集成电路设计自动化 讲义 Lect01_Course_Overview
lHale Waihona Puke cture 1slide 5
Structural Approach
• “Structural thinking” is considered an effective approach to addressing “complexity”.
Write a 2D plotter in C++ (must be C++) Use a graphical toolkit compatible to C++ (like Qt) Will provide reference code (with student assistance)
• Teaching Software Engineering Principles
• In terms of programming, probably the C++ programming language can best serve us “structural thinking”.
• “Structural thinking” means the following abilities:
software skills
• Such skills are indispensible to do PhD research,
• they are also useful for those working in related areas.
北大光华 资产定价讲义 Lect1Utility
Doctoral Seminar in Asset Pricing (One)
Equilibrium and Arbitrage
Computer Systems:A Programmer’s Perspective计算机系统详解Lecture 1IntroFebruary 25, 2011Wu junmin (jmwu@)Outline°Course Theme°Five great realities of computer systems °Administrative Matters°Lecture topics and assignments课程出发点° Abstract vs. Reality°抽象是必须的,但也应该考虑问题的实现!°其他计算机课程通常强调抽象的地方:•抽象数据类型•渐进分析法°这些抽象往往是受限的:•特别是当计算机系统中存在一些小的缺陷•有必要去深入了解计算机系统中一些底层的实现°通过了解具体的实现有助于:•成为更有效率的程序员-能够更有效的找出并且消除bug-能够更好的进行程序性能调优•为以后的计算机类“系统”级课程做好准备-编译, 操作系统, 网络, 计算机体系结构, 嵌入式系统等等Great Reality #1°Int ’s 不是整数, Float ’s 不是实数°举例• x 2 ≥ 0?-Float ’s: 是!-Int ’s:– 40000 * 40000 --> 1600000000– 50000 * 50000 --> ??• (x + y) + z = x + (y + z)?-Unsigned & Signed Int ’s: 是!-Float ’s:– (1e20 + -1e20) + 3.14 --> 3.14– 1e20 + (-1e20 + 3.14) --> ??-1794967296Computer Arithmetic°Does not generate random values•Arithmetic operations have important mathematical properties°Cannot assume “usual” properties•Due to finiteness of representations•Integer operations satisfy “ring” properties-Commutativity, associativity, distributivity•Floating point operations satisfy “ordering” properties -Monotonicity, values of signs°Observation•Need to understand which abstractions apply in which contexts •Important issues for compiler writers and serious applicationprogrammers计算机运算规则°不会产生随机值•每种运算操作都有很重要的数学含义和性质°但不能假设具有某些“通常”性质•由于数字表达精度的有限•整数运算操作满足“环”性质-交换性,结合性, 分配性•浮点运算操作满足“有序性”性质-单调性, 正负符号的不变性°可见:•需要结合上下文环境来理解某些“抽象”•对于编译器设计者或者关键应用的程序员,这是都是很重要的问题Great Reality #2°你应该了解一些汇编语言°幸运的是,你永远也不会用汇编语言来写程序•编译器比你做的更好并且也更有耐心°但理解汇编语言是认识机器级执行模型的关键•存在bug时的程序行为-此时高级语言执行模型失效•程序性能调优-找到程序低效的根源•实现系统级软件-编译器以机器码为最终目标代码-操作系统必须管理进程状态汇编代码例子°时间戳计数器(Time Stamp Counter)•intel兼容机器中的特殊64位寄存器•每个时钟周期递增•通过 rdtsc 指令来读取°应用•测量程序的运行时间-以时钟周期为时间单位double t;start_counter();P();t = get_counter();printf("P required %f clock cycles\n", t);测量运行时间°比看上去要更难于处理•存在很多影响因素°例子•从1到n的整数求和n Cycles