Robust Hand--Eye Calibration of an Endoscopic Surgery Robot Using Dual Quaternions
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ISSUE 61 An End-to-End Approach to Self-Folding Origami Structures2 Continuous-Time Visual-Inertial Odometry for Event Cameras3 Multicontact Locomotion of Legged Robots4 On the Combined Inverse-Dynamics/Passivity-Based Control of Elastic-Joint Robots5 Control of Magnetic Microrobot Teams for Temporal Micromanipulation Tasks6 Supervisory Control of Multirotor Vehicles in Challenging Conditions Using Inertial Measurements7 Robust Ballistic Catching: A Hybrid System Stabilization Problem8 Discrete Cosserat Approach for Multisection Soft Manipulator Dynamics9 Anonymous Hedonic Game for Task Allocation in a Large-Scale Multiple Agent System10 Multimodal Sensorimotor Integration for Expert-in-the-Loop Telerobotic Surgical Training11 Fast, Generic, and Reliable Control and Simulation of Soft Robots Using Model Order Reduction12 A Path/Surface Following Control Approach to Generate Virtual Fixtures13 Modeling and Implementation of the McKibben Actuator in Hydraulic Systems14 Information-Theoretic Model Predictive Control: Theory and Applications to Autonomous Driving15 Robust Planar Odometry Based on Symmetric Range Flow and Multiscan Alignment16 Accelerated Sensorimotor Learning of Compliant Movement Primitives17 Clock-Torqued Rolling SLIP Model and Its Application to Variable-Speed Running in aHexapod Robot18 On the Covariance of X in AX=XB19 Safe Testing of Electrical Diathermy Cutting Using a New Generation Soft ManipulatorISSUE 51 Toward Dexterous Manipulation With Augmented Adaptive Synergies: The Pisa/IIT SoftHand 22 Efficient Equilibrium Testing Under Adhesion and Anisotropy Using Empirical Contact Force Models3 Force, Impedance, and Trajectory Learning for Contact Tooling and Haptic Identification4 An Ankle–Foot Prosthesis Emulator With Control of Plantarflexion and Inversion–Eversion Torque5 SLAP: Simultaneous Localization and Planning Under Uncertainty via Dynamic Replanning in Belief Space6 An Analytical Loading Model for n -Tendon Continuum Robots7 A Direct Dense Visual Servoing Approach Using Photometric Moments8 Computational Design of Robotic Devices From High-Level Motion Specifications9 Multicontact Postures Computation on Manifolds10 Stiffness Modulation in an Elastic Articulated-Cable Leg-Orthosis Emulator: Theory and Experiment11 Human–Robot Communications of Probabilistic Beliefs via a Dirichlet Process Mixture of Statements12 Multirobot Reconnection on Graphs: Problem, Complexity, and Algorithms13 Robust Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration of RGB-D Cameras14 Reactive Trajectory Generation for Multiple Vehicles in Unknown Environments With Wind Disturbances15 Resource-Aware Large-Scale Cooperative Three-Dimensional Mapping Using Multiple Mobile Devices16 Control of Planar Spring–Mass Running Through Virtual Tuning of Radial Leg Damping17 Gait Design for a Snake Robot by Connecting Curve Segments and ExperimentalDemonstration18 Server-Assisted Distributed Cooperative Localization Over Unreliable Communication Links19 Realization of Smooth Pursuit for a Quantized Compliant Camera Positioning SystemISSUE 41 A Survey on Aerial Swarm Robotics2 Trajectory Planning for Quadrotor Swarms3 A Distributed Control Approach to Formation Balancing and Maneuvering of Multiple Multirotor UAVs4 Joint Coverage, Connectivity, and Charging Strategies for Distributed UAV Networks5 Robotic Herding of a Flock of Birds Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle6 Agile Coordination and Assistive Collision Avoidance for Quadrotor Swarms Using Virtual Structures7 Decentralized Trajectory Tracking Control for Soft Robots Interacting With the Environment8 Resilient, Provably-Correct, and High-Level Robot Behaviors9 Humanoid Dynamic Synchronization Through Whole-Body Bilateral Feedback Teleoperation10 Informed Sampling for Asymptotically Optimal Path Planning11 Robust Tactile Descriptors for Discriminating Objects From Textural Properties via Artificial Robotic Skin12 VINS-Mono: A Robust and Versatile Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator13 Zero Step Capturability for Legged Robots in Multicontact14 Fast Gait Mode Detection and Assistive Torque Control of an Exoskeletal Robotic Orthosis for Walking Assistance15 Physically Plausible Wrench Decomposition for Multieffector Object Manipulation16 Considering Uncertainty in Optimal Robot Control Through High-Order Cost Statistics17 Multirobot Data Gathering Under Buffer Constraints and Intermittent Communication18 Image-Guided Dual Master–Slave Robotic System for Maxillary Sinus Surgery19 Modeling and Interpolation of the Ambient Magnetic Field by Gaussian Processes20 Periodic Trajectory Planning Beyond the Static Workspace for 6-DOF Cable-Suspended Parallel Robots1 Computationally Efficient Trajectory Generation for Fully Actuated Multirotor Vehicles2 Aural Servo: Sensor-Based Control From Robot Audition3 An Efficient Acyclic Contact Planner for Multiped Robots4 Dimensionality Reduction for Dynamic Movement Primitives and Application to Bimanual Manipulation of Clothes5 Resolving Occlusion in Active Visual Target Search of High-Dimensional Robotic Systems6 Constraint Gaussian Filter With Virtual Measurement for On-Line Camera-Odometry Calibration7 A New Approach to Time-Optimal Path Parameterization Based on Reachability Analysis8 Failure Recovery in Robot–Human Object Handover9 Efficient and Stable Locomotion for Impulse-Actuated Robots Using Strictly Convex Foot Shapes10 Continuous-Phase Control of a Powered Knee–Ankle Prosthesis: Amputee Experiments Across Speeds and Inclines11 Fundamental Actuation Properties of Multirotors: Force–Moment Decoupling and Fail–Safe Robustness12 Symmetric Subspace Motion Generators13 Recovering Stable Scale in Monocular SLAM Using Object-Supplemented Bundle Adjustment14 Toward Controllable Hydraulic Coupling of Joints in a Wearable Robot15 Geometric Construction-Based Realization of Spatial Elastic Behaviors in Parallel and Serial Manipulators16 Dynamic Point-to-Point Trajectory Planning Beyond the Static Workspace for Six-DOF Cable-Suspended Parallel Robots17 Investigation of the Coin Snapping Phenomenon in Linearly Compliant Robot Grasps18 Target Tracking in the Presence of Intermittent Measurements via Motion Model Learning19 Point-Wise Fusion of Distributed Gaussian Process Experts (FuDGE) Using a Fully Decentralized Robot Team Operating in Communication-Devoid Environment20 On the Importance of Uncertainty Representation in Active SLAM1 Robust Visual Localization Across Seasons2 Grasping Without Squeezing: Design and Modeling of Shear-Activated Grippers3 Elastic Structure Preserving (ESP) Control for Compliantly Actuated Robots4 The Boundaries of Walking Stability: Viability and Controllability of Simple Models5 A Novel Robotic Platform for Aerial Manipulation Using Quadrotors as Rotating Thrust Generators6 Dynamic Humanoid Locomotion: A Scalable Formulation for HZD Gait Optimization7 3-D Robust Stability Polyhedron in Multicontact8 Cooperative Collision Avoidance for Nonholonomic Robots9 A Physics-Based Power Model for Skid-Steered Wheeled Mobile Robots10 Formation Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Without Position and Velocity Measurements11 Online Identification of Environment Hunt–Crossley Models Using Polynomial Linearization12 Coordinated Search With Multiple Robots Arranged in Line Formations13 Cable-Based Robotic Crane (CBRC): Design and Implementation of Overhead Traveling Cranes Based on Variable Radius Drums14 Online Approximate Optimal Station Keeping of a Marine Craft in the Presence of an Irrotational Current15 Ultrahigh-Precision Rotational Positioning Under a Microscope: Nanorobotic System, Modeling, Control, and Applications16 Adaptive Gain Control Strategy for Constant Optical Flow Divergence Landing17 Controlling Noncooperative Herds with Robotic Herders18 ε⋆: An Online Coverage Path Planning Algorithm19 Full-Pose Tracking Control for Aerial Robotic Systems With Laterally Bounded Input Force20 Comparative Peg-in-Hole Testing of a Force-Based Manipulation Controlled Robotic HandISSUE 11 Development of the Humanoid Disaster Response Platform DRC-HUBO+2 Active Stiffness Tuning of a Spring-Based Continuum Robot for MRI-Guided Neurosurgery3 Parallel Continuum Robots: Modeling, Analysis, and Actuation-Based Force Sensing4 A Rationale for Acceleration Feedback in Force Control of Series Elastic Actuators5 Real-Time Area Coverage and Target Localization Using Receding-Horizon Ergodic Exploration6 Interaction Between Inertia, Viscosity, and Elasticity in Soft Robotic Actuator With Fluidic Network7 Exploiting Elastic Energy Storage for “Blind”Cyclic Manipulation: Modeling, Stability Analysis, Control, and Experiments for Dribbling8 Enhance In-Hand Dexterous Micromanipulation by Exploiting Adhesion Forces9 Trajectory Deformations From Physical Human–Robot Interaction10 Robotic Manipulation of a Rotating Chain11 Design Methodology for Constructing Multimaterial Origami Robots and Machines12 Dynamically Consistent Online Adaptation of Fast Motions for Robotic Manipulators13 A Controller for Guiding Leg Movement During Overground Walking With a Lower Limb Exoskeleton14 Direct Force-Reflecting Two-Layer Approach for Passive Bilateral Teleoperation With Time Delays15 Steering a Swarm of Particles Using Global Inputs and Swarm Statistics16 Fast Scheduling of Robot Teams Performing Tasks With Temporospatial Constraints17 A Three-Dimensional Magnetic Tweezer System for Intraembryonic Navigation and Measurement18 Adaptive Compensation of Multiple Actuator Faults for Two Physically Linked 2WD Robots19 General Lagrange-Type Jacobian Inverse for Nonholonomic Robotic Systems20 Asymmetric Bimanual Control of Dual-Arm Exoskeletons for Human-Cooperative Manipulations21 Fourier-Based Shape Servoing: A New Feedback Method to Actively Deform Soft Objects into Desired 2-D Image Contours22 Hierarchical Force and Positioning Task Specification for Indirect Force Controlled Robots。
Eye in Hand Calibration
Eye in hand Calibration1G.D. van ALBADA, J.M. LAGERBERG and A. VISSERFaculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Abstract: To maintain robot accuracy, calibration equipment is needed. In this paper we present a self-calibrating measuring system based on a camera in the robot hand plus a known reference object in the robot workspace. A collection of images of the reference object is obtained. From these we compute the positions and orientations of the camera, using image-processing, imagerecognition and photogrammetric techniques. The essential geometrical and optical camera parameters can be derived from the redundancy in the measurements. Experimental results for a prototype system are presented. Keywords: robot calibration, camera calibration, photogrammetry.Introduction Robot calibration can serve various purposes. The static and dynamic positioning accuracy of robots have become the bottle-neck for the introduction of off-line programming techniques. These techniques require the robot's position to be predicted with sufficient accuracy. Robot calibration will improve the positioning accuracy. Another important application of robot calibration is its use as a diagnostic tool in robot production and maintenance. Inaccuracies and wear in specific components of the robot may be identified using accurate measurements and a suitable kinematic model. A large number of robot measurement systems are now available commercially, each with its own range of applicability and its own requirements. Yet, there is a dearth of systems that are portable, accurate and low-cost. In this paper we present a simple measuring system that may fill this gap. It is based on a camera in the robot hand plus a known reference object in the robot workspace. Our prototype allows us to measure a robot's position and orientation in a volume of 1 m3, with an accuracy of 0.20 mm and 2.0 minutes of arc. The work described in this paper was performed for CAR, ESPRIT project nr. 52202.1 2This paper was published in Industrial Robot 21, 6, pp.14-17 (1994)In CAR the following companies and institutes co-operated: Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik (IPK Berlin, prime contractor), Leica (UK) Ltd., University of Amsterdam, Dept. of Computer Systems, TGT (Ireland), KUKA Schweißanlagen und Roboter GmbH, Volkswagen AG. ESPRIT projects are 50% funded by the EEC.1Design and implementation of the measuring system The measuring system discussed in this paper was designed on basis of the following requirements: • The system should be able to provide (static) position and orientation data compatible with the repeatability of current robot systems. • The system should be low cost, portable, easy to operate by non-expert personnel and sufficiently robust to be used in an average industrial environment. • The system need not be able to work in the full workspace of the robot, but should be able to measure a large number of poses in a limited volume. On basis of these criteria, various measuring techniques have been examined, as described in an initial CAR report [1]. This study indicated that the system should also be self calibrating; that it should work on basis of optical sensors, that it should contain no moving parts and a minimum number of specially manufactured components.Figure 1. The reference plate as seen by the camera.2The most obvious solution that promised to approach the required accuracy, proved to be a system based on a single camera