







一项调查显示北京社区发病率为 46.5%(94人/202人),以中老年女性更为常见,随着老龄化社会的到来,女性尿失禁的问题更加突出,严重影响患者的生活质量。




























































周围神经与泌尿系统相关的周围神经主要是骶丛分支阴部神经pudendal nerve:从骶丛发出后伴随阴部内动静脉出梨状肌下孔,绕坐骨棘穿坐骨小孔进坐骨直肠窝,贴此窝外侧壁向前分支分布于会阴部和外生殖器的肌肉和皮肤,其主要分支有:(1)肛(直肠下)神经anal nerve分布于肛门外括约肌及肛门部的皮肤(2)会阴神经perineal nerve分布于会阴诸肌(包括尿道外括约肌)和阴囊或大阴唇的皮肤(3)阴茎(阴蒂)背神经dorsal nerve of penis(clitoris)行于阴茎(阴蒂)的背侧,主要分布于阴茎(阴蒂)的海绵体和皮肤。




膀胱内压升高时,输尿管末端被压迫,尿液不会从膀胱倒流入输尿管和肾盂.(二)膀胱排空是一个反射性的正反馈过程膀胱和尿道的平滑肌受自主神经支配而尿道外括约肌受躯体神经支配膀胱的逼尿肌(detrusor muscle)和尿道内括约肌受交感神经和副交感神经的双重支配, 交感神经末梢释放的递质是去甲肾上腺素,后者通过B肾上腺素能受体使膀胱逼尿肌松弛,同时通过a肾上腺素能受体是尿道内括约肌收缩,故能阻抑膀胱内尿液的排放.副交感神经节后神经元末梢释放的递质为乙酰胆碱,后者激动逼尿肌的M型胆碱能受体,是逼尿肌收缩,但尿道内括约肌则舒张,故能促进排尿。


专题 研 究
2 0 1 5年 3期

治疗 中风失语效果肯定 。基于此研究 背景 , 本文 旨在通过随机对 著 , 具有统计学意义( P< 0 . 0 5 ) 。详见表 1 。 照研究探讨针刺加语言康复治疗 中风失语 的临床疗效 , 分析研究 表 1 两组患者治疗前后语言功能评分 比较[ n %) 】 针刺语 言相关组穴对失语症患者的中枢效应 。 回顾性分析本次临 组别 显效 有效 进步 无效 总有效 床诊疗 资料 , 现报道如下。 1 资 料 与 方 法 对照组0= 1 5 )5 ( 3 3 . 3 )3 ( 2 0 . 0 )2 ( 1 3 - 3 )5 ( 3 3 . 3 ) 1 0 ( 6 6 . 7 ) 1 . 1 一 般 资料 观察组( n = 2 5 )1 1 ( 4 4 . 0 )6 ( 2 4 . 0 )6 ( 2 4 . 0 )2 ( 8 . 0 ) 2 3 ( 9 2 . 0 ) 选取 2 0 1 0 年8 月至2 0 1 4 年8 月我院收治 的4 0 例 中风失语症 患 戈2 4. 1 6 7 4 者为研究对象 , 所有患者经脑C T 及MR I 检查确诊。排除心、 肝、 肾 等功能严重衰竭者 , B D A E 分级评分为0 的患者不予 纳入 。依据 随 P 0 . 0 4 1 2<O . 0 5 机化分组法分为对照组( 1 5 例) 和观察组( 2 5 例) 。 对照组 : 男1 0 例, 女5 例; 年龄4 2 至6 9 岁, 平 均( 5 8 . 5±2 . 8 ) 岁; 脑梗死 1 1 例, 脑 出血4 2 . 2 功能影像学实验结果 例。 观察组 : 男1 6 例, 女9 例; 年龄4 0 至7 0 岁, 平均( 5 9 . 2±3 . 2 ) 岁; 脑 电针针刺皮层下损伤患者左侧组穴 ,未见损伤处组织激活 , 梗死 1 9 例, 脑 出血6 例。 两组患者于一般资料方 面比较无统计学意 皮层损 伤患者 出现皮层脑组织激活 ; 健康志愿者脑功能 区激活簇 义, P>0 . 0 5 , 具 有 可 比性 。 数远远高于失语症患者 ; 研究 对象均于针刺左侧 目标 穴位 后双侧 1 . 2 研究方法 颞叶出现激活现象。 1 . 2 . 1 治 疗 方 法 3 讨论 对照组 : 单行语言功能训练治疗 。根据患者失语类型分别应 中医学关于中风的记载最早见于《 内经》 , 属 于“ 言謇 ” 范畴 。 用 复述性 、 衔接性 、 对镜等训练方法。 l O U d , 1 5 次为一疗程 。 《 中藏经》 曰: “ 心脾俱 中风 , 则舌强不能言 , 盖脾脉 络 胃挟咽 , 连舌 观察 组 : 于对 照组治疗基础上辅以针刺治疗。 取穴语言一区、 二区 本 , 散舌下 , 二脏受风 , 则舌本强硬而不语也。 ” 认 为内伤脏腑 为失 及三 区行针刺 , 通 电留针半小时 ; 取穴人 中、 神庭 、 廉泉 、 哑 门、 百 语 症发 病机制。本次研究主 以针刺法刺激 与舌有关联 的脏腑 经 会、 通里 ( 双侧 ) 、 涌泉行针 , 0 . 5 h / 1 次; 廉泉可通经活络 、 清 络放 血, 隔 日1 次 。三法连 同, l 5 天为一疗程。 心开窍 , 针刺金津及玉液 , 可活血化瘀 、 疏肝清热 、 活血化瘀。 本次 1 . 2 . 2 功 能影像学实验研究方法 研 究结果证实 , 针刺 辅 以语 言康复治疗 , 疗效肯定 , 值得 临床推 于治疗效果显效患者 中选取1 例皮层失语患者 、 l 例皮层下失 广 。 语 患者及 5 例健 康志 愿者 , 取通 里穴 、 悬钟穴行 针刺 1 个月 , 运用 回顾分析功 能影像 学实验结果 , 结果 显示 , 当电针针 刺左侧 f M R I 中的B O L D 技术分析皮质功能 区的激活情况 。 组穴, 皮层下损伤失语 症患者于皮下层并未见激活 , 皮层 损伤患 1 . 3 疗 效 判定 者皮层脑组 织出现激活现象 , 健康志愿者脑功能 区激活簇数远远 ① 显效 : 患者 口语表 达及 听力理解能力提升显著 , 语言功能 高 于失语症患者 ; 而上述 电针针刺对象者均于针刺左侧 目标穴位 评分 高于7 8 分; ②有效 : 患者 口语表 达及 听力理解能力有一定提 后双侧颞叶出现激活现象。可见 , 语言功能 由脑组织 中网络所控 升, 语言功能评分较之于治疗前提高3 O 分 以上 , 但未达7 8 分; ③进 制 , 而针刺组穴通里、 悬钟可改善患者语 言功能 。但是具体而 言 , 步; 语 言功能评分 提高5 至2 9 分; ④无效 : 未达上述标准 。 将①②③ 功能定位是相对而言的 , 语言功能的恢复机制还需进一步深入研 计人总有效 。 究。 1 . 4 统计 学方法 参考文献 : 采用卡方检验 。 【 1 】 张浪, 李小杏, 张鹏等 . 针刺结合语 言康复 治疗 中风后 失语研 究 2 结 果 进展Ⅱ 】 . 中华针 灸电子杂志, 2 0 1 4 ,  ̄ ) : 6 1 - 6 4 . 2 . 1 临床疗效 [ 2 ] 陆倩 , 康冰. 针刺 结合语言训练治疗中风后 失语症3 2 例临床观察 与对 照组 比较 , 观察组治疗效果显然优 于后者 , 对 比差异显 田. 河 南中医, 2 0 1 0 , 3 0 ( 2 ) : 1 7 9 — 1 8 1 .



