科学家—托马斯·爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison)。
Science 周刊每星期都以高超的编辑手段,向世界各地的订户提供两种不同的科学信息:该星期有关科学和科学政策的最重要的新闻报道以及报告全球科学研究最显著突破的精选论文。
2, Nature创刊于1869年, 一共有十一种刊物在Nature 这个大家族里:周刊Nature;月刊Nature Genetics(1992创刊);Nature Structural Biology (1994创刊);Nature Medicine (1995创刊); Nature Biotechnology(1996创刊);Nature Neuroscience (1998创刊);Nature Cell Biology (1999创刊);Nature Immunology (2000创刊);及另外三份综述性期刊Nature Reviews Genetics, Nature ReviewsMolecular Cell Biology and Nature Reviews Neuroscience (2000创刊)。
3, Chemical Reviews创刊于1924年,宗旨在于发表广泛,专业,可读性强的研究成果,这些工作涉及各个化学领域,主要是某一领域内的综合性的批判性的评论,而非原创研究。
《骨与关节外科杂志》(美国版)JBJS Am 2021年10月刊(全)
C OPYRIGHTÓ2021BY T HE J OURNAL OF B ONE AND J OINT S URGERY,I NCORPORATEDIs Immobilization Necessary for Early Return to Work Following Distal Biceps RepairUsing a Cortical Button Technique?A Randomized Controlled TrialJoseph W.Bergman,MD,PEng,FRCSC,Anelise Silveira,PT,MScRS,Robert Chan,MD,MSc,FRCSC, Michael Lapner,MD,FRCSC,Kevin A.Hildebrand,MD,FRCSC,Ian L.D.Le,MD,FRCSC, David M.Sheps,MD,MSc,MBA,FRCSC,Lauren A.Beaupre,PT,PhD*,and Aleem Lalani,MD,FRCSC* Investigation performed at the Western Upper Limb Facility,Sturgeon Community Hospital,St.Albert,Alberta;the University of Alberta,Edmonton,Alberta;and the Peter Lougheed Centre,Calgary,Alberta,CanadaBackground:Improvements in surgicalfixation to repair distal biceps tendon ruptures have not fully translated to earlier postoperative mobilization;it is unknown whether earlier mobilization affords earlier functional return to work.This parallel-arm randomized controlled trial compared the impact of early mobilization versus6weeks of postoperative immobilization following distal biceps tendon repair.Methods:One hundred and one male participants with a distal biceps tendon rupture that was amenable to a primary repair with use of a cortical button were randomized to early mobilization(self-weaning from sling and performance of active range of motion as tolerated duringfirst6weeks)(n=49)or6weeks of immobilization(splinting for6weeks with no active range of motion)(n=52).Follow-up assessments were performed by a blinded assessor at2and6weeks and at3, 6,and12months.At12months,distal biceps tendon integrity was verified with ultrasound.The primary outcome was return to work.Secondary outcomes were pain,range of motion,strength,shortened Disabilities of the Arm,Shoulder and Hand questionnaire(QuickDASH)score,and tendon integrity.Intention-to-treat analysis was performed.A linear mixed model for repeated measures was used to compare pain,range of motion,strength,and QuickDASH between the groups over time;return to work was assessed with use of independent t tests.Results:The groups were similar preoperatively(p‡0.16).The average age(and standard deviation)was44.7±8.6 years.Eighty-three participants(82%)were followed to12months.There were no differences between the groups in terms of return to work(p‡0.83).Participants in the early mobilization group had significantly more passive forearm supination (p=0.04),with passive forearm pronation(p=0.06)and active extension and supination(p=0.09)trending toward significantly greater range of motion in the early mobilization group relative to the immobilization group.Participants in the early mobilization group had significantly better QuickDASH scores over time than those in the immobilization group(p=0.02).There were no differences between the groups in terms of pain(p‡0.45),active range of motion(p‡0.09),orstrength(p‡0.70).Two participants(2.0%,1in each group)had full-thickness tears on ultrasound at12months(p=0.61).Compliance was not significantly different between the groups(p=0.16).Conclusions:Early motion after distal biceps tendon repair with cortical buttonfixation is well tolerated and does not appear to be associated with adverse outcomes.No clinically important group differences were seen.Level of Evidence:Therapeutic Level I.See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.