in the robot hand, plus a specially designed, passive, flat reference object (reference plate) positioned in the robot work space (see figure 1). At least a few images that contain a large number of measurable positions covering the entire image are required to self-calibrate the camera. The larger the reference plate, the better the camera can be calibrated. Also, position measurements with an accuracy of 0.1 mm imply a reference object size exceeding 30 cm if an orientation accuracy of 1' is to be attained. Attaching such a large object to the robot flange and placing cameras in the workspace may be a problem. We have implemented a prototype version of the measuring system using a simple off-the-shelf camera. The reference plate consists of a blank aluminium plate with a black pattern of rings printed onto it. Results, presented in this paper, show that the accuracy of the camera system, due to its self-calibration capacity, is generally sufficient for robot calibration. Measuring procedure The measuring procedure begins with the selection of the model parameters of the robot that need to be redetermined. Using this set of model parameters, the pose generation program developed at IPK (Albright [2], Schröer [3]) will generate a set of measurable poses that will allow computation of these parameters. Using these poses, a robot program is generated which directs the robot along a path containing these positions. At each measuring pose the robot stops and one or more images of the reference plate are obtained. The actual joint parameters at the measuring poses may be recorded, if possible, but may otherwise be assumed to be equal to the commanded values. Next, the images obtained are processed off-line, to obtain the positions of the camera relative to the reference plate, plus the parameters of the camera. This “photogrammetric procedure” is the innovative part of our system. This procedure can be made self-calibrating when a collection of sufficiently different images is available. The poses are obtained by iterating two tasks: the imageprocessing procedure and the image-reconstruction procedure. The former tries to recognise and identify the markers on the reference plate and to determine their positions in the image, the latter fits a model that can predict the position of the markers in every image by the computation of the camera positions for each image and the camera parameters. The predictions are fed back to the identification part of the image-processing procedure.3Using the calibration procedure developed at IPK, the unknown robot parameters, plus the position of the reference plate relative to the robot base, can be derived from these measurements. Experimental results For the CAR project we developed and tested a prototype system based on the principles described in the preceding section. The prototype demonstrates the viability of the approach. In the initial stage we verified our design of the imagereconstruction model with a least-square fit using the singular value decomposition method. This method is helpful for ill-conditioned systems, but involves a lot of computations. After a small refinement of our model very good condition numbers were obtained, and large sets of images could be processed with the classical and far more efficient Gaussian elimination method. Refinement of the camera model For most of our measurements we used the following set-up on the Philips “OSCAR-6” experimental robot at our institute: A fixed focus, variable aperture, f=4.8 mm lens at aperture ratios between f/4 and f/8. No monochromatic filter was used. A HTH MX CCD camera with a 604(H) by 575(V) 10µ (H) by 15µ (V) pixels in a normal video mode (i.e. not pixel synchronous). The vertical line separation is 7.5µ, i.e. half the vertical pixel size, i.e. vertically separated pixels partly overlap and there are effectively only 288 resolution elements vertically. The images were digitised to 604 by 576 pixels, so that the horizontal pixel size corresponds approximately to the camera pixel size.-In the first experiment 16 images were taken from different viewpoints. Originally only 6 camera parameters were estimated: 5 parameters that describe the geometrical transformation between the optical centre and the image plane and the third order distortion coefficient k. Examination of the residuals indicated that the camera model still needed further refinement. Currently, we are using an 11 parameter model, including third and fifth order radial terms describing the distortion and the centre of distortion. The third order term was found to be negative, so we can speak of pin-cushion distortion. The centre of the distortion and the projection of the optical centre on the image were very near to each other. This clearly shows that the lens of the camera is symmetric with respect to its centre, and that the chip is almost perpendicular to the optical direction.4Measurements on the OSCAR robot In the second experiment 124 images were obtained using the “OSCAR” robot at the University of Amsterdam. For this experiment we computed a number of error quantifiers. One significant quantity is the accuracy to which the measured points can be fitted by the model. In our case a rms. fitting error per measured point of 0.11 pixel was found. From the rms. fitting error per image, plus the assumption that the remaining errors per measured point are uncorrelated, we computed the expected error covariance matrices for the position and orientation and for the camera parameters and from those the expected errors in the measurements.0.6 Position error (mm) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Height above reference plate (mm)Figure 4. The estimated rms. position errorsσx2 2 2 + σ y + σ z for a collection of 124images, as a function of the z-height of the camera. Notice that the position error increases with the height above the reference plate.The results till now show a formal rms. accuracy of 0.10 mm and 1.0 minutes of arc, with a number of significantly worse points. (Figures 4 and 5). However, the calculated formal accuracy of the measurements depends on a number of assumptions, such as the constancy of the camera properties throughout a5sequence of measurements and the independence of the residual errors. I.e. it does not take into account systematic and correlated errors.5 Orientation error (arcmin) 43210 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Height above reference plate (mm)Figure 5. The estimated rms. angle errorsσα2 2 2 + σ β + σ γ for a series of 124images, as a function of the z-height of the camera. For the range of z-heights shown, the orientation error is mostly independent of z. It tends to increase for small values of z, as fewer reference points will be visible.Additional experiments indeed indicate that the formal error estimates do not take into account some very real error sources and therefore tend to be overly optimistic. Subsequent improvements to our models, taking into account additional camera and reference plate corrections have reduced the measured residuals by some 30%. The systematic errors were reduced even further. In the following section we will give a short overview of possible sources of these systematic errors. Discussion Our experiments show that our results are nearly good enough for practical application. In this section we will discuss various possible sources of measure-6ment errors, the most important of which we have taken into account. How further improvements in the measuring procedure can be obtained is indicated. Images of the reference plate are obtained with a camera consisting of a lens, a mounting, a CCD and a frame grabber. Each of the components in this procedure contributes its own set of errors. These errors either have to be minimised by adopting a suitable measuring procedure, or have to be modelled in order to remove their contribution. Here the contributions of each component will be discussed in term. The reference plate The measurement reference plate consists of a white flat plate with a large number of black, ring-shaped markings in a regular, grid-shaped pattern, as illustrated in figure 1. A flat reference object was selected because it can be more easily constructed and maintained than a 3-dimensional object, although the latter is, in principle, better for photogrammetric applications. The accuracy of the reference plate must well exceed the desired measuring accuracy. It is not too difficult to manufacture a sufficiently accurate plate. However, some problems should be taken into account, specifically the effect of temperature changes. Typical expansion coefficients of solids are in the order of 10-5 C-1. So our reference plate ( 0.6 m by 0.5 m) will expand about 0.005 mm per degree C; i.e. changes in the ambient temperature in the order of a few C will result in scale changes comparable to the desired measurement accuracy. If a sufficiently large number of images are obtained, errors in the positions of the markings can be determined by our measuring procedure. The mounting The mounting is important as it fixes the position of the lens relative to the detector, in our case a CCD. The mounting can allow the distance of the lens to the detector to be changed (focusing), the aperture to be changed and the lens to be removed from the camera. Each of these options implies a mechanical change to the optical system, leading to non-reproducible variations in its properties. For that reason, a fixed focus, fixed aperture lens is preferred. The lens The camera lens will be used to produce images of the reference plate over a range of object distances onear to ofar, which we have put at 0.2 m and 1.4 m. The images should be as sharp as possible to obtain good measurements. Lenses are known to display a large variety of imaging errors, affecting the quality of the7image. Note that the achieved measuring accuracy of the system is significantly better than one could expect from the major imaging defects. This is achieved by a combination of sub-pixel interpolation in the grey-scale image in the computation of the position for each marker, the use of information from a large number of pixels for each marker, and the use of information derived from up to about 700 markers in each image. The principal error types are the following: • Defocusing and depth-of-field. With a fixed focus a sharp image is produced only for an object at a precise distance. The further the object is removed from that distance, the more the image is smeared. The distance range over which this effect stays within acceptable bounds is referred to as the depth-of-field. The effect is always present, but its effect on the image can be reduced by using wide-angle lenses and stopping down the aperture. For our system the effect maximally is in the order of or 15'. • Diffraction. Due to the wave nature of light, there is a limit on the degree to which the lens can be stopped down. For small aperture diameters a diffraction pattern becomes visible: the Airy disk. The radius of the Airy disk for our system is about 3'. Optimally, one should choose the aperture of the lens D so that the loss of sharpness due to the depth of field and diffraction are approximately equal. • Distortion. The pin-cushion distortion in our system gives a significant contribution. We modelled it with 3rd and 5th order radial terms in the leastsquare fit of our image-reconstruction procedure. • Astigmatism, image plane curvature and coma will affect the sharpness of the image in the corners; these effects are reduced by choosing a small aperture. • Chromatic aberration can be significant and is best reduced by using an optically flat colour filter (about 10 nm band pass) or a near monochromatic illumination. Off-the-shelf lenses, such as the lenses used in our experiments, are usually optimised to yield an image that is pleasing to the eye. For ultimate performance, a specially designed lens should be used, making use of the specific trade-offs allowed for photogrammetry, but this will increase the cost of the system. The CCD and the frame grabber The image produced by the lens must be detected using a CCD or a similar (rectangular) array of detector elements. The output of the detector elements is usually converted to a standard video signal, which is digitised using a frame grabber. A problem with this procedure is8that the outputs of adjacent detector elements can be mixed in an unpredictable fashion in the output signal. Synchronisation errors between the camera and the frame grabber can also lead to geometric distortions that vary from line to line in the image. For these reasons, the use of a “pixel synchronous” detection system is preferred. Conclusions In this paper we have presented a low-cost method, based on photogrammetry, to obtain measurements for the calibration of robot systems. The method has been implemented and tested and provides promising results for practical application. The components used are relatively inexpensive, and can easily be combined to yield a portable system. As most of the data processing has been highly automated, such a system will be usable by non-expert personnel. By combining the video camera with a fast frame grabber + recording system, or alternatively with a video recorder, dynamic measurements should be obtainable. The relative locations and orientations of two robots in a workcell can be found by placing the reference plate between the robots and calibrating both robots with that common reference. Acknowledgements The research described in this paper was partly funded by the EEC through ESPRIT II project 5220 “CAR”. Stephen Kyle of Leica, and Steve Albright, Klaus Schröer and Michael Grethlein of IPK have contributed significantly to the development of the system through their expert advice and support. References [1] G.D. van Albada, J.M. Lagerberg, Z.W. Zhang “Portable calibration systems for robots” in R. Bernhardt and S. Albright, Robot Calibration (Chapman & Hall, London, 1993), p.101-123. S.L. Albright, Calibration system for robot production control and accuracy, in R. Bernhardt and S. Albright, Robot Calibration, Eds. (Chapman & Hall, London, 1993), p. 37-56. K. Schröer “Theory of kinematic modelling and numerical procedures for robot calibration” in R. Bernhardt and S. Albright, Robot Calibration (Chapman & Hall, London, 1993), p.157-193.[2][3]9。
