美国Intermec MaxiScan 2300VS资料
艾德姆衡器 Nimbus NBL Series 操作手册说明书
目录目录1天平 (1)2产品简介 (2)3产品规格 (3)4天平的包装 (9)5天平的放置 (9)6设置天平 (11)6.1天平的安装 (11)6.1.1天平的水平校准 (11)6.1.2预热时间 (11)6.2校准 (12)6.2.1手动校准 (12)6.2.2使用内校砝码校准(如果是内校型号) (12)6.2.3使用外部砝码校准 (12)6.2.4自动校准 (13)6.2.5校准误差 (13)7显示 (14)7.1符号和字符 (14)8按键面板 (15)8.1数字输入方法 (16)9输入/输出 (17)10操作 (18)10.1初始化 (18)10.2密码 (18)10.3称重 (19)10.4功能 (20)10.4.1零件计数 (21)10.4.2百分比称重 (22)10.4.3动态(动物)称重 (23)10.4.4密度测定 (25)11RS-232 接口 (27)11.1硬件 (27)11.2输出格式 (27)11.2.1单行输出格式 (27)11.2.2标准输出格式 (28)11.2.3自定义输出格式 (28)11.3使用远程键输入命令 (29)11.3.1无效输入命令: (29)12错误检查 (31)13管理员菜单 (32)13.1开启称重单位 (32)13.2开启称重模式 (32)13.3开启串行接口参数 (32)13.4自定义表单 FROMS #1和 #2 (33)13.5设定参数 (34)13.6校正设置 (35)13.7密码设置 (35)14外部设备 (可从您的配件供应商获得) (37)14.1密度测量套件(仅限0.0001g和0.001g) (37)14.2减震工作台 (37)14.3艾德姆打印机 (37)14.4底部称量挂钩 (37)14.5防湿保护罩 (37)14.6安全锁 (37)14.7远程显示器 (37)14.8防尘罩 (37)14.9ADAM DU - ADAM天平及电子称数据采集软件 (38)15安全和维护 (39)16故障检查 (40)16.1故障检查指南 (41)17替换零件和配件 (43)18服务信息 (44)19天平菜单结构 (45)20语言表格 (47)21保修声明 (48)1 天平感谢您选择艾德姆衡器的 Nimbus天平.本说明书会帮助您熟悉天平的安装,使用,基本保养等,并给您介绍各种应用。
机型和外围 装置选型 √ √ − − − −
了解额定值 和特性 − √ √ √ √ √
进行系统 设计 − √ √ √ √ √
进行盘组装 或接线 − √√
进行维护 与检查 − √ − − − −
1.4.1 打开 Communication Process - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17 1.4.2 设置 Communication Process - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17
2.1 218IF-01 模块 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
表示强制行为。具体行为在 例如, 表示强制接地。
以下为进行产品交付检查、保管、搬运、安装、接线、运行、应用、检查和处置时需要遵守的注意事项。这 些注意事项非常重要,必须严格遵守。
· 与机器组合后开始运行时,请确保紧急停车系统到位且该系统当前工作正常。 否则会有导致受伤的危险。 · 请勿触摸产品内部。 否则会有触电的危险。 · 在通电状态下,请务必盖好外罩。 否则会有触电的危险。 · 请按本手册记载的步骤与注意事项进行试运行。 在伺服电机和机械连接的状态下,如果发生操作错误,则不仅会造成机械损坏,有时还可能导致人身 伤害事故。 · 因此,请勿在通电状态下拆下外罩、电缆、连接器以及选购件类。 否则会有触电的危险。 · 请勿损伤或用力拉扯电缆,也不要使电缆承受过大的力、将其放在重物下或者夹起来。 否则可能会导致触电、产品停止动作或者烧坏。 · 请绝对不要对产品进行改造。 否则可能会导致受伤或机器损坏。 · 如果在运行过程中发生瞬间停电后又恢复供电,则机械可能会突然再起动,因此切勿靠近机械。请采 取措施以确保再起动时不会危及人身安全。 否则会有导致受伤的危险。 · 非指定人员不得进行设置、拆卸与修理。 否则会有触电或导致受伤的危险。
OPTIMASS 2300技术数据表质量流量计管径大,可用于大流量测量不锈钢测量管模块式电子组件液体和气体的密闭输送2OPTIMASS 2000 虽然是为满足石油和天然气行业的输送需求而开发的,但是也完全适合于许多其他大流量测量的应用方面。
OPTIMASS 2000 具有很高的性能水平,适合于石油和其他油类以及糖浆、果浆和化学原材料等的大流量测量。
OPTIMASS 2000 同 MFC 300 的功能配套使用,能提供体积、质量、密度和浓度等方面的精确测量。
大流量质量流量测量的解决方案功能特点适用行业应用石油与天然气废水处理化工造纸与纸浆食品与酿造制药供水综合诊断能力可提供成系列的过程接头 外壳为304L或316L不锈钢传感器整个系列上采用通用的电子组件,带校验和传感器数据的冗余存储器模块式电子组件,有各种输出选项大流量装料/卸料体积和质量的密闭输送大容量管道测量应用1234512534新颖的双测量管设计高流速能力排放容易,清洁方便可选用的加热护套高精度的密闭输送优化的分流器,压力降达到最小模块式电子组件概念:电子组件和传感器更换方便管径大,可用于大流量测量OPTIMASS 23003特点与选项特点连接选项加热护套和冲洗口OPTIMASS 2000 提供各类要求大流量测量的应用的最佳方案:Optimass 2000 系列仪表具有卫生型和法兰式两种型式的连接。
Optimass 2000 具有加热护套和冲洗口两种选项。
OPTIMASS 2300流速最大到 2300000 kg / h 集成式电子组件零位稳定性同等级中最出色标准法兰,额定压力可达 1500 lbs 。
卫生型连接(仅用于 S100 型)用于食品 / 酿造业的大流量测量。
使用说明书NHR-2300系列计数器Hong Run Precision Instruments Co., LtD.输入信号测量精度设定方式显示方式继电器输出使用环境工作电源功耗结构通讯1~20KHz ±1个脉冲面板轻触式按键数字设定;设定值断电永久保存。
0~999999测量值显示,发光二级管工作状态显示外形尺寸为160*80mm和96*96mm仪表,负载能力为AC220V/2A,DC24V/2A 外形尺寸为96*48mm仪表,负载能力为AC220V/0.5A,DC24V/0.5A环境温度:0~50℃;相对湿度:≤85%RH; 避免强腐蚀气体。
AC 100~240V(开关电源),50/60Hz; DC 20~29V (开关电源)。
≤5W 标准卡入式采用标准MODBUS通讯协议, RS485通讯距离可达1公里;RS232通讯距离可达15米。
PV: 显示测量值;在参数设定状态下, 显示参数符号和参数值A/T:PV显示A路时,指示灯亮B/D:PV显示B路时,指示灯亮AL1:A路报警指示灯AL2:B路报警指示灯Hz: 备用C: 计数器指示灯亮T: 备用注: 外形尺寸为96*48mm时,无Hz、C、T指示灯。
PV显示窗确认键移位键减少键增加键功能指示灯888888A/T B/D AL1AL2HZCT1) 面板指示:3) 仪表外形尺寸及开孔尺寸:外形尺寸开孔尺寸160*80mm(横式) 152*76mm 96*96mm(方式) 92*92mm 96*48mm(横式) 92*45mm2) 按键:确认键:数字和参数修改后的确认,并自动切换到下一参数退出设置键:长按4秒可返回测量画面切换键:两路输入时,切换A路/B路显示位移键:修改参数时移动修改位减少键:用于减少数值选择键:参数设定时,用于选择上一个参数增加键;用于增加数值选择键:参数设定时,用于选择下一个参数虹润四、参数设置1)菜单设置ADDR 通讯地址BAUD波特率DA t A-P 数据帧结构 D-LEU 内部保留参数PR o 返回PR o 返回888888显示值3-SRL通讯设置PR o返回5-FCS功能设置4-ANA变送输出CODE备用参数t YPE输出信号类型ASIN输出跟随设置AN-LO输出量程下限AN-HI输出量程上限PR o返回1-1NP 计数模式设置A CN t A路工作模式ADECP t A路小数点ASCFAC A路比例因子PR o返回 A-t YPE A路报警类型AH-SP A路报警回差值2-SP t报警设置A-SPA路报警值ASCALR A路比例乘数 B-t YPEB路报警类型BH-SPB路报警回差值B-SPB路报警值t-AC t报警输出延时t-DAC t报警复位延时PR o返回ARESE t A路复位显示状态ACN t LD A路复位预设值BSCALR B路比例乘数A P- UP A路上电显示状态B CN t B路工作模式BDECP tB路小数点BSCFACB路比例因子B P- UPB路上电显示状态BRESE tB路复位显示状态BCN t LDB路复位预设值t-KEYS按键使能控制★注:以上参数为仪表全部参数,如果不是全功能仪表,则未选功能所对应的参数将不予显示。
哈希实验室浊度历史195719581959196019611962196319641965196619671968196919701971197219731974197519761977197819791980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016Model 1860Model 2100Model 2100AModel 2424Model 16800 PortaLab2100P PortableModel 18900 RatioModel 18900-10 RatioRatio/XR 2100N and N IS2100AN and ANIS2100QTL23XX195719581959196019611962196319641965196619671968196919701971197219731974197519761977197819791980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016内容提要•浊度概述•哈希公司TL23XX系列浊度仪---主要技术参数及标准配置--仪器使用及注意事项--浊度仪校准及标准物质•针对的主要客户群及市场分析•重要销售工具浊度定义可以用浊度来表示水样的混浊程度。
2300 操作手册
第 1 章 — 简介
Videojet 2300 系列 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–1 喷印面积 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–1
• 应用支持 • 安装服务 • 维护培训 • 客户回应中心 • 技术支持 • 现场服务 • 长时段的电话援助 • 零部件和耗材 • 维修服务
修订版 AB
Videojet 2300 系列操作员手册
如果您想自己对喷码机进行维护和维修, Videojet Technologies 有限公司 强烈建议您接受与喷码机有关的培训课程。
修订版 AB
符合性信息 对于美国的客户. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 对于加拿大的客户 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Pour la Clientèle du Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii 对于欧盟的客户. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii
西克安全激光扫描仪microScan3 Core I O AIDA 操作指南说明书
microScan3 Core I/O AIDA 安全激光扫描仪所述产品microScan3 Core I/O AIDA制造商SICK AGErwin-Sick-Str.179183 Waldkirch, Germany德国法律信息本文档受版权保护。
© 西克公司版权所有。
2操作指南 | microScan3 Core I/O AIDA8025406/1L9Q/2023-08-14 | SICK如有更改,恕不另行通知内容内容1关于本文档的 (7)1.1本文件的功能 (7)1.2适用范围 (7)1.3本操作指南的目标群体 (7)1.4更多信息 (7)1.5图标和文档规范 (8)2安全信息 (9)2.1基本安全提示 (9)2.2规定用途 (10)2.3不当使用 (10)2.4网络安全 (11)2.5合格的安全人员 (11)3产品说明 (12)3.1通过 SICK Product ID 标识产品 (12)3.2设备概览 (12)3.3结构和功能 (13)3.4产品特性 (14)3.4.1变型 (14)3.4.2接口 (15)3.4.3系统插头 (15)3.4.4区域类型 (15)3.4.5区域组 (17)3.5应用示例 (17)4项目 (20)4.1机器制造商 (20)4.2机器的运营商 (20)4.3设计 (20)4.3.1防止干扰 (21)4.3.2避免无保护区域 (22)4.3.3安全激光扫描仪的响应时间 (24)4.3.4参考轮廓监控 (24)4.3.5危险区域保护 (26)4.3.6危险点保护 (32)4.3.7访问保护 (35)4.3.8动态危险区域保护 (37)4.4与电气控制系统的连接 (42)4.4.1电磁兼容性 (43)4.4.2电压供给 (44)4.4.3USB 接口 (44)4.4.4OSSD (44)4.4.5电路示例 (45)8025406/1L9Q/2023-08-14 | SICK操作指南 | microScan3 Core I/O AIDA3如有更改,恕不另行通知内容4.5检查方案 (45)4.5.1调试中和特殊情况下的检查规划 (46)4.5.2定期检查的规划 (46)4.5.3检查提示 (47)5装配 (49)5.1安全性 (49)5.2拆封 (49)5.3安装流程 (49)5.3.1直接安装 (51)6电气安装 (52)6.1安全性 (52)6.2接口概览 (53)6.2.1microScan3 Core (53)6.3接口配置 (53)6.3.1带 M12 插塞接头的连接电缆 (54)6.3.2备用 FE 接口 (54)7系统配置 (55)7.1交货状态 (55)7.2Safety Designer 配置软件 (55)7.2.1安装 Safety Designer (55)7.2.2项目 (55)7.2.3用户界面 (56)7.2.4用户组 (56)7.2.5设定 (58)7.2.6配置 (58)7.2.7联网 (60)7.3概览 (60)7.3.1功能范围 (61)7.4读取配置 (62)7.5识别 (63)7.6应用 (64)7.7监控平面 (65)7.7.1监控范围的参数 (66)7.7.2安全激光扫描仪的参数 (67)7.8轮廓参考区域 (69)7.9区域 (70)7.9.1使用区域编辑器 (71)7.9.2创建区域组模型 (74)7.9.3导入和导出区域组和区域 (74)7.9.4背景图片 (74)7.9.5区域编辑器的设置 (75)7.9.6借助坐标编辑区域 (76)7.9.7绘入无法监控的区域 (77)4操作指南 | microScan3 Core I/O AIDA8025406/1L9Q/2023-08-14 | SICK如有更改,恕不另行通知内容7.9.8定义全局几何形状 (78)7.9.9建议区域 (78)7.10输入和输出,本地 (80)7.10.1关于一些信号的更多设置 (81)7.11监控事件 (82)7.11.1针对监控情况表格的设置 (82)7.11.2监控情况设置 (82)7.11.3关断路径 (83)7.11.4分配区域组 (83)7.11.5分配确定的关断行为 (83)7.11.6导入和导出监控事件表格 (84)7.12模拟 (85)7.13传输 (86)7.14启动和停止安全功能 (87)7.15报告 (88)7.16服务 (89)7.16.1设备重启 (89)7.16.2出厂设置 (89)7.16.3管理密码 (90)7.16.4访问管理 (90)7.16.5光学镜头罩调整 (91)7.16.6比较配置 (91)8调试 (93)8.1安全 (93)8.2校准 (93)8.3接通 (94)8.4在调试和发生变化时检查 (95)9操作 (96)9.1安全性 (96)9.2定期检查 (96)9.3显示元件 (96)9.3.1LED状态 (96)9.3.2利用显示屏的状态显示 (97)10维护 (99)10.1安全性 (99)10.2定期清洁 (99)10.3更换光学镜头罩 (100)10.4更换安全激光扫描仪 (102)10.4.1更换不带系统插件的安全激光扫描仪 (102)10.4.2完整更换安全激光扫描仪 (103)10.5更换系统插头 (103)10.6定期检查 (104)8025406/1L9Q/2023-08-14 | SICK操作指南 | microScan3 Core I/O AIDA5如有更改,恕不另行通知内容11故障排除 (105)11.1安全 (105)11.2利用显示屏的详细诊断 (105)11.3显示屏上的故障显示 (106)11.4利用 Safety Designer 诊断 (108)11.4.1数据记录器 (108)11.4.2事件历史 (110)11.4.3消息历史 (112)12停机 (113)12.1废物处理 (113)13技术数据 (114)13.1变型概览 (114)13.2版本号和功能范围 (114)13.3数据表 (115)13.3.1microScan3 Core I/O AIDA (115)13.4响应时间 (120)13.5OSSD 内部测试的时间分布 (121)13.6扫描范围 (122)13.7尺寸图 (123)14订购信息 (124)14.1供货范围 (124)14.2订购信息 (124)15备件 (125)15.1不带系统插件的安全激光扫描仪 (125)15.2系统插头 (125)15.3更多备件 (125)16附件 (126)16.1其他配件 (126)17术语表 (127)18附件 (129)18.1合规性和证书 (129)18.1.1符合歐盟聲明 (129)18.1.2符合英國聲明 (129)18.2关于标准的注意事项 (129)18.3初次试运行和试运行核对表 (131)18.4保护设备不受相邻系统影响的安装方式 (131)19图片目录 (135)20表格目录 (137)6操作指南 | microScan3 Core I/O AIDA8025406/1L9Q/2023-08-14 | SICK如有更改,恕不另行通知关于本文档的 11关于本文档的1.1本文件的功能本操作指南中包含了安全激光扫描仪生命周期中必需的各项信息。
Amtax Compact II
6.1.1 显示模式.......................................................................................................................... 25 测量模式.......................................................................................................................25 菜单模式.......................................................................................................................26 图形模式......................................................................................................................26 6.2 菜单..............................................................................................................................................27 6.2.1主菜单.................................................................................................................................27 6.2.2 设定菜单...........................................................................................................................28 6.2.3 信号菜单............................................................................................................................30 6.2.4 服务菜单...........................................................................................................................31 6.2.5 功能测试............................................................................................................................33
BN 监测器组态软件 DVD 光盘 版本 4.0 或更高 (DVD 光盘中也刻录有技术规格与操作维护手册)
105M0341-01 操作与维护手册
技术规格与订购信息 部件号 105M0340-01 修订版 - (10/14) 第6页/共7页
为便于接线,监测器两侧必须留有 2.5 英寸空余间隙。
技术规格与订购信息 部件号 105M0340-01 修订版 - (10/14) 第3页/共7页
支持每转多事件和事件比率,转速输入高达 20 kHz 门槛电压分辨率:0.1 VDC 涡流传感器 o o o o o o 供电电压:-22.8 到–25.2 VDC 最大额定电流:15 mA 短路电流:15.1 mA 到 23.6 mA 精度:1%满量程 输入阻抗:3-线制电压模式,10 kΩ 转速范围:1 到 120,000 RPM 供电电压:-10 到-24 VDC 非 Ok 下限电压:-2.75 ±0.05 V 转速范围:1 到 120,000 RPM
工作温度 -30 °C 到+65 °C(-22 °F 到+149 °F) 存放温度 -40 °C 到+85 °C(-40 °F 到+185 °F) 湿度 最大 95%,(122 °F) 断电:12 年 @ 50°C (122 °F)
接近开关 o o o
o o o o
