2023届高一期中考试总动员Microsoft Office Word 文档

2023-2024学年高一(上)期中数学试卷一、选择题:共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求.1.(5分)已知集合A={1,2,3},集合B={x||x﹣1|<1},则A∩B=()A.∅B.{1}C.{1,2}D.{1,2,3} 2.(5分)已知x∈R,p:|x﹣2|<1,q:1<x<5,则p是q的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件3.(5分)命题“∃x∈(1,+∞),x2+2<0”的否定是()A.∃x∈(﹣∞,1],x2+2<0B.∃x∈(1,+∞),x2+2≥0C.∀x∈(1,+∞),x2+2>0D.∀x∈(1,+∞),x2+2≥04.(5分)下列函数中,f(x)和g(x)表示同一个函数的是()A.B.f(x)=1,g(x)=x0C.D.f(x)=|x+2|,5.(5分)已知不等式ax2+bx+c>0的解集为{x|x1<x<x2}且x1>0,则不等式cx2+bx+a>0的解集为()A.{x|x1<x<x2}B.{x|x>x2或x<x1}C.D.或6.(5分)已知函数,若函数f(x)=max{﹣x+1,x2﹣3x+2,x﹣1},则函数f(x)的最小值为()A.0B.1C.2D.37.(5分)已知正实数x,y满足2x+y+6=xy,记xy的最小值为a;若m,n>0且满足m+n=1,记的最小值为b.则a+b的值为()A.30B.32C.34D.368.(5分)已知函数f(x)满足f(x)+f(4﹣x)=4,f(x+2)﹣f(﹣x)=0,且f(1)=a,则f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+⋯+f(51)的值为()A.96B.98+a C.102D.104﹣a二、选择题(共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分)(多选)9.(5分)下列不等关系一定成立的是()A.若a>b,则B.若,则ab>0C.若,则a>0>bD.若a>b,a2>b2,则a>b>0(多选)10.(5分)已知x∈(1,+∞),下列最小值为4的函数是()A.y=x2﹣4x+8B.C.D.(多选)11.(5分)下列说法正确的是()A.“a>1,b>1”是“(a﹣1)(b﹣1)>0”的充分不必要条件B.“0<a<4”是“ax2+ax+1>0在R上恒成立”的充要条件C.“a<1”是“f(x)=x2﹣ax在(1,+∞)上单调递增”的必要不充分条件D.已知a,b∈R,则“ab>0”是“a3+a2b﹣a2﹣ab+a+b>0”的既不充分也不必要条件(多选)12.(5分)已知x,y>0且满足x2+y2+1=(xy﹣1)2,则下列结论正确的是()A.xy≥2B.x+y≥4C.x2+y2≥8D.x+4y≥9三、填空题(共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分)13.(5分)已知函数,则函数f(x)的定义域为.14.(5分)已知函数f(x)满足,则函数f(x)的解析式为.15.(5分)已知函数,则f(﹣26)+f(﹣25)+⋯+f(﹣1)+f (1)+⋯+f(26)+f(27)的值为.16.(5分)已知x,y>0且满足x+y=1,若不等式恒成立,记的最小值为n,则m+n的最小值为.四、解答题:共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 17.(10分)已知集合A={x|x2﹣2x﹣3≤0},集合B={x|m﹣1<x<2m+1}.(1)当m=3时,求A∪B;(2)若“x∈A”是“x∈B”的必要不充分条件,求实数m的取值范围.18.(12分)已知函数f(x)=(2m2﹣m)x2m+3是幂函数,且函数f(x)的图象关于y轴对称.(1)求实数m的值;(2)若不等式(a﹣1)m<(2a﹣3)m成立,求实数a的取值范围.19.(12分)已知函数为定义在R上的奇函数.(1)求实数a,b的值;(2)求不等式|f(x)|≥3的解集.20.(12分)某高科技产品投入市场,已知该产品的成本为每件1000元,现通过灵活售价的方式了解市场,通过多日的市场销售数据统计可得,某店单日的销售额与日产量x(件)有关.当1≤x≤3时,单日销售额为(千元);当3≤x≤6时,单日销售额为(千元);当x>6时,单日销售额为21(千元).(1)求m的值,并求该产品日销售利润P(千元)关于日产量x(件)的函数解析式;(销售利润=销售额﹣成本)(2)当日产量x为何值时,日销售利润最大?并求出这个最大值.21.(12分)已知a,b,c是实数,且满足a+b+c=0,证明下列命题:(1)“a=b=c=0”是“ab+bc+ac=0”的充要条件;(2)“abc=1,a≥b≥c”是“”的充分条件.22.(12分)已知函数f(x)=ax2+bx+c(a≠0),满足f(0)=1,f(1)=3.(1)若函数f(x)有最小值,且此最小值为,求函数f(x)的解析式;(2)记g(a)为函数f(x)在区间[1,2]上的最大值,求g(a)的表达式.2023-2024学年高一(上)期中数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、选择题:共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求.1.(5分)已知集合A={1,2,3},集合B={x||x﹣1|<1},则A∩B=()A.∅B.{1}C.{1,2}D.{1,2,3}【分析】结合交集的定义,即可求解.【解答】解:集合A={1,2,3},集合B={x||x﹣1|<1}={x|0<x<2},故A∩B={1}.故选:B.【点评】本题主要考查交集及其运算,属于基础题.2.(5分)已知x∈R,p:|x﹣2|<1,q:1<x<5,则p是q的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件【分析】根据题意,解绝对值不等式得1<x<3,结合充要条件的定义加以判断,即可得到本题的答案.【解答】解:根据题意,|x﹣2|<1⇒﹣1<x﹣2<1⇒1<x<3,由|x﹣2|<1可以推出1<x<5,且由1<x<5不能推出|x﹣2|<1.因此,若p:|x﹣2|<1,q:1<x<5,则p是q的充分不必要条件.故选:A.【点评】本题主要考查不等式的性质、充要条件的判断等知识,考查了计算能力、逻辑推理能力,属于基础题.3.(5分)命题“∃x∈(1,+∞),x2+2<0”的否定是()A.∃x∈(﹣∞,1],x2+2<0B.∃x∈(1,+∞),x2+2≥0C.∀x∈(1,+∞),x2+2>0D.∀x∈(1,+∞),x2+2≥0【分析】根据命题的否定的定义,即可求解.【解答】解:命题“∃x∈(1,+∞),x2+2<0”的否定是:∀x∈(1,+∞),x2+2≥0.故选:D.【点评】本题主要考查特称命题的否定,属于基础题.4.(5分)下列函数中,f(x)和g(x)表示同一个函数的是()A.B.f(x)=1,g(x)=x0C.D.f(x)=|x+2|,【分析】观察函数三要素,逐项判断是否同一函数.【解答】解:由题意得:选项A定义域不同,f(x)的定义域为R,g(x)中,x≠0;选项B定义域不同,f(x)的定义域为R,g(x)中,x≠0;选项C对应法则不同,g(x)=|x|;D项,三要素相同,为同一函数.故选:D.【点评】本题考查同一函数的判断,属于基础题.5.(5分)已知不等式ax2+bx+c>0的解集为{x|x1<x<x2}且x1>0,则不等式cx2+bx+a>0的解集为()A.{x|x1<x<x2}B.{x|x>x2或x<x1}C.D.或【分析】由题意可知,a<0,方程ax2+bx+c=0的两个根分别为x1,x2,再结合韦达定理求解即可.【解答】解:根据题意:a<0,方程ax2+bx+c=0的两个根分别为x1,x2,所以,,,,解得,即不等式的解集为{x|}.故选:C.【点评】本题主要考查了韦达定理的应用,考查了一元二次不等式的解法,属于基础题.6.(5分)已知函数,若函数f(x)=max{﹣x+1,x2﹣3x+2,x﹣1},则函数f(x)的最小值为()A.0B.1C.2D.3【分析】根据函数f(x)的定义可知,在一个坐标系中画出y=﹣x+1,y=x2﹣3x+2,y =x﹣1的图象,取最上面的部分作为函数f(x)的图象,由图象即可求出函数的最小值.【解答】解:根据题意,在同一个直角坐标系中,由﹣x+1=x2﹣3x+2,得x2﹣2x+1=0,解得x=1;由x2﹣3x+2=x﹣1,得x2﹣4x+3=0,解得x=3或x=1,所以f(x)=,同时画出函数y=﹣x+1,y=x2﹣3x+2,y=x﹣1,如图分析:所以函数f(x)的最小值为0.故选:A.【点评】本题考查利用函数的图象求函数的最值,属中档题.7.(5分)已知正实数x,y满足2x+y+6=xy,记xy的最小值为a;若m,n>0且满足m+n=1,记的最小值为b.则a+b的值为()A.30B.32C.34D.36【分析】由已知结合基本不等式先求出xy的范围,即可求a,然后利用乘1法,结合基本不等式可求b,进而可求a+b.【解答】解:∵xy=2x+y+6+6,当且仅当2x=y,即x=3,y=6时取等号,∴a=18.∵m+n=1,m>0,n>0.则=6,当且仅当n=3m且m+n=1,即m=,n=时取等号,∴,∴b=16;∴a+b=34.故选:C.【点评】本题主要考查了基本不等式在最值求解中的应用,属于基础题.8.(5分)已知函数f(x)满足f(x)+f(4﹣x)=4,f(x+2)﹣f(﹣x)=0,且f(1)=a,则f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+⋯+f(51)的值为()A.96B.98+a C.102D.104﹣a【分析】由已知结合函数的对称性先求出函数的周期,然后结合对称性及周期性即可求解.【解答】解:根据题意:函数f(x)满足f(x)+f(4﹣x)=4,可得函数f(x)关于点(2,2)成中心对称,函数f(x)满足f(x+2)﹣f(﹣x)=0,所以函数f(x)关于x=1对称,所以函数f(x)既关于x=1成轴对称,同时关于点(2,2)成中心对称,所以f(2)=2,T=4,又因为f(1)=a,所以f(3)=4﹣a,f(4)=f(﹣2)=f(﹣2+4)=f(2)=2,所以f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+f(4)=a+2+4﹣a+2=8,所以f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+⋯+f(51)=12[f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+f(4)]+f(1)+f(2)+f(3)=12×8+a+2+4﹣a=102.故选:C.【点评】本题主要考查了函数的奇偶性,对称性及周期性在函数求值中的应用,属于中档题.二、选择题(共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分)(多选)9.(5分)下列不等关系一定成立的是()A.若a>b,则B.若,则ab>0C.若,则a>0>bD.若a>b,a2>b2,则a>b>0【分析】由已知举出反例检验选项A,D;结合不等式的性质检验B,C即可判断.【解答】解:当a=1,b=﹣1时,A显然错误;若,则=<0,所以ab>0,B正确;若,即b﹣a<0,则=>0,所以ab<0,所以b<0<a,C正确;当a=2,b=﹣1时,D显然错误.故选:BC.【点评】本题主要考查了不等式的性质在不等式大小比较中的应用,属于基础题.(多选)10.(5分)已知x∈(1,+∞),下列最小值为4的函数是()A.y=x2﹣4x+8B.C.D.【分析】根据二次函数的性质检验选项A,结合基本不等式检验选项BCD即可判断.【解答】解:根据题意:选项A,y=x2﹣4x+8,根据二次函数的性质可知,x=2时取最小值4,故选A;,当且仅当时取最小值,不在x∈(1,+∞)范围内,故选项B错误;选项C,=,当且仅当,即x=3时成立,故选项C正确;选项D,,令,原式为,当且仅当t=,即t=2时等式成立,不在范围内,故选项D错误.