学年第一学期期末考试八年级数学试卷① (满分 分,考试时间 分钟)一、 选择题:(本大题共 题,每题 分,满分 分)、下列等式一定成立的是( )==3=± 、、下列一元二次方程有两个相等实数根的是( ) .. .( ) .( )( ﹣ )、下列四组点中,可以在同一个正比例函数图象上的一组点是( ) .( . ),( , ) .( , ),( , ) .( , ),( , ).( , ),( , )、下列函数中,自变量x 的取值范围是x ≥3的是( ).31-=x y 31-=x y 3-=x y 3-=x y、已知等腰 中, ⊥ 于点 ,且 21,则 底角的度数为( ). . ..前述均可二、填空题:(本大题共 题,每题 分,满分 分)、1-b a (0≠a )的有理化因式可以是 .、计算:8214-、已知 是方程 ﹣ 的一个根,则 .、关于 的一元二次方程 ﹣ 的根的情况是 、在实数范围内分解因式 2、已知矩形的长比宽长 米,要使矩形面积为 米 ,则宽应为多少米?设宽为 米,可列方程为 .DBFE CA、正比例函数x y 2-=图象上的两上点为( ) ,且 则 和 的大小关系是、矩形的长为 ,宽为 ,面积为 ,则 与 之间的函数关系及定义域是 、已知正比例函数 的图象经过( , ),则它一定经过 象限 、函数 =1x +x 的图象在 象限如图,在 中,∠ ,三角形的外角∠ 和∠ 的平分线交于点 ,则∠、若△ 的三条边分别为 、 、 ,则△ 之最大边上的中线长为 .、 、 为线段 的两个端点,则满足 的动点 的轨迹是、如图是一株美丽的勾股树,其中所有的四边形都是正方形,所有的 三角形都是直角三角形,若正方形 、 、 、 的面积分别为 , , , .则最大的正方形 的面积是 .、如图, 中, ,∠ ,∠ 的平分线与 的 垂直平分线交于点 ,将∠ 沿 ( 在 上, 在 上)折叠, 点 与点 恰好重合,则∠ 为 度.三、(本大题共 题,第 题每题 分;第 题每题 分.第 题每题 分.满分 分)、计算:18)21(|322|2+----. 、解方程:0142=+-x x .ABCEDBACP、已知关于x 的一元二次方程0322=+-m x x 没有实数根,求m 的最小整数值、到三角形三条边距离相等的点,叫做此三角形的内心,由此我们引入 如下定义:到三角形的两条边距离相等的点,叫做此三角形的准内心 举例:如图若 平分∠ ,则 上的点 为△ 的准内心应用:( )如图 为等边三角形 的高,准内心 在高 上,且 AB 21,则∠ 的度数为度( )如图已知直角△ 中斜边 , ,准内心 在 边上,求 的长BC P、前阶段国际金价大幅波动,在黄金价格涨至每克 元时,大批被戏称为“中国大妈”的非专业人士凭满腔热情纷纷入场买进黄金,但十分遗憾的是国际金价从此下跌,在经历了二轮大幅下跌后,日前黄金价格已跌至每克 元,大批 “中国大妈”被套,这件事说明光有热情但不专业也是难办成事的;同学们:你们现在 、 岁,正值学习岁月,务必努力学习。
2013学年第一学期期末考试八年级数学试卷① (满分100分,考试时间90分钟)一、 选择题:(本大题共5题,每题2分,满分10分)1、下列等式一定成立的是( )A =、=、3=± D 、=9 2、下列一元二次方程有两个相等实数根的是( )A .x 2+3=0B .x 2+2x=0C .(x+1)2=0D .(x+3)(x ﹣1)=0 3、下列四组点中,可以在同一个正比例函数图象上的一组点是( ) A .(2.-3),(-4,6) B .(-2,3),(4,6)C .(-2,-3),(4,-6)D .(2,3),(-4,6)4、下列函数中,自变量x 的取值范围是x ≥3的是( )A .31-=x y B.31-=x y C. 3-=x y D. 3-=x y5、已知等腰△ABC 中,AD ⊥BC 于点D ,且AD=21BC ,则△ABC 底角的度数为( )A .45oB .75oC .15oD .前述均可二、填空题:(本大题共15题,每题2分,满分30分)DBFECA6、1-b a (0≠a )的有理化因式可以是____________.7、计算:8214- = .8、已知x=3是方程x 2﹣6x+k=0的一个根,则k= .9、关于x 的一元二次方程x 2﹣2x+2+m 2=0的根的情况是 .10、在实数范围内分解因式x 2+2x-4 .11、已知矩形的长比宽长2米,要使矩形面积为55.25米2,则宽应为多少米?设宽为x 米,可列方程为 .12、正比例函数x y 2-=图象上的两上点为(x 1,y 1),(x 2,y 2),且x 1<x 2,则y 1 和y 2的大小关系是______________. 13、矩形的长为x ,宽为y ,面积为9,则y 与x 之间的函数关系及定义域是______________. 14、已知正比例函数y=mx 的图象经过(3,4),则它一定经过______________象限.15、函数y =1x +x 的图象在__________________象限.16如图,在△ABC 中,∠B=47°,三角形的外角∠DAC 和∠ACF 的平分线交 于点E ,则∠ABE=______°.17、若△ABC 的三条边分别为5、12、13,则△ABC 之最大边上的中线长为 .18、A 、B 为线段AB 的两个端点,则满足PA-PB=AB 的动点P 的轨迹是_____________________________.19、如图是一株美丽的勾股树,其中所有的四边形都是正方形,所有的 三角形都是直角三角形,若正方形A 、B 、C 、D 的面积分别为2,5,1,2.则最大的正方形E 的面积是 .20、如图,△ABC 中,AB=AC ,∠BAC=56°,∠BAC 的平分线与AB 的 垂直平分线交于点O ,将∠C 沿EF (E 在BC 上,F 在AC 上)折叠,点C 与点O 恰好重合,则∠OEC 为 度.三、(本大题共8题,第21--24题每题6分;第25--27题每题8分.第28题每题12分.满分60分)21、计算:18)21(|322|2+----. 22、解方程:0142=+-x x .23、已知关于x 的一元二次方程0322=+-m x x 没有实数根,求m 的最小整数值.B24、到三角形三条边距离相等的点,叫做此三角形的内心,由此我们引入 如下定义:到三角形的两条边距离相等的点,叫做此三角形的准内心. 举例:如图若AD 平分∠CAB ,则AD 上的点E 为△ABC 的准内心.应用:(1)如图AD 为等边三角形ABC 的高,准内心P 在高AD 上,且 PD=AB 21,则∠度数为_____________度.(2)如图已知直角△ABC 中斜边AB=5,BC=3,准内心P 在BC 边上,求CP 的长.25、前阶段国际金价大幅波动,在黄金价格涨至每克360元时,大批被戏称为“中国大妈”的非专业人士凭满腔热情纷纷入场买进黄金,但十分遗憾的是国际金价从此下跌,在经历了二轮大幅下跌后,日前黄金价格已跌至每克291.60元,大批 “中国大妈”被套,这件事说明光有热情但不专业也是难办成事的;同学们:你们现在14、15岁,正值学习岁月,务必努力学习。
【2014上海青浦一模】上海市青浦区2014届高三上学期期末考试(一模)语文试题 Word版无答案-精编解析版
初二数学试卷(完卷时间:90分钟,满分:100分)1.下列二次根式中,最简二次根式是( ).(A)21; (B)4; (C)6; (D)8. 2.方程x x 42=的解是( ).(A)=x 4; (B) =x 2; (C) =x 4,=x 0; (D) =x 0.3.下列命题中真命题是( ).(A)同旁内角相等,两直线平行; (B)两锐角之和为钝角;(C)到角的两边距离相等的点在这个角的平分线上;(D)直角三角形斜边上的中线等于斜边的一半.4.如图,在△ABC 中,︒=∠90C ,∠CAB 的平分线AD 交BC于点D ,BC =8,BD =5,那么点D 到AB 的距离是( ). (A )3; (B )4; (C )5; (D )6. 5.如图,一棵树在一次强台风中于离地面3米处折断倒下,倒下部分与地面成30°角,这棵树在折断前的高度为( ).(A) 6米; (B) 9米; (C) 12米; (D)15米.6.在Rt △ABC 中,︒=∠90C ,︒=∠15B ,AC =2,如果将这个三角形折叠,使得点B 与点A 重合,折痕交AB 于点M ,交BC 于点N ,那么BN 等于( ).(A) 2; (B) 4; (C) 6; (D) 8. 二、填空题(每小题3分,共36分)7.计算:312-= .8.方程()412--x =0的解为: .9.正比例函数kx y =的图像是经过点 和 的 .10.已知命题“线段垂直平分线上的任意一点到这条线段两个端点的距离相等”,用“如果… ,那么…”的形式写出它的逆命题,并判断其真假.逆命题: . 这个逆命题是 命题(填“真”或“假”).11.如图,点D 、E 在BC 上, AB=AC ,BD=EC ,要证∠1=∠2,可以先由AB=AC ,得∠B = ;再证⊿ABD ≌ ,得∠1=∠2.12.已知△ABC 中,AD 是BAC ∠的平分线,DE ⊥AB ,垂足是E ,DF ⊥AC ,垂足是F ,且△ABC 的面积为28,AC=4,AB=10,则DE = .13.平面内到点O 的距离等于3厘米的点的轨迹是 . 14.在Rt △ABC 中,∠C=90°,AB =32,BC=3,那么∠B = 度.第4题图DCBAEDB第11题图E D CB A 21第5题图30°15.如图,在等腰直角△ABC 中,AC=BC ,点D 在AB 上.如果AD=AC ,DE ⊥AB 与BC 相交于点E ,那么BD CE (填“>”、“=”、“<”).16.在△ABC 中,AB=AC ,∠A =120°,D 是BC 的中点,DE ⊥AB ,垂足是E ,则AE ︰BE = .17.点C 在x 轴上,点C 到点A (-1,4)与点B (2,-5)的距离相等,则点C 的坐标为 .18.已知在△ABC 中,AB=32,AC=2,BC 边上的高为3,那么BC 的长是 .三、解答题(19、20题,每题5分;21、22每题6分,共22分)19.计算:1256.04331⨯⨯. 20.解方程:01452=-+x x .21.已知:如图,⊿ABC 和⊿ADE 都是等边三角形.求证:BD=CE .22.已知:如图,Rt ⊿ABC 和Rt ⊿ADC ,∠ABC =∠ADC =90°,点E 是AC 的中点.求证:∠EBD =∠EDB .四、解答题(23、24题,每题7分;25、26题,每题8分,共30分)第21题图EDCBA第22题图EDCBA第16题图ED CBA23.已知反比例函数xky =的图像经过点A (-1,2). (1)如果正比例函数x k y 1=的图像与上述函数xky =的图像没有公共点,那么1k 的取值范围是什么?(2)如果函数xky =图像上三点的坐标分别是(11y x ,)、(22y x ,)、(33y x ,),且有3210x x x <<<,试判断321y y y 、、的大小.24.已知:如图,在⊿ABC 中,∠C=90°,∠B=30°,AB 的垂直平分线交AB 于E ,交BC 于点D .(1)求证:DE=DC .(2)若DE =2,求⊿ABC 三边的长.25.如图,点A 的坐标为(3,0),点C 的坐标为(0,4),OABC 为矩形,反比例函数xky =的E DCBA第24题图图像过AB 的中点D ,且和BC 相交于点E ,F 为第一象限的点,AF =12,CF =13. (1)求反比例函数xky和直线OE 的函数解析式; (2)求四边形OAFC 的面积.26.已知:如图,在⊿ABC 中,∠C=90°,∠B=30°,AC =6,点D 在边BC 上,AD 平分∠CAB ,E 为AC 上的一个动点(不与A 、C 重合),EF ⊥AB ,垂足为F .(1)求证:AD=DB ;(2)设CE=x ,BF=y ,求y 关于x 的函数解析式; (3)当∠DEF =90°时,求BF 的长.第一学期期末质量抽测初二数学试卷参考答案1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.3 8.3,-1(或x =3,x =-1) 9.