*Lauren A.Beaupre,PT,PhD,and Aleem Lalani,MD,FRCSC,contributed equally to this work.Disclosure:The Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest forms are provided with the online version of the article(/JBJS/G574).A data-sharing statement is provided with the online version of the article(/JBJS/G575).J Bone Joint Surg Am.2021;103:1763-71d /10.2106/JBJS.20.02047D istal biceps tendon ruptures occur most commonlyin young to middle-aged males1-3.These injuries areusually caused by excessive eccentric loading4,which may result from a workplace injury1,4.Distal biceps tendon ruptures are typically treated surgically,with cortical button fixation gaining popularity after being described by Bain et al.5. Biomechanical studies have demonstrated that cortical button fixation is superior to other methods6,7.Improvements infixa-tion techniques may allow accelerated postoperative rehabilita-tion to afford earlier functional gains7,8and subsequent return to work.Considering that the majority of people who experience distal biceps tendon ruptures are of working age,postoperative protocols affecting return to work warrant investigation9.There is currently little consensus regarding postoperative immobilization following distal biceps tendon repair.Postop-erative immobilization protocols are highly variable,ranging from unrestricted motion with immediate lifting of as much as 20kg to immobilization for6weeks following distal biceps tendon repair10-18.Furthermore,early mobilization has only been described retrospectively14,15,17,18.Early mobilization following distal biceps tendon repair may allow earlier return to modified and full activities,including return to work9.Return to work,considered a valuable indicator of post-injury function19,consequently may enhance health and quality of life20.Randomized controlled trials(RCTs)are needed to pro-vide evidence-based optimization of postoperative rehabilitation and to elucidate the effects of early mobilization on return to work and other outcomes following distal biceps tendon repair. The primary objective of this RCTwas to compare the impact of early active movement postoperatively on time to return to work relative to6weeks of postoperative immobilization in males following distal biceps tendon repair.The secondary purpose was to compare pain,function(range of motion,strength), health-related quality of life,and reruptures between groups.We hypothesized that earlier mobilization would allow earlier return to work without increasing adverse outcomes.Materials and MethodsDesignT his was a parallel-arm,single-blinded superiority RCT comparing2postoperative immobilization protocols for participants with a distal biceps tendon rupture that was amenable to primary repair with use of a cortical button. Acceptable primary repair was determined by the study sur-geons intraoperatively as requiring<60°of elbowflexion to allow the distal biceps tendon to be reattached to the radial tuberosity21.Participants and Study SettingBetween2015and2018,male participants between18and65 years of age with a distal biceps tendon rupture that was amenable to primary surgical repair with use of a cortical button were eligible for inclusion.In order to be included, participants had to have been employed before the injury and had to be expected to return to work after the injury.Both work-related and non-work-related injuries were eligible.The exclusion criteria were the presence of any identified abnormality in the morphology of the distal bicipital tuber-osity,previous distal biceps tendon repair,multi-trauma distal biceps tendon rupture,health conditions that precluded pro-viding informed consent,life expectancy of<2years,inability to understand and read the English language,or inability to return for follow-up.The regional Health Ethics Research Board approved this trial(Pro00057067),which is registered at (NCT02505347).Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT)guidelines22were followed in both the develop-ment and reporting of this trial.All participants provided signed informed consent preoperatively.Operative ProcedureA cortical button,single-incision technique similar to that described by Bain et al.5was employed.Choice of cortical button manufacturer,suture size,and precise tendon suturing technique were at the discretion of the surgeon but in all cases included a metal cortical button and nonabsorbable core suture with a size of not less than#2.Surgical procedures were per-formed by1of8upper-extremity fellowship-trained surgeons at2centers in Alberta,Canada.RandomizationParticipants were randomized to early mobilization(self-weaning from a sling and performance of active range of motion during thefirst6postoperative weeks)(n=49)or 6weeks of immobilization(splinting for6weeks postopera-tively with no active range of