Cycles/n1009619.611,0008,4078.411,0008,4268.4310,00082,8618.2910,00082,8768.291,000,0008,419,9078.421,000,0008,425,1818.43 1,000,000,0008,371,2305,5918.37Great Reality #3°存储相关随机访问存储器(RAM)是一个非物理的抽象°存储器并非是无限的•必须对它进行分配和管理•许多应用都是存储受限的(memory dominated)°存储器的性能并非是一致的(uniform)•Cache 和虚拟内存的效果会极大的影响程序性能•使程序适应存储系统的结构特性可以极大的提高其性能°访存bug是极其致命的•最终问题出现的时间和位置与对应的访存bug之间可能有很大的距离,导致难以察觉r a t i o n s /t存储系统r a t i o n s /t实际存储器性能From Tom Womack ’smemory latency benchmarkPointer-Chase Results1101001000I t e r a t i o n T i m e [n s ]main (){long int a[2]; double d = 3.14;a[2] = 1073741824; /* Out of bounds reference */ printf("d = %.15g\n", d); exit(0);}main (){ long int a[2]; double d = 3.14; a[2] = 1073741824; /* Out of bounds reference */ printf("d = %.15g\n", d); exit(0);}访存错误°c和c++语言不提供任何访存保护机制•越界数组访问•无效指针•滥用malloc和free°会导致非常讨厌的bug•bug产生何种结果会依赖操作系统和编译器的实现•与访存行为的距离-与刚刚访问的数据对象逻辑上不相关的对象值被修改-bug的恶果要经过很长时间才被发现°如何处理?•用Java,Lisp,ML来编写程序•理解任何可能的导致这种程序行为的原因•利用或者开发能够监测这种错误的工具°除了渐进复杂性外还有其他决定性能的因素°常数因子也同样重要!•代码编写的好坏可导致10倍的性能差异•必须在多个层次上进行性能优化:算法,数据表示, 过程, 以及循环°必须深入理解系统才能更好的优化程序性能•程序是如何编译并执行的•如果测量程序性能并确定性能瓶颈•如何在不破坏程序原有结构和模块化的前提下改进程序性能°计算机要做远比仅仅执行程序多的多的事情°需要处理数据输入输出•I/O 系统对于程序的性能和可靠性至关重要°计算机之间通过网络进行通信•由于网络的出现,许多问题随之产生-独立进程间的并发操作问题-处理来自不可靠信息媒介的数据-跨平台的兼容性-复杂的性能问题硬件组织结构 (示意图)Outline°Course Theme°Five great realities of computer systems °Administrative Matters°Lecture topics and assignments本课程的目的°大多数系统级课程都是面向系统设计与实现的(Builder-Centric)•计算机体系结构-使用 Verilog设计流水线处理器•操作系统-实现操作系统的主体部分•编译-为简单程序设计语言设计编译器•网络-实现并仿真网络协议本课程的目的 (Cont.)°本课程面向程序员(Programmer-Centric)•课程以如何深入了解更多系统底层知识,引导程序员编写更高效的程序为目的-编写性能更高也更可靠的程序-掌握涉及到操作系统的一些技术–例如并发, 信号量处理•并非仅为了潜心钻研的“黑客”而开的课程-我们将唤醒每个人内心深处的“黑客”•包含在其他课程中不会了解到的内容成绩°平时点名3次°课程结束后提交一篇论文,论文可以是学习心得或完成某个实验的实验报告°根据到课率及最终论文评定成绩关于教材°作者:•Randal E. Bryant: CMU, Professor, ACM IEEE Fellow •O’Hallaron: CMU,Professor°内容组织:•介绍•信息表示与处理•C语言程序的机器级表示•处理器结构•程序性能优化•存储器层次结构•链接•异常控制流•测量程序运行时间•虚拟存储器•系统级I/O•网络编程•多线程编程课程结构°课程内容安排:•介绍1节(chap.1,2-25)•信息表示1节 (chap.2,3-4)•机器语言3节 (chap.3,3-11,3-18)•代码优化2节 (chap.5,3-25,4-1)•存储器层次结构2节 (chap.6,4-8,4-15)•链接2节 (chap.7,4-22,4-29)•异常处理2节(chap.8,5-6,5-13)•性能检测1节(chap.9,5-20)•虚拟存储器 2节(Chap.10,5-27,6-3)• I/O系统1 节(Chap.11,6-10)Outline°Course Theme°Five great realities of computer systems °Administrative Matters°Lecture topics and assignments程序与数据°主要知识点•位操作, 计算机运算, 汇编程序, C语言控制与数据结构的机器表示•包括体系结构及编译方面的一些知识•学习使用某些工具°任务•L1: 位操作•L2: 排除二进制炸弹•L3: 缓冲区溢出实验性能°主要知识点•高级处理器模型,代码优化 (控制与数据), 计算机时间测量•涉及体系结构、编译、操作系统°任务•L4: 代码性能优化存储器层次结构°主要知识点•存储器技术,存储器层次结构, 高速缓存, 磁盘, 局部性•涉及体系结构、操作系统°任务•L4: 代码性能优化链接与异常控制°主要知识点•目标文件, 静态与动态链接, 库, 加载•硬件异常, 进程, 进程控制, Unix 信号量, 非局部跳转•涉及编译,操作系统,体系结构°任务•L5: 自己编写能满足作业控制的shell°虚拟存储器°主要知识点•虚拟存储器, 地址转换, 动态内存分配•涉及体系结构、操作系统°任务•L6: 自己实现molloc函数I/O, 网络, 和并行处理°主题•高级与低级I/O, 网络编程, Internet服务, Web 服务•并发,并发服务设计, 线程, 基于select的I/O多路复用技术 .