(0,0)、第25题图第26题图FE D CBA(1,k )、一条直线 10.如果一个点到线段的两端点的距离相等,那么这个点在线段的垂直平分线上.真 11.∠C ,⊿ACE 12.4 13.以O 为圆心,3厘米为半径的圆 14. 60 15.= 16.1︰3 17.(2,0) 18.4或219.解:原式=125436.031⨯⨯⨯…………………………1分 125435331⨯⨯⨯= ………………………2分 24551⨯= …………………………1分 =5201…………………………1分 20.解:原方程可化为()()072=+-x x . ………………………2分得02=-x 或07=+x , ………………………1分 解得2=x 或7-=x . ………………………1分 所以,原方程的根为7,221-==x x . ……………1分 21.证明:∵⊿ABC 和⊿ADE 都是等边三角形, ∴∠BAC=∠DAE =60°.∴∠BAC +∠CAD =∠DAE +∠CAD ,即∠BAD=∠CAE. ………………………2分 在⊿ABD 和⊿ACE 中,∵ AB=AC ………………………1分 ∠BAD=∠CAEAD=AE ………………………1分 ∴⊿ABD ≌⊿CAE , ………………………1分 ∴BD=CE . ………………………1分 22.证明:∵∠ABC =∠90,且点E 是AC 的中点,∴ EB =21AC ……………………………………2分 同理,ED =21AC ……………………………2分∴ EB=ED ……………………………………… 1分 ∴∠EBD =∠EDB ………………………………… 1分23.(1)∵反比例函数xky =过点(-1,2), ∴ 2-=k . ………………………1分∴反比例函数解析式为xy 2-=,图像在二、四象限. ……………1分 而x k y 1=与xy 2-=没有公共点,所以x k y 1=的图像在一、三象限, 故有01>k . ………………………1分 (2)∵函数xy 2-=图像在二、四象限.且在每一象限内,函数随x 的增大而增大, ∴而由021<<x x ,得 210y y <<. ………………………2分又由 0<3x ,得 03<y . ……………………1分 故有 213y y y <<. ………………………1分 24.(1)联结AD ,则AD=DB . ………………………1分 ∴∠DAE =∠B=30°. ………………………1分 又∠CAB =90°-∠B=60°.∴∠DAC=30°. ………………………1分 ∴AD 平分∠CAB .∴DE=DC . ………………………1分 (2)若DE =2,则CD =2,AD=BD=4.∴BC =6. ………………………1分 32242222=-=-===CD AD EB AE AC , …………1分AB =43. ………………………1分 故⊿ABC 三边分别为23、43、6.25.解:(1)依题意,得点B 的坐标为(3,4),点D 的坐标为(3,2)………1分 将(3,2)代入xky =,得k =6. 所以反比例函数的解析式为xy 6=. ………………………………1分 设点E 的坐标为(m ,4),将其代入x y 6=,得m =23,故点E 的坐标为(23,4). ……………………………………1分设直线OE 的解析式为x k y 1=,将(23,4)代入得.381=k 所以直线OE 的解析式为x y 38=. ……………………………………1分 (2)联结AC ,由勾股定理得5432222=+=+=OC OA AC .…………1分 又∵ 22222213125CF AF AC ==+=+,………………………… ………1分 ∴ 由勾股定理的逆定理得∠CAF =90°. …………………………………1分 ∴36306=+=+=∆∆CAF OAC OAFC S S S 四边形.…………………………… ……1分 26.(1)在⊿ABC 中,∵∠C=90°,∠B=30°,∴∠CAB =60°.又∵ AD 平分∠CAB ,∴∠DAB =30°. …………………………………1分 ∴∠DAB =∠B ,AD=DB . …………………………………1分(2)在⊿AEF 中,∵∠AFE=90°,∠EAF=60°,∴∠AEF =30°. ∴()x AE AF x EC AC AE -==-=-=62121,6.…………………1分 在Rt ⊿ABC 中,∵∠B=30°,AC =6,∴AB =12. ∴()x x AF AB BF 21962112+=--=-=.…………………………1分 ∴.219x y += …………………………………1分 (3)当∠DEF =90°时,∠CED =180°-∠AEF -∠FED =60°.∴∠EDC =30°,ED =2x . ………………………………1分 又∵∠EDA=∠EAD =30°,∴ED=AE =6-x .∴有 2x =6-x ,得x =2. ………………………………1分 此时,102219=⨯+=y . 即BF 的长为10. ………………………………1分。
Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力)I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解):(共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture. (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分)A B C DE F G H1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分)7. A) Japan. B) France. C) Canada. D) China.8. A) With cream in it. B) With sugar in it.C) With cream and sugar in it. D) With nothing in it.9. A) In a post office. B) In a restaurant. C) In a hospital. D) In a library.10. A) Ten. B) Twenty. C) Thirty. D) Forty.11. A) John. B) The man himself.C) The man’s mother. D) A travel service.12. A) He attended a lecture. B) He was too busy.C) He had a bad cold. D) He didn’t want to attend the party.13. A) On Monday. B) On Friday. C) On Saturday. D) On Sunday.14. A) She can get on the net for free. B) She can buy a new laptop.C) She can get a cup of coffee for free. D) She can provide free Wi-Fi.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false. (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (6分)15. In China, people eat noodles only with soup.16. Some noodles are called glass noodles because they are thin enough tosee through.17. It’s difficult for western visitors to eat noodles with chopsticks in China.18. People use a fork and a knife to eat noodles in Thailand.19. People in Italy usually eat spaghetti with meat or tomato sauce.20. People in different countries eat noodles in various ways.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences. (听短文,完成下列内容。
浦东新区2014学年度第一学期期末质量抽测八年级数学试卷(完卷时间:100分钟,满分:100分)说明:此卷中的第24题其证明过程要求批注理由,其他几何证明题不作要求.一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题2分,满分12分)1( )(A (B (C )24; (D 2.下列关于x 的方程中一定没有实数根的是……………………………………………( )(A )09642=+-x x ;(B )012=--x x ;(C )x x -=2;(D )022=--mx x .3.下面各组变量的关系中,成正比例关系的有……………………………………………( ) (A)人的身高与年龄; (B)买同一练习本所要的钱数与所买本数; (C) 正方形的面积与它的边长; (D)汽车从甲地到乙地,所用时间与行驶速度. 4.下列函数y 的值随着x 的值增大而减小的是…………………………………………( ) (A )2y x =; (B )2y x =; (C )2y x=-; (D )2y x =-. 5.下列命题的逆命题错误的是……………………………………………………………( ) (A )线段垂直平分线上的任意一点到这条线段两个端点的距离相等; (B )在角平分线上的点到这个角的两边的距离相等; (C )全等三角形的面积相等; (D )等边三角形每个内角都等于60°.6.用下列几组边长构成的三角形中哪一组不是直角三角形……………………………( )(A )8,15,17;(B(C 2(D )1,2二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题3分,满分36分)7 .8.方程220x x -=的根是__________.9.在实数范围内分解因式:241x x -+= __________________________. 10.函数y =的定义域是 .11.已知:6()1f x x =+,那么(0)f = . 12.某工厂本年度的产值为100万元,若在今后两年里产值的年增长率均为x ,两年后的产值为y 万元.那么y 关于x 的函数解析式是 .13.已知关于x 的一元二次方程2210mx x -+=有两个不相等的实数根,那么m 的取值范围是_____________. 14.若函数xy m=,y 的值随着x 的值增大而增大,则常数m 的取值范围是 .15.如图.已知∠ACB =∠ADB =90°,AC=BD ,那么可以直接判定△ABC 与△BAD 全等的判定定理是 . 16.以线段AB 为底边的等腰三角形顶点的轨迹是:.17.若直角三角形中有两边长分别为6和8,那么第三边长应该为 .18.如图将边长为2的正方形纸片ABCD 沿EF 所在直线折叠,使得点A 恰好落到边BC 的中点G 处.则折痕EF 的长等于 .三、简答题(本大题共4题,每题5分,满分20分)1920.解方程:220x -=.21.如图已知四边形ABCD 中,∠ABC 与∠BCD 的平分线交于点O ,作OE ⊥AB 于点E ,OF ⊥CD 于点F . 求证:OE =OF .第15题图DCBA第18题图G FED CBAOEABC22.已知直角坐标平面内点A (4,-1)、B (1,2),作线段AB 的垂直平分线交y 轴于点C .求C 点的坐标.四、解答题(共4题,第23、24题每题7分,第25题8分,第26题10分,满分32分)23. 已知21y y y +=,并且1y 与)1(-x 成正比例,2y 与x 成反比例.当2=x 时,5=y ;当2-=x 时,9-=y .求y 关于x 的函数解析式.24.