故选:AC.【点评】本题主要考查了基本不等式及二次函数性质在最值求解中的应用,属于中档题.(多选)11.(5分)下列说法正确的是()A.“a>1,b>1”是“(a﹣1)(b﹣1)>0”的充分不必要条件B.“0<a<4”是“ax2+ax+1>0在R上恒成立”的充要条件C.“a<1”是“f(x)=x2﹣ax在(1,+∞)上单调递增”的必要不充分条件D.已知a,b∈R,则“ab>0”是“a3+a2b﹣a2﹣ab+a+b>0”的既不充分也不必要条件【分析】根据充分必要条件的定义,对各个选项中的两个条件进行正反推理论证,即可得到本题的答案.【解答】解:对于选项A,a>1,b>1⇒a﹣1>0,b﹣1>0⇒(a﹣1)(b﹣1)>0,反之,若(a﹣1)(b﹣1)>0,则可能a=b=0,不能得出a>1,b>1.故“a>1,b>1”是“(a﹣1)(b﹣1)>0”的充分不必要条件,A正确;对于选项B,ax2+ax+1>0在R上恒成立,当a=0时,可得1>0恒成立,而区间(0,4)上没有0,故“0<a<4”不是“ax2+ax+1>0在R上恒成立”的充要条件,B不正确;对于选项C,f(x)=x2﹣ax在(1,+∞)上单调递增,可以推出是a⩽2的子集,故“a<1”是“f(x)=x2﹣ax在(1,+∞)上单调递增”的充分不必要条件,C不正确;对于选项D,a3+a2b﹣a2﹣ab+a+b=a2(a+b)﹣a(a+b)+(a+b)=(a+b)(a2﹣a+1),,ab>0⇎(a+b)>0,因此,“ab>0”是“a3+a2b﹣a2﹣ab+a+b>0”的既不充分也不必要条件,D正确.故选:AD.【点评】本题主要考查了充分条件与必要条件的判断、不等式的性质、二次函数的单调性等知识,属于基础题.(多选)12.(5分)已知x,y>0且满足x2+y2+1=(xy﹣1)2,则下列结论正确的是()A.xy≥2B.x+y≥4C.x2+y2≥8D.x+4y≥9【分析】将所给等式化简整理,得到(x+y)2=x2y2,结合x,y>0可得x+y=xy,.由此出发对各个选项逐一加以验证,即可得到本题的答案.【解答】解:根据题意,x2+y2+1=(xy﹣1)2,即x2+y2=x2y2﹣2xy,整理得x2+y2+2xy =x2y2,所以x2+y2+2xy=x2y2,即(x+y)2=x2y2,而x、y均为正数,故x+y=xy,可得.对于A,,两边平方得x2y2≥4xy,可得xy≥4,故A错误;对于B,由A的计算可知x+y=xy≥4,当且仅当x=y=2时取到等号,故B正确;对于C,x2+y2=x2y2﹣2xy=(xy﹣1)2+1≥32﹣1=8,当且仅当x=y=2时取到等号,故C正确;对于D,,当且仅当x=2y,即时取到等号,故D正确.故选:BCD.【点评】本题主要考查了不等式的性质、基本不等式及其应用等知识,考查了计算能力、逻辑推理能力,属于中档题.三、填空题(共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分)13.(5分)已知函数,则函数f(x)的定义域为[﹣2,1].【分析】根据函数的解析式,列出使函数解析式有意义的不等式组,求出解集即可.【解答】解:函数∴﹣x2﹣x+2⩾0,解得﹣2⩽x⩽1.∴函数的定义域为[﹣2,1].故答案为:[﹣2,1].【点评】本题主要考查函数定义域的求解,属于基础题.14.(5分)已知函数f (x )满足,则函数f (x )的解析式为.【分析】利用解方程组的方法求函数解析式即可.【解答】解:根据题意:①,令代替x ,可得②,①﹣②×2得:,∴函数f (x )的解析式为.故答案为:.【点评】本题考查求函数解析式,属于基础题.15.(5分)已知函数,则f (﹣26)+f (﹣25)+⋯+f (﹣1)+f(1)+⋯+f (26)+f (27)的值为.【分析】根据已知条件,结合偶函数的性质,即可求解.【解答】解:令函数,可得函数f (x )=g (x )+2,∵函数为奇函数,∴g (﹣x )=﹣g (x )⇒g (﹣x )+g (x )=0,f (﹣26)+f (﹣25)+⋯+f (﹣1)+f (1)+⋯+f (26)+f (27)=g (﹣26)+g (﹣25)+⋯+g (﹣1)+g (1)+⋯+g (26)+g (27)+2×53=g (27)+2×53=.故答案为:.【点评】本题主要考查函数值的求解,属于基础题.16.(5分)已知x ,y >0且满足x +y =1,若不等式恒成立,记的最小值为n ,则m +n 的最小值为.【分析】由恒成立,可知左边的最小值大于等于9,因此求的最小值,结合基本不等式求出m+n的最小值.【解答】解:∵实数x,y>0满足x+y=1,∴x+y+1=2,而=,当时,等号成立,所以,解得m⩾8.而=,令,则原式,当时,等号成立,∴实数n的值为,可得实数m+n的最小值为.故答案为:.【点评】本题主要考查基本不等式及其应用,考查了计算能力、逻辑推理能力,属于基础题.四、解答题:共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 17.(10分)已知集合A={x|x2﹣2x﹣3≤0},集合B={x|m﹣1<x<2m+1}.(1)当m=3时,求A∪B;(2)若“x∈A”是“x∈B”的必要不充分条件,求实数m的取值范围.【分析】(1)把m=3代入求得B,再由并集运算求解;(2)“x∈A”是“x∈B”的必要不充分条件,得B⫋A,然后分B=∅和B≠∅分别求解m 的范围,取并集得答案.【解答】解:(1)∵集合A={x|x2﹣2x﹣3⩽0},由x2﹣2x﹣3⩽0,即(x+1)(x﹣3)⩽0,解得﹣1⩽x⩽3,∵集合B={x|m﹣1<x<2m+1},当m=3时,即B={x|2<x<7},∴A∪B={x|﹣1⩽x<7}.(2)“x∈A”足“x∈B”的必要不充分条件,可得集合B是集合A的真子集,当m﹣1⩾2m+1⇒m⩽﹣2时,集合B为空集,满足题意;当m﹣1<2m+1⇒m>﹣2时,集合B是集合A的真子集,可得,∴实数m的取值范围为{m|m⩽﹣2或0⩽m⩽1}.【点评】本题考查并集的运算,考查分类讨论思想,是中档题.18.(12分)已知函数f(x)=(2m2﹣m)x2m+3是幂函数,且函数f(x)的图象关于y轴对称.(1)求实数m的值;(2)若不等式(a﹣1)m<(2a﹣3)m成立,求实数a的取值范围.【分析】(1)结合幂函数的性质,以及偶函数的性质,即可求解;(2)结合函数的性质,即可求解.【解答】解:(1)由题意可知,2m2﹣m=1,解得m=或1,又∵函数f(x)关于y轴对称,当,满足题意;当m=1⇒f(x)=x5,此时函数f(x)为奇函数,不满足题意,∴实数m的值为;(2)函数,分析可得该函数在(0,+∞)单调递减,∴由(a﹣1)m<(2a﹣3)m可得:.∴实数a的取值范围为.【点评】本题主要考查函数的性质,是基础题.19.(12分)已知函数为定义在R上的奇函数.(1)求实数a,b的值;(2)求不等式|f(x)|≥3的解集.【分析】(1)当x<0时,﹣x>0,代入已知函数解析式,对比函数解析式即可求解a,b;(2)结合奇函数的对称性及二次不等式的求法即可求解.【解答】解:(1)根据题意:当x<0时,﹣x>0,则f(x)=﹣f(﹣x)=﹣[(﹣x)2+2(﹣x)]=﹣x2+2x,故a=﹣1,b=2;(2)当x⩾0时,|f(x)|⩾3可得f(x)⩾3,即x2+2x⩾3⇒x2+2x﹣3⩾0,解得x⩾1,根据奇函数可得:|f(x)|⩾3的解集为{x|x⩾1或x⩽﹣1}.【点评】本题主要考查了奇函数的定义在函数解析式求解中的应用,还考查了奇函数的对称性在不等式求解中的应用,属于中档题.20.(12分)某高科技产品投入市场,已知该产品的成本为每件1000元,现通过灵活售价的方式了解市场,通过多日的市场销售数据统计可得,某店单日的销售额与日产量x(件)有关.当1≤x≤3时,单日销售额为(千元);当3≤x≤6时,单日销售额为(千元);当x>6时,单日销售额为21(千元).(1)求m的值,并求该产品日销售利润P(千元)关于日产量x(件)的函数解析式;(销售利润=销售额﹣成本)(2)当日产量x为何值时,日销售利润最大?并求出这个最大值.【分析】(1)根据单日销售额函数,列方程求出m的值,再利用利润=销售额﹣成本,即可得出日销售利润函数的解析式.(2)利用分段函数求出每个区间上的最大值,比较即可得出结论.【解答】解:(1)根据题意知,单日销售额为f(x)=,因为f(3)=+6+3=+9,解得m=,因为利润=销售额﹣成本,所以日销售利润为P(x)=,化简为P (x )=.(2)根据题意分析:①日销售利润P (x )=+x +3=+(x +1)+2,令t =x +1=2,3,4,所以函数为,分析可得当t =2时,取最大值,其最大值为;②日销售利润P (x )=+2x =+2x =﹣+2x ,该函数单调递增,所以当x =6时,P (x )取最大值,此最大值为15;③日销售利润P (x )=21﹣x ,该函数单调递减,所以当x =7时,P (x )取最大值,此最大值为14;综上知,当x =6时,日销售利润最大,最大值为15千元.【点评】本题考查了分段函数模型应用问题,也考查了运算求解能力,是中档题.21.(12分)已知a ,b ,c 是实数,且满足a +b +c =0,证明下列命题:(1)“a =b =c =0”是“ab +bc +ac =0”的充要条件;(2)“abc =1,a ≥b ≥c ”是“”的充分条件.【分析】(1)根据完全平方公式,等价变形,可证出结论;(2)利用基本不等式,结合不等式的性质加以证明,即可得到本题的答案.【解答】证明:(1)∵(a +b +c )2=a 2+b 2+c 2+2ab +2bc +2ac ,充分性:若a =b =c =0,则ab +bc +ac =0,充分性成立;必要性:若ab +bc +ac =0,由a +b +c =0,得(a +b +c )2=a 2+b 2+c 2+2ab +2bc +2ac ,所以a 2+b 2+c 2=0,可得a =b =c =0,必要性成立.综上所述,a =b =c =0是ab +bc +ac =0的充要条件;(2)由a ⩾b ⩾c ,且abc =1>0,可知a >0,b <0,c <0,由a +b +c =0,得,当且仅当b =c 时等号成立,由,得,a 3⩾4,可知≤a =﹣b ﹣c ≤﹣2c ,解得,因此,abc=1且a⩾b⩾c是的充分条件.【点评】本题主要考查等式的恒等变形、不等式的性质与基本不等式等知识,考查了计算能力、逻辑推理能力,属于基础题.22.(12分)已知函数f(x)=ax2+bx+c(a≠0),满足f(0)=1,f(1)=3.(1)若函数f(x)有最小值,且此最小值为,求函数f(x)的解析式;(2)记g(a)为函数f(x)在区间[1,2]上的最大值,求g(a)的表达式.【分析】(1)根据题意,由f(0)=1,f(1)=3分析可得f(x)=ax2+(2﹣a)x+1,由二次函数的最小值求出a的值,进而计算可得答案;(2)根据题意,由二次函数的性质分a>0与a<0两种情况讨论,分析g(a)的解析式,综合可得答案.【解答】解:(1)根据题意,函数f(x)=ax2+bx+c满足f(0)=1,f(1)=3,则有f(0)=c=1,f(1)=a+b+c=3,变形可得b=2﹣a,函数f(x)=ax2+(2﹣a)x+1,∵函数f(x)有最小值,∴a>0,函数f(x)的最小值为=,解可得:a=4或1,∴当a=4时,b=﹣2,函数f(x)的解析式为f(x)=4x2﹣2x+1;当a=1时,b=1,函数f(x)的解析式为f(x)=x2+x+1.(2)根据题意,由(1)的结论,f(x)=ax2+(2﹣a)x+1,是二次函数,分2种情况讨论:①当a>0时,i.当对称轴时,函数f(x)在区间[1,2]上的最大值g(a)=f(2)=2a+5,ii.当对称轴时,与a>0矛盾,故当a>0时,函数f(x)在区间[1,2]上的最大值g(a)=2a+5;②当a<0时,i.当对称轴时,函数f(x)在区间[1,2]上的最大值g(a)=f(1)=3,ii.当对称轴时,函数f(x)在区间[1,2]上的最大值,iii.当对称轴时,函数f(x)在区间[1,2]上的最大值g(a)=f(2)=2a+5.综上所述,【点评】本题考查函数的最值,涉及二次函数的性质,属于中档题.。

