常用的法律英语口语900句摘抄1.常用的法律英语口语900句摘抄篇一1.If prosecutorial misconduct results in a mistrial,a later prose cution may be barred.2.In Great Britain,the Attorney General prosecutes for the Grown i n certain cases.3.In some places,public prosecutors are elected rather than appoin ted.4.Not every violation of law can be prosecuted,and prosecutors have wide discretion in deciding which to prosecute and which to drop.5.Please call your first witness,Mr.Prosecutor.6.The district attorney was appointed to represent the state in cr iminal cases.7.The independent counsel is in charge of the investigation of the political scandal.8.The prosecuting attorney represents the government in instituting and proceeding with criminal actions.9.The prosecutor decided to pursue the case to the end.10.The public prosecutor must prove the defendant's act was the pr oximate cause of the injury.2.常用的法律英语口语900句摘抄篇二1.If the carrier issues a bill of lading for which there are no go ods,the carrier is likely to be liable to the holder.2.In case of quarantine the property may be discharged at the risk and expense of woners into quarantine depot or elsewhere.3.Nothing in this section shall limit the right of the carrier to require the prepayment or guarantee of the charges.4.The adjustment of general average is govemed by the rules agreed by the parties to it.5.The owner or consigner shall pay the freight and average and all other lawful charges accruing on said property.6.The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment of non-delivery of the goods due to force majeure.7.The shipment came wiht fake documentation.8.The shipper shall hold the carriers harmless from any expense th ey may incur.9.The warehouse claims a lien for all lawful charges for storage a nd preservation of the goods.10.Where delivery is made by a common carrier by water the foregoi ng provisions of this Act shall apply3.常用的法律英语口语900句摘抄篇三1.Arranged or mercenary marriage and any other acts of interference with the freedom of marriage are forbidden.2.Custody of the children was awarded to the mother.3.She petitioned for divorce on account of the breakdown of their marriage.4.She was granted a divorce on the grounds of unreasonable behavio r by her husband.5.The adopter may adopt one child only,male or female.6.The court presumes the maintenance payments are being paid on ti me.7.The payments were made according to the maintenance order.8.Their marriage broke down and they separated.9.They went to see a marriage guidance counselor.10.What validates a marriage is the consent of the parties,not the ir cohabitation.4.常用的法律英语口语900句摘抄篇四1.An act that is destructive to the environment may be criminalized by statute.2.Discharge pipes directly take pollutants away from the plant int o the river.3.Environmental impact reports are required under many circumstanc es by federal and state law4.Environmental law heavily intertwined with administrative law.5.Environmental problems directly affect the quality of people's l ives.6.In 1970,a federal agency was created to coordinate governmental action to protect environment.7.Most environmental litigation involves disputes with governmenta l agencies.8.Pollution is legally controlled and enforced through various fed eral and state laws.9.The federal government promulgated the Clean Water Act and the C lean Air Act.10.The law requires a detailed analysis of the potential impact on the environment of a proposed project.5.常用的法律英语口语900句摘抄篇五1.Conciliation is a procedure in which a public organ stands betwe en the parties in order to try to solve a civil dispute by their mutua l consent.2.Even significant controversies may be settled through mediation.3.If a claim is settled on behalf of a child of patient,the agreem ent is not binding until it is approved by the court.4.Litigants of the two parties may reconcile of their own accord.5.Out-of-court settlement is specially appropriate as applied to d isputes that are resolved instituting litigation.6.The bill of mediation becomes legally effective after it has bee n delivered to the litigants and signed by them.7.The parties reached a settlement the day before trial.8.The money paid in such a settlement is often termed nuisance mon ey.9.They are hoping to reach an out-of-court settlement.10.To end the lawsuit,they reached an agreement resolving differen ces by mutual concessions.。
下面是由王荣洲律师整理的《波士顿法律》(第四季)的部分经典语录及相关感想:1. Sack:我们从事的是法律职业,这是一个谨慎、保守、理智和谦逊的职业。
)2. Sack:你是知道的我不想别人挑战我的想法。
)3. Denny:每次人们不让我当回事的时候,我总会让他们惊奇。
当所有人都质疑Denny 的时候,这时候就激起了Denny心中的伟大,每当这时他总会让所有的人惊奇。
人们总是忘了他是谁?他是Denny Crane,一个传奇,一个不败的神话。
)4. Clarence:我不知道你为什么来这里,或许是来把这个所变成一个……Sack:这里像是一个律师事务所吗?Clarence:我理解你想把这里变成一个慎重、保守、理智和谦逊的律师事务所,但在这里遍地都是这样的律师事务所,就想在纽约一样。
Law is the basis of the two, and only two fair and practical.用道德的榜样来造就一个人,显然比用法律来约束他更有价值。
To make a person with moral demonstration, apparently more valuable than using law to restrain him.法律应对人有权威,而不是人对法律有权威。
Law should have authority in person, rather than on legal authority.法律如果不讲道理,即使延续时间再长,也还是没有制约力的。
