



八、(本大题 18 分)图 8 所示电路中
uS(t)=60sin5000t+30sin(104t+60)V, 试求电路中负载消耗的平均功率, 5
支路电流 i(t)及电流表的读数。(设 +
电流表内阻抗为 0,表计读数为有

+ 5V 10mH

0.5u 10mH
七、(本大题 16 分)图 7(a)所示电路原已达到稳态,t=0 时开关 S 由位置 1 转换
到位置 2;电压源 uS(t)的波形如图 7(b)所示。求 t0 时的 uC(t)。

1 2 S(t=0)
1 2A
0.5 uC 0.5F

uS(t)/V 6
0 4 t/s
10 u

4 3
i(t) A
九、(本大题 16 分)电路如图 9 所示,其中 L=0.2H,C=0.5F: 1.试以电路中的电容电压 uC、电感电流 iL 为状态变量,列写相应的状态方 程并整理成标准形式; 2.若以电感电流 iL 为输出,试判别其响应性质为振荡型?非振荡型?
+ uC −
1 C 1
4(t)A 1
十、(本大题 16 分)求图 10 中所示二端口网络的 Z 参数矩阵;当端口 2-2处接
上 R=8负载时,若 U1=18V,则 I1=?I2=?
+ I1 1



青岛大学2016年硕士研究生入学考试试题青岛大学2016年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 308 科目名称:护理综合(共21页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效一、单项选择题:(180分,每题1.5分)1.《中华人民共和国护士管理条例》颁布并施行于A.1985年B.1993年C.2008年D.2010年E.2012年2.系统理论中最基本的观点是A.层次性 B.相关性 C.整体性 D.动态性 E.静态性3.卡利什的人类基本需要层次论比马斯洛的人类基本需要层次论多了哪一个层次A.活动的需要B.刺激的需要C. 探索的需要D.性的需要E.操纵的需要4.心理防御机制按照心理成熟度可分为四类,不包括下列哪一项A.自恋防御机制B.不成熟防御机制C.补偿防御机制D.神经性防御机制E.成熟防御机制5.患者,男,45岁,因“腹痛、寒战、发热、伴黄疸3天”入院,诊断为“胆总管结石伴急性化脓性胆管炎”,以下属于主观资料的是A.体温39.5℃B.全身皮肤黏膜黄染C.急性病容D.右上腹疼痛反复发作3天E.呼吸30次/分6.按照Roy的适应模式,二级评估是指A.行为评估B.刺激评估C.环境评估D.护理干预评估E.预期目标评估7.李某,男,39岁。


请问医院应为李某的死亡负何种责任A.应负刑事责任B.应负民事责任C.应负行政责任D.该情况不属于医疗事故,无需负责E.应负刑事责任、民事责任和行政责任8.护士进行护理评估时所收集的资料最主要来源于A.文献资料B.患者的家属C.与患者关系密切的人员D.其他医务人员E.患者9.李先生,55岁,脑血管意外,长期卧床,无自理能力,根据奥瑞姆的自理模式,这时护士提供的护理应属于何种补偿系统A.全补偿系统 B.部分补偿系统 C.支持系统D.教育系统 E.辅助系统10.下列关于产生文化休克的原因,错误的是A.沟通交流障碍B.日常生活活动差异C.孤独D.态度和信仰的差异E.风俗习惯相近11.下列关于压力理论的描述,正确的是A.日常生活中的压力都会损害人的身体健康B.压力是包括刺激、认知评价及反应的三个环节的动态过程C.压力与多种疾病都有关系,应积极避免一切压力D.只要有压力源就会产生压力E.压力源的作用是消极的12.正性人际关系的心理距离分为四个等级,行为表现为能主动向对方提供帮助,但是有回报的期望,属于A.亲密距离B.私人距离C.社交距离D.家人距离E.公共距离13.符合患者休养要求的环境是A.中暑患者,病室保持在30℃B.气管切开患者,室内相对湿度40%左右C.儿科患者,室内温度宜23℃左右D.产科病房,应保温,不可开窗E.老年患者,室内温度宜18℃左右14.为高血压患者测量血压时,正确的做法是A.放气时听到最强音时汞柱所指的刻度即为收缩压B.若采取坐位测量,手臂应平第6肋间C.缓慢放气,速度6mmHg/sD.听到搏动音突然变弱或消失时汞柱所指刻度即为舒张压E.听到舒张压后保持放气速度,直到汞柱回到零位15.胆囊B超检查前一日晚餐应给予A.高脂肪、高蛋白饮食B.高热量、高蛋白饮食C.高热量、低蛋白饮食D.无脂肪、低蛋白饮食E.低蛋白、低糖饮食16.患者,4岁,女童,入院诊断为“水痘”。