广东省部分名校2023-2024学年高一上学期期中联合考试英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解I’m a. . . digital nativeThe online world is a big part of my life. I’m a “digital native” — I’ve been using the computer since I was a kid.I do a wide range of things online. Besides doing all my schoolwork, I chat with my friends, watch films and read the daily news and other interesting articles. I also shop for various things online, such as books, computer hardware, and other necessities. It’s so convenient to be able to compare the quality and prices from different online shops before I buy. I also play computer games from time to time and I even play tennis on my television screen in my living room!My parents are worried that I may become an “Internet addict”. They think I’m playing computer games all the time, and that I chat too much with online friends. According to them, there is a danger that I may not be able to tell whether these friends are real friends. My mum keeps telling me to go out with my school friends instead. Maybe she’s right. It’s important to meet friends in person from time to time, not just on social media. Actually, I do know I need to drag myself away from the online world sometimes, especially because the real life can be just as interesting.1.What does the underlined phrase “digital native” mean?A.Someone skilled at study.B.Someone who lives in a city.C.Someone who runs an online shop.D.Someone very familiar with the online world.2.How does the writer probably benefit from doing things online?A.He sells various things online.B.He can save money when shopping.C.He can post his interesting articles.D.He can make better friends.3.What are the writer’s parents most worried about?A.His schoolwork.B.His social life.C.His health.D.His diet.The world will become a better place when we realize that everyone can have bad daysand that we care enough and take actions. Rachel Harder, a fourth-grade teacher from Kansas, recognized this, and she found an amazing way to help out both her students and their families.A few years ago, Rachel attended a trauma (精神创伤) conference. She learned that some police stations worked together with schools. They could let teachers know when their students need help, patience or extra care.A year after the conference, Rachel had a student with autism who frequently had difficult days. To support the student, Rachel told the student’s mom to simply text her “Handle with Care” to let her know when the student was experiencing difficult time. “When she would text me, I knew that her daughter needed some extra time and a quiet place to get help, not going to the playground for morning announcements (通告) , so that the rest of her daughter’s day went well,” Rachel said.The simple method was such a success that Rachel decided to send all of her students home with a note for their parents. It explained what the “Handle with Care” system was and how they could make use of it. In no time, the parents began to show their appreciation for Rachel’s unbelievable act of kindness.But Rachel’s kindness didn’t end with her class. News spread of the amazing system, and teachers across the country began giving it a shot in their own class. Printed materials could be found on the school website, and the feedback (反馈) has been extremely positive! 4.How did Rachel support the student with autism?A.By giving more time and a quiet place.B.By taking the student to the playground.C.By sending text messages to her mother.D.By making sure she has a good rest. 5.What happened after Rachel sent notes home to all the parents?A.The parents expressed their thanks.B.Rachel showed kindness only to her class.C.Teachers nationwide stopped using the system.D.Parents gave comments on printed material.6.What is the text mainly about?A.Rachel Harder’s creative teaching methods.B.The importance of teachers’ work with police.C.A way to support students’ emotional health.D.The impact of the “Handle with Care” system.One characteristic (特征) of shyness is to feel frightened and nervous in new social situations or when being the center of attention. Whether shyness is part of your child’s personality or just something they feel when they are in front of a group of strangers, it is a common experience, according to a study.To look at shyness, researchers brought 152 children aged 7-8 into a lab and told them they would give a speech which would be filmed and shown to other children. The study showed that about 40% of the children showed a level of stress when giving the speech. About 25% of the children were not thought to be shy by their parents, but in fact showed a level of social stress from giving the speech. This finding proves the fact that shyness is more common than we think.For children at this age, shyness may be a normal experience when they face a speech task. For a smaller group of shy children, however, being the center of attention may be stressful at different times and environments.Shy people aren’t always valued by society like outgoing ones but that doesn’t mean there is something wrong. Everyone can feel shy at times depending on the environment. And those who are shy often have happy social lives—they just aren’t likely to be the liveliest (最活泼的) people in a crowded room.Although shyness itself may not be a problem, parents should pay attention to signs of stress in their shy children. Importantly, however, we know that not all shy children are the same, and that many shy children grow up to be happy adults7.What can we learn about shyness from paragraph 1?A.Shyness is something we are born with.B.Shyness is not unusual.C.Shyness is the center of attention.D.Shyness means not talking to others. 8.What did researchers find during the study?A.Some kids got stressed while giving speeches.B.Few kids like to give a speech to others.C.Some kids appear more shy with their parents.D.Some kids are stressed when being separated.9.What does the author advise parents to do when facing shy children?A.Bring them to crowded spaces.B.Encourage them to be braver.C.Watch for signs of pressure.D.Try to give them more time alone.10.What can be the best title for the text?A.When are people shy?B.Ways of beating shynessC.Why is shyness a bad thing?D.A discovery about shyness二、其他11.将下列几个部分(A、B、C、D和E)按题号排序,构成一个符合逻辑的完整语篇。
2024期中考试word - 副本

9.在excel2010中,假设单元格A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3,C1,C2,C3的数值分别为1,2,1,4,1,6,7,8,9,在A4中输入=SUM($A1:B2),选中A4,执行向右填充命令后,B4的值为10. 假定D3单元格中保存公式为=B3+C3,若复制到E4中,则E4保存公式为11. 在excel2010中,假设单元格A7的数值是66,在A8输入=if(A7>=40,IF(A7>60,A7-2,A7-1),A7),选中A8,执行向下填充命令后,A12的数值为12. Excel2010中求最大值函数是。
13. 绝对引用、相对引用、混合引用之间切换你可换键实现。
14. Excel2010中,输入当前系统时间的快捷键是,输入当前系统日期的快捷键是。

