一、驱动程序安装前的准备工作在安装驱动程序之前,需确认以下几点内容:1. 设备连接:确保移动通信设备已正确连接到电脑,可以通过USB 接口或蓝牙等方式连接。
2. 系统版本:检查电脑的Windows操作系统版本,确保其与驱动程序的兼容性。
3. 驱动程序源文件:获取移动通信设备的驱动程序源文件,可以通过官方网站或随附的光盘获取。
以下是一般的驱动程序安装步骤:1. 双击驱动程序安装文件:找到已下载或光盘中的驱动程序安装文件,双击打开。
2. 启动安装向导:在安装界面中,点击“下一步”或“安装”按钮,启动安装向导。
3. 接受许可协议:阅读并接受驱动程序的许可协议,在必要时勾选同意选框。
4. 选择安装路径:根据个人喜好或默认设置,选择将驱动程序安装到指定的文件夹路径。
5. 完成安装:点击“安装”或“下一步”按钮,等待安装程序完成。
6. 重启电脑:安装完成后,建议重新启动电脑以确保驱动程序正常加载。
三、安装注意事项为了确保驱动程序的正确安装和设备的正常使用,以下是安装时需要注意的几个问题:1. 驱动程序的版本:根据设备的具体型号和系统要求,选择合适的驱动程序版本进行安装。
2. 驱动程序的签名:在Windows系统中,驱动程序通常需要经过数字签名才能被正常安装。
3. 更新驱动程序:随着技术的不断进步,设备厂商可能会发布更新的驱动程序来修复bug或提升性能。
4. 完全卸载旧驱动:如果需要更新或更换设备的驱动程序,建议先完全卸载旧的驱动程序,以避免驱动程序冲突和不稳定性。
联想万全Co-StandbyServerfor Windows NT双机容错解决方案联想万全高可用性解决方案简介一.联想万全高可用性解决方案背景由于计算机技术的不断发展,硬件服务器平台已经具有了相当好的可用性。
该方案基于Windows NT/WIN2000平台,可提供2节点的服务器集群管理。
联想万全Co-StandbyServer for Windows是非常容易安装和管理的低成本高可用性的群集解决方案。
双机热备安装教程之一---- Lifekeeper 安装环境配置前提说明本指南针对双机+共享磁盘阵列配置在示例中使用了如下的设定。
主服务器备服务器XGWL01 XGWL02IP= IP= Mask= IP= Mask= inC :、D :F:ShareDir硬件环境1、设备型号配置要求:两套型号一致并至少拥有两块网卡的PC Server或小机;----(HP DL 380G5 5110)1、HP DL 380G5 5110 1G Entry CN 2 Svr/Dual-Core Intel Xeo n5110 Processor(1.6 GHZ,1066 FSB), 1 GB (2 X 512MB)Pc2-5300 Fully Buffered DIMMs (DDr2-667)2、HP X5110 DL380G5 Kit 23、146Gb 10K SAS 2.5 HP HDD ALL 44、HP MSA500 G2 ALL 15、300GB 10K U320 UNI HDD ALL46、一体式机柜(含显示器、键盘、鼠标、 1切换器、电源板等)7、PCI-X/PCI-E 转换套件 28、热备软件 lifekeeper 12、系统安装版本要求:两套版本号、补丁版本号一致的Windows操作系统;----(windows 2003 )3、心跳线制作要求:一根用于心跳检测的网线;----(超五类或六类线,方式为直联线)4、若系统BIOS里有超线程设定,要将其“disable ”;5、磁盘卷组划分要求:数据库服务器的磁盘卷组可由用户喜好进行划分。
若用户空间足够,建议用两块磁盘组成 Raid1,安装操作系统;剩余的磁盘组成Raid5用于存放DB2程序、配置及库文件。
AIX HACMP安装部署2目录第 1 章小型机系统安装 (1)1.1 启动服务器 ...............................................................................................16 1.2 选择安装控制台 .......................................................................................16 1.3 安装 AIX 操作系统....................................................................................16 1.4 给 rootvg 做镜像 ......................................................................................20 第 2 章 设备连接、启动 .........................................................................................1 2.1 拓扑图 .........................................................................................................1 2.2 设备启动顺序 (1)第 3 章 HMC 配置 ...................................................................................................2 3.1 HMC 启动 .................................................................................................... 3.2 HMC 网络配置 ............................................................................................3 3.3 添加受管服务器 .........................................................................................5 3.4 登陆受管服务器 .........................................................................................8 3.5 添加另一台受管服务器 .............................................................................9 3.6 登陆另一台受管服务器 ...........................................................................13 3.7 注销 HMC ..................................................................................................15 3.8 关闭 HMC ..................................................................................................15 第 4 章 操作系统环境配置 ...................................................................................21 4.1 文件集以及补丁安装 . (21)4.1.1 所需安装的 bundle ........................................................................21 4.1.2 所需安装的文件集. (21)4.1.3 修改 limits 文件和 hosts 文件 (25)4.2添加 tty 设备 (25)第 5 章 HACMP 安装配置 (27)5.1 HACMP 软件安装......................................................................................27 5.2 配置共享卷组 . (28)5.2.1 非并发卷组 (28)5.2.2文件系统创建 (29)5.2.3导入卷组 (29)5.3HACMP配置 (30)5.3.1添加集群 (30)5.3.2添加节点 (30)5.3.3Discover配置 (32)5.3.4添加网络 (32)5.3.5添加通信接口和设备 (35)5.3.6添加管理IP (36)5.3.7App-server配置 (38)5.3.8服务IP配置 (39)5.3.9资源组配置 (40)5.3.10效验同步 (42)5.3.11集群功能测试 (44)第6章Oracle10g安装 (45)6.1.1Oracle用户和组的创建 (45)6.1.2环境变量设置 (45)6.1.3Oracle软件安装 (46)6.1.4建库 (57)6.1.5监听配置 (63)6.1.6备机上oracle安装配置 (75)第1章设备连接、启动1.1拓扑图以太网络System x3550HMC1.2设备启动顺序首先启动HMC,在HMC进入系统后,并配置HMC的网卡,配置完成后再启动存储设备,存储设备启动3分钟后再启动光纤交换机,光纤交换机启动3分钟后最后给小型机加电,加电正常后启动小型机。
Dell 14R N4110 N4120 拆机装机教程
Dell 14R N4110 N4120 拆机装机教程目录表拆装顶部护盖拆装电池拆装模块护盖拆装光盘驱动器拆装内存模块拆装键盘拆装掌垫部件拆装热键板拆装电源按钮板拆装无线小型插卡拆装散热风扇拆装显示屏拆装摄像头模块拆装铰接护盖拆装VGA 接线板拆装系统板拆装扬声器拆装币形电池拆装冷却部件拆装处理器模块拆装硬盘驱动器部件拆装I/O 板拆装交流适配器连接器……1-卸下顶部护盖和装回顶部护盖卸下顶部护盖按住将顶部护盖固定至显示屏后盖的释放按钮。
1顶部护盖2释放按钮装回顶部护盖注:装回顶部护盖时,确保Dell 徽标朝向计算机背面。
1 电池释放闩锁2 电池3 电池锁定闩锁装回电池将电池滑入电池槽,直至其卡入到位。
1 固定螺钉2 模块护盖3 卡舌(2 个)装回模块护盖将模块护盖上的卡舌与计算机基座上的插槽对齐,然后将护盖轻轻地卡入到位。
(见:我写的文档)二.配置好EV A6000 的磁盘柜。
(见:我写的文档)三.安装SQL 和ORACLE 数据库。
