07b - Introduction to Software Testing


Software Testing Introduction

Software Testing Introduction

QA Services During Development Phase:
Test planning Test case generation Code analysis Unit testing Test driver development White box testing Defect analysis Bug fixes
development is nearing completion; minor design changes may still be made as a result of such testing. Typically done by end-users or others, not by programmers or testers.
– To find out the bugs in the docs\software.
What's the principle during testing?
– Test as early as possible – Do proper testing, avoid excessive testing and
Inadequate Testing - no one will know
whether or not the program is any good until the customer complains or systems crash.
Black box testing White box testing unit testing integration testing functional testing system testing end-to-end testing sanity testing or smoke testing regression testing acceptance testing load testing stress testing performance testing usability testing install/uninstall testing recovery testing failover testing security testing compatability testing exploratory testing ad-hoc testing

Software Testing-01_Introduction

Software Testing-01_Introduction
2. 是否有这样的测试用例,代表一个有效的等边三角形?
Software Testing Techniques
一次简单的测试之旅 • 设计一组测试用例,适当地测试以下程序: 从一个输入对话框中读取三个整数值,这三个整 数值代表了三角形三条边的长度。程序显示提出 信息,指出该三角形是何种三角形:等边三角形 、等腰三角形、不规则三角形(任意两条边不相 等)。 • 用你的测试用例集回答下列问题,回答“是”的 可以得1分:
13. 是否至少有一个这样的测试用例,输入的边长个数不 对?
Software Testing Techniques
一次简单的测试之旅 • 设计一组测试用例,适当地测试以下程序: 从一个输入对话框中读取三个整数值,这三个整 数值代表了三角形三条边的长度。程序显示提出 信息,指出该三角形是何种三角形:等边三角形 、等腰三角形、不规则三角形(任意两条边不相 等)。 • 用你的测试用例集回答下列问题,回答“是”的 可以得1分:
Software Testing Techniques
一次简单的测试之旅 • 设计一组测试用例,适当地测试以下程序: 从一个输入对话框中读取三个整数值,这三个整 数值代表了三角形三条边的长度。程序显示提出 信息,指出该三角形是何种三角形:等边三角形 、等腰三角形、不规则三角形(任意两条边不相 等)。 • 用你的测试用例集回答下列问题,回答“是”的 可以得1分:
Software Testing Techniques
• 学校 – 一门课程 – 40多本教科书,很多学校都设置 • 工业界 – 一个职业
– “Microsoft in terms of this quality stuff–we have as many testers as we have developers. And testers spend all their time testing, and developers spend half their time testing. We’re more of a testing, a quality software organization than we’re software organizations”,By Bill gates, 2002

Software Testing-软件测试基本概念

Software Testing-软件测试基本概念

Software Testing Technology
• 软件开发过程是一个自顶向下逐步细化的过 程。 –系统规划阶段定义项目范围 –系统分析阶段建立数据域、功能和性能 需求、约束等 –系统设计阶段建立物理设计蓝图 –系统构造阶段把物理设计蓝图用某种程 序设计语言转换成程序代码 • 测试过程是依相反顺序安排的自底向上逐步 集成的过程。
Software Testing Technology
并非所有软件缺陷都能修复,其原因在于: • 没有足够的时间 • 不算真正的软件缺陷 • 修复的风险太大 • 不值得修复
Software Testing Technology
Pareto原则暗示 着测试发现的 错误中的80% 很可能起源于 程序模块中的 20%。
Software Testing Technology
• 基于不同的立场,存在着两种完全不同的测 试目的。 – 从用户角度出发,普遍希望通过软件测试 暴露软件中隐藏的错误和缺陷,以考虑是 否可接受该产品。 – 从软件开发人员角度出发,则希望测试成 为表明软件产品中不存在错误的过程,验 证该软件已正确地实现了用户的需求,确 立人们对软件质量的信心
Software Testing Technology
错误 错误 需求规 格说明 缺陷 设计 缺陷 编码 缺陷 缺陷解决
错误 错 误
Software Testing Technology

Chapter 1 Software Testing Introduction

Chapter 1 Software Testing Introduction

1.2 Basic Concepts of Software Testing
Concepts related to software testing – Test & debug Automated test vs. manual operate Don’t know details are OK vs. must know details Correctness proof and how to do with failure vs. correctness proof only Checking vs. reasoning Plan , under control vs. out of control 测试条件已知,规程可定义,结果可预知 测试可以计划,过程可控;调试不可控 测试是检验,调试是推理过程 测试除了表明程序正确还要验证程序如何处理失败,调试表明正确 测试可不了解设计细节,调试必须了解设计细节 测试可自动化,调试无法自动化
Qualified rate of products
– Qualified rate of airplane manufacturing industry
“Aerobus747-400” are made up of 1000,000 parts Qualified rate of every part: 99.9999% Do you know the qualified rate?
1.2 Basic Concepts of Software Testing
Concepts related to software testing
– Correct program
No syntax error No obvious errors during running No improper statements Valid input - correct output Invalid input - correct output Any possible input - correct output

07c - Introduction to Software Testing

07c - Introduction to Software Testing

Testing Types and Techniques
Challenges of Security Testing
Black box testing approaches are not sufficient
Contradicts traditional Quality Assurance approaches May require a high level of expertise and skill to conduct
Test script maintenance
Adoption and acceptance Training and skill set
Unrealistic automation goals
Testing Types and Techniques
A variety of test techniques are needed to measure the quality of an application
Testing Types and Techniques
White Box Testing
White Box Testing uses the code structure of the
software requires knowledge of the code
• Tests cannot be created until the code is complete
Are formats correct the particular culture?
L10N testing requires tester who have some experience with the target culture.



We are in the middle of a revolution in how software is tested
Research is finally meeting practice
Introduction to Software Testing (Ch 1), © Ammann & Offutt 3
Restricting early testing usually increases cost Extensive hardware-software integration requires more testing

Introduction to Software Testing (Ch 1),
Test Engineer
Introduction to Software Testing (Ch 1),
© Ammann & Offutt
Why Test?
If you don’t start planning for the test at the time the functional requirements are formed, you’ll never know why you’re conducting the test.

IV&V stands for “independent verification and validation”
Introduction to Software Testing (Ch 1),

Software Testing-软件测试基本概念 Software Testing Techniq

Software Testing-软件测试基本概念 Software Testing Techniq

Software Testing Techniques
• 计算机产品质量检验员
• ST是SQ的手段之一,是高SQ的必要非充分条件。
• 软件的高质量是分析设计出来的,而不是靠测试修 补出来的。
• 软件测试是软件生存周期内的一个重要阶段,是软 件质量保证的重要步骤,是软件投入运行前,对软 件需求分析、设计规格说明和编码进行最终复审的 活动”----1997年,朱鸿,《软件质量保障与测试 》
SQA(独立于项目组之外的第三方监督机构 )
Software Testing Techniques
• 软件= 程序+ 文档 + 服务 • 软件测试≠ 程序测试 • 软件测试应贯穿于软件开发的整个期间 • 需求分析、概要设计、详细设计以及编码
Software Testing Techniques

软件测试 基本概念
Software Testing Techniques
• 失败(Failure) - 指不完全符合给定的需求,实际结果或行为与期望
结果或行为之间的偏差。 - 当故障执行时有时会发生失败 - 事故(Incident)是警告用户注意所出现的失败 • 故障(Fault) - 软件中的静态缺陷 (Defect) - 故障屏蔽指一个故障会被系统的某个或某些故障所
,决定此时的产品是否满足前一个阶段所确定需 求的过程。
(Are you building the product right?是否正 确地构造软件?)



