



学院本科生06-07学年第1 学期《大学物理II-2》课程期末考试试卷(A卷)平时成绩:卷面折合成绩:总成绩:(期末考试成绩比例:50% )专业:班级:学号:姓名:草稿区一、填空题:(36分,每空2分)1、光强均为I0的两束相干光相遇而发生干涉时,在相遇区域内有可能出现的最大光强是__4I0___.2、一个玻璃劈尖,折射率n=1.52。


θ=λ/2nL=589.3⨯10-9/(2⨯1.52⨯5.0⨯10-3)=3.877⨯10-5ra d=8”3、在通常亮度下,人眼瞳孔直径约为3 mm,若视觉感受最灵敏的光波长为550 nm,试问:人眼最小分辨角是多大?=θ 2.24×10-4 rad.1λ=d/22在教室的黑板上,画两横线相距2 mm,坐在距黑板10 m处的同学能否看清?(要公式、过程)设两横线相距∆x,人距黑板l刚好看清,则l = ∆x / θ = 8.9 m 所以距黑板10 m处的同学看不清楚.4、两个偏振片叠放在一起,强度为I0的自然光垂直入射其上,若通过两个偏振片后的光强为8/I,则此两偏振片的偏振化方向间的夹角(取锐角)是__60°(或π / 3),若在两片之间再插入一片偏振片,其偏振化方向与前后两片的偏振化方向的夹角(取锐角)相等.则通过三个偏振片后的透射光强度为___9I 0 / 32 ________. 5、某一块火石玻璃的折射率是1.65,现将这块玻璃浸没在水中(n=1.33)。

欲使从这块玻璃表面反射到水中的光是完全偏振的,则光由水射向玻璃的入射角应为(要公式) 51.1° ; 其偏振方向 垂直 于入射面。

6、地球卫星测得太阳单色辐出度的峰值在0.565µm 处,若把太阳看作是绝对黑体,则太阳表面的温度约为T λm =b 5.13×103 __K . (维恩位移定律常数b = 2.897×10-3 m ·K )7、若中子的德布罗意波长为 2 Å,则它的动能为__ 3.29×10-21 J ______________.(普朗克常量h =6.63×10-34 J ·s ,中子质量m =1.67×10-27 kg) 8、有一宽度为a 的无限深方势阱,试用不确定关系 2η≥x p x ∆∆ 估算其中质量为m 的粒子的零点能为:ax p x 22ηη=≥∆∆ 222082ma m p E x η=∆=9、根据量子力学,粒子能透入势能大于其总能量的势垒,当势垒加宽时,贯穿系数__变小 ;当势垒变高时,贯穿系数___变小_.(填入:变大、变小或不变)10、原子内电子的量子态由n 、l 、m l 及m s 四个量子数表征.当n 、l 、m l 一定时,不同的量子态数目为_ 2 _;当n 、l 一定时,不同的量子态数目为 2×(2l +1)__;当n 一定时,不同的量子态数目为__ 2n 2. 11、利用原子核对高速粒子的散射实验可测定原子核的半径.实验发现,原子核的半径与其___质量数的立方根___成正比.二、计算题 (共64 分)1、(10分)在图示的双缝干涉实验中,若用薄玻璃片(折射率n 1=1.4)覆盖缝S 1,用同样厚度的玻璃片(但折射率n 2=1.7)覆盖缝S 2,将使原来未放玻璃时屏上的中央明条纹处O 变为第五级明纹.设单色光波长λ=480 nm(1nm=10­9m ),求玻璃片的厚度d (可认为光线垂直穿过玻璃片).解:原来, δ = r 2-r 1= 0 2分 覆盖玻璃后, δ=( r 2 + n 2d – d )-(r 1 + n 1d -d )=5λ 4分 ∴ (n 2-n 1)d =5λ 125n n d -=λ2分 = 8.0×10-6 m 2分2、(10分)用方解石制作对钠黄光(波长λ = 589.3×10-9 m )适用的四分之一波片.(1) 请指出应如何选取该波片的光轴方向; (2) 对于钠黄光,方解石的主折射率分别为n o = 1.658、n e = 1.486, 求此四分之一波片的厚度d.(3) 若要使穿过方解石晶片后的透射光为圆偏振光,起偏器的偏振化方向应与晶片的光轴成多大交角? 解:(1) 制作方解石晶片时,应使晶体光轴与晶片表面平行. 2分(2) )](4/[e o n n d -=λ= 0.8565 μm 4分 (3) 起偏器的偏振化方向与晶片光轴的交角应为π /4. 2分3、(12分)一平面透射多缝光栅,当用波长λ1 = 600 nm (1 nm = 10-9 m)的单色平行光垂直入射时,在衍射角θ = 30°的方向上可以看到第2级主极大,并且在该处恰能分辨波长差∆λ = 5×10-3 nm 的两条谱线.当用波长λ2 =400 nm 的单色平行光垂直入射时,在衍射角θ = 30°的方向上却看不到本应出现的第3级主极大.求光栅常数d 和总缝数N ,再求可能的缝宽a .解:根据光栅公式 λθk d =sin 3分得: =︒⨯==30sin 6002sin θλk d 2.4×103 nm = 2.4 μm 1分据光栅分辨本领公式 kN R ==∆λλ/得:==∆λλk N 60000. 3分 光轴方向晶片在θ = 30°的方向上,波长λ2 = 400 nm 的第3级主极大缺级,因而在此处恰好是波长λ2的单缝衍射的一个极小,因此有:2330sin λ=︒d ,230sin λk a '=︒ 2分∴ a=k 'd / 3, k ' =1或21分缝宽a 有下列两种可能:当 k ' =1 时, 4.23131⨯==d a μm = 0.8μm . 1分当 k ' =2时, a =2×d /3 = 2×2.4 /3 μm = 1.6μm . 1分4、(10分)用波长λ0 =1 Å的光子做康普顿实验.(h =6.63×10-34 J ·s ,电子静止质量m e =9.11×10-31 kg)(1) 散射角φ=90°的康普顿散射波长是多少? (2) 反冲电子获得的动能有多大?解:(1) 康普顿散射光子波长改变:=-=)cos 1)((θλ∆c hm e 0.024×10-10m 4分 =+=λλλ∆0 1.024×10-10 m 1分(2) 设反冲电子获得动能2)(c m m E e K -=,根据能量守恒: 1分K e E h c m m h h +=-+=ννν20)( 2分即 K E hc hc ++=)]/([/00λλλ∆故 )](/[00λλλλ∆∆+=hc E K =4.66×10-17 J =291 eV 2分5、(10分)钍234的半衰期为24天,试计算此种放射性物质的衰变常数、一个原子的平均寿命及每天减少的百分率。



班级 考号 姓名_________________ 装订线内不要答题 ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆装◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆订◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆线◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆2003—2004学年度下期期末考试 物理试题1. 质量为50kg 的小球从2m 高处自由下落,碰撞地面后跳起1m 高,设空气阻力不计,则在碰撞地面的过程中,小球动量的增量为__________,设球与地面的碰撞时间为0.01s ,则地面对球的平均作用力大小是___________。

