Good organizational and supervisory abilities
Able to set priorities & meet deadline/schedule
Cannot work independently
Very enterprising
Enterprising and creative
Alert for improvement in work methods
Working Attitude
Outstanding working enthusiasm & interest
Very enthusiastic toward work, willing to dedicate
Seldom shows enthusiasm & needs improvement
Requires general guidance in planning work
Poor Organizer
Independent working ability
Highly responsible & independent in all aspects of work
绩效考核外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Performance management - how to appraise employeeperformanceAbstractPerformance appraisal is an important content of human resource management in modern enterprises. According to the problems existing atthe present stage Chinese enterprise performance evaluation, put forward the improvement measures to improve the performance appraisal. Performance management is the responsibility between managers and employees and improve the communication performance of the ongoing. The partners should understand why they become partners, thereby supporting the work. Performance evaluation is a part of performance management, do not confuse the twoIntroductionChallenges of performance managementReasons to avoid performance management: Manager: reports and program has no meaning; no time; afraid of conflict; feedback and observation. (performance management, prevent problems in investment in time, ensure the managers have the time to do the thing you should do staff: bad experience; what was about to happen no bottom; do not understand the significance of performance management; don't like received criticism. Criterion two, performance management, organizational success: 1 Factors: coordination among units means, towards a common goal; problem, find the problems, find problems or prevent problems; obey the law, be protected by the law; make major decisions, a way of getting information; improve the quality of staff, to make the organization more competitive., performance management of organization,must be useful to managers, the only reason of performancemanagement is to help employees to success. to understand better how to design and what made him act. , the performance management challenge is how to find practical,meaningful ways to finish it, which need thought and wisdom.Performance management is a systemThe performance plan -- starting point of performance management:employees and managers to work together, as employees do what, do what degree of problem identification, understanding.Continuous performance communication: both tracking progress, find the obstacles that affect performance and process so that the two sides success required information. Communication methods: (1) around were observed; (2)employees; (3) allow employees to work review;Performance diagnosis: to identify individuals, departments and organizational performance by the real reason for the problem of communication and problem solving process.Performance management is a small system in the large system. If you want to get the maximum profit, must complete the performance management process,and not a part of.Performance management and strategic planning, budget, staff ,employee salary incentive system, improve the quality of plans are related. Do the performance management process to do the preparation of1, there are two key points: with the staff to collect meaningful, to establish the information needed to measurable goals; to do some basic work, so that in the whole process of performance management and employee can fully cooperation. In part, access to information and data of performance management effect is it can help organizations, units and employees towards a direction some "target"information each employee's job description; (2) employee last performance review data and related documents.The performance plan three steps: preparation, meeting, finalize plans. your job, you should do what, how to measure your success, sets threat mosphere and seize the key; to review the relevant information, ask more,talk less; the job duties and specific goal; determine the success criteria; discuss what are the difficulties and need what help; discuss the importance level and authorized to ask problem; 4, note: in the performance management process, should pay attention to communication with staff thought is the action guide, to carry out effective performance communication, we must pay attention to in the thought. All aspects of the performance communication throughout the performance cycle, plays an important role in any one link in the chain, leaving the performance