•涉及操作系统,网络,体系结构.°任务•L7: 自己编写web代理程序实验指导°每一次实验有明确的目标:或者解决某个问题,或者为了在竞赛中取胜.•排除二进制炸弹.•在性能调优比赛中取胜.°通过实验应该掌握相关方面的技能和知识•Data Lab: 计算机运算, 数字逻辑•Bomb Labs:汇编语言, 使用调试器, 理解栈•Perf Lab: 程序剖析, 性能测试,性能调优.•Shell Lab: 理解Unix中的进程与进程控制•Malloc Lab: 理解指针与相关的访存bug.•Proxy Lab: 网络编程,服务端程序设计L1:数据实验°学生须实现简单的逻辑与算术函数,但只能使用高度受限的C语言子集.°例如, 只能通过位级的运算来求某个数据的绝对值.°这一实验有助于学生理解C语言中数据类型的位级表示以及在这些数据类型上操作的位级行为。
高级语言程序设计 程序设计基础 • 2012秋季
序 C++
高级语言程序设计 程序设计基础 • 2012秋季
热爱自己的专业 了解自己的专业 学好专业基础课 学好每一门专业课
高级语言程序设计 程序设计基础 • 2012秋季
计算机语 言的发展
汇编语言(Assemble Language)
此时编程语言与人类自然语言间的鸿沟略有缩小,但仍 与人类的思维相差甚远。因为它的抽象层次太低,程序员需 要考虑大量的机器细节。
高级语言程序设计 程序设计基础 • 2012秋季
程序设计 C++
程序设计 概述
计算a+b*c-d的值,用汇编语言可写成: mov ax,b mul ax,c add ax,a
计算机语 言的发展
sub ax,d
mov r,ax 而用中高级语言可写成: r = a+b*c-d SEI
高级语言程序设计 程序设计基础 • 2012秋季
计算机语 言的发展
m←1 s← 0 m ← m+1 s← s+m
m<=100? N 输出s的值
高级语言程序设计 程序设计基础 • 2012秋季
程序设计 C++
程序设计 概述
lec-1 introduction to contract law
1.3.1 Formal Contracts • Formal Contracts (正式合同) are:
1. Contracts of Record (法庭判决和法庭记录, 实际上不是合同法意 义上的合同) • This is a written order from a court – not even really a contract 2. Contracts under Seal (铅字腊封合同), required for: • A Power of Attorney • A Gratuitous Promise (a promise without consideration)
1.4 Elements of a valid contract
1.4 Elements of a valid contract • There are 6 elements in a valid contract
– Every contract must have all six – We will cover all of these in detail in later chapters
1.2 Purpose of Contract • Competing Contract Theories
2. Utilitarian or Economic theory – 1. Contracts provide economic benefits by: 1. Encouraging trust and cooperation 2. Reducing inefficiency and uncertainty 2. Therefore, Courts should 1. Enforce contracts for maximum economic benefit 2. Note: long-term predictability of contract law provides economic benefit
Impact of Power Density on the Microprocessor Industry
The development tendency is not higher clock rates, but multiple cores per die
Recent Intel Processors
Parallel Programming: Principle and Practice Jin, Hai
School of Computer Science and Technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Up to 1985: bit level parallelism: 4-bit -> 8 bit -> 16-bit
slows after 32 bit adoption of 64-bit now under way, 128-bit far (not performance issue) great inflection point when 32-bit micro and cache fit on a chip
How about applications’ demand for Example application domains: performance nowadays?
