品鉴方法:观察颜色、闻香、品尝、回味 葡萄酒类型:红葡萄酒、白葡萄酒、桃红葡萄酒 搭配原则:红葡萄酒搭配红肉,白葡萄酒搭配白肉,桃红葡萄酒搭配海鲜 推荐搭配:波尔多红葡萄酒搭配牛排,勃艮第白葡萄酒搭配鱼子酱,香槟搭配海鲜
法国的艺术与 时尚
印象派: 莫奈的 《日出·印 象》
革命时期:法 国大革命、拿
现代时期:法 兰西第五共和
艺术:法国是艺 术之都,拥有众 多世界著名的艺 术家和艺术作品
美食:法国美食 享誉世界,如法 式大餐、法式甜 点等
建筑:法国拥有 众多世界著名的 建筑,如埃菲尔 铁塔、卢浮宫等
音乐:法国音乐 具有独特的魅力, 如法国香颂、法 国古典音乐等
设计师:Coco Chanel、Yves Saint Laurent、 Christian Dior等
作品:Chanel的 2.55手袋、Yves Saint Laurent的Le
Smoking、 Christian Dior的
New Look等
风格:简约、优雅、 浪漫、创新
勃艮第:法国最 古老的葡萄酒产 区,以生产优质 白葡萄酒而闻名
香槟区:法国最 著名的起泡酒产 区,以生产香槟 酒而闻名
卢瓦尔河谷:法国 第二大葡萄酒产区, 以生产优质红葡萄 酒和白葡萄酒而闻 名
波尔多葡萄酒:法国最著名的葡萄酒产区,以赤霞珠、梅洛、品丽珠等葡萄品种为主 勃艮第葡萄酒:法国最古老的葡萄酒产区,以黑比诺、霞多丽等葡萄品种为主 香槟葡萄酒:法国最著名的起泡酒产区,以黑比诺、霞多丽、品丽珠等葡萄品种为主 卢瓦尔河谷葡萄酒:法国第二大葡萄酒产区,以长相思、白诗南等葡萄品种为主
Notre Dame de Paris is typical of a Gothic church, the reason is world renowned, mainly because it is a European architectural history landmark sign. 巴黎圣母院是一座典型的哥特 式教堂,之所以闻名于世,主 要因为它是欧洲建筑史上一个 划时代的标志。
There are three important Cultural relic(遗产) in Louvre museum .Can you guess what they are?
Winged Victory Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa (1503-1506) painted by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci.The artist’s use of very deep space in the background with a close-in portrait is typical of Renaissance painting style. 蒙娜丽莎(1503-1506)的作者是 意大利艺术家列奥纳多 达芬奇。 艺术家使用非常深远的空间作为一 个近距离人像的背景,是典型的文 艺复兴时期的绘画风格。
巴黎圣母院是一座石头建筑,在世界建筑史上,被誉为一级由 巨大的石头组成的交响乐。虽然这是一幢宗教建筑,但它闪烁 着法国人民的智慧,反映了人们对美好生活的追求与向往。
凡尔赛宫 Chateau de Versailles
Under Eiffel Tower everywhere filled with love.
Things to take for trip.
• Warmer clothes • Medicine • Credit card • Personal hygiene • Food • Books
Other advices
• 2. Can never miss the famous scenic spot.
• ① Eiffel Tower (埃菲尔铁塔). • ② Louvre (卢浮宫). • ③ Versailles (凡尔赛). • ④ Cathedral of Notre Dame (巴黎圣母院). • ⑤ Arc De Triomphe (凯旋门).
The capital of France.
One day in Paris at different times have different "personality"
Then!Let’s to see ...~~~
The morning in Paris is very pure and fresh.
• Defend Wolf spray
• Camera
• Sunglasses
• Tent
• Passport
• Translation machine
Other advices
•1.Paris Subway
The Map
• • • • •
Full Name: The Republic of France Respective continent: European Capital: Paris Official language: French Currency: Euro The national flower:Iris pallida
Location: France lies in Western Europe , and
Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Andorra, Monaco, northwest border between pull mans face with British shimada strait endangered north sea, the Englisha channel, Atlantic and Mediterranen four seas.
Official Name: The Republic of France The Republic of France has a population of more than 64 million people. It includes four overseas departments in Martinique [,mɑ:ti'ni:k] n. 马提尼克, Guadeloupe['ɡwɑ:dəlu:p]瓜德罗普岛, Reunion [,ri:'ju:njən]留尼旺岛and French Guiana法属圭 亚那. Metropolitan [,metrə'pɔlitən] . 大都市的France in Western Europe accounts for just over 80 percent of the territory['teritəri]领土,领域and 96 percent of the population of the French Republic
Today the museum features more than 6000 European paintings dating from the 13th century to the19th century. Its largest collection is of prints and drawings with an inventory[‘invəntəri, -tɔ:ri] n. 存货of 130000. Other collections include Islamic [iz’læmik]伊斯兰教的art, Oriental Antiquities东方古物, Egyptian Antiquities, and Greek Antiquities with pieces that date back as far as the seventh millennium[mi'leniəm] 千年期B.C. Reflects centuries of change in the political and social environment and is a symbol of art, considered as a Mecca ['mekə]众 人渴望去的地方for artists and art lovers alike
Population:66 million
Musée du Louvre
Triumphal Arch
Avenue Elysées
Notre Dame Cathedral
He is Victor Hugo, A representative writer of romantic literature who is called “Shakespeare of France” Masterpieces:《Notre-Dame de Paris》(巴黎圣母院) 《Les Misérables》(悲惨世界)
《Phantom of the Louvre》
《007-The World Is Not Enough》
History of thee ages,the black death caused many people died.French believed that they can prevent the plague by not bathing.So they invented the perfume to hide the unpleasant smell.