If unreasonable, even longer time, still no further reading.in.法律,在它支配着地球上所有人民的场合,就是人类的理性。
Law, it dominates all people on earth, is human reason.人类法律,事物有规律,这是不容忽视的。
Human law, regular things, this is not allow to ignore.上帝把法律和公平凑合在一起,可是人类却把它拆开。
God's law and justice work together, but human to dismantle it.法官是法律世界的国王,除了法律就没有别的上司。
The judge is the king of the world and law in addition to the law, there is no other boss.法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律面前人人是平等的。
The law cannot make all men equal, but everyone is equal before the law.法律的目的是对受法律支配的一切人公正地运用法律,借以保护和救济无辜者。
法律英语经典语句摘录1.Divine s punishments, though slow, are always sure.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
2.An act is not a crime unless the law says it is one.法无明文规定者不为罪。
3.This contract is made of one original and two duplicate originals,all of which are of the same effect.本合同一式三份,具有同等效力。
4. The law does not concern itself about family trifles.法律难断家务事。
5.This document is legally binding.该文件具有法律约束力。
6. This law is in abeyance.此法暂缓执行。
7. This law has become a dead letter.此法已成为一纸空文。
8. This law will go into effect on the day of its promulgation.本法自公布之日起施行。
9 The court dismissed the action.法院驳回诉讼。
10. The court ordered the case to be retried.法院命令重审此案11.Giving the killer what he deserves.予杀人者以应得之罪。
12. Hate the sin but not the sinner.可恨的是罪行而非罪人。
13.Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.每个人都享有言论自由。
14. Everyone is equal before the law.法律面前人人平等。
实用法律英语口语1. Asubsequent ratification has a retrospective affect, and be equivalent to aprior command.事后假追认有溯及力,等同先前命令。
2. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.绝对权力绝对腐败。
3. Fairness and justice in a jurisdiction are realized case by case being settled properly.司法的公平和正义是通过案件逐一得到妥善解决予以实现的。
4. Givea thief enough rope and he'll hang himself.多行不义必自毙。
5. Good order in the foundation of all things.良好的秩序是一切之基础。
6. Ignorance of law excuses no one.不知法不能成为任何人逃避法律的借口。
7. In a healthy legal system the values of order and justice are not normally atcross-purposes.在健全的法律制度下,秩序与正义这两个价值一般不会冲突。
8. In doubt, the milder course is to be followed.遇到疑义时应遵循从宽原则。
9.Infancyis shield, not a sword.未成年可作为抗辩之理由,但不能作为攻击之借口。
10. It is an important step to replace the rule of men with the urle of law in China's justice reforms.以法治代替人治是中国司法改革的重要一步。
【 导语】英语学习最难的就是口语,要想提高自己的英语口语能力,掌握方法很重要。以下是整理的法律英语口语的对话, 欢迎阅读!
1.法律英语口语的对话 一、我和犯法的事一点关系都没有 AI need order in the court! 保持肃静! BI am ready to make my plea. 二、我准备好为自己做无罪辩护了 AOrder! 肃静!BYour Honor, I am ready to make my plea. 法官大人,我已经准备好为自己辩护了。 三、你现在自由了AYou’re free to leave. 你现在自由了,可以走了。 BI’m so excited. 我太激动了。 四、我开车时并没有超速 AAre you here about your ticket? 你被传唤到这里的吗?BYes, I am, Your Honor. 是的,法官先生。
因为中国学生在学习英语的过程中比较重视读写,所以听力就变成一个容易被忽略的东西。但是我们都知道,无论是考试 还是在实际使用中,听力都是我们必须重视的重点。练习听力时,我们要选择适合自己的听力材料。
英语学习者一般都会遇到这样的情况,那就是在和别人说英语的时候会突然有一句话不知道怎样表达,或者知道一点点, 东拼西凑半天挤不出来那句话,也不知道自己说的正不正确。如何快速学习英语、遇到这种情况该怎么办呢?我建议大家把自 己平时想表达而又不会表达的句子记在一个本子上面。然后有机会就去请教老外。方法多多,每天我们或多或少都会遇到一些 不会表达的句子或单词,如果我们找一个专门的小本子把它们都记录下来,然后再有目的的解决这些问题,我们的英文一定会 一天一个进步的。
与律师的英语口语对话LawyersDialogue 1M: I can't believe it, Handcup Marketing's lawer justserved us with papers, they are suing us for breaching contract on the Anderson's aount.F: Did you get it into our legal counsel Mr Devis? He knows about this, right?M: Yes, as soon as I got notice, I contacted him right away, he's suposed to be ging into office now.F: When is the hearing scheduled?M: In two weeks' time. I hope that Mr Devis has time to make a good defense.F: Perhaps it wont't even make it to trial, if we're lucky, the judge would dismiss the case in the prenominated hearing, that would save us a fortune in legal fees.M: If it does go to trial, I'm afaid the prosecution would have a head day marking our pany through the press, there could be a lot stake. Where is Mr Devis?F: I'm sure he's on his way, maybe he's rounding up some witnesses for us now.Dialogue 2M: Miss Hubble, as your legal counsel, I want to advise you against making any statements to the press about the trial, it could be very damaging to our case.F: Mr Lawrence, I appreciate your advice, I know you're good lawer, but I want to prove to the people I'm innocent. M: Talking to the press won't prove anything, proving your innocent is my job, we can work up good case to withstand the prosecution, other than a few witnesses who gaveforting tesimonies, they don't have any substential evidence against you.F: Do I have to take the stand tommorrow?M: Yes, you're scheduled to take this stand, remember, you will be under oath, be careful not to make any misstatements, they could ditch you for perjury.F: Do you think it's a fair jury?M: The jury seems fine, we have a fighting chance to win this thing, just remember to give your testimony, just the way we went over it.。
英语对话关于律师和罪犯在法庭上A:法官B:罪犯C:律师A: How do you plea to the charges?A:你如何为你的罪行辩护?B: I plead not guilty.B:我请求无罪。
A: There are several witnesses that can testify to you being the robber.A:有几个证人可以证明你是强盗。
B: I understand that, Your Honour. But I did not do it.B:我知道,法官大人。