2. 静止在水平光滑面上的物体质量为m,受到水平恒力F 作用时间为t ,此过程F 做的功为_________ 。

F 的冲量为__________,物体获得末动能为___________,末动量大小为________________。

3. 一个质量为2kg 的物体从某一高度自由下落,重力在头2s 内做功的平均功率是________,在第2s 末的即时功率是_____________。


5.图中(a )为某质点的振动图像,(b )为由此振动引起的某时刻t 的波形图,则这列波的波速u =__0.1_____m/s ,(t+0.7)秒时刻的波形图为 6.一列横波上有相距4m 的A 、B 两点,波的传播方向是由A 向B ,A 、B 两质点的振动图像如图所示。

已知这列波波长大于3m ,则这列波的波长为____________m 。

7.用一小段水银柱,把空气封闭在粗细均匀的玻璃管内,当玻璃管开口向上竖直放置时,管内空气柱压强为78cmHg ;当官玻璃管水平放置时,管内空气柱为76mm ;当玻璃管开口向下竖直放置时,管内空气柱长84mm,则玻璃管内水银柱长___________cm ,以上是在室温不变情况下进行的。




到转轴中心线的距离,用E表示每个叶片中的感应电动势,则 ( )A.E=πfL2B,且a点电势低于b点电势B.E=2πfL2B,且a点电势低于b点电势C.E=πfL2B ,且a点电势高于b点电势D.E=2πfL2B,且a点电势高于b点电势2.如图所示的条形磁铁的上方,放置一矩形线框,线框平面水平且与条形磁铁平行,则线框在由N端匀速平移到S端的过程中,线框中的感应电流的情况是 ( )A.线框移到磁铁上方中部无感应电流B.线框中始终有感应电流C.从上往下看线框中感应电流先逆时针后顺时针D.从上往下看线框中感应电流始终为逆时针,3.一矩形线圈匝数为10匝,在匀强磁场中匀速转动,产生的交变电流的瞬时表达式为e=220sin lOπt(v),则下列说法正确的是 ( )A.该交变电流的频率是lOπHzB.交流电压的有效值是220 VC.当t=0.05时,电动势e有最大值D.当t=O时,线圈平面与磁感应线垂直,此时磁通量的变化率为0 V4.某电路中电场随时间变化的图像如下图所示,能发射电磁波的电场是 ( )5.下列说法中正确的是()A.水中的鱼看到岸上的人比人的实际位置高B.早上看到刚从地平线上升起的太阳光是太阳在地平线下方发出的C.雨后的彩虹是光的折射现象D.岸上的树在水中的倒影是光的全反射现象6.如图所示线圈L的自感系数足够大,直流电阻为零,两灯D1、D2及电阻R的阻值相同. 上述说法中正确的是( )A.K闭合的瞬间,两灯亮度一样B.K闭合的瞬间,D1较亮,D2较暗C.电路稳定后,D2发光,D1不亮D.K断开的瞬间,D2立即熄灭,D1亮一下后熄灭7.如图所示,由质量不同、带电量也不同的正离子组成的正离子束垂直地射入正交的匀强磁场和匀强电场区域里,结果发现有些离子保持原来的运动方向,未发生任何偏转.如果让这些不偏转的离子再垂直进入另一匀强磁场中,发现这些离子又分成几束.对这些进入后一磁场的不同轨迹的离子,可得出结论 ( )A.它们的动量一定各不相同B.它们的电量一定各不相同C.它们的质量一定各不相同D.它们的电量与质量之比一定各不相同8.一束光从空气射向折射率n=2的某种玻璃的表面,如右图所示,i代表入射角,则下列说法中错误的是 ( )A.当i>45o时会发生全反射现象B。

韶关学院《大学英语》2005-2006学年第二学期期末试卷A卷 (1)

韶关学院《大学英语》2005-2006学年第二学期期末试卷A卷 (1)

Final Examination of Comprehensive English for Grade 2005(05级第二学期期末综合英语考试题A卷)PART ONE (52 POINTS)I.The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to Q. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word for each blank only. (7 points, 0.5 point each) One day more than fifty years ago, a young man had an accident on his motor bike in which he suffered a few apparently (1) injuries. There was a bruise on the left side of his (2) and some slight bleeding from his left ear. He was taken to hospital for (3 ) but X-rays did not (4 ) any other injuries. Nevertheless, the doctor who was treating him decided to keep him in hospital for further (5 ) because the young man was having difficulty in speaking and seemed very (6 ) .At the time of the (7 ) , the young man was 22 years old, and the ( 8 ) was August, 1933. A week later, he was able to (9 )on what seemed a perfectly normal conversation. However, he told the doctor that he was only 11 years old and that the date was February, 1922. What is(10 ) , he could not remember anything that had ( 11 )since 1922. For example, he could not (12 ) having spent five years in Australia, (13 ) c oming back to England and working for two years on a golf (14 ) .II.There are 15 sentences from the textbooks, with an underlined part in each, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to T. Choose the one that best explains each of the underlined parts and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each only. (15 points, 1 point each)1.1 don't see how a telephone operator can relieve anybody's worries “ in the air "2.She called up a hospital requesting an emergency treatment on call.3.The vast, uncharted oceans were not the only dangers that seafarers faced.4.Tm really thrilled to bits about the holiday..5.Birds can perform marvels of aerobatics, they can catch insects on the wing with unparalleled skill.6.People who continually experience daydreams of this kind tend to brood and be riddled with self-doubt.7.Tmjust feeling a bit down、thafs all.8.1t looks as if the kids are coming down with stomach virus too, now, so Pm rather concerned.9.Such changes also account the development within a particular language.10.Most people feel at a loss when they first start to read Middle English andfind that they need special instruction.11.I'm sure colleges and universities will have departments offering courses especially tailored to meet the needs of senior citizens.12.She is confident that they will be well cared for by their relatives and the society at large.13.At times my grandmother is so childishly demanding that we can hardly put up with her..14.What would be the point of living?15.She certainly doesn't deserve to have failed.III,Choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.(ten points, one point for each)1.The government is trying to drug trafficking.A. wipe offB. wipe downC. wipe outD. wipe away2.Harry was by the President as the Security Adviser for thegovernment.A. askedB. designatedC. electedD. given3.Plants draw minerals and other from the soil.A. foodB. nutrientsC. nutritionD. materials4.According to campsite rules, all fires should be before the camper leaves for the day.A.distinguishedB. extinguishedC. destinguished D .instinguished5.The sun usually serves as an indicator of direction, but the bee canaccurately when the sun is hidden by a cloud.A. recognizeB. judgeC. navigateD. understand6.John is not in the right to have a joke with others because he hasjust failed in the final examinations.A. spiritB. characterC. moodD. temperamentputer technology has brought about rapid scientific development and dramatic social progress that were barely less than fifty years ago.A. convincingB. existingC. imaginableD. feasible8. A literate population is a necessity for any nation wishing tomodem technological growth.A. take advantage ofB. take a chance ofC. take care ofD. take into account9.Industrialization without proper planning may bring abouteffects to natural environment.A.drasticB. enormousC. uncontrollableD. undesirable10. Whenever doubt arises concerning whether the mushrooms are poisonous,the only safe thing to do is to all suspicious ones.A.keepB. discardC. swallowD. leaveIV Read the following passages carefully and then choose the best answer for each of the items (20 points, two points for each).Passage oneThere are some points which are particularly important to remember when we are doing business with the Japanese. First of all, age is very important factor. Japanese managers, for instance, are much older than American managers. So many American companies fail in doing business with the Japanese by sending men far too young to conduct business negotiations in Japan with their Japanese counterparts, who could be their fathers! It is quite an insult to the Japanese.The next point to be remembered is the use of business cards. The business card is not a simple piece of paper in Japan. Every business encounter starts with the exchange of business cards. The business card represents the person himself. You should receive it and study it with great care, when it is given to you. The first thing you should do as soon as you've arrived in Japan is to have 200 business cards printed for yourselfThe last point I want to draw your attention to is about business meetings or negotiations. First of all, don't talk too much. Japan's culture is essentially a non-verbal one. And don't expect the Japanese businessmen to answer you with a clear '"yes" or "no". It often takes a long time to make a decision, or to arrive at a solution.Choose the best answers to the following questions.l.In the sixth line of the first paragraph, “counterparts" stands for a group of people who .A. Conduct business abroadB. participate in negotiationC. Represent the other partyD. cooperate with another company2«In negotiating with Japanese businessmen, Americans must take into serious consideration.A. experienceB. rankC. ageD. ability.3. What do we know about business cards in Japan?A.People have different business cardsB.Businessmen have about 200 business cardsC.The business card is a simple piece of paper.D.People take business cards seriously.4.According to the passage, in negotiations Japanese businessmen are used toA. giving indefinite answersB. talking too muchC. making quick decisionsD. drawing hasty conclusions5.The passage is written in order to .A.explain the cultural differencesB.offer American businessmen advicement on American's failure in doing businessD.analyze difficulties in doing business in JapanPassage TwoThe game of golf has become more popular each yean Golf players enjoy spending time on the open, grassy areas on which the game is played. Yet, several international organizations say golf courses damage the environment.One environment group, the Worldwatch Institute, has published a report about the problems with golf courses. It says studies show that most golf courses use large amounts of chemical poison and fertilizers. The grass often grows in sandy soil which fail to absorb the chemicals. So the chemicals pollute natural water supplies.Golf courses also require a lot of water A study shows that one golf course in Thailand uses as much water as that needed by 6000 people.Environmentalists also fear that the expansion of golf courses will destroy natural areas. In Vietnam, the government sold a protected rainforest, Thu Due forest near Saigon, to a golf course developer In Laos, a Thai company recently won approval for building a golf course and a hotel in one of the country's few remaining underdeveloped areas.The Worldwatch Institute says golf courses are the fastest growing kind of land development in the world. There are about 25,000 golf courses throughout the world.Ibgethei; they already cover an area about the size of Belgium.Choose the best answers for the following statements.1.The sandy soil .A.can pollute natural water suppliesB.is rather poor in absorbing chemicalsC.is the best place to build golf courses.D.Can take a large amount of fertilizer2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A.Golf courses consume a lot of waterB.Each year many new golf courses are built.C.There is grass growing on the golf course.D.There are many golf courses in Belgium.3.We can infer from the passage thatA.golf courses already cover a large areaB.underdeveloped areas should be protectedC.the forest near Saigon is well protected areaD.golf courses development is speeding up4.The author^ purpose in writing the passage isA.to warn against the fast expansion of golf coursesB.to explain how to limit golf gamesC.to show how to protect the environmentD.to criticize golf course developers5.Golf courses may bring many problems EXCEPT .A.consuming much waterB.destroy natural areasC.poisoning sandy soilD.polluting water suppliesPART TWO (48 points)V Dictate the following passage which would be four times. Write it down on your answer sheet.( 15 points)VI. Translate the following sentences into English by using the words or phrases provided and write your translation on your answer sheet. (18 points, 3 points each)1.直到火车开走了我才赶到车站o (not...until)2.如果我开价,比如说100美元,来买你那台旧电视机,你会接受吗?(say)3.这两个男子如此相似,给我留下了深刻的印象o (strike)4.这本根据一个真实故事而写的书能使你感动得流泪o (base)5.警察不知该如何解释这一事件。










