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TARGET国际翻译研究杂志目录Target 1:1(1989) (2)Target 1:2(1989) (3)Target 2:1(1990) (3)Target 2:2(1990) (4)Target 3:1(1991) (5)Target 3:2(1991) (6)Target 4:1(1992) (7)Target 4:2(1992) (9)Target 5:1(1993) (10)Target 5:2(1993) (11)Target 6:1(1994) (12)Target 6:2(1994) (14)Target 7:1(1995) (15)Target 7:2(1995) (16)Target 8:1(1996) (18)Target 8:2(1996) (19)Target 9:1(1997) (20)Target 9:2(1997) (21)Target 10:1(1998) (23)Target 10:2(1998) (25)Target 11:1(1999) (26)Target 11:2(1999) (28)Target 12:1(2000) (29)Target 12:2(2000) (30)Target 13:1(2001) (31)Target 13:2(2001) (32)Target 14:1(2002) (34)Target 14:2(2002) (35)Target 15:1 (2003) (37)Target 15:2(2003) (38)Target 16:1 (2004) (40)Target 16:2(2004) (41)Target 17:1 (2005) (42)Target 17:2(2005) (44)Target 18:1 (2006) (45)Target 18:2 (2006) (46)Target 19:1(2007) (47)Target 19:2(2007) (49)Target 20:1(2008) (50)Target 20:2(2008) (51)Target 21:1(2009) (53)Target 21:2(2009) (54)Target 1:1(1989)On Target's Targets 1 Articles9 In Search of a Target Language: The Politics of Theatre Translation inQuebecAnnie Brisset29 Genre Analysis and the TranslatorCarl James43 Models of the Translation Process: Claim and RealityWolfgang Lörscher69 Wittgenstein, Translation, and SemioticsDinda L. GorléePlato, Bacon and the Puritan Apothecary: The Case of Nicholas95 CulpeperL.G. KellyForum111 Extending the Theory of Translation to Interpretation: Norms as aCase in PointMiriam ShlesingerReview Article117 Bibliographie: Traductions et CulturesJoséLambertReview 123 Paul Chavy. Traducteurs d'autrefois: Moyen âge et RenaissanceReviewed by Theo HermansMary Snell-Hornby (ed.) ZüriLEX '86 ProceedingsReviewed by R.R.K. HartmannTarget 1:2(1989)Articles129 Towards a Multi-facet Concept of Translation BehaviorWolfram WilssTranslation and Original: Similarities and Dissimilarities, I151 Kitty van Leuven-Zwart183 On Aboriginal Sufferance: A Process Model of Poetic TranslatingFrancis R. Jones201 Assessing Acceptability in Translated Children' BooksTiina Puurtinen215 La traduction, les langues et la communication de masse: Lesambiguïtés du discours internationalJoséLambertReview Article239 Verb Metaphors under TranslationGideon TouryReviews 249 James S. Holmes. Translated!: Papers on Literary Translation andTranslation StudiesReviewed by Hendrik van GorpYishai Tobin and Edna Aphek. Word Systems in Modern Hebrew:Implications and ApplicationsReviewed by Hannah Amit-KochaviPaul Nekemann (ed.). Actes du XIe Congrès mondial de la FIT: LaTraduction, notre avenirReviewed by Lieven D’hulstAlan Duff. TranslationReviewed by Francis R. JonesRevue de littérature comparée, numéro spécial: Le Texte étranger.L‘œuvre littéraire en traductionReviewed by Clem RobynsTarget 2:1(1990)Articles1 Typological Aspects of Translating Literary Japanese into German, I:Lexicon and MorphologyGötz WienoldThe Normative Model of Twentieth Century Belles Infidèles:23 Detective Novels in French TranslationClem RobynsA Statistical Method for Translation Quality Assessment43 Shouyi Fan69 Translation and Original: Similarities and Dissimilarities, IIKitty van Leuven-Zwart‗Die Seefahrt an den Nagel hängen‘? Metaphern beim Übersetzen und97 in der ÜbersetzungswissenschaftFrank G. KönigsForumNorms in Interpretation115 Brian HarrisReviews 121 Albrecht Neubert. Text and TranslationReviewed by Christina SchäffnerErika Fischer-Lichte, Fritz Paul Brigitte Schultze Horst Turk, eds.Soziale und theatralische Konventioinen als Problem derDramenübersetzungReviewed by Frank PeetersMary Snell-Hornby Translation Studies: An Integrated ApproachReviewed by Lieven D’hulstTarget 2:2(1990)ArticlesA Theoretical Account of Translation: Without a Translation Theory135 Ernst-August Gutt165 Linguistic Interference in Literary Translations from English intoHebrew of the 1960s and 1970sRachel Weissbrod183 Typological Aspects of Translating Literary Japanese into German, II:Syntax and Narrative TechniqueGötz Wienold199 Surely There Must Exist a Polish Equivalent: On the Inadequacy ofDictionary ExplicationsElżbieta TabakowskaTexttheorie und Translatorisches Handeln 219Hans J. VermeerReviews 243 Harald Kittel, ed. Die literarische Übersetzung: Stand undPerspektiven ihrer ErforschungReviewed by Dirk De GeestReiner Arntz, ed. Textlinguistik und Fachsprache: Akten desInternationalen übersetzungswissenschaftlichen AILA-SymposionsHildesheim, 13.-16 April 1987Reviewed by Wolfgang LörscherValerie Worth. Practising Translation in Renaissance France: TheExample of Étienne DoletReviewed by Paul ChavySherry Simon. L'inscription sociale de la traduction au QuébecReviewed by Clem RobynsNew Books at a Glance 255 Henry G. Schogt. Linguistics, Literary Analysis, and LiteraryTranslationLieven D’hulstMaarten Steenmeijier. De Spaanse en Spaans-Amerikaanse literatuurin Nederland (1946-1985)Ilse LogieTarget 3:1(1991)Articles1 World Knowledge in the Process of TranslationChristina SchäffnerCoincidence in Translation: Glory and Misery Again17 Robert de Beaugrande55 Computer-aided Translation: Where are the Problems?Albrecht Neubert65 Translation Anthologies: An Invitation to the Curious and a CaseStudyHelga Essman and Armin Paul Frank91 Scopos, Loyalty, and Translational ConventionsChristiane NordReviews 111 Candace Séguinot ed. The Translation ProcessReviewed by Hannah Amit-KochaviSusan Bassnett and André Lefevere, eds. Translation, History andCultureReviewed by Theo d’HaenHenri Van Hoof. Traduire l'anglais: Théorie et PratiqueReviewed by Michel BallardDanica Seleskovitch et Marianne Lederer. Pédagogie raisonnée del'interprétationReviewed by Jean DelisleBrian T. Fitch. Beckett and Babel: An Investigation into the Status ofthe Bilingual WorkReviewed by Rainier GrutmanNew Books at a Glance 129 La traduction plurielle. Textes réunis et présentés par Michel BallardLieven D’hulstDaniel Göske. Herman Melville in deutscher SpracheNorbert GreinerKlaus