
理论力学B作业- 静力学基础作业及答案

(d) MO (F) Fa
(f) MO (F ) Fy h F sin a2 b2
2-9 各梁上作用一力偶,其力偶矩为M=10kN·m,梁的 自重不计。试求各图中支座A 、B的约束力。
解: 选梁为研究对象,主动力是力偶,约束力也形 成力偶,因此受力图为
M 0, FA 4 M 0
(3)若销钉C属于杆BC,分别画出杆 AC和杆BC的受力图;
2-1 用几何法和解析法求图示四个力的合力。
解: FRx Fx F1 F2 cos60 F3 cos45 43.43kN
FRy Fy F2 sin 60 F3 sin 45 F4 83.17kN
FR FR2x FR2y 93.83kN
1-2(c) 画出下列各物体系统中指定物体的受力图,未画重 力的物体不计自重,所有的接触面都是光滑的。
1-3 设力F作用在铰链C处的销钉上,如题1-3图所示,杆AC 和杆BC的自重不计。
(1)分别画出杆AC、杆BC和销钉C的 受力图;
1-3 设力F作用在铰链C处的销钉上,如题1-3图所示,杆AC 和杆BC的自重不计。 (2)若销钉C属于杆AC,分别画出杆 AC和杆BC的受力图;
得: FA 39.69kN
FB 25.98kN

《教育研究方法》第二次作业答案要点第四章作业题参考答案一、1. 定量分析2. 内容加工方式3. 提出课题和假设4. 浏览、粗读5. 图书馆,计算机互联网6. 参考文献查找方式7. 分析单位8. 传播内容9. 见P108~110的四种模式,随便列出三种即可。
如:A-X-T;A-X-S;A-X-Y 等等模式10.分析单位取样二、1.已发表过的、或虽未发表但已被整理、报导过的那些记录有知识的一切载体”,“一切载体”,不仅包括图书、期刊、学位论文、科学报告、档案等常见的纸面印刷品,也包括有实物形态在内的各种材料。
2. 文摘属于一种期刊性情报检索刊物,它以简短的文字概括介绍一定时期内有关文献的题目、出处及简要内容。
3. 外审”指对文献本身真伪的鉴别。
4. “内审”指对文献中所记载的内容是否属实的鉴别。
5. 分析维度也称分析类目,是根据研究需要而设计的将资料内容进行分类的项目和标准。
6. 量化处理是把样本从形式上转化为数据化形式的过程,包括作评判记录和进行信度分析两部分内容。
7. 平均相互同意度是指两个评判者之间相互同意的程度,计算公式为:三、1. 文献法的一般过程包括五个基本环节,分别是:提出课题或假设、研究设计、搜集文献、整理文献和进行文献综述。
2. 积累文献是另外一种搜集文献的工作形式。
3. 文献集聚到一定程度,就需分门别类地保存起来,逐渐使之系统化。
4. 对分类整理文献的两个要求:一是不能以今天的观点甚至理想来美化或苛求历史历史性文献中的内容;二是不能随意剪裁史料,来满足预先编制的结论或现成的结论。
5. “内审”方法指:文字性文献的互证、用实物来验证文字性文献、把文献描述的内容与产生文献的历史背景对照,或把文献描述的内容与研究作者的生平、立场与基本思想对照,进行判断。

第3次作业一、填空题(本大题共10分,共 5 小题,每小题 2 分)1. 混凝土强度等级是按 ______ 来划分,一般分为 ______ 个等级.2. 装饰材料的装饰效果三要素是 ______ ______ ______ .3. 测定水泥安定性的方法有 ______ 和 ______4. 混凝土配筋的防锈措施应考虑: ______ 、和 ______5. 石灰的硬化有 ______ —-两种方式二、名词解释题(本大题共30分,共 5 小题,每小题 6 分)1. 聚乙烯醇水玻璃内墙涂料2. 耐水性3. 冷底子油4. 疵病5. 木材纤维饱和点三、简答题(本大题共40分,共 8 小题,每小题 5 分)1. 什么是钢材的冷弯性能?怎样判定钢材冷弯性能合格?对钢材进行冷弯试验的目的是什么?2. 建筑涂料在选用时需要考虑哪些因素?3. 影响混凝土抗压强度的主要因素有哪些?提高混凝土强度的措施如何?4. 吸声材料和绝热材料在构造特征上有何异同?泡沫玻璃是一种强度较高的多孔结构材料,但不能用作吸声材料,为什么?5. 请问材料的质量吸水率和体积吸水率的区别是什么?其中,在什么情况下使用体积吸水率?材料抗渗性影响因素有哪些?如何提高材料的抗渗性?6. 建筑石膏与高强石膏的性能有何不同?7. 水泥体积安定性不良的主要原因是什么?8. 生产材料时,在组成一定的情况下,可采取什么措施来提高材料的强度和耐久性?四、计算题(本大题共20分,共 2 小题,每小题 10 分)1. 某一块状材料的全干质量为500g,自然状态体积为100cm3,绝对密实状态下的体积为75 cm3,计算密度、表观密度、密实度和孔隙率?(保留2位小数)2. 一根直径为16mm的钢筋,经拉伸,测得达到屈服时的荷载为72.5kN,所能承受的最大荷载为108kN.试件标距长度为80mm,拉断后的长度为96mm.试求该钢筋的屈服强度、抗拉强度和伸长率?答案:一、填空题(10分,共 5 题,每小题 2 分)1.参考答案:混凝土立方体抗压标准强度 14解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:每空1分2.参考答案:质感线条颜色解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:每空1分3.参考答案:雷氏夹法试饼法解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:每空1分4.参考答案:限制水灰比限制水泥用量采取措施保证混凝土的密实性解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:每空1分5.参考答案:干燥硬化和碳化硬化解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:每空1分二、名词解释题(30分,共 5 题,每小题 6 分)1.参考答案:又称106涂料,是以聚乙烯醇和水玻璃为基料的水溶性内墙涂料. 解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:每题3分2.参考答案:材料长期在饱和水作用下而不破坏,其强度也不显著降低的性质称为耐水性. 解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:每题3分3.参考答案:将沥青强化后,用汽油或煤油、轻柴油、苯等强剂(稀释剂)强合而配制成的沥青涂料解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:每题3分4.参考答案:木材在生长、采伐、保存过程中所产生的内部和外部的缺陷,统称为疵病.木材的疵病主要有木节、斜纹、裂纹、腐朽等.解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:每题3分5.参考答案:木材干燥时,首先失去自由水,然后失去吸附水,当木材细胞壁中的吸附水达到饱和,而细胞腔内尚无自由水时的木材含水率称为木材纤维饱和点.它是木材物理力学性质是否随含水率变化而发生变化的转折点,其值一般取30%.解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:每题3分三、简答题(40分,共 8 题,每小题 5 分)1.参考答案:冷弯性能是指钢材在常温下承受弯曲变形的能力.钢材试件按规定的弯曲角度和弯心直径进行试验,若试件弯曲处无肉眼可见的裂纹,即认为冷弯性能合格. 冷弯试验可检验钢材的冷弯性能,反映试件弯曲处的塑性变形,能揭示钢材是否存在内部组织不均匀、内应力和夹杂物等缺陷;也能对钢材的焊接质量进行严格的检验,能揭示焊件受弯表面是否存在未熔合、裂缝及杂物等缺陷.解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:2.