1、处于竖直面内两端开口粗细均匀的U形管内用两段水银柱封闭一定质量的空气.稳定后空气柱的长为l,各液面P、Q、M、N位置如图.当气体温度升高时,下列说法中正确的是()A.空气柱的长度l减小B.空气柱的长度l不变C.液面MN间高度差减小D.液面MN间高度差不变2、2019年4月10日,人类史上首张黑洞照片发布,黑洞最初是一个衰老的巨大恒星.随着恒星中心的“燃料”不断消耗,恒星内核开始塌缩.最终.所有物质缩成一个体积接近无限小的奇点.奇点会形成强大引力场,就连光也会被吸进去,至此黑洞诞生.拍摄黑洞用的是事件视界望远镜,该望远镜收集到的是一种波长比光波更长的亚毫米波.发布的图片中心黑暗区域正中为黑洞,周围环绕一个新月状光环,一侧亮一些,另一侧暗一些,是因为光环旋转,导致接收者接收到相位和频率变化造成的.根据以上信息和已学知识分析下列说法正确的是A.恒星发光发热是恒星内部的核裂变造成的B.环状新月型光环上下两侧不对称是多普勒效应造成的C.黑洞的第一宇宙速度是光速D.事件视界望远镜收集的亚毫米波比可见光的频率大3、如图所示,物体自O 点由静止开始做匀加速直线运动,A 、B 、C 、D 为其运动轨迹上的四点,测得AB =2m ,BC =3m ,且物体通过AB 、BC 、CD 所用的时间相等,则下列说法正确的是( )A .可以求出物体加速度的大小B .可以求出物体通过B 点时的速度大小C .可以求得OD 之间的距离为10.125mD .可以求得OA 之间的距离为1.5m4、关于库仑定律的公式F=k 122q q r,下列说法正确的是( ) A .当真空中的点电荷相接触时,库仑力无穷大B .卡文迪许在实验室中测出了静电力常量kC .当带电体为两个导体球(球半径相对于距离不可忽略)时,r 指的是两球心间的距离D .q 1对q 2的库仑力可理解为q 1在q 2位置处产生的电场E=k 12q r对q 2的电场力 5、如图所示,甲从A 地由静止匀加速跑向B 地,当甲前进距离为S 1时,乙从距A 地S 2处的C 点由静止出发,加速度与甲相同,最后二人同时到达B 地,则AB 两地距离为( )A .()21214S S S +B .S 1+S 2C .()21124S S S +D .()()212121S S S S S +- 6、在单缝衍射实验中,中央亮纹的光强占从单缝射入的整个光强的95%以上。



经典控制理论习题解答第一章考试题库1、重庆三峡学院04至05学年度第2 期自动控制原理课程考试试题册A卷(02级电信)一、填空(本题共20 分,共10小题,每题各2 分)l.自动控制是。






7.根轨迹的模值方程为 ,相角方程为。




二、(本题共15 分)某工业过程温度控制系统如图所示,电位器上设定的电压u r是系统的输入量,箱体内液体的实际温度θ为输出量,插入箱体内的热电偶的输出Uθ与θ成正比。



四、(本题共15 分,共2小题)1)设某系统的特征方程式为:,试用劳斯稳定判据判别系统的稳定性。





自动控制原理课程考试试题A卷评分标准一、(本题共20 分,共10小题,每题各2 分)1、在没有人直接干预的情况下,通过控制装置使被控对象或过程自动按照预定的规律运行,使之达到一定的状态和性能。