AVAILABLETRANSMITTERS7300w 2 Monitor Atlantic Monitor 840 TransmitterMOUNTING OPTIONS FlexT ech Probe HolderFlowcell Fixed Dip T ubeMEASUREMENT PRINCIPLESelf Polarising Self T emperature Compensating, Galvanic, membranecovered cellFEATURESLong life probe – 5 years+Very low maintenanceEasy to calibrateBENEFITSImproved Aeration Control Prevention of Discharge FailureEnergy SavingsPartech Galvanic Sensors and T ransmittersAPPLICATION DATASHEETBeing able to act on accurate measurements of Dissolved Oxygen in activated sludge plants will enable you to maintain levels of bacterial activity, avoid breaches in discharge consents and operate as cost effectively as possible. T oo little dissolved oxygen can lead to bacterial inactivity and ineffective treatment, whilst too much, wastes energy and can cause unnecessary wear and tear to the aeration system.Partech's sensors make accurate dissolved oxygen measurement easy. They are highly reliable and accurate as well as straightforward to use and easy to install. They also benefit from the self cleaning action of the Pioneer probe holder and the fouling tolerance of the probes themselves – all of which mean longer service intervals and a consistently more efficient plant.The Oxyguard probe utilises a unique combination of electrolyte, membrane and anode materials, together these factors give a real world working life in excess of five years. The Iron/Silver electrode combination ensures that no gas can build up in the cell and the electrolyte is not consumed, there is no warm up time and no zero adjustment required. The only maintenance is occasional removal of fouling and calibration.Routine calibration is required for any instrumentation, without it there is no validation of the measurement. The Oxyguard probe is easily repaired on site without specialist training, the membrane is quick and easy to replace.T ransmitter OptionsPRODUCT DATASHEET7300w2 MonitorPartech's latest generation, multisensor,multiparameter monitor provides an exceptionally flexible solutionto monitoring water, wastewater and surface water parameters such as Dissolved Oxygen. The monitorallows the user to combine multiple sensors for use on large sites and to add parameters such as pH,andSuspended Solids.840 TransmitterThe 840 T ransmitter is a loop powered device designed for simplicity of use, the system can be selected withranges from 0-5 to 0-40 mg/l, or 0-5%Sat to 0-400%Sat. The only user requirement is to carry out periodiccalibration.Atlantic MonitorIn common with all the systems mentioned in this datasheet the probe will only need renovation if it isdamaged. In most applications the probe life is in excess of 5 years. Even when it does require attentionthere is no need to dispose of the probe,simply replace the membrane and electrolyte.The newly introduced Atlantic has been designed for applications where the Dissolved Oxygen system isused to control a process or where the system is required to produce alarms at different levels. It has 4relays and a 4 - 20 mA output, a 4 – 20 mA compensation input can be added.The Atlantic incorporates 8alarm set points.Calibration of the probe is done automatically and checked and validated by the system,the operator hasonly to remove the probe from the effluent, wipe it clean and leave it in air to temperature equilibrate. Oncethe temperature is stable press the button and the system completes and validates the calibration.EasyCal Calibration DeviceDesigned to improve the simplicity and reliability of the calibration the EasyCalcalibrates the probe at the point of measurement. This removes temperature as avariable which can have a very dramatic effect on the oxygen saturation in the air.The Easy Cal fits over the end of the probe, the probe is returned to the sample andair is blown across the membrane by a pump mounted in the EasyCal this is leftrunning for 10 minutes to allow it to temperature equilibrate with the sample andthen the calibration is performed by either setting the system to 100 % or to themg/l setting as displayed on the EasyCal.EasyCal can be used on the 7300w2, 840, or the Atlantic.Product BackgroundPRODUCT DATASHEETPartech and Dissolved OxygenFor over 30 years Partech has been a manufacturer and supplier of Dissolved Oxygen measurement systems. During this time we have gained experience of a wide range of measurement techniques and have amassed a huge knowledge of the trials and tribulations of DO measurement in Wastewater treatment.Since 1997, Partech have been the UK distributor for Oxyguard International of Denmark.During this time we have generated a large installed base of Oxyguard sensors in the UK.We are proud to continue this association with the integration of the famed Oxyguard probe into our product range.Currently Available Measurement CellsThe use of sensors to measure Dissolved Oxygen was started over 50 years ago by Dr Clark initially in the medical industry and then in water analysis. The Clark cell and it's close cousin the Makereth cell are electrochemical (galvanic)cells where an electrical circuit consisting of an anode and cathode with an electrolyte sitting behind a gas permeable membrane. As the oxygen diffuses through the membrane a chemical reaction takes place that generates an electrical signal that is proportional to the amount of Oxygen present in the sample. Oxyguard have developed their probe so that this electrochemical reaction does not consume the electrolyte or anode,thus providing a measuring cell that has an operational life of 10 years or more. Recently a technology from the 1970's has been revived, optical DO measurement has been offered as an alternative for all issues relating to monitoring in wastewater environments. Basically, the meter determines oxygen by measuring light.High-energy blue light is directed onto the sensor surface,which is coated with a luminescent material. Electrons of the luminescent material are excited to a higher energy level before then falling back to their basic energy level, emitting red light as they do so. This light is detected by a photo diode. Partech are now able to offer this technology in the WaterWatch2 range.Strength of the Partech solutionThe combined skills of Partech and Oxyguard with our reputations for simple, common sense solutions to measurement challenges means we can offer reliable Dissolved Oxygen measurement. Use of the FlexT ech mounting system helps alleviate the problems of fouling, and ensures that the sensor is located correctly for representative measurement. The unique combination of electrolyte, anode and cathode material, and physical probe design gives real world life of in excess of five years with many lasting much,much longer.The membrane for the cell is only replaced if it is damaged, there is no internal drift, and the internal sensor design means that the electrolyte and anode are not consumed.The Oxyguard probe benefits from being left alone, the first line of the maintenance section of the manual is 'Leave it alone'.PRODUCT DATASHEET Publication No: 221334DS-Iss03The company reserves the right to alter the specification without Probe Specifications Measurement PrincipleOxygen: galvanic oxygen partial pressure cell, self polarising, selftemperature compensating. T emperature: Precision NTC Dimensions Diameter: 58 mm Length: 59 mmWeight Probe only 0.2 kgProbe with 7 metres of cable: 0.5 kg Connections: Atlantic and 7300w 2: 4 lead840: 3 leadCable length (Std, other available)Atlantic: 7 metres840 and 7300w 2: 10 metresDO Measurement Range 0 – 20 mg/l (ppm) 0 – 200% sat, (higher on request) T emperature Range from -5°CAccuracy Depends on calibration and conditions. T ypically better than +/-1% of value.Output Stability In air at constant temperature stable to within +/-1% over 1 year Accuracy T emperature +/- 0.3COperating Conditions 0 – 40 C, Pressure to 2 bar. (higher on request)Storage temperature-5 to +60 CFlexT ech Mounting BracketThe FlexT ech mounting system has been designed to keep the DO probe in the optimum position within the matrix and provide a simple light weight and robust system to keep the probe clean and free of rags and other debris which slide off the shaft producing a self cleaning action.Fats and greases which are normally on the top of the sample tend to build up above the probe as it is mounted approximately 300 mm below the surface. An additional benefit of keeping the probe below surface is that is provides a more representative reading of the oxygen level in the tank, the surface being effected by rain and the natural tendency of oxygen to rise in the liquid.Alternative Mounting OptionsWhere a dip probe is not appropriate, alternative mounting options are available, such as a full bore flow through cell.Anti-Fouling CapThe Oxyguard anti-fouling Cap inhibits growths on the membrane of the probe, especially in seawater applications.The cap is essentially the same as the normal cap, but is fitted with a cone made from aspecially developed alloy. The cone surrounds the membrane and is effective in inhibiting marineorganisms from attaching to and growing on the membraneTypical Installation with a FlexTech Probe Holder63 m m I D140 mm75 m m O DFlow Through T-PieceSpecification and Mounting Details。
雅格Vyntus CPX 运动心肺功能测试系统说明书
Vyntus® CPXPowered by SentrySuite®The JAEGER® Vyntus CPX represents the new generation of Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Testing and combines high measurement quality with ease-of-use and a workflow driven CPET evaluation. The Vyntus CPX is the result of over 50 years of experience in the development of CPET devices.ACCURATE- Built on trusted high-end sensor technologyFLEXIBLE - Suitable for a wide range of subjects - from sick patients to high-performance athletes HELPFUL- Tools to assist your interpretationINTEGRATED - 12-Lead-Bluetooth® ECG fully integrated into the CPET softwareVyntus ® CPX represents a new generation of professional exercise diagnosticsThe versatile JAEGER ® Vyntus CPX is an accurate and reliable system that allows the determination of a subject’s metabolic response. It can measure children and adults, from patients to athletes; collecting full breath-by-breath data. The main parameters are: V’O 2, V’CO 2, RER, V’O 2/kg, V’E, BF, VTex, EqO 2, EqCO 2, BR FEV%, PETO 2, PETCO 2, REE, FAT, CHO, PROT and many more. Vyntus CPX comes standard with all of the essential CPET applications:• True breath-by-breath Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Testing• Slow/Forced Spirometry and MVV in rest including Pre/Post testing and animation program • Exercise Flow/Volume Loops (EFVL) overlayed with maximum loop • Indirect Calorimetry assessment (REE, FAT...)• New and legacy 9-Panel-Wasserman Graph and the Possible Limitation Graph • 3 different threshold determinations (VT1, VT2 and VT3)• 4 different automatic slope calculations (V’O 2/Watt, V’E/V’CO 2, V’E/V’O 2, HR/V’O 2kg)• Editable ranges for baseline, warm-up, peak and recovery phases• Online entry of RPE scale, blood gases, blood pressure, events or just set a marker for later data entry • Offline entry of blood gases with automatic calculation of further parameters (P(A-a)O 2...)