Unit9 随堂练习


八上英语Unit9 Section A随堂练习2(含答案)

八上英语Unit9 Section A随堂练习2(含答案)

Unit9 Section A随堂练习2(含答案)一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. —What are you doing now?—We are p________ for the big dinner.2. —What’s the matter with you?—I have a _______ (流感).3. I will go to the movies if I am _______ (有空的)tomorrow.4. I didn’t go home _______ (直到) the storm stopped.5. I often h_______ out with my friend on weekends.二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空1. Thank you very much for your _______.2. Would you like _______ to my birthday party?3. The Smiths often invite me _______ dinner together.4. The boy refused _______ me his address, so I have to take him to the policeman.5. —_______ you available now?—Yes, I am.6. Jack might _______ his grandparents next weekend.三、单项选择1. —Can you go shopping with me tomorrow?—____, but I have to go to see the doctor.A. I’d love toB. Never mindC. It’s nothingD. No2. Li Lei can’t go to visit the Palace Museum because he has ____ things to do.A. too manyB. much tooC. too muchD. many too3. I ____ home until I finish my homework.A. won’t goB. will goC. goD. went4. —Thank you for ____ me ____ my schoolwork.—You are welcome.A. help; aboutB. helping; withC. helped; withD. helping; to四、根据汉语意思完成句子1. ——明天晚上你能去看电影吗?——那听上去太棒了。

【初中英语】人教版八年级上册Unit 9 随堂小测(练习题)

【初中英语】人教版八年级上册Unit 9 随堂小测(练习题)

人教版八年级上册Unit 9 随堂小测(804)1.—I'm n o t th a t G ina d id n't k e e p h e r pr o mis e.—Bu t f o r me,it wa s a p iec e o f n e ws.()A.su r p r is ing; su r p r is edB.su r p r is ing; s u rp r is in gC.su r p r is ed; s u rp r is ingD.su r p r ise d; su r p r is ed2.J im,yo u c an't le a ve yo u f in is h the wo r k.()A.ifB.whe nC.soD.u n til3.Th e re a r e s tud en ts p la yin g o u ts id e,bu t I ha ve ho me wor k to d o.W h a t a p ity!()A.to o ma n y; to o ma n yB.too mu c h; to o mu chC.too ma n y; to o mu c hD.to o mu c h; to o ma n y4.H e d id n't lik e s wimmin g,s o h e re f u s ed s wimmin g with me.()A.g oB.wen tC.go ingD.to go5.Th e vo lu n te e rs(志愿者) th e s ic k k id s in th e ho s p ita l o n wee k e nd s.()A.lo o k a f te rB.loo k fo rC.loo k th r ou g hD.lo o k u p6.wa te r,f is h wo n't s u r vive.()A.WithB.Witho u tC.InD.Ou t7.Th an k s a lo t fo r me yo u r p a r ty.()A.in vite; f o rB.in vite; toC.in vitin g; fo rD.in vitin g; to8.Lin d a is loo k ing f o rwa r d to a c o lleg e s tu d en t.()A.b e ingB.beC.co meD.h a ve9.—Wou ld yo u lik e to h a ve c ak e?—N o, th an k s.I've ha d two.Th a t's e n o ug h.()A.th e o th e r sB.o th e r sC.an o th e rD.th e o th e r10.—Sh a ll we g o h ik in g a t s ix o'c lo c k to mo r r o w mo r n in g?—.Will e igh t o'c lo c k b e O K?()A.S u re,it's u p to yo uB.S u r e,no p ro b le mC.S o r r y,I c a n't ma k e itD.S o r r y,I'm n o t a v a il a b le tod a y11.M o the r's D a y is c omin g.It is a time to le t yo u r11 k no w sh e's s p e c ia l to yo u.In th e US a nd ma n y o th e r c o un tr ie s,p eo p le ce le b r a te Mo th e r's D a y o n th e se c on d 12 in M a y.In A me r ic a,Mo th e r's D a y is a n a tio n a l h olid a y to d a y.It 13 in 1908 in ju s t o n e s ta te in th e c o un tr y.It wa s a ll be c au s e o f A nn a M.J a r vis's h ar d wo rk.S h e wr o te s o14le tte r s to imp o r ta n t p e op le o f th at time.Sh e wan te d to h a ve a d a y f o r e ve r yo n e to15 th e ir lo ve an d r e s pe c t to mo th e r s.In 1914,th e A me r ic a n P re s id en t Woo d r ow Wils o n s e t th e s e co n d S u nd a y in M a y16 M o th e r's D a y.O n M o th e r's D a y,k id s d o s o ma n y th in g s to ma k e th e d a y s p e c ia l fo r th e ir mo ms. At yp ic a l(典型的) wa y is ma k in g M o m b re a k fas t in b e d.T h a t me a ns,o n Mo th e r's Da y,a mo th e r c an s ta y lo n ge r in be d a n d d oe s n't n e e d to17ea r ly to ma k e b r ea k f a s t f o r h e r k id s an d h u sb an d.In s te a d,the y ma k e br e a k f as t f o r h e r.Kid s will le t th e ir mo ms r e la x.T h e y d o diff e r e n t th ing s to ma k e th e ir mo msf e e l 18.T he y wr ite lo ve le tte r s to th e ir mo th e r s.T he y u s u a lly 19g if ts to th e ir mo th e r s.Th e y ma k e g if ts b y20 .(1)A.fa th e rB.mo th e rC.hu s ba ndD.wif e(2)A.M o nd a yB.Fr id a yC.S a tu rd a yD.S un d a y(3)A.s ta r te dB.en de dC.f in ish e dD.se t(4)A.ma n yB.mu c hC.f e wD.little(5)A.wr iteB.sh o wC.g iveD.p a y(6)A.fo rB.withC.asD.o ve r(7)A.se t upB.ge t upC.loo k u pD.s ta y u p(8)A.d is a pp o in te dB.bo r edC.su r p r is edD.u n ha pp y(9)A.a s kB.se n dC.r e tu r nD.tak e(10)12.S o me B r itis h an d A me r ic a n p eo p le lik e to in vite f r ie nd s an d co lle a gu e s(同事)f o r a me a l a t h o me.You sh o u ld no t be up s e t if yo u r E ng lis h f r ien d s d on't in v ite yo u h o me.It d o e sn't me a n th e y d o n't lik e yo u.D inn e r p ar tie s u s ua lly s ta r t be twe en 7 a nd 8 p.m.,an d en d a t a bou t 11 p.m.A s k yo u r h o s ts wh a t time yo u s h o u ld a r r ive.Do n't a r r ive e a r ly.It's p o lite to b r in g f lo we r s,c h o co la te o r a bo ttle o f win e a s a p re s en t.D o yo u wa n t to be ex tr a(格外) p o lite?S a y h o w mu c h yo u lik e the r oo m o r th e p ic tu r e s o n the wa ll.Bu t r eme mb e r n o t to as k h ow mu c h th ing s co s t.You'll p r o b a b ly s ta r t th e me a l with s ou p,o r s o me th in g s ma ll a s a “s ta r te r”(开胃菜),th en yo u'll h a ve me a t o r f is h with ve ge ta b les,a n d th e n a d e s se r t(甜点),fo llo wed b yc o ff e e.It's p o lite to f in is h e ve r y-th in g o n yo u r p la te and to ta ke mo r e if yo u wa n t it.S o me pe o p le ea t b r e ad with the ir me a l,b u t n o t e ve r yo n e do e s.B e fo r e th e y ta k e o u t the ir c iga r e tte s a f te r th e me a l,mo s t p eo p le us u a lly a s k,“Do yo u min d if I s mo k e h e r e?”D id yo u e n jo y th e e ven in g?Ca ll yo u r h o s ts th e n e x t d a y,o r wr ite th e m a s ho r tth a n k-yo u le tte r.P er h a p s it s ee ms f u n n y t o yo u,b u t B r itis h a nd A me r ic an p eo p le s ay “th a nk yo u,th an k yo u,a n d th an k yo u” a ll th e time.(1)W he n yo u r f r ien d in vite s yo u to g o to h is o r h e r h o me,.()A.yo u s ho u ldn't ta k e an yth in g with yo uB.yo u ma y ta k e a s ma ll p r e s en t with yo uC.yo u mu s t ta k e a n e xp e n s ive p r e s en t with yo uD.yo u ma y g o a t a n y time(2)In E ng la nd an d A me r ic a,it's n o t po lite to.()A.a s k th e p r ic e o f a thin gB.ea t a ll the fo o d o n yo u r p la teC.ta lk to yo u r ho s tsD.e a t b re ad with yo u r me a l(3)W h ic h is NO T r ight()A.In E ng la nd o r A me ric a,it us u a lly ta k e s mo r e th a n th r e e ho u r s to h a ve a d in n e r pa r t y a t h o me.B.If yo u a r e in vite d to go to a d in n e r p a r ty,yo u ca n't a r r ive e ar l y.C.You mu s tn't s mo k e a f te r a me a l wh e n yo u a r e with s o me A me r ic a n o r En g lish pe o p leD.If yo u e n jo y th e e ve n in g,yo u c a n wr ite a s ho r t tha n k-yo u le tte r to yo u r h o s ts o r c a ll13.阅读下面短文,根据首字母、音标以及语境的提示在空白处填入适当的单词(1个单词);或根据汉语意思的提示,在空白处填入适当的短语,使短文语意连贯,意思完整。