把答案填在题中横线上)(1)设xx y )sin 1(+=,则π=x dy= 。

(2) 曲线xx y 23)1(+=的斜渐近线方程为。

(3)=--⎰1221)2(xxxdx(4) 微分方程x x y y x ln 2=+'满足91)1(-=y 的解为(5)当0→x 时,2)(kx x =α与x x x x cos arcsin 1)(-+=β是等价无穷小,则k= .(6)设321,,ααα均为3维列向量,记矩阵),,(321ααα=A ,)93,42,(321321321ααααααααα++++++=B , 如果1=A ,那么=B 。

二、选择题(本题共8小题,每小题4分,满分32分. 每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内)(7)设函数n nn xx f 31lim )(+=∞→,则f (x )在),(+∞-∞内(A ) 处处可导. (B ) 恰有一个不可导点.(C ) 恰有两个不可导点. (D ) 至少有三个不可导点. [ ] (8)设F (x )是连续函数f(x )的一个原函数,""N M ⇔表示“M 的充分必要条件是N ”,则必有(A) F(x)是偶函数⇔f(x)是奇函数。

(B) F (x)是奇函数⇔f(x)是偶函数.(C) F(x )是周期函数⇔f(x )是周期函数。

(D ) F(x )是单调函数⇔f(x)是单调函数。

[ ](9)设函数y=y (x)由参数方程⎩⎨⎧+=+=)1ln(,22t y t t x 确定,则曲线y=y(x )在x=3处的法线与x轴交点的横坐标是(A) 32ln 81+. (B) 32ln 81+-. (C) 32ln 8+-。

(D ) 32ln 8+。

[ ](10)设区域}0,0,4),{(22≥≥≤+=y x y x y x D ,f (x)为D 上的正值连续函数,a ,b 为常数,则=++⎰⎰σd y f x f y f b x f a D)()()()((A) πab 。



05级高数(2下学期期末试卷A高数模拟题05级高数(2-3)下学期期末试题(A卷)专业____________ 姓名______________ 学号________________《中山大学授予学士学位工作细则》第六条:“考试作弊不授予学士学位”一,填空题(每题4分,共32分)1.若平面x 2y kx 1与平面y z 3成t4角,则k ______ 1/4u2t2. 曲线x 0ecosudu,y sint cost,z 1 ex 0y 1z 2112在t = 0处的切线方程为zyz zz xe xyz3. 方程确定隐函数z = f(x,y)则为____________e xyz14.交换dyfx,y dx的积分次序为_________________________ 5.已知L是圆周x2 y2 1,则L x y2 ds _________ 级数6. sin 2 ____________ 收敛n 11n n 1n7. 设幂级数anxn 0的收敛半径是2,则幂级数axnn 02n 1的收敛半径是8. 微分方程1 x2 y 1的通解是1y arctanx ln x2 1 c1x c2_______________________ 2二.计算题(每题7分,共63分),221.讨论函数f ( x, y ) = 22 x y 0, f ( 0 , 0 ) = 0x y在点(0 , 0 )处的连续性,可导性及可微性。


330222u x y 2z2.求函数在点P0(1,1,1)处沿P0方向的方向导数,其中O为坐标原点。

n3.判别级数2n 的敛散性. P.5441 nn 1n2高数模拟题f1 ydx f1x f2 dy f2dz4.设u=f(xy,y z),f(s,t)可微,求du.5.欲造一无盖长方形容器,已知其底部造价为3元/m2,让嬖旒畚1元/m2,现想用36元造一容积最大的容器,求它的尺寸.答:长宽为2M,高为3M。




)1、水平公路上行驶的汽车,当发动机熄火后,行驶速度越来越小,在这个过程中:A .汽车的能量正在消失B .汽车的动能转化为它的势能C .汽车的动能不断减少D .汽车的机械能守恒2、用吊车将质量为m 的物体从地面吊到A 高度处,在这个过程中:A .物体克服重力做功mgh ,重力势能增加mghB .物体克服重力做功mgh ,重力势能减小mghC .重力对物体做功mgh ,重力势能减小mghD .重力对物体做功mgh ,重力势能增加mgh.3、一座摆钟走慢了,要把它调准(即把钟摆的周期调小),正确的做法是:A .缩短摆长B .增长摆长C .增大摆锤的质量D .将摆钟移到重力加速度较大的地方 4、一质点作简谐振动,图像如图所示,由图可知( )A .4s 末速度为零,加速度为负向最大B .4s 末振子的位移为-0.02mC .振动周期是5s ,振幅是0.02mD .1s 末,振动物体的速度为正向最大5、如图所示,光滑槽的半径R 远大于小球运动的弧长,现有两个小球(视为质点)同时由静止释放,其中甲球开始时离圆槽最低点O 较远些,则它们第一次相遇的地点是在( )A .O 点B .O 点左侧C .O 点右侧D .无法确定,因为两小球的质量关系未知 6、两个质量不同的小铁块A 和B ,分别从两个高度相同的固定的光滑斜面和圆弧斜坡的顶点滑向底部,如图所示,如果它们的初速度都为零,下列说法中正确的甲乙x/m是:( )A .下滑过程中重力所做的功相等B .它们到达底部时动能相等C .它们到达底部时速度相同D .它们在下滑过程中机械能守恒7、在离地面高为h 处竖直上抛一质量为m 的物块,抛出时的速度为v 0,当它落到地面时速度为v ,用g 表示重力加速度,则在此过程中物块克服空气阻力所做的功等于( )A .2201122m gh m v m v -- B .2201122m v m v m gh ---C .2201122m gh m v m v+-D .221122m gh m v m v +-8、一木块静止放在光滑水平面上,一颗子弹沿水平方向射入木块,若子弹进入木块的深度为S 1,与此同时木块沿水平面移动了S 2,设子弹在木块中受到的阻力大小不变,则在子弹进入木块的过程中:A.子弹损失的动能与木块获得的动能之比为(S 1+ S 2): S 2 ;B.子弹损失的动能与系统获得的内能之比为(S 1+ S 2): S 1 ;C.木块获得的动能与系统获得的内能之比为S 2: S 1 ;D.木块获得的动能与系统获得的内能之比为S 1: S 2 .9、当质量为1kg 的物体被人用手由静止向上提升1m 时,物体的速度是2m/s ,下列说法中正确的是( )(g 取10m/s 2)A .提升过程中手对物体做功12JB .提升过程中手对物体做功2JC .最后物体的动能为2JD .提升过程中物体克服重力做功10J 10、如图所示,细杆的一端与小球相连,可绕过O 点的水平轴自由转动,现给小球一初速度,使它做圆周运动,图中a 、b 分别表示小球轨道的最低点和最高点。