继电器打开接点电阻:最小 1 MΩ 最大开关电压:400 VAC /150 VDC 最大切断电流:6 A @ 250 VAC /6 A @ 24 VDC 最大工作容量:1500 伏安 /150 瓦
通用与电气安全: UL 标准 No. 61010-1(第三版) CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1-12 2006/95/欧共体低电压标准: EN61010-1: 2010 欧共体导则: 2006/95/EC 低电压
德国IMPLE N超微量分光光度计1、NP80、NP80?Touch、NP80Mobile----同时具备微量和常规分光光度计功能。
内置8GB 存储空间,方便用户存储数据(NP80?Touch、NP80Mobile具备)(10)、仪器可与智能手机(安卓手机或者苹果手机)、平板电脑、笔记本电脑、台式电脑(Win7或者Win8)进行无线连接,控制仪器并进行测量样品操作。
迈尔博特 FLEXUS Combi 称重机使用手册说明书
The Checkweigher Flexus ® Combi combines the benefits ofcheckweighing and metal detection technology in one space-saving system. Minimal space – maximum quality control.Flexus ® Combi is incredibly easy to integrate into your production environment. Changes to line configurations and quick transitions between products are handled with minimal effort .With Flexus ® Combi, you can check the weight and/or integrity of your product and optimise your filling processes . At the same time, all metal foreign bodies, including ferrous and non-ferrous metals and even non-magnetic stainless steels , are reliably detected.Checkweighing and metal detection in a single systemIts hygienic design ensures easy inspection and cleaning .The high-resolution EMFC load cell technology and the extremely sturdy constructionguarantee precise weighing results and a high throughput of up to 600 pieces per minute.Hygienic design meets flexibility and metal detectionFlexible − hygienic − high-performanceThe Checkweigher Flexus ® Combi has been specially developed to comply with guidelines and standards such as IFS and BRC. It is approved for use in legal metrology for FPV (German Prepackages Act) checks, and isMID-compliant in accordance with OIML R51. Thanks to its intelligent, modular construction and hygienic design, the Flexus ® Combi can be configured to suit your individual requirements, providing you with the ideal solution for any challenge you face.The results achievable in practice, e.g. for the standard deviation attributable to measurement error or thethroughput, depend on the relevant application.As a member of the EHEDG, we develop our products based on a wide range of hygienic design guidelines.®CombiTechnical specifications – Checkweigher Flexus ® CombiCreate your individual Checkweigher Flexus ® Combi from a wide range of options and function enhancements. We’d be happy to advise you!Scale drawingsMetal detector, weighing, outfeed beltsThe figure shows a combi system with transport direction from left to right as an example.Centre-to-centre distance of metal detector belt [mm]Centre-to-centre distance of weighing belt [mm]Centre-to-centre distance of outfeed belt [mm]Metal detector coil passage height [mm]Variable; see scale drawing [mm]Variable; see scale drawing [mm]Total length [mm]Metal detector coil installed uprightPlatform length [mm] TL = AA + roller diameter (30 mm, or 22 mm in the caseof the 1 kg weighing belt)For belt widths BB = 150/200/250/300, additional lengths are available for outfeed belts with centre-to-centre distance AA = 550/600/650/700.Dimensions table: WS 1 kg S p a c e r e q u i r e m e n t f o r o p e n c a b i n e t d o o rDimensions table: WS 2/5/7 kgVersionsWS 1 kgWS 2/5/7 kgVersionsThe scale drawing shows Flexus ® Combi with a collection container (optional), which is made from plastic orstainless steel – both versions have different dimensions.WS 2/5/7 kgProduct descriptionThe Flexus ® Combi comprises the Checkweigher Flexus ® combined with integrated Metal detector Vistus ®-S. It is operated using a joint terminal. The system is therefore used not only to detect products contaminated with metal, but also to transport and weigh goods to be conveyed.1Display and remote terminal 2Weigher frame 3Load cell 4Weighing belt 5Outfeed belt 6 Connection to customer outfeed belt 7 Metal detector belt8 Connection to customer infeed belt9 Separator10 Metal detector11 Spindle adjustable feet A three-part conveyor belt system transports the products from right to left. All conveyor belts (4, 5, 7) in the system run at the same speed to ensure that products are transferred smoothly onto and off of the weighing belt. The weighing process is carried out dynamically and automatically without intervention by operating personnel. The weight value, including mass unit, is converted and shown on the display.Weigher frame with control cabinet Crossbars are fitted to the weigher frame (2). The weighing and transport system is attached to these crossbars.The pillar cabinet with its sinusoidal housing profile is attached to the weigher frame using a clamping device.The working height of the weigher frame is determined by the length of the frame legs. The working height can be adjusted by changing or modifying the frame legs. Small adjustments to the working height can be made via the spindle adjustable feet (11). The display and remote terminal (1) is installed in front of the control cabinet.Load cell The load cell (3) is a monolithic, electro-magnetic force compensation load cell (EMFC). This delivers maximum precision, extremely short settling times, high long-term stability and overload protection