Location: The Fren ch Repu b lic is a t ra n s c o n t i n e n t a l c o u n t r y comprising territory in western Europe and several overseas regions and territories.The European, or metropolitan, area of France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. Capital:Paris Climate: Most areas are Oceanic climate Land area: about 550 thousand square kilometres
French ll
41. Imperfect TenseThis past tense corresponds to "was, were or used to." This tense is used for repeated, continuous, or ongoing actions; as well as for verbs that describe background and circumstances, such as weather, time, and physical, mental, and emotional states. Use the passé composé for actions that happened once and are done. However, verbs that express mental and emotional states that are descriptive in nature are generally used in the imperfect in a past context. These verbs are: aimer, avoir, croire, détester, espérer, être, penser, and préférer. To form the stem, use the nous form of the present tense and drop the -ons. Then add these endings: -ais -ions -ais -iez -ait -aient The only exception is être in which you must use the stem ét-, but still the same endings. Verb stems that end in -c must use a cedilla (ç) under the c to make it soft. Verbs stems endings in -g keep the e before all forms except nous and vous. être étais ay-teh étions ay-tee-ohn étais ay-teh étiez ay-tee-ayétait ay-teh étaient ay-teh commencer commençais commençais commençaitkoh-mawnseh koh-mawnseh koh-mawnsehmangerkoh-mawn-seeohn koh-mawn-seeay koh-mawn-saycommencions commenciez commençaientmangeais mangeais mangeaitmawnzheh mawnzheh mawnzhehmangions mangiez mangeaientmawn-zheeohn mawn-zheeay mawn-zhayAvoir, Devoir, Pouvoir, Savoir, and VouloirThese verbs change meanings, according to whether they are used in the imperfect or the passé composé. Imperfect avoir devoir j'avais je devais I had j'ai eu Passé Composé I got, received I must have, I had to (and did) I was able to (and did), succeededI was supposed to j'ai dû j'ai pupouvoir je pouvais I was capableje n'ai pas pu savoir je savais I knew I wanted to j'ai suI couldn't, failed I found out, discoveredvouloir je voulaisj'ai voulu I tried, decided, insisted je n'ai pas voulu I refusedThe imperfect tense is also used with these constructions:être en train de + infinitive J'étais en train d'étudier quand vous êtes arrivés. I was (in the process of ) studying when you arrived aller + infinitive J'allais sortir quand le téléphone a sonné. venir de + infinitive Je venais de manger, alors je n'avais plus faim. I had just eaten, so I wasn't hungry anymore. I was going to leave when the phone rang.42. Places / Les Endroitsschool bathroom locker drinking fountain store library office stadium cafe cafeteria movie theater church museum pool countryside beach theater park restaurant hospital l'école la toilette le coffre la fontaine le magasin la biblio(thèque) le bureau le stade le café la cafétéria le cinéma l'église le musée la piscine la campagne la plage le théâtre le parc le restaurant l'hôpital lay-kohl twah-lett koh-fruh fohn-ten mahg-ah-zahn beeb-lee-oh(teck) bur-oh stahd kah-fay kah-fay-tay-reeah see-nay-mah lay-glees mew-zay pee-seen kawn-pawn-yuh plahzh tay-ah-truh park res-toh-rawn loh-pee-tahl university bank l'université la banque loon-ee-vair-seetay bahnk gahr air-o-poor tay-lay-fone ah-par-tuh-mawn low-tell vee-lazh lew-zeen zhar-dan shah-toe kah-tay-drahl zoh-oh mon-u-mawn far-mah-see boosh-ree con-feess-reetrain station la gare airport telephone apartment hotel village factory garden castle cathedral zoo bakery monument pharmacy butcher shop police station town hall l'aéroport le téléphone l'appartement l'hôtel le village l'usine le jardin le château la cathédrale le zoo le monument la pharmacie la boucheriela boulangerie boo-lanzh-reecandy store la confiseriela gendarmerie zhan-darm-ree la mairie mair-eepost office home city supermarket delicatessenla poste la maison la ville le supermarché la charcuteriepost may-zohn veel su-per-marshay shar-koot-reesquare bookstore grocery storela place la librairie l'épicerieplahs lee-brair-ee lay-peess-ree pah-teess-ree pwah-son-eh-reepastry shop la pâtisserie fish market la poissonnerie43. Transportationby bike by bus by moped by car by subway on foot by plane by train by boat en vélo (m) en bus (m) en voiture (f) en métro (m) à pied (m) en avion (m) en train (m) en bateau (m) awn vay-low awn boos awn vwah-chur awn moh-toh awn may-troh ah pee-ay awn ah-vee-ohn awn trahn