communication, any unilateral decisions managers will affect the enthusiasm of the staff, performance management. No performance communication there is no performancemanagement. In order to make the performance management on the right track, truly play its role,enterprises must put the supervisor and employee performance communication as a priority among priorities to research and development, through the system specification, performance management become competent habit, the habit of employees, to solve the performance problem employees work for dialogue and exchanges, the performance management into effect.Three methods of performance evaluation: Predicament 1, individual performance evaluation --: the best opera actor and amateur orchestra concert.The opera actors play the extreme, but the effect is very bad. No one is isolated,only focus on the individual, can not solve the problem. We call on an individual basis on employee performance evaluation, but if we emphasize individual performance but not the antecedents and consequences and conditions of performance, we do not progress, because we did not find the real reason -- may be because employees can not control things and punish employees, may also be because of the wrong reason 2, regardless of the what way to assess performance, avoid two traps are important: 1) don't do performance problems or"always the fault of employees" this hypothesis; 2) without any assessment can give the "why" and "what is happening in the picture". Evaluation is just the beginning, is a further discussion as well as the starting point of diagnosis. Three methods of performance evaluation: 3, 1) rating method:: features,to and behavior project; identify each project performance level gauge and other ways. Advantages: easy to finish the work of assessment. Disadvantages:forget why do this work; too vague, in the performance plan, prevention,protection and development staff and so did not what role in improving methods:with employees regularly write brief conversation; evaluation; interpretation and evaluation project meaning; together with the staff rating 2) ranking method:forcing staff to compete with each other, have stimulation can be short term, long term may cause internal malicious competition. 3) target and standard evaluation method: Standard: according to the prior and employees a series of established criteria to measure the performance of employees. Advantages: the personal goals and work together to reduce the possibility of target; both sides disagree;defect: need more time; text work more; more energy. Communication method and communication technologyWay of thinking: the process of performance management is the process of communication.Relationship with the staff is not only reflected in the behavior on performance management, but also should reflect the daily and how successful way of thinking: A, the process of performance management is a complete process together with the staff, not a for staff B, except for some unilateral disciplinary action, performance plan, communication and assessment should adopt a cooperative mode; C, most of the staff, once you understand what they are asked to do things,will try the method can meet the requirements D,performance management is not the purpose of staring past mistakes, clear posibility, but in the problem solving problems and possible e, performance deficit to be clear, the cause of the deficit, whether for personal reasons or the system reason; F, in most cases, if the manager will support staff as their work,so that each employee 2, must set some skills communication skills: Manager here guide employees to participate in the discussion process and understand the process of responsibility. Purpose: don't most probably it did not actually happen. Be prepared to establish a common responsibility and each stage all contribute to the relationship, the target. Clear the common responsibility: to improve the performance is not only the responsibility of the staff. Clear procedures: prevent conflict resolution skills: clear individual responsibility, invites employees to take advice. For the people of the criticism and comments: avoid if you don't listen, you don't know what you talking about,could you be quiet for a while, you read the report in the past did not remarks:avoid such as how many years, you always can't finish the job on time, we have ried that, there is no with the need need making guide guilty intent: to avoid if you really care about the team, you should work harder; I guess you don't care about this project not appropriate advice and sure: avoid as I know the project is late, but