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Eli Broad
Few businessmen have achieved as much as Eli Broad. Not only did he develop two Fortune500 businesses from scratch , he has also been a serial entrepreneur inthe arts. Mr Broad backed Jeff Koons and Cindy Sherman, and founded the Museum ofContemporary Art in Los Angeles . This son of the Bronx now calls the City of Angelshome and has set out to give it a new heart by driving the development of a downtown areawith a strong emphasis on culture. He has also been a significant and controversialphilanthropist, funding scientific research and failing schools.





Mr Broad s straight-to-the-point narrative—165 pages of text with a 12-page appendix ofhis “career highlights”and just the minimum colour necessary to illustrate the importantlessons that life has taught him—is part of what he is trying to convey about himself. Where,say, Jack Welch spews out hundreds of pages in “Jack: Straight From the Gut”andRichard Branson spares no detail as he explains how he has spent his life trying to “ScrewBusiness As Usual”, Mr Broad has delivered a book that is as brief as he likes to keepeverything else in life .



The brevity of his autobiography is both a strength and a weakness. Messrs Welch andBranson devote much of their books to selling themselves as heroes, whereas Mr Broad stendency to state the facts and move on often undersells how challenging a life he has led,and how hard won have been his triumphs. He writes of being amused at how films aboutsuccessful people often condense the “critical ingredient to their success”into “momentsoverlaid with catchy music”, yet his book does that without the soundtrack.



For instance, the controversial story of how he fell out with the board of MoCA, which heco-founded in 1980 and then rescued when it came to the brink of liquidation in 2008, is givena mere page, when it alone could have filled an entire book. And he writes nothing about howhe fell out with the board at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, let alone about MoCA smore recent troubles.


On the other hand, distilling a lifetime into a series of practical lessons has clearly pushed MrBroad to do some hard thinking and self-analysis, which makes his book a useful read,especially for anyone engaging in entrepreneurship or philanthropy. His personality comesthrough clearly enough, though one can quibble over whether his choice of “unreasonable”to describe it is exactly right. Mr Broad means it in the same way George Bernard Shaw did,when he said that the unreasonable man “persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.Therefore, all progress depends upon the unreasonable man.”Mr Broad started adaptingthe world to himself at an early age, telling classmates to rhyme his name with “road”,rather than his immigrant father s “rod”. But he also adapted himself to the world, not least infighting to overcome dyslexia, which he says gave him a work ethic that infuses every partof his life .






Being a solitary child made him less prone than many people to going along with the crowd,and he likes nothing better than to challenge conventional wisdom with a “why not?”.Those are good attributes for an entrepreneur, though they are unlikely to make him lovedin the world of art philanthropy, where his “candour”often “ruffled feathers”. Still,unlike many of his peers among the current generation of American billionairephilanthropists, he does consider giving to the arts a good investment, to “bring beauty,inspiration, and the shock of the new to as many people as possible”.



Two of his rules of business, in particular, are rarely found in books on entrepreneurship.One is that, rather than being the pioneer, it is often better to be second with a new idea—ashe was in launching KB Home, which became his first Fortune 500 firm, selling houses thatwere cheaper because they had no basement, a controversial idea at the time copied froma firm in another state.



This second rule challenges the conventional wisdom that the safest diversification is intoan industry closely related to your own: after several years and a great deal of research, MrBroad built his second Fortune 500 firm in an entirely unrelated business: financial productsfor retirement. He may call himself unreasonable, but in this short book, Mr Broad managesto talk a lot of sense.


The success of hedge funds
Two books analyse what makes hedge-fundmanagers great—and reach very differentconclusions.

The Alpha Masters: Unlocking the Genius of the World s Top Hedge Funds. By Maneet Ahuja.
阿尔法大师:揭秘世界顶尖对冲基金的智慧,Maneet Ahuja著。

The Hedge Fund Mirage: The Illusion of Big Money and Why It s Too Good To Be True. BySimon Lack.
对冲基金的海市蜃楼:巨资的幻象及其难以置信的原因,Simon Lack著。

Forget the one percent denounced by the Occupy Wall Street protesters. Hedge-fundmanagers have made so much money for themselves that they are in the top percent of theone percent. The billions they have raked in make bankers bonuses look titchy. Theirvaunted success trading stocks, bonds and other instruments has helped to transform acottage industry into a behemoth; today hedge funds oversee more than $2.1 trillion. Aclass of moneymen who once only managed funds for buccaneering, rich families now countthe world s largest public pension funds and endowments as clients.






