



.GPS TRACKER 追踪王(GPS+AGPS+LBS+GSM+SMS/GPRS)使用指南(版本V1.0)非常感谢你选择使用GPS TRACKER 追踪王,使用指南将详细的说明如何操作本产品。



目录1.产品简介2.应用领域3. 规格描述4.产品配件5.使用说明'..5.1 SIM卡的安装和设备启动5.2 设备充电5.3 主控号码设置5.4 单次定位5.5 基站定位5.6 中文地址查询5.7 SOS紧急求救5.8 远程监听5.9 震动报警5.10 位移报警5.11 电子围栏5.12 超速报警5.13 低电报警5.14 睡眠省电模式设置5.15 设防/重启和恢复出厂设置 5.16 查询设备状态6.监控平台应用7.故障排除8. 保修1.产品简介GPS TRACKER 追踪王融合了GSM无线通信技术及GPS全球定位系统技术,采用工业级防火材料,6颗18MM×3MM强磁装置,IPX-5防水等级设计,内置8000MAH大容量电池,超长待机100天,通过短信和全球定位服务平台实现对远程目标进行定位和监控管理。


'..2.应用领域●汽车租赁/小型车队管理●户外活动●儿童/老人/残疾人士/贵重物品的监护●个人安全●人员管理●跟踪定位●动物保护和牧场管理3. 规格描述项目规格DC 5V/1000mA (MICRO USB)充电电压8000 mAh (3.7V)内置电池130 mm × 72 mm × 20mm体积300g (重量包括电池)-20° to 工作温度55° C5% to 95% Non-condensing工作湿度四频GSM 850/900/1800/1900Mhz模块GSMUBLOX7020GPS芯片--162Db灵敏度GPSL1, 1575.42 MHzGPS频率1.023 MHz chip rate码C/A56 channel all-in-view trackin频10 meters, 2D RM位置精0.1 m/速度精卫星时微秒同时间精WGS-8默认数平0.1 sec更新时平1 sec热启平暖启30 sec平冷启32 sec'..18,000 meters (60,000 feet) max.最大高度515 meters/second (1000 knots) max.最大速度最大加速度4g小于20 m/sec瞬间位移待机时间天100状态、GSM3个LED灯显示充电、GPSLED灯按键求救SOS.产品配件4 充电器一个● 5V 1000MA充电线一条●使用指南和保修卡一本●追踪王设备一台GPS TRACKER ●5.使用说明 5.1 SIM卡的安装和设备启动打开包装盒,检查设备型号是否正确,配件是否齐全,否则请联络你的经销5.1.1商;GSMGSM卡联通或移动任选(卡选择,设备需要插入一张GSM SIM卡, 5.1.2 SIM 网络全球通用)卡芯片朝下插入卡槽,盖卡的安装,拆开设备防水塞,依据标示,SIM5.1.3 SIM 上防水塞。













导航数据的说明在上一小节中,我们知道gps72各页面的数据区可以任意定制其显示的数据项,这里将对这些数据项进行具体的描述:方位-当前目的地相对于当前位置的方向角度(正北为0度,顺时针为正)方向指针-始终指向当前目的地的箭头高度-当前位置的海拔高度航线-起始位置到目的地的方向角度(正北为0度,顺时针为正)航向-当前的运动方向精度-当前的定位精度里程表-累计的行进距离旅行合计时间-gps接收机开机后的时间总和旅行移动时间-处于运动状态中所用的总时间偏航距-偏离最初航线的距离平均运动速度-处于运动状态下的平均速度全程平均速度-总的平均速度深度-机器位于水下的深度时间-当前的时间水温-机器位于水中时周围的水温(需外接其它设备)水中速度-机器在水中的速度(需外接其它设备)速度-当前运动的速度有效速度-沿着希望的航向接近目的地的速度(也就是速度在目标方位上的分量)转向角-向目的地行进所需要修正的角度,“l ”表示应向左,“r”表示应向右最大速度-速度曾经达到的最大值最终到达时刻-预计到达最后目的地的时刻最终距离-与最后目的地的距离最终在途时间-预计到达最后目的地所需要的时间当前到达时刻-预计到达航线中下一个航点的时刻当前距离-与航线中下一个航点的距离当前在途时间-预计到达航线中下一个航点所需要的时间返回航线角-能够返回原航线的最佳角度卫星信号不好时的操作如果gps72在开机后几分钟没有接收到卫星信号,或者接收到的卫星信号不足以定位,将会出现一个窗口来提醒您定位困难(见图4-5)。

GARMIN GPS 72导航仪中文说明书

GARMIN GPS 72导航仪中文说明书

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第一章:序 言
1.1 说明书介绍
第二章:GPS72 概况 2.1 接收机简介 .......... ...........................5 2.2 接收机结构 .......... ...........................7 2.3 安装电池 ............... ........................8 2.4 按键及其功能 ....................................8 2.5 主要页面介绍 .......... .........................9
GPS 定位原理 GPS 的基本定位原理是:卫星不间断地发送自身的星历参数和时 间信息,用户接收到这些信息后,经过计算求出接收机的三维位置, 三维方向以及运动速度和时间信息。目前 GPS 系统提供的定位精度是 优于 10 米,而为得到更高的定位精度,我们通常采用差分 GPS 技术: 将一台 GPS 接收机安置在基准站上进行观测。根据基准站已知精密坐 标,计算出基准站到卫星的距离改正数,并由基准站实时将这一数据 发送出去。用户接收机在进行 GPS 观测的同时,也接收到基准站发出 的改正数,并对其定位结果进行改正,从而提高定位精度。
第二章 接收机概况
2.1 接收机简介
GPS72 是一款新型的 12 通道 GPS 接收机,它采用了内置的螺旋天 线。位于前面板上的九个按键,可以使您更加快捷的调用机器的各项 功能。GPS72 具有一个 6 厘米× 4.5 厘米的大屏幕,可以更加清晰、方 便的看到显示的内容。



GPS用户手册SURVEY PROFor Windows R CEGPS用户手册美国TDS 公司(版权所有,侵权必究)目录第一章序言-------------------------------------------------------------3第二章GPS坐标---------------------------------------------------------42.1.基准2.1.1水平基准2.2.2垂直基准2.2.坐标系统2.2.1水平坐标系统2.2.2垂直坐标系统2.2.3 Survey Pro 坐标系统数据库第三章GPS测量---------------------------------------------------------93.1.伪距法定位3.1.1差分GPS3.2.用survey pro做差分GPS第四章RTK数据采集--------------------------------------------------114.1.设置投影模式4.1.1投影模式概述4.1.2地图投影设置4.1.3选择大地水准面模型4.2.接收机设置4.2.1一般的硬件设置4.2.2基准站接收机设置4.2.3动态接收机设置4.3.解算水平投影4.3.1定位4.3.2地图投影4.4.解算垂直投影4.4.1定位4.4.2模拟大地水准面4.4.3椭球高4.5. RTK数据采集4.5.1测量模式4.5.2数据采集方法4.6.RTK放样第五章投影的利用------------------------------------------------255.1.投影计算器5.1.1计算器比例系数5.1.2收敛计算器5.2.重新平差点5.2.1大地到平面5.2.2平面到大地第六章用TDS 管理GPS坐标---------------------------------286.1.Survey Pro6.1.1人工模式6.1.2编辑点6.1.3输入一个.GPS文件6.2.Survey Link6.2.1文件输入6.2.2文件输出第七章数据采集后处理-----------------------------------------317.1.野外过程7.1.1开始后处理7.1.2接收机开始记录7.1.3数据采集7.2.内业工作第八章例程--------------------------------------------------------348.1.用控制点定位8.2.重复定位测量8.3.定位计算器和大地水准面模拟8.4.用GPS和常规的投影面测量疑难解答参考资料第一章序言本书分为两个部分:第一部分是用户手册,第二部分是参考手册。