awn bah-tohen mobylette (f) awn moh-bee-lettby motorcycle en moto (f)44. To Want and To Be Able Tovouloir-to want (vool-wahr) veux vuh voulons voo-lohn veux vuh voulez voo-lay pouvoir-to be able to, can (poov-wahr) peux peux peut puh puh puh pouvons pouvez peuvent poo-vohn poo-vay puhvveut vuh veulent vullNote: Voulez-vous? can mean Do you want? or Will you?45. The House / La maisonHouse Appartment Bedroom Hallway Kitchen Storeroom Stairs Floor la maison l'appartement (m) la chambre le couloir la cuisine le débarras l'escalier (m) l'étage (m) meh-zohn ah-part-mawn shawm-bruh kool-wahr kwee-zeen day-bar-ah les-cahl-ee-ay lay-tahzhLiving Room Closet Roomle living/le salon la penderie la piècelee-veeng/sah-lohn pawnd-ree pee-ehss rayd-show-say sahl ah mawn-zhay sahl duh bahn teh-rahss shu-mee-nay twah gah-rahzh root troh-teeay porsh soo-sole kahv gah-zohn bwee-sohn lar-bruhGround Floor le rez-de-chaussée Dining Room la salle à manger Bathroom Attic Chimney Roof Garage Driveway Sidewalk Porch Basement Cellar Lawn/grass Bush/shrub Tree la salle de bains Terrace, patio la terrasse la cheminée le toit le garage la route le trottier le porche le sous-sol la cave le gazon le buisson l'arbre (m)le grenier/la mansarde grun-eeay/mahn-sard46. Furniture / Les meublesShelf Desk Chair Dresser Curtain Window Bed Door Closet Rug Lamp Nightstand Stereo Television VCR Remote Control Computer Radio Fridge Refrigerator Freezer l'étagère (f) le bureau la chaise la commode le rideau la fenêtre le lit la porte le placard le tapis la lampe la table de nuit la chaîne-stéréo la télé(vision) le magnétoscope la télécommande l'ordinateur (m) la radio le frigo le réfrigérateur le congélateur lay-tah-zhehr bewr-oh shehzh koh-mode ree-doh fuh-neh-truh lee port plah-car tah-pee lahmp tah-bluh duh nwee shen-stay-ray-oh tay-lay-vee-zee-ohn mahn-yeht-oh-scope tay-lay-koh-mahnd lor-dee-nah-tur rah-dee-oh free-go ray-free-zhay-rah-tir kon-zhay-lah-tur(Coffee) Table Sink Bathtub Stove Oven Dishwasher Microwave Clothes Dryer Shower Pillow Mirror Ceiling Floor Armchair Clock Bedspread Vase Waste basket Bathroom sink Hair Dryer Couch/Sofa Iron Vacuumla table (basse) l'évier (m) la baignoire la cuisinière le four le lave-vaisselletah-bluh (bahss) lay-veeay bahn-wahr kwee-zeen-yehr foor lahv-veh-sell mah-sheen ah lah-vay sesh-lahnzh doosh loh-ray-ay mee-rwahr plah-fohn plawn-shay foo-tuhee pawn-dewl koo-vruh-lee vahz lah-vah-boh seh-shwahr kah-nah-pay/soh-fah fair ah ruh-pahs-say ah-speer-ah-turle four à micro-ondes foor ah mee-kroh-ohnd le sèche-linge la douche l'oreiller le miroir le plafond le plancher le fouteuil la pendule le couvrelit le vase le lavabo le séchoir la canapé/le sofa le fer à repasser l'aspirateurWashing Machine la machine à laverla corbeille/la poubelle kor-bayee/poo-bell47. Comparatives and SuperlativesComparatives aussi (adj or adv) que as (adj or adv) asmoins (adj or adv) que less (adj or adv) than plus (adj or adv) que plus de (noun) que autant de (noun) que moins de (noun) que more (adj or adv) than more (noun) than as many (noun) as less (noun) thanThere are some irregularities among bon and bien. Bon is an adjective meaning good, but plus bon is not used (just as more good or gooder is not used in English) so meilleur is used to mean better. Bien is an adverb meaning well, but plus bien is not used either. Mieux is used instead. Sample Sentences She is taller than Colette. I am smarter than you. Elle est plus grande que Colette. Je suis plus intelligente que toi.Peter runs less quickly than me. I have more books than she. We have as many cars as he.Pierre court moins rapide que moi. J'ai plus de livres qu'elle. Nous avons autant de voitures que lui.The kitchen is as big as the living room. La cuisine est aussi grande que le salon.Verbs can also be compared with plus/aussi/moins (+ que): Il travaille moins qu'elle. He works less than she. Ils dorment plus. They sleep more. Superlatives Simply add le, la or les before the comparative if you are using an adjective. With adverbs, always use le. After a superlative, de is used to mean in. If the adjective follows the noun, the superlative follows the noun also, surrounding the adjective. Sample Sentences It's the biggest city in the world. She is the most beautiful woman in this room. It's the most dreaded punishment in the world. She works the most courageously of everyone. C'est la plus grande ville du monde. Elle est la plus belle femme de cette salle. C'est la punition la plus redoutable du monde. Elle