如图已知Rt △ABC 中,︒=∠90ACB ,︒=∠15B ,边AB 的垂直平分线交边BC 于点E ,垂足为点D ,取线段BE的中点F ,联结DF .求证:AC=DF . (说明:此题的证明过程需要批注理由)25.如图已知正比例函数图像经过点A (2,3)、B (m ,6).(1)求正比例函数的解析式及m 的值.(2)分别过点A 与点B 作y 轴的平行线,与反比例函数在第一象限内的分支分别交于点C 、D (点C 、D 均在点A 、B 下方),若BD =5AC .求反比例函数的解析式.第24题图DABCEF第25题图26.我们知道正方形是四条边相等,四个内角都等于90°的四边形.(1)如图1,已知正方形ABCD ,点E 是边CD 上一点,延长CB 到点F ,使得BF=DE ,作∠EAF 的平分线交边BC于点G .求证:BG+DE=EG .(2)如图2,已知△ABC 中,∠BAC =45°,AD ⊥BC 于点D ,若BD =2,CD =1.求△ABC 的面积.B 第26题图1F EC GA D D AC第26题图2B浦东新区2014学年度第一学期期末质量测试 初二年级数学试卷参考答案及评分标准一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题2分,满分12分)1.B ; 2.A ; 3.B ; 4.D ; 5.C ; 6.C . 二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题3分,满分36分)7.32; 8.2,021==x x ; 9.)32)(32(--+-x x ; 10.2-≥x ;11.6; 12.2)1(100x y +=; 13.1<m 且0≠m ; 14.0>m ; 15.H .L ; 16.线段AB 的垂直平分线(AB 的中点除外); 17.10或72; 18.5. 三、简答题(本大题共4题,每题5分,满分20分)19.解:原式322335+++=,……………………………………………(3分) 238+=.…………………………………………………………(2分)20.解:1=a ,b =2-=c .………………………………………………(1分) 118342=+=-ac b .……………………………………………………(2分) 原方程的解为:21131+=x ,21132-=x .………………(2分) 21.证明:作OH ⊥BC 于点H .……………………………………………………(1分) ∵BO 平分∠ABC ,OH ⊥BC ,OE ⊥AB ……………………………………(2分) ∴OE =OH .…………………………………………………………………(1分) 同理:OF =OH .∴OE =OF .……………………………………………………………………(1分) 备注:其他解法,参考给分.22.解:由题意:AC =BC ,则22BC AC =.………………………………………(1分)设:C 点坐标为y)(0,.……………………………………………………(1分)则2222)2()10()1(4)-(0-+-=++y y …………………………………(1分) 解得:-2y =.………………………………………………………………(1分)∴C 点坐标为(0,-2).…………………………………………………………(1分) 四、解答题(共4题,第23、24每题7分,第25题8分,第26题10分,满分32分)23.解:∴函数解析式:xx y 6)1(2+-=.…………………………………………(1分) 24.证明: 联结AE .…………………………………………………………………(1分) ∵ED 垂直平分AB (已知).∴AE =BE (线段垂直平分线上的点到线段两端的距离相等).…………(1分)∴︒=∠=∠15EAB B (等边对等角).…………………………………(1分) ∴︒=∠+∠=∠30EAB B CEA (三角形外角定理).…………………(1分) ∵︒=∠90C (已知). ∴AE AC 21=(Rt △中,30°的角所对的直角边是斜边的一半).…(1分) ∵ED ⊥BD ,点F 是BE 中点(已知). ∴BE DF 21=(Rt △斜边上的中线等于斜边的一半).………………(1分) ∴DF AC =(等量代换).……………………………………………(1分)说明:此题没有批注理由扣2分,批注了理由仅部分正确扣1分.25.解:(1)设正比例函数解析式为)0(≠=k kx y .……………………………(1分) 代入A (2,3),得k 23= 解得:23=k .…………………………………(1分) ∴正比例函数解析式为:x y 23=.………………………………………(1分) 代入B (m,6),得m 236=解得:4=m .………………………………(1分) (2)设反比例函数解析式为)0(≠=a x a y .(若设xky =不扣分)……(1分)则C )2,2(a , D )4,4(a.AC =23a -, BD =46a-.由题意:46)23(5aa -=-……………………………………………(1分)解得:4=a .………………………………………………………(1分) ∴反比例函数解析式为xy 4=.……………………………………(1分) 备注:其他解法,参考给分. 26.(1)证明(仅供评分参考):∵BF=DE ,∠ABF =∠D =90°,DE=BF ,∴△ADE ≌△ABF .…………………………………………………………(1分)∴AE AF =.………………………………………………………………(1分) 又∵EAG FAG ∠=∠,AG=AG ,∴△AFG ≌△AEG .…………………………………………………………(1分) ∴GE GF =.………………………………………………………………(1分) ∴EG DE BG =+.…………………………………………………………(1分)(2)解1:如图1,将△ADB 沿直线AB 翻折得△AEB ,将△ADC 沿直线AC 翻折得△AFC ,延长EB 、FC 交于点G .…………………………………(1分)因为∠AEG =∠EAF =∠AFG =90°,所以AF ∥EG ,AE ∥FG ,因为AE=AF=AD .根据平行线间的距离相等,易得EG=GF=AD …………(1分) 又EB=BD=2,CF=CD=1.设:AD =x .则BG=x -2,CG=x -1,可列方程:2223)1()2(=-+-x x .………(1分)解得:2173±=x (其中2173-不合题意,舍去.)……………………………………………(1分)∴△ABC 的面积为:417392173321+=+⨯⨯…………(1分) 解法2:将△ABD 绕着点A 逆时针旋转90°得△AB ’D ’,延长D ’B ’、DC交于点H ,联结CB ’. ……(1分)因为∠ADH =∠DAD ’=∠AD ’H =90°,所以AD ∥D’H ,AD’ ∥DH ,根据平行线间的距离相等,得DH=D ’H=AD ,且△ABC ≌△AB ’C .所以CB ’=3. ……(1分)设:AD =x .则CH=x -1,HB’=x -2,在Rt △CHB ’中,由勾股定理得2223)1()2(=-+-x x .………(1分)解得:2173±=x (其中2173-不合题意,舍去.) …………………………………………………(1分) ∴△ABC 的面积为:417392173321+=+⨯⨯…………(1分)图1BCADFEG图2HB 'D 'D ACB。
相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Na-23 S-32 Fe-56 N-14 K-39 C1-35.5 Mg-24 Al-27一、选择题(本题共10分,每小题2分,每小题只有一个正确选项)1. 化学与社会、环境、科学、技术等密切相关,下列说法正确的是( )A. 含有食品添加剂的物质均对人体健康有害B. 聚氯乙烯是无毒高分子化合物,可用作食品包装C. “地沟油”经过加工处理后,可以用来制肥皂和生物柴油D. 太阳能电池板中有高纯硅单质,光导纤维的主要成分也是硅2. 13153I是常规核裂变产物之一,可以通过测定大气或水中13153I的含量变化来监测核电站是否发生放射性物质泄漏。
下列有关13153I的叙述中错误的是( )A.13153I的化学性质与12753I相同B.13153I的原子核外电子数为78C.13153I的原子序数为53D.13153I的原子核内中子数多于质子数3.近期科学家使用哈勃望远镜发现木卫二南极存在地下海洋的喷射水柱达200千米,这项最新发现暗示着这颗卫星适宜生命存活。
下列关于水的说法中一定错误的是()A. 高效催化剂可促进水的分解,同时释放更多能量B. 用膜分离的方法可以使海水淡化C. 密度小于1 g/cm3的水溶液,浓度越大,密度越小D. 金属的电化学腐蚀中,水参与了正极反应4.分类是学习和研究化学的一种常见的科学方法,以下分类合理的是()A. 根据酸分子中的氢原子个数将酸分为一元酸、二元酸、多元酸B. 根据溶液导电能力的强弱将电解质分为强电解质和弱电解质C. 盐酸、醋酸既是化合物又是酸D. 甘油不是油、纯碱不是碱、干冰不是冰5.有关化学键的描述正确的是( )A. 有化学键断裂的过程一定发生了化学反应B. 带相反电荷的离子之间的相互吸引称为离子键C. 非金属原子间以共价键结合的物质都是共价化合物D. 金属的性质和金属固体的形成都与金属键有关二、 选择题(本题共36分,每小题3分,每题只有一个正确选项)6.实验室保存下列试剂,其中保存方法和理由描述都正确的是( )编号试剂 保存方法 理由 A浓硝酸 密封保存在铁制容器中 避免见光分解 B液溴 密封保存在细口瓶中 防止升华 C钠 保存在煤油中 防止与空气中水、氧气接触发生反应 D 烧碱 存放在磨口玻璃塞的广口瓶中 防止与空气中氧气接触被氧化7.用石墨电极电解CuCl 2溶液(见右图)。
青浦区2014学年第一学期期末青东片联考八年级物理试卷 2015.01(满分100分,考试时间70分钟)一、选择题:(每题2分,共 20分)只有一个正确选项,1、播放一首我国的国歌,所用时间比较接近 ( )A .0.6秒B .6秒C .60秒D .600秒2、能区分不同人声音的主要依据是 ( )A . 响度B .音色C .音调D .振幅3、光射到平面镜上,入射角为15°,则反射角和入射角的和为 ( ) A .15°B .20°C .30°D .60°4、受到重力最接近1牛的是下面例举的 ( ) A .两只鸡蛋 B .一只西瓜 C .一只公鸡 D .一头牛5、汽车紧急刹车时,车中乘客的惯性 ( ) A .变小 B .不变 C .变大 D .先变大后不变6、人的身体中藏有许多“尺”,下面接近0.1米的是( )A .手指宽度B .手掌宽度C .手臂长度D .手掌厚度 7、在图1所示的s —t 图像中,能反映物体在平衡力作用下竖直向上运动的( )A 一定是甲。
B 一定是乙。
C 可能是丙。
D 可能是丁 8、下列属于滚动摩擦的是( )A .铅笔素描B .橡皮擦字C .雪橇滑雪D .轮滑表演 9、假设教室里的投影仪只受到重力和拉力而静止。
当此二力同时消失时,该投影仪将 ( ) A .保持静止 B .匀速下降 C .加速下降 D .都有可能发生图110、如图2所示,女孩用大小为F 的力,竖直向上提书包,但书包静止不动,若书包的重力为G 。
甲分析为:力G 、F 的合力一定等于零;乙分析为:书包受到的合力一定为零;丙分析为:力G 、F 的合力一定大于F 。
则下列选项正确的是 ( )A .三人的分析都正确B .只有甲的分析正确C .只有乙的分析正确D .只有丙的分析正确二、填空题:(每空1分,共40分)11、物体所含 的多少叫做物体的质量。
质量的主单位是 。
一名初二学生的体重比较近500 (填写单位)。