Scientific computing : CFD, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, ... General-purpose computing : Video, Graphics, CAD, Databases, …
Our ability to generate data now outstrips our ability to analyze them. ----------- S.D. Patterson
Nat. Biotechnol. 21, 221-222, 2003.
♦存在银行里 ?(没有利息、贬值) ♦再投资 ? 化学信息就是一个大金库 !!!
化学学科的重要性 化学信息量的快速增长 计算机与网络技术的发展
如何面对出现的大量化学信息 ?
截止1999年12月31日,美国化学文摘登记的分 子、化合物和物相数目已超过23,000,000种,但有百 年历史Merck Index,12th Ed.(1996),收录的分子 和化合物只有10,330种,占0.05%,从最大的试剂商 店和药房能买到的药品和试剂不超过10,000种。 所以目前在起作用(为人类服务和为非作歹)的 分子和化合物不到0.05% ,而其中有突出贡献的更不 到0.001% 。 99.9%以上的分子深藏在文献库中。
Different aspects of Chemoinformatics
• Representation of Chemical Compounds and Reactions. • The Data Types in Chemistry.
Different aspects of Chemoinformatics
• Chemical Databases and Data Sources.
• Literature Databases. • Factual Databases. • Structure and Reaction Databases. • Molecular Biology Databases.
软件设计模式课件 Lect0-Introduction-1
+updateCarPicture(JLabel imgLabel,ImageIcon imgIcon) //update car picture
#createImageIcon(String path): ImageIcon
getSelectedCar():String getBitPrice():String getCarList():String[] setUpComboBox(String[] carList):void
+setUpCarList(JComboBox cmbCarList,String[] carList) //add car list onto cmbCarList
+constructCarFileUrl(String carChosen): URL //produce an UML based on car name
Dining-room Bathroom
客厅(living room)
Bedroom1 Bedroom2
Introduction to Software Architecture
老北京四合院的架构: 由很多房屋组成,每个房屋都有其特 定的功能,房屋的位置也很主要
面 • 应用层:业务逻辑都
在这一层 • 数据库访问层:包含
所以的数据库访问方 法 b) 各层之间有调用关系
Introduction to Software Architecture
Week 1Definition of Public RelationsDefinitions of Public relationsManagement of communication and relationship between an organization and its publicsPublics in Public Relations• A public is a group of individuals or organizations who recognize their connection with a common problem, cause or goal.•Six major groupings of publics:EmployeeConsumerFinancial marketMediaCommunityGovernmentA Framework for Definitions of Public Relations •「I」dimensions:Interest、Initiative、Image1.Interest:Client Interest vs. Public Interest•The “interest” dimension is analogous to the “balance of intended effects” proposed by Grunig and Hunt. Thequestion it answers is, “To what degree is the publicrelations function focused on client interests versus thepublic interest ?”2.Initiative:Proactive vs. Reactive•Answers the question, “To what extent is the public relations function reactive versus pro-active?”3.Image:Perception vs. Reality•Answers the question, “To what extent is theorganization focused on perception vs. reality (or imagevs. substance)?”Reference: Hutton, J. G. (1999). The Definition, Dimensions, and Domain of Public Relations.Excellence Study: dominant theoretical paradigm in the field of PRIntroduction• headed byJames Grunig, including Larissa Grunig, David Dozier, Jon White, William Ehling, and Fred Repper•sponsored by the Research Foundation of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)•studied public relations and communications management in the USA, the UK, and Canada•produced an explanation of the value of public relations to an organization and a set of theoretical principles describing how the public relations function should be organized, structured, and practiced in an organization (Grunig & Grunig, 2002).Findings of Excellence Study•Public relations increases organizational effectiveness when it builds long-term relationships of trust and understanding with strategic public constituents of the organization.•The use of the two-way symmetrical model, either alone or in combination with the two-way asymmetrical model, would be more likely to result in such relationships than would the other models, such as the press agentry and the public information models.。
lec-1 Intro
Lab Information
• The course focuses on hands-on development of demonstrable software, which requires a great deal of programming. • However, this is not a programming course in the sense that it does not teach any programming language.
