



SCP列表(收容未失效)001到099▪SCP-001 - 等待解密[已锁]▪SCP-002 - “生活”室▪SCP-003 - 生物母版▪SCP-004 - 穿越锈钥之门▪SCP-005 - 万能钥匙▪SCP-006 - 不老泉▪SCP-007 - 腹中星球▪SCP-008 - 丧尸病毒▪SCP-009 - 红冰▪SCP-010 - 遥控项圈▪SCP-011 - 有感知的内战纪念雕像▪SCP-012 - 未完乐章▪SCP-013 - 蓝色女士香烟▪SCP-014 - 混凝土人▪SCP-015 - 噩梦管道▪SCP-016 - 智能微生物▪SCP-017 - 影魔▪SCP-018 - 弹力球▪SCP-019 - 兽之瓶▪SCP-020 - 隐形霉菌▪SCP-021 - 栖肤龙纹▪SCP-022 - 停尸房▪SCP-023 - 黑煞星▪SCP-024 - 死亡游戏秀▪SCP-025 - 旧衣橱▪SCP-026 - 课后禁闭▪SCP-027 - 豸神▪SCP-028 - 知识▪SCP-029 - 暗影之女▪SCP-030 - 人造人▪SCP-031 - 爱为何物?▪SCP-032 - 弟兄们的新娘▪SCP-033 - 丢失的数字▪SCP-034 - 黑曜石仪式匕首▪SCP-035 - 占据面具▪SCP-036 - 雅兹迪信徒的重生朝圣之旅▪SCP-037 - 白矮星▪SCP-038 - 万象树▪SCP-039 - 长鼻工程师▪SCP-040 - 进化之子▪SCP-041 - 思维广播病人▪SCP-042 - 昔日天马▪SCP-043 - 披头不四▪SCP-044 - 二战分子裂变炮▪SCP-045 - 大气转换器▪SCP-046 - “掠食性”冬青树丛▪SCP-047 - 微生物诱变剂▪SCP-048 - 被诅咒的SCP号码▪SCP-049 - 疫医▪SCP-050 - 致至智▪SCP-051 - 日本妇产人偶▪SCP-052 - 时光列车▪SCP-053 - 小姑娘▪SCP-054 - 水妖精▪SCP-055 - [未知]▪SCP-056 - 美丽的人▪SCP-057 - 当日现磨▪SCP-058 - 黑暗之心▪SCP-059 - 放射性矿物▪SCP-060 - 狱炎凶骨▪SCP-061 - 魔音贯脑▪SCP-062 - “量子”计算机▪SCP-063 - “世界上最好的牙刷”▪SCP-064 - 伪冯诺依曼建筑▪SCP-065 - 生物畸变场▪SCP-066 - 埃里克的玩具▪SCP-067 - 艺术家之笔▪SCP-068 - 金属丝小人▪SCP-069 - 第二次机会▪SCP-070 - 钢翼▪SCP-071 - 退化性可变形实体▪SCP-072 - 床脚▪SCP-073 - “该隐”▪SCP-074 - 量子土鳖▪SCP-075 - 腐蚀性蜗牛▪SCP-076 - “亚伯”▪SCP-077 - 腐颅▪SCP-078 - 罪恶感▪SCP-079 - 旧AI▪SCP-080 - “鬼”▪SCP-081 - 人体自燃病毒▪SCP-082 - 食人者“费尔南德”▪SCP-083 - 废弃怪屋▪SCP-084 - 静滞塔▪SCP-085 - 画中人“Cassy”▪SCP-086 - Dr. [被编辑]办公室▪SCP-087 - 楼梯间▪SCP-088 - 蜥蜴王▪SCP-089 - 托非特▪SCP-090 - 末日魔方▪SCP-091 - 怀旧成愁▪SCP-092 - “《第五维度》精选集”▪SCP-093 - 红海物件▪SCP-094 - 微型视界▪SCP-095 - Ronnie Ray-Gun的原子大冒险▪SCP-096 - “羞涩”的人▪SCP-097 - 老集市▪SCP-098 - 疡蟹▪SCP-099 - 肖像100到199▪SCP-100 - “Jamaican Joe的废品嘉年华”▪SCP-101 - 大嘴袋▪SCP-102 - Marshall, Carter和Dark有限公司的财产▪SCP-103 - 永不饥饿之人▪SCP-104 - 孤单球▪SCP-105 - “鸢娓”▪SCP-106 - 恐怖老人▪SCP-107 - 空龟壳▪SCP-108 - 异次元鼻腔▪SCP-109 - 无限水壶▪SCP-110 - 地下都市▪SCP-111 - 龙蜗牛™▪SCP-112 - 变量过山车▪SCP-113 - 性转换器▪SCP-114 - 带来冲突者▪SCP-115 - 迷你垃圾车▪SCP-116 - 脆弱男孩▪SCP-117 - 万能瑞士军刀▪SCP-118 - 核爆原生生物▪SCP-119 - 时间微波炉▪SCP-120 - 传送池▪SCP-121 - 混凝土摇篮▪SCP-122 - 再无怪物▪SCP-123 - 微型黑洞▪SCP-124 - 肥沃土壤▪SCP-125 - 传染性反射▪SCP-126 - 看不见的朋友▪SCP-127 - 活体枪▪SCP-128 - 动能效应实体▪SCP-129 - 扩张型真菌感染▪SCP-130 - 邮局▪SCP-131 - “眼豆”▪SCP-132 - 破碎沙漠▪SCP-133 - 便携式洞穴▪SCP-134 - 星眼孩童▪SCP-135 - 癌魔▪SCP-136 - 裸体人偶▪SCP-137 - 真实玩具▪SCP-138 - 永生者▪SCP-139 - 疑似白魔的头骨▪SCP-140 - 未完编年史▪SCP-141 - 诅咒法典▪SCP-142 - 独臂强盗▪SCP-143 - 刃木之森▪SCP-144 - 西藏通天绳▪SCP-145 - 噬人手机▪SCP-146 - 忏罪铜首▪SCP-147 - 落伍的电视▪SCP-148 - 心灵遮断合金▪SCP-149 - 血蝇▪SCP-150 - 忒修斯之船▪SCP-151 - 深海绘▪SCP-152 - 末日之书▪SCP-153 - 下水道蠕虫▪SCP-154 - 进攻性手镯▪SCP-155 - 无限速电脑▪SCP-156 - 重生石榴▪SCP-157 - 幻象猎食者▪SCP-158 - 汲魂者▪SCP-159 - 无可撼动之锁▪SCP-160 - 掠食无人机▪SCP-161 - 毁灭风车!▪SCP-162 - 锋锐球体▪SCP-163 - 古遇难者▪SCP-164 - 乌贼肉瘤▪SCP-165 - 贪婪蠕沙▪SCP-166 - 魅魔少女▪SCP-167 - 无尽迷宫▪SCP-168 - 有情计算器▪SCP-169 - 利维坦▪SCP-170 - 一管强力胶▪SCP-171 - 集合脑泡沫▪SCP-172 - 齿轮人▪SCP-173 - 雕像-最初之作▪SCP-174 - 腹语玩偶▪SCP-175 - 宝藏图▪SCP-176 - 可见时间循环▪SCP-177 - 弈▪SCP-178 - “3D”眼镜▪SCP-179 - 星海瞭望▪SCP-180 - 身份窃取帽▪SCP-181 - “幸运儿”▪SCP-182 - “骑士”▪SCP-183 - “织音者”▪SCP-184 - 建筑师▪SCP-185 - 跨时空无线电▪SCP-186 - 为了终结一切战争▪SCP-187 - 未来视▪SCP-188 - 匠人▪SCP-189 - 拟发寄生者▪SCP-190 - 奖励玩具盒▪SCP-191 - 机械女孩▪SCP-192 - 完美X光机▪SCP-193 - 纸巾盒蜗牛▪SCP-194 - 渡鸦之主▪SCP-195 - “药用威士忌”▪SCP-196 - 时间悖论▪SCP-197 - 温室▪SCP-198 - 一杯Joe▪SCP-199 - 蕨类间谍200到299▪SCP-200 - 人茧▪SCP-201 - 空之境界▪SCP-202 - 倒带人▪SCP-203 - 受拷打的钢铁灵魂▪SCP-204 - 守护者▪SCP-205 - 幽影之灯▪SCP-206 - 火星探测车▪SCP-207 - 一箱可乐▪SCP-208 - “贝斯”▪SCP-209 - 虐待狂的酒杯▪SCP-210 - 浸没之屋▪SCP-211 - 纸屋▪SCP-212 - 改造者▪SCP-213 - 反物质寄生体▪SCP-214 - 异血病毒▪SCP-215 - 拟人眼镜▪SCP-216 - 异次元保险箱▪SCP-217 - 机械化病毒▪SCP-218 - 七鳃鳗群集体▪SCP-219 - 共振引擎▪SCP-220 - 二人相伴▪SCP-221 - 强迫镊子▪SCP-222 - 克隆棺材▪SCP-223 - 一本相册▪SCP-224 - 老爷钟▪SCP-225 - 一往无前与不可撼动▪SCP-226 - 恐惧拼图▪SCP-227 - 完全的安蒂基西拉机械▪SCP-228 - 精神测试工具图▪SCP-229 - 杂线▪SCP-230 - 世界上最愉悦的人▪SCP-231 - 特殊个人需求▪SCP-232 - Jack Proton的原子毁灭者▪SCP-233 - 二十三面体▪SCP-234 - 超维度鱼▪SCP-235 - 留声机唱片▪SCP-236 - 模仿师“小蟹钳”▪SCP-237 - 自制人▪SCP-238 - 综合建筑▪SCP-239 - 巫魔幼女▪SCP-240 - 呼气动力飞行器▪SCP-241 - 美味家常食谱▪SCP-242 - “自净”池▪SCP-243 - 3D动画▪SCP-244 - 冰雾罐▪SCP-245 - SCP-RPG▪SCP-246 - 预言放映机▪SCP-247 - 无害小猫▪SCP-248 - 110%▪SCP-249 - 随机门▪SCP-250 - 基本是条异龙▪SCP-251 - 惑人雪花球▪SCP-252 - 特异大赤鱿▪SCP-253 - 癌疫▪SCP-254 - 每月最佳雇员▪SCP-255 - "十一"型紊乱▪SCP-256 - 打字机中的囚徒▪SCP-257 - William Woodsworth教授的奇珍收藏品▪SCP-258 - 哭泣的青蛙▪SCP-259 - 维森克拉斯螺旋▪SCP-260 - 追踪石▪SCP-261 - 次元泛用售货机▪SCP-262 - 多臂大衣▪SCP-263 - “灰烬与富翁”▪SCP-264 - 白骨神殿▪SCP-265 - 黑伏尔加▪SCP-266 - 鬼火小精灵▪SCP-267 - 食瘤动物▪SCP-268 - 疏忽帽▪SCP-269 - 透析手镯▪SCP-270 - 与世隔绝的电话▪SCP-271 - 雕文圆盘▪SCP-272 - 旧铁钉▪SCP-273 - 人形凤凰▪SCP-274 - 涂鸦▪SCP-275 - 铁皮▪SCP-276 - 时光帆船▪SCP-277 - 粉笔画王国▪SCP-278 - 巨型机械蜘蛛▪SCP-279 - 漫步者▪SCP-280 - 暗影中的眼睛▪SCP-281 - 贪睡闹钟▪SCP-282 - 仪式唤魔棒▪SCP-283 - 掉向侧面的石头▪SCP-284 - 双子▪SCP-285 - 黑客工作▪SCP-286 - 兄弟对局▪SCP-287 - Clark第三喜爱的剑▪SCP-288 - Stepford婚戒▪SCP-289 - 惯性增强器▪SCP-290 - 毕加索机器▪SCP-291 - 拆装器/重装器▪SCP-292 - 既视感煮蛋计时器▪SCP-293 - 迷恋▪SCP-294 - 咖啡机▪SCP-295 - 引焰虫▪SCP-296 - 武装收容区域-03▪SCP-297 - “快乐棒”▪SCP-298 - 鲜血管风琴▪SCP-299 - 传染树300到399▪SCP-300 - “瓶中世界”▪SCP-301 - 传送点▪SCP-302 - 蚂蚁雕像▪SCP-303 - 门后男▪SCP-304 - 某个信号▪SCP-305 - 耳语者▪SCP-306 - 蛙▪SCP-307 - 肉食性常春藤▪SCP-308 - 阿兹特克埋葬石棺▪SCP-309 - 毛绒玩具▪SCP-310 - 恒燃之火▪SCP-311 - 恶魔手套▪SCP-312 - 空中水母▪SCP-313 - 强力干手器▪SCP-314 - 动感尖锋▪SCP-315 - 视频男▪SCP-316 - 夺色之光▪SCP-317 - 白垩纪物理学家▪SCP-318 - 灵魂印刷▪SCP-319 - 一个异常设备▪SCP-320 - 希格斯场加速操纵器▪SCP-321 - 人之子▪SCP-322 - “种个你自己的城堡”套装▪SCP-323 - 温迪戈的头骨▪SCP-324 - 悼词之果▪SCP-325 - 去污剂▪SCP-326 - 中国农民▪SCP-327 - 美人鱼▪SCP-328 - 外星人碟片▪SCP-329 - 肿瘤花园▪SCP-330 - 只能拿两个▪SCP-331 - “Tumbles”▪SCP-332 - 1976 Lonwood教会高中游行乐团▪SCP-333 - 交响之城▪SCP-334 - 星体狐狸▪SCP-335 - 一百五十张3.5英寸软盘▪SCP-336 - “莉莉丝”▪SCP-337 - 毛团▪SCP-338 - 便携收音机▪SCP-339 - 慎言谨行▪SCP-340 - 病毒置换气膜▪SCP-341 - 太阳系模型系列▪SCP-342 - 单程票▪SCP-343 - “神”▪SCP-344 - 薛定谔的开罐器▪SCP-345 - 创星石方▪SCP-346 - 小翼龙“Pterry”▪SCP-347 - 隐形女▪SCP-348 - 来自父亲的礼物▪SCP-349 - 贤者之墓碑与不朽者的墓园▪SCP-350 - 牢不可破之契约▪SCP-351 - 只读记忆▪SCP-352 - “雅加婆婆”▪SCP-353 - “病媒”▪SCP-354 - 血池▪SCP-355 - 锐草▪SCP-356 - 不打自招▪SCP-357 - 饥饿粘土▪SCP-358 - 一所“沙漠化”医院▪SCP-359 - 鹰▪SCP-360 - 仪式圣化▪SCP-361 - 铜之肝脏▪SCP-362 - 闹鬼T恤▪SCP-363 - 非蜈蚣▪SCP-364 - Io传送点▪SCP-365 - 泳池浮条▪SCP-366 - 逐星之虫▪SCP-367 - 小狗狗▪SCP-368 - 纸鹤▪SCP-369 - 活体迁徙道路工程▪SCP-370 - 一把钥匙▪SCP-371 - 巨噬病毒▪SCP-372 - 视外幻兽▪SCP-373 - 唤灵唱机▪SCP-374 - 神思断头台▪SCP-375 - 永远的A级贷款▪SCP-376 - 信号灯树▪SCP-377 - 绝对准确幸运饼干▪SCP-378 - 食脑虫▪SCP-379 - 机械信息素▪SCP-380 - 生物联网器▪SCP-381 - 光煌复调曲▪SCP-382 - 闹鬼婴儿车▪SCP-383 - 多用流感▪SCP-384 - 让她进来▪SCP-385 - 个人反重力场产生器▪SCP-386 - 不朽真菌▪SCP-387 - 活体乐高▪SCP-388 - 无限飞盘▪SCP-389 - 瓶中秘信▪SCP-390 - 远古军用激光▪SCP-391 - 招财鸮▪SCP-392 - 旧时王谢堂前桃,植入Site-103▪SCP-393 - 记忆本▪SCP-394 - 耳烛▪SCP-395 - 瓶裝婴儿▪SCP-396 - 突然来了个椅子▪SCP-397 - 一只人科动物▪SCP-398 - 会堂▪SCP-399 - 原子控制戒400到499▪SCP-400 - 美丽婴孩▪SCP-401 - 手掌树▪SCP-402 - 黑曜石吸收器▪SCP-403 - 递增打火机▪SCP-404 - 记忆丢失,记忆找回▪SCP-405 - 传心术病毒▪SCP-406 - 梦游者隧道▪SCP-407 - 创始之歌▪SCP-408 - 幻像蝶▪SCP-409 - 晶蔓▪SCP-410 - 文编甲虫▪SCP-411 - 过去预知者▪SCP-412 - 诱变镜▪SCP-413 - 无尽车库▪SCP-414 - 自私不再▪SCP-415 - 被收割者▪SCP-416 - 无尽之森▪SCP-417 - 瘟疫树▪SCP-418 - 人体拼图▪SCP-419 - 世界之窗▪SCP-420 - 侵蚀性皮肤病▪SCP-421 - 浮木群▪SCP-422 - 缝合兽▪SCP-423 - 自插入角色▪SCP-424 - 纳米生物▪SCP-425 - 无限广播▪SCP-426 - 我是一个烤面包机▪SCP-427 - 洛夫克拉夫特吊坠▪SCP-428 - 群体▪SCP-429 - 发条传送器▪SCP-430 - 对平民的惩罚▪SCP-431 - Gideon博士▪SCP-432 - 柜子迷宫▪SCP-433 - 仪式▪SCP-434 - 自我会议▪SCP-435 - “诸暗之君”▪SCP-436 - 误差之坠▪SCP-437 - 1991之夏▪SCP-438 - 成瘾性间谍用拘束服▪SCP-439 - 寄骨蜂群▪SCP-440 - 沙基生态圈▪SCP-441 - Jacob公羊▪SCP-442 - 准点怀表▪SCP-443 - 思想流蜡笔▪SCP-444 - 和谐社会用语▪SCP-445 - "Dr.Wondertainment的神奇折纸"▪SCP-446 - 人类服装模特▪SCP-447 - 绿色黏液球▪SCP-448 - 惊吓盒▪SCP-449 - 腸埃▪SCP-450 - 被遗弃的联邦监狱▪SCP-451 - 孤独者▪SCP-452 - 捕梦蜘蛛▪SCP-453 - 演剧夜总会▪SCP-454 - 漫画书▪SCP-455 - 货船▪SCP-456 - 催眠壁虱▪SCP-457 - 炎魔▪SCP-458 - 无限批萨盒▪SCP-459 - 星际恒温器▪SCP-460 - 唤灵雨云▪SCP-461 - 幽灵电视▪SCP-462 - 逃逸汽车▪SCP-463 - 弯人之勺▪SCP-464 - 人类铸造厂▪SCP-465 - 派对盒▪SCP-466 - 移动血管▪SCP-467 - 自白电话亭▪SCP-468 - 算盘▪SCP-469 - 万翼天使▪SCP-470 - 弃地之枢▪SCP-471 - 卫星▪SCP-472 - 血石▪SCP-473 - 宿捭神▪SCP-474 - ℞FM▪SCP-475 - 教皇肥皂▪SCP-476 - 通往未知的地图▪SCP-477 - 化石海▪SCP-478 - 牙仙▪SCP-479 - Site 14,D级人员居住区四号走廊▪SCP-480 - 梦魇循环▪SCP-481 - 疤痕▪SCP-482 - 心理变异紧身衣▪SCP-483 - 抗衰老安慰剂▪SCP-484 - 窃忆毒药▪SCP-485 - 死亡圆珠笔▪SCP-486 - 夸特里姑之皮▪SCP-487 - 不可能房屋▪SCP-488 - 陨石吸引者▪SCP-489 - 灭虫队▪SCP-490 - 惊奇口味冰淇淋车▪SCP-491 - 残骸灯塔▪SCP-492 - 活生生的布制傀儡▪SCP-493 - 复制者▪SCP-494 - 物质置换手套▪SCP-495 - 造物机械▪SCP-496 - 沉没的遗迹▪SCP-497 - 贝壳▪SCP-498 - 11分钟睡眠▪SCP-499 - 太阳老人500到599▪SCP-500 - 万能药▪SCP-501 - 一美元纸钞▪SCP-502 - 器官替代品▪SCP-503 - 世界上最幸运的人▪SCP-504 - 致命一击番茄▪SCP-505 - 墨染▪SCP-506 - 速成植物▪SCP-507 - 不情愿的位面跳跃者▪SCP-508 - 随机点图▪SCP-509 - 人彘▪SCP-510 - 枕瘟▪SCP-511 - 地下室猫▪SCP-512 - 反重力雨伞▪SCP-513 - 牛铃▪SCP-514 - 一群鸽子▪SCP-515 - 沉眠者▪SCP-516 - 智能坦克▪SCP-517 - 自动预言机▪SCP-518 - 阿萨·拉特利奇的变化墓▪SCP-519 - 放肆电话亭▪SCP-520 - 联动开关▪SCP-521 - 郵筒▪SCP-522 - 吸血毯▪SCP-523 - 百无一用▪SCP-524 - 饕餮兔沃尔特▪SCP-525 - 眼蛛▪SCP-526 - 瓦尔哈拉之门▪SCP-527 - 魚先生▪SCP-528 - 巫毒诅咒▪SCP-529 - 半猫Josie▪SCP-530 - 百变狗carl▪SCP-531 - 猫眼守卫▪SCP-532 - 霜菌▪SCP-533 - 蛇形项链▪SCP-534 - 谬血▪SCP-535 - “信息交流”烧杯▪SCP-536 - 物理法则实验室▪SCP-537 - 歌唱留声机▪SCP-538 - 暗影蜘蛛▪SCP-539 - 完美扰乱碟▪SCP-540 - 植物炸弹▪SCP-541 - 活著的胸腔系统▪SCP-542 - 外科医学先生▪SCP-543 - 杂音▪SCP-544 - 新声▪SCP-545 - 生命之水/Totenkinder ▪SCP-546 - 认知崩坏笔记本▪SCP-547 - 笛卡尔名片▪SCP-548 - 冰蛛▪SCP-549 - 迷你熊▪SCP-550 - 食尸鬼▪SCP-551 - 不可能拼图▪SCP-552 - 领先人▪SCP-553 - 结晶蝶▪SCP-554 - 完美谋杀▪SCP-555 - 尸体磁铁▪SCP-556 - 涂鸦飞机▪SCP-557 - 远古收容设施▪SCP-558 - 奇怪的隐形眼镜▪SCP-559 - 生日时间!