A: There is video surveillance that shows you robbing the victim.A:有视频监控,展示你抢劫了受害者。
B: I would like to review that evidence, Your Honour.B:我想审查证据,法官大人。
A: Your attorney can provide you with that evidence.A:你的律师可以为你提供那份证据。
B: I am sure I can prove my innocence once I see the footage.B:我相信我一看到这段视频我就可以证明我的清白。
A: Would you like to present any of that evidence now?A:你现在想呈现任何的证据吗?B: May I confer with my attorney?B:我可以和我的律师协商吗?A: I can call a half hour recess.A:我可以叫停休息半小时。
B: I won't need more time than that, Your Honour.B:我不需要更多的时间了,法官大人。
B: I would like to hire you to represent me in court.B:我想雇佣你在法庭上代表我。
第1篇Characters:1. John Doe (attorney for XYZ Co.)2. Jane Smith (attorney for ABC Inc.)3. Judge Johnson---John Doe: Good morning, Your Honor. My name is John Doe, and I represent XYZ Co. in this case of copyright infringement. We believe that ABC Inc. has willfully and intentionally infringed upon XYZ Co.'s copyright in their latest product, the SmartGadget.Jane Smith: Good morning, Your Honor. I am Jane Smith, representing ABC Inc. We respectfully disagree with the allegations of copyright infringement. We believe that our product, the SmartGadget, is not substantially similar to XYZ Co.'s product and does not infringe upon their copyright.Judge Johnson: Thank you both for your presence here today. Let's begin with the facts of the case. Mr. Doe, please summarize the allegations against ABC Inc.John Doe: Absolutely, Your Honor. XYZ Co. is the owner of a copyrightfor the SmartGadget, which was created and developed by our engineers. The SmartGadget is a portable electronic device that provides users with various features, including GPS navigation, mobile payments, and health monitoring. In June 2020, XYZ Co. released the SmartGadget to the public, and it has since gained significant popularity and commercial success.ABC Inc., on the other hand, released a product called the SmartDevicein August 2020, which we believe is substantially similar to the SmartGadget. The SmartDevice offers many of the same features as the SmartGadget, including GPS navigation, mobile payments, and health monitoring. However, ABC Inc. did not obtain a license to use the copyrighted elements of the SmartGadget.Jane Smith: Your Honor, we respectfully disagree with the assertion that the SmartDevice is substantially similar to the SmartGadget. While both products share some features, the overall design, functionality, and user interface of the SmartDevice are distinct and unique. We have conducted a thorough investigation, and we can provide evidence to support our position.Judge Johnson: I appreciate your input, Ms. Smith. Mr. Doe, how does XYZ Co. establish that the SmartDevice infringes upon their copyright?John Doe: Your Honor, we have presented evidence that demonstrates the substantial similarity between the SmartGadget and the SmartDevice. This evidence includes a side-by-side comparison of the two products, which shows that they share a strikingly similar design, functionality, and user interface. Additionally, we have gathered testimonies from experts in the field who confirm that the SmartDevice is a direct copy of the SmartGadget.Jane Smith: Your Honor, while we understand the concerns of XYZ Co., we believe that the similarity between the two products is merely coincidental. Our company has always been committed to innovation and creating unique products. We have also conducted a thoroughinvestigation and have evidence to show that our engineers developed the SmartDevice independently, without any knowledge of the SmartGadget.Judge Johnson: Thank you, both counsel. Let's delve deeper into the similarities between the two products. Mr. Doe, please provide adetailed comparison of the SmartGadget and the SmartDevice.John Doe: Of course, Your Honor. We have identified several key similarities between the SmartGadget and the SmartDevice:1. Design: Both products have a sleek, modern design with a similar color scheme and button placement. The overall look and feel of the SmartDevice is almost identical to the SmartGadget.2. Functionality: Both devices offer GPS navigation, mobile payments, and health monitoring features. The layout and user interface for these features are nearly identical in both products.3. User Interface: The SmartDevice's user interface is almost a direct copy of the SmartGadget's user interface. The icons, menu options, and navigation paths are all very similar.4. Branding: The SmartDevice bears a striking resemblance to the SmartGadget's branding, including the logo, typography, and color scheme.Jane Smith: Your Honor, while we acknowledge some similarities, we believe that these are not enough to establish copyright infringement. We have evidence to show that our engineers developed the SmartDevice independently, without any knowledge of the SmartGadget. Furthermore, we have presented expert testimonies to support our position.Judge Johnson: I appreciate your arguments, Ms. Smith. However, the substantial similarity between the two products is a matter of concern. In