前言感谢您选用magellan 公司出品的个人全球卫星定位(gps)导航仪:gps315/320。


1 这是一个优秀的导航产品,但不可代替其它越野识途比赛的所需产品,也不可做比赛公证。


2 全球定位系统(gps)由美国政府控制,它单独负责系统的精度和维护。

现有的定位精度为不大于10 米。

3 应配套使用magellan 公司提供的专用电缆和天线,用其它电缆和天线可能会导致定位精度下降、导航仪损坏,由此造成的后果不在产品保修之列。

4 无需每次使用都进行初始化设置,只有当导航仪在第一次使用、卫星星历丢失,或在关闭的情况下移动了300 公里以上的时候才需要初始化;严禁浸泡。

5 请务必认真阅读本手册,以免由于使用不当,给您的安全带来威胁。


简介欢迎选用麦哲伦(magellan)公司出品的个人全球卫星定位(gps)导航仪: gps315/320。


自1989 年开发出第一个导航仪以来,麦哲伦公司在定位和导航方面一直领导着gps 技术革新的潮流!现在,您所购买的麦哲伦导航仪将充分天体现出易学易用性。

这本手册是gps315 和gps320 的使用手册。

它们的区别是:gps315 只有世界上主要的大、中、小型城市的坐标数据库,gps320 除了具有以上数据库以外,还有灯塔、航标、浮标等航海助航数据库。

其中gps320 的城市数据库分为三个区域(北/中/南美洲、欧洲和非洲、澳大利亚和亚洲),依据不同的城市数据库,销往不同国家和地区。


gps 知识介绍一、gps 定位系统构成gps 是global positioning system 的缩写,即全球卫星定位系统。




User Manual(Version 2.1)1.AccessoriesThis user manual has been specially designed to guide you throughCharging cable (Standard)2.Specification3. Quick Operation InstructionsChange APN parameter by sending SMS “APN,666666,APN name#” and “SERVER,666666,1,,8821,0# ”to the device.3.1 Locate current position by GPRS/SMS3.2 GPS tracking platform:3.3 Track by time interval via GPRSSend SMS “TIMER,666666,,time(second)#” to device. 10s in minimum while 18000s(5 hours) in maximum.3.4 Change passwordThe default password is 666666. Send SMS “PASSWORD,old password (6 numbers),new password (6 numbers)#” to the device.3.5 Real-time Location Tracking via SMS3.5.1 Send SMS “WHERE,666666#” to the device, you will get the current location of the device.3.5.2 Send SMS “URL,666666#” to the device, you will get the URL of the current location by .4.My Device5. LED Indications6.Method of installation6.1 Preparation before installation1)Open the packing box to check whether the type of device is correct and whether the accessories are included.2)This product is a high-tech electronic device, installation should be undertaken by a professional.3)Please follow the following procedures to install your GT02A.During installation, there should be no power to the device.6.2 Installing SIM card: each GT02A need to insert a GSM SIM card. The SIM card used should be enabled for GPRS.1)Testing SIM card: to test SIM card, please install it into a normalGSM mobile and ensure it can send and receive SMS, and enables for GPRS.2)Installing SIM card:Remove the upper cover of device,insert SIM cardas shown then replace cover,lock the Shell With 3 bolts.6.3 Selecting installation place and fixing it.There are twokinds of installation: covert and non covert.If you need the covert installation, please refer installation to an auto electrical contractor.Note:1)To prevent theft of the GT02A,the device should be installed ascovertly as possible.2)Avoid placing the GT02A close to higher power electrical devices,such as reversing radar, anti-theft device or other vehiclecommunication equipment.3)The GT02A should be fixed into position with cable ties or widedouble-side tape.4)Your device has built-in GSM antenna and GPS antenna. During installation, please make sure the receiving side face is up, with no metal object above the device to interfere with GPS reception. The following places are suggested for installation:- Under the dash board below the front windshield;- In the parcel shelf in the rear;- In the front bumper( non-material face), please ensure the device cannot get wet;- Under the wiper version (non-metal), please ensure the device cannot get wet;Notice: If the windshield is pasted with metal thermal-protective coating, it may affect the performance of the device. In this case, please change the installation place after consulting the professional.5)Non Covert Installation,Firstly fix the device on the dash board below windshield.7. Cautions of device wiring7.1 The standard voltage is 9V-36V, the red wire is the positive, the black wire is the negative.7.2 Please connect the black wire to ground.7.3 After connecting the power cord, run the power cord plug to the device. After installation, supply power to device.7.4 Covert installation: car battery cord is standard, with 2A FUSE for short-circuit over current protection.7.5 Non covert installation: cigar lighter cord is optional, with 2A FUSE for short-circuit over current protection. Please contact your dealer if this mode is needed.8. Power on/ off8.1 The device will power on automatically when connected to power. During normal operation, red power LED flashes, while blue GPS LED and green GSM LED keep lighting. During signal searching process, GPS or GSM LED will flash. If there is no light presenting on LEDs, the device is not working normally.installation, please make sure the receiving side face is up, with no metal object above the device to interfere with GPS reception. The following places are suggested for installation:8.2 The device will power off after power is disconnected.9. Side key functionAt normal-work indication status, press the side key, all the three LEDs will extinguish and then the device will enter covert working mode. Press the key again, the three LEDs will go back to normal-work indication status.10. Troubleshooting10.1 If GPS can not receive the signals normally, please drive to the open areas for positioning. Generally, it needs 1-2 minutes to receive the first coordinates. If the data can not be received after 2-3 minutes, pleasecheck the installation position of the device, making sure it is not being shielded by any metal.10.2 If GSM can not receive the signals normally, please check whether SIM card is installed correctly or there is no GSM signal at the current location , such as a basement parking, please drive to a place covered by GSM signal.10.3 If the red LED does not work when power is connected, check whether the fuse is blown. If so, please replace the fuse.10.4 If the three LEDs do not turn on when power up, press the down side key, if the three LEDs recover normally, the device is working normally.10.5 If you have enabled the web based tracking application, and the device displays off-line on the platform, please check 3 LEDs status indicators first. You can check the status of the SIM card when you are in an inconvenient situation. Please refer to the following steps:1)Call the device to check whether you can get through.2)Check whether the SIM card supports GPRS and a local APN.3)Check the GSM/GPS reception area.4)Check whether there is enough credit on the SIM card.5)Check if the connector and terminal is loose or the fuse has blown out.11.SMS command。

GSM GPRS GPS车辆跟踪器A B C型用户手册说明书

GSM GPRS GPS车辆跟踪器A B C型用户手册说明书

GSM/GPRS/GPS Vehicle TrackerModel A/B/C User ManualPrefaceThank you for purchasing the tracker.This manual shows how to operate the device smoothly and correctly.Make sure to read this manual carefully before using this product.Please note that specification and information are subject to changes without prior notice in this manual.Any change will be integrated in the latest release.The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document.Contents1.Function Introduction (3)2.Applications (3)3.Hardware Description (3)4.Accessories.......................................................................................错误!未定义书签。

5.Specifications (5)6.Operating Instructions (5)6.1Terminal Installation (5)6.2SIM CARD Installations (6)6.3Turn on the Tracker Device (7)6.4GSM/GPS LED Indicator (7)6.5Change Password (7)6.6Authorization (8)6.7Single Locating (8)6.8Exact street address (9)6.9Location based service(LBS)/Cell-ID Locating (9)6.10Change Work Mode (10)6.11Monitor....................................................................................................................10.6.12.Location Data Logging and Loading (10)6.13Armed by ACC (11)6.14Cut off the Oil and Power System (11)6.15Armed Setting (11)6.16Disarmed Setting (11)6.17Alarms (12)6.17.1Power off alarm (12)6.17.2SOS Alarm (12)6.17.3Movement alarm (12)6.17.4Over speed alarm (12)6.17.5ACC Alarm (12)6.18Check the Vehicle State (13)6.19Check IMEI (14)6.20Terminal(local)Time Setting (14)6.21Reset Hardware (14)6.22GPRS Setting (14)6.23Less GPRS traffic (15)6.24Instructions for web platform and mobile APP (15)7.Cautions (19)8.Faults&the Solutions (20)1.Function Introduction1.1.This tracker is a new product based on the GSM/GPRS network and GPS satellitepositioning system,which set multiple functions of security,positioning,monitoring surveillance,emergency alarms and tracking in its entirety.It can track and monitor remote target by SMS or internet.1.2.Features1.2.1Support both GPS&LBS(Location based service).1.2.2Support SMS/GPRS/Internet Network data transmission1.2.1Support GPRS on-line and GPRS re-connected automatically if GPRS drops1.2.3Support SMS/GPRS dual-mode switching1.2.4Support configuration by remote terminal.1.2.5Support for point-to-point,point to group,group-to-group monitoring.1.2.6Set multiple functions of security,positioning,monitoring surveillance, emergency alarms and tracking in its entirety.2.ApplicationsUsed widely for vehicle and other moving objects tracking.3.Hardware Description4.AccessoriesNo.Photoes NAME Note1Harness(Default)4PIN2Microphone 1.5meters3Relay 12VDC/40A to24VDC/40A according to vehicles4SOS Key SOS Key/Cable for HelpCall5.SpecificationsContent specificationsDIM68.0X33.0X10.5mmWeight35gNetwork GSM/GPRSBand850/900/1800/1900MhzGPS Sensitivity-159dBmGPS Accuracy5mGPS Start time Cold status45s Warm status35s Hot status1sV oltage9V~40VBackup battery Chargeable3.7V70mAh Polymer Li-Battery Storage Temp.-40°C to+85°COperation Temp.-20°C to+65°CHumidity5%--95%non-condensing6.Operating Instructions6.1Terminal Installation6.1.1Please ask the qualified engineers to install it.6.1.2Do not install it in an environment which is over GSM performance index,andplease pay attention to fix the antennas in an appropriate position with good signals.6.1.3Pay attention to make installation location preventing water and dust.6.1.4Find the4PIN harness and insert it into the corresponding holes of the products,andconnect the wires with the original car circuit showing below:Wiring diagramNote:The orange wire can be connected to the original car horn6.1.5Please put SOS button at the place driver can touch.6.1.6Insert the external monitor Microphone into the monitor jack.6.1.7Please let the TOP SIDE of Tracker upwards the sky,make sure it receivesGPS signals well.6.2Micro SIM CARD Installations6.2.1Take out the SIM card Slot and put Micro SIM card in it.And then put the SIM cardslot back to its original position after confirm the Micro SIM card in the right place.6.2.2Please make sure the Micro SIM card is for GSM network and able to execute thefunction of incoming calls display,no calls can be diverted and the PIN code is locked.The SMS format must be TXT format,and can’t recognize the PDU format.6.3Turn on the Tracker DeviceConnect the positive and negative wire,red and black ones,with12V or24V car power system,It will be powered on after20seconds.6.4GSM/GPS LED IndicatorLED Indicator TypeBehavior Meaning Red LED On(Not Flash)SIM not Ready Flash quicklyGSM search Network(1time per second)GPRS uploading data(3time per second)Flash slowlyGPRS Normal or in Sleep mode (1time per 5seconds)Off(Optional)After bootup 5minutes Blue LEDFlash SlowlyFix to satellites (1time per 5seconds)Flash quicklyLost fix to satellites (1time per second)Off(Optional)After bootup 5minutes 6.5Change Password6.5.1Send SMS“Password,CURRENT PASSWORD,NEW PASSWORD”to the unit to change the password.For Example:Send SMS “Password,123456,888888”to the tracker.If succeeded,“Password setting ok!”will reply to your cell phone from the tracker.Note:the default Password is 123456,seperator is comma.6.5.2Be sure to keep the new password in mind,you have to upload the software to restore the original setting in case of losing the new password.6.5.3Attention:Make sure the new password is in 6digits Arabic numbers,or else the tracker cannot recognize the password.6.5.4When reading this user manual,you will notice that we have used English format ","between some words;6.6Authorization6.6.1You should setup the authorized phone number before using SOS,Movement,Over Speed alarm,etc.Up to3numbers can be authorized.6.6.2Authorization:Send SMS“Admin,password,index,cell phone number”to set up anauthorized number,if the number is successfully authorized,the unit will reply “Admin phone number setting ok!”by SMS.6.6.3Delete authorization:Send SMS“Admin,password,index,d”to delete the authorizednumber.6.6.4If you want to track the target when it enters into another country,you must add thecountry code before the cell phone number.You should authorize your number in international format as follows:“admin,123456,1,0086134****2519”to tracker to set 134****2519as an authorized number.Note:the value of index is from1~36.7Single Locating6.7.1Send SMS“Url,password”to the tracker to get the location report.If there aren’t any authorized number set-up,it will reply all SMS from all the mobile number;if there are authorized numbers set-up,then it only reply the authorized numbersFor example:6.8Exact street address6.8.1You must set up the APN of your local GSM network for the SIM card intracker first before using this function.(APN set Up refer6.22GPRS Setting)6.8.2Send SMS"Loc,password"to get the real street/address name,After configure theAPN.Reply example:No.118,Chuangyue2nd Rd,Bao An district,Huizhou,Guangdong, china.6.9Location based service(LBS)/Cell-ID LocatingIf the tracker cannot establish a solid GPS Fix,it will calculate its location using Cell-ID GSM locating,Location reports will include the GPS coordinates of the last known positions as well as a LAC code,Entering the LAC code to the web tracking platform will enable you to see the tracker’s current location.You can also send command“Loc,password”to the tracker to request exact address,track will automatically switch to tracking by LBS in GPRS mode.Accuracy of LBS depends on the distance to the nearest GSM Network Cell Tower or Base Station.Note:This feature can be used normally in most areas according to the signal of GSM network.It may not be available in some areas.6.10Change Work ModeSend command“Mode,password,value”to tracker to set up the work mode.If successful it will reply“Work mode setting ok!”.Note:value:0~50–Sleep Mode(GPS/GPRS OFF,GSM ON),No Time parameter.Example:mode,123456,01–Normal Mode(GPS/GSM/GPRS ON).No Time parameter.Example:mode,123456,12–LBS Mode(GPS/GSM/GPRS ON).No Time parameter.Example:mode,123456,23–Air Mode(GPS/GSM/GPRS OFF,it will change to Normal Mode after some minutes).Example:mode,123456,3,30(enter air mode30minutes)4–Deep Sleep Mode(GPS/GSM/GPRS OFF,it will wake up once very day).Example:mode,123456,4,2300(wake up and upload location to serverwhen23:00very day)5--Location Logging Mode(GPRS off,GPS On).The location info will be save to the internal memory of tracker.They will be uploaded when back to normal mode.Example:mode,123456,56–Tracking Mode(GSM/GPRS ON,GPS no Sleep).No Time parameter.Example:mode,123456,6Note:the default Mode is1(Normal Mode).6.11Monitor6.11.1Send SMS“Monitor,password,monitor phone number”to the unit,and it will call back the phone number,if you accept the call it willenter the monitor mode.Example:Monitor,123456,134****25196.11.2It will be switched to“track”mode after ending the call.6.11.3It will accept the call if the monitor phone number is the incoming call.6.12Location Data Logging and Loading6.12.1Auto logging:When the tracker device lost GSM signals or fall offline from GPRS,tracker will log the tracking position and alerts automatically in the memory ofdevice,when GSM signals get back,the logged tracking data should be loaded to theweb platform automatically.6.12.2Current location data logging:Send SMS:“Mode,password,5”to tracker device,itwill reply:“Work mode setting ok!”and the tracker will stop upload location info togprs server,and logging them into the memory of tracker.6.12.3Loading save data to the gprs server:Send SMS:“Mode,password,1”to trackerdevice,it will reply:“Work mode setting ok!”and loading the tracking data to theweb server platform.6.13Armed by ACC6.13.1Alarm will be disarmed when ACC on,if in auto Armed mode.(which Setting bySMS:armed,password,3)6.13.1Alarm will be armed when ACC off,if in auto Armed mode.(which Setting bySMS:armed,password,3)6.14Cut off the Oil and Power System6.14.1Send SMS command“Relay,password,1”to tracker,tracker will execute it andreply“Stop engine will be executed!”.And it will remain immobile state until nextcommand to resume.It will be executed after speed less than20KM/H.Example:Relay,123456,16.14.1Resume the Oil and Power SystemSend SMS command“Relay,password,0"to tracker,it will reply"Resume enginesucceed!",it means the oil supply is resumed.Note:This function can be executed by the administrator only.So we must use SMS Admin command to set the Authorization before using this command.6.15Armed Setting6.15.1Set up arm by SMS“armed,password,value”to the tracker device in the vehicle.It will reply“Armed!”。



Handheld GPS Buyer’s Guide:What you need to know when purchasing a GPS for field workGlobal Positioning Systems (GPS) is a satellite-based system developed by the United States Department of Defense, and now offers a common way to collect location data for agricultural, urban, and natural resource science applications. It is current made up of a constellation of 31 “healthy” satellites used for civilian GPS, which accurately determine location (X,Y,Z) in almost any weather, day or night, anywhere on Earth.There are several choices of GPS “receiver” units, all of which differ in features and capability.Overall, GPS units are separated into three categories: recreation-grade, mapping-grade, and survey-grade. This guide focuses on recreational and basic mapping grade units only (with horizontal accuracies of approximately 1-30m).There are several things to consider when buying a GPS unit for your fieldwork or research :Waypoint capacityHow many “waypoints”, or GPS points, will the unit need to hold for the duration of the field visit?Many Garmin units hold 1,000 waypoints, but some older models hold only 500. For most fieldwork, it is recommended to buy a unit with at least 1,000 waypoints.Built-in electronic compass Do you need an electronic compass?If you require that direction (N, S, E or W) be known in the field, either for real-time navigation or including with your data to use later in your research , you will need an electronic compass. Note that in order to determine direction, you need to be moving. While standing still a GPS receiver cannot determine which direction you are facing, as it needs to record and process multiple point locations to determine direction.MemoryWhat will you be putting on your GPS unit in the future? Many GPS units now have a lot of internal memory (up to 128MB), but many also now allow foradditional memory using removable microSD data cards, of up to 8GB or more. If you plan to buy maps (Garmin does not currently allow a user to upload their own maps), it is a good idea to buy a unit with expandable memory. All Garmin units with an “x” in their model name feature expandable memory, but unfortunately also feature a much higher price tag.ReceiverNew receivers offers better satellite reception, but may cost more.Although there are many manufacturers of GPS receivers, they almost all use the same receiver“chipset”, which handles the processing of the satellite signal itself. Some newer GPS models offer the SiRF chip, a high-sensitivity GPS receiver, which offers (1)faster GPS location, (2) higher GPS signal stability (it will hold GPS signal better and at stronger signals), and better reception of more satellites under adverse conditions (e.g., heavy weather, dense canopy, partial indoors). There are an increasing number of chip manufacturers that are competing with SiRF chips now, including u-Blox and MediaTek (MTK).WAAS capabilityPay the extra price for better GPS accuracy.WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) isnavigation aid system that improves GPS accuracy and availability. Originally designed with airnavigation in mind, WAAS signals are broadcast by geostationary satellites (they remain at the same point over the Earth at all times), and require a clear view of the horizon at higher altitudes. Most GPS units today are WAAS enabled, and It is recommended that you buy a GPS unit with WAAS capability, to account for possible future projects or research. WAAS canpotentially improve horizontal accuracy from 5-30m to 1-5m.PriceAsk yourself the following question…How much money do you have to spend on a GPS unit? Or how much are you willing to pay?How much will you be using the GPS unit in the future? If you can afford it, then it is recommended that you pay a little more for the features that you need. Most new handhelds on the market today contain the SiRF chipset, making them more expensive than the older models, which cansometimes be found cheaply while supplies last. In addition, units sold through a retailer or an online auction tend to be more affordable than directly through Garmin, Magellan, Lowrance or another receiver manufacturer.Image credits: Garmin GPS unitsGPS units made by Garmin International, Inc. (/) are very popular for both research, recreational, and commercial work. In addition, Garmin units tend to integrate well with various GIS software.Compare Garmin units, with side-by-side feature comparisons at/outdoor/compare.jsp.Compare Garmin eTrex family units, with side-by-side feature comparison at/products/etrexVistac/.Learn about Geocaching with Garmin: /specs/geocaching.pdfGPS for Beginners Manual: /manuals/GPSGuideforBeginners_Manual.pdfPopular Garmin models include:Garmin eTrex family GPSMAP 60 GPSMAP 76New Garmin eTrex“H” seriesGuide to Garmin model names:H – High Sensitivity chipsetC – Color displayS – Electronic compass and barometric altimeterOther GPS Companiesx – Expandable memory via MicroSD Card•Magellan (/) is another maker of handheld GPS units.o Magellan Product Finder: /ProductFinder/•Trimble (/) manufactures high-precision mapping-grade and survey-grade GPS equipment. These units can give sub-meter accuracy, but the price is substantially more than handheld GPS units.Where to buyREI:Sailnet:/WestMarine:/:/Amazon:/Ebay:/Compare prices of GPS units at: /Geospatial Innovation Facility。



GPS Vehicle TrackerUser ManualPrefaceThank you for purchasing our products. This deliberately edited manual is to introduce the tracker with the complete technical data and the instructions showing how to operate the device smoothly and correctly. Make sure to read this manual carefully before using this product. Most problems could be solved through the explanations and the troubleshooting tips. Once you finish reading it, keep it handy for necessary reference. Please note that specification and information are subject to changes without prior notice in this manual. Any change will be integrated in the latest release. The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document.ContentⅠ. Preface (1)Ⅱ. Attentions (2)ⅢHardware description (3)Ⅳ. Main function (3)Ⅴ. Set up (4)Ⅵ. Installation diagram (7)Ⅶ. Installation (7)Ⅷ. Application (9)Ⅸ.Specification (10)Ⅹ.Command set (11)Attention1. Make sure to read this manual carefully before using this product.2. Please insert the SIM card before installing, and make sure the SIM card has no password, otherwise the tracker will not work normally.3. Please make sure that all the cables of the tracker has been connected rightly, and then connect the tracker to host power. Must not install or take down the tracker when it is power on. If you found any troubles or omissions about the connections of cables, please cut off power first, otherwise you will easily damage the tracker.4. The tracker works in wireless communications, so please cut off the host power before your vehicles entering fuel depot and dangerous material place.5. The tracker’s work voltage is 9V-30V. Please use the tracker in the scope of work voltage.6. The host of GPS tracker is a low-power wireless transmitter and receiver. It receives and sends radio frequency signal when it is working.7. To avoid electromagnetic interference or uncompatible configuration, please stop using your tracker in the noticed place.GPS Vehicle Tracker◆Hardware Description1.Host Tracker2. Start upPut the SIM card in place and installed the tracker in the car, the red indicator is on. About 40 seconds, the unit will begin to work and acquire the GSM signals as well as the GPS signals, and the red indicator will keep flashing every 2 seconds when the GSM module is no communication. When the blue indicator is light, the unit has been located.◆Main functions1. Positioning and Tracking: Through the on-line Positioning Platform or the cell phone to locates at times, and get the working status. You can choose the Positioning Platform by yourself.2. Triggering Emergency Alarm: When there is a emergency happened on the vehicle, you can put on the button and the installed unit will send out alarm to the authorized numbers.3. Remote controlling oil and circuit: you can control the oil and circuit via the unit by SMS in anywhere and anytime.4. Remote Monitoring: In anywhere and anytime, call the phone number in the unit, when it connects, you can monitor the sound around 5 meter.5. Movement Alert: Send SMS to the unit to start the movement alert function. When the vehicle is moving, the unit will send the movement alert to all authorized numbers.6. Overspeed Alert: Send SMS to the unit to start the movement alert function. When the vehicle is overspeed, the unit will send the overspeed alert to all authorized numbers.7. Geo-fence: Set up a geo-fence for the unit to restrict its movements within a district. The unit will send the message to all authorized numbers when it breaches the district.8. Restart the unit: send SMS to resume the default of unit.9. Auto Track: You can set up auto track by SMS or on-line positioning platform.10. Mileage statistics; ACC checking; cutting off power and alarm.◆Set up1.InitializationSend “begin + password” in SMS to the unit, it will reply “begin ok” and initialize all the settings. (Default password: 123456)2. Add authorized numberSend SMS “admin123456 136****5678”."admin" as instruction, "123456" as password, "136****5678"asauthorized number. It will reply “admin ok!”.3. Delete authorized numberSend SMS “noadmin123456 136********”."noadmin" as instruction, "123456" as password, "136****5678"asdeletednumber.Itwillreply“noadminok!”.4. Change the PasswordSend SMS: “password + old password + space + new password”to change the password.For example: Send SMS “Password123456 138138”."password" as instruction, "123456"as old password, "138138" as new password. Password must be six digits. Tracker’s initial password is 123456.5. Resume the initial passwordIf you forget your password, you can resume the initial password 123456.Send “resumepassword” to the tracker, the tracker will resume the initial password. If there is no authorized numbers, all numbers can resume initial password. If there is already authorized numbers, only the authorized numbers can resume initial password.6. Control OilSend SMS “stopoil+password”to control oil. For example send SMS: stopoil123456"stopoil" as instruction, "123456"as password.To supply the oil again, send SMS“supplyoil+password”to the unit. For example, send SMS “Supplyoil123456” to the tracker. "Supplyoil" as instruction, "123456" as the password.7. Control CircuitSend SMS “stopelec+password”to control circuit. For example send SMS: “stopelec123456”. "stopoil" as instructions, "123456" as the password.To supply the circuit again, send SMS“supplyelec+password”to the unit. For example, send SMS “Supplyelec123456” to the tracker. "Supplyelec" as instruction, "123456" as password.8. Monitor modeThere are three modes for monitor.1) All Monitor Mode: Send SMS “AllMonitor” to the unit, the unit will return to this mode. In this mode, any number can monitor this unit.2) Restrict Monitor Mode: Send SMS “RestrictMonitor” to the unit, the unit will return to this mode. In this mode, authorized number can monitor this unit.3) Close Monitor Mode: Send SMS “CloseMonitor” to the unit, the unit will return to this mode. In this mode, all numbers can not monitor this unit.9. Movement alertSet up: The user can send SMS“Move + password”to the unit, then the unit will reply “move ok!” .In case of such a movement, it will send SMS “Move”along with a Geo-info to the number. For example, send SMS “Move123456” to the unit. "Move" as instructions, “123456”as password. Cancel: Send SMS“nomove+password” to deactivate the movement alert.10. Overspeed alertSet up: Send SMS“speed+password+space+080”to the unit (support the speed is 80km/h).For example, send SMS “speed123456 080”. "speed" as instruction, "80" as limit speed, “123456”as password.Cancel: Send SMS“nospeed+password” to deactivate the overspeed alert.11. Geo-fenceSet up a geo-fence for the unit to restrict its movements within a district. The unit will send the message to the authorized numbers when it breaches the district.Set up: The user can Send SMS “stockade + password + space + MinLatitude, MinLongitude; MaxLatitude, MaxLongitude” to unit to set the restricted district. In case of breach, it will send SMS “stockade! + geo-info” to the authorized numbers.For example send SMS “stockade123456 22.548123, 114.081234; 22.549123, 114.082234” to the unit.Remark: The first latitude & longitude is coordinate of min of the Geo-fence, while the second latitude & longitude is the coordinate of the max. It will alarm one time in each setting.Cancel: Send SMS “nostockade + password” to deactivate this function.This function will be out of effect after the unit moves outside the district.12 . Restart the tracker.Send SMS“reboot+password” to the tracker. For example“reboot123456”.The tracker will be restarted. It will reply “system will reboot...”.13. Enquiry PositioningSend SMS “position”to the unit, then the unit will send SMS with real-time longitude and latitude to the cell phone.14. Auto trackSend SMS “at30sum5”to the unit, it will reply “Auto track set ok.” and report a Geo-info at 30 seconds intervals for 5 times: The max intervals is 65535 seconds. Y ou can send “at30sum0” for heaps of times.Send“noat123456” to the tracker, it will reply “Cancel auto track ok.”. And the tracker will stop send messages.15. Modes switch between “track” and “monitor”The default mode is “track”. Send SMS “monitor + password” to the unit, and it will reply “monitor ok!” and switch to “monitor” mode. For example send SMS: “monitor123456”. In this mode, you can monitor tracker by call tracker card number.Send SMS “tracker + password” to the unit, it will reply “tracker ok!” and restore to “track” mode. For example send SMS “tracker123456”. In this mode, you can get position SMS by call tracker.16. Modes switch between “telephone” and “web”Set up: Send SMS “web + password” to device. For example, the password is 123456. Send SMS “web123456” to the device, the device will reply SMS “set web ok”. After this, the tracker will report the GPS data to IP address.If you want to send GPS data to telephone, you can send SMS “telephone + password” to device, the device will reply “set telephone ok”. And then, the device will send GPS data to your telephone by SMS. (The default is sending the GPS data to the telephone)17. Modify IP address and portThe IP address and port of the tracker can be modified and transferred data to other platform. Send SMS “ IP + ip address + PORT + port value”to the unit. If the platform’s IP address and port is and 344, send SMS “ip” to the tracker. It will reply “set IP address and PORT ok.”. After this, device will send GPS data to this IP and Port.18. Set Device ID numberThis command uses only for GPRS communication. Default device ID is the same. In order to identify device for platform, must set device ID for every device. Send SMS “number + tracker ID number” to the tracker. For example“number136********”.19. Set APNIn order to send GPS data to IP address, you still must set mobile network Access Point Name (APN). If you don’t know the APN, you can consult local network service supplier. The format of set APN is “APN + password +space + apn value”. For example you send SMS “apn123456 cmnet” to the device. The device will reply SMS “Set APN ok.” .20. Set GPRS user name and passwordSome country must be set GPRS user name and password for GPRS communication. The format of set GPRS user name and password is “user + space + GPRS user name + space + GPRS password”. For example, “user name 123456”, “user” is command, “name” is GPRS user name, “123456” is GPRS password. After send SMS, tracker will reply “Set GPRS User and Password ok . ” .21. Set country time zoneIn the default, tracker reply position SMS time is UTC time. After you can set zone time, tracker will reply the time of your country. The format is “zone + password + space + time zone value”. For example, “zone123456 8” is set east 8 time zone. Time zone value ranges from -12 to 12. One time zone stands for one hour. “zone123456 -8” is set west 8 time zone. After send SMS, tracker will reply “Set Time Zone OK.”.22. Set ACC open and close send data intervalYou can set the interval of send data when ACC open and close. The format of set ACC open interval is “accon + time interval”. For example “accon 30” stand for when ACC open send data for every 30 seconds. The format of set ACC close interval is “accoff + time interval”. For example “accoff 60” stand for when ACC close send data for every 60 seconds.23. Set ACC open and close send SMS notifyYou can set the SMS notify of when ACC on and off. The format of set is “accnotify + 1 or 0”. For example “accnotify 1” stand for when ACC on and off send SMS to authorized numbers. “accnotify 0” stand for close send SMS notify. In order to use this function, you must set authorized numbers.24. Get GPS Info with Google FormatYou can get latitude and longitude with Google website format. So you can open map directly by mobile. The format of SMS is “google”. After you send SMS, tracker will reply GPS info with google website format.25. Set call reply SMS formatYou can set reply SMS format after you call tracker. The format of SMS is “geosms + value”. The SMS of “geosms 1” set reply SMS format as “position”. The SMS of “geosms 2” set reply SMS format as “google”.◆Installation diagram of The Tracker◆GPS Vehicle Tracker InstallationGPS tracker should be installed by technical professional of local service centre. Without permission, the user cann’t repair and move the tracker randomly. If users do, any unfortunated damage should be compensated by himself.Installation steps (caution: the following installation should under no power, otherwise will be dangerous)1.Power supply line: The red wire connects 12V“+”;Black wire connects to 12V“-”2. Wire for cutting off oil of the trackerYellow wire connects the relay pin 86;85 pin connect to 12 V DC , 87a pin and 30 pin in series power supply circuits. Caution: Wrong connection of yellow wire will damage the tracker.3. Wire for cutting off circuit of the trackerWhite wire connects relay pin 86;85 pin to 12 V DC, 87a pin and 30 pin are in series power supply circuits. Caution: Wrong connection of yellow wire will damage the tracker.4. Emergency triggering alarmThe blue wire connects the positive of the alarm button, and the black wire connects the negative of the alarm button.◆Application1.V ehicle Rental/Special Tracking System2.Finance and Insurance Business Tracking System3.Car Commanding and Dispatching System4.Heavy Construction V ehicles Tracking Device5.Shipping Cargoes Tracking◆Specs.Content Specs.Dim. 87 * 64 * 26 (mm)Weight 495gNetwork GSM/GPRS/GPSBand 900/1800MHz or 850/900/1800/1900MHzGPS chip SiRF III chip GSM/GPRS Module SIM900 or SIM900AGPS sensitivity -159dBmGPS accuracy 5 mTime To First Fix Reacquisition 0.1s Cold status 45s Warm status 35sHot status 1sWork V oltage DC 9V-30VBattery Chargeable changeable 3.7V / 1.2Ah Li-ion battery Standby work current < 30mAStorage Temp. -40°C to +85°COperation Temp. -20°C to +70°CHumidity 5%--95% non-condensing◆Command SetNo. Function SMS Reply1 Initialization Begin123456 Begin ok2 Add Number Admin123456 136******** Admin ok3 Delete Number Noadmin123456136****5678Noadmin ok4 ChangepasswordPassword123456 138138 Change password ok5 Resumepasswordresumepassword Resume password ok6 Control oilStopoil123456 Stop oil ok Supplyoil123456 Supply oil ok7 Control circuit Stopelec123456 Stop electricity okSupplyelec123456 Supply electricity ok8 Set monitormodeAllMonitor Set all monitor okRestrictMonitor Set restrict monitor okCloseMonitor Set close monitor ok9 Movement alert Move123456 Move okNomove123456 Cancel move ok10 Overspeed alert Speed123456 080 Speed okNospeed123456 Cancel speed ok11 Geo fence alert Stockade123456coordinate;coordinateSet stockade okNostockade123456 Cancel stockade ok12 Restart tracker Reboot123456 System will reboot13 Enquiry position position GPS info14 Auto trackAt30sum5 Auto track set ok Noat123456 Cancel auto track ok15 Set call response Tracker123456 Tracker okMonitor123456 Monitor ok16 Set auto trackmode Telephone123456 Set telephone ok Web123456 Set web ok17 Change IP andPORT Ip112.33.44.211port2332 set IP address andPORT ok18 Set device id Number136******** set number ok19 Set APN Apn123456 cmnet Set apn ok20 Set GPRS username andpasswordUser name passSet GPRS user nameand password ok21 Set time zone Zone123456 8 Set time zone ok22 Set ACC openand closeintervalAccon 30 Set ACC ON IntervalOK.Accoff 60 Set ACC OFF IntervalOK.23 Set ACC openand close SMSnotify Accnotify 1 Set ACC Notify OK. Accnotify 0 Set ACC Notify OK.24 Get Googleformat GPS info Google GPS info with Googlewebsite format25 Set reply SMSformat Geosms 1 Set Geo SMS FormatOK。

Navigator GPS导航系统说明书

Navigator GPS导航系统说明书

AAccessing the Address Book List (75)Add to Today’s Destinations......40, 44 Adding Destinations to the List.. (40)Address..............................21, 22, 76 Address Book .....................21, 41, 75 Address Book PIN.. (79)Advanced (33)Auto Daylight Saving Time (92)Auto Service (32)Auto Time Zone by GPS (93)Avoid Streets (63)BBack to Current Route (64)Banking (32)Basic Settings (91)Breadcrumbs.......................18, 58, 89 Brightness.. (72)By Address (22)By Address Book (41)By Go Home (42)By Intersection (26)By Map Input (36)By Places (31)By Previous Destinations (39)By Today’s Destinations (40)C Calculator (70)Calendar.................................. 17, 68CANCEL button (10)Cancel Current Route (64)Category.................................. 31, 77CD Voice Commands (128)Change Method (45)Change Routing Method........... 45, 63Change State............................ 22, 27Changing the DVD (102)Changing the Route (61)Changing the Routing Method (45)Changing Your Destination (64)City................................... 22, 27, 37City Vicinity (34)Climate Control Commands (126)Clock Adjustment (92)Color (93)Community (32)Continental USA (38)Contrast (74)Convert(Unit) (70)Correct Vehicle Position (90)Coverage Areas (103)Current Location...................... 19, 59Current Position....................... 36, 76Current Street (6)Customer Assistance (100)DDatabase Limitations (99)Delete Previous Destination (80)Deleting Waypoints (63)Destination ........................ 21, 44, 50Destination Icon (54)Destination Map (46)Detailed Coverage Areas ...... 103, 107Detour (63)Direct Route (45)Direction List (50)Display (73)Driving to Your Destination (44)EEasy Route (45)Edit Avoid Area (86)Edit Waypoint Search Area (88)Edit/Delete Address (78)Editing Today’s Destination List (40)Emergency (32)Entering a Destination (21)Entering Address Book (76)Entering the Security Code (95)132Entering the Street Number (26)Entering Your Schedule (69)Error Message (119)Exit Info (51)FFind Place Commands (125)Frequently Asked Questions (112)GGetting Started (10)Global Commands (123)Glossary (120)Go Home..................................21, 42 Go Home PIN...........................42, 80 Going Off the Route (58)GPS Initialization (96)Guidance Mode (89)Guidance Prompts.....................47, 74 Guidance Screen .. (49)HHome Address (78)Hotel/Motel (Lodging) (32)IIcon Bar (56)INFO button ............................ 10, 66 Information (66)Information Screen Voice Commands (128)Intersection.............................. 21, 26J Joystick (11)KKey to Zagat Ratings (71)Keyboard Layout (91)LLandmark Icons (54)Leisure (32)Lodging (Hotel/Motel) (32)MMap Color (93)Map Coverage (103)Map Input................................ 21, 36Map Legend....................... 18, 48, 68Map Matching (96)Map Orientation (53)Map Scale (52)Map Screen........................ 18, 46, 48MAP/GUIDE button................. 10, 49Maximize Freeways (45)MENU button .......................... 10, 21Menu Color (94)Message (69)Microphone (12)Minimize Freeways (45)Minimize Toll Roads (45)NName ................................ 31, 35, 76NAVI BACK button (12)NAVI Talk button (12)Navigation Display Commands (124)Navigation General Commands (123)OOff-road Tracking .................... 58, 89On-Screen Commands (130)On-Screen Commands Assist (130)On-Screen Keyboard (15)133PPC Card (102)Personal Information (75)Phone Number....................31, 35, 77 PIN Number.. (79)Place Name ..............................33, 35 Place Name by Keyword.. (33)Places.................................21, 31, 77 Previous Destinations....21, 39, 77, 80RRadio Voice Commands (127)Read List..................................32, 68 Recalculation. (81)Reporting Errors (100)Rerouting (81)Restaurant (32)Route ...........................44, 46, 58, 61 Routing & Guidance (81)Routing Method (45)SSave Current (59)Schedule (69)Schedule List (69)Screen............................................11Search Waypoint on Route.. (61)Security Code (95)Selecting the City..................... 22, 27Selecting the State or Province.. 22, 27Selecting the Street................... 24, 29SET UP button (11)Setup Screen (first) Commands (129)Shopping (33)Show Icons on the Map (54)Sort by Distance to Travel (33)Split Screen Guidance (51)State.................................. 22, 27, 37 Street....................................... 24, 29System Controls (10)System Function Diagram (20)System Information (91)System Initialization (95)System Limitations (97)System Set-up (72)System Start-up (16)TTemperature Voice Commands (127)Time Adjustment (93)Title (69)Today’s Destination List (40)Today’s Destinations................ 21, 40 Travel.. (33)Trip Computer (66)Troubleshooting (119)UUnit Conversion (70)Units (mile or km) (91)Unverified Area Routing........... 82, 83Unverified streets (7)Update DVD (101)User Name (80)Using the Voice Control System (13)VVehicle (89)Verified streets (7)View Routes (45)Voice (91)Voice Command Help (67)Voice Command Index (123)Voice Control Basics (12)Voice Recognition Feedback (91)Voice Recognition, Improving (13)Volume (72)WWaypoints ............................... 61, 88134ZZOOM buttons (11)135。
















各属性描述如下:1 符号:gps72提供了80多种航点表示符号可供选择。


2 名称:您可以修改航点的名称,中文最多可以使用5个字符,英文或数字最多可以使用10个字符。


3 描述:默认的描述为保存该航点时的日期和时间。

ICP DAS GPS-721 快速使用指南说明书

ICP DAS GPS-721 快速使用指南说明书

GPS-721Quick Start GuideDate: Oct. 2010Introduction:This manual introduces the user to the methods used to implement the GPS-721 module into their applications in a quick and easy way, and will only provide basic instructions. For more detailed information, please refer to the GPS-721 user manual located on the ICP DAS CD-ROM, or download it from the ICP DAS web site: /products/GSM_GPRS/wireless/gps-721.htmPackage ChecklistItem QuantityGPS-721 1External GPS antenna (ANT-115-03,1Length: 5m)RS-232 Cable (CA-0910) 1Product CD 1Quick Start Guide 1AppearanceNumber of satellites LEDINIT/Normal SwitchBlock Diagram & Pin AssignmentsLED IndicatorsLED Status DescriptionON The module is operating / functioning correctly. Sys.OFF There is an error with the module. The module has encountered an error. ON Digital Output is active. DO1OFF Digital Output is off.ON The number of signals received from GPS satellites is less than 5.S1OFF Module can’t receive any GPS signals. ONThe number of signals received from GPS satellites is 5 ~ 8 or above.S2OFF The number of signals received from GPS satellites is less than 5.ONThe number of signals received from GPS satellites is more than 8.S3OFFThe number of signals received from GPS satellites is less than 8. ON The PPS is on. 1 PPSOFFThe PPS is off.WiringDO wiringPPS wiringPPS outputThe PPS would output the pulse when receiving effective GPS signals. That would output 100 ms pulse per second. The figure is as follows.1 second 100 msM ountingDIN rail Mounting Piggyback MountingF rame GroundElectronic circuits are constantlyvulnerable to Electro-StaticDischarge (ESD), which becomesworse in a continental climatearea. The GPS-721 features a newdesign for the frame ground,which provides a path forbypassing ESD, allowingenhanced static protection (ESD)capabilities and ensures that themodule is more reliable. Either ofthe not described her options willprovide a better protection for themodule.Default address and communication parameters:Protocol: DCONModule address: 01 (INIT mode: 00)Communication Baud Rate: 9600 bpsChecksum: DisabledHow to Start1. Refer to the pin assignments for details of how to install the power andantenna.2. Connect the module to the RS-485 network using the DATA+ and DATA-terminals. If the host is only equipped with an RS-232 interface, then an RS-232 to RS-485 converter will be required. The GPS-721 supports RS-232 connections.By setting GPS-721 to INIT mode, the default settings can be used to connect to the GPS-721.3. Configure the module by sending the %AANNTTCCFF command. SeeSection 2.1 of the User Manual for details.ICP DAS provides two free tools, the DCON Utility and Send232.exe, witch can be downloaded from /pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/4. You can implement the functions of the modules using the following DCONcommands.5. If the host is a PC with a Windows operating system installed, the DCONUtility can be used to allow easy configuration and reading of data. The DCON Utility can be downloaded from the ICP DAS website (). The documentation for the DCON Utility can be found in the ”Getting Started For I-7000 Series Modules” manual.Note:If the GPS-721 is unable to receive GPS signals, check the position of the antenna or install the GPS antenna in an open environment.DCON Command TableGeneral Command SetsCommand Response Description Section%AANNTTCCFF !AA Sets the Module Configuration 2.1#** No Response Synchronized Sampling 2.2#AA !AA(Data) Reads UTC Time, latitude, longitude, and the number ofGPS satellite signals2.3#AAN !AA(Data) Reads UTC Time, latitude, longitude, date and the numberof GPS satellite signalsindividually2.4#AA00(Data) > Sets the Digital Output 2.5 #AA0A(Data) > Sets the Digital Output 2.6 #AA1c(Data) > Sets the Digital Output 2.7 #AAAc(Data) > Sets the Digital Output 2.8 $AA2 !AANNTTCCFF Reads the Module Configuration 2.9 $AA4 !S(Data) Reads the Synchronized Data 2.10 $AA5 !AAS Reads the Reset Status 2.11 $AA6 !AA(Data) Reads the Digital Output Status 2.12 $AAC !AA Clears the Latched DO Status 2.13$AAD !AA Save the current datetemporarily2.14$AAF !AA(Data) Reads the Firmware Version 2.15 $AAM !AA(Data) Reads the Module Name 2.16 $AALS !AA(Data) Reads the Latched DO Status 2.17@AA >(Data) Reads the Digital I/O Status 2.18 @AA(Data) > Sets the Digital Output Channels 2.19 ~AAO(Name) !AA Sets the Module Name 2.20 ~AAD !AAF Reads the DI/O active status. 2.21 ~AADVV !AA Sets the DI/O active status. 2.22 ~AAI !AA Sets the soft INIT 2.23~AAM !AASC Reads with the RS-232communication mode of themodule is NMEA 0183 or DCON2.24~AAMN !AA Sets the RS-232 communicationmode of the module to eitherNMEA 0183 or DCON2.25~AATnn !AA Sets the soft INIT timeout value 2.26Host Watch Dog Command SetsCommand Response Description Section~** No Response Host OK (The address in this command is zero and canclear the watch dog counter.)2.27~AA0 !AASS Reads the Status 2.28 ~AA1 !AA Resets the Status 2.29 ~AA2 !AAVV Reads the Timeout Settings 2.30 ~AA3EVV !AA Sets the Timeout Settings 2.31~AA4V !AA(Data) Reads the Power On/SafeValue2.32~AA5V !AA Sets the Power On/Safe Value 2.33If you encounter any problems while using you I-87211W module, and are unable to find the help in this manual or on our website, please contact ICP DAS Product Support.Email:******************Website: /sevices/support.htm。

volvopenta_a7_v_gpsmap_7x2_om_zh-cn 详细操作手册说明书

volvopenta_a7_v_gpsmap_7x2_om_zh-cn 详细操作手册说明书

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双电子 XGPS150 蓝牙 GPS 接收器用户手册说明书

双电子 XGPS150 蓝牙 GPS 接收器用户手册说明书

OWNER'S MANUALUniversal GPS ReceiverXGPS150XGPS1502IntroductionThank you for purchasing the XGPS150 Universal Bluetooth ® GPS Receiver from Dual Electronics.The XGPS150 works with signals from GPS satel-lites to determine your location anywhere in the world. It then can transmit your location informa-tion to many kinds of devices which have Blue-tooth connectivity and support the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP). This includes:• the iPhone ® (generations 2 through 4)• the iPod touch ® (generations 2 through 4)• the first generation of the iPad ®You can also connect the XGPS150 to many An-droid ®, Windows ® or Blackberry ® smart phones and tablets, as well as to notebook computers run-ning Windows or OS X.NOTE: Not all manufacturers include SPP in their devices, even if the device has Bluetooth. Please consult the owner’s manual for your specific de -vice to determine whether it supports SPP . Some devices, like Android-based devices, may need a helper app to connect to the XGPS150. See Pair-ing with your device for more information.Low battery indicator. This light will flash red when the battery level is low and the device re-quires recharging. (See Charging the XGPS150.) During charging, the light will glow red and change to green when charging is complete. This light is normally off while the XGPS150 is running. Bluetooth status indicator. This light will indicate whether the XGPS150 is searching for a device to connect to, negotiating a connection with a device, or has successfully paired to a device. A slow flash(about once per second) indicates the XGPS1503XGPS1504Features (cont’d)is available to connect to another device. A quick flash (approx. 5 times per second) briefly hap -pens when the XGPS150 is pairing with another device. A solid glow indicates that the XGPS150 has successfully paired and is communicating with another device.GPS status indicator. The GPS indicator will flash while the XGPS150 is searching for satellite signals. The light will change to a steady green when your location is successfully determined. NOTE: when paired with an iPad, iPod or iPhone the GPS status light will not illuminate until an app is actively requesting GPS information.XGPS1505charging the XGPS150.Mode switch . The mode switch must be set for the device you want to use the XGPS150 with:XGPS1506SetupThe XGPS150 is very simple to use. There is a one-time setup process to connect it to your iPad, iPod, smart phone, tablet or laptop computer. Once this setup process is completed, simply turn on the XGPS150 to begin using it.To setup the XGPS150 with your device, you will need to do two things:• Set the mode switch on the XGPS150 for the type of device you will be using.• Pair the XGPS150 with the device you will be using.Setting the mode switchWith the tip of a fine ballpoint pen, move the mode switch to the proper position:• If you are using the XGPS150 with an iPad, iPod touch or iPhone slide the switch right, away from the USB connector.• To use the XGPS150 with an Android, Win -dows or Blackberry smart phone, laptop com-puter or tablet, move the mode switch to the left, towards the USB connector.XGPS1507Pairing with your devicePairing is the process connecting two devices over Bluetooth and allowing them to communicate. You will need to go through the pairing process each time you use the XGPS150 with a new device, and the XGPS150 will automatically try to reconnect to the last device it was paired with.NOTE: If your device requires a code to connect during the pairing process, use “0000” or “1234”.Pairing the XGPS150 with the iPod touch, iPad or iPhone(NOTE: these instructions were written using iOS version 4.1 and may be different if you are using a different version of the iPhone OS.)• Make sure the mode switch on the XGPS150 is set correctly for your device (see Setup ).• On the touch/iPad/iPhone device, go to:Settings->General->Bluetoothand turn on Bluetooth. The device will automati-cally begin looking for the XGPS150.• Turn on the XGPS150. The blue Bluetooth status light on the XGPS150 will begin to blink slowly (about once per second).• After a few seconds, the XGPS150 will appear as XGPS150-xxxxxx in the list of devices on the touch/iPad/iPhone screen. (The last 6 digitsXGPS1508are part of the XGPS150 serial number andwill be different for each unit.) The word Misc may also appear for a few moments before XGPS150-xxxxxx appears.• Tap XGPS150-xxxxxx in the list of devices to connect to it. The words “Not Paired” will disap-pear and be replaced by the spinning cursor.• After approximately 10 seconds, theXGPS150-xxxxxx name in the device list will change to blue text and the word Connected will appear. The blue LED on the XGPS150 will blink rapidly for a few seconds and then stay illuminated, confirming the two devices have successfully paired and are communicating.Pairing the XGPS150 with an Android device (NOTE: these instructions were written using An-droid OS version 2.1 and may be different if you are using a different version of the Android OS.)• Make sure the mode switch on the XGPS150 is set correctly for your device (see Setup).• Turn on the XGPS150. The blue Bluetooth status light on the XGPS150 will begin to blink slowly (about once per second).• On the Android device go to:Settings->Applications->Development and enable the option for Allow mock loca-tions. This will let the Android device use GPSXGPS1509information from an external device like the XGPS150.• On the Android device go to:Settings->Wireless & networksand turn on Bluetooth.• On the Android device go toSettings->Wireless & networks->Bluetooth settingsand select Scan for devices .• After a few seconds, the word XGPS150-xxxxxx will appear in the list of devices. (Note: the last 6 digits are part of the XGPS150 serial number and will vary from device to device.) At this point, the Android device may say Paired but not connected and the blue Bluetooth indicator XGPS150 will continue to blink slowly.• In order for GPS-enabled apps to use informa -tion from an external GPS, you will likely need to install a helper app on your Android device. This helper app runs in the background and will let apps communicate with the XGPS150. Sev-eral helper apps are available, and we recom-mend using a free app on the Android Market called Bluetooth GPS .Using the Bluetooth GPS helper app with the XGPS150• Please make sure you have completed theXGPS15010steps above in Pairing the XGPS150 with an Android device .• Download and install the Bluetooth GPS app from the Android Marketplace.• Open the Bluetooth GPS app and select the XGPS150 from the pull-down menu on the Main tab.• Check the box next to Enable Mock GPS Provider .• Tap the Connect button. Your Android device will connect to the XGPS150 and begin stream-ing location data to apps on your device. The blue Bluetooth indicator on the XGPS150 will illuminate without blinking.Pairing the XGPS150 with a Blackberry device (NOTE: these instructions were written using a Blackberry Storm 9550 and may be different if you are using a different model of Blackberry smart phone.)• Make sure the mode switch on the XGPS150 is set correctly for your device (see Setup ).• Turn on the XGPS150. The blue Bluetooth light on the XGPS150 will begin to blink slowly (about once per second).• From the Blackberry main menu go to:Manage ConnectionsXGPS15011and turn on Bluetooth.• From the Blackberry main menu go to:Options->Bluetooth->Add Deviceand select Search .• After a few seconds, the name XGPS150-xxxxxx will appear in the list of paired devices. (Note: the last 6 digits are part of the XGPS150 serial number and will vary from device to device.)• From the Blackberry main menu go toOptions->Advanced Options->GPSand select the XGPS150-xxxxxx from the GPS Data Source list of devices. Also, on the same menu, make sure that GPS Services is set for Location On and Location Data is Enabled .If you need additional help connecting the XGPS150 to your device, please contact customer service(***************************).How -ever, due to the enormous number and variety of available devices, you may need to contact the manufacturer of your device for additional instruc-tions.XGPS15012Using the XGPS150Once the XGPS150 is paired with your device, you can begin using apps that utilize GPS information.The XGPS150 includes a non-slip pad for use in a car or on a boat. Slide the XGPS150 into the pad to secure it, making sure that the lip of the pad seals over the top edges of the XGPS150. The XGPS150 is not waterproof, but it will withstand light splashing when it is seated properly in the non-slip pad.A two-piece armband is also included for using the XGPS150 during hiking, geocaching, jogging, cy-cling or other outdoor activities. Use the armband without the extension to secure the XGPS150 around the strap of a backpack. With the exten -sion, the XGPS150 can be secured around your arm.Charging the XGPS150The XGPS150 is charged via the USB connector on the side of the device. To charge, simply con-nect the XGPS150 to the USB port on any com-puter using the included USB cable. A 12V ciga-rette lighter adapter is also included for charging the XGPS150 in a car. It takes approximately 2.5 hours to fully charge the XGPS150.XGPS15013Tips for best performance• Put the XGPS150 in a location with a clear view of the sky: the dashboard of your car, a boat bulkhead, the shoulder strap of a backpack, etc.• The range of the Bluetooth connection will drop as the battery level drops. If you find that the wireless connection is failing, try recharging the XGPS150.XGPS15014SpecificationsDimensions (WxHxD in mm)• XGPS150: 55.0 x 55.0 x 18.5• Non-slip pad: 94.0 x 144.0 x 22.0XGPS150 Voltage• Input voltage: 5 VDCCigarette Lighter Power Adapter Voltage • Input voltage: 12-24 VDC• Output: 5 VDCGPS• 65 Channel SkyTraq engine• Cold start: < 29 sec. typ. (open sky)• Warm start: < 25 sec. typ. (open sky)Bluetooth• CSR engine• Version: 2.1+EDR• Range: ~10m (~33 ft.) (open space)Internal Battery• Capacity: 680 mAh• Operating time: ~8.5 hours• Charging time: ~2.5 hoursEnvironment Requirements• Operating temp: 14˚F - 140˚F (-10˚C - 60˚C)• Storage temp: -4˚F - 176˚F (-20˚C - 80˚C)• Relative humidity: 5% - 95% non condensingXGPS15015ComplianceICC ComplianceThis Class [B] digital apparatus complies with Ca -nadian ICES-003.FCC Compliance This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interfer -ence, and(2) this device must accept any interference re -ceived, including interference that may cause un-desired operation.Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to oper-ate the equipment.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital de -vice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protec-tion against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not in-stalled and used in accordance with the instruc-tions, may cause harmful interference to radioXGPS15016Compliance (cont’d)communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular in-stallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is con-nected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.XGPS15017Limited One-Year Warranty This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Dual Electronics Corp. warrants this prod -uct to the original purchaser to be free from de-fects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of the original purchase.Dual Electronics Corp. agrees, at our option, dur -ing the warranty period, to repair any defect in ma-terial or workmanship or to furnish an equal new, renewed or comparable product (whichever is deemed necessary) in exchange without charges, subject to verification of the defect or malfunction and proof of the date of purchase. Subsequent re-placement products are warranted for the balance of the original warranty period.Who is covered? This warranty is extended to the original retail purchaser for products purchased from an authorized Dual dealer and used in the U.S.A.What is covered? This warranty covers all defects in material and workmanship in this product. The following are not covered: software, installation/re -moval costs, damage resulting from accident, mis-use, abuse, neglect, product modification, improp -er installation, incorrect line voltage, unauthorized repair or failure to follow instructions supplied withXGPS15018Warranty (cont’d)the product, or damage occurring during return shipment of the product. Specific license condi -tions and copyright notices for the software can be found via .What to do?1. Before you call for service, check the trou-bleshooting guide in your owner’s manual. A slight adjustment of any custom controls may save you a service call.2. If you require service during the warranty pe-riod, you must carefully pack the product (prefer -ably in the original package) and ship it by prepaid transportation with a copy of the original receipt from the retailer to an authorized service center.3. Please describe your problem in writing and include your name, a return UPS shipping address (P .O. Box not acceptable), and a daytime phone number with your shipment.4. For more information and for the location of the nearest authorized service center please con-tact us by one of the following methods:• Call us toll-free at 1-866-382-5476•***********************Exclusion of Certain Damages: This warranty is exclusive and in lieu of any and all other warran -XGPS15019Warranty (cont’d)ties, expressed or implied, including without limita -tion the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and any obligation, liability, right, claim or remedy in contract or tort, whether or not arising from the company’s negli-gence, actual or imputed. No person or represen-tative is authorized to assume for the company any other liability in connection with the sale of this product. In no event shall the company be liable for indirect, incidental or consequential damages.Dual Electronics Corp.Toll Free: 1-866-382-5476©2011 Dual Electronics Corp. All rights reserved.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and or other coun-tries. iPod, iPad and iPhone are trademarks ofApple Inc., registered in the US and other countries. “Made for iPod,” “Made for iPhone,” and “Made for iPad” mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPod, iPhone, or iPad, respectively, and has been certified by the devel-oper to meet Apple performance standards. Appleis not responsible for the operation of this device orits compliance with safety and regulatory standards. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Namsung is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.NSA1210-V01。

IZZO Swami Watch GPS Instruction Manual

IZZO Swami Watch GPS Instruction Manual

Watch GPS Instruction ManualIf you have any other questions or concerns,please call 1-800-777-7899 or go to .Mail to:IZZO golf1635 commons pkwymacedon, ny 14502-9191[ Please place inside envelope ]Name: _____________________________________________ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________Email: _____________________________________________Phone: ( ) ________________________________Date purchased: ________ /_________ /_______________REGISTER YOUR SWAMI WATCHFILL OUT THE INFORMATION BELOW OR GO TO /SWAMIREGISTRATIONTABLE OF CONTENTS1. General Description of Hardware (2)1.1 Basic Specifications (2)1.2 Accessories List (2)1.3 Screen Display Description (3)2. Getting Started (4)2.1 Power On/Off (4)3. Time Mode (4)4. Using Swami on the Course (5)4.1Getting Started ..............................................................................................5-64.2 Play Mode (7)4.4 Shot Distance (7)4.3 Electronic Score Card (8)4.3 Odometer (9)4.5 Editing Green Location ..............................................................................9-104.3 End Round (10)5. Swami Settings (11)5.1Alarm (11)5.2Time Format (11)5.3Time (12)5.4Daylight Saving Time (12)5.6Date Format (13)5.6Date (13)5.7Language (13)5.8Unit (14)11.2 Accessories List• USB Cable • Charging Station • AC charging adapter • User Manual21. General Description of Hardware5.9 Backlight (14)5.10 Sound (14)5.11 Display Type (15)Charging Swami (15)Caution (16)Using Conditions (16)Warranty (17)Questions & Answers (17)Registration Card (18)General Description of Hardware1.3 Screen Display DescriptionPower/BacklightUpOK/MenuDownKey Description:• Power/Backlight:Press and hold (3 seconds) to turn the device on and off. Press to turn on backlight.• OK/Menu: Press to select menu options and acknowledge messages. Press to switch pages (Green View, Shot Distance, Scorecard, and Odometer) Press and hold toopen Main Menu.• Up:Press to scroll up through menus, holes, and settings.• Down:Press to scroll down through menus, holes, and settings.32. Getting Started2.1 Power On/Off1.Press and hold [Power/Backlight ] key for 3 seconds until the power in on.2. The device will show the Start-Up logo first and into the Time Mode screen.3.To turn off the device, press and hold the [Power/Backlight ] key.3. 1. From Time Mode page, press [Up ] key to change 3rd row to display 2nd Time Zone .2. Press [Up ] key again to change 3rd row to display Sunrise time.3.Press [Up ] key again to change 3rd row to display Sunset time.4.Press [Up ] key again to change 3rd row to display Seconds .5.Press [Up ] key again to change 3rd row to display Stopwatch .6.To start Stopwatch , press [OK/Menu ] key 7.To pause Stopwatch , press [OK/Menu ] key again.8. To reset the Stopwatch , press and hold [Down ] key.4A. Info BarB. 2nd Row - Time/DayC. 3rd Row - Date AB C MON 02:19PM Date 17-05-1254. Using Swami on the Course (directions on page 6)Time Mode Page Main Menu PageMON 02:19PM Date 17-05-12OdometerSetting Locating Satellites...River Run GcGreen Island GcPineway GcAuto Searching...61.From Time Mode page, press and hold [OK/Menu ] key to access Main Menu page.2.Use [Up ] or [Down ] key to select Play Golf and press [OK/Menu ] key. 3. Device will begin to search for satellite signal, you can press [OK/Menu ] key to cancel request. (Note: When Swami is used for the first time or has not been used for a while, it may take a few minutes to locate satellites. If it has not located them within 5 minutes, please turn watch completely off and try again).4. When device has found the satellite, it will show a Ready icon, press the [OK/Menu ] key to continue.5. The device will begin auto searching the surrounding courses that the device supports, you can press [OK/Menu ] key to cancel request.6. It will then list the nearest golf courses to choose from. Use [Up] or [Down] key to select the golf course, then press [OK/Menu ] key to continue.7.Device will begin Play Mode and start at hole #1, user can press [Up ] or [Down ] key to switch the hole number. (see page 7 for Play Mode screen)4. Using Swami on the Course (Screen shots on page 5)4.1 Getting Started257242 228C#2 474.3 Shot Distance1. From Green View page, press [OK/Menu] key toswitch to Shot Distance page.2. Press [Down] key to reset distance to 0.3. Press [Up] key to start marking.4. Press [Up] key again to pause marking.5. Press [Down] key to reset when finished.6. Press [OK/Menu] key twice to return to Play Mode screen.4.2 Play Mode242YardsCurrent Hole NumberIndicates Parfor the HoleDistance to the Backof the GreenDistance to the Centerof the GreenDistance to the Frontof the GreenS 3P 4#2281.From Shot Distance screen, press [OK/Menu ] key to switch to Scorecard screen.2.Use [Up ] or [Down ] key to see scorecard for each hole.3.To change the default par press and hold [Down ] key to access Edit mode. Use [Up ] or [Down ] key to change the par then press [OK/Menu ] key.4.Use [Up ] or [Down ] key to enter user score and press [OK/Menu ] key.5.To enter user score use [Up ] or [Down ] key to enter score and press [OK/Menu ] key 6.To exit Edit mode, press and hold [Up ] Key.7.Score for the round will then update at the bottom of the screen.8. Press [OK/Menu ] key to return to Play Mode screen.4.4 Electronic ScorecardHole Number User Score Par Total Score for round/ Total Par for course4.5 Odometer1.From Time Mode or Play Mode , press and hold [OK/Menu ] key to access Main Menu .2. Use [Up ] or [Down ] key to select Odometer and press [OK/Menu ] key.3. Press [Up ] key to start Odometer . (Note: Will beep three times when ready)4. Press [Up ] key again to pause Odometer .5. Press [Down ] key to reset Odometer .6. To exit Odometer , press and hold [OK/Menu ] key to returnback to Main Menu .7. Press and hold [OK/Menu ] key again will return back toTime Mode page.4.6 Editing Front, Center & Back Green Locations 1. From Play Mode page, press and hold [Down ] key to accessEdit mode.2. Use [Up ] or [Down ] key to select Back / Center / Front .(Note: Yardage for Front, Center or Back will blink whenselected).3.Next, stand with Swami Watch at the point of new greenlocation. (Example: If you are editing the back of the green,stand with the Swami Watch at the point you wish to mark asthe new back of the green).9457.4Yards 1429C #24104.6 Editing Front, Center & Back Green Locations (continued)4. Press [OK/Menu ] key to remark. The new location where the GPS unit is located should read “0” yards. (Example: If you edited the back of the green, you are now standing 0 yards between you and the back of the green). This change will be saved on your Swami Watch for future use.5. Press and hold [Up ] key to exit Remark mode.4.7 End Round1.Press and hold [OK/Menu ] key to return back to Main Menu will end the golf round.2. Press and hold [OK/Menu ] key again to return back to Time Mode page .1429C#24115. Swami Settings5.1 Alarm1.From Time Mode page, press and hold [OK/Menu ] keyto access Main Menu .2. Use [Up ] or [Down ] key to select Settings and press [OK/Menu ] key.3. Use [Up ] or [Down ] key to select Alarm and press [OK/Menu ] key.4. Use [Up ] or [Down ] key to select Alarm 1/Alarm 2/Alarm 3 and press [OK/Menu ] key.5. Use [Up ] or [Down ] key to set HH (00 ~ 23) and press [OK/Menu ] key.6. Use [Up ] or [Down ] key to set MM (00 ~ 59) and press [OK/Menu ] key.7. Use [Up ] or [Down ] key to set On/Off and press [OK/Menu ] key.8. Press and hold [OK/Menu ] key to return back to Settings Menu .5.2 Time Format1.From Time Mode page, press and hold [OK/Menu ] key to access Main Menu .2.Use [Up ] or [Down ] key to select Settings and press [OK/Menu ] key.3.Use [Up ] or [Down ] key to select Time Format and press [OK/Menu ] key.4.Use [Up ] or [Down ] key to set 12H/24H and press [OK/Menu ] key.5. Press and hold [OK/Menu ] key to return back to Settings Menu .Time Format Time Daylight Date Format5.3 Time1. From Time Mode page, press and hold [OK/Menu] key to access Main Menu.2. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Settings and press [OK/Menu] key.3. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Time and press [OK/Menu] key.4. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Time 1/Time 2 and press [OK/Menu] key.5. Use [Up]or[Down] key to set Auto or Manual and press <OK/Menu> key.6. If selecting Auto, you must be outdoors initially for this option to work properly. Thewatch must be able to recieve a satellite signal in order to set the current time. Afterthe time is set, it will keep that time wherever you go.7. If selecting Manual, use [Up]or[Down] key to set HH (00 ~ 23) and press[OK/Menu] key.8. Use [Up]or[Down] key to set MM (00 ~ 59) and press [OK/Menu] key.9. Press and hold [OK/Menu] key to return back to Settings Menu.5.4 Daylight Saving Time1. From Time Mode page, press and hold [OK/Menu] key to access Main Menu.2. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Settings and press [OK/Menu] key.3. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Daylight and press [OK/Menu] key.4. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select On/Off and press [OK/Menu] keyOn = current time minus 1 hour.5. Press and hold [OK/Menu] key to return back to Settings Menu.125.5 Date Format1. From Time Mode page, press and hold [OK/Menu] key to access Main Menu.2. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Settings and press [OK/Menu] key.3. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Date Format and press [OK/Menu] key.4. Use [Up]or[Down] keys to change date format between DD-MM-YY(Day/Month/Year), MM-DD-YY(Month/Day/Year) and YY-MM-DD(Year/Month/Day).5. Press and hold [OK/Menu] key to return back to Settings Menu.5.6 Date1. From Time Mode page, press and hold [OK/Menu] key to access Main Menu.2. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Settings and press [OK/Menu] key.3. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Date and press [OK/Menu] key.4. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Year and press [OK/Menu] key.5. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Month and press [OK/Menu] key.6. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Day and press [OK/Menu] key.7. Press and hold [OK/Menu] key to return back to Settings Menu.5.7 Language1. From Time Mode page, press and hold [OK/Menu] key to access Main Menu.2. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Settings and press [OK/Menu] key.3. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select desired Language and press [OK/Menu] key.4. Press and hold [OK/Menu] key to return back to Settings Menu.135.8 Unit - Change unit of measurement between yards and meters1. From Time Mode page, press and hold [OK/Menu] key to access Main Menu.2. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Settings and press [OK/Menu] key.3. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Unit and press [OK/Menu] key.4. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Metric/Imperial and press [OK/Menu] key.5. Press and hold [OK/Menu] key to return back to Settings Menu.5.9 Backlight6. From Time Mode page, press and hold [OK/Menu] key to access Main Menu.7. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Settings and press [OK/Menu] key.8. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Backlight and press [OK/Menu] key.9. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Off/5s/10s/30s and press [OK/Menu] key.10. Press and hold [OK/Menu] key to return back to Settings Menu.5.10 Sound - Turn button sound On/Off1. From Time Mode page, press and hold [OK/Menu] key to access Main Menu.2. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Settings and press [OK/Menu] key.3. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Sound and press [OK/Menu] key.4. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select On/Off and press [OK/Menu] key.5. Press and hold [OK/Menu] key to return back to Settings Menu.145.11 Display Type - Invert screen colors between black and clear background1. From Time Mode page, press and hold [OK/Menu] key to access Main Menu.2. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Settings and press [OK/Menu] key.3. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Display Type and press [OK/Menu] key.4. Use [Up]or[Down] key to select Type 1/Type 2 and press [OK/Menu] key.5. Press and hold [OK/Menu] key to return back to Settings Menu.CAUTIONGlobal Position System (GPS) was developed and is managed by United StatesDepartment of Defense (DOD) that is responsible for its normal operation and position precision control; the U.S. is entitled to affect function or position precision of the whole system without prior notification or announcement based on its political considerations or safety of national defense.In order to use SWAMI Watch correctly and safely, you must be aware of some specific knowledge; please read the following attentions in the manual prior to operating the device:• SWAMI Watch was only designed for the purpose of leisure and recreation and it isn’t applicable for industrial or special measurement.• SWAMI Watch is only an auxiliary device, so we will not take any legal liability of accidents due to mistaken operation or wrong judgment by using SWAMI Watch for measurement.Using ConditionsAs Swami Watch uses GPS, the GPS features are available only in the places that can receive satellite signals, excluding places indoor or in water.15Charging Swami Watch1. Place Swami Watch on charging station, make sure when docking the unit the blackarrow highlight in red on the charging station below (Image A) is pointing up toward the buckle of the watch. Unit should rest in slot of charging station. (Reference Image B)2. Plug charging station AC adapter into outlet. Next, press the left side button in toward the watch until it locks into place. (Reference Image B). To release watch from charging station press button in top right corner of charging station highlight in red (Image B).3.Swami Watch has begun charging when the screen below (Image C) is shown. The 3 bars located in the battery icon will blink when charging. When fully charged, the battery bars will stop blinking. Full charge takes about 4-5 hours.16Charging Swami Watch usb connect Image A Image B Image C Charging Station Note: If screen shown to the right (Image C) is not shown on swami watch while locked in charging station, the watch may not be properly placed in charging station. Make sure watch is placed as shown in the instructions above.Note: Charging station can charge the watch through your computer by using the USB end of the USB cable. Plug into USB port of your computer to charge unit this way.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Situations Possible Problems SolutionsThe device cannot be started A. Battery voltage is too low.B. You didn’t press and hold the[Power/Backlight] key for 3seconds.A. Charge the battery.B. Press and hold the[Power/Backlight]key untilthe power is on.The device cannot detect satellites A. Time for accessing satellitesignal is not enough.B. The device is being startedindoors.A. Turn the Swami Watch off andrestart it, then try again.B. Keep the device in an open spacewithout building shelter. Warranty / Return PolicySWAMI is warranted to be free from defects for up to 90 days from your purchase date.Software updates are free of charge. Izzo cannot refund your purchase. Izzo will replace any defective unit within the warranty period. Please call Swami Support at 800-777-7899 to request a Return Authorization. All defective product must be returned to:Izzo Golf1635 Commons ParkwayMacedon, NY 14502Please include a note with your Name, Address, Phone # and the Return Authorization #.Your replacement SWAMI will be shipped once we receive and diagnose the returned unit.17。



iStartek GPS Vehicle Tracker VT600 User ManualV1.3Contents1. Copyright and Disclaimer .................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2. Product Overview .............................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

3. Product Functions....................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

4. Product Specifications............................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5. Hardware and Accessories ................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。


Help us better support you by completing your on-line registration today! Why should you register your GPS 76? • Notification of Product Updates • Notification of New Products • Lost or Stolen Unit Tracking Connect to our website () and look for the Product Registration link on the home page. Thanks for choosing the GARMIN GPS 76. If you have any questions or comments regarding the use of the GPS 76 you can visit our website or contact our Customer Service Department M-F, 8:00-5:00 CST (except holidays) at 1-800800-1020.
NOTE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC interference limits for Class B digital devices FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE (“home or office” interference requirements are more stringent than “outdoor” requirements). Operation of this device is subject to the following conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. The GPS 76 does not contain any user-serviceable parts. Repairs should only be made by an authorized GARMIN service center. Unauthorized repairs or modifications could result in permanent damage to the equipment, and void your warranty and your authority to operate this device under Part 15 regulations.

TENMA 72-10390A数字多功能测量器用户手册说明书

TENMA 72-10390A数字多功能测量器用户手册说明书
1. DC or AC Voltage Measurement (See Diagram 2) 1) Turn rotary switch to V~ or V voltage measurement. 2) Insert the red test lead into the “V” terminal and the black test lead into the “COM” terminal, connect the test leads across with
This meter complies with the standard IEC/EN 61010-1, 61010-2-033 in pollution degree 2, over voltage category (CAT III 600V) and double insulation.
CAT. II: Local level, appliance, PORTABLE EQUIPMENT etc., with smaller transient voltage over voltage than CAT. III CAT. III: Distribution level, fixed installation, with smaller transient over voltage than CAT. IV
deteriorate after dampened.

Page <2>
07/05/18 V1.0
11. The internal circuit of the meter shall not be altered that will avoid damages of the meter and any accident Soft cloth and mild detergent should be used to clean the surface of the meter when servicing. No abrasive and solvent should be used to prevent the surface of the meter from corrosion, damage and accident.
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Using the GPS 72H.............. 6
Marine Navigation............. 34
Serial Number
The serial number is located on the back of the device in the lower right corner.
Optional Accessories
For a list of available accessories, go to .
owner’s manual
© 2009 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries Garmin International, Inc. 1200 East 151st Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062, USA Tel. (913) 397.8200 or (800) 800.1020 Fax (913) 397.8282 Garmin (Europe) Ltd. Liberty House Hounsdown Business Park, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 9LR UK Tel. +44 (0) 870.8501241 (outside the UK) 0808 2380000 (within the UK) Fax +44 (0) 870.8501251 Garmin Corporation No. 68, Jangshu 2nd Road, Shijr, Taipei County, Taiwan Tel. 886/2.2642.9199 Fax 886/2.2642.9099
The Main Pages................. 13
Hale Waihona Puke Map Page................................. 14 Compass Page......................... 16 Highway Page.......................... 17 Active Route Page.................... 18 GPS Information Page............. 19
When you are instructed to “press” something, press the buttons on the device. Use the rocker to select something in a list, and then press ENTER. The small arrows (>) used in the text indicate that you should select a series of items in order, for example, “Press PAGE > ENTER > select TRACKS.”
GPS 72H Owner’s Manual

Contact Garmin
Contact Garmin Product Support if you have any questions while using your GPS 72H. In the USA, go to /support, or contact Garmin USA by phone at (913) 397.8200 or (800) 800.1020. In the UK, contact Garmin (Europe) Ltd. by phone at 0808 2380000. In Europe, go to /support and click Contact Support for in-country support information, or contact Garmin (Europe) Ltd. by phone at +44 (0) 870.8501241.
All rights reserved. Except as expressly provided herein, no part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, transmitted, disseminated, downloaded or stored in any storage medium, for any purpose without the express prior written consent of Garmin. Garmin hereby grants permission to download a single copy of this manual onto a hard drive or other electronic storage medium to be viewed and to print one copy of this manual or of any revision hereto, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this manual must contain the complete text of this copyright notice and provided further that any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is strictly prohibited. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Garmin reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements. Visit the Garmin Web site () for current updates and supplemental information concerning the use and operation of this and other Garmin products. Garmin® , the Garmin logo, TracBack®, and MapSource® are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in the USA and other countries. These trademarks may not be used without the express permission of Garmin.
September 2009
Part Number 190-01119-00 Rev. B
Printed in Taiwan
ee the Important Safety and S Product Information guide in the product box for product warnings and other important information.
Tips and Shortcuts
Manual Conventions
• To return to the Main Menu from any page, press the MENU button twice. • To extend battery life, turn off the GPS when not using the device for navigation. For more information, see page 41.
Product Registration
Help us better support you by completing our online registration. Connect to our Web site at . Keep the original sales receipt, or a photocopy, in a safe place.
GPS 72H Owner’s Manual
Table of Contents
Introduction. .......................... i
Manual Conventions.....................i Tips and Shortcuts. .......................i Product Registration.....................i Contact Garmin...........................ii Serial Number.............................ii Optional Accessories...................ii
Trip Computer. .......................... 20 Tracks....................................... 21 Points....................................... 21 Routes...................................... 22 Proximity................................... 22 Celestial.................................... 23 System Info.............................. 23 Setup........................................ 24 Data Field Options.................... 30 Mounting the GPS 72H............ 34 Receiving Marine Data............. 37 Connecting the Power/Data Cable. ..................................... 38