Martens. Die ausgewanderte ―Evangeline‖: Longfellowsepische Idylle im übersetzerischen TransferNorbert GreinerJean Delisle. The Language Alchemists: Société des traducteurs duQuébec (1940-1990)Rainier GrutmanAmparo Hurtado Albir. La notion de fidélité en traductionTarget 3:2(1991)ArticlesA False Opposition in Translation Studies: Theoretical versus/and137 Historical ApproachesDirk Delabastita153 Methodological Aspects of Interpretation (and Translation) ResearchDaniel Gile175 Names and Their Substitutes: Onomastic Observations on Astérix andIts TranslationsSheila Embleton207 Two Traditions of Translating Early Irish LiteratureMaria TymoczkoInstitutional Transmission and Literary Translation: A Sample Case225 Klaus MartensReviews 243 Christiane Nord. Textanalyse und Übersetzen: TheoretischeGrundlagen, Methode und didaktische Anwendung einerübersetzungsrelevanten TextanalyseReviewed by Werner KollerFrederick M. Rener. Interpretatio: Language and Translation fromCicero to TytlerReviewed by Antoine BermanPeter W. Krawutschke, ed. Translator and Interpreter Training andForeign Language PedagogyJean Delisle. Translation: An Interpretive ApproachSonja Tirkkonen-Condit and Stephen Condit, eds. Empirical Studiesin Translation and LinguisticsReviewed by Miriam ShlesingerMary Snell-Hornby and Esther Pöhl, eds. Translation andLexicography: Papers read at the EURALEX Colloquium held atInnsbruck 2-5 July 1987Reviewed by Guy A.J. TopsNew Books at a Glance 261 Bert Westerweel and Theo D'haen, eds. Something Understood:Studies in Anglo-Dutch TranslationDirk DelabastitaMyriam Salama-Carr. La traduction à l'époque abbasside: L'école deHunayn Ibn Ishāq et son importance pour la traductionMichel Ballard261 Andrzej Kątny, Hrsg. Studien zur kontrastiven Linguistik undliterarischen ÜbersetzungGerd FreidhofTarget 4:1(1992)Articles1 The Concept of Function of Translation and Its Application toLiterary TextsRoda P. Roberts17 On Constructing a Transfer Dictionary for Man and MachineJohn Laffling33 Sur le rôle des métaphores en traductologie contemporaineLieven D’hulstFilm (Adaptation) as Translation: Some Methodological Proposals 53Patrick Cattrysse71 Zum Aussagewert motivgeschichtlicher ÜbersetzungsstudienBärbel CzenniaForumNatural Translation: A Reply to Hans P. Krings97 Brian Harris105 Bilinguismus and Übersetzen: Eine Antwort an Brian HarrisHans P. KringsReview ArticleTranslation Theory Revisited111 Raymond van den BroeckReviews 121 Reiner Arntz and Gisela Thome, eds. Übersetzungswissenschaft.Ergebnisse und Perspektiven: Festschrift für Wolfram Wilss zum 65.GeburtstagReviewed by Dirk DelabastitaBasil Hatim and Ian Mason. Discourse and the TranslatorReviewed by Nils Erik EnkvistWolfgang Lörscher. Translation Performance, Translation Process,and Translation StrategiesReviewed by Donald C. KiralyArmin Paul Frank, Hrsg. Die literarische Übersetzung. Der langeSchatten kurzer Geschichten: Amerikanische Kurzprosa in deutschenÜbersetzungenReviewed by Jörn Albrecht and Johannes VolmertPeter Braun, Burkhard Schaeder and Johannes Volmert, eds. Internationalismen: Studien zur interlingualen Lexikologie undLexikographieReviewed by Frank PeetersNew Books at a Glance 139 Jerzy Tomaszczyk and Barbara Lwandowska-Tomaszczyk, eds.Meaning and LexicographyR.R.K. HartmannEija Ventola and Anna Mauranen. Tutkijat ja englanniksikirjoittaminenNils Erik EnkvistMaría Antonia Álvarez Calleja. Estudios de traducción(Inglés-Español): Teoría. Práctica. ApplicationesIlse LogieHenri Van Hoof. Histoire de la traduction en Occident: France,Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne, Russie, Pays-BasLieven D’hulstTarget 4:2(1992)ArticlesGood-bye, Lingua Teutonica? Language, Culture and Science in145 Europe on the Threshold of the 21st CenturyRoland PosnerThe Relations Between Translation and Material Text Transfer171 Anthony Pym191 Translation Policy and Literary/Cultural Changes in Early ModernKorea (1895-1921)Theresa Hyun209 On Two Style Markers of Modern Arabic-Hebrew Prose TranslationsLea Sarig223 The Cloze Technique as a Pedagogical Tool for the Training ofTranslators and InterpretersSylvie LambertReview ArticleA Theoretical Account of Translation: Without Translation Theory?237 Sonja Tirkkonen-ConditReviews 247 J.A. Henderson. Personality and the Linguist: A Comparison of thePersonality Profiles of Professional Translators and ConferenceInterpretersReviewed by Gideon TourySonja Tirkkonen-Condit, ed. Empirical Research in Translation andIntercultural Studies: Selected Papers of the TRANSIF Seminar,Savonlinna 1988Reviewed by Daniel GileAnnie Brisset. Sociocritique de la traduction: Théâtre et altérité auQuébec (1968-1988)Reviewed by Clem RobynsWilliam Luis and Julio Rodríguez-Luis, eds. Translating LatinAmerica: Culture as TextReviewed by Nadia LieNew Books at a Glance 261 Dan Maxwell and Klaus Schubert, eds. Metataxis in Practice:Dependency Syntax for Multilingual Machine TranslationJan DingsPatrice Pavis. Theatre at the Crossroads of Culture261 Sirkku AaltonenTarget 5:1(1993)ArticlesFrom ‗Is‘ to ‗Ought‘: Laws, Norms and Strategies in T ranslation1 StudiesAndrew ChestermanIs There a Special Kind of ―Reading‖ for Translation? An Empirical21 Investigation of Reading in the Translation ProcessGregory M. Shreve, Christina Schäffner,Joseph H. Danks and Jennifer GriffinArab Fatalism and Translation from Arabic into English43 Mohammed Farghal55 Rhetoric and Dutch Translation Theory (1750–1820)Luc Korpel71 Mixed Translation Patterns: The Ladino Translation of Biblical andMishnaic Hebrew VerbsOra (Rodrigue) SchwarzwaldReview Article89 Anthologies et HistoriographeJoséLambertReviews 97 Daniel Gouadec. Le traducteur, la traduction et l'entrepriseReviewed by JoséLambertSusan Bassnett-McGuire. Translation Studies (Revised Edition)Reviewed by John S. DixonGabriele Harhoff. Grenzen der Skopostheorie von Translation undihrer praktischen AnwendbarkeitReviewed by