2 5 3 8 6 9
Communication link
ATM machine Bank customer
Bank’s remote datacenter
How ATM Machine Might Work
Domain model created with help of domain expert
Cartoon Strip
: How ATM Machine Works
Verify this account
Enter your PIN
Verify account XYZ
Typing in PIN number …
XYZ valid. Balance: $100
Account valid. Balance: $100
(problem cannot be solved without understanding it first)
The Role of Software Engg. (2)
Requires a computer system to achieve some business goals by user interaction or interaction with the environment in a specified manner
乙烯lect原则流程English Answer:Principle of Electrophilic Addition.Electrophilic addition is a fundamental organic reaction in which an electron-rich alkene or alkyne reacts with an electrophile (a species that is attracted to electrons) to form a new σ-bond. The electrophile typically contains a partially positive charge or an empty orbital that can accept electrons.The mechanism of electrophilic addition involves the following steps:1. Formation of an electrophile: The electrophile can be a simple molecule (e.g., H+, Br+, Cl+), a Lewis acid (e.g., BF3, AlCl3), or a transition metal complex (e.g., PdCl2, PtCl2).2. Nucleophilic attack by the alkene or alkyne: The electron-rich double or triple bond of the alkene or alkyne acts as a nucleophile and attacks the electrophile, forming a new σ-bond between the carbon atom of the alkene or alkyne and the electrophile.3. Rearrangement to form the product: In some cases, the initial product of the electrophilic addition reaction undergoes a rearrangement to form a more stable product. For example, the addition of HBr to an alkene initially forms a carbocation, which then rearranges to form the more stable secondary or tertiary alkyl bromide.Applications of Electrophilic Addition.Electrophilic addition is a versatile reaction with a wide range of applications in organic synthesis, including:Alkylation of alkenes and alkynes: Electrophilic addition can be used to add alkyl groups to alkenes and alkynes, forming new carbon-carbon bonds.Hydrohalogenation of alkenes and alkynes:Electrophilic addition of hydrogen halides (e.g., HCl, HBr, HI) to alkenes and alkynes forms alkyl halides.Hydration of alkenes and alkynes: Electrophilic addition of water (H2O) to alkenes and alkynes forms alcohols.Epoxidation of alkenes: Electrophilic addition of peroxyacids (e.g., mCPBA) to alkenes forms epoxides.Diels-Alder reaction: Electrophilic addition of a conjugated diene to an electrophile (e.g., an α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compound) forms a cyclic product.Factors Affecting Electrophilic Addition.The rate and regioselectivity of electrophilic addition reactions are influenced by several factors, including:Nature of the electrophile: Electrophiles with a higher partial positive charge or a more empty orbital aremore reactive.Nature of the alkene or alkyne: Alkenes and alkynes with electron-withdrawing groups are more reactive.Solvent effects: Polar solvents favor the formation of carbocations, which can lead to rearrangements.Temperature: Higher temperatures increase the rate of the reaction but can also lead to side reactions.Additional Information.Electrophilic addition reactions are one of the most important reactions in organic chemistry, providing a powerful method for constructing new carbon-carbon bonds and functionalizing organic molecules. The versatility of electrophilic addition reactions makes them a valuable tool for synthesizing a wide range of organic compounds, from simple alkyl halides to complex natural products.中文回答:亲电加成原理。
lect01_Introduction, Ideal Sampling