青岛大学2016年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 353 科目名称:卫生综合(共 5 页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效。

一、名词解释(每题4分,共64分)1.限制氨基酸2.GI3.RNI4.食物中毒5.暴发6.归因危险度7.筛检8.感染性腹泻9.职业紧张10.刺激性气体11.高温作业12.噪声13.水俣病14.剂量-反应关系15.细颗粒物16.水体富营养化二、填空题(将正确答案填入空格中,每空1.5分,共48分)1. 维生素A缺乏最早的症状是;儿童维生素A缺乏最重要的临床诊断体征是。

2. 食品中水分以水和水两种形式存在。


3. 常用评价油脂酸败的卫生学评价指标有、过氧化值、、。

4. 在疾病频率的测量指标中,关于患病频率的测量指标有和。

5. 疾病的分布中,描述人群分布的最主要特征是。

6. 结局事件的发生率的计算是队列研究资料分析的关键,根据观察资料的特点,可以计算以下不同的指标、和。

7. 为提高筛检收益,尽可能多地从人群中发现无症状病人,可以选择高危人群进行筛检,此外,还可以通过和方法增加筛检的收益。




11.造成大气污染的氮氧化物主要为_________ ____、_____ ________。

12.根据化学污染物进入环境后其理化性质是否改变,可将污染物分为________ __和____________, 后者的典型代表如光化学烟雾。


14.公共场所的卫生学特点主要是:______________ ____ _____、设备及物品易被污染、___________________________以及__________________________。



2014年青岛大学考研试题862数据库系统青岛大学2014年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码:862 科目名称:数据库系统 (共 6页) 请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效一、单项选择题(15小题,每小题2分,共30分)1.在数据库管理技术中,影响数据库结构设计质量的数据模型是()。







A.C1 B.C2 C.B2 D.B18.下列关于视图的说法不正确的是()。


A. 用户标识和鉴别B. 存取控制、视图机制C. 审计和数据加密D. 数据备份10.在数据仓库系统中,能支持决策制定、商业建模和进行研究活动的高级数据分析工具是()。



青岛大学2016年硕士研究生入学考试试题青岛大学2016年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 899 科目名称:工程热力学(共5页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1、理想气体绝热节流后()。

A 压力下降,温度不变,熵增大B 压力下降,温度降低,熵不变C 压力不变,温度不定,熵增大D 压力下降,温度降低,熵增大2、q = C V △T +21pdv 只适用于()。

A 理想气体可逆过程。

B 任何工质可逆过程。

C 理想气体一切热力过程D 任何工质一切热力过程3、某制冷机在热源T1= 300 K ,及冷源T2= 250K 之间工作,其制冷量为1000 KJ ,消耗功为250 KJ ,此制冷机是()。

A 可逆的B 不可逆的C 不可能的D 可逆或不可逆的4、对一定大小气缸的活塞式压气机,因余隙容积的存在()。

A 使压缩每公斤气体的理论耗功增大,压气机生产量下降B 使压缩每公斤气体的理论耗功增大,压气机生产量不变C 使压缩每公斤气体的理论耗功不变,实际耗功增大,压气机生产量下降D 使压缩每公斤气体的理论耗功不变,实际耗功增大,压气机生产量不变5、在可逆过程中,若闭口系统的熵增加,则该系统必()。

A 放热B 吸热C 绝热D 不定6、抽气回热循环改善了朗肯循环,其根本原因在于()。

A 每公斤水蒸汽的作功量增加了B 排气的热能得到了充分利用C 水蒸汽的平均吸热温度提高了D 水蒸汽的放热温度降低了7、压力为1MPa 的空气流入0.7MPa 的环境中,为使其在喷管中充分膨胀,宜采用()。

A 渐缩喷管B 渐扩喷管C 直管D 缩放喷管8、以下关系式哪个正确()。

A ??? ??????? ????=-v p T v c c T p vp T B ??? ???????? ????=-T p p c c vT v p T v C ??? ??????? ????=-T p T v c c vp v p T 9、初态相同的水蒸汽通过喷管膨胀到相同压力的湿蒸汽,一为可逆过程,一为不可逆过程,则有()。