Christiane NordChristian Schmitt, Hrsg. Neue Methoden der SprachmittlungReviewed by Paul KussmaulBarbara Folkart. Le conflit des énonciations: traduction et discoursrapportéReviewed by Reine MaylaertsJelle Stegeman. Übersetzung und Leser: Übersetzung und LeserUntersuchungen zur Übersetzungsäquivalenz dargestellt an derRezeption von Multatulis ‗Max Havelaar‘ und seinen deutschenÜbersetzungenReviewed by Cees KosterSandor Hervey Ian Higgins. Thinking Translation. A Course inTranslation method: French to EnglishReviewed by Hans G. HönigMildred L. Larson, ed. Translation: Theory and Practice. Tension and InterdependenceReviewed by Anthony PymNew Books at a Glance 127 Kitty M. van Leuven Zwart Ton Naaijkens, eds. Translation Studies:The State of the Art. Proceedings of the First James S HolmesSymposium on Translation StudiesMichael SchreiberRainer Schulte John Biguenet, eds. Theories of Translation: AnAnthology of Essays from Dryden to DerridaLieven D’hulstIsabel Pascua Febles and Ana Luisa Peñate Soares. Introducción a losestudios de traducciónAnthony PymTarget 5:2(1993)Articles133 Underpinning Translation TheoryKirsten MalmkjærThe Distinctive Nature of Interpreting Studies149 Heidemarie Salevsky169 The Question of French Dubbing: Towards a Frame for SystematicInvestigationOlivier Goris191 The Grimm Tales in 19th Century DenmarkCay Dollerup215 Das Ende deutscher Romanübersetzungen aus zweiter HandWilhelm GraeberReview ArticleDiscourses on Translation: Recent, Less Recent, and to Come229 AndréLefevereReviews 243 Cay Dollerup and Anne Loddegaard, eds. Teaching Translation andInterpreting: Training, Talent and ExperienceReviewed by Rachel WeissbrodPeter Newmark: About TranslationReviewed by Christina SchäffnerLance Hewson and Jacky Martin. Redefining Translation: TheVariational ApproachReviewed by Michel BallardMarianne Lederer, éd.Études traductologiques en hommage à DanicaSéleskovitchReviewed by Annie BrissetJohn Laffling. Towards High-Precision Machine Translation : Basedon Contrastive TextologyReviewed by Anne-Marie Loffler-LaurianMichel Ballard. De Cicéron à Benjamin: Traducteurs, traductions,réflexionsReviewed by Jean DelisleMats Larsson Från tjeckiska till svenska: Översättningsstrategier förlitterärt talspråkReviewed by Werner KollerJames Hardin, ed. Translation and Translation Theory inSeventeenth-Century GermanyReviewed by Frederick M. RenerNew Books at a Glance 273 Werner Koller. Einführung in die Übersetzungswissenschaft, 4.,Völlig neu bearbeitete AuflageWolfram WilssBrigitte Schultze, Erika Fischer-Lichte, Fritz Paul and Horst Turk,eds.Literatur und Theater. Traditionen und Konventionen als Problem derDramen übersetzungFrank PeetersPhilip C. Stine, ed. Bible Translation and the Spread of the Church:The Last 200 YearsTheo HermansRosa Rabadán. Equivalencia y traducción: Problemática de laequivalencia translémica inglés-españolIlse LogieTarget 6:1(1994)ArticlesSemantic Models and Translating 1Paul KussmaulDid Adapa Indeed Lose His Chance for Eternal Life? A Rationale for15 Translating Ancient Texts into a Modern LanguageShlomo Izre'el43 Twelfth-Century Toledo and Strategies of the Literalist Trojan HorseAnthony PymForum67 Übersetzung * Translation * Traduction: An InternationalEncyclopedia of Translation StudiesReview Article81 Ideological Purity: Machine Translation's Pride or Pitfall?John LafflingReviews 95 Anthony Pym. Translation and Text Transfer: An Essay on thePrinciples of Intercultural CommunicationReviewed by Andrew ChestermanMarcel Thelen and Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, eds.Translation and Meaning: Proceedings of the 1990 Maastricht-ŁódźDuo Colloquium I-IIReviewed by Franz PöchhackerHeidemarie Salevsky, Hrsg. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen derSprachmittlungReviewed by Andreas PoltermannRadegundis Stolze. Hermeneutisches Übersetzen: LinguistischeKategorien des Verstehens und Formulierens beim ÜbersetzenReviewed by Frank G. KönigsRita Copeland. Rhetoric, Hermeneutics and Translation in the MiddleAges: Academic Traditions and Vernacular TextsReviewed by Douglas A. KibbeeCarmela Nocera Avila. Studi sulla traduzione nell'Inghilterra delSeicento e del SettecentoReviewed by Holger KleinChristiane Nord. Einführung in das funktionale Übersetzen: AmBeispiel von Titeln und ÜberschriftenReviewed by Katharina ReissPatrick De Rynck et Andries Welkenhuysen. De Oudheid in hetNederlands: Repertorium en bibliografische gidsReviewed by Arnoud WilsNew Books at a Glance 121 Cecilia Wadensjö. Interpreting as Interaction: OnDialogue-interpreting in Immigration Hearings and MedicalEncountersRuth MorrisCees W. Schoneveld, ed. ‗t Word grooter plas: maar niet zo ‗t was.Nederlandse beschouwingen over vertalen (1670-1760)Patrick De RynckChristiane Beerbom. Modalpartikeln als Übersetzungsproblem: Einekontrastive Studie zum Sprachenpaar Deutsch-SpanischReiner ArntzOther Books Received 127Target 6:2(1994)ArticlesA Framework for Decision-Making in Translation131 Wolfram WilssTranslation Studies in China: Retrospect and Prospect151 Fan ShouyiTranslating Allusions: When Minimum Change Is Not Enough177 Ritva Leppihalme195 Translating Literary Dialogue: A Problem and Its Implications forTranslation into HebrewRina Ben-ShaharReview Article223 Focus on the Pun: Wordplay as a Special Problem in TranslationStudiesDirk DelabastitaReviews 245 Wolfram Wilss. Übersetzungsfertigkeit: Annäherungen an einenkomplexen übersetzungspraktischen BegriffReviewed by John LafflingJean Delisle. La traduction raisonnéeReviewed by Robert LaroseJusta Holz-Mänttäri und Christiane Nord, Hrsg. TRADUCERENAVEM: Festschrift für Katharina Reiβ zum 70. GeburtstagReviewed by Luise Lieflander-KoistinenJohn Newton, ed. Computers in Translation: A Practical AppraisalReviewed by Frank Van EyndeAndré Lefevere, ed. Translation/History/Culture: A SourcebookReviewed by Luc KorpelLuc G. Korpel. Over het nut en de wijze