人教版2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试物理试题姓名:__________ 班级:__________考号:__________1.一辆汽车在教练场上沿平直道路行驶,以x表示它相对出发点的位移.汽车在0~40s内运动的x-t图像如图所示.则汽车A.10s~20s内做匀速运动B.前10s内速率是后20s内速率的两倍C.前10s内与后20s内运动方向相同D.始终沿同一方向运动2.如图所示为一个运动质点的x−t图像,则下列图中与之对应的v−t图像为()A.B.C.D.3.下面关于速度和加速度,说法正确的是()A.速度大,则加速度一定大B.速度变化量大,加速度可能大C.速度为零,加速度一定为零D.加速度是单位时间内速度的变化量,是标量4.一辆急救车快要到达目的地时开始刹车,做匀减速直线运动.开始刹车后的第1s内和第2s内位移大小依次为10m和6m,则刹车后4s内的位移是A.16m B.18m C.32m D.40m5.杂技演员有一个基本练习项目叫杂耍抛接球。


msoffice计算机一级考试题库MS Office计算机一级考试是针对计算机基础操作技能的测试,主要评估考生对Microsoft Office套件中Word、Excel、PowerPoint等软件的掌握程度。
一、Word操作题1. 打开Word文档,设置页面布局为A4纸张大小,页边距为2厘米。
2. 将文档标题设置为“计算机一级考试”,字体为宋体,字号为16号,加粗,并居中对齐。
3. 在文档中插入一个表格,包含5行4列,自动调整列宽以适应内容。
4. 将表格的第一行设置为标题行,背景色为浅灰色。
5. 为文档添加页脚,显示页码,格式为“第X页共Y页”。
6. 将文档中的所有段落首行缩进2字符,行距设置为1.5倍行距。
7. 插入一个分节符,将文档分为两节,第二节设置不同的页眉,包含文档标题。
8. 为文档添加目录,自动更新页码。
二、Excel操作题1. 创建一个新的Excel工作簿,设置工作表的名称为“销售数据”。
2. 在A1:E1单元格中输入标题“月份”,“销售额”,“成本”,“利润”,“增长率”。
3. 在A2:A6单元格中输入1月到6月的月份。
4. 在B2:B6单元格中输入销售额数据,C2:C6单元格中输入成本数据。
5. 使用公式计算D2:D6单元格中的利润,即销售额减去成本。
6. 在E2单元格中使用公式计算1月份的增长率,假设去年1月份的销售额为100000。
7. 利用条件格式设置,当利润为负数时,单元格背景色变为红色。
8. 对销售额进行排序,降序排列。
9. 插入一个饼图,展示每个月的利润占比。
10. 保存工作簿,并设置密码保护。
三、PowerPoint操作题1. 打开PowerPoint,创建一个新的演示文稿,主题选择“专业”。
2. 在第一张幻灯片中,插入标题“计算机一级考试介绍”,副标题为“考试内容与要求”。
3. 在第二张幻灯片中,列出考试的主要内容,包括Word、Excel、PowerPoint等。

这些厂商之所以能够强者愈强,可能得益于①产品的功能强大决定了其市场售价较高②个别劳动时间小于社会必要劳动时间③通过自主研发提高了商品的价值量④依托科技创新提高了企业劳动生产率A. ①②B. ①③C. ②④D. ③④【答案】C【解析】商品的价格是由其价值决定的,产品的功能并不决定其价格,①不选;这些厂商生产手机的个别劳动时间如果小于社会必要劳动时间,在竞争中就会处于有利地位,②正确;企业通过自主研发可能会提高商品的使用价值,但不会提高商品的价值量,③不选;这些厂商之所以能强者愈强,可能是通过高科技创新提高了企业的劳动生产率,④正确,故本题答案应为C。
这时的1元相当于_____元,就会_____( )A.5000、0.25、使纸币购买力下降B.5000、0.5、引发通货膨胀C.5000、0.5、使纸币购买力提高D.20000、2、使纸币升值【答案】B【解析】本题考查货币流通规律。