• Customizable evaluation workflow• Extensive program for comments and interpretation with helpful template manager • Automatic control of bike/treadmill/blood pressure• Comprehensive Protocol Editor program for creating individual ramp, step and weight dependent protocols • Report Designer program for customized reports including export to Excel ® format Combine Vyntus CPX with other devices:• Integrated SpO2 with sensor type options• JAEGER Vyntus ® ECG, the fully integrated and wireless 12-Lead Bluetooth ® PC-ECG • GE CAM USB CardioSoft 12-Lead-PC-ECG or other 12-Lead-ECGs • Polar ® Bluetooth ® Interface• Choice of cycle ergometers with/without integrated blood pressure and treadmills in various sizes and specifications • Tango ® blood pressure monitor• Blood gas analyzer interface for serial import of blood gas data Optional workflow applications:• Questionnaire Designer and Tablet Questionnaires• Networking with further PFT systems inclusive report stations for review and interpretation • Web-based evaluation of PDF reports through • EMR, CIS and HIS data integration through SentryConnect (comes standard with GDT interface)2.4 m Twin Tube sample linefor maximal freedom of movementIntegrated SpO2 measurement Port for upcoming optionsAdditional built-in highly effective gas drying mechanismRobust high value materials with long time resistance against disinfection fluids and easy to clean Port/Blower for unique, fully automatic volumecalibrationUSB port to connect the PC and for in-field firmware upgradesStatus lightsfor continuous information about your system and automated self-checkO 2 cell change - made easyThe long-life O 2 fuel cell can be exchanged easily, in about one minute. All you need is a coin to open the fuel cell door on the back of the Vyntus ® CPX. Take the old cell out and put the new one in. A fully automatic filter optimization system ensures exact measurements also after such cell exchange.Calibration made easierThere is no need for a manual 3 Liter syringe because the Vyntus CPX is equipped with a unique, fully automatic volume calibration unit. Just one click in the SentrySuite software and your volume sensor calibration will be automatically performed using the integrated blower.With the special Twin Tube sample line and fresh air flush system, moving the sample line to a calibration port is not necessary. The easy “click-and-play” fully automatic 2-point gas calibration of the O 2/CO 2 analyzers determines the delay and response times in the same procedure for exact synchronization with the volume signal.DVT parking and for both volume and gas calibrationThe heart of the system - the highly accurate and proven O 2/CO 2 AnalyzerRobust codedmedical connectorsProven Digital Volume Transducer(DVT) for exact determination ofventilationVyntus CPX helps you to get prepared.The event countdown shows you whenFeatures during the test• Start Up menu with connection check, max predicted values,suggested target load and automatic protocol selection• Automatic pop-up of programmed events like EFVL, bloodpressure entry or RPE entry (Rate of Perceived Exertion)• Manual set of markers like blood gases or lactate for offlinedata entry after the test• Manual RPE entry during the test• Manual or programmed start of EFVL measurementRPE Scale entryduring the testVyntus® CPX evaluation workflow - easy to use from beginners to experts After the measurement, the evaluation workflow will automatically guide you through the step-by-step post test evaluation. Just click “Next”. This helps to standardize evaluation/interpretation and reduce time-to-result. Workflows can be configured for individual users in relation to the tasks and the sequence.The complete workflow includes:• Entry of End of Test Criteria, manually or from predefined templates• Editing the ranges of rest, warm-up, test and recovery phase• Editing the ranges of the slopes• Editing the ventilatory threshold VT1• Editing the ventilatory threshold VT2• Editing the ventilatory threshold VT3• Editing the measured EFVL (Exercise Flow/Volume Loops)• Editing the RPEEditing the phase ranges Editing the slope rangesEditing VT2Editing the measured EFVLColor codedclassification bar based on V’O 2 max Pred Auto-Interpretationaccording toW. L. Eschenbacher &A. Mannina 2Comprehensive comments and interpretation tool with user definable templates and usageof macrosFast track interpretation made easyPossible limitations chart with 6 types of physiological conditions based on the interrelationship of 9 parameters 3.Ventilatory Thresholds• Multiple threshold evaluations (VT1, VT2, VT3)• Automatic calculation of each threshold with different methods in one viewYour benefits - all in one• ONE user interface • ONE network interface • ONE HIS connection • ONE combined report • ONE program to train • ONE central databaseCustomized cardiac solutionsUser-friendly interfaces with• GE CAM-14 CardioSoft 12-Lead-PC-ECG with or without KISS suction unit• 3rd party 12-Lead-PC-ECGs like Custo med, AMEDTEC, NORAV, Cardiolex, Welch Allyn, PBI...• Polar WearLink ® Bluetooth ® solution • Tango ® blood pressure unit • External SpO2 devices/vyntuscpx© 2015 CareFusion Corporation or one of its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Tango is a registered trademark of SunTech Medical, Inc. Excel is a registered trademark of Microsoft corporation. Polar logo and WearLink are registered trademarks of Polar. GE and CardioSoft are trademarks of General Electric Company.CareFusion Germany 234 GmbH is a Bluetooth SIG member. Vyntus, SentrySuite, JAEGER, SensorMedics and VIASYS are trademarks or registered trademarks of CareFusion Corporation or one of its subsidiaries. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. V-7917900000CF01935 Issue 1The “CareFusion Experience”CareFusion’s Respiratory Diagnostics (RDx) division is active in over 120 countries and headquartered in Germany and USA. It is an organisation with over 60 years’ experience in the field of pulmonary function testing founded on the reputed brands: Godart, Mijnhardt, JAEGER ®, Beckman, Gould, Micro Medical, SensorMedics ® and VIASYS ®.With over 500 employees at CareFusion RDx, we strive to continue the rich tradition of supplying reliable, professional and accessible cardiopulmonary diagnostic devices and services. Today we expand our offer to you with new diagnostic concepts and future oriented workflow and H-IT solutions. In conjunction with our global support organisation we at CareFusion RDx are at your service in almost any country in the world.References1 Löllgen H.; Erdmann E.; Gitt A.K.: Ergometrie, Belastungsuntersuchungen in Klinik und Praxis, 3. Edition, Springer, 20102 Eschenbacher W. L.; Mannina A.: An algorithm for the interpretation of cardiopulmonary exercise tests, Chest, 1990, 97, 263-2673 Weisman I.M.; Zeballos R.J.: Clinical Exercise Testing, Progress in Respiratory Research, Basel, Karger, 2002, Vol 32, 300-322U.K. SalesCareFusion UK 236 Ltd The Crescent, Jays Close Basingstoke, RG22 4BS, UK+44 (0) 1256 388599 tel +44 (0) 1256 330860 faxCareFusion22745 Savi Ranch Parkway Yorba Linda, CA 92887 USA800.231.2466 toll-free 714.283.2228 tel 714.283.8493 fax CareFusion Germany 234 GmbH Leibnizstrasse 7 97204 Hoechberg Germany+49 931 4972-0 tel +49 931 4972-423 fax。
最终最大重投影误差 英文
最终最大重投影误差英文The Importance of Maximizing the Maximum Reprojection Error in Camera CalibrationCamera calibration is an important aspect in computer vision and robotics. It refers to the process of estimating the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of a camera, which are essential in transforming 2D images into 3D objects. One of the most widely used methods in camera calibration is the Maximum Reprojection Error (MRE) optimization, which aims to minimize the difference between the observed and predicted image points.However, despite its popularity, there has been a longstanding debate on the effectiveness of MRE optimization. Some argue that minimizing the MRE is not enough to ensure robustness and accuracy in camera calibration. They highlight the potential risks of underfitting the calibration model, which could lead to incorrect parameter estimates and poor performance in subsequent applications.To address these concerns, recent research has proposed a new approach to MRE optimization, which instead aims to maximize themaximum reprojection error. This involves finding the optimal parameter values that result in the largest possible MRE, subject to a certain level of constraint. The rationale behind this approach is that by emphasizing the effect of outliers, it can improve the robustness and accuracy of the calibration model, especially in cases where the data is noisy or corrupted.For instance, in a scenario where the camera captures images under varying lighting conditions, there may be significant variations in the observed image points, which could cause the MRE optimization to fail. However, by maximizing the maximum reprojection error, the calibration model can be more tolerant to nonlinearities and deviations, which can improve its overall performance.In conclusion, maximizing the maximum reprojection error is an important consideration in camera calibration. It offers a promising solution to the challenges associated with MRE optimization, by emphasizing the importance of outliers and nonlinearities in the data. As computer vision and robotics continue to evolve, it is likely that this approach will become increasingly relevant in ensuring robust and accurate camera calibration.。
眼科学词汇翻译ophthalmology, OPH, Ophth 眼科学visionics 视觉学visual optics 视觉光学visual physiology 视觉生理学physiology of eye 眼生理学visual electro physiology 视觉电生理学pathology of eye 眼病理学dioptrics of eye 眼屈光学neuro ophthalmology 神经眼科学ophthalmiatrics 眼科治疗学ophthalmic surgery 眼科手术学cryo ophthalmology 冷冻眼科学right eye, RE, oculus dexter, OD 右眼left eye, LE, oculus sinister, OS 左眼oculus uterque, OU 双眼eyeball phantom 眼球模型eye bank 眼库prevention of blindness, PB 防盲primary eye care 初级眼保健low vision 低视力blindness 盲totol blindness 全盲imcomplete blindness 不全盲congenital blindness 先天性盲acquired blindness 后天性盲曾用名“获得性盲”。
functional blindness 功能性盲organic blindness 器质性盲occupational blindness 职业性盲legal blindness 法定盲visual aura 视觉先兆visual disorder 视觉障碍visual deterioration 视力减退transitional blindness 一过性盲amaurosis 黑●amaurosis fugax 一过性黑●toxic amaurosis 中毒性黑●central amaurosis 中枢性黑●uremic amaurosis 尿毒性黑●cortical blindness 皮质盲macropsia 视物显大症曾用名“大视”。
abb机器人基座标校准方法Calibrating the base coordinates of an ABB robot is a crucial step in ensuring its accuracy and efficiency. Proper calibration helps the robot to move precisely to its intended positions, ultimately improving the quality of its work. There are several methods available for calibrating the base coordinates of an ABB robot, each with its own set of procedures and techniques.在校准ABB机器人的基坐标时,需要注意确保其准确性和效率。
One common method for calibrating the base coordinates of an ABB robot is using a precision measurement device, such as a laser tracker or a coordinate measuring machine (CMM). These devicescan accurately measure the positions of reference points on the robot, allowing for precise adjustment of its base coordinates. By comparing the measured positions with the desired positions, adjustments can be made to align the robot accurately.一种常用的校准ABB机器人基座标的方法是使用精密测量设备,如激光跟踪仪或坐标测量机(CMM)。
Robust Control and Estimation
Robust Control and Estimation Robust control and estimation are crucial aspects of engineering and technology, playing a significant role in ensuring the stability and performance of complex systems. In the realm of control theory, robust control techniques are employed to address uncertainties and disturbances that may affect the behavior of a system. This involves designing controllers that can effectively handle variations in system parameters or external disturbances, ultimately leading to improved system performance and stability. One of the key challenges in robust control is dealing with uncertainties inherent in real-world systems. These uncertainties can arise from various sources such as modeling errors, external disturbances, or variations in system parameters. Robust control techniques aim to mitigate the impact of these uncertainties by designing controllers that are able to maintain system stability and performance under a wide range of operating conditions. This is achieved through the use of advanced control algorithms that can adapt to changing system dynamics and disturbances, ensuring the system operates effectively in the presence of uncertainties. In addition to robust control, robust estimation techniques are also essential for accurately determining the state of a system in the presence of uncertainties. Estimation algorithms such as Kalman filters and observers are commonly used to estimate the internal states of a system based on available measurements. These techniques are critical for applications such as state estimation in autonomous vehicles, sensor fusion in robotics, and fault detection in industrial processes. By incorporating robust estimation techniques, engineers can improve the accuracy and reliability of system state estimates, leading to better control performance and system operation. From a practical standpoint, the implementation of robust control and estimation techniques requires a deep understanding of system dynamics, modeling, and control theory. Engineers must carefully analyze the system dynamics, identify sources of uncertainties, and design robust controllers and estimators that can effectively handle these uncertainties. This often involves a combination of theoretical analysis, simulation studies, and experimental validation to ensure the effectiveness of the proposed control and estimation strategies. Moreover, the success of robust control and estimation techniques relies heavily on theavailability of accurate system models and measurements. Engineers must carefully calibrate system models, identify key parameters, and validate model accuracy through experimental data. Additionally, the selection and placement of sensors play a crucial role in the effectiveness of estimation algorithms, as accurate measurements are essential for reliable state estimation and control performance. In conclusion, robust control and estimation are essential tools for ensuring the stability, performance, and reliability of complex engineering systems. By employing advanced control algorithms and estimation techniques, engineers can effectively address uncertainties and disturbances, leading to improved system performance and operation. However, successful implementation of robust control and estimation requires a deep understanding of system dynamics, modeling, and control theory, as well as careful calibration of system models and sensor placement. By incorporating robust control and estimation techniques into engineering practice, engineers can enhance the robustness and reliability of complex systems in a wide range of applications.。
双目相机 根据深度信息计算三维坐标的方法