1.列写相应的基本回路矩阵 Bf(支路顺序:先连支后树支); 2.列写相应的基本割集矩阵 Qf(支路顺序:先连支后树支)。



图 11
青岛大学 2015 年硕士研究生入学考试试题
科目代码: 826 科目名称: 电路 (共 3 页) 请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效
+ uC −
1 C 1
4(t)A 1
十、(本大题 16 分)求图 10 中所示二端口网络的 Z 参数矩阵;当端口 2-2处接
上 R=8负载时,若 U1=18V,则 I1=?I2=?
+ I1 1
2 I2 +
图 10
十一、(本大题 8 分)根据图 11 所示有向图,以支路 2、4、5 为树支:
求开关 S 打开后的 iL(t),(t0)。

i 2 iL 2 25mH H
S (t=0)
1 iS(t)

五、(本大题 10 分)图 5 所示电路中,L1=0.5H,L2=0.3H,M=0.2H,已知电压 表 V1 读数为 0;求电压表 V2 读数及UO 。(设电压表内阻抗无穷大,表计读 数均为有效值)
支路电流 i(t)及电流表的读数。(设 +
电流表内阻抗为 0,表计Biblioteka 数为有uS(t)−























青岛大学2016年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 910 科目名称: 数据结构 (共 5 页) 请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效 一、单项选择题(本大题共10道小题,每小题2分,共20分) 1.一个算法具有( )等特点。

A .快速性B .至少有一个输入量C .确定性D .健壮性2.下列函数中渐近时间复杂度T(n)最小的是( )。

A .T(n) = 73128*64*n n + B .T(n) = 2256*64*n n -- C .T(n) = 21024**log n n D .T(n) = 2log 1024*232*n n --3.在计算机的存储器中表示时,物理地址和逻辑地址相同并且是连续的,称之为( )。

A .逻辑结构B .顺序存储结构C .链式存储结构D .以上都对4.若让元素1,2,3,4,5依次进栈,则出栈次序不可能出现在( )种情况。

A .5,4,3,2,1B .2,1,5,4,3C .4,3,1,2,5D .2,3,5,4,15.设栈S 用顺序存储结构表示,则栈S 为空的条件是( )。

A .S.top - S.base != 0B .S.top - S.base == 0C .S.top - S.base != nD .S.top - S.base == n6.一棵完全二叉树上有1001个结点,其中叶子结点的个数是( )。