I'm sure you'll catch up; you will do well. You will understand the need,need to unsolicited advice and sure: avoid you mustdo it; this is the only way; to finish this today, and put it on my desk. A provocative question: Why did you say those who avoid. What you think; is the need to need; what is you get this conclusion? Don't trust to avoid language: are you sure you can finish on time?I've heard you need to exaggerate these need: avoid you never finish the work on time; you always try to reject my proposal. The cooling technique of fierce debate. The performance of a, discuss the process of dispute, we should pay attention to two goals: must make suggestions on conflict; avoid damage relations, cause new problems in the future performance. B, give employees a vent frustration and anger for feeling, not very fast counter attack. C, remember the people when they do appear conflict. D, the way of handling conflicts: conflicts through persuasion, won the right to try to understand the means; staff positions, find a solution. E, conflict is the most effective treatment technology is active listening.F, and be confused in mind or angry employees dealing, the basic principle is the first concern of his emotional. G, disputes arise, request the dispute settle ment measures, but never from the subject. H, too excited, communication should be suspended.The performance of communication is the core of performance management, is refers to between the employers and employees performance evaluation reflects the problems and evaluation mechanism itself to conduct substantive interviews,and tries to seek countermeasures,a management method for service in the later stage of enterprise and employee performance, improve and enhance the.A process of performance management is on the lower level on the performance target setting and implementation and ongoing two-way communication.译文:绩效管理——如何考评员工表现摘要绩效考核是现代企业人力资源管理的重要内容。
文献信息标题: Employees' Perception of Performance Appraisal System: A Case Study作者: Boachie-Mensah, Francis O; Seidu, Peter Awini出版物名称: International Journal of Business and Management卷: 7;期: 2;页: 73-88;出版年份: 2015原文Employees' Perception of Performance Appraisal System: A Case StudyBoachie-Mensah, Francis O; Seidu, Peter AwiniAbstractPerformance appraisals are essential for effective evaluation and management of staff. Since perceptions influence people's judgement and attitudes towards particular phenomena, it could be expected that the staff of an educational institution might hold diverse opinions about the performance appraisal system in the institution. This study focused on employees' perceptions of performance appraisal biases or errors, and examined the implications for developing and implementing an effective appraisal system in a polytechnic in Takoradi, Ghana. The study also sought to identify pragmatic ways to ameliorate any appraisal biases that may be present in the institution's appraisal system. Data was collected from 140 employees of the institution, which included both academic and administrative staff who had worked in the institution for at least two consecutive years, and whose work had been appraised previously. A content validated semi-structured interview schedule was used to interview the respondents. The data collected was analysed, using descriptive statistics, in order to address the research questions. The results of the study indicate that employees of the institution perceive that the performance appraisal system of the institution is affected by subjectivity, and is influenced by some major errors. The findings have serious managerial implications for training, motivation and provision of resources for effective performance appraisal. A major limitation of the study is that, due to financial constraints, it was conducted in only one institution. Therefore, the findings may not be described as a reflection of the general state of affairs in the other educational institutions in the country.Keywords: Appraisal error, Attribution, Perception, Performance appraisal1. IntroductionIn today's competitive business world, it is understood that organizations can only compete with their rivals by innovating, and organizations can be innovative by managing their human resources well. The human resource system can become more effective by having a valid and accurate appraisal system used for rating performances of employees (Armstrong, 2003; Bohlander &Snell, 2004). Unfortunately, the number of organizations using an effective performance appraisal system (PAS) is limited (Hennessey &Bernadin, 2003).Perceptions of employees about the targets, outcomes and uses