双目相机根据深度信息计算三维坐标的方法The use of stereo cameras for calculating three-dimensional coordinates based on depth information is a fascinating and challenging task. This technology leverages the disparities between the images captured by the two cameras to estimate the depth of objects in the scene. By aligning and comparing these disparities, the camera system can reconstruct the three-dimensional structure of the environment.双目相机技术的发展为深度信息计算提供了更为准确和可靠的解决方案。
One of the key challenges in utilizing stereo cameras for 3D coordinate calculation is the accurate calibration of the camera system. Ensuring that the two cameras are properly calibrated in terms of their intrinsic and extrinsic parameters is crucial for obtaining precise depth information. Any misalignment or mismatchin the calibration process can introduce errors in the depth calculations and affect the accuracy of the 3D coordinates.在利用双目相机进行三维坐标计算的过程中,正确的相机系统校准显得至关重要。
3d eye to hand原理
3d eye to hand原理3D Eye-to-Hand PrincipleThe 3D eye-to-hand principle is a fundamental concept that underlies many aspects of robotics and computer vision systems. This principle refers to the ability of a robot or computer system to perceive and interact with its environment in three-dimensional space using its visual sensors and manipulators (hands).At its core, the 3D eye-to-hand principle involves combining the information gathered from visual sensors, such as cameras or depth sensors, with the robot's motor control systems to achieve precise and accurate manipulation of objects in the environment. This principle is inspired by the human visual-motor system, where the eyes provide visual information to the brain, which in turn controls the hands to perform various tasks.One of the key components in enabling the 3D eye-to-hand principle is the use of computer vision algorithms. These algorithms analyze the images or 3D data captured by the visual sensors and extract relevant information, such as object poses, shapes, and sizes. This information is then used to guide the robot's manipulator to accurately grasp and manipulate objects. Various computer vision techniques, such as feature extraction, object recognition, and depth estimation, are employed to enable the robot's perception capabilities.Another crucial aspect of the 3D eye-to-hand principle is the coordination between the visual perception and the robot's motion control system. The visual information obtained from the sensors needs to be translated into appropriate motor commands that enable the robot to interact with the environment. This requires robust sensor calibration and hand-eye coordination algorithms to accurately estimate the transformation between the robot's camera and manipulator. By knowing the precise relationship between the camera and the hand, the robot can accurately localize objects in 3D space and perform manipulation tasks with high precision.The applications of the 3D eye-to-hand principle are diverse and can be found in various domains. One prominent application is in industrial robotics, where robots equipped with cameras and manipulators are used for tasks such as pick and place, assembly, and quality control. By leveraging the 3D eye-to-hand principle, these robots can autonomously perceive and manipulate objects in their working environment, leading to increased productivity and quality.In the field of surgical robotics, the 3D eye-to-hand principle plays a vital role in enabling surgeons to perform delicate and precise procedures. Robotic surgical systems equipped with high-resolution cameras and robotic arms allow surgeons to visualize the surgical site in 3D and manipulate instruments with enhanced dexterity. By providing surgeons with improved vision and control, the 3D eye-to-hand principle has the potential to revolutionize medical procedures and improve patient outcomes.Furthermore, the 3D eye-to-hand principle has applications in areas such as autonomous driving, virtual reality, and augmented reality. Self-driving cars rely on visual sensors and robotic arms to interact with the environment, enabling them to navigate and perform tasks such as parking and refueling. In virtual reality and augmented reality systems, the 3D eye-to-hand principle is essential for precise hand tracking and object manipulation, creating immersive and interactive user experiences.In conclusion, the 3D eye-to-hand principle is a fundamental concept in robotics and computer vision systems. By combining visual perception with precise motion control, robots and computer systems can perceive and interact with the 3D world. This principle has wide-ranging applications in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and entertainment, and holds the potential to revolutionize how we perceive and interact with our environment.。
opencv calibratehandeye的用法
opencv calibratehandeye的用法Introduction to OpenCV CalibrateHandEyeOpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is an open-source computer vision library that offers various functions and algorithms for image processing and computer vision tasks. One of the important functionalities of OpenCV is calibrating hand-eye systems. In this article, we will dive deep into the topic of calibrating hand-eye systems using OpenCV's CalibrateHandEye module.What is a Hand-Eye System?A hand-eye system is a robotic system that involves a manipulator arm and a vision system. The manipulator arm is responsible for performing various tasks, such as grasping objects, while the vision system captures images or videos for analysis or feedback. The hand-eye system plays a crucial role in many applications, including robot-assisted surgery, industrial automation, and autonomous vehicles.Calibrating a hand-eye system is the process of determining the transformation between the coordinate frames of the robot's hand and the vision system's camera. This transformation allows the system toaccurately map coordinates between the two frames, ensuring precise control and feedback during operations.Understanding the Calibration ProcessThe calibration process involves capturing images or videos of a calibration pattern from various positions and orientations. These images are then used to estimate the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera and the transformation between the camera and the robot's hand.OpenCV provides the CalibrateHandEye module, which incorporates a robust algorithm for estimating the hand-eye calibration parameters. The module takes a set of known transformations between the robot's hand and the calibration pattern and returns the calibrated transformation between the robot's hand and the camera.Setting up the Calibration PatternBefore starting the calibration process, you need to set up a calibration pattern. The calibration pattern can be a simple checkerboard or a customized pattern with known geometric features. The pattern shouldbe placed in different positions and orientations during the image capturing process to ensure accurate calibration.Capturing Images or VideosOnce the calibration pattern is ready, proceed with capturing images or videos. You need to capture multiple images or videos with the calibration pattern at different positions and orientations. This variation helps in estimating the calibration parameters accurately.To capture images or videos, you can use OpenCV's imaging functions or any other suitable camera capture methods. Ensure that the captured images or videos cover a wide range of motion and provide enough information for accurate calibration.Preprocessing the Captured ImagesBefore performing hand-eye calibration, it is essential to preprocess the captured images or videos to remove distortion and improve the accuracy of calibration. OpenCV provides various functions for image preprocessing, such as undistortion and image enhancement.Undistortion corrects any distortions caused by the camera lens or the imaging process. Image enhancement techniques, such as contrast adjustment or noise removal, can also be applied to improve the quality of the captured images.Extracting Key FeaturesOnce the images or videos are preprocessed, the next step is to extract the key features from the calibration pattern. The extracted features act as reference points for estimating the calibration parameters.OpenCV offers feature detection and extraction algorithms, such as SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) or SURF (Speeded-Up Robust Features). These algorithms identify distinctive points or landmarks in the calibration pattern, which are used for feature matching and estimation.Calculating Calibration ParametersWith the preprocessed images and extracted features, you can now proceed to calculate the calibration parameters. OpenCV's CalibrateHandEye module provides the necessary functions to estimateboth the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera, as well as the transformation between the robot's hand and the camera.The calibration process involves solving a system of equations based on the known transformations and extracted features. OpenCV uses robust estimation methods, such as RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus), to handle outliers or inaccuracies in the data.Validating and Fine-Tuning the CalibrationAfter calculating the calibration parameters, it is crucial to validate the calibration by evaluating its accuracy. OpenCV provides functions to evaluate the reprojection error, which measures the distance between the projected calibration pattern and the detected feature points.If the reprojection error is within an acceptable range, the calibration is considered successful. If not, you may need to refine the calibration process by capturing more images or videos, adjusting the calibration pattern, or applying advanced optimization techniques.Applying Hand-Eye Calibration in RoboticsOnce the hand-eye system is calibrated, you can apply the obtained transformation matrix for various robotics tasks. The calibrated transformation allows precise control and coordination between the manipulator arm and the vision system, enabling accurate object detection, grasping, and manipulation.ConclusionCalibrating a hand-eye system is a crucial step in ensuring accurate coordination and feedback between the robotic arm and the vision system. OpenCV's CalibrateHandEye module provides a robust and efficient algorithm for estimating the transformation between the robot's hand and the camera.In this article, we explored the step-by-step process of calibrating hand-eye systems using OpenCV. From setting up the calibration pattern to calculating the calibration parameters, OpenCV offers a comprehensive set of functions and algorithms to simplify and streamline the calibration process.By following the calibration process and leveraging the capabilities of OpenCV, you can enhance the performance and accuracy of yourhand-eye system, opening up a wide range of possibilities in robotics applications.。
布鲁克主动力学试验机 Hysitron TI 980 试验机使用说明书
Hysitron TI 980 TriboIndenter World’s Most Advanced Nanomechanical and Nanotribological Testingnanomechanical characterization. The HysitronTI 980 is everything a superior nanomechanicaltest instrument needs to be, achieving remarkableadvances in control and throughput capabilities,testing flexibility, applicability, measurementreliability, and system modularity.Advanced Performech® II Control Module and ElectronicsMaximum performance with high-speed, closed-loop operationIndustry-leading noise-floor performanceIntegrated multi-technique controls with auxiliary signal I/Os500x faster mechanical testingSynchronized Multiscale MeasurementsSeamless measurement with multiple transducers, each fully optimizedfor the measurement at handPowerful base configuration includes nano-to-micro indentation,nanoscratch, nanowear, high-resolution in-situ SPM imaging, dynamicnanoindentation, and high-speed property mappingVersatile System Control and Data Analysis SoftwareRevolutionary new capabilities with TriboScan™ 10 control software,including XPM™ ultra-fast nanoindentation, SPM+ in-situ SPM imaging,dynamic surface finding, enhanced sample navigation, automatedsystem calibrations, and innovative automated testing routinesPowerful data processing, analysis, and graphing Tribo iQ™ softwarewith programmable data analysis modules and automatic, customizablereport generationMaximum Flexibility and Future-Proof Characterization PotentialMulti-layered enclosure delivers superior environmental isolation with integrated access ports for future technique expansionUniversal sample chuck provides mechanical, magnetic, and vacuum mounting capabilities to accommodate the widest range of samplesStay at the Forefront of Materials Discovery and DevelopmentSimplicity and Speed of AutomationAutomated System Calibrations for Perfection Every TimeTip-area function calibration Transducer calibration Tip-to-optics offset calibrationLowest Noise FloorsQuantitative Characterization to the Low End of NanoQuantitative-scale connectivity from the microscale to the verybottom of the nanoscaleNanonewton force noise combined with displacement measurement capabilities smaller than diameter of 90% of atoms provide quantitative characterization of nearly any material in any formSystem is configurable to test over 6 orders of magnitude in force and 10 orders of magnitude in displacementForce and displacement noise floors are guaranteed at your facility at the time of installationFastest Feedback ControlSuperior Control over the Testing ProcessProvides maximum accuracy, reliability, and repeatability for trulyquantitative nanomechanical and nanotribological characterization Force and displacement feedback control algorithms developed specifically for the physics of Hysitron