人教版八下Unit 9 随堂小测根据句意及首字母提示写出所缺单词1. Many people like pandas. During this May Day holiday, t of tourists came to the Chengdu Research Base to watch them.2. W a football team wins or loses, it is important to congratulate the other team after the game. That is called sportsmanship.3. Harry Potter is a brave boy. He shows no f in the face of difficulties and danger.4. There are four seasons in a year: s, summer, autumn and winter.5. Whether you like Chinese food or J food, you will find it all in Singapore.二、单项选择1. I had unusual experience on my way home three days ago.A.aB.anC.the2.of the students in our classmoney to help the disabled people these days.A.Two thirds;have raisedB.Two third;has raisedC.Two three;have raisedD.Two thirds;has raised3.—John, could you say something about Treasure Island?—Sorry, I’ve read the book before.(E8209002)A.neverB.justC.ever4. The teachers in our school are nice; they always encourage us ourselves.A.to improveB.improvingC.improvesD.improve5.—I have never been to the space museum.—have I.A.SoB.AndC.Neither三、按要求完成句子,每空一词1.Harvey had a great time at the Water World last Sunday.(改为同义句)Harvey at the Water World last Sunday.2.I spent two hours cleaning my room yesterday.(改为同义句)It me two hours my room yesterday.3.I have studied English for four years.(对画线部分提问)have you studied English?4.He has never been to New York. I have never been there, either.(改写为一句话)He has never been to New York,and I.5.The weather here is fine from January to December.(改为同义句)The weather here is fine .四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.作为十三朝古都,西安一年四季都满是游客。

【初中英语】人教版七年级上册Unit 9 随堂小测(练习题)

【初中英语】人教版七年级上册Unit 9 随堂小测(练习题)

