





一、文学流派解析1. 古典主义文学古典主义文学是英美文学史上的重要流派之一,其诞生于17世纪,充分借鉴了古希腊罗马文学的风格和理念。


2. 浪漫主义文学浪漫主义文学兴起于18世纪末至19世纪初,追求个性、情感和自然的恢弘力量。


3. 现实主义文学现实主义文学盛行于19世纪中叶至20世纪初,追求真实和客观的描写方式,反映社会问题和人民生活。


4. 自然主义文学自然主义文学是现实主义文学的延伸,强调人的行为和命运受到自然和社会环境的决定。


5. 现代主义文学现代主义文学兴起于20世纪初,以对传统文学形式的反叛和对意识流的运用为特点。


二、重要作品整理1. 威廉·莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚最著名的戏剧之一,被誉为西方文学史上最伟大的作品之一。









3、公元前12世纪至公元前8世纪,史称“荷马时代”或者“英雄时代” 。























16、William Wordsworth 威廉·华兹华斯 1770-1850 17 、 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 柯 勒 律 治 1772-1834 18 、 Walter Scott 瓦 尔 特·司各特 1771-1832
1、Geoffrey Chaucer 杰佛 利·乔叟 1340-1400 2 、 William Shakespeare 莎士比亚 1564-1616 长诗:The House of Fame 声誉之堂;Troilus and Criseyde 特罗勒斯与克丽西德 小说:Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷故事集----英国文学史上现实主义第一部杰作 (他是最早有人文主义思想的作家,现实主义文学的奠基人) The Tempest 暴风风雨;The Two Gentlemen of Veronaz 维罗纳二绅士;The Mercy Wives of Windsor 温莎的风流妇人;Measure for Measure 恶有恶报;The Comedy of Errors 错中错;Much Ado about Nothing 无事自扰;Love’s Labour’s Lost 空爱一场;A Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜 之梦;The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人;As You Like It 如愿;The Taming of the Shrew 驯悍 记;All’s Well That Ends Well 皆大欢喜;Twelfth Night 第十二夜;The Winter’s Tale 冬天的故 事;The Life and Death of King John/Richard the Second/Henry the Fifth/Richard the Third 约

















































英美文学重点知识归纳1. 英美文学的定义英美文学是指英国和美国的文学作品,包括小说、诗歌、戏剧、散文等。


2. 英美文学的时期和流派2.1 古代英美文学古代英美文学包括早期安格鲁-撒克逊文学、中世纪文学和文艺复兴时期文学。


2.2 浪漫主义文学浪漫主义是英美文学的一个重要流派,包括诗人拜伦、雪莱和济慈等人的作品。


2.3 现实主义文学现实主义是英美文学的另一个重要流派,出现于19世纪后期。



2.4 现代主义文学现代主义是20世纪英美文学的主要流派,代表作家有弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫、塞缪尔·贝克特和詹姆斯·乔伊斯。


3. 英美文学的重要作家和作品3.1 威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)威廉·莎士比亚是英国文学史上最伟大的戏剧家和诗人之一。


3.2 简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)简·奥斯汀是19世纪英国小说家,被誉为英国小说的经典作家。


3.3 弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德是20世纪美国作家,代表作品有《了不起的盖茨比》。




文学体裁:诗歌poem,小说novel,戏剧dramaOrigin起源:Christianity 基督教→ bible 圣经Myth 神话The Romance of king Arthur and his knights 亚瑟王和他的骑士(笔记)一、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1、这个时期的文学作品分类:pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒)2、代表作:The Song of Beowulf 《贝奥武甫》( national epic 民族史诗) 采用了隐喻手法3、Alliteration 押头韵(写作手法)例子:of man was the mildest and most beloved,To his kin the kindest, keenest for praise.二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350)Canto 诗章1、romance 传奇文学2、代表作:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (高文爵士和绿衣骑士) 是一首押头韵的长诗三、Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) 杰弗里.乔叟时期1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父2、heroic couplet 英雄双韵体:a verse unit consisting of two rhymed(押韵) lines in iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格)3、代表作:the Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷的故事(英国文学史的开端)大致内容:the pilgrims are people from various parts of England, representatives of various walks of life and social groups.朝圣者都是来自英国的各地的人,代表着社会的各个不同阶层和社会团体小说特点:each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner, thus revealing his own views and character.这些叙述者以自己特色的方式讲述自己的故事,无形中表明了各自的观点,展示了各自的性格。



















