Simplified Chinese 当您参观史密森尼的19座博物馆、美术馆和国家
纽约大都会博物馆是美国最大的博物馆,也是热门美剧《绯闻女孩》((Gossip Girl)的取景地,占地13万平方米,馆藏超过二百万件艺术品。
5、文物的价值包括哪些?6、陈列的基本原则是什么?7、国际博物馆日是几号?8、上海城市文化遗产由?构成9、博物馆开放时间应不少于几天?10、中国博物馆的发展要考虑什么?11、世界三大博物馆指?12、文物分为珍贵文物和 ?13、中国博物馆员工职业道德准则提出的时间?14、上海首批免费开放的纪念博物馆有哪些?15、中国博物馆藏品已经有几件?16、上海的一级博物馆有哪些?17、上海古代园林有哪些?博物馆招聘考试笔试题【外省考题】一、填空题(每空1分,共计50分)1、博物馆学一词英文写做(),是1885年英国人()最先使用这个写法的。
6、( ) 年7月27日,法国()改建为共和国艺术博物馆,8月10日向公众开放。
7、()年,( )在南通成立南通博物苑,标志着中国人创办博物馆的开始。
8、中国国家博物馆的前身——国立历史博物馆成立于( )年,筹建初的旧址是( ),筹建负责人是( )主任。
9、故宫博物院成立于( )。
命题作文-012:: (35分钟+)写作主题:我最喜爱的博物馆史密森国家航空航天博物馆姜燊楠中文写作七级第一架飞机、第一次到达月亮的火箭、第一次围着月亮转的卫星,无论什么跟航空航天有关的东西,在史密森国家航空航天博物馆肯定都能看到。
(初稿570 字,55分钟,2009年10月24日收到)(老师修改稿595 字,2009年10月29日改毕)。
Title: My Exciting Visit to the Chinese Art MuseumHi everyone! My name is Jessica and I'm a 10-year-old American student. A few weeks ago, I had the most amazing experience as an exchange student in China. Our class went on a field trip to the huge Chinese Art Museum in Beijing and I just have to tell you all about it!When we first arrived, I was blown away by how massive and beautiful the museum building was. It's a traditional Chinese palace style with bright red walls, curved golden roofs, and these amazing stone lion statues guarding the entrance. My friend Eric whispered "This place looks like a castle!" and I had to agree.As soon as we stepped inside, a kind elderly lady who was our tour guide welcomed us warmly. She gave us some background on the history of the museum and the importance ofart in Chinese culture over the centuries. I tried my best to listen carefully because I didn't want to miss anything interesting!Then she led us into the first exhibition hall and I gasped. The room was filled with the most incredible ancient pottery, bronze items, and jade carvings from dynasties like the Shang, Zhou, and Han eras thousands of years ago. I couldn't believe how skillfully they were made – some of the bronze works looked like they were cast just yesterday! There were detailed human and animal figurines, huge decorative containers, and even weaponry like sharp swords and spears. Eric and I agreed the jade carvings were our favorites though, with their smooth textures and intricate designs of dragons, flowers, and landscapes.Next up was the traditional Chinese painting gallery and it was breathtaking. TheScrolls and hanging silk artworks seemed to stretch on forever with their vibrant colors and depictions of nature scenes, Landscapes with wise Scholars sitting under willow trees, dramatic battles between warriors on horses, and more. Our guide pointed out the incredible meaning and symbolism behind each painting which I found super fascinating. The way the artists used thick brush strokes and the black ink to create shading effects was just amazing.One of the coolest rooms showcased ancient Chinese pottery and porcelain items used for eating and decoration centuries ago. We saw plates, vases, bowls and tea sets in the most brilliant shades of blue, green, white and yellow. Some had decorative patterns, others had nature drawings, and some were left sleek and solid colored. I was surprised to learn that the bright blue-green color was so precious it could only be used in imperial palaces by the royal families!After passing through rooms filled with ornate wooden carved furniture, jade items, embroidered silk artwork and more, we finally ended our tour in the more modern art sections. These bright, abstract paintings and contemporary sculpture galleries really showed how Chinese art has evolved over time while still incorporating traditional techniques and styles. My personal favorite was an ultra-modern looking shiny stainless steel sculpture that seemed to twist into the shape of a powerful dragon. So cool!By the end of our museum tour, my brain was bursting with information and my eyes had seen so many amazing art pieces. I just couldn't get over the rich history, craftsmanship, and symbolic meaning woven into every jade carving, bronze piece, silk painting, and porcelain decoration. Chinese ancient artworkis so incredibly detailed and ornate. I now have a much deeper appreciation for traditional Chinese culture and arts after this unforgettable experience at the museum. I'll never forget the sense of pride I felt walking through those galleries as an American student getting to learn all about China's precious artistic heritage. What an eye-opening field trip it was!