os-c102_2012-10 DNV海洋结构物设计规范 Structural Design of Offshore Ships




4 结论以某型号的自升式平台坠物风险较大的作业甲板为对象,根据实际工况建立有限元模型,结果显示立管坠落后不仅会穿透甲板,还依旧以较大的动能继续向下坠落,对下部结构和设备造成很大威胁。



参考文献:[1]郝灜. 物体坠落对平台甲板冲击破坏的判据研究[D].哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工程大学, 2009.[2]HSE UK. An Examination of the Number andFrequency of Serious Dropped Object and Swinging Load Involving Cranes and Lifting Devices on Offshore Installations for the Period 1981 to 1995[R]. 1996. [3]DNV. Accident Statistics for Mobile Offshore Units onthe UK Continental Shelf 1980—1998[S]. 1996.[4]张海, 刘蕊, 王秀存, 等. 坠落物体产生的冲击载荷对海底管线的损伤分析[J]. 海洋技术, 2008 (1):77-80.[5]ALSOS H S, AMADH J. On the Resistance toPenetration of Stiffened Plates, Part II, Experiments[J].International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2009, 36 (6): 799-807.[6]CHO S R, LEE H S. Experimental and AnalyticalInvestigations on the Response of Stiffened Plates Subjected to Lateral Collisions[J]. Marine Structures, 2009, 22 (1): 84-95.[7]ALSOS H S, AMADH J, HOPPERSTAD O S. On theResistance to Penetration of Stiffened Plates, Part II: Numerical Analysis[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2009, 36 (7): 875-887.[8]DNV. Design Against Accidental Loads, RecommendedPractice: DNV-RP-C204[S]. 2010.[9]BV. Rules for the Classification of Offshore Units[S].2013.[10]彭大炜, 张世联. 结构极限强度分析的三种有限元解法研究[J]. 中国海洋平台, 2010, 25(2): 1-5.《海洋工程结构设计和评估环境条件应用指南(2021)》发布《海洋工程结构设计和评估环境条件应用指南(2021)》于2021年2月22日发布,于2021年4月1日生效。


April 2012
Qualification of New Technology
July 2011
Quality Survey Plan (QSP) for Offshore Class New-building Surveys
September 2011
January 2012
Recertification of Blowout Preventers and Well Control Equipment for the US Outer Continental Shelf
June 2010
Design and Installation of Fluke Anchors in Clay
Submarine Pipeline Systems
October 2010
Dynamic Risers
October 2010
Marine Operations, General
October 2011
October 2010
Composite Components
October 2010
Offshore Concrete Structures
October 2010



T = Period of Roll or Pitch
= Amplitude of Roll or Pitch
Allowable Roll/Pitch Amplitude
2 kI m
船体强度 升降齿轮强度 地基稳定性
海洋工程设计规范及CCS海 工审图介绍
1. 海洋工程结构物及设计规范标准介绍 2. 自升式平台结构设计 3. FPSO设计 4. CCS复核工作计算简介
固定式结构物:此类海上结构物直接固 定于海底,波浪经过时结构承受波浪力, 产生变形及应力,如导管架平台、坐底式 平台及塔式平台
(2)总体布置的合理性 尽量避免危险区域或房间影响到其他安全设备或生活区; 吊机回转半径应满足作业要求; 甲板房间的布置不应妨碍逃生通道的布置; 各个功能模块之间是否会产生矛盾或操作不利; 应急发电机应布置在连续的主甲板以上位置,通常都设 置在生活楼上; 生活楼内房间的布置,报房应布置在生活楼的顶端,并 设有直接通向外部逃生通道的门;
Lifting Cranes Drilling Derrick
拖航工况 安装/回收工况 作业工况 自存工况
桩腿强度 固桩室强度 设备底座强度 完整与破舱稳性 拖航阻力

os-b101_2012-10 DNV海洋结构物设计规范 Metallic Materials 钢制材料规范

os-b101_2012-10  DNV海洋结构物设计规范 Metallic Materials 钢制材料规范

Main changes
• — — — Ch.2 Sec.1: Transverse impact values included in Table B4 and Table C5. Combinations of grain refining elements to be in line with Ship Rules Pt.2 Ch.2. Figure 3d to be in line with Ship Rules Pt.2 Ch.2.
A. A A A A A A
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Offshore Standard DNV-OS-B101, October 2012 Changes – Page 3
This document supersedes DNV-OS-B101, April 2009. Text affected by the main changes in this edition is highlighted in red colour. However, if the changes involve a whole chapter, section or sub-section, normally only the title will be in red colour.
© Det Norske Veritas AS October 2012 Any comments may be sent by e-mail to rules@






一、海洋结构物设计的基本原则:1. 耐久性:海洋环境中,结构物需要长期抵抗海水的腐蚀、洪水和波浪的冲击。


2. 安全性:海洋结构物设计中,安全性是首要考虑因素。



3. 经济性:在设计过程中,要充分考虑生产、建造和维护的成本。


二、常见的海洋结构形式:1. 海上油田平台:海上油田平台是海洋结构物中的重要一环。




2. 海底管道:海底管道是将海洋油气田或其他资源输送到陆地的重要通道。



3. 海洋风力发电机组:随着对可再生能源需求的增加,海洋风力发电逐渐兴起。



三、海洋结构物分析方法:1. 结构强度分析:结构强度分析是海洋结构物设计过程中不可或缺的步骤。







一、海洋工程结构物的分类海洋工程结构物包括以下几类:1. 海上及浅海平台2. 海上油轮3. 海上塔式风力发电设施4. 海上桥梁5. 海底隧道6. 海上天然气输送管道7. 海上石油输送管道二、海洋工程结构物的设计海洋工程结构物的设计要考虑到以下几方面的因素:1. 环境因素海洋环境复杂多变,设计时必须考虑海洋的气候、波浪、潮汐、风速等自然因素。


2. 结构强度海洋工程结构物在使用过程中要承受巨大的海浪、风力等各种力的作用,结构强度的设计十分重要。

3. 材料选择海洋结构物的材料选择要考虑到海洋环境的腐蚀、侵蚀等问题。


4. 渗透防水措施海洋结构物在使用过程中会受到海水渗透对结构的侵蚀,设计防水措施是重要的一环。


1. 海上施工技术海洋结构物的海上施工技术是一项特殊的技术。


2. 海底施工技术海底施工技术又可分为两部分,一是地面施工,包括预制吊放、吊装和安装等工序。


3. 安全施工安全施工是海洋工程的基础,要进行全面的考虑,明确所属岛屿之间的强制防瞬时强风伸缩式罩体、吹扫方式等技术安装方法,防范岩屑等重要问题。




第三部分NDT无损检测A.总则A 100. 范围这部分指出无损探伤检测所需要的条件.B.无损检测(NDT)B 100. 总则101.开工前,承包商应提交无损探伤工艺、规程和探伤员资格证书文档。