Lecture 1 Introduction Ideal SamplingCorrections: 4/12: Slide 31: 12/2005 -> 11/2005Boris Murmann Stanford University murmann@Copyright © 2006 by Boris MurmannB. MurmannEE 315 Lecture 11A Few Words About Your Instructor• • Assistant Professor of EE since January 2004 PhD, UC Berkeley 2003 – Digitally assisted A/D conversion – Use sloppy analog circuits (low power, fast) – Correct errors using digital post-processor ~ 4 years work experience in IC industry – Mixed signal IC design, low power, high voltage Ongoing research – Advanced digital correction schemes for data converters – Analog/digital/communication layer co-design and crosslevel optimization – Sensor interfaces, organic circuits, …EE 315 Lecture 1 2• •B. MurmannEE315 Basics (1)• Teaching assistants – Manar El-Chammas – Pedram Lajevardi (1/2 TA) – Review session: Fri, 2:15-3:05 pm, Gates B03 (Live on E1) Administrative support – Ann Guerra, CIS 207 Lectures are televised and on the web, but please come to class to keep the discussion intercative Web page: /ee315 – Check regularly, especially the "bulletin board" section – Register for online access to grades, simulation files, solutions, etc. by Thu 4/13EE 315 Lecture 1 3• • •B. MurmannEE315 Basics (2)• Course prerequisites – EE214 or equivalent• Transistor level analog circuits, including op-amp/OTA design • Basic MOS device physics and models– Prior exposure to HSpice, Matlab – Basic signals and systems, probability • Please talk to me if you are not sure if you have the required backgroundB. MurmannEE 315 Lecture 14Course Objective• Acquire a thorough understanding of the basic principles and challenges in data converter design – Focus on concepts that are unlikely to expire within the next decade – Preparation for further study of state-of-the-art "fine-tuned" realizations Strategy – Acquire breadth via a complete system walkthrough and a survey of existing architectures – Acquire depth through a midterm project that entails design and thorough characterization of a specific example circuit in modern technology•B. MurmannEE 315 Lecture 15Assignments• Homework: (20%) – Handed out on Wed, due following Wed after lecture (1 pm) – Policy for late homework• Score drops 0.5 dB per hour after deadline•Midterm Project: (40%) – Design of a track and hold stage – Transistor level design of sampling switches – Noise and linearity simulations using HSpice – Prepare a project report in the format and style of an IEEE journal paper Final Exam (40%)•B. MurmannEE 315 Lecture 16Honor Code• Please remember you are bound by the honor code – I will trust you not to cheat – I will try not to tempt you But if you are found cheating it is very serious – There is a formal hearing – You can be thrown out of Stanford Save yourself and me a huge hassle and be honest For more info – /dept/vpsa/judicialaffairs/guiding/pdf/ honorcode.pdf•• •B. MurmannEE 315 Lecture 17Tools and Technology• Primary tools: HSpice, Matlab – You can use other tools at "own risk" – HSpice Basics doc and example simulation file provided in private area of web site – From your Leland account source /usr/class/ee315/hspice/DOT.cshrc to set HSpice path Matlab is the preferred tool for all simulation plots – Can plot HSpice results using Matlab– Download "Hspice Toolbox" at: /research/perrottgroup/tools.html#hspice••EE315 Technology – 0.18-µm CMOS – BSIM3v3 models provided in private area of web site and under /usr/class/ee315/hspice/libEE 315 Lecture 1 8B. MurmannCourse Topics• • • • • • • • • • Ideal sampling, reconstruction and quantization Sampling circuits Switched capacitor circuits Voltage comparators Nyquist-rate ADCs and DACs Oversampled ADCs and DACs Data converter performance trends and limits Layout techniques Data converter testing (?) Filters (?)B. MurmannEE 315 Lecture 19Reference Books• • • • • • Gustavsson, Wikner, Tan, CMOS Data Converters for Communications, Kluwer, 2000. A. Rodríguez-Vázquez, F. Medeiro, and E. Janssens. CMOS Telecom Data Converters, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. B. Razavi, Data Conversion System Design, IEEE