软件测试方法介绍1测试分类编辑β测试,英文是Beta testing。






α测试_Alpha测试α测试,英文是Alpha testing。




可移植性可移植性测试,英文是Portability testing。



UI测试用户界面测试,英文是User interface testing。


用户界面,英文是User interface。



UI 测试的目标是确保用户界面会通过测试对象的功能来为用户提供相应的访问或浏览功能。




它常常包括菜单,对话框及对话框上所有按钮,文字,出错提示,帮助信息 (Menu 和Help content)等方面的测试。

比如,测试Microsoft Excel中插入符号功能所用的对话框的大小,所有按钮是否对齐,字符串字体大小,出错信息内容和字体大小,工具栏位置/图标等等。



《软件测试方法与技术概论》《软件测试方法与应用》〈Software Testing〉Sams RonPatton(美) [机械工程出版社]〈实用软件测试指南〉[清华大学出版社] 5z3?`??〈软件测试经验与教训〉〈计算机软件测试技术〉〈自动化测试的引入,管理与实施〉Elfriede Dustin [清华大学出版社] 推荐e文原版〈有效软件测试〉Elfriede Dustin [清华大学出版社] 新语译〈软件测试〉Paul.C.Jorgensen CRC [机械工程出版社]〈软件测试自动化〉Paniel J.Moslsy [机械工程出版社] 邓波译中文翻译的不错软件测试的经典书籍一、自动化测试类:1、软件自动化测试:引入、管理与实施Automated Software Testing Introduction,Management,and Performance2、软件测试自动化技术与实例详解Software Test Automation3、高效软件测试自动化Effective Software Test Automation4、图形用户界面测试自动化Effective GUI Test Automation5、软件测试自动化Just Enough Software Test Automation6、软件工程与软件测试自动化教程二、Web应用测试类:1、Web安全测试Testing Web Security:Assessing the Security of Web Sites and Applications2、Web应用测试Testing Application on the Web:Test Planning for Internet-Based Systems3、Web应用测试(第二版)Testing Applications on the Web: Test Planning for Mobile and Internet-Based Systems, Second Edition4、Web测试指南The Web T esting Companion: The Isider's Guide to Efficient and Effective Tests三、软件测试基础类:1、软件测试(原书第2版)Software Testing A Craftsmaj's Approach(Second Edition)2、软件测试Software Testing3、面向对象的软件测试A Practical Guide to Testing Object Oriented Software4、软件测试与质量管理5、计算机软件测试(原书第2版)Testing Computer Software,Second Edition6、实用软件测试过程Testing IT:An Off-the-Shelf Software Testing Process7、软件质量和软件测试Software Quality and Software Testing in Internet Times8、系统的软件测试Systematic Software Testing9、软件子系统测试The Craft of Software Testing:Subsystem Testing,Including Object-Based and Object-Oriented Testing10、面向对象系统的测试Testing Object-Oriented System:Models,Patterns,and Tools11、软件测试技术概论12、软件β测试Beta Testing for Better Software四、软件测试应用类:1、有效软件测试Effective Software Testing2、实用软件测试方法与应用3、软件测试:经验与教训Lessons Learned in Software Testing4、软件测试入门Introducing Software Testing5、实用软件测试指南How to Break Software A Practical Guide to Testing6、软件评估:基准测试与最佳实践Software Assessments,Benchmarks,and Best Practices7、嵌入式软件测试Testing Embedded Software8、软件测试求生法则Surviving the Top Ten Challenges of Software Testing : A People-Oriented Approach9、软件测试:过程改进Software Testing in the Real World Improving the Process10、快速测试Papid Testing11、软件测试的有效方法(原书第2版)Effective Methods for Software Testing,Second Edition12、网络测试深入解析五、单元测试类:1、单元测试之道Java版——使用JunitPragmatic Unit Testing:In Java with JUnit2、测试驱动开发(中文版)Test-driven development:by example3、单元测试之道C#版——使用NunitPragmatic Unit Testing:In C# with NUnit4、测试驱动开发——实用指南Test Driven Development: A Practical Guide5、软件测试与Junit实践六、性能测试类1、2EE性能测试J2EE Performance T esting With BEA WebLogic Server2、Microsoft .NET Web应用程序性能测试Performance Testing Microsoft .NET Web Applications七、软件安全测试类:1、黑客攻击测试篇Hack Attacks Testing:How to Conduct Your Own Security Audit2、Web安全测试Testing Web Security:Assessing the Security of Web Sites and Applications八、测试管理类:1、测试流程管理Managing the Testing Process2、软件测试过程管理(原书第2版)Managing the Testing Process(Second Edition)九、软件测试培训类:1、软件测试员培训教材2、软件测试实用指南软件评测师书籍:1、软件评测师考试考点分析和真题详解2、软件评测师教程3、软件评测师试题分类精解软件测试——深入学习1、软件测试Ron Patton2、软件测试Paul C.Jorgensen3、计算机软件测试(第2版)4、实用软件测试过程【软件测试技术大全】||1、软件测试自动化||1、Web测试指南2、Web安全测试||1、探索式软件测试||1、软件测试经验与教训。



1一:软件测试基础Part 1: Basics of Software Testing一:初识软件测试1. A First Look at Software Testing为什么需要软件测试?Why do we need to perform Software Testing?背景Background由于信息技术的飞速发展,使软件应用深入到各行各业。




With the rapid development of information technologies, the software applications areapplied to various industries. As the competitions is becoming more and more drastic, thesoftware quality no doubt becomes the important objective of software development andthe primary condition of competitions. For a software product with poor quality, it needsmore maintenance cost, and may increase risk. This will affect the benefits of developer.Obviously, the quality becomes first.缺陷存在原因Reasons that defects exist1、交流不够、交流上有误解或者根本不进行交流Communications are insufficient, or thereare misunderstandings between the communications, or no communication exists at all.2、软件复杂性The software is too complex.3、程序设计错误Perform the wrong programming.4、需求变化The requirements varied.5、时间压力 Be under the pressure of time.6、代码文档贫乏Be short of code documents.7、软件开发工具Wrong development tools are used.软件测试定义Definition of Software Testing软件测试是为了发现错误而进行的一系列活动Software testing covers a series of activities performed in order to discover errors. 测试是为了证明程序有错,而不是证明程序无错误The purpose of testing is to testify that there exist errors in the program, not to testifythat there exists no error in the program.测试并不仅仅是为了要找出错误。