参考答案:建筑涂料在选用时需要考虑以下几点: (1)装饰功能(2)保护功能(3)其他特殊功能解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:3.参考答案:影响混凝土抗压强度的主要因素有(1)水泥的强度等级与水灰比. (2)养护条件. (3)龄期. (4)施工质量. 提高混凝土强度的措施: (1)采用高强度等级水泥或早强型水泥; (2)降低砼的水灰比; (3)采用湿热处理养护砼; (4)改进施工工艺; (5)掺入外加剂.解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:4.参考答案:吸声材料和绝热材料在构造特征上都是多孔性材料,但二者的孔隙特征完全不同.绝热材料的孔隙特征是具有封闭的、互不连通的气孔,而吸声材料的孔隙特征则是具有开放的、互相连通的气孔. 泡沫玻璃虽然是一种强度较高的多孔结构材料,但是它在烧成后含有大量封闭的气泡,且气孔互不连通,因而不能用作吸声材料.解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:5.参考答案:答:质量吸水率是材料吸收水的质量与材料干燥状态下质量的比值;体积吸水率是材料吸收水的体积与材料自然状态下体积的比值.一般轻质、多孔材料常用体积吸水率来反映其吸水性.材料的抗渗性好坏主要与材料的亲水性、憎水性、材料的孔隙率、孔隙特征等因素有关.提高材料的抗渗性主要应提高材料的密实度、减少材料内部的开口孔和毛细孔的数量.解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:6.参考答案:建筑石膏晶体较细,调制成一定稠度的浆体时,需水量较大,因而强度较低; 高强石膏晶粒粗大,比表面积小,需水量少,硬化后密实度大,强度高.解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:7.参考答案:答:水泥的体积安定性是指水泥浆在硬化过程中体积变化的均匀程度.若体积变化不均匀,出现了膨胀裂纹或翘曲变形则称为体积安定性不良. 体积安定性不良的原因是: (1)水泥中含有过多的游离氧化钙或游离氧化镁. (2)石膏掺量过多. 上式二个原因均是由于它们在水泥硬化后,继续产生水化反应,出现膨胀性产物,从而使水泥石或混凝土破坏.解题方案:按照题目及答案定评分标准:8.参考答案:主要有以下两个措施:(1)降低材料内部的孔隙率,特别是开口孔隙率。

“小学语文教学论”形成性考核答案 .doc

语言和言语8. ,指以语文教材与课外读物为文字材料中规范而优美的言语,对小学生进行汉语知识的教育与言语的训练。

《法律基础与实务》第1次平时作业参考答案辅导教师:陈永高一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共8分)1.以下说法正确的是( C )A.法是由国家制定的、而非认可的 B.法是由国家认可的、而非制定的C.法是由国家制定或认可的 D.法是由国家制定并认可的2.资本主义国家的第一部成文宪法是:( B )。
A.英国宪法 B.美国宪法 C.法国宪法 D.俄国宪法3.以下表述正确的是:( B )。
A.法律必须是公开的,不经公布就不具有效力B.“法律原则上仅适用于将来,没有溯及既往的效力”,这项原则在法学上也被称之为“从新原则”C.法是以国家强制力为内容的行为规范D.法律生效后,必须使一国之内的所有公民知晓,否则,“不知法者得免其罪”4.世界历史上最早的资产阶级成文宪法是( B )。
A.最早实行宪政的英国宪法 B.以《独立宣言》为先导的美国宪法C.苏俄宪法 D.以《人权宣言》为其序言的法国宪法5.下列哪个不属于我国法的正式意义上的渊源? ( D )A.特别行政区的法 B.行政法规C.经批准承认参加的国际条约 D.共产党的政策6.某甲于1996年7月到某地办事,从此下落不明,其妻想要求法院宣告他失踪。
根据民法规定,她必须要在她丈夫下落不明满( B )年后才有权提出。
A.1年 B.2年 C.3年 D.4年7.法是以( B )为内容的行为规范。
A.国家意志性 B.权利义务B.国家强制力 D.社会关系8.下列部门法中,属我国目前尚未形成统一、完整的法典的是( B )。
A.宪法B.刑法C.民事诉讼法 D.行政法二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共16分)1.以下说法错误的是( A B D )A.法是由国家制定的、而非认可的 B.法是由国家认可的、而非制定的C.法是由国家制定或认可的 D.法是由国家制定并认可的2.宪法规定,公民的政治自由包括(B C D)A.宗教信仰自由 B.结社自由C.言论、出版自由 D.集会、游行、示威自由3.在我国,人民行使国家权力的机关是(C D)A.中国共产党中央委员会 B.国务院C. 全国人民代表大会 D.地方各级人民代表大会4.关于法的特征,以下说法正确的是:( A B D )A.法要求以国家的名义创制和颁布B.法的适用范围以国家主权为界域C.法具有严密的逻辑结构D.法是以国家强制力为保证的5.根据我国宪法的规定,全国人大代表非经人大主席团许可,在全国人大闭会期间非经全国人大常委会许可,不受( B D )A.拘留B.逮捕C.任何案件的法院审理D.刑事审判6.宪法与普通法律的主要区别在于:( A B D )。

3、MPEG-1标准包括__MPEG-1系统(11172-1)___、MPEG-1视频(11172-2)、_ MPEG-1音频(11172-3)_和__一致性测试(11172-4)_四大部分。
(WAV, AIF等)6、在计算机颜色模型中,RGB的含义是___红、绿、蓝三种基本颜色___,HSV 的含义是___色相、饱和度及亮度____。
7、Windows中最常用的图像文件格式是__ GIF ____、____BMP___、__JPEG___、___TIF __。
10、从方法上看,声音信号编码方式大致可分为三大类:__ 预测编码( DPCM ADPCM)___、__参数编码___和混合编码方法。

()参考答案:正确D5:[单选题]狭义的法律文书概念,是指( )A:非规范性的法律文书B:司法文书C:规范性法律文书D:诉讼文书参考答案:AD6:[单选题]司法文书制作主体与文学作品制作主体的核心差别是()A:司法文书也是一类文学作品,因此司法文书制作主体仅是文学作品制作主体的特殊主体B:司法文书制作主体具有资格法定性,文学作品制作主体不具有法定性C:司法文书制作主体既可是组织也可是个人,文学作品制作主体既一般是个人D:司法文书制作主体多数情况下以组织的名义制作,文学作品的制作主体一般以自己的名义制作参考答案:BD7:[单选题]司法文书结构的核心特点体现在:()A:司法文书结构的法律规定性B:司法文书结构形式的稳定性C:司法文书结构内容的规定性D:司法文书结构用语的规定性参考答案:AD8:[单选题]下列关于司法文书的语言修辞要求,说法错误的是()A:司法文书语言以表现手段为主,较少运用描绘手段B:司法文书语言以论证说理为主,较少运用陈述语句C:司法文书语言以清楚明确为主,较少运用模糊修辞D:司法文书语言以朴实严谨为主,较少运用情感修辞参考答案:BD9:[单选题]下列既是证据表述方法,也是证据分析方法的有:()A:列举法B:说明法C:引申法D:描述法参考答案:BD10:[单选题]对证据的存在及其内容对特定法律事实的意义、价值或作用的说明或揭示,我们称为()A:证据的表述B:证据的引用C:证据的分析D:证据的认定参考答案:CD11:[单选题]对法律事实在法律上的意义、价值或作用的说明或揭示,我们称为()A:法律事实的表述B:法律事实的引用C:法律事实的评价D:法律事实的分析参考答案:DD12:[单选题]下列司法推理的类型中,司法文书中最常使用的推理类型是()A:演绎推理B:类比推理C:归纳推理D:辩证推理参考答案:AD13:[单选题]法律文书选用事实材料说明案情,最根本的要求是()A:客观真实B:简明扼要C:高度概括D:深入浅出参考答案:AD14:[单选题]法律文书叙述案件事实多采用的方法是