


• “an organizational function and a set of processes
for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders”.
New discoveries and innovations Speed of technology transfer Rates of obsolescence Internet Information technology
Five Forces Model
Technological factors • 科技因素
protection laws
Taxation policy
Employment laws
Government policy
International Marketing Mix (Product, pricing, promotion and place)
Part 1,2 Part 3
Part 4
Some useful tools:

国际市场营销 International Marketing Chapter 10课件

国际市场营销  International Marketing Chapter 10课件
❖ 5. target audience: In marketing and advertising, a target audience, or target group is the primary group of people that something, usually an advertising campaign, is aimed at appealing to. 目标受众
❖ 9. call report: a report on a sales call 拜访客户的纪录 ❖ 10. consumer promotion: Consumer promotion is used to
encourage potential consumers to try a product and, hopefully, to purchase it again. 对最终消费者的营业推广
❖ – mass communication to more targeted communication and one-to-one dialogue
I. What is Marketing Communications Mix?
❖ Question 1: Does marketing communications equals to these specific promotion tools?
❖ 2. promotion mix: a company’s total marketing communications mix 推广组合
❖ 3. sales call: Usually pre-arranged and face-to-face
meeting between a salesperson and a customer or



Marketing Promotion
内容简介 Learning Objectives
1. The changing face of U.S. business 2. The scope of the international marketing task
3. The increasing importance of global awareness
风险大, 难度大 Higher Risk and More Difficulties
1.2 国际市场营销与国际贸易
International Marketing & International Trade
国际贸易: 国家之间有形产品与无形服务的交换活动
Exchange of the visible products and invisible services among the nations 国与国之间分工的结果
Outcome of the International Labor Division
What are in common for the both?
Business Purpose: Earning profit 交换对象:商品和劳务
Marketing and International Marketing
Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and wue with others.



Sociocultural Environment
• Sociocultural environmrnt 1) high persistence core cultural
values 2) existence of subcultures 3) shift of secondary cultural values through time
Economic Environment
I The economic environment for marketing comprises the overall economy
II It includes: Business cycles Spending patterns Consumer income issues
• It provides important opportunities to improve customer value
Prosperity production employment demand
Recession production employment demand
Recovery production employment demand
• Consumer Income It influences whether or not consumers 6
• Business cycles and Spending patterns Spending patterns are linked to the
business cycle. The level of business activity that moves from prosperity to recession, to recovery.

国际市场营销双语教程课件 cha10

国际市场营销双语教程课件 cha10

Stages in Promotional Campaign Planning
Determine the target audience Determine campaign objectives
Determine the budget Determine media strategy Determine the message Determine campaign approach Determine campaign effectiveness
represented by the same agency
Decision-Making Authority
• Centralized or decentralized decisions about advertising? – Centralization= scale, synergy, consistency – Decentralization= proximity, flexibility, sensibility
• Development of media schedule
– target audience characteristics – campaign objectives – budget
• Media vehicle chosen based on
– media availability in market – product or service offered
coverage. • The value of outside expertise
– Creative development skills – Media buying savvy – Specialty marketing knowledge • Conflict in the use of mega-agencies – Conflicts of interest when two competitors are


to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service
fits him and sells itself.
Coping with (从事) exchange processes—part of this definition—calls for (要求) a considerable amount of work and skill. We see marketing management as the art and science of applying core marketing concepts to choose target markets and get, keep, and grow customer through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value.
loyal? 如何减少顾客需求的本钱并使顾客保持长 期的忠诚?
l How can we tell which customers are more important? 如何识别哪些顾客是更 重要的?
1.2 Marketing concepts and tools营销观念与工具
Marketing boasts a rich array of concepts and tools to help marketers address the decisions they must make. We will start by defining marketing and then describing its major concepts and tools.