Press, 1995. R. Schreier, G. Temes, Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2004. R. v. d. Plassche, CMOS Integrated Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters, 2nd ed., Kluwer, 2003. J. G. Proakis, D. G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1995.B. MurmannEE 315 Lecture 110Acknowledgements• • • Much of the material presented in EE315 builds on course material developed previously: EE315 at Stanford – Prof. Bruce Wooley & Staff EE247 at UC Berkeley – Prof. Bernhard Boser & StaffB. MurmannEE 315 Lecture 111Motivation (1)• •Information is increasingly being stored, processed and communicated in digital form Since physical signals are analog in nature, we need A/D and D/A conversion interfacesEE 315 Lecture 1 12B. MurmannMotivation (2)• Benefits of digital signal processing – Reduced sensitivity to "analog" noise – Enhanced functionality and flexibility – Amenable to automated design & test – Direct benefit from the scaling of VLSI technology – "Arbitrary" precision Issues – Data converters are difficult to design• Especially due to ever-increasing performance requirements•– Data converters often represent a performance bottleneck• Speed, resolution or power dissipation of the A/D or D/A converter can limit overall system performanceB. MurmannEE 315 Lecture 113Big PictureB. MurmannEE 315 Lecture 114Data Converter Applications (1)• Consumer electronics – Audio, TV, Video – Digital Cameras – Automotive control – Appliances – Toys Communications – Mobile Phones – Personal Data Assistants – Wireless Transceivers – Routers, ModemsEE 315 Lecture 1 15•B. MurmannData Converter Applications (2)• Computing and Control – Storage media – Sound Cards – Data acquisition cards Instrumentation – Lab bench equipment – Semiconductor test equipment – Scientific equipment – Medical equipment•B. MurmannEE 315 Lecture 116Example 1•A typical cell phone contains: – 4 Rx ADCs Dual Standard, I/Q – 4 Tx DACs Audio, Tx/Rx power – 3 Auxiliary ADCs control, Battery charge – 8 Auxiliary DACs control, display, ... A total of 19 data converters!•B. MurmannEE 315 Lecture 117Example 2[Poulton, ISSCC 2003]•High performance digital oscilloscopes rely on extremely high performance ADCs Example – 20 GSample/s, 8-bit ADC – 10W Power dissipation•B. MurmannEE 315 Lecture 118Example 3[Mehta, ISSCC2005]• •Low-cost, single chip solutions require embedded data conversion Example: 802.11g Wireless LAN chip – 2x 11-bit DAC, 176 MSamples/s – 2x 9-bit ADC, 80 MSamples/sEE 315 Lecture 1 19B. MurmannThe Data Conversion Problem• • •Real world signals – Continuous time, continuous amplitude Digital abstraction – Discrete time, discrete amplitude Two problems – How to discretize in time and amplitude• A/D conversion– How to "undescretize" in time and amplitude• D/A conversionB. Murmann EE 315 Lecture 1 20We'll fist look at these building blocks from a functional, "black Later refine and look at implementationsAliasing is "non-destructive" if signal is band limited around some Downfolding of noise is a severe issue in practical subsampling mixers。
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Fundamentals of Semiconductor DevicesBaile ChenSchool of Information Science and TechnologyShanghai Tech UniversityOutline•Course InformationTextbooksOffice Hours and TATopics to be coveredEvaluationHomeworkExamProject•Motivation-why study semiconductor devices?