2013-2014学年第一学期青浦区高三年级期终学业质量调研测试相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Na-23 S-32 Fe-56 N-14 K-39 C1-35.5 Mg-24 Al-27 一、 选择题(本题共10分,每小题2分,每小题只有一个正确选项) 1. 化学与社会、环境、科学、技术等密切相关,下列说法正确的是 ( )A. 含有食品添加剂的物质均对人体健康有害B. 聚氯乙烯是无毒高分子化合物,可用作食品包装 C . “地沟油”经过加工处理后,可以用来制肥皂和生物柴油 D. 太阳能电池板中有高纯硅单质,光导纤维的主要成分也是硅 2.I 13153是常规核裂变产物之一,可以通过测定大气或水中I 13153的含量变化来监测核电站是否发生放射性物质泄漏。
下列有关I 13153的叙述中错误的是 ( )A.I 13153的化学性质与I 12753相同 B .I 13153的原子核外电子数为78 C.I 13153的原子序数为53 D.I 13153的原子核内中子数多于质子数3.近期科学家使用哈勃望远镜发现木卫二南极存在地下海洋的喷射水柱达200千米,这项最新发现暗示着这颗卫星适宜生命存活。
下列关于水的说法中一定错误的是( )A . 高效催化剂可促进水的分解,同时释放更多能量 B. 用膜分离的方法可以使海水淡化C. 密度小于1 g/cm 3的水溶液,浓度越大,密度越小D. 金属的电化学腐蚀中,水参与了正极反应4.分类是学习和研究化学的一种常见的科学方法,以下分类合理的是( ) A. 根据酸分子中的氢原子个数将酸分为一元酸、二元酸、多元酸 B. 根据溶液导电能力的强弱将电解质分为强电解质和弱电解质 C. 盐酸、醋酸既是化合物又是酸D . 甘油不是油、纯碱不是碱、干冰不是冰 5.有关化学键的描述正确的是( )A. 有化学键断裂的过程一定发生了化学反应B. 带相反电荷的离子之间的相互吸引称为离子键C. 非金属原子间以共价键结合的物质都是共价化合物 D . 金属的性质和金属固体的形成都与金属键有关二、 选择题(本题共36分,每小题3分,每题只有一个正确选项) 6.实验室保存下列试剂,其中保存方法和理由描述都正确的是( )7.用石墨电极电解CuCl 2溶液(见右图)。
(A) 20 ;
(B) ;
2.下列关于 x 的方程中一定没有实数根的是……………………………………………( )
(A) 4x 2 6x 9 0 ;
(C) x 2 x ;
(C) 24 ;
(B) x 2 x 1 0 ;
(D) x 2 mx 2 0 .
3.下面各组变量的关系中,成正比例关系的有……………………………………………( )
青浦区2014学年第一学期高三期终学习质量调研测试数学试题 Q.2015.01.09(满分150分,答题时间120分钟) 学生注意: 1. 本试卷包括试题纸和答题纸两部分.2. 在试题纸上答题无效,必须在答题纸上的规定位置按照要求答题.3. 可使用符合规定的计算器答题.一.填空题(本大题满分56分)本大题共有14题,考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分.1.若复数(为虚数单位),则的值为_____________.2. 设是等差数列的前项和,若,则 . 3.展开式中有理项的个数..是 . 4.直线的倾斜角 .5.已知函数与2sin(2)(0)y x ϕϕπ=+≤<,它们的图像有一个横坐标为的交点,则的值是 .6.平面截半径为的球所得的截面圆的面积为,则球心到平面的距离为__ _ _ .7.函数的反函数为,如果函数的图像过点,那么函数的图像一定过点 .8. 已知函数对任意的满足,且当时,.若有4个零点,则实数的取值范围是 .9.抛物线的动弦的长为,则弦中点到轴的最短距离是 .10.若甲乙两人从门课程中各选修门,则甲乙所选的课程中恰有门相同的选法..有 种.11.已知,则无穷数列前项和的极限为 .12.已知正实数满足,则的最小值为 .13. 设函数在上有定义,对于任意给定正数,定义函数(),()(),()M f x f x M f x M f x M ≤⎧=⎨>⎩,则称函数为的“孪生函数”,若给定函数 ,,则 .14.当和取遍所有实数时,22(,)(5cos )(sin )f x y x y x y m =+-+-≥恒成立,则的最小值为 .二.选择题(本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分.15.已知1,2,()a b a a b ==⊥-且,则向量与向量的夹角为………( ).(A ) (B ) (C ) (D )16.设是两条不同的直线,是两个不同的平面,则下面四个命题中错误..的是…………………………………………………………………………………………( ).(A )若,则// (B )若,则(C )若,则//或 (D )若 // ,则17.设为正实数,则“”是“”成立的………………( ).(A )充分不必要条件 (B )必要不充分条件 (C )充要条件(D )既不充分也不必要条件18.设函数*()1,[,1),f x n x n n n N =-∈+∈,函数,则方程实数根的个数是……………………………………………………………………………( ).(A )个 (B )个 (C )个 (D )个三.解答题(本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤.19.(本题满分12分)本题共2小题,第(1)小题6分,第(2)小题6分.如图所示,在长方体中,,,,为棱上一点.(1)若,求异面直线和所成角的正切值;(2)若,求证平面.20.(本题满分14分)本题共2小题,第(1)小题8分,第(2)小题6分.如图,摩天轮上一点在时刻距离地面高度满足,,已知某摩天轮的半径为米,点距地面的高度为米,摩天轮做匀速转动,每分钟转一圈,点的起始位置在摩天轮的最低点处.(1)根据条件写出(米)关于(分钟)的解析式;(2)在摩天轮转动的一圈内,有多长时间点距离地面超过米?21.(本题满分14分)本题共2小题,第(1)小题6分,第(2)小题8分.如图所示的“8”字形曲线是由两个关于轴对称的半圆和一个双曲线的一部分组成的图形,其中上半个圆所在圆方程是,双曲线的左、右顶点、是该圆与轴的交点,双曲线与半圆相交于与轴平行的直径的两端点.(1)试求双曲线的标准方程;(2)记双曲线的左、右焦点为、,试在“8”字形曲线上求点,使得是直角.22.(本题满分16分)本题共3小题,第(1)小题4分,第(2)小题4分,第(3)小题8分.已知数列是公差不为的等差数列,数列是等比数列,且,,数列的前项和为,记点.(1)求数列的通项公式;(2)证明:点123n Q Q Q Q 、、、、、在同一直线上,并求出直线方程;(3)若对恒成立,求的最小值.23.(本题满分18分)本题共3小题,第(1)小题6分,第(2)小题6分,第(3)小题6分. 已知函数11()||||f x x x x x=+--. (1)指出11()||||f x x x x x =+--的基本性质(结论不要求证明)并作出函数的图像; (2)关于的不等式2()2()6(7)0kf x kf x k -+->恒成立,求实数的取值范围;(3)关于的方程2()()0f x m f x n ++=()恰有6个不同的实数解,求的取值范围.青浦区2014学年第一学期高三期终学习质量调研测试参考答案及评分标准 2015.01说明1.本解答列出试题一种或几种解法,如果考生的解法与所列解法不同,可参照解答中评分标准的精神进行评分.2.评阅试卷,应坚持每题评阅到底,不要因为考生的解答中出现错误而中断对该题的评阅.当考生的解答在某一步出现错误,影响了后续部分,但该步以后的解答未改变这一题的内容和难度时,可视影响程度决定后面部分的给分,但是原则上不应超出后面部分应给分数之半,如果有较严重的概念性错误,就不给分.3.第19题至第23题中右端所注的分数,表示考生正确做到这一步应得的该题分数.4.给分或扣分均以1分为单位.一.填空题(本大题满分56分)本大题共有14题,考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分.1.; 2.;3.; 4.;5.; 6.;7.; 8.;9.; 10.;11.; 12.;13.; 14..二.选择题(本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分.15. ;16. ; 17. ;18. .三.解答题(本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤.19.(本题满分12分)本题共2小题,第(1)小题6分,第(2)小题6分.19. 解:(1)由题意,1111,2C M B C BC ===,,得………… 1分,所以异面直线和所成角即为和所成角 ………… 3分长方体中,1111111A B B C A B B B ⊥⊥,,面, ,故可得为锐角且11111tan 2B M B A M B A ∠==…………………… 6分 (2)由题意,,,,,即……………………………… 8分又由面可得 ………………………………………… 10分故平面. ………………………………………………………………12分(说明:建立空间直角坐标系的相应给分)20.(本题满分14分)本题共2小题,第(1)小题8分,第(2)小题6分.解:(1)由题设可知,, …………………… 2分又,所以, …………………… 4分 从而250sin()603y t πϕ=++, 再由题设知时,代入250sin()603y t πϕ=++,得,从而, …………………… 6分 因此,26050cos ,(0)3y t t π=->. …………………… 8分 (2)要使点距离地面超过米,则有26050cos853y t π=->,……… 8分 即,又解得224,(0)333t t πππ<<>, 即 …………………… 10分所以,在摩天轮转动的一圈内,点距离地面超过米的时间有分钟.…… 14分21. (本题满分14分)本题共2小题,第(1)小题6分,第(2)小题8分.解(1)设双曲线的方程为()222210,0x y a b a b-=>>,在已知圆的方程中,令, 得,即,则双曲线的左、右顶点为、,于是…………………… 2分令,可得,解得,即双曲线过点,则所以,…………… 4分所以所求双曲线方程为……………………6分(2)由(1)得双曲线的两个焦点,…………………… 7分当时,设点,①若点在双曲线上,得,由,得(2222080x x y x y++=⇒-+=由,解得xy⎧=⎪⎨=⎪⎩所以((12,,,6,2P-…… 11分②若点在上半圆上,则()224402x y y y+--=≥,由,得(20x x y+-+=,由无解…………………… 13分综上,满足条件的点有4个,分别为((1234,,,P P P P…………………… 14分22.(本题满分16分)本题共3小题,第(1)小题4分,第(2)小题4分,第(3)小题8分. 解(1)设等差数列的公差为,等比数列的公比为,由题设可得21332122233303822qd qqddd q⎧⎧=-+=-⎪⎪=-⎧⎪⎪⇒⎨⎨⎨=⎩⎪⎪=-+=⎪⎪⎩⎩或因为数列是公差不为0的等差数列,所以,即……………………………………………4分(2)113()3112(,)12222nn nn n n nnxQ b s Qy-⎧=-⨯-⎪⎪⨯⎨⎪=⎪⎩即为((-),1-(-)),令得1-(-),即点123nQ Q Q Q、、、、、,在同一条直线上。