人教版七年级上册Unit 9 随堂小测(869)1.E ve r y d a y we p la y b a s k e tba ll f o r ho ur a t s ch o o l.()A.aB.anC.theD./2.—Le t's b u y a wa tc h f o r Se lin a.I th in k it's ve r y to he r.—O K.()A.h a pp yB.ea s y e f u lD.d iff ic u lt3.J oh n like s C h in e s e he th ink s it's ve r yin te r e s tin g.()A.soB.be c au s eC.an dD.o r4.—W he n is J a y's c o n c e r t—It's th r ee o'c lo c k th e a f te r no on o f J u ly 18th.()A.a t; inB.a t; o nC.on; inD.in; o n5.—S a tu rd a y c o me s a fte r Fr id a y.—.It's my f a vo r ite d a y.()A.S ou n ds g re a tB.T ha n k yo uC.T ha t's f o r s u r eD.M e,to o6.We ma th a nd P.E.th is a f te rn o on.()A.p la yB.ha sC.p la ysD.h a ve7.Sa n d ra's f a vo r ite a r e S a tu rd a y a n d Su n da y.()A.d a ysB.su b jec tsC.sp o r tsD.we e k s8.To n y lik e s h is mu s ic te a ch e r b ec a u se he is.()A.f re eB.bu s yC.d iff icu ltD.c o o l9.—Le t's me e t a t 9:00 a.m.to mo r r o w.?—Ye s.S e e yo u to mo r r o w.()A.A re yo u f in eB.Is th a t O K with yo uC.H o w a r e yo uD.W ha t a bo u t yo u10.T he y h a ve a r t le s s on9:00.()A.a; a tB.a; inC.an; a tD.a n; in11.S he f in ish e s he r wo r k in th e e ve n ing.()A.d o ingB.doC.to d oD.d o es12.M r.B la ck te ac hes ma th.We lik e c la ss e s ve r y mu c h.()A.u s; h isB.ou r; h is; h imD.o u r; h im13.I a m f r e e 7 p.m.9 p.m.()A.f ro m;toB.be twe en;toC.f ro m;an dD.a t; a nd14.T he te ac h e r o f ten p la ys g a me s h is s tu d en ts.()A.a b ou tB.inC.a tD.with15.—H o w's yo u r d a y—.()A.It's M o n d a yB.It's O KC.It's O c tob e r 1s tD.Ye s,p le a s e16.D ea r H an Me i,T h an k yo u16yo u r e-ma il.Yo u wan t to kn o w a bo u t my lif e.No w le t me te ll yo u s o me th in g a b ou t it.I g o to s ch o o l f r o m M on d a y to Fr id a y.S c hoo l be g ins a t 8:00 a.m.a n d17 a t 4:00 p.m.I h a ve f ou r18 in th e mo r n ing a nd two in the a f te rn o on.I o f te n(经常)h a ve19 a t s ch oo l a n d th en I c a n ta ke a n a p a f te r lu n ch(午休) f o r a bo u to n e20 .A f te r sc h oo l,I h a ve ma n y21 to d o.O n Mo n da y a n d Wed n e sd a y,I p la y b a s k e tba ll on th e p la yg r o u n d.O n Tue s d a y,I h a ve a(n)22le ss o n.T he te a c he r te a ch e s me to sin g a nd it's in te r e s ting.On Th u r sd a y I g o to th e sc ho o l lib r a r y.O n Fr id a y,I p r a c tic e(练习) E ng lis h in th e En g lis h Co r n e r(英语角).I'm r e a ll y23 o n s c h oo l da ys.I o n ly h a ve time to r e lax on24 an d S un d a y.I c a n p la yg a me s25 my f r ie n d s.We a r e ve r y h a p p y.W h a t a bo u t yo u r s ch oo l d a y?You r s,Lin La n(1)A.toB.inC.fo rD.o n(2)A.lo o k sB.tak e sC.f in ish e sD.g o es(3)A.tes tB.le s so nC.te r msD.c la s s e s(4)A.b r e ak f a s tB.lun chC.su p pe rD.fo od(5)A.d a yB.timeC.wee kD.h o ur(6)A.sp o r tsB.su b jec tsC.c lo th e sD.th in g s(7)A.a r tB.sc ie n ceC.mu s icD.h is to r y(8)A.f re eB.bu s yC.ha pp yD.g o od(9)A.Tue s da yB.We dn e sd a yC.Fr id a yD.S a tu rd a y(10)A.a n dB.bu tC.withD.a b ou t17.H e llo, e ve r yo n e.I a m E r ic, a G ra d e S e ve n s tud e n t in N o.1 M id d le S ch o o l.N o w le t me te ll yo u a b o u t my f a vo r ite te a c h e r.M y f a vo r ite te a ch e r is M r s.P la th.Sh e is my E n g lis h te ac h e r.S h e is my f r ie n d J oh n's a u n t, too.S he is g ood to e ve r y s tu d e n t in my c la s s.E ve r yo n e lik e s he r.M rs.P la th g ive s u s in te r e s ting ho me wo r k(家庭作业).I t's r e l a x i n g f o r me t o d o th e h o me w o r k.N o w M r s.P la th is 40. Sh e ha s ma n y th in g s to d o.Sh e ha s th r ee c la s s es a da y.A n d s h e h e lp s in th e lib r a r y a f te r s ch oo l.S he h elp s ch ild r en r e ad a n d ma k e s the m lo ve b o ok s.I th in k go o d te ac h e r s ca n ma k e s tu de n ts lo ve s c h oo l.T h e y h a ve a g o od in f lu e nc e(影响) o n th e ir s tu de n ts.Mr s.P la th is a go o d te a c he r.I wan t to tha n k he r.I wa n t to bea te a ch e r lik e h e r.(1)W ho is M r s.P la th?()A.J o hn's f r ie n d.B.J o h n's a u n t.C.E r ic's f r ie n d.D.E r ic's a u n t.(2)E r ic th ink s h is En glis h h o me wo rk is .()A.d iff ic u ltB.bo r ingC.in te r e s tingD.e a s y(3)W ha t do e s M r s.P la th d o a f te r sc h oo l?()A.S h e wr ite s b o ok s.B.S h e h e lp s in th e libr a r y.C.S h e p la ys g a me s with h e r s tu de n ts.D.S h e he lp s h e r s tu d en ts with the ir ho me wo r k.(4)W ha t's M r s.P la th's in f lu e n c e o n E r ic?()A.He lik e s to re a d.B.H e lik e s g o in g to the lib r a r y.C.H e is go od to h is c la s s ma te s.D.He wan ts to b e a goo d tea c he r.(5)Th e b e s t title(最佳标题)o f th e p a ss a ge is.()A.A fu n te a ch e rB.A tea c he r's d a yC.M y f a vo r ite te a ch e rD.A te a ch e r a n d h e r s tu d en ts18.A: Wh a t is yo u r f a vo r ite s u b jec t?B: 31.A: Wh y d o yo u lik e s cie n c e?B: 32.W h a t is yo u r f a vo r ite su b jec t?A: M y f a vo r ite s ub je ct is ma th.B: Wh y?33.A: I k no w it's n o t in ter e s tin g a n d it is d iff icu lt to le a rn.34.B: Wh a t's yo u r f a vo r ite d a y?A: 35.B ec au s e I ca n s ta y a t h o me an d wa tc h TV.A.It's d iff ic u lt a n d bor in g.B.B ec a u se it's in te r e s tin g.C.Ma th.D.M y f a vo r ite d a y is S u nd a y.E.Sc ie nc e.F.M y f a vo r ite d a y is Tu e s da y.G.B u t I lik e it.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)19.(c la s s) f in is h at f ive in th e a f te r no on.20.(To m)f a vo r ite s u b je c t is P.E.21.We a ll lik e (p la y)c o mp u te r g a me s.22.O n Su nd a y a f te r n oo n,I a lwa ys p la y s p o r ts with my f a th e r f o r two(h o u r).23.T he(f ive)d a y o f a we e k is Th u r sd a y.J im is a b a sk e tba ll f a n.H e is ve r y 41.at p la yin g b a s ke tb a ll.J ac k is 42.f a vo r ite b a s ke tb a ll p la ye r.J im is o n the s c ho o l ba s ke tb a ll 43..E ve r y Fr id a y 44.th e y p la y b a s ke tb a ll a f te r 45..J im's f r ie n d, M ik e, 46.go o d a t b a s ke tba ll.47.he's ve r y g o od a t fo o tb a ll.B ill is M ik e's48.f o o tb a ll p la ye r.M ik e is o n the s ch oo l f oo tb a ll te a m.49.p la y f o o tb a ll 50.We d nes d a y a f te r n o on.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)25.假如你叫P a ul,你的笔友A nn a想知道你的日常生活情况。

人教部编版初中八年级英语上册Unit 9 随堂小测试 3(附答案)

人教部编版初中八年级英语上册Unit 9 随堂小测试 3(附答案)

Unit 9 随堂小测试3Ⅰ. 根据语境及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。

1. —Why does Helen look s ?—She lost her schoolbag.2. Last week I wrote to Lily but she didn’t r to it.3. You shouldn’t drive for more than three hours w taking a break (休息).4. I was s at how quickly she agreed.5. After breakfast, Joe said g to his parents and went to school.6. —G to meet you, Mrs. Jackson.—I’m also happy to meet you.Ⅱ. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Just now Jack helped me to make an ________ (invite).2. Could you tell me how ________ (delete) this article on my computer?3. The ________ (prepare) of the meals is your job.4. They bought a new machine ________ (print) the books.5. Be careful! There’s some ________ (g lue) on the chair.Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。

1. 大家都盼望着见到史密斯先生。

Everyone is _________ _________ _________ meeting Mr. Smith.2. 我们昨天收到了比尔的来信。

We _________ _________ Bill yesterday.3. 他们打算去大连旅行。

人教部编版初中八年级英语上册Unit 9 随堂小测试 2(附答案)

人教部编版初中八年级英语上册Unit 9 随堂小测试 2(附答案)

Unit 9 随堂小测试2Ⅰ. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语填空,有的需要变换形式,其中有一个多余。

1. I gave Tony a gift and he __________________ it happily.2. Linda plans __________________ John to her birthday party.3. This weekend I will have to stay at home and __________________ my grandparents.4. Peter bought a popcorn machine __________________.5. My parents might __________________ to take me to the movie theater.6. A(n) __________________ is any of the days of the week except (除了) Saturday and Sunday. Ⅱ. 根据问句及括号内所给的提示,写出答语。

1. —Can you go to the park tomorrow?—_____________________________________ (must study for the test)2. —Would you like to go boating with me?—_____________________________________ (sure)3. —Can he go to the party?—_____________________________________ (might have to help his mom)4. —Can they go to my new house?—_____________________________________ (yes)参考答案:Ⅰ. 1. accepted 2. to invite 3. look after 4. the day before yesterday 5. refuse 6. weekdayⅡ. 1. Sorry, I can’t. / Sorry, I’m not available. I must study for the test.2. Sure. / Sure, I’d love / like to.3. No, he can’t. / No, he’s not available. / No, he’s not free. He might have to help his mom.4. Yes, they can.1。

人教版英语八年级下学期Unit 9 随堂练习完整版(含答案)