45快乐养生 2020.10尿失禁,让她不敢开怀大笑☉自贡市第一人民医院 李家泉可,通常需要坚持一段时间才能见效。

















280新医学研究论著2024年4月第55卷第4期基于fNIRS 对女性不同膀胱状态下盆底肌收缩任务的前额叶激活情况徐正娴 潘伟婷 于灿灿 周星辰 石娇 王敏 陈尚杰【摘要】 目的 为探讨前额叶在人体控尿功能中发挥的作用提供神经影像学依据。

方法 利用近红外脑功能成像技术(fNIRS )收集20名健康成年女性志愿者膀胱充盈和空虚状态下盆底肌收缩时大脑前额皮层的血流动力学数据,并对数据进行相应的处理,通过分析各个通道所提取的氧合血红蛋白浓度的相对变化量所对应的Beta 值,对比前额叶不同脑区间激活情况差异。

结果 膀胱充盈状态下前额皮层共有30个通道激活,膀胱空虚状态下前额皮层共有8个通道激活(P 均< 0.05),其中共同激活通道有7个;相较于空虚状态,膀胱充盈时的前额叶激活更明显,且以右侧脑区激活为主,差异主要体现在右侧背外侧前额叶和额极(P 均< 0.05)。

结论 盆底肌收缩运动可以使大脑前额皮层被激活。


【关键词】 近红外脑功能成像技术;前额叶;盆底肌收缩;膀胱状态;女性fNIRS -based study of prefrontal cortex activation during pelvic floor muscle contraction in women under different bladder states Xu Zhengxian △, Pan Weiting , Yu Cancan , Zhou Xingchen , Shi Jiao , Wang Min , Chen Shangjie.△Graduate School , Bengbu Medical College , Bengbu 233000, ChinaCorresponding author: Chen Shangjie , E -mail:****************【Abstract 】Objective To provide a neuroimaging basis for exploring the role of the prefrontal cortex in human urinary control function. Methods Hemodynamic data from the prefrontal cortex of the brain during the task of pelvic floor muscle contraction from 20 healthy female volunteers were collected using functional near -infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS ) under two di ff erent states of bladder fi lling and emptying , and these data were processed accordingly to compare the di ff erences in the activation state among di ff erent brain compartments of the prefrontal cortex by analyzing the Beta values corresponding to the relative amount of changes in the concentration of oxyhemoglobin extracted from each individual channel. Results A total of 30 channels were activated duringbladder fi lling , whereas 8 channels were activated during bladder emptying (all P < 0.05), including 7 co -activated channels. The prefrontal cortex activation was more signi fi cant during bladder fi lling than bladder emptying , and the activation was predominantlyin the right prefrontal cortex , with the di ff erences mainly in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and frontopolar cortex (all P < 0.05). Conclusions The prefrontal cortex can be activated by pelvic floor muscle contraction. Under the state of bladder fi lling , the prefrontal cortex may perceive the pressure change of the bladder through neural reflex activity and thus participate in the regulation of the voluntary pelvic floor muscle contraction , plays a role in human urinary control function. The right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex region possibly plays a more signi fi cant role in this process.【Key words 】 Functional near -infrared spectroscopy ; Prefrontal cortex ; Pelvic floor muscle contraction ; Bladder state ;Female基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(81973922);深圳市宝安区卫生健康局区医学重点学科(2022-2025)专项作者单位:233000 蚌埠,蚌埠医学院研究生院(徐正娴,于灿灿,周星辰,陈尚杰);518000 深圳,深圳大学第二附属医院康复科(潘伟婷,石娇,陈尚杰);233000 蚌埠,蚌埠医学院第一附属医院康复科(王敏)通信作者:陈尚杰,E -mail:****************人脑高级中枢能够通过完整的反射弧接受来自膀胱壁上的压力感受器信号,并对其做出反馈参与调控人体的排尿和储尿行为。
