▪SCP-560 - 数据微生物▪SCP-561 - 隔代遗传区▪SCP-562 - 狂欢之诱▪SCP-563 - 中国恐龙农场▪SCP-564 - 未完成原始生化人▪SCP-565 - Ed的脑袋▪SCP-566 - 每日一词▪SCP-567 - 地下牢▪SCP-568 - 支离腰带▪SCP-569 - 浮首▪SCP-570 - 木偶秀手套!!!▪SCP-571 - 感染性自我复制图案▪SCP-572 - 有坚不摧之刃▪SCP-573 - 诱拐魔笛▪SCP-574 - 落地屋▪SCP-575 - 掠食性黑暗▪SCP-576 - 祝好梦▪SCP-577 - 月光下独自一人▪SCP-578 - 血珀▪SCP-579 - [数据删除]▪SCP-580 - 秦皇五天座▪SCP-581 - 骑手之魂▪SCP-582 - 实体化故事集▪SCP-583 - 死亡录像带▪SCP-584 - 毛手毛脚▪SCP-585 - 转笔刀▪SCP-586 - 无可写就之物▪SCP-587 - 模型世界▪SCP-588 - 饕食硬币▪SCP-589 - 痴迷的代价▪SCP-590 - 与汝共苦▪SCP-591 - Dr. Wondertainment的红白机▪SCP-592 - 非正确历史书▪SCP-593 - 传染性数学盲▪SCP-594 - 电气绵羊▪SCP-595 - 传送驱逐舰▪SCP-596 - 再生诅咒雕像▪SCP-597 - 万物之母▪SCP-598 - 有知颜料▪SCP-599 - 未知之城600到699▪SCP-600 - “那家伙”▪SCP-601 - 索福克勒斯的合唱队▪SCP-602 - SoHo雕塑家▪SCP-603 - 自我复制程序▪SCP-604 - 堕落仪祭;饕人狂宴▪SCP-605 - 活体雷云▪SCP-606 - 「老师」▪SCP-607 - 道林·灰猫▪SCP-608 - 分形装饰箔▪SCP-609 - Wondertainment博士的存在论6号球®▪SCP-610 - 憎恨之血肉▪SCP-611 - 寄生牙签▪SCP-612 - 侵略性电缆▪SCP-613 - “神奇面包!”▪SCP-614 - IP地址57.32.███.███▪SCP-615 - 树团▪SCP-616 - 异界舱门▪SCP-617 - 宠物石▪SCP-618 - 迷雾雪茄▪SCP-619 - 幸运牛仔裤▪SCP-620 - 持续滑动的时间▪SCP-621 - 着迷郁金香▪SCP-622 - 荒漠一罐▪SCP-623 - 绝妙奇幻屋▪SCP-624 - "个人" 音乐播放机▪SCP-625 - 脚踝噬咬者▪SCP-626 - 视觉变更雕塑▪SCP-627 - 永动圈▪SCP-628 - 长笛杂树林▪SCP-629 - 黄铜先生▪SCP-630 - 黑色冰川▪SCP-631 - 惧黑夜行者▪SCP-632 - 侵入性蜘蛛形思维▪SCP-633 - 住在电脑里的Ghost▪SCP-634 - 健忘金鱼▪SCP-635 - 中世纪引导程序书▪SCP-636 - 通向未知的电梯▪SCP-637 - 传染性猫咪▪SCP-638 - 狂吼之人▪SCP-639 - 变形男▪SCP-640 - 耀光▪SCP-641 - 安撫娃娃▪SCP-642 - 温泉▪SCP-643 - 美味巧克力▪SCP-644 - 热先生▪SCP-645 - 真理之口▪SCP-646 - 育母蠕虫▪SCP-647 - 饥饿纸箱▪SCP-648 - 迷宫▪SCP-649 - 唤冬火柴盒▪SCP-650 - 吓人雕像▪SCP-651 - 组织溶解病毒▪SCP-652 - 天气预报狗▪SCP-653 - 飞去来器▪SCP-654 - 雷鸣号角▪SCP-655 - 异种▪SCP-656 - 家庭版本▪SCP-657 - 报亡师▪SCP-658 - "机器蝇"▪SCP-659 - 鸟类集体智慧▪SCP-660 - 陶制子宫▪SCP-661 - 铁齿铜牙推销员▪SCP-662 - 管家铃▪SCP-663 - 活體净水机▪SCP-664 - 无路之途▪SCP-665 - 垃圾君▪SCP-666 - 灵魂归宿▪SCP-667 - 野葛仙灵▪SCP-668 - 13英寸厨刀▪SCP-669 - 教育透视模型▪SCP-670 - 棉花家族▪SCP-671 - 拆解蚁▪SCP-672 - 石珊瑚▪SCP-673 - 生物组织▪SCP-674 - 虚拟干涉枪▪SCP-675 - 透窗之影▪SCP-676 - 超自然温泉▪SCP-677 - 不可预知的弹簧单高跷▪SCP-678 - 伤痛收割者▪SCP-679 - 烂眼病▪SCP-680 - 发条头骨▪SCP-681 - 杀人氦气▪SCP-682 - 不灭孽蜥▪SCP-683 - 冰箱上的画▪SCP-684 - 享侍兽▪SCP-685 - 无底深坑▪SCP-686 - 传染性催乳▪SCP-687 - 黑街▪SCP-688 - 穴居七鳃鳗▪SCP-689 - 黑暗中的祟神▪SCP-690 - 恶作剧绷带▪SCP-691 - 懦夫的出路▪SCP-692 - 色彩复现▪SCP-693 - 降头公仔▪SCP-694 - 荒唐的定义▪SCP-695 - 寄生鳗▪SCP-696 - 深渊打字机▪SCP-697 - 毒性星球改造剂▪SCP-698 - 判定小龟▪SCP-699 - 神秘之匣700到799▪SCP-700 - 彩绘工厂▪SCP-701 - 缢王悲歌▪SCP-702 - 商人居所▪SCP-703 - 壁橱之中▪SCP-704 - 危险路段▪SCP-705 - 军国主义培乐多▪SCP-706 - 完美瓷人偶▪SCP-707 - 套娃▪SCP-708 - 橘色的大叉车▪SCP-709 - 森林之眼▪SCP-710 - 噬人之城▪SCP-711 - 悖谬保险▪SCP-712 - 禁止色▪SCP-713 - 哪里不会点哪里▪SCP-714 - 疲惫玉戒▪SCP-715 - 我为我脸▪SCP-716 - 诡谲火车▪SCP-717 - 使者▪SCP-718 - 爆炸眼球▪SCP-719 - 光明使者▪SCP-720 - 天文起重机▪SCP-721 - 工厂玩具▪SCP-722 - 耶梦加得▪SCP-723 - 老化楼梯间▪SCP-724 - 浣熊宏声▪SCP-725 - 学舌鲸▪SCP-726 - 再生之蛆▪SCP-727 - 赫菲斯托斯的工坊▪SCP-728 - 永恒空间▪SCP-729 - 大理石浴缸▪SCP-730 - 除脑瘟疫▪SCP-731 - 鼠孔盖▪SCP-732 - 奇幻化瘟疫▪SCP-733 - 一双剪刀▪SCP-734 - 婴儿▪SCP-735 - 嘲讽之盒▪SCP-736 - 土卫八异象▪SCP-737 - 饥饿的火车▪SCP-738 - 与魔谋易▪SCP-739 - 镜像亭▪SCP-740 - 興登堡照片▪SCP-741 - 神秘苏联潜水艇▪SCP-742 - 反转录病毒▪SCP-743 - 一台巧克力喷泉▪SCP-744 - 仍需组装▪SCP-745 - 灯头▪SCP-746 - 鸦天狗▪SCP-747 - 玩偶鬼童▪SCP-748 - 工业解体▪SCP-749 - 雨滴声▪SCP-750 - 生命的另一种视角▪SCP-751 - 软体寄生虫▪SCP-752 - 无私的乌托邦▪SCP-753 - 自动绘图机器人▪SCP-754 - 虚实攀藤▪SCP-755 - “小心白鸟”▪SCP-756 - 迷你太阳系▪SCP-757 - 果树▪SCP-758 - 语法检查者-“瓦西里”▪SCP-759 - 酸味酵头▪SCP-760 - 洁净者▪SCP-761 - 有点儿危险的蹦床▪SCP-762 - 不朽的铁处女▪SCP-763 - 人类吸收体▪SCP-764 - 憎恶之木偶演剧▪SCP-765 - 鸭子池▪SCP-766 - 空气中的奇怪人形▪SCP-767 - 罪案现场照片▪SCP-768 - 远距离闹钟▪SCP-769 - 远古百科▪SCP-770 - 核辐射霉菌▪SCP-771 - 自修复生体智能▪SCP-772 - 巨型寄生蜂▪SCP-773 - 巫術飛鏢靶▪SCP-774 - 哨骨▪SCP-775 - 饕餮蜱虫▪SCP-776 - 回春仪祭▪SCP-777 - 沙之王国▪SCP-778 - 天堂瀑布▪SCP-779 - 棕精灵▪SCP-780 - 植珠▪SCP-781 - 无意识的造梦者▪SCP-782 - 全新的你▪SCP-783 - 那里有个歪歪扭扭的人▪SCP-784 - 圣诞欢歌▪SCP-785 - 连锁餐厅▪SCP-786 - 十二倍漏斗▪SCP-787 - 不存在的飞机▪SCP-788 - 熔岩鲤▪SCP-789 - 网络猎手▪SCP-790 - 血?▪SCP-791 - 水球体▪SCP-792 - 人体农场▪SCP-793 - 幽灵病原体▪SCP-794 - 沙漠船骸▪SCP-795 - 现实扭曲猫▪SCP-796 - 河猫▪SCP-797 - 好奇的捣蛋鬼▪SCP-798 - 鼠式连环死亡之谜▪SCP-799 - 肉食菌毯800到899▪SCP-800 - 东方画史▪SCP-801 - 七兽皮草▪SCP-802 - 音乐坦克▪SCP-803 - 掠食性阳伞▪SCP-804 - 无人之世界▪SCP-805 - 毒木马▪SCP-806 - 复生投影▪SCP-807 - 心脏病餐盘▪SCP-808 - 机械唱诗班▪SCP-809 - 军靴▪SCP-810 - 未竟之愿神灯▪SCP-811 - 沼女▪SCP-812 - 河之箱▪SCP-813 - 玻璃渣▪SCP-814 - 纯音▪SCP-815 - 恶作剧坚果罐▪SCP-816 - 机械虫族▪SCP-817 - 随变人▪SCP-818 - 被遗弃的项目▪SCP-819 - 体液吮吸糖▪SCP-820 - 彩绘蝗虫▪SCP-821 - 南部乐园▪SCP-822 - 地雷仙人掌▪SCP-823 - 恐怖嘉年华▪SCP-824 - 动态除草控制▪SCP-825 - 恐怖幻觉头盔▪SCP-826 - 美梦成真书架▪SCP-827 - 汤▪SCP-828 - ᖃᖃᖃᖃᖃᖃᖃᖃ/Qallupilluit/极地鱼女▪SCP-829 - 嗜血指甲油▪SCP-830 - 浊世沙流▪SCP-831 - 工蚁▪SCP-832 - 会计师之币▪SCP-833 - 慈善蠕虫▪SCP-834 - 马克笔▪SCP-835 - 被删除数据已放出▪SCP-836 - 建筑癌▪SCP-837 - 倍乘黏土▪SCP-838 - 梦中工作▪SCP-839 - 糖果蠕虫▪SCP-840 - 下水道支沟▪SCP-841 - 反向镜像巫毒娃娃棒子木偶▪SCP-842 - 手术台▪SCP-843 - “奶牛种子”▪SCP-844 - 爱哭鬼▪SCP-845 - 液体臭鼬▪SCP-846 - 机械老兄▪SCP-847 - 诡谲模特▪SCP-848 - 超维度蛛网▪SCP-849 - 完美的一天▪SCP-850 - 鱼群▪SCP-852 - 月海异船▪SCP-853 - 天气果酱▪SCP-854 - 梦桥▪SCP-855 - 电影放映厅▪SCP-856 - 河狮▪SCP-857 - 人基生态系统▪SCP-858 - 重力虹云▪SCP-859 - 惧蛛球▪SCP-860 - 蓝钥匙▪SCP-861 - 坠世天使▪SCP-862 - 魔鼠▪SCP-863 - 拼接蟹▪SCP-864 - 高效盆▪SCP-865 - 绅士的惩戒▪SCP-866 - 超級電腦▪SCP-867 - 血杉▪SCP-868 - 助记模因▪SCP-869 - 48年的夏天▪SCP-870 - 莫须有怪▪SCP-871 - 再生蛋糕▪SCP-872 - 破烂稻草人▪SCP-873 - 俄罗斯水晶球▪SCP-874 - 深渊液体▪SCP-875 - 战犯▪SCP-876 - 元素置换药片▪SCP-877 - Alexylva大学脑中芯片▪SCP-878 - 演员▪SCP-879 - 殖民鲸▪SCP-880 - 徘徊凛冬▪SCP-881 - 小人群▪SCP-882 - 一台机器▪SCP-883 - 超维度蜂巢▪SCP-884 - 剃须镜▪SCP-885 - 活体真空▪SCP-886 - “南妮”▪SCP-887 - 多寫症患者▪SCP-888 - 记忆石▪SCP-889 - 配种中心▪SCP-890 - 机械医师▪SCP-891 - 加利福尼亚农田▪SCP-892 - 全人类数据表▪SCP-893 - 無性生殖者▪SCP-894 - 勿言,勿闻,勿视▪SCP-896 - 在线角色扮演游戏▪SCP-897 - 巫毒器官移植▪SCP-898 - 反模因媒介▪SCP-899 - 失踪的孩子900 to 999▪SCP-900 - 太阳之城▪SCP-901 - 广场上的建筑▪SCP-902 - 最后的倒计时▪SCP-903 - 无尽可能的管道▪SCP-904 - 短诗▪SCP-905 - 变色龙先生▪SCP-906 - “三光”蜂巢▪SCP-907 - 一辆探索车▪SCP-908 - 同步存在石块▪SCP-909 - 健忘先生▪SCP-910 - 尘埃,具现▪SCP-911 - 埃及死者之书▪SCP-912 - 自主型SWAT装甲▪SCP-913 - 饥饿先生▪SCP-914 - 万能转换机▪SCP-915 - 机械非欧计算机▪SCP-916 - 人类至友▪SCP-917 - 月亮先生▪SCP-918 - 婴儿磨坊▪SCP-919 - 祈求镜▪SCP-920 - 迷路先生▪SCP-921 - 记忆博物馆▪SCP-922 - 真伪莫辨大学▪SCP-923 - 一个有用的工具▪SCP-924 - 冰水掠食者▪SCP-925 - 蘑菇的狂信徒▪SCP-926 - 古琴▪SCP-927 - 蔓生屋▪SCP-928 - 白王▪SCP-929 - 杜鹃鱼▪SCP-930 - 闹鬼岛▪SCP-931 - 一个饭碗▪SCP-932 - 猎梦者▪SCP-933 - 强力胶布▪SCP-934 - 内陆灯塔▪SCP-935 - 传家扑克▪SCP-936 - 人類果實▪SCP-937 - 虫树枝▪SCP-938 - 鲜血与雷鸣▪SCP-939 - 千喉之兽▪SCP-940 - 木偶蜘蛛▪SCP-941 - 机械运动病▪SCP-942 - 鲜血糖果▪SCP-943 - 洗罪报冤▪SCP-944 - 镜之迷宫▪SCP-945 - 巫沙布提俑▪SCP-946 - 谈笑风生▪SCP-947 - [脏话已编辑]养的▪SCP-948 - 工作成瘾者▪SCP-949 - Wondertainment游乐园▪SCP-950 - 干衣机▪SCP-951 - 我的朋友LUCAS▪SCP-952 - NP摇滚▪SCP-953 - 多形态类人▪SCP-954 - 发声蛙▪SCP-955 - 粘液蛮怪▪SCP-956 - 破童罐▪SCP-957 - 诱饵▪SCP-958 - Beep将军▪SCP-959 - 床边妖怪▪SCP-960 - 灵感之源▪SCP-961 - Alexylva大学现史日晷▪SCP-962 - 巴贝尔塔▪SCP-963 - 不朽▪SCP-964 - 不可名状多相体▪SCP-965 - 窗中之脸▪SCP-966 - 睡梦杀手▪SCP-967 - 无限废品回收厂▪SCP-968 - 柏油婴儿▪SCP-969 - █████牌驱蚊剂▪SCP-970 - 轮回之间▪SCP-971 - 濒危物种快餐外卖▪SCP-972 - 免疫▪SCP-973 - 公路巡警▪SCP-974 - 树屋猎手▪SCP-975 - 地铁青蛙▪SCP-976 - 不寻常的硬盘▪SCP-977 - 安保室▪SCP-978 - 欲望相机▪SCP-979 - 陶瓷兔▪SCP-980 - 细节之湮灭▪SCP-981 - 导演剪辑版▪SCP-982 - 芝加哥循环▪SCP-983 - 生日歌猴▪SCP-984 - 公共卫生间▪SCP-985 - 失物招领处▪SCP-986 - 福克纳最终密码手稿▪SCP-987 - 惊悚画廊▪SCP-988 - 打不开的箱子▪SCP-989 - 自卫蔗糖▪SCP-990 - 梦行示兆者▪SCP-991 - 一支注射器▪SCP-992 - 地母的使者▪SCP-993 - 小丑巴伯▪SCP-994 - 银色飞碟▪SCP-995 - 长榻惊魂▪SCP-996 - 负容箔▪SCP-997 - 消虫器▪SCP-998 - 迷踪战爪▪SCP-999 - 痒痒怪。