(二)全球性公司 全球性公司是一种在处理国内业务与国外业务的方式上没有 差异的组织形态。The global company is an organization form which has no difference in the way of dealing with domestic business and foreign business. 在这种结构中,全球范围的经营决策权都集中在总部,而不 分国内国外,不仅注重投资决策,而且也注重资源、人力资 源管理、市场调研以及其他的活动。而且经营者和管理层必 须具备全球性的意识和管理国内与国际性业务的能力。
(二)国际市场营销计划的类别 1.从期限看,国际市场营销计划可分为短期计划和长期计 划 短期计划又称为经营计划,执行期一般为一年。长期计划 又称战略计划,执行期限一般3-5年,甚至更长。 2.从制订和执行主体看,国际市场营销计划又可分为总 (母)公司计划和子(分)公司计划 一般来说,母公司偏重于经营计划。战略规划与经营计划 区别在于,前者的目的是决定营销目标和基本战略,而后 者的作用则在于将这些目标和战略付诸实施。前者是创造 性的原则计划,后者是从属于前者的具体计划。

10.2.3 国际企业组织结构形式 (一)区域型组织结构 Regional organizational structure 当企业的组织结构是依据区域划分时,其划分的基础是以世 界上的主要区域为主的。 某些因素使得许多企业喜欢采用区域型的组织结构,区域型 集团的壮大就是其中一个因素。当一个区域内的国家是按照 经济利益整合起来的时候,将此区域看作一个独立的个体是 较为合理的。对国家进行整合时,可以将区域内的产品与技 术加以整合。如果一家公司的产品线很窄或者需要相同的科 技与操作技术时,这家公司通常也会偏好采用区域型的组织 结构,因为公司的产品越相似,就越需要区域性的信息。



、素质、行为、制度、形象 。
• 狭义的文化是指社会的意识形态以及与之相适应的礼仪制 度、组织结构、行为方式等物化的精神。
4.1.3 文化的基本特征
• 1. 文化的中心 • 2. 文化管理的方式 • 3. 文化的首要任务
4.1.4 文化的要素
• 从组织的角度来看,美国学者彼得斯和沃特曼认为有7种 基本要素:战略(Strategy)、结构(Structure)、体制 (System)、人员(Staff)、技能(Skill)、行为方式 (Style)、共同价值观(Shared Value)。其中,前3个要素
• 文化的要素 • 文化的变迁 • 各国的商务习惯
4.1.1 文化的基础
• 作为一名营销者,若要了解一个社会的行为及其基 本态度,就必须掌握关于该社会的一些地理及历史 知识。
• 不同的地理环境和不同的历史背景就会形成特定的 亚文化,特定的亚文化必然会影响消费群体和商业 模式的形成。
4.1.6 各国的商务习惯
• 美国 ,“赚钱是这个国家的主要目标。美国人看重金钱 与其说是为了生存,不如说是作为一生成就的证明” 。
• 日本,商界是最注重谦恭的。 • 韩国,商人尊重其长辈可以获得其好感。
4.2 Social Environment of International Marketing
4.1.2 文化的涵义
• 广义的文化是指人类在社会历史实践过程中创造的物质财 富和精神财富的总和。


– Physical flow of products – Flow of ownership – Payment flow – Information flow – Promotion flow
Figure 10.2 - Consumer and Business Marketing Channels
– Direct marketing channel: No intermediary levels – Indirect marketing channels: One or more
intermediary levels
Number of Channel Levels (2 of 2)
• Types of flows that connect the institutions in the channel:
First Stop: Uber Radically Reshaping Urban Transportation
Uber lets passengers hail the nearest cab from any location using its smartphone app.
Learning Objective 10-1
Value Delivery Network (2 of 2)
Pepsi manages a huge network to create customer value and establish the brand’s positioning.
Marketing Channels (Distribution Channels)
• Horizontal and vertical channel conflict • Conventional distribution system, vertical

国际市场营销学培训讲义(英文版)PPT课件( 22页)

国际市场营销学培训讲义(英文版)PPT课件( 22页)

Marketing Mix
Product customer wants and needs
customer cost
Promotion customer communication
customer convenience
----Political ----Public relation 10PS ----Probing ---Partition ---Prioritizing ---position
- To take advantages of the regulations and polices of domestic and foreign market - To acquire resources. - To avoid risk - To expand product life cycle
- The attractiveness of International market
- The saturation of domestic market needs and intensive market competition
- (be continue)
The scope and challenge of International Marketing
International corporations…. These companies’ business were located all around
the world….. More and more companies engage in International
marketing….. See next page Let’s try to think some Chinese International companies…. again, try to think about some foreign-owned Chinese companies….