order to determine whether copyright infringement has occurred, we must consider the following factors:1. Originality: Does the SmartGadget have originality?2. Access: Did ABC Inc. have access to the SmartGadget's copyrighted elements?3. Substantial Similarity: Is the SmartDevice substantially similar to the SmartGadget?4. Intent: Did ABC Inc. intend to infringe upon XYZ Co.'s copyright?John Doe: Your Honor, based on the evidence we have presented, we believe that the SmartGadget meets the criteria for originality. It is a unique product with distinct features and design elements. Additionally, ABC Inc. had access to the SmartGadget's copyrighted elements as it was publicly available when the SmartDevice was developed. The substantial similarity between the two products is evident from our comparison, and we believe that ABC Inc. intended to infringe upon our client's copyright.Jane Smith: Your Honor, we respectfully disagree with the claim of intent. We have evidence to show that our engineers developed the SmartDevice independently, without any knowledge of the SmartGadget.Furthermore, we have presented expert testimonies to support our position.Judge Johnson: After carefully considering the arguments and evidence presented by both parties, I find that XYZ Co. has established a prima facie case of copyright infringement against ABC Inc. While I acknowledge that some similarities exist between the SmartGadget and the SmartDevice, I believe that the substantial similarity between the two products is enough to support a finding of infringement.Therefore, I order ABC Inc. to cease and desist from manufacturing, distributing, or selling the SmartDevice. Additionally, XYZ Co. is entitled to damages for the infringement, which will be determined at a later hearing.John Doe: Thank you, Your Honor. We appreciate your decision.Jane Smith: We respectfully disagree with the decision, but we will comply with the court's orders.Judge Johnson: This concludes the hearing. Good day to both of you.---The above dialogue provides a simplified representation of a legal English copyright infringement case. In reality, the process would involve more detailed evidence, expert testimonies, and legal arguments.第2篇Court: United States District Court for the Southern District of New YorkDate: March 15, 2023Attorneys:- For the Plaintiff (Smith): Robert Thompson, Esq.- For the Defendant (Johnson): Emily Davis, Esq.---Judge: Thank you, Counsel. Let's proceed with the opening statements.Robert Thompson (Plaintiff's Attorney): Good morning, Your Honor. My client, Mr. Smith, is here today to seek redress for copyright infringement. On May 1, 2022, Mr. Johnson released a novel titled "Echoes of Time," which Mr. Smith believes infringes upon his own copyrighted work, "Chronicles of the Future," which was published in 2019.Emily Davis (Defendant's Attorney): Good morning, Your Honor. We respectfully disagree with the plaintiff's claim. "Echoes of Time" is an original work with no substantial similarity to "Chronicles of the Future." The alleged infringement is merely a coincidence, and the defendant did not copy any part of the plaintiff's work.Judge: Thank you, Counsel. Let's move on to the pre-trial motions. Have either party filed any motions that the court should consider?Robert Thompson: Yes, Your Honor. We have filed a motion for summary judgment, arguing that there is no genuine issue of material fact and that the defendant's work is a verbatim copy of our client's copyrighted material.Emily Davis: We have also filed a motion for summary judgment, arguing that the plaintiff's work is not copyrightable due to lack of originality, and that even if it were, there is no substantialsimilarity between the two works.Judge: Thank you, Counsel. The court will consider both motions and rule on them before the trial. Now, let's move on to the discovery phase. Have either party identified any relevant documents or witnesses?Robert Thompson: Yes, Your Honor. We have identified several witnesses, including the plaintiff himself, who can testify about the similarities between the two works. Additionally, we have discovered several internal documents from the defendant's publisher that suggest he was aware of our client's work prior to publication.Emily Davis: We have also identified relevant documents, including the defendant's own notes and research materials. However, we dispute the relevance of these documents and argue that they do not support the plaintiff's claim.Judge: The court will review the relevance and admissibility of these documents. Moving on to the trial, Counsel, please present your opening statements.Robert Thompson: Thank you, Your Honor. As I mentioned earlier, Mr. Smith's novel, "Chronicles of the Future," is a copyrighted work that tells the story of a futuristic civilization and its struggles with time travel. The novel is filled with unique characters, complex plotlines, and original ideas.Emily Davis: That is true, Your Honor. However, "Echoes of Time" is a standalone