英美文学复习资料英美文学I. 本期讲过的所有名家名作II.名词术语:Ode——in ancient literature, is an elaborate lyrical poem composed for a chorus to chant and to dance to; in modern use, it is a rhymed lyric expressing noble feelings, often addressed to a person or celebrating an event.Alliteration——It is a form of initial rhyme, or head rhyme.It is the repetition of the same sound or sounds at the beginning of two or more words that are next to or close to each other.e.g. He came on under the clouds, clearly saw at lastRage-inflamed, wreckage-bent, be ripped openKenning——a figurative language in order to add beauty to ordinary objects. It is a metaphor usually composed of two words, which becomes the formula for a special object.e.g. Helmet bearer—— warriorSwan road——the seaThe world candle—— the sunRepetition &Variatione.g. Grendel / The spoiler / warlike creature /the foe / horrible monsterA host of young soldiers / a company ofKinsmen / a whole warrior-bandCaesura——every line consists of two clearly separated half lines between which is a pause, called caesura.e.g. Grendel stalking; God’s brand was on him.the gold-hall of men, the mead-drinking placenailed with gold plates. That was not the first visitBallad——is a form of verse, often a narrative set to music. Ballads were particularly characteristic of the popular poetry and song of the British Isles from the later medieval period until the 19th century and used extensively across Europe and later the Americas, Australia and North Africa. Many ballads were written and sold as single sheet broadsides. The form was often used by poets and composers from the 18th century onwards to produce lyrical ballads. In the later 19th century it took on the meaning of a slow form of popular love song and the term is now often used as synonymous with any love song, particularly the pop or rock power ballad.Epic——is a lengthy narrative poem, ordinarily concerning a serious subject containing details of heroic deeds and events significant to a culture or nation. The first epics are known as primary, or original, epics. One such epic is the Old English story Beowulf. Epics that attempt to imitate these like Milton’s Paradise Lost are known as literary, or secondary, epics.The six main characteristics:1. The hero is outstanding. He might be important, and historically or legendarily significant.2. The setting is large. It covers many nations, or the known world.3. The action is made of deeds of great valor or requiringsuperhuman courage.4. Supernatural forces—gods, angels, demons—insert themselves in the action.5. It is written in a very special style.6. The poet tries to remain objective.Sonnet (Italian Sonnet, Shakespearean Sonnet, Spenserian Sonnet, Miltonic Sonnet)①Italian sonnetcreated by Giacomo da Lentini, head of the Sicilian School.Petrarch (1304-1374) most famous early sonneteerIt falls into two main parts:an octave rhyming “abbaabba” (set up a problem ) + volta followed by a sestet rhyming “cdecde” or some variant, such as “cdccdc” (answer)②English / Shakespearean sonnetThe greatest practitioner: William Shakespearethree quatrains followed by a coupletoften presents a repetition-with-variation of a statement in each of the three quatrains ?The final couplet in the English sonnet usually imposes an epigrammatic turn at the end.——a fourteen-line poem of iambic pentameters. This form is made up of 3 quatrains and a couplet, rhyming:ababcdcdefefgg③Spenserian sonnetA variant on the English form is the Spenserian sonnet, named after Edmund Spenserthree quatrains connected by the interlocking rhyme scheme and followed by a couplet ?the rhyme scheme is abab, bcbc, cdcd, ee——has the rhyme scheme ababbcbccdcdee and no breakbetween the octave (an eight line stanza) and the sestet( a six line stanza). It is named after the Elizabethan poet Edmund Spenser.④Miltonic SonnetConceit——in literature, a conceit is an extended metaphor with a complex logic that governs a poetic passage or entire poem. By juxtaposing, usurping and manipulating images and ideas in surprising ways, a conceit invites the reader into a more sophisticated understanding of an object of comparison. Extended conceits in English are part of the poetic idiom of Mannerism, during the later sixteenth and early seventeenth century. Simile—is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements ha ving at least one quality or characteristic in common.Simile is almost always introduced bythe following words:like,as,as…as,as it were,as if,as though,be something of,similar to, etc.Metaphor—is a figure of speech where comparison is implied.It is also a comparison between two unlike elements with a similar quality.But unlike a simile,this comparison is implied,n ot expressed with the word"as"or"like".Symbol——In literary usage, a symbol is a specially evocative kind of image: that is, a word or phrase referring to a concrete object, scene, or action which also has some further significance associated with it.Types of SymbolsI. Universal or cultural symbols/traditional symbolsare those whose associations are the common property of asociety or culture and are so widely recognized and accepted that they can be said to be almost universal.e.g. water—lifeSerpent—the DevilLamb—Jesus ChristII. Contextual, Authorial, or Private symbolsare those whose associations are neither immediate nor traditional; instead, they derive their meaning, largely if not exclusively, from the context of the work in which they are used.e.g. the albatross in Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”Synecdoche——a figure of speech in which a part is substituted for a whole or a whole for a part e.g.My baby woke for a bottle.[提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般.]Oxymoron——is a figure of speech that juxtaposes elements that appear to be contradictory.Oxymora appear in a variety of contexts, including inadvertent errors (such as "ground pilot") and literary oxymorons crafted to reveal a paradox. The most common form of oxymoron involves an adjective–noun combination of two words. For example, the following line from Tennyson's Idylls of the King contains two oxymora: And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true.e.g. painful pleasure a thunderous silencePun——The pun, also called paronomasia, is a form of word play that suggests two or more meanings, by exploiting multiple meanings of words, or of similar-sounding words, for an intendedhumorous or rhetorical effect. Puns are used to create humor and sometimes require a large vocabulary to understand. Puns have long been used by comedy writers, such as William Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, and George Carlin.Puns can be classified in various ways:①The homophonic pun, a common type, uses word pairs which sound alike (homophones) but are not synonymous.②A homographic pun exploits words which are spelled the same (homographs) but possess different meanings and sounds.③Homonymic puns, another common type, arise from the exploitation of words which are both homographs and homophones.④A compound pun is a statement that contains two or more puns.⑤A recursive pun is one in which the second aspect of a pun relies on the understanding of an element in the first.⑥Visual puns are used in many logos, emblems, insignia, and other graphic symbols, in which one or more of the pun aspects are replaced by a picture.Personification——a figure of speech which represents abstractions or inanimate objects with human qualities, including physical, emotional, and spiritual; the application of human attributes or abilities to nonhuman entities.ExaggerationDramatic monologue—— a kind of poem in which the speaker is imagined to be addressing a silent audienceIrony——in its broadest sense, is a rhetorical device,literarytechnique, or event characterized by an incongruity, or contrast, between what the expectations of a situation are and what is really the case.——A subtly humorous perception of inconsistency, in which an apparently straightforward statement or event is undermined by its context so as to give it a very different significance.Allusion——is a figure of speech, in which one refers covertly or indirectly to an object or circumstance from an external context. It is left to the reader or hearer to make the connection; where the connection is detailed in depth by the author, it is preferable to call it "a reference". Literary allusion is closely related to parody and pastiche, which are also "text-linking" literary devices. A type of literature has grown round explorations of the allusions in such works as Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock or T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land. James JoyceRomanticism——Romanticism was an artistic, literary and intellectual movement that originated in the second half of the 18th century in Europe. In part, it was a revolt against aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature.It was embodied most strongly in the visual arts, music, and literature.Modernism——Modernism is a rather vague term which is used to apply to the works of a group of poets, novelists, painters, and musicians between 1910 and the early years after the World War II. The term includes various trends or schools, such as imagism, expressionism, dadaism, stream of consciousness, and existentialism. It means a departure from theconventional criteria or established values of the Victorian age.The basic themes of modernism:1. Alienation and loneliness are the basic themes of modernism. In the eyes of modernist writers, the modern world is a chaotic one and is incomprehensible.2. Although modern society is materially rich, it is spiritually barren. It is a land of spiritual and emotional sterility.3. Human beings are helpless before an incomprehensible world and no longer able to do things their forefathers once did.The characteristics of modernism:1. Complexity and obscurity: (juxtaposition, no limitation of space)2. The use of symbols: (symbol: a means to express their inexpressible selves)3. Allusion: (Allusion is an indirect reference to another work of literature, art, history, or religion.)4. Irony: (an expression of one’s meaning by using words that mean the direct opposite of what one really intends to convey.)Rhyme scheme——the pattern in which the rhymed line-endings are arranged in a poem or stanza. Head rhyme: As busy as a bee End rhymeCrossed rhymeWill ye bridle the deep sea with reins, will ye chasten the high sea with rods?Will ye take her to chain her with chains, who is older than all ye Gods?Internal rhyme:“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary" Iambic meter/ trochaicmeter/anapestic meterIamb is a metrical unit (foot) of verseabout [?'ba?t] =?+'ba?t[?'ba?t]an unstressed syllable(?) +a stressed syllable(?)=one iambic foot/meterAbout about about about about=iambic pentameter抑扬格(iambic):如果一个音步中有两个音节,前者为轻,后者为重,则这种音步叫抑扬格音步,其专业术语是(iamb, iambic.)。