•TextbooksSemiconductor Physics And Devices Donald NeamenModern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits Chenming Hu Solid State Electronic Devices Ben Streetman, Sanjay Banerjee •Reference BooksPhysics of Semiconductor DevicesSemiconductor Device FundamentalsAdvanced Semiconductor FundamentalsFundamentals of III-V Devices: HBTs, MESFETs, and HFETs/HEMTs•Office HoursThursday 2pm to 3pm (Please send me email before you come) Email: chenbl@Office:信息学院1号楼D区401.C室•TA饶朝林Email:raochl@•Topics to be coveredSemiconductor materials (6-7 weeks)✓Crystal and Energy band✓Carrier distribution and Density of State✓Doping✓Carrier transport, generation and recombination Semiconductor devices (6-7 weeks)✓PN junction✓BJT✓MOS capacitor✓MOSFETClass projects (2 weeks)Evaluation•Homework: 20%•Midterm: 30%•Class Project: 10% (or more)•Class Participation: 10%•Final: 30%Homework•Plan to have 6-10 assignments•Each assignment needs to be completed within one week from the date of posting it•Some optional homework assignments with extra creditsExam•Open book with one A4 paper for both midterm and final •A zero grade will be given for any miss examProject•Three or four students per group•One topic per group•Write proposal before 8th weekTell me the area you want to work on, the format, the goal etc It can be changed as project goes on with my approval•15-20 mins presentation at the end of semester •Format:Review of the present status of a given area (15 mins maximum) Create you own simulation code and modelingCreate Your Simulation Code and Modeling•Coding and simulation by yourself•You can use Matlab, C/C++, python etc for coding•Code will be submitted for review/grading too•The results can be published if it has noveltyWhy do we need this course?Relation to Other Courses •System Level:RF designVLSI design•Application specific device operation:Optoelectronic DevicesAdvanced Semiconductor DeviceBio-devices•Physical principle of device operationFundamentals of Semiconductor DevicesElectromagnetism•Foundation:Semiconductor PhysicsQuantum MechanicsStatistical MechanicsFinite Element etc…The First Electronic Computer (ENIAC)•Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator•50 tons, including ~17,468 vacuum tubes, relays•Uses 200kW of electricity and cost $500K USD•It failed every five days/jargon/e/eniac.htmModern Age•The first semiconductor transistor•AT&T Bell Labs, Dec 1947•J. Bardeen, W. Brattain, W. Shockley •Germanium base, gold foil contactsJohn BardeenFirst Transistor Radio Regency TR-1 •Built with four n-p-n transistors and one diode.From wikiIntegrated Circuits•Fabricate all transistors and metal interconnects on the same piece of siliconJack Kilby, Nobel prize 2000Robert Noyce 1961, co-founder of Fairchild, then IntelThe First Microprocessor, Intel 4004 (1971)•2250 transistors, 740 kHz operation•Comparable computational power with ENIAC•Built on 2” and then 3” wafers (vs 15” today)•10μm line width (vs. 10nm today)•4 bit bus width•Used in Busicom CalculatorNext•Followed by 8008 (8-bit), 8080, 8086•Then 80286, 80386, 80486 = i486 (1989, 0.8 μm lines)•Pentium, II, III, Itanium, IV, Celeron, Dual-Core, Core 2…Gordon Moore’s “Law”Transistor Size ScalingInfluenza virus Sources: NSF, IntelEconomic IncentivesFrom Ralph Cavin,NSF-Grantees’ Meeting, Dec 3 2008A crisis of epic proportions: Power dissipation !New physics needed –new kinds of computationSome Negative Side-effects of Scaling:We stand at a threshold in electronics !!How can we push technology forward?Better Design/ArchitectureMultiple Gates for superior field controlChenming HuChenming Hu in Shanghai TechBetter Materials?Strained Si, SiGeBottom GateSource DrainTopGateChannelCarbon NanotubesV G VDINSULATORISilicon NanowiresOrganic MoleculesNew Principles?SPINTRONICSEncode bits in electron’sSpin --Computation byrotating spinsGMR (Nobel, 2007)MRAMsSTT-RAMsQUANTUM CELLULARAUTOMATAEncode bits in quantumdot dipolesBIO-INSPIRED COMPUTINGExploit 3-D architecture andmassive parallelismSilicon Photonics•Multi-core chip with seriously problem of Cu interconnectors•Si Photonics is the best solution so far for the connectors between the core in the silicon chips(Optional)Homework1.Why you cannot make laser with silicon material?2.What is the advantage of using silicon nanowires to build transistors?。