IR Receiver Modules for Remote Control SystemsTSOP382.., TSOP384.. Vishay SemiconductorsMECHANICAL DATA Pinning:1 = OUT,2 = GND,3 = V S FEATURES•Very low supply current•Photo detector and preamplifier in one package •Internal filter for PCM frequency•Improved shielding against EMI•Supply voltage: 2.5 V to 5.5 V•Improved immunity against ambient light•Insensitive to supply voltage ripple and noise •Component in accordance to RoH S 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/ECDESCRIPTIONThe TSOP382.., TSOP384.. series are miniaturized receivers for infrared remote control systems. A PIN diode and a preamplifier are assembled on a lead frame, the epoxy package acts as an IR filter.The demodulated output signal can be directly decoded by a microprocessor. The TSOP382.. is compatible with all common IR remote control data formats. The TSOP384.. is optimized to suppress almost all spurious pulses from energy saving fluorescent lamps but will also suppress some data signals.This component has not been qualified according to automotive specifications.BLOCK DIAGRAM APPLICATION CIRCUIT19026PARTS TABLECARRIER FREQUENCY STANDARD APPLICATIONS (AGC2/AGC8)VERY NOISY ENVIRONMENTS (AGC4) 30 kHz TSOP38230TSOP3843033 kHz TSOP38233TSOP3843336 kHz TSOP38236TSOP3843638 kHz TSOP38238TSOP3843840 kHz TSOP38240TSOP3844056 kHz TSOP38256TSOP38456TSOP382.., TSOP384..IR Receiver Modules for Remote Control SystemsVishay SemiconductorsNote(1)Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating condtions for extended periods may affect the device reliability.Note (1)T amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICST amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedFig. 1 - Output Active LowFig. 2 - Pulse Length and Sensitivity in Dark AmbientABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSYMBOLVALUE UNIT Supply voltage (pin 3)V S - 0.3 to + 6.0V Supply current (pin 3)I S 3mA Output voltage (pin 1)V O - 0.3 to (V S + 0.3)V Output current (pin 1)I O 5mA Junction temperatureT j 100°C Storage temperature range T stg - 25 to + 85°C Operating temperature range T amb - 25 to + 85°C Power consumption T amb ≤ 85°C P tot 10mW Soldering temperaturet ≤ 10 s, 1 mm from case T sd260°CELECTRICAL AND OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (1)PARAMETER TEST CONDITION SYMBOL MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Supply current (pin 3)E v = 0, V S = 3.3 V I SD 0.270.350.45mA E v = 40 klx, sunlightI SH 0.45mA Supply voltage V S 2.55.5V Transmission distance E v = 0, test signal see fig. 1,IR diode TSAL6200,I F = 250 mA d 45m Output voltage low (pin 1)I OSL = 0.5 mA, E e = 0.7 mW/m 2,test signal see fig. 1V OSL 100mV Minimum irradiance Pulse width tolerance:t pi - 5/f o < t po < t pi + 6/f o ,test signal see fig. 1E e min.0.150.35mW/m 2Maximum irradiance t pi - 5/f o < t po < t pi + 6/f o ,test signal see fig. 1E e max.30W/m 2DirectivityAngle of half transmission distanceϕ1/2± 45degE eV O V VTSOP382.., TSOP384..Vishay SemiconductorsIR Receiver Modules for Remote Control SystemsFig. 3 - Output FunctionFig. 4 - Output Pulse DiagramFig. 5 - Frequency Dependence of ResponsivityFig. 6 - Sensitivity in Bright AmbientFig. 7 - Sensitivity vs. Supply Voltage DisturbancesFig. 8 - Sensitivity vs. Electric Field DisturbancesE eV O V V OL0. 1.1 1.3f/f 0 - Relati v e Fre qu ency16925E /E - R e l. R e s p o n s i v i t y e m i n.eTSOP382.., TSOP384.. IR Receiver Modules forRemote Control SystemsVishay SemiconductorsFig. 9 - Max. Envelope Duty Cycle vs. Burst Length Fig. 10 - Sensitivity vs. Ambient Temperature Fig. 11 - Relative Spectral Sensitivity vs. WavelengthFig. 12 - Horizontal DirectivityFig. 13 - Vertical Directivity Fig. 14 - Sensitivity vs. Supply VoltageTSOP382.., TSOP384..Vishay SemiconductorsIR Receiver Modules for Remote Control SystemsSUITABLE DATA FORMATThe TSOP382.., TSOP384.. series are designed to suppress spurious output pulses due to noise or disturbance signals.Data and disturbance signals can be distinguished by the devices according to carrier frequency, burst length and envelope duty cycle. The data signal should be close to the band-pass center frequency (e.g. 38 kH z) and fulfill the conditions in the table below.When a data signal is applied to the TSOP382.., TSOP384..in the presence of a disturbance signal, the sensitivity of the receiver is reduced to insure that no spurious pulses are present at the output. Some examples of disturbance signals which are suppressed are:•DC light (e.g. from tungsten bulb or sunlight)•Continuous signals at any frequency•Strongly or weakly modulated noise from fluorescent lamps with electronic ballasts (see figure 15 or figure 16)Fig. 15 - IR Signal from Fluorescent Lampwith Low ModulationFig. 16 - IR Signal from Fluorescent Lampwith High ModulationNoteFor data formats with short bursts please see the datasheet for TSOP381.., TSOP383..0101520Time (ms)16920I R S i g n a l50101520Time (ms)16921I R S i g n a l10TSOP382..TSOP384..Minimum burst length10 cycles/burst 10 cycles/burst After each burst of lengtha minimum gap time is required of10 to 70 cycles ≥ 10 cycles 10 to 35 cycles ≥ 10 cycles For bursts greater thana minimum gap time in the data stream is needed of 70 cycles > 4 x burst length35 cycles> 10 x burst lengthMaximum number of continuous short bursts/second 18001500Compatible to NEC code yes yes Compatible to RC5/RC6 code yes yes Compatible to Sony codeyes no Compatible to Thomson 56 kHz codeyes yes Compatible to Mitsubishi code (38 kHz, preburst 8 ms, 16 bit)yes no Compatible to Sharp codeyesyesSuppression of interference from fluorescent lampsMost common disturbance signals are suppressedEven extreme disturbance signals are suppressedTSOP382.., TSOP384..IR Receiver Modules forVishay SemiconductorsRemote Control SystemsPACKAGE DIMENSIONS in millimetersTSOP382.., TSOP384..Vishay Semiconductors IR Receiver Modules forRemote Control SystemsOZONE DEPLETING SUBSTANCES POLICY STATEMENTIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operating systems withrespect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment. It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances. Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively.2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) in the USA.3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyDisclaimer Legal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网。