一、神经系统对泌尿系统的影响1. 神经系统调节尿液生成:神经系统通过调节肾脏的血流量、肾小球滤过率、肾小管重吸收等过程来控制尿液的生成。


2. 神经系统调节尿液排泄:神经系统通过调节尿道的平滑肌和括约肌的收缩来控制尿液的排泄。


3. 神经系统调节膀胱的充盈和排空:神经系统通过对膀胱平滑肌和括约肌的控制来调节膀胱的充盈和排空。


二、泌尿系统对神经系统的影响1. 尿液代谢产物的排泄:泌尿系统负责排泄体内的废物和代谢产物,其中包括尿素、尿酸等。


2. 水电解质平衡的调节:泌尿系统通过调节尿液的排泄量和浓度来维持体内水电解质的平衡。





2.4 神经系统的分级调节(分层作业)(有解析)-高二生物同步备课系列(人教版2023选择性必修1)

2.4 神经系统的分级调节(分层作业)(有解析)-高二生物同步备课系列(人教版2023选择性必修1)

2.4 神经系统的分级调节(分层作业)(有解析)-高二生物同步备课系列(人教版2023选择性必修1)第二章神经调节第4节神经系统的分级调节一、单选题1.对下列实例分析正确的是()A.某人因意外车祸而使大脑受损,其表现症状是能够看懂文字和听懂别人谈话,但却不会说,这个人受损伤的部位是言语区的S区B.当盲人用手指“阅读”盲文时,参与此过程的高级神经中枢只有躯体感觉中枢和躯体运动中枢C.当你专心作答试题时,参与的高级中枢主要有大脑皮层H区和S 区D.某同学正在跑步,下丘脑和脑干未参与调节2.下列关于缩手反射及其反射弧的叙述,正确的是()A.该反射弧的效应器是指传入神经末梢及共支配的肌肉B.在缩手反射过程中兴奋在神经纤维上的传导是单向的C.神经递质由突触前膜释放进入下一个神经元内起作用D.指尖采血时手未缩回是因为脊髓神经中枢的控制作用3.在家兔动脉血压正常波动过程中,当血压升高时,其血管壁上的压力感受器感受到刺激可以反射性地引起心跳减慢和小血管舒张,从而使血压降低,仅由此调节过程判断,这一调节属于()A.神经调节,负反馈调节B.神经调节,免疫调节C.体液调节,负反馈调节D.体液调节,免疫调节4.控制排尿反射的高级神经中枢在大脑皮层,低级神经中枢位于脊髓,调节过程如图所示。











































4. 中也有许多重要的调节内脏活动的基本中枢,如调节呼吸运动的中枢,调节心血管活动的中枢等,--且受到损伤,各种生理活动即失调,严重时呼吸或心跳会停止。

5. 是调节内脏活动的较高级中枢,它也使内脏活动和其他生理活动相联系,以调节、、摄食等主要生理过程。

6. 是许多低级中枢活动的高级调节者,它对各级中枢的活动起调整作用,这就使得自主神经系统并不完全自主。



()1.产生渴感的感受器和神经中枢分别存在于( )A.大脑皮层和下丘脑B.下丘脑和大脑皮层C.下丘脑的神经细胞和垂体D.肾上腺和下丘脑2.下列对动物和人体生理过程的叙述中,能体现神经系统的分级调节的是( )A.在大脑皮层形成的痛觉B.成年人可以有意识地控制排尿C.垂体分泌的促甲状腺激素能促进甲状腺分泌甲状腺激素D.用橡皮锤轻轻叩击膝盖下面的韧带,小腿突然抬起3.如图为各级中枢示意图。