Software Testing-白盒测试 Software Testing Techniques_2013 《软件测试》课件

Software Testing-白盒测试 Software Testing Techniques_2013 《软件测试》课件
• 集合T满足程序P全计算使用/部分谓词使用准 则,当且仅当所有变量v∈V,T包含从v的每 个定义节点到v的所有计算使用的定义清除路 径,并且如果v的一个定义没有计算使用,则 定义清除路径导致至少一个谓词使用
• 提供了用做功能性测试交叉检查的一组指标, 可以使用这些指标解决漏洞和冗余问题. 如果 发现同一条程序路径被多个功能性测试性用例 遍历,就可以怀疑这种冗余不会发现新的缺陷 . 如果没有达到一定的DD-路径覆盖,则可以 知道在功能性测试用例中存在漏洞.
Software Testing Techniques
不等边三角形 非三角形 等边三角形 等腰三角形
Software Testing Techniques
• 功能性测试的漏洞和冗余都存在,而且同时不 能被发现,因为功能性测试离代码过远. 路径 测试将代码采用有向图表示和程序路径公式化 ,掩盖了代码中的重要信息,即可行路径和不 可行路径的区别.
Software Testing Techniques

Software Testing Techniques
Software Testing Techniques
Software Testing Techniques
• 给定一个采用命令式程序设计语言编写的程 序,其程序图是一种有向图,其中:
• 结构性测试最著名的形式以决策到决策DD路 径的结构为基础,指语句的一种序列.
• DD-路径是程序图中的一条链,使得:



Software Testing Training
2. Software Testing Overview
Software Testing Training
What is software testing
The process of executing a program (or part of the program) with the intention of finding errors.
Static Testing
Requirements review Design review source code review
Dynamic Testing
Run the software and find defects Unit test Integration test System test Acceptance test
Test Type Functional test Performance test Usability test Installation test Security test Recovery test
Test approach White-boxing test Black-boxing test Static test Dynamic test
Types of Testing
Software review
Requirement review, design review and code review
Unit test
Unit Testing is the first level of dynamic testing and is first the responsibility of the developers and then of the testers. Unit testing is performed after the expected test results are met or differences are explainable/accept Training By Guiye Yi

Software Testing-测试级别 Software Testing Techniques_2013 《软件测试》课件

Software Testing-测试级别 Software Testing Techniques_2013 《软件测试》课件

Software Testing Techniques
• 定义:单元测试是对软件基本组成单元(模 块)进行的测试
• 目标:确保模块被正确地编码
• 依据:详细设计说明和源代码
• 过程:包括测试用例设计、测试脚本开发、 执行测试、调试和分析结果
Software Testing Techniques
Software Testing Techniques
– 在为限制数据加工而设置的边界处,能否 正确工作;
– 单元的运行能否做到满足特定的逻辑覆盖
– 单元中发生了错误,其中的出错处理措施 是否有效。
Software Testing Techniques
• 执行者:由程序员和测试人员共同完成
• 测试方法:以白盒测试方法为主,辅以黒盒 测试方法
• 评估:通过所有单元测试用例,代码没有严 重缺陷
Software Testing Techniques
• 尽早发现错误 – 错误发现越早,成本越低 – 开发人员过于自信,后期复杂度高,发现解 决BUG困难
• 检查模块接口是否正确 Checklist: – 输入的实际参数与形式参数是否一致(个 数、类型) – 调用其他模块的实际参数与被调模块的形 参是否一致(个数、类型) – 是否存在与当前模块无关的参数引用 – 是否修改了只读型参数
Software Testing Techniques
– 变量初值错误、精度不够、表达式符号出 错、循环条件,死循环



Software Testing Basics Course Design in English IntroductionSoftware testing is an essential part of the software development process. It helps in ensuring that the software meets the required specifications and is up to the user’s expectations. This course design ms at providing a basic understanding of software testing to beginners.Course ObjectivesThe course ms to provide the following for the students: 1. Basicsof software testing, concepts, and terminology. 2. Understanding of different testing levels and types. 3. Knowledge of test planning and test design techniques. 4. Understanding of defect management and traceability concepts. 5. Understanding of test execution, test automation, and performance testing concepts.Pre-requisitesThe course is designed for beginners. But having basic knowledge of software development will be an added advantage.Course ContentModule 1: Introduction to Software Testing•Understanding software testing, its goals, and types.•Testing Process and Cycle.•Quality attributes and measures.Module 2: Testing Levels and Types•Understanding of different testing levels.•Functional and Non-functional testing.•Understanding of various testing types such as Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, and Acceptance Testing.Module 3: Test Planning and Test Design Techniques•Understanding of Test Planning and its importance.•Test plan components and templates.•Test Design techniques such as Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, Decision Tables, and State Transition Diagrams.Module 4: Defect Management•Defect Management Process.•Defect attributes and Life Cycle.•Defect Tracking and Reporting.Module 5: Test Execution and Automation•Understanding of Test Execution Process.•Systematic Test Execution.•Test Automation Frameworks such as Data-Driven, Keyword-Driven, and Hybrid.Module 6: Performance Testing•Understanding Performance Testing, Types, and Goals.•Performance Test Planning and Execution.•Performance Test Tools and Analysis.Learning OutcomeUpon completing this course, students will able to demonstrate the following: - Understanding of software testing basics, including concepts, terminology, and principles. - Knowledge of different testing levels and types. - The ability to perform Test Planning and Design Techniques to create Test Cases. - Knowledge of Test Execution and Defect Management. - Understanding of Test Automation Concepts and Performance Testing Frameworks. - Ability to select and use the appropriate Testing Types and Techniques based on the requirement.AssessmentAssessment will be done periodically throughout the course to ensure a complete understanding of the course materials.AssignmentsAssignments will be given at the end of each module to evaluate students’ understanding of the concepts.ExamA final exam will be conducted covering all the topics taught in the course.ConclusionThe course design ms to provide a basic understanding of the Software Testing Basics to beginners. The course covers an introduction to testing, testing levels and types, test planning and design, defect management, test execution and automation, and performance testing.Successful completion of the course will provide students with the knowledge and skills required to perform testing at a basic level.。