注意:安装SQL,要使用默认实例1.在lims2.在ccerp四.将lims服务器和ccerp 服务器的网卡,串连起来!注意:1.要么lims 用1号网卡和ccerp的1号网卡串联起来要么lims用2号网卡和ccerp 的2 号网卡串联起来两台服务器串联的网卡号要相同!!2.两台服务器上串联起来网卡的连接,起名字叫“sw”另一台网卡连接,起名字叫做“gw”3.“gw”要放在“sw”之上五.设置IP在lims 服务器上:“Sw ”连接 IP :“gw ”连接 IP :网关: :在ccerp 服务器上:“Sw ”连接 IP :“gw ”连接 IP : 网关: :网关:检查:两个服务器互相ping 所有IP,都要通!!!!六:将ccerp服务器和lims服务器同步!在某一台服务器上:Cmd 中:Net time \\对方服务器名字/set来同步时间!七:将ccerp 服务器和lims 服务器的系统管理员帐户和密码设置成一样的!八:将SQL的所有“服务”都先“停止”,再改为“手动启动”注意:SQL 本身已经禁用的服务,不要管!!!!九:安装rose 软件(lims服务器和ccerp服务器都要安装rose软件)注意:Local:配置rose 软件一.开始——程序 里面打开rose 软件 1. 激活rose 软件,并启动服务(注意: 到两台服务器上都要激活rose ,启动服务)激活rose单击绿色的点,启动服务2.配置两台服务器上用于互相侦听的IP(注意:在ccerp和lims服务器上,都要做这个步骤)注意: 1. 两台服务器上的“sw”这个网卡连接,直接通过网线串联,串联的网卡是用来互相侦听对方是否“故障”的!2. 虽然,在两台服务器上都要配置,但禁止同时在两台服务器上配置!在这里就要指定“sw 连接”上配置的侦听的IP!在lims服务器上:同样,在ccerp服务器上,也指定“sw 连接”上配置的侦听的IP!查看,在两台服务器上,指定“sw 连接”上配置的侦听IP ,是否成功!!3. 拉取资源注意: 禁止在两台服务器上,同时操作rose 软件!!在lims 服务器上操作:单击建立磁盘1.指定一个磁盘笼子分区给lims服务器使用为lims服务器指定使用哪一个“磁盘笼子”的分区!2.取个友好名称!观察lims 服务器的磁盘变化:2.指定一个磁盘笼子分区 给 ccerp 服务器使用 在ccerp 服务器上操作:同样, 名字为:ccerpdisk 指定:disk2 分区为:H3. 在rose 上配置完磁盘了,查看结果:测试磁盘热切换1.在lims 服务器上在ccerp 服务器上,查看:2.在ccerp 服务器上推完后,lims 上发现两个盘已经灰色在lims 服务器上查看:设置IP 的热切换即:将lims 的一个真实IP 和 ccerp 的一个真实IP ,绑定成一个虚拟IP ,向外提供服务在lims 服务器上同样在ccerp 服务器上,操作:创建完后,如下:一个ccerpIP 和一个lmisIP注意:还要在rose中,做一个操作:只需要在一台服务器上操作:测试IP 能否热切换1. 拔掉ccerp 服务器向外提供服务的网线 注意: 不要拔串联的网线当ccerp 服务器又恢复了网络,怎么再切进入注意:当ccerp 服务器又恢复了网络,是不会自动切进来的, 需要手动将已恢复了的ccerp 服务器切回来方法:在lims 服务器上:设置服务的热切换注意:在设置服务热切换之前,一定要把sql 和 oracle 的服务都先停止,再改为“手动启动”1. 指定SQL 服务的热切换a. 指定“sql server ”服务的热切换在ccerp 服务器上操作:b. 同样再为“sql server Agent ”这个服务设置热切换4. 选中sql server 这个服务 并select 将其加进来为sql server Agent 服务设置热备创建完sql sever 服务 和sql server Agent 服务 的 “热备”后,查看:‘测试服务器是否能热切换在ccerp 服务器上操作:再到lims 服务器上查看:以上现象,说明sqlserver 服务热切换成功!!!!2.指定oracle 服务的热切换。
VideoJet X10 X20 X40 服务器通道视频服务器快速安装指南说明书
VideoJet X10/X20/X40 Servidor de canal de vídeoes Guía de instalación rápidaVideoJet X10/X20/X40Información general | es 2Bosch Security Systems Guía de instalación rápida F.01U.033.683 | V3.5 | 2009.011Información generalLas instrucciones de esta "Guía de instalación rápida" hacenreferencia a las unidades VideoJet X10, VideoJet X20 yVideoJet X40. En el título aparece el modelo VideoJet X40. Enlos dibujos se muestra la versión VideoJet X40 como ejemplopara todas las versiones.Encontrará información más detallada en la ayuda en líneacompleta del dispositivo correspondiente.i ¡NOTA!Deberá familiarizarse siempre con las medidas de seguridadnecesarias en el capítulo correspondiente del manual delusuario (consulte el CD-ROM proporcionado). Encontrarátambién detalles importantes sobre la instalación y elfuncionamiento de la unidad en dicho manual. Lasinstrucciones de la "Guía de instalación rápida" sólo muestranla instalación rápida del modelo VideoJet X10, VideoJet X20 oVideoJet X40, pero no sustituyen el manual del usuariocompleto.3es | Contenido entregado VideoJet X10/X20/X402Contenido entregado–Servidor de canal de vídeo VideoJet X10, VideoJet X20 oVideoJet X40–Plantilla de perforación–Cuatro conectores–CD del producto–Guía de instalación rápidaF.01U.033.683 | V3.5 | 2009.01Guía de instalación rápida Bosch Security SystemsVideoJet X10/X20/X40Desembale el equipo | es4 3Desembale el equipo–Compruebe que el contenido del envío está completo yque no hay elementos en mal estado.–Bosch Security Systems comprobará la unidad si detecta algún daño.Bosch Security Systems Guía de instalación rápida F.01U.033.683 | V3.5 | 2009.015es | Conexión VideoJet X10/X20/X40F.01U.033.683 | V3.5 | 2009.01Guía de instalación rápida Bosch Security Systems4Conexión 4.1–VideoJet X10: conecte la cámara al conector Video In .–VideoJet X20: conecte una cámara al conector Video In 1 y la otra al conector Video In 2.–VideoJet X40: conecte una cámara a cada una de lascuatro entradas de vídeo, desde el conector Video In 1 alconector Video In 4.VideoJet X10/X20/X40Conexión | es6 4.2Conexión de los componentes de audio–Utilice las tomas Audio In y Audio Out para realizar lasconexiones de las líneas de audio.Bosch Security Systems Guía de instalación rápida F.01U.033.683 | V3.5 | 2009.017es | Conexión VideoJet X10/X20/X40F.01U.033.683 | V3.5 | 2009.01Guía de instalación rápida Bosch Security Systems4.3Conexión de los conmutadores de alarma y las conexiones con relé–Conecte los conmutadores de alarma a los terminales correspondientes.–Conecte las conexiones con relé a los terminales correspondientes.VideoJet X10/X20/X40Conexión | es 8Bosch Security Systems Guía de instalación rápida F.01U.033.683 | V3.5 | 2009.014.4–Si es necesario, introduzca un módulo SFP en la toma SFP .9es | Conexión VideoJet X10/X20/X40F.01U.033.683 | V3.5 | 2009.01Guía de instalación rápida Bosch Security Systems4.5–Conecte la unidad a la red mediante el conector ETH 1.–Si es necesario, realice una conexión de red redundante oconecte un sistema iSCSI RAID utilizando un conectorETH 2.–Conecte las líneas de alimentación a los terminales + y –.–Conecte la unidad de alimentación a la toma de corriente.Nota:Las unidades de alimentación no se incluyen en el contenido dela entrega. Puede solicitar distintos tipos de unidades dealimentación a Bosch Security Systems.VideoJet X10/X20/X40Configuración | es 10Bosch Security Systems Guía de instalación rápida F.01U.033.683 | V3.5 | 2009.015Configuración 5.1Configure la dirección IP–Instale el programa Configuration Manager desde el CD-ROM proporcionado. Si el CD-ROM no se inicia de formaautomática, haga doble clic en el archivo index.htm .–Inicie Configuration Manager cuando se haya completadola instalación. Se realiza un escaneo de la red paradetectar automáticamente dispositivos compatibles.–Cuando aparezca el dispositivo VideoJet X, haga clic en la entrada y en la ficha Network del marco derecho.–Introduzca la dirección IP que desee (p. ej., el campo Unit IP address y haga clic en el botón Set enla parte inferior derecha. La nueva dirección IP será válidadespués de reiniciar la unidad.11es | Configuración VideoJet X10/X20/X40F.01U.033.683 | V3.5 | 2009.01Guía de instalación rápida Bosch Security Systems5.2Prueba de la configuración–Inicie el explorador Web e introduzca la dirección IP de launidad (p. ej., para comprobar que launidad está conectada correctamente a la red.Nota:Establezca la tarjeta gráfica del ordenador en una profundidadde color de 16 o 32 bits. De lo contrario, el ordenador no podrámostrar imágenes de vídeo.–Utilice los enlaces de la parte superior de las páginas Web para desplazarse.Bosch Security SystemsRobert-Koch-Straße 100D-85521 OttobrunnGermanyTelefon089 6290-0Fax089 6290-1020 © Bosch Security Systems, 2009。