弗朗西斯·斯科特·基·菲茨杰拉德(英语:Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald,1896年9月24日-1940年12月21日),简称斯科特·菲茨杰拉德,是一位美国长篇小说、短篇小说作家,也是20世纪最伟大的美国作家之一。





主要作品:人间天堂the side of paradise 夜色温柔ender is the night 了不起的盖茨比剧本:《美女和被诅咒的人》、《伟大的盖茨比》、《生死同心》、《女人》、《乱世佳人》、《居里夫人》、《夜色温柔》《我最后一次见到巴黎》、《绮梦初艳》等长篇小说:《人间天堂》(1920)、《美丽与毁灭》(1922)、《了不起的盖茨比》(1925)、《夜色温柔》(1934)、《最后一个大亨》(1941)等短篇小说:《本杰明·巴顿奇事》(《返老还童》)《冰宫》《冬天的梦》《赦免》《明智之事》、《伯妮斯理发》《水果软糖》《梦幻的残片》《重返巴比伦》《富家子弟》《宝贝派对》《最后一个南方女郎》《魅力》《骆驼的背脊》《哦,红发女巫》《残火》等短篇小说集:《飞女郎与哲学家》(1920)、《爵士时代的故事》(1922)《那些忧伤的年轻人》(1926)、《早晨的起床号》(1935)等[1]时代与创作:美国历史上一个特殊的年代。




















一,中世纪文学(约5世纪---1485)1. 英国最初的文学是口头的。

2. 5世纪中叶,盎格鲁,撒克逊,朱特三个日耳曼部落开始从丹麦以及现在的荷兰一带地区迁入不列颠。

3. 盎格鲁,撒克逊时代最重要的一部古英语文学作品是《贝奥武夫》,它被认为是英国的民族史诗。


4. 1066年,威廉公爵率领法国的诺曼底人,征服英格兰。




6. 传奇文学(主人公:高贵的骑士的冒险和爱情故事)是英国封建社会发展到成熟阶段的一种社会理想的体现。

7. 14世纪以后,英语开始恢复使用,杰弗里乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,1343-1400)的出现标志着以本土文学为主流的英国书面文学历史的开始。





3.该时期典型人物:英国托马斯莫尔(Thomas More,1478--1535),作品《乌托邦》(Utopia),内容:社会平等,财产公有,人们和谐相处的理想国。


5.该时期典型人物:埃德蒙斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser,1552--1599)的长诗《仙后》(The Faerie Queen),主题歌颂女王,宣扬人文主义思想。










二、英美文学的重要时期和代表作品1. 文艺复兴时期(16世纪)文艺复兴时期是英美文学的重要里程碑,代表作品有:•威廉·莎士比亚的剧作《哈姆雷特》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》等,深刻地反映了人性的复杂性和命运的无常。


2. 浪漫主义时期(18世纪末至19世纪初)浪漫主义时期是英美文学的重要发展阶段,代表作品有:•威廉·华兹华斯的诗集《抒情诗选集》,强调对自然和个人感受的表达,展现了对自由和灵魂的渴望。


3. 现代主义时期(20世纪初至中期)现代主义时期是英美文学的革命性时期,代表作品有:•弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的小说《至灵之泉》,以流动的意识流体式叙述,探索了心灵的迷茫和现代社会的困惑。


三、英美文学的重要作家和代表作1. 威廉·莎士比亚(1564-1616)威廉·莎士比亚是英国文学史上最伟大的剧作家之一,代表作品有:•《哈姆雷特》:探讨了人性的矛盾和命运的无常,是世界戏剧史上最重要的作品之一。



Chapter 1:The Renaisssance Period 文艺复兴时期The Neoclassical Period is the English literature between the return of the Stuarts to the English throne in 1660 and the full assertion of Romanticism which came with the publication of Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge in 1798.概念词源和定义文艺复兴一词,源出意大利语rinas- cita,意为再生或复兴。




此词经法语转写为renaissace,17 世纪后为欧洲各国通用。



II Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托夫马洛(诗革命性的一句话)Marlowe is the greatest playwright before Shakespeare and the most gifted of the university wits.克里斯托弗·马洛是莎士比亚以前英国重要的戏剧家,他在多部作品中塑造的时代巨人形象及无韵体诗剧形式对文艺复兴时期剧作家,特别是莎士比亚的创作,产生了很大影响.马洛对英国戏剧的贡献巨大,是英国文艺复兴时期戏剧的真正创始人.马洛的艺术成就在于他完善了无韵体诗,并使之成为英国戏剧中最主要的文学形式。