travaille le plus courageusement de tous.This neighborhood is the least expensive in Paris. Ce quartier est le moins cher de Paris.In French, you don't use any articles, as compared to English: Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. The more things change, the more they stay the same.48. Irregular FormsAdjective bon mauvais petit Comparative Superlativegood meilleur/e better la/le meilleur/e best bad pire worse la/le pire less la/le moindre worst leastsmall moindreAdverb bien wellComparative mieuxSuperlative best most worst leastbetter le mieux more le plus worse le pis less le moinsbeaucoup much plus mal peu badly pis little moinsNote: Only use the irregular forms of mauvais in the abstract sense. If the idea is concrete, you may use plus/moins mauvais and le/la mauvais.49. Clothingpajamas jewelry necklace jeans pants pullover turtleneck raincoat bra slip coat swimsuit shorts bracelet charm t-shirt hat ring chain earrings pin sock shoe man's shirt skirt dress sandal boots jacket scarf tie belt man's suit slippers jacket underwear gloves le pyjama le bijou le collier le jean le pantalon le pull le col roulé l'imperméable (m) le soutien-gorge le jupon le manteau le maillot de bain le short le bracelet le porte-bonheur le tee-shirt le chapeau la bague la chaînette l'épingle (f) la chausette la chaussure la chemise la jupe la robe la sandale des bottes (f) la veste l'écharpe (f) la cravate la ceinture le costume des pantoufles le blouson les sous-vêtements des gants pee-zhah-mah bee-zhoo kohl-eeay zheen pahn-tah-lohn puhl kol roo-lay lahn-pehr-me-ah-bluh shu-meez-eeay soot-ee-ahn-gorzh zhoo-pohn mawn-toe tenn-ee may-oh-duh-bahn short brahs-lay port-bohn-ur tee-shirt shah-poh bahg shen-ett ay-pahn-gluh show-zett show-zer shu-meez zhoop robe sahn-dal bawt vest ay-sharp krah-vaht sahn-tewr kohs-toom ty-er pahn-toof-luh bloo-sohn soo-vet-mawn gawnwoman's shirt le chemisiertennis shoes des tennis (m)les boucles d'oreilles (f) book-luh dor-aywoman's suit le tailleur50. To WearMettre-to put on, wear (met-truh) mets meh mettons met-tohn mets meh mettez met meh mettent met-tay mettOther verbs that are conjugated like mettre: promettre - to promise and permettre - to permit. Note: Porter is actually the verb to wear, but the French use mettre also. When involving clothing, to say It looks good/nice on you say "Il/elle te va bien." To say They look good/nice on you say "Ils/elles te vont bien."51. Future Tenses: Simple and AnteriorThe futur simple expresses an action that will take place. The futur antérieur expresses an action that will have taken place before another future action. The future tense is used just like it is in English, however, in French, the future is always used after quand or lorsque (when), dès que or aussitôt que (as soon as) and tant que (as long as.) To form the future tense, use the infinitive and add these endings that resemble those of avoir. However, you drop the -e from -re verbs. -ai -ons-as -ez -a -ontAnd of course, there has to be exceptions. Here are the irregular stems for the future tense (these will also be used in the conditional tense): Irregular Stems aller avoir courir devoir iraurcourrdevrpleuvoir pleuvrpouvoir pourrrecevoir recevrsavoir tenir valoir venir voir vouloir saurtiendrvaudrviendrverrvoudr-envoyer enverrêtre faire falloir mourir serferfaudrmourr-Other exceptions: For appeler and jeter, double the consonant. For nettoyer and payer, change the y to i. For acheter, add an accent grave. For préférer, the accents all remain the same.jeter jetterai jetteronspayer paierai paieronsacheter achèterai achèteronspréférer préférai préféronsjetteras jetterez jettera jetterontpaieras paierez paiera paierontachèteras achèterez achètera achèterontpréféras préférez préféra préférontTo form the futur antérieur, use the future of either avoir or être (whichever the main verb takes) and the past participle of the main verb. Quand ils reviendront, ils auront changé. When they come back, they will have changed. Dès qu'ils seront revenus, ils voudront repartir. As soon as they have returned, they will want to leave again.52. Preceding and Plural AdjectivesMasculine Adjective beautiful good dear nice big large young pretty long bad new little old Singular beau (bel) bon cher gentil grand gros jeune joli long mauvais Plural beaux bons chers gentils grands gros jeunes jolis longs mauvais Pronunciation boh (bell) bon share zhawn-tee grawn groh zhun zho-lee lohn mo-vay Singular belle bonne chère gentille