of performance appraisal (PA) results would be beneficial depending on a number of factors. For example, employees are more likely to be receptive and supportive of a given PA programme if they perceive the process as a useful source of feedback which helps to improve their performance (Mullins, 2007). Employees are likely to embrace and contribute meaningfully to a given PA scheme if they perceive it as an opportunity for promotion, and as an avenue for personal development opportunities, a chance to be visible and demonstrate skills and abilities, and an opportunity to network with others in the organisation. On the other hand, if employees perceive PA as an unreasonable attempt by management to exercise closer supervision and control over tasks they (employees) perform, various reactions may result. PA will be effective if the appraisal process is clearly explained to, and agreed by the people involved (Anthony et al., 1999). Without adequate explanation or consultation, PA could turn counterproductive. In addition, staff motivation, attitude and behaviour development, communicating and aligning individual and organisational aims, and fostering positive relationships between management and staff are essential for successful appraisal (Armstrong, 2003).In order to obtain accurate PA information, raters must provide objective and unbiased ratings of employees. Due to difficulty in developing an accurate performance checklist, managers' subjective opinions are frequently called for. Many organizations use some combination of subjective and objective assessment for actual PA. Yet, there are numerous problems in actual assessment of employee performance (Corbett &Kenny, 2001). The existence of such problems suggests that PAS may be fraught with biases or errors, resulting in compromised evaluations of employees' accomplishments and capabilities. And the PAS of the institution of study might not be an exception. For a PAS to be perceived as fair, it must be free of bias. It is known that appraisal errors can harm perceptions of pay system fairness by confusing the relationship between true performance differences (Miceli et al., 1991). The importance of effective PA in organizations cannot be over emphasized as appraisals help develop individuals, improve organizational performance and feed into business planning. An understanding of the phenomenon, therefore, in every sector of human endeavor is imperative. This recognition has raised interest in studying people'sperceptions of the quality of PA in organizations (educational institutions inclusive).There, however, seems to be a paucity of credible data on the quality of PA in Ghana's educational sector. The Ghanaian situation is relatively unexamined in genre academic literature. This makes it difficult to fashion an appropriate management intervention to address any existing problem, because the exact dimensions of the challenge and its causes are not known. It is against this backdrop that this study was undertaken. It sought to assess the level of perceived PA biases in the educational sector in Ghana by analysing employees' perceptions of PA in one of the ten polytechnics in the country. The study sought to examine PA from the perspective of employees' perceptions of errors with the view to gathering and analysing information that could assist in development of innovative approaches to achieve both individual and corporate goals. Findings of the study would help fill the gap in extant literature. The findings would also provide useful insights and guidelines for enhancing the quality of PA in organizations.2. Literature Review2.1 The process and purpose of performance appraisalStudies show that there are many approaches for evaluating employee behaviour and performance with respect to job tasks and/or organisational culture. As a result, various applications of PA have left many managers in a state of confusion and frustration with the employee evaluation process (Gurbuz &Dikmenli, 2007). This situation seems to negatively impact the popularity of appraisal systems in many organizations. Most people support the concept and purpose of PA, in spite of their concerns about the process and application of appraisal outcomes by managers (Grote, 1996). The biggest complaint from managers is that they are not given sufficient guidelines to assess people; and the biggest complaint from employees is that the process is not equitable and fair. PA concentrates much in assessing past behaviours of employees, a situation some managers exploit to victimise unfavoured employees (Bersin, 2008). Timing of appraisal; Selection of appraisers and