motion)(n=52).The ran-domization sequence was computer-generated in blocks of 10,with a1:1group allocation.Randomization codes were stored in opaque sequentially numbered envelopes and were opened immediately postoperatively by operating room staff when all eligibility criteria were confirmed.Following ran-domization,participants were provided written instructions based on group allocation.Group AllocationEarly Active MobilizationParticipants in the early mobilization group were instructed to move the elbow as tolerated postoperatively but to avoid generating>5lb(2.3kg)of force for thefirst6weeks postoperatively.Patients could wear a sling for comfort if needed.ImmobilizationPatients in the immobilization group wore a splint for 2weeks with the elbowflexed to90°and the forearm fully supinated.After2weeks,the splint could be removed5 times per day for passive elbowflexion,extension,pro-nation,and supination,with extension of the elbow ini-tially limited to approximately40°and then increased by approximately10°each subsequent week.After the6-week postoperative assessment with the surgeon,the splint was discontinued.Postoperative ProtocolsIn both groups,postoperative protocols mirrored those typi-cally used by the surgeons and their colleagues and generallywere representative of published protocols.ComplianceAt6weeks postoperatively,all participants completed a ques-tionnaire regarding splint use and daily activities in thefirst6weeks(total duration,daily and nighttime splint use,armmovement).Participants were unaware of the primary reasonfor completing this questionnaire.Noncompliance was con-sidered to have occurred if participants in the immobilization group performed active range of motion and did not wear thesplint or if participants in the early mobilization group worethe sling full time and did not perform active range of motionin thefirst6weeks after distal biceps tendon pli-ance data were entered independently to maintain blinding ofthe clinical assessor.All participants in both groups followedthe same rehabilitation protocol after6weeks.Data Collection and Outcome MeasuresDemographic data(age and sex),patient-specific factors(workingstatus,Workers’Compensation status,dominant hand,recrea-tional activities,comorbidities),and duration of elbow symptomswere collected at enrollment.Postoperatively,return to work,pain,and shortened Disabilities of the Arm,Shoulder and Hand ques-tionnaire(QuickDASH)scores were collected at2and6weeks andat3,6,and12months.Elbow range-of-motion measurementscommenced at6weeks,and elbow strength measurements com-menced at3months;range of motion and strength were assessed atall subsequent follow-up visits by trained research associates whowere not involved in the participants’clinical care and were blindedto group allocation.Musculoskeletal radiologists who were blindedto treatment allocation evaluated distal biceps tendon integrity with use of ultrasound at12months after distal biceps tendonplications/adverse events,both medical and surgical,were documented intraoperatively and at each assessment.The primary outcome was time to return to work,whichwas recorded as the time from thefirst missed day of work afterthe injury to thefirst day of return to modified duties and thetime from thefirst missed day of work after the injury to the first day of return to full duties.Secondary outcomes were elbow pain,range of motion,strength,QuickDASH score,distal biceps tendon integrity,and complications.Elbow painwas assessed with use of a visual analog scale(VAS),with0 representing no pain and10representing the worst possible pain23,24.Participants rated pain at rest,with activity,and at night.The VAS is a reliable and valid method of measuring patient-reported pain;a minimum difference of20mm(20%) between groups was considered clinically important25,26.Elbow range of motion was measured with use of a universal goni-ometer in1°increments with standardized patient positioning, including active and passive elbowflexion and extension and forearm pronation and supination for both the affected and unaffected elbows.This method is a valid and reliable means of detecting changes in movement over time27.Elbow strength was measured with use of a handheld myometer for isometric elbow flexion and forearm supination strength with the participant’s arm in neutral(no abduction,the elbowflexed to90°,and the palm facing medially for