篇2My Amazing Trip to the Chinese Art MuseumHi everyone! My name is Tommy and I'm an American exchange student living in Beijing for one year. I've only been in China for a few months, but I've already had so many cool experiences. Today I want to tell you all about my recent field trip to the famous Chinese Art Museum!Last Friday, my Chinese host family took me to explore the huge art museum right here in Beijing. I was super excited because I love learning about art and culture from around the world. As soon as we walked in the front doors, I was blown away by how big and beautiful the building was on the inside. There were enormous hallways with gleaming tile floors and tall ceilings decorated with colorful paintings. I felt like I had stepped into a real-life palace!Our first stop was the ancient Chinese pottery and ceramics exhibit. There were rooms and rooms filled with incredibly old vases, bowls, plates and decorative pieces made out of delicate porcelain. My favorite was a striking blue and white vase from the Ming Dynasty that was nearly 600 years old! I couldn't believe something so old and fragile had survived all this time. The level of craftsmanship and detail in each ceramic piece was mind-blowing.Next we went upstairs to the painting galleries, which housed some of the most famous traditional Chinese landscape paintings and calligraphy artworks. I've never been much of an artist myself, but looking at these stunning nature scenes made me wish I could paint like a master. The way the artists used brushstrokes and subtle shades to depict mountains, rivers, trees and flowers was simply breathtaking. I also really enjoyed trying to decode the beautiful Chinese calligraphy symbols, even though I can't read much yet.After the paintings, we explored the galleries of ancient Buddhist sculpture and decorative arts. I saw these massive stone Buddha statues that must have been several meters tall! There were also countless intricate wooden carvings and bronze statues from centuries ago. I tried to wrap my 10-year-old brainaround the thought of how long ago those artifacts were made. It was hard to fathom that level of history and skill.My absolute favorite section was the exhibit on Chinese jade carvings and jewerly. The pieces ranged from humble hair pins and rings to elaborate sculptures of dragons, phoenixes and humans. I was dazzled by the vibrant green colors and impeccable details in each jade carving. I could have spent hours examining the delicate artistry up close. My host mom had to pull me away because I didn't want to leave!By the end of our museum visit, my brain was overflowing with new appreciation for Chinese art and culture. I realized that China has such an incredibly rich artistic heritage spanning thousands of years. All the pottery, paintings, sculptures and jade works I saw were like windows into China's fascinating past. Each piece told a unique story about the beliefs, values and way of life from its era in history.I feel really lucky to have experienced the Chinese Art Museum during my time as an exchange student here. Getting to see actual ancient artifacts and admire the talent of generations of Chinese artists was an opportunity I'll never forget. I definitely want to go back soon and explore more of the museum's vast collection. Maybe I'll even try my hand at Chinese calligraphy orjade carving one day! For now, I'm just grateful to be learning so much about this beautiful country and culture. Thanks for reading about my amazing art museum adventure!篇3亲爱的小朋友们,大家好啊!今天我要讲一个非常有趣的故事,关于我和我的美国朋友们参观中国美术馆的经历。
如果你可以在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington D.C.)停留3 天,那么热门旅游景点都不会错过了,还能悠闲地去当地最受欢迎的社区和市场转载,感受政治中心之外不一样的首都。
Day 1必踩点的国家广场与白宫(1)国家广场:要深入了解华盛顿,一定要去国家广场(National Mall)看看。