in a stainless steel housing.Transport system A conveyor belt is used as the transport medium (weighing belt WS 1 kg also available with round belt). The belt frame is equipped with a belt quick-clamping device and a hinged, removable transport system. This allows the conveyor belts to be removed/fitted and replaced without tools. A ‘non-antistatic’ belt must be used as the metal detector belt. ‘Non-antistatic’ belts have no influence on the magnetic field of the detector coil and are therefore optimally suited for use in conjunction with metal detectors. It must be ensured that the ‘non-antistatic’ belt does not become electrically charged resulting in electrostatic discharge. If an ‘antistatic’ belt needs to be used for technical procedural reasons, then it must be anticipated that there will be interference with the sensitivity due to the disruptive signal caused by the belt connection points. The conveyor belt must not have any metallic inclusions. Metallic inclusions may occur if there is welding or grinding on the belt structure and welding or grinding beads fall on the belt and anneal there. The metal detector, weighing and outfeed belts are each driven by an EC geared motor. Power is transmitted via toothed belt.C o n v e y o r h e i g h tThe metal detection (7) conveyor takes the products from the upstream machine or from the upstream optional additional infeed belt and passes them through the metal search coil.The weighing belt (4) takes the products from the metal detection conveyor. While the products are on the weighing belt, they are weighed while in motion. The weighing belt can optionally be set up separately from the weigher frame.The outfeed belt (5) takes the products and transports them further to the downstream optional additional outfeed belt or to the downstream customer belt.Control electronicsThe display and remote terminal for the weighing function is based on an industrial PC with a powerful 32-bit multitasking operating system with data storage on an internal wear-free compact flash memory card. The housing is made from polished stainless steel. The control cabinet is opened using a continuous cabinet door opening to the rear with fasteners. The connection terminals for the power supply, the components of the evaluation and display electronics and the power supply unit with motor control are housed in the control cabinet. The main switch is installed in the control cabinet. The start/stop button for the transport system is located on the front of the display and remote terminal (1), which can be swivelled for ergonomic operation.Separator (9)Two compressed air nozzles (standard WS 1 kg) or two pneumatic pushers (standard WS 2–7 kg) are fitted on the crossbars of the weigher frame in the metal detector belt area and in the outfeed belt area to ensure the reliable rejection of products that have a different weight or are contaminated with metal. A filter pressure control valve is included.Metal detectorMetal detectors (10) protect consumers against damage to health caused by metal parts, prevent the end product from being contaminated by metal and protect processing machines against damage. As well as magnetic metal parts, metal detectors also detect high-alloy steels and non-ferrous metals (copper, brass, aluminium, lead etc.). Rubber-bonded metal elementsTo prevent the metal detector from being influenced by vibrations of the belt structure and to insulate the metal detector electrically against the belt structure, the metal detector must be equipped with four rubber-bonded metal elements at the factory.The metal detector is secured to the belt structure or to a separate bracket using the rubber-bonded metal elements.Light barrierThe light barrier is required when separating oddly shaped products using a pusher or blower in order to precisely control the separator. The light barrier is used to synchronise the metal signal with the product. Displacement sensorIn the case of conveyor belts that have a variable belt speed and therefore a changeable displacement/rejection time, a displacement sensor is required that will generate pulses proportional to the distance. The distance pulse is generated by the drive motor.Detector coilThe rectangular detector channel, which is available in various sizes, is incorporated in the stainless steel housing (material 1.4301), which is welded on all sides. Selection guidelines for the detector coil (see dimensions table) Passage width: The passage width of the detector coil (dimension ‘E’ in the dimensions table) is determined based on the width of the conveyor belt (dimension ‘BB’).Passage height: The detection sensitivity is dependent above all on the passage height, so it is important to select the lowest height required. The passage height (dimension ‘C’ in the dimensions table) is determined based on the maximum product height processed plus 40 mm.Type designation: The type designation includes the passage width (dimension ‘E’ in the dimensions table) and passage height (dimension ‘C’ in the dimensions table) in cm. Example: 22.5 x 9 Vistus®-S: passagewidth = 225 mm, passage height = 90 mm (clear height = 50 mm, dimension ‘LH‘ in the dimensions table).**************************。
常见的几款迈思肯扫描器的产品参数:1.MS-3 超小型条码扫描器:解码/秒:最多1000读取范围:2至10“(51至254 mm)广阔的扫描角度/IP54外壳MS-3激光条码扫描仪在嵌入式紧凑型条码扫描器中提供最快的读取性能。
高扫描速度:可调节扫描速度从每秒300到1000个解码,Microscan 世界级的解码算法确保每次都能准确读取。
2.QX-870 工业光栅激光扫描器:每秒扫描次数:300 至1400 次读取范围:1 至30"(25 mm 至762 mm)可选的嵌入式以太网TCP/IP 和EtherNet/IP 协议/IP65 封装QX-870 激光扫描器配有最新的条形码读取技术,并可连接至易于使用的条形码追踪、跟踪和控制应用程序解决方案。
凭借即插即用设置及最具效率的编码算法,QX-870 成为所有工业应用的理想激光扫描器。
快速连接系统:M12 Ultra-Lock™ 连接器和线缆套件,即插即用设置一台或多台扫描器解决方案X-Mode 技术:解码受损、印刷不良或未对齐的码,确保高读取率和扫描量高性能:高效的解码能力,能以长达10"(25.4 cm)的光束宽度可靠读取长达30"(762 cm)的条码。
L3Harris Communication Systems - West 电磁器件生产质量标准说明
Coil Wound ProductsWorkmanship Standard – Level IDocument Number: WS-007Revision: 06Effective Date: 10/03/2022 Point of Contact: Bradley Toone Title: Manufacturing Process EngineerTABLE OF CONTENTSPURPOSE & SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1 WORKMANSHIP STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................................. 1 1. APPLICATION ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1 2. TOROIDAL WINDINGS .............................................................................................................................................................. 1 3. BOBBIN WINDINGS .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 4. COIL HOUSING ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 5. E-CORE TYPE COILS .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 6.CONICAL COIL (6)RECORDS ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 DOCUMENT INFORMATION .. (7)PURPOSE & SCOPEThis Workmanship Standard details the workmanship acceptance criteria to be applied to L3Harris Communication Systems-West (CSW), Salt Lake City facility products.The Workmanship Standard includes examples of Electromechanical type assemblies structured for CSW Salt Lake City facility products WORKMANSHIP STANDARD 1. APPLICATIONIt shall be the responsibility of all personnel involved with assembly, inspection, and test to ensure that all Electromechanical Assembled product meets the minimum acceptance criteria during all phases of the build and test process. 2. TOROIDAL WINDINGS2.1. Hand WoundNote: The number of turns is counted on the inside portion of the toroid.Target ConditionA. Windings are distributed equally around the core. • Unless otherwise specified, secondary windings areequally distributed over the primary windings(secondary windings are not shown).Acceptable• Windings are not equally distributed around the core;however, the number of turns is as specified per the drawing.AcceptableA. Chips, nicks, or scratches in the paint/coating areallowed providing the core (ferrite material) is not damaged.• Windings are concentrated in one general area with thespecified number of turns per drawing.NonconformingA. Chip in core (ferrite material).B. Wires are wrapped loosely.• The number of turns is not as specified per drawing.Nonconforming• Windings overlap where sufficient space is available. • Winding insulation is nicked/scraped, exposing basemetal.• Crack in core.NonconformingA. Chips or nicks have gone beyond the paint/coatingsurface and have damaged the core (ferrite material).2.2. Machine WoundNote: The number of turns is counted on the inside portion of the toroid.Acceptable• Number of turns are as specified per drawing. Inherentoverlap is uniformly distributed.• The windings are free of nicks or deformation. • The windings are free of kinks.• The windings are free of exposed base metal.3. BOBBIN WINDINGSNote : The wire is free of kinks or deformations with no base metal exposed.Target Condition• The wire is free of kinks or deformations with no basemetal exposed.Acceptable• Single layer winding, with the windings tight against thebobbin.• Number of turns are as specified per drawing.• When specified per drawing, windings are wound in acrisscross pattern.Nonconforming• (Bifilar) Double wire strands wound tight against thebobbin with the specified number of turns per drawing.NonconformingA. Bobbin is cracked or broken.4. COIL HOUSINGTarget Condition• Coil housing is aligned top to bottom. • Wiring exit slots are aligned.Note: hardware is shown for build purposes only, prior to bonding.• Misalignment of wiring slots shall not exceed .03 inch.NonconformingA. Cracks or chips in the composite material of the coilhousing.5. E-CORE TYPE COILSAcceptable• Trifilar winding is tight against the core or previouswinding.• Number of turns are as specified per drawing. • Entry and exit of wires are in the correct slot perdrawing.• The windings are free of nicks or deformation. • The windings are free of kinks.• The windings are free of exposed base metal.Acceptable• Number of layers of paper/tape covering windings areas specified per drawing.A. Windings and paper/tape do not interfere with theinstallation of the E-Cores.NonconformingA. Wiring and/or paper/tape windings are causinginterference with the installation of the E-Cores.6. CONICAL COILNote : Magnification 27XTarget Condition• Wire remains continuous to connection point.