第三段:YYGGgg 发报地址 YYGGgg 表示发报的日、时、分(世界时)。后面亦用八个字符。 如“230855 ZUGHYMYX”表示是由广汉机场气象台于 23 号 08 时 55 分(世界时)发也的电报。”
第四段:TTAAKK CCCC YYGGgg BBB TT 表示气象电报的类别,见表一
AA 表示地理代码,如中国用“CI”日本 ZP KK 表示中国各区编码,见表二。
- 表示轻的
MI 浅的
降水 3
DZ 毛毛雨
天气现象 视程障碍
BR 轻雾
+表示强的 (大浓)
中间无须说 明
BC 散片的
DR 风吹起的 (低)
BL 风吹起的(高 的)
RA 雨 SN 雪 SG 米雪
FG 雾 FU 烟 VA 火山灰
SH 阵性的
IC 冰针
DU 浮尘
VC 表示机 场附近
1、报头 第一段:ZCZC TYMXXX
ZCZC TYM 为关键字,一般不变,XXX 为所发电报编号,如第 25 份电报为(ZCZC TYM025)
第二段:GG/DD GG 为关键字,指普通报,DD 也是关键字,指危险报,后面跟 八个字符为一组的收报地址,前四个字母为机场四字代码,后四 个字符为收报部门如气象台为“YMYX”,国际民航收集中心为 “YPYX”,发电台为“YFYX”,站调为“ZPZP”,区调为“ZXZX”。
如“SACI35 ZGGG 250100”表示:中国华南广州于 25 日 01 时的一份日常天气报告。

3573 1231中文资料

3573 1231中文资料

Version: 1 = without diode 3 = with diode 4 = with electrostatic shielding and diode

Rev. No. A Revision Note Web Site 2000 Date 25-1-00 Signature RG
As part of the company policy of continued product improvement, specifications may change without notice. Our sales office will be pleased to help you with the latest information on this product range and details of our full design and manufacturing service. All products are supplied to our standard conditions of sale otherwise agreed in writing. ©2000 Copyright Comus Group of Companies
VERSION CONTACT FORM COIL PARAMETERS NOMINAL COIL VOLTAGE PULL-IN VOLTAGE DROP-OUT VOLTAGE OPERATING VOLTAGE COIL RESISTANCE CONTACT PARAMETERS SWITCHING CAPACITY SWITCHING VOLTAGE SWITCHING CURRENT CARRY CURRENT CONTACT RESISTANCE DIELECTRIC STRENGTH RELAY PARAMETERS DIELECTRIC STRENGTH INSULATION RESISTANCE STORAGE TEMPERATURE OPERATING TEMPERATURE PULL-IN TIME INCL. BOUNCE TIME MAX. DROP-OUT TIME WITH DIODE WEIGHT Also available with diode or with electrostatic shielding and diode FEATURES Industry Standard Housing coil/contact coil/contact VDC Ω °C °C ms ms approx. Ordering Information PART NUMBER 35 70 1210 05 1 Product group Contact code Standard type Nominal coil voltage 05 = 5V 12 = 12V 24 = 24V 500 1010 -40 +105 -35 +80 1.2 0.8 2.3 Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Min. W/VA V A A mΩ VDC 5 100AC/DC 0.5 1.0 150 200 Max. Min. Max. ±10% VDC VDC VDC VDC Ω 5 3.5 1 10 200 12 8 2 18 500 24 16 4 35 2150 DIL-High Profile 1 Change Over



205 DOOR
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
园周 等级 分类 滤水器 清除(交换) 螺帽 顺时针,右转的 截止 离合器 驾驶舱 共用
准直(平行) 圆柱 结合 燃烧(氧化) 空流器 结束整流器 间隔(舱) 完全的,圆满的 完全, 成分,构造 压缩 压缩机 集中性的 蓄电池 导管,水管 结合,连接

100818 常用塑胶材料牌号

100818 常用塑胶材料牌号

日本宝理(Polyplstics),台湾奇美(Chimei),美国通用(GE),美国GLS,美国杜邦(Dupont),美国山都坪(Santoprene),德国拜耳(Bayer),德国巴赛尔(Basell),德国巴斯夫(Basf),瑞士EMS,韩国三星(Samsung),韩国LG,韩国晓星(Hyosung),美国泰科纳(Ticona),美国液氮(LNP),美国伊士曼(Eastman),雪佛龙菲利浦(Chevron Phillips),日本UMG,日本宇部(UBE),日本三菱(Mitsubishi),日本住友(Sumitomo),日本帝人(Teijin),日本油墨(DIC),日本旭化成(Asahi Kasei)日本东丽(Toray),沙特基础(Sabic),比利时苏威(Solvay),英国英力士(Ineos)常用塑胶材料牌号PP泰国HP480S、332K、3342M、3342R、348S、1100NK、1102、1126NK、200F、348N、茂名T30S、T36F、V30G;台塑3015、1005、1040、1080、1120、1124、2080、3040、3040C、FPD943、K1011 K1023北京B303、EPC30R、HHP1、HHP3、HHP4印度SS35N、H030SG、H100EY、H110MA台湾3010、K1020、K1011、K1023、K1035、K4015、K4515、K4535、K8010、K8025、K8802、1005、T8002、4210、4410、7533、6331、7633 ST868M日本住友W531、W531A;韩国现代H1500、H5300、DJ560S、DJ570S、H1501、H4540、M1250、M1600、R1610、DJ570S、台湾永嘉1120、3204、5020、3015、3080、5090T燕山石化1300、B4808、K1001、K1003、K1005、K1008、K4818、K4912、K7726、K7760、K8303、K9020、K9035、T1701、T1702扬子石化F401、F501、J301G、J340、K8003、K9015、K9927、S1004、S2309、S700、3008、307G、706上海赛科K4912、M800E、3317、510M、C1007、K4912、K7926、K7930、K8003、S1003、S2040宁波1120、3015、5090T、台湾福聚366-3、366-4、366-5、6331、6524、73F4-3、7533、7633、7633-3、7633U、PD943、ST751、ST031、ST868M、ST869M、PJ3001、PJ3003、PJ3004、台湾南亚3219M3、3317、3307、3117、3310韩国晓星J440、J440X、J640、J740X、J801R、HJ800R、HJ801R、J440W、R300X、R301、R530A、J340、B100N、J700、J742S、R401、R601、R701新加坡7033N、9999SS、AW564、AZ864、AY564、W531L、W531P、Y101H、Z433、1304E1、AP03B韩国锦湖H150U美国0544、GF30-04、H17UC00、TS01广州金发PP-20、R008、G220、R30-701、TC15G、FR-NC03、香港NB2620G、NB2630G、美国液氮MFL-36S、4036HS、MS-1003南非100P、HKR102埃克森7032E3、7033E3、AP03B、AP3AW、AP7885巴赛尔EP300H、HP550J、KY6110巴西H103、H503中石油独山子A180TM、A002TM、A200T、AF005、DY-GK2590S、W0723F、W0825RT俄罗斯21030法国3365沙特500P、520L、570P、575P、578P、670K、910MNK40上海石化F800E、M1600E、M180R、M250E、M2600R、M450E、M500、M700R、M800E、T300、Y2600、Y3700CPP填充级(滑石粉填充10%-30%)、高刚性、高耐热。






参考文献[1] Davies J. Inactivation of antibiotics and the dissemintion of resistanc genes. Science, 1994, 264:357-382.选用微生态制剂需注意菌株安全性一些多联微生态制剂含有粪肠球菌:1.贝飞达肠溶胶囊: 长型双歧杆菌+嗜酸乳杆菌+粪肠球菌2.思联康: 婴儿型双歧杆菌+嗜酸乳杆菌++蜡样芽孢杆菌+粪肠球菌3妈咪爱,美常安: 枯草杆菌+屎肠球菌过去认为肠球菌是对人体无害的共生菌,但近年来的研究已经证实它是严重的条件致病菌,具有潜在致病性。


肠球菌属亦可产生一种质粒编码的、可增加感染严重程度的溶血素(cytolysin)[1],其毒力因子还有聚集物质(AS)、表面蛋白(esp)、心内膜炎抗原(efaA)、明胶酶(gelE)、胶原结合蛋白(ace)、胞外超氧化物(O2-)、透明质酸酶、性信息素等[2],从而引起尿路感染、皮肤软组织感染,还可引起危及生命的腹腔感染、败血症、心内膜炎和脑膜炎等,死亡率达21.0~27.5 %[3],主要见于免疫力低下或过量使用抗生素的患者[4]。