A .500B . 501C .250D .251 7.任何一棵二叉树的叶子结点在先序、中序和后序遍历中的相对次序( )。

A .不发生改变B .发生改变C.不能确定D.以上都不对8.用邻接表表示图进行广度优先遍历时,通常借助()来实现算法。

A.栈 B. 队列 C. 树D.图9.折半查找法和二叉排序树的时间性能()。




青岛大学2016年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码:642 科目名称:基础英语(共10页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效PART I SENTENCE COMPLETION (20 points)Choose the word or the set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.Environmental groups want more passenger and freight traffic ______ off the road and onto trains.A. movedB. moveC. moving D being moving2. It was the consensus of the party ______ its candidates could easily win the election.A. whenB. thatC. howD. where3. Hydrogen is the ______element of the universe in that it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.A. steadiestB. expendableC. lightestD. fundamental4. The paradoxical aspect of the myths about Demeter, when we consider the predominant image of her as a tranquil and serene goddess, is her ___ search for her daughter.A. extendedB. agitatedC. franticD. comprehensive5 Criticism and self-criticism is necessary ____ it helps us to correct our mistakes.A. such thatB. with thatC. so thatD. in that6. The significance of the Magna Carta lies not in its _____ provisions, but in its broader impact: it made the king subject to the law.A. revolutionaryB. specificC. implicitD. controversial7. Democratic Massachusetts Senate candidate, Elizabeth Warrens, self- proclaimed Native American ______ is in question tonight.A. nominationB. cultural insightC. ancestryD. cultural tradition8. Under the guidance of their instructors, the students are building a model boat ____ by steam.A. towedB. pressedC. tossedD. propelled.9.Researchers _____ that genes may determine the strength of the immune system, which could help explain how an infectious disease could have a hereditary link.A. conformB. evaluateC. estimateD. resurrect10. Despite the fact that the book promises a complete rethinking of the factorscontributing to the conflict, the picture that the book paints is ____: the causes it suggests are more orthodox that ____.A. unique; innovativeB. commonplace; imitativeC. controversial, radicalD. familiar; revisionist11. The constitution of the State required that property should be _____ for taxation atits market value.A. estimatedB. appraisedC. evaluatedD. valued.12. From that year on, there was a ____ race between tabloid newspapers as to whocould get their hands on the Christmas cards of the royal family first.A. crazyB. frenziedC. desperateD. terrible.13. Advances in health care have lengthened life spans, lowered infant mortalityrates, and thus ________ the overpopulation problem.A. eliminatedB. aggravatedC. minimizedD. distorted14. If those large publishers that respond solely to popular literary trends continue todominate the publishing market, the initial publication of new writers will depend on the writer’s willingn ess to________ popular tastes.A. struggle againstB. cater toC. admireD. flout15. Psychologists have done extensive studies on how well patients _______ withdoctors’ orders.A. complyB. correspondC. interfereD. interact16. D espite the ______ of the materials with which he worked, many of Tiffany’sGlass masterpieces have survived for more than seventy years.A. beautyB. abundanceC. majestyD. fragility17. Her is always a source of irritation: she never uses a single word when shecan substitute a long clause or phrase in its place.A. verbosityB. simplicityC. CogencyD. rhetoric18. A leading philosopher of our time, Ludwig Wittgenstein, laid down a ________ towhich good hist orians ________ : “Of that of which nothing is known nothing can be said."A. burden...protestB. law...amendC. rule...adhereD. maxim...succumb19. After reading numbers of biographies recounting dysfunctions and disasters, failedmarriages and failed careers, Joyce Carol Oates ________ a word to ________ the genre: pathography, the story of diseased lives.A. invented......curtailB. reiterated...criticizeC. hypothesized...indictD. coined...describe20. The United States must assess how, and to what extent these TA issues will_____WTO agreements, world trade, market competitiveness.A. step intoB. impinge onC. cross ontoD. nose intoII PROOF READING AND ERROR CORRECTION (10 Points) The following passage contains TEN errors. Each line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way.For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line.For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “∧” sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.For an unnecessary word cross out the unnecessary word with a slash “/”and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.It is natural to feel uncomfortable in a languageclass. You are used to being in class where the modeof communication -- the language of instruction -- isgiving. In a language course, however, it is the 1. __________mode of communication itself which is the focus of 2.___________ instruction. For this reason, a language course isdifferent from most other courses you will ever take. Notunderstanding and making mistakes -- things that arepositive learning indicates in other courses-- are a 3._________very natural part of the language learning processes.Accept the fact that you will not understand anything. 4._________In fact, at the very beginning, you will not understandmost at all. 5._________ Remember that during the initial period of adaptation,your ear and mind are adjusting with the 6.__________sounds and the rhythm of the language. Though youwill not understand all of that is being said, you willnot understand all of that is being said, you will 7. __________be amazed at your increasing ability to make sense ofthe language. Remember that the only way to learnthe language is through practice, practice and morepractice; in the course of practicing you will makemany errors... and you will learn them. 8.___________Research shows that language students learnmore effectively and retain more when they studyfrequently and for shorter periods of time than if theystudy infrequently for extended periods of time. Tryto study each day, and when possible, several times 9.___________a day. This means, for an instance, doing a few 10.