Old English Literature 古英语文学(450-1066年)Beowulf (贝奥武甫)---The first English national epic中世纪英语文学(1066-1500)Geoffrey Chaucer(乔叟,c. 1343–1400) was an English poet. He is remembered for his The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》, called the father of English litera ture“英国文学之父”William Langland (朗格兰,1330?-1400?),the author of the 14th-century English long narrative poem Piers Plowman《农夫皮尔斯》.文艺复兴(16-17世纪)William Shakespeare (莎士比亚,1564-1616), English poet and playwright, his surviving works consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems Venus and Adonis 《维拉斯和阿多尼斯》The Rape of Lucrece.《鲁克丽丝受辱记》Shakespeare’s greatest works:greatest tragedies are King Lear 《李尔王》,Macbeth《麦克白》,Hamlet《哈姆雷特》, Othello 《奥赛罗》,Romeo and Juliet 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》grea t comedies: A Midsumme r Night’s Dream《仲夏夜之梦》,As You Like It 《皆大欢喜》,The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》, Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》great historical plays: Richard III 《理查三世》,Henry IV 《亨利四世》, Henry V 《亨利五世》, Henry VII 《亨利八世》John Milton (弥尔顿, 1608-1674)was an English poet and civil servant for the Commonwealth of England. He is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost《失乐园》, Paradise Regained《复乐园》Samson 《力士参孙》.18世纪文学和新古典主义Alexander Pope (浦柏,1688-1744 ) is generally regarded as the greatest English poet of the eighteenth century, best known for his satirical epigram 讽刺隽语and heroic couplet英雄双韵体.His major works include mock epic satirical poem An Essay on Man 《人论》and An Essay on Criticism 《论批评》Daniel Defoe ( 笛福,1660—1731)was an English writer who gained enduring fame for his novel Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》, spokesman for middle-class peopleHenry Fielding (菲尔丁, 1707 ---1754) ,an English novelist known for his novel:The History of Tom Jones.Jonathan Swift (斯威夫特,1667-1745), was an Anglo-Irish novelist, satirist. He is remembered for novel such as Gulliver’s Travels《格列佛游记》.Richard Sheridan ( 谢立丹,1751—1816), Irish playwright ,known for his satirical play School of Scandal(造谣学校). He was a represntative writer of Comedies of Manners.Laurence Sterne (斯特恩,1713—1768 ), an English novelist. He is best known for his novel Tristram Shandy (《商第传》).Oliver Goldsmith (哥尔德斯密斯,1728-1774)English novelist, known for his novel Vicar of Wakefield (《威克菲尔德牧师传记》)Thomas Gray (托马斯•格雷1716—1771 ),an English poet, author of Elegy Written in aCountry Churchyard(《墓畔哀歌》), writer of sentimentalism感伤派.浪漫主义(18世纪末19世纪初)William Blake (1757 –1827) was an English poet, best known for his poetical collections of Song of Innocence 《天真之歌》and Song of Experience《经验之歌》.William Wordsworth (1770-1850),a major English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their 1798 joint publication, Lyrical Ballads《抒情歌谣集》.Wordsworth‘s magnum opus is generally considered to be The Prelude《序曲》.Samuel Taylor Coleridge(柯勒律治, 1772 –1834) was an English poet who was, along with his friend William Wordsworth, one of the founders of the Romantic Movement in England and one of the Lake Poets. He is probably best known for his poems The Rime of the Ancient Mariner《古舟子颂》and Kubla Khan《忽必烈汗》George Gordon Byron (拜伦,1788—1824 )was a English poet and a leading figure in Romanticism.Amongst Byron‘s best-known works are his narrative poems Childe Harold‘s Pilgrimage 《哈罗尔德游记》and Don Juan《唐璜》Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792—1822) was one of the major English Romantic poets and is widely considered to be among the finest lyric poets in the English language. He is perhaps most famous for Ode to the West Wind《西风颂》, To a Skylark《致云雀》, Prometheus Unbound《解放了的普罗米修斯》.Mary Shelley (玛丽• 雪莱1797 –1851) was a British novelist best known for her Gothic novel Frankenstein 《弗兰肯斯坦》, considered as first science fictionJohn Keats ( 济慈, 1795—1821) was an English poet who became one of the principal poets of the English Romantic movement. His masterpieces such as Ode on a Grecian Urn 《希腊古瓮颂》and Ode to a Nightingale《夜莺颂》浪漫主义时期小说家Jane Austen (1775—1817) , was an English novelist. Her major novels include Sense and Sensibility (《理智与情感》), Pride and Prejudice (《傲慢与偏见》), Emma (《爱玛》). Walter Scott (司各特, 1771---1832), a prolific Scottish historical novelist . His major works is Ivanhoe《艾凡赫》Realism 现实主义时期(Victorian Age 维多利亚时期1837-1901)Bronte sisters 勃朗宁姐妹, Charlotte (夏洛蒂, 1816 – 1855), Emily (艾米丽, 1818 – 1848) and Anne (安妮, 1820 – 1849), were English writers of t he 1840s and 1850s. Charlotte‘s Jane Eyre 《简爱》, Emily’s Wuthering Heights 《呼啸山庄》and Anne's Agnes Grey《艾格妮斯·格雷》are masterpieces of English literature.George Elliot (乔治-爱略特,1819—1880 ) was an English novelist. She was one of the leading writers of the Victorian era. Her novels, largely set in provincial England. Her major novels include:The Mill on the Floss《佛洛斯河上的磨坊》Middlemarch《米德尔玛契》.Charles Dickens (1812–1870):one of the most popular English novelists of the Victorian era. His major novels include: A Tale of Two Cities 《双城记》,Oliver Twist 《奥利弗退斯特》,David Copperfield 《大卫科波菲尔德》, Great Expectation 《远大前程》, Hard Times 《艰难时世》William Makepeace Thackeray (萨克雷,1811—1863) was an English novelist of the 19th century. He was famous for his satirical works, particularly Vanity Fair《名利场》Mrs. Gaskell (盖斯凯尔夫人, 1810-1865)was an English novelist during the Victorian era. Her major novels include: Mary Barton 《玛丽• 巴顿》Thomas Hardy(哈代, 1840 – 1928) ,an English novelist of the naturalism自然主义. His major novels include: Tess of the d‘Urbervilles《德伯家的苔丝》Far from the Madding Crowd 《远离尘嚣》Jude the Obscure. 