supination).Peak values were recorded during each contraction,which was held for3seconds.Strength values were expressed as raw values.The QuickDASH score was used to assess health-related quality of life;this instrument is an11-item, patient-reported questionnaire that measures the function and psychosocial impact of upper-extremity musculoskeletal condi-tions28.The score ranges from0(no disability)and100(very disabled).The QuickDASH is widely used in clinical practice and research as a valid,reliable,and responsive tool to measure patient-reported outcomes after upper-limb injuries28,29.The minimum important difference has been reported to be6.8points between groups30and8.0points over time within a single group31. Sample SizeThe study was powered to detect a1-week difference in time to return to work between groups with b=0.10(power=0.9),a =0.05,and s=10;a total of88participants were required(44 per group).To allow for attrition over time,we enrolled101 participants.Statistical AnalysisStatistical analysis was performed with use of intention to treat with all outcomes attributed to the assigned group;per-protocol analyses were performed based on compliance but are not reported as the findings were similar to intention-to-treat analyses.Between-group comparisons of descriptive statistics used independent t tests for continuous variables and chi-square or Fisher exact tests for cate-gorical variables.A linear mixed model for repeated measures was used to compare pain,range of motion,strength,and QuickDASH scores between groups over time.Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS(version25.0;IBM),SAS(version9.4;SAS Institute),and R(version3.5.2;R Foundation for Statistical Computing),with the level of significance set at a=0.05.Source of FundingThis study was funded by the Workers’Compensation Board of Alberta,the Edmonton Civic Employees’Charitable Assistance Fund,and the Sturgeon Community Hospital Foundation. Funding sources providedfinancial support for imaging,study personnel,and administrative costs but did not contribute to study design,analysis,or interpretation.Surgeon investigators were notfinancially supported by study funds.ResultsB etween2015and2018,101male patients with a full-thickness distal biceps tendon tear undergoing distal biceps tendon repair were enrolled,randomized,and retained in the study for follow-up and data analyses;49patients were ran-domized to the early mobilization group,and52were ran-domized to the immobilization group.Eighty-three participants (82.2%)(including41in the early mobilization group and42 in the immobilization group)completed the assessment at 12months(Fig.1).The groups were similar at the time of entry into the study (Table I).The average age (and standard deviation)was 44.7±8.6years.Eighty-seven participants (86.1%)worked full-time;59(58.4%)performed medium to heavy/very heavy work.The median time to surgery was 8.00days (interquartile range [IQR],6to 15days)and 7.00days (IQR,6to 15days)for theearlyFig.1Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT)diagram of participant flow through this trial.mobilization and immobilization groups,respectively.Partici-pants in the immobilization group reported lower compliance (31%noncompliant)compared with those in the early mobili-zation group(17.5%noncompliant),although this difference was not significant(p=0.16).Primary OutcomeReturn to WorkThe mean number of days to return to modified(p=0.83)or full work duties(p=0.94)was similar between groups.The mean return to modified duties was41.7days(95%confidence interval [CI],20.1to63.2days)for the early mobilization group and 38.1days(95%CI,11.9to64.3days)for the immobilization group.The mean return to full duties was88.0days(95%CI,64.8 to111.3days)for the early mobilization group and86.8days (95%CI,62.8to110.8days)for the immobilization group. Secondary OutcomesElbow PainElbow pain at rest,with activity,and at night was not signifi-cantly different at any postoperative evaluation(p‡0.45).Both groups showed improvement over time(p<0.001)(Table II).Elbow Range of MotionThe early mobilization group had significantly better passive forearm supination(p=0.04)and trended toward better passive forearm pronation(p=0.06)and active supination and extension(p=0.09)compared with the immobilization group (Table II).Both groups improved over time(p£0.001).Elbow StrengthOver12months,both groups had