novel that explores a different genre entirely. It is a science fiction thriller about a group of scientists who discover a way to manipulate time and use it to their advantage. The works are fundamentally different in their themes and execution.Robert Thompson: Yet, the similarities are striking. The protagonist of "Echoes of Time," Dr. Michael Carter, shares a striking resemblance to Mr. Smith's protagonist, Dr. Ethan Winters. The premise of time manipulation is central to both novels, and the characters' personal struggles and motivations are eerily similar.Emily Davis: That is a matter of opinion, Mr. Thompson. The characters are developed independently, and the premise of time manipulation is a common theme in science fiction literature. The defendant's work is not a verbatim copy of "Chronicles of the Future."Robert Thompson: But the evidence shows otherwise. Our expert witness, Dr. Helen Taylor, a professor of literature, has compared the two works and concluded that they share a substantial amount of protectable expression. She has identified numerous direct and indirect quotations from "Chronicles of the Future" that appear in "Echoes of Time."Emily Davis: Dr. Taylor's conclusions are flawed. She has failed to consider the transformative nature of the defendant's work. "Echoes of Time" builds upon the plaintiff's novel but adds new elements and perspectives. It is not a derivative work, as the plaintiff claims.Robert Thompson: The defendant's claim of originality is a red herring. The similarities in plot, character, and setting are too great to be mere coincidence. The defendant must have had access to "Chronicles of the Future" and copied its protected elements.Emily Davis: Access is not a requirement for copyright infringement. Moreover, the plaintiff's work is not original. The concept of timetravel is not protected by copyright, and the plaintiff has not demonstrated that his work contains any original elements.Robert Thompson: We have. The unique narrative structure of "Chronicles of the Future," the depth of the characters' development, and the originality of the thematic elements are all protected by copyright law.Emily Davis: The court must consider the totality of the circumstances. The defendant's work, while inspired by the plaintiff's novel, is a new and distinct creation. The similarities are superficial and do not rise to the level of copyright infringement.---Judge: Thank you, Counsel. The court has heard your arguments. The trial will proceed with the presentation of evidence and witness testimony. Both parties are reminded to adhere to the rules of evidence and tofocus on the relevant issues in this case.---[The trial continues with the presentation of evidence, expert testimony, and witness statements. After several days of testimony, the court will issue a decision.]Judge: After careful consideration of the evidence and arguments presented, the court finds that there is substantial similarity between the plaintiff's copyrighted work, "Chronicles of the Future," and thedefendant's novel, "Echoes of Time." The defendant's work is not transformative and does not provide a new interpretation of theplaintiff's original ideas. Therefore, the court holds that the defendant's work constitutes copyright infringement.Emily Davis (Defendant's Attorney): We respectfully disagree with the court's decision and will file an appeal.Robert Thompson (Plaintiff's Attorney): We are satisfied with thecourt's decision and will seek appropriate remedies, including damages and an injunction to prevent further infringement.Judge: The court will issue its final judgment within the next few weeks. Thank you, Counsel, for your attention to this matter.---End of Case Dialogue第3篇Court: Superior Court of New York, County of ManhattanDate: January 15, 2023Jurisdiction: New YorkPlaintiff: John Smith, Esq. (on behalf of himself and as an agent forthe copyright holders)Defendant: Jane JohnsonCounsel for Plaintiff: Robert Brown, Esq.Counsel for Defendant: Lisa White, Esq.---The Honorable Judge John Doe:The Court: Good morning, Counsel. Please call the case to order.Robert Brown, Esq. (Plaintiff's Counsel):Mr. Brown: Thank you, Your Honor. May it please the Court, I call this case Smith v. Johnson. My client, John Smith, is the plaintiff and represents himself as an agent for the copyright holders. We are here today to bring forth a claim of copyright infringement against the defendant, Jane Johnson.Lisa White, Esq. (Defendant's Counsel):Ms. White: Yes, Your Honor. I represent Jane Johnson, the defendant. I acknowledge the plaintiff's claim of copyright infringement and look forward to presenting our defense.The Honorable Judge John Doe:The Court: Thank you, Counsel. Mr. Brown, please proceed with your opening statement.Robert Brown, Esq. (Plaintiff's Counsel):Mr. Brown: Thank you, Your Honor. In this case, the plaintiff, John Smith, is a renowned author of historical fiction. He has written a novel titled "The Legacy of Time," which was published in 2018. The