《无名的裘德》Most of his novels are set in Wessex(威塞克斯).现实主义时期诗歌Robert Browning (布朗宁, 1812–1889) was an English poet and playwright whose mastery of dramatic verse, especially dramatic monologues戏剧独白, made him one of the foremost Victorian poets.Alfred Tennyson (丁尼生,1809 – 1892) was Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom and remains one of the most popular English poets. Tennyson excelled at penning short lyrics, including "Break, break, break"Oscar Wilde (王尔德, 1854 – 1900)playwright and one novel, known for his aestheticism唯美主义(art for art’s sake为了艺术而艺术). His major plays include The Importance of Being Earnest《不可儿戏》; His major novel is The Picture of Dorian Gray《道林-格雷的画像》20世纪和现代主义Bernard Shaw (萧伯纳, 1856-1950), an Irish playwright, the greatest dramatist in English literature in the 20th century. He adhered to the tradition of realism, writing plays as a way to discuss social problems. He won Nobel Prize for literature in 1925. His major plays include, Mrs Warren’s Profession《华伦夫人的情人》, Major Barbara《芭芭拉少校》, Pygmalion 《皮革马力翁》and Saint Joan《圣女贞德》John Galsworthy (高尔斯华绥, 1867-1933) one of the most important novelists in the Early 20th century,a Nobel Prize winner. His major works is Forsyte Saga 《福尔赛世家》which comprises three novels:The Man of Property《有产业的人》, In Chancery《衡平法院》To Let 《出租》Joseph Conrad (康拉德, 1857-1932)Conrad was born in Poland and an English novelist. His major novels include Lord Jim 《吉姆爷》and The Heart of Darkness《黑暗的心》.James Joyce (乔伊斯, 1882-1941):An Irish born novelist, known for the technique of the stream of consciousness. His main works: Ulysses 《尤利西斯》;A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man ; 《青年艺术家的肖像》Finnegan’s Wake; 《芬尼根彻夜祭》Dubliners《都柏林人》E. M. Forster (福斯特, 1879-1970)an English novelist, A Passage to India 《印度之行》T.S. Eliot (T.S.艾略特, 1888-1965):American poet, best known for his poem The Waste Land 《荒原》, 1948 Nobel Prize winner for literature.David Herbert Lawrence (D.H.劳伦斯, 1885-1930),an English novelist. His most important novels are, Rainbow 《彩虹》and Sons and Lovers《儿子与情人》. He is the founder of stream of consciousness意识流.William Butler Yeats (叶芝, 1865-1939)an Irish poet and awarded Nobel Prize for literature in 1923. His major poems include Sailing to Byzantium《驶向拜占庭》and Leda and Swan《利达和天鹅》.Samuel Beckett (贝克特,1906-1989), an Irish dramatist and Nobel Prize winner for Literature. His masterpiece is Waiting for Godot《等待戈多》. He is the exponent of the theatre of the absurd 荒诞派戏剧.Iris Jean Murdoch (默多克, 1919-1999), English female novelist, her major novels include Black Prince《黑王子》, The Sea, the Sea《大海啊,大海》and Unicorn 《独角兽》Doris Lessing (莱辛, 1919--) is a British writer, author of works such as the novels The Grass is Singing. In 2007, Lessing won the Nobel Prize in Literature.Muriel Spark (斯帕克, 1918-2006)English female novelist, best known for her novel The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1961) 《布罗迪小姐的青春》Virginia Woolf (伍尔夫, 1882-1941)Woolf is an exponent of modernism and one of the most important female novelists. Her major works include Mrs. Dalloway《达洛威夫人》, To the Lighthouse 《向灯塔去》.美国文学殖民地革命时期Benjamin Franklin (富兰克林, 1706-1790): one of American founding fathers (建国之父) Major works: Autobiography《自传》Poor Richard’s Almanack《穷人理查历书》Jonathan Edwards (爱德华兹,1703 –1758) was a colonial theologian and writer. His work is often associated with the Puritan heritage. His famous sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,"《落在忿怒之神手中的罪人》is credited for starting the First Great Awakening.Thomas Pain (潘恩, 1737-1809):British pamphleteer. Major works: Common Sense《常识》(1776)Federalists’ Papers《联邦党人文集》:Alexander Hamilton汉密尔顿John Jay杰伊James Madison曼迪逊浪漫主义时期Romantic Period(1790-1865):Earlier Romantic Period (1790-1830)Romantic Heyday (1830-1865)Earlier Romantic Period:Washington Irving (1783-1859)Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)Washington Irving (华盛顿• 欧文, 1783-1859):American romantic novelist. He was best known for his short stories “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and “Rip Van Winkle”, both of w hich appear in his book The Sketch Book《见闻札记》. Irving is the first American writer who gained international fame.James Fenimore Cooper (库珀, 1789-1851):American romantic novelist , best remembered for his Leatherstocking Tales 《皮袜子故事》(The Pioneer《拓荒者》, Deer Slayer《猎鹿者》, Pathfinder《探路人》, Prairie《大草原》, The Last of the Mohicans《最后的莫西干人》) featuring frontiersman Natty Bumppo.2) Romantic Heyday (1830-1865):Waldo Ralph EmersonHenry David ThoreauWalt WhitmanEmily DickinsonNathaniel HawthorneHerman MelvilleHarriet Beecher StoweEdgar Allan PoeTranscendentalists(超验主义):Waldo Ralph EmersonHenry David ThoreauWalt WhitmanWalt Whitman (惠特曼,1819-1882): American romantic poet, father of free verse(自由诗) , best known for his collection of poems Leaves of Grass 《草叶集》Waldo Ralph Emerson (爱默生,1803-1882): leader of the transcendentalism, his essay Nature 《论自然》is the manifesto of transcendentalism. his another essay The American Scholar《美国学者》is considered to be America's "Intellectual Declaration of Independence”.Henry David Thoreau (梭罗, 1817–1862) : American romantic writer best known for his book Walden《瓦尔登湖》, a reflection upon simple living.Herman Melville (麦尔维尔, 1819–1891) : American novelist, best known for his novel Moby-Dick《白鲸》Nathaniel Hawthorne (霍桑, 1804–1864): American novelist, best known for his four romances(传奇小说):The Scarlet Letter《红字》The House of the Seven Gables 《七个尖尖角的房子》The Blithedale Romance《福谷传奇》The