)1.常食“五谷杂粮”有利于健康,是因为A.营养丰富,为人体提供全面的营养B.容易消化、吸收C.能治百病D.色香味美2.小华得了夜盲症,大夫建议多吃蔬菜和瓜果,这是因为蔬菜和瓜果中含有A.维生素A B.维生素B C.维生素C D.胡萝卜素3.食品安全应考虑的问题包括①食物本身是否有毒②食品的保质期③食物含能量高低④是否被农药等有毒物质污染⑤维生素种类⑥无机盐含量⑦食物的营养价值⑧食物是否发霉变质A.①③⑤⑧B.①②④⑧C.①②⑦⑧D.①②④⑦⑧4. 下列叙述中与小肠吸收功能无关的是A.小肠是消化道中最长的一段,长5~6米B.小肠黏膜表面有许多环形皱襞,且有绒毛C.绒毛壁、毛细血管壁均由一层上皮细胞构成D.小肠黏膜上皮凹陷形成肠腺,分泌肠液5. 下列各项中, 形成血红蛋白所必不可少的物质是A. 铁B. 锌C. 碘D. 钙6.健康成年人每次献血多少毫升不会影响健康A、800毫升B、1000毫升C、600毫升D、200-300毫升7. 冬天上课教室门窗关闭较久后,不少同学会出现打“哈欠”现象,原因是A.同学们过于劳累B.教室的空气含有较多的二氧化碳C.心理因素影响C.大家养成了打“哈欠”的习惯8. 气体和食物的共同通道是A. 气管B. 咽C. 口腔D. 喉9. 人在平静状态下呼气时,下列叙述正确的是A. 肋间肌和膈肌收缩B. 肋间肌舒张和膈肌收缩C. 肺内气压小于外界大气压D. 膈肌舒张10.使体循环和肺循环连接到一起的器官是A. 肺B. 心脏C. 毛细血管D. 组织11.动脉出血比静脉出血要危险,原因是血液:A、含更多的养料和氧气B、对血管壁造成的侧压力大C、含有更多的白细胞和抗体D、无含氮废物和二氧化碳12.经医生确诊某患者为急性炎症,然后对他进行消炎治疗,没过多久痊愈了,则下面能正确表示他体内白细胞数目变化的图像是(横轴表示时间,纵轴表示白细胞数)13.受轻伤流血时,能自动止血,这是由于( )的作用A.白细胞 B.红细胞 C.血小板 D.血浆14.血浆成分中含量最多的是A. 葡萄糖B. 血红蛋白C. 无机盐D. 水15.尿液形成及排出的顺序是A. 肾脏→输尿管→膀胱→尿道B. 肾脏→输尿管→尿道→膀胱C. 输尿管→肾脏→膀胱→尿道D. 膀胱→尿道→输尿管→肾脏16.我们每天应喝适量的开水, 这有利于A. 对无机盐的吸收B. 对葡萄糖的吸收C. 体内代谢废物及时随尿排出D. 蛋白质葡萄糖尿酸和尿素的合成17.某小孩将尿排在路旁后, 引来了许多蚂蚁, 这说明他可能患有A. 地方性甲状腺肿B. 低血糖症C. 肥大症D. 糖尿病18.甲型肝炎从传播途径来看属于A.呼吸道传染病B.消化道传染病C.血液传染病D.体表传染病19.有的小孩夜里熟睡后“尿床”。


ρ d V = ∫ 2πAhr ′ 2 d r ′ = 2πAhr 3 / 3
22 (6分) 如图所示,半径为 ,线电 如图所示,半径为R, 分 荷密度为l 的均匀带电的圆线圈, 荷密度为 (>0)的均匀带电的圆线圈,绕过 的均匀带电的圆线圈 圆心与圆平面垂直的轴以角速度w 转动, 圆心与圆平面垂直的轴以角速度 转动, 求轴线上任一点的的大小及其方向
12 (5分) 一半径为 无限长”均匀带电圆柱面, 无限长” 分 一半径为R“无限长 均匀带电圆柱面, 其电荷面密度为s.该圆柱面内、 其电荷面密度为 .该圆柱面内、外场强分布为 (表示在垂直于圆柱面的平面上,从轴线处引出 表示在垂直于圆柱面的平面上, 表示在垂直于圆柱面的平面上 v v 的矢径): 的矢径 :E (r )= 0 ______________________(r<R ), ,
22.6 J ⋅ m −3 . =_____________
(m 0 =4p×10-7 N/A2) ×
18 如果电子被限制在边界 与x +Dx之间, 如果电子被限制在边界x与 之间, 之间 Dx =0.5 Å,则电子动量 分量的不 ,则电子动量x分量的不 确定量近似地为
1.33 × 10
________________kg·m/s. (不确定 / . 不确定 关系式Dx·Dp≥h,普朗克常量 关系式 ,普朗克常量h =6.63×10-34 J·s) ×
y O R
22、( 分) 、(6分 、( 解: I=
B = By =
2分 分
µ 0 R 3 λω
3分 分 v 的方向与y轴正方向一致 轴正方向一致. B 的方向与 轴正方向一致. 1分 分