grande grosse jeune jolie longue Feminine Plural belles bonnes chères gentilles grandes grosses jeunes jolies longues Pronunciation bell bon share zhawn-tee grawnd grohss zhun zho-lee lohngmauvaise mauvaises mo-vezz meilleure meilleures may-ur petite vieille petites vieilles puh-teet vyaybetter, best meilleur petit vieux (vieil)meilleurs may-ur petits vieux puh-tee vyuh (vyay)nouveau (nouvel) nouveaux noo-voh (noo-vell) nouvelle nouvelles noo-vellNote: The masculine singular and plural are pronounced the same, as are the feminine singular and plural. These are the most common adjectives that go before the noun. An acronym to remember which ones go before the noun is BRAGS: Beauty, Resemblance (même and autre), Age/Order (premier and dernier), Goodness, and Size. All other adjectives, except numbers, go after the noun. The three words in parentheses (bel, nouvel, and vieil) are used before masculine singular words beginning with a vowel or a silent h. A few adjectives can be used before or after the noun, and the meaning changes accordingly. When used before the noun, they take a figurative meaning; and when used after, they take a literal meaning. Remember that des means some, right? Well, there is an exception to that rule too. Before plural adjectives preceding plural nouns, you use de instead of des. Ex: Some old monuments. De vieux monuments.53. Adjectives: Formation of FeminineAll adjectives must agree in number and gender with the noun they modify. Most adjectives are given in the masculine form, so to change to the feminine forms, follow these rules: Masculine Add -e If it already ends in -e, add nothing -x changes to -se brun fatigué jeune brahn fah-tee-gay zhun brune fatiguée jeune Feminine brunn fah-tee-gay zhun zhay-nayruhs fohss rooss dooss naht-ur-ell ahn-kee-ett moo-ett koh-kett ee-tahl-eeenn share ac-teev blawnsh pooh-bleek grek lawng Adjective brown tired young generous false red (hair) sweet, soft natural worried silent stylish Italian dear, expensive active white public Greek long liargénéreux zhay-nay-ruh généreuse Exceptions: faux roux doux foh roo doo naht-ur-ell ahn-kee-ay moo-ay koh-kay ee-tahl-eeahn share ac-teef blawn pooh-bleek grek lawn fausse rousse douce naturelle inquiète muette coquette Italienne chère active blanche publique grecque longue-il, -el, and -eil change to -ille, -elle, and -eille -et changes to -ètenaturel inquietExceptions: muet coquet -en and -on change to -enne and -onne -er changes to -ère -f changes to -ve -c changes to -che Italien cher actif blanc Exceptions: public grec -g changes to -gue -eur changes to -euse if adjective is derived from verb -eur changes to -rice if adjective is not same as verb -eur changes to -eure with adjectives of comparison And a few completely irregular ones: longmenteur mawn-turmenteuse mawn-tuhz kray-ahtreess ahn-fay-reeuhr ay-pehz fah-voh-reet frehshcréateur kray-ah-tur inférieur épais favori frais ahn-fay-reeuhr ay-peh fah-voh-ree frehcréatrice inférieure épaisse favorite fraîchecreator inferior thick favorite fresh, cool54. Forming Plurals: Adjectives and NounsTo form the feminine plural, just add an -s, unless it already ends in an s, then add nothing. To formthe masculine plural, just add an -s, except in these cases: -al becomes -aux (exceptions: banal - banals, and final - finals); -eau adds an -x; and if it ends in an x or s already, add nothing. Justremember to change the le, la, or l' to les.And of course there are more exceptions... some adjectives are invariable and do not have femine or plural forms. Compound adjectives, such as bleu clair (light blue) and vert foncé (dark green), adjectives that are also nouns, such as or (gold) and argent (silver), and the words chic (stylish), bon marché or meilleur marché (inexpensive) never change.55. More Adjectivesshort court/e different différent/eloud criard/e situated situé/eelegantélégant/e big gros/setight, narrowétroit/e curious curieux/euseseveral plusieurs nervous nerveux/eusepointed pointu/e only seul/ebright vif, vive amusing amusant/ecute mignon/nne touchingémouvant/eperfect parfait/e funny drôleready prêt/e heavy lourd/esad triste noisy bruyant/eclever malin/gne dirty salelazy paresseux/euse tired fatigué/egenerous généreux/euse angry fâché/efamous célèbre annoyed irrité/edecorated décoré/e oldâgé/eNote: Remember the first word is the masculine and the second is the feminine. The addition of an e for the feminine form allows the last consonant to be voiced. These adjectives go after