Marble Faun《玉石人像》Emily Dickinson (狄金森,1830–1886) American poetess, whose poetry are concerned with life, death and immortality.Harriet Beecher Stowe (斯托尔夫人, 1811–1896 American female novelist, whose novel Uncle Tom‘s Cabin (1852) 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》attacked the cruelty of slavery.)Realism 现实主义Mark Twain (马克•吐温1835 –1910), American novelist. most noted for his novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (《汤姆索亚历险记》)and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 《哈克贝恩历险记》Life on the Mississippi River《密西西比河上的生活》Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur‘s Court 《亚瑟王朝的康涅狄克州的美国佬》The Gilded Age 《镀金时代》Henry James (亨利•詹姆斯1843-1916), American realist novelist, founder of international novel(国际题材小说)Important works:The American 《美国人》The Europeans 《欧洲人》The Portrait of a Lady 《贵妇画像》The Wings of the Dove 《鸽冀》The Ambassadors 《大使》The Golden Bowl 《金碗》O. Henry 欧亨利was the pen name of American novelist William Sydney Porter (1862 – 1910). O. Henry‘s short stories are well known for his short stories such as Cop and Anthem (《警察和赞美诗》) and Gift of Magie (《麦琪的礼物》)William Dean Howells (豪威尔斯, 1837 –1920) was an American realist novelist and literary critic. Major works include The Rise of Silas Lapham 《赛拉斯• 拉帕姆的发迹》Theodore Dreiser (德莱塞, 1871–1945) American novelist and journalist. He pioneered the naturalist school and is known for his novels Sister Carrie 《嘉莉妹妹》and An American Tragedy 《美国悲剧》and his desire trilogy《欲望三部曲》:The Financier 《金融家》The Titan 《巨头》The Stoic 《斯多葛》American Naturalist (自然主义)1) Stephen Crane 克莱恩2) Frank Norris 诺里斯3) Jack London 杰克-伦敦1) Stephen Crane (克莱恩, 1871–1900) was an American novelist. He won international acclaim for his 1895 Civil War novel The Red Badge of Courage《红色的英勇勋章》.2) Frank Norris (诺瑞斯1870–1902) American novelist. His notable works include McTeague 《麦克提格》, The Octopus《章鱼》3) Jack London (杰克• 伦敦, 1876–1916) American novelist, known for his novel Martin Eden 《马丁• 伊登》, The Call of the Wild 《野性的呼唤》.20世纪和现代主义-诗歌T.S. Eliot (T.S.艾略特, 1888-1965):American poet, best known for his poem The Waste Land 《荒原》, 1948 Nobel Prize winner for literature.Ezra Pound(庞德): American imagist poet意象派诗人, major poems include Cantos 《诗章》, Hugh Selwyn Maubery (莫伯里), Cathay (《华夏》translation of ancient Chinese poems) Robert Frost (弗罗斯特, 1874–1963)American poet. He is highly regarded for his realistic depictions of rural life in New England and his command of American colloquial speech. His work was first recognized in England and then in America.Wallace Stevens(斯蒂文斯, 1879-1955)American poet, best known for his poem Anecdote for the Jar and his emphasis on Imagination.Allen Ginsberg (金斯伯格, 1926-1997), American poet of Beat Generation (垮掉的一代), best known for his poem “Howl”《嚎》Ernest Hemingway (海明威, 1899—1961)American novelist. He was part of the 1920s expatriate community in Paris, and one of the veterans of World War I later known as "the Lost Generation". He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. Major works:The Sun also Rises 《太阳照样升起》A Farewell to Arms 《永别了-武器》The Old Man and the Sea《老人与海》For Whom the Bell Tolls《丧钟为谁而鸣》“Meditation XVII”, an essay by metaphysical poet John Donne 多恩“any man's death dim inishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”Fitzgerald (菲茨杰拉德, 1896–1940) American writer of novels, whose works are evocative of the Jazz Age. Fitzgerald is considered a memb er of the “Lost Generation“. Most important worksis The Great Gatsby 《了不起的盖茨比》which represents the destruction of American dream. Lost Generation迷惘的一代:The 'Lost Generation' is a phrase made popular by American author Ernest Hemingway in his first published novel The Sun Also Rises. Figures identified with the "Lost Generation" include authors and poets Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ezra Pound, Sherwood Anderson, John Dos Passos.William Faulkner 福克纳: American novelist, winner of Nobel Prize for literature. Most of his works was set in an imaginary location named Yoknapatawpha. Major works include:The Sound and the Fury 《喧哗与骚动》Sartoris《家族小说》Go Down, Moses 《去吧,莫西》Light in August 《八月之光》Absalom, Absalom! 《押沙龙,押沙龙!》Sanctuary 《圣地》John Steinbeck (斯坦贝克, 1902–1968) American novelist, Nobel Prize winner. He is known for his novel The Grapes of Wrath《愤怒的葡萄》Saul Bellow(贝缕, 1915-2005)American novelist, Nobel Prize winner, best known for his novel such as The Adventures of Augie March,《奥吉•玛其历险记》Herzog, Seize the Day, Humboldt's GiftJames Baldwin (鲍德温, 1924-1987), black American novelist, best known for his novel Go Tell It on the Mountain 《向苍天呼吁》.Ralph Ellison (艾里森, 1913-1994), black American novelist, best known for his The Invisible Man 《看不见的人》Alex Harley (1936-1969), black American novelist, best known for his Roots 《根》Toni Morrison(莫里森, 1931-)Toni Morrison is a Nobel Prize-winning female American novelist. among the best known are her novels The Bluest Eye《最蓝的眼睛》and Beloved《宠儿》.20世纪戏剧家Eugene O‘Neil (尤金-奥尼尔, 1888-1953)American playwright, Nobel Prize winner, best known for his Long Day’s Journey Into Night《长夜漫漫路迢迢》, Beyond the Horizon 《天边外》,The Hairy Ape 《毛猿》Arthur Miller (亚瑟-米勒,1915-2005 ), American playwright, best known for his The Death of Salesman《推销员之死》Edward Albee (阿尔比1928---) is an American playwright best known for Who‘s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?(《谁怕弗吉尼亚伍尔夫》). His early works reflect a Americanization of the Theatre of the Absurd 荒诞派that found its peak in works by Irish playwrights such as Samuel Beckett贝克特.。