04-05,2 对口英语二级试题A卷

04-05,2 对口英语二级试题A卷

2004~2005年第二学期教考分离试题(对口英语)(A卷)适用班级:物流041、物流042、外会041、外会042、文秘041、物业041Ⅰ.Vocabulary &Structure (30%)Section A Choose the best answers(选择最佳答案)1. He was very tired so he went to his room and ____on his bed.A. layB. liesC. laidD. lied2. I ____the army for two years.A. has enteredB. has been inC. has taken part inD. has joined into3. We‟ll be in the class at nine, but they ____.A)don‟t B. won‟t C. aren‟t D. weren‟t4. I don‟t go home because the work ____ yet.A)hasn‟t finished B. can‟t finished C. would not finish D. isn‟t finished5. Jane is ill so you will have to go _____her.A. because ofB. place ofC. instead ofD. in stead of6. She doesn‟t like to share this desk_____ him.A. withB. forC. toD. in7. Do you suppose you _____in getting me a passport?A. succeedB. winC. manageD. attempt8. I want a hat to _____my coat.A. start forB. go withC. sit onD. go for9. Have you ever _____this interesting story?A. heard fromB. heard byC. heard ofD. heard to10. If you want to find a job, you should write _____first.A. a letter of thanksB. an invitation letterC. a welcoming speechD. an application letter Section B Fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. (用所给单词的正确形式填空)11. He (play)_____ tennis with her friend Jean yesterday.12. This year I get a (scholar) ____ to further my study.13. This is a very (practice) ____ way to learn English.14. It is advised that we (sign) ____ an agreement right after the discussion.15. This (travel) was too tired to go on walking.16. The moon (go) ____ round the earth.17. He (finish) ____his homework soon.18. I have no (qualify) ____ to work in a famous company.19. He is (health) ____, so he always asks for leave.20. Time is (limit) ____, let‟s go now.Section C Match the English words or expressions with its Chinese counterparts.(单词搭配)21. course a.烈酒22. resume b.签合同23. make contract c.介绍信24. reference d.服务员25. attendant e.学费26. spirits f.真诚地27. fee g.简历28. sincerely h.接待室29. travel agency i.课程30. reception room j.旅行社Ⅱ.Reading Comprehension (35%)Choose the best answers to Passage1 and Passage2 (第一、第二篇要求选择最佳答案) Passage1Robert was born on a small island. He was sent to a school on the land when he was seven. He was good at swimming and won seven medals at the sports meetings.One Friday afternoon the boy was waiting for his father by the sea. He looked at some boats on it, but theirs was not among them. He sat down on a rock and began to read a book. It was interesting and soon he forgot all. Suddenly he heard someone calling for help on the sea. He stood up and saw a man struggling in the water. The boy jumped into the sea at once and swam towards him quickly. He caught his clothes and pulled him to the seashore, then he realized it was the policeman. The man was very bad and people hated him very much. He was sorry for it but it was too late.“Thank you for saving me,” said the policeman. “You must be a student! Tell me your name, my boy.”Robert said nothing and was going away.“Wait a minute, Robert! I remember you‟re the best swimmer in your school! I‟m going to tell your headmaster about it. I wish he could praise you at the school meeting.”“Oh, don‟t do that!” called out the boy. “Or my friends will kill me for it!”31. Robert was sent to the school on the land because ___.A. he liked sportsB. He could do some reading thereC. there was no school on the small islandD. his father was working there32. From the text we know Robert came to school ___.A. on footB. by boatC. by bikeD. by swimming33. Where do you think Robert and his father would go that afternoon?They would ___.A. go homeB. go to schoolC. go to the seaD. go shopping34. ……it was the policeman‟ means ___.A. Robert knew himB. there was only one policeman thereC. Robert had saved him beforeD. the policeman once praised him35. What would happen at the end of the story?A. Robert would be praised by his headmaster.B. Robert would be killed by his friends.C. The policeman would be killed by Robert‟s friends.D. No one would know what had happened.Passage 2Perhaps you are going to finish school soon and, like many others students you want to further your study abroad. Here are some points you should bear in mind if you intend to apply for a scholarship to study in the United States of America.First of all, you will have to ask for an application form, fill in the form with great care, and then sent it in with a copy of your school records. After that, you will also need to take some tests such as TOFEL and GRE. You may apply to several universities at the same time. Overseas students in the States are not allowed to work in their spare time except in the summer, and you need to get permission from US Immigration to do that.36. This passage is taken from a booklet for ______.A. visiting scholars to AmericaB. workers who are going to work in AmericaC. American students who are going to graduateD. those who want to study in American university37. The author intended to give some _____ in the passage.A. warningsB. commentsC. solutionsD. special knowledge38. What is the first step to take in applying to an American university?A. To send school recordsB. To write to ask for an application formC. To provide the TOFEL score reportD. To supply letters of recommendation39. Which documents are needed to be sent in addition to the application form?A. A copy of your school recordsB. English test score reportsC. Reference lettersD. All of the above40. Which of the following statements is not true?A. Overseas students are not allowed to work in their spare time in the StatesB. Overseas students must get permission from US Immigration to work during the summerC. Summer is the time when foreign students can work in their spare timeD. You can apply to several universities at the same timePassage 3 Fill in the blanks (填空)Experience two great theme (主题) parks in one great Resort (景点) ----Disney‟s California Adventure Park and right next door Disneyland Park. Just footsteps away, extraordinary entertainment, shopping and dining await in the Downtown Disney District. And when you and your family stay at one of the Hotels of the Disneyland Resort, you‟re right in the middle of all the magic!And now, one child receives a free Disneyland Resort Park Hopper Ticket with each adult(成人. ticket purchased in a Disney vacation package. You can go back and forth between Parks as often as you like.Discover the friendly faces and magical places of the Disneyland Resort and see why this spectacular destination is more vacation magic than you could ever magic!Passage4 Answer questions (回答问题)Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Beijing. Below is the schedule of your trip this morning:7:00 Breakfast in hotel8:00 Leave for Tian‟anmen Square9:30 Leave for the Temple of Heaven11:00 Leave for hotelAfter the tour we will be returning for lunch to the hotel. Lunch will be in the in the Ballroom. This afternoon at 12 p. m. buses leave for the Summer Palace. They then continue onto the Friendship Store for shopping at 3:45. There is then a short walk to dinner at the windows on the World Restaurant. Dress is very casual (随便的) in the restaurant, no jackets or ties required to the men.46.Who do you think may announce the schedule?A guide or a person who is working .47. What is the time for breakfast in the hotel?At .48. When will the tourists go to the Temple of Heaven according to the schedule?At .49. When will the tourists be arranged to go shopping?At .50. How can the men be dressed in the restaurant?Very .III. Translation (英汉互译)(20%)51.我毕业于邢台职业技术学院.52.另外,你还应该填入你的工作目标.53.我已经通过了大学英语四级考试。



无锡2024年05版小学英语第6单元期末试卷考试时间:100分钟(总分:120)B卷一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What is the primary color of a cantaloupe melon?A. OrangeB. GreenC. YellowD. Red2、What is the primary color of grass?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. Red3、What do we call the process of water turning into vapor?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. PrecipitationD. Sublimation4、How do you say "book" in French?A. LivreB. BuchC. LibroD. Libro5、What do we call the process of water turning into vapor?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. SublimationD. Freezing6、选择题:What is the opposite of smooth?A. RoughB. SoftC. FlatD. Even7、What do we use to measure distance?A. ScissorsB. RulerC. ClockD. Brush8、How many players are on a rugby team?A. FifteenB. ElevenC. ThirteenD. Twelve9、What is the term for the movement of the Earth on its axis?A. RotationB. RevolutionC. SpinD. Orbit10、D. JulyWhat do bees make?A. HoneyB. MilkC. Juice11、What do bees make?A. MilkB. HoneyC. JuiceD. Bread12、What is the term for the region of space where two galaxies collide?A. Collision ZoneB. Intergalactic SpaceC. Merger ZoneD. Cosmic Collision13、What is the primary color of the sky?A. GreenB. BlueC. YellowD. Red14、What is the opposite of "up"?A. DownB. LeftC. RightD. Around15、What is the currency used in the USA?A. YenB. DollarC. EuroD. Peso16、Which of these is a vegetable?A. AppleB. CarrotC. BananaD. Grape17、选择题:What do we call the study of the universe?A. BiologyB. AstronomyC. GeologyD. Physics18、What do we call the person who studies geology?A. GeologistB. BiologistC. ChemistD. Physicist19、选择题:What is the process by which plants make their food?A. PhotosynthesisB. RespirationC. DigestionD. Fermentation20、What color do you get when you mix red and white?A. PinkB. PurpleC. OrangeD. Brown二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)1、听力题:Metals are usually good ________ of heat.2、听力题:The teacher is very _______ (nice).3、听力题:My ______ is an expert in technology.4、听力题:The chemical symbol for manganese is ______.5、听力题:Fish live in ______.6、听录音,判断下列图片是否与录音一致,一致的打“√”,不一致打“X”。