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青浦区2014学年第一学期期末考试试卷高三英语I. Listening Comprehension(略)II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)During the summer days my mother built her fire in the shadow of our cabin. In the early morning our simple breakfast (25) (spread) upon the grass. The morning meal was our quiet hour. At noon, several (26) chanced to be passing by stopped to rest, and to share our luncheon with us. I loved (27) (well) the evening meal, for that was the time old stories were told.I was always glad when the sun hung low in the west, for then my mother sent me to invite the neighboring old people to eat supper with us. "Yes, yes, gladly, gladly I shall come!" each replied. My mission done, I ran back, (28) (skip) and jumping with delight.At the arrival of our guests I sat close to my mother, and did not leave her side. I ate my supper in quiet, listening patiently to the talk of the old people, wishing all the time that they would begin the stories. At last, when I (29) not wait any longer, I whispered in my mother's ear, "(30)them to tell an Iktomi story, mother."Then my mother said aloud, "My little daughter is anxious to hear your stories." As each in turn began to tell a legend, I pillowed my head in my mother's lap; and lying flat upon my back, I watched (31) stars one by one. The increasing interest of the tale aroused me, and I sat up eagerly listening for every word. The old women made funny remarks, and laughed so heartily (32) I could not help joining them.(B)The 43rd U.S. president George W. Bush stepped back into the spotlight when a library and museum dedicated to him opened to the public on May 1. the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum is dedicated (33) the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. The library and museum is plentiful with exhibits on the historical events. “About 3000,000 visitors (34) (expect)”,said the library and museum spokesman.Presidential libraries are not libraries in the traditional sense. People cannot go to the George W. Bush Presidential library (35) (check) out a book. They are facilities that preserve documents and items of a president and his act of governing. (36) is preserved at a presidential library is available to the public to see and study because presidential libraries are public property (37) (belong) to the American people.1 / 10The Presidential library system began in 1939 when President Franklin Roosevelt ,during(38) second term in office, donated his personal and presidential papers to the government. Up until that point, presidential papers were destroyed, sold for profit, ruined by poor storage conditions, (39) were simply lost to the history.Roosevelt believed that presidential documents were an important part of the nation‟s heritage. He also donated a potion of his estate in Hyde PARK, New York, (40) his library and museum would be built. This began a tradition that would carry on with every president that followed.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. numberB. recallC. constantD. additionE. achieveF. differentG. exposedH. obviouslyI. preciousJ. varietyK. typicallyIt's the customary bedtime practice every parent would feel fearful----being asked to read the same book for many times. But while the 41 repetition might be boring for mum or dad, it is the best way for toddlers to learn new words, according to research.The findings suggest parents are wasting money by spending a fortune on huge book collections in the hope they will inspire their little ones. Instead, a small selection of favourites such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar or The Gruffalo will 42 far more.Dr Jessica Hors t, of the University of Sussex‟s WORD Lab devised an experiment to check how quickly three-year-olds could recognize and 43 six new words. The children were visited three times in a week. One group heard the same story three times back-to-back each time and another was read three 44 stories. All had the same amount of new words which appeared the same 45 of times.When researchers returned a week later, they found the children who heard the same story over and over had 46 learned 3.6 of the new words. While those 47 to a variety of stories remembered only 2.6.They also noted the …repetition‟ group learned at a faster rate than those in the …48 ‟ group.Dr Horst said: …We are showing that less is more, to a point. An d, 49 , the more times you read to a child and the more books you have will help them. But you don‟t need to go crazy and buy every single Thomas the Tank Engine book. Reading the same books over and over again helps.‟Speaking of the 50 stud ies, we have found one in three don‟t read to their children before putting them to bed. Yet 30 minutes of one-on-one literacy sessions can improve reading age by nearly two years in less than five months.