一、英国文学1. 莎士比亚的四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》和《麦克白》。


2. 简·奥斯汀的小说:《傲慢与偏见》、《理智与情感》等。


3. 查尔斯·狄更斯的小说:《雾都孤儿》、《双城记》等。


4. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的小说:《达洛维夫人》、《到灯塔去》等。


二、美国文学1. 马克·吐温的小说:《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》、《汤姆·索亚历险记》等。


2. 埃米莉·迪金森的诗歌:迪金森的诗歌充满了哲思和深度,她以其独特的写作风格和对生死、爱情等主题的探索而成为美国文学的重要代表。

3. 威廉·福克纳的小说:《喧哗与骚动》、《押沙龙,押沙龙!》等。


4. 托尼·莫里森的小说:《亲爱的》、《宠儿》等。


三、阅读技巧和复习建议1. 阅读经典作品时,要注重对文本细节的理解和分析。






















• 哈珀·李的小说作品 • 《杀死一只知更鸟》:以斯库特·芬奇为主人公,讲述美国南 方一个小镇的种族歧视与正义
• 艾伦·金斯堡的诗歌作品 • 《嚎叫》:以“我”为主人公,讲述美国青年对现实社会的愤 怒与不满
英04美现代文学:新兴流派与作 品
魔幻现实主义:跨文 化的文学现象
• 魔幻现实主义作品 • 加西亚·马尔克斯的《百年孤独》:以布恩迪亚家族为主人公, 讲述一个家族七代人的传奇故事 • 爱德华·斯诺登的《斯诺登文件》:以爱德华·斯诺登为主人公, 讲述一个揭秘者的逃亡与生活
后现代主义:颠覆传统的文学 风格
• 后现代主义作品 • 托马斯·品钦的《万有引力之虹》:以二战时期的德国为背景, 讲述一个美军士兵与德国女子的爱情故事 • 约瑟夫·海勒的《第二十二条军规》:以二战时期的美国为背 景,讲述一个美国空军士兵在战争中的荒诞生活
• 浓郁的哥特式风格:以恐怖、神 秘为主要题材 • 讽刺与幽默:以讽刺社会现象、 幽默地描绘人物为主要手法 • 深刻的人文关怀:关注人性、道 德和社会问题
• 浓厚的民主气息:以民主、自由 为主题 • 独特的拓荒精神:以西部拓荒、 边疆生活为题材 • 多元的文化融合:吸收各种文化 元素,形成多元化的文学风格
• 英国:公元1066年诺曼征服,形成统一的中央政权 • 美国:1776年独立战争,成为一个独立的国家
• 英国:资产阶级民主制度的确立,工业革命的影响 • 美国:民主与自由的价值观,多元文化的交融

英美文学 知识点总结

英美文学 知识点总结




1. 英国文学的起源和发展英国文学的起源可追溯至中世纪,早期的英国文学作品包括《贝奥歌》、《坎特伯雷故事集》等。



2. 美国文学的诞生与发展美国文学的起源较晚,17世纪移民新英格兰书信文学是美国文学的开端。



3. 英美文学的经典作品在英美文学史上,有许多经典作品,这些作品对后世文学产生了深远的影响。


4. 英美文学的主题和风格英美文学作品的主题和风格多种多样,既有对家国情怀的歌颂,也有对人性命运的探索。


5. 英美文学的流派英美文学的作品涉及的流派众多,包括戏剧、小说、诗歌、散文等。


6. 英美文学的影响英美文学对全球文学产生了深远影响,从语言、风格、主题等方面都对其他国家的文学产生了影响。

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《英美文学》(03119)复习大纲第一部分英国文学一、课程简介本课程简要介绍英国各个历史断代的主要文学文化思潮,文学流派,主要作家; 本课程要求学生掌握英国文学史上各个时期的文学特点,出现的文学流派以及该时期一至两位重要作家的文学生涯,创作思想,艺术特色及代表作品;并要求学生做到在掌握有关知识理论的基础上使之转换这能力,即能用有关知识和理论来分析英国文学中的相关问题。

二、课程重点章节简介:第一章:古代与中世纪英国文学1. <<贝尔武夫>>2. 乔叟及其代表作第二章: 文艺复兴时期1. 文艺复兴的定义2. 萨士比亚的戏剧及十四行诗3. 培根的代表作第三章: 十七世纪英国文学1.弥尔顿的代表作<<失乐园>>、诗剧<<力士参孙>>的主要内容及<<失乐园>>选短第四章: 启蒙运动时期1.新古典主义2.伤感主义3.笛福及代表作4.蒲伯及代表作第五章: 浪漫主义时期1.浪漫主义时期文学的特点2.彭斯的创作特点及代表作3.华兹华斯的创作特点及代表作4.拜伦诗歌的特点及代表作第六章: 维多利亚时期1.维多利亚时期的文学特点2.布朗蒂姐妹的代表作第七章: 现代时期1.现代主义文学2.汤姆斯.哈代创作特点及代表作3. D.H.劳伦斯创作特点及代表作三、本课程重点和难点内容简介第一章:古代与中世纪英国文学:1.<<贝尔武夫>>简介及在英国文学史上的意义。