进入广场,首先映入眼帘的就是美丽静谧的潮汐湖畔,那里你将看到著名的杰斐逊纪念堂(Jefferson Memorial)、罗斯福纪念堂(Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial)和马丁路德金纪念堂(Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial)。
(2)杰斐逊纪念堂:推荐在这里游览2 小时左右,春天或夏天可能需要更长时间,届时可以租船在绽放的樱桃树下游览一番。
(3)二战纪念碑:向北走到广场中心,你将看到二战纪念碑(World War II Memorial)和华盛顿纪念碑(Washington Monument)。
(4)林肯纪念堂:继续向西,穿过宪法公园(Constitution Gardens),不久就会看到越战纪念碑(Vietnam Veterans Memorial)的黑色墙壁、圆柱设计的林肯纪念堂(Lincoln Memorial),还有庄严肃穆的朝鲜战争纪念碑(Korean War Memorial)。
(5)Old Ebbitt Grill酒馆:这时,你的肚子可能已经咕咕叫了,不妨从广场向北步行几个街区,前往历史悠久的牡蛎酒馆Old Ebbitt Grill吃顿午餐,顺便休息一会儿。
(6)白宫:之后,可步行参观著名的白宫(White House)。
世界著名博物馆艺术经典见面课:大英博物馆的纸本素描收藏1.下面哪座英国艺术机构的素描及版画馆藏可以和伦敦大英博物馆相媲美答案:英皇室收藏2.关于下列英国博物馆的描述,错误的是答案:维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆内(V&A)的藏品范围包括“从乔托到塞尚”的欧洲油画馆藏,没有素描版画3.下列关于大英博物馆素描及版画收藏的内容,错误的是:答案:大英博物馆所收藏的西方版画及素描最初可以追溯到艾萨克·牛顿爵士的私人收藏;直至19世纪30年代,大英博物馆版画及素描部的收藏扩充主要是依靠国家拨款购买所得4.下列关于迪赛诺“Disegno”的解读,错误的是:答案:最能代表其理念的文艺复兴艺术家是列奥纳多·达·芬奇;丁托列托曾在其工坊的墙上写着“Disegno是建筑、雕塑和绘画三种姐妹艺术之父”5.巴洛克时期素描派与色彩派最初的领军人物分别是:答案:普桑和鲁本斯见面课:欧洲早期博物馆的形成与兴起1.关于珍宝室,以下说法有误的是:答案:欧洲珍宝室的形成与十字军东征及航海大发现并无关系2.珍宝室收藏的物品包括答案:稀有自然物品;科学仪器;珍贵艺术品;宗教或历史遗迹3.关于十七世纪上半期佛兰德斯的画廊画(gallery painting),以下说法有误的是:答案:画廊画中出现的人物没有特别意义4.关于1660年出版的《画苑》(Theatrum Pictorium),以下说法有误的是答案:其中包括荷兰新教画家的作品5.欧洲早期的博物馆收藏具有以下哪些功能答案:以微观世界的形式展现世界;象征赞助人的社会地位、权势/统治、财富;传达了艺术、文化、科技发展、宗教、政治等方面的时代背景见面课:泰特英国馆的“透纳遗产1.下列关于J.M.W.透纳的介绍,错误的是:答案:被十九世纪著名画家约翰·康斯坦布称为“现代艺术之父”2.“透纳遗产”是哪所艺术机构成立以来接受的数量最为庞大的艺术品捐赠:答案:英国国家美术馆3.透纳在其遗嘱中明确提出要将其两幅画作《狄多建造迦太基》和《从蒸汽中升起的太阳》挂在谁的画作旁边永久陈列?答案:克劳德·洛兰4.下列关于泰特英国馆的叙述,错误的是:答案:全部“透纳遗产”都已移交至泰特英国馆收藏并长期陈列;1856年,在透纳去世5年后,法院将透纳的遗产全部判给了国家;泰特博物馆群体共包括伦敦的泰特英国馆、利物浦市的泰特利物浦馆和位于康沃尔郡的泰特圣艾夫斯馆5.普法战争期间,哪两位法国画家在英国避难时接触到了透纳的作品,进而启发了印象派的诞生?答案:莫奈和毕沙罗见面课:走进巴黎奥赛博物馆1.奥赛博物馆与__、__合称“巴黎三大博物馆”。
2022-2023学年甘肃省武威市重点中学高二(上)期末英语试卷一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共37.5分)AKing's College Summer SchoolKing's College Summer School is an annual training program for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English.Courses are given by the teachers of King's College and other colleges in New York.Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized.This year's summer school will be from July 25 to August 15.More information is as follows:1. Which of the following is true about King's College Summer School?______A. Only top students can take part in the program.B. Only the teachers of King's College give courses.C. King's College Summer School is run every other year.D. Visits to museums and culture centers are part of the program.2. If you are to live with your relatives in New York,how much will you have to pay the school?______A. ﹩200B. ﹩400C. ﹩500D. ﹩9003. What information can you get from the text?______A. The program will last two months.B. You can write to Thompson only in English.C. You can get in touch with the school by e-mail or by telephone.D. As a Chinese student,you can send your application on July 14,2023.BWhen Rukhsana Khan came in and sat down,I honestly thought that it was just going to be another story and wasn't going to be very good.But when she started talking,telling the story called The Roses In My Carpet,I felt like I had just entered a whole new world.A world where there was only Rukhsana,me and lots of knowledge.I was learning so many new things.When the story was done,she began to talk about how she came to write the book.She talked about Pakistan and Afghanistan.I listened closely.It was so surprising.As she was talking,I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what it would be like to live in a refugee camp.I put myself in the little girl's place.In my mind,I was going to get firewood for my family.I was walking home with the firewood,when a bomb dropped,right over my head.At that time,I had to open my eyes.I was too frightened.The little girl would have been frightened,too.It would be terrible to only have bread,water,and tea for food.I think that a life without electricity would be terrible.No electricity meant cold winters,hot summers,no TV,no computers,no lights and no fridges.It would be so bad.Besides,I am a book lover.In the refugee camp,they don't even have books.It is hard to imagine.We have so many libraries filled with books.We are so lucky.We live in strong,brick houses.We have whole refrigerators full of food.We have tons of games.I think the speech was very moving.I loved it.From now on,I will make sure that I appreciate what I have,a lot more than before.4. How did the author feel before Rukhsana Khan began her story?