上海中学2023学年第二学期期中考试英语试卷高一______班学号______ 姓名______ 成绩______Ⅰ.Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and a question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.A.15 dollars.B.20 dollars.C.25 dollars.D.45 dollars. 2.A.To the gallery.B.To the dentist’s.C.To her flat.D.To the garage. 3.A.She was fired by the company.B.She broke the law.C.She is on leave right now.D.She is replacing the company’s website. 4.A.Patient and doctor.B.Resident and government official. C.Customer and insurance agent.D.Boss and secretary.5.A.He was sitting opposite Mr. Johnson.B.He is planning a farewell party for Mr. Johnson. C.All the tasks that Mr. Johnson did failed.D.He is glad Mr. Johnson left the company. 6.A.She prefers dogs to cats.B.She had a close relationship with the man’s daughter.C.She used to sorrow over her dog’s death.D.She is always in low spirits.7.A.The woman should get the chips herself.B.The woman shouldn’t eat chips.C.The woman used to have several heart attacks.D.The woman warned the man against heart attacks. 8.A.They plan to have the meeting in another place.B.The availability of the meeting room will be discussed.C.They have already had the meeting.D They will have the meeting sometime later.9.A.The car’s demand greatly exceeds supply.B.The woman has listed the car’s advantages. C.The woman received a car a month ago.D.The woman didn’t like the car.10.A.She won’t do the presentation.B.She needs to collect a lot of data for the presentation.C.She is still at an early stage of preparation for the presentation.D.The topic is most important for the presentation.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and a longer conversation, and you will be asked some questions on the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper anddecide which one is the best answer to the question you’ve heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11.A.The type of food you freeze.B.The way you warm up the frozen food. C.Whether the freezer bags are sealed.D.What temperature you set your freezer to. 12.A.Because they can be easily stocked.B.Because they fit well in the fridge. C.Because they come in different sizes and shapes.D.Because they help to keep the dry food dry 13.A.Prevent people from eating too much food.B.Stop people from removing food that hasn’t gone bad.C.Make people become cautious about eating unhealthy food.D.Make people become ambitious in making use of leftover food.Questions 14 through 17 are based on the following passage.14.A.Postpone retirement age.B.Involve more women in work.C.Hire more foreign workers.D.Attract workers with high salaries. 15.A.Relieve pressure on human nursing care.B.Take care of children and the elderly. C.Finally replace humans in workforce.D.Give humans more time to r creative work. 16.A.Robots can’t do certain work.B.Some people don’t accept robots.C.The expenses for robots are still high.D.The functions of robots need improving. 17.A.Japan struggles to fight workforce shortage.B.Japanese attitudes towards robots change a lot.C.Robots have played a major role in Japan’s industry.D.Robots can help in Japanese workforce shortage.Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following conversation.18.A.The cruise liner will provide all sorts of food and entertainment.B.Only half of the cabins will be filled up.C.The prices of unsold tickets will be reduced.D.Everyone will be able to afford the ticket.19.A.Book tickets as soon as they are available.B.Closely watch the changes of ticket prices C.Compare deals from different sources.D.Keep in contact with a travel age n you can trust. 20.A.Because cruise tours are only suitable for people who have much free time.B.Because he can work part-time to earn money to pay for the tour.C.Because doing price research and comparing takes time.D.Because he can sail shortly after buying the cheap ticket.Ⅱ.Grammar and VocabularySection A Multiple Choice21.No man is useless in this world ______ lightens the burden of someone else.A.which B.that C.who D.as22.______ be considered for the role of team leader in our upcoming project?A.Who do you suggest that should B.Who do you suggestC.Whom do you suggest should D.Do you suggest who should23.I’m now applying to graduate school, ______ means someday I’ll return to a profession ______people need to be nice to me in order to get what they want.A.which, as B.which, which C.which, where D.as, in which 24.The reason ______ she gave for her resignation was ______ she wanted to pursue her passion for travel and exploration.A.that, that B.why, that C.why, because D./, because25.It might be years ______ we ______ the creation of artificial intelligence systems capable of true human-like cognition.A.since, made possible B.before, make possibleC.since, made possible that D.before, make it possible26.The budget for the project ended up being twice ______, causing unexpected financial strain on the company. A.how it intended to B.that it had intended toC.as it intended to D.what it was intended to27.It was ______ she took her first step onto foreign soil ______ signaled the beginning of a journey filled with unknown adventures and unforgettable experiences.A.the moment, that B.the moment, whenC.the moment when, that D.the moment when, which28.The complexities of the English language are ______ even native speakers cannot always communicate effectively, ______ almost every American learns on his first day in Britain.A.so that, as B.such that, as C.so that, with D.such that, in that 29.His confidence and strong will clearly show that he is no longer ______ he used to be the first time ______ he undertook such a demanding task.A.who, when B.who, /C.what, /D.what, that30.It was not so much her talent ______ her perseverance and determination ______ motivated her to the top of her field.A but. that B.as, that C.nor, which D.like, which31.______ the children tracked mud all over them again.A.No sooner did he sweep the floors clean than B.Hardly had he sweep the floors clean when C.Barely he had swept the floors clean than D.Scarcely had he swept the floors clean when 32.Although the suspect insisted ______ alone during the time of the crime, the court still demanded ______ evidence to support his alibi.A.being at home, he should provide B.he be at home, he providedC.he was at home, be provide D.he was at home, he providing33.Visitors are permitted to take photographs for personal use only, ______ stated otherwise by the museum staff. A.though B.if C.as D.unless34.The recipe book features helpful ______, making it easier for learners to visualize the cooking process. A.explanation B.demonstrations C.illustrations D.presentations35.The heroic idea that ______ qualities such as excellence, generosity courage, loyalty and dignity is highly valued and modeled.A.embraces B.identifies C.examines D.criticizes36.______ by the work pressure, he has been experiencing serious physical symptoms of stress and had to turn to a therapist for help.A.Overwhelmed B.Disappointed C.Frustrated D.Shocked37.After witnessing her tireless dedication to practice every day, the parents were ______ her enthusiasm for playing the piano.A.concerned with B.committed to C.informed of D convinced of38.When we ______ the data further, we can identify specific trends and patterns that may not be evident at first glance.A.break up B.break out C.break through D.break down 39.The temptation for a declining church to ______ old privileges is strong.A.hang on to B.settle for C.pass up D.sign for40.After signing the contract, every employee is ______ fulfill their duties and conform to the rules made by the company.A.reluctant to B.obliged to C.motivated to D.honored to 41.Due to the long-term environmental and financial benefits, renewable energy technologies are ______ A.worthwhile to develop B.worth being developedC.worthy to be developed D.worthy of developingSection B VocabularyDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Stressed out? Get chewing: can a wellness rebrand make Americans buy gum again?When was the last time you saw someone chewing gum? 1998, maybe? 2007? Chances are, it probably wasn’t recently. Like high heels and affordable housing, chewing gum appears to be going 42Gum’s popularity has been fading globally thanks to increased competition from products like breath mints and mobile phones distracting us from impulse purchases while shopping. The pandemic, moreover,43 ·accelerated gum’s decline.Even after people 44 from lockdown, sales didn’t recover. Gum sales worldwide in 2023 were 10% below 2018 figures. In the US, the drop has been particularly pronounced: last year 1.2 billion units of gum were sold in the US, 32% fewer than in 2018.However, chewing gum, in various forms, is one of the oldest habits there is. Stone age teenagers were chewing birch bar k tar possibly for pleasure, medicinal purposes, or to use it as a glue. Gum has also been loaded with cultural meaning and the subject of various 45 panics. Some people believe it is a marker of the bad kidsor a habit of the lower class.Despite a certain amount of social stigma(污名)attached to gum, it has - until relatively recently -been a wildly successful product. That’s thanks to William Wrigley Jr, who was a marketing and advertising genius. Wrigley always 46 to find a way to make gum relevant and insert it into consumer culture. For example, Wrigley advertised the idea that chewing gum was a health aid that would help digestion and would relieve stress.This year the Wrigley brand’s owner —Mars— came out with an ad campaign it hopes will revive gum’s47 by positioning it as an almost instant stress reliever. Linking gum with wellness worked in the 1910s, but is it going to work now? Alex Hayes at the food consultancy is 48 optimistic. “The global well ness market is estimated to be worth more than $1.5 trillion, so it’s no surprise that Mars wants a piece of the pie,” Hayes says. “We’ve seen the success of categories such as tea promoting their products via functional 49 and messaging-teas for good sleep, mental clarity, stress relief, etc. So it comes as no surprise that Mars is risking the same 50 .” But he also notes, customers are increasingly worried about processed foods and are eager to move away from artificial 51 . There’s still ongoing discussion on just how effective repositioning chewable plastic as a health supplement is going to be.Ⅲ.Reading ComprehensionSection A ClozeDirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.It’s safe to say Jeremy Scott is having a lucky year. In March while working as a chauffeur, he told his boss about his plans to set up a driving business. By the end of the journey, Scott’s boss had offered to 52 his idea-a starting capital along with the gift of a £110,000 limousine(豪车)to kick start the business.Of course, there’s an element of luck to everyone’s career. Whether you’re a chief executive or an artist — your 53 won’t be based on hard work alone. For example, the place you were born 54 your education. It determines whether you learn to read, write or complete qualifications, which 55 limits your career choices.Many people believe success is down to talent and hard work, but “this is because most people underestimate the role of 56 ”, says psychologist Dr Elizabeth Nutt Williams. “We do a lot of work to prepare for our careers-education, training, taking advantage of mentoring-all of which tend to be in our control.” People don’t like to acknowledge the role of luck in their work, as it 57 this feeling of being in control, adds Williams.Everyone remembers working hard, so people are more likely to overestimate how much of their success is down to diligence than something much more 58 like luck.The reality of success (at least in terms of 59 )is less clear cut. In the UK, studies show where you are born is likely to determine how much you earn.2017 research found that there is a “class pay gap’’, where professional employers from 60 backgrounds are paid almost £7,000 less a year — despite having the same role, education and experience as colleagues from more privileged families. 61 , black graduates earn up to 23% less per hour than white university leavers, whereas woman in the UK earn 14% less on average than men.Socio-economic status also plays a big role in the 62 you enter. A recent study by the Debrett’s Foundation found seven in every 10 young people aged 16-25 use 63 to get their first job. While research hasshown that less able, richer children are 35% more likely to become high earners than their brighter. poorer peers.The truth is: chance and coincidences 64 our careers more than we like to think. Realizing that parts of your career are out of your control sounds 65 , but being grateful for the role of luck in your career can actually make you more fortunate.This is because when you acknowledge the role of luck in your work, you become prepared to take advantage of more fortunate moments. “Chance events occur·but it is all about the individual’s 66 to see those events as possibilities and their willingness to take a risk,” says Williams.52.A.challenge B.adopt C.finance D.reject 53.A.performances B.accomplishments C.assessments D.outcomes 54.A.accounts for B.applies to C.makes up for D.depends on 55.A.in reward B.after all C.in turn D.by nature 56.A.chance B.accident C.education D.diligence 57.A.emphasizes B.overlooks C.maintains D.weakens 58.A.manageable B.vital C.slippery D.minor 59.A.reputation B.income C.education D.occupation 60.A.wealthier B.poorer C.unique D.diverse 61.A.Nevertheless B.Contrarily C.Consequently D.Similarly 62.A.profession B.circle C.community D.university 63.A.certificates B.online platforms C.career fairs D.family connections 64.A.contribute to B.result from C.add to D.hold back 65.A.inspiring B.encouraging C.appealing D.discouraging 66.A.reluctance B.eagerness C.readiness D.resolutionSection B Passages(A)When you think about coffee alternatives, garlic is probably one of the last things that comes to mind, but that is exactly the ingredient that one Japanese inventor used to create a drink that looks and tastes like coffee.74-year-old Yokitomo Shimotai, a coffee shop owner in Aomori Prefecture, Japan, claims that his unique “garlic coffee” is the result of a cooking blunder he made over 30 years ago, when he burned a steak and garlic while waiting tables at the same time. Intrigued by the burnt garlic’s smell, he mashed it up with a spoon and mixed it with hot water. The resulting drink looked and tasted a lot like coffee. Making a mental note of his discovery, Yokimoto carried on with his job and only started researching garlic coffee again after he retired.Committed to turning his weird drink into a commercial product, Yokitomo Shimotai spent years optimizing the formula, and about five years ago, he finally achieved a result he was satisfied with. To make his dissolvable garlic grounds, he roasts the cloves(蒜瓣)in an electric oven, and after they’ve cooled off, smashes them into fine particles and packs them in dripbags.“My drink is probably the world’s first of its kind,” the garlic coffee inventor told Kyodo News. “It contains no caffeine so it’s good for those who would like to drink coffee at night or pregnant women.”“The bitterness of burned garlic apparently helps create the coffee-like flavor,” Shimotai adds. He claims that,although his garlic coffee does give off an aroma of roasted garlic, it doesn’t cause bad breath, because the garlic is thoroughly cooked. And if you can get past the smell, the drink apparently does taste a lot like actual coffee. If decaf isn’t good enough for you, and you’re in the mood for something new, you can try Yokitomo Shimotai’s garlic coffee at his shop, in the city of Ninohc, lwate Prefecture, or buy your own dripbags for just 324 yen ($2.8).67.Which word is the closest in meaning to the underlined word “blunder” in the second paragraph?A mistake B.show C.mixture D.brand68.Who is NOT suitable to drink garlic coffee?A.A student having trouble with sleep B.A woman bearing a baby.C.A cleaner working on a day shift.D.A young lady sick of garlic.69.Which of the following is NOT characteristic of garlic coffee?A.It is caffeine-free.B.Garlic powder dissolves in waterC.The burnt garlic create s bitterness.D.It is an improvement on a garlic dish. 70.Which of the following can be used to describe Yokitomo Shimotai?A.Venturous and greedy B.Innovative and perseverantC.Hardworking and cautious D.Observant and helpful(B)71.By “how they stacked up” in paragraph 1, the author probably means “how they ______.”A.make sense to manufacturers B.get stuck in storesC are compared with each other D.are piled up together72.Which of the following devices favourably reacts to users?A.Dreampad pillow B.Eight sleep trackerC.Smart Nora Wireless Snoring Solution D.Nightingale Smart Home Sleep System 73.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A.The Eight keeps the entire bed at the same temperature.B.The Nightinga, is an economical but perfect device.C.Soft music is applied to all these four devices.D.One in three people suffer from sleep problem.(C)One way to divide up the world is between people who like to explore new possibilities and those who stick to the tried and true. In fact, the tension between betting on a sure thing and taking a chance that something unexpected and wonderful might happen troubles human and nonhuman animals alike.Take songbirds, for example. The half-dozen finches(雀)resting at my desk feeder all summer know exactly what they’ll find there: black sunflower seed, and lots of it. Meanwhile, the warblers(莺)exploring the woods nearby don’t depend on this predictable food source in fine weather. As food hunters, they enjoy less exposure to predators and, as a bonus, the chance to meet the perfect mate flying from tree to tree.This “explore-exploit” trade-off(权衡)has prompted scores of lab studies, computer simulations and algorithms(算法), trying to determine which strategy brings in the greatest reward. Now a new study of human behavior in the real world, published last month in the journal Nature Communications, shows that in good times, there isn’t much of a difference between pursuing novelty and sticking to the status quo(原状). When the going gets tough. however, explorers are the winners.The new study, led by Shay O’Farrell and James Sanchirico, both of the University of California, Davis, along with Orr Spiegel of Tel Aviv University, examined the routes and results of nearly 2,500 commercial fishing trips in the Gulf of Mexico over a period of 2.5 years. The study focused on “bottom longline” fishing, a system where hundreds of lines are attached to a horizontal bar that is then lowered to reach the sea bed. Dr. O’Farrell explained the procedure this way: Go to a location and put the line down. Stay for a few hours. The lines are a mile long and have a buoy (浮标)at either end. When they pull that up, they assess the catch, and then decide if they will stay or move on to a different spot.Over two years of collecting data under various climate conditions, the researchers discovered that thefishermen were fairly consistent. “The exploiters would go to a smaller set of locations over and over, and go with what they know,” Dr. O’Farrell said. The explorers would constantly try a wider range; they’d sample new places.In the long run, there wasn’t a huge difference in payoffs between the two groups, perhaps due to the sharing information between fishing crews, said Dr. O’Farrell. But in challenging times, the study’s message was clear: “You can try new things in the face of uncertainty.”74.The author takes the songbird as an example to indicate that ______.A.like birds, humans tend to be satisfied with the predictableB.some birds are used to looking for food instead of being fedC.there exist the conservative and the adventurous like humansD.birds choose different ways to look for food in different weather75.According to the third paragraph, people who mastered “explore-exploit” trade-off ______.A.will choose either to pursue novelty or keep the status quoB.are ready to risk in time of difficultyC.will be tough in good times and bad timesD.will grow to be experts in lab studies76.Which can be inferred from the new study led by Shay O’Farrell and James Sanchirico?A.The two groups react to the unexpected differently.B.The “explore-exploit” trade-off helps scientific research a lot.C.The exploiters are used to fishing based solely on their experience.D.The explorers tend to achieve more than the exploiters in the long run.77.Which of the following can be the best title for passage?A.How the Exploiter differs from the Explorer B.How to Become a Productive Fisherman C.What is “Explore-Exploit” Trade-off D.When to take risks mattersSection CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.The Maya loved cacao so much that they used the beans as currency. They also believed it is good for you—which many people still say today about cacao’s most famous byproduct, chocolate. 78 . While some have suggested that less than an ounce of dark chocolate might improve heart health, much of the research doesn’t involve eating actual chocolate but rather its components — flavanol, especially.79 . In a clinical trial of 21,000 adults, they found that the half of the group that took500mg of. cocoa flavanol supplements daily had a significantly lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease than those who had taken a placebo(安慰剂).Flavanols may also boost insulin sensitivity, according to some studies, which might be helpful in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes(糖尿病). 80 . Those at risk of diabetes might be wise to choose a cacao-inspired supplement instead of eating chocolate—and the sugar it contains. Other research suggests that the flavanols found in cacao (also present in fruits, vegetables, and tea)could slow cognitive decline during aging, or even boost brain performance by improving blood flow to the cerebral cortex.What these findings mean for chocolate is limited, however. Participants would have had to eat multiple fat and sugar filled chocolate bars a day to source 500mg of flavanols. 81 . So understanding why certain types of chocolate are healthier than the rest is the focus of further research.Ⅳ.Fill in the BlanksHow sneaker culture took over the worldSneakers have come a long way from when they were first invented in 1860s England for the upper-class playing croquet(槌球)and tennis.Long worn for function 82 82 fashion, today sneakers have become an entire culture—both a form of self-expression and a high art found in museum exhibits and designer auction houses.83 transformed sneaker culture into a true phenomenon was the 1985 release of Nike’s Air Jordan 1s. In 1984, Michael Jordan was a talented rookie who had yet to play in a professional game. 84 that, Nike saw Jordan as the future of their brand, signing him to a five-year, $2.5 million endorsement(代言)deal. 85 Jordan matured into one of the greatest basketball players of all time, the sneaker’s popularity skyrocketed.Meanwhile, another cultural shift 86 (take)place with casual Fridays introduced in white-collar businesses. It was when men were allowed to put aside their suits and wear something one day a week that showed people who they really were.As sneakers became increasingly desired, footwear companies turned to 87 (generate)even more publicity by collaborating with celebrities and luxury brands, as well as releasing small batches of limited-edition shoes with eye-pop ping designs.Celebrities also started their collaborations with sneaker brands, which helped target a whole new demographic of people to experience sneaker culture. It was a blending of high and low fashion, 88 the shoe industry has never really seen before. A pair that Jordan wore in his legendary final NBA season 89 (sell )even for $2.2 mllion, making them the most expensive sneakers ever to appear at auction.By the mid-2010s, speakers 90 (become)solid gold status symbols. Wearing rare and cool sneakers became an expression of one’s social status. But not until recently, sneakers are finally getting their due as part of our cultural heritage—and particularly how Black culture has shaped that heritage. It took decades for the sneaker industry to recognize that 91 these Black athletes or artists that championed their products there would be no sneaker culture.Ⅴ.Translations92.结果看来这项传统的确值得传承给我们的后代。