人教版英语八年级下学期Unit 9  随堂练习完整版(含答案)

Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?Section A语用能力提升训练一、词汇运用(A)根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词1.[2019广西北部湾经济区中考]Every time I want to give up, my parents always ____(鼓励) me to keep trying.2.[2019山东烟台中考]It is science and technology that connect ____(进步) with the future of humans.3.[2019海南中考]My friends c____ stamps in order to learn more about history.4. There are a c____ of shoes in my bedroom, but they are not a pair.(B)用所给单词的适当形式填空5.[2020四川广元中考]It’s ____ (believe) that Huoshenshan Hospital was set up in Wuhan in just 10 days.6.[2020江苏淮安中考]Something is wrong with my father's new computer. It always turns ____(it) off.7.[2020上海中考]Thanks to the ____(invent) of the smart phone, it's convenient to take photos anytime.8.[2020东北师大附中期末]The Sulabh International Museum of Toilets is a very ____(usual) museum in India.9. I met some ____(German) on my way home. They asked me the way to the museum.10. Blue is a ____(peace) color. People often feel quiet in blue rooms.二、单项填空1.[2019辽宁抚顺中考]--Tom speaks Chinese quite well now.--Yes, he has made ____ progress in Chinese learning.A. commonB. simpleC. perfectD. rapid2. --Mike always depends on his parents.--I think his parents should encourage him with problems by himself.A. dealB. dealingC. to dealD. dealt3. [2019湖南湘西州中考]--____ you ever ____ Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge?--Not yet.A. Did; visitB. Are; visitC. Have; visited4.[2020贵州铜仁中考]--Maria, what do you think of Mount Fanjing?--Very cool. I ____ there once. I'd like to go there again.A. has beenB. have beenC. have goneD. has gone5.[2019浙江温州中考]Sam finds sweeping robots useful, and he plans to buy ____ for his grandma.A. itB. oneC. thisD. that三、从方框中选择最佳选项补全对话(有两项多余)[2019青海中考]A: I visited the Museum of Failure last week,B: Museum of Failure? I've never heard of it. What was on show?A: __1__ Some of them were made by the most famous and successful companies like Apple and Coca-Cola.B: __2__ Does it make fun of these companies?A: __3__ The companies always encourage young people to try and make mistakes.B: __4__A: Because they believe a person who never makes a mistake never tries anything new.B: I see. Probably this is why the companies don't think it's shameful to have a show of their failed products.语篇能力强化训练A篇[2020哈尔滨中考]Mona Island is an amazing place to take a vacation. Some of the animals living there can't be found anywhere else in the world. There are fascinating beaches and caves to explore(探险). The sea around the island has colorful fishes.Mona Island is very small. The government of Puerto Rico(波多黎各) takes care of the island and has made it a natural reserve. That means the island's animals and plants are protected from being harmed by people. Mona Island is different from most places because people are not allowed to live there. Only a few park workers are able to stay.The park workers’ job is to keep Mona Island safe and wonderful. Rules must be followed on the island. One rule is that only 100 people at a time can visit the island. That way, the park workers can make sure the land and animals remain safe.On the island, visitors can go to see Mona Island iguanas(鬣蜥) which live only on Mona Island.Also, visitors can come to the island to have a close look at many kinds of fishes. They can dive(潜水) far below the surface. They use special tools to be able to breathe under the water. Through the clear water, visitors can see the bright colors of the fishes.Visitors can also explore caves. Some of the caves even have paintings on the walls These paintings were made by some Indians who lived on the island hundreds of years ago.After a full day of fun activities, visitors can take a rest, listen to the night sounds, and watch the stars in the huge sky. The stars are easier to see. Visitors say that watching the stars is amazing. I's the perfect end to a perfect day.1. The underlined word "reserve" in the passage means “____"in Chinese.A.休息区B.保护区C.风景区2. Only 100 people at a time are allowed to visit the island so that ____.A. many park workers are able to stay on Mona IslandB. the park workers' job is to keep Mona Island safe and wonderfulc. the park workers can make sure the land and animals remain safe3. What can visitors do on Mona Island?A. They can live on the island for several days.B. They can go to see Mona Island iguanas.C. They can meet the Indians who lived on the island hundreds of years ago.4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Mona Island is a large island and taken care of by the government.B. Fishes can dive far below the surface with special tools.C. Visitors are amazed to watch the stars in the huge sky on Mona Island.5. What's the best title for the passage?A. Mona Island--an Amazing Place to Take a VacationB. Mona Island-- a Good Place to Watch StarsC. Mona Island --the Best Place to Protect AnimalsB[2019浙江金华、丽水中考]International Museum Day is coming. Here are some special museums that you must see.6. If you're interested in art under the sea, you may go to ____.A. Sweet MuseumB. Cancun Underwater MuseumC. Museum of FailureD. Museum of Broken Relationships7. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. People can taste the candies on show in Sweet Museum.B. People learn about success stories in Museum of Failure.C. Objects in Museum of Broken Relationships have their stories.D. The material of sculptures in Cancun Underwater Museum is harmful.8. The passage is probably from the column(栏目) of ____ in a magazine.A. CultureB. HealthC. SportsD. FoodSection B教材核心知识精练一、词汇运用(A)根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词1.[2019江苏镇江中考]Recently, there are about 12 ____(千) pet hospitals in China, and many people choose small animal treatment as a career.2. She uses her car ____(主要地) for driving to work.3.[2018南京中考] Students can ask for help ____ (无论何时) they need it at school.4.[2020贵州铜仁中考]____(春天) is coming. Everything comes back to life.5.[2020四川眉山中考]With the spread of COVID-19 around the world, staying in China is much s____ than in many other countries.6. We will try our best w____ we can succeed or not.(B)用所给单词的适当形式填空7.[2019江苏盐城中考]We can't ____(simple) judge(判断) a book by its cover or its title.8. He is a brave boy without ____(fear).9. My sister loves ____(Japan) food, such as seafood and sushi.10. My grandmother has ever told me a story about two ____(fox).二、根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)1.阿寒拜疆国家地毯博物馆每年吸引成千上万的外国参观者。




1. When I was young, I _______ Hong Kong movies to Hollywood ones.2. The writer is not good at writing _______.3. James Cameron’s “Titanic” made him a top _______.4. Who do you _______ will win the award for Best Actor next year?5. The man speaks _______ English. It is a bit hard to understand what he says.二、根据课文内容,用合适的词语填空完成下面的句子。

(每空词数不限)1. Erquan Yingyue, which I heard at a concert of ____________, was very moving. I sensed a strong ____________ under the beauty.2. Abing’s father taught him to play many ____________. However, his father died and Abing’s life ____________.3. Abing’s illness made him ____________. He made a living by ____________ on the streets.4. Abing could play more than 600 pieces of music, many of which were written ____________. But ____________ that only 6 pieces were recorded.5. Abing’s music has become one of China’s ____________ because its____________ makes people recall their deepest wounds.三、根据所给的汉语意思,完成下面的句子。

Unit 9 Section A 随堂练习 人教版英语八年级下

Unit 9  Section A  随堂练习     人教版英语八年级下

八年级下册Unit 9 Section A (GF-4c) 随堂练习、一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Although I __________ (be) to Guilin before, I want to go there again.2. His brother __________ (collect) stamps for four years.3. They have never __________ (see) the 3D film before.4. We __________ (live) here since we __________ (come) to China.5. I'm sure we __________ (meet) before.二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. I met two __________ in the supermarket yesterday afternoon.2. Hainan __________ is in the southern part of our country.3. Thousands of tourists come to the __________ park every year.4. It's a ten-minute bus __________ from here to town.5. The main __________ knew the importance of friendship at last.三、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。