正常的排尿生理:A. 储尿期膀胱壁的牵张感受器受到刺激,神经冲动(包括一般内脏感觉和本体感觉)经由髓鞘A-delta纤维沿盆神经传入骶髓(S2-4)。

B. 内脏感觉和本体感觉信息经过脊髓丘脑束和薄束传递到中脑导水管旁灰质区,在传递到脑桥背内侧的排尿中枢和腹外侧的储尿中枢,这样上位中枢神经系统对膀胱的充盈状态产生意识性的知觉,同时脑桥排尿中枢受到皮质高级中枢的制约。

C. 如果条件允许排尿,膀胱排空过程即被启动。


1. 中枢神经系统的运动性神经冲动经顶盖脊髓束和网状脊髓束到达骶髓(S2-S4).灰质中的副交感神经下运动神经元(发出内脏传出纤维)。

2. 下运动神经元发出神经纤维经盆神经到达膀胱逼尿肌,启动逼尿肌收缩,促使膀胱排空。

3. 排尿过程的控制由副交感神经系统发挥作用,节前和节后纤维的神经传递都是胆碱能递质。


4. 膀胱壁的一般内脏感觉和本体感觉传入神经元和骶髓中的副交感下运动神经元有突触联系,这是局部脊髓排尿反射的基础。

5. 排尿时,上位中枢传出纤维抑制交感神经系统冲动的传递。


6. 脑桥排尿中枢兴奋性冲动到达骶髓抑制性中间神经元,发出抑制性冲动经阴部神经,使尿道外扩约肌松弛。


7. 中枢神经系统(从头部到骶髓)损伤的早期可导致逼尿肌无反射和尿道扩约肌张力的提高(由于失去上运动神经元的抑制性作用所致)。




D. 如果排尿的条件不够成熟,储尿过程继续。

















到胚胎31-45 mm时, the puborectali, 1evator ani, and bullbocavernosus muscles已经发育出分化好的横纹肌细胞,而尿道周围的肌性细胞仍保持未分化状态。