novel is protected by United States copyright law.The Honorable Judge John Doe:The Court: And how does the defendant come into this case?Robert Brown, Esq. (Plaintiff's Counsel):Mr. Brown: Your Honor, the defendant, Jane Johnson, is a self-published author. In 2020, she released her novel, "Echoes of the Past," which is substantially similar to Mr. Smith's work, "The Legacy of Time." This similarity is not due to any legitimate research or independent creation on her part.The Honorable Judge John Doe:The Court: Is there evidence of direct copying or similarity between the two works?Robert Brown, Esq. (Plaintiff's Counsel):Mr. Brown: Yes, Your Honor. We have presented several exhibits to the Court that show the similarity between the plot, characters, and significant portions of the text from both novels. Our expert witness, Dr. Emily Green, a literary scholar, has also analyzed the works and confirmed the substantial similarity.Lisa White, Esq. (Defendant's Counsel):Ms. White: Your Honor, I object to the introduction of this expert testimony. The plaintiff has not provided sufficient foundation for Dr. Green's qualifications as an expert in literary analysis. Additionally, the methodology she used is flawed and subjective.The Honorable Judge John Doe:The Court: Sustained. Counsel, we will allow the expert testimony, but it will be subject to rigorous cross-examination. Please proceed with your opening statement, Mr. Brown.Robert Brown, Esq. (Plaintiff's Counsel):Mr. Brown: Thank you, Your Honor. Dr. Green's analysis is based on the literary analysis of the works and the principles of copyright law. She has compared various elements of the two novels, including the plot, character development, and thematic elements.The Honorable Judge John Doe:The Court: What is the nature of the infringement, Mr. Brown?Robert Brown, Esq. (Plaintiff's Counsel):Mr. Brown: The infringement is clear, Your Honor. The defendant's novel, "Echoes of the Past," has been copied from my client's work, "The Legacy of Time," without permission. This constitutes a violation of the plaintiff's exclusive rights under the Copyright Act of 1976.Lisa White, Esq. (Defendant's Counsel):Ms. White: Your Honor, my client did not copy the work. She claims that her novel was inspired by the themes of time travel and historicalevents, which are not original to the plaintiff's work. Furthermore, the defendant's novel contains significant differences in style andnarrative structure.The Honorable Judge John Doe:The Court: And how does the defendant respond to the claim ofsubstantial similarity?Lisa White, Esq. (Defendant's Counsel):Ms. White: We argue that the themes of time travel and historical events are common in the genre of historical fiction and cannot be protected by copyright. Additionally, our expert, Dr. Michael Thompson, a literary critic, will testify that the defendant's novel is not substantially similar to the plaintiff's work.The Honorable Judge John Doe:The Court: Thank you, Counsel. We will hear from Dr. Thompson next. Mr. Brown, do you wish to call your expert witness, Dr. Green, to the stand?Robert Brown, Esq. (Plaintiff's Counsel):Mr. Brown: Yes, Your Honor. We will call Dr. Emily Green to the stand.---Dr. Emily Green (Expert Witness for the Plaintiff):Dr. Green: Thank you, Counsel. I am Dr. Emily Green, a professor of English literature with a focus on copyright law and literary analysis.I have reviewed the works of the plaintiff and the defendant and can confirm that there is a substantial similarity between the two novels.Lisa White, Esq. (Defendant's Counsel):Ms. White: Dr. Green, are you qualified to offer an opinion on the issue of substantial similarity?Dr. Green: Yes, I am qualified. I have extensive experience in analyzing literary works for copyright purposes.Lisa White, Esq. (Defendant's Counsel):Ms. White: Dr. Green, how do you define "substantial similarity"?Dr. Green: Substantial similarity refers to the extent to which two works share common elements, such as plot, characters, dialogue, and setting. If a substantial number of these elements are similar, the works are substantially similar.Lisa White, Esq. (Defendant's Counsel):Ms. White: Dr. Green, how did you arrive at your conclusion that the works are substantially similar?Dr. Green: I compared the two novels in detail, looking at various elements. For example, the main characters in both novels are time travelers who are involved in historical events. The narrative structure and some of the dialogue are also similar.Lisa White, Esq. (Defendant's Counsel):Ms. White: Dr. Green, are you aware that the themes of time travel and historical events are common in the genre of historical fiction?Dr. Green: Yes, I am aware of that. However, the specific way in which these themes are presented in the plaintiff's novel is original and unique. The defendant's novel shares many of these elements, indicating that there was copying.---The hearing continues with the examination of other witnesses, the presentation of additional evidence, and the cross-examination of both experts. The case is set for trial, and the Court will make a decision based on the evidence presented.。