双语示范课程《国际市场营销》教学《国际市场营销学》International Marketing(双语)教学大纲学分/总学时:3/54一,课程的性质,目的和任务."国际市场营销学"(International Marketing)是市场营销专业的专业必修课.采用双语教学,使用英语原版教材,并结合课程内容,组织学生以小组的形式开展研究,制定针对相关国家的国际市场营销计划,并将研究成果在课堂上作演说汇报.本课程的教学目的是使学生能较为系统地理解和掌握国际市场营销的基本理论和实践.课程的主要内容包括国际营销的范围和挑战,国际营销的全球环境,全球市场评估中的文化因素,国际营销调研,全球营销管理,国际营销渠道,国际广告及国际市场定价.本课程在教学中坚持理论分析与实例,案例分析相结合的方法,为学生提供大量的案例陈述,分析和讨论的机会,锻炼和培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力.课程全部章节均使用英语授课.课件全部用英语.要求学生尽量用英语参与课堂讨论,完成作业.试卷的出题全部使用英语.通过双语教学,培养学生用英语获取和交流专业知识的水平和能力.二,学习本课程学生应掌握的前设课程知识经济学,管理学原理,市场营销学,英语综合运用知识和能力三,学时分配1. The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing(国际营销的范围和挑战)(4学时)2. The Global Environment of International Marketing (国际营销的全球环境)(4学时)3. History and Geography: The Foundations of Culture(历史与地理–文化的基础) (3学时)4. Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global Markets(全球市场评估中的文化因素)(3学时)5. Culture, Management Style, and Business Systems(文化,管理风格与经营方式) (3学时)6. The Political Environment(政治环境) (3学时)7. The International Legal Environment(国际法律环境) (4学时)8. Developing a Global Vision through Marketing Research(通过营销调研建立全球视野) (4学时)9. Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization(全球营销管理–计划和组织) (4学时)10. Products and Services for Consumers(面向消费者的产品和服务) (4学时)11. International Marketing Channels(国际营销渠道) (4学时)12. Integrated Marketing Communications and International Advertising(一体化的营销沟通与国际广告) (4学时)13. Personal Selling and Sales Management(人员推销与销售管理) (4学时)14. Pricing for International Markets(国际市场定价) (4学时)15. Review(2学时)四,课程基本要求和内容Part One: An OverviewChapter1:The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing(国际营销的范围和挑战)4学时Learning Objectives(基本要求):T o learn and understand the followings: the scope of the international marketing task; the importance of the cross-cultural analysis in international marketing; the progression of becominga global marketer; the increasing importance of global awareness.1. International Marketing Defined2. The International Marketing Task3. Environmental Adaptation Needed4. The Self-Reference Criterion and Ethnocentrism5. Developing a Global Awareness6. Stages of International Marketing Involvement7. Strategic Orientation8. The Orientation of International MarketingChapter2:The Global Environment of International Marketing (国际营销的全球环境)4学时Learning Objectives(基本要求):To learn and understand the followings: the importance of GA TT and the World Trade Organization; the emergence of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group; the evolution of the European Community to the European Union; the trade linkage of NAFTA and South America and its regional effects; the development of trade within the Asia-Pacific Rim; the growth of developing markets and their importance to regional trade.1. GATT and WTO2. The International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group3. Protests against Global Institutions4. Global Markets and Multinational Market Groups5. Marketing in a Developing CountryPart Two: The Cultural Environment of Global MarketsChapter3: History and Geography: The Foundations of Culture(历史与地理–文化的基础)3学时Learning Objectives(基本要求):To learn and understand the following: the importance of history and geography in the understanding of international markets; the effects of history on a country's culture; effect of geographic diversity on economic profiles of a country; economic effects of controlling population growth versus aging population.1. Historical Perspective in Global Business2. Geography and Global Markets3. Dynamics of Global Population Trends4. World Trade RoutesChapter4: Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global Markets(全球市场评估中的文化因素)3学时Learning Objectives(基本要求):To learn and understand the following: the importance of culture to an international marketer; the origins and elements of culture; the impact of cultural borrowing;the strategy of planned change and its consequences.1. Culture's Pervasive Impact2. Definitions