______A. She was a bit nervous about it.B. She had low expectations of it.C. She showed great interest in it.D. She thought it would be informative.5. What is the little girl's life like?______A. Sad.B. Lonely.C. Busy.D. Quiet.6. What do we know about the author?______A. She loves reading.B. She comes from a rich family.C. She spends a lot of time playing games.D. She shares some similarities with the little girl.7. What is the author's purpose in writing text______A. To introduce a good book.B. To ask readers to lead a simple life.C. To show her love for Rukhsana Khan.D. To show how a speech influenced her.CSoot (煤) pollution is speeding up climate-driven melting in Antarctica, a new study suggests, raising questions about how to protect the delicate continent from the increasing number of humans who want to visit.“It really makes us question, is our presence really needed?” says Alia Khan, one of the authors of the new study. “We have quite a large black carbon footprint in Antarctica, which is enhancing snow and ice melt.”Black carbon is the leftover thing from burning plants or fossil fuels. Soot in Antarctica comes primarily from waste gases of cruise ships (游轮), vehicles and airplanes, although some pollution travels on the wind from other parts of the globe. The dark particles (微粒) coat white snow and absorb heat from the sun the way a black T-shirt does on a warm day. The blanket of dark bits speeds up melting that was already happening more quickly because of global warming.When snow and ice are uncovered, they reflect an enormous amount of sunlight before it can turn into heat. “These are the mirrors on our planet,” says Sonia Nagorski, a scientist at the University of Alaska Southeast. “When those mirrors are covered in a film of dark bits, they don’t send back that much light and heat. That means more heat is trapped on Earth, speeding up melting and contributing to global warming.”As a scientist who personally visits Antarctica every year, Khan says she is troubled by her own research results. On the one hand, she goes to Antarctica to collect crucial data about how quickly the snowand ice there are disappearing. “But then when we come to conclusions like this it really does make us think twice about how frequently we need to visit the continent,” she says, “and what kind of regulations should be placed on tourism as well.” That could mean requiring that cruise ships and vehicles be electric, for example, or limiting the number of visitors each year.8. What is Khan’s attitude towards human actions in Antarctica according to Paragraph 2?A. Angry and abusive.B. Cold and uninterested.C. Doubtful and anxious.D. Admiring and delighted.9. What is the main cause of soot pollution in Antarctica?A. The quick melting of ice and snow.B. The emission from virous transport.C. The remaining parts of burning plants.D. The floating gases from other continents.10. What do we know from Nagorski?A. The covered ice is less reflective.B. The melting speed of ice is slower than before.C. The dark blanket serves as a big mirror.D. The sunlight gets increasingly stronger recently.11. Which is the most suitable title for the text?A. What Made Our Planet So Polluted?B. Who Is to Blame for Air Pollution?C. Can Electric Vehicles Save Tourism?D. Are We Welcome to the South Pole?DAsk someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they will almost certainly mention recycling. Recycling in the home is very important of course. However, being forced to recycle often means we already have more material than we need. We are dealing with the results of thatover-consumption in the greenest way possible, but it would be far better if we did not bring so much material home in the first place.The total amount of packaging