1. When he _______________ the Palace Museum, he found many people there.2. Jack has _______________ this place many times, so he hopes to visit it soon.3. They _______________ on the boat and had fun in the park last weekend.4. My grandmother often _______________ the neighborhood and talks with neighbors.5. I have seen her _______________ times before, but I don't know her name.四、按要求完成句子,每空一词。

【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit9 随堂小测(练习题)

【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit9  随堂小测(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit9 随堂小测(1069) 1.—Do yo u k no w the b o y o ve r th e r e?—Th e o ne is h o ld in g a ba ll? O h,tha t's my n e ig h b o r P h il.()A.wh a tB.wh ic hC.whoD.不填2.—I will g o to the cou n tr ys id e to s e e my g r a n d mo th e r th is a f te r no o n,s o I c a n't g os wimmin g with yo u.—()A.It's my p le a s u r e.B.You'r e we lc o me.C.W h a t a p ity!D.S u re,I a m.3.M us ic c an ch a ng e h ow yo u f e e l.D iff e r ent k in d s o f mu s ic c an11 yo u in d iff e r e nt wa ys.M u s ic ma ke s yo u r e lax.M o s t s to re s p la y “b a ck g r ou n d”mu s ic.The lo ng e r c u s to me r s s tay in a s to r e,themo r e12 it will be f o r th e m to b u y s o me th in g.S o s to r e s tr y t o p la y mu s ic th a t th e ir c u s to me r s13.If yo u wa n t to re la x a t h o me,tr y lis te n in g to s o f t mu s ic o r mu s ic p r o du c ed b y yo u r f a vo r ite mu s ic a l in s tr u me n t.M u s ic is a h e a le r(医治者).W h en yo u'r e s ic k,try lis te n in g to so f t a n d 14 mu s ic.If yo u'r e f e e lin g s ad,p lay th e mu s ic yo u lik e.T h en te ll s o me o ne15it ma k e s yo u f e e l. A g r o up o f tee n s who h a d d ep r e s s ion(抑郁症)sh a r ed the ir f a vo rite16 with ea c h o th e r.Ea c h te ene x p la in e d wh y h e o r she like d th e so n g.Af ter17 it,th e tee ns s a id th e y f e lt be tte r.M u s ic h e lp s yo u to lea r n.M a n y r e c e n t s tu d ie s ha ve tr ie d to 18ho w mu s ic a nd lea r n ing g o to g e th e r.Do nC a mp b e ll,a n ex p e r t,b e lie ve s 19 c an ma k e pe o p le,e ve n b ab ie s,mo r e c r ea tive,s ma r te r,h e a lth ie r an d h ap p ie r.So me e xp e r ts20 p la yin g s lo w mu s ic to h e lp yo u p a y a tte n tio n whe n yo u s tu d y.It ma y e ve n h e lp imp r o ve yo u r me mo r y.N o ma tte r wh a t s tyle o f mu s ic yo u lik e,yo u ca n u s e it to h e lp yo u.(1)A.su pp o r tB.in f lu e nc eC.pr o te c tD.e d uc a te(2)A.in te r e s tingB.co n ve n ie n tC.imp o r ta n tD.p o s s ib le(3)A.e n jo yB.ha teC.r e me mb e rD.fo rg e t(4)A.fo r e ignB.lou dC.no is yD.re la x ing(5)A.wh yB.ho wC.whe nD.wh a t(6)A.s ta r sB.s to r ie sC.so n gsD.sp o r ts(7)A.ta lk in g a bo u tB.pa r tin g withC.th in k ing o fD.lo o k in g fo r(8)A.re q ue s tB.h id eC.ex p la inD.c h oo s e(9)A.to ysB.mu s icC.bo ok sD.s mile s(10)A.s ta r tB.ke epC.su g ge s tD.p r a c tice4.M a rga r e t P o r te r is a vio lin is t an d mu s ic tea c h e r.A cc o r d in g to h e r,th e be s t a g e to s t a r t le a r n ing th e vio lin is b e twee n th re e an d s ix.Sh e sa ys,“It's th e time wh e n yo u a r e le a r n ing a bo u t th e wo rld.” M a rg a re t,wh o live s in Lo n do n,lik es to ta ke p up ils a t th r e e a n d fo u r.H o we ve r,s h e h a s ma d e lo ts o f e xc e p tion s f o r f ive-ye a r-o ld s.S he s ta r te d te a c h in g the vio lin in 1972an d sh e ta ug h t he r c h ildr e n's f ive-ye a r-o ld s c h oo l f r ie nd s a t f ir s t.M a rg a r e t's p up ils h a ve g ro u p le ss o ns.E ac h g r o up h a s ab ou t twe lve pu p ils a nd e a ch le s s on ta k e s a n h ou r,o n ce h a lf a mo n th.E ac h p u p il a ls o h a s o ne individ u a l(个人的) le s son a wee k with h e r.P a re n ts h a ve to a tte nd th e c la s s e s.It is imp o r tan t tha t the p a re n ts ta ke a n in te re s t in th e le s so n s.In M a rg a r e t's o p in ion,it's imp o r ta n t f o r o n e to kn o w wh y mu s i c s ou n d s th e wa y itd oe s.With ou t k no win g it,on e c an't b e c o me a g r e a t mu s ic ia n a t a ll.S of ro m th e e a r lies t le s s o n s,pu p ils in h er c la ss lea r n to p la y b y e a r.T he y d o n o t e ven tr y to re a d mu s ic u n til th e y h a ve b e e n p la ying f o r s e ve r a l ye a r s.M a rg a r e t sa ys th a t h e r me th o d is n o t me a n t to p r o du c e g r e a t vio lin ists.S he a lwa ys s u g ge s ts th a t pu p ils who pe r f o r m ve r y we ll s h o u ld le a ve a nd s tud y th e vio lin u s in g mo r e tra d itio n a l me th od s.(1)M a rg ar e t's f ir s t p u p ils we r e .()A.h e r f r ie n d sB.s ix-ye a r-o ld sC.he r ch ild r en's f r ie n d sD.th r e e-ye a r-o ld s a nd f o u r-ye a r-o ld s(2)Ho w ma n y g r o u p les s o n s d o th e p up ils have a mo n th()A.1.B.2.C.3.D.4.(3)W ha t do e s M a rg ar et th in k o f the ex c e llent p u p ils in he r c la s s()A.T he y s h o u ld p r a c tice h a rd e r.B.T he y s h o u ld g o so me wh e r e e ls e to lea r n.C.T he y will b e c o me mu s ic te ac he r s lik e h e r.D.T he y will b e c o me gr e a t vio lin is ts u s in g he r me th o d.(4)W ha t will M a rga r e t p r ob a b ly s a y wh e n s he in tr od u ce s he r c la s se s to p a r en ts?()A.T he r e a r e g r ou p violin le s s on s f o r yo u r ch ild r e n—no mo r e tha n 5in e ac h g r o up.B.Le a r n to p la y th e vio lin with yo u r c h ild r en—2 le s so n s a wee k.C.You will h a ve to watc h yo u r c h ild re n le a rn to p la y th e vio lin.D.I'l l lo o k a f te r yo u r c h ild r en wh ile yo u le ar n th e vio lin.(5)W ha t do e s th e p a s sa g e ma in ly ta lk a b ou t?()A.W he n c h ild r en sh ould le a r n th e vio lin.B.W h a t M a rga r e t's te a c h in g me th o d is.C.W h y it is imp o r ta n t to r e ad mu s ic.D.Ho w Ma rg a r e t le a r nt th e vio lin.5.假设在英语课上老师让你们欣赏了电影《太空大灌篮》的主题曲I B e liev e I Ca n F ly。