Providing feedback (Scullen et al., 2003). Early PA processes were fairly simple, and involved ranking and comparing individuals with other people (Milkovich &Boudreau 1997). However, these early person-based appraisal systems were fraught with problems. As a result, a transition to job-related performance assessments continues to occur. Thus, PA is being modified from being person-focused to behaviour-oriented, with emphasis on those tasks or behaviours associated with the performance of a particular job (Wellbourne etb al., 1998).Regarding the purpose of PA, Cleveland et al. (1989) describe four types of uses of performance appraisal: between person, within person, system maintenance anddocumentation. Between person uses are what have been referred to as administrative purposes, consisting of recognition of individuals' performance to make decisions regarding salary administration, promotions, retention, termination, layoffs and so forth. Within person uses are those identified in Management by Objectives (MBO), such as feedback on performance strengths and weaknesses to identify training needs and determine assignments and transfers. PA also helps in organisational goals, which are referred to as system maintenance uses. Finally, documentation purposes are to meet the legal requirements by documenting HR decisions and conducting validation research on the PA tools. Some organizations are attempting to meet all of these goals simultaneously while they continue to use tools that were designed for one type of purpose (Wiese &Buckley, 1998). Jawahar and Williams's (1997) findings suggest that ratings collected for administrative purposes are more lenient than ratings for research or developmental purposes. Although rating scale formats, training and other technical qualities of PA influence the quality of ratings, the quality of PA is also strongly affected by the administrative context in which they are used (Murphy &Cleveland, 1995). Effective managers recognise PAS as a tool for managing, rather than a tool for measuring subordinates. Such managers use PA to motivate, direct and develop subordinates, and to maximise access to important resources in the organisation to improve productivity.2.2 Rater issuesResearchers have shown considerable interest in variables related to the individual doing the appraisal (Lefkowitz, 2000; Levy &Williams, 2004; Robbins &DeNisi, 1998). One of the most studied rater variables is rater affect (Levy &Williams, 2004). A general definition of affect involves liking or positive regard for one's subordinate (Lefkowitz, 2000). Forgas and George's (2001) study suggests that affective states impact on judgements and behaviours and, in particular, affect or mood plays a large role when tasks require a degree of cognitive processing. In PA, raters in good mood tend to recall more positive information from memory and appraise performance positively (Sinclair, 1988). Affective regard is related to frequently higher appraisal ratings, less inclination to punish subordinates, better supervisor-subordinate relationships, greater halo, and less accuracy (.Lefkowitz, 2000). Antonioni and Park (2001) found that affect was more strongly related to rating leniency in upward and peer ratings than it was in traditional top-down ratings. This effect was stronger when raters had observational time with their subordinates.A second broad area related to raters is the motivation of the rater. Traditionally, researchers seemed to assume that raters were motivated to rate accurately, and that the problems withthe appraisal process involved cognitive processing errors and complexities (Levy &Williams, 2004). This position has, however, been questioned, leading to attempts to identify and understand other elements of raters' motivation and how such motivation affects the appraisal process. The issues involved include individual differences and the rating purpose on rating leniency. Most practitioners report overwhelming leniency on the part of their raters, and this rating elevation has been found in empirical papers as well as surveys of organizations (Murphy &Cleveland, 1995; Villanova et al., 1993; Bernadin et al., 2000). The role of attribution in the PA process has also attracted recent research attention on how the attribution that raters make of ratees' behaviours affect their motivation to rate or their actual rating (Struthers et al., 1998). Raters consider ratees' behaviours and their reputations when drawing attributional inferences and deciding on appropriate rewards (Johnson et al., 2002). This implies that attributional processing is an important element of