西安2024年05版小学英语第二单元期末试卷考试时间:100分钟(总分:110)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、How many bones are in the human body?A. 206B. 205C. 207D. 2082、What is the name of the telescope used to study exoplanets?A. HubbleB. KeplerC. ChandraD. Spitzer3、What is the fastest land animal?A. CheetahB. HorseC. LionD. Kangaroo4、选择题:What is the capital of Greece?A. AthensB. ThessalonikiC. CreteD. Rhodes5、选择题:What do we call a large body of fresh water?A. OceanB. SeaC. LakeD. River6、How many continents are there?A. FiveC. SevenD. Eight7、选择题:What do you call a small, furry animal often kept as a pet?A. DogB. CatC. HamsterD. All of the above8、选择题:What is 40 - 15?A. 25B. 20C. 30D. 359、What is the capital city of Palau?A. NgerulmudB. KororC. AiraiD. Melekeok10、How do you say "elephant" in Spanish?A. ElefanteB. ÉléphantC. ElefantD. Elefanto11、选择题:What is the name of the famous detective in Arthur Conan Doyle's stories?A. Hercule PoirotB. Sam SpadeC. Sherlock HolmesD. Philip Marlowe12、What do we call a scientist who studies the characteristics of living organisms?A. BiologistB. EcologistC. Environmental ScientistD. Geneticist13、What sound does a dog make?A. MeowB. MooD. Quack14、Which shape has three sides?A. SquareB. TriangleC. CircleD. Rectangle15、What is the capital of the USA?A. LondonB. ParisC. Washington,D. C.D. Berlin16、What is the main function of the lungs?A. To pump bloodB. To digest foodC. To breatheD. To filter waste17、How many colors are in a rainbow?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight18、选择题:Which animal is known for its stripes?A. LionB. TigerC. BearD. Elephant19、What is the capital city of Nicaragua?A. ManaguaB. LeónC. GranadaD. Masaya20、选择题:What is the name of the famous whale that sings?A. Blue WhaleB. Humpback WhaleC. OrcaD. Beluga二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)1、听力题:The _______ of matter refers to whether it is a solid, liquid, or gas.2、听力题:The capital of Honduras is __________.3、听力题:Some _______ are edible and used in cooking.4、听力题:The ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics to ________.5、听力题:A _______ can be used for making dyes.6、听力题:The garden is ______ with flowers. (full)7、听力题:The ______ is a talented artist.8、听力题:I like to ______ with my cousins during holidays. (play)9、听力题:A mountain is a large landform that rises ______ above the surrounding land.10、听力题:I can ___ (fold) origami.11、听力题:The ____ is known for its beauty and grace.12、听力题:The ancient Greeks established the idea of ________ democracy.13、听力题:The _____ (wind/snow) is blowing.14、听力题:The Earth's crust is divided into several large ______.Some plants are used for making _______.16、听力题:The castle is _______ (old) and beautiful.17、听力题:The boy likes to play ________.18、听力题:My friend likes to play ____ (soccer) after school.19、听力题:A chemical symbol consists of one or two ______.20、听力题:The chemical formula for potassium chloride is ______.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:A ________ (树枝) can break if it is too heavy.2、填空题:My dog likes to bark at _______ (陌生人).3、填空题:I made a scrapbook of all my ________ (旅行). Each page tells a unique ________ (故事).4、填空题:My favorite toy is a ________ (吹泡泡机). I love making bubbles in the ________ (夏天).5、填空题:We should educate others about _____ (植物的重要性).6、填空题:The invention of the computer has changed modern _____.7、填空题:I love to travel to ______.The ______ (小鹿) grazes peacefully in the meadow.9、填空题:I enjoy playing with my toy ________ (玩具名称) in the garden.10、填空题:The kitten loves to chase a ______.11、填空题:The __________ is a famous mountain range in North America. (落基山脉)12、填空题:The __________ (历史的多样性) enriches our narratives.13、填空题:I have a toy ________ that can soar through the air.14、填空题:My cat loves to play with _______ (纸球).15、填空题:Julius Caesar was a famous leader in __________ (罗马).16、填空题:The dog digs a hole in the ______ (沙子).17、填空题:I love to ______ (体验) new challenges.18、填空题:The __________ (社会互动) shape experiences.19、填空题:I have a box of ________ (画笔) and ________ (颜料) to decorate my toys. Art is ________ (有趣的).20、填空题:The _______ (小海豚) leaps joyfully out of the water.。



2005~2006学年度第二学期期末样题七年级科学试题——一.选择题(本题包括35小题,每小题2分,共70分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意)1.如果一个物体做匀速直线运动,4s内通过20m的路程,那么它前2s内的速度是()A.20m/s B.10m/s C.5m/s D. 无法确定2.g=9.8N/kg,所表示的意思是()A、1kg就是9.8NB、物体所受的重力是它的质量的9.8倍C、质量1kg的物体,受到的重力大小是9.8ND、质量是9.8kg的物体,受到的重力是1N3.下列说法中正确的是()A.力只能改变物体的运动方向B.物体的惯性与物体是否受力无关C.施力物体不一定是受力物体D.在平衡力的作用下,物体一定处于匀速直线运动状态4.甲、乙两同学推一张放在光滑地面上的桌子,甲同学用50牛的力向右推,乙同学用30牛的力向左推,两力沿同一水平直线,桌子受到的合力的大小及方向应是( )A.20牛,向右B.20牛,向左C.80牛,向右D.80牛,向左5.齐齐哈市是一座历史悠久城市,今天的齐齐哈市更是美丽壮观。






图17.许多风景名胜因与云雾,晴雨,霜雨等天气现象相关而闻名遐迩,其中与“杭州西湖”相对应的是()A黄山云海 B 断桥残雪 C 雾凇D无法确定8.人类在生产生活中会对环境造成污染的是()①工业“三废”经过处理后排放到河流②火山喷发,往大气中排放大量的粉尘和二氧化硫等③加大植树造林,增加绿化面积④海湾战争,造成科威特200口油井燃起的黑烟遮天⑤经常使用一次性碗快A ①③B ②④⑤C ③④⑤D ①③⑤9..下列说法正确的是:()A.天气现象具有稳定性 B.气候现象具有多变性C.四季如春是气候现象10.天气预报要说明一日内的:()A.气温和降水情况 B、阴晴和气温情况C、阴晴、风、气温和降水的情况11.划分东西半球的界线是:( ) A东经180°,西经0°B东经20°,西经160°C东经160°,西经20°12.近年来,全球气温有明显变暖的趋向,原因是: ( ) A、太阳辐射加强 B、暖流增强 C、二氧化碳增多13.下图中甲地位于46.3°N、83.7°E,丙地位于42.1°N、 87.5°E,回答14—16题。



2024年05版小学英语第二单元期末试卷考试时间:100分钟(总分:110)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What do we call a large body of freshwater?A, OceanB, LakeC, RiverD, Sea2、What is the opposite of 'easy'?A, SimpleB, HardC, FastD, Slow3、Which animal is known as man's best friend?A, CatB, DogC, BirdD, Fish4、Which of these is a type of pasta?A, RiceB, SpaghettiC, BreadD, Soup5、How many legs does a butterfly have?A, FourB, FiveC, SixD, Eight6、What do we call the time when flowers bloom?A, WinterB, SpringC, SummerD, Fall7、What do you call the process of plants making their food? A, PhotosynthesisB, RespirationC, DigestionD, Fermentation8、Which fruit is red and often associated with teachers? A, BananaB, MangoC, AppleD, Grape9、What do we call the opposite of ‘young’?A, NewB, OldC, FreshD, Recent10、What is 10 3?A, 6B, 7C, 8D, 911、What do bees produce?A, MilkB, HoneyC, BreadD, Eggs12、What is the main component of stars?A, WaterB, HydrogenC, OxygenD, Carbon13、Which one is an ocean?A, AmazonB, AtlanticC, NileD, Mississippi14、What do you call the study of fungi?A, MycologyB, BotanyC, ZoologyD, Ecology15、What is the capital of Canada?A, OttawaB, TorontoC, VancouverD, Montreal16、What is the term for a word that sounds the same but has a different meaning? A, SynonymB, AntonymC, HomonymD, Hyperbole17、What do we call the art of making maps?A, CartographyB, GeographyC, TopographyD, Geology18、What is the primary color made by mixing blue and yellow?A, GreenB, OrangeC, PurpleD, Brown19、What is the freezing point of water?A, 0°CB, 32°CC, 100°CD, -32°C20、What is the main ingredient in chocolate?A, SugarB, CocoaC, FlourD, Milk二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)A tornado is a fast-moving ______.2、听力题:The ________ (initiative) sparks interest.3、听力题:I need to buy some ________.4、听力题:My brother collects ____ (coins) from around the world.5、听力题:He is playing a ___. (game)6、听力题:The ice cream is _____ (melting/frozen).7、听力题:The Earth’s ______ is responsible for its magnetic field.8、听力题:A ____ is a small animal that loves to hop around in gardens.9、听力题:She likes to _____ (swim/climb).10、听力题:The first person to fly in space was _______ Gagarin.11、听力题:I have a ______ (new) bike.12、听力题:I have a ___ (collection) of seashells.13、听力题:The _____ (月亮) is full tonight.14、听力题:The first female astronaut in space was _______ Ride.15、听力题:I see a ___ in the sky. (cloud)The park is _______ (near) my house.17、听力题:The _____ (sky/ground) is blue.18、听力题:I like to ______ with my friends after school. (hang out)19、听力题:The river is _______ (flowing) swiftly.20、听力题:The symbol for nickel is _____.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:He is my _____ (好友) from childhood.2、填空题:My _____ (妈妈) is my best friend.3、填空题:My pet rabbit loves to _________ (挖掘) in the garden.4、填空题:I can ______ (保持) a balanced life.5、填空题:My uncle loves to __________ (看电影) with the family.6、填空题:The ant works together in a _________. (群体)7、填空题:Did you see the _____ (蝴蝶) land on that flower?8、填空题:A crab can walk sideways using its ______ (腿).9、填空题:The ________ (交通便利) is essential for business.I like to play ________ (角色扮演) games with my friends.11、填空题:I like to watch _______ (电影) with my family.12、填空题:I enjoy making ______ (手工艺品) for my friends and family.13、填空题:A pig's sense of smell is incredibly ______ (敏锐).14、填空题:My brother is _______ (八岁) old.15、填空题:The __________ is a large area of land with limited vegetation. (干旱地区)16、填空题:The _____ (滋养) of soil is important for healthy plants.17、填空题:My mom loves to __________ (阅读).18、填空题:I like to draw with my _____ (水彩笔).19、填空题:A _____ (植物价值) encompasses economic and ecological aspects.20、填空题:I have a collection of ______.。