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.2 / 10Seven-year-old Jordan Lisle, in Mill Valley, California,joined his family at a packed after-hours school event last month aimed at inspiring anew interest: computer programming.The event was part of a national educational ___51____ in computer coding instruction that is growing at Internet speeds. Since December, 20,000 teachers from kindergarten through 12thgrade have___52_____ coding lessons, according to , a group backed by the techindustry that offers free curriculums. ___53_____, some 30 school districts have agreed to addcoding classes in the fall. And policy makers innine states have begun awarding the same ___54____ f or computer science classes that they do forbasic math and science courses, rather than treating them as optional courses.It is a remarkable change for computer science. Smartphones and apps are commonplace now, and engineering careers are __55____. To many parents, coding looks more like a basiclife skill, one that might someday __56____ a great job or even instant riches.The spread of coding instruction, ___57____ just new, is “never known—there‟s neverbeen a move this fast in education,” said Elliot Soloway, a professor of education and computerscience at the University of Michigan. He sees it as very positive, ___58____ inspiring studentsto develop a new passion, perhaps the way that teaching frog dissection (解剖) may inspire future surgeons and biologists.But the exposure to early coding comes with __59__, too. It is not clear that teaching basiccom puter science in grade school will beget future jobs or encourage __60___ creativity andlogical thinking. And particularly foryounger children, Dr. Soloway said, the activity is more like a video game, but not likely to impart actu al programming skills. A coding curriculum, ___61___ by Code. Org., combines basic instruction with videogames involving Angry Birds and hungry zombies.The lessons do not __62____ traditional comp uter language. Rather, they use simple wordcommands — like “move forward” or “turn right”— that children can click on and move around, to ___63____ an Angry Bird to capture a pig.The movement comes with no shortage of “we‟re changing the world” marketing passion from Silicon Valley.“This is strategically ___64____for the economy of the United States,” said JohnPearce, a technology businessman who has started a nonprofit, MV Gate, with Jeff Leane,to bring youth and family coding courses developed by to MillValley.Parents love the idea of giving children something to do with computers that they see as____65___, Mr. Pearce said.“I can‟t take my kid playing one more hour of video games,but if the children are exploring coding, I tell him I can live with that all night long.”51. A. temptation B. movement C. motion D. proposition3 / 1052. A. introduced B. appealed C. recognized D. calculated53. A. In addition B. However C. Therefore D. Thus54. A. rewards B. prizes C. credits D. funds55. A. costly B. critical C. insecure D. hot56. A. result from B. work out C. pick up D. lead to57. A. before B. while C. when D. after58. A. virtually B. extensively C. potentially D. annoyingly59. A. warnings B. responsibility C. admission D. compliments60. A. superior B. inferior C. fiercer D. broader61. A. collected B. developed C. mentioned D. sacrificed62. A. declare B. cover C. call D. deepen63. A. forbid B. resist C. urge D. direct64. A. sensible B. reliable C. significant D. common65. A. efficient B. measurable C. productive D. stableSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the onethat fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)POETRY BY HEART By Andrew Motion (Viking £16.99)For three years, a terrific national competition has encouraged pupils aged 14 to 18 to learnand recite poetry — and this fat collection is the pool of 200 poems from which they have tomake their choice.This anthology makes a fine present for anyone interested in poetry, ranging from the earliestEnglish poem through every century to current poetry with many themes and from differentethnic backgrounds. Some of the choices seem odd to me —but that‟s part of the fun, as youwonder why. The notes make the book really useful. Every home should have a copy.POEMS THAT MAKE GROWN MEN CRYEdited by Anthony and Ben Holden (Simon & Schuster £16.99)This is a fascinating, wide-ranging selection of poems chosen by 100 well-known men —simply because they f ind them deeply moving. But grown men aren‟t supposed to cry, arethey?Some of the poems are about loss, as you‟d expect, but others are about deeply held politicalpassions or intense observations of nature. Each is introduced by the chooser, usually withfrank personal detail.4 / 10BLACK COUNTRY by Liz Berry (Chatto £10)This is a writer I‟m thrilled to disco ver — someone who takes a pride in the Midlands, whereshe lives. Berry uses some of the dialect words she heard as a child, turning ordinariness intosomething direct, tender and beautiful.The disagreeable Brummie accent becomes music in the hands of this fine young poet.LEARNING TO MAKE AN OUD IN NAZARETH by Ruth Padel (Chatto £10)Padel is one of our most talented writers. Poet, naturalist, musician and travel writer, sheturns her multi-layered poetic attention to the Middle East, seeking peace and harmonythrough sensitive and moving poems that offer hope even as they reflect upon struggle.Her proli fic and passionate creativity is proof that …making is our defence against the dark‟.66. Of the four books mentioned above, who are the creators of the poems?A. Andrew Motion and Liz BerryB. Liz Berry and Ruth PadelC. Anthony and Ben HoldenD. Ruth Padel and Ben Holden67. Which of the following statements is true?A. Students aged 14 to 18 can choose a poem from Black Country to take part in a competition.B. Liz Berry can change the unpleasant Brummie accent into a beautiful song.C. Men will cry after they read the poems written by 100 distinguished persons.D. You