the rating process, and these attributions, in part, determine raters' reactions and ratings. Another aspect of rater motivation has to do with rater accountability (Frink &Ferris, 1998). Klimoski and Inks (1990) posit that raters distort appraisal ratings more when they are to be held accountable to the ratee for those ratings. They emphasise that accountability can result in distortions of performance ratings. This view is confirmed by other research findings (Mero et al., 2003; Shore &Tashchian, 2002). There have also been calls from practitioners to use accountability as a means of improving the accuracy of appraisal ratings, increasing acceptance of the appraisal system, and making the HR system more efficient (Digh, 1998).2.3 Ratee issuesA second major focus of PA research relates to the role of PA in ratee motivation and ratee reactions to PA processes.The research focusing on motivation is generally categorised as being about either (1) the links between performance ratings and rewards or (2) those elements of the PA process which increase ratees' motivation, such as participation (Levy &Williams, 2004; Goss, 2001; Campbell et al., 1998).One theme of some recent work is that although merit pay systems sound like a good idea, there is very little evidence indicating that they are at all successful (Goss, 2001).In spite of its intuitive appeal and theoretical support, merit pay plans seldom reach their objectives (Campbell et al., 1998).Mani (2002) argues that while pay is an important motivator along with recognition, work enjoyment, and self-motivation, very few organizations actually link the PAS to pay or compensation in any clear, tangible way.Starcher (1996) contends that how well employees perform is much more a function of the situational constraints they experience than their own skills or motivation.But Levy and Williams (1998) argue that these situational constraints are not so important to exclude social or motivational factors that have been quite clearly linked toemployee satisfaction and productivity over the years.译文员工对绩效考核系统的感知:一个案例研究门萨;弗朗西斯;彼得摘要:作为有效的评估和管理的人员的工具,绩效考核与评估是必不可少。
工 作 能 力
偶尔发生失误,但尚能及时补救、细心更正,成果正确且尚足以被信赖 有时发生错误,对达成工作成果影响不明显 粗心大意,时常发生错误,工作成果不可采纳 通过积极主动的学习、查询,具备一定丰富的专业知识与技能,达到高级水平,全面系统掌握,能灵活 运用
专业知识 通过学习,积累,具备中级专业知识与技能,能够很好的应用
在他人安排、指导下,具备初级专业知识与技术,可在工作中应用,有时需要指点 被动学习,缺乏专业知识与技能,常常影响到工作结果 深刻认识自身岗位职责,积极开展、执行任务,工作热情、细致、坚持不懈,积极应对
了解自身岗位职责,能正常开展、执行工作,具备一定工作热情、细致、不怠慢 基本了解工作要求,可以完成任务,但缺乏热情,偶尔需要提醒或督促 多凭主观判断开展工作,不探求客户需求,被动开展工作,经常需要督促,处事拖拉 自觉遵守各项规章制度,认真贯彻;服从上级管理及工作安排;深入理解工作任务重点和目标,及时、 准确的出色完成 基本执行各项规章制度;能够服从上级管理及工作安排;基本了解工作任务重点和目标,顺利完成
总 分 员工签字 主管签字
人力资源部填写 事假 病假 迟到\早退 旷工 特休
考核组成员填写 评价 优点及改进点 考核结果
□ 正式任用 直属上级 主管评语 □ 延长试用至__月 □ 不予任用 签名:
□ 正式任用 直属部门 经理评语 □ 延长试用至__月 □ 不予任用 签名:
协作意识 有团队意识,愿意与他人合作,能完成合作事项
能参与团队事项,有时对合作内容关心度不够 缺乏团队配合意识,喜欢独自完成 主动坚持学习和询问,运用新的知识、方法、技能,改进工作业绩,能很快熟悉工作岗位
Teaching Plan
Complete the teaching plan ahead of time and hand them in to the teaching affairs office on time
外教考核表 performanceevaluation foreignteachers criteria name: subject: level: month: teaching plan complete teachingplan ahead handthem teachingaffairs office timeteaching performance make good preparation classesincluding teaching content, class activity& teaching tools etc. teaching&research activity participate researchactivities arranged eachsection positively working attitude have greatpassion positiveattitude studentsdress code wear uniforms, working suits someother formal clothes pay attention yourbehavior, act internationalteacher attendance make face recognition according schooltimetable have leaves officeaccording managingrules 2ccq41n 分享于 2020-02-29 00:19:10.0 外教考核表 文档格式: .doc 文档页数: 1页 文档大小: 28.0k 文档热度: 文档分类: 幼儿/小学教育 -- 教育管理 文档标签: 外教考核表 系统标签: 考核表 teaching attitude uniforms timetable suits
姓 名
学 院
学 号
专 业
Performance Management Form绩效管理表式Values / 标准•Seek solutions, not problems / 找解决问题的方法。
而不是找茬•Keep it simple / 尽量简单•Take ownership / 要有主人翁态度•Think new - act fast / 思维创新–马上行动This form is to be used for the performance review and personal development exercise. It is highly recommended that employee could conduct a self-appraisal of his/her performance against the performance objectives in advance. The form needs to be completed & agreed by the line manager and employee during an open discussion.此表格用作雇员绩效评估和个人发展讨论,建议在评估和讨论之前,雇员可根据考核目标先行自我评估。
PART I: Performance Review / 第一部分:绩效评估PART II: Personal Training and Development第二部分:培训和发展Appraisee’s signature Date 被考核人签字:日期:Appraiser’s signature Date 考核人签字:日期:Manager’s signature: Date 主观经理签字:日期:。