iAbout the T utorialTesting is the process of evaluating a system or its component(s) with the intent to find whether it satisfies the specified requirements or not.Testing is executing a system in order to identify any gaps, errors, or missing requirements in contrary to the actual requirements.This tutorial will give you a basic understanding on software testing, its types, methods, levels, and other related terminologies.AudienceThis tutorial is designed for software testing professionals who would like to understand the Testing Framework in detail along with its types, methods, and levels. This tutorial provides enough ingredients to start with the software testing process from where you can take yourself to higher levels of expertise.PrerequisitesBefore proceeding with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of the software development life cycle (SDLC). In addition, you should have a basic understanding of software programming using any programming language.Copyright & DisclaimerCopyright 2018 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or in this tutorial, please notify us at **************************iiT able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (1)Audience (1)Prerequisites (1)Copyright & Disclaimer (1)Table of Contents (2)1. SOFTWARE TESTING – OVERVIEW (5)What is Testing? (5)Who does Testing? (5)When to Start Testing? (5)When to Stop Testing? (6)Verification & Validation (6)2. SOFTWARE TESTING – MYTHS (7)3. SOFTWARE TESTING – QA, QC, AND TESTING (9)Testing, Quality Assurance, and Quality Control (9)Audit and Inspection (9)Testing and Debugging (10)4. SOFTWARE TESTING – ISO STANDARDS (11)ISO/IEC 9126 (11)ISO/IEC 9241-11 (11)ISO/IEC 25000:2005 (11)ISO/IEC 12119 (12)Miscellaneous (12)5. SOFTWARE TESTING – TYPES OF TESTING (14)Manual Testing (14)iiiAutomation Testing (14)What to Automate? (14)When to Automate? (15)How to Automate? (15)Software Testing Tools (15)6. SOFTWARE TESTING – TESTING METHODS (17)Black-Box Testing (17)White-Box Testing (17)Grey-Box Testing (18)A Comparison of Testing Methods (19)7. SOFTWARE TESTING – TESTING LEVELS (20)Functional Testing (20)Unit Testing (20)Integration Testing (21)System Testing (21)Regression Testing (22)Acceptance Testing (22)Non-Functional Testing (23)Usability Testing (24)Security Testing (25)Portability Testing (26)8. SOFTWARE TESTING – DOCUMENTATION (27)Test Plan (27)Test Scenario (27)Test Case (28)Traceability Matrix (29)iv9. SOFTWARE TESTING – ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES (30)Functional Point Analysis (30)Test Point Analysis (30)Mark-II Method (30)Miscellaneous (30)vSoftware Testing 1What is T esting?Testing is the process of evaluating a system or its component(s) with the intent to find whether it satisfies the specified requirements or not. In simple words, testing is executing a system in order to identify any gaps, errors, or missing requirements in contrary to the actual requirements. According to ANSI/IEEE 1059 standard, Testing can be defined as - A process of analyzing a software item to detect the differences between existing and required conditions (that is defects/errors/bugs) and to evaluate the features of the software item .Who does T esting?It depends on the process and the associated stakeholders of the project(s). In the IT industry, large companies have a team with responsibilities to evaluate the developed software in context of the given requirements. Moreover, developers also conduct testing which is called Unit Testing . In most cases, the following professionals are involved in testing a system within their respective capacities: ∙ Software Tester∙ Software Developer∙ Project Lead/Manager∙ End UserDifferent companies have different designations for people who test the software on the basis of their experience and knowledge such as Software Tester, Software Quality Assurance Engineer, QA Analyst, etc.It is not possible to test the software at any time during its cycle. The next two sections state when testing should be started and when to end it during the SDLC.When to Start T esting?An early start to testing reduces the cost and time to rework and produce error-free software that is delivered to the client. However in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), testing can be started from the Requirements Gathering phase and continued till the deployment of the software. It also depends on the development model that is being used. For example, in the Waterfall model, formal testing is conducted in the testing phase; but in the incremental model, testing is performed at the end of every increment/iteration and the whole application is tested at the end. Testing is done in different forms at every phase of SDLC:1. Software Testing – OverviewSoftware Testing 2∙ During the requirement gathering phase, the analysis and verification of requirements arealso considered as testing.∙ Reviewing the design in the design phase with the intent to improve the design is alsoconsidered as testing.∙ Testing performed by a developer on completion of the code is also categorized as testing. When to Stop T esting?It is difficult to determine when to stop testing, as testing is a never-ending process and no one can claim that a software is 100% tested. The following aspects are to be considered for stopping the testing process:∙ Testing Deadlines∙ Completion of test case execution∙ Completion of functional and code coverage to a certain point∙ Bug rate falls below a certain level and no high-priority bugs are identified∙ Management decisionV erification & V alidationThese two terms are very confusing for most people, who use them interchangeably. The following table highlights the differences between verification and validation.S.N.Verification Validation 1 Verification addresses the concern: "Areyou building it right?"Validation addresses the concern: "Are you building the right thing?" 2 Ensures that the software system meetsall the functionality.Ensures that the functionalities meet the intended behavior. 3 Verification takes place first and includesthe checking for documentation, code,etc.Validation occurs after verification and mainly involves the checking of the overall product. 4Done by developers. Done by testers.Software Testing 35 It has static activities, as it includescollecting reviews, walkthroughs, andinspections to verify a software.It has dynamic activities, as it includes executing the software against the requirements. 6 It is an objective process and nosubjective decision should be needed toverify a software.It is a subjective process and involves subjective decisions on how well a software works.Software Testing 4Given below are some of the most common myths about software testing. Myth 1: Testing is Too ExpensiveReality : There is a saying, pay less for testing during software development or pay more for maintenance or correction later. Early testing saves both time and cost in many aspects, however reducing the cost without testing may result in improper design of a software application rendering the product useless.Myth 2: Testing is Time-ConsumingReality : During the SDLC phases, testing is never a time-consuming process. However diagnosing and fixing the errors identified during proper testing is a time-consuming but productive activity. Myth 3: Only Fully Developed Products are TestedReality : No doubt, testing depends on the source code but reviewing requirements and developing test cases is independent from the developed code. However iterative or incremental approach as a development life cycle model may reduce the dependency of testing on the fully developed software.Myth 4: Complete Testing is PossibleReality : It becomes an issue when a client or tester thinks that complete testing is possible. It is possible that all paths have been tested by the team but occurrence of complete testing is never possible. There might be some scenarios that are never executed by the test team or the client during the software development life cycle and may be executed once the project has been deployed.Myth 5: A Tested Software is Bug-FreeReality : This is a very common myth that the clients, project managers, and the management team believes in. No one can claim with absolute certainty that a software application is 100% bug-free even if a tester with superb testing skills has tested the application.Myth 6: Missed Defects are due to TestersReality : It is not a correct approach to blame testers for bugs that remain in the application even after testing has been performed. This myth relates to Time, Cost, and Requirements changing Constraints. However the test strategy may also result in bugs being missed by the testing team.2. Software Testing – MythsSoftware TestingMyth 7: Testers are Responsible for Quality of ProductReality: It is a very common misinterpretation that only testers or the testing team should be responsible for product quality. Tester s’ responsibilities include the identification of bugs to the stakeholders and then it is their decision whether they will fix the bug or release the software. Releasing the software at the time puts more pressure on the testers, as they will be blamed for any error.Myth 8: Test Automation should be used Wherever Possible to Reduce Time Reality: Yes, it is true that Test Automation reduces the testing time, but it is not possible to start test automation at any time during software development. Test automaton should be started when the software has been manually tested and is stable to some extent. Moreover, test automation can never be used if requirements keep changing.Myth 9: Anyone can Test a Software ApplicationReality: People outside the IT industry think and even believe that anyone can test a software and testing is not a creative job. However testers know very well that this is a myth. Thinking alternative scenarios, try to crash a software with the intent to explore potential bugs is not possible for the person who developed it.Myth 10: A Tester’s Only Task is to Fi nd BugsReality: Finding bugs in a software is the task of the testers, but at the same time, they are domain experts of the particular software. Developers are only responsible for the specific component or area that is assigned to them but testers understand the overall workings of the software, what the dependencies are, and the impacts of one module on another module.5Software TestingEnd of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://6。