increased by 12% between 1999 and 2005. It now makes up a third of a typical household's waste in the UK. In many supermarkets nowadays food items are packaged twice with plastic and cardboard.Too much packaging is doing serious damage to the environment. The UK,for example, is running out of it for carrying this unnecessary waste. If such packaging is burnt, it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the greenhouse effect. Recycling helps, but the process itself uses energy. The solution is not to produce such items in the first place. Food waste is a serious problem, too. Too many supermarkets encourage customers to buy more than they need. However, a few of them are coming round to the idea that this cannot continue, encouraging customers to reuse their plastic bags, for example.But this is not just about supermarkets. It is about all of us. We have learned to associate packaging with quality. We have learned to think that something unpackaged is of poor quality. This is especially true of food. But it also applies to a wide range of consumer products, which often have far more packaging than necessary.There are signs of hope. As more of us recycle, we are beginning to realize just how much unnecessary material we are collecting. We need to face the wastefulness of our consumer culture, but we have a mountain to climb.12. What does the underlined word "over-consumption" refer to?______A. Using too much packaging.B. Recycling too much waste.C. Making more products than necessary.D. Having more material than is needed.13. The author uses figures in Paragraph 2 to show ______ .A. the tendency of cutting household wasteB. the increase of packaging recyclingC. the rapid growth of supermarketsD. the fact of packaging overuse14. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?______A. Unpackaged products are of bad quality.B. Supermarkets care more about packaging.C. It is improper to judge quality by packaging.D. Other products are better packaged than food.15. What can we learn from the last paragraph?______A. Fighting wastefulness is difficult.B. Needless material is mostly recycled.C. People like collecting recyclable waste.D. The author is proud of his consumer culture.二、阅读七选五(本大题共5小题,共12.5分)Hair Loss in Teens Hair loss can be a very upsetting experience at any age. (1) . Here is a look at the most common causes of hair loss in teens.HormonesFrom adolescence to adulthood, significant changes take place in a teen's body. As hormones increase sharply in the teen years, this is also a time for hormone-related conditions to awaken, such as hair loss. The treatment will vary depending on the exact nature of the hormonal imbalance. Often times this will involve medications. (2) .Stress(3) . Among other things, this can lead to hair loss. In rare cases, the stress might be so severe that teenagers pluck (扯) their own hair. Far more often, the stress will cause the hair to fall out on its own. Your doctor will identify if stress is the key factor in your hair loss. If so, removing the stressful event that caused the hair loss is the first step. You can also take steps to lower your overall anxiety and stress levels. MedicineTeenagers can take medications for a variety of reasons. These can range from Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) to depression. While these medications can help with their illnesses, they can also cause unpleasant side effects. (4) . Whatever you do, do not stop or change a medication without consulting your doctor first.Nutrient shortageCommon nutritional lack in people from 10 to 20 years of age include iron, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and zinc shortages. All of these can cause poor health effects, including loss of hair. One of the best things you can possibly do for your body—including your hair—is to improve your daily diet. (5) . Another optionis to take a supplement.A.One of these is the increasing hair lossB.They control almost everything in the bodyC.For teenagers, however, it can be especially unpleasantD.Fortunately, you can treat teenage hair loss with successE.In some instances, lifestyle adjustments and dietary changes can also helpF.This means including nutrient-rich food and eating well-balanced mealsG.The physical and emotional changes teens experience can cause substantial stress16. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. EF. FG. G17. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. EF. FG. G18. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. EF. FG. G19. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. EF. FG. G20. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. EF. FG. G三、完形填空(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)A Ghanaian man in Africa,who once made glass jewelry(珠宝),is now focusing on more than(1)______ .The glass artist is reducing glass waste and helping his country both economically and(2)______ .Tetteh got to(3)______ the art of glass blowing(吹制)during a visit to Europe in 2012,then he became the nation's only professional glass ter,the beautifully-colored,artistic flower holders or water carriers really(4)______ him.Why not(5)______ more Ghanaian people to make art pieces from glass?With efforts,Tetteh set up his own workplaces in Ghana where,every day,they(6)______ broken glass from waste centers and turns it into(7)______ for family use and rgely(8)______ ,after all,Ghana buys about﹩300 million yearly worth of glass and pottery from other countries.Tetteh melts the(9)______ glass from old televisions or bottles and turns the old glass into hot ing a long pole to remove a ball of melted glass,he starts working to(10)______ the glass into colorful items people can use again.Actually,In the past ten years,Tetteh's(11)______ has not only saved the country a lot of money but got the country(12)______ .Tetteh,now 44,loves what he is doing. "Glass is my(13)______ ,but Ghana is my heart," he laughed,(14)______ to do something for his country(15)______ .21. A. efforts B. skills C. family D. usage22. A. environmentally B. emotionallyC. practicallyD. physically23. A. refer to B. learn C. admire D. apply24. A. affected B. changed C. inspired D. confused25. A. train B. allow C. attract D. follow26. A. produce B. introduce C. improve D. collect27. A. reality B. art C. truth D. money28. A. poor B. dependent C. unnoticed D. wild29. A. changeable B. colorful C. harmful D. abandoned30. A. mix B. put C. shape D. beat31. A. patience B. devotion C. invention D. payment32. A. happier B. simpler C. cleaner D. safer33. A. dream B. profession C. choice D. decision34. A. proud B. struggling C. anxious D. trying35. A. at risk B. in danger C. by chance D. in need四、书面表达(本大题共2小题,共40.0分)36. 学校英文报正在组织以How to Study Effectively on Line 为主题的征文活动。
Lesson 7 (The Age of Miracle Chips )
microprocessor: integrated circuit semiconductor chip that performs the bulk of the processing and controls the parts of a system微处理器 hood:protective covering consisting of a metal part that covers the engine发动机罩 tiny computers will ease tensions and make life simpler for the drive and passengers too. Ford Motor Co. now offers buyers of its Continental Mark Vs an option called "miles to empty". Paraphrase: Microcomputers will be able to diagnose and help solve problems with the car's engine. This will make the car run better and safer so that drivers and passengers need not worry. They will also be spared the trouble of trying to figure out the problem when a car breaks down. miles to empy:a small meter on a car that tells the driver how many miles he can expect to go before his petrol tank gets empty.燃料里程计量器
美国最值得参观的博物馆(下)作者:暂无来源:《海外星云》 2015年第21期博物馆留存着人类智慧的瑰宝,沉淀着一个或多个地方的历史,参观博物馆是最近距离、最直观获得这些有效信息的方式。
一个多世纪 以 来
它为美国及 世界的科学文化交流与发展傲 出
并且也在许多方面 完成 了 史密 森先生
增 进和 传播 人 类 文 化 知
此学会做为国 家主 耍 科学文化机构 设有盆事会 院长
由美国副 总统
最 高法院
3 名参议员 和 9 名非官方
人士组 成
盆事会选 出秘书长 做 为最
a r ld 件 o维 护世ຫໍສະໝຸດ 界 和 平 同心同德to Po
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甘 i s do m try
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群策群 力埋 头苦干
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一 国两制
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高行政管理秘书负贵学会的 一切 事宜
4年 0
在史密森逝世 伟周 年后
他 的遗体由美 国 电 话 发明 者 贝尔 从意大
. .