【初中英语】人教版七年级下册Unit 9 随堂小测(练习题)

【初中英语】人教版七年级下册Unit 9 随堂小测(练习题)

人教版七年级下册Unit 9 随堂小测(1166)1.Lin d a h e r mo the r.H e r mo the r ve r y b e a u tif u l.()A.lo o k s lik e; lo o ksB.loo k s; lo ok sC.loo k s; lo ok s lik eD.lo o k s lik e; lo o ks lik e2.E r ic n o t ta ll o r s h o r t.H e o f me d iu m h e igh t.()A.h a s; isB.is; h a sC.ha s; ha sD.is; is3.J an e h a s ha ir.()A.b lo nd e sh o r t c u r lyB.sh o r t b lo nd e c u r lyC.cu r ly b lo n d e s h o r tD.sh o r t c u r ly b lo n de4.M y g r a n d fa th e r a lwa ys g la s se s.()A.p u ts o nB.wea r sC.dr e s s esD.h a s o n5.Re ad in g En g lis h is a g oo d to p r ac tic e yo u r E ng lis h.()A.wa yB.en dC.pr o b le mD.d r e a m6.—W ha t yo u r b ro th e r like?—H e is q u ie t.()A.isB.a reC.doD.d o es7.It h o t co ld in th e mo u n ta in s.()A.is; a ndB.is; o rC.is n't; a n dD.isn't; o r8.—W he r e is J im?—H e b e in th e lib r a r y,b u t I'm n o t s u r e.()A.h a s toB.ma yC.mu s tD.h a ve to9.I d o n't lik e th is pe n.Ca n yo u s ho w me o n e?()A.o th e rB.an o th e rC.o th e r sD.th e o th e r10.J o h n wa lk s a lo n g wa y.,h e g e ts to s c ho o l a t te n o'c lo c k.()A.In the en dB.A t the en d o fC.A t f ir s tD.Fir s t o f a ll11.Yo u a r e h ea vy a n d I th in k yo u s ho u ld do s o me ex e r c ise.()A.littleB.a littleC.ma n yD.lo ts o f12.S h e is go od-lo o k ing lon g b la ck h a ir.S he is a re d dr e s s.()A.h a s; h a sB.with; o nC.ha s; wea r sD.with; we a r ing13.D iff e r en t p e op le ma y s e e the sa me p ro b lem .So me ma y th i n k it is e as y,b u t s o me ma y th in k it is d iff ic ult.()A.q u ick lyB.ha r dC.ea s ilyD.d iff e r e n tly14.—Wh o is yo u r s is te r?—Th e g ir l c u r ly b lo nd e h a ir.()A.h a sB.isC.wea r sD.with15.P le a se yo u r ne w ma th te a ch e r to me,J a ck.()A.te llB.de s c r ib eC.tea c hD.re me mb e r16.Lo o k! T h is is a p hoto o f o u r c la s s.Th e ma n16 a b ea r d is o u r En g lish te a ch e r,M r.H u.H e isn't yo u ng,b u t h e isn't 17 .H e is a ta ll ma n.He ha s ar o u nd18an d b lac k ha ir.T he ma n19h im is o u r C h ine se te a ch e r,M r.Wa ng.I th in k h e is ve r y c le ve r b e ca u s e h e h a s20h a ir.Helik e s21jok e s.D o yo u kn o w th e man22 b la ck?He is o u r ma th te a ch e r,M r.Wu.H e is g oo d a t23 ma th.He sin g s24 .T h a t's25.Th e r e a re f if ty s tu d en ts in o u r c la s s.We a ll lik e th e m.(1)A.o nB.withC.inD.h a s(2)A.o ldB.ta llC.be au tif u lD.h e a vy(3)A.e yeB.ea rC.ha ndD.fa c e(4)A.a n dB.ne x tC.be s ideD.f ro m(5)A.littleB.mu c hC.f e wD.ma n y(6)A.te llingB.sa yin gC.ta lk in gD.sp e ak ing(7)A.inB.ofC.in th eD.we a r s(8)A.tea chB.tea c h in gC.to te a chD.tea ch e s(9)A.g o odB.lo tC.we llD.f in e(10)A.b a dB.ha pp yC.s ma llD.su r p r is ing17.A ma n h a s two ch ild r e n, a b o y a n d a g ir l.Th e b o y is g o od-lo o k ing,bu t the g ir l is n o t.Tod a y th e y f in d a mir r o r(镜子) a n d f or th e f ir s t time th e y s e e wha t th e y lo o klik e.T he b o y is ve r y h a pp y a n d s a ys to h is sis te r, “H o w h a nd s o me I a m! I lo o k mu c h n ice r th a n yo u!” Th e g ir l do e s n't lik e wh a t he r b ro th e r sa ys a n d g ive s him a h a r d pu sh.“Go a wa y!” s he sa ys.T h e ir fa th e r s e es wh a t is h ap pe n ing.H e go es up to the m a n d s a ys to th e bo y,“Yo u mu s t a lwa ys b e g oo d a s we ll a s loo k go o d.” T hen to th e g ir l, h e s a ys,“M y d e a r, if yo u he lp eve r yo n e an d do yo u r b es t to p le as e(使……高兴) e ve r yo n e, e ve r yo n e will lo ve yo u.It will n o t ma tte r th a t y o u a r e n o t a s g oo d-lo o k ing a s yo u r b r o th e r.It is b e tte r to be go od tha n to b e g oo d-lo o k in g.”(1)W ha t do e s th e u nd er lin e d wo r d “p us h” me a n in C h ine s e?()A.拉B.推C.拥抱D.按摩(2)W ha t do the y f in d?()A.A b oo k.B.A mir r o r.C.Two p en s.D.Ap p le s.(3)Is th e bo y h a p p y o r s a d wh en he s ee s h ims e lf in the mir r o r?()A.Ye s,he is h a pp y.B.N o,he is sa d.C.H e is ha p p y.D.He is sa d.(4)Ho w d o e s th e g ir l fe e l whe n sh e h e a rs her b r o the r sa y th a t s h e is n o t g o od-lo o k ing?()A.S h e is un ha p p y.B.S h e is g lad.C.S h e f e e ls n o t h in g.D.S h e is ill.(5)Th e s to r y te lls u s.()A.it is b e tte r to b e g oo d-lo o k ing th an to b e g o odB.to b e g oo d-lo o k in g is mo r e imp o r ta n t than to b e g oo dC.to b e g oo d is be tte r th a n to be go od-lo o k in gD.to be go o d-lo ok in g is th e sa me a s to b e go o d18.T he y ma y b e a l la te.19.T he r e is a po s t o ff ic e a t th e e o f th e r o a d.20.D a le ha s a s ma ll m an d b ig e ye s.21.P th e se bo ok s in th e b ox.22.A lic e lik e s s in g in g a n d s he ho p es to b e a s.23.S h e's th in an d o f me d iu m (h ig h).24.T he y'r e(le a ve) f o r S yd n e y to mo r r o w mo r n in g.25.H e's my f a vo r ite(ac t).26.H e r f a the r is a n (a r t).27.T he two b o ys d e s c rib e th e s a me pe r s on(d iff e r en t).28.Fr a n k wan ts(se e)h is g r an dp a r en ts.29.It's(r e a l) c o ld in wi n te r in H a rb in.30.M y b r o the r lik e s we a r in g (g la s s).31.J o h n,do yo u r ho me wo r k (o n e).32.B ill h as an un c le, b u t he do e sn't k n o w (he).33.你最喜欢的歌手长什么样?d oe s yo u rf a vo r ite s in ge r lik e?34.我喜欢这份工作,它是一份有趣的工作。