【VIP专享】步步图解 IBM服务器系统安装傻瓜教程
步步图解 IBM服务器系统安装傻瓜教程_服务器安装 IBM 报道_应用_技巧经验_eNet硅谷动力服务器频道出处:硅谷动力 用IBM引导盘装系统前请备份你服务器硬盘上的所有资料,因为整个安装过程相当于把硬盘重新分区!!一定要记住,备份所有资料!! 在给服务器安装操作系统的时候会用到两张光盘,第一张是引导盘,第二张是我们的操作系统光盘,要先把引导盘放进去,进行一些安装过程的设置和驱动的安装,如果直接把操作系统光盘放进去安装的话,之后还要再装驱动,很麻烦的。
找出IBM安装光盘 服务器的安装与PC的安装基本相同,但也有不同。
首先,找出IBM随机安装光盘,诺,就是这张: 放大一些看看 对,就是这张,因为我们这次准备安装的是WINDOWS 2003系统,所以就是它了 将那张光盘插入服务器的DVDROM中,启动服务器。
选择相应语言版本 光盘引导程序正好进入到图形界面。
嗯,看到了没有?Chinese 选项。
这里,是最终用户授权书吧?不懂,反正我知道一定得选“I Accept ”才行,如果不信,你也可以点“I do NOT Accept”试试啊! 选择操作系统程序类型 到了这一步,还是老样子,直接下一步算啦 到了这里,要看清楚啦,一定要选对你所要安装的操作系统程序类型,如果安装2000系统,你就选2000的,如果装2003的系统,那你就选2003的,不要乱点啦。
二、准备工作1. 确定安装位置:根据系统要求和现场条件,选择合适的安装位置,确保系统能够正常运行并方便维护。
2. 安装环境准备:清理安装位置,确保无尘、无水、无振动等干扰因素,为系统的稳定运行提供良好的环境。
3. 安装材料准备:准备好所需的安装工具、设备和配件,确保安装过程顺利进行。
三、安装步骤1. 安装主控设备:根据系统要求,将主控设备安装在预定位置,并进行固定和接线工作。
2. 安装传感器和执行器:根据系统设计,将传感器和执行器安装在相应的位置,并与主控设备连接。
3. 安装通信设备:如果系统需要与其他设备进行通信,根据系统要求,安装相应的通信设备,并进行连接和配置。
4. 安装控制面板和操作界面:根据系统要求,安装控制面板和操作界面,并进行连接和调试。
5. 安装电源和电气设备:根据系统要求,安装电源和电气设备,并进行接线和调试。
6. 安装防护设备和安全装置:根据系统要求和现场条件,安装相应的防护设备和安全装置,确保工作环境的安全性和人员的生命安全。
四、调试和测试1. 确认连接正确性:检查系统各部分的连接是否正确,确保信号传输和通信正常。
2. 进行功能测试:按照系统要求,进行各项功能测试,确保系统能够按照预期工作。
3. 进行性能测试:根据系统要求,进行性能测试,包括系统响应时间、数据传输速度等方面的测试,确保系统性能达到要求。
4. 进行安全测试:测试系统的安全性能,包括防护设备和安全装置的功能是否正常,确保工作环境的安全性和人员的生命安全。
莫萨工业Managed Ethernet 交换机快速安装指南说明书
P/N: 1802050080012 *1802050080012*TSN-G5000 Series Quick Installation GuideMoxa Industrial Managed Ethernet SwitchVersion 1.1, January 2021Technical Support Contact Information/support2021 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.Package ChecklistThe TSN-G5000 Series is shipped with the following items. If any of these items are missing or damaged, please contact your customer service representative for assistance.• 1 TSN-G5000 Series industrial Ethernet switch• 1 RJ45 to RS-232 9-pin female console cable• 1 Quick installation guide (printed)• 1 Warranty card• 2 Terminal blocksDefault Settings•Default IP address:•Default Subnet Mask:•Default User Name: admin•Default Password: moxaTSN-G5000 Series Panel LayoutTSN-G5004TSN-G5008-2GTXSFPB storage port (type A, currently disabled)2.Console port (RJ45, RS-232)3.LED indicators x 5 (STATE, FAULT, PWR1, PWR2, SYNC)4.Ethernet ports x 4 (8 for TSN-G5008), (RJ45,10/100/1000BaseT(X))5.LED indicator for 1000BaseT(X)6.LED indicator for 10/100BaseT(X)7.Ethernet ports x 2 (SFP, 100/1000BaseSFP)8.Rubber cover for reset button and microSD card slot (currentlydisabled)9.Grounding screw (chassis ground)10.Relay output (terminal block)11.Power inputs x 2 (terminal block)12.Digital input (terminal block)13.DIN-rail mounting kit14.Screw holes reserved for DIN-rail kit side mounting15.Model side label (multiple product information included)DimensionsTSN-G5004TSN-G5008-2GTXSFPUnit: mm (inch)DIN-Rail MountingThere are two options for DIN-rail mounting that can be used for the TSN-G5000 Series. Option 1 is the default type when shipped. Option 1 (default):When shipped, the metal DIN-rail mounting kit is fixed to the back panel of the TSN-G5000 Series. Mount the TSN-G5000 Series on the corrosion-free mounting rail that adheres to the EN 60715 standard. Suggested Installation MethodStep 1—Insert the upper lip ofthe DIN-rail kit into themounting rail.Step 2—Press the TSN-G5000Series towards the mountingrail until it snaps into place.Suggested Removal MethodStep 1—Pull down the latchon the DIN-rail kit with ascrewdriver.Steps 2 & 3—Slightly pull theTSN-G5000 Series forwardand lift up to remove it fromthe mounting rail.Option 2 (when side cabling is needed):The metal DIN-rail mounting kit can be fixed to the side panel of the TSN-G5000 Series. Mount the TSN-G5000 Series on the corrosion-free mounting rail that adheres to the EN 60715 standard.Default Installation Side InstallationSuggested Installation MethodStep 1—Detach the metal DIN-rail mounting kit from the back panel and attach it to the side panel, vertically as indicated in the figure below.Step 2—Insert the upper lip of theDIN-rail kit into the mounting rail.Step 3—Press the TSN-G5000Series towards the mounting railuntil it snaps into place.Suggested Removal Method Step 1—Pull down the latch on the DIN-rail kit with a screwdriver . Steps 2 & 3—Slightly pull theTSN-G5000 Series forward and lift up to remove it from the mounting rail.NOTE Screws that are used to fix the DIN-rail kit on the TSN-G5000 Series should be securely fastened before mounting on themounting rail. Please make sure that if you remove the DIN-rail kit, it must be securely fastened when it is reattached.Wall-mountingFor some applications, you will find it convenient to mount your TSN-G5000 Series on the wall, as illustrated below.Step 1—Remove the aluminum DIN-rail attachment plate from theTSN-G5000 Series rear panel, and then attach the wall mount plates, as shown in the diagram below.Step 2—Mounting the TSN-G5000 Series on the wall requires four screws. Use the switch, with wall mount plates attached, as a guide to mark the correct locations of the four screws. The heads of the screws should be less than 6 mm in diameter , and the shafts should be