• Wire does not span the gap between pads more than50 percent.• Wire insulation is not evident in epoxy connectionAcceptableA. Wire is only slightly unwound to connection point. • Wire does not span the gap between pads more than50 percent.• Wire insulation is not evident in epoxy connection.A. Wire remains continuous to connection point.• Wire does not span the gap between pads more than50 percent.• Wire insulation is not evident in epoxy connection.NonconformingA. Wire is not continuous to connection point.B. Wire spans the gap between pads more than 50percent.C. Wire insulation is evident in epoxy connection.RECORDSThere are no records associated with this document.END OF DOCUMENTDOCUMENT INFORMATION Responsible Organization: Operations Function/Sub-function: ManufacturingGoverning Document(s): Y-001, Quality Management System Subordinate Document(s): N/ARelated Document(s):IS-003, Workmanship Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies P-047, InspectionWS-000, Workmanship Standards Introduction WS-002, IPC-A-610 Related Training: N/AApproval Requirements:Manager, Manufacturing Engineering Supervisor, Quality Management Director, Operations Management Review Requirements:Manager, Engineering ManagementSr. Manager, Quality ManagementRevision History Summary。
SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA 剪脱耐力电子平衡器说明说明书
Shear beam load cellsOverviewSIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA Load cell SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA Load cellThe shear beam load cell is particularly suitable for use in hopper,overhead rail and platform scales.The measuring element is a shear tension spring made of stainless steel to which the strain gauges are applied. The strain gauges are arranged at 45° to the longitudinal axis on the side of the spring body and are therefore subject to shear forces. Under the influence of the load acting in the measuring direction, the spring bodies and therefore the friction-locked strain gauges are elastically deformed. This generates a measuring signal voltage that is proportional to theload.Shear beam load cellsLoad Cells© Siemens AG 2022Shear beam load cellsSIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA Load cell1)The tightening torque is to be selected according to the strength class of the screws.SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA load cell, dimensions in mm (inch)Load Cells© Siemens AG 2022Shear beam load cellsOverviewSIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA Mounting unit with guide elementSIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA Mounting unit with guide elementThe self-centering mounting unit for SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA load cells is particularly suitable for implementation in container, platform and roller conveyor scales.The mounting unit comprises a base plate and a top plate, a pendulum bolt and two countersunk screws.A highly flexible grounding cable between the top and base plate conducts any fault currents past the load cell. On both sides of the base and top plate there are threaded holes for the later flange-fitting of guide elements.The top plate is aligned and fixed above the base plate with the two countersunk screws. This results in a stable unit. The height of the top plate is adjusted so that it is three millimeters above the installation height with load cell.In this state, the mounting unit serves as an installation aid and can be used as a dummy for light installation jobs.The load cell is inserted with the pendulum bolt into the mounting unit. The load cell can be inserted in the scale before mounting the mounting unit. It is also possible to insert the load cell in themounting unit after mounting. After the mounting unit has been mounted in the scale, the load bearing implement is ideally aligned.The load cells are not yet loaded.Finally, the load bearing implement is lowered by loosening the two hexagon nuts under the top plate. The weight now rests on the load cells.In this state the load cell and the pressure pieces together form a self-centering unit. The mounting unit permits sideways displacement of the top plate, and hence of the load bearing implement, by up to three millimeters.The countersunk head screws prevent the load bearing implement from being lifted off or tipping.Using the mounting unit as an installation aid results in optimum alignment of the load cells. This is essential to enable the load cells to perform at their best in terms of accuracy. For maintenance or troubleshooting purposes, the load cell can be relieved again by tightening the hexagon nuts. After loosening the fixing screws, it can be replaced easily.Guide elementGuide elements are used if the lateral movement of a load bearing implement is to be prevented.Lateral motions may be associated with the following factors: Start-up of an agitator in a container, braking or acceleration forces of a roller conveyor, or wind forces in the case of outdoor silos.A guide element consists of