1 3.58或3 表示3.58MHz N TSC制2 4.43或4 表示4.43MHz副载波或PAL3 50Hz或5 加在调整项目中,特指此调整项目针对50Hz场扫描4 60Hz或6 加在调整项目中,特指此调整项目针对60Hz场扫描5 50Hz C POS 50Hz行中心校正6 H - SIZE 行幅7 V - AMP: 场幅8 V - HEIGHT9 V - LINERITY场线性10 V - PHASE 场相位(场中心)11 V - S - CORRECT 垂直S校正12 ABL ABL(自动亮度限制);ABL开关13 ABL CON T ABL(自动亮度限制)控制值14 ABL GAIN 自动亮度控制增益15 ABL POIN T 自动亮度控制点16 ABL STAR ABL(自动亮度限制)起始值17 ADDRESS 地址18 ADJUSTMEN T 调整19 AF 自动频率控制状态20 AFC AFC;A FC环路增益;AFC开关;AFC模式21 AFC MODE EX T 自动频率控制外接模式22 AFC MODE TV自动频率控制电视模式23 AFF AFC关断24 AFT 自动频率微调 F V CO(图像中频压控振荡器)调整;中频VCO25 AFT/SKIP 自动微调/跳跃26 AFTO AFT输出27 AGC 自动增益控制;AGC自动/恒定;AGC起控点28 AGC - TAKE AGC起控点29 AIP 调整中频锁相环30 AKB 显像管暗平衡自动调整;AKB关断蓝截止31 AL 自动音量调整32 ALIGN; 调整33 ALIGNMENTS34 ALS 音频电平设置35 AMPLI50Hz 50Hz场幅调整36 AS 自动扫描37 AUDIO 伴音;音频38 AUTO FLESH 自动肤色校正39 AUTO SRCH自动搜索40 A V 音频/视频;视频设定;A V输入端子数41 A V MODE A V模式42 A V SHARPNESS A V锐度43 A V TINT A V色调44 A VI ONLY Y/YN 可选择一路A V或两路A V输入45 A V-MODE A V模式46 AX AGC删除47 B;B-显像管亮平衡蓝色调整48 B BIAS;B_;B CU T OFF 蓝偏置;显像管阿暗平衡蓝色调整49 B DRIVE(GAIN) 蓝色激励(增益);显像管亮平衡蓝色激励调整50 BLUE 蓝色51 BALANCE 平衡52 BAND MODE 波段控制模式53 BAND OUT 波段输出54 BASIC 基本(型)55 BASS 低音;副低音56 BB;BC;BCF;B - CO; 蓝枪截止点;显像管暗平衡蓝枪调整57 BCT;BCU T;BCUT OFF;B-58 CU TOFF59 BCW 亮度控制范围60 BD;BDR;B-DRIVE;BDRV; 蓝激励;显像管亮平衡蓝激励调整61 BDRY62 BEL;BELL;BELLFO;BELL FILTER SECA M钟型滤波器63 BG B.G伴音制式设置64 BG;B - GAIN 蓝激励;显像管亮平衡蓝激励调整65 BH童锁66 BK时钟67 BKP 消隐图像;消隐关断图像;消隐关断时的图像数据68 BL 平衡69 BALCK STR;BLACKSTRECH黑电平扩展70 BLACK STRETCH POINT 黑电平扩展点71 BLK SW 消隐开关72 BLOCK组件73 BLU;BLUE 蓝;蓝背景;蓝背景ON/OFF74 BLUE BACK MODE 蓝背景模式75 BLUE GAIN 蓝激励;显像管亮平衡蓝激励调整76 BOW 弓形77 BR 亮度;副亮度78 BR ABL TH亮度ABL阀值;ABL起控点调整79 BRAND 商标;厂标显示80 BRC 蓝枪截止点;显像管暗平衡蓝枪调整81 BRI亮度;副亮度82 BRI ABL TH亮度ABL阀值;ABL起控点调整83 BRI CE 亮度中心调值84 BRI MA;BRI MI亮度最大(最小)值85 BRIGHT; BRIGHT-NESS 亮度;副亮度86 BR T 亮度;框亮度数据(索尼)87 BR T ABL 亮度ABL(控制量)88 BR TC 副亮度中间值;亮度调整中心数据89 BR TN 最小亮度;副亮度最小值90 BR TS 亮度调整中心数据校正;副亮度校正91 BR TX 副亮度最大值92 BT 亮度93 BTSC BTSC制立体声94 BUS 总线95 BUS CONT OK总线控制正常96 BUS LINE OK 总线正常97 BUS OFF 总线关断98 B-Y BLACK OFFSET B-Y信号黑偏移量99 C.BLK 色度信号消隐100 CANCEL 清除101 C-B 显像管暗平衡蓝色调整102 CFO色度陷波器f o调整103 C-G 显像管暗平衡绿色调整104 CHINESE OSD中文屏显105 CHINESE TUNER 中国制式高频头106 SUB R-CU TOFF 在彩色降噪接通时的红枪截止点校正107 SUB SHARP;SUB-SHARTNESS 副锐度108 SUB TINT 副色调109 SUB-VOLUME 副音量110 SU PER WIDE GEOMETRY超宽屏幕几何失真111 SURROUND 环绕声112 SV4 4.43A V(视频)副清晰度(中心值)113 SX4 4.43副清晰度最大值114 SY;SYS;SYSTEM 制式;多制式系统115 SYN;SYNC 同步;合成器116 TC 梯形失真117 TCC 色调控制中心118 T-COLOR BA R 彩条信号119 TCW 色调控制范围120 TEB 文本显示亮度121 TEC 文本显示对比度122 TELETEX T 图文电视123 TEST PA TTERN 测试图124 TEST SIGNAL 测试信号125 TEXT CON TRAST 文本对比度126 TEXT.H;TEX T.V屏显水平(垂直)位置127 TEXT/MIX文本/混合128 TINT 色调129 TINTC 色调中心值130 TLT 倾斜失真(梯形失真)131 TMN;TMX色调控制最小(最大)值132 TN 高频头133 TNTC 副色调中间值134 TNTN;TN TX 副色调最小(最大)值135 TONE 音调136 TRAP 陷波137 TPC;TR;TRAP;TRP 梯形失真138 TRAPEZIUM;TRAPEZOID 梯形失真139 TRE;TREBLE 高音140 TSC 图文对比度141 TUNER 调谐器;高频头142 TV SY STEMS 电视制式143 TXCN;TXCX屏显对比度最小(最大)值144 TXH 屏显水平位置145 TXP;TXPIC 图文图像(对比度)146 TXT 文本;图文;屏显147 TYPE 类型148 UCBOW 上部偏中弓形失真149 UCC 对比度控制中心150 UCP 上角枕形失真151 UCW 单色控制范围152 UHF ONLY Y/N可选择一路UHF接收获全接收153 ULN 上部场线性154 UNKNOWN 不能确定155 UP 上156 UTIL T;UTL 上部倾斜失真(梯形失真)157 UV UHF/VHF158 UVG 用户可变y校正159 UYB;UYBOW 垂直上角弓形失真160 V AMPLITUDE 场幅161 V CEN TERING 场中心162 V COMP 场补偿163 V FREQUENCY 场频164 V LIN;V LNEARITY场线性165 V OU T PHASE50 50Hz场中心(场输出相位) 166 V POSI 场中心167 V SC;V S-CORRECTION场S校正168 V SHIFT 场中心169 V SIZE 场幅170 V25;V 50 音量调整20%(50%)位置音量数据值171 V60 60Hz场中心调节;60Hz场幅(飞利浦)172 V A;V-A场幅度;垂直孔阑补偿173 V AD 视频输出幅度174 V AG 对角失真(平行四边形失真)175 value 数值176 V AM;V-AMPL;V-AMPLITUDE 场幅177 V-ANG 场对角形失真178 V AP 场幅179 V A W 垂直孔阑白色180 V-BIAS 场偏置181 VBW 场消隐宽度控制182 VCD MD EX T 视频时的VCD(视频/色度/扫描)模式183 VCD MD TEX T 图文时的VCD(视频/色度/扫描)模式184 VCD MD TV TV时的VCD(视频/色度/扫描)模式185 V-CENTER 场中心186 VCO压控振荡器;38MHz中频振荡187 VCOMP 亮度变化引起的场幅失真校正188 V-COMPENSA TION 场补偿189 V-CORRECT 垂直校正;场线性校正190 VCP 垂直补偿;光栅亮度变化时,场幅校正设置191 VCX压控晶体振荡器自由振荡频率192 VENH 梳状滤波器垂直加强(轮廓校正)193 VER;VERSION 版本;类型194 VERT LINEARITY场线性调整195 VFQ;VFR 场频196 VH 场幅197 VID 视频;图像检波;视频识别模式198 V-ID SW 视频识别开关199 VIDEO 视频;视频输入设定(设定为3个)200 VIDEO H.CEN 行相位;行中心201 VIDEO LEVEL 视频电平202 VIF SY S中频设定203 VL;V-L 伴音限制;场线性204 VLB 场线性校正205 VLIN;V-LIN;V-LINEAR;VLN 场线性206 CHROMA GAIN 色度增益207 CHROMA TRA P FO 色度信号陷波频率208 CHROMA TRA P Q色度信号陷波Q值209 CLC 彩色控制中心;色度控制中心210 CLOCK时钟211 CMN;CMX 色度控制最小(最大)值212 CNP;CNR 光栅角部校正失真213 CNR GAIN 彩色降噪增益214 CN T 对比度215 CN T CE 对比度中心值216 CN T MA;CNT MI对比度最大(最小)值217 CNTC 对比度调整中间值;副对比度中间值218 CNTN;CNTX (副)对比度最小(最大)值219 CO443 PA L彩色(色度)中心220 COINCIDENTDET LEVEL 符合检测电平221 COL MA彩色(色度)最大值222 COLC N制副色度中间值;色度调整中间值223 COLN 副色度最小值224 COLOR 彩色;色度225 COLOR LIMIT LEVEL 色度限制电平226 COLOR LIMIT SW 色度限制切换227 COLOUR 彩色228 COLP PAL制色度中间值AL副色度中心值229 COLS SECAM色度中间值;SECA M副色度中间值230 COLX 副色度最大值231 COMB 梳状滤波器232 COMMUNICA TION 通讯233 CONNECTION 连接234 CON;CONT;CON TRAST 对比度;副对比度235 COOL 冷;白平衡冷色调236 COR;CO RINC 核化(降噪);核化降噪峰值237 CORPN;CP;C-P;CR 四角枕形失真238 C-R 显像管暗平衡红色调整239 CRH;CRL 设定字符高(低)240 CROSS HA TCH格子信号241 CSD字符的显示位置242 CSW 彩色开关243 S-SYSTEM 彩色制式244 CT 对比度;色度陷波(索尼)245 CUT-OFF 截止;显像管截止点调整(暗平衡调整)246 CV屏显垂直位置;CV/YC(复合视频信号/Y C信号)选择247 DA TA 数据248 DA TE 日期249 D-B 显像管亮平衡蓝色调整250 DC GREEN PAL 绿枪截止(显像管暗平衡)调整251 DC RED PAL 红枪截止(显像管暗平衡)调整252 DC TRAIN RA TE 直流补偿程度253 DEFECT MODULE 产生故障的电路组件254 DEGAU 消磁;消磁功能接通/断开255 DELTA COOL 偏冷色(白平衡)256 DELTA COOL BLUE(GREEN RED) 冷色调白平衡蓝(绿\红)数据257 DELTA WARM 偏暖色白平衡258 DELTA WARM BLUE(GREEN RED) 暖色调白平衡蓝(绿\红)数据259 DEMP FO去加重频率260 DIAGNOSE 故障自检(代码)261 DID 消磁关闭262 DIGI OSD;DIGITAL OSD 数字OSD(屏显)设定263 DIGITAL SCAN数字扫描264 DISPLA Y显示;屏显语言选择265 DK D/K伴音制式设置266 DL;DLT;DLY 延迟控制;延时267 DPC 枕形失真校正(东芝);动态图像ON/OFF(索尼)268 DPCS 50Hz/60Hz校正269 DPI;D-PIC 动态图像270 D-R 显像管亮平衡红色调整271 DRG SW 以红枪或绿枪为准(DRGSW用于转换显像管红绿枪,按遥控器电平增/减键在R、G(红、枪)之间转变)272 DRV CN T 激励控制273 DSHFT 直流电平移(水平静会聚微调)274 DT 延时275 DT BW 黑白延时276 DVM VM(速度调制)静噪失效277 EAST/WEST CO RNER 光栅四角调整278 EAST/WEST PARABOLA光栅左右枕形失真279 EAST/WEST TO P COMPENSA TION 光栅顶部补偿280 EAST/WEST TRAPEZIUM 光栅梯形失真281 EEPROM 电可檫可编程存储器282 EFFECT 效果283 EHH;EHV 高压对光栅行幅(场幅)的影响284 ENGLISH ONLY 仅有英文285 EQ+DOLBY 均衡器+杜比286 EQUALIZER 均衡器287 ER;ERR;ERRORS 故障;错误;故障自检代码288 ERC 误差计数;故障计数289 EURO A V 欧洲标准A V输入290 EVG 场保护启动291 EVOL 外接信号预置音量292 EW 光栅左右枕形失真293 EW-CORNER 光栅左右角部失真294 EW-PARABO;EW-PARABOLA光栅左右枕形失真295 F TRAP 陷波微调296 FAC 工厂297 FBP BL SW 行逆程脉冲消隐开关298 F-BW 强制黑白切换299 FEA TURE-BOX 特色电路组件300 FG P FM伴音(BG、I、DK制)预置音量301 FILT;FIL TER;FL T 滤波器302 FM 调频模拟伴音303 FM GAIN 调频伴音增益304 FM LEVEL 调频伴音电平305 FMA调频伴音衰减电平306 FORCED COLOUR 强制彩色307 FRAME 桢;框308 FRU、FRV、FRY U(V、Y)信号桢309 FSW 强制开关310 FU福字设定(康佳)311 FUNCTIONAL TEST 功能测试312 FVOL FM伴音音量预刻度313 G 绿;显像管亮平衡绿色调整314 G BIAS;G CUT OFF;G_ 显像管暗平衡绿色调整315 G DRIVE;G DRIVE GAIN 绿色激励(显像管亮平衡绿色调整)316 GAM;GAMMA Y校正317 GA TE PULSE 选通脉冲318 GB;GC;GCF;GCO;GCT;GCU T;GCU T OFF绿色截止点;显像管暗平衡绿色调整319 GD;GDR;GDRV 绿激励;显像管亮平衡绿色调整320 GENERAL 一般性的(调整)321 GEOMETRIC;GEOMETRY光栅几何失真322 GG;G-GAIN 绿增益;显像管亮平衡绿色调整323 GLOBAL 全球;全球立体声324 GRC 绿色截止点;显像管暗平衡绿色调整325 GREEN 绿326 GREEN GAIN 绿增益;显像管亮平衡绿色调整327 H AFC 行A FC(增益)328 H AMPLITUDE 行幅329 H BLANK L;H BLK L 行左消隐;左黑边调整330 H BLANK R;H BLK R 行右消隐;右黑边调整331 H BLK PHASE50 50Hz行消隐相位332 H CEN TER 50 50Hz行中心333 H FREQ 行频334 H PHASE;H PHASE SHIFT 航向位;行中心335 H POSI TION 行中心;(字符)水平位置336 H SHIFT 行中心337 H AMP H.AMP(行幅)338 HAFC 行A FC;AFC中心数据339 HALF TONE SW 半色调增益选择340 HBL;HBR 水平消隐左(右)宽度341 HBS 行消隐宽度ON/OFF342 HC 四角失真(飞利浦)343 HC;H-C;H-CENTER 行中心344 HCO 高压跟踪模式345 H-COMPENSA TION行补偿346 H-CORNER 行边角失真;角部枕形失真347 H-CORRECT 水平校正348 HCP 水平补偿;光栅屏幕亮度变化时,行幅校正设置349 HD 行中心(飞利浦)350 H-FRE 行频351 HI BLUE 显像管亮平衡蓝色调整352 HI GAIN高增益;增强接受设定(康佳)353 HI GREEN 显像管亮平衡绿色调整354 HIT高度;场幅355 HITS 60Hz场扫描场幅校正数据;50/60Hz场幅差异356 HOLD 保持357 HOR 水平;行;画中画左右对称(海信)358 HORIZONTAL POS50 50Hz场频行中心359 HOTEL 旅馆模式360 HOTEL CHANNEL 旅馆频道361 HOUT CLOCK SW 行输出时钟切换362 HP;H-PARAB 水平枕形失真;左右枕形失真363 H-PHA;H-PHASE 行相位;水平中心364 HPOS;H-POS;HPS 水平位置;行中心365 HR 屏显水平位置366 HS 旅馆模式(飞利浦)367 H-S;HSF;HSH;H-SHIFT 水平位置;行中心368 HSIZE;HSZ 行幅369 HT;H TILT;H TLHTR;H-TRA P;HTRP 几何失真;水平倾斜失真(梯形失真) 370 HTR;H-TRAP;H TRP 几何失真;水平倾斜失真(梯形失真)371 HVH;HVV 高压变动引起的行幅(场幅)变化补偿372 HW;H-W;H-WIDTH行幅373 I I伴音制式设置374 IF-FRE 中频频率375 IR-PLL 中频锁相环376 IGR IGR立体声;西德制式立体声377 INDEX 索引378 INTC 色调调整中心数据379 ITL 隔行扫描380 JSW 跳跃ON/OFF开关381 KARAOKE 卡拉OK382 KEY 梯形失真校正383 KEYS 60Hz梯形失真校正384 LA音频电平调整385 LAN;LANG 语言;屏显语言设定386 LANG/LOGO 语言/标志387 LANGUAGE 语言;菜单文字设定388 LBK 左消隐宽度389 LCB;LCBOW 下部偏中弓形失真390 LCP 下角枕形失真391 LEFT 左;画中画靠左边位置(海信)392 LEV 电平393 LIM 限幅;RGB限幅ON/OFF(索尼)394 LIN 线性;场线性395 LINE WIDTH行宽396 LLN 下部场线性397 LO BLUE;LO GREEN 暗平衡蓝色(绿色)调整398 LT1 亮度信号瞬态改善(L TI)方式1399 LTIL T;LTL 下部倾斜失真(梯形失真)400 LUM LINEAR 亮度信号线性401 LYB;LYBOW 垂直下角弓形失真402 M M伴音制式设置403 M00 模式数据(M表示模式数据,数字表示第几个模式数据)404 MAIN MENU 主菜单405 M-DSP 主屏幕显示位置水平方向406 VLIS 60Hz场线性407 VM 速度调制;VM(速度调制)电平;VM(速度调制)ON/OFF;伴音静音408 VM0 视频模式0;VCD(视频/色度/扫描)模式0409 VMC 距屏幕顶1/4~3/4区域进行线性调整;垂直S校正;垂直积分补偿410 VMH VM(速度调整)限幅器(高)411 VML VM(速度调整)限幅器(低)412 VOCAL CU T 消声413 VOF 场关断414 VOL 音量415 VOL32 音量32值设定416 VOLS SCAR T接口音量417 VOLUME-CON 音量控制418 VOM 音量输出增益419 VP;VPO S;VPOSI TION;VPS 场中心420 VS 场S校正(飞利浦)421 VS;V-S 场中心422 V-S.CORR;VSC;VSCO;VSCOR 场S校正423 VSC;V-SCROLL 垂直卷动(索尼\三星)424 VS-CORRECTION场S校正425 VSD场扫描关闭,进入水平一条亮线状态426 VSF;VSH;VSHFT;VSHIFT 场中心427 VSL;V-SLOPE 场线性;场线性对称点428 VSM50 场同步范围开关(场频50Hz时)429 VSW 视频静噪开关430 VSZ 场幅431 VX 场放大432 VZW 垂直变焦433 WARM (白平衡)暖色调434 WD窗口选择435 WDS 窗口选择436 W-H 加权437 WHI TE DRIVE 显像管亮平衡调整;白平衡激励调整438 WHI TE PEAK LIMI T 峰白限制439 WHI TE TONE 白色调;白平衡色温440 WID;WIDE 宽度;行幅441 WIDE PICTURE-MU TE 图像消隐开关442 WIDE P-MU TE STAR T 图像静噪开始443 WIDE P-MU TE STOP 图像静噪停止444 WIDE V-BLK STAR T 场消隐开始445 WIDE V-BLK STOP 场消隐停止446 WIDE V-BLK SW 场消隐宽度开关447 WIDS 60Hz行幅度448 WI P 划变449 WOOFER 低音扬声器450 WRP 写入位置451 WSP 划变速度452 XBS BASS 重低音453 XTL 晶振454 XVOL 外接预置音量455 Y亮度信号456 Y SUB 副对比度457 Y SUB CONTRAST 亮度信号副对比度458 Y BLK 亮度信号消隐459 Y-BOW 场弓形失真460 YC-AJ Y C调整461 Y-CI DELA Y Y-CI(亮度/色度改善)延时462 Y-DELA Y;YDL 亮度信号延迟463 Y-DL SW PAL NTSC PAL/NTSC亮度延迟464 YFI亮度信号滤波器调整465 YNR 亮度信号降噪466 ZOOM 变焦467 ZSW 变焦开关。