3 Part three
教学分析 教学设计 教学过程 教学反思
把鸭梨 变成 冻梨
教学分析 教学设计 教学过程 教学反思
首先,明确一点,有压力是 非常正常的。
心理压力是一种个人主观的 感觉,即个人在面对困难时, 因一时无法消除困难而产生 的一种被压迫的感觉。对现 代高中生来说,学习压力是 一个很普遍现象,几乎每位 学生都会觉得有学习压力。
教学分析 教学设计 教学过程 教学反思
保持积极的心态,不惧怕考验, 压力来临的时候,合理应对, 我们过往的付出才更容易被看 得见!
教学分析 教学设计 教学过程 教学反思
教学分析 教学设计 教学过程 教学反思
我的思考 我的感受
结合本节课主题,思考一下, 石块-人生大大小小的目标 沙子-生命中遇到的痛苦压力水流动的很快时(即压力很大), 会把石头(目标)冲掉 不能让过分的压力将我们的目标挤 出人生之外!
4 Part four
教学分析 教学设计 教学过程 教学反思
避免“羊群效应”,要做班级 领头羊
清晰自我认知 明确自身优劣势
增加知识储备 提升判断能力

office考试试题一、选择题1. 下列关于Microsoft Word的说法中,正确的是:a) Word是一款制作电子表格的软件b) Word是一款制作演示文稿的软件c) Word是一款制作文档的软件d) Word是一款制作数据库的软件2. 下列关于Microsoft Excel的说法中,正确的是:a) Excel是一款制作电子表格的软件b) Excel是一款制作演示文稿的软件c) Excel是一款制作文档的软件d) Excel是一款制作数据库的软件3. 下列关于Microsoft PowerPoint的说法中,正确的是:a) PowerPoint是一款制作电子表格的软件b) PowerPoint是一款制作演示文稿的软件c) PowerPoint是一款制作文档的软件d) PowerPoint是一款制作数据库的软件二、单词填空1. Excel是一款强大的数据分析工具,可以进行数据的计算、图表的作成以及数据的_____________。
2. PowerPoint是一款用于制作演示文稿的软件,可以添加文字、图片、视频等多种_____________。
3. 在Word中,可以使用_____________功能对文本进行格式化,如加粗、斜体、下划线等。
4. 在Excel中,可以使用函数对数据进行_____________和_____________。
5. Outlook是一款常用的邮件客户端,可以收发电子邮件以及管理_____________。
三、简答题1. 请简要介绍一下Microsoft Office套件的主要应用程序。
2. Word、Excel和PowerPoint分别在哪些场景下经常被使用?3. Outlook的主要功能有哪些?如何设置邮件的签名?4. 在Excel中,常用的公式有哪些?请举例说明其应用场景。
四、实操题请根据以下要求,在Microsoft Word中创建一份简历:姓名:张三性别:男年龄:25岁学历:本科工作经验:3年技能:熟练使用Microsoft Office套件、良好的沟通能力请在合适的位置插入适当的分隔线,并使用合适的字体和字号进行排版。

高一计算机office考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在Word中,以下哪个功能可以用来插入页码?A. 插入B. 格式C. 视图D. 工具答案:A2. Excel中,以下哪个函数用于计算一组数值的平均值?A. SUMB. AVERAGEC. MAXD. MIN答案:B3. PowerPoint中,以下哪个视图模式允许你编辑幻灯片的详细内容?A. 普通视图B. 幻灯片浏览视图C. 幻灯片放映视图D. 大纲视图答案:A4. 在Access数据库中,以下哪个对象用于存储和管理数据?A. 表C. 报表D. 宏答案:A5. 在Outlook中,以下哪个功能用于创建和管理电子邮件账户?A. 日历B. 联系人C. 任务D. 账户设置答案:D6. Word中,以下哪个选项卡包含“分栏”功能?A. 插入B. 布局C. 引用D. 设计答案:B7. Excel中,以下哪个选项卡包含“排序和筛选”功能?A. 插入B. 布局C. 公式D. 数据答案:D8. PowerPoint中,以下哪个功能用于创建图表?B. 绘图C. 动画D. 格式答案:A9. Access中,以下哪个对象用于定义数据的输入和显示格式?A. 表B. 查询C. 表单D. 报表答案:C10. Outlook中,以下哪个功能用于管理日程和事件?A. 日历B. 联系人C. 任务D. 账户设置答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在Word中,______功能可以用来插入图片。
答案:插入2. Excel中,单元格的引用方式分为绝对引用、相对引用和______。
答案:混合引用3. PowerPoint中,______视图允许你同时查看多个幻灯片。
答案:幻灯片浏览4. Access数据库中,______对象用于创建数据的输入界面。
答案:表单5. Outlook中,______功能用于管理电子邮件的发送和接收。
答案:邮件6. Word中,______功能允许你将文档内容分割成多个独立的部分。

对于消防队员收到的“暖心外卖”,下列认识正确的是A. 是商品,因为它具有使用价值和价值B. 不是商品,因为它没有用于交换C. 是商品,因为它是用于交换的劳动产品D. 不是商品,因为它不是劳动产品【答案】B【解析】本题考查商品的含义、商品的基本属性。

office考试题一、选择题1. 在Microsoft Word中,若要调整段落间距,应使用以下哪项功能?A. 字体设置B. 段落设置C. 标尺工具D. 打印预览正确答案:B. 段落设置2. 在Excel中,若要对数据进行排序,首先需要做什么?A. 选择所有数据B. 打开“排序和筛选”功能C. 选择要排序的列D. 打开“数据”选项卡正确答案:C. 选择要排序的列3. PowerPoint中,如何快速复制当前幻灯片的布局和内容?A. 选择“格式刷”B. 选择“粘贴特殊”C. 使用“幻灯片复制”功能D. 按住Ctrl键拖动幻灯片正确答案:D. 按住Ctrl键拖动幻灯片4. 在Outlook中,如何创建新的邮件账户?A. 打开“文件”选项卡,选择“添加账户”B. 打开“主页”选项卡,选择“新建邮件”C. 打开“账户设置”,选择“新建”D. 打开“视图”选项卡,选择“账户设置”正确答案:A. 打开“文件”选项卡,选择“添加账户”5. 在Access中,如何快速查找并显示所有空字段的记录?A. 使用“查找和替换”功能B. 使用“筛选”功能C. 使用“排序”功能D. 使用“查询设计”功能正确答案:B. 使用“筛选”功能二、操作题1. Word文档编辑操作- 打开附件中的Word文档。
- 将文档中的所有一级标题更改为黑体、16号字体。
- 为文档插入页脚,页脚内容为“公司机密,未经许可不得外传”。
- 将文档第二段的文字分栏为两栏,并为每一栏添加分隔线。
2. Excel数据处理操作- 打开附件中的Excel工作簿。
- 计算每位员工的总销售额,公式为:销售额 = 单价× 数量。
- 使用公式计算出每个部门的平均销售额。
- 利用条件格式突出显示销售额超过平均值的记录。
3. PowerPoint演示文稿制作- 打开附件中的PowerPoint演示文稿。
- 为所有幻灯片添加过渡效果“淡出”。
- 在第三张幻灯片中插入一个表格,表格应包含至少5列、7行,并对表格进行格式化。
Microsoft Office Word 使用文档