B 200 NDT 程序201.无损探伤应按照以下方面,给出基本的,详细信息:-- 适用规范和标准⏹材料和尺寸⏹焊接方法⏹接头形式和尺寸⏹方法⏹设备,主要的和辅助的⏹灵敏度⏹校定技术和校定参考⏹检测参数和变化范围⏹缺陷评估⏹检测结果的报告和文件⏹参考的焊接工艺⏹个人资质⏹接受标准B300 个人资质无损探伤的操作和检测结果的阐述应由有认可证书人员执行,并提供有效的证明其熟练程度。


B 400 探伤范围401.探伤范围主要依据设计应力的水平及型式和接头重要性,焊缝被指定的检测级别应为连接件中最高强度的级别。




DNV-OS-F01 2007中文版

DNV-OS-F01 2007中文版

601 生产开始前,制造厂应制定一份生产工艺规范(MPS) 。MPS 应证明在整个提议的制造工 序中如何达到和验证规定的性能。 MPS 应指出所有影响产品质量和一致性的因素,并对从来料控制到成品钢管发运的所有主 要生产步骤,包括所有检验和检查点,进行详细的概述。 应包含对执行所有个别生产步骤所建立的参考程序。 602 MPS 至少应包含以下信息(如适用) : — 炼钢厂
海洋标准 DNV-OS-F101
2007 年 10 月
第7节 建筑—管线钢管
A100 目的 101 本节规定了管线钢管生产、试验和文件证明的要求。在热处理、扩径和最终成型后应达到 所有的力学性能和尺寸公差。 102 管材选择应按照第 6 节进行。 103 本节不包括钢管从管厂发运后的任何行为,例如环焊和防腐。 104 在此对碳锰(C-Mn)钢管线钢管的要求在大体上符合 ISO 3183 附录 J:“海洋服役条件下 PSL 2 钢管”,并对其进行了一些补充和变更。 105 管线钢管制造厂应有一套执行的质量保证体系符合 ISO 9001。 A200 应用 201 这些要求适用于以下材质的管线钢管: — C-Mn 钢 — 复合或衬套钢 — 防腐合金(CRA)包括铁-奥氏体(双相)不锈钢、奥氏体不锈钢、马氏体不锈钢(13Cr) , 其他不锈钢和镍基合金 202 符合公认作法或专有规范的材料、制造方法和程序如果也符合本节的要求,则通常是合格 的。 A300 生产工艺 301 C-Mn 管线钢管应按照以下一种工艺制造:
B100 概述 101 按照本标准生产的 C-Mn 钢管线管一般符合 ISO 3183 附录 J: “海洋服役条件下 PSL 2 钢管” 中的要求。如 B102 和 B103 中所述,对 ISO 3183 附录 J 的补充或变化要求见本分节 (B200-B600) 。

海洋工程装备设计 标准

海洋工程装备设计 标准



1. ISO 19902:海洋结构-海上石油与天然气行业的海洋结构设计和分析。

2. ISO 19901:海洋结构-第1部分:一般要求。

3. ISO 13628:海洋技术-石油和天然气工业用水下生产系统。

4. API规范:美国石油学会(American Petroleum Institute)发布的一系列海洋工程装备设计相关标准。

5. DNV标准:挪威船级社(Det Norske Veritas)发布的一系列海洋工程标准,如DNV-OS-C401 海洋工程结构。

6. ABS规范:美国船级社(American Bureau of Shipping)

7. 国际海事组织(IMO)发布的一系列关于船舶结构和设备、船舶设计和建造等方面的国际公约和规范。





Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C104, April 2012 Contents – Page 4
Sec. 1
A. A A A A
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 7
DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, property and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research in relation to these functions. DNV service documents consist of among others the following types of documents: — Service Specifications. Procedural requirements. — Standards. Technical requirements. — Recommended Practices. Guidance. The Standards and Recommended Practices are offered within the following areas: A) Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology B) Materials Technology C) Structures D) Systems E) Special Facilities F) Pipelines and Risers G) Asset Operation H) Marine Operations J) Cleaner Energy O) Subsea Systems



02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03
102173000020138 102173000020108 102173000020070 102173000020140 102173000020003 102173000020025 102173000020015 102173000020126 102173000020099 102173000020033 102173000020048 102173000020122 102173000020079 102173000020112 102173000020098 102173000020147 102173000020120 102173000020057 102173000020004 102173000020142 102173000020036 102173000020123 102133030210045 102133020210040 102133010210015 100063210502326 102133010211011 100063210502324 102133010210116 102133030210058 102133030210307 102133030210041 102133030210391 102133030210142 102133020210073 102133030210388 102173000030116 102173000030094 102173000030110 102173000030043 102173000030034 102173000030137 102173000030029 102173000030122 102173000030111 102173000030134 102173000030038


荷载环境系数 ?c=1.07,位于不平坦海床底的管道,这涉及到荷载效应的不确定性,这 是因为重量、刚度、跨度或高度的变化。这就意味着在不平坦河床上安装时的凹陷弯曲评估 是不适用的。
F400 压力允许量——等效形式 第五章的压力容量抗力是以 LRFD 的形式给出的。这个与传统的形式相符,传统形式

pp 2
D t2

d = pel pp 2

1 b
3 3

v = 1 2 b3 − 1 bc + d
2 27 3

Φ = cos−1
−v −u3

DNV 海底管线规范 2000 版 y = 12 − u cos Φ + 60π
DNV 海底管线规范 2000 版
( ) ( ) pli − pe
⋅ D − t1 ≤ 2 ⋅ t1
2 ⋅αU 3 ⋅γ m ⋅ γ sc


f y,temp
( 12.1)
这个压力差是以局部偶然压力的函数给出。介绍一个荷载因子,?inc,反映了偶然压力 和设计压力的比,这个公式能够依照水面上的参考点调整,由等式(12.2)给出。
在这个新规范中,已经修改了 LRFD 公式的抗力部分,正如第二章所描述的,并且 DNV 96 中的极限状态也相应做了修改。甚至局部屈曲公式也包括了热管工程的一些结论,它允 许更充分地利用增压管道。参见例子 Vitali et al(1999)。 F200 材料降低等级

海航技术 structural design basics -回复

海航技术 structural design basics -回复

海航技术structural design basics -回复为了能更好地了解海航技术的结构设计基础,我们将在这篇文章中一步一步地回答以下问题。

1. 什么是结构设计?结构设计是指在建筑、航空、航海等领域中,通过计算、分析和设计来确定建筑物或装置的结构形式、力学特性和材料使用,以确保安全、经济和实用性。

2. 海航技术的结构设计有哪些特点?海航技术的结构设计有以下几个特点:- 复杂性:海航技术领域通常涉及到复杂的载荷和运行条件,需要考虑多种不确定性因素和外部环境影响。