l 代码覆盖/逻辑覆盖
– 语句覆盖 每条语句至少执行一次 – 分支覆盖 每个分支执行一次(也称判定覆盖) – 条件覆盖 每个条件的取值为真、假至少一次
语句覆盖 VS 条件覆盖 代码例2: if (i > 1) { 语句1 } 语句2
分支覆盖 VS 条件覆盖 代码例1: if (a > b && c > d && e > f) {
l 测试案例评审
– 完整性
l 测试案例集在组织结构,内容上的完整性 l 所包含的测试案例的内容的完整性
– 正确性
l 测试案例集及其测试案例在内容和形式上的正确性
– 经济性
l 测试案例的执行、分析在成本上比较经济
– 可读性
l 测试案例集及其测试案例的可理解性
– 其他
l 单元测试的质量要求
– 例如,函数、模块、部件、类
l 检验软件单元是否正确地实现,即其程序与详细 设计说明是否一致
l 单元测试一般由开发人员完成
l 将经过单元测试的一组软件单元集成为一个整体, 检验这个集成体是否正确地实现,即次集成体与 概要设计说明是否一致
l 集成测试可以与单体测试结合,不一定有正式的 集成测试阶段
语句1 } else {
语句2 }
l 分支/条件覆盖 分支覆盖+条件覆盖 l 条件组合覆盖 每个判定中各条件的每一种组合
至少出现一次 l 路径覆盖 要求覆盖程序中所有可能的路径
l 循环测试
– 跳过这个循环 – 只循环一次 – 循环二次 – 循环N次
l 基于白盒测试和黑盒测试之间