___________homework exercises each day rather than doing allhomework assignments the night before they are due.PART III READING COMPREHENSION (30 Points)In this section there are three reading passages followed by a total of fifteen multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then write your answers on your answer sheet.Passage 1Daylight saving time (DST) is the convention of advancing clocks so that afternoons have more daylight and mornings have less. Typically clocks are adjusted forward one hour near the start of spring and are adjusted backward in autumn.Modern DST was first proposed in 1907 by William Willett. Many countries have used it since then; details vary by location and change occasionally.Generally agreement about the day's layout confers so many advantages that a standard DST schedule usually outranks efforts to get up earlier, even for people who personally dislike DST schedule. The practice is mixed blessing, however.For instance, retailers, sporting goods makers, and other businesses benefit from extra afternoon sunlight, as it induces customers to shop and to participate in outdoor afternoon sports. As the 1984 Fortune magazine estimated that a seven-week extension of DST would yield an additional $30 million for 7-Eleven stores, and the National Golf Foundation estimated the extension would increase golf industry revenues $200 million to $300 million. Conversely, DST can adversely affect framers and others whose hours are set by the sun. For example, grain harvesting is best done after dew evaporates, so when field hands arrive and leave earlier in summer their labor is less valuable. DST also hurts prime-time broadcast rating s and drive-in and other theaters.Clock shifts correlates with decreased economic efficiency. In 2000 the daylight-saving effect implied an estimated one-day loss of $31 billion on US stock exchanges. Clock shifts and DST rule changes have a direct economic cost, since they entail extra work to support remote meeting, computer applications and the like. For example, a 2007 North American rule change cost an estimated $500 million to $ 1 billion.Extra afternoon daylight is said to reduce traffic fatalities. In 1975 the US DOT conservatively identified a 0.7% reduction in traffic fatalities during DST, and estimated the real reduction to be 1.5% to 2%, but the 1976 NBS review of the DOT study found no differences in traffic fatalities. In 1995 the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety estimated a reduction of 1.2%, including a 5% reduction in crashes fatal to pedestrians. Others have found similar reductions. Single/Double Summer Time (SDST), a variant where clocks are one hours ahead of the sun in winter and two in summer, has been projected to reduce traffic fatalities by 3% to 4% in the UK, compared to ordinary DST. A correlation between clock shifts and accidents has been observed in North America but not in Sweden. If this effect exists, it is far smaller than the overall reduction in fatalities.However, the effect of DST on crime is less clear. In the 1970s the US Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) found a reduction of 10% to 13% in Washington, D.C.'s violent crime and found crime reductions only in one and only in some crime categories;the DOT decided it was "impossible to conclude with any confidence that comparable benefits would be found nationwide". Outdoor lighting has a marginal and sometimes even contradictory influence on crime and fear of crime.DST also has mixed effects on health. In societies with fixed work schedules it provides more afternoon sunlight or outdoor exercise. It alters sunlight exposure;whether this is beneficial depends on one's location and daily schedule, as sunlight triggers vitamin D synthesis in the skin, but overexposure can lead to skin cancer. Sunlight strongly influences seasonal affective disorder. DST may help in depressionby causing individuals to rise earlier, but some argue that reverse. The Retinitis Pigmentosa Foundation Fighting Blindness, chaired by blind sports magnate Gordon Gund, successfully lobbied in 1985 and 2005 for US DST extensions , but DST can hurt night blindness sufferers.Clock shifts disrupt sleep and reduce its efficiency. Effects on seasonal adaptation of the circadian rhythm can be severe and last for weeks. The government of Kazakhstan cited health complications due to clock shifts as a reason for abolishing DST in 2005.Although the DST increases opportunities for outdoor leisure activities during afternoon sunlight hours, obviously it does nor change the length of the day; the longer days nearer the summer solstice in high latitudes merely offer more room to shift apparent daylight from morning to evening. And the DST is commonly not observed during most of winter, because its mornings are darker: workers may have no sunlit leisure time, and children may need to leave for school in the dark.1. According to the passage, the DSTA. offers one more hour in the afternoon both in the seasons of summer and winter.B. causes people to get up one hour earlier in summer but not in wither.C. adjusts the time of people's activity arrangement to make full use of the daytime.D. causes people to end the activities in the morning one hour later in wither.2.Which of the following businesses may NOT benefit from the DST?A. building tradeB. open-air recreation industryC. outdoor sports businessD. computer-based services3. What is the role of the third paragraph in the developing of the topic?A. To show the advantages and disadvantages of the adaptation of DST.B. To provide supporting evidence for the preceding paragraph.C. To emphasize how the adoption of DST affect certain other businesses.D. To illustrate that the agreement of the day's layout is not always beneficial.4. According to the effects of DST on various aspects, we can conclude thatA. the practice of DST is obviously controversial.B. the practice of DST is not scientific enough.C. the advantages of DST exceed the disadvantages.D. the results caused by the DST are rather unsatisfactory.5 What kind of writing does the passage belong to?A. PersuasionB. DescriptionC. ExpositoryD. Narration. Passage 2It is nothing new that English use is on the rise around the world especially in business circles. This also happens in France, the headquarters of the global battle against American cultural hegemony. If French guys are giving in to English, something really big must be going on. And something big is going on.. Partly, it's that American hegemony Didier. Benchimol, CEO of a French ecommerce software company, feels compelled to speak English perfectly because the Internet software business is dominated by Americans. He and other Frenchbusinessmen also have to speak English because they want to get their message out to American investors, possessors of the world's deepest pockets.The triumph of English in France and elsewhere in Europe, however, may rest on something more enduring. As they become entwined with each other politically and economically. Europeans need a way to talk to one another and to the rest of the world. And for a number of reasons, they've decided upon English as their common tongue. So when German chemical and pharmaceutical Hoechst merged with French competitor Rhone-Poulenc last year, the companies chose the vague Latinate Aventis as the new company name-- and settled on English as the company's common language. When monetary policymakers from around the Europe began meeting at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt last year to set interest rates for the new Euroland, they held their deliberations in English. Even the European Commission, with 11 official languages and a traditionally French-speaking bureaucracy, effectively switched over to English as its working language last year.How did this happen? One school attributes English's great success to the sheer weight of its merit. It's a Germanic language, brought to Britain around the fifth century A. D. During the four centuries of French-speaking rule that followed Norman Conquest of 1066, the language morphed into something else entirely. French words were added wholesale, and most of the complications of Germanic grammar were shed while few of the complications of French added. The result is a language with a huge vocabulary and a simple grammar that can express most things more efficiently than either of its parents. What's more, English has remained ungoverned and open to change -- foreign words, coinages, and grammatical shifts-- in a way that French, ruled by the purist Academic Francaise, has not.So it's a swell language, especially for business. But the rise of English over the past few centuries clearly owes at least as much to history and economics as to the language's ability to economically express the concept win-win. What happened is that the competition--first Latin, then French, then, briefly, German--faded with the waning of the political, economic, and military fortunes of , respectively, the Catholic Church, France, and Germany. All along, English was increasing in importance: Britain was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, and London the world's most important financial centre, which made English a key language business. England's colonies around the world also made it the language with the most global reach. And as that former colony the US rose to the status of the world's preeminent political, economic, military, and cultural power, English became the obvious second language to learn.In the 1990s more and more European found themselves forced to use English. The last generation of business and government leaders of business and government leaders who hadn't studied English in school was leaving the stage. The European Community was adding new members and evolving from a paper-shuffling club into a serious regional government that would need a single common language if it were ever to get anything done. Meanwhile, economic barriers between European nations have been disappearing, meaning that more and more companies are beginning to look at the whole continent as their domestic market. And then theInternet came along.The Net had two big impacts. One was that it was an exciting, potentially lucrative new industry that had its roots in the US, so if you wanted to get in on it, you had to speak some English. The other was that by surfing the Web, Europeans who had previously encountered English only at school and in pop songs were now coming into contact with it daily.None of this means English has taken over European life. According to the European Union, 47% of Western Europeans ( including the British and Irish) speak English well enough to carry on a conversation. That's a lot more than those who can speak German (32%) or French (28%), but it still means more Europeans don't speak the language. If you want to sell shampoo or cell phones, you have to do it in French or German or Spanish or Greek. Even the US, and British media companies that stand to benefit most from the spread of English have been hedging their bets -- CNN broadcasts in Spanish, the Financial Times has recently launched a daily German-language edition.Bust just look at who speaks English: 77% of Western European college students ,69% of managers, and 65% of those aged 15-24. In secondary schools of the European Union's non-English-speaking countries, 91% of students study English, all of which means that the transition to English as the language of European business hasn't been all that traumatic, and it's only going to get easier in the future.6. In the author's opinion, what really underlines the rising status of English in France and Europe isA. American dominance in the Internet software business.B. a practical need for effective communication among Europeans.C. European's eagerness to do business with American businessmen.D. the recent trend for foreign companies to merge with each other.7. French lost its dominant status as an international language forA. religious reasonsB. political reasonsC. economic reasonsD. military reasons.8. The author uses the example of CNN broadcasting in Spanish to show thatA. CNN benefits a lot from the spread of English.B. more people speak English than any other language in Europe.C. CNN regards Spanish as a language more important than English.D. the media cannot afford to ignore the larger number of non-English speakers.9. Which of the following statements forecasts the continuous rise of English in the future?A. About half of Western Europeans are now proficient in English.B. Us and British media companies are operating in Western Europe.C. Most secondary school students in Europe study English.D. Most Europeans continue to use their own language.10. The passage mainly examines the factors related toA. the rising status of the English in Europe.B. English learning in non-English-speaking EU nations.C. the preference for English by European businessmen.D. the switch from French to English in the European Commission.Passage 3Thomas Hardy’s impulses as a writer, all of which he indulged in his novels, were numerous and divergent, and they did not always work together in harmony. Hardy was to some degree interested in exploring his characters’ psychologies, though impelled less by curiosity than by sympathy. Occasionally he felt the impulse to comedy ( in all its detached coldness) as well as the impulse to farce, but he was more often inclined to see tragedy and record it. He was also inclined to literary realism in the several senses of that phrase. He wanted to describe ordinary human beings; he wanted to speculate on their dilemmas rationally ( and, unfortunately, even schematically); and he wanted to record precisely the material universe. Finally, he wanted to be more than a realist. He wanted to transcend what he considered to be the banality of solely recording things exactly and to express as well his awareness of the occult and the strange.In his novels these various impulses were sacrificed to each other inevitably and often. Inevitably, because Hardy did not care in the way those novelists such as Flaubert or James cared, and therefore took paths of least resistance. Thus, one impulse often surrendered to a fresher one and, unfortunately, instead of exacting a compromise, simply disappeared. A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give way abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower. In this instance, the new impulse was at least an energetic one, and thus its indulgence did not result in a relaxed style. But on other occasions Hardy abandoned a perilous, risky, and highly energizing impulse in favor of a relaxing impulse was indulged, the style--- that sure index of an author’s literary worth--- was certain to become verbose. Hardy’s weakness derived from his unw illingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones. He submitted to first one and then another, and the spirit blew where it listed; hence the unevenness of any one of his novels. His most controlled novel, Under the Greenwood Tree, prominently exhibits two different but reconcilable impulses--- a desire to be a realist-historian and a desire to be psychologist of love—but the slight interlockings of plot are not enough to bind the two completely together. Thus even this book splits into distinct parts.11. Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage, based on itscontent?A. Under the Greenwood Tree: Hardy’s Ambiguous TriumphB. The Real and the Strange: The Novelist’s Shifting RealmsC. Energy Versus Repo se: The role of: Ordinary People in Hardy’s FictionD. Hardy’s Novelistic Impulses: The Problem of Control12. The passage suggests that the author would be most likely to agree with which ofthe following statements about literary realisms?A. Literary realism is most concerned with exploration of the internal lives ofordinary human beings.B. The term” literary realism” is susceptible to more than a single definition.C. Literary realism and an interest in psychology are likely to be odds in anovelist’s work.D. “Literary realism” is the term most often used by critics in describing themethod of Hardy’s novels.13. The author of the passage considers a writer’s style to beA. a reliable means by which to measure the writer’s lite rary merit.B. Most apparent in those parts of the writer’s work that are not realistic.C. Problematic when the writer attempts to follow perilous or risky impulses.D. shaped primarily by the writer’s desire to classify and schematize.14. The passage supplies information to suggest that its author would be most likelyto agree with which of the following statements about the novelists Flaubert and James?A. They indulged more impulse in their novels than did Hardy in his novels.B. They have elicited a greater degree of favorable response from most literaryCritics than has Hardy.C. In the writing of their novels, they often took pains to effect a compromiseamong their various novelistic impulses.D. Regarding novelistic construction, they cared more about the opinions of othernovelists than about the opinions of ordinary readers.15. Which of the following statements about the use of comedy in Hardy’s novels isbest supported by the passage?A. Hardy’s use of comedy in his novels tended to weaken his literary style.B. Hardy’s use of comedy in his novels was inspired by his natural sympathy.C. Comedy appeared less frequently in Hardy’s novels than did tragedy.D. Comedy played an important role in Hardy’s novels though t hat comedy wasusually in the form of farce.PART IV TRANSLATION FROM ENGLISH INTO CHINESE (50 Points) Running a company with a friend is a surefire way to end a friendship. When I first had the idea for Okta, I briefly considered bringing on one of my close friends from , but I knew that when we ran into issues —if we couldn’t raise funding, if we disagreed on how to build the product, or most importantly, if we foresaw different futures for the company — the pressure would be too much for us to withstand. On the other hand, if things went well, our friendship would evolve into an entirely professional relationship.Frederic and I started as business partners, and because of that we’re able to approach issues and important decisions with fewer emotions. For example, when we raised our first round of funding, we had to pick between two attractive offers —looking back, it was one of those “every decision is a good decision” situation, but realistically, we knew it would have a huge impact on the future of the company and we could feel the pressure. Instead of feeding off each other’s emotions, we looked at the offers rationally and based our decision on hours of thoughtful deliberations. Thatdynamic wouldn’t be the same among good friends.Make sure you complement each otherThe most successful business partners come to the table with varying yet complementary talents, perspectives and experiences. Frederic and I have plenty in common. We share a -heavy network, engineering degrees, experience as competitive athletes and supportive spouses, and we’re both keenly focused on satisfying our customers.Our areas of expertise — his in sales, operations and marketing and mine in product — cover different grounds, and our personalities are mismatched in a necessary way. Frederic’s extroverted and optimistic, whereas I’m naturally more introverted and stoic. Back when we were first fundraising (before we had those two attractive offers), I woke up everyday worried we would never be able to raise money and it was Frederic who always got me to calm down and keep moving forward; we balance each other out.Foster your relationshipNowadays, Frederic and I spend a significant amount of time together and we put a lot of work into maintaining our relationship – almost like a married couple. We have a Monday routine where we meet up for breakfast and discuss what we did with our families that weekend before transitioning into priorities for the days ahead. Outside of breakfast, we’re in almost constant communication. Because of that, I’ve actually learned a lot from Frederic about communicating. More communication is always, better, and understanding the intentions of the person on the other side is half the battle.I tell aspiring founders to look for someone you respect and want to learn from; someone you’ll be comfortable talking to about difficult decisions and frustrating finances; someone you’ll want to invite to family barbeques, but also understand when they can’t make it. Your bus iness partner be a huge part of your life and although it’s crucial you don’t start as friends, you should embrace the companionship that naturally should come with founding a company together.PART V WRITING (40 Points)Some people believe that universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study. Others believe that universities should not force students to take any courses other than those that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen field. What do you think of these views? Discuss both views.Write an essay of about 400words, Use specific reasons/examples to support your position on the statement above. In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar, diction and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.。