膀胱充盈时大脑更聪明 多喝水或助做明智决定文档

膀胱充盈时大脑更聪明 多喝水或助做明智决定文档
























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Brain (1998),121,2033–2042Brain activation during micturition in womenBertil F.M.Blok,Leontien M.Sturms and Gert HolstegeDepartment of Anatomy and Embryology,Faculty of Correspondence to:Bertil F .M.Blok,Department of Medical Sciences,University of Groningen,Groningen,Anatomy and Embryology,Faculty of Medical Sciences,The NetherlandsUniversity of Groningen,Oostersingel 69,9713EZ Groningen,The Netherlands.E-mail:b.f.m.blok @med.rug.nlSummaryExperiments in the cat have led to a concept of how the CNS controls micturition.In a previous study this concept was tested in a PET study in male volunteers.It was demonstrated that specific brainstem and forebrain areas are activated during micturition.It was unfortunate that this study did not involve women,because such results are important for understanding urge incontinence,which occurs more frequently in women than in men.Therefore,a similar study was done in 18right-handed women,who were scanned during the following four conditions:(i)15min prior to micturition (urine with-holding);(ii)during micturition;(iii)15min after micturi-tion;and (iv)30min after micturition.Of the 18volunteers,10were able to micturate during scanning and eight were not,despite trying vigorously.Micturition appeared to be associated with significantly increased blood flow in the right dorsal pontine tegmentum and theKeywords :pontine micturition centre;M-region;pontine storage centre;L-region;anterior cingulate gyrus;inferior frontal gyrusAbbreviations :BA ϭBrodmann area;PAG ϭperiaqueductal grey;PMC ϭpontine micturition centre;rCBF ϭregional cerebral blood flow;SPM ϭstatistical parametric mappingIntroductionMicturition or urination is a co-ordinated action between the urinary bladder and its external urethral sphincter.When the bladder contracts,the sphincter relaxes.Although the motor neuronal cell groups of both bladder and sphincter are located in the sacral spinal cord,their co-ordination takes place in the pons.This brainstem organization is best shown in patients with spinal cord injuries above the sacral level.They have great difficulty emptying the bladder,because when their bladder contracts their urethral sphincter also contracts,a disorder called detrusor–sphincter dyssynergia.Such disorders never occur in patients with neurological lesions rostral to the pons,which indicates that the co-ordinating neurons are located in the pontine tegmentum (Blaivas,1982).As early as 1925,Barrington showed in the cat that the neurons involved in the control of micturition are probably ©Oxford University Press 1998right inferior frontal gyrus.Decreased blood flow was found in the right anterior cingulate gyrus during urine withholding.The eight volunteers who were not able to micturate during scanning did not show significantly increased regional cerebral blood flow in the right dorsal,but did so in the right ventral pontine tegmentum.In the cat this region controls the motor neurons of the pelvic floor.In the same unsuccessful micturition group,increased blood flow was also found in the right inferior frontal gyrus.In all 18volunteers,decreased blood flow in the right anterior cingulate gyrus was found during the period when they had to withhold their urine prior to the micturition condition.The results suggest that in women and in men the same specific nuclei exist in the pontine tegmentum responsible for the control of micturition.The results also indicate that the cortical and pontine micturition sites are more active on the right than on the left side.located in the dorsolateral part of the pontine tegmentum,because bilateral lesions in this area produced an inability to empty the bladder,leading to urinary retention.Tracing studies in cat (Holstege et al.,1979)and rat (Loewy et al.,1979)revealed that a distinct cell group in the dorsal pontine tegmentum,called Barrington’s area or the pontine micturition centre (PMC)or M-region,projects to the sacral cord intermediolateral cell column.Blok and Holstege (1997)have shown that this projection is excitatory in nature and contacts dendrites and somata of parasympathetic preganglionic bladder motor neurons.Electrical or chemical stimulation in the PMC produces bladder contractions (Holstege et al.,1986;Mallory et al.,1991)and bilateral destruction of the PMC leads to chronic urinary retention (Griffiths et al.,1990).Another area,important during the filling phase,is located2034 B.F.M.Blok et al.more ventrally and laterally in the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum.This area,called the L-region,maintains direct projections to the nucleus of Onuf in the sacral cord(Holstege et al.,1979,1986).In the cat(Sato et al.,1978;Kuzuhara et al.,1980),monkey(Roppolo et al.,1985)and humans (Onufrowicz,1899;Schro¨der,1981),Onuf’s nucleus contains motor neurons innervating the pelvicfloor,including the anal and urethral sphincters.Stimulation of the L-region in the cat results in a contraction of the pelvicfloor,including the external urethral sphincter(Holstege et al.,1986).Bilateral lesions in the L-region cause an extreme form of‘urge’incontinence(Griffiths et al.,1990).Experiments in the cat have led to a concept about the basic micturition control systems in the CNS(Fig.1). Information about the degree of bladderfilling is conveyed by the pelvic nerve to neurons in the lumbosacral cord (Morgan et al.,1981),which in turn project to the periaqueductal grey(PAG)(Noto et al.,1991;Blok et al., 1995;Vanderhorst et al.,1996).When the bladder isfilled to such a degree that voiding is appropriate,the PAG activates neurons in the PMC(Blok and Holstege,1994),which in turn excite the sacral preganglionic parasympathetic bladder motor neurons and inhibit the bladder sphincter motor neurons.The bladder excitation is achieved by way of the direct projection to the parasympathetic motor neurons(Blok and Holstege,1997),and the sphincter inhibition by way of PMC projections to GABAergic interneurons in the sacral cord dorsal grey commissure(Blok et al.,1997a;Blok and Holstege,1998).These GABA cells in turn project to the motor neurons in Onuf’s nucleus(Konishi et al.,1985; Nadelhaft et al.,1996).A recent PET study(Blok and Holstege,1995,1996;Blok et al.,1997c)in healthy human male volunteers revealed the same brainstem areas to be associated with micturition as in the cat.Thefirst example is the dorsal pontine tegmentum,where the PMC is located in the cat(see also Fukuyama et al.,1996).Other activated areas are the midbrain PAG,the hypothalamus,the right inferior frontal gyrus and the right anterior cingulate gyrus. Withholding of urine,despite vigorous attempts to micturate, was associated with increased regional cerebral bloodflow (rCBF)in the ventral pontine tegmentum,an area corresponding to the L-region in the cat,and in the inferior frontal gyrus and anterior cingulate gyrus,all regions on the right side only.PET scan studies are important for our understanding of the micturition control system and its abnormalities.A PET scan study on micturition in women is needed because in women the incidence of neurogenic-related micturition disorders is much greater than in men(Resnick et al.,1989). In particular urge incontinence,in which a patient senses the urge