less than 3.5 mm in diameter , as shown in the figure at the right.NOTE Before tightening the screws into the wall, make sure the screw head and shank size are suitable by inserting the screw into one of the keyhole-shaped apertures of the wall mounting plates.Do not screw the screws in all the way—leave about 2 mm to allow room for sliding the wall mount panel between the wall and the screws.Step 3—Once the screws are fixed in the wall, insert the four screw heads through the large parts of the keyhole-shaped apertures, and then slide the TSN-G5000 Series downwards, as indicated on the right. Tighten the four screws for added stability.Wiring RequirementsBe sure to read and follow these important guidelines: •Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devices. If power wiring and device wiring paths must cross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the intersection point.NOTE Do not run signal or communications wiring and power wiring through the same wire conduit. To avoid interference, wires with different signal characteristics should be routed separately.•You can use the type of signal transmitted through a wire todetermine which wires should be kept separate. The rule of thumb is that wiring that shares similar electrical characteristics can be bundled together.• You should separate input wiring from output wiring.•We advise that you label the wiring to all devices in the system.Grounding the TSN-G5000 SeriesGrounding and wire routing help limit the effects of noise due toelectromagnetic interference (EMI). Run the ground connection from theground screw (chassis ground) to the grounding surface prior toconnecting devices. The grounding screw is located on the top panel of the TSN-G5000 Series.Suggested Wire Type for Wiring Relay Contact (R), Digital Input (DI) and Power Inputs (P1/P2)The switch includes two 4-pins, 3.5 mm pin-pitch terminal blocks. The following includes suggestions for wiring the relay contact (R), digital input (DI) and power inputs (P1/P2) for the TSN-G5000 Series.NOTE We suggest the length of the pin type cable terminal is 8 mm.In order to tighten the wire properly, please perform the followingthree steps: Step 1. Use a small flathead screwdriver to press thepush-in button beside each terminal of the terminal blockconnector. Step 2. Insert the wire. Step 3. Release thescrewdriver after the wire has been fully inserted. Please refer tothe diagram below.Wiring the Relay ContactThe TSN-G5000 Series has one relay output for identifying when a specific event has occurred (i.e., fault; see below). This relay output uses the first contact out of the first 2-pin terminal on the TSN-G5000 Series' top panel.Refer to the instructions and diagram below on how to connect the wires to the terminal block connector, and how to attach the terminal block connector to the terminal block receptor.Step 1—Insert two wires into the relay position (see the diagram below showing the top view) on the terminal to form an open circuit.Step 2—To keep the relay wires from coming loose, use a small flathead screwdriver to press the button beside each terminal of the plastic terminal block connector in order to insert the wire tightly. Release the screwdriver after the wire has been inserted properly.Step 3—Insert the plastic terminal block connector prongs into the terminal block receptor , which is located on the TSN-G5000 Series' top panel. Finally, tighten the screws either side of the terminal block and ensure that the terminal block is fixed tightly on to the device.NOTE The relay output of the TSN-G5000 Series reflects a potential-free, normally opened electromagnetic relays. Whenthere is no power supply to the switch, or user-configured events are triggered, the relays will open. To indicate a fault has occurred one can integrate the relay contact on the TSN-G5000 Series with an external alarming system circuit so that the status ofuser-configured events or no power supply can be monitored. An example is given in the diagram below where the buzzer will sound when user-configured events happen.Wiring the Digital InputThe TSN-G5000 Series has one set of digital inputs (DI). The DI consists of two contacts of the second 4-pin terminal block on the TSN-G5000 Series’ top panel, and the other 2 contacts are used for the power input 2 (PWR 2/P2).Refer to the instructions and diagram (top view) below on how to connect the wires to the terminal block connector , and how to attach the terminal block connector to the terminal block receptor .Step 1—Insert the negative (ground)/positive DI wires into the respective ┴/I terminals.Step 2—To prevent the DI wires from coming loose, use a small flathead screwdriver to press the button beside each terminal of the plasticterminal block connector in order to insert the wire tightly. Release the screwdriver after the wire has been properly inserted.Step 3—Insert the plastic terminal block connector prongs into the terminal block receptor , which is located on the top panel of theTSN-G5000 Series. Finally, tighten the screws either side of the terminal block and ensure that the terminal block is fixed tightly on to the device. Wiring the Redundant Power Inputs (12-48 VDC) NOTE The devices are designed for operation with a Safety Extra-Low Voltage. Thus, they may only be connected to the supply voltage connections and to the signal contact with the Safety Extra-Low Voltages (SELV).The TSN-G5000 Series has two sets of power inputs–power input 1 (PWR 1/P1) and power input 2 (PWR 2/P2). The top view of the terminal block connector and the positions of the power inputs are shown below.Take the following steps to wire the redundant power inputs:Step 1—Insert the Positive/Negative DC wires into the V+/V- terminals for PWR 1 and PWR 2.Step 2—To prevent the DC wires from coming loose, use a small flathead screwdriver to press the button beside each terminal of the plasticterminal block connector in order to insert the wire tightly. Release the screwdriver after the wire has been properly inserted.Step 3—Insert the plastic terminal block connector prongs into the terminal block receptor , which is located on the top panel of theTSN-G5000 Series. Finally, tighten the screws either side of the terminalblock and ensure that the terminal block is fixed tightly on to the device.Communication ConnectionsEach TSN-G5000 Series Ethernet switch has various types ofcommunication ports:•1 RJ45 console port (RS-232 interface) •1 USB storage port (type A connector, currently disabled) •4 10/100/1000BaseT(X) Ethernet ports (TSN-G5004 Series) •8 10/100/1000BaseT(X) Ethernet ports (TSN-G5008-2GTXSFP Series) •2 100/1000BaseSFP slots (TSN-G5008-2GTXSFP Series) • 1 microSD card slot (currently disabled)Console Port ConnectionThe TSN-G5000 Series has one RJ45 console port (RS-232 interface), located on the front panel. Use either an RJ45-to-DB9 (see the cable following wiring diagrams) to connect the TSN-G5000’s console port to your PC’s COM port. You may then use a console terminal program, such as Moxa PComm Terminal Emulator , to access the TSN-G5000 that has a baud rate of 115200.RJ45 Console Port Pinouts PinDescription 1DSR 2RTS 3 – 4TxD 5RxD 6GND 7CTS 8 DTRUSB ConnectionNOTE The USB function is currently reserved and may be required in the future. It should be noted that this port cannot be used forcharging any devices.NOTE This port cannot be used for charging any devices. The TSN-G5000 Series has one USB storage port (type A connector; see the diagram below for pinout assignments) on the front panel.USB Port (Type A Connector) PinoutsPinDescription 1VCC (+5V) 2D– (Data -) 3D+ (Data+) 4GND (Ground)10/100/1000BaseT(X) Ethernet Port ConnectionThe 10/100/1000BaseT(X) ports located on Moxa TSN-G5000 Switch’s front panel are used to connect to Ethernet-enabled devices. Most users will choose to configure these ports for Auto MDI/MDI-X mode, in which case the port’s pinouts are adjusted automatically depending on the type of Ethernet cable used (straight-through or cross-over), and the type of device (NIC-type or HUB/Switch-type) connected to the port.In the following section, we give pinouts for both MDI (NIC-type) ports and MDI-X (HUB/Switch-type) ports. We also give cable wiring diagrams for straight-through and cross-over Ethernet cables.10/100Base T(X) RJ45 PinoutsMDI Port PinoutsMDI-X Port Pinouts 8-pin RJ45 PinSignal 1Tx+ 2Tx- 3Rx+ 6 Rx- Pin Signal 1 Rx+ 2 Rx- 3 Tx+ 6 Tx-1000Base T(X) RJ45 Pinouts PinMDIMDI-X 1BI_DA+ BI_DB+ 2BI_DA- BI_DB- 3BI_DB+ BI_DA+ 4BI_DC+ BI_DD+ 5BI_DC- BI_DD- 6BI_DB- BI_DA- 7BI_DD+ BI_DC+ 8 BI_DD- BI_DC-RJ45 (8-pin) to RJ45 (8-pin) Straight-through Cable WiringRJ45 (8-pin) to RJ45 (8-pin) Cross-over Cable Wiring100/1000Base-X Fiber PortThe Fiber ports on the TSN-G5008-2GTXSFP are SFP type slots, which support both 100Base-FX and 1000Base-X speeds. Moxa provides complete transceiver models for various distance requirements. The concept behind the LC port and cable is quite straightforward. Suppose you are connecting devices I and II. Unlike electrical signals, optical signals do not require a circuit in order to transmit data.Consequently, one of the optical lines is used to transmit data from device I to device II, and the other optical line is used to transmit data from device II to device I, for full-duplex transmission.Remember to connect the Tx (transmit) port of device I to the Rx (receive) port of device II, and the Rx (receive) port of device I to the Tx (transmit) port of device II. If you make your own cable, we suggest labeling the two sides of the same line with the same letter (A-to-A and B-to-B, as shown below, or A1-to-A2 and B1-to-B2).LC-port Pinouts LC-port to LC-port Cable WiringInstalling the microSD cardNOTE The microSD card function is currently disabled.The TSN-G5000 Series has a microSD slot located on the top panel of the switch. Remove the rubber cover first.Insert the microSD card into the slot. Makesure you insert the card in the correctdirection. There is an image above the slotindicating the direction that the microSDcard should be inserted.Reset ButtonThe reset button can perform two functions. One is to reset the switch to factory default settings and the other is to reboot the switch if the button has been pressed and released immediately. This button is located inside the rubber cover on the top panel of the switch.Reset to Factory Default SettingsUse a pointed object, such as a straightened paper clip or needle, to press the reset button for five seconds to load the factory default settings. When you start pressing the reset button, the STATE LED will start to blink about one time per second. After five seconds, you can release the reset button to load factory default settings.NOTE DO NOT power off the switch when loading the default settings.LED IndicatorsLED Color