- 安全性:由于海上环境恶劣,海航技术的结构设计必须具备强大的抗风、抗浪和抗撞击能力,保证船舶或平台的稳定和安全。

- 轻量化:为了减小重量和提高效率,海航技术的结构设计需要专注于轻量材料的选用和优化结构设计。

- 耐久性:海航技术的结构设计需要考虑长期的海洋腐蚀和疲劳破坏等因素,确保结构的长期使用寿命。

3. 结构设计的基本原理是什么?结构设计的基本原理包括以下几个方面:- 力学平衡:结构设计必须满足受力平衡的基本原理,即结构中施加的力和被承受的力必须平衡,以确保结构的稳定性。

- 强度和刚度:结构设计需要考虑到所需承受的载荷和外部环境的要求,选择合适的材料和结构形式来满足结构的强度和刚度要求。

- 材料力学性能:结构设计需要充分了解所选材料的力学性能,包括弹性模量、屈服强度、抗拉强度等,以选用合适的材料和进行合理的结构设计。

- 安全性:结构设计必须满足安全性要求,包括不仅考虑正常工作状态下的安全,还要考虑意外情况下的安全,如自然灾害等。

- 经济性:结构设计需要通过合理的材料选择和结构设计来降低成本,提高效率和可持续性。

4. 结构设计的基本流程是什么?结构设计的基本流程通常包括以下几个步骤:- 问题定义:明确结构设计的目标和要求,包括载荷、安全性、材料等方面。

- 载荷计算:根据设计要求和外部环境条件,计算结构所需的载荷和作用力。

- 抗力分析:通过力学分析方法,确定结构的受力情况和应力分布,以找出结构中的弱点和瓶颈。








本标准分为6个部分:A. 质量和安全控制方法B. 材料技术C. 结构D. 系统E. 特殊设备F. 管线和安装挪威船级社海洋标准和推荐方法代表了挪威船级社在海洋工程基本应用上的安全工程实践,也是挪威船级社鉴定服务的技术基础。