the noun.56. Rendre + AdjectiveNormally, the verb rendre means to give something that you owe to someone, such as On rend ses devoirs au professeur. It can also be used in the sense of to represent. But rendre + adjective means to make someone or something + adjective.Tu me rends si heureuse! You make me so happy!Le fait qu'il ne possède pas de voiture le rend triste. The fact that he doesn't have a car makeshim sad.57. C'est vs. Il estC'est + adjective + à + infinitive is used when the idea has already been mentioned; while il est + adjective + de + infinitive is used when the idea has not yet been mentioned.Est-ce qu'on peut apprendre le chinois en un an? Non, c'est impossible à apprendre le chinois en un an! Can you learn Chinese in one year? No, it's impossible to learn Chinese in one year!Il est facile d'apprendre l'italien. It is easy to learn Italian.58. Sports and HobbiesSoccer le football luh foot-bahlHockey le hockey luh hock-eeFootball le football américain luh foot-bahl ah-mehr-ee-kahnBasketball le basket luh bahs-kettBaseball le base-ball luh base-bahlHorse-back riding l'équitation; du cheval leh-kee-tah-see-ohn; dew shuh-vahlTennis le tennis luh ten-eeSkiing le ski luh skeeVolleyball le volley luh voll-eeWrestling la lutte lah lootJogging le jogging luh zhog-ingIce-skating le patin à glace luh pah-tahn ah glahsSwimming la natation lah nah-tah-see-ohnTrack and Field l'athlétisme lat-lay-tees-muhBowling le bowling luh boh-lingSoftball le softball luh soft-bahlGolf le golf luh golfBicycling le vélo luh vay-lowSurfing le surf luh serfDirt/Motor biking le bicross luh bee-crossFrench horn le cor d'harmonie kohr dar-moh-neeviolin le violon vee-oh-lohnguitar la guitare gee-tahrdrum le tambour tawn-boortuba le tuba tew-bahflute la flûte flewttrombone le trombone trohn-bohnclarinette la clarinette klah-ree-nettcello le violoncelle vee-oh-lohn-sellharp la harpe arpFaire de + a sport means to play. Jouer à + a sport also means to play, as does jouer de + an instrument.Tu fais du foot. You play soccer.J'aime jouer au tennis. I like to play tennis.Je peux jouer de la guitare. I can play the guitar.Nous jouons de la clarinette. We play the clarinette.Il veut jouer du tuba. He wants to play the tuba.59. Naturesea la mer mehrstone la pierre pee-ehrmade of stone en pierre awn pee-ehrsky le ciel see-yelriver le fleuve fluhvcloud le nuage noo-awzhthunderstorm l'orage oh-rawzhhurricane l'ouragan or-aw-zhawnumbrella la parapluie par-ah-ploo-eemarina le port de plaisance por duh plez-ahnstower la tour toorwood le bois bwahwooden en bois awn bwahspace l'espace es-spahsstar l'étoile ay-twahlbarn la grange grawnzhbridge le pont pohnfarm la ferme fairmfield le champ shawnflower la fleur flurforest la forêt for-ehhill la colline koh-leenlake le lac lahkmountain la montagne mohn-tahn-yuhocean l'océan oh-say-awnplant la plante plahntpond l'étang ay-tawnvalley la vallée vah-laywaterfall le cascade kahs-kahdcountryside la campagne kawn-pawn-yuhcountry le pays pay-eeroad le chemin shu-mahnstreet la rue rewhighway la grande route grahnd rootpath le sentier sahn-teeay60. To Livevivre-to live, be alive (veevr)vis vee vivons vee-vohnvis vee vivez vee-vayvit vee vivent veevThe past participle of vivre is vécu. Habiter is another verb that means to live, but it means to live in a place. Vivre is used to mean the state of being alive. A subjunctive form of vivire, vive, is often usedin exclamations. Vive la France! Long live France!61. Object PronounsSubject Direct Object Indirect Object Disjunctivesje I me (muh)me me to me moi (mwah)metu you te(tuh)you te to you toi (twah)youil he le him lui (lwee)to him lui himelle she la her lui to her elle hernous we nous us nous to us nous usvous you vous you vous to you vous youils they les them leur to them eux (uh)themelles they les them leur to them elles themNote: You have already learned the subject pronouns. They go before the conjugated verb forms. The Direct and Indirect Object pronouns go before the verb even though in English they go after it. They also go after the ne in a negative sentence and right before the verb. The disjunctive always go after prepositions, or can be used alone for emphasis.Sample Sentences:I buy some pants. J'achète des pantalons.I buy them. Je les achète.I give the box to you.Je vous donne la boîte.I give it to you. Je vous la donne.After you. (familiar) Après toi.We go with her. Nous allons avec elle.He doesn't leave her.Il ne la part pas.He leaves her. Il la part.I love you. Je