and Origins of Culture3. Elements of Culture4. Cultural Knowledge5. Cultural ChangeChapter5: Culture, Management Style, and Business Systems(文化,管理风格与经营方式)4学时Learning Objectives(基本要求):To learn and understand the following: the necessity for adapting to cultural differences; how and why management styles vary around the world; the extent and implications of gender bias in some countries; the importance of cultural differences in business ethics; the differences between relationship-oriented and information-oriented cultures.1. Required Adaptation2. Management Styles around the World3. Gender Bias in International Business4. Business Ethics5. Culture's Influence on Strategic Thinking6. A Synthesis, Relationship-Oriented versus Information-Oriented CulturesChapter6: The Political Environment: A Critical Concern (政治环境)4学时Learning Objectives(基本要求):To learn and understand the following: what the sovereignty of nations means and how it affects the stability of government policies, political parties, and nationalism; the political risks of global business and the factors that affect stability; the importance of the political system to international marketing and its effects on foreign investments; assessing and reducing the effects of political vulnerability.1. The Sovereignty of Nations2. Stability of Government Policies3. Political Risks of Global Business4. Assessing Political Vulnerability5. Reducing Political VulnerabilityChapter7: The International Legal Environment(国际法律环境)4学时Learning Objectives(基本要求):To learn and understand the following: the four heritages of today's legal systems; the important factors in jurisdiction of legal disputes; issues associated with jurisdiction of legal disputes and the various methods of dispute resolution; the unique problemsof protecting intellectual property rights internationally; ways to protect against piracy and counterfeiting; the legal differences between countries and how the differences can affect international marketing plans.1. Bases for Legal Systems2. Jurisdiction in International Legal Disputes3. International Dispute Resolution4. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights5. Commercial Law within CountriesPart three: Developing Global Marketing StrategiesChapter 8: Developing a Global Vision through MarketingResearch(通过营销调研建立全球视野)4学时Learning Objectives(基本要求):To learn and understand the following: the importance of problem definition in international research; the problems of availability and use of secondary data; quantitative and qualitative research methods; sources of secondary data; how to analyze and use research information.1. Breadth and Scope of International Marketing Research2. The Research Process3. Defining the Problem and Establishing Research Objectives4. Problems of Availability and Use of Secondary Data5. Gathering Primary Data: Quantitative and Qualitative Research6. Multicultural Research: A Special Problem7. Research on the Internet: A Growing Opportunity8. Estimating Market Demand9. Problems in Analyzing and Interpreting Research Information10. Responsibility for Conducting Marketing Research11. Communicating with Decision MakersChapter9: Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization(全球营销管理–计划和组织)4学时Learning Objectives(基本要求):To learn and understand the following: how global marketing management differs from international marketing management; the increasing importance of international strategic alliances; the need for planning to achieve company goals; the important factors for each alternative market-entry strategy.1. Global Marketing Management: An Old Debate and a New View2. Planning for Global Markets3. Alternative Market-Entry Strategy4. Organizing for Global CompetitionChapter10: Products and Services for Consumers(面向消费者的产品和服务)4学时Learning Objectives(基本要求):To learn and understand the following: the importance of offering a product suitable for the intended