Have hedge funds succeeded because of their investment genius, or their craftymarketing? Two new books disagree on whether the hedge-fund managers golden chaliceis half-full or half-empty. Maneet Ahuja, a CNBC producer who worked briefly on Wall Streetbefore taking a job at the Wall Street Journal, has written a homage to hedgies. She was inawe of Wall Street already when she was an intern at Citigroup . She has never shed it. “The Alpha Masters”profiles 11 of theindustry s best-known bosses, and looks at their investment philosophies and their famoustrades. John Paulson made billions predicting the bursting of America s housing bubble;James Chanos, a short-seller, disrobed Enron; and Ray Dalio, the boss of Bridgewater, theworld s largest hedge fund, makes a killing for his investors and keeps calm doingtranscendental meditation.

曾短暂任职于华尔街而后加入华尔街日报的CNBC制片人Maneet Ahuja,向对冲这帮家伙写了篇致敬。




约翰?保尔森因预测到美国房地产泡沫而赚了几十亿美元;卖空家James Chanos剥光了安然公司;世界上最大的对冲基金Bridgewater总裁Ray Dalio,为其投资者抓住猎杀机会而通过冥思竟作来保持冷静。

Throughout her book Ms Ahuja seems to be in a trance herself, in thrall to the glamour of hersubjects. She never questions the judgment of her alpha-men and always gives them thelast word. She devotes dozens of pages to Mr Paulson s rise in the hedge-fund industry, butglosses over his poor performance in 2011. His results have led some to speculate that hemay have the unfortunate record of both earning and losing the most money in hedge-fundhistory. She quotes one of his 2011 letters to investors asserting that bank stocks—whosestruggles pulled down his funds performance—would rebound when the economy improves,never criticising what he did or pointing out that investors will have to wait ages to claw backsuch massive losses. Nor does
she grasp at bigger themes or the many common factors thathedge-fund managers share. Is it ego, courage, good networks or charisma that hasbrought them more success than their fellow financiers?







“The Hedge Fund Mirage”attacks the Wall Street worshippers blind adulation. Simon Lack,who spent 23 years at JPMorgan, an investment bank, selecting hedge funds to invest in,grew tired of the free hand that investors all too often gave managers. He has written aprovocative book questioning a central tenet of the hedge-fund industry: itsperformance is always worth paying for. The promise of superior performance is wrong,he says. Of course some investors make a killing, but on average hedge funds haveunderperformed even risk-free Treasury bills. This is because the bulk of investors capitalhas flooded in over the past ten years, whereas hedge funds performed best when theindustry was smaller than it is now. What is more, it is hard to know how hedge fundsactually fare, since indices that track industry performance tend to overstate the returns.Funds that do badly or implode are not usually included in the indices at all.

曾在投资银行摩根大通工作23年的Simon Lack,当时的任务是分配在对冲基金的投资。








Why would any client continue to pay for such mediocre returns? One reason is that hedge-fund managers are incredibly good salesmen. In addition, industry insiders who are all tooaware of hedge funds shortcomings choose not to expose them, Mr Lack argues. Moreover,the common fee structure, in which hedge-fund managers keep 2% of assets as a “management”fee to cover expenses and 20% of profits generated by performance, hasmade many managers rich, but not their clients. Mr Lack calculates that hedge-fundmanagers have kept around 84% of profits generated, with investors only getting 16% since1998. “Where are the customers yachts?”is the title of one chapter. What is worse, thedisastrous dive of equity markets in 2008 may have wiped out all the profits that hedgefunds have ever generated for investors.





客户的游艇去哪里? 是第一章的标题。


Mr Lack places a good deal of the blame for this on investors who fail to ask tough enoughquestions and have not grasped that they “want yesterday s returns without yesterday s risk”.They invest money with the biggest, best-known funds “that look nothing like those whoseaggregate performance”they want to emulate. Instead investors should stand up tomanagers, negotiate more favourable terms and put their money into smaller funds, whichtend to perform better.



Mr Lack points out that large institutional investors always like to invest in bigger hedgefunds. That way they need not worry about being the bulk of a small fund s investor-base.But he offers no solution for these large investors, who cannot put big sums into the small,nimble funds that he touts. Nor does he analyse how hedge-fund performance compareswith other asset classes, such as private equity. As a result, the reader is left with a naggingunanswered question: would investors do better to avoid hedge funds altogether and, if so,where should they put their money in future?




In his conclusion Mr Lack argues that most hedge-fund books are written by their “proponents”. His ambition was to spark debate and help to change the industry. Whetherhe succeeds or not remains to be seen. Hedge-fund executives have already reacted angrilyto “The Hedge Fund Mirage”, which suggests that looking into the mirror may be painful. Theyrightly worry the days of easy praise are over.