der vertalingen: Nederlandse vertaalreflectie (1750-1820) in een Westeuropees kaderReviewed by Patrick De RynckNew Books at a Glance265 Tejaswini Niranjana. Siting Translation: History, Post-Structuralismand the Colonial ContextGurbhagat SinghWilliam A. Smalley.Translation as Mission: Bible Translation in theModern Missionary MovementAnneke de VriesMichael Hann. The Key to Technical Translation, 1-2Bruce W. Irwin and Erhard EydamClem Robyns, ed. Translation and the (Re)production of Culture:Selected Papers of the CERA Research Seminars in TranslationStudies 1989-1991John S. DixonOther Books Received 273Target 7:1(1995)Mirror Mirror on the Wall: An Introduction1 Daniel GilleArticles7 Stranger in Paradigms: What Lies Ahead for SimultaneousInterpreting Research?Miriam ShlesingerInterpreting Research and the ‗Manipulation School‘ of Translation29 StudiesAnne Schjoldager―Those Who Do…‖: A Profile of Research(ers) in Interpreting47 Franz PöchhackerUne approche asymptotique de la recherche sur l‘interprétation65 Birgit StrolzLa recherche en interprétation dans les pays d‘Europe de l‘Est: un e75 perspective personnelleIvana Čeňková91 Interpretation Research in JapanMasaomi Kondo and Akira Mizuno107 Development of Research Work at SSLM, Trieste (Italy)Laura Gran and Maurizio ViezziA Review of Conference Interpretation: Practice and Training119 Jennifer MackintoshOn The Relevance of Signed Languages to Research in Interpretation135 William P. IshamFidelity Assessment in Consecutive Interpretation: An Experiment151 Daniel Gille165 Interdisciplinary Research — Difficulties and BenefitsIngrid KurzReviews181 Sylvie Lambert and Barbara Moser-Mercer, eds. Bridging the Gap:Emperical Research in Simultaneous InterpretationFranz Pöchhacker181 Franz Pöchhacker. Simultandolmetschen als komplexes HandelnDaniel GilleOther Books Received 189Target 7:2(1995)Articles191 The Concept of Equivalence and the Object of Translation StudiesWerner KollerCorpora in Translation Studies: An Overview and Suggestions for223 Future ResearchMona Baker245 Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects of Corpus Selection inTranslation StudiesLuc van Doorslaer261 Text-Functions in Translation: Titles and Headings as a Case in PointChristiane Nord285 Headlining in Translation: English vs. Greek PressMaria SidiropoulouA Pragmatic Classification of LSP Texts in Science and Technology305 Susanne Göpferich327 Retranslation of Children's Books as Evidence of Changes of NormsMyriam Du-NourForumIntuition in Translation347 Vilen N. KomissarovReviews 355Dinda L. Gorlée. Semiotics and the Problem of TranslationReviewed by Elda WeizmanYves Gambier Jorma Tommola, eds. Translation and Knowledge:SSOTT IV — Scandinavian Symposium on Translation Theory (Turku,4–6.6.1992)Reviewed by Kirsten MalmkjærMary Snell-Hornby, Franz Pöchhacker and Klaus Kaindl, eds.Translation Studies: An InterdisciplineReviewed by Anthony PymRomy Heylen .Translation, Poetics, and the StageReviewed by Sirkku AaltonenCandace Whitman-Linsen. Through the Dubbing Glass: TheSynchronization of American Motion Pictures into German, Frenchand SpanishReviewed by Aline RemaelThomas O. Beebee. Clarissa on the Continent: Translation andSeductionReviewed by Wilhelm GraeberHelga Essmann. Übersetzungsanthologien: Eine Typologie und eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der amerikanischen Versdichtung indeutsch-sprachigen Anthologien, 1920–1960Reviewed by Hannah Amit-KochaviHans J. Vermeer. Skizzen zu einer Geschichte der Translation, Bd:1:Anfäange:von Mesopotamien bis GriechenlandRom und das frühe Christentum bis HieronymusReviewed by Heidemarie SalevskyKitty M. van Leuven-Zwart. Vertaalwetenschap: Ontwikkelingen en perspectievenReviewed by Theo HermansNew Books at a Glance 389 André Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting & the Manipulation ofLiterary FameHannah Amit-KochaviChristine Pagnoulle, éd. Les gens du passageMichel BallardPalma Zlateva Translation as Social Action: Russian and BulgarianPerspectivesAnikóSohárSiegfried Meurer, Hrsg. Die vergessenen Schwestern: FrauengerechteSprache in der BibelübersetzungAnneke de VriesTarget 8:1(1996)Articles1 There Is Always a Teller in a TaleGiuliana SchiaviThe Translator‘s Voice in Translated Narrative23 Theo Hermans49 Directionality in Translation Processes and PracticesSophia S.A. Marmaridou75 Some Thoughts About Think-Aloud ProtocolsCandace SéguinotThe Translation of English Passives into Arabic: An Empirical97 PerspectiveMohammed Farghal and Mohammed O. Al-Shorafat119 Translations, Paratextual Mediation, and Ideological ClosureUrpo KovalaForum149 A Case for Linguistics in Translation TheoryVladimir IvirOn Similarity159 Andrew ChestermanReview Article165 Venuti's VisibilityAnthony PymReviews 179 Elżbieta Tabakowska. Cognitive Linguistics and Poetics ofTranslationReviewed by Vladimir IvirMichel Ballard, dir. La traduction à l‘université: Recherches etpropositions didactiquesReviewed by Robert LaroseHeidrun Gerzymisch-Arbogast. ÜbersetzungswissenschaftlichesPropädeutikumReviewed by Hans G. HönigJuan C. Sager. Language Engineering and Translation: Consequencesof AutomationReviewed by Christina SchäffnerGideon Toury. Descriptive Translation Studies and beyondReviewed by Andrew ChestermanSherry Simon. Le Trafic des langues: Traduction et culture dans lalittérature québécoiseReviewed by Reine MeylaertsRadegundis Stolze. Übersetzungstheorien: Eine EinführungReviewed by Nelleke de Jong-van den BergTarget 8:2(1996)ArticlesLanguage, Translation and the Promotion of National Identity: Two211 Test CasesJudith Woodsworth239 Implicit Information in Literary Translation: A Relevance-TheoreticPerspectiveErnst-August Gutt257 Affective and Attitudinal Factors in Translation ProcessesJohanna LaukkanenA Translator' Reference Needs: Dictionaries or Parallel Texts?275 Ian A. Williams301 Translation of Modifications: About Information, Intention and EffectChunshen ZhuTowards a Model of Translation Proficiency325 Deborah CaoWhat Translators of Plays Think About Their Work341 Marja JänisForum365 Assumed Translation: Continuing the DiscussionVilen N. KomissarovReviews 375 Daniel Gile. Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter andTranslator TrainingReviewed by Donald C. Kiraly and David B. SawyerJeanne Dancette. Parcours de traduction: étude expérimentale duprocessus de compréhensionReviewed by Wolfgang LörscherGeorges Mounin. Les Belles InfidèlesReviewed by Yves GambierPaul Kussmaul. Training the TranslatorReviewed by Jeanne DancetteHans G. Hönig Konstruktives ÜbersetzenReviewed by Luc van DoorslaerAntoine Berman. Pour une critique des traductions: John DonneReviewed by Reine MeylaertsNew Books at a Glance 395 Deanna L. Hammond, ed. Professional Issues for Translators andInterpretersPeter JansenMichael Schreiber. Übersetzung und Bearbeitung: ZurDifferenzierung und Abgrenzung des ÜbersetzungsbegriffsJuliane HouseAnneke de Vries. Zuiver en onvervalscht?: Een beschrijving voor bijbelvertalingen, ontwikkeld en gedemonstreerd aan de PetrusCanisius VertalingPaul GillaertsOther Books Received 403Target 9:1(1997)ARTICLES‗Acceptability‘ and Language-Specific Preference in the Distribution1 of InformationMonika Doherty25 Translating a Poem, from a Linguistic PerspectiveElżbieta Tabakowska43 Translat ing the Untranslatable: The Translator‘s Aesthetic,Ideological and Political ResponsibilityGillian Lane-Mercier69 Who Verbalises What: A Linguistic Analysis of TAP TextsSonja Tirkkonen-ConditCréativité et traduction85 Michel Ballard111 Cultural Agents and Cultural Interference: The Function of J.H.Campe in an Emerging Jewish CultureZohar ShavitLanguage and Translation in an International Business Context:131 Beyond an Instrumental ApproachChris Steyaert and Maddy JanssensFORUM。
KT100R 使用说明书
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19
功能概要 ........................................................................................ 1
显示画面及功能 ........................................................................... 37
运行画面的切换 ..................................................................................................... 37 状态显示部分 ......................................................................................................... 38 数显画面................................................................................................................. 39 棒图画面................................................................................................................. 41 实时曲线画面 ......................................................................................................... 43 历史曲线画面 ......................................................................................................... 45 功能画面................................................................................................................. 49 文件列表................................................................................................................. 50 存储操作................................................................................................................. 51 数据备份................................................................................................................. 52 数据打印................................................................................................................. 54 报警列表................................................................................................................. 55 累积班报................................................................................................................. 56 累积日报................................................................................................................. 57 累积月报................................................................................................................. 58 累积年报................................................................................................................. 59 掉电记录................................................................................................................. 60 系统日志................................................................................................................. 61 登录组态................................................................................................................. 62
移民之后、华人富豪的死亡之路作者:暂无来源:《读报参考》 2017年第20期2015年5月2日,赵利在温哥华的豪宅里杀死自己的小舅子——来自河北的亿万富翁苑刚,并将其分尸百块。
主要研究领域包括:国际金融、国际政治经济学和中国宏观经济、宏观 经济理论与实践。
主持世界银行、德国阿登纳基金会、东亚发展网络(EADN)、财政部多 项课题。 已经出版的专著包括《为市场经济立宪:当代中国财政问题报告》、 《经济全球化时代的对外政策;寻找新的理论视角》、《出门散步的经济学》 等,并有多部译著。在国内重要经济学期刊发表论文30多篇、并在在各种主流 媒体发表财经济评论100多篇,有较大的社会影响。
我已经走了。街上愤怒的人们还在。冰山上已经有裂纹,断层线的地质活动比过 去更加活跃,气候日益异常。从一个高歌凯进的繁荣时期,到一个长久低迷的萧 条时代,发生变化的并不仅仅是经济增长率的高低,很多事情、很多意想不到的 风险会等着你们。我祝你们的运气比我更好。
抱歉占用又能讲给谁听呢?讲给2015年听吗?他只会比你更志得意满。好 歹,你在觥筹交错的盛宴之余,或许会有一丝曲终人散的惆怅。毕竟,你很快也 要离开这个世界了。
当然,我是有一点危言耸听,就算是我自己,也不是在降落过程中出事的,我是 被欺骗、被劫持、被杀害的。具体的故事我不愿意讲,我的痛苦是属于我自己的, 你们的好奇不足以理解我的悲伤。你们和我不一样,你们仍然是踌躇满志的。
是的,我是被怨气和戾气所害,你并不是凶手,你甚至连凶手是谁都找不着,但 是,这股怨气和戾气,难道就与你们的傲慢和偏见一点关系都没有?
但是,没有人把前面的风险当成一件值得担忧的事情。我看到,世界上规模最 大的国家仍然自以为能够号令天下,其实它连自己国内的骚乱都束手无策。我 看到,世界上增长速度最快的国家笼罩在一片雾霾之中,失去了曾经夺人心魄 的高速经济增长,我不知道它该怎么应付层出不穷的问题。我看到,有的国家 变得越是衰弱,就越是强硬;我也看到,有的国家越是停滞,就越是破罐子破 摔。
在美国印第安店里四年打工的真实经历“The Indian Store"-印第安商店坐落在加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥Escondido市。
经理名叫Ken,46 岁。
但是,美泰公司还生产很多其他类型的 玩具,不但没有一个比芭比表现得出色, 而且夭折的也的确不少。应该说,露丝当 初的灵感给了这个娃娃永久的生命,她是 贴近生活,真正为孩子们创造出来“芭比” 的“芭比之母”。芭比已经远远超越了玩 具的定义,成为一个不朽的文化符号。
一个黑人女子表情严肃的拿着一个扫 把,背靠拖把和美国国旗站在白宫某处。 这是这幅作品的一句话说明。这幅照片 是美国著名黑人摄影家、著名电影导演 戈登•帕克斯在1942年拍摄的,模特艾拉• 沃特森是当时在白宫的清洁女工。
“五大象征”图片 集结号
走进 “五大象征”
芭比简介: 全名:芭比· 密里森· 罗伯兹(Barbie Millicent Roberts) 年龄:永远16岁 原创者:露丝· 汉德勒(Ruth Handler) 本人身高:167厘米 娃娃身高:28厘米 本人体重:47~54公斤(这么瘦还能活着,真不可思议!) 娃娃体重:称称就知道 本人三围:90厘米/62厘米/89厘米(超级无敌魔鬼身材!) 小腿长:46厘米 大腿长:50厘米 性格:开朗,充满好奇心,富想象力,热爱创作 衣服:10亿件 职业:明星/教师/工程师/兽医……80多种(身兼数职,却未见操劳过度!)