软件测试常用英语词汇静态测试:Non-Execution-Based Testing或Static testing 代码走查:Walkthrough代码审查:Code Inspection技术评审:Review动态测试:Execution-Based Testing白盒测试:White-Box Testing黑盒测试:Black-Box Testing灰盒测试:Gray-Box Testing软件质量保证SQA:Software Quality Assurance软件开发生命周期:Software Development Life Cycle冒烟测试:Smoke Test回归测试:Regression Test功能测试:Function Testing性能测试:Performance Testing压力测试:Stress Testing负载测试:Volume Testing易用性测试:Usability Testing安装测试:Installation Testing界面测试:UI Testing配置测试:Configuration Testing文档测试:Documentation Testing兼容性测试:Compatibility Testing安全性测试:Security Testing恢复测试:Recovery Testing单元测试:Unit Test集成测试:Integration Test系统测试:System Test验收测试:Acceptance Test测试计划应包括:测试对象:The Test Objectives测试范围: The Test Scope测试策略: The Test Strategy测试方法: The Test Approach,测试过程: The test procedures,测试环境: The Test Environment,测试完成标准:The test Completion criteria测试用例:The Test Cases测试进度表:The Test Schedules风险:Risks接口:Interface最终用户:The End User正式的测试环境:Formal Test Environment确认需求:Verifying The Requirements有分歧的需求:Ambiguous Requirements运行和维护:Operation and Maintenance.可复用性:Reusability可靠性: Reliability/Availability电机电子工程师协会IEEE:The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 正确性:Correctness实用性:Utility健壮性:Robustness可靠性:Reliability软件需求规格说明书:SRS (software requirement specification )概要设计:HLD (high level design )详细设计:LLD (low level design )统一开发流程:RUP (rational unified process )集成产品开发:IPD (integrated product development )能力成熟模型:CMM (capability maturity model )能力成熟模型集成:CMMI (capability maturity model integration )戴明环:PDCA (plan do check act )软件工程过程组:SEPG (software engineering process group )集成测试:IT (integration testing )系统测试:ST (system testing )关键过程域:KPA (key process area )同行评审:PR (peer review )用户验收测试:UAT (user acceptance testing )验证和确认:V&V (verification & validation )控制变更委员会:CCB (change control board )图形用户界面:GUI (graphic user interface )配置管理员:CMO (configuration management officer )平均失效间隔时间:(MTBF mean time between failures )平均修复时间:MTTR (mean time to restoration )平均失效时间:MTTF (mean time to failure )工作任务书:SOW (statement of work )α测试:alpha testingβ测试:beta testing适应性:Adaptability可用性:Availability功能规格说明书:Functional Specification软件开发中常见英文缩写和各类软件开发文档的英文缩写:英文简写文档名称MRD market requirement document (市场需求文档)PRD product requirement document (产品需求文档)SOW 工作任务说明书PHB Process Handbook (项目过程手册)EST Estimation Sheet (估计记录)PPL Project Plan (项目计划)CMP Software Management Plan( 配置管理计划)QAP Software Quality Assurance Plan (软件质量保证计划)RMP Software Risk Management Plan (软件风险管理计划)TST Test Strategy(测试策略)WBS Work Breakdown Structure (工作分解结构)BRS Business Requirement Specification(业务需求说明书)SRS Software Requirement Specification(软件需求说明书)STP System Testing plan (系统测试计划)STC System Testing Cases (系统测试用例)HLD High Level Design (概要设计说明书)ITP Integration Testing plan (集成测试计划)ITC Integration Testing Cases (集成测试用例)LLD Low Level Design (详细设计说明书)UTP Unit Testing Plan ( 单元测试计划)UTC Unit Testing Cases (单元测试用例)UTR Unit Testing Report (单元测试报告)ITR Integration Testing Report (集成测试报告)STR System Testing Report (系统测试报告)RTM Requirements Traceability Matrix (需求跟踪矩阵)CSA Configuration Status Accounting (配置状态发布)CRF Change Request Form (变更申请表)WSR Weekly Status Report (项目周报)QSR Quality Weekly Status Report (质量工作周报)QAR Quality Audit Report(质量检查报告)QCL Quality Check List(质量检查表)PAR Phase Assessment Report (阶段评估报告)CLR Closure Report (项目总结报告)RFF Review Finding Form (评审发现表)MOM Minutes of Meeting (会议纪要)MTX Metrics Sheet (度量表)CCF ConsistanceCheckForm(一致性检查表)BAF Baseline Audit Form(基线审计表)PTF Program Trace Form(问题跟踪表)领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /软件测试中英文对照术语表A• Abstract test case (High level test case) :概要测试用例• Acceptance:验收• Acceptance criteria:验收标准• Acceptance testing:验收测试• Accessibility testing:易用性测试• Accuracy:精确性• Actual outcome (actual result) :实际输出/实际结果• Ad hoc review (informal review) :非正式评审• Ad hoc testing:随机测试• Adaptability:自适应性• Agile testing:敏捷测试• Algorithm test (branch testing) :分支测试• Alpha testing:alpha 测试• Analyzability:易分析性• Analyzer:分析员• Anomaly:异常• Arc testing:分支测试• Attractiveness:吸引力• Audit:审计• Audit trail:审计跟踪• Automated testware:自动测试组件• Availability:可用性B• Back-to-back testing:对比测试• Baseline:基线• Basic block:基本块• Basis test set:基本测试集• Bebugging:错误撒播• Behavior:行为• Benchmark test:基准测试• Bespoke software:定制的软件• Best practice:最佳实践• Beta testing:Beta 测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Big-bang testing:集成测试• Black-box technique:黑盒技术• Black-box testing:黑盒测试• Black-box test design technique:黑盒测试设计技术• Blocked test case:被阻塞的测试用例• Bottom-up testing:自底向上测试• Boundary value:边界值• Boundary value analysis:边界值分析• Boundary value coverage:边界值覆盖率• Boundary value testing:边界值测试• Branch:分支• Branch condition:分支条件• Branch condition combination coverage:分支条件组合覆盖率• Branch condition combination testing:分支条件组合测试• Branch condition coverage:分支条件覆盖率• Branch coverage:分支覆盖率• Branch testing:分支测试• Bug:缺陷• Business process-based testing:基于商业流程的测试C• Capability Maturity Model (CMM) :能力成熟度模型• Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) :集成能力成熟度模型• Capture/playback tool:捕获/回放工具• Capture/replay tool:捕获/重放工具• CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) :电脑辅助软件工程• CAST (Computer Aided Software Testing) :电脑辅助软件测试• Cause-effect graph:因果图• Cause-effect graphing:因果图技术• Cause-effect analysis:因果分析• Cause-effect decision table:因果判定表• Certification:认证• Changeability:可变性• Change control:变更控制• Change control board:变更控制委员会• Checker:检查人员• Chow's coverage metrics (N-switch coverage) :N 切换覆盖率• Classification tree method:分类树方法• Code analyzer:代码分析器• Code coverage:代码覆盖率领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Code-based testing:基于代码的测试• Co-existence:共存性• Commercial off-the-shelf software:商用离岸软件• Comparator:比较器• Compatibility testing:兼容性测试• Compiler:编译器• Complete testing:完全测试/穷尽测试• Completion criteria:完成标准• Complexity:复杂性• Compliance:一致性• Compliance testing:一致性测试• Component:组件• Component integration testing:组件集成测试• Component specification:组件规格说明• Component testing:组件测试• Compound condition:组合条件• Concrete test case (low level test case) :详细测试用例• Concurrency testing:并发测试• Condition:条件表达式• Condition combination coverage:条件组合覆盖率• Condition coverage:条件覆盖率• Condition determination coverage:条件判定覆盖率• Condition determination testing:条件判定测试• Condition testing:条件测试• Condition outcome:条件结果• Confidence test (smoke test) :信心测试(冒烟测试)• Configuration:配置• Configuration auditing:配置审核• Configuration control:配置控制• Configuration control board (CCB) :配置控制委员会• Configuration identification:配置标识• Configuration item:配置项• Configuration management:配置管理• Configuration testing:配置测试• Confirmation testing:确认测试• Conformance testing:一致性测试• Consistency:一致性• Control flow:控制流• Control flow graph:控制流图• Control flow path:控制流路径• Conversion testing:转换测试• COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf software) :商业离岸软件• Coverage:覆盖率• Coverage analysis:覆盖率分析领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Coverage item:覆盖项• Coverage tool:覆盖率工具• Custom software:定制软件• Cyclomatic complexity:圈复杂度• Cyclomatic number:圈数D• Daily build:每日构建• Data definition:数据定义• Data driven testing:数据驱动测试• Data flow:数据流• Data flow analysis:数据流分析• Data flow coverage:数据流覆盖率• Data flow test:数据流测试• Data integrity testing:数据完整性测试• Database integrity testing:数据库完整性测试• Dead code:无效代码• Debugger:调试器• Debugging:调试• Debugging tool:调试工具• Decision:判定• Decision condition coverage:判定条件覆盖率• Decision condition testing:判定条件测试• Decision coverage:判定覆盖率• Decision table:判定表• Decision table testing:判定表测试• Decision testing:判定测试技术• Decision outcome:判定结果• Defect:缺陷• Defect density:缺陷密度• Defect Detection Percentage (DDP) :缺陷发现率• Defect management:缺陷管理• Defect management tool:缺陷管理工具• Defect masking:缺陷屏蔽• Defect report:缺陷报告• Defect tracking tool:缺陷跟踪工具• Definition-use pair:定义-使用对• Deliverable:交付物• Design-based testing:基于设计的测试• Desk checking:桌面检查领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Development testing:开发测试• Deviation:偏差• Deviation report:偏差报告• Dirty testing:负面测试• Documentation testing:文档测试• Domain:域• Driver:驱动程序• Dynamic analysis:动态分析• Dynamic analysis tool:动态分析工具• Dynamic comparison:动态比较• Dynamic testing:动态测试E• Efficiency:效率• Efficiency testing:效率测试• Elementary comparison testing:基本组合测试• Emulator:仿真器、仿真程序• Entry criteria:入口标准• Entry point:入口点• Equivalence class:等价类• Equivalence partition:等价区间• Equivalence partition coverage:等价区间覆盖率• Equivalence partitioning:等价划分技术• Error:错误• Error guessing:错误猜测技术• Error seeding:错误撒播• Error tolerance:错误容限• Evaluation:评估• Exception handling:异常处理• Executable statement:可执行的语句• Exercised:可执行的• Exhaustive testing:穷尽测试• Exit criteria:出口标准• Exit point:出口点• Expected outcome:预期结果• Expected result:预期结果• Exploratory testing:探测测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /F• Fail:失败• Failure:失败• Failure mode:失败模式• Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) :失败模式和影响分析• Failure rate:失败频率• Fault:缺陷• Fault density:缺陷密度• Fault Detection Percentage (FDP) :缺陷发现率• Fault masking:缺陷屏蔽• Fault tolerance:缺陷容限• Fault tree analysis:缺陷树分析• Feature:特征• Field testing:现场测试• Finite state machine:有限状态机• Finite state testing:有限状态测试• Formal