similar improvements in elbow flexion and supination strength(p‡0.70)(T able II).Compared with the uninjured side,the early mobilization group reached96% offlexion strength whereas the immobilization group achieved94%. Similarly,the early mobilization group attained94%of supination strength whereas the immobilization group attained91%relative to the uninjured side.No significant or clinically important differences were observed between the groups in terms of strength.QuickDASHBoth groups had improvement in QuickDASH scores over time(p<0.001).Overall,the early mobilization group had significantly better QuickDASH scores over time when com-pared with the immobilization group(p=0.02).However,these scores did not achieve a clinically important difference (minimum,6.8points)between groups during the12months of follow-up,with the exception of the2-week postoperative score(Table II).Distal Biceps Tendon Integrity and Complications Ultrasound testing was completed in73participants(72.3%)(36in the early mobilization group and37in the immobilization group). Of these,full-thickness retears of the distal biceps tendon were identified in2participants(1in each group).One participant in the immobilization group had a partial retear.No differences were observed between the groups in terms of distal biceps tendon integrity(p=0.61).Sixteen other complications were reported over 12months,including pain(6patients,including2in the early mobilization group and4in the immobilization group),nerve irritation(7patients,including4in the early mobilization group and3in the immobilization group),bleeding(1patient in the early mobilization group),olecranon bursitis(1patient in the immo-bilization group),and postoperative respiratory issues(1patient in the early mobilization group).There were no differences between the groups in terms of complications(p=0.46).DiscussionT he present study showed that early active elbow motion is well tolerated and safe following distal biceps tendon repair with a cortical button;these results support those of a previous retrospective study on the safety of early mobilization after distal biceps tendon repair16.Additionally,ourfindings are similar to those of other upper-extremity trials comparing early and extended postoperative mobilization protocols32-34.Therewere no major advantages to early movement relative to6weeks of postoperative immobilization other than modest early bene-fits in terms of range of motion and health-related quality of life.Multiple surgeons participated in the present study,suggesting the generalizability of cortical button repair.Overall,cortical buttonfixation appears to provide robust earlyfixation to allow tendon-to-bone healing as demonstrated by the occurrence of only2reruptures during12months of follow-up.We hypothesized that early mobilization would facilitate early return to work;however,there was no significant difference between the groups in terms of this outcome.Ourfindings are similar to previously published ranges for a patient population that included Workers’Compensation claimants35.Furthermore, the mean time to return to work in our study is similar to the average time to work reported in a recent systematic review9. Thus,it would appear that,overall,early mobilization after distal biceps tendon repair may not impact time to return to work. However,time to return to work also may be affected by the type of work performed(e.g.,heavy manual labor versus sedentary office work),and our study was underpowered to perform analyses of time to return to work by level of work demand.Pain and health-related quality-of-life scores demon-strated similar recovery trajectories as both outcomes improved in the immobilization and early mobilization groups over the follow-up period.Despite overall significantly better QuickDASH scores in the early mobilization group,only the initial2-week postoperative assessment demonstrated a between-group difference of>6.8points,suggesting ques-tionable clinical importance30.At the time of the latest follow-up,QuickDASH scores in the early mobilization and immobilization groups(2.7and3.8,respectively)compare favorably with previously reported outcomes36-38.Signifi-cantly greater improvement in passive forearm supination in the early mobilization group,primarily seen during early recovery,also was likely not clinically important.Similar to thefindings in other