他被自己的这个想法所激动,于是登上 开往纽约的轮船试图寻找支持者。 接下来 的五个月里,Bartholdi游遍了整个美国寻 求支持。于是Bartholdi一直都非常低调, 直到1874年第三共和国取代了拿破仑三世。 当Bartholdi回来后 ,他建立了一个称为法 美联盟的组织。他还雇用了AlexandreGustave Eiffel,就是稍后因为埃菲尔铁塔 而文明的建筑师,来设计支撑雕像竖起的 钢铁骨架
美国哥特式 1942年
EN301893 V1.8.1
Final draft ETSI EN 301 893 V1.8.0 (2015-01)5 GHz high performance RLAN;Harmonized EN covering the essential requirementsof article 3.2 of the R&TTE DirectiveReferenceREN/BRAN-0060011Keywordsaccess, broadband, LAN, layer 1, radio,regulation, testingETSI650 Route des LuciolesF-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCETel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16Siret N° 348 623 562 00017 - NAF 742 CAssociation à but non lucratif enregistrée à laSous-Préfecture de Grasse (06) N° 7803/88Important noticeThe present document can be downloaded from:The present document may be made available in electronic versions and/or in print. The content of any electronic and/or print versions of the present document shall not be modified without the prior written authorization of ETSI. In case of any existing or perceived difference in contents between such versions and/or in print, the only prevailing document is the print of the Portable Document Format (PDF) version kept on a specific network drive within ETSI Secretariat.Users of the present document should be aware that the document may be subject to revision or change of status.Information on the current status of this and other ETSI documents is available at/tb/status/status.aspIf you find errors in the present document, please send your comment to one of the following services:/chaircor/ETSI_support.aspCopyright NotificationNo part may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm except as authorized by written permission of ETSI.The content of the PDF version shall not be modified without the written authorization of ETSI.The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.© European Telecommunications Standards Institute 2015.All rights reserved.DECT TM, PLUGTESTS TM, UMTS TM and the ETSI logo are Trade Marks of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members.3GPP TM and LTE™ are Trade Marks of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members andof the 3GPP Organizational Partners.GSM® and the GSM logo are Trade Marks registered and owned by the GSM Association.ContentsIntellectual Property Rights (7)Foreword (7)Modal verbs terminology (7)Introduction (7)1 Scope (8) (8)2 References (8)references2.1 Normative (9)references2.2 Informativesymbols and abbreviations (9)3 Definitions,3.1 Definitions (9) (12)3.2 Symbols (12)3.3 Abbreviationsrequirements specifications (13)4 Technicalprofile (13)4.1 Environmentalfrequencies (13)4.2 Centre (13)4.2.1 General (13)4.2.2 Definition4.2.3 Limits (14)4.2.4 Conformance (14)4.3 Nominal Channel Bandwidth and Occupied Channel Bandwidth (14) (14)4.3.1 Definition (14)4.3.2 Limits4.3.3 Conformance (14)4.4 RF output power, Transmit Power Control (TPC) and power density (14) (14)4.4.1 Definitions4.4.1.1 RF Output Power (14) Transmit Power Control (TPC) (14) (14) PowerDensity (15)4.4.2 Limits4.4.2.1 General (15) Limits for RF output power and power density at the highest power level (15) Limit for RF output power at the lowest power level of the TPC range (15)4.4.3 Conformance (15)4.5 Transmitter unwanted emissions (16)4.5.1 Transmitter unwanted emissions outside the 5 GHz RLAN bands (16) (16) Definition (16) Limits4.5.1.3 Conformance (16)4.5.2 Transmitter unwanted emissions within the 5 GHz RLAN bands (16) Definition (16) (17) Limits4.5.2.3 Conformance (17)4.6 Receiver spurious emissions (17) (17)4.6.1 Definition (17)4.6.2 Limits4.6.3 Conformance (18)4.7 Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) (18)4.7.1 Introduction (18) (18) General4.7.1.2 Applicable frequency range (18)modes (18)operational4.7.1.3 DFS (18)operation4.7.1.4 DFS4.7.2 DFS technical requirements specifications (19) Applicability (19) (20) Limit4. Conformance (20) Off-Channel CAC (Off-Channel Channel Availability Check) (20) Definition (20) (21) Limit4. Conformance (21) (21) In-ServiceMonitoring4. Definition (21) Limit (21) Conformance (21)Shutdown (21) Channel4. Definition (21) (21) Limit4. Conformance (21) (22)Period4.7.2.6 Non-Occupancy4. Definition (22) (22) Limit4. Conformance (22) (22) UniformSpreading4. Definition (22) (22) Limit4.8 Adaptivity (Channel Access Mechanism) (22)4.8.1 Applicability (22) (23)4.8.2 Definition4.8.3 Requirements and limits (23) Frame Based Equipment (23)Based Equipment (24) Load4.8.3.3 Short Control Signalling Transmissions (26) Definition (26) (26) Limits4.8.4 Conformance (26) (26)RestrictionsAccess4.9 User (26)4.9.1 Definition (26)4.9.2 Requirement (27)4.10 Geo-locationcapability (27)4.10.1 Applicability4.10.2 Definition (27) (27)4.10.3 Requirements5 Testing for compliance with technical requirements (27)5.1 Conditions for testing (27)5.1.1 Normal and extreme test conditions (27)5.1.2 Test sequences and traffic load (27) General test transmission sequences (27) Test transmission sequences for DFS tests (28) (28)5.1.3 Testchannels (29)5.1.4 Antennas5.1.4.1 Integrated and dedicated antennas (29)modes (29)operating5.1.4.2 Transmit5. Operating mode 1 (single antenna) (29) Operating mode 2 (multiple antennas, no beamforming) (29) Operating mode 3 (multiple antennas, with beamforming) (29)5.1.5 Presentation of equipment (29) Testing of host connected equipment and plug-in radio devices (29) The use of a host or test jig for testing plug-in radio devices (30) Testing of combinations (30)5.2 Interpretation of the measurement results (31)5.3 Essential radio test suites (31) (31)5.3.1 Productinformation (33)5.3.2 Carrierfrequencies5. Conducted measurement (33) Radiated measurement (33)5.3.3 Occupied Channel Bandwidth (34) Test conditions (34) Test method (34) Conducted measurement (34) Radiated measurement (35)5.3.4 RF output power, Transmit Power Control (TPC) and power density (35) Test conditions (35) Test method (35) Conducted measurement (35) Radiated measurement (45)5.3.5 Transmitter unwanted emissions outside the 5 GHz RLAN bands (45) Test conditions (45) Test method (46) Conducted measurement (46) Radiated measurement (48)5.3.6 Transmitter unwanted emissions within the 5 GHz RLAN bands (48) Test conditions (48) Test method (48) Conducted measurement (48) Radiated measurement (50)5.3.7 Receiver spurious emissions (50) Test conditions (50) Test method (50) Conducted measurement (50) Radiated measurement (52)5.3.8 Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) (52) Test conditions (52) General (52) Selection of radar test signals (52) Test set-ups (53) Test method (54) Conducted measurement (54) Radiated measurement (61)5.3.9 Adaptivity (channel access mechanism) (61) Test conditions (61) Test method (61) Conducted measurements (61) Generic test procedure for measuring channel/frequency usage (63) Radiated measurements (64)Annex A (normative): HS Requirements and conformance Test specifications Table (HS-RTT) (65)Annex B (normative): Test sites and arrangements for radiated measurements (67)B.1 Introduction (67)B.2 Radiation test sites (67)B.2.1 Open Area Test Site (OATS) (67)B.2.2 Semi Anechoic Room (68)B.2.3 Fully Anechoic Room (FAR) (69)B.2.4 Measurement Distance (70)B.3 Antennas (71)B.3.1 Introduction (71)B.3.2 Measurement antenna (71)B.3.3 Substitution antenna (71)B.4 Test fixture (71)B.4.1 Introduction (71)B.5 Guidance on the use of radiation test sites (72) (72)B.5.1 IntroductionB.5.2 Power supplies for the battery powered UUT (72)preparation (73)B.5.3 SiteB.6 Coupling of signals (73) (73)B.6.1 GeneralSignals (73)B.6.2 DataB.7 Interference Signal used for Adaptivity Tests (73)Annex C (normative): Procedures for radiated measurements (75)C.1 Introduction (75)C.2 Radiated measurements in an OATS or SAR (75)C.3 Radiated measurements in a FAR (75)C.4 Substitution measurement (76)C.5 Guidance for testing technical requirements (76)C.5.1 Essential radio test suites and corresponding test sites (76)C.5.2 Guidance for testing Adaptivity (Channel Access Mechanism) (76)C.5.2.1 Introduction (76) (76)Set-upC.5.2.2 MeasurementC.5.2.3 Calibration of the measurement Set-up (77) (77)methodC.5.2.4 TestAnnex D (normative): DFS parameters (78)Annex E (informative): Guidance for testing IEEE 802.11™ Devices (81)E.1 Introduction (81)E.2 Possible Modulations (81)E.2.1 Most commonly used modulation types and channel widths (81)Testing (81)forE.2.2 Guidance (81)E.2.2.1 ObjectiveE.2.2.2 Modulation Used for Conformance Testing (81)E.3 Possible Operating Modes (82)E.3.1 Most commonly