to void but is unable to delay micturition long enough to reach a toilet,is most frequently seen in the elderly population,mostly females(Jewett et al.,1981;Haschek, 1984;Resnick et al.,1989).Since animal studies(e.g. Raisman and Field,1971;Gorski et al.,1978;Breedlove, 1980)have provided ample evidence for importantsex Fig.1Schematic overview of pathways between spinal and supraspinal structures involved in the control of micturition based on experiments in cats and men.The locations of the micturition control areas(see text)in the brainstem and diencephalon were used in the null hypotheses for the present study in women. Ascending(sensory-related)and descending(motor-related) pathways are indicated on the respective left and right sides only. BCϭbrachium conjunctivum;CAϭanterior commissure;ICϭinferior colliculus;OCϭoptic chiasm;PONϭpontine nuclei;SCϭsuperior colliculus;S2ϭsecond sacral segment; (ϩ)ϭexcitatory effect;(Ϫ)ϭinhibitory effect.differences in the structural organization of neuronal cell groups in the CNS,the present study in women was designed to identify the brain regions involved in micturition and to compare the results with the PET scanfindings in men,and the anatomical and physiologicalfindings in the cat. MethodExperimental designThe volunteers were adult women between20and51years of age(mean27years).The subjects completed a general health questionnaire.V olunteers reporting a history of neuro-logical,psychiatric or gastroenterological illness werePET study on micturition in women2035excluded from the study(nϭ3).The remaining18 subjects were right-handed,and gave their written informed consent according to the declaration of Helsinki.The protocol of the study was approved by the research ethics committee of the University Hospital of Groningen. During each scan the lights were dimmed,the subjects had their eyes closed and did not move.Each scanning session consisted of four measurements and lasted1.5h in total.Experimental protocol and trainingThe volunteers were scanned during the following four conditions:(i)filled bladder,(ii)micturition,(iii)empty bladder and(iv)empty bladder.Eight seconds before the second scan and15s after the injection of the H2150bolus, the right indexfinger of the volunteer was touched to let her know that she could start micturition.Prior to the other three scans no specific assignment was given.The urine was collected with a special urological device(Femicep bedpan; SIMS Portex Inc.,Hythe,UK)attached to a plastic urine reservoir.The device was positioned close to the urethral orifice during all four scans.Thefloor of the Femicep bedpan was equipped with a self-made battery-driven urine detector, which,during the second condition,indicated the onset of micturition with a small red light.A few days before the scanning session,the volunteers were asked to practise at home,urinating horizontally using the Femicep bedpan.When individual practice was successful, the PET scan session during micturition was simulated at the subjects’home under the guidance of one of the authors (L.M.S.).V olunteers who were not able to micturate during this session at home were excluded from the study.They were asked to volunteer in a PET study on the voluntary control of the pelvicfloor musculature(Blok et al.,1997b). About70min prior to thefirst condition of the actual scanning session,the urine volume of the bladder was measured with the use of an ultrasonic device,called the Bladder Manager(Diagnostic Ultrasound Corporation, Seattle,Wash.,USA).If the Bladder Manager indicated that the bladder was hardlyfilled(Ͻ250ml)and the volunteer affirmed that she did not have a sensation of afilled bladder, she was asked to drink an additional glass of water.When there was successful micturition during condition2,the bladder volume was measured for a second time to determine the residual urine volume.When the bladder appeared to containϾ200ml,the subject was asked to micturate again. One volunteer was unable to do so,and she was catheterized by a trained physician.Catheterization also took place in the eight volunteers in whom micturition during condition2was not successful.Data acquisitionThe subject was placed in a horizontal position in the PET camera(Siemens-CTI951/31,Knoxville,Tenn.,USA)parallel to and5cm below the OM(orbitomeatal)line, as determined by external examination.An individually constructed head mould was used to prevent substantial changes in head position.Because of the technical characteristics of the PET camera,the most caudal limit of the scanned area was the pons and the most rostral was the cingulate gyrus,which meant that images were obtained from an axialfield of view of28mm below to48mm above the intercommissural plane.This implied,for example,that the sensorimotor cortex could not be investigated.In order to correct for absorption ofγ-radiation by surrounding tissue,a20-min transmission scan was made at the beginning of the scanning session.The relative attenuation factors,obtained from this scan,were used for correcting the subsequent emission scans and for image reconstruction. After the transmission scan,the subjects were given 1.85GBq of H215O diluted in saline for each of the four scans.The H215O bolus,followed by40ml saline,was injected in the right brachial vein using an automatic pump.Data acquisition continued for90s and began23s after the beginning of the injection,at which time the peak in radioactivity was assumed to have reached the cerebral circulation.To allow the radiation to return to the background level,there was an interval of15min between the injections. Data analysisThe data of each scan were summed and the resulting images were centred to prevent loss of information during sampling. Prior to the statistical procedure the data were sampled to a voxel size of2.2ϫ2.2ϫ2.4mm.The data were further analysed using the statistical parametric mapping(SPM) procedure(SPM95from the Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology,London,UK)implemented in Matlab (Mathworks,Sherborn,Mass.,USA)on a SPARC workstation (Sun Microsystems,Bagshot,UK).The SPM95software was used for anatomical realignment,normalization,smoothing and statistical analysis.Realignment corrected the images for the translational and rotational movements of the head,using thefirst scan as reference.Normalizing spatial transformation matches each scan to a reference or template,which conforms to the stereotaxic standard space(Talairach and Tournoux,1988). Finally,the images were smoothed with a Gaussianfilter of 8ϫ8ϫ8mm3(full width half maximum in the x,y and z axes,respectively).This relatively smallfilter was used because the main part of the study was aimed at the relatively small brainstem and diencephalon sites that have been found to be involved in the central control of micturition in men (Blok et al.,1997c).Statistical analysisThe differences in global activity within and between subjects were removed by ANCOV A(analysis of covariance)on a pixel-by-pixel basis with global count as the covariate.For2036 B.F.M.Blok et al.each pixel in stereotaxic space,the ANCOV A generated a condition-specific adjusted mean rCBF value(normalized to 50ml/dl/min)and an associated adjusted error variance.A repeated measures ANCOV A was used for the comparison of the four conditions.The following contrasts for both groups were