Unit 9 随堂小测试 11

Unit 9 随堂小测试 11

Unit 9 随堂小测试1Ⅰ.根据句意及所给汉语提示, 写出句中所缺单词。

1.M.mothe.ask.m.no.t.tal.t.________(陌生人.i.th.street.2.Thi.ba.i.heav.an.i.weigh.thirt.________(磅).uall.visi.ou.________(亲戚.a.th.Sprin.Festival.4.Man.peopl.wen.t.watc.th.races.I.wa.________(拥挤的).Ⅱ.根据汉语意思完成英语句子, 每空一词。

1.你愿意和我一起出去吃饭吗.Would you like to ________ ________ with me?2.你猜怎么着?今天我见到了张老师。


Lin Tao ________ ________ ________ his father in many ways.4.他们彼此看了看, 然后笑了。


Zhan.Mi._______._______s.year.Ⅲ.根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列各题, 每空一词(含缩略形式)。

1.Lil.think.th.game.ar.exciting. .(改为否定句)Lily ________ ________ the games ________ exciting.s.spring..(改为一般疑问句)________ your sister ________ to Hong Kong on vacation last spring?.t.Chin.i.thre.weeks. (对划线部分提问)________ ________ will Miss Green come to China?4.The.ea.tw.meal..day..(对划线部分提问)________ ________ meals do they eat a day?5.Jul.i.hotte.tha.an.othe.mont.o.th.year. (改为同义句)July is ________ ________ month of the year.Ⅳ.根据对话内容, 从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话, 其中有两项多余。



2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit9 SectionB(3a-Self Check)随堂练习一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. Our ________ (校长) is very kind to the teachers and students.2. You can find the correct date on the c________.3. I hear that the famous singer is going to give a ________ (音乐会)in our city.4. You should dress s________ on weekdays.5. There is an ________ (开业)ceremony for a new supermarket.6. When did the ________ (客人)from the USA come, do you know?7. There is going to be an important sport ________ (事件) in August.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. I’d like ________ (tell)you this story.2. They are going to have two ________ (concert)at this time of year.3. Thanks for ________ (invite)me to your party.4. His mother is ill, so he has to ________ (cook)by himself.5. I want to invite them ________ (come)to my party.6. Tom ________ (receive)an invitation three days ago.7. She would love ________ (come) to your birthday party.三、单项选择1. I have to prepare ____ my English exam ____ Tuesday afternoon.A. at; onB. on; forC. for; onD. for; in2. Tina gets up late, so she ____ go to school by taxi.A. canB. mayC. has toD. must3. —Thanks ____ joining the T alk Show!—You’re welcome.A. byB. onC. ofD. for4. —Nancy, your mother needs to go shopping. Can you ____ the dog? —OK, dad.A. look atB. look afterC. look care ofD. look for5. I didn’t know he came back ____ I met him in the street.A. beforeB. whenC. untilD. after6. He often dresses ____ on weekdays. So he often looks ____.A. smart; smartlyB. easy; easilyC. different; differentlyD. smartly; smart7. No one can be successful ____ hard work.A. throughB. forC. withD. without四、根据汉语意思完成句子1. ——你想参观我的房子吗?——是的,我愿意去。

Unit 9 随堂练习

Unit 9  随堂练习

Unit9 随堂练习一.英汉互译1.他是什么时候出生的?2.她是什么时候开始打喷嚏的?was he ? did she sneezing?3.Tom在他只有10个月的时候开始打高尔夫4.他花费他所有的空闲时间来陪他的孙子Tom golfing he was ten moths He all his time his grandson.5.你不会因为太年轻以至不能开始做事6.他是第一个赢得这个奖项的中国钢琴家You are young start things He was the pianist to this 7.因为他的背痛他停止了踢足球……8.他在4岁是开始学习打篮球He soccer of his sore . He playing basketball the of 4. 二.短语1.太…以至不能…2.学习做某事3.为…效力4.滑冰5.在…岁时6.看见某人做某事7.参加8.因为9.主修10.继续做另一件事11.空闲时间12.七十年历史13.开始打喷嚏14.出生于15.为…担心16.听说三.单项选择1.---- is that?---That is our English teacher.A.WhenB.What timeC.WhoD.Why2.---- she is this city?-----Yes, she was.A.Where ; bornB.Was ; bornC.When ; bornD.Were ; born3.Maybe there is something wrong with my car. I can't it.A.moveB.beginC.startD.work4.They are too tired, so they stop and have a rest.A.workingB.to workC.work5. the teacher came in, all the student were writing.A.WhereB.WhenC.WhileD.As6.Joyce the national table tennis team when he was young.A.played forB.join inC.takes part inD.learned to play7.Now he is getting older, so he can't run as fast as Before.A.is changingB.is becomingC.is reaching 8.----Do you know the Boao Forum for Asiathis year lasted?---Three days, from April 11th to 13th.A.how oftenB.how aboutC.how longD.how soon9.----What a nice MP3! Is it yours?-----Of course. I 180 yuan on it.A.costB.tookC.spentD.paid10.----Do you often see William on theplayground?----No, but he is often seen Chinese Kongfu in the park.A.run ; playB.run ; to playC.rinning ; playD.running ; to play11.----Do you hear her in the next room?---Yes, it sounds perfect.A.singsB.to singC.singing12. the age of thirty, Peter went to Australia tolook for a jobA.OnB.AtC.FromD.By13.Liu Xiang is an Olympic winner in thehurdle(跨栏).A.110-meterB.110-metersC.110 meterD.110 meters14.Jin Yong is one of the greatest and oldestwriters. He is still .A.living ; aliveB.living ; livingC.alive ; livingD.alive ; alive15.I didn't go to the party not the weather butI didn't feel well.A.because of ; becauseB.because ; because ofC.because ; becauseD.because of ; because of16.Today is September 10th. It's day. Let's goand buy some flowers for our teachers.A.TeachersB.Teachers'C.the TeachersD.Teacher's17.It's bedroom. It's clean and tidy.A.Jim and TomB.Jim's and Tom'sC.Jim's and TomD.Jim and Tom's18.Stop so much noise! My father is sleepingA.to makeB.makingC.to hearD.hearing19.The little girl was too frightened a word.A.not at allB.not to sayC.to tellD.to say20.----This suitcase is heavy for me to carry.Can you help me?----Sure.A.veryB.tooC.soD.much21.It's raining heavily. We have to the sportsmeet.A.put offB.join inC.hold onD.take part in22.It's not easy for trail walkers to finish walking aTrail within 48 hours.A.100-kilometerB.100-kilometersC.100 kilometersD.100 kilometer's23.The Sutong Highway Bridge, a bridge, isalready open to triffic.A.32 kilometer longB.32-kilometer-longC.32 kilometers longD.32-kilometers-long24.Betty didn't come to school yesterday shewas ill.A.butB.thanC.ifD.because25.When she was three years old, she amovie star.A.becomeB.isC.wereD.became26.When I was a child, I often the river nearour village.A.swam inB.swam onC.swimed inD.swims on 27.The earth round the sun.A.moveB.movedC.movingD.moves28.You're too tired. Stop and have a rest.A.workB.to workC.workingD.worked29.My good friend Mike wants a policeman When he grows up.A.to becomeB.becomeC.becomesD.became30.---- your cousins born?----In Jinan.A.Where wereB.Where didC.When wereD.Where was31.I planned to three days finishing the work, but in fact it me two days.A.spend ; takesB.take ; spendC.spend ; tookD.take ; spent32.There some bread and apples in the fridgeyesterday.A.isB.wasC.areD.were33.There few in the hospital at that time.A.are ; woman doctorB.were ; woman doctorsC.are ; women doctorsD.were ; women doctors34.Mr Smith was born December,1950. He Works a farm.A.on ; inB.at ; inC.in ; onD.on ; on35.句型转换1.She started dancing at the age of four.(同义句)She start dancing.2.He is too young to go to school.(同义句)He is to go to school.3.Tony was born in 1997.(画线处提问)Tony born?4.Bruce hic cupped for two months.(画线处提问)Bruce ?5.My major is English.(同义句)I English.。