这篇《法律英语⼝语:关于法律》,是特地为⼤家整理的,希望对⼤家有所帮助! Law法律1.A later statute takes away the effect of a prior one.2.Arms and laws do not flourish together.3.Consent makes law.4.Custom has the force of law.5.Customs,religions and philosophies tend to form the basis for a nation's laws6.Equity is a correction of common legal rules in their defective parts.7.Except as otherwise provided by law.8.Every law has a loop hole.9.Every law has no atom of strength,as far as no public opinion supports in.10.In civilized life,law floats in a sea of ethics.11.It can hardly be taken to be a guaranteethat every law shall treet every person the same.w can never be enforced unless fear supports it.w does not compel a man to do what he is impossible to perform.w governs man,reason the law.w is a pervasive feature of social life that profoundly affects us.w is an exercise in communication between authority and the public.w is an ordinance of reason for the common good.w is an utterance determined by the common consent of the commonwealth.w is both an instrument of change and a result of changes.w is established for the benefit of man.w is law,just or not.w is mind without reason.w is order,and good law is good order.w is the crystallization of the habit and thought of society.w is the science of what is good and just.w must be stable and it cannot stand still.w that is deficient is better than law that is uncertain.ws are made to prevent the stronger from having the power to do everything.ws are gentle are seldom obeyed;too severe,seldom executed.30.No,crime without law making it so;no penalty without law making it so.31.No one is above the law.32.One with the law is a majority.33.Scarcely any law can be made which is beneficial to all;but if it benefits the majority it is useful.34.Substantial law defined rights,and procedural law establishes the procedures by which rights are protected and enforced.35.The definition of law depends on how we look at its purposes or funcitons.36.The end of law is not abolish or restrain,but to preserve and enlarge freedom.37.The first of all laws is to respect the laws.38.The law cannot make all men equal,but they are all equal before the law.39.The law does not concern itself about family trifles.40.The law holds no man responsible for the act of god.41.The law is the witness and external deposit of our moral life.42.The law never suffers anything contrary to trun.43.The law often allows what honor forbids.44.The law on libel is considered too lenient.45.The law protects citizens who are wrongfully deprived of their liberty by another.46.The law was made for man and not man for the law.47.The law will catch up with him in the end.48.The legal source of the privilege varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.49.The more laws,the more offences.50.The new regulations will come into force on January 1st.51.The powers and duties are confered on the tribunal by the statutory code.52.The reason of the law ceasing,the law itself ceases.53.The safety of the people is the supreme law.54.The strictest law sometimes becomes the severest injustice.55.This document is legally binding.56.This law is in abeyance.57.This law has become a dead letter.58.This law will go into effect on the day if its promulgation.59.Where law ends,tyranny begins.60.Where there are uncertainties,there are no laws.7、法律后法优于前法。
关于法律的英语情景口语对话推荐文章关于商务英语的口语对话热度:关于做家务的英语情景口语对话热度:关于家务英语口语情景对话热度:有关于家庭的英语情景对话热度:关于犯法的事情情景对话热度:其实学习英语是没有同学们想象中的那么难的,但是同学们不要紧张,今天小编就给大家带来关于英语情景对话的口语,大家要好好学习一下,这样就可以很快的提升英语成绩了一邻居家的房子冒黑烟了ADid you smell something out here?你在外面嗅到什么吗?BYes, I was in the kitchen. I thought I could smell smoke.是的,我刚刚在厨房,我好像闻到烟味。
AMe too. Where is it coming from?我也是。
从哪里飘过来的?BI can't see anything. Wait! What's that over there?我没看到。
等等,那是什么?AIt's smoke. Whose house is that?是浓烟。
那是谁的房子?BThat's the Riley's house. They're on vacation.那是瑞里家,他们去度假了。
AIt doesn't really look like it's coming from their house.It's coming from the back. Is it a barbecue?看起来不像是从屋子里飘出来的。
这是从后面来的,是不是烤肉?BNo way. They have a tool shed back there.It's a fire. I'm going in to call the fire department.不可能。
关于违法犯罪的英语口情景对话有很多同学说学习英语是一件很困难的事情,但是同学们不要紧张,今天小编就给大家带来关于英语情景对话的口语,想要提升英语成绩就要好好学习哦,大家赶紧行动起来吧,有需要的同学可以收藏起来哦一报纸上说警察还没有抓住凶手AHello! What are you reading about in the newspaper?你好!你在看什么呢?BHello! I was exhausted form studying, so I decided to read the newspaper to relax. Unfortunately, the news is so depressing. There has been another murder in the city center. I’m shocked that the police haven't caught the killer yet.你好!我刚才学习太累了,所以想看看报纸,放松一下。
APeople are starting to get frightened by it. Everyone will be relieved when they finally catch the murder.大家对此开始感到害怕。
BYou mean if they catch the murderer. I’m scared stiff about going into the city center at night.听你的意思,即使他们抓住凶手了。
AThere must have been some good news in the newspaper.I can’t believe that none of the news stories make you happy or excited.报纸上一定也有好消息吧。