Status DescriptionLED Color Status DescriptionSTATE Green On System is running normally.Blinking 1. The system is booting up.2. When pressing the reset button for5 seconds to reset to factory defaultsettings.Red On System failed to initialize.FAULT Red On Reserved.Off The system is operating normally. PWR 1 Amber On Power is being supplied to the mainsystem’s power input PWR1.Off Power is not being supplied to themain system’s power input PWR1. PWR 2 Amber On Power is being supplied to the mainsystem’s power input PWR2.Off Power is not being supplied to themain system’s power input PWR2. SYNC Currently disabledCopper(10/100/1000 Mbps) Green On When the port is active and linking at1000 Mbps.Blinking When the data is being transmitted at1000 Mbps.Off When the port is inactive or link down. Amber On When the port is active and linking at10/100 Mbps.Blinking When the data is being transmitted at10/100 Mbps.Off When the port is in inactive or linkdown status.SFP (100/1000 Mbps) Green On When the port is active and linking at1000 Mbps.Blinking When the data is being transmitted at1000 MbpsOff When the port is inactive or link down. Amber On When the port is active and linking on100 Mbps.Blinking When the data is being transmitted at100 Mbps.Off When the port is inactive or link downstatus.SpecificationsInterfaceRJ45 Ports 10/100/1000BaseT(X) Fiber Ports 100/1000BaseSFPConsole Port RS-232 (RJ45)Relay Contact (Relay Output) 1 normally open electromagnetic relays output with current carrying capacity of 1 A @ 24 VDCDigital Input 1 isolated digital input:• +13 to +30 V for state “1”• -30 to +3 V for state “0”• Max. input current: 8 mAButton Reset buttonPower RequirementsRated Input Voltage 12-48 VDC, redundant dual inputsInput Current TSN-G5004: 1.25 A @ 12 VTSN-G5008-2GTXSFP: 1.72 A @ 12 V Connection 2 removable 4-contact terminal blocks Overload CurrentProtectionSupportedReverse PolarityProtectionSupportedPhysical CharacteristicsHousing MetalIP Rating IP40Dimension (W x H x D) TSN-G5004: 25 x 135 x 115 mm (0.98 x 5.32 x4.53 in)TSN-G5008-2GTXSFP: 36 x 135 x 115 mm (1.42x 5.32 x 4.53 in)Weight TSN-G5004: 582 g (1.28 lb)TSN-G5008-2GTXSFP: 787 g (1.74 lb) Installation DIN-rail mounting, wall mounting (with optionalkit)Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature -10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F)Storage Temperature -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)Ambient RelativeHumidity5% to 95% (non-condensing)Altitude Up to 2000 mNote: Please contact Moxa if you requireproducts guaranteed to function properly athigher altitude.Standards and CertificationsSafety UL 61010-2-201, EN 62368-1EMC EN 55035/55032EMI CISPR 32, FCC Part 15B Class AEMS IEC 61000-4-2 ESD: Contact: 6 kV; Air: 8 kVIEC 61000-4-3 RS: 80 MHz to 1 GHz: 10 V/mIEC 61000-4-4 EFT: Power: 2 kV; Signal: 1 kVIEC 61000-4-5 Surge: Power: 2 kV; Signal: 1 kVIEC 61000-4-6 CS: Signal: 10 VIEC 61000-4-8 PFMF: 100 A/m, 60 sShock IEC 60068-2-27Freefall IEC 60068-2-32Vibration IEC 60068-2-6Note: Please check Moxa’s website for the latest certification status. WarrantyWarranty Period5-yearsDetails See /warranty。
MMI-RAM 0115 -> state 0 ksw * * DEVICE STATUS INFORMATION FOR LOCATION 0: OPER STATES: D:Disabled E:Enabled B:Busy ADMIN STATES: L:Locked U:Unlocked E:Equipped S:Shutdown Last Transition Related Device State Reason dd/mm hh:mm:ss Function ------------- ----- ------------------------- --------------- ------------KSW 0 0 0 B-U NO REASON 02/01 00:06:30 None KSW 0 1 0 E-L NO REASON 02/01 00:06:32 None KSW 1 0 0 B-U NO REASON 02/01 00:06:32 None KSW 1 1 0 E-U NO REASON 02/01 00:06:32 None KSW 2 0 0 B-U NO REASON 02/01 00:06:32 None KSW 2 1 0 E-U NO REASON 02/01 00:06:32 None
Down Coad
1、在其他BSC上完成NVM板的数据制作。 2、在BSC的20槽插入版本为1.6.2.0的GPROC板。 3、在BSC的26槽插入NVM板,BSC重启。 4、重启后BSC进入MMI-RAM状态。
Down 数据
IBM X 系列效劳器操作系统安装图解----制做:寒武第一步取出机器自身带的ServerGuide 光盘第二步放入CD 一般默认情况下是由光盘引导启动,所以无需做修改.第三步等引导出现选择语言时,选English 就OK下边就根本上直接点下一步NEXT就行了这里当然要点接受I accept 装软件时的通病,不同意绝对不可能下一步的拉.第四步这里需要注意一下了,要看你自己要安装什么操作系统啦,装什么版本就选什么就行了,如果要装liunx 选最下面的other 就OK了根本上这里都是点下一步第五步到这一步时请注意有两个选项上面的意思是跳过,下面是要去除硬盘和RAID信息,如果你的RAID是做过的,不想动的话就选跳过,不然的话就最好选第二个去除一下.去除完后这一步就是说要启动RAID管理了第六步这里同样会出来两个选项让你来选,前者是自动后者是自定义,这里如果你的硬盘>2块;通常选第二个,如果加有RAID卡的话,可以有RAID 0 /1/ 5/ 可供选择.这里我们只有一块硬盘做演示只出现了RAID 0和1 但我前面说过只有>2块硬盘才用自定义来安装,这里是有原因的;这里我要用一块盘的话你的RAID就无法创立好了,可以看一下我用的确实是一块盘吧,在此可以显示实际个数,我们要做的是用鼠标分别把要做RAID的硬盘点选一下就可,然后选APPL Y 创立既可..下一步NEXT点到这里机器此刻就会重启第七步机器第一次重启以后就会提示你要给主分区分多大空间了,一般建议硬盘实际容量大于146G时最后分大于20G空间就可以了.下面的格式化一般都是NTFS第八步这里是时个给你的机器起名的时候了,还有那个ID序列号可别输错了,如果想加密码可以在下面输入,系统做好了后也可以输入密码所以不用麻烦了省点时间下一步吧.如果要创立域的话可以选Domain 为了想早一点看到操作系统这里我选择了放弃,直接下一步.这里是选择用户的访问个数是不是版操作系统根据实际情况定吧第九步选择时区和语言第十步:安装光盘COPY完成,等待机器自行安装OS。
6-1BN4120型电缆连接器1 概述BN4120电缆连接器是KJ50型局部生产环节监控系统中的配套产品,用于KJ50型局部生产环节监控系统AST 线间的连接及其它设备本安电路间的连接,而且连接后不能影响本安电路的本安性能,本品为无源器件。
防爆标志为:ExibI2 型号及含义BN 41203 主要技术特征1、接点容量: DC24V/5A2、尺寸、重量外型尺寸 :φ37.5×144㎜重量: 约0.5㎏4 使用环境及工作条件在下列环境条件下BN4120电缆连接器应能正常工作:-工作环境温度:(0-40)℃;-平均相对湿度:不超过95%(+25℃);-大气压力:(80-106)kPa ;-有甲烷和煤尘爆炸性危险的矿井环境中;-允许有溅水但无破坏绝缘的腐蚀性气体的矿井中;-无剧烈振动和冲击的地方。
5 结构特征与工作原理5.1、结构特征登记序号连接形式BN4120电缆连接器的外壳是由钢板制成的,壳体的最小厚度均不小于3mm,其中的零件有防锈防蚀处理,紧固件有防松动的措施。
7 安装、调整该产品在下井前应在地面连到KJ50型局部生产环节监控系统中,进行调试,只有调试合格后,方可下井安装。
8 贮存、运输包装后的产品可以在-10℃~+40℃,相对湿度不超过90%的环境中,贮存一年以上。
1.在安装系统时请先备份C:\ SmartSM\SYSTEM\,将这三个文件备份在自己电脑中(因为系统安装好之后要使用);或直接备份整个SmartSM或SYSTEM都可以!
2.按照上图操作进行安装XP系统(系统光盘随机配有,光盘标有windows XP SM XXX),安装系统时如果设备提示输入密码(密码:admin),如果不提示输入就不用!