利 护送 回奖国
史 密森本人傲 为英国 皇家学会的成 员
一 生 从未到过 美 国
至 今仍 是个谜
为 年
什么 他要把从母 系继承 的“多万奖元 遗产姗送 给美国 0 他 的全 部遗 产 1
史密森尼总共收藏逾1.42亿件世界各个国家艺术品和标本,史密森尼系统中有九座博物馆和美术馆位于国家广场﹙the National Mall﹚两侧,在华盛顿纪念碑和国会山庄之间。
一座三层的地下建筑内设有两座博物馆和S. 狄龙˙利波雷中心﹙ S. Dillon Ripley Center﹚,该中心包括国际美术馆、办公室和教室。
泉 杜尚 美国旧金山现代艺术博物馆 1917年
《蒙娜丽莎和钥匙》费尔 南·莱热 1930年 藏于法国滨 海阿尔卑斯省比奥的莱热国家 博物馆。在莱热的眼里《蒙娜 丽莎》不再是高雅文化的偶像, 而已经家喻户晓像一串钥匙一 样为人们所熟悉。他曾公开表 示创作这幅画的目的是要在他 自己的钥匙旁边画上“与他毫 不相干的东西”。在我看来 《蒙娜丽莎》同其他东西一样 普通。
《蒙娜丽莎的拼凑画》 马 列维奇 1914年 俄罗斯 国家博物馆。对马列维奇 来说人们对失而复得的 《蒙娜丽莎》表现出来的 狂热恰好解释了错误的艺 术意识。《蒙娜丽莎》置 身于拼贴画的深处,在她 身上有两处刀划的红十字, 一个在脸上,另一个在胸 脯上,充分表达了作者对 蒙娜丽莎的抵制情绪。
梵高曾说希望一个世纪之后自己画的肖 像在那时人的眼里会如同一个个幽灵,那 么在今天看来他的愿望实现了。凡高一生 画过很多的《自画像》, 他说“我想强调 的是,同一个人有多样的自画像。与其追 求照相般的相似性,不如深入地发掘相似 处。”
我喜欢画人的眼睛胜过那些教堂, 在眼睛的深处藏着一种无论多么感人, 多么肃穆的教堂都没有的东西。我关心 人的灵魂而不是结构,无论这灵魂属于 一个贫穷的恶魔还是妓女。
格尔尼卡 1937 毕加索 普拉多美术馆
1937年初,毕加索接受了西班牙共和国的委 托,为巴黎世界博览会的西班牙馆创作一幅装饰 壁画。构思期间,4月26日发生了德国空军轰炸 西班牙北部巴斯克重镇格尔尼卡的事件。德军三 个小时的轰炸,炸死炸伤了很多平民百姓,使格 尔尼卡化为平地。德军的这一罪行激起了国际舆 论的谴责。毕加索义愤填膺决定就以这一事件作 为壁画创作的题材,以表达自己对战争罪犯的抗 议和对这次事件中死去的人的哀悼。于是这幅被 载入绘画史册的杰作《格尔尼卡》就此诞生了。
• 维纳斯和玛斯的儿子,人们把他想像为即将步入青年的 美少年。他的常用的武器是金弓,他射出的箭从无偏差, 被射中者会备受爱情的煎熬,但这是一种甜蜜的痛苦。 连宙斯也无法抗拒这种神奇的力量,因此爱情被解释为 最可怕、 而又最强大的自然力量 ;所以一直被人们喻 为爱情的象征,他的箭一旦插入青年男女的心上,便会 使他们深深相爱。
《气球狗》(Balloon Dog)是一只充满空气、有如腊肠组成的淘气版特洛伊木马(Trojan Horse):
虽然它看似天真无邪,但它却同时承载了艺术的审美与情色的乖僻。而最大的问题是比例的大小。 若在室内艺廊观看《气球狗》(Balloon Dog)这件巨大、闪耀着金属光芒的作品,它立起来的最 高处高达10英呎,将会产生一种怪异的巨大感,眼前也有些微的胁迫感;但是放在屋顶上,广阔 的天空以及博物馆由南至西的敞开空间,相较之下,便让这件作品显得矮小许多。
• Little Dancer of Fourteen Years 十四岁的小舞者 这幅作品是德加( Edgar Degas)的代表作。德加似乎对芭蕾舞者情有独钟。 面对这座蜡像,观众目瞪口呆,好象觉得难受,粉粉逃开。
直至今日一直受到法国人民的尊敬与爱戴。民族:科西嘉族 身高:159cm 国籍:法
Able and Baker是两只著名的太空猴子的名字 1959年5月28日美国“木星AM-18”号火箭发射的太空舱中有两位特殊的乘客,它们是松 鼠猴“贝克(Baker)”和猕猴“阿伯尔(Able)”。 经过为期15天的太空飞行,这两只猴子返回地球。它们成为第一批在太空旅行中幸存的 灵长类动物。
涛浙学校高中英语 综合能力测试1 Unit 1 Laugh o
烧烛州烟递市涛浙学校综合能力测试一(Unit 1)时间:120分钟满分:120分第一部分:听力(略)第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