t'aime. or Je vous aime.She doesn't love him.Elle ne l'aime pas.Note: When you have more than one pronoun; me, te, nous, or vous come first, then le, la, or les, then lui or leur. Me, te, le, and la contract to m', t', and l' when they precede a vowel, the same way je does. In commands, the pronouns go after the verb, connected with a hyphen. And the pronoun order changes a little too: Le, la, or les come first; then moi, toi, (Me and te become moi and toi incommands) nous, or vous; then lui, or leur.If you have pronouns, they go before the complete verb in regular sentences; but after the ne andbefore the form of avoir in negative sentences.Nous lui avons parlé. We spoke to him/her.Vous en avez écouté trois.You've listened to three of them.Je t'ai demandé du pain. I asked you for some bread.Il ne l'a pas aimé. He didn't like it/her/him.Tu n'y as pas habité. You didn't live there.Je ne vous ai pas parlé. I didn't speak (or haven't spoken) to you.Nous ne l'avons pas fini. We didn't finish (or haven't finished) it.In the passé composé with avoir, direct object pronouns only must agree in gender and number withthe past participle.Je les ai aimés. I liked them.Il l'a regardée. He watched her.Elles nous ont écouté(e)s.They listened to us.Note: Add an e if the pronoun is feminine, and an s if it is plural. The l' could mean him or her, so you might not need to put the extra e on the past participle. The same for nous and vous. They must have an s because they are plural, but it is unclear as to whether they are masculine or feminine. 62. Parts of the Bodyhead la tête tethair les cheveux shuh-vuhface la figure / le visage fee-ger / vee-sawzhforehead le front frohncheek la joue zhooear l'oreille oh-raybeard la barbe barbeye/s l'œil / les yeux uhee / yuhmustache la moustache moo-stashmouth la bouche booshlip la lèvre lev-ruhnose le nez naytongue la langue lawntooth la dent dawnneck le cou kooeyebrows les sourcils soor-seeeyelashes les cils seelchin le menton mawn-tohnthroat la gorge gorzhskin la peau pohblood le sang sawnbone l'os lohsshoulder l'épaule ay-pohlchest la poitrine pwah-treenwaist la taille taheebelly button le nombril nohn-breeback le dos dohheart le cœur kirarm le bras brahelbow le coude koodwrist le poignet pwahn-yayfist le poing pwahnhand la main mahnfingers les doigts dwahstomach / belly l'estomac / le ventre less-to-mah / vawn-truhbody le corps korehip la hanche ahnshleg la jambe zhambknee le genou zhu-noofoot le pied pyaytoes les orteils or-tieankle la cheville shu-veethigh la cuisse kweessshin le tibia tee-bee-ahthumb le pouce poossnails les ongles ohn-gluhTo say something hurts or that you have an ache, you can use avoir mal à (body part):J'ai mal à la tête. I have a headache.J'ai mal à l'estomac. I have a stomach ache.Elle a mal au bras. Her arm hurts.Tu as mal au genou? Your knee hurts?Il a mal aux orteils. His toes hurt.However, if someone is causing you pain, use faire mal (to hurt) plus the indirect pronoun. Tu me fais mal. You're hurting me.Ne lui faites pas mal. Don't hurt him / her.。
3. 读法国示意图,完成下列各题。 (1)①②是法国最重要的两个 巴黎、 马赛 城市,它们分别是____ ___。 (2)根据图中河流的流向判断, 法国的地势有何特点? 法国东南高,西北低。 (3)Ⅰ河流域发展农业的有利 条件是什么? 地形平坦,土壤肥沃; 气候温和湿润;灌溉便利,水源丰富。
高 效 上 好 每 节 课 · 快 乐 上 好 每 天 学
地理位置 地形地势:以平原和丘陵为主,地势东南高、西北低 西欧大国 气候:温带海洋性气候和地中海气候 发达的工农业
法国 便利的交通 文化与旅游
文化 旅游
高 效 上 好 每 节 课 · 快 乐 上 好 每 天 学
新知1 西欧大国
服 装
化 妆 品
高 效 上 好 每 节 课 · 快 乐 上 好 每 天 学
时装、香水和艺术表演享誉世界 香奈儿 迪 奥 兰蔻
高 效 上 好 每 节 课 · 快 乐 上 好 每 天 学
艾 菲 尔 铁 塔
︽ 蒙 娜 丽 莎 ︾
高 效 上 好 每 节 课 · 快 乐 上 好 每 天 学
第四节 法国
新知1 西欧大国 卢森堡
海湾、海峡及其邻国,说一说 其国土轮廓有什么特点?
英国 英吉利海峡
比 斯 开 弯
德 国
法 国
瑞士 意大利
哥摩 纳
France is a romst visited country in the world. It has everything that you could ever want to see on your holidays: a great city like Paris
French cuisine is extremely diverse, with only the Chinese having similar variety in their food. This variety is supported by the French passion for good food in all its forms, France‘s extraordinary range of different geographies and climates which support the local production of all types of ingredients(作料), and France's long and varied history. In many ways, an understanding of the culture of French food is an understanding of France itself.
The Republic of France
La Republique Francaise
National Emblem
Motto: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
National Flower: Iris tectorum
Republic of France in western Europe. Size 5 5 1 6 0 2 sq km. 3 0 0 0 km long coastline(海岸线 ). Residents mostly France. Most of the residents are Catholic. French as an official language.