will read personal perspectives in Poems That Make Grown Men Cry.68. My cousin is obsessed with poetry of different kinds, so my first choice as a gift for him would be______.A. Learning to Make an Oud in NazarethB. Black CountryC. Poetry by HeartD. Poems that Make Grown Men Cry69. Which of the four books may probably give the people living in psychological suffering comfortand relief?A. Poems that Make Grown Men CryB. Poetry by HeartC. Black CountryD. Learning to Make an Oud in Nazareth(B)Emergency rooms (ER) are supposed to cure people but Dr. John Stemgold wonders if working inan ER in Willits made him sick. The ER was downwind of the Remco chrome plant. “I used to sit facing that window and kind of daydream out the window, looking at Remco, looking at the fog coming out of there. Then I would cough and cough.” Stemgold said.What Dr.Stemgold didn‟t know was that Remco was flowing out Chromium VI into the air--- a chemical known to cause cancer and breathing problems in humans. A recent state health department study found that people who were in Willits when Remco was in operation from 1964 to 1995 are at higher risk for cancer because of Chromium VI exposure.Today Dr.Stemgold has lots of time to play his guitar. It turns out he has a form of breathing5 / 10difficulty. Hospital chemicals cause coughing so violently that he‟s broken bones and it‟s cost him his career. Others in this town believe the Chromium has made them sick, too, and their families. Actually, Chromium VI was classified as a carcinogen , a cancer-causing substance, thirty years ago, Twenty years ago, a group of state scientific specialists found no exposure level below which carcinogen effects would not have some probability of occurring. Still, Remco was allowed to flow out Chromium VI into the air.In the battle to balance public health and a healthy economy, laws often favor business, Alan Ramo is a professor of law at Golden Gate University. “There is a real drive to make money, to have employment. When there‟s a real job that‟s available and a theoretical risk of a chemical, jobs win out, business wins out.”And chemicals are allowed to flood the marketplace and the government requires strict testing before any drugs can be sold. But the vast majority of industrial chemicals are put into use little testing of any kind Chemicals that people like us, you and me might be exposed to. Marilyn Underwood is with California state health department. “ You need to have the convincing evidence that something is bad to then start regulating it.” However, in most cases, chemicals are not te sted until someone reports the abnormal, unnatural condition of the environment in general.“I think that if people really knew what really goes on with environmental protection I think they would be shocked and they should be.” Says Professor Ramo. “It might be valuable for other people to know what has happened to me, not for me but for them.” He said “because they might be in a similar situation because of where they work.”70. What happened to the people who lived in Willits from 1964-1995?A. most of them were forced to move away.B. They earn a lot of fortune from the factory or the profit it brought about.C. employees from local area all got sick and lost their jobs at the plant.D. They have a greater chance of having severe disease.71. What can we infer from the scientists‟ finding twenty years ago?A. Chromium VI surroundings help surgeons have more casual life.B. More skillful and capable doctors were needed.C. There is no safe level of Chromium VI exposure.D. A group of scientists were trying proper ways to solve the problems.72. When are new chemicals for industry tested?A. When they make smog-forming gases.B. When some problem is noticed.C. Ten years after they are first used.D. When the plant faces collapse.73. One of the important issues in the story is______.A. The dangers of emergency rooms that create health problem downwind.B. Doctors prescribing too many drugs.C. The battle to balance public health and a healthy economyD. Why scientists restricted chemical, like Chromium VI(C)The vast majority of fitness trackers count your steps and are worn around the wrist, but now6 / 10there‟s a device that‟s designed to be worn like a necklace and monitors tiny movements to improve your posture.The Fineck device aims to address neck pain by tracking tiny movement, spotting bad habits and suggesting exercises via an accompanying app. Made from silicone(硅)and titanium(钛), Fineck monitors a wearer‟s movement, balance, posture and movement thanks to sensors inside. The Mountain View California-based firm says that a high percentage of people suffer from neck pain and associated problems, probably caused by more individuals doing office jobs, which generally involve leaning over computer keyboard.The device contains sensors, several different types of instruments to monitor movement, plus a monitor to shake. It connects to an iOS app via Bluetooth so that wearers can see their bad habits and play “neck training” games. The app warns of health risks and records a user‟s activity to build up a customer personal health description. The necklace shakes to give smart advice, such as