新的海洋标准由挪威船级社出版社在1999年出版目录第一章总则A总则A 100 简介A 200 目的A 300 范围及应用A 400 其他规范B 标准参考B 100 海洋的服务说明B 200 海洋标准B 300 推荐方法B 400 规则B 500 证书注解和分类注解B 600 指南B 700 其他参考C 定义C 100 动词形式C 200 定义D 符号和缩写D 100 缩写D 200 符号D 300 希腊字母D 400 角标第二章设计原理A总则A 100 目的A 200 应用B 安全原理B 100 总则B 200 安全目标B 300 系统审查B 400 安全等级方法B 500 质量保证B 600 健康、安全、环境C 设计格式C 100 总则C 200 流体分类C 300 位置分类C 400 安全等级分类C 500 分项安全系数法C 600 可靠度分析第三章设计假定和文件A总则A 100 目的A 200 概念深化A 300 执行计划A 400 安装、运行和废弃B 系统设计准则B 100 系统完整性B 200 运行期间的检查和监督B 300 压力控制系统C 管道路线C 100 位置C 200 路线勘察C 300 海床特性D 环境条件D 100 总则D 200 环境资料采集D 300 风D 400 潮D 500 波浪D 600 流D 700 冰D 800 空气和海水温度D 900 海生物E 管道内部和外部条件E 100 外部运行条件E 200 内部安装条件E 300 内部运行条件F 文件F 100 总则F 200 概念及工程细节F 300 管线及管线部件制造F 400 腐蚀控制系统和配重层制造F 500 安装和试运行F 600 DFI摘要F 700 运行F 800 文件归档第四章荷载A . 总则A 100 目的A 200 应用A 300 荷载B. 功能荷载B 100 总则B 200 特征荷载效应C. 环境荷载C 100 总则C 200 风荷载C 300 流体动力荷载C 400 波浪和海流荷载C 500 冰荷载C 600 特征荷载效应D. 施工荷载D 100 总则E. 偶然荷载E 100 总则F. 其他荷载F 100 拖网荷载F 200 地震第五章设计标准A.总则A 100 目的A 200 应用B. 设计标准和材料B 100 管道布置B 200 工厂压力测试和系统压力测试B 300 运行中检查B 400 最小壁厚B 500 材料选择B 600 典型材料特性B 700 容许侵蚀C.荷载和承载力计算C 100 荷载条件C 200 荷载效应计算C 300 典型壁厚C 400 应力和应变计算D. 极限状态D 100 总则D 200 极限状态形式D 300 荷载效应要素和荷载组合D 400 压力控制(破裂)D 500 局部屈曲D 600 全部屈曲D 700 疲劳D 800 椭圆化D 900 棘轮效应D 1000 塑性积累应变D 1100 断裂D 1200 偶然极限状态E. 特别考虑E 100 总则E 200 管道和土壤的相互作用E 300 立管/管道悬跨E 400 坐底稳定性E 500 拖网影响E 600 第三方荷载及落下的物体E 700 绝缘E 800 管中管及管道捆绑F. 管道部件和附属物F 100 总则G. 支撑结构G 100 总则G 200 立管支撑G 300 J型管G 400 砂砾层稳定性H. 安装和维修H 100 总则H 200 管道笔直度H 300 涂层第六章管线管A.总则A 100 范围A 200 材料说明书A 300 材料和制造商的预认证A 400 制造工艺B.管线管标识B 100 管线管无损检测(NDT)等级B 200 补充要求B 300 标识C.材料特性C 100 总则C 200 碳锰钢(C-Mn)管线管C 300 铁素体—奥氏体(双相)钢管线管C 400 其它不锈钢和镍基抗腐蚀合金(CRA)管线管C 500 复合/加衬钢质管线管C 600 可焊性D.补充要求D 100 酸性工作条件下(S)的补充要求D 200 止裂特性(F)方面的补充要求D 300 塑性变形管(P)的补充要求D 400 尺寸(D)方面的补充要求D 500 高强使用(U)方面的补充要求E.制造E 100 总则E 200 质量保证E 300 制造程序规格书及其认证E 400 制钢E 500 板和带的制造E 600 管线管制造E 700 化学分析E 800 力学和腐蚀试验E 900 无损检测E 1000 外观检测、工艺和缺陷修补E 1100 出厂压力试验E 1200 尺寸、重量和长度F.标识和保护F 100 总则G.文件、记录和证书G 100 总则第七章部件及装配A总则A 100 范围A 200 质量保证B 管线部件设计的基本要求B 100 总则B 200 材料选择B 300 法兰和机械连接B 400 螺栓B 500 阀B 600 压力导管B 700 焊接部件B 800 绝缘接头B 900 管线调整B 1000 锚杆法兰B 1100 其他部件B 1200 结构零部件C 部件制造材料和制造规范C 100 材料和制作规范D 热成形和锻铸配件所用材料D 100 总则D 200 低合金C-Mn钢配件制造D 300 铁酸盐奥氏体合成钢以及其他不锈钢和镍基抗腐蚀合金(CRA)D 400 运输条件E 热成形、锻铸和热处理E 100 热成形E 200 锻造E 300 浇铸E 400 热处理F 部件、设备和结构零部件的制造F 100 总则F 200 法兰的制造F 300 阀的制造F 400 承压设备和焊接部件的制造F 500 其它设备和部件的制造F 600 结构零部件制造F 700 热成形、锻铸配件的机械测试G 弯头的制造G 100 总则G 200 海底作业的母管G 300 母管的辅助要求G 400 除母管外其他管的要求G 500 弯曲后热处理的要求G 600 弯曲工艺评定G 700 弯曲和弯曲后的热处理G 800 无损试验和肉眼检测G 900 弯头的产品试验G 1000 尺寸、容许偏差和标注G 1100 维修H 用于回转和拖拽的立管、膨胀环、管道支线的制造H 100 总则H 200 质量保证H 300 用于回转和拖拽的立管、膨胀环、管道支线制造的材料H 400 制造计划和程序H 500 材料报告,标识和记录H 600 切割、成形、装配、焊接和热处理H 700 静水压力试验H 800 无损试验和肉眼检验H 900 尺寸检查H 1000 防腐I 文件,记录,检验和标示第八章 防腐涂层和配重层A.总则A 100 范围A 200 应用A 300 定义B.设计中防腐控制基本条例B 100 总则B 200 对防腐方法选择的评价C.管道外涂层C 100 总则C 200 涂层材料、表面预处理及应用D.特殊的立管涂层D 100 总则D 200 涂层材料、表面预处理及应用E.现场节点涂层E 100 总则E 200 涂层材料和表面预处理及应用F.混凝土配重层F 100 总则F 200 混凝土材料和涂层制造F 300 检验和试验G.阴极保护设计G 100 总则G 200 设计参数和计算H.牺牲阳极的操作和安装H 100 阳极制造H 200 阳极安装I.内防腐保护的设计和制造I 100 总则I 200 通过处理输送介质实现内防腐I 300 使用耐腐蚀合金管材实现内防腐I 400 使用涂层或内衬实现内防腐I 500 使用化学处理方法保护内防腐第九章 安装A总则A 100 目的A 200 应用A 300 失效模式效应分析(FMEA)及危害和可操作性研究(HAZOP)A 400 安装和测试规格书及图纸A 500 安装手册A 600 质量保证A 700 焊接A 800 无损检验和外观检验A 900 生产检验B 管道路由、勘察和处理B 100 管道铺设前的路由勘察B 200 海床处理B 300 管道和电缆的交叉B 400 近海岸段处理C 海上作业C 100 总则C 200 船舶C 300 锚泊系统、锚位布置和锚的定位C 400 定位系统C 500 动力定位C 600 起重和提升设备C 700 起、抛锚处理和拖轮管理C 800 应急程序D 管道安装D 100 总则D 200 安装手册D 300 安装手册、基本变异及有效性的复验和评定D 400 作业限制条件D 500 安装程序D 600 应急程序D 700 铺管船布置、铺管设备和仪表D 800 安装要求E 对考虑塑性变形的管道安装方法的补充要求E 100 总则E 200 安装手册E 300 安装手册的评定E 400 安装程序E 500 安装要求F 拖拽法管道安装F 100 总则F 200 安装手册F 300 安装手册的评定F 400 作业限制条件F 500 安装程序F 600 应急程序F 700 布置、设备和测试仪表F 800 管道拖拽和安装G 其他安装方法G 100 总则H 岸上拖拉H 100 总则H 200 安装手册H 300 安装手册的评定H 400 作业限制条件H 500 安装程序H 600 应急程序H 700 布置、设备和测试仪表H 800 安装要求I 连接作业I 100 总则I 200 安装手册I 300 安装手册的评定I 400 作业限制条件I 500 连接程序I 600 应急程序I 700 水上连接作业I 800 水下连接作业J 铺设后检查J 100 总则J 200 铺设后检查规格书J 300 铺设后检查J 400 防腐系统的铺设后检查K 悬跨修正和管道防护K 100 总则K 200 悬跨修正和管道防护K 300 悬跨修正K 400 挖沟K 500 安装后抛石处理K 600 泥浆袋和混凝土垫L 防护和锚固结构的安装L 100 总则M 立管安装M 100 总则M 200 安装手册M 300 安装手册的评定M 400 作业限制条件M 500 应急程序M 600 安装要求N 完工勘察N 100 总则N 200 完工勘察规格书N 300 完工勘察要求N 400 外加电流阴极腐蚀防护系统检验O 最终试验和运行准备O 100 总则O 200 最终试验规格书和运行前准备工作O 300 最终试验程序与运行前准备O 400 清管和测量O 500 压力试验系统O 600 清管、排水和干燥O 700 系统试验O 800 生产输送O 900 运行验证(启动检验)P 文件P 100 总则第十章运行、检测和维修A.