review:正式评审• Frozen test basis:测试基线• Function Point Analysis (FPA) :功能点分析• Functional integration:功能集成• Functional requirement:功能需求• Functional test design technique:功能测试设计技术• Functional testing:功能测试• Functionality:功能性• Functionality testing:功能性测试G• glass box testing:白盒测试H• Heuristic evaluation:启发式评估• High level test case:概要测试用例• Horizontal traceability:水平跟踪领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /I• Impact analysis:影响分析• Incremental development model:增量开发模型• Incremental testing:增量测试• Incident:事件• Incident management:事件管理• Incident management tool:事件管理工具• Incident report:事件报告• Independence:独立• Infeasible path:不可行路径• Informal review:非正式评审• Input:输入• Input domain:输入范围• Input value:输入值• Inspection:审查• Inspection leader:审查组织者• Inspector:审查人员• Installability:可安装性• Installability testing:可安装性测试• Installation guide:安装指南• Installation wizard:安装向导• Instrumentation:插装• Instrumenter:插装工具• Intake test:入口测试• Integration:集成• Integration testing:集成测试• Integration testing in the large:大范围集成测试• Integration testing in the small:小范围集成测试• Interface testing:接口测试• Interoperability:互通性• Interoperability testing:互通性测试• Invalid testing:无效性测试• Isolation testing:隔离测试• Item transmittal report:版本发布报告• Iterative development model:迭代开发模型K• Key performance indicator:关键绩效指标领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Keyword driven testing:关键字驱动测试L• Learnability:易学性• Level test plan:等级测试计划• Link testing:组件集成测试• Load testing:负载测试• Logic-coverage testing:逻辑覆盖测试• Logic-driven testing:逻辑驱动测试• Logical test case:逻辑测试用例• Low level test case:详细测试用例M• Maintenance:维护• Maintenance testing:维护测试• Maintainability:可维护性• Maintainability testing:可维护性测试• Management review:管理评审• Master test plan:综合测试计划• Maturity:成熟度• Measure:度量• Measurement:度量• Measurement scale:度量粒度• Memory leak:内存泄漏• Metric:度量• Migration testing:移植测试• Milestone:里程碑• Mistake:错误• Moderator:仲裁员• Modified condition decision coverage:改进的条件判定覆盖率• Modified condition decision testing:改进的条件判定测试• Modified multiple condition coverage:改进的多重条件判定覆盖率• Modified multiple condition testing:改进的多重条件判定测试• Module:模块• Module testing:模块测试• Monitor:监视器• Multiple condition:多重条件• Multiple condition coverage:多重条件覆盖率领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Multiple condition testing:多重条件测试• Mutation analysis:变化分析• Mutation testing:变化测试N• N-switch coverage:N 切换覆盖率• N-switch testing:N 切换测试• Negative testing:负面测试• Non-conformity:不一致• Non-functional requirement:非功能需求• Non-functional testing:非功能测试• Non-functional test design techniques:非功能测试设计技术O• Off-the-shelf software:离岸软件• Operability:可操作性• Operational environment:操作环境• Operational profile testing:运行剖面测试• Operational testing:操作测试• Oracle:标准• Outcome:输出/结果• Output:输出• Output domain:输出范围• Output value:输出值P• Pair programming:结队编程• Pair testing:结队测试• Partition testing:分割测试• Pass:通过• Pass/fail criteria:通过/失败标准• Path:路径• Path coverage:路径覆盖• Path sensitizing:路径敏感性• Path testing:路径测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 / • Peer review:同行评审• Performance:性能• Performance indicator:绩效指标• Performance testing:性能测试• Performance testing tool:性能测试工具• Phase test plan:阶段测试计划• Portability:可移植性• Portability testing:移植性测试• Postcondition:结果条件• Post-execution comparison:运行后比较• Precondition:初始条件• Predicted outcome:预期结果• Pretest:预测试• Priority:优先级• Probe effect:检测成本• Problem:问题• Problem management:问题管理• Problem report:问题报告• Process:流程• Process cycle test:处理周期测试• Product risk:产品风险• Project:项目• Project risk:项目风险• Program instrumenter:编程工具• Program testing:程序测试• Project test plan:项目测试计划• Pseudo-random:伪随机Q• Quality:质量• Quality assurance:质量保证• Quality attribute:质量属性• Quality characteristic:质量特征• Quality management:质量管理领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /R• Random testing:随机测试• Recorder:记录员• Record/playback tool:记录/回放工具• Recoverability:可复原性• Recoverability testing:可复原性测试• Recovery testing:可复原性测试• Regression testing:回归测试• Regulation testing:一致性测试• Release note:版本说明• Reliability:可靠性• Reliability testing:可靠性测试• Replaceability:可替换性• Requirement:需求• Requirements-based testing:基于需求的测试• Requirements management tool:需求管理工具• Requirements phase:需求阶段• Resource utilization:资源利用• Resource utilization testing:资源利用测试• Result:结果• Resumption criteria:继续测试标准• Re-testing:再测试• Review:评审• Reviewer:评审人员• Review tool:评审工具• Risk:风险• Risk analysis:风险分析• Risk-based testing:基于风险的测试• Risk control:风险控制• Risk identification:风险识别• Risk management:风险管理• Risk mitigation:风险消减• Robustness:健壮性• Robustness testing:健壮性测试• Root cause:根本原因S• Safety:安全领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Safety testing:安全性测试• Sanity test:健全测试• Scalability:可测量性• Scalability testing:可测量性测试• Scenario testing:情景测试• Scribe:记录员• Scripting language:脚本语言• Security:安全性• Security testing:安全性测试• Serviceability testing:可维护性测试• Severity:严重性• Simulation:仿真• Simulator:仿真程序、仿真器• Site acceptance testing:定点验收测试• Smoke test:冒烟测试• Software:软件• Software feature:软件功能• Software quality:软件质量• Software quality characteristic:软件质量特征• Software test incident:软件测试事件• Software test incident report:软件测试事件报告• Software Usability Measurement Inventory (SUMI) :软件可用性调查问卷• Source statement:源语句• Specification:规格说明• Specification-based testing:基于规格说明的测试• Specification-based test design technique:基于规格说明的测试设计技术• Specified input:特定输入• Stability:稳定性• Standard software:标准软件• Standards testing:标准测试• State diagram:状态图• State table:状态表• State transition:状态迁移• State transition testing:状态迁移测试• Statement:语句• Statement coverage:语句覆盖• Statement testing:语句测试• Static analysis:静态分析• Static analysis tool:静态分析工具• Static analyzer:静态分析工具• Static code analysis:静态代码分析• Static code analyzer:静态代码分析工具• Static testing:静态测试• Statistical testing:统计测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Status accounting:状态统计• Storage:资源利用• Storage testing:资源利用测试• Stress testing:压力测试• Structure-based techniques:基于结构的技术• Structural coverage:结构覆盖• Structural test design technique:结构测试设计技术• Structural testing:基于结构的测试• Structured walkthrough:面向结构的走查• Stub: 桩• Subpath: 子路径• Suitability: 符合性• Suspension criteria: 暂停标准• Syntax testing: 语法测试• System:系统• System integration testing:系统集成测试• System testing:系统测试T• Technical review:技术评审• Test:测试• Test approach:测试方法• Test automation:测试自动化• Test basis:测试基础• Test bed:测试环境• Test case:测试用例• Test case design technique:测试用例设计技术• Test case specification:测试用例规格说明• Test case suite:测试用例套• Test charter:测试宪章• Test closure:测试结束• Test comparator:测试比较工具• Test comparison:测试比较• Test completion criteria:测试比较标准• Test condition:测试条件• Test control:测试控制• Test coverage:测试覆盖率• Test cycle:测试周期• Test data:测试数据• Test data preparation tool:测试数据准备工具领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 / • Test design:测试设计• Test design specification:测试设计规格说明• Test design technique:测试设计技术• Test design tool: 测试设计工具• Test driver: 测试驱动程序• Test driven development: 测试驱动开发• Test environment: 测试环境• Test evaluation report: 测试评估报告• Test execution: 测试执行• Test execution automation: 测试执行自动化• Test execution phase: 测试执行阶段• Test execution schedule: 测试执行进度表• Test execution technique: 测试执行技术• Test execution tool: 测试执行工具• Test fail: 测试失败• Test generator: 测试生成工具• Test leader:测试负责人• Test harness:测试组件• Test incident:测试事件• Test incident report:测试事件报告• Test infrastructure:测试基础组织• Test input:测试输入• Test item:测试项• Test item transmittal report:测试项移交报告• Test level:测试等级• Test log:测试日志• Test logging:测试记录• Test manager:测试经理• Test management:测试管理• Test management tool:测试管理工具• Test Maturity Model (TMM) :测试成熟度模型• Test monitoring:测试跟踪• Test object:测试对象• Test objective:测试目的• Test oracle:测试标准• Test outcome:测试结果• Test pass:测试通过• Test performance indicator:测试绩效指标• Test phase:测试阶段• Test plan:测试计划• Test planning:测试计划• Test policy:测试方针• Test Point Analysis (TPA) :测试点分析• Test procedure:测试过程领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Test procedure specification:测试过程规格说明• Test process:测试流程• Test Process Improvement (TPI) :测试流程改进• Test record:测试记录• Test recording:测试记录• Test reproduceability:测试可重现性• Test report:测试报告• Test requirement:测试需求• Test run:测试运行• Test run log:测试运行日志• Test result:测试结果• Test scenario:测试场景• Test script:测试脚本• Test set:测试集• Test situation:测试条件• Test specification:测试规格说明• Test specification technique:测试规格说明技术• Test stage:测试阶段• Test strategy:测试策略• Test suite:测试套• Test summary report:测试总结报告• Test target:测试目标• Test tool:测试工具• Test type:测试类型• Testability:可测试性• Testability review:可测试性评审• Testable requirements:需求可测试性• Tester:测试人员• Testing:测试• Testware:测试组件• Thread testing:组件集成测试• Time behavior:性能• Top-down testing:自顶向下的测试• Traceability:可跟踪性U• Understandability:易懂性• Unit:单元• unit testing:单元测试• Unreachable code:执行不到的代码领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Usability:易用性• Usability testing:易用性测试• Use case:用户用例• Use case testing:用户用例测试• User acceptance testing:用户验收测试• User scenario testing:用户场景测试• User test:用户测试V• V -model:V 模式• Validation:确认• Variable:变量• Verification:验证• Vertical traceability:垂直可跟踪性• Version control:版本控制• Volume testing:容量测试W• Walkthrough:走查• White-box test design technique:白盒测试设计技术• White-box testing:白盒测试• Wide Band Delphi:Delphi 估计方法。