13572faFEATURESAPPLICATIONSDESCRIPTIONwith 900mA Boost ConverterThe LT ®3572 is a highly integrated dual Piezo motor driver capable of driving two Piezo motors at up to 40V from a 5V supply. Each Piezo driver can be independently turned on or off along with the boost converter.The boost regulator has a soft-start capability that limits the inrush current at start-up. The boost regulator switching frequency is set by an external resistor or the frequency can be synchronized by an external clock. A PGOOD pin indicates when the output of the boost converter is in regulation and the Piezo drivers are allowed to start switching.The LT3572 is available in a (4mm × 4mm) 20-pin QFN package.Dual Piezo Driver■2.7V to 10V Input Voltage Range ■900mA Boost Converter■ Dual Full-Bridge Piezo Drivers■Programmable Switching Frequency from 500kHz to 2.25MHz■ Synchronizable Up to 2.5MHz ■ Soft-Start■ Separate Enable for Each Piezo Driver and Boost Converter■ Available in a 4mm × 4mm 20-Pin QFN Package■Piezo Motor DriveV OUT Response Driving Piezo Motor at 70kHzV OUTA 20V/DIV V OUTA 20V/DIVPWMA 2V/DIV2μs/DIV3572 TA01bT YPICAL APPLICATION23572faPIN CONFIGURATIONABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSV OUT Voltage .............................................................40V OUTA, OUTA , OUTB, OUTB Voltage ...........................40V SW Voltage ...............................................................42V RT, SS, SYNC ..............................................................2V FB ...............................................................................3V All Other Pins ............................................................10V Maximum Junction Temperature...........................125°C Operating Temperature Range (Note 2)....–40°C to 85°C Storage Temperature Range ...................–65°C to 125°C(Note 1)2019181716678TOP VIEW 21UF PACKAGE20-LEAD (4mm s 4mm) PLASTIC QFN910543211112131415SW V IN SYNC RT GND PGOOD SSFB SHDNB SHDNAG N DO U T AO U T AO U T BO U T BP W M BP W M AV O U TG N DS H D NT JMAX = 125°C, θJA = 37°C/WEXPOSED PAD (PIN 21) IS GND, MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCBORDER INFORMATIONELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSPARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITSMinimum Operating Voltage ●2.5 2.7V V IN Quiescent Current V FB = 1.3V3.44mA V IN Shutdown Current V SHDN = V SHDNA = V SHDNB = 0V1μA SHDN Pin Threshold 0.3 1.5V SHDNA Pin Threshold 0.3 1.5V SHDNB Pin Threshold 0.31.5V SHDN Pin Bias Current V SHDN = 5V, V SHDNA = 0V, V SHDNB = 0VV SHDN = 0V, V SHDNA = 0V, V SHDNB = 0V 80.1151μA μA SHDNA Pin Bias Current V SHDN = 0V, V SHDNA = 5V, V SHDNB = 0V V SHDN = 0V, V SHDNA = 0V, V SHDNB = 0V 80.1151μA μA SHDNB Pin Bias CurrentV SHDN = 0V, V SHDNA = 0V, V SHDNB = 5V V SHDN = 0V, V SHDNA = 0V, V SHDNB = 0V 80.1151μA μAThe ● denotes the specifi cations which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifi cations are at T A = 25°C. V IN = 5V, V SHDNA = V SHDNB = V SHDN = 5V, unless otherwise noted.LEAD FREE FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING PACKAGE DESCRIPTIONTEMPERATURE RANGE LT3572EUF#PBFLT3572EUF#TRPBF357220-Lead (4mm × 4mm) Plastic DFN–40°C to 85°CConsult LTC Marketing for parts specifi ed with wider operating temperature ranges.Consult LTC Marketing for information on non-standard lead based fi nish parts.For more information on lead free part marking, go to: /leadfree/ For more information on tape and reel specifi cations, go to: /tapeandreel/33572faNote 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime.Note 2: The LT3572 is guaranteed to meet specifi ed performance from 0°C to 70°C operating junction temperature. Specifi cations over the –40°C to 85°C operating junction temperature range are assured by design, characterization and correlation with statistical process controls.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The ● denotes the specifi cations which apply over the full operatingtemperature range, otherwise specifi cations are at T A = 25°C. V IN = 5V, V SHDNA = V SHDNB = V SHDN = 5V, unless otherwise noted.PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITSPWMA Pin Threshold 0.3 1.5V PWMB Pin Threshold 0.31.5V PGOOD Rising Threshold (Note 3)● 1.12 1.16 1.19V PGOOD Falling Threshold (Note 4)● 1.01 1.04 1.065V PGOOD Resistance ●13k ΩSwitching Frequency RT = 75.0k ΩRT = 13.0k Ω●●4251.95002.255752.6kHz MHz Maximum Duty Cycle RT = 75.0k ΩRT = 13.0k Ω●●9585%%Synchronization Frequency 5752500kHz SYNC Pin Thresholds (Note 5)0.31.5V SS Current 4.5μA FB Pin Voltage● 1.1951.225 1.255V FB Pin Voltage Line Regulation V IN =2.5V to 10V 0.010.05%/V FB Pin Bias Current V FB = 1.225V (Note 6)50200nA SW Current Limit (Note 7)0.91.3 1.7A SW V CESATI SW = 800mA 310450mV SW Leakage Current SW = 40V0.25μA OUTx Rise Time C = 2.2nF, V OUT = 30V (Note 8)120ns OUTx Fall TimeC = 2.2nF, V OUT = 30V (Note 8)120nsNote 3: Rising threshold voltage on FB pin that pulls PGOOD low.Note 4: Falling threshold voltage on FB pin that causes a high impedance on PGOOD .Note 5: Minimum pulse width is 100ns. Maximum off pulse width is 100ns.Note 6: Current fl ows into the pin.Note 7: Current limit guaranteed by design and/or correlation to static test.Note 8: OUTx refers to OUTA, OUTA , OUTB, OUTB .43572faTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSFeedback Pin Voltage vs TemperatureOscillator Frequency vs TemperatureSS Pin Current vs TemperatureQuiescent Current vs TemperatureSHDN Pin Current vs TemperatureSW Current Limit vs TemperatureSW Saturation Voltage vs TemperatureStart-UpTEMPERATURE (°C)–50F E E D B A C K V O L T A G E (V ) G011.221.211.20–2550100125TEMPERATURE (°C)–50F R E Q U E N C Y (M H z ) G021.00.5–2550100125TEMPERATURE (°C)–50S S P I N C U R R E N T (μA )461503572 G032050100–25257512583517TEMPERATURE (°C)–50Q U I E S C E N T C U R R E N T (m A )2.03.01503572 G041.0050100–2525751254. (°C)–500S H D N P I N C U R R E N T (μA )1345107050753572 G052896–2525100125150TEMPERATURE (°C)–50P E A K C U R R E N T (A )0.81.21503572 G060.4050100–2525751251. (°C)–500S W I T C H S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V ) G070.100.400.450.30–2525100125150I IN200mA/DIVV OUT 20V/DIV V OUTA 20V/DIVPGOOD 5V/DIV200μs/DIV3572 G08PIN FUNCTIONSSW (Pin 1): Switch Node. This pin connects to the col-lector of an internal NPN power switch.V IN (Pin 2): Input Supply Pin. This pin must be locally bypassed with a capacitor.SYNC (Pin 3): Synchronization Pin. This pin is used to synchronize the internal oscillator to an external signal. The synchronizing range is 15% above the free running frequency set by the RT pin up to 2.5MHz. If not used, this pin must be tied to GND.RT (Pin 4): Frequency Set Pin. Place a resistor to GND to set the internal frequency. The range of oscillation is 500kHz to 2.25MHz.GND (Pins 5, 9, 20): Ground.PWMB (Pin 6): Logic Input for the Driver. A high signal on this input sets OUTB high and OUTB low.PWMA (Pin 7): Logic Input for the Driver. A high signal on this input sets OUTA high and OUTA low.V OUT (Pin 8): Output for the Switching Regulator and the Input Supply for the Drivers.SHDN (Pin 10): Shutdown Pin. Tie to 1.5V or more to enable the switcher. Pull low to disable the switcher. SHDNA (Pin 11): Shutdown Pin. Tie to 1.5V or more to enable OUTA and OUTA. Pull low to place OUTA and OUTA in a high impedance state. SHDNB (Pin 12): Shutdown Pin. Tie to 1.5V or more to enable OUTB and OUTB. Pull low to place OUTB and OUTB in a high impedance state.FB (Pin 13): Feedback Pin. The LT3572 regulates this pin to 1.225V. Connect the feedback resistors to this pin to set the output voltage for the switching regulator.SS (Pin 14): Soft-Start Pin. Place a soft-start capacitor here. A capacitor on the soft-start pin slowly ramps the current limit of the part from 0A to 1.3A.PGOOD (Pin 15): This pin is an open-drain output that pulls low when the FB pin is within 95% of its regulation value.OUTB (Pin 16): The Output Driver. This node switches between V OUT and GND and is inverted from OUTB. OUTB (Pin 17): The Output Driver. This node switches between V OUT and GND.OUTA (Pin 18): The Output Driver. This node switches between V OUT and GND .OUTA (Pin 19): The Output Driver. This node switches between V OUT and GND and is inverted from OUTA. Exposed Pad (Pin 21): Ground. The Exposed Pad of the package provides both electrical contact to ground and good thermal contact to the printed circuit board. The Exposed Pad must be soldered to the circuit board for proper operation.53572faBLOCK DIAGRAMFigure 1. Block Diagram63572faOPERATIONSwitching RegulatorThe LT3572 uses a constant frequency, current mode, control scheme to provide excellent line and load regulation for the output drivers. Operation can be best understood by referring to the Block Diagram in Figure 1. A pulse from the oscillator sets the RS fl ip-fl op, A4, and turns on the internal NPN bipolar power switch, Q1. Current in Q1 and the external inductor, L1, begins to increase. When this current exceeds a level determined by the voltage at the output of the error amplifi er A1, comparator A2 resets A4, turning Q1 off. The current in L1 fl ows through the external Schottky diode D1 and begins to decrease. The cycle begins again at the next pulse from the oscillator. In this way, the voltage at the output of the error amplifi er controls the current through the indictor to the output. The soft-start capacitor, C2, clamps the output of the error amplifi er causing the current limit to slowly increase. This helps reduce overshoot on the output and helps minimize inrush current on the input.Output DriversThe function of the driver section is to level shift the input of the PWM pins to the voltage of the V OUT pin. The drivers operate in an H-bridge fashion, where the OUTA and OUTB pins are the same polarity as the PWMA and PWMB pins respectively and the OUTA and OUTB are inverted from PWMA and PWMB respectively. The OUT pins will be high impedance until the FB pin is within 95% of its regulated voltage. The OUT pins will follow PWMA and PWMB as long as FB stays within 85% of the regulated voltage. If FB drops below 85%, the OUT pins will go high impedance.73572fa83572faAPPLICATIONS INFORMATIONDuty CycleThe typical maximum duty cycle of the LT3572 is 95% at 1MHz. This maximum duty cycle reduces as the switch-ing frequency is increased. The duty cycle for a given application is given by:DC V V V V V V OUT D IN OUT D CESAT=++––where V D is the diode forward drop, typically 0.5V and V CESAT is, in the worst case, 310mV at 0.8A. The LT3572 can be used at higher duty cycles, but must be operated in the discontinuous mode so that the actual duty cycle is reduced. FB Resistor NetworkThe output voltage is programmed with a resistor divider between the output and the FB pin. Choose the resistors according to:R R V 1212251=⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟V OUT .–Shutdown PinsWhen held below 0.3V, SHDNA and SHDNB prevent the drivers from switching and keep the outputs in a high impedance state. If SHDN is held below 0.3V then the switching regulator is prevented from turning on. When any one of these pins are pulled above 1.5V the internal circuitry is turned on and the respective output is allowed to operate. When the LT3572 is not in use all three pins should be pulled low. OscillatorThe LT3572 can operate at switching frequencies from 500kHz up to 2.25MHz by changing the value of the re-sistor R3 on the RT pin. Figure 2 shows a graph of RT vs Switching Frequency.The oscillator can be synchronized with an external clock applied to the SYNC pin. When synchronizing the oscilla-tor, the free running frequency must be set approximately15% lower than the desired synchronized frequency. If the sync function is not used the SYNC pin must be tied to ground.PGOODThe part has a power good feature that detects when the output boost converter is up and in regulation. When the part is turned off or not in regulation the PGOOD pin is in a high impedance state. When the part is within 95% of regulation the PGOOD pin is pulled low signaling that the output is valid. If the output then falls below 85% of regulation the PGOOD pin is put back in a high impedance state. Whenever the output is not in regulation the output pins in the driver aren’t allowed to switch and are placed in a high impedance state. The PGOOD pin is an open drain of an NMOS devices with an impedance of 1k Ω and should be tied to V IN through a resistor. Soft-StartThe soft-start feature limits the inrush current drawn from the supply upon start-up. An internal current source with a nominal 4.5μA current source charges an external capacitor C2. The voltage on the soft-start pin is used to control the output of the error amplifi er, which limits the maximum peak current through the inductor and the inrush current drawn from the supply during start-up.Figure 2. RT Resistance vs Switching FrequencyRT RESISTANCE (kΩ)10100S W I T C H I N G F R E Q U E N C Y (k H z )1000100001003572 F02APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONPWMThe LT3572 can PWM the output drivers at a very high frequency. The limitation on the frequency is determined by the internal rise in die temperature that occurs when driving the motor. The power delivered to the piezo motor is propotional to V OUT2, the capacitance of the motor, and the PWM frequency. When any of these are increased the power dissipated in the part increases causing the internal die temperature to increase. Driving two 2.2nF capacitors with V OUT at 30V, the maximum PWM frequency should be less than 80 kHz. The LT3572 can run at a higher frequency but either V OUT needs to be reduced or the capacitance needs to be lowered. A piezo motor has an associated capacitance that cannot be reduced so the output voltage must be lowered. Since the power is proportional to V OUT2 a reduction of V OUT to 25V from 30V will allow the LT3572 to run at a maxim frequency of 115 kHz. If a different motor is used the maximum PWM frequency will need to be adjusted inversely to the equivolent capacitance of the motor. Inductor SelectionA 10μH inductor is recommended for most LT3572 ap-plications. Choose an inductor that will handle at least 1A without saturating, and ensure that the inductor has a low DCR (copper-wire resistance) to minimize I2R power losses. Table 1 lists several inductor manufacturers. Table 1. Inductor ManufacturersSumida(847) TDK(847) Murata(714) FDK(408) 432-8331www.tdk.co.jpCapacitor SelectionThe small size of ceramic capacitors makes them ideal for LT3572 applications. Only X5R or X7R types should be used because they retain their capacitance over wider voltage and temperature ranges than other types such as Y5V or Z5U. A 4.7μF to 15μF output capacitor is suffi cient for stable transient response, however, more output ca-pacitance can help limit the voltage droop on V OUT during transients.Ceramic capacitors also make a good choice for the input decoupling capacitor, which should be placed as close as possible to the LT3572. A 1μF to 4.7μF input capacitor is suffi cient for most applications. Table 2 shows a list3572 BD LAYOUT93572fa103572faTYPICAL APPLICATIONV L1OUT APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONof several ceramic capacitor manufacturers. Consult the manufacturers for detailed information on their entire selection of ceramic parts.Table 2. Ceramic Capacitor ManufacturersTaiyo Yuden (408) AVX (803) Murata(714) 852-2001Diode SelectionA Schottky diode is recommended for use with the LT3572. The Philips PMEG 3005 is a good choice. If the switch voltage exceeds 30V, a PMEG 4005 (a 40V diode) can beused. These diodes are rated to handle an average forward current of 0.5A. For higher effi ciency, use a diode with bet-ter thermal characteristics such as the On Semiconductor MBRM140 (a 40V diode).Layout HintsAs with all switching regulators, careful attention must be paid to the PCB board layout and component placement. To maximize effi ciency, switch rise and fall times are made as short as possible. Note the vias under the Exposed Pad. These should connect to a local ground plane for better thermal performance.LT3572113572faI nformation furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representa-tion that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights.PACKAGE DESCRIPTIONUF Package20-Lead Plastic QFN (4mm × 4mm)(Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1710 Rev A)NOTE:1. DRAWING IS PROPOSED TO BE MADE A JEDEC PACKAGE OUTLINE MO-220 VARIATION (WGGD-1)—TO BE APPROVED2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS4. DIMENSIONS OF EXPOSED PAD ON BOTTOM OF PACKAGE DO NOT INCLUDEMOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH, IF PRESENT, SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.15mm ON ANY SIDE 5. EXPOSED PAD SHALL BE SOLDER PLATED6. SHADED AREA IS ONLY A REFERENCE FOR PIN 1 LOCATION ON THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF PACKAGERECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD PITCH AND DIMENSIONS APPLY SOLDER MASK TO AREAS THAT ARE NOT SOLDEREDPIN 1 NOTCH s 45oLT3572123572faLinear Technology Corporation1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417(408) 432-1900 ● FAX: (408) 434-0507 ● © LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORA TION 2007LT 0408 REV A • PRINTED IN USARELATED PARTSPART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONCOMMENTSLT1160Half-/Full-Bridge N-Channel MOSFET Driver V IN : 10V to 15V, V OUT(MAX) = 60V, 24-Lead SO Package LT3469Piezo Microactuator Driver with Boost RegulatorV IN : 2.5V to 16V, V OUT = 35V Maximum, 40mA Current Limit forPiezo MicroactuatorLT34793A, Full Featured DC/DC Converter with Soft-Start and Inrush Current ProtectionV IN : 2.5V to 24V, V OUT(MAX) = 40V, I Q = Analog/PWM, I SD < 1μA, DFN, TSSOP PackagesLT358042V, 2A, 2.5MHz High Effi ciency Step-Up DC/DC ConverterV IN : 2.5V to 32V, V OUT(MAX) = 40V, I Q = 1mA, I SD < 1μA, 3mm × 3mm DFN8 and MS8E Packages。