studies7,14,36,both groups had slightly reduced strength relative to the uninjured arm at12months.This RCT had a number of strengths.Over80%of patients completed12months of follow-up,with similar rates of follow-up between the groups.We used both objective and patient-reported outcomes.Although participants were not blinded to group allocation,blinded assessors performed the objective clinical and radiographic measurements,with a similar pattern of improvement seen between groups.We also assessed the clinical integrity of the repair;the overall retear rate was <2%,similar to previously reported results39,suggesting that there was no increased risk of retear with early motion.Although ultrasound evaluation completed by muscu-loskeletally trained radiologists who were blinded to group alloca-tion was considered a feasible alternative to magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)and no differences in strength were observed at 12months between participants who completed the ultrasound evaluation and those who did not,the lack of MRI may be a lim-itation in definitively assessing tendon integrity.Other limitations of note include variable compliance with immobilization protocols; however,measuring compliance allowed us to confirm if the par-ticipants followed their assigned protocol and establish that there was a difference between groups in how participants moved their elbow in thefirst6postoperative weeks.We also were unable to determine differences in return to work for different occupation classifications,which may limit the generalizability of ourfindings; however,a substantial number of participants performed non-sedentary work(T able I).Future studies could evaluate whether time to return to work is affected by type of work performed. ConclusionsEarly active motion following distal biceps tendon repair is safe and well tolerated.Few statistically significant differences and no clinically important differences were seen in outcomes between early mobilization and immobilization participants over12months after distal biceps tendon repair.Ourfindings suggest that since early mobilization is safe following distal biceps tendon repair with cortical buttonfixation,patients can be counseled to use a splint only as symptoms require.nN OTE:The authors thank Sung Hyun Kang,Juliana Mollins,and Dr.Jeremy LaMothe for their contributions to the trial.They also thank Collaborative Orthopaedic Research(CORe)and Shoulder and Upper Extremity Research Group of Edmonton(SURGE)for their support.Joseph W.Bergman,MD,PEng,FRCSC1,2Anelise Silveira,PT,MScRS3Robert Chan,MD,MSc,FRCSC1,2Michael Lapner,MD,FRCSC1,2Kevin A.Hildebrand,MD,FRCSC4Ian L.D.Le,MD,FRCSC4David M.Sheps,MD,MSc,MBA,FRCSC1,2Lauren A.Beaupre,PT,PhD3Aleem Lalani,MD,FRCSC1,21Department of Surgery,Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry,University of Alberta,Edmonton,Alberta,Canada2Western Upper Limb Facility,Sturgeon Community Hospital,St.Albert, Alberta,Canada3Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine,University of Alberta,Edmonton, Alberta,Canada4Department of Surgery,Cumming School of Medicine,University of Calgary,Calgary,Alberta,CanadaEmail address for corresponding author:lauren.beaupre@ualberta.caReferences1.D’Arco P,Sitler M,Kelly J,Moyer R,Marchetto P,Kimura I,Ryan J.Clinical,functional,and radiographic assessments of the conventional and modified Boyd-Anderson surgical proce-dures for repair of distal biceps tendon ruptures.Am J Sports Med.1998Mar-Apr;26(2):254-61.2.Kelly MP,Perkinson SG,Ablove RH,Tueting JL.Distal biceps tendon ruptures:an epidemiological analysis using a large population database.Am J Sports Med.2015 Aug;43(8):2012-7.Epub2015Jun10.3.Kodde IF,Baerveldt RC,Mulder PGH,Eygendaal D,van den Bekerom MPJ.Re-fixation techniques and approaches for distal biceps tendon ruptures:a systematic review of clinical studies.J Shoulder Elbow Surg.2016Feb;25(2):e29-37.Epub 2015Dec19.4.Safran MR,Graham SM.Distal biceps tendon ruptures:incidence,demograph-ics,and the effect of smoking.Clin Orthop Relat Res.2002Nov;404:275-83.5.Bain GI,Prem H,Heptinstall RJ,Verhellen R,Paix D.Repair of distal biceps tendon rupture:a new technique using the Endobutton.J Shoulder Elbow Surg.2000 Mar-Apr;9(2):120-6.6.Mazzocca AD,Burton KJ,Romeo AA,Santangelo S,Adams DA,Arciero RA.Bio-mechanical evaluation of4techniques of distal biceps brachii tendon repair.Am J Sports