联想 ThinkVision X24-20快速安装指南
30024000086800080°90°-5°HDMI关于技术支持或其它信息,请参照以下网址:For technical support or more information,please visit:/联想产品标准保修承诺[D N :LW-G E N-140106]本文件的任何内容均不会排除和限制消费者的权利,也不会减轻或免除我们对消费者的责任。
传输设备硬件安装操作指导1. 概述本文档旨在提供有关传输设备硬件安装的操作指导。
2. 硬件准备在开始安装传输设备之前,您需要根据设备的规格和要求准备以下硬件:2.1 主机设备•一台适用于传输设备的电脑或服务器。
2.2 传输设备•传输设备主体。
3. 安装步骤请按照以下步骤操作以完成传输设备的安装:3.1 准备工作在开始安装之前,请先关闭主机设备,并断开与电源的连接。
3.2 连接传输设备根据传输设备的接口类型,选择相应的数据线缆,并将其连接到传输设备和主机设备之间的接口上。
3.3 安装传输设备根据传输设备的安装方式,选择合适的安装支架或固定螺丝,并将传输设备安装到主机设备的相应插槽或位置上。
3.4 连接电源将传输设备的电源适配器插头连接到设备的电源接口上。
3.5 检查和测试完成安装后,重新连接主机设备的电源,并开机进行检查和测试。
4. 安全注意事项在硬件安装过程中,请注意以下安全事项:•确保设备和主机都处于关机状态,并断开与电源的连接。
5. 总结本文档提供了传输设备硬件安装的操作指导。
跳线对于硬盘安装非常重要,很多无法识别的问题都是由它引起的,因此需要特别重视(还有一种跳线方式叫Cable Select,即根据IDE数据线连接方式自动确定主从盘)。
不同品牌的硬盘跳线设置不尽相同,这里我们选取西部数据(Western Digtal)的WD1000BB、IBM腾龙3代40GB、希捷(Seagate)的酷鱼Ⅴ120GB、迈拓(Maxtor)的金钻叽鶧740X-6L这4款产品作为图解对象。
IBM的腾龙系列硬盘跳线比较复杂,除最为常见的“主盘”、“从盘”、“数据线选择”、“主盘,从盘必须安装”外,还有一个不是很常用的“32GB CLIP”限制模式,其作用在后面的BIOS识别部分会详细介绍。
数字林克斯 USB 2.0 网络摄像头 DL-WFH-CAM120 快速安装指南说明书
11675 Ridgeline Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80918Rev 200604Phone: 719-260-0061Toll-Free: 800-530-8998Fax: 719-260-0075DL-WFH-CAM120 Quick Install GuideDL-WFH-CAM120 Quick Guide2The DigitaLinx webcam DL-WFH-CAM120 is a leading USB 2.0 peripheral intended to capture audio and video for tasks such as video conferencing, streaming, webinars, on-line classes and personal chatting. Being truly plug-and-play, no driver is required when using software platforms such as Zoom, Teams, Youtube, Facetime and other messaging applications. Features include 1080p/30fps image sensor with a 120 degree field of view lens, tripod mount, security cap and built in microphone.For advanced settings, download software from the Liberty AV website for image adjustments.Product OverviewPackage Contents1. Lens2. Flexible Clip-base3. Noise reduction Microphone4. Activity LED5. Tripod Attachment - 1/4” thread for securing camera screw to mount or tripod6. Security cover7.USB cable with USB-A connectorFRONT VIEW ISOMETRIC VIEW(x1) Camera (x1) Quick Start Guide (x1) Quality Card Product LayoutBOTTOM VIEWStart GuideDL-WFH-CAM120 Quick Guide3Requirements - A computer with an audio output, preferably a speaker.Install the video conferencing desktop client such as Zoom, Teams, Google meet onto the computer. Note: verify your preferred video calling application requirementsPlacement - When the monitor thickness is less than or equal to 45mm, the camera can by mounted above thedisplay.Connectivity - Locate the DL-WFH-CAM120 webcam and plug into the USB port of the computer. If the length of the USB cable is not long enough, use a TYPE A USB 2.0 extension cable or hub.Navigation - settings>privacy>camera or similar within your PC and turn on ‘let apps use my camera’Close all other applications that may use the DL-WFH-CAM120 webcam.Run the preferred software to use with the webcam.Navigate to the “audio & video settings” within the softwareSelect “LibAV Cam120”in the Microphone drop down menu to receive excellent audio quality. Select “LibAV Cam120”in the Camera drop down menu to receive excellent video qualityLED lights on the camera will light up to indicate the camera is running.Setting up your webcamDL-WFH-CAM120 Quick Guide4Maintenance and TroubleshootingMaintenance• If the camera is not in long-term use, please disconnect the power switch after use.• Use soft cloth or cotton paper to remove dust from the camera housing.• When cleaning the camera lens, please use dry soft cloth to wipe, if dirt is serious, use neutral cleaner gently. Do not use strong or corrosive detergent, lest the lens scratch, affect the image effect.Avoid• Pointing the lens to the background of a large bright color, bright areas or reflective objects.• The camera should not work under unstable lighting conditions, otherwise the image may flash.• Do not use around facilities that can transmit high-power radio waves, such as television station or radio-transmitting station.Troubleshooting• If you find the image to be out of focus, wave your hand in front of the camera, the camera will automatically adjust the focus to the new state• Computer software doesn’t detect the webcam-Step 1: make sure that any other applications that are using the camera are fully closedStep 2: within the software of your choice, go into the “audio & video settings”Select “LibAV Cam120”in the Microphone drop down menuSelect “USB Live Camera”in the Camera drop down menu.Step 3: make sure the USB drivers on your computer are up to date• Computer hardware doesn’t detect the webcam -Step 1: reconnect the cameras USB cable to your computerStep 2: restart your computerDL-WFH-CAM120 Quick Guide5Technical SpecificationsCamera Sensor 1/2.7’’, CMOS, Effective Pixel: 2.07M Scanning Mode Progressive Lens Mount M12Lens Focus: f=3.1mm, FOV: 120°Minimal Illumination (1) HDMI type A Shutter1/30s ~ 1/10000s White BalanceAuto, Indoor, Outdoor, One Push, Manual, VAR Camera