3.名词解释“骑士抒情诗”第二章: 文艺复兴时期:1.文艺复兴时期的时间界定2.“文艺复兴”的名词解释3.“人文主义” 的名词解释4.莎士比亚的“Sonnet 18”的主题5.哈姆雷特的性格分析6.英语解释《论学习》中的句子第三章: 十七世纪英国文学:1.英语解释弥尔顿《失乐园》选段中的句子2.《失乐园》的主要内容和意义3.《失乐园》中撒旦的人物分析第四章: 启蒙运动时期:1.启蒙运动时期的界定2.新古典主义的基本主张和特色3.伤感主义的名词解释4.《鲁滨逊漂流记》中鲁滨逊的人物分析5.蒲伯的《论批评》的主题6.英文解释《论批评》第五章: 浪漫主义时期:1.浪漫主义时期的界定及文学特点2.彭斯的诗歌的特点及其诗作“红玫瑰”3.华兹华斯和科勒律治合作的《抒情歌谣集》的重要意义4.华兹华斯的诗歌特点5.英文解释华兹华斯“我如行云独自游”中的句子6.拜伦“致希腊”的主题并用英语解释其中句子7.雪莱“西风颂” 的主题并用英语解释其中句子第六章: 维多利亚时期1.维多利亚时期的文学特点2.艾米莉。




爱的人物分析第七章: 现代时期1.现代主义文学的特点2.哈代的代表作及写作特点3.劳伦斯小说的主题及人物分析四、课程内容疏理及应用领域、应用讲解方法I. Old and Medieval Period1.The Anglo-Saxon Period (5th century – 1066, the year of the Norman conquest of English )Beowulf :It is the first long poem in English, which is considered the national epic of the English people. Although Beowulf is a national epic of the English people, but it is a story of the Scandinavians2.The Anglo – Norman Period1)The most prevailing (主要的) of literature in the feudal England is Romance(骑士抒情诗).名词解释:Romance---------Romance is a literature form in middle English literature means a long composition in verse or prose form dealing with the life and adventures of a noble hero, generally a knight(骑士).The knights are unfailingly devoted to the king and the church. They are commonly described as riding forth to seek adventures, involving in a large amount of fighting for their lords and always encountering romantic love affairs. In romances, loyalty to king and lord is repeatedly emphasized. Romance as a form of literature, is the upper class literature.2) Geoffrey Chaucer –“the father of English poetry” and“the father of English fiction"His masterpiece –Canterbury Tale is regarded as one of the monumental works in English literature.论述题:Briefly introduce the significance of Chaucer in his Canterbury Tale.(1)His contribution to English literature can be seen in two aspects:a. Realism:All kinds of people except the highest (king and the top nobility) and the lowest (the very poor laboring people) are represented by these 30 pilgrims. Besides being the typical representative of her or his own class, each character has her or his own individual qualities. Therefore it gives a true picture of Chaucer’s time.b. Humanism:He hig hly praises man’s energy, quick wit and love of life, thus he reveals his ideas of humanism.(2)His contribution to English language:Ever since Norman Conquest, French and Latin were the languages used by the upper classes. Chaucer chose to use the London dialect of his day in his masterpiece. In doing so, he did much in making the London dialect the standard for the Modern English speech.II、The Renaissance Period (14th to mid-17th)名词解释:1、Renaissance :The word “Renaissance” means revival, especiallybetween the 14th and mid-17th century, revival of interest in ancient Greekand Roman culture. Renaissance, therefore, in essence, was a historicalperiod in which the European humanist thinkers made attempts to get rideof conservatism (保守主义) in feudalist Europe and introduce newideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, to lift therestrictions in all areas placed by the Roman church authorities.Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.2.Humanism: Humanism is both the keynote of the Renaissanceand the intellectual liberation movement, associate with new attitude toancient Greek and Latin literature. The humanists took interest in humanlife and human activities and gave expression to the neeew feeling ofadmiration for human beauty, human achievement.3. ShakespeareHis plays can be divided into four types: historical plays, comedies,tragedies and romantic tragi-comedies.Shakespeare’s four greatest tragedies are Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth1). Hamlet,例题:论述题:What are the main themes in Shakespeare’s tragedies, and analysis the character- Hamlet.( What’s the theme of Hamlet? Analyze the image of Hamlet.)His tagedies often portray some noble hero who faces the injustice of human life and is caught in a diffult situation whose fate is closely connected with the fate of thewhloe nation. The heroes have some weaknesses in their characters, which finally lead to their tragic falls.Shakespear puts forward the image of Hamlet as a humanist of the Renaissance. He has an unbounded love for the world, nature and man; he loves good, hates evil, and is free from medieval prejudices and superstitions, he shows a contempt for rank and wealth; he is a man of genius, highly accomplished and educated; he is a scholar, soldier, and statesman. His image reflects the versatility of the man of the Renaissance. His weakness is his melancholy, but in spite of his melancholy and delay in action, Ham;et still retains his active energy. His learning, wisdom, noble nature, limitation and tragedy are all representative of the humanists at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries.2)Sonnet 18It is one of the most beautiful sonnets written by Shakespeare, the poetholds that the poetry will bring eternity to the one he loves. A nicesummer’s day is u sually short, but the beauty in poetry can last for ever.Thus Shakespeare has a faith in the permanence of poety.3)Sonnet 29In this poem, the poem first complains of his own miseries and dissatisfaction in life and then becomes happy upon the thought of theone he loves.记住这两首诗及注释。