market; the importance of quality and how quality is defined; country-of-origin effects on product image; physical, mandatory, and cultural requirements for product adaptation; the need to view all attributes of a product in order to overcome resistance to acceptance.1. Quality2. Products and Culture3. Analyzing Product Components for Adaptation4. Marketing Consumer Services Globally5. Brands in International MarketsChapter11: International Marketing Channels(国际营销渠道)4学时Learning Objectives(基本要求):To learn and understand the followings: the variety of distribution channels and how they affect cost and efficiency in marketing; how distribution patterns affect the various aspects of international marketing; the growing importance of e-commerce as a distribution alternative; the functions, advantages, and disadvantages of various kinds of middlemen; the importance of middlemen to a product's success and the importance of selecting and maintaining middlemen.1. Channel-of-Distribution Structures2. Distribution Patterns3. Alternative Middleman Choices4. Factors Affecting Choices of Channels5. Locating, Selecting, and Motivating Channel Members6. The InternetChapter12: Integrated Marketing Communications and International Advertising(一体化的营销沟通与国际广告)4学时Learning Objectives(基本要求):To learn and understand the followings: local market characteristics that affect the advertising and promotion of products; the strengths and weaknesses of sales promotion and public relations in global marketing; when global advertising is most effective; when modified advertising is necessary; the effect of limited media, excessive media, and government regulations on advertising and promotion budgets.1. Sales Promotions in International Markets2. International Public Relations3. International Advertising4. Advertising Strategy and Goals5. The Message: Creative Challenge6. Media Planning and Analysis7. Campaign Execution and Advertising Agency8. International Control of AdvertisingChapter13: Personal Selling and Sales Management(人员推销与销售管理)4学时Learning Objectives(基本要求):To learn and understand the followings: the role of interpersonal selling in international marketing; the considerations in designing an international sales force; the steps to recruiting three types of international sales people; selection criteria for international sales and marketing positions; the special training needs of international personnel; motivation techniques for international sales representatives; how to design compensation systems for an international salesforce; the changing profile of the global sales and marketing manager.1. Designing the Sales Force2. Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel3. Selecting Sales and Marketing Personnel4. Training for International Marketing5. Motivating Sales Personnel6. Designing Compensation Systems7. Evaluating and Controlling Sales Representatives8. Developing Cultural Awareness9. The Changing Profile of the Global Manager10. Foreign Language SkillsChapter14: Pricing for International Markets(国际市场定价)4学时Learning Objectives(基本要求):To learn and understand the following: components of pricing as competitive tools in international marketing; the pricing pitfalls directly related to international marketing; how to control pricing in parallel imports or gray markets; price escalation and how to minimize its effect; countertrading and its place in international marketing practices; the mechanisms of price quotations.1. Pricing Policy2. Approaches to International Pricing3. Price Escalation4. Approaches to Lessening Price Escalation5. Leasing in International Markets6. Countertrade as a Pricing Tool7. Transfer Pricing Strategy8. Price Quotation9. Administered PricingPart Four :Supplementary Material五,教材及学生参考书教材:Philip Cateora等著International Marketing(国际营销)12th Edition(第12版) 中国人民大学出版社2005年3月参考书:1,Michael R. Czinkota著International Marketing(国际商务) 8th Edition(第8版) 北京大学出版社2007年10月。