transducersPerforms a full sense-analyze-control loop every 0.000013 seconds, enabling the system to measure and respond to fast transient events and dependably replicate user-defined test functionsAutomated Testing RoutinesRapid, multi-sample automated testing capabilities forhigh-throughput characterizationSmart automation routines validate probe shape at user-defined intervalsHigh-resolution multiscale imaging withwhole-sample optical surveying simplifies the testing processSince 1992, the Hysitron brand has been the worldwide leader in the fields of nanomechanical and nanotribological characterization. In close collaboration with researchers and engineers that use these systems every day, Bruker is dedicated to understanding your unique characterization requirements and developing innovative technologies that help solve current and emerging material challenges. The Hysitron TI 980 TriboIndenter is the culmination of these endeavors and delivers unsurpassed performance to meet your evolving characterization needs.NANOINDENTATION NANOSCRATCHNANOWEARPowerful Base ConfigurationMaximizing Your Characterization PotentialIn-Situ SPM ImagingDual piezo scanners deliver high-resolution samplesurface topography imaging and nanometer precisiontest placement accuracyOptical ImagingHigh-resolution, color optics enable easy s amplenavigation and course test positioning2D Capacitive T ransducerRenowned low-noise 2D capacitive transducer technologyenables quasistatic nanoindentation, nanoscratch, andnanowear characterizationT est StabilityMetrology-grade granite framing assures superiorinstrument rigidity and test stabilityVibration IsolationIntegrated active anti-vibration system isolates theinstrument from the environmentPerformech IIHigh-speed, low-noise, fast feedback andacquisition rates provide industry-leading controlover the testing processDeveloped From the Bottom Up to DeliverSPM IMAGINGDYNAMICNANOINDENTATIONPROPERTY MAPPINGEnvironmental IsolationMulti-layered enclosure protects against thermal, acoustic, and temperature disturbancesProperty MappingXPM ultrahigh-speed nanoindentation deliversh igh-resolution, quantitative mechanical property maps Dynamic NanoindentationnanoDMA ® III enables viscoelastic characterization and a c ontinuous measurement of properties as a function of depth, frequency, and timeModularityCustomizable enclosure panels streamline system upgradability and technique integrationVersatile Sample ChuckRapid and reliable sample mounting options: magnetic, mechanical, and vacuumEncoded StagingHigh-precision motorized staging system provides a large accessible test region and automated multi-sample testingthe World’s Best Nanomechanical T estingMaximize Characterization Potential Performech II Advanced Control ModuleThe Definition of Precision Control in NanomechanicsIndustry-leading force and displacement noise floors deliver maximummeasurement accuracy and repeatabilityUltrafast feedback-control algorithms provide superior control over thetesting processPeak performance control of Bruker's full suite of transducers developedspecifically for the test being performedUp to 24 channels of data acquisition with a simultaneous data samplingrate of 1.2 MHz on all channelsMultiple Head Measurement SynchronicityComplete Suite of Transducers Fully Optimized for theTask at HandSeamlessly test with any combination of two transducersStandard configuration includes 2D capacitive andnanoDMA III transducers for maximum system versatilityand performancePowerful Base System ConfigurationNanoindentation — hardness, elastic modulus, creep, stressrelaxation, fracture toughness, high-speed property mappingNanotribology — thin film adhesion, friction coefficients,scratch/mar resistance, reciprocating wearSPM Imagin g — topography and gradient imaging,nanometer - precision test positioning, friction force imagingDynamic Nanoindentation — continuous hardness and modulusdepth profiling, storage modulus, loss modulus, tan-deltaT ake a Leap Forward inNanomechanical T estingnanoDMA III — Dynamic NanoindentationBruker’s nanoDMA III is a powerful dynamic nanoindentationtechnique that provides continuous measurement of elastic-plasticand viscoelastic properties as a function of indentation depth, frequency, and time.Universally applicable technique for comprehensive characterization of materials—from soft polymers to hard coatingsCoupled AC and DC force modulation for reliable and quantitative nanoscale dynamic characterization from the initial surface contactReference frequency in-situ drift correction capabilities deliver maximum accuracy during long test cycles XPM — A ccelerated Property MappingBruker’s XPM sets a new industry standard for nanomechanicaltesting throughput paired with measurement resolution andaccuracy. With XPM, more data can be taken in a single afternoonthan could be collected in an entire year using traditional nanoindentationmethodologies. These exclusive performance capabilities are made possibleby the coupling of three industry-leading technologies: 1) a high-bandwidthelectrostatically actuated transducer, 2) fast control and data-acquisitionelectronics, and 3) top-down in-situ SPM imaging. These synchronizedtechnologies can perform six nanoindentation measurements per second toachieve comprehensive quantitative nanomechanical property maps andproperty distribution statistics in record time.Measure More in Less TimeUltrahigh-speed quantitative mechanical property measurements (6/second)Rapid, high-resolution spatial mapping of hardness and modulus withdistribution statisticsRobust tip-area function calibration within a minute500x faster data acquisition than traditional nanoindentation testingxSol® environmental control stage compatibility for rapid testing throughput under extreme environmental conditionsSPM+ Imaging for Superior Nanomechanical T esting ResultsBruker’s pioneering scanning nanoindenters utilize the same probe to both raster the sample surfacefor topography imaging and to conduct the nanomechanical test. Using the same probe for imagingand measurement maximizes test placement accuracy, provides immediatepost-test observation of material deformation behavior, and acceleratestesting throughput.High-precision probe placement accuracy (±10 nm)Customizable SPM resolution options from 64x64 to 4096x4096Quick imaging of high-aspect-ratio features with rectangular imaging ofany X -Y resolution combinationIndustry-leading nanomechanical SPM image resolution withenhanced color palettesCompatible with additional techniques, including lateral forceimaging, nanoDMA III, nanoECR®, and xSol environmental controlB r u k e r N a n o S u r f a c e s D i v i s i o n i s c o n t i n u a l l y i m p r o v i n g i t s p r o d u c t s a n d r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o c h a n g e s p e c i f i c a t i o n s w i t h o u t n o t i c e . H y s i t r o n , n a n o D M A , n a n o EC R , P e r f o r m e c h , T r i b o I n d e n t e r , T r i b o i Q , T r i b o A E , T r i b o I m a g e , T r i b o S c a n , X P M , a n d x S o l a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f B r u k e r C o r p o r a t i o n . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e c o m p a n i e s . © 2017 B r u k e r C o r p o r a t i o n . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . B 1500, R e v . A 0Bruker Nano Surfaces DivisionMinneapolis, MN • USA Phone +1.952.835.6366 **********************/nanomechanical-testing。
Drager Polytron Pulsar红外技术开放路径气体检测说明书
SIMPLE TO ALIGN AND COMMISSIONOne person can easily align and commis-sion the system without the need for spe-cial training or skills. No telescope or alignment mirrors are needed for the installation over any distance. After an ini-tial coarse adjustment by eye, a hand held terminal provides separate “radar” dis-plays of the Transmitter and Receiver alignments. This makes it easy to optimise the adjustment for maximum signal strength.The built-in calibration of the Dräger Poly-tron Pulsar does not need any manual adjustment or standard test gas. After the alignment procedure is finished a self-zeroing sequence is started to complete the commissioning of the system. The parameters about alignment and signal strength are logged and will be used to determine any future misalignment or build up of deposits on the optical lenses.INCREASED PERFORMANCEContinuous communication between Receiver and Transmitter across a signal line allows the system to adapt to difficult environmental conditions and ensure highest availability. The high power xenon lamps combined with a sophisticatedalgorithm which varies their intensity and frequency makes the Dräger Polytron Pul-sar immune to influences from solar radia-tion, stack flares, arc-welding or reso-nance effects associated with the vibra-tion from rotating machinery, as well as environmental changes along the beam like fog, mist, and snow. A higher flash rate is also triggered by the first indication of gas, allowing a fully validated gas reading along with a reduced response time.FAILSAFEThe detector is designed so that no fault can go undetected. In normal operation the output signal is 4 to 20 mA, depend-ing on the gas concentration measured.Whereas a signal of < 1 mA indicates a fault and a signal of 2 mA indicates a beam blockage. In addition a continuous self-test of the Dräger Polytron Pulsar will issue a pre-warning signal of 3.5 mA where the detector is still operational but requires some attention – for example when there is a build up of deposits on the optics, or misalignment of the trans-mitter or receiver. This way maintenance can be scheduled without downtime. The Dräger Polytron Pulsar carries a Safety Integrity Level rating of 2 (SIL 2).Dräger Polytron Pulsar Open Path Gas DetectorS T -4652-2003S T -981-2001Dräger Polytron PulsarOpen Path Gas Detector for gaseous hydrocarbons.DRÄGER POLYTRON PULSAR 02|HEATED OPTICSControlled internal heating of the optical lenses prevent the formation of ice and build up of snow on the optics even under severe weather conditions. It also elimi-nates condensation build up on the lens-es.BUILT-IN DATA LOGGERAn internal data-logger keeps a detailed record for the previous 7 days of opera-tion, and consolidated records for the pre-vious 32 weeks. These logs include such essential information as actual readings, events like “beam block” and gas alarms, warning flags, signal strength, alignment, supply voltage and internal temperature.ST-981-21GAS LIBRARYThe detector can be pre-calibrated for up to four gases. Each detector is supplied with methane and propane calibration as standard which are field selectable by the user.WORLDWIDE APPROVALSThe Dräger Polytron Pulsar can be used worldwide with the following approvals: ATEX, IECEx, UL, CSA, FM, DNV and GOST.TECHNICAL DATADRÄGER POLYTRON PULSAR|03Gas Check KitTest sheets and gas cells.ST-976-21Hand Held Terminal (HHT)For easy alignment.ST-977-21AI500 and Adapter CableDigital interface to HHT or a PC.ST-3531-23THE HAND HELD TERMINALThe hand held terminal (HHT) is a robust weatherproof unit, certified for use in a hazardous, classified area. The terminal is used to align and zero the Dräger Polytron Pulsar transmitter and receiver, and to pro-vide configuration and diagnostic func-tions. More comprehensive diagnostics are provided in conjunction with the Dräger Polytron Pulsar PC software and a personal computer located in the non-haz-ardous area, when using the AI500 digital interface.DRÄGER POLYTRON PULSAR04|ORDER INFORMATION90 44 443 | 08.12-1 | M a r k e t i n g C o m m u n i c a t i o n s | P R | L E | P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y | C h l o r i n e -f r e e – e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y c o m p a t i b l e | S u b j e c t t o m o d i f i c a t i o n s | © 2012 D r äg e r w e r k A G & C o . K G a AHEADQUARTERS Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA Revalstrasse 123560 Lübeck, Germany FRANCEDräger Safety France SAS3c route de la Fédération, BP 8014167025 Strasbourg Cedex 1Tel +33388405929Fax +33388407667SINGAPOREDraeger Safety Asia Pte Ltd 67 Ayer Rajah Crescent #06-03Singapore 139950Tel +6568729288Fax +6565121908UNITED KINGDOMDraeger Safety UK Ltd.Blyth Riverside Business Park Blyth, Northumberland NE24 4RG Tel +44 1670 352 891Fax +44 1670 544 475USADraeger Safety, Inc.505 Julie Rivers, Suite 150Sugar Land, TX 77478Tel +1 281 498 1082Fax +1 281 498 5190SYSTEM CENTERS P. R. CHINABeijing Fortune Draeger Safety Equipment Co., Ltd.A22 Yu An Rd, B Area,Tianzhu Airport Industrial Zone,Shunyi District, Beijing 101300Tel +861080498000Fax +861080498005GERMANYDräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA Revalstrasse 1, 23560 LübeckTel +49451882-2794Fax +49451882-4991。
