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第二十一条 得分标准 (Scoring Criteria Scoring Criteria)
(一)得2分(A competitor will be awarded two points) 1.一方下台,另一方得2分。 When the opponent falls off the platform; 2.一方倒地,站立者得2分。 When he remains standing while the opponent falls down ; 3.用腿法击中对方头部、躯干得2分。 When he hits the opponent’s head or trunk with the leg technique; 7
第二十二条 犯规与罚则 (Fouls and Penalties )
(一)技术犯规 (A competitor commits a technical foul) 1.消极搂抱对方或消极逃跑。 When he holds the opponent passively or runs away passively; 2.处于不利状况时举手要求暂停。 When he raises his hand to request to stop the bout in a disadvantageous situation; 3.有意拖延比赛时间。 When he delays the fight intentionally;
(二)侵人犯规 A competitor commits a personal foul 1.在口令“开始”前或喊“停”后进攻对方。 When he attacks the opponent before the call of "Kaish (Start)!” or after the call of "Ting (Stop)!” 2.击中对方禁击部位。 When he hits the opponent on prohibited areas; 3.用不允许的方法击中对方。 When he hits the opponent with any prohibited method. 14
4.比赛中对裁判员有不礼貌的行为或不服从裁判。 When he acts impolitely towards the judges or disobeys their decisions; 5.上场不戴或吐落护齿,有意松脱护具。 When he wears no gumshield or spits out his gumshield, or loosens his protective gear intentionally;
(三)不得分 (No point will Βιβλιοθήκη Baidue awarded)
1.方法不清楚,效果不明显,不得分。 When the techniques he uses are not clean and effective; 2.双方下台或同时倒地,不得分。 When both sides fall on or off the platform at the same time; 3.用方法主动倒地,对方不得分。 When the opponent falls on purpose as a fighting technique; 4.抱缠时击中对方,不得分。 When he hits the opponent in a clinch.
4.运动员被指定进攻后8秒钟内仍不进攻,对 方得1分。 When the opponent fails to attack within eight seconds after the order for appointed attack; 5.主动倒地3秒钟不起立,对方得1分。 When the opponent fails to get to his feet within three seconds after falling down on purpose; 6.受劝告一次,对方得1分。 When the opponent receives an admonition;
第十七条 使用方法 (Fighting Methods)
可以使用武术散手的各种攻防招法。 All attacking and defending techniques of sanshou may be used in fighting .
第十八条 禁用方法 (Prohibited Methods)
4.用主动倒地的动作致使对方倒地,而自己顺势 站立者,得2分。 When he makes the opponent fall down by falling down himself on purpose, only to get to his feet by means of a follow-through; 5.被强制读秒一次,对方得2分。 When the opponent is given a forcible counting; 6.受警告一次,对方得2分。 When the opponent receives a warning.
(一)用头、肘、膝和致使反关节的动作攻击对方。 用头、 膝和致使反关节的动作攻击对方。 Attacking with the head, the elbow, or the knee, or by twisting the opponent's joints. 用迫使对方头部先着地的摔法或有意砸压对方。 (二)用迫使对方头部先着地的摔法或有意砸压对方。 Forcing the opponent to fall head over heels, or intentionally smashing or pressing him down. 用任何方法攻击倒地方的头部。 (三)用任何方法攻击倒地方的头部。 Hitting the opponent’s head by any means when he is already down.
禁击部位(Prohibited 第十九条 禁击部位(Prohibited Areas )
后脑、颈部、裆部。 The back of head, the neck and the crotch.
第二十条 得分部位 (Scoring Areas)
头部、躯干、大腿。 The head, the trunk and the thighs.
4.运动员故意伤人,取消比赛资格,所有成绩无 效。 A competitor who hurts the opponent intentionally will be disqualified from the whole competition, with all his results annulled. 5.运动员使用违禁药物,局间休息时输氧,取消比 赛资格,所有成绩无效。 A competitor who uses prohibited substances or inhaling oxygen during the rest period will be disqualified from the whole competition, with all his results annulled.
(三)罚则 Penalties 1.每出现一次技术犯规,劝告一次。 An admonition will be given for a technical foul. 2.每出现一次侵人犯规,警告一次。 A warning will be given for a personal foul. 3.侵人犯规达3次,取消该场比赛资格。 A competitor with three personal fouls will be disqualified from the bout.
(二)得1分 A competitor will be awarded one point 1.用拳法击中对方头部、躯干部位得1分。 拳 When he hits the opponent’s head or trunk with the fist technique; 2.用腿法击中对方大腿得1分。 2 1 When he hits the opponent’s thigh with the leg technique; 3.用主动倒地的动作致使对方倒地,而自己不能 顺势站立者,得1分。 When he makes the opponent fall down by falling down himself on purpose, without being able to get to his feet by means of a follow9 through;
Rules for International Wushu Sanshou Competition
Reporter: Wei Honggang From: shenyang sport university
第四章 使用方法、得分标准 与判罚