借此机会,请让我向默默耕耘的老师们表示衷心的感谢! 老师们、同学们,在过去的半学期中,我们的老师爱岗敬业,不断加强师德修养,刻苦钻研,努力提高自身业务水平,以教书育人为已任,全身心关爱每一个学生,耐心施教,用自己的努力,换取了同学们的好成绩。

office考试题一、选择题1. 在Microsoft Word中,若要调整段落的左右缩进,应当使用哪个功能?A. 字体设置B. 段落设置C. 表格属性D. 拼写检查2. 在Excel中,如果要对一列数据进行从大到小的排序,应如何操作?A. 选择“数据”选项卡下的“升序”按钮B. 选择“数据”选项卡下的“降序”按钮C. 选择“插入”选项卡下的“排序”功能D. 选择“页面布局”选项卡下的“排序”功能3. PowerPoint中,若要在幻灯片中插入一个新的对象,如图表或图片,应首先做什么?A. 选择“插入”选项卡B. 选择“设计”选项卡C. 选择“动画”选项卡D. 选择“幻灯片放映”选项卡二、填空题1. 在Word文档中,可以通过插入________来为文档添加页脚或页眉。
2. Excel中的________功能可以帮助用户快速计算一系列数据的总和。
3. 在PowerPoint中,可以通过________功能来实现幻灯片之间的过渡效果。
三、简答题1. 请简述在Microsoft Word中创建目录的步骤。
2. 描述在Excel中如何使用公式进行数据计算,并给出一个具体的例子。
3. 阐述在PowerPoint中如何插入并编辑一个图表。
四、操作题1. 请根据以下内容创建一个Word文档,并设置合适的标题格式和段落排版:- - 正文第一段:介绍公司今年的总体业绩。
- 正文第二段:分析公司业绩增长的原因。
- 结尾段落:对公司未来的发展进行展望。
2. 在Excel中,创建一个工作表,包含以下内容:- A列至C列分别记录三个部门的月销售额。
- 使用公式计算每个部门的季度总销售额(假设一个季度包含三个月)。
- 利用条件格式突出显示超过平均销售额的月份。
3. 制作一个PowerPoint演示文稿,包含以下内容:- 幻灯片一:标题页,包含演示文稿的主题和制作人姓名。
- 幻灯片二:介绍演示文稿的主要内容和目的。
- 幻灯片三:插入并编辑一个展示最近一年销售趋势的图表。

北京市第四中学2024-2025学年高一上学期期中考试英语(试卷共为150分,考试时间为120分钟)第I卷(共三部分,满分100分)第一部分听力理解(共三节,30分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 7.5 分)听下面5段对话。
1. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a hotel.B. In an office.C. In a restaurant.2. Why are they going to celebrate?A. They passed an exam.B. They received a prize.C. They won a game.3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A course.B. A paper.C. A teacher.4. Who answered the phone?A. Sue.B. Mary.C. Alice.5. When will the man get the printers?A. On Friday.B. On Wednesday.C. On Thursday.第二节(共 10 小题;每题 1.5 分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
6. What is the woman doing?A. Asking for some information.B. Mailing something in the post office.C. Bargaining over the postage.7. What does the woman decide to do at last?A. Give up mailing the books.B. Send the books by sea.C. Send the books by airmail.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。

黄浦区2023学年第二学期高一年级数学期中统考2024.05一、填空题(本大题共有12小题,满分42分)1.当手表比标准时间慢10分钟时,只需将分针旋转弧度就可以调节准确.2.方程12cosx =-在[]0x ,∈π内的解为x =.3.在ABC ∆中,2,3a B π==,其面积为,则边c =.cos α+α化为()(0)Asin A α+ϕ>的形式.5.在ABC ∆中,已知::2:3:4sinA sinB sinC =,则该三角形最小角的余弦值为.6.若3tan α=,则()()222cos cos sin sin π⎛⎫-α-π-α ⎪⎝⎭=π⎛⎫π+α-+α ⎪⎝⎭.7.若α为第一象限角,则()21tan log cos +αα=.8.已知等腰三角形的底角的余弦值为45,则该三角形顶角的正弦值为.9.若,αβ为锐角,()1114sin cos α=α+β=-,则sin β=.10.在平面直角坐标系中,角α的顶点与坐标原点重合,始边与x 轴的正半轴重合,其终边过点()34,-,角β的终边与角α的终边关于直线y x =对称,则tan β=.11.若41225sin πα⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭,则23cos π⎛⎫α-= ⎪⎝⎭.12.在ABC ∆中,若2,3AC B π==,且928sinAsinC =,则ABC ∆的周长为.二、选择题(本大题共有4题,满分14分,第13,14题每题3分,第15,16题每题4分)13.若02,π⎛⎫α∈- ⎪⎝⎭,则点()cos ,tan αα在第()象限.A.一 B.二C.三D.四14.下列命题中,真命题的个数为().(1)若角α的终边经过点()()20P a,a a ≠,则cos α=;(2)同时满足1,2sin cos α=α=的角6πα=(3)不存在角α和β使得等式()cos cos cos α-β=α-β成立;(4)任意的角α和β都满足等式()()2cos cos sin sin α+β-α-β=-αβA.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个15.在ABC ∆中,“cos 2sinA B π⎛⎫>- ⎪⎝⎭”是“A B >”的().A.充分非必要条件B.必要非充分条件C.充要条件D.既非充分也非必要条件16.李善兰是中国近代著名数学家,辅助角公式是他提出来的一种三角公式,其主要作用是将多个三角函数化成单个三角函数。