实验室计量检定校准计划英文Calibration and Verification Plan for Laboratory Measurement InstrumentsAccurate and reliable measurement is crucial in scientific research, industrial processes, and various other applications. To ensure the integrity and traceability of measurement data, a comprehensive calibration and verification plan is essential for any well-equipped laboratory. This plan outlines the systematic procedures and protocols for maintaining the accuracy and precision of laboratory measurement instruments, ultimately supporting the reliability of the laboratory's work.The primary objective of a calibration and verification plan is to establish a structured framework for the periodic assessment and adjustment of measurement instruments, ensuring they consistently operate within the specified accuracy and tolerance limits. This plan typically encompasses a range of activities, including initial instrument qualification, routine calibration, performance verification, and documentation management.Initial Instrument QualificationWhen new measurement instruments are acquired or existing ones are brought into service, it is essential to conduct a thorough initial qualification process. This process verifies that the instrument meets the required specifications and is suitable for the intended applications. The qualification may involve a series of tests and evaluations, such as:- Visual inspection for any physical damage or defects- Functional testing to ensure the instrument operates as per the manufacturer's instructions- Comparison of the instrument's performance against known reference standards or certified materials- Determining the instrument's accuracy, precision, and linearity within the specified measurement ranges- Evaluating the instrument's environmental dependencies, such as temperature, humidity, or vibration effectsThe results of the initial qualification are documented and serve as a baseline for future calibration and verification activities.Routine CalibrationPeriodic calibration is a crucial component of the plan, as it ensures the ongoing accuracy and traceability of measurement data. The calibration schedule is typically determined based on the instrument's usage, manufacturer's recommendations, and the laboratory's own historical performance data. Common calibration intervals range from daily to annual, depending on the criticality ofthe instrument and the stability of its performance.The calibration process involves comparing the instrument's measured values against reference standards that are traceable to national or international metrological institutes. This comparison allows for the determination of any systematic errors or drift in the instrument's performance, which can then be corrected through adjustment or recalibration. The calibration results are thoroughly documented, including the applied procedures, environmental conditions, and any adjustments made to the instrument.Performance VerificationIn addition to routine calibration, the calibration and verification plan includes periodic performance verification checks. These checks are conducted at predetermined intervals, often between calibration cycles, to ensure the instrument's continued compliance with the specified accuracy and tolerance requirements.Performance verification may involve the use of independent reference standards or the comparison of the instrument's measurements against a secondary or cross-check reference. The results of these checks are documented and evaluated to identify any potential issues or trends that may require further investigation or corrective action.Documentation and Records ManagementComprehensive documentation and record-keeping are essential components of the calibration and verification plan. All activities related to instrument qualification, calibration, and performance verification are meticulously recorded, including:- Instrument identification and description- Calibration and verification procedures- Calibration and verification results, including any adjustments or repairs- Environmental conditions during calibration and verification- Traceability of reference standards used- Responsible personnel and dates of activities- Any deviations from the established protocols or non-conformancesThis robust documentation system not only supports the laboratory's quality management system but also provides a historical record of the instrument's performance, aiding in the identification of trends, troubleshooting, and decision-making for future maintenance or replacement.Continuous Improvement and Risk ManagementThe calibration and verification plan is a living document that is regularly reviewed and updated to address any changes in the laboratory's operations, new regulatory requirements, oradvancements in measurement technology. The plan should incorporate a continuous improvement process, where the effectiveness of the plan is periodically evaluated, and adjustments are made to streamline procedures, optimize resources, and mitigate potential risks.Risk management is an integral part of the plan, as it helps identify and address potential sources of error or uncertainty in the measurement process. This may include evaluating the impact of environmental factors, operator influences, or instrument-specific vulnerabilities. By proactively addressing these risks, the laboratory can enhance the reliability and traceability of its measurement data, ensuring the integrity and credibility of its scientific or technical work.ConclusionThe implementation of a comprehensive calibration and verification plan is a essential component of a well-functioning laboratory. This plan ensures the ongoing accuracy, precision, and traceability of measurement instruments, supporting the reliability and integrity of the laboratory's work. By following a structured and documented approach to instrument qualification, calibration, and performance verification, laboratories can maintain the highest standards of measurement quality, contributing to the overall confidence and trustworthiness of their research, analysis, and decision-making processes.。
英语作文-健康体检服务行业:需具备哪些条件才能进入The health checkup service industry is a vital component of the healthcare sector, providing preventive measures and early detection of potential health issues. To enter this field, several conditions must be met to ensure the delivery of high-quality services and the safety of clients.Accreditation and Certification: First and foremost, a health checkup service provider must obtain the necessary accreditation from recognized healthcare authorities. This involves meeting stringent standards for quality and safety. Additionally, certifications specific to health screening and diagnostics may be required, which demonstrate a commitment to professional excellence and adherence to best practices.Medical Expertise: Qualified medical personnel are the backbone of any health checkup service. This includes licensed physicians, nurses, and technicians who specialize in diagnostic procedures. Continuous training and education are essential to keep up with the latest advancements in medical technology and screening methods.State-of-the-Art Equipment: The accuracy of health checkups depends heavily on the equipment used. Providers must invest in the latest medical imaging and diagnostic tools, which allow for precise assessments and reduce the margin of error. Regular maintenance and calibration of this equipment are also crucial to ensure consistent performance.Comprehensive Services: A range of services should be offered to cover various aspects of health, from basic blood tests to more complex imaging scans. The ability to provide a comprehensive health assessment under one roof is not only convenient for clients but also allows for a holistic view of their health status.Privacy and Confidentiality: Protecting clients' personal health information is a legal and ethical obligation. Health checkup services must have robust data protection policiesin place, ensuring that all client information is handled with the utmost confidentiality and security.Customer Service: Exceptional customer service is key to the success of any service industry, and health checkups are no exception. This includes clear communication, minimal waiting times, and a comfortable environment for clients during their visit.Accessibility and Affordability: Accessibility is another important factor, as services should be available to a wide demographic. This includes convenient locations, flexible scheduling, and pricing structures that make health checkups affordable for different income levels.Partnerships and Collaborations: Establishing partnerships with hospitals, clinics, and insurance companies can enhance the service offerings and provide a seamless continuum of care for clients. These collaborations can also facilitate referrals and follow-up treatments if necessary.Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to local and national health regulations is non-negotiable. This includes proper waste disposal, radiation safety, and other public health guidelines that protect both clients and staff.Continuous Improvement: Finally, a commitment to continuous improvement through client feedback, quality control measures, and regular audits is essential. This ensures that the health checkup services not only meet but exceed client expectations and industry standards.In conclusion, entering the health checkup service industry requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses technical, medical, ethical, and customer-oriented aspects. By fulfilling these conditions, providers can offer valuable services that contribute to the overall well-being of the community. 。
验光师英语作文In the realm of ophthalmology, optometrists stand as guardians of vision, dedicated to preserving the clarity and health of people's eyes. Their journey is not just about diagnosing and treating eye conditions; it's about empowering individuals to see the world more clearly and live their best lives.The path to becoming an optometrist is rigorous and rewarding. It begins with a strong foundation in the sciences, as optometrists must possess a deep understanding of anatomy, physiology, and optics. This knowledge is then applied through extensive clinical training, where they learn to diagnose and manage a range of eye diseases and conditions.Once qualified, optometrists embark on a rewarding career, helping patients of all ages. From children with vision development issues to adults dealing with the onset of cataracts or glaucoma, they provide comprehensive eye exams, prescribing corrective lenses, and referringpatients to ophthalmologists when necessary.Beyond the clinical setting, optometrists also play a crucial role in community health. They educate the public about eye health and safety, promoting regular eye exams and awareness of potential eye hazards. This education is vital, as eye diseases can often be asymptomatic, making early detection crucial for effective treatment.The impact of an optometrist's work is profound. By preserving vision, they enable people to enjoy the world more fully, from the beauty of a sunset to the expressionin a loved one's eyes. They also contribute to the overall health and well-being of their patients, as vision loss can have a significant impact on quality of life.In conclusion, the journey of an optometrist is one of dedication, compassion, and continuous learning. They are vision guardians, committed to preserving the sight oftheir patients and enriching their lives through the power of sight. As we look to the future of ophthalmology, the role of optometrists will continue to grow and evolve, as they lead the way in eye care innovation and excellence.**验光师的旅程:保护视力,丰富生活**在眼科领域,验光师作为视力的守护者,致力于保护人们的眼睛清晰和健康。
不同年龄段远视眼的矫正原则英语Presbyopia Correction Principles for Different Age Groups.Presbyopia is a common age-related condition that affects the ability to focus on near objects. It is caused by a gradual loss of elasticity in the lens of the eye, which makes it more difficult to change shape and focus on objects at different distances.The symptoms of presbyopia typically begin to appear in people over the age of 40. They may include:Difficulty reading small print.Eyestrain and fatigue when reading or doing close-up work.Headaches.Blurred vision at near distances.There are a number of different ways to correct presbyopia, including:Eyeglasses: Eyeglasses are the most common way to correct presbyopia. They can be worn full-time or only when needed for close-up work.Contact lenses: Contact lenses can also be used to correct presbyopia. There are a variety of different types of contact lenses available, including multifocal contact lenses that can provide clear vision at both near and far distances.Surgery: Surgery is another option for correcting presbyopia. There are a number of different surgical procedures available, including LASIK and cataract surgery.The best way to correct presbyopia will vary depending on the individual patient's needs and preferences. An eye doctor can help to determine the best option for eachpatient.Correction Principles for Different Age Groups.The principles of presbyopia correction vary depending on the age of the patient.For patients under the age of 40:Eyeglasses or contact lenses are typically the best option for correcting presbyopia in patients under the age of 40.Surgery is generally not recommended for patients under the age of 40 because the lens of the eye is still relatively elastic and can still change shape to focus on objects at different distances.For patients between the ages of 40 and 50:Eyeglasses or contact lenses are still the most common way to correct presbyopia in patients between the ages of40 and 50.Surgery may be an option for some patients in this age group who are not satisfied with the results of eyeglasses or contact lenses.For patients over the age of 50:Surgery is often the best option for correcting presbyopia in patients over the age of 50.The lens of the eye is less elastic in this age group, making it more difficult to change shape and focus on objects at different distances.Conclusion.Presbyopia is a common age-related condition that can affect the ability to focus on near objects. There are a number of different ways to correct presbyopia, including eyeglasses, contact lenses, and surgery. The best way tocorrect presbyopia will vary depending on the individual patient's needs and preferences.。