国际市场营销双语教学教案 ppt课件
• 课ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ介绍与教学目标
• 国际市场营销基本概念与理论
• 跨文化交流与沟通在国际市场营销中应用
• 产品策略在国际市场营销中实践
• 价格策略在国际市场营销中运用
• 渠道策略在国际市场营销中拓展
• 促销策略在国际市场营销中创新
• 总结回顾与展望未来发展趋势
产品策略在国际市场营销中 实践
根据目标市场需求和竞争态势, 明确产品在市场中的定位,包括 产品特点、目标消费者群体、价
通过独特的产品设计、功能、品质 、服务等方面与竞争对手区分开来 ,形成独特的竞争优势,提高市场 份额和盈利能力。
分析目标国家的政治稳定性、 政策连续性、对外关系等因素

研究目标国家的经济发展水平 、市场规模、消费者购买力等

了解目标国家的文化传统、价 值观念、消费习惯等。
关注目标国家的技术发展水平 、创新能力和知识产权保护等

根据产品特性和目标市场,选择合适的电子商务平台,如亚马逊 、阿里巴巴等。
将线上电子商务平台与线下实体店相结合,实现O2O模式,提高 消费者购物体验和品牌认知度。



国际市场营销双语教学教案第一章:国际市场营销概述1.1 教学目标了解国际市场营销的定义和重要性掌握国际市场营销的基本概念和原则理解国际市场营销的环境和趋势1.2 教学内容国际市场营销的定义和重要性国际市场营销的基本概念和原则国际市场营销的环境和趋势1.3 教学方法讲授:讲解国际市场营销的定义和重要性,介绍基本概念和原则案例分析:分析国际市场营销的成功案例,让学生更好地理解国际市场营销的应用1.4 教学评估小组讨论:学生分组讨论国际市场营销的成功案例,分享自己的观点和经验课堂测试:设计相关的选择题和简答题,测试学生对国际市场营销的基本概念和原则的理解第二章:国际市场营销环境分析2.1 教学目标了解国际市场营销环境的组成和影响因素掌握PESTEL分析工具,对国际市场营销环境进行分析了解国际市场营销环境的发展趋势2.2 教学内容国际市场营销环境的组成和影响因素PESTEL分析工具的介绍和应用国际市场营销环境的发展趋势2.3 教学方法讲授:讲解国际市场营销环境的组成和影响因素,介绍PESTEL分析工具小组讨论:学生分组讨论国际市场营销环境的案例,运用PESTEL分析工具进行分析2.4 教学评估小组报告:学生分组进行报告,分享他们对国际市场营销环境案例的分析结果课堂测试:设计相关的问题,测试学生对PESTEL分析工具的应用和国际市场营销环境的发展趋势的理解第三章:国际市场营销策略3.1 教学目标了解国际市场营销策略的类型和选择掌握国际市场营销策略的基本原则和步骤了解国际市场营销策略的成功案例3.2 教学内容国际市场营销策略的类型和选择国际市场营销策略的基本原则和步骤国际市场营销策略的成功案例3.3 教学方法讲授:讲解国际市场营销策略的类型和选择,介绍基本原则和步骤案例分析:分析国际市场营销策略的成功案例,让学生更好地理解策略的应用3.4 教学评估小组讨论:学生分组讨论国际市场营销策略的成功案例,分享自己的观点和经验课堂测试:设计相关的问题,测试学生对国际市场营销策略的理解和应用能力第四章:国际市场营销渠道和物流4.1 教学目标了解国际市场营销渠道的类型和功能掌握国际市场营销渠道的选择和管理了解国际市场营销物流的流程和重要性4.2 教学内容国际市场营销渠道的类型和功能国际市场营销渠道的选择和管理国际市场营销物流的流程和重要性4.3 教学方法讲授:讲解国际市场营销渠道的类型和功能,介绍选择和管理的方法案例分析:分析国际市场营销渠道和物流的成功案例,让学生更好地理解应用4.4 教学评估小组讨论:学生分组讨论国际市场营销渠道和物流的成功案例,分享自己的观点和经验课堂测试:设计相关的问题,测试学生对国际市场营销渠道和物流的理解和应用能力第五章:国际市场营销推广和沟通5.1 教学目标了解国际市场营销推广的工具和策略掌握国际市场营销推广的基本原则和步骤了解国际市场营销沟通的重要性和方法5.2 