bracketBracket with damper Digital Noise Reduction 2D, 3D digital noise reduction Back-light Compensation Support Features Operate SystemWindows XP/2003/VISTA/7/8/10, Linux, Mac OS, Android Color / Compression MJPEG/YUY2/H.264Resolution MJPEG: 1920x1080 (default), 1600x896, 160x120, 176x144, 320x240, 352x288, 640x480, 720x576, 1280x720, 1024x768, 1024x576, 960x540, 848x480, 800x600, 800x448, 640x360, 480x272, 424x240, 320x180YUY2: 1920x1080 (default), 160x120, 176x144, 320x240, 352x288, 640x480, 1280x720, 960x540, 640x360, 480x272, 424x240, 320x180H.264: 1920x1080 (default), 1600x896, 160x120, 176x144, 320x240, 352x288, 640x480, 720x576, 1280x720, 1024x768, 1024x576, 960x540, 848x480, 800x600, 800x448, 640x360, 480x270, 424x240, 320x180USB Communication Protocol UVC 1.0Input/Output Interface USB Interface 1 x USB 2.0: Type A Physical Parameter Input Voltage 5V (USB power supply)Current Consumption 0.27A Operating Temperature --10°C ~ 40°C Storage Temperature -40°C ~ 60°C Power Consumption 1.4W Dimension (W*H*D)118mm x 37.2mm x 30.8mm (without bracket)Net Weight 0.093 Kg (without bracket)MTBF >30000h Warranty 2 years Certification CE, FCC, RoHSThank you for your purchase.For Technical Support please call our toll free number at *********************************************Digitalinx is a brand of:11675 Ridgeline DriveColorado Springs, Colorado80921 USAPhone: 719-260-0061Fax: 719-260-0075Toll-Free: 800-530-8998。
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Dataware安装完成后,进入dataware的设置。 1. 运行“开始 -> 设置 -> 控制面板 -> 管理工具 -> 服 务 2. 找到名称为Dataware的服务,单击鼠标右键选"属 性" 3. 单击“登录”选项卡,再单击“此帐户”,然後在 “密码”及“确认密码”栏位,输入管理员的密码, 然后按“应用 4. 单击"常规"选项卡,单击"启动"来启动DataWare服 务
Datatware配置 配置STEP 13:配置DATAWARE 之七 配置 : 在资源物件设置中为双机系统建立主机别名资源供网络访问,完成后 导入运行。
宁波豪威SB-4120SS双机 双机DATAWARE配置手把 宁波豪威 双机 配置手把 手
Datatware配置 配置STEP 14:配置DATAWARE 之八 配置 : 在资源物件设置中设置SQL2000数据库服务资源,双机切换时自动启动, 完成后导入运行。
宁波豪威SB-4120SS双机 双机DATAWARE配置手把 宁波豪威 双机 配置手把 手
Datatware配置 配置STEP 3:分别在A、B机上IIS里设置DataWare管理站点之 配置 : 一 进入WEB设置(win2000不用做这项)
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宁波豪威SB-4120SS双机 双机DATAWARE配置手把 宁波豪威 双机 配置手把 手
Datatware配置 配置STEP 1:分别在A、B机上安装DataWare软件 配置 : 安装完成后,需20SS双机 双机DATAWARE配置手把 宁波豪威 双机 配置手把 手
Datatware配置 配置STEP 7:配置DATAWARE 之一 配置 : 直接点击IE浏览器,直接进入dataware配置界面,首先配置系统设定
宁波豪威SB-4120SS双机 双机DATAWARE配置手把 宁波豪威 双机 配置手把 手
Datatware配置 配置STEP 8:配置DATAWARE 之二 配置 : 在服务器管理界面上读取双机的NIC,地址读取出来表明双机互连正常
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Datatware配置 配置STEP 6:分别在A、B机上设置DataWare管理站点之三 配置 : 设置目录属性
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宁波豪威SB-4120SS双机 双机DATAWARE配置手把 宁波豪威 双机 配置手把 手
配置准备2: 配置准备 : 启动服务器1 1. 在服务器1上安装SQL Server2000时,将程序文件安装到本地硬盘(如 C:\MSSQL2000),数据文件安装到阵列硬盘上(如F:\MSSQL2000)。 安装完成后,点击“开始—管理工具—服务”选项,设置MSSQLserver 和SQLSERVERAGENT两项服务启动方式改为“手动 ”。 关闭服务器1 2. 启动服务器2。 2. 更 名 原 先 安 装 在 阵 列 硬 盘 上 的 数 据 文 件 ( 如 F:\MSSQL2000 为 MSSQL2000a)。 在服务器2安装SQL Server2000时,将程序文件安装到本地硬盘(如 C:\MSSQL2000),数据文件安装到阵列硬盘上(如F:\MSSQL2000)。安装 完成后,点击“开始—管理工具—服务”选项,设置MSSQLserver和 SQLSERVERAGENT两项服务启动方式改为“手动”。 启动服务器1和服务器2。
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Datatware配置 配置STEP 17:切换状态图一: 配置 :
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Datatware配置 配置STEP 18:切换状态图二: 配置 :
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Datatware配置 配置STEP 12:配置DATAWARE 之六 配置 : 在资源物件设置中设置IP地址资源,完成后导入运行。
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宁波豪威SB-4120SS双机 双机DATAWARE配置手把 宁波豪威 双机 配置手把 手
Datatware配置 配置STEP 9:配置DATAWARE 之三 配置 : 在私有网络设置界面设置双机间的心跳方式及端口设置
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宁波豪威SB-4120SS双机 双机DATAWARE配置手把 宁波豪威 双机 配置手把 手
Datatware配置 配置STEP 15:配置DATAWARE 之九 配置 : 在资源物件设置中设置sql2000数据库备份服务资源,完成后导入运 行。
宁波豪威SB-4120SS双机 双机DATAWARE配置手把 宁波豪威 双机 配置手把 手
服务器实名(根据用户需求命名) A机 his-server1 B机 his-server2
双机虚拟名(根据用户需求命名) his-server
参考点IP交换机VLAN管理IP) ( )
宁波豪威SB-4120SS双机 双机DATAWARE配置手把 宁波豪威 双机 配置手把 手
Datatware配置 配置STEP 10:配置DATAWARE 之四 配置 : 私有网络设置完成后在服务器界面上启动双机容错系统
宁波豪威SB-4120SS双机 双机DATAWARE配置手把 宁波豪威 双机 配置手把 手
Datatware配置 配置STEP 11:配置DATAWARE 之五 配置 : 在资源物件设置中首先设置共用磁盘资源,完成后导入运行。
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配置准备3: 配置准备 : 分别在A、B服务器上“开始—程序—Microsoft SQL Server—服务器网络 实用工具
分别在A、B服务器上C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\host文件中增加一行 his-server
Datatware配置 配置STEP 16:检测配置后双机运行状态和热备切换 配置 : 完成配置后,可以在资源物件界面上,手工或自动切换双机运行进行 测试安装结果。 按<切换到对等主机>按钮,手工强制将本地的正常资源切换到对方主 机上,切换后检查是否能正常使用数据库; 也可以采用拔掉主机网线、切断主机电源的方式检查双机系统自动切 换的过程是否正常。
Datatware配置 配置STEP 4:分别在A、B机上设置DataWare管理站点之二 配置 : 设置网站属性
宁波豪威SB-4120SS双机 双机DATAWARE配置手把 宁波豪威 双机 配置手把 手
Datatware配置 配置STEP 5:分别在A、B机上设置DataWare管理站点之三 配置 : 设置目录属性
配置准备1: 配置准备 :
分别安装服务器软件系统 分别命名为his-SERVER1和his-SERVER2
服务器都安装双网卡: 一张网卡相互连接作为双机心跳线 一张网卡连接交换机作为对外的网络连接 心跳通道网卡IP分别为192.168.0.1和192.168.0.2 对外网络IP分别为192.168.0.20和192.168.0.30
宁波 豪 威 SB-4120SS双 机 双 DATAWARE 配 置 手 把 手
2005 年 10 月
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安装环境: 安装环境: 操作系统 数据库 服务器 阵列柜型号 阵列方式 心跳方式 网络实际IP 网络虚拟IP windows2003 server SQL2000 HP PROLIANT 580G2*2 SB-4120SS RAID5 串口+网卡 A机 B机