翻译后的译文请标红!!谢谢!专业领域之1: 法律(206单词)The Arbitration Defendants based their Complaint on alleged defamation, breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, and fraud by the Arbitration Plaintiffs (Canada Complaint, Exhibit F1). However, the Complaint is limited to pure legal assertions. The facts and circumstances on which the Arbitration Defendants base their accusations are not evident from the Statement of Claim. The Arbitration Defendants only assert that the Arbitration Plaintiffs unjustifiably demanded that the Arbitration Defendants not comment on the Cantarell Project in the magazine article (p. 9, paragraph no. 4 of the Canada Complaint, Exhibit F4).The supplied PSA hardware products are supposed to be the new products or the updated products paralleled with the new products. The promised standard PSA product assurance by the assurance card or the product pamphlet annexed to the products or with other ways is adjust to PSA hardware products and PSA soft ware products, which has no silent promise. It is clearly stated that the business-convenience and special purpose assurances are excluded. If one or more PSA hardware products have not been operated as promised statement, they are mended or exchanged with the guidance of PSA. The examiner should contact the product manager to obtain the assignment of getting the assurance service.专业领域之2: 医学/生命科学(149汉字,151单词)vivo. Panel A, KB cells were incubated for 90 min in the absence(-) or presence (+) of 50 µM PD 098059 and then stimulated for 15 min with 20 ng/ml IL-1 or 0.5 mM sodium arsenite (A). The cells were lysed and assayed for JNK activity using GST-Jun-(1-191) as substrate. After phosphorylation, reactions were denatured in SDS, electrophoresed on a 10% polyacrylamide gel, and autoradiographed. Similar results were obtained in two experiments. Panel B, KB cells were stimulated in the absence (C) or presence (A) of arsenite and in the absence(-) and presence (+) of PD 098059 as in panel A. The cell lysates were chromatographed on Mono Q and assayed for RK activity or chromatographed on Mono S and assayed for RK kinase and MAPKAP kinase-2. The results are given ± S.E. for the number of experiments shown, as a percentage of the arsenite-stimulated activity in the absence of PD 098059. Panel C, Swiss 3T3 cells were incubated in the absence or presence of 50 µM PD 098059 as in panel A and then for 5 min in the presence (+) or absence(-) of 100 nM rapamycin prior to stimulation for 15 min with 100 ng/ml EGF (E), 100 ng/ml, insulin (I), or buffer (C, control). The cells were lysed and assayed for p70 activity after immunoprecipitation. The results are given ± S.E. for three experiments.专业领域之3: 自动化(184单词)The control of a motor will employ some type of power semiconductor. These devices regulate the amount of power being applied onto the motor, and moving the load.One type of semiconductor is the SCR (silicon controller rectifier) which will be connected to theAC line voltage. This type of device is usually employed where large amounts of power must be regulated, motor inductance is relatively high and accuracy in speed is not critical (such as constant speed devices for fans, blowers, conveyor belts). Power out of the SCR, which is available to runthe motor, comes in discrete pulses. At low speeds a continuous stream of narrow pulses is requiredto maintain speed. If an increase in speed is desired, the SCR must be turned on to apply large pulses of instant power, and when lower speeds are desired, power is removed and a gradual coasting downin speed occurs. A good example would be when one car is towing a second car. The driver in thefirst car is the SCR device and the second car, which is being towed is the motor/load.专业领域之5: 机械(477w)Before cutting back 45°, the main-axis blade in hand-cutting machine must be adjusted to the angle steep enough, and the locating slate must also be adjusted. It is the best to put a rubber layer on the work table. Then, clean the work table with water. And then, put slate material, so no scratches will be given to the smooth slate. Before starting the processing, grind the saw blades to the sharpest, and check the content of water. Cutting speed should be decided by the effect of the cutting. After that, use water-mill machine to polish the edges and angles of the slate material. 专业领域之6:建筑(249字)1、强夯法适用于处理碎石土、砂土、低饱和度的粉土与黏性土、湿陷性黄土、杂填土和素填土等地基。
人事考核表[基层用]考核项目定义分数考核要点评价(×)0 1 2 3 4成绩评价工作的正确性对于上司交代的工作,在一定时间内如何正确执行,执行结果或工作量的完成度。
15 工作方法缺乏正确性、无信任感、经确认,工作量也很少且不能在规定时间内完成。
目标完成度交代的业务目标完成度15 对任务的认识薄弱、工作态度及效率等不正确、且对全局造成障碍。
工作态度协调性作为组织的一员,应该理解自己的任务、立场、为了有效地完成工作和大家协力配15 组织意识淡薄、注重自我意识,缺乏完成工作的团队没有良好的组织自觉性,过于协调自己,人际关系不太有组织自觉性,不会把自己主张强加给对方,尊重对作为一个组织成员,能认识自身所处位置,当意见立不论何种情况下,均能替对方着想,不固执己见,经常能够统揽大局和他人合作最好的保持人际评价合,维持良好的人际关系,使大家能够保持一个欣欣向上的氛围场面。