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Characteristics of Good Testing
Tests should be repeated each time the code has been changed
Once a defect has been fixed the original test that failed should be repeated Sub-sets of tests can be run against new builds as a smoke test Repeatable test results can be compared over time to measure quality and stability Tests can be reused on applications with common modules or functionality
Estimate the development and test effort
Lifecycle Testing and Testing Techniques
Objectives of Testing
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Lifecycle Testing and Testing Techniques
May include testing of specific use cases or realistic user
scenarios for software use
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Lifecycle Testing and Testing Techniques
System Testing
Occurs after the individual units and components have been assembled and the whole system can be used May also be referred to as end-to-end testing Several types of system testing
The Importance of Regression Testing
Confirm issues have really been fixed
• Did the fix address the underlying cause of the item or just the symptoms? • Was the description of the issue clear enough for the developer to fix it?
Goal of unit testing is to show each part of the code
works correctly
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Lifecycle Testing and Testing Techniques
Integration Testing
Involves testing two or more units together
Lifecycle Testing and Testing Techniques
Acceptance Testing
Involves testing the whole system to assess whether the
software is ready for release and use May be performed by developers, customers, users, or a
Lifecycle Testing and Testing Techniques
Software Testing Basics - example
How would you determine whether all of the lights in a
building worked? What information would you need to know for this
Make sure new issues have not appeared
• Changing or adding new code can introduce errors into code that is not intended to be changed. • Design mistakes could be repeated during bug fixing.
• How much time do I have? • Are any diagrams of the building available to me?
• What access will I have to the building?
• What resources are available to me?
Lifecycle Testing and Testing Techniques
Characteristics of Good Testing
Fresh set of eyes are needed
Ensure standards are met Testing should be conducted in “vanilla” environments
Levels of Testing
How testing interacts with the code
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Lifecycle Testing and Testing Techniques
Levels of Software Testing
Unit test
Integration testing System testing
Verification refers to whether or not the software
conforms to the design specs
• Does the software as implemented conform with the desiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้n
• Was the software built correctly
Lifecycle Testing and Testing Techniques
Lifecycle Testing and Testing Techniques
Software testing basics Characteristics of good testing Test objectives Levels of testing
Validation refers to whether or not the software as
implement meets the intended requirements
• Does the software as implemented meeting the needs of the customer • Did we build the right thing
Lifecycle Testing and Testing Techniques
Characteristics of Good Testing
Standardized and Documented
Establish best practices
Accurately measure test coverage Develop historical data on points of failure
Lifecycle Testing and Testing Techniques
Software Testing Basics
“Good testing is difficult. It requires careful planning and documentation.”
• Van Vliet, Hans, “Software Engineering, Principles and Practice, 3rd ed.”
reduce the chances of contaminated results
A systematic approach reduces the chances or redundant testing
Lifecycle Testing and Testing Techniques
Should be conducted after unit testing to indentify problems in the interfaces between two units.
Can be conducted using different test techniques and
during various stages of the software development lifecycle
Verification testing indentifies defects introduced during coding
• Unit testing and integration testing are generally verification testing
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Lifecycle Testing and Testing Techniques
Characteristics of Good Testing
A systematic approach will make it more likely that a