()A:倒叙B:顺叙C:补叙D:插叙参考答案:BD15:[单选题]文书的主旨是指写作一篇文书的( )A:目的和中心意思B:事实和理由C:事实和证据D:法律根据参考答案:AD16:[单选题]在法律文书中,由国家立法机关颁布的各种法律,属于( )A:诉讼文书B:规范性法律文书C:非规范性法律文书D:司法文书参考答案:BD17:[单选题]法律文书的主旨和材料在文书制作中的关系是()A:辩证统一B:相对独立C:相互包容D:相互补充参考答案:AD18:[单选题]公安机关需要逮捕犯罪嫌疑人时,应当制作()A:拘留证B:逮捕决定书C:批准逮捕决定书D:提请批准逮捕书参考答案:DD19:[单选题]公安机关对某一刑事案件侦查完毕后,将案件移交检察院审查起诉时,需要制作的文书是()A:起诉书B:起诉意见书C:要求复议意见书D:要求复核意见书参考答案:BD20:[单选题]起诉意见书中提出起诉意见的理由和法律依据这一部分,应当引用的法律条款A:刑法和刑事诉讼法B:刑法或者刑事诉讼法C:刑法D:刑事诉讼法参考答案:AD21:[单选题]检察院对于犯罪情节轻微,依法免除刑罚的犯罪嫌疑人作出不追究其刑事责任决定时制作的文书是( )A:免予起诉意见书B:免予起诉书C:不起诉决定书D:免予起诉决定书参考答案:CD22:[单选题]第一审刑事判决书的正文部分,引出法院对判决理由阐述的固定用语是()A:经审理查明B:本院认为C:本法庭认为D:本院决定参考答案:BD23:[单选题]下列司法文书中,用于启动再审刑事审判程序的文书有()A:刑事起诉书B:刑事自诉状C:刑事上诉状D:刑事抗诉书参考答案:DD1:[单选题]在民事裁定书中,被驳回起诉的当事人的规范称谓是()A:起诉人C:被告D:自诉人参考答案:BD2:[单选题]通缉令的制作主体是()A:监狱B:公安机关C:检察院D:法院参考答案:BD3:[单选题]第一审刑事判决书的正文部分,引出法院对案件事实阐述的固定用语是()A:经审理查明B:本院认为C:本法庭认为D:本院决定参考答案:AD4:[单选题]评议笔录的正文,应当记明评议的情况和()A:评议程序B:评议内容C:评议结果D:评议对象参考答案:CD5:[单选题]在合同执行过程中产生争议时,当事人依据达成的协议,向仲裁委员会申请仲裁使用的文书是()A:仲裁申请书B:仲裁保全措施申请书C:仲裁协议书D:仲裁答辩书参考答案:AD6:[单选题]在人民法院依法开庭审理各类诉讼案件时,由书记员当庭记载全部法庭审理活动的文字材料是()A:询问笔录B:法庭审理笔录C:调查笔录D:评议笔录参考答案:BD7:[单选题]人民法院在审理民事案件或者在民事判决执行过程中,为解决程序问题而作出的书面决定是()A:民事判决书B:民事调解书C:民事裁定书D:民事决定书参考答案:CD8:[单选题]人民法院的判决书中,合议庭组成人员有助理审判员的应写明()A:审判员B:代理审判员C:助理审判员D:人民陪审员参考答案:CD9:[单选题]民事反诉状中当事人称谓的正确写法是( )A:反诉人、被反诉人B:起诉人、被起诉人C:原告、被告D:反诉人(本诉被告)、被反诉人(本诉原告)参考答案:DD10:[单选题]民事被告就原告起诉的同一事实,向法院提交的请求与原告的起诉合并审理的文书是( )A:民事起诉状B:民事答辩状C:民事反诉状D:民事申诉状参考答案:CD11:[单选题]下列文书中不属于检察院使用的文书是( )A:起诉书B:抗拆书C:公诉意见书D:执行死刑命令参考答案:DD12:[单选题]在仲裁程序开始后,被申请人就其与申请人之间的同一纠纷问题,提出相反仲裁请求的文书是()A:仲裁答辩书B:仲裁反申请书C:仲裁申请书D:仲裁协议书参考答案:BD13:[单选题]在人民法院依法开庭审理各类诉讼案件时,由书记员当庭记载全部法庭审理活动的文字材料是()A:评议笔录B:调查笔录C:法庭审理笔录D:询问笔录参考答案:CD14:[单选题]检察机关提出抗诉的,第二审刑事判决书中应当将其写为()A:公诉机关B:抗诉机关C:起诉机关D:原公诉机关参考答案:BD15:[单选题]第二审民事判决书对原判决认定事实清楚、适用法律正确的,判决结论应当写为()A:驳回上诉请求,维持原判B:维持原判C:驳回上诉,维持原判D:驳回上诉参考答案:CD16:[单选题]仲裁调解书的法律效力相同于()A:仲裁裁决书B:仲裁申请书C:仲裁答辩书D:仲裁协议书参考答案:AD17:[单选题]第二审刑事判决书判决理由部分应当做到有的放矢,具有()A:全面性B:广泛性C:普遍性D:针对性参考答案:DD18:[单选题]第一审民事判决书中叙写当事人争议的事实时,应当表述为:原告×××诉称、被告×××辩称以及()A:第三人×××诉称B:第三人×××述称C:第三人×××辩称D:第三人×××称参考答案:BD19:[单选题]侦查文书中当事人的称谓应当是()A:被告人B:人犯C:犯罪嫌疑人D:罪犯参考答案:CD20:[单选题]第一审民事判决书尾部应向当事人交代上诉权利、上诉期限和上诉法院。

(0051)《英语阅读一》(高)网上作业题答案1:第1次作业2:第2次作业3:第3次作业4:第4次作业5:第5次作业6:第6次作业1:[论述题]请下载附件中的作业并完成0051英语阅读1 作业参考答案:I.Text ComprehensionDCBAII.Reading ComprehensionPassage 1 A B.DCDPassage 2 DBCBAPassage 3 C C B C DPassage 4 CACBBIII.Answer the Questions:What is the main idea of the story A Day’s Wait?略IV.TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.略1£º[ÂÛÊöÌâ]I. Do the matching excercise on P. 33 Ex. BII. Do the mtching excercise on P. 44 Ex. BIII. Do the mtching excercise on P. 56 Ex. BIV. Do the mtching excercise on P. 67 Ex. BV. Translating the following sentences from the text in Chinese.1. In gerneral, the controls imposed represent the needs of the parents and the values of the community as much as the child's own happiness and well being. (from Bring Up the Children)2. If a man talks about his weak points, the listener says something in the way of encouragement,or points to ohter qualities in which teh speaker excels. (from American Social Relations)3. No one would ever be able to figure out what she had done or where the money had gone. And even if they did trace it, they would never suspect her. (from New Applications)4. It was a large room. A living room. Rugs, carefully rolled, lay piled on one side. The furniture -- chairs, tables, couches -- was covered by sheets. Dust lay like a light snow over everything. (from The Wrong House)²Î¿¼´ð°¸£ºI. dgjhbceifaII. fcejihabdgII. fjibhcgeadIV. ghdajciebfV. ÂÔ1£º[ÂÛÊöÌâ]I. Reading ComprehensionPassage 1"Culture consists of all shared products of human society¡± (Robertson ,1981). This means not only such material things as cities, organizations and schools, but also non-material things such as ideas, customs, family patterns, and languages. Putting it simply, culture refers to the entire way of life of a society, "the ways of a people¡±.Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it. Some social scientists consider it the keystone of culture. Without language, the maintaining of culture would not be possible. On the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture, and it reflects culture. In the broadest sense, language is the symbolic representation of a people, and it comprises (°üº¬)their historical and cultural backgrounds, as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking.We should not go further into the relationship between language and culture. What needs to be stressed here is that the two interact (Ï´»¥Ó°Ïì), and that understanding of one requires understanding of the other.Social scientists tell us that cultures differ from one another, that each culture is unique. As cultures are diverse, languages are diverse. It is only natural that with differences in cultures and differences in languages, difficulties often arise in communicating between cultures and across cultures. Understanding is not always easy.Learning a foreign language well means more than merely mastering the pronunciation, grammar, words and idioms. It also means learning to see the world as native speakers of thatlanguage see it, learning the ways in which their language reflects the ideas, customs, and behaviors of their society, learning to understand their "language of the mind¡±. Learning a language, in fact, is inseparable (²»¿É²Ö¸îµÄ)from learning its culture.1. According to the first paragraph, the term "culture¡± refers to _________.A. things like cities, organizations and schoolsB. ideas, customs, family patterns and languagesC. all things manufactured by human raceD. the total that constitutes a society2. The second paragraph tells us about _________.A. the role of language in cultureB. the relationship between language and cultureC. the influence of culture on languageD. the representation of culture3. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to some social scientists?A. Language reflects cultureB. Language shapes cultureC. Language represents cultureD. Language maintains culture4. The passage implies that there will be no difficulty in communication if people from differentcountries can _________.A. speak each other's languagesB. master each other's languages and culturesC. tell the differences between languages and culturesD. communicate in the same languages5. This passage is probably taken from a book _________.A. on culturesB. on language learningC. on learning a language through cultureD. on communication in different countries Passage 2After 10 seasons wearing the No 8 on his back, Kobe Bryant will become No 24 next season. The reason for the surprising decision by the Los Angeles Lakers super guard last week has become a hot topic for debate.Bryant wore No 24 when he was in early high school, but he changed to No 33 in his senior year. He switched to No 8 when he was selected by the Lakers in 