总则A 100 目标A 200 程序文件A 300 在役档案A 400 运行A 500 检查和监测原理A 600 特殊检查B.管道配置检查B 100 总则B 200 定期检查C.外防腐的检查与控制C 100 总则C 200 飞溅区和暴露在空气中的立管C 300 淹没区的管道和立管D.内防腐的检测与控制D 100 总则D 200 腐蚀检查D 300 腐蚀监测E.缺陷和维修E 100 总则E 200 整体屈曲E 300 沟纹、凿槽、裂纹和切痕E 400 金属磨损缺陷E 500 凹陷E 600 泄漏E 700 焊接修理第十一章再认证A总则A 100 目标A 200 应用B 设计标准B 100 总则B 200 系统压力检测B 300 老化第十二章说明(文献)A总则A 100 目标B 参照C 原理设计C 100 安全等级讨论C 200 结构可靠性分析C 300 特征值D 设计前提D 100 监测D 200 空气和海水温度E 荷载E 100 局部压力E 200 压力转换E 300 柱形构件周围的流体速度F 设计标准F 100 总则F 200 材料降低等级F 300 环境荷载效应因子F 400 承压——等效形式F 500 名义厚度的计算F 600 承压标准——偶然压力升高应小于设计压力的10%F 700 局部屈曲——失效F 800 局部屈曲——力矩F 900 局部屈曲——围焊因子F 1000 局部屈曲——压力增加F 1100 局部屈曲——失稳F 1200 局部屈曲——允许压力的设计形式F 1300 局部屈曲——增加力矩F 1400 椭圆度G 断裂机理G 100 工程关键评估(ECA)——以应力为基础的设计G 200 ECA——循环加载进入塑性变形G 300 裂缝强度试验H API材料等级I 部件和装配I 100 弯曲I 200 立管支撑I 300 J型管J 材料和设计的关系J 100 总则J 200 补充的要求J 300 基于积累应变的关系J 400 材料数据表K 安装K 100 安全等级定义K 200 覆盖物K 300 简化放置标准K 400 螺旋L 参考资料附录A对于ISO的补充要求A总则B 要求差异B 100 化学成份和力学性能B 200 可焊性B 300 样品和试件B 400 制造期间测试次数B 500 无损检测B 600 尺寸B 700 文件B 800 对酸性环境使用的特殊要求B 900 对滞止裂纹的特殊要求附录B 力学试验与腐蚀试验A力学试验A 100 总则A 200 试样与试件的选择与制备A 300 化学分析A 400 拉伸试验A 500 弯曲试验A 600 夏比V型缺口冲击试验A 700 落锤撕裂试验(DWTT)A 800 裂纹韧性试验A 900 剪切强度试验A 1000 金相检验与硬度测试A 1100 应变时效试验B 腐蚀试验B 100 总则B 200 点蚀试验B 300 氢压力引起的开裂试验B 400 硫化物应力开裂试验附录C 焊接A应用A 100 总则A 200 焊接方法A 300 质量保证B 焊接设备、工具与人员B 100 焊接设备与工具B 200 人员C 焊接材料C 100 总则C 200 化学组份C 300 力学性能C 400 批量试验C 500 焊接材料的使用与储存D 焊接程序D 100 总则D 200 初步焊接程序规格书D 300 焊接程序评定记录D 400 焊接程序规格书D 500 修补焊接的程序规格书D 600 焊接程序的重要变量E 焊接程序评定E 100 总则E 200 修补焊接评定通则E 300 管线管和管子部件的纵向焊接条件E 400 立管、膨胀弯与用于拖管的管段的环向焊接条件E 500 安装与连接的环向焊接条件E 600 暴露累积环向焊接条件E 700 水下连接焊接条件E 800 覆盖层焊接条件E 900 结构焊接程序条件F 检验与试验F 100 总则F 200 外观检查与无损检测F 300 对接接头的破坏性试验F 400 硫化物应力腐蚀试验F 500 防腐试验与微观结构检验F 600 覆盖焊接试验G 生产焊接的要求G 100 总则G 200 焊接产品G 300 修补焊接G 400 焊后热处理G 500 管子与管子部件焊接G 600 立管、膨胀弯、拖拉管段的制造G 700 安装与连接焊接H 材料与工艺的特殊要求H 100 内部复合/加衬的碳钢管H 200 双向不锈钢H 300 马氏体(13%铬)不锈钢附录D 无损检验(NDT)A.总则A 100 范围A 200 规范和标准A 300 质量保证A 400 无损检验方法A 500 无损检验程序A 600 人员资格A 700 报告A 800 无损检验时机B.手动无损检验和焊接外观检查B 100 总则B 200 射线检验B 300 手动超声波检验B 400 手动磁粉检验B 500 手动液体渗透检验B 600 手动涡电流检验B 700 外观检查C.母材和焊接覆盖层的手动无损检验C 100 总则C 200 钢板和钢管C 300 锻件C 400 铸件C 500 焊接覆盖层D.自动无损检验D 100 总则D 200 自动超声波检验E.无损检验接受标准E 100 总则E 200 基于工程风险性评估(ECA)的接受标准F.制造中的钢板和带钢的无损检验F 100 总则F 200 碳—锰和双相钢板以及带钢的超声波检验F 300 复合钢板和带钢的超声波检验F 400 钢板和带钢的外观检查G.制管厂管子的无损检验G 100 总则G 200 未被检验的管端G 300 可疑的管子G 400 适用于所有管子的无损检验G 500 无缝钢管的无损检验G 600 HFW、LBW以及EBW钢管的无损检验G 700 SAW钢管的无损检验G 800 手动的无损检验G 900 管子上的修补焊缝的无损检验G 1000 管子的焊接外观检查H.安装围焊缝、构件焊缝以及其他承压焊缝的检验H 100 总则H 200 无损检验和外观检查H 300 接受标准H 400 焊缝的修补I.管线构件、设备、结构部件以及母材、焊接覆盖层的接受标准I 100 总则I 200 钢板和钢管的手动无损检验接受标准I 300 锻件接受标准I 400 铸件接受标准I 500 焊缝覆盖层接受标准附录E 自动超声波环焊缝检测A概要A 100 总则A 200 参考资料B 基本要求B 100 概要B 200 文献资料B 300 合格B 400 超声波系统设备与组成B 500 记录仪安装B 600 环形扫描速度B 700 阀门设置B 800 门槛记录仪B 900 供电B 1000 软件B 1100 系统逻辑手册B 1200 备件B 1300 监视器C 步骤C 100 概要D 校准D 100 初始静力校准D 200 动力校准E 现场检验E 100 检验要求E 200 检验操作F 再检验F 100 概要G 评估与报告G 100 评估指示G 200 检查报告G 300 检查记录H 合格H 100 概要H 200 总则H 300 要求H 400 合格方案H 500 变量H 600 检查焊缝H 700 合格试验H 800 证实试验H 900 分析H 1000 报告I 合格性证实I 100 证实I 200 需要的变量附件A转送器要求附件B 管钢剪波波速的确定第一章 总 则 目录 A 总则 A 100 简介 A 200 目的 A 300 范围及应用 A 400 其他规范 B 标准参考 B 100 海洋的服务说明 B 200 海洋标准 B 300 推荐方法 B 400 规则 B 500 证书注解和分类注解 B 600 指南 B 700 其他参考 C 定义 C 100 动词形式 C 200 定义 D 符号和缩写 D 100 缩写 D 200 符号 D 300 希腊字母 D 400 角标 A 总 则 A100 简介 101 本规范为管道系统的设计、材料、预制、安装、测试、试投产、运行、维护、再认 证和废弃提供标准和指南。