AOur Museums, Galleries, and Zoo19 worldclass museums, galleries, and a zooThe Smithsonian offers eleven museums and galleries on the National Mall and six other museums and the National Zoo in the greater National Capital Area. In New York City, we invite you to tour two museums in historic settings.Not near a Smithsonian museum? Look for exhibitions and museums in your community. Here we have listed some places to visit:Tips & Guidelines:Stop at any Smithsonian museum information desk where friendly and knowledgeable staff and volunteers can assist you in planning your visit.Service animals are welcome at the museums and the National Zoo. Pets are not permitted.Lunches should be properly closed or stored in lockers during your visit.这是一篇应用文。
走遍美国第十五集练习题一、选择题1. 在第十五集中,主人公参观了一个著名的博物馆,这个博物馆位于哪个城市?A. 纽约B. 洛杉矶C. 芝加哥D. 旧金山A. 自由女神像B. 帝国大厦C. 大峡谷D. 好莱坞标志A. 白人B. 黑人C. 亚裔D. 拉美裔4. 第十五集中,主人公在博物馆里了解到了哪位艺术家的作品?A. 毕加索B. 莫奈C. 达芬奇D. 凡·高A. MuseumB. PaintingC. SculptureD. Guide二、填空题1. 在第十五集中,主人公参观的博物馆名为__________博物馆。
2. 导游向主人公介绍了一幅名为__________的画作。
3. 主人公在博物馆里品尝了一种特色美食,这种美食叫做__________。
4. 第十五集中,主人公与导游一起参观了__________展馆。
5. 在博物馆的礼品店,主人公购买了一本关于__________的书。
三、判断题1. 第十五集中,主人公独自一人参观了博物馆。
()2. 导游在介绍艺术品时,提到了艺术家的生平事迹。
()3. 主人公在博物馆里遇到了一位老朋友。
()4. 第十五集中,主人公在博物馆里体验了VR设备。
()5. 主人公在参观结束后,与导游合影留念。
()四、简答题1. 请简要描述第十五集中主人公参观的博物馆的外观。
2. 请列举第十五集中主人公在博物馆里看到的三件艺术品。
3. 请简述主人公在博物馆里品尝的特色美食的口感。
4. 请描述主人公与导游的互动过程。
5. 请谈谈你对第十五集练习题的感受。
五、匹配题A. 毕加索B. 莫奈C. 梵高D. 达芬奇1. 《格尔尼卡》2. 《睡莲》3. 《星夜》4. 《的晚餐》六、翻译题1. 主人公对博物馆的印象非常深刻。
2. 导游详细地介绍了这幅画的创作背景。
3. 博物馆的展览种类繁多,吸引了众多游客。
4. 主人公在博物馆里学到了很多关于艺术的知识。
5. 参观博物馆让主人公对这座城市有了更深的了解。
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Simplified Chinese:
史密森尼博物院成立于1846年,资金来源于英国科学家詹姆斯·史密森 (James Smithson) 对美国的遗赠,其目的是“积累和传播知识”。
库珀·休伊特国立设计博物馆(Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum)
以及国立美洲印第安人博物馆乔治·古斯塔夫·海伊中心 (National Museum of the American Indian's George Gustav Heye Center) 则设在纽约市。
在史密森尼内待建的最新博物馆是国立非洲裔美国人历史和文化博物馆(National Museum of African American History and Culture),它将建于华盛顿的国家广场中。
Cedric Yeh:yehc@. 我们感谢您的支持!。