1996,and has not been changed since.Bryant has refused to explain the decision until the end of the play-offs (¼¾ºóÈü). So guessing Bryant's motive has become a popular game among NBA fans and newspaper columnists (³¨À¸³÷¼Ò).There are all kinds of speculations. Many say that Bryant wants to leave the past behind and have a fresh start. He has often been criticized for playing to benefit himself and not the team as a whole. Others say that he may be trying to compare himself to Michael Jordan. Jordan was famous for his No 23 jersey (Ô˶¯ÉÀ). Some, such as NBC Sport columnist Michael Ventre, argue that it is "all about money¡±. Bryant will make more money by selling new jerseys to his fans.Some speculations are more about fun. For example, there is an opinion that Kobe is actually just a diehard (²Ç³£Ö´ÖøµÄ) fan of the popular TV drama "24¡±.All this talk has turned the number change into a major issue. It seems that there is a lot of fuss (´ó¾ªÐ¡¹Ö) over something that should be pretty simple.Jersey numbers have their own special significance in American sports, especially basketball. Players choose their number when they join a team and they usually stick with that number for the rest of their career. When a great player retires, his team will honor him by retiring his number.To some extent, the jersey is the player, and the player is the jersey. Thus, when you see the famous No 23 for the Chicago Bulls, you immediately think about Michael Jordan. A No 32 Miami Heats jersey recalls the image of Shaquille O'Neal, and the Houston Rockets' No 11 belongs only to Yao Ming.Lots of stories are behind players' jersey number selections. Jordan said that he chose No 23 because it was roughly half of 45. Jordan's elder brother wore the No 45 in college. Yao Ming once revealed that the No 11 stands for two people in love¨D meaning him and his girlfriend Ye Li.1. Which team has Bryant played for?A. The Los Angeles Lakers.B. The Houston Rockets.C. The Chicago Bulls.D. The Miami Heats.2. How long has Bryant been wearing No 8?A. Since he started to play basketball.B. For ten seasons.C. Since he entered high school.D. Since he left the Lakers.3. Which of the following is NOT a speculation about Bryant's motive to change his number,according to this passage?A. He wants to leave his past behind and have a fresh start.B. He wants to compare himself to Jordan.C. He wants to earn more money.D. He wants to show that he is a man of great importance.4. Why did Jordan choose No 23?A. Because that number would make him famous.B. Because that number would make his fans miss him.C. Because that number was related to the number his brother once wore.D. Because that number was easy to remember.5. What does the number Yao Ming chose stand for?A. Two long legs.B. Two strong arms.C. Two people in love.D. Two big countries.Passage 3Anna Douglas was 72 years old when she started writing her newspaper column (³¨À¸). After she retired, she found a volunteer job with an agency. The agency that she chose to work for was a business that helped other businesses find jobs for old people. Every day she talked with other retired people like herself. By talking, she recognized two things. Old people had abilities that were not being used. Old people also had problems--mostly problems with communication.Mrs. Douglas found a new purpose for herself. Through the year, from time to time she had written stories about people for