reminding wearers to sit up st raight. The app also allows users to set goals, like many other wearables do. “Fineck is the first wearable device for your neck that tracks your neck activity and warn you when you are in a bad posture for too long. You can also exercise your neck with Fi neck‟s interactive games.” The company writes on Kickstarter. “No matter where you are and what you are doing at office, on the go, or simply just feeling bored, Fineck will bring you enriched exercise experience through motion sensing games and therapies.”It also claims that it is “the world‟s first titanium wearable device”. The metal is widely used in fashion stuff that you can wear or carry to match your clothes because it is lightweight, durable and does not tend to cause allergic(过敏的)reactions. It also offers additional features such as shaking to indicate alerts on a user‟s smartphone, but it is not currently clear whether it can also be used like bands, to count steps, and so on.The Fineck has a battery life of around seven days and takes one hour to charge. It is available to pre-order via Kickstarter from $69(£44)and is due to ship in March next year.74. What helps the Fineck device to deal with neck pain?A. An accompanying app.B. A necklaceC. Computer keyboard.D. A remote control75. Besides allowiong people to set goals, the iOS app also_____.A. improves your posture and suggests exercisesB. exercise your neck and does office jobsC. alerts you to health risk and records your activityD. counts your steps and addresses neck pain76. Which of the following statements is true?A. The Fineck takes an hour to charge and is available at any time.B. Movie stars like to wear necklace made of silicone to match their clothes.C. The device count the steps to help wearers to see their bad habits.D. Neck-ache is something caused by using computers too much.77. We can infer from the passage that the Fineck device will_____.A. actually not cause allergic reactions.B. enrich your life by providing “neck training” gamesC. monitor a wearer‟s movement due to the material it is made ofD. help to correct your improper postures7 / 10Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.The one place you really don‟t want to be on weekend is in hospital. Last week, it wa s revealed in the research by Guy‟s and St Thomas‟ hospital in London, that stroke patients admitted on a Saturday or Sunday are up to 16 percent more likely to die .Meanwhile , a report earlier this year from NHS England found that all patients are 12 percent more likely to die if admitted to hospital at the weekend ------this was because fewer senior staff were available and there was a lack of access to key physical examination tests, such as scans.But even if you‟re not in hospital, weekends can be a health danger. You might have thought it was your chance to recover after a hard week ,but as we reveal, while they won‟t kill you, weekends may be bad for your health.Headaches can occur more often at the weekend--------especially on a Saturday-------because of a chance in our routine, suggests Dr Andy Dowson, director of headache services at King‟s College Hospital, London. He says:” if you are used to eating at a certain time of day or getting up and falling asleep at the same time, not continuing in the normal way at the weekend can cause headaches as your body and brain try to adjust to irregular meals or having a lie-in.” one theory is that the hypothalamus is very sensitive to any change in the body‟s routine.Caffeine withdrawal may be another factor, if you usually drink three or four cups of tea or coffee on week days to help you concentrate at work, but don‟t at the weekend, your body can go into withdrawal . it‟s thought caffeine also influences the chemical messenger that widens bloo d vessels in the brain----without it, these vessels narrow again, triggering a headache.Lying on the sofa in front of TV for hours watching your favorites after a week of running around can make heartburn worse----or even cause it to happen, as sitting with the head and shoulders bent forward puts pressure on the stomach, forcing acid up the gullet, the tube through which food passes from the mouth to the stomach, say Steven Mann, a gastroenterologist at the Royal Free London Trust.Acid reflux can also become a problem at the weekend you cannot bear because of less regular meal times as a result of late nights and lie-ins, explains Dr Mann. And having a take away could be the final straw. “ Oily, fatty food stimulates acid production, which can also cause problems such as heartburn and overflowing with the food.”Dr Mann adds.(note: Answer the question or complete the statements in NOT MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS) 78. besides fewer staff available, why are weekend patients admitted to hospitals more likely to die?79. what are the two factors which may cause headaches?80. A headache sometimes occurs when blood vessels narrow for lack of ___________________________________________81. we can infer from the passage that the final straw in the last paragraph means___________________________________.8 / 10第Ⅱ卷(共47分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.这项慈善基金的设立旨在中国推广青山年足球。