挪威海洋工程标准M 501表面处理和保护涂层2004年6月目录前言 (1)序 (1)1概述 (1)2标准规范和参考规范目录 (2)2.1标准规范 (2)2.2 参考规范目录 (3)3.用词定义和缩写 (3)3.2缩写 (3)4.总体要求 (4)4.1概述 (4)4.2计划指定 (4)4.3设备保护和清理 (4)4.4环境要求 (4)4.5油漆 (5)4.6金属材料 (5)4.7车间底漆 (5)4.8不用涂装的表面 (6)4.9搬动和运送涂装好的物体 (6)4.10产品、施工人员和程序的资质认证 (6)4.11金属涂层 (6)4.12记录和汇报 (6)5.健康、安全和环境要求 (6)6.表面处理 (7)6.1喷砂处理的准备工作 (7)6.2喷砂处理 (7)6.3最终表面处理结果 (7)7.涂层施工 (7)7.1概述 (7)7.2施工设备 (8)7.3施工 (8)8.金属热喷涂 (8)8.1概述 (8)8.2涂料 (8)8.3热喷涂施工 (9)8.4修补、管道的现场涂装和有连接金属的涂装 (9)9.防火材料的喷涂 (9)9.1概述 (9)9.2涂料 (9)9.3施工 (10)9.4修补 (10)10.资质要求 (10)10.1产品的资质 (10)10.2公司和人员的资质 (13)10.3程序的资质认证 (14)涂装程序说明书(CPS) (14)涂装系统测试(CPS) (14)11.检测和测试 (15)附录A (17)A.1涂装系统1(必须事先经过测试) (17)A.2涂装系统2(必须事先经过测试) (18)A.3涂装系统3 (19)A.4涂装系统4 (20)A.5涂装系统5 (20)A5.1涂装系统5A(必须进行先期测试) (20)A5.2涂装系统5B(必须进行先期测试) (21)A.6涂装系统6 (21)A.7涂装系统7(必须进行先期测试) (22)A.8涂装系统8 (22)A.9涂装系统9 (23)附录B (23)附录A:涂装系统表附录B:颜色表(供参考)前言挪威海洋工程可竞争性标准(NORSOK)随挪威石油工业的发展而发展,用来保证石油工业发展和实际操作的安全、高效、成本节约。