national magazines. Now there was a new subject: old people like herself. She began to write a newspaper column called: "Sixty Plus,¡± which focuses on gettingold. She writes about the problems of old people, especially their problems which being misunderstood.Anna Douglas used her thinking ability to see the truth behind a problem. She understands the reasons why problems begin. She understands old people and young people, too. For example, one of her readers said that his grandchildren left the house as soon as he comes to visit. Mrs. Douglas suggested some ways for him to increase understanding with his grandchildren. She told him to listen to young people's music and to watch the most popular television shows."It's important to know something about your grandchildren's world,¡±says Mrs. Douglas. "That means questioning and listening ¨D and listening is not what old people do best.¡±She continues, "Say good things to them and about them. Never criticize (ÅúÆÀ) your grandchildren or any other youngsters, teenagers, or young adults. Never tell them that they are wrong. Don't give them your opinion. They have been taught that they should have respect for old people. The old should have respect for the young as well.¡±1. Anna Douglas understands the problems of old people because _________.A. she herself is oldB. she likes their musicC. she has grandchildrenD. she watches their television programs2. Anna Douglas' newspaper column_________.A. contains mostly funny storiesB. has some ideas for youngstersC. is about how to find jobs for old peopleD. discusses the problems of the aged3. What advice did Mrs. Douglas NOT give to the reader whose grandchildren didn't want tosee him?A. Listen to pop musicB. Watch more popular TV showsC. Tell more interesting storiesD. Try to understand his grandchildren4. According to Mrs. Douglas, old people need to learn how to _________.A. workB. criticizeC. listenD. complain5. According to the last paragraph, the main point of Mrs. Douglas' advice is that old people_________.A. have a lot to learn from the youngB. should understand and respect the youngC. had better improve their hearing not to misunderstand the youngD. should show respect for the young even when criticizing themPassage 4Like fingerprints, no two faces are exactly the same. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the characters that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child ¨D even an animal, such as a bird ¨D can learn to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted.We also tell two people apart by how they behave. A person's personality means the ways in which he acts, speaks, thinks, and feels that make him different from others. Like the human race, human personality is very complex. But describing a person's personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. If you were asked to describe what a "nice face¡± looks like, you would have a difficult time doing so. But if you were asked to describe a "nice person¡±, you might begin to think about someone who is kind, thoughtful, friendly, warm, and so on.There are many words that can be used to describe how a person thinks, feels, and acts.Gordon Allport, a U.S. scientist who studies the human mind, found nearly 18,000 English words characterizing differences in human behavior. And many of us use these words to describe different types of people ¨D bookworms (Êé´ô³Ó)£¬fools, workaholics (¹¤³÷¿ñ).1. According to the passage, a very young child can _________.A. learn to recognize facesB. describe how a person thinksC. learn to recognize fingerprintsD. describe what a "nice person¡± is like2. According to the passage, we can tell two people apart by _________.A. their behaviorB. their namesC. their handsD. their clothes3. Describing a "nice face¡± _________.A. is quite easyB. is a difficult taskC. is not as difficult as describing a "nice person¡±D. may remind you of someone who was kind, thoughtful and friendly4. It can be concluded from the passage that ______.A. a "nice person¡± is very complexB. it's hard to describe a "nice person¡±C. a "nice person¡± is considerate and kindD. when we tell one person from another, we often refer to their faces5. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Gordon Allport?A. He describes himself as a bookworm.B. He does research on the human mind.C. He found about 18,000 English words to describe human behavior.D. The words he found are being used by many people to describe a person.II. Answer teh following questions briefly.1. Who is Cinderella? And What happened to her at the end of the story?2. Have you ever damaged anythign you had borrowed from someone else? What did you do about it?²Î¿¼´ð°¸£ºÂÔ1£º[ÂÛÊöÌâ]I. Do excercise C. "My Teacher" on page 157II. Answer the following question.How much do you know about Helen Keller?III. Translate the following sentences from the text into Chinese.1. I know already a great deal about you which would help the police if you take my jewels. (From Lady in the Dark)2. Only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sight. (from Three Days to See)²Î¿¼´ð°¸£ºI. 1. rasing 2. demanding 3. hidden 4. encouraged 5. imagination 6. movement 7. pleasant 8. priceless 9. gifted 10. strongerII.ÂÔIII. ÂÔ1:[论述题]Answer the follwing questions based on teh the text Lady in the Dark1.What was the old woman doing when she was talking to the young man?2. What kind of person is the young man according to the old woman's and the inspector's description?参考答案:略1£º[ÂÛÊöÌâ]I.Do excercise on Page 184 Ex. BII. Reading ComprehensionPassage 1People all over the world today are beginning to hear and learn more and more about the problem of pollution. Pollution is caused either by man's release of completely new and often artificial (ÈËÔì)substances into the environment, or by releasing greatly increased amounts of a natural substance (ÎïÖÊ), such as oil from oil tankers into the sea.Whatever its underlying reasons, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, individuals and governments would make more efforts. In the home there is an obvious need to control litter and waste. Food comes wrapped up there or four times in packages that all have to be disposed of; drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins whichcannot be reused. This not only causes a litter problem, but also is a great waste of resources, in terms of glass, metal and paper. Advertising has helped this process by persuading many of us not only to buy thing we neither want nor need, but also to throw away much of what we do buy. Pollution and waste combine to be a problem everyone can help to solve by cutting out unnecessary buying, excess use and careless disposal (´¦Àí) of the products we use in our daily lives.1. The main cause of pollution is______.A. the release of artificial or natural substances into the