used operating modes of Smart Antenna Systems (82)Testing (82)forE.3.2 GuidanceAnnex F (informative): Application form for testing (83) (83)F.1 IntroductionF.2 Information as required by ETSI EN 301 893 (V1.8.1), clause 5.3.1 (83)F.3 Additional information provided by the manufacturer (90) (90)F.3.1 ModulationCycle (90)F.3.2 DutyF.3.3 About the UUT (91)F.3.4 List of ancillary and/or support equipment provided by the manufacturer (91)Annex G (informative): Bibliography (92)History (93)Intellectual Property RightsIPRs essential or potentially essential to the present document may have been declared to ETSI. The information pertaining to these essential IPRs, if any, is publicly available for ETSI members and non-members, and can be found in ETSI SR 000 314: "Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs); Essential, or potentially Essential, IPRs notified to ETSI in respect of ETSI standards", which is available from the ETSI Secretariat. Latest updates are available on the ETSI Web server ().Pursuant to the ETSI IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out by ETSI. No guarantee can be given as to the existence of other IPRs not referenced in ETSI SR 000 314 (or the updates on the ETSI Web server) which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document.ForewordThis final draft Harmonized European Standard (EN) has been produced by ETSI Technical Committee Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN), and is now submitted for the Vote phase of the ETSI standards EN Approval Procedure.The present document has been produced by ETSI in response to mandate M/284 issued from the European Commission under Directive 98/34/EC [i.3] as amended by Directive 98/48/EC [i.1].The title and reference to the present document are intended to be included in the publication in the Official Journal of the European Union of titles and references of Harmonized Standard under the Directive 1999/5/EC [1].The requirements relevant to Directive 1999/5/EC [1] are summarized in annex A.Proposed national transposition datesDate of latest announcement of this EN (doa): 3 months after ETSI publication Date of latest publication of new National Standardor endorsement of this EN (dop/e): 6 months after doaDate of withdrawal of any conflicting National Standard (dow): 18 months after doaModal verbs terminologyIn the present document "shall", "shall not", "should", "should not", "may", "may not", "need", "need not", "will", "will not", "can" and "cannot" are to be interpreted as described in clause 3.2 of the ETSI Drafting Rules (Verbal forms for the expression of provisions)."must" and "must not" are NOT allowed in ETSI deliverables except when used in direct citation. IntroductionThe present document is part of a set of standards developed by ETSI and is designed to fit in a modular structure to cover all radio and telecommunications terminal equipment within the scope of the R&TTE Directive [1]. The modular structure is shown in ETSI EG 201 399 [i.2].1 ScopeThe present document applies to 5 GHz high performance wireless access systems (WAS) including RLAN equipment which is used in wireless local area networks. Such networks provide high speed data communications in between devices connected to the wireless infrastructure. The present document also applies to ad-hoc networking where these devices communicate directly with each other, without the use of a wireless infrastructure.The present document also describes spectrum access requirements to facilitate spectrum sharing with other equipment.5 GHz high performance wireless access systems (WAS) including RLAN equipment are further referred to as RLAN devices in the present document.The spectrum usage conditions for this RLAN equipment are set in the ECC Decision (04)08 [5] and the Commission Decision 2005/513/EC [6] as amended by the Commission Decision 2007/90/EC [7].The equipment is intended to operate in the frequency ranges 5 150 MHz to 5 350 MHz and 5 470 MHz to 5 725 MHz which have been allocated by WRC-03 to the mobile service on a primary basis for the implementation ofWAS/RLANs covered by the present document.The present document is intended to cover the provisions of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive [1], which states that: "…radio equipment shall be so constructed that it effectively uses the spectrum allocated to terrestrial/space radio communications and orbital resources so as to avoid harmful interference".2 Referencesreferences2.1 NormativeReferences are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) ornon-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.Referenced documents which are not found to be publicly available in the expected location might be found at/Reference.NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee their long term validity.The following referenced documents are necessary for the application of the present document.[1] Directive 1999/5/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 1999 on radioequipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of theirconformity (R&TTE Directive).[2] ETSI TR 100 028-1 (V1.4.1) (12-2001): "Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrumMatters (ERM); Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile radio equipment characteristics;Part 1".[3] ETSI TR 100 028-2 (V1.4.1) (12-2001): "Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrumMatters (ERM); Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile radio equipment characteristics;Part 2".[4] Void.[5] ECC/DEC/(04)08: ECC Decision of 9 July 2004 on the harmonised use of the 5 GHz frequencybands for the implementation of Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks(WAS/RLANs) (30/10/2009).[6] Commission Decision 2005/513/EC of 11 July 2005 on the harmonised use of radio spectrum inthe 5 GHz frequency band for the implementation of Wireless Access Systems including RadioLocal Area Networks (WAS/RLANs).[7] Commission Decision 2007/90/EC of 12 February 2007 amending Decision 2005/513/EC on theharmonised use of radio spectrum in the 5 GHz frequency band for the implementation of WirelessAccess Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLANs).[8] IEEE Std. 802.11™-2012: "IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Telecommunications andinformation exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specificrequirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)Specifications".[9] IEEE Std. 802.11ac™-2013: "IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Telecommunicationsand information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specificrequirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)Specifications - Amendment 4: Enhancements for Very High Throughput for Operation in Bandsbelow 6 GHz".[10] ETSI TR 102 273-2 (V1.2.1) (12-2001): "Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrumMatters (ERM); Improvement on Radiated Methods of Measurement (using test site) andevaluation of the corresponding measurement uncertainties; Part 2: Anechoic chamber".[11] ETSI TR 102 273-3 (V1.2.1) (12-2001): "Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrumMatters (ERM); Improvement on Radiated Methods of Measurement (using test site) andevaluation of the corresponding measurement uncertainties; Part 3: Anechoic chamber with aground plane".[12] ETSI TR 102 273-4 (V1.2.1) (12-2001): "Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrumMatters (ERM); Improvement on Radiated Methods of Measurement (using test site) andevaluation of the corresponding measurement uncertainties; Part 4: Open area test site".references2.2 InformativeReferences are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) ornon-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee their long term validity.The following referenced documents are not necessary for the application of the present document but they assist the user with regard to a particular subject area.[i.1] Directive 98/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 July 1998 amendingDirective 98/34/EC laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field oftechnical standards and regulations.[i.2] ETSI EG 201 399 (V2.1.1): "Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);A guide to the production of candidate Harmonized Standards for application under the R&TTEDirective".