教学内容国际市场营销推广的工具和策略国际市场营销推广的基本原则和步骤国际市场营销沟通的重要性和方法5.3 教学方法讲授:讲解国际市场营销推广的工具和策略,介绍基本原则和步骤案例分析:分析国际市场营销推广和沟通的成功案例,让学生更好地理解应用5.4 教学评估小组讨论:学生分组讨论国际市场营销推广和沟通的成功案例,分享自己的观点和经验课堂测试:设计相关的问题,测试学生对国际市场营销推广和沟通的理解和应用能力第六章:国际市场营销文化差异与适应6.1 教学目标了解不同文化对国际市场营销的影响掌握跨文化沟通的原则和策略了解如何适应不同文化的市场营销策略6.2 教学内容不同文化对国际市场营销的影响跨文化沟通的原则和策略适应不同文化的市场营销策略6.3 教学方法讲授:讲解不同文化对国际市场营销的影响,介绍跨文化沟通的原则和策略小组讨论:学生分组讨论文化差异对国际市场营销的影响,分享跨文化沟通的实践经验6.4 教学评估小组报告:学生分组进行报告,分享他们对文化差异对国际市场营销的影响的理解和跨文化沟通的实践经验课堂测试:设计相关问题,测试学生对不同文化对国际市场营销的影响和适应不同文化的市场营销策略的理解第七章:国际市场营销法律、伦理和社会责任7.1 教学目标了解国际市场营销中的法律和伦理问题掌握国际市场营销中的法律和伦理原则了解国际市场营销中的社会责任7.2 教学内容国际市场营销中的法律和伦理问题国际市场营销中的法律和伦理原则国际市场营销中的社会责任7.3 教学方法讲授:讲解国际市场营销中的法律和伦理问题,介绍法律和伦理原则小组讨论:学生分组讨论国际市场营销中的法律和伦理问题,分享对社会责任的理解7.4 教学评估小组报告:学生分组进行报告,分享他们对国际市场营销中的法律、伦理和社会责任的理解课堂测试:设计相关问题,测试学生对国际市场营销中的法律和伦理问题的理解以及对社会责任的认识第八章:国际市场营销计划和实施8.1 教学目标了解国际市场营销计划的结构和内容掌握国际市场营销计划的制定和实施步骤了解国际市场营销计划的评估和调整方法8.2 教学内容国际市场营销计划的结构和内容国际市场营销计划的制定和实施步骤国际市场营销计划的评估和调整方法8.3 教学方法讲授:讲解国际市场营销计划的结构和内容,介绍制定和实施的步骤案例分析:分析国际市场营销计划的案例,让学生更好地理解应用8.4 教学评估小组讨论:学生分组讨论国际市场营销计划的案例,分享自己的观点和经验课堂测试:设计相关问题,测试学生对国际市场营销计划的理解和应用能力第九章:国际市场营销案例分析9.1 教学目标了解国际市场营销案例分析的方法和技巧掌握国际市场营销案例分析的工具和步骤了解国际市场营销案例的成功经验和教训9.2 教学内容国际市场营销案例分析的方法和技巧国际市场营销案例分析的工具和步骤国际市场营销案例的成功经验和教训9.3 教学方法讲授:讲解国际市场营销案例分析的方法和技巧,介绍工具和步骤小组讨论:学生分组讨论国际市场营销案例,运用分析和技巧进行深入探讨9.4 教学评估小组报告:学生分组进行报告,分享他们对国际市场营销案例分析的理解和应用课堂测试:设计相关问题,测试学生对国际市场营销案例分析的方法和技巧的掌握第十章:国际市场营销的未来趋势10.1 教学目标了解国际市场营销的最新发展趋势掌握影响国际市场营销未来发展的因素了解国际市场营销的未来挑战和机遇10.2 教学内容国际市场营销的最新发展趋势影响国际市场营销未来发展的因素国际市场营销的未来挑战和机遇10.3 教学方法讲授:讲解国际市场营销的最新发展趋势,介绍影响未来发展的因素小组讨论:学生分组讨论国际市场营销的未来挑战和机遇,分享自己的观点和看法10.4 教学评估小组报告:学生分组进行报告,分享他们对国际市场营销最新发展趋势的理解和对未来挑战和机遇的认识课堂测试:设计相关问题,测试学生对国际市场营销的未来发展趋势的理解和认识重点和难点解析1. 教学目标:明确教学目标,确保教学内容能够满足学生的学习需求。