法国介绍的英文 PPT课件
Provence is located in southeast France, from the Mediterranean coast extended to inland hills area, and there is a river "Rhone" through.
1.Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower is not only the building, it is also a kind of culture and the symbol of modern Paris.It went by the name of“Iron Lady ”. By 1988, the “Iron Lady ” has welcomed 123000000 tourists from the five continents .That is to say, the average Eiffel Tower visitors are 1230000 people each year, the daily average of 3400 people.
the doors, windows and ambulatoriesand it was completed
in 1345,it took morevre Museum and Triumphal Arch
Foie gras
Table manners
• French Tourism • French Architecture • French Cuisine • French Fashion
The first station--Pairs
法国(La France),全称为法兰西共和国,首都 巴黎是法国政治、经济、文化和交通中心,卢浮宫 博物馆和巴黎圣母院誉满全球,香榭丽舍被誉为世 界上最美丽的大街,其地上与地下交通四通八达、 非常方便,每天客流量达1300万人。巴黎的标志建 筑——埃菲尔铁塔像一个钢铁巨人高高地耸立在恬 静的塞纳河畔。在法国最大港口和第二大城市马赛, 你可以造访大仲马在小说《基督山伯爵》里描写过 的监狱——奇伊夫堡。西南部城市波尔多酿酒历史 悠久,其葡萄酒驰名于世。特等“波尔多红葡萄酒” 列为世界葡萄酒“皇后”,一瓶百年陈酒在国际市 场上可售3万多美元。
• 颜色忌 法国人忌讳灰绿色.因为在第二
次世界大战期间,希特勒法西斯军队穿着 灰绿色军服。法国人亦讨厌紫色,因为它 是西方公认的属于同性恋者的颜色。一般 法国人喜欢天蓝色或淡蓝色。
• 菊花忌 在法国,人们通常把黄色的菊花
放在墓前吊唁死者。因此,法国人忌讳菊 花。
• 忌讳送香水、化妆品给女人,因为它
• 尊重妇女 在法国,公共场合大多数男子
都注意有礼貌地对待每一位相识的或不相 识的妇女。女子走进房间时,男士要起立, 瘁访时,光向女主人致意,告别时,先向 女主人道谢;男女共餐时,点菜、上莱、 敬酒均应“女士优先”;男女同行时,男 土要为女士开车门、房门;上楼时,女士 走在男士前面,下楼梯时,则男士先行; 乘电梯和汽车时、男土均应后进先出;坐 火车时.男土应把靠窗的座位让给女土。
• 是西方七大经济强国之一,国内生产总值
居世界地四位。核电设备能力、石油和石 油加工技术仅次于美国,居世界地二位。 航空和宇航工业居世界第三位。也是仅次 于美国的世界第二大农产品出口国。葡萄 酒产量居世界第一。旅游业一直位列世界 前茅。
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A triumphal arch is a structure in the shape of a monumental archway, in theory built to celebrate a victory in war, but often used to cefel Tower
The Eiffel Tower is located on the in Paris that has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tallest building in Paris, it is the most-visited paid monument in the world; millions of people visit it every year. It was named for its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World’s Fair(世博会).
The Louvre Museum(卢浮宫) is the largest national museum of France. It is a central landmark of Paris, located on the right bank of the Seine(塞纳河) in the 1st neighborhood. Nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 19th century are exhibited over an area of 60,600 square meters. The museum opened on 10 August 1793 with an exhibition of 537 paintings, the majority of the works being confiscated church and royal property. Because of structural problems with the building, the museum was closed in 1796 until 1801. Holdings have grown steadily through donations and gifts since the Third Republic of France, except during the two World Wars.
Paris, the city of light and its surroundings are one of the most visited areas. Paris is without a doubt one of the most beautiful cities on the planet.
France is a romantic country.
France is the most visited country in the world. It has everything that you could ever want to see on your holidays: a great city like Paris good beaches more monuments than any other country lovely nature incredible mountain scenery
French cuisine is extremely diverse, with only the Chinese having similar variety in their food. This variety is supported by the French passion for good food in all its forms, France‘s extraordinary range of different geographies and climates which support the local production of all types of ingredients(作料), and France's long and varied history. In many ways, an understanding of the culture of French food is an understanding of France itself.
The Republic of France
La Republique Francaise
National Emblem
Motto: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Republic of France in western Europe. Size 5 5 1 6 0 2 sq km. 3 0 0 0 km long coastline(海岸线 ). Residents mostly France. Catholic residents more letter. French as an official language.
<Je m‘appelle Helene> (French) 《我的名字叫依莲》
This is one of the most famous song in France.
It is Provence that makes French so romatic. 普罗旺斯
THANK YOU! merci !
Winged Victory Mona Lisa
The Champs Elysees is a prestigious avenue in Paris, France. With its cinemas, cafes, luxury specialty shops and clipped chestnut trees(栗树), the Champs Elysees is one of the most famous streets in the world.