planned: (i)scan2(successful/unsuccessful micturition)minus scan 3(empty bladder),(ii)scan2(successful/unsuccessful micturition)minus scan1(filled bladder)and(iii)scan1 (filled bladder)minus the other conditions.The differences between conditions were assessed by weighting each condition with an appropriate contrast.The significance of each contrast was assessed with a statistic whose distribution had Student’s t distribution under the null hypothesis.For each contrast a t statistic was computed for every voxel to form a statistical parametric map[SPM{t}; Friston et al.,1991].Finally,the SPM{t}was transformed to the unit normal distribution(SPM{Z}).Since the location of the expected micturition related areas was predicted a priori on the basis of the PET study in males, an uncorrected threshold of PϽ0.001was used for these areas.Trends towards activation in the expected micturition control areas were reported when they reached a significance level of PϽ0.005or a Z value of 2.5.This level of significance gives sufficient protection against false positives (Kosslyn et al.,1994;Warburton et al.,1996).The activation in brain areas other than those predicted to be activated during micturition was considered statistically significant only after correction for multiple comparisons. This correction is necessary because,with so many voxel-by-voxel comparisons,many t values will reach a conventional level of significance by chance.The problem was resolved by using a Bonferroni-like correction for the number of voxels studied and reporting only those voxels that achieved a corrected level of significance of PϽ0.05 after such a correction(Friston et al.,1991).ResultsTen of the18volunteers were able to micturate within15s after the beginning of scan2.The collected urine volume of this group of volunteers was423Ϯ97ml(meanϮSD). One successful volunteer,who urinated320ml of urine during the second scan,had to be catheterized to remove a urine volume of380ml prior to scan3.The results obtained in this group will be referred to as‘successful micturition’. The other eight volunteers tried to micturate during scanning but did not succeed(the‘unsuccessful micturition’group). Of the unsuccessful micturition group,all were catheterized (urine volume780Ϯ162ml).The data from the two groups are reported separately.Successful micturition groupIn the10subjects who were able to micturate during scanning,the sites showing significant activation(uncorrected PϽ0.001)in brain areas previously implicated in micturition control are presented in Table1.During micturition(scan2),the right dorsal pontine tegmentum(Fig.2,left)and the right inferior frontal gyrus were significantly activated compared with the empty bladder condition(scan3).Using the same comparison,trends towards activation(uncorrected P value between0.001and 0.005)were observed in the most caudal extension of the PAG(uncorrected PϽ0.002)and the rostral hypothalamus (uncorrected PϽ0.004).Other regions,previously not implicated in micturition control,were not found to be significantly activated(corrected PϽ0.05).Comparing the micturition condition(scan2)with thefilled bladder condition(scan1),increased rCBF was observed in the right inferior frontal gyrus with micturition(Fig.3).A trend towards activation was found in the dorsal pontine tegmentum(uncorrected PϽ0.005).With this comparison, other regions that have not previously been implicated in micturition control were not found to be significantly activated (corrected PϽ0.05).The rCBF in the right anterior cingulate gyrus(Fig.3)was significantly decreased during thefilled bladder condition(scan1)compared with the micturition condition(scan2),but also compared with the empty bladder conditions(scans3and4).Similar significant decreases in rCBF(corrected PϽ0.05) were observed during micturition(scan2)compared with the other three conditions in the left medial frontal gyrus and the right inferior frontal gyrus.Interestingly,the right anterior insula and/or the right frontal operculum were strongly activated(corrected PϽ0.003)during thefilled bladder condition(scan1)compared with the empty bladder conditions,and,to a lesser degree, compared with the micturition condition(Z scoreϭ4.3). Unsuccessful micturition groupIn the eight subjects who were unable to micturate during scanning,the sites showing significant activation are presented in Table paring the second condition (unsuccessful micturition;scan2)with the condition whilst the bladder was empty(scan3),significantly increased rCBF (uncorrected PϽ0.001)was found in the right ventral pontine tegmentum(Fig.2,right)and a trend towards significant activation(PϽ0.002)in the right inferior frontal parison of thefirst condition(withholding of urine)with the unsuccessful micturition condition(scan2) showed a significant decrease in rCBF(uncorrected PϽ0.001)in the right anterior cingulate gyrus.A similar decrease was also found in a comparison with the empty bladder conditions(scans3and4).A trend towards significant activation(PϽ0.004)was found in the right inferior frontal gyrus,but not in the ventral pontine tegmentum.The ventral pontine tegmentum was also strongly activated (corrected PϽ0.05)during thefilled bladder condition(scan 1)compared with the empty bladder conditions(scans3and 4).The right anterior insula and/or the right frontal operculumPET study on micturition in women2037 Table1Regional differences in cerebral bloodflow during successful micturitionCoordinates of peak activation(mm)Z scorex y zMicturition,successful(scan2)minus empty bladder(scan3)Increased rCBFRight inferior frontal gyrus(BA44and45)ϩ52ϩ24ϩ12 3.1 Dorsal pontine tegmentumϩ12Ϫ36Ϫ28 3.6 Periaqueductal greyϩ2Ϫ38Ϫ24 2.8 HypothalamusϪ8ϩ10Ϫ8 2.6 Decreased rCBFRight inferior frontal gyrus(BA44and45)ϩ46ϩ14ϩ24 4.3Left medial frontal gyrusϪ42ϩ40ϩ20 3.6 Micturition,successful(scan2)minus withholding urine(scan1)Increased rCBFRight inferior frontal gyrus(BA45and46)ϩ52ϩ22ϩ4 4.4* Right anterior cingulate gyrus(BA24and32)ϩ14ϩ30ϩ16 3.6 Dorsal pontine tegmentumϩ16Ϫ40Ϫ28 2.5 Decreased rCBFRight inferior frontal gyrus(BA44and45)ϩ46ϩ14ϩ20 4.7* Left medial frontal gyrusϪ42ϩ40ϩ20 4.5* Withholding urine(scan1)minus micturition,successful(scan2)Increased rCBFRight frontal operculum and/or anterior insulaϩ38ϩ10ϩ8 4.3 Decreased rCBFRight anterior cingulate gyrus(BA24and32)ϩ18ϩ38ϩ8 3.9 Withholding urine(scan1)minus empty bladder(scan3)Increased rCBFRight frontal operculum and/or anterior insulaϩ38ϩ10ϩ12 5.1* Decreased rCBFRight anterior cingulate gyrus(BA24and32)ϩ16ϩ32ϩ12 3.8 Peak activations are indicated by x,y and z coordinates according to the stereotaxic atlas of Talairach and Tournoux(1988).BAϭestimated Brodmann area.