[i.3] Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down aprocedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations.3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations3.1 DefinitionsFor the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in the R&TTE Directive [1] and the following apply:5 GHz RLAN bands: total frequency range that consists of the 5 150 MHz to 5 350 MHz and the 5 470 MHz to5 725 MHz sub-bandsadaptive equipment: equipment operating in an adaptive modeadaptive mode: mechanism by which equipment can adapt to its environment by identifying other transmissions present in the bandad-hoc mode: operating mode in which an RLAN device establishes a temporary wireless connection with other RLAN devices without a controlling network infrastructureantenna array: two or more antennas connected to a single device and operating simultaneouslyantenna assembly: combination of the antenna (integral or dedicated), its coaxial cable and if applicable, its antenna connector and associated switching componentsNOTE 1: This term (antenna assembly) refers to an antenna connected to one transmit chain.NOTE 2: The gain of an antenna assembly G in dBi, does not include the additional gain that may result out of beamforming.available channel: channel identified as available for immediate use as an Operating Channel NOTE: Usable Channels whose nominal bandwidth falls completely within the band 5 150 MHz to 5 250 MHz can be considered as Available Channels without further testing.beamforming gain: additional (antenna) gain realized by using beamforming techniques in smart antenna systems NOTE: Beamforming gain as used in the present document does not include the gain of the antenna assembly. burst: period during which radio waves are intentionally transmitted, preceded and succeeded by periods during which no intentional transmission is madechannel: minimum amount of spectrum used by a single RLAN deviceNOTE: An RLAN device is permitted to operate (transmit/receive) in one or more adjacent or non-adjacent channels simultaneously.EXAMPLE: For the purpose of the present document, an IEEE 802.11™ [8] device operating in a 40 MHz mode may be considered as operating in 2 adjacent 20 MHz channels simultaneously.channel plan: combination of the centre frequencies and for each of the centre frequencies, the declared nominal bandwidth(s)clear channel assessment: mechanism used by an equipment to identify other transmissions in the channelcombined equipment: any combination of non-radio equipment that requires a plug-in radio device to offer full functionalitydedicated antenna: antenna external to the equipment, using an antenna connector with a cable or a wave-guide and which has been designed or developed for one or more specific types of equipmentNOTE: It is the combination of dedicated antenna and radio equipment that is expected to be compliant with the regulations.energy detect: mechanism used by an adaptive system to determine the presence of another device operating on the channel based on detecting the signal level of that other deviceenvironmental profile: range of environmental conditions under which equipment within the scope of the present document is required to comply with the provisions of the present documentFrame Based Equipment (FBE): equipment where the transmit/receive structure is not directly demand-driven but has fixed timingNOTE: I.e. it may be altered by configuration changes but there is always a minimum Idle Period following a transmit period.host equipment: any equipment which has complete user functionality when not connected to the radio equipment part and to which the radio equipment part provides additional functionality and to which connection is necessary for the radio equipment part to offer functionalityintegral antenna: antenna designed as a fixed part of the equipment (without the use of an external connector) which cannot be disconnected from the equipment by a user with the intent to connect another antennaNOTE: An integral antenna may be fitted internally or externally. In the case where the antenna is external, a non-detachable cable or wave-guide can be used.Listen Before Talk (LBT): mechanism by which an equipment applies clear channel assessment (CCA) before using the channelLoad Based Equipment (LBE): equipment where the transmit/receive structure is not fixed in time but demand-drivenmanufacturer: company that has manufactured the equipment and who submits it for testNOTE: Alternatively, the importer or any other person or entity that submits the equipment for test can be considered as the manufacturer for the purpose of the present document.master mode: mode which relates to the DFS functionality where the RLAN device uses a Radar Interference Detection function and controls the transmissions of RLAN devices operating in slave modeNOTE: In this mode it is able to select a channel and initiate a network by sending enabling signals to other RLAN devices. An RLAN network always has at least one RLAN device operating in master mode whenoperating in the bands 5 250 MHz to 5 350 MHz and 5 470 MHz to 5 725 MHz.multi-radio equipment: radio, host or combined equipment using more than one radio transceiveroperating channel: Available Channel on which the RLAN has started transmissionsNOTE: An Operating Channel becomes again an Available Channel if the RLAN stopped all transmissions on that channel and no radar signal was detected by the In-Service Monitoring.plug-in radio device: radio equipment module intended to be used with or within host, combined or multi-radio equipment, using their control functions and power supplyreceive chain: receiver circuit with an associated antennaNOTE: Two or more receive chains are combined in a smart antenna system.RLAN devices: 5 GHz high performance wireless access systems (WAS) including RLAN equipmentsimulated radar burst: series of periodic radio wave pulses for test purposesslave mode: mode which relates to the DFS functionality where the transmissions of the RLAN are under control of an RLAN device operating in master modeNOTE: An RLAN device in slave mode may use a Radar Interference Detection function.smart antenna systems: equipment that combines multiple transmit and/or receive chains with a signal processing function to increase the throughput and/or to optimize its radiation and/or reception capabilities NOTE: These are techniques such as spatial multiplexing, beamforming, cyclic delay diversity, MIMO, etc. stand-alone radio equipment: equipment that is intended primarily as communications equipment and that is normally used on a stand-alone basissub-band: portion of the 5 GHz RLAN bandsNOTE: See definition for "5 GHz RLAN bands".total occupied bandwidth: total of the Nominal Channel Bandwidths in case of simultaneous transmissions in adjacent or non-adjacent channelsNOTE: The Total Occupied Bandwidth may change with time/payload.transmit chain: transmitter circuit with an associated antennaNOTE: Two or more transmit chains are combined in a smart antenna system.Transmit Power Control (TPC): technique in which the transmitter output power is controlled resulting in reduced interference to other systemsunavailable channel: channel which cannot be considered by the RLAN device for a certain period of time(Non Occupancy Period) after a radar signal was detected on that channelunusable channel: channel from the declared channel plan which may be declared as permanently unavailable due to one or more radar detections on the channelusable channel: any channel from the declared channel plan, which may be considered by the RLAN for possible use 3.2 SymbolsFor the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:A Measured power outputCurrentAC AlternatingT ch Number of active transmit chainsB Radar burst periodCh r Channel in which radar test signals are inserted to simulate the presence of a radarD Measured power densitydBm dB relative to 1 milliwattCurrentDC DirectstrengthE FieldE o Reference field strengthfrequencyf c CarriergainG AntennaGHz GigaHertzHz HertzkHz kiloHertzL Radar burst lengthMHz MegaHertzms millisecondMS/s Mega Samples per secondmW milliWattn Number of channelsP H Calculated e.i.r.p. at highest power levelP L Calculated e.i.r.p. at lowest power levelPburst RMS (mean) power over the transmission burstPD Calculated power densityP d Detection ProbabilityR DistanceR ch Number of active receive chainsdistanceR o ReferencepowerS0 SignalinstantT0 TimeinstantT1 TimeinstantT2 TimeT3 TimeinstantwidthpulseW Radarx Observed duty cycleY Beamforming (antenna) gain3.3 AbbreviationsFor the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:ACK AcknowledgementBIT Burst Interval TimeBW BandWidth。
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