Bolting materials subseaCONFERENCE - Materials in Offshore Constructions, Esbjerg June 2th 2006Bjarte Lillebø, Det Norske Veritas, Bergen, NorwayBackgroundThe high integrity bolted connections used in the offshore industry are often critical parts of the plant or piping system. Failure of such connections has been found to be a major cause of gas/oil leakage on offshore installations. High strength materials for bolting are needed for subsea use by the offshore industry. However, several candidate materials may be susceptible to failure due to hydrogen and associated cracking caused by the cathodic protection system.„„Version06 June 2006Slide 2Subsea applications of high integrity bolted jointsSubsea / submerged systems„ „ „ „Wellheads Xmas tree flanges Structural connections FlangesVersion06 June 2006Slide 3“Bolting Technology” - an interdisciplinary subject„ „ „Connection type /flange design /pre-loading requirement Bolting standards Bolting material properties: - Strength - Corrosion resistance - Galling properties - Susceptible to hydrogen effects Bolting manufacture (incl. quality control) Bolting installation methods: - Hydraulic torque (accuracy +/- 25%) - Hand torque (accuracy +/- 30%) - Hydraulic tension (accuracy +/- 10%) Corrosion protection (CP, coating system) Maintenance of bolted connections in service06 June 2006 Slide 4„ „„ „VersionBolting subsea – special issues„ „Cathodic protection (CP) is normally applied to steel structures→ bolting material selection is essentialInspection and maintenance may be difficult (and costly), e.g.:- detect leakages/vibrations and observe bolting failures (visually) - repair coating defects„- pretension method (accuracy): uncontrolled tightening, manual/hydraulic torque control or tension control - lubricant product: significant effect on actual preload if pretensioning is performed by torque control (low friction may increase tension in bolt) - quality assurance (documentation, verification)Controlled installation of bolts (first time) is crusial to ensure correct pretensioning, and thus avoid failures caused by vibrations/fatigue. Critical factors:Use experienced personnel and qualified procedure for installation/tightening!!Version 06 June 2006 Slide 5Bolting materials (common standards)Alloys and chemical/mechanical requirements:„ASTM A 193 ”Alloy steel and stainless steel bolting materials for high temperature service” (eks. ferritic steels Grade B7, B7M) ASTM A 320 ”Alloy steel bolting materials for low temperature service” (eks. ferritic steels Grade L7, L7M) ASTM A 354 ”Quenched and tempered alloy steel bolts, studs and other externally threaded fasteners”These standards reffere to AISI designations for chemical composition (e.g. AISI 4140, 4142 or 4145). SMYS will depend on heat treatment, shape and dimension. In general ”quenched and tempered” low alloyed bolts are frequently used for offshore applications„„--„ISO 898-1 ”Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel – Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs06 June 2006 Slide 6VersionBolting materials (common standards) cont.Dimensions, threads, tolerances:„ISO 898 Part 1 to 7Additional requirements:„ „mechanical testing inspection/quality controlVersion06 June 2006Slide 7Examples - coating systems (offshore bolts)Type of coatingDip galvanised Dip-spin galvanised Sherardizing Electrodeposited (Zn, Cd) Phosphate Al-based coating Zinc-silicate Fluoropolymer (PTFE) Thermoplastic Wax-systemVersionApplication methodDipping Special equipment Special equipment Electrolytic Dipping Spraying techniques Spraying techniques Spraying techniques Spraying techniques Spraying techniquesCommentFor large size bolts. Zinc thicknes: 10-200 micron Even coating thicknesss Zinc thikness: about 40 microns Even coating thicknesss. Zinc thikness: 10-50 microns Low zinc thicknesss. Zinc thikness: 2-25 microns As pre-treatment to additional coating application Low coating thicknessWith inhibitor. Can also be used for maintenance Also for maintenance use06 June 2006 Slide 8Requirements / specificationsANSI/API RP 17 & ISO 13628-1:2005„ANSI/API RP 17¤Design and Operation of Subsea Production Systems – General Requirements and Recommendations ISO 13628-1:2005, Petroleum and natural gas industries-Design and operation of subsea production systems-Part 1: General requirements and recommendations„Version06 June 2006Slide 9Requirements / specificationsANSI/API RP 17 & ISO 13628-1:2005 (cont.)„If cathodic protection (CP) is ensured, bolting material used for piping system and equipment should generally be carbon or low-alloy steel, ref. ASTM A320 (L7 and L43) and ASTM A193 (B7 and B8M). Bolts with a diameter less than 10mm may be stainless steel type 316 (ISO 3506-1, Type A4) at temp. below 60 ºC.Structural applications: - strength class should not exceed class 8.8 for bolts (ISO 898-1) and class 8 for nuts (ISO 898-2) - maximum actual allowable hardness: 300 HBW or 32 HRC (verified by spot testing)Version06 June 2006Slide 10Requirements / specificationsANSI/API RP 17 & ISO 13628-1:2005 (cont.)„In high corrosive environments and/or where CRA materials are used, corrosion-resistant bolting is recommended.- Alloy 625 (Ni-based) are required at ambient temperature in aerated seawater (if CP cannot be ensured). - Other alloys can be used if properly documentedVersion06 June 2006Slide 11Requirements / specificationsANSI/API RP 17 & ISO 13628-1:2005 (cont.)„Coating- Carbon steel or low-alloy bolting material should be galvanised or have similar corrosion protection - If there is a risk that dissolution of zinc layer, such as obtained by hot-dip galvanising, can cause loss of bolt pre-tension, electrolytic galvanizing or phosphating should be used. Electrolytic galvanizing should be followed by postbaking. - PTFE-based coatings can be used as one alternative, provided electrical continuity is verified by measurements. - Cadmium plating should not be used (due to environmental and worker health problems associated with the coating process).„Other issues to be concidered (if relevant)- Bolts screwed into component bodies: compatible with the body w.r.t. galling and ability to dissassemble for maintenance. - Risk of galvanic corrosion, effect of thermal coefficients, effect of CP.Version06 June 2006Slide 12Requirements / specificationsNORSOK Standard M-001 Materials selection (Rev. 4, August 2004)„General: Carbon or low-alloyed bolting materials- maximum hardness of 300 HB (32 HRC) – verified by spot testing of each delivery, batch and size - for structural applications, strength class shall not exceed ISO 898 class 8.8 - hot dip galvanised (ASTM A153) or similar corrosion protection - if dissolution of zinc layer may cause loss of bolt pretension, phosphating shall be used - PTFE based coatings can be used (electrical continuity need to be verified by measurements) - compatible to component bodies w.r.t. galling and ability to disassemble the component for maintenance„Ambient temperature: Alloy 625 (seawater, no cathodic protection)Version06 June 2006Slide 13Failure mechanisms – subsea boltsCorrosion„Hydrogen related mechanisms (cracking) - Hydrogen induced stress cracking (HISC) - Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) Stress corrosion (SCC), ref. e.g. chloride stress corrosion Corrosion fatigue General corrosion Local corrosion (pitting/crevice corrosion) Galvanic corrosion„ „ „ „ „Galling, Fatigue, OverloadingVersion06 June 2006Slide 14Failure mechanisms – Corrosion (HISC/HE)HISC„Progressive cracking under influence of external or internal stresses, starting at metal/environment interface and propagating by absorption of nascent hydrogen at the crack tip. Electrochemical process (e.g. corrosion or cathodic protection) as hydrogen source. Bulk charging of hydrogen not required. Non-reversible process.HE„Loss of ductility due to absorption of nascent hydrogen in bulk material (“bulk charging”). Electrochemical or metallurgical process as hydrogen source. Reversible process, but may lead to cracking (surface or non-surface breaking) by brittle fracture under influence of external or internal stresses. - Electroplating is generally considered to be a major cause of hydrogen absorption in bolts due to the release of hydrogen in this process. Absorbed hydrogen can be removed by post-baking (temperature >200 C).Version06 June 2006Slide 15Hydrogen induced failure mechanisms„HISC (hydrogen induced stress cracking) is caused by interaction between metal lattice and atomic hydrogen dissolved in the steel. External or internal stresses required.„HPIC (hydrogen pressure induced cracking) is cracking/fracture caused by pressure buildup due to recombination of hydrogen atoms in accessible positions *. External or internal stresses not required.„SOHIC (Stress Oriented Hydrogen Induced Cracking) is a combination where longitudinal HPIC cracks are connected by transverse HISC cracks. If the cracking is related to a corrosion process the description HISCC (hydrogen induced stress corrosion cracking) is sometimes used. SSC (sulphide stress cracking) is a sort of HISCC. Hydrogen attack is reaction between hydrogen and carbides that causes a reduction in strength / cracking.06 June 2006 Slide 16„„ „*) E.g. at pores, grain boundaries and inclusions.VersionHydrogen induced failure mechanismsHydrogen sources:„Steel manufacturing- Large quantities of hydrogen may be dissolved in liquid steel - Humidity in air and chill moulds etc.„Coating- Acid cleaning - Electrolytic plating (metallic coatings) - Hydrogen may be removed by baking >200ºC„In service- Cathodic protection system (CP) - Corrosion processesVersion06 June 2006Slide 17Failure mechanisms - HISCHydrogen Induced Stress Cracking (HISC) in bolts with CP„HISC may occur in:- high strength low alloy steels - stainless duplex steels, - Titanium alloys, - Nickel-based alloys„Critical factors:- Material grade (chemistry, microstructure, manufacturing process) - Stress level (ref. pre-tension, local yield, strain) - CP potential (-0,80 til -1,10 V vs. Ag/AgCl) NB! hydrogen production increases exponentially with decreasing potential„Access to hydrogen can be influenced (or limited) by coatings:- electrochemical coatings - PTFE based coatings - paints - calcareous depositsVersion06 June 2006Slide 18Material grades – HISC sensitivityAustenitic stainless steel and Nickel based alloys:„Considered immune to HISC if in the solution annealed condition- moderate cold work and welding/hot forming according to an appropriate procedure do not induce HISC sensitivity (except UNS 30200 / UNS 30400)„Some grades are sensitive to HISC if precipitation hardened:- certain nickel based alloys (e.g. UNS N05500 and N07750) - austenitic stainless steels with hardness higher than 300-350 HV **) In the intermediate hardness range, i.e. 300 to 350 HV, the susceptibility to HISC is reduced by avoiding local yielding or if a reliable coating system (paint) is applied as a barrier to hydrogen absorption„Bolts in AISI 316 stainless steelBolts in UNS 31600 (AISI 316) stainless steel manufactured according to ISO 3506, part 1, grade A4, property class 80 and lower (SMYS < 640 MPa) have proven compatibility with galvanic anode CP (ref. DNV-RP-B401).Version06 June 2006Slide 19Material grades – HISC sensitivityFerritic and ferritic-pearlitic structural steels„Considered immune to HISC if:- SMYS < 500 MPa (extreme conditions of yielding may induce HISC sensitivity) - hardness < 300 to 350 HV **) In the intermediate hardness range, i.e. 300 to 350 HV, the susceptibility to HISC is reduced by avoiding local yielding or if a reliable coating system (paint) is applied as a barrier to hydrogen absorptionMartensitic carbon, low-alloy and stainless steels„Sensitive to CP induced HISC if:- AYS > about 700 MPa - hardness > about 350 HV * - untempered martensite (especially prone)*) Hardness in the range 300-350 HV: design to avoid local yielding and/or apply a reliable coating system (paint) as a barrier to hydrogen absorption„Bolts in martensitic steel:type B7 og ASTM A320, type L7) have well documented compatibility with CP (for critical applications, adequate heat treatment has to be documentet with batch wise hardness testing (<350 HV))Version 06 June 2006 Slide 20- Bolts in martensitic steel heat treated to SMYS up to 720 MPa (e.g. ASTM 182,Material grades – HISC sensitivityFerritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steel„Regarded as potentially susceptible to HISC - independent of SMYS (typically 400 to 550 MPa) or specified minimumhardness - forgings are more prone to HISC than wrought material due to the coarse microstructure allowing HISC to propagate preferentially in the ferritic phase - CP potential should be limited to –800 mV vs Ag/AgCl (special anode alloys)Copper and Aluminium alloys„In general immune to HISCTitanium alloys (high-strength)„Limited documentationVersion06 June 2006Slide 21Failure mechanisms (cont.)Stress corrosion cracking (SCC)„Chlorid stress corrosion cracking in high temp., oxygen containing seawater, without CP- stainless steel grades - Nickel alloys - Titanium grades, etc.Fatigue (corrosion fatigue)„Caused by vibrations and missing pre-tensioning Prevent fatigue failures:- controlled tightening - select materials with improved fatigue propertiesVersion06 June 2006Slide 22Failure mechanisms (cont.)Galling„Mechanism:- a severe form of adhesive wear which occurs during sliding contact of one surface relative to another.„Most sensitive materials- austenitic stainless steel, Ni-Cr alloys (and some Titanium alloys), galvanized steel„Problem reduced by- using coarse threads - using appropriate lubricants - selecting material combinations (bolt-structur / bolt-nut) with different resistance (property) - qualifying procedure for tighteningVersion06 June 2006Slide 23Failure mechanisms (cont.)Overloading„High strength bolts are frequently used for structures and pressure systems to avoid overloading If low friction lubricants are applied pre-tensioning of bolts may cause overloading„Version06 June 2006Slide 24Example 1: Failure analysis – bolt fracture„Fracture surface (macro)Version06 June 2006Slide 25Example 1: Failure analysis – bolt fracture„Fracture surface in SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope)Version06 June 2006Slide 26Example 1: Failure analysis – bolt fracture Observations:- Hardness up to 44 HRC, estimated UTS up to 1410 MPa - Mikrostructure: tempered martensite - Fracture initiated in area towards bolt head (highest stresses after preloading) - Crack propagation transverse to longitudinal direction of bolt - Intergranular fracture surface (characteristic for HISC)Conclusion„Most probably, the bolt has been exposed to hydrogen (from CP system). In combination with high stresses and a sensitive material this has resulted in Hydrogen embrittlement and HISC.Version06 June 2006Slide 27Example 2: Fracture surface from bolt (HISC)Intergranular fracture in galvanized M6 12.9 bolt HISCVersion 06 June 2006 Slide 28TestingBolting materials for subsea applications (with CP)„Need to qualify candidate materials with respect to susceptibility to HE and HISC (combination) However, no test methods are generally “accepted” to verify CP compatibility for materials/systems Alternative test methods: - SSRT (compare relative sensitivity of similar materials, e.g. martensitic steels) - Tensile testing (constant load) and bend testing (constant strain) in e.g. seawater with CP may be applied for more quantitative testing - CTOD (with CP) - Full scale comparative testing of material candidates in simulated environments„„Coating (pain systems)„Standard test methods to determine resistance to cathodic disbondingVersion06 June 2006Slide 29Example: SSRT of 22Cr duplex / API 5L X-65„Pre-exposure 4 weeks cathodic protection in seawater at –1.10 V rel. Ag/AgCl/seawater and 110 ºC. Test conditions SSRT (CERT) in natural seawater, with and without cathodic protection at –1.10 V rel. Ag/AgCl/seawaterExtension rate 2 x 10-6 s-1 Reference testing in air„Version06 June 2006Slide 30Example: SSRT of 22Cr duplex / API 5L X-65Version06 June 2006Slide 31Example: SSRT of 22Cr duplex / API 5L X-65Conclusions„ „Hydrogen charging causes slight/moderate HE of both materials. Both materials are susceptible to HISC but the intrinsic susceptibility of duplex stainless steel is higher. Pre-exposure to CP has no effect on HISC of API 5L X65. Pre-exposure to CP may enhance HISC of duplex stainless steel significantly. Simultaneous plastic straining and hydrogen adsorption is required for HISC of these materials.„ „„Version06 June 2006Slide 32Example: Submerged testing with CP, DNV BergenVersion06 June 2006Slide 33Version06 June 2006Slide 34。