environmentB. the production of new industrial goodsC. increased amounts of a natural substanceD. our ever-increasing population2. Much of the pollution could be controlled if only______.A. people would pay more attention to the problemB. governments would take effective measuresC. all sides concerned would make more effortsD. farmers would use less artificial fertilizers3. Food packages, bottles and tins for drinks can cause______.A. air and water pollutionB.both a litter problem and a waste of resourcesC. to pay for the serviceD. to produce the receipt4. Which of the following can not help solving the problem of pollution?A. Cutting out unnecessary buyingB. Eating lessC. Reduce excess useD. Carefully dispose our daily products.5. What does the underlined word "litter¡± mean in paragraph 2 ?A. not manyB. serious problemC. bits of waste thingsD. industrial pollution Passage 2The young people who talk of the village as being "dead¡± are talking nothing but nonsense, as in their hearts they must surely know.No, the village is not dead. There is more life in it now than there ever was. But it seems that "Village life¡± is dead. Gone for ever. It began to decline (Ë¥Âä) about a hundred years ago, when many girls left home to go into service in town many miles away, and men also left home in increasing number in search of a work, and home was where work was. There are still a number of people alive today who can remember. What "village life¡± meant the early years of the present century? It meant knowing and being known by everybody else in the village. It meant finding your entertainment in the village of within walking distance of it. It meant housewives tied to the home all day and every day. It meant going to bed early to save lamp ¨Doil and coal.Then came the First World War and the Second World War. After each war, new ideas, new attitudes, new trades and occupations were revealed to villagers. The long-established order of society was no longer taken for granted. Electricity and the motorcar were steadily operating tomake "village life¡± and "town life¡± almost alike. Now with the highly developed science and technology and high-level social welfare for all, there is no point whatever in talking any longer about "village life. "It is just life, and that a better life.¡±Finally, if we have any doubts about the future, or about the many changes, which we have seen in our lives, we have only to look in at the school playground any mid - morning; or see the children as they walk homeward in little groups. Obviously these children are better fed, better clothed, better educated, healthier, prettier and happier than any generation of children that ever before walked the village street.1. By saying that village is not dead, but "village life¡±is dead, the writer suggests that_________A. those young people who talk of the village as being "dead¡± are wrongB the two statements are against each otherC. "village life¡± today is rather uninterestingD. "village life¡± today is no longer like what is used to be.2. It was _________ that "village life¡± began to take a sharp turn.A. about a century agoB. during the two world warsC. with electricity and motorcars introduced into the villageD. only recently3. As is suggested in paragraph 2, villagers in the past _________A. lived a simpler life than villagers todayB. knew fewer people than villagers today.C. found it difficult to enjoy themