Injection Molding - Gas Assisted (Chinese)
Gas assisted injection molding can: 氣 輔 注 塑 能 夠: • Improve polymer flow 改善塑料流動 • Improve product stiffness 改善塑件剛性和強度 • Improve surface aesthetics, eliminate sink mark 改善外觀,除去縮痕 • Reduce internal stress, warpage 減少內應力和變形
使 用 氣 體 壓 力 來 壓 緊 模 具, 當 熔 料 冷 卻 和 收 縮 時, 氣 體 填 補 增 加 了 的 空 間
Gas Assist Molding System 氣體輔助注塑系統
Gas compression cylinder
Gas cylinder
Electrical System Control Panel
Hydraulic System
DOW RESTRICTED - For internal use only
Gas Assisted Injection Molding 氣體輔助注塑
KL/Sept99 DOW RESTRICTED - For internal use only 1
What is gas assisted injection molding? 氣 輔 注 塑 是 什 麼?
It is conventional injection molding with the addition of a compressed gas (nitrogen) that is injected into the part, forming a hollow core. 傳 統 注 塑 再 加 上 把 壓 縮 氣 體 (氮 氣) 注 入 塑 件 內, 形 成 中 空。
lesson 6-2
• Many reciprocating-screw machines are capable of handling thermosetting热固性plastic materials. • (有些往复螺杆注塑机可以加工热固性塑料材料。) • Previously these materials were handled by compression or transfer molding传递模塑. • (以前这些材料用压缩模塑法和传递模塑法来处理。) • Thermosetting materials cure固化 or polymerize聚合 in the mold and are ejected hot in the range of 375~410T (190~210 °C) . 热固性塑料材料在模具中固化或聚合并在375K至410F °的 温度下弹出。)
The work is converted to heat by shearing the plastic, making it a semifluid mass半流质. (通过剪切塑料的方法使材料渐渐变热变成半流质。) In the metering zone, additional heat is applied by conduction from the barrel surface料筒表面. (在定量段,来自于料筒表面的热传导获得额外的热能。) As the chamber腔 in front of the screw becomes filled, it forces the screw back, tripping a limit switch断开限位开关that activates a hydraulic cylinder液压缸that forces the screw forward and injects the fluid plastic into the closed mold®. (当蜗杆前部的腔被装满时,就会迫使蜗杆后退,断开限位开关 而打开液压缸从而使蜗杆向前运动,使熔化的塑料注射到闭合的型腔 之中。)
GCF Field Trial requirements for GSM_GPRS_EGPRS
GLOBAL CERTIFICATION FORUM (GCF) LtdWork Item DescriptionField Trial requirements for GSM/GPRS/EGPRSReference: GCF WI-108Version: v3.1.0Date: 29.01.2010Document Type: Technical1 ScopeThe scope of this work item covers the renewal of Field Trial requirements for GSM/(E)GPRS including SIM/USIM.2 DescriptionThis Work Item description has been created to handle the renewal of GSM/(E)GPRS including SIM/USIM Field Trial requirements.3 JustificationField Trials are an integral part of the GCF scheme and therefore are required to evolve in conjunction with the implementation of associated mobile technology.4 Supporting companiesCSR, Ericsson Mobile Platforms, Motorola, NEC, Nokia, O2 UK, Orange France, RIM, Sony Ericsson, Vodafone Group, Broadcom, TIM, TeliaSonera5 RapporteurMarc OuwehandNokia CorporationTelephone: +358 40828 0908E-mail: marc.ouwehand@6 Affected bandsNote: GSM 850 and 1900 are outside the GCF certification scheme.7 Core Specifications8 Test SpecificationsNote: The operator expectations on each identified Field Trial Requirement can be derived from the GSMA PRD DG 11 ‘DG Field and Lab Trial Guidelines’, It is emphasised that DG.11 is only a guideline and that manufacturers may use their own test procedures.9 Work Item Certification Entry9.1 Work Item Certification Entry Criteria (CEC)N/A.9.2 Target Work Item Certification Entry Date / GCF-CC versionN/A10 Work Item Freeze and Completion CriteriaDuring the next PRP review this WI should be set to ‘Completed’.11 Conformance Test RequirementsN/A12 IOP Test RequirementsN/A13 Field Trial RequirementsFor BSS/MSC network dependent Field Trial Requirements (BM)For GPRS network dependent Field Trial Requirements (GPRS)For SIM/UICC dependent Field Trial Requirements (2GSIM)For SMSC dependent Field Trial Requirements (SMS)For Network/SIM/UICC/Client independent Field Trial Requirements (NI)14 Periodic Review PointsThe next PRP-review for this WI will be held at the t FT AG meeting during Q3 2010.15 Other commentsThe information below is coming from both WI’s, which during the FT AG #15 meeting has been merged into this WI.Former WI-028 Comments:- During the SG 25 meeting a concern was raised about the approval of this Work Item as well as the CR’s attached to this Work Item via 10 day rule process. The SG made clear that this approval process is not conform the official GCF rules. The SG supposed to approve this Work Item and CR’s. During the SG 25 meeting document S-06-053 was created and approved by the SG to give a mandate for approval via 10 day rule. This mandate applies only for CR’s concerning this Work Item.- Due to the introduction of this Work Item and Work Item 27 (HSDPA) it is required that GCF operators re-declare their status as GCF Qualified operator by using the new Annex B, which should be available in thePRD GCF-OP released in April 2006. The CR for this renewed Annex B is a part of this Work Item and will be uploaded as CR FT-06-022r4During the teleconference of 20.3.2006 there was agreed that an agenda point will be made for FT AG #04,3-4 May 2006 concerning re-declaration.- During the teleconference of 20.3.2006, there was noticed that the mandate for this Work Item didn’t include the EGPRS feature. Therefore it was agreed that the EGPRS topic will be put on the agendafor FT AG #04.Mr. M. Ouwehand (Nokia) will take care that there will be a discussion/input documentavailable for the FT AG #04.When WI-028 has been activated there was agreed to put a ‘transition period’ in place, due the fact that bythat time there were no enough FTQ ANNEX B documents available.During the FT AG #08, 2-3 May 2007, there has been agreed that the ‘transition period’ is ended by therelease of GCF-CC 3.26.0.Former WI-048 Comments:It was suggested during the FTAG meeting discussions of this WI that the most effective method ofadministrating and executing the EDGE classified test requirements while maintaining confidence in GCF FTfor both GPRS and EDGE networks is:a) Introduce a new classification called EDGEb) Copy all existing GPRS requirements to the EDGE Requirements.c) FT on GPRS NW Configurations do not need to perform the EDGE classified test requirementsd) FT on EDGE NW Configurations do not need to perform the GPRS classified test requirements.When this WI meet the CEC and therefore will be activated, it should be considered by FT AG to merge the EDGE Field Trial requirements table into the existing GPRS Field Trial requirements table as has been done with PS, HSDPA & EUL requirements table merge.The CR’s to GCF-CC related to this Work Item need to be submitted at the same time that CR to activate this Work item will be submitted.16 Document Change Record。
(19)RU(11)2697273(13)C1РОССИЙСКАЯФЕДЕРАЦИЯ(51)МПКC07K 14/59(2006.01)C12N 15/16(2006.01)C12N 15/85(2006.01)C12N 5/10(2006.01)C12P 21/02(2006.01)ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯСЛУЖБАПОИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙСОБСТВЕННОСТИ(12)ОПИСАНИЕИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯКПАТЕНТУ(52)СПКC07K 14/59(2019.05);C12N 15/85(2019.05);C12P 21/005(2019.05);C12N 2800/22(2019.05);C12N 2800/40(2019.05)(72)Автор(ы):МонаховаВарвараСергеевна(RU),(21)(22)Заявка:2019105063,22.02.2019(24)Датаначалаотсчетасрокадействияпатента:22.02.2019КлимовНиколайАнатольевич(RU),КудлингТатьянаВикторовна(RU),Датарегистрации:13.08.2019ПигареваНатальяВасильевна(RU),КарасевМаксимМихайлович(RU),ШалджянАрамАрутюнович(RU),Приоритет(ы):(22)Датаподачизаявки:22.02.2019СимбирцевАндрейСеменович(RU)(73)Патентообладатель(и):ШаталинДмитрийАлександрович(RU)(45)Опубликовано:13.08.2019Бюл.№23Адресдляпереписки:197110,Санкт-Петербург,ул.Пудожская,7,ФГУП"Гос.НИИОЧБ"ФМБАРоссии,УрусовойМ.Е.(56)Списокдокументов,цитированныхвотчетеопоиске:RU 2502798C2,27.12.2013.KIM D.-J.et al.,Highly expressed recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone from Chinesehamster ovary cells grown in serum-free medium and its effect on induction of folliculogenesis and ovulation,Fertil and Steril.,2010,v.93,n.8,p.2652-2660.RU 2560596C2,20.08.2015.(54)Способполучениярекомбинантногофолликулостимулирующегогормоначеловека,клеточнаялиния-продуцентиплазмидныеэкспрессионныевекторы(57)Реферат:Изобретениеотноситсякобластибиотехнологии,конкретнокрекомбинантномуполучениютерапевтическихбелков,иможетбытьиспользованодляполучениярекомбинантногофолликулостимулирующегогормоначеловека(рчФСГ).СконструированыплазмидныеэкспрессионныевекторыpTVK4p-FSHalpha иpTVK4n-FSHbeta,содержащиекодонно-оптимизированныегеныальфа-ибета-субъединицыфолликулостимулирующегогормоначеловекасоответственно.УказаннымивекторамитрансформируютклеткиСНОсполучениемклеточнойлинииCHO-FSH 91-продуцентарчФСГ,которуюиспользуютвспособеполучениярчФСГ.ИзобретениепозволяетувеличитьпродукциюФСГчеловекадляегоиспользованиявмедицинскихцелях.4н.п.ф-лы,9ил.,2табл.,7пр.R U 2697273C 1R U 2697273C 1(19)RU(11)2697273(13)C1RUSSIANFEDERATION(51)Int.Cl.C07K 14/59(2006.01)C12N 15/16(2006.01)C12N 15/85(2006.01)C12N 5/10(2006.01)C12P 21/02(2006.01)FEDERAL SERVICEFOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY(12)ABSTRACT OF INVENTION(52)CPCC07K 14/59(2019.05);C12N 15/85(2019.05);C12P 21/005(2019.05);C12N 2800/22(2019.05);C12N 2800/40(2019.05)(72)Inventor(s):Monakhova Varvara Sergeevna (RU),(21)(22)Application:2019105063,22.02.2019(24)Effective date for property rights:22.02.2019Klimov Nikolaj Anatolevich (RU),Kudling Tatyana Viktorovna (RU),Registration date:13.08.2019Pigareva Natalya Vasilevna (RU),Karasev Maksim Mikhajlovich (RU),Shaldzhyan Aram Arutyunovich (RU),Priority:(22)Date of filing:22.02.2019Simbirtsev Andrej Semenovich (RU)(73)Proprietor(s):Shatalin Dmitrij Aleksandrovich (RU)(45)Date of publication:13.08.2019Bull.№23Mail address:197110,Sankt-Peterburg,ul.Pudozhskaya,7,FGUP "Gos.NII OCHB"FMBA Rossii,Urusovoj M.E.(54)METHOD OF PRODUCING HUMAN RECOMBINANT FOLLICLE-STIMULATING HORMONE,PRODUCING CELL LINE AND PLASMID EXPRESSION VECTORS (57)Abstract:FIELD:biotechnology .SUBSTANCE:invention relates to biotechnology ,specifically to recombinant production of therapeutic proteins,and can be used to produce human recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone (rhFSH).Plasmid expression vectors pTVK4p-FSHalpha and pTVK4n-FSHbeta are constructed,containing codon-optimized genes of alpha and beta subunit follicle-stimulating human hormone respectively .Said vectors are transformed CHO cells to produce cell line CHO-FSH 91–producer rhFSH,which is used in production method rhFSH.EFFECT:invention allows to increase production FSH human being for medical use.4cl,9dwg,2tbl,7exR U 2697273C 1R U 2697273C 1。
分析检测固相萃取-高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时测定海产品中微囊藻毒素和鱼腥藻毒素吕晓静,鞠光秀,曲 欣,汪 勇,于红卫*(1.青岛市疾病预防控制中心/青岛市预防医学研究院,山东青岛 266033;2.岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司,北京 100020)摘 要:目的:建立固相萃取-高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时测定海产品中7种微囊藻毒素和2种鱼腥藻毒素的方法。
结果:7种微囊藻毒素和2种鱼腥藻毒素在0.5~50.0 μg·L-1范围内线性关系良好,检出限为0.3 μg·kg-1,回收率为75.5%~98.8%,相对标准偏差在1.5%~5.4%。
关键词:微囊藻毒素;鱼腥藻毒素;固相萃取(SPE);高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(HPLC-MS/MS)Simultaneous Determination of Microcystins and Anatoxins in Marine Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry with SolidPhase ExtractionLYU Xiaojing, JU Guangxiu, QU Xin, WANG Yong, YU Hongwei*(1.Qingdao Municipal Center For Disease Control & Prevention/Qingdao Institute of Preventive Medicine, Qingdao266033, China; 2.Shimadzu (China) Co., Ltd., Beijing Branch, Beijing 100020, China) Abstract: Objective: A method for simultaneous determination of 7 microcystins (MCs) and 2 Anatoxins (AnTXs) in marine products was achieved by solid phase extraction (SPE)-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). Method: The sample was extracted with 80% acetonitrile, purified by HLB small column, analyzed using MRM mode, and quantified using external standard method. Result: The linear ranges for 7 MCs and 2 AnTXs were 0.5~50.0 μg·L-1. The limits of detection were 0.3 μg·kg-1. The recoveries of the 7 MCs and 2 AnTXs spiked in blank marine products ranged from 75.5% to 98.8% with the relative deviations of 1.5%~5.4%. Conclusion: The method has the advantages of good reproducibility, high sensitivity and low cost, and can achieve simultaneous detection of fishy algae toxins and microcystins in seafood.Keywords: microcystin; anatoxin; solid phase extraction (SPE); high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS)微囊藻毒素(Microcystins,MCs)和鱼腥藻毒素(Anatoxins,AnTXs)是两种典型的蓝细菌毒素[1]。
Injection Moulding ToolsPrecision Tools3.Mould ConstructionInjection Moulds for PlasticsInjection MouldedInjection Moulded ComponentsInjection MouldersInjection MouldingInjection MouldingsMoulded PlasticsMouldingsPlastic InjectionPlastic Injection Mould Tool DesignPlastic Injection Mould Tool ManufacturePlastic Injection Mould ToolmakersPlastic Injection Mould ToolsPlastic Injection MoulderPlastic Injection MoulderingPlastic Injection MouldersPlastic Injection MouldingPlastic Injection Moulding Plastic Injection Moulders Plastic Injection Moulding ProductsPlastic Injection Moulding ServicesPlastic Injection MouldingsPlastic ManufacturerPlastic Moulded ComponentsPlastic Moulded PartsPlastic Moulded Product DesignPlastic Moulded ProductsPlastic MouldersPlastic MouldingPlastic Moulding ManufacturePlastic Moulding SupplierPlastic MouldingsPlastic Mouldings SupplierPlasticsPlastics Injection Mould ToolsPlastics Injection MouldingPlastics Injection Moulding ServicesPrecision Injection MouldersPrecision Plastic Injection Moulders Precision Plastic Injection Moulding Precision Plastic MouldersInjection MouldingInjection Moulding Design Services Injection Moulding ModelsInjection Moulding ServicesInjection Moulding Sub-Contract Injection Moulding Thermoplastic Injection MouldingsInjection Mouldings GeneralInjection Mouldings NylonsInjection Mouldings PlasticPlastic Injection Mould Tool Design Plastic Injection Mould Tool Manufacture Plastic Injection Mould ToolsPlastic Injection MouldingPlastic Injection Moulding Assembly Plastic Injection Moulding Services Plastic Injection Moulding Sub-Contract Plastic Injection MouldingsPlastic Moulded AssembliesPlastic Moulded ComponentsPlastic Moulded PartsPlastic Moulded Product DesignPlastic Moulded ProductsPlastic MouldingPlastic Moulding AssemblyPlastic Moulding ManufacturePlastic Moulding ServicesPlastic Moulding SupplierPlastic MouldingsPlastic Mouldings Post-OperativePlastic Mouldings SupplierPlastic Product AssemblyPlastic Product DesignPlastic ProductsPlastics Injection Mould ToolsPlastics Injection MouldingPlastics Injection Moulding ServicesPlastics MouldersPolycarbonate Injection Mouldings Polypropylene Injection MouldingsPolystyrene Injection MouldingsPrototype Injection MouldingsSub-Contract Injection MouldingThermoplastic Eleastomer (TPE) Injection Mouldings Thermoplastic Injection MouldingThermoplastic Injection MouldingsTrade Plastic Injection MouldingsMould ToolsPlastic Injection Mould ToolsPrecision MoulderISO Approved Plastic Injection MoulderPlastic InjectionPlastic Injection Mould ToolsPlastic Injection MouldersPlastic Injection MouldingInjection Mould Tool MakingInjection Mould ToolmakingInjection Mould ToolsMould ToolsMoulding And MouldPlastic Injection Mould ToolsCNC MachiningJigs And FixturesPlastic Mould ToolmakersPrecision EngineeringPressure Die CastingSpecial Purpose MachineryToolmakingTool MakerTool MakersTool MakingToolmakerToolmakersInjection MouldersPlastic Injection Moulding Plastics Injection Moulding Injection Mould Tool Making Injection Mould Toolmaking Precision Engineering Precision Engineers ToolmakerAutomotive ToolMould DesignProduct DesignComponent Development Moldflow AnalysisOver Moulding2 Shot MouldProduction MouldingMould and DieMulti Cavity MouldMulti Shot MouldMoulds with Hot Runner Systems Large Size CapabilityTool Trialsinjection moldplastic injection moldinjection mold designinjection moldsplastic injection mold design injection mold machineplastic injection moldsinjection moldinginjection moldedinjection molderinjection blow moldingplastic moldcompression moldrotational moldcasting moldinjection plasticsmold makingtransfer moldblow moldrubber moldmold machine injection moulding micro moldmetal moldcustom mold injection machines injection technology inject moldinjection blow molding plastic mold extrusion mold compression moldpet moldplastics mold injection machine insert mold rotational mold automotive mold tooling mold process injection injection tooling injection products casting mold injection screwmold resininjection gate injection plastics mold makingplastic injectionmold process injection industry injection moulds transfer moldrubber injectionblow moldrubber moldmold machine injection product cavity moldroto moldmicro moldmetal moldinjection parttool moldinjection toolinjection pressureinjection compressioncustom moldinjection technologyinjection partspvc injectionplastic injection partparte de inyección de plástico plastic injection moulding moldeo por inyección de plástico die casting partpieza de la fundiciónplastic injection mouldmoldeo por inyección plástico "plastic moldMolde de plástico""Plastic mould"Plastic injection partParte de inyección de plástico plastic product injection Producto de inyección de plástico "plastic injectioninyección de plástico "stamping partErradicación parte"moldmolde""ToolingHerramientas""Auto parts car part""plastic injection mold"injection mouldInjection Mould,Provides Design PlansMoldeo por inyección, proporciona planes de dise?oOEM&ODM household product series OEM&ODMOEM&ODM serie productos para el hogarAluminium die casting mould makingMolde a presión de aluminio fabricación de moldesAutomative Injection Mold with Hot RunnerMolde de inyección automative con corredor calientealuminium mold makerfabricante de moldes de aluminioVacum forming machine auto partsMáquina formadora apilárselas auto partsAluminum&Zinc Die Casting Auto PartsAluminio & Zinc Die Casting autopartesDouble color plastic injection productProductos de inyección de plástico de doble colorparte de inyección de plásticomoldeo por inyección de plásticopieza de la fundiciónmoldeo por inyección plástico"molde plástico""Molde plástico"Parte de inyección de plásticoproductos de plástico"inyección""inyección de plástico""estampa la parte""molde""Herramientas""Parte de auto partes de auto""molde de inyección de plástico"moldeo por inyecciónMoldeo por inyección, proporciona planes de dise?oSerie del hogar producto OEM ODM &Fabricación de moldes de fundición de aluminio muerenMolde de inyección automative con corredor calientefabricante de moldes de aluminioPiezas de automóvil de máquina formadora de vacum? CALIENTE!!!! Producto de vehículo plástico de fábrica del OEM Aluminio & Zinc Die Casting autopartesProductos de inyección de plástico de doble color Aluminium moldMoldes de aluminioAluminium mouldCasting moldMoldes de fundiciónCasting mouldDie casting moldMoldes de fundición a presiónHasco mold hascoMoldeHot Runner mouldMoldes de canal calienteInjection moldMoldes de inyecciónInjection mouldplastic Injection moldMolde de inyección de plásticoplastic Injection mouldMould makerFabricación de moldesMouldingMoldeo por inyecciónPlastic moldMolde plásticoPlastic mouldPrecision moldMoldes de precisiónPrecision plastic moldMolde plástico de precisiónTooling mouldútiles del molde模具行业地区词Alabama ALAlaska AKArizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Districtofcolumbia DC Florida FL Georgia GAHawaii HIIdaho IDIllinois ILIndiana INIowa IAKansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LAMaine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV NewHampshire NH NewJeresy NJ NewMexico NM NewYork NY NorthCarolina NC NorthDakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PARhodeIsland RI SouthCarolina SC SouthDakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia V A Washington W A WestVirginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY PARISLondon LiverpoolBerlin Dunkerque Manchester Cambridge HamburgLille Birmingham OxfordMunich Cherbourg Nottingham Leeds Frankfurt Rouen Newcastle Loughborough Dusseldorf Nancy Plymouth Glasgow BREMENBrest Edinburgh Aberdeen NUREMBERG Strasbourg Bournemouth CardiffOrleansLeicesterNantesSheffieldFrance/FRLyonMarseilleGrenobleToulouseBordeauxNiceValencePoland/PLHolland /NETHERLAND/NL brazil/BRAustraliaarsaw(Brasilia)(Canberra)KrakowThe Hague(Sao Paulo) -(Sydney)GdańskAmsterdam(Foz do Iguazul (Melbourne), (Rotterdam)(Rio de Janeiro) ADELAIDE(De Bilt) ?(Manaus)(Den Helder)PTO ALEGRE EINDHOVENcanada /CA/Italy/ITSPAIN/ES(Ottawa)RomaMALAGA(Toronto)BasilicataALICANTE(Montreal)BARCELONA (Vancouver)Campania SEVILLA (Quebec City)Sardegna VITORIA (Calgary)Sicilia (Edmonton)Veneto WINNIPEG (MILANO)ST JOHNS (FIRENZE)(TORINO) (NAPOLI)(GENOV A)(VENEZIA)ALGHEROSingaporePhilippines- ManilaGreece/GR ATHENS NORW AY/NOBERGEN BELGIUM BRUSSELS IRAN/IR ABADAB CHILE/CL SANTIAGO SWEDEN/SE MALMOkorea/krSEOUL malaysia/MY KUALALUMPUR KARACHIMULTANUnited Arab Emirates /UAE dubai/DENMARK/DK ALLBORG。
5.1.3 Three-plate Molds
At the conclusion of injection the mold opens at the first parting line, which contains the sprue and runner and separates the pinpoint gate from the part. 注射结束时,第一个分型线首先开模,其中包括浇口和 流道以及塑件中分流的针孔型浇注系统 Only then is the second parting line opened, releasing the part. There are several possibilities for achieving this. 这样第二个分型线才会开模,使塑件脱离型芯。脱离型 芯有好几种方法。 Only then只有….才
(2) Shape of the molded parts(size, quality requirements) (3) Injection-molding machine (clamping force, plasticizing
and injection capacity) (4) Mold costs 因此,型腔的选择主要取决于: (1)订单大小(模具零件数量以及交货时间) (2)模具零件的形状(尺寸,质量要求) (3)注塑成型机(合模力,可塑性,注塑容量) (4)模具成本
The production time required for a given molded part depends
Agilia SP 注射器滴注机配件部件目录2019说明书
Agilia SP range Syringe Infusion Pump Spare Parts Catalog 2019This Spare Parts Catalog is applicable to the following Agilia SP range:▪Agilia SP▪Agilia SP MC / Agilia SP MC WiFi▪Agilia SP TIVA / Agilia SP TIVA WiFi.This Spare Parts Catalog is applicable to devices whose serial number is from 23499291.WarningONLY use the recommended accessories and options delivered with the pump. NO PART ISREPAIRABLE. When replacing components, only use Fresenius Kabi spare parts.Critical Components Type 1 (CS1)The CS1 critical components listed in this Spare Parts Catalog must be traceable.InformationThe critical components are identified into the column 'CS1’ of the spare parts tables. Those components are delivered with a batch or serial number. The After Sales Services are responsible for the traceabilityof those components. A critical component batch or serial number must be linked, by the After SalesService, with the serial number of the infusion pump repaired.Release NotesDate Revision DescriptionOctober 2015 0 CreationJuly 2017 1 ▪The Agilia SP TIVA WiFi is added in this page.▪Mark 200: Z178972, Z178973 and the note are added ; Z179973 and Z179974 are removed from this document since they are dedicated to VP range.▪Z173408 (mark 408), Z178271 (mark 506) and Z178245 (mark 604) are removed since they are not available.▪Z161776 is no more available for sale but included in ref Z179556 (mark 311).▪Z178245 is no more available for sale but included in ref Z178979 (mark 600).▪Z178912 is replaced by Z178970 (mark 101) ; Z178909 is replaced by Z178971 (mark 104) ; Z179043 is replaced by Z179971 (mark 309) ; Z178911 is replaced by Z178975 (mark 401) ; Z178693 is replaced by Z178963 (mark 405) ; Z178903 is replaced by Z178976 (mark 407) ; Z178920 is replaced by Z178977 (mark 406) ;Z178901 is replaced by Z178978 (mark 500) ; Z178907 is replaced by Z178979 (mark 600) ; Z178585 is replaced by Z179585 (mark 703).▪Z190890 (old mark 605) is replaced by Z199716 (new mark 604).▪Marks 415 and 416 are inverted to match the right spare parts.▪Z179590 (mark 312) is a CS1 component while Z178959 (mark 403) and Z178978 (mark 500) are not CS1 components.▪Z178424 is replaced by Z180692 (mark 505).May 2018 2 ▪References Z178357 (Potentiometer assembly, in the Base section) and Z178457 (Strain gauge, in the Plunger section) are no more available for sale since they require soldering.▪Reference Z179556 (mark 311) is no more part of kit referenced Z178958 (mark 310).▪New covers.July 2018 3 Z178275 (mark 415): quantity changed to 1.September 2018 4In section Angle Bracket:▪Z180693 Male socket sealing is now delivered in the Bracket and mains board kit for Agilia SP (mark 310) in pumps whose serial number is from 23882455.It replaces ref. Z179584.▪Z178958 Bracket and mains board kit for A gilia SP is replaced by Z178381.10062-4_SPC_Agilia_SP_Eng1 BASE 42 COVER 53 ANGLE BRACKET 64 PLUNGER 75 MECHANICAL FRAMEWORK 96 MOTOR LEFT FLANGE 107 WI-FI 1134Base104MarkQtyReferenceDescription Price100 1 Z178156 Pusher protection 322,- 101 1 Z178970 Base kit for Agilia SP293,- 102 1 Z178436 Dual syringe wings holder 65,- 103 1 Z178440 Syringe holder assembly 890,- 104 1 Z178971 Syringe detection kit for Agilia SP 552,- 105 1 Z178186 Wing detection membrane 17,- 106 2 Z178299 Grey Diam. 7 screw cap 6,- 107 1 Z178434 Grease damping 58,- 108 2 Z178206 Foot 12,- 109 1 Z178431 Racked clip 116,- 110 1 Z178921 Bracket clip kit179,- 1111Z178951Syringe holder bridle kit for Agilia SP345,-105100 102 103107106 1081091111011105Cover201MarkQtyReferenceDescriptionPrice200(1)1 Z178952 Upper case kit for Agilia SP 982,- 1 Z178953 Upper case kit for Agilia SP MC 982,- 1 Z178972 Upper case kit for Agilia SP MC WiFi982,- 1 Z178973 Upper case kit for Agilia SP MC WiFi (FDA registered - for NAM countries only)982,- 1 Z178954 Upper case kit for Agilia SP TIVA 982,- 1 Z178956 Upper case kit for Agilia SP TIVA WiFi982,-1Z178955 Upper case kit for Agilia SP TIVA (Japanese market - Soon available) 982,- 201 1 Z178401 Display board 1982,-202 1 Z178181 Hood hook 9,- 2031Z179413Card to card ribbon130,-(*) See Critical Components Type 1 (CS1), page 2.(1) Only one reference is to be ordered depending on the model to be repaired or maintained.2002022036315Angle Bracket307MarkQtyReferenceDescriptionPrice300 1 Z179978 Hook nut kit for Agilia SP & VP 1086,- 301 1 Z178315 Pole clamp rotate axle 3 39,- 302 1 Z179569 Pole clamp bolt button 9,- 303 1 Z178294 Pole clamp spring9,- 304 1 Z179568 Pole clamp M8 screw overmoulded 65,- 305 1 Z182108 Clamp screw tip22,- 306 1 Z178292 Pole clamp axle tip - angled 40,- 307 1 Z179976 Handle + bolt kit (for Agilia SP & VP) 750,- 308 1 Z178188 IRDA window 75,- 309 1 Z179971 Agilia battery kit537,- 310 1 Z178381 Bracket and mains board kit for Agilia SP1624,- 311 1 Z179556 Flexible IC flex binder assembly (includes speaker and binder socket)722,- 312 1 Z179590 Power supply board (for Agilia SP & VP) 2297,- 313 1 Z178189 Handle retainer 11,- 314 1Z178455 Blue Diam. 7 screw cap 7,- 315(1)1Z170416 Z170430 Z170447Mains lead - angled - black Mains angled cable UK Mains cable US/CA144,-(*) See Critical Components Type 1 (CS1), page 2.(1) Only one reference is to be ordered depending on the country where the pump is used. Other cables are available, contact your Fresenius Kabi sales representative.308310313314 30231230430330931130630130530074PlungerMarkQtyReferenceDescription Price400 1 Z178441 Link push carriage 12,- 401 1 Z178975 Plunger kit for Agilia SP 3225,- 402 1 Z178452 Flex pusher462,- 403 1 Z178959 Pressure sensor kit for Agilia SP 1139,- 404 1 Z178963 Flange and lever kit for Agilia SP 245,- 405 1 Z178977 Carriage kit for Agilia SP917,- 406 1 Z178976 Disengagement flex. IC kit for Agilia SP 392,- 407 1 Z199680 D3 Truarc 3,- 408 1 Z178286 Stirrup captor 2 14,- 409 2 Z178217 Arm axis pusher 49,- 4101Z178194Detection finger hat12,-(*) See Critical Components Type 1 (CS1), page 2.406401407...405400 ...402403.........409......408............410404...8MarkQtyReferenceDescription Price411 1 Z178450 Plunger arm 140,- 412 1 Z178235 Stainless ball 30,- 413 1 Z178266 Left helico lever 2 18,- 414 1 Z178274 T DES-DF.6 spring 18,- 415 1 Z178275 T DE3.3-DF.35 spring 18,- 416 1 Z178276 C DE7.7-DF.45 spring 8,- 417 1 Z178284 Sup. pusher arm 90,- 418 1 Z178285 Inf. pusher arm90,- 419 2 Z178281 White diam.7 screw cap 2 6,- 420 1 Z178210 Pusher membrane hold 12,- 421 1 Z178280 Pusher membrane 2 15,- 4221Z199698Quicklock D1.5 ring3,-.........422...417......419418411...414413...420416421415......41295Mechanical Framework500MarkQtyReferenceDescriptionPrice500 1 Z178978 Linear sensor kit for Agilia SP513,- 501 1 Z178964 Motor kit for Agilia SP 786,- 502 (1) 1 Z178400 CPU board 1433,- 503 1 Z199716 Quicklock ring D2.5 12,- 504 1 Z178224 Carriage guide 51,- 505 1 Z180692 Right flask assembly16,- 5061Z178317Wormwheel M6x1 with bearing306,-(*) See Critical Components Type 1 (CS1), page 2.(1) REACH Article 33(1) Declaration about substances identified by the European Chemical Agency as candidates for Annex XIV according to article 59:“Current knowledge available to us from our supplier on the presence of substances included in the candidate list in a concen tration above 0.1% (m/m) in our LCD is as follows: Boric acid (CAS No.: 10043-35-3, 11113-50-1), Disodium tetraborate, anhydrous (CAS No.: 1303-96-4, 1330-43-4, 12179-04-3), Tetraboron disodium heptaoxide hydrate (CAS No.: 12267-73-1). We are in constant dialogue with our suppliers in order to gather further information."5045055015035065026Motor Left Flange600605601604603602Mark Qty Reference Description Price 600 1 Z178979 Motor flask kit for Agilia SP 532,- 601 1 Z178196 Z34 M.0.55 sproket 20,- 602 1 Z178241 Retainer bearing 17,- 603 1 Z178242 Threaded retainer bearing 27,- 604 1 Z199716 Quicklock ring diam 2.5 11,- 605 1 Z178380 Z 22 M 0.55 Gearing axle mod 38,-107Wi-Fi702 700701703Mark Qty Reference Description Price 700 1 Z178428 WiFi board support 35,- 701 1 Z179411 WiFi module board 2013,- 702 1 Z178801 WiFi flexible circuit 100,- 703 1 Z179585 WiFi US label 15,-11This document may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors.Modifications may thus be done, and included in later editions.Due to the evolution of standards, and of legal texts and materials, the characteristics indicated in the text and images of this document are applicable only to the device with which it is included.The illustrations in this document are for illustrative purposes only. Their contents may vary based on individual configurations and minor software modifications; therefore, some illustrations may appear slightly different from what you see on the product.This document may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Fresenius Kabi. Agilia® is a registered trademark in the name of Fresenius Kabi in selected countries.Made in FranceRevision date: September 2018Document reference: 10062-4_SPC_Agilia_SP_Eng0123First CE Mark: December 20151213Local Contacts for Servicing10062-4_SPC_Agilia_SP_EngFresenius Kabi AG 61346 Bad Homburg Germany Fresenius Vial S.A.SLe Grand Chemin 38590 Brézins - FranceFRESENIUS KABI NORGE AS Gjerdrums vei 10a0484 OSLOT: 22 58 80 00M: *********************************。
细胞内叠氮化物反应探针的英文Intracellular Nitrogenase Reaction Probes: Applications and Advancements.Intracellular nitrogenase reaction probes have emerged as crucial tools in modern biochemistry, enabling researchers to monitor and understand the intricate nitrogen metabolism within cells. These probes, often fluorescently labeled, allow for real-time visualization of nitrogen fixation and associated processes, thereby providing insights into the dynamic nature of nitrogen metabolism.Background and Importance.Nitrogen is an essential element for all known forms of life, playing a pivotal role in amino acid synthesis, nucleic acid structure, and various other biological processes. However, nitrogen in its free form (N2) is unavailable for direct biological utilization due to itsinertness. Therefore, organisms rely on nitrogenases, a class of enzymes that catalyze the conversion of N2 into ammonia (NH3), a biologically usable form of nitrogen.Within cells, nitrogenase enzymes are often embedded within complex systems, involving multiple cofactors and electron transport chains. Monitoring these reactionswithin the cellular milieu is challenging due to the dynamic nature of the cellular environment and the often-subtle changes in substrate concentration. Intracellular nitrogenase reaction probes have been developed to overcome these challenges, providing a window into the intracellular world of nitrogen metabolism.Types of Intracellular Nitrogenase Reaction Probes.1. Fluorescent Probes: These probes are labeled with fluorescent molecules that change their emission properties upon interacting with nitrogenase or its intermediates. For example, fluorophores such as fluorescein or rhodamine can be conjugated to specific substrates or inhibitors of nitrogenase, allowing for the detection of enzymaticactivity through fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry.2. Bioluminescent Probes: These probes emit light through a chemical reaction triggered by nitrogenase activity. Bioluminescent probes offer the advantage of being self-luminous, eliminating the need for external excitation sources.3. Radiolabeled Probes: Radiolabeled probes incorporate radioactive atoms (e.g., carbon-14 or tritium) into substrates or inhibitors of nitrogenase. The subsequent detection of radiolabeled products provides quantitative information about enzyme activity. However, the use of radiolabeled probes is limited due to safety concerns and the need for specialized equipment.Applications of Intracellular Nitrogenase Reaction Probes.1. Studying Nitrogen Fixation Pathways: By monitoring the activity of nitrogenase within cells, probes can reveal the preferred nitrogen fixation pathway utilized bydifferent organisms. This information is crucial for understanding the adaptability of microorganisms to varying nitrogen sources and environmental conditions.2. Analyzing Nitrogen Metabolism in Response to External Stimuli: Intracellular probes can be used to study how nitrogen metabolism is affected by external factors such as changes in nutrient availability, pH, or temperature. Such studies can provide insights into the mechanisms underlying cellular responses to environmental perturbations.3. Drug Discovery and Therapeutics: Nitrogenase inhibitors have been explored as potential therapeutics for treating diseases associated with abnormal nitrogen metabolism, such as cancer or certain infectious diseases. Intracellular probes can aid in the identification of effective inhibitors by allowing for high-throughput screening of candidate compounds.Future Directions.With the continuous advancement of biotechnology and imaging techniques, intracellular nitrogenase reaction probes are poised to make significant contributions to our understanding of nitrogen metabolism. Future research may focus on developing probes with improved sensitivity and specificity, enabling the detection of nitrogenase activity in single cells or even subcellular compartments. Additionally, the integration of probes with other omics technologies (e.g., genomics, proteomics, or metabolomics) could provide a comprehensive picture of nitrogen metabolism within cells, leading to new insights and potential therapeutic targets.In conclusion, intracellular nitrogenase reaction probes have emerged as invaluable tools for studying nitrogen metabolism within cells. Their ability to monitor enzymatic activity in real-time, combined with their versatility and sensitivity, makes them critical for advancing our understanding of nitrogen metabolism and its role in health and disease. As technology continues to evolve, these probes will play increasingly important roles in fundamental and applied research.。
RIM(reaction injection molding)反应注射成型RIM(reaction injection molding)反应注射成型RIM(reaction injection molding)反应注射成型RIM(reaction injection molding),中文俗称反应注射成型,是20世纪70年代后期在欧美率先发展起来的。
Reaction Injection Molding (RIM) is the process by which molded polyurethane(PU) parts are made. In the process, 2 liquid components are mixed and injected into the mold where they chemically react and cure,which forms the polyurethane polymer parts.RIM工艺尤其适合成型大型小批量的零件。
聚氨酯具有强度高,耐磨性,抗撕裂,耐屈挠性,耐低温性和耐油,耐化学品性能优异及良好的血液相容性等优点等特点.聚氨酯树脂制成的产品有泡沫塑料,弹性体,涂料,胶粘剂,纤维,合成皮革以及辅面材料等品种,它广泛应用于运输,机电,船舶,土木建筑,轻工以及纺织等部门,产品与品种逐年递增,在材料工业中占有相当重要的比例,目前PU的使用量仅次于PP,ABS,PVC. 自本世纪30年代末问世以来,它的应用领域不断拓宽,产量逐年增加,发展非常迅速.RIM工艺的优点(自己总结的,希望大家来补充):1,缩短产品开发周期,降低产品开发成本get your product to the market quickly at much low risk由于RIM工艺的低压注射性,对模具的要求较低,模具通常采用环氧树脂或铝做材料,故其成本只相当于注塑模具的很少一部分,其加工周期更是注塑模具不能比拟的,特别适合於短流程生产和样机生产,可大大缩短产品开发周期和节省产品开发成本,快速进入市场占有先机;RIM tooling can make large and complex, 3-dimensional parts at a fraction of the tooling investment of a comparable injection molding tool because such a low-viscous material exerts very little stress on the tool,and allows for ease of modification in economical challenging time. It allows you to get your product to the market quickly and at much lower risk than the tooling needed for injection molding.2,适合生产大型、小批量且高质量的产品Excellent choice for larger plastic parts produced in short run or low volume production quantities.RIM工艺使产品设计更能体现设计者的奇思妙想,由于反应原料的粘度低,流动性好,可以在压力很小的情况下成型复杂的零件,对成型较大面积的壳体具有不可比拟的优势,壁厚变化范围非常大,同一模塑件的横截面可以从6mm到28mm间变化,这是其他工艺所不能比拟的,故可整体成型壁厚变化较大的制品以提高产品的品质可靠性;其制品尺寸稳定,外表美观(可达A级曲面),耐冲击性及耐腐蚀性良好(可以达到PC/ABS的性能);通过调整原料的配制比例可以制作成表层坚硬的聚氨酯结构的泡沫塑料等密度不同的产品,满足客户的各种需求;Designers have more creative ideas with RIM (Reaction Injection Molding) because it can mold thin and thick walls easily in the same part because of the excellent flowability of the materials and the part shrinks a slight amount during the molding process,inserts, ribs and bosses can be molded in the part without sink marks.PU-RIM parts aredurable,chemically resistant,wear resistant,low weight and have high insulation values,and they can be rigid and solid like an injection molded ABS or they can be a structural foam or elastomeric like rubber.3,制品封装镶嵌件工艺简单 Superb encapsulation ability很多种嵌入件都可以在注塑RIM材料前放入模具中,这样,在成型过程中RIM材料就完成了嵌入件的封装,钢或铝合金的结构框架,电子传感器,电路板,电池,天线,磁铁,玻璃,金属部件等都可以用RIM 工艺封装,进而减少甚至是消除二次加工环节,这样可以:保护您的重要敏感元件免受灰尘,油污,化学药品的腐蚀污染等;使您的产品可以在潮湿甚至是水中工作;增加您的产品强度,保护重要部件免受冲击或减缓冲击带来的损害;这样从而使您的产品可以在更为恶劣的环境下工作。
——培根外用冻干人纤维蛋白粘合剂说明书请仔细阅读说明书并在医师指导下使用【药品名称】通用名称:外用冻干人纤维蛋白粘合剂商品名称:英文名称:Fibrin Sealant (Human )汉语拼音:Waiyong Donggan Ren Xianwei Danbai Nianheji【成份】主要组成成份:本品是一个混合包装的外用冻干人纤维蛋白粘合剂,包装内含有冻干人纤维蛋白原、冻干人凝血酶二种血浆蛋白成份,并附有灭菌注射用水及氯化钙水溶液作为配制用稀释液,以及配制药液和使用产品所需的无菌医用材料。
辅料:1. 人凝血酶的辅料:2. 人纤维蛋白原的辅料:【性状】冻干人纤维蛋白原:灰白色或淡黄色疏松体。
冻干人凝血酶:白色或淡黄色疏松体, 无融化迹象, 溶解后应为无色或淡黄色溶液,带轻微乳光, 允许有微量细小蛋白颗粒。
【规格】2 ml【用法用量】(一)配制方法:法拉兹·日·阿卜——学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。
——培根1. 常规消毒瓶塞以及使用过程中所用一切器具。
2. 纤维蛋白原溶液的配制:将装有冻干纤维蛋白原的产品瓶及灭菌注射用水瓶置于30~ 37 ℃的水浴中温热数分钟。
然后使用注射器吸取2ml 灭菌注射用水注入高浓度纤维蛋白原瓶中,将瓶重新置于水浴中,轻轻摇动瓶子,注意应避免产生气泡。
10~15 分钟后取出瓶子,在光亮处目检,判定纤维蛋白原是否完全溶解,溶液应呈现透明且无不溶性颗粒。
/ Injection molding grade; high heat resistance; Vicat/B 120 = 135 °C; ball indentation temperature >=125 °C; easy flow; suitable for supporting life components.ISO ShortnameProperty Test Condition Unit Standard Value-Rheological propertiesC Melt volume-flow rate260 °C; 5 kg cm³/(10 min)ISO 113326% b.o. ISO 25770.6 - 0.8 Molding shrinkage, parallel150x105x3; 260 °C / MT 80 °C; 500bar% b.o. ISO 25770.6 - 0.8 Molding shrinkage, normal150x105x3; 260 °C / MT 80 °C; 500barMelt viscosity1000 s^-1^; 260 °C Pa·s b.o. ISO 11443-A250 Mechanical properties (23 °C/50 % r. h.)C Tensile modulus 1 mm/min MPa ISO 527-1,-22400C Yield stress50 mm/min MPa ISO 527-1,-256C Yield strain50 mm/min%ISO 527-1,-2 5.0Stress at break50 mm/min MPa ISO 527-1,-248 Strain at break50 mm/min% b.o. ISO 527-1,-2> 50 Izod impact strength23 °C kJ/m²ISO 180/U N Izod impact strength-30 °C kJ/m²ISO 180/U N Izod notched impact strength23 °C kJ/m²ISO 180/A44 Izod notched impact strength-20 °C kJ/m²ISO 180/A21Thermal propertiesC Vicat softening temperature50 N; 50 °C/h°C ISO 306133Vicat softening temperature50 N; 120 °C/h°C ISO 306135C Burning behavior UL 94 (1.5 mm) 1.5 mm Class UL 94HB (Bayer internal) Other properties (23 °C)C Water absorption (Saturation value)Water at 23 °C%ISO 620.7C Water absorption (Equilibrium value)23 °C; 50 % r. h.%ISO 620.2 Processing conditions for test specimensC Injection molding-Melt temperature°C ISO 294260C Injection molding-Mold temperature°C ISO 29480C Injection molding-Injection velocity mm/s ISO 294240C These property characteristics are taken from the CAMPUS plastics data bank and are based on the international catalogue of basic data for plastics according to ISO 10350.DisclaimerDisclaimer for Developmental products* This is a developmental product. Further information, including amended or supplementary data on hazards associated with its use, may be compiled in the future. For this reason, no assurances are given as to type conformity, processability, long-term performance characteristics or other production or application parameters. Therefore, the purchaser/user uses the product entirely at his own risk without having been given any warranty or guarantee and agrees that the supplier shall not be liable for any damage, of whatever nature, arising out of such use.Test valuesUnless specified to the contrary, the values given have been established on standardized test specimens at room temperature. The figures should be regarded as guide values only and not as binding minimum values. Please note that, under certain conditions, the properties can be affected to a considerable extent by the design of the mold/die, the processing conditions and coloring. Processing noteUnder the recommended processing conditions small quantities of decomposition product may be given off during processing.To preclude any risk to the health and well-being of the machine operatives, tolerance limits for the work environment must be ensured by the provision of efficient exhaust ventilation and fresh air at the workplace in accordance with the Safety Data Sheet. In order to prevent the partial decomposition of the polymer and the generation of volatile decomposition products, the prescribed processing temperatures should not be substantially exceeded. Publisher: Business Development PlasticsBayer MaterialScience AG,D-51368 Leverkusen,。
Please read the In-Fusion Snap Assembly User Manual before using this Protocol-At-A-Glance. This abbreviated protocol is provided for your convenience but is not intended for first-time users.Cloning more than two fragments at once (e.g., multiple inserts simultaneously into one linearized vector) requires adherence to specific considerations in experimental design and overall cloning protocol. This Protocol-At-A-Glance details these considerations and recommended modifications to ensure cloning success.Please note the following materials are required but not supplied:•Ampicillin (100 mg/ml stock) or other antibiotic required for plating the In-Fusion reaction•LB (Luria-Bertani) medium (pH 7.0)•LB/antibiotic plates•SOC mediumThe table below is a general outline of the protocol used for the In-Fusion Snap Assembly cloning kits. Please refer to the specified User Manual pages for further details on performing each step.Table I. In-Fusion Snap Assembly protocol outlineStep Action User Manual pages1 Select a base vector and identify the insertion site. Linearize the5vector at the insertion site by restriction enzyme digestion orinverse PCR. Isolate and purify the linearized vector.2 Design PCR primers for your sequence(s) of interest with 20-bpextensions (5’) that are complementary to the ends of adjacent5sequences (the linearized vector or another insert).3 Amplify your sequence(s) of interest with PrimeSTAR® Max DNAPolymerase. Verify on an agarose gel that your targets have been6amplified and confirm the integrity of the PCR products.4 Spin-column purify your PCR products OR treat with Cloning7Enhancer.5Set up your In-Fusion Cloning reaction 7–86 Incubate the reaction for 15 min at 50°C, then place on ice. 87 Transform competent cells with 2.5 μl of the reaction9mixture from Step 6.I. PCR and Experimental Preparation (Section IV of the User Manual)A. Preparation of a Linearized Vector by Restriction DigestionFor vector linearization via PCR, please see primer design recommendations in the User Manual,Section IV.Complete, efficient digestion will reduce the amount of cloning background. Generally speaking, twodifferent cut sites are better than one for cloning. Efficiency of digestion will always be better if therestriction sites do not overlap and have at least 5 bases between them. (This varies with each enzyme, butthe majority digest at >90% efficiency in these conditions.)1.Incubate your restriction digest as directed by the restriction enzyme supplier. Longer reactiontimes can increase linearization and reduce background.2.After digestion, purify the linearized vector using a PCR purification kit. We recommend gelpurification using the NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-Up, sold as part of the In-Fusion SnapAssembly Starter Bundle (Cat. No. 638945) and Value Bundle (Cat. No. 638946) and alsoavailable separately (Cat. No. 740609.50).3.[Control] Check the background of your vector by transforming competent cells with 5–10 ng ofthe linearized and purified vector, in the absence of In-Fusion cloning master mix. If backgroundis high, add more restriction enzyme(s) and continue digesting the vector (2 hr to overnight). Gelpurify the remainder of the vector and transform again.B. PCR Primer DesignWe recommend using our online Primer Design tool to easily design In-Fusion-compatible primers:https:///in-fusion-toolsFor more information, see Appendix A.C. PCR Amplification of Target Fragment(s)The In-Fusion method is not affected by the presence or absence of A-overhangs, so you can use anythermostable DNA polymerase for amplification, including proofreading enzymes. We recommend using our PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase (included in every In-Fusion Snap Assembly Starter and Value Bundle and sold separately as Cat. No. R045A). If you are using a different polymerase, please refer to the manufacturer’s instructions. If using PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase, please read the User Manual and follow the guidelines below:Table II. Recommendations for PCR with PrimeSTAR Max DNA PolymeraseTemplate type Template amount Product size Extension timeHuman genomic DNA 5–100 ng up to 6 kb 5 sec/kbE. coli genomic DNA 100 pg–100 ng up to 10 kb 5 sec/kbλ DNA10 pg–100 ng up to 15 kb 5 sec/kbPlasmid DNA 10 pg–1 ng up to 15 kb 5 sec/kbcDNA ≤ the equivalent of25–125 ng total RNA up to 6 kb 5–10 sec/kb When PCR cycling is complete, confirm your product(s) on an agarose gel.II. In-Fusion Cloning Procedure (Section V of the User Manual)1.Isolate each target fragment (insert or linearized vector) by gel extraction followed by spin-columnpurification using a silica-based purification system, such as the NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-Up.2.Plan the In-Fusion cloning reaction. Good cloning efficiency is achieved when using 200 ng combinedamount of vector and inserts in a 10 μl reaction. More is not better. Use the table below for reactionrecommendations.Table III. Recommended In-Fusion reactions for purified fragmentsReaction component Cloningreaction Negative controlreactionPositive controlreactionPurified PCR fragment 10–200 ng – 2 μl of 2 kbcontrol insertLinearized vector 50–200 ng 1 μl 1 μl of pUC19 controlvector5X In-Fusion SnapAssembly Master Mix 2 μl 2 μl 2 μlDeionized Water to 10 μl to 10 μl to 10 μlMolar Ratio RecommendationsGenerally, the molar ratio of each of the multiple inserts should be 2:1 with regard to the linearized vector,i.e., two moles of each insert for each mole of linearized vector. The molar ratio of two inserts with onevector should be 2:2:1.NOTE: A molar ratio calculator is included in our online cloning tools. The tool currently supports cloningreactions with up to five inserts: https:///molar-ratio3.Set up the In-Fusion cloning reaction:2 μl5X In-Fusion Snap Assembly Master Mixx μl*Linearized vectorx μl*Purified PCR insertx μl*Purified PCR insertx μl dH2O (as needed)10 μl Total volume*For reactions with larger combined volumes of vector and PCR insert (>7 μl of vector + insert), double theamount of enzyme premix, and add dH20 for a total volume of 20 μl.4.Adjust the total reaction volume to 10 µl using deionized H2O, and mix.5.Incubate the reaction for 15 min at 50°C, then place on ice.6.Continue to the Transformation Procedure (Section III). You can store the cloning reactions at –20°C untilyou are ready.III. Transformation Procedure Using Stellar™ Competent Cells (Section VI of the User Manual)This transformation protocol has been optimized for transformation using Stellar Competent Cells, sold inIn-Fusion Snap Assembly Starter Bundles and Value Bundles and separately in several formats. If you are not using Stellar Competent Cells, follow the protocol provided by the manufacturer. We strongly recommend the use of competent cells with a transformation efficiency ≥1 x 108 cfu/ug.For complete information on the handling of Stellar Competent Cells, please see the full protocol.1.Thaw Stellar Competent Cells on ice just before use. After thawing, mix gently to ensure even distribution,and then move 50 µl of competent cells to a 14-ml round-bottom tube (Falcon tube). Do not vortex.2.Add 2.5 µl of the In-Fusion cloning reaction to the competent cells.3.Place the tubes on ice for 30 min.4.Heat shock the cells for exactly 45 sec at 42°C.5.Place the tubes on ice for 1–2 min.6.Add SOC medium to bring the final volume to 500 µl. SOC medium should be warmed to 37°C before using.7.Incubate with shaking (160–225 rpm) for 1 hr at 37°C.8.Plate 1/5–1/3 of each transformation reaction into separate tubes and bring the volume to 100 µl with SOCmedium. Spread each diluted transformation reaction on a separate LB plate containing an antibioticappropriate for the cloning vector (e.g., the control vector included with the kit requires 100 µg/ml ofampicillin.)9.Centrifuge the remainder of each transformation reaction at 6,000 rpm x 5 min. Discard the supernatant andresuspend each pellet in 100 µl fresh SOC medium. Spread each sample on a separate antibiotic LB plate.Incubate all plates overnight at 37°C.10.The next day, pick individual isolated colonies from each experimental plate. Isolate plasmid DNA using astandard method of your choice (e.g., miniprep). To determine the presence of inserts, analyze the DNA byrestriction digest or PCR screening.IV. Expected Results (Section VII of the User Manual)The positive control plates typically develop several hundred colonies when using cells with a minimumtransformation efficiency of 1 x 108cfu/μg. The negative control plates should have few colonies.The number of colonies on your experimental plates will depend on the amount and purity of the PCR products and linearized vector used for the In-Fusion cloning reaction.•The presence of a low number of colonies on both the experimental plate and positive control plate (typically,a few dozen colonies) is indicative of either low transformation efficiency or low-quality DNA fragments.•The presence of many (hundreds) of colonies on the negative control is indicative of incomplete vector linearization.If you do not obtain the expected results, use the guide in Section VIII of the User Manual to troubleshoot your experiment. To confirm that your kit is working properly, perform the control reactions detailed in Section IV.D of the User Manual.NOTE: Many troubleshooting topics are covered in our online In-Fusion Cloning tips and FAQs:https:///learning-centers/cloning/in-fusion-cloning-faqsAppendix A. PCR Primer DesignWhen designing In-Fusion PCR primers, consider the following:1.Every PCR primer for multi-insert cloning must be designed in such a way that it generates productscontaining 5’ ends with 20 bp of homology to the ends of the neighboring cloning fragments (either thelinearized vector or other inserts).2.The 3’ portion of each primer should:•be specific to your template•be between 18–25 bases in length, with GC-content between 40–60%•have a T m between 58–65°C; with the difference between the forward and reverse primers ≤4°C. T m should be calculated based upon the 3’ (gene-specific) end of the primer, NOT the entire primer.•not contain identical runs of nucleotides; the last five nucleotides at the 3’ end of each primer should not have more than two guanines (G) or cytosines (C)3.Avoid complementarity within each primer and between primer pairs4.Online tools are available to help with primer design:•BLAST searches can determine specificity and uniqueness of the 3’ end (athttps:///Blast.cgi)•Our online primer design tool simplifies PCR primer design for In-Fusion reactions (at/in-fusion-tools)5.Desalted oligonucleotide primers are generally recommended for PCR reactions. However, PAGEpurification may be needed for primers of poor quality or longer than 45 nucleotides.Contact UsCustomer Service/Ordering Technical Supporttel: 800.662.2566 (toll-free) tel: 800.662.2566 (toll-free)fax: 800.424.1350 (toll-free) fax: 800.424.1350 (toll-free)web: /service web: /supporte-mail: **********************e-mail: *******************************Notice to PurchaserOur products are to be used for Research Use Only. They may not be used for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, use in humans, therapeutic or diagnostic use, or commercial use of any kind. Our products may not be transferred to third parties, resold, modified for resale, or used to manufacture commercial products or to provide a service to third parties without our prior written approval.Your use of this product is also subject to compliance with any applicable licensing requirements described on the product’s web page at . It is your responsibility to review, understand and adhere to any restrictions imposed by such statements© 2020 Takara Bio Inc. All Rights Reserved.All trademarks are the property of Takara Bio Inc. or its affiliate(s) in the U.S. and/or other countries or their respective owners. Certain trademarks may not be registered in all jurisdictions. Additional product, intellectual property, and restricted use information is available at .This document has been reviewed and approved by the Quality Department.。
Dynacon InocuLAB LQ系列自动培养液注射器说明书
•Improved handling of large assemblies •Eliminated manual drawing creationfrom product development cycle •Enhanced ability to make design changes quickly and easily •Reduced manufacturing time/rework with eDrawings Dynacon, Inc. develops, manufactures, and markets automated systems for the medical laboratory and aerospace markets. The company’s Lab Automation Group recently introduced the first automated media inoculating and streaking instrument for laboratory processing of urine samples. The InocuLAB LQ series of automation systems processes urine samples from the original specimen container by accurately dividing and distributing the sample, and automatically streaking culture plates for later analysis. InocuLAB systems, which represent large assemblies of about 2,000 parts, are more efficient, consistent, safer, and more reliable than manual processing by a lab technician.During the development of the InocuLAB, the Dynacon design team grew frustrated with the CAD system it had been using, according to Anne Bornath, manager of product development. “We had been using the system because we wanted to use as much of our existing 2D data as possible,” Bornath explains. “However, there were issues. We experienced difficulties while trying to work with large assemblies and were never able to model an entire instrument.”The design team decided to upgrade to a more reliable CAD system to improve its visualization and large-assembly capabilities while continuing to utilize legacy data. The group of three engineers evaluated three different CAD packages.“We took one of our more complicated assemblies to test how well each system imported our legacy data,” Bornath recalls. “We were trying to assess how much work would be involved in switching over to a new CAD system. We discovered that SolidWorks® software did the best job of bringing in the data. SolidWorks also had better functionality, and it became clear that SolidWorks was the better value.”Dynacon selected SolidWorks 3D CAD software because of its ease of use, large-assembly capabilities, sheet-metal functionality, advanced visualization features, and ability to import legacy data.c a s e s t ud yD ynacon, I nc.A u to m At I n g m E D I c A l p l At E h A n D l I n g A n D s t R E A k I n g w I t h s o l I D w o R k sSolidWorks software allows Dynacon engineers to simulate themotion of media-plate-handling subassemblies and other designcomponents in order to ensure accurate fit and clearance.Virtual prototyping of large assembliesThe company uses SolidWorks to prototype large assemblies on the computer, refin-ing the design before developing a physical prototype. “We immediately discoveredhow much easier it was to work collaboratively with SolidWorks software across thedesign team,” Bornath says. “The software works better, is much faster, and enablesus to fully visualize our assemblies and subsystems.“We use the dynamic motion and collision detection features in SolidWorks not onlyto address interferences but also to gain a better understanding of how the instru-ment will function by simulating motion,” Bornath adds.Dynacon also uses SolidWorks Configuration Management capabilities to designinstruments that can handle different types of specimen containers and expects toutilize SolidWorks configurations for custom, manufacture-to-order products.design changes made easyThe ability to make design changes quickly and easily in SolidWorks helps theDynacon design team to both shorten its design cycle and improve the quality of itsfinal designs. Before the transition to SolidWorks, making a design change resultedin a lot of extra work because the group had to modify all affected parts and associ-ated drawings manually.“Before we moved to SolidWorks, we would design all of our subsystems indepen-dently and then make changes and develop workarounds on the shop floor,” Bornathsays. “We heavily use the ability to modify parts by feature in SolidWorks withouthaving to worry about updating other data because SolidWorks does it automatically.This kind of flexibility is a big plus for us, particularly in conceptual development.Designing these types of systems involves much more than knowing the end result.With SolidWorks, we can visualize the system on the computer and make changes torefine it before going to production.”using edrawings to drive manufacturingDynacon engineers use SolidWorks eDrawings® software to communicate detaileddesigns to manufacturing operations. Email-enabled eDrawings files supply accuraterepresentations of 2D drawings and 3D models that anyone can understand. “Weno longer publish individual engineering drawings, assembly drawings, or BOMs,”Bornath explains. “We put the final assembly on our internal server as an eDrawingsfile, which we call eAssemblies, and use part naming in the eAssembly to designatematerials. This way, our manufacturing specialists on the shop floor and our servicetechnicians in the field can access detailed design data as needed.“We’ve seen a big improvement in the time it takes to go from final design to pro-duction,” Bornath notes. “We’ve been able to eliminate the entire drawing step fromour process through eDrawings.”Dynacon uses SolidWorks software to designlarge automated systems such as machinesfor applying medical laboratory samples toculture plates.“ We’ve seen a big improvement in thetime it takes to go from final design toproduction. We’ve been able to elimi-nate the entire drawing step from ourprocess through eDrawings.”Anne Bornath,manager of product Development。
工厂质量评估报告LTGeneral MillsNON-DOMESTIC AUDIT (e.g. Asia, Middle East, India)QUALITY ASSESSMENT REPORT工厂质量评估报告Date日期: August 20 to 21, 2007 Auditor审核员: Mr Lee FaiDate of Visit审核日期:Reason for Visit: X Initial/New Facility Audit新厂审核审核原因Re-Audit/Follow-up Visit復审/跟踪访问Production/In-line Surveillance生產/线上监督Other ____________________Type of Manufacturing: Printing 印刷生产类型Injection Molding 啤塑Overwrapping 自动包装Plush (Soft Toy) 毛绒玩具Die Cast 合金X Other 其它__密胺餐具____________________Supplier供应商: BlancoManufacturer生产商: 昆山统福美耐磁制品有限公司Location地址: 中国江苏省昆山市同丰东路968号Telephone:0512-57033666,57022388Fax: 0512-57316868,57302046E-mail:Premium(s) being considered for manufacture if applicable:若适用,赠品亦在考虑生产之内:GMI/CPW/Laboratory Attendees审核方参加者Supplier/Factory Attendees; Titles工厂参加者/职位MR,GU/厂长MRS,ZHOU/人事经理Requirement 要求Result 结果Critical Items 严重项目MEET / DNM Section Minimum Acceptable Percentage 章节最低接受百分比MEET / DNM Overall Section Score (1-6), 87% minimum整体章节分数(1-6),87%最低MEET / DNM Overall Section Score (7-10), 88.75% minimum整体章节分数(7-10),88.75%最低MEET / DNM1/12/2022 6:41 PM 1SCORING OF ASSESSMENT评估得分章节Section 1 Facility & Maintenance厂房设备和维修保养Section 2 Control of Incoming RawMaterials来料控制Section 3 Sanitation (Molding,Production, Assembly,Packout)卫生(啤塑, 生產, 装配, 包装)Section 4 Quality Systems: 质量系统•Organization andManagement•组织和管理•Quality Programs质量程序•In-Process Control andTesting制程控制与测试Section 5 Pre-Shipment Inspections出货前检验Section 6 Product Testing產品测试Overall Section Score (1-6)整体部份得分Section 7 Wages & Labor Practices工资与劳工Section 8 Child Labor 童工Section 9 Health & Safety健康与安全Section 10 Dormitories宿舍Overall Section Score (7-10)整体部份得分NOTE: Items marked with "*" are considered as critical non-compliance areas.Any 'No' rated in the (*) will lead to immediate failure of the Factory Audit.注意: 有"*"部份為重要不符合地方。
1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/TREPARATION AND THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING3.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION4. FIRST AID MEASURESMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETProduct name:Supplier:Tel:EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: May cause skin irritation and/or dermatitisPrinciple routes of exposure: Inhalation: Ingestion: Skin contact: Eye contact:SkinMay cause irritation of respiratory tract May be harmful if swallowed May cause allergic skin reaction Avoid contact with eyesStatements of hazard MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION.Statements of Spill of Leak Label Eliminate all ignition sources. Absorb and/or contain spill with inert materials (e.g., sand, vermiculite). Then place in appropriate container. For large spills, use water spray to disperse vapors, flush spill area. Prevent runoff from entering waterways or sewers.General advice:POSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSInhalation:Skin contact:Ingestion:Eye contact:Protection of first – aiders:Medical conditions aggravated by exposure: In the case of accident or if you fell unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible).Move to fresh air, call a physician immediately.Rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical adviceDo not induce vomiting without medical advice.In the case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.No information availableNone knownSuitable extinguishing media:Specific hazards:Special protective equipment for firefighters:Flash point:Autoignition temperature:NFPA rating Use dry chemical, CO2, water spray or “alcohol” foam Burning produces irritant fumes.As in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent) and full protective gearNot determinedNot determinedNFPA Health: 1 NFPA Flammability: 1 NFPA Reactivity: 0Personal precautions: Environmental precautions: Methods for cleaning up: Use personal protective equipment.Prevent product from entering drains.Sweep up and shovel into suitable containers for disposalStorage:7. HANDLING AND STORAGE5.FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESRoom temperature Handling:Safe handling advice: Incompatible products:Use only in area provided with appropriate exhaust ventilation.Wear personal protective equipment.Oxidising and spontaneously flammable productsEngineering measures: Respiratory protection: Skin and body protection:Eye protection: Hand protection: Hygiene measures:Ensure adequate ventilation.Breathing apparatus only if aerosol or dust is formed. Usual safety precautions while handling the product will provide adequate protection against this potential effect. Safety glasses with side-shieldsPVC or other plastic material glovesHandle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice.Melting point/range: Boiling point/range: Density: Vapor pressure: Evaporation rate: Vapor density: Solubility (in water): Flash point:Autoignition temperature:No Data available at this time. No Data available at this time. No data available No data available No data available No data available No data available Not determined Not determinedStability: Stable under recommended storage conditions. Polymerization: None under normal processing.Hazardous decomposition products: Thermal decomposition can lead to release of irritating gases and vapours such as carbon oxides.Materials to avoid: Strong oxidising agents.10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONConditions to avoid: Exposure to air or moisture over prolonged periods.Product information Acute toxicityChronic toxicity:Local effects: Chronic exposure may cause nausea and vomiting, higher exposure causes unconsciousness.Symptoms of overexposure may be headache, dizziness, tiredness, nausea and vomiting.Specific effects:May include moderate to severe erythema (redness) and moderate edema (raised skin), nausea, vomiting,headache.Primary irritation: Carcingenic effects: Mutagenic effects: Reproductive toxicity:No data is available on the product itself. No data is available on the product itself. No data is available on the product itself. No data is available on the product itself.Mobility:Bioaccumulation: Ecotoxicity effects: Aquatic toxicity:No data available No data available No data availableMay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWaste from residues/unused products:Contaminated packaging:Waste disposal must be in accordance with appropriate Federal, State and local regulations. This product, if unaltered by use, may be disposed of treatment at a permitted facility or as advised by your local hazardous waste regulatory authority. Residue from fires extinguished with this material may be hazardous.Do not re-use empty containers.UN/Id No:Not regulated14. TRANSPORT INFFORMATIONDOTProper shipping name: Not regulatedTGD(Canada)WHMIS hazard class: Non - controlledIMDG/IMOIMDG – Hazard Classifications Not ApplicableIMO – labels:15. REGULATORY INFOTMATION International Inventories16. OTHER INFORMATIONPrepared by: Health & SafetyDisclaimer: The information and recommendations contained herein are based upon tests believed to be reliable.However, XABC does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness NOR SHALL ANY OF THIS INFORMATION CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE SAFETY OF THE GOOD, THE MERCHANTABILITY OF THE GOODS, OR THE FITNESS OF THE FITNESS OF THE GOODS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Adjustment to conform to actual conditions of usage maybe required. XABC assumes no responsibility for results obtained or for incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits arising from the use of these data. No warranty against infringement of any patent, copyright or trademark is made or implied.End of safety data sheet。
☐ELISA☐Western Blot☐IHC☐IP☐Flow cytometry(FC)☐其他:单击此处输入文字。
抗体的研究用于:☐仅用于研究☐用于体外诊断☐用于抗体药开发特殊要求及注意事Fra bibliotek(请详细描述):
接种液制备方法一、GN/GP-IF(革兰氏阴性阳性菌接种液)配方如下:0.40% sodium chloride (NaCl) 氯化钠(维持渗透压)0.03% Pluronic F-68 (e.g., Sigma #P7061)聚醚F-68(一种非离子表面活性剂,可降低表面张力,使菌体易于分散在水中)吉冷胶(一种食用胶,可增大液体粘度,使菌体均匀分散不易沉降)制备过程如下:1.加0.2克Gellan Gum至1升水中;2.煮沸并持续搅拌,直至Gellan Gum完全溶解;3.停止加热,继续搅拌;4.加4克NaCl,搅拌至完全溶解;5.加0.3克聚醚F-68,搅拌至完全溶解;6.分装到20×150mm的试管中,每管装19mL左右;7.在121℃下灭菌30分钟,备用。
二、AN-IF(厌氧菌接种液配置方法)1.在1升的耐热玻璃容器中加入750ml纯净水,然后加入下列试剂:3.0g NaCl0.63g NaHCO30.225g Pluronic F-68 聚醚F-68(一种非离子表面活性剂,可降低表面张力,使菌体易于分散在水中)0.15g Phytagel1.将玻璃容器放在加热板上,盖子稍微旋松并开始低速磁力搅拌。
5.向容器中加入1.125ml 1%的巯基乙酸钠(Na-thioglycolate)溶液,混合均匀。
6.第二天向玻璃容器中加入0.375ml 0.15%的亚甲基绿(methylene green),加入前溶液必须为常温,混合均匀,观察容器,溶液呈蓝绿色。