two flanges and one clamping screw.The clamping screw is adjusted to the correct length. The guide element is attached to the operational mounting unit. A guide element can be mounted on the front or rear of the mounting unit. If necessary, two guide elements can be used in parallel in order to double the transferrable lateral force.In the case of scales with four load cells, only three mounting unitsmay be equipped with guide elements.ShimShims are used to compensate for angular errors and delays in thelug plates. If more than three load cells are used, the shims are also used to adjust the height of the lugs.Mounting unit with guide element, rear viewShear beam load cellsLoad Cells© Siemens AG 2022Load CellsShear beam load cellsSIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA Mounting unit with guide element1)The load cell is not included in the scope of delivery.1)The values apply to one guide element.Shear beam load cellsSIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA Mounting unit with guide elementCompact mounting unit for SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA load cells, mounting state with built-in load cells 0.5 to 2 t (0.49 ... 1.97 tn. l.), dimensions in mm (inch)Compact mounting unit for SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA load cells, mounting state with built-in load cell 5 t (4.92 tn. l.), dimensions in mm (inch)Compact mounting unit for SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA load cells, guideelements 0.5 to 2 t (0.49 ... 1.97 tn. l.), dimensions in mm (inch)Compact mounting unit for SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA load cells, guide element 5 t (4.92 tn. l.), dimensions in mm (inch)Load CellsShear beam load cellsOverviewSIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA Base plate with elastomer bearingShear beam load cellsSIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA Base plate with elastomer bearingThe base plate and the elastomer bearing form a self-centeringbearing unit together with the load cells of the SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA series. It suppresses oscillations and shocks to a certain extent.Elastomer bearings are rubber-metal composites made of neoprene and stainless steel. Their special design means that lateral movement of the load bearing implement does not result in high transverse force on the load cell.If the load bearing implement is displaced by more than 4 mm(0.16 inch) in the horizontal direction, measures for restricting sideways play (e.g. stops) must be provided in the construction of the load bearing implement.The base plate of stainless steel is used for suitable fixing of the load cell on the base.The load cell is not included in the scope of delivery of the baseplate or elastomer bearing.1)The load cell is not included in the scope of delivery.2)It is highly recommendable to use a grounding cable (7MH3701-1AA1) in order to protect the load cell.Load Cells© Siemens AG 2022© Siemens AG 2022Load CellsShear beam load cellsSIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA Base plate with elastomer bearingBase plate with elastomer bearing for SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA load cells, dimensions in mm (inch)Shear beam load cellsOverviewSIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA Load footShear beam load cellsSIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA Load footLoad foot for SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA load cellsThis self-aligning load foot for SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA load cells can be used for the quick and easy construction of platform and hopper scales.The load foot transmits the force directly into the load cell.The load foot is designed for rated load cell ranges from 500 kg to5 t (0.49 ... 4.92 tn. l.).Height compensation is possible using the screw thread.Together with the pressure piece which is screwed into the load cell, this facilitates an oscillation function which prevents stresses in the load cells. Stresses can arise during installation or when the length of the load bearing implement changes due to thermal expansion.The rubber cap prevents the load foot from slipping.1)The load cell is not included in the scope of delivery.Load Cells© Siemens AG 2022Load CellsShear beam load cellsSIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA Load footSIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA load foot, 0.5 ... 2 t (0.49 ... 1.97 tn. l.), dimensions in mm (inch)Load CellsShear beam load cellsSIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA Load footSIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA load foot, 5 t (4.92 tn. l.), dimensions in mm (inch)。
IC Realtime ICIP-P2300Y-L 2 Megapixel 长距离 PTZ 天线摄像