*Significant after multiple comparisons correction with a threshold of corrected PϽ0.05.were also strongly activated(corrected PϽ0.005)during thefilled bladder condition(scan1)compared with the empty bladder conditions(scan3and4),but not in comparison with the unsuccessful micturition condition(scan2). DiscussionThe present study was designed to determine the brain regions activated during micturition in women and to compare the results with those obtained in the previous study in men.It appeared that the micturition-related brain regions in the pons and cerebral cortex in men and women are the same, and that the PAG and the hypothalamus,which have been found to be significantly activated during micturition in men, showed trends towards increased activation in women.It should be stated that the axialfield of view of the camera did not involve the more superior parts of the cerebral cortex. Areas related to micturitionDorsal pontine tegmentumA distinct area in the dorsal pontine tegmentum was activated during micturition(scan2)when compared with the empty bladder condition(scan3).The location of this pontine area is similar to that of the pontine region found to be activated in men.Since this dorsal pontine region in the cat represents the pontine micturition centre,it seems most likely that a similar group of neurons in the dorsal pons exists in humans (men and women).Right inferior frontal gyrusThe activation of the right inferior frontal gyrus during micturition(scan2)in comparison with a full(scan1)or empty bladder(scan3)is the same in men and women, although it is much less extensive in women.The inferior frontal gyrus,in addition to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, is involved in attention mechanisms(Pardo et al.,1991)and response selection(Jenkins et al.,1994).With respect to micturition,the area might play a role in deciding whether or not micturition can take place.The observation that this region is activated during micturition is in agreement with specific involvement of the right prefrontal cortex in micturition control(Kuroiwa et al.,1987;Griffiths,1998). Right anterior cingulate gyrusThe right anterior cingulate gyrus showed a significantly decreased rCBF during the withholding of urine condition2038 B.F .M.Blok etal.Fig.2Left :significant differences in rCBF in the right dorsal pontine tegmentum (indicated by pmc ϭpontine micturition centre)after the comparison between conditions ‘successful micturition’(scan 2)and ‘empty bladder’(scan 3).Right :significant differences in rCBF in the right ventral pontine tegmentum (indicated by L-region)after the comparison between the conditions ‘unsuccessful micturition’(scan 2)and ‘empty bladder’(scan 3).The threshold used for display is uncorrected P Ͻ0.005.The number Ϫ28refers to the distance in millimetres relative to the horizontal plane through the anterior and posterior commissures (z direction).The numbers on the colour scale refer to the corresponding Z scores.Areas with significant activity are superimposed on averaged MRI scans (from six normal subjects)which have been transformed stereotactically to fit a standard atlas.L ϭleft side of the brain;R ϭright side.(scan 1)compared with the successful micturition (scan 2)and empty bladder (scans 3and 4)conditions.This observation is similar to that in the PET study on micturition in men.Possibly,the decrease of rCBF in the right cingulate gyrus during the withholding of urine results in a decrease in the urge to void.Another argument in favour of the anterior cingulate gyrus playing a role in micturition control is that lesions in the forebrain have been reported to cause urge incontinence (Andrew and Nathan,1964;Maurice-Williams,1974).Moreover,studies using SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography)scanning indicate that urge incontinence is associated with hypoperfusion of the right forebrain (Griffiths,1998).Areas related to continence Ventral pontine tegmentumEight of the 18volunteers were unable to micturate when requested,although they tried vigorously (scan 2).In this group the ventral pontine tegmentum showed increased rCBF during scan 2in comparison with scan 3(empty bladder condition).During scan 2,the volunteers were not successful in their attempt to micturate,probably for emotional reasons.Despite a full bladder they contracted their urethral sphincter and withheld their urine.The location of the activated region in the ventral pons is similar to the region which showed increased rCBF in the group of male volunteers,who were also unable to micturate during scanning.In the cat this samepontine region corresponds with the L-region,which is involved in continence control (see Introduction).Interestingly,this same area in the ventral pontine tegmentum also showed strongly increased rCBF during the filled bladder condition (scan 1)compared with the empty bladder conditions (scans 3and 4).Activation of the ventral pons,including the L-region,is probably responsible for the increased activity of the striated urethral sphincter during the continence phase in order to keep the bladder closed.This sphincter activity is at its highest just prior to micturition when the bladder is filled (de Groat,1990).However,although in the successful group one would expect an increased rCBF in the ventral pons during the filled bladder condition (scan 1)compared with the empty bladder conditions (scans 3and 4),such an increase was not found.Right inferior frontal gyrusThe right inferior frontal gyrus was activated during unsuccessful micturition (scan 2)in women.This result is similar to that observed in the previous PET study in men.The importance of the right inferior frontal gyrus in attention mechanisms and response selection has been discussed in the previous paragraph.Right anterior cingulate gyrusIn a similar manner to the successful micturition group,in the unsuccessful group the right anterior cingulate gyrusPET study on micturition in women2039Fig.3Significant differences in rCBF in cortical areas after the comparison between the conditions ‘successful micturition’(scan 2)and ‘urine withholding’(scan 1).Note the activations in the right anterior cingulate gyrus (acg)in z planes ϩ8to ϩ16,and the right inferior frontal gyrus (gfi)in z planes 0to ϩ12.For other details see legend to Fig.2.showed decreased rCBF during scan 1compared with the second scan.This finding is identical to that obtained in the PET study in men who were not able to micturate during scanning.Insular and opercular activation during filled bladder conditionThe right frontal operculum and/or the right anterior insula were significantly activated (corrected for multiple comparisons)during the filled bladder condition (scan 1)compared with the other three conditions in the successful micturition group,and with the empty bladder condition in the unsuccessful micturition group.In the previous PET study on micturition in men we did not comment on activation related to the filled bladder condition (Blok et al.,1997).In retrospect,unpublished results of this studyrevealed that the rCBF in the right anterior insula was also increased during the filled bladder phase (peak activation x ϭϩ32mm,y ϭϩ24mm,z ϭϩ12mm;Z score ϭ4.1)compared with the empty bladder condition,which is similar to the findings in the present study in women.However,in men this activation was not significant for multiple comparisons (corrected P Ͻ0.05).In a recent PET study (Aziz et al.,1997)the right human anterior insula was associated with the processing of non-painful and painful sensation from the oesophagus.Possibly,the bladder-filling information is another example of visceral sensation processed by the anterior insula.Alternatively,activation of the right human insula results in increased sympathetic tone (Oppenheimer et al.,1992).Activation of sympathetic fibres has been shown to inhibit mechanoreceptor discharge in the bladder wall (Vaughan and Satchell,1992).The result is a relaxation of the bladder wall。