双眼视觉异常的基本概念英语Binocular Vision Anomalies.Binocular vision is the ability to use both eyes together to create a single, three-dimensional image of the world around us. This process involves the coordination of several different visual functions, including eye alignment, eye movements, and the ability to focus on objects at different distances. When any of these functions is impaired, it can lead to a binocular vision anomaly.Binocular vision anomalies can be classified into two main types:Strabismus is a condition in which the eyes are not properly aligned. This can cause double vision, as well as other problems with depth perception and eye coordination.Convergence insufficiency is a condition in which the eyes have difficulty converging, or focusing on objectsthat are close to the face. This can cause eye strain, headaches, and difficulty reading.Binocular vision anomalies can be caused by a variety of factors, including:Muscle imbalances in the eyes.Congenital defects.Trauma.Neurological disorders.The symptoms of binocular vision anomalies can vary depending on the type and severity of the condition. Some common symptoms include:Double vision.Blurred vision.Eye strain.Headaches.Difficulty reading.Poor depth perception.Dizziness.Binocular vision anomalies can be diagnosed through a variety of tests, including:Cover test.Retinoscopy.Visual acuity test.Stereopsis test.Treatment for binocular vision anomalies depends on thetype and severity of the condition. Some common treatments include:Eye exercises.Glasses or contact lenses.Surgery.Binocular vision anomalies are a common problem, but they can often be treated successfully. If you are experiencing any symptoms of a binocular vision anomaly, it is important to see an eye doctor for diagnosis and treatment.Eye Alignment.Eye alignment is essential for binocular vision. The eyes must be properly aligned so that they can point at the same object and send a single image to the brain. Eye alignment is controlled by six muscles that surround each eye. These muscles work together to move the eyes in alldirections.When the eyes are not properly aligned, it is called strabismus. Strabismus can occur in any direction, including:Esotropia (inward turning of the eye)。
应用矩阵直积、Moore-penrose 逆以及最小二乘法对机器人手眼关系方程CX=XD 进行线性化处理,并运用F 范数分析了标定结果的测量精度。
关键词:手眼标定,矩阵直积,传统两步法,最小二乘法中图分类号:TP301.6;TJ57文献标识码:ADOI :10.3969/j.issn.1002-0640.2018.09.005引用格式:胡为,刘冲,傅莉,等.一种高精度的机器人手眼标定算法[J ].火力与指挥控制,2018,43(9):19-24.一种高精度的机器人手眼标定算法*胡为1,刘冲2,傅莉1,陈新禹2(1.沈阳航空航天大学航空航天工程学部,沈阳110136;2.沈阳航空航天大学自动化学院,沈阳110136)An Algorithm for Robot Hand Eye Calibration with High AccuracyHU Wei 1,LIU Chong 2,FU Li 1,CHEN Xin-yu 2(1.School of Aerospace Engineering ,Shenyang Aerospace University ,Shenyang 110136,China ;2.School of Automation ,Shenyang Aerospace University ,Shenyang 110136,China )Abstract :An improved algorithm for robot hand -eye calibration based on kronecker product isproposed.The linearity of the hand-eye relation equation CX=XD is solved by using kronecker product ,Moore -penrose inverse and least squares method ,and the measurement accuracy of the calibration result is analyzed by F norm.This method can overcome the problem of precision degradation due to error propagation compared with traditional two-step method and general kronecker product hand-eye calibration algorithm.The results show that the calibration accuracy of the improved algorithm based on kronecker product is higher than that of the other two algorithms ,and it has strong robustness.Key words :hand-eye calibration ,kronecker product algorithm ,traditional two-step method ,least squares methodCitation format :HU W ,LIU C ,FU L ,et al.An algorithm for robot hand eye calibration with high accuracy [J ].Fire Control &Command Control ,2018,43(9):19-24.0引言排爆机器人在军事、反恐等领域具有重要的作用价值,该类机器人往往在机械手上安装一台相机用来对可疑物进行观察,并为机械手进行定位。
Manufacturing Process Control
Manufacturing Process Control Manufacturing process control is a critical aspect of ensuring the quality and efficiency of production in various industries. It involves the monitoring and regulation of the production process to maintain consistency and meet specific standards. This process is essential for minimizing defects, reducing waste, and improving overall productivity. However, there are several challenges and considerations that need to be addressed when implementing manufacturing process control. One of the primary challenges in manufacturing process control is the complexity of modern production systems. With the advancement of technology, manufacturing processes have become more intricate and interconnected. This complexity makes it difficult to monitor and control every aspect of theproduction process effectively. Additionally, the integration of automated systems and robotics has added another layer of complexity, requiring sophisticatedcontrol mechanisms to ensure seamless operation. Another significantconsideration in manufacturing process control is the need for real-timemonitoring and decision-making. In a fast-paced production environment, delays in detecting and addressing issues can lead to costly defects and downtime. Therefore, implementing real-time monitoring systems and automated decision-making processesis crucial for maintaining control over the manufacturing process. This requires the integration of advanced sensors, data analytics, and machine learning algorithms to enable proactive intervention and optimization. Furthermore, ensuring the quality and consistency of the final product is a key objective of manufacturing process control. Variability in raw materials, equipment performance, and environmental conditions can impact the quality of the end product. Therefore, it is essential to implement robust quality control measures throughout the production process. This includes regular testing, inspection, and calibration of equipment, as well as the implementation of quality management systems such as Six Sigma or Total Quality Management. In addition to quality control, maintainingthe safety of the production environment and the well-being of workers is paramount in manufacturing process control. The operation of heavy machinery, exposure to hazardous materials, and the potential for accidents pose significant risks in manufacturing facilities. Therefore, implementing safety protocols,training programs, and ergonomic design principles are essential for ensuring a safe and healthy work environment. This requires a comprehensive approach that integrates safety measures into every aspect of the production process. Moreover, the globalization of supply chains and the increasing complexity of product requirements add another layer of complexity to manufacturing process control.With the expansion of global markets, manufacturers are faced with diverse regulatory standards, cultural differences, and varying customer demands. This necessitates the need for flexible and adaptive manufacturing processes that can accommodate these diverse requirements while maintaining control over quality and efficiency. Finally, the integration of sustainability principles into manufacturing process control is becoming increasingly important. With growing concerns about environmental impact and resource scarcity, manufacturers are under pressure to minimize waste, reduce energy consumption, and adopt eco-friendly practices. This requires the implementation of sustainable manufacturing processes, such as lean manufacturing, circular economy principles, and renewable energy integration, to ensure responsible and ethical production practices. In conclusion, manufacturing process control is a multifaceted and challenging endeavor that requires a comprehensive approach to address the complexities and considerations involved. By integrating advanced technology, quality control measures, safety protocols, global adaptability, and sustainability principles, manufacturers can effectively maintain control over their production processes while meeting the demands of modern industry. This requires a proactive andholistic mindset that prioritizes efficiency, quality, safety, and environmental responsibility in every aspect of manufacturing operations.。
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This work was partially funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under grant SFB 603/TP B6. Only the authors are responsible for the content.
2 The Robot System
We use the Computer Motion Inc. AESOP 3000 (cf. Fig. 1, left, no. (1)) endoscopic surgery robot. Images are grabbed directly from the endoscopic camera. The robot arm has seven degrees of freedom (one translational and six rotational), which are provided by the robot before and after each image is taken; the data is averaged for further processing. The complete experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1 (left). A calibration pattern is used to estimate the intrinsic camera parameters [10]. Radial and tangential lens–distortion coefficients are computed in order to undistort the (highly distorted) endoscopic images. Given these seven values, the position and orientation (pose) of the endoscope plug can be computed from the known kinematics, but not the pose of the tip of the endoscope. Up to now, the unknown transformation from plug to camera was estimated as follows: The distance from plug to endoscope–lens was measured by hand, while the orientation of the optics with respect to the plug was calculated in two steps. Since the camera head is not fixed at the endoscope optics but is mounted anew before each operation, the rotation between head and optics had to be computed. This was done by detecting a notch at the optics border (cf. Fig. 1, right). Usually a 30◦ optics is used, i. e. the angle had to be taken into account when computing the final transformation. Then the relative movement between two images using a calibration pattern was computed and the plug–angle was optimized such that the relative movement calculated by the kinematics equaled the real one. This method has some drawbacks: First of all, measuring by hand is arduous and inaccurate. Also, notch detection requires using additional low-level image processing methods instead of data already available and is only possible if an optics is used that actually has a notch, which is not the case for all endoscope optics. These drawbacks are eliminated by using a robust hand–eye calibration method as described in the following sections.
Robust Hand–Eye Calibration of an Endoscopic Surgery Robot Using Dual Quaternions
Jochen Schmidt, Florian Vogt⋆ , and Heinrich Niemann
Lehrstuhl f¨ ur Mustererkennung, Universit¨ at Erlangen-N u ¨ rnberg Martensstr. 3, 91058 Erlangen, Germany {jschmidt,vogt,niemann} Abstract. This paper presents an approach for applying a dual quaternion hand– eye calibration algorithm on an endoscopic surgery robot. Special focus is on robustness, since the error of position and orientation data provided by the robot can be large depending on the movement actually executed. Another inherent problem to all hand–eye calibration methods is that non–parallel rotation axes must be used; otherwise, the calibration will fail. Thus we propose a method for increasing the numerical stability by selecting an optimal set of relative movements from the recorded sequence. Experimental evaluation shows the error in the estimated transformation when using well–suited and ill–suited data. Additionally, we show how a RANSAC approach can be used for eliminating the erroneous robot data from the selected movements.
Jochen Schmidt, Florian Vogt, and Heinrich Niemann Robust Hand-Eye Calibration of an Endoscopic Surgery Robot Using Dual Quaternions
appeared in: Pattern Recognition, Proceedings of the 25th DAGM Symposium, Magdeburg, Germany, September 2003 p. 548–556
1 Introduction
In this paper we present an approach for the practical aspects in terms of robustness of hand–eye calibration using an endoscopic surgery robot. Especially, we address two problems: how to choose the data that is used in the calibration algorithm such that the numerical stability increases, and how to use a RANSAC approach for outlier detection and removal. A common drawback of all hand–eye calibration algorithms, which is inherent to the problem itself, is that at least two motions are necessary where the rotations have non–parallel rotation axes. Consequently, numerical stability can be increased by selecting the data accordingly. Additionally, outlier detection and removal is essential, since the position and orientation data provided by the robot arm is unreliable when substantial changes in the direction of movement are executed. A RANSAC approach [6] is used for this purpose. The application area is the reconstruction of high–quality medical light fields [12]. The hand–eye transformation has to be estimated every time when the camera head is mounted anew on the endoscope optics, which is done before each operation because it has to be sterilized. Therefore, an algorithm that works automatically and stably without human interaction is desirable. A vast amount of literature is available on the topic of hand–eye calibration. The classical way is to solve for rotation first, and then for translation [9, 11]. In [7] an algorithm is proposed that solves for both simultaneously using nonlinear optimization, while Daniilidis [3, 4] is the first who presented a linear algorithm for simultaneous computation of the hand–eye parameters. This was the main reason why we chose this algorithm as a basis for our work.