Med.2007Feb;35(2):252-8.Epub2006Dec27.7.Greenberg JA,Fernandez JJ,Wang T,Turner C.EndoButton-assisted repair of distal biceps tendon ruptures.J Shoulder Elbow Surg.2003Sep-Oct;12(5):484-90.8.Heinzelmann AD,Savoie FH3rd,Ramsey JR,Field LD,Mazzocca AD.A combined technique for distal biceps repair using a soft tissue button and biotenodesis interference screw.Am J Sports Med.2009May;37(5):989-94.Epub2009Apr3.9.Rubinger L,Solow M,Johal H,Al-Asiri J.Return to work following a distal biceps repair:a systematic review of the literature.J Shoulder Elbow Surg.2020May;29(5): 1002-9.Epub2020Mar5.10.Vastam¨a ki M,Brummer H,Solonen KA.Avulsion of the distal biceps brachii tendon.Acta Orthop Scand.1981Feb;52(1):45-8.11.Louis DS,Hankin FM,Eckenrode JF,Smith PA,Wojtys EM.Distal biceps brachii tendon avulsion.A simplified method of operative repair.Am J Sports Med.1986 May-Jun;14(3):234-6.12.Woods DA,Hoy G,Shimmin A.A safe technique for distal biceps repair using a suture anchor and a limited anterior approach.Injury.1999May;30(4):233-7. 13.Gupta RK,Bither N,Singh H,Kapoor S,Chhabra A,Garg S.Repair of the torn distal biceps tendon by Endobuttonfixation.Indian J Orthop.2012Jan;46(1):71-6.14.Peeters T,Ching-Soon NG,Jansen N,Sneyers C,Declercq G,Verstreken F. 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Rainforests rule!
by Claire Powell
A world like no other – perhaps this is the best way to describe the world of the rainforest. No rainforest is exactly the same – yet most rainforests are now distributed in the small land area 22.5 degrees north and 22.5 degrees south of the Equator, between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer. You can find tropical rainforests in South America and Indonesia. Other rainforests flourish further from the Equator, in Thailand and Sri Lanka.
Despite occupying a relatively small area, rainforests have a colossal role to play in maintaining the world as we know it. Tropical rainforests are home to a rich, colourful variety of medicinal plants, food, birds and animals. Can you believe that a single bush in the Amazon may have more species of ants than the whole of Britain! 480 varieties of trees may be found in just one hectare of rainforest. These forests sustain around 50% of all the species on Earth, and offer a way of life to many people living in and around the forest.
Rainforests are the lungs of the planet – storing vast quantities of carbon dioxide and producing a significant amount of the world’s oxygen. Rainforests have their own perfect system for ensuring their own survival; the tall trees make a canopy of branches and leaves which protect themselves, smaller plants, and the forest animals from heavy rain, intense dry heat from the sun and strong winds. Amazingly, the trees grow in such a way that their leaves and branches, although close together, never actually touch those of another tree. Scientists think this is a deliberate tactic to prevent the spread of any tree diseases and make life more difficult for leaf-eating insects like caterpillars. To survive in the forest, animals must climb, jump, fly or glide across the gaps. The ground floor of the forest is not all tangled leaves and bushes, like in films, but is actually fairly clear. It is where leaves decompose into food for the trees and other forest life.
They are not called rainforests for nothing! Rainforests can generate 75% of their own rain. At least 80 inches of rain a year is normal – and in some areas there may be as much as 430 inches of rain annually. This is real rain – your umbrella may protect you in a shower, but it won’t keep you dry if there is a full rainstorm. In just two hours,
streams can rise ten to twenty feet. The humidity of large rainforests contributes to the formation of rainclouds that may travel to other countries in need of rain.
Worryingly, rainforests around the world are disappearing at an alarming rate, thanks to deforestation, river pollution, and soil erosion as land is being claimed for agriculture and trees are felled for wood.
A few thousand years ago, tropical rainforests covered as much as 12% of the land surface on Earth, but today this has fallen to less than 5.3%.
We can only hope that the world governments work together with environmentalists and businesses to use their environmental knowledge and power to preserve the rainforests – awe-inspiring, beautiful and vital for our existence.。