关于法律的英语口语对话其实学习英语口语最重要的是要坚持下去,今天小编给大家整理了有关英语口语的情景对话,大家要好好看一看,背一背,这样才能更快的提升英语成绩哦一我和犯法的事一点关系都没有AI need order in the court!保持肃静!BI am ready to make my plea.我准备好为自己辩护了。
AWhat do you plead?你要辩护什么?BI plead not guilty.我是无罪的。
AAll the evidence indicates that you are guilty.所有的证据都证明你有罪。
BI realize that, but I am not guilty.我知道,但是我不是。
AIs that right?真的吗?BI had nothing to do with the crime that was committed.我和犯法的事一点关系都没有。
AWho is the guilty party?那是谁干的?BI’ll tell you if you let me go.如果你能放我走,我就告诉你。
AI’d be glad to make a deal with you.可以答应你的要求,如果你告诉我的话。
BI am willing to tell you that information.我愿意告诉你实情。
二我准备好为自己做无罪辩护了AOrder!肃静!BYour Honor, I am ready to make my plea.法官大人,我已经准备好为自己辩护了。
AWhat’s your plea?你有什么需要说的吗?BI am pleading not guilty.我没有犯罪。
ABut all the evidence points to you.但是所有的证据都指向了你。
BI am not the guilty party我不是罪犯。
法律常用英语话语是什么法律常用英语话语是什么法律,是国家的产物,是指统治阶级(统治集团,就是政党, 包括国王、君主),为了实现统治并管理国家的目的,经过一定立法程序,所颁布的基本法律和普通法律。
1).law n.法律No one is allowed to be above the law任何人都不允许凌驾于法律之上。
2).law-abiding adj.遵纪守法的As a law-abiding citizen, you must believe you will benefit from the law.作为一位守法的公民,你必须相信你会从法律中I获益。
3).legal adj.法律的,合法的Make sure all your actions are legal确保你所有的行为都是合法的。
4).legality n.合法(性)The legality of this action is confirmed by the public这一行为的合法性被公众所认可。
5).legit adj.合法的,守法的Can't you give me a legit excuse for this?你就不能就此给我个合法的解释吗?6).legislation n.立法,法规When will the new legislation begin to be enforced?新法规何时开始实施?7).penal adj.刑罚的Penal laws should be patched up but not completely changed刑法应该被修改但不应该被完全改变。
8).statute n.成文法律,法令,法规It is our duty to obey the statutes Of our country遵守我们国家的法规是我们的职责。
关于法律的英语口语推荐文章关于法律的英语情景口语对话热度:关于法律的英语情景口语热度:关于法律的英语口语对话热度:关于坚持践行五大发展理念的毛概论文热度:关于的作文范文范本热度:有很多同学说学习英语是一件很困难的事情,但是同学们不要紧张,今天小编就给大家带来关于英语情景对话的口语,想要提升英语成绩就要好好学习哦,大家赶紧行动起来吧一贵国的政治制度怎样实施呢?AHow does the political system work in your country?贵国的政治制度怎样实施呢?BWe have hundreds of constituencies and the votes in each one elect a member of parliament. Most people call them mp’s.我们有数百个选区,每个人都会投票选举议会的一员。
AEach mp belongs to a political party, right?每个议员都属于一个政党,对吗?BAlmost all of them do. A few are independent. That means that they do not belong to a party. If one party more than half of the mp’s. they form a government. That means that they choose a prime minister can cabinet members.几乎都是这样。
AWhat’s a cabinet?什么是内阁?BThis is a small group of people-perhaps 25 mp’s who are usually ministers. They make all the big decision and discuss laws and policy.它是由25个议员,通常是部长组成的一个小团体。
关于犯法的事情情景对话其实学习英语是没有同学们想象中的那么难的,但是同学们不要紧张,今天小编就给大家带来关于英语情景对话的口语,想要提升英语成绩就要好好学习哦,这样就可以很快的提升英语成绩了一我们要逮捕你 Arrest on the SpotAFreeze! Police! Put your hands over your head.不许动!警察!把你的手放在头上。
BWhat crime did I commit?我犯了什么罪?AYou are suspected of hiding illegal drugs, so we are taking you into custody. We’ve found some heroin in your house. You have the following rights while you are being interviewed. You have the right to remain silent. You don't have to make any statement against your will. You have the right to defense counsel. You have the right to request an investigation of evidence favorable to your case. Do you understand your rights?你被怀疑私藏毒品,所以我们要将你逮捕。
我们已经在你的住处发现了一些海洛因,当你被提审时你有以下的权利,你有权保持沉默,你不必作违背你主观意愿的陈述,你有权利寻求辩护律师,你还有权利要求调查对你的案件有利的证据,你明白你的权利了吗?BI am innocent.我没有犯罪。
二邻居家的房子后面失火了AThere's someone coming.他们马上来了。
关于法律的英语情景口语一你听说昨晚的抢劫案件了吗?AHave you seen the news today?你今天的新闻了吗?BNot yet. What happened?还没有,发生什么了?ADid you know there was a blackout last night?你知道昨晚的停电吗?BYes, I heard the lights were out all night.知道,我听说大范围都停电了。
AWell, some people decided to loot last night.嗯,有些人昨晚去抢劫了。
BI don't understand.这有什么关系吗?AThey took advantage of the blackout.他们利用停电这个条件。
BThey really started looting?他们确实抢劫了吗?AYes, apparently four stores were broken into.是的,大概有四个商店被抢了。
BDid the looters get caught?那罪犯被抓了吗?AThere was no evidence of who did it.还没找到嫌疑人呢。
BHopefully we won't have any more blackouts.希望不会再停电了。
二法官大人我没有实施犯罪AOrder in the court!法庭内请保持肃静。
BI would like to make my plea.我要为自己辩护。
AWhat is it?辩护什么?BI would like to plead not guilty.我是无罪的。
AYou do realize that all the evidence points to you?你应该知道,所有的证据都指向你。
BI know. But I did not do it.我知道。
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A You’re all set to leave.
B I can’t believe it.
A What are your plans?
B I plan on going back to school.
A What will your major be?
B I’m not sure yet, but I plan to do good things.
A You don’t have plans to end up back here, do you?
B I have no plans on being back.
A You don’t belong here.
B That’s true.
A Good luck with your life.
B I’m going to be fine.
2、为自己辩护Argue your ticket
A You're here today to argue your ticket?
B I am.
A Plead your case.
B The police officer that pulled me over said I was speeding.
A Were you speeding when you got pulled over?
B I was not speeding.
A How fast were you going?
B In a 40 mph zone, I was only going about 35.
A Well, seeing as the officer that pulled you over isn't here, I'll let you go.
B Do I still need to pay the fine?
A No, you don't.
B I appreciate your understanding.