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• Sec.5 Hull Strength — C400: Design loading conditions for the hull girder longitudinal strength for the survival condition. Table D1 moved from Sec.11 and Sec.12. — E: Local detail stress analysis. Tables modified and moved from Sec.11 and Sec.12. — F: fatigue strength moved to Sec.8. • — — — Sec.6 Strength of Topside Structures F: Global dynamic loads for topside structure is modified and combination tables moved to Sec.4 C800. H: Table H1 modified. Coefficient for global strength for topside load bearing set to 1.0. Old G “Hull Deformation” moved to F200 and item F205 regarding sliding supports has been added.
Structural Design of Offshore Ships
The electronic pdf version of this document found through is the officially binding version
Main Changes
• — — — • — — — — — • — — — — — • — — — General LRFD method is moved from App.B to a new section, Sec.13. New App.B for life time extension of FPSOs. Editorial modifications and some figures included. Sec.2 Material Selection and Inspection Principles B105: Guidance note regarding doubling plates added. B203: Service temperature. Changed distance from 0.5 to 0.6 m for interference from external structure. Table B1: Foundation attached to decks included. B405: regarding steel grade above minimum required added. C305: A guidance note for definition of critical details added. Sec.3 Design Principles Table B2 “Design basis for wave load analysis for ultimate strength” (old B1) modified. Table B3 “Design basis for wave load analysis for fatigue strength” (old B2) modified. B600: New benign water requirement included and moved from Sec.11 and Sec.12. Old B500: Extreme condition removed and requirements changed. See B403. C400: Usage factor for fine mesh FE analysis moved from Sec.5. Sec.4 Design Loads C300: Wind loads modified. C800: Combination of loads for topside and topside interface modified and moved from Sec.6. C900: Minimum tank densities for the strength and fatigue analysis included.
© Det Norske Veritas AS October 2012 Any comments may be sent by e-mail to rules@
This service document has been prepared based on available knowledge, technology and/or information at the time of issuance of this document, and is believed to reflect the best of contemporary technology. The use of this document by others than DNV is at the user's sole risk. DNV does not accept any liability or responsibility for loss or damages resulting from any use of this document.
• Sec.7 Topside Interface to hull structure — B400: (old C.) Combination of loads modified. • Sec.8 Fatigue Capacity Assessment — F: Fatigue sensitive details in the hull and topside supporting structures moved from Sec.11 and Sec.12. — G: FMS notation requirements included. • — — — Sec.12 Additional Provisions for Floating Production, Storage and Offloading Units C200: Green sea load. Hs min changed from 8.m to 10 m. D200: Quay requirement deviation given. Table H2 modified. Design fatigue factors (DFFs).
Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, October 2012 Changes – Page 4
• App.A Conversion of Tanllation — A200 Benign waters. Reduction of the rule wave loads in benign waters by reducing the rule wave coefficient (Cw). • App.B Longitudinal Strength according to the LRFD Method — New. Life time extension of FPSOs.
• Sec.13 LRFD Method — New section - LRFD format moved from old App.B. — C: Global strength analysis of the topside structure included.
Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, October 2012 Changes – Page 3
This document supersedes DNV-OS-C102, October 2011. Text affected by the main changes in this edition is highlighted in red colour. However, if the changes involve a whole chapter, section or sub-section, normally only the title will be in red colour.
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