Digital Radio Receiver Down Converter Modules for 37 to 40␣GHz Technical DataDescriptionThis digital radio receiver module provides the RF receive and down conversion function for 38 GHz digital radios.This module offers excellentphase noise performance and can be easily phase locked to afrequency reference. The receiver module is ideal for use in radios using 2 and 4 FSK modulation.The low noise figure is achieved by using the Hewlett-Packard PHEMT MMIC technology coupled with an image reject mixer to minimize the noise figure. The receiver module features an integrated ultra lowFeatures•Low Noise PHEMT MMIC Front End Amplifier •Image Reject Mixer •Integrated Silicon Bipolar VCO Local Oscillator •Low Phase Noise •Operated Over -30°C to +70°C •Excellent Tuning Linearity •Sample Output for Phase LockingDRR1-38XXnoise silicon bipolar VCO operat-ing in the S/C band as the local oscillator. A portion of the oscilla-tor output is coupled off and is applied to a frequency divider network. The low frequencyoutput from the frequency divider can be used to phase lock thesource. The local oscillator output is applied to a frequency multi-plier network to produce the desired LO frequency to the mixer.ApplicationsThe digital radio receiver module provides the total RF receive and down conversion function in radios operating in the 37 to 40␣GHz band.Block Diagram37.0 to 40.0 GHzDRR1-38XX Absolute Maximum Ratings (T A = -30 to +70ºC)ParametersUnits Ratings DC Circuit Power +8.5Volts 10+5.0Volts +5.5 -5.0Volts -5.5Tuning VoltageVolts14Notes:1.Operation in excess of any one of these parameters may result in permanentdamage.2. A thermal interface medium must be used between the bottom of thepackage and its mating surface to ensure optimum heat transfer.DRR1-38XX Electrical CharacteristicsParametersUnitsMin.Typ.Max.RF Tuning Range GHz 3739.540IF Frequency MHz 630 or 1260IF Bandwidth MHz ±20LO Frequency GHz RF – IF Gain [1]dB 182716 Min Gain Flatness over 300 MHz dB ±1±1.5Noise Figure dB 7.599.5 MaxOperating Temperature Range °C -3070Power Input at P-1dB dBm -20-17LO Leakage at I [2]dBm -15LO Leakage at R [3]dBm -15Return Loss RF Port [4]dB 810 5 MinReturn Loss IF Port dB 14Image Rejection dB 1013Sample Out Frequency MHz 1,0101,0801,094Sample Out Power dBm-100Spurious Output [5]dBc-60Phase Noise @ 100 KHz dBc/Hz -83-80Tuning Voltage V 11215 MaxInput Capacitance, Nom pf 1,000LO Tuning Sensitivity MHz/V 400500LO Tuning Sensitivity Variation 1.5 : 1DC Circuit Power: 8.5 Volts mA 270350 5 Volts mA 470650 -5 Volts mA 2030Case Dimensions inches 3.5 x 1.25 x 0.40Max Power at Input/no damage dBm 7Humidity Non Condensing %85 Condensing %95ConnectorsWR 28Notes:1.Gain degrades to 16␣dB minimum from 39.5 to 40␣GHz.2.LO and Harmonic/sub-harmonic leakage at I with RF terminated into a waveguide.3.LO and Harmonic/sub-harmonic leakage at R up to 50 GHz.4.RF port return loss degrades to 5␣dB minimum from 39.5 to 40␣GHz.5.Measured at IF port within the IF bandwidth with single tone RF input of <-20 dBm.Extended Range 39.5 – 40.0DRR1-38XX Typical PerformanceFigure 4. Power In at P 1dB Out vs. Frequency.1101001000KHz Offset from CarrierFigure 5. Phase Noise at 40 GHz vs. KHz Offset from Carrier.-120-80-100-20-60-40d B c (H z )TUNING VOLTAGE (V)Figure 6. Tuning Voltage vs. Frequencyand Modulation Sensitivity.F R E Q U E N C Y (GH z )M O D U L A T I O N S E N S I T I V I T Y (M H z /V )FREQUENCY (GHz)P I N (d B m )FREQUENCY (GHz)Figure 1. Conversion Gain vs. Frequency.16182022282624C O N V E R S I O N G A I N (d B )FREQUENCY (GHz)Figure 2. Image Rejection vs. Frequency.I M A G E R E J E C T I O N (d B )Figure 3. Noise Figure vs. Frequency.N O I S E F I G U R E (d B )FREQUENCY (GHz)56789-25-20-15-10-5Product OptionsSpecify part number followed by option. For example:DR R 1 – 38 X XModel Number Prefix = Digital Radio R = Receiver Module Internal Use3 = WR-28 Waveguide Connector1 = 630 MHz IF Frequency2 = 1260 MHz IF Frequency 38 = 37 to 40 GHz Frequency BandPowering Up InstructionsThe -5 volts must be applied to the receiver module before applying the +5 volts. Likewise when shutting down the receiver module the +5␣volts must be removed before the -5 volts isMounting InstructionsCase must be mounted firmly,with screws, to an adequate metallic structure that has suffi-cient thermal properties to maintain the module case at a temperature not to exceed 70°C.turned off. The +8.5␣volts can be turned on in any sequence. Failure to follow this procedure could cause permanent damage to the module.Case Dimensions (specified in inches)DETAIL A .125.120THRU。