烟台2024年05版小学五年级英语第二单元期末试卷考试时间:100分钟(总分:110)考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、(选择题)总分:45分(1分/题)1、Which season comes after winter?A) SpringB) SummerC) FallD) Autumn2、Which part of a plant helps in taking in nutrients?植物的哪个部分有助于吸收养分?A. RootsB. StemC. LeavesD. Flowers3、Which word means "吃" in English?a) Drinkb) Eatc) Sleep4、What shape has three sides?A) SquareB) TriangleC) CircleD) Rectangle5、What is the opposite of "day"?A) SunB) NightC) MoonD) Light6、What do you call a place where you go to get a haircut?中文解释:剪发的地方叫什么?A) SalonB) SpaC) Store7、Which one is a type of shoe?A) SandalsB) HatC) ScarfD) Gloves8、Which part of the plant absorbs water?中文解释:植物的哪个部分吸收水分?A. LeavesB. RootsC. Stem9、What do we call the process of a plant growing through a seed?我们称植物通过种子生长的过程为?A. GerminationB. PollinationC. FertilizationD. Photosynthesis10、当一个朋友对你说:“How are you?”你应说:______________ A, I am nine years old.B I'm fine, thank you.11、Which plant is commonly associated with Christmas?哪种植物通常与圣诞节相关?A. Pine treeB. OakC. MapleD. Cactus12、What is the primary color of the sun?A) BlueB) YellowC) GreenD) Purple13、What is the main ingredient in salad?A) RiceB) LettuceC) BreadD) Meat14、Which type of plant grows without soil?中文解释:哪种植物不需要土壤生长?A. Hydroponic plantB. GrassC. Flowering plant15、选择合适的单词补全下列句子。

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15.(8 分)假设 F (x) 在区间 [a, b] 存在黎曼可积的导数 f (x) .求证 ∫a f ( x)dx = F (b) F (a ) . 16 . (8 分 ) 假 设 正 值 函 数 f (x) 以 π 为 周 期 , f (x) 在 区 间 [0, π ] 黎 曼 可 积 . 令
C. 发散;
D. 不能确定
[ ]
n =0
∑ an ( x 2)
在点 x0 = 3 收敛,则级数
n =0
∑ an
D. 不能确定

A. 绝对收敛;
B. 条件收敛;
C. 发散;
3.设 {xn } 是一个数列,n,
p 是任意自然数.下列哪一个条件可以推出 {xn } 是柯西列?[
B. | x n + p x n |<
+ ∑ (a n cos nx + bn sin nx) 是 f ( x) 的傅立叶级数.则
n =1

a2006 = [

8.设 f ( x) 是周期等于 2 的函数,在区间 (1,1] 的表达式为 f ( x) = 2 x + x 2 .其傅里叶级数为
a0 ∞ + ∑ (an cos nπx + bn sin nπx) 的和函数为 S (x) ,则 S (1) 等于[ 2 n=0
9.已知 ∫1 (e x
2 p
1)dx ,收敛,则正数 p 的取值范围是[
1 10. f (x) 为可导函数,f (a) = 1 ,f (b) = 1 . 设 若函数列 n ( x) = n[ f ( x + ) f ( x)] 在区间 [a, b] n
一致收敛,则 lim ∫a n ( x)dx = [
A. 2 ;
B. 1 ;
C. 0 ;
D. 3
二、填空题 填空题(每小题4分,共20分) 填空题 6.若幂级数 ∑ an x n 的收敛域为 [2,2) ,则幂级数 ∑ an ( x 1) 2 n 的收敛域为[
n=0 n=0

Байду номын сангаас

a 7.设 f ( x) = x + 2 ( π < x ≤ π ) , 0
清华大学本科生考试试题专用纸 考试课程 微积分 2 (A) 姓名 学号 班级 2005 年 6 月 20 日
一、选择题 选择题(每小题4分,共20分) 选择题
∞ ∞ 1 1.设正项级数 ∑ an 收敛,则 ∑ (1) n (an ) n n =1 n =1
[ ]
A. 绝对收敛;

B. 条件收敛;
b n→∞
三、解答题(共 60 分) 11.(12 分)用比阶判别法证明反常积分 ∫0
ln(1 + x) dx 收敛,然后计算. x x
12.(10 分)写出 ln(1 数的收敛域.
x2 x2 ) 的马克劳林级数(即 ln(1 ) 在点 x0 = 0 的泰勒级数) ,求这个幂级 2 2
13.(10 分)求幂级数

A. | x n + p x n |< C. | x n + p xn |<
4.若瑕积分 ∫
n+ p n2

ln p n2

1 ; n+ p
D. | x n + p x n |<
np n + p2

1 α x (1 x) β 0
ln xdx 收敛,则 α 和 β 的取值范围是
C. α > 2 , β > 1 ;
a n = ∫(nnπ1)π
∞ f ( x) sin x dx ( n = 1,2, ) ,求证级数 ∑ an 是收敛的交错级数. x +1 n =1

A. α > 1 , β > 0 ;
B. α > 0 , β > 0 ;
D. α > 1 , β > 2
5.设 f (x) 在 [0,+∞) 存在二阶导数,且 f (0) = 1 , f ′(0) > 0 , f ′′( x) ≤ c < 0 (其中 c 是一个正 数) .则 f ( x) 在 (0,+∞) 的零点个数为 [ ]
∑ n(n 1) x

14.(12 分)设 a 为任意正数. (1)求函数级数 ∑
x 2n 的收敛域; 2 n n =1 (1 + x ) x 2n 在区间 [ a, a ] 一致收敛,指出该函数级数和函数的连续 2 n n =1 (1 + x )

(2)对任意正数 a ,证明 ∑ 区间.