IC Realtime LLCICIP-P2300Y-L2 Megapixel Outdoor, Full-Size 30× Network Starlight Laser PTZ Dome Camera The ICIP-P2300Y-L is a next-generation, ultra-highperformance point-and-zoom camera with super longlaser night vision and proprietary, built-in videoanalytics called IVS (Intelligent Video Analysis).This camera features the very best long-range opticsto give you maximum resolution at a maximum range(30× optical zoom/16× digital) for large perimeter areassuch as parking lots, open areas, and ports.In addition, the camera featuers a long-range laserilluminator that turns nighttime into daytime at morethan 1500’ / 500m. Laser nighttime illumination issuperior to infrared because it has a more effectiverange and almost no introduced noise, making it idealfor high detail discernment of faces, vehicles, andobjects over huge distances in zero light.The camera also features a powerful object-trackingfunction capable of following vehicles or people asthey move within the defined boundaries. The videoanalytics feature tripwire, intrusion, scene change, facedetection, and much more.With a wide variety of rule configuration menus, userscan set up a powerful video analytic settings andalerts. When the camera recognizes a rule violation, itcan send out snapshots, emails, or trigger relays oralarms.F EATURES→Max 60fps @ 720P; 30fps @ 1080P→IR Distance up to 1600’ / 500m→Intelligent 3D positioning→30× optical zoom→Auto-tracking and IVS→Micro SD memory, IP67, Hi-PoE (requires PWR-HIPOE-8)Revision: 1.0; May 2017IC Realtime LLCS PECIFICATIONSCameraImage Sensor 1/1.9" CMOS I-SniperEffective Pixels 1944 (H)×1092 (V), 2MPScanning System ProgressiveElectronic Shutter Speed 1/1s ~ 1/30,000sMin. Illumination*************(color);**************(B/W); 0Lux (Laser on)S/N Ratio > 56dBVideo Output BNC (1.0Vp-p/75Ω), PAL / NTSCCamera FeaturesDay/Night Auto (ICR) / Color / B/WBacklight Compensation BLC / HLC / WDR (120dB)White Balance Auto, ATW, Indoor, Outdoor, & ManualGain Control Auto / ManualNoise Reduction Ultra DNR (2D/3D)Privacy Masking Up to 24 areasDigital Zoom 16×EIS SupportDefog SupportLensFocal Length 6mm ~ 180mm (30× Optical zoom)Max Aperture F1.6 ~ F4.8Focus Control Auto / ManualAngle of View H: 51.2° (W) ~ 1.8° (T)Close Focus Distance 10mm ~ 1500mmLaser LightLaser Light Control Auto / ManualLaser Distance 1640’ / 500mLaser Angle 2° ~ 60°PTZPan/Tilt RangePan: 0° ~ 360° endless; Tilt: -10° ~ 90°; 180° autoflipManual ControlSpeedPan: 0.1° ~ 240°/s; Tilt: 0.1° ~ 120°/sPreset Speed Pan: 240° /s; Tilt: 200° /sPreset 300PTZ Mode 5 Pattern, 8 Tour, Auto Pan, & Auto ScanSpeed Setup Human-oriented focal length / speed adaptationPreset PositionReturn Accuracy±0.1° / ±0.03%Power-up ActionAuto restore to previous PTZ and lens status afterpower failureIdle MotionActivate Preset / Pan / Scan / Tour / Pattern if nocommands given in the specified periodTime TaskAuto activation of Preset / Pan / Scan / Tour /PatternProtocol ICR-SD, Pelco-P/D (Auto recognition)VideoCompression H.264 / MJPEGResolution1080P (1920×1080) / 720P (1280×720) /D1(704×576 / 704×480) / CIF (352×288 /352×240)Frame RateMain Stream: 1080P / D1 (1 ~ 30fps), 720P (1~ 60fps)Sub Stream 1: D1 / CIF (1 ~ 30fps)Sub Stream 2: 720P / D1 / CIF (1 ~ 30fps)Bit RateH.264: 56K ~ 8192Kbps, MJPEG: 56K ~20480KbpsAudioCompression G.711a / G.711u (32Kbps) / PCM (128Kbps)Interface 1/1 channel In/OutIntelligent FunctionAuto Tracking Single-scene, multiple-scene, panorama-sceneIVSTripwire, Intrusion, Abandoned / Missing ObjectDetection, & Motion detectionTracking TriggerModeManual / Auto (alarm trigger)Tracking TriggerEventTargeting, Zoom, Tracking, Recording, Snapshot,& AlarmNetworkEthernet RJ-45 (10/100Base-T)ProtocolIPv4/ IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, TCP/IP, UDP, UPnP,ICMP, IGMP, SNMP, RTSP, RTP, RTCP, SMTP, NTP,DHCP, DNS, PPPoE, DDNS, FTP, IP Filter, QoS,Bonjour, & 802.1xCompatibility ONVIF, PSIA, & CGIMax. UserAccess20Smart Phone Android, iOS, & Windows PhoneAuxiliary InterfaceMemory Slot Micro SD Card, Max 64GBAlarm 7 / 2 channel In / OutGeneralPower Supply AC 24V/3A, Hi-PoE (requires PWR-HIPOE-8)Power Consumption 20W, 43W (Laser on, Heater on)Working Environment -40°F ~ 158°F/-40°C ~ 60°C; < 90% RHIngress Protection IP67Wiper YesDimensions Φ9.4”×14.1” / Φ240mm×357mmWeight 14.88lbs / 6.75kgCheck Out Our Mobile App Lineup。
Fluke 2300A Scanner Mainframe 用户手册说明书
connections for 10 channels, and each card i divided into
ection 6 in this manual.
Table 1-1. 2300A Specifications
CHANNEL CAPACITY: 20 channels internal; control capability for additional 80 channels in 2301 A Extender
1-3. The 2300A front panel controls allow the operator to .manually scan all channels, program channel delay times. kip specific channels. or scan all channels automatically. A Fluke ModeI2020A-004. 2021 A-004. or 2030A printer may be connected to the 2300A output to provide recording capability for the scanner system. Front panel displays provide an indication of the selected channel or channel delay time. and the selected scan mode.
1-4. All canner cards and I 0 Interface cards are
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美国Intermec MaxiScan 2300VS 条码扫描仪平台
上海登文信息IntermecM2300VS 扫描仪平台30000小时平均无故障时间,加上三年质保,彻底免除用户的后顾之忧。
扫描方式: 5方位,20线
扫描速度: 2000次/秒
扫描景深: 0-30cm
工作环境: 0-40°
主机接口:IntermecM2300VS RS232C, OCIA, IBM RS485, PC键盘口
扫描光源: VLD670mm
体积: 18.3cm*21.0cm*7.0cm。