2023-2024学年广东省深圳市福田区红岭中学高一下学期英语期中考试一、单项选择1.A cut-off of the power ______ will last two hours due to routine maintenance (日常维护).A.supply B.electricity C.permission D.chain2.______ in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left the check in the car.A.Waiting B.To waitC.Having waited D.To have waited3.There has been too much rain recently, ______ serious floods in the local area.A.resulting in B.putting down C.wrapping up D.suffering from 4.To the parents’ ______, the missing child was found safe and sound in a nearby village.A.relief B.anger C.grief D.extent5.He was cautioned against discussing the legal case outside of the office because ______.A.loose lips sink ships B.speech is silverC.Rome is not built in a day D.every coin has two sides.6.Although his ______ attempts had been unsuccessful, he stuck to his goals and realized his dream eventually.A.fancy B.ideal C.adjustable D.previous 7.Canada is a country _______ many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants (移民) _______ the majority of its population.A.making up of; occupied with B.consisting of; making upC.made up of; consisting of D.consisted of; taking up8.The bird flu ________through Asia has jumped from birds to humans at least 20 times so far, ________16 persons.A.sweeps; killed B.swept; killing C.sweeping; to kill D.sweeping; killing 9.He ______ and began to walk to the door, without saying a word.A.passed away B.looked across C.rose to his feet D.moved on10.Your learning ________ needs to be adjusted a little so that you will have some time for your own hobbies.A.embarrassment B.complexity C.concern D.strategy11.______ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research A.So curious the couple was B.So curious were the coupleC.How curious the couple were D.The couple was such curious12.I remember my daughter used to ask questions that girls ______ would ask.A.twice her age B.twice as older as sheC.as twice her age D.twice older as her age13.Cynthia is not ashamed of what she does, ______ she ends up doing something wrong.A.as long as B.as if C.even if D.now that 14.With the living standard improved, the ______ life span of the Chinese people is expected to rise greatly.A.false B.reusable C.normal D.average 15.There was a terrible noise the sudden burst of light.A.following B.to be followedC.followed D.being followed16.The woman ______ there under the tree, ______ in a blue shirt, is our headmaster.A.sitting; wearing B.sitting; dressed C.seating; dressed D.seated; dressing 17.The Sanxingdui ancient ruins were discovered ______ rather than by historical studies.A.in reality B.by accident C.on the spot D.with hesitation 18.The traffic rules say that no one is permitted to cross the street when the ______ is red.A.accident B.sign C.signal D.web19.A cook will be immediately fired if he is found ______ in the kitchen.A.smoke B.to smoke C.smoked D.smoking 20.Pressed from his parents, and ____ that he has wasted too much time, the boy is determined to stop playing video games.A.realizing B.realizedC.to realize D.being realized二、阅读理解a21.Where is Dr.Elwin Ransom originally from?A.Earth.B.Venus.C.Mars.D.Arrakis.22.Which book explores the potential for technology to make humans less free?A.War of the Worlds.B.The Dune Saga.C.The Space Trilogy.D.Fahrenheit 451.23.What do the four books have in common?A.They show an imaginary world.B.They each have two main characters.C.They explore the nature of humanity.D.They were published in the 20th century.Both of my parents worked fulltime when I was a little girl,so my grandmother would stay at our house during the day. We would watch game shows in the living room. Our favorite was The Price Is Right. We would call out our answers along with the contestants.When I got older and started going to school,we couldn’t watch our game shows regularly. That was okay with me,though,because the one thing I liked better than watching game shows with my grandmother was helping her bake cakes. Watching her in the kitchen was amazing:she never seemed to need the recipes(食谱)but everything she made tasted delicious.At first I would just sit in the kitchen and watch,even though I didn’t understand what she was doing. As I got older,she let me help with the easy parts,such as measuring the sugar. The day she let me separate the eggs,I felt like I had found complete pleasure.At last,my parents decided that I could take care of myself,and my grandmother stopped coming over every day. The love of baking,however,stayed with me. I started baking by myself,and even if the cookies ended up burnt sometimes,more often they turned out pretty well. I tried out new recipes,and whenever I got to a thorny part,I would call my grandmother for advice. Sometimes I would call her just to talk too. I felt like I could talk to her about anything.My grandmother passed away ten years ago,but I still think of her every day. Last week,I found a recipe book she made for me. It included her recipes for brownies,cookies,and my favorite,lemon pie. As I looked through the pages,I thought I could hear her voice. She was the one who taught me not just about baking,but about life.24.The passage is mainly developed by .A.analyzing causes B.making comparisonsC.following the time order D.examining differences25.While helping her grandmother bake,the author .A.found it interesting B.turned out to be a troublemakerC.hoped to make a living by baking D.regretted missing the game shows 26.What does the underlined word “thorny” in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?A.Basic.B.Common.C.Special.D.Difficult.27.What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage?A.To describe her childhood memories.B.To show her good baking skills.C.To remember her grandmother.D.To talk about her happy family life.Like many people over the past few years, I have found myself turning to audiobooks as my main means of reading literature. I find it far more comfortable to “read with my ears” while my eyes are resting. My consumption of new books has doubled as a result--but a recent paper makes me wonder if this will come at the price of my comprehension.The study comes from Boaz Keysar and Janet Geipel, both at the University of Chicago, and it draws from the “dual process model” of mental processing. According to this-view, we have two ways of assessing information. System 1 is intuitive (直觉的),relying on natural ability and feeling. It is quick, but likely exposed to misinformation. System 2 is analytical involving the use of logic reasoning. It is mentally demanding. When it is engaged, we think our way through the material step by step. For decades, psychologists have designed various tests to determine which of these two systems a person is using. As one example, consider the/ following question: How many animals of each kind did Moses take on the Ark (方舟)? If you answered two, you were probably only considering the core of the question, which is System 1 thinking. To get to the right answer-zero, you need to think more carefully about the wording, which would allow you to remember it was Noah who built the Ark, not Moses. That is the kind of analytical process.Keysar and Geipel’s brilliant idea was to investigate whether the sensory form-seeing vs. hearing-of the information would make a difference. They found that it did: when answering thesekinds of simple questions, participants were more likely to make errors when the sentences were spoken out loud, rather than written.A greater reliance on our feelings could be a problem if we are consuming information that needs logical study. For this reason. I will return to reading non-fiction with my eyes rather than my ears. But I won’t stop listening to novels. I am quite happy to go with the flow of my emotions while my critical mind takes a break.28.What does the author think of listening to audiobooks?A.It is economical.B.It is demanding.C.It is time-consuming.D.It is relaxing.29.Which of the following best describes System 2 model?A.Fairly reliable.B.Fully automatic.C.Question-centered.D.Emotion-involved.30.Why is the Ark mentioned in Paragraph 3?A.To present a fact.B.To illustrate a view.C.To introduce a topic.D.To draw a conclusion.31.What does the author intend to tell us?A.Listening to books comes at a price.B.Reading non-fiction books benefits.C.Critical thinking is a must in reading.D.Ways of processing information differ.About 12% of the total global energy demand comes from heating and cooling homes and businesses. A new study suggests that using underground water to maintain comfortable temperatures could reduce consumption of natural gas and electricity in this section by 40% in the US. The approach is called A TES, short for aquifer thermal energy storage (含水层热能储存).“We need storage to absorb energy from the sun and wind. It’s crucial to creating affordable, reliable, and deeply environmental-friendly electricity systems. Most people are interested in batteries and other kinds of electrical storage. But we were wondering whether there was any opportunity to use geothermal (地热的) energy storage,” said first author A.T.D Perera. “With ATES, energy can be stored for a long period of time, without adding an additional burden to thegrid (输电网).”ATES is a pleasantly simple concept that takes advantage of the heat-absorbing property of water and the natural geological features of the planet. You simply pull existing underground water up and heat it at the surface in the summer with environmental heat or energy. Then you send it back down. It stays fairly hot because the Earth is a good insulator (绝热体).“Unlike above-ground tank-based water or ice storage systems, ATES will not need space. It’s also more efficient and can support larger communities in cooling or heating than traditional geothermal heat pump systems that rely on heat moving with the underground soil,” added co-author Hong Tianzhen.A major beneft of ATES is that it will become more efficient as weather becomes more extreme in the coming years due to climate change. The hotter summers and severer winters could increase the amount of free thermal energy that can be stored with ATES. “It’s very much a realistic thing to do and this work is really about showing its value,” said Perera. “This technology is ready to go, so to speak. We just need to do it.”32.What do we know about ATES?A.It is technologically demanding.B.It is aimed at replacing natural energy.C.It mainly relies on batteries to function.D.It helps achieve an environmentally friendly society33.How does Hong Tianzhen explain ATES’s advantages?A.By giving examples.B.By discussing results.C.By making comparisons.D.By analyzing principles.34.Which will affect ATES’s efficiency most?A.Temperature variations.B.Insulated materials.C.The duration of storage.D.The category of energy.35.What can be the best title for the text?A.A Turning Point in Energy UsageB.A Solution to Green Cooling and HeatingC.A Transformation in the US Electricity SystemD.A Discovery About Geothermal Energy StorageIt’s no surprise that there’s a link between exercise and mental health. But scientists have now made it official: research has found a direct connection between movement and mood. Why does exercise hold so many benefits for our mental health? 36 .When our muscles tighten, chains of amino acids (氨基酸) called myokines (肌细胞因子) are released into the bloodstream. 37 . This communication increases adaptation to stress, reduces symptoms of anxiety and has a direct effect on depression.A recent study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine showed that treatment for depression can be much more effective when physical activity is added to the usual care.38 . “While exercise is not a substitute for professional mental health treatment, physical activity can complement and enhance the effects of the treatment,” says lead researcher Ben Singh, a research fellow at the University of South Australia. He says regular exercise in a group setting can boost self-esteem and decrease feelings of isolation and loneliness.Exercise helps build key connections between the networks within the brain, too.39 . Studies have shown that physical activity stimulates creativity, sharpens judgement skills and improves mental energy. It can also help to slow age-related cognitive decline, possibly even slowing the pace of developing Alzheimer’s disease.40 . In this way you’ll keep going back to them. Experts suggest that you aim for a minimum of 10 to 30 minutes, three to five days each week. Getting sweaty is good for your body and mind.A.It can improve overall cognitive performanceB.They help your muscles and organs communicateC.The answer, studies say, lies in our brain chemistryD.Here are the suggestions that you are supposed to pay attention toE.It is amazing to consider how moving our bodies can affect our mindsF.To get the biggest health boost, the key is to be engaged in sports you enjoy G.Participants found benefits after 12 weeks of exercising for 30 to 60 minutes a day三、完形填空Isabella Springmuhl Tejada is one of the first professional fashion designers with Down Syndrome (唐氏综合征).Her path to success wasn’t 41 .Although she showed her 42 .for design in childhood, when she would spend hours designing paper dresses for her dolls, she was 43 from several fashion schools due to her disease. She had no 44 but to seek other ways. She 45 for a sewing course, where she was 46 to sew clothing for finger-sized traditional Guatemalan (危地马拉的) dolls, which she 47 happily. Meanwhile, she also made a(n) 48 in designing dolls, creating some life-sized dolls and dressing them in the colorful traditional embroidered jackets she’s now famous for.This design experience helped Tejada develop her own design style, 49 traditional Guatemalan patterns, colors, and materials in her culture. She also created her own brand Down To Xjabelle, 50 for people with Down Syndrome, knowing how difficult it was for people like her to find 51 ! clothes. The new brand 52 right away, making it all the way to London Fashion Week, proving fashion can 53 all barriers and borders.And the 54 designer talks about her plans for the future as well, “I want to export my brand all over the world and 55 that people with Down Syndrome can do what they set out to do.”41.A.comfortable B.awful C.awkward D.smooth 42.A.arrangement B.talent C.determination D.responsibility 43.A.rejected B.dismissed C.ignored D.excused 44.A.guidance B.aim C.option D.right 45.A.waited B.competed C.prepared D.registered 46.A.assigned B.forced C.inspired D.persuaded 47.A.purchased B.accepted C.imagined D.contacted 48.A.discovery B.opportunity C.innovation D.schedule 49.A.indicating B.abandoning C.transforming D.highlighting 50.A.specially B.naturally C.usually D.obviously 51.A.pricey B.suitable C.fancy D.famous 52.A.paid off B.got across C.took off D.caught up53.A.combine B.fuel C.beautify D.overcome 54.A.ambitious B.enthusiastic C.humble D.proud 55.A.guarantee B.assess C.show D.conclude四、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
广东省东莞市东华高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中考试 英语(含答案)

东华高级中学2023—2024 学年第一学期高一年级期中考试英语试题(本试题共四部分,满分150 分,考试时间120 分钟)第一部分听力(共两节,满分20 分)第一节(共5 小题;每小题1 分,满分5 分。
)请听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。
1.What does the man think of his new job?A.It is boring.B.It is satisfying.C. It is challenging.2.Where are the speakers?A. In a store.B. On the playground.C. At home.3.What is Holly probably doing now?A. Swimming.B. Climbing the mountain.C. Riding a bike.4.Why does the woman talk to the man?A. To ask for help.B. To send an invitation.C. To make an appointment.5.When will the woman go to Canada?A. On July 5th.B. On July 6th.C. On July 7th.第二节(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分。
)请听下面 5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题。
请听第 6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。
6.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. The research conclusion.B. The course progress.C. The exam revision.7.How does the man sound in the end?A. Pleased.B. Proud.C. Worried.请听第7 段材料,回答第8 至10 题。
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2. 效率第一,效率是成功的关键,尤其是课堂效率,课堂是学习的主战场,效率是学习的主线。
3. 互帮互学,共同受益。
4. 不断变化学习内容和学习方式,避免单科独进,方法单一,使各科内容的交替进行,耳眼口手脑并用,听说读写算并进,学习方式多样化。
5. 心静如水,别浮躁,贵在坚持。
6. 集中精力,心无旁骛。