中心静脉穿刺置管术 - 锁骨下静脉

中心静脉穿刺置管术 - 锁骨下静脉

26Central Venous Catheterization —Subclavian VeinDana A.V. Braner, M.D., Susanna Lai, M.P.H., Scott Eman, B.S.,and Ken Tegtmeyer, M.D.From the Department of Pediatrics, Ore-gon Health & Science University, Portland. Address reprint requests to Dr. Tegtmeyer at the Department of Pediatrics, Oregon Health & Science University, 707 SW Gaines St., MC: CDRC-P, Portland, OR 97239, or at tegtmeye@.N Engl J Med 2007;357:e26.Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.I n d I c a t I o n sCentral venous catheterization provides for the administration of caustic and criti-cal medications as well as allowing sampling of blood and measurement of central venous pressure. Recent evidence and Institute for Healthcare Improvement bun-dled guidelines1 suggest that the subclavian vein is the preferred choice for place-ment of a central venous catheter.c o n t r a I nd I c a t I o n sGeneral contraindications for placement of a central venous catheter include infec-tion of the area overlying the target vein and thrombosis of the target vein. Spe-cific contraindications to the subclavian approach include fracture of the ipsilateral clavicle or anterior proximal ribs, which can distort the anatomy and make place-ment difficult. Greater caution should be used when placing a central venous catheter in coagulopathic patients. The location of the artery (beneath the clavicle) makes application of direct pressure nearly impossible in attempts to control bleeding.E q u I p m E n tMost of the necessary equipment can be found in commercially available kits. These kits typically include skin-preparation solution and a drape, lidocaine, sterile gauze, non-Luer lock syringes, a scalpel, a catheter, a dilator, several needles, and a guide-wire. You will also need a sterile gown, sterile gloves, a surgical cap, a mask with a face shield, and drapes to cover the patient’s entire body. Flush solution is also not commonly found in the kits. Determine the catheter length and depth of placement by referring to the patient’s external landmarks. The tip of the catheter should reach the junction of the superior vena cava and the right atrium. Common catheters used range from 4-French catheters for infants to 7-French catheters for adults;11.5-French catheters may be used for dialysis. Because the risk of infection in-creases with an increasing number of lumens, a catheter with the fewest number of lumens required should be used.p r E p a r a t I o nExplain the procedure to the patient and obtain written informed consent. Wear a sterile gown and gloves, a mask with face shield, and a surgical cap. Examine the patient to be sure that there are no contraindications. Place the patient in the 15-degree Trendelenburg position, which will engorge the vein. If you place a rolled towel or similar object under the spine to help identify the patient’s external land-marks, be aware that propping the shoulder or turning the head has been shown to decrease the size of the vein on ultrasonography.2 Scrub the area thoroughly with chlorhexidine. Drape the area, covering the patient’s entire body.T h e ne w engl a nd jour na l o f medicinen engl j med 357; december 13, 2007eNext, identify anatomic landmarks, beginning with the middle third of the clavicle. Follow this laterally to the point where the clavicle deviates from the proximal ribs (Fig. 1). Just medial to this point, the subclavian vein and artery run just inferior to the clavicle. This is where most successful catheterization occurs. The insertion site should be somewhat remote from the clavicle, so that the path of the needle ultimately stays parallel to and just under the clavicle. Typically, the point of insertion is 2 cm lateral to and 2 cm caudal to the middle third of the clavicle (Fig. 2). Local anesthesia with 1 to 2 ml of 1 percent lidocaine or equiva-lent should be used in this area.u l t r a s o u n d G u I d a n c ESeveral recent articles suggest that ultrasonography can increase the likelihood of successful placement of a subclavian catheter, despite the presence of bony land-marks.3,4 Because of the greater difficulty in identifying the vein by compression, Doppler flow should be used to distinguish between the artery and the vein.t h E p r o c E d u r EStarting 2 cm lateral to the bend of the clavicle and approximately 2 cm caudal, insert the catheterization needle through the skin at a 30-degree angle toward the sternal notch. Place a finger of your nondominant hand in the sternal notch to help find the landmark. Once the needle is under the skin, lower the needle and syringe to run parallel to but beneath (posterior to) the clavicle (Fig. 3). Access to the vein typically occurs just beneath the clavicle, but it may involve a depth of several cen-timeters under the skin.Once you have obtained venous access, carefully stabilize the needle and re-move the syringe. Introduce the J-tipped end of the guidewire into the needle. The wire should thread easily and without resistance until well beyond the end of the needle. If you notice ectopic cardiac beats on the monitor, pull the wire back until the ectopic beats disappear. Then remove the needle, leaving the wire in place. Maintain control of the wire. A small, 1-to-2-mm incision should be made in the skin at the insertion point to facilitate dilator passage. Advance the dilator over the wire into and through the skin and then into the vessel. Once the vessel is dilated, the dilator can be removed. Use a gauze pad to control increased bleeding, which usually occurs after dilation. Advance the line over the guidewire, maintain-ing control of the wire before passing the catheter into the skin. Remove the guidewire, check for blood return from all ports, flush all ports, and secure the catheter in place. Apply a sterile dressing before removing the drapes (Fig. 4).c o m p l I c a t I o n sSpecific complications associated temporally with placement of a subclavian line include hemothorax and pneumothorax, air embolism, inadvertent arterial punc-ture, and aortic perforation. Obtain a chest radiograph after placement to assess for complications and for correct placement of the catheter. Common malplacement locations include placement transverse to the contralateral subclavian vein, retro-grade into the ipsilateral internal jugular vein, or potentially the contralateral inter-nal jugular vein.Longer-term complications include thrombosis of the vein and infection. Data suggest that subclavian placement mitigates but does not eliminate the risk of infection. Adherence to the Institute for Healthcare Improvement guidelines, in-cluding the use of proper hand hygiene, the use of maximal barrier precautions during placement, the use of chlorhexidine skin antisepsis, and daily review of need for the catheter, will help to decrease the risk of infection.1No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.ReferencesImplement the central line bundle. Cambridge, MA: Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (Accessed November 16, 2007, at /ihi/topics/ criticalcare/intensivecare/changes/ implementthecentrallinebundle.htm.) Fortune JB, Feustel P. Effect of patient position on size and location of the sub-clavian vein for percutaneous puncture. Arch Surg 2003;138:996-1000.Orihashi K, Imai K, Sato K, Hama-moto M, Okada K, Sueda T. Extrathoracic subclavian venipuncture under ultrasound guidance. Circ J 2005;69:1111-5.Pirotte T, Veyckemans F. Ultrasound-guided subclavian vein cannulation in in-fants and children: a novel approach. Br J Anaesth 2007;98:509-14.Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. 1.Anatomic Landmarks. Figure 2.Point of Insertion.Figure 3.Placement of the Needle. Figure 4. Application of the Dressing.CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETERIZATION — SUBCLAVIAN VEIN n engl j med 357; december 13, 2007。



官方微信官方网站目 录SDAC6000(u)量热仪SDACM4000量热仪SDACM3100量热仪SDC712量热仪SDC715量热仪01-05热值分析系列020*********-11元素分析系列SDCHN536碳氢氮元素分析仪SDCH536红外碳氢仪SDH536红外测氢仪SDS350红外定硫仪SDS820自动定硫仪SDS720自动定硫仪SDS-V 定硫仪SDFCl3000自动氟氯分析仪SDFCl1000(a)氟氯分析仪070707080909101111SDTGA8000(a)工业分析仪SDTGA6000工业分析仪SDTGA6000A 工业分析仪SDTGA6000V 工业分析仪SDTGA5000a 工业分析仪SDTGA520(a)水分测试仪SDTGA500光波水分测试仪SDIMF200智能马弗炉SDMF300马弗炉SDIDB413智能干燥箱SDDH315通氮鼓风干燥箱SDDH323鼓风干燥箱SDDH313鼓风干燥箱SDDH306鼓风干燥箱12-22成分分析系列1314151516171819202121222222SDAF105(a /b )灰熔融性测试仪SDAF4000灰熔融性测试仪SDHG60a 哈氏可磨性指数测定仪23-26物理特性分析系列242526S DUC3150(D )联合制样机S DHD150t 锤式破碎缩分机S DHC锤式破碎机S DJC颚式破碎机S DRC对辊破碎机S DHCW400×260湿煤破碎机S DPP制样粉碎机S DMD16自动机械缩分器S DNS300环保振筛机S DNS200a标准振筛机S DRD二分器采制样辅助工具30-38样品制备系列313232333334343535353637-38激光盘料仪系列SDLM200便携式激光盘料仪SDLM1250固定式激光盘料仪39-41404142-43公司简介44发展历程45运维服务2829S DVD25风透 式快速除湿干燥系统S DVD3mm 风透 干燥机27-29风透 式低温快速除湿干燥系列热值分析系列适用范围符合标准GB/T213-2008GB/T384-1981 GB/T30727-2014ASTM D5865-2007ISO 1928-2009 JC/T1005-2006《煤的发热量测定方法》《石油产品热值测定法》《固体生物质燃料发热量测定方法》《煤与焦炭总热值的标准试验方法》《固体矿物燃料-氧弹式量热计测定总值并计算净热值》《水泥黑生料发热量测定方法》三德科技是中国第一台自动量热仪(1996年)的发明者,先后自主研发出6代量热仪,缔造了2个“国家重点新产品”。



成人腺样体肥大的诊断及治疗底瑞青;齐景翠;赵玉林;娄小平;叶琳;王鑫【摘要】目的分析成人腺样体肥大的临床特征与治疗.方法回顾性分析112例成人腺样体肥大患者的临床资料,其中90例行鼻内镜下腺样体低温等离子射频消融术,22例采用保守疗法治疗,采用鼻内镜评分、鼻咽腔容积测量及对症状改善进行评价,观察两种治疗方法的疗效.结果患者治疗后均随访6个月以上,鼻内镜评分及鼻咽腔容积较前明显改善,差异具有统计学意义,两种治疗方法的症状缓解总有效率均大于85.5%.结论正规保守疗法及鼻内镜下低温等离子消融术在成人腺样体肥大治疗中均有良好效果,对Ⅱ度及以上患者应首选手术治疗,鼻内镜下低温等离子消融术在成人腺样体肥大中值得推广.【期刊名称】《中国耳鼻咽喉颅底外科杂志》【年(卷),期】2015(021)005【总页数】4页(P374-376,382)【关键词】成人腺样体;诊断;治疗;低温等离子消融【作者】底瑞青;齐景翠;赵玉林;娄小平;叶琳;王鑫【作者单位】郑州大学第一附属医院鼻科,河南郑州 450052;郑州大学第一附属医院鼻科,河南郑州 450052;郑州大学第一附属医院鼻科,河南郑州 450052;郑州大学第一附属医院护理部,河南郑州 450052;郑州大学第一附属医院鼻科,河南郑州450052;郑州大学第一附属医院鼻科,河南郑州 450052【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R766.5腺样体又称咽扁桃体,位于鼻咽顶壁和后壁交界处,是咽淋巴环的组成部分,在儿童形成免疫记忆的过程中起到十分重要的作用。

生理条件下腺样体肥大发生在6 ~10 岁儿童,至16 岁时萎缩[1]。


近年来随着鼻咽部CT 及鼻内镜的普及,成人腺样体肥大检出率增加。


1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料收集2011 年01 月~2013 年11 月我科收治的经鼻内镜检查、鼻咽部活检确诊成人腺样体肥大、慢性炎症的112 例患者。

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