青岛大学2016年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码:650 科目名称:文学概论与写作技能(共 3 页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效一、名词解释(本题共 20 分,每小题 5 分)1.艺术真实2.理想型文学3.接受心境4.文化批评二、简答题(本题共 40 分,每小题 10 分)1.简答文学有哪两种含义,现在通行的文学含义是什么。




三、论述题(本题共 40 分,每小题 20 分)1.论述建设中国当代文学理论应注意的问题。



自选角度,自拟题目,字数为 1500 字。

(本题 50 分)史铁生散文《答自己问》节选:美于人道主义关于人道主义,我与一位朋友有过几次简短的争论。















目 录2013年青岛大学国际商学院862数据库系统考研真题2012年青岛大学国际商学院862数据库系统考研真题2011年青岛大学国际商学院862数据库系统考研真题2009年青岛大学国际商学院862数据库系统考研真题2013年青岛大学国际商学院862数据库系统考研真题2012年青岛大学国际商学院862数据库系统考研真题2011年青岛大学国际商学院862数据库系统考研真题2009年青岛大学国际商学院862数据库系统考研真题科目代码:862科目名称:数据库系统 (共7页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效一、单项选择题(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)1.下列哪一项不属于数据库系统与文件系统的区别( )。

A.数据的结构化程度不同 B.数据的保存年限不同C.数据的独立性程度不同D.数据存取的灵活性程度不同2.数据模型包括层次模型、网状模型和关系模型。

在这三类模型中,处理效率最高的是( ),灵活性最强的是( ),编程最简单的是( )。

A.网状模型,层次模型,关系模型B.关系模型,网状模型,层次模型C.层次模型,关系模型,关系模型D.网状模型,关系模型,关系模型3.关于计算机系统中存在的数据处理,以下说法错误的是( )。




则该关系模式最高属于第几范式( )。

A.1NF B.2NF C.3NF D.BCNF5.现有数据均匀分布的两个关系R(A, B, C,L)和S(A, D, E,F,K),以下几个等价的查询操作,效率最高的是( )。

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