• The difference between tangible products and services
•onsumer and business-tobusiness markets
• Intense global competition is placing new emphasis on manufacturing quality products
• Quality, as a competitive tool, is the deciding factor in world markets
Quality can be defined on two dimensions: (1) market-perceived quality and (2) performance quality
• Green marketing is a term used to identify concern with the environmental consequences of a variety of marketing activities
• The designation that a product is “environmentally friendly” is voluntary, and environmental success depends on the consumer selecting the eco-friendly product
to measure satisfaction across a wide variety of consumer products and services
Physical or Mandatory Requirements and Adaptation


• Major flaws in one factor could destroy union unless other factors strong enough to offset weakness
• Nations must give up part of sovereignty
• Advantages of union must be clear-cut and significant • Benefits must greatly outweigh the disadvantages
• Distance across time zones most important
• Trade tends to travel more easily in north-south directions than it did in ancient times
• Issues of legal and illegal immigration important
Chapter 10
Europe, Africa, and the Middle East
Learning Objectives
10-1 The reasons for economic union
10-2 Patterns of international cooperation
10-3 The evolution of the European Union
1. Regional Cooperation Groups 2. Free Trade Area 3. Customs Union 4. Common Market 5. Political Union
Patterns of Multinational Cooperation 2 of 6
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5. Strategies Overcoming the Price Escalation
(1) Reorganize the channel of distribution;
(2) Adapt the product; (3) Use new or more economical tariff or tax classifications; (4) Assemble or produce overseas
边际成本 2.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 2.10 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.25 4.35 1.09 5.44
4. Export-Related Costs
(1) The cost of modifying the product for foreign markets; (2)Operational costs of the export operation: personnel, market research, additional shipping and insurance costs, communications costs with foreign customers, and overseas promotional costs; (3) Costs incurred in entering the foreign markets; tariffs and taxes; risks associated with a buyer in a different market; and risks from dealing in other than the exporter’s domestic currency, i.e., foreign exchange risk.
6. Terms of Sale
Incoterms are the internationally accepted standard definitions
3. Export Pricing Strategy
(1) The standard worldwide price. It may be the same price regardless of the buyer or may be based on average unit costs of fixed, variable, and export-related costs. Uniform pricing is advisable when customers worldwide are aware of the prices charged, and when there is little chance of differentiating the product or the service to warrant price differences. (2)Dual pricing. Domestic and export prices are differentiated, and two approaches to pricing products for export are available: cost-driven and market-driven methods.
2. The Setting of Export Prices
The process to set the export price (1) Assessment of pricing environments: external as market-related factors and industry-related factors; internal as marketing mix, company characteristics and management attitudes. (2) Pricing policy selection: objectives, competitive posture, decision control and flexibility. (3) Pricing strategy determination: standard worldwide price, differentiation. (4) Setting of specific price
生产成本 原材料
固定成本 额外国外成本
生产杂费 总生产成本 国内营销成本
管理成本 国外营销成本 其他国外成本
小计 边际利润(25%)
标准定价 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.50 3.50 1.50 0.75 0.00 0.00 5.75 1.44 7.19
成本加成 2.00 1.00 0.10 0.50 3.60 0.00 0.75 1.00 1.25 6.60 1.65 8.25
Business Institute, Jiang Han University
Internatห้องสมุดไป่ตู้onal Marketing Lecture 10
Instructor Li Zhihong Sept.2009
Chapter 10 Export Pricing
1. Teaching and learning Targets. After studying this chapter, you should be able to: (1) Propose scenarios in which export prices are higher/lower than domestic prices. (2) Discuss the use of the currency of quotation as a competitive tool. (3) Suggest different importer reactions to a price offer and how you, as an exporter, could respond to them.