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P65.661. Later she became a great ______(music)).2. she ______(更喜欢) to live with her parents.3. My brother Paul likes _____(electric) music that is loud..4.—How about the singer who ___ (play ) the piano l.---- It’s very _____ ( noise).5. My sister like the singer who ______ ( write) their own ______( 歌词)。

6. My friend is an _________ ( Australia) and she lives in Sydney.7. He likes smooth music that _____ (help) me relax.8. 我喜欢可以随着跳舞的音乐。

I like music _____ _____ _____ _______ ________ .9. 我更喜欢有好歌词的音乐。

I ______ music that ______ great ________ .10. 我喜欢可以随着唱歌的音乐。

I like music _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _______.11. Tonny often go for a picnic ___ ____ _____ ______ . (在他的空闲时间)12.—I’m busy on Tuesday.-- _______ _____ _____ (既然那样) we will have to meet another day.13. I likes musicians . They play different kinds of music.(合并)He likes musicians ____ _____ different kinds of music .14.I only like movies . the movies are funny . (合并句子)I only like movies ___________ funny .15.I like music that is too loud .( 提问)____ _______ _____ ______ do you like ?16.He likes smooth music better than loud music.(同义句)He_______ smooth music ______ loud music.17. They would rather stay at home than go out( 同义句) They _____ to stay at home rather than ______ out.They ____ _______ at home ______ _____out.P671. He is too poor ____ (buy ) a new house.2. Do you feel like ____( shut ) off your computer?3. Dramas like Titanic make me ______ ( feel ) even _____(sad).4. Comedies always have a happy _______(end).5. If you stick to ______ (stay ) here, you must pay money for it.6. There are many ________(difference)kinds of music in the world.7. He love ______ (sing) who write their own music.8. Tom ____(call ) a friend ____(call) Bill now. 9. They try _____(them) best ______(help ) the people in troube.10. After ______(watch) the comedies , I feel much ______(well).11. Laughing for two hours ___ ( be) a good way ______ (relax).12. Mr. Liu is one of _________(popular) teacher in our school.13. He is d_______ and upset. Let’s cheer him up.14. There are p_______ of food and drinks ,so you can helpyourselves.15. They often go to the hospital to sing _____ ____ the sickpeople _____ ( 使……振作)16. They should ______ _____ ______ _____(尽全力) learnEnglish well.17. You can use a dictionary in the exam. (被动)A dictionary _____ ______ _____ by you in the exam.18. He wanted to know . Where do you live?(合并)He _________ where you _______ .19. The man is my father . He is reading a newspaper. (合并)The man _____ _____reading a newspaper ______ my father.20. They can hardly speak English , ______ _____ ?(反义疑问)21.---________ find day ! Shall we go for a walk?--- That sounds great!A. WhatB. What aC. How22.I like music that I can dance _____ .A. withB. alongC. to23.The letter _____ I received yesterday is from my uncle.A. thatB. whatC. who24.You remind me ______ my father when you say that.A. ofB. toC. at25.My father prefers ____ read newspaper rather than ____ TV.A. to ; watchingB. / ; watchC. to ; watch26.I’m too _____ to watch _____ movies alone.A. scary ; scaredB. scared ;scaryC. scared ; scaring27.Please _____ water tap(龙头) when you brush your teeth.A. look upB. take offC. shut off28. The old man lives in a big house ___, so he often feels ___ .A. alone ; aloneB. lonely ; aloneC. alone ; lonely29. The Internet provides us _____ plenty of ____ we need.A. for , informationB. with , informationsC. for , informations30.-- Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?-- Well , it all _____ the weather.A. belongs toB. happens toC. depends onP68,69,701. I dislikes the singers who don’t sing the words ______( clear)2. The house was _______(strange) quiet.3. Now I get to understand the ______(sad)in the music.5. I enjoyed _______ (watch) an exciting superhero yesterday.6. His ________ (popular) continues to this day.7. His _______ (pain) makes me recall my _______ experiences.8. He played music _____(make)money.9.. Mei Lanfang first p_________Beijing Opera when he was ten.10.. He does well in all the subjects , so the teachers oftenp______ him.11. In his arm , there were two bullet (子弹) w_______.12.. Liu Qian is good at ______(表演) magic 魔术.13.. It’s important to ____(掌握) a foreign language.14.The _______(导演) is the most famous one in China。

15.It’s a ________ (遗憾) that you can’t go with us .16. The______ cost of the project came to over $ 75,000.A. totalB. commonC. serious17. I hate people _____ talk much but do little.A. whichB. whatC. who18.-- Do you know the man ____ is standing at the door?--yes ,I do . He’s a friend of _____A. When ; I B, who ; mine C. whose; laughing19. -- I’ d like a cup of black coffee. What about you, Maggie?-- I prefer coffee ____ sugar.A. thanB. for C with D to20. ______ exercise ____ good for your health.A. Do; beB. doing; isC. Doing ; are21.-- It’s one of the ____ things in the world to stay with friends.-- I agree. It always makes us relaxed.A. worseB. happiest C hardest22. Oh,it ___ so nice . What beautiful music it is !A. smellsB. soundsC. tastes23. We find ____ a fact that he passed the driving test.A. itB. itsC. that24. The box is _____heavy _____ he can’t carry it .A. too ; toB. very ; thatC. so ; that(同义句) The box is ______ heavy _____ carry it .25. We can’t work out the physics problem. Can you tellus____?A. how to doB. what to do itC. how to do it26. -- I am going to Hainan with my aunt next week.-- _________!A. Have a good timeB. Best wishes to youC. Congratulations27. I can’t understand ____ Apple’s iPad 2.A. why are they so mad aboutB. why they are so mad aboutC. how thy are so mad about28. Mike’s father bought ____ electronic watch for hom at hisbirthday . _____ electronic watch looks very beartiful.A. a; theB. an ; theC. an ; a29. Please ___ these windows right away. It’s going to rain.A. openB. preventC. shut30. He is said to be not at home ._______ we shall not go there.A. In factB. Even thoughC. In that case31. –I’m sorry. I can’t go to your birthday party because I’mbusy .-- It’s a great _____ ! But never mind.A. surpriseB. joyC. pity32. Did you hear ______in your room?A. anything unusualB. something unusualC. unusual something34. The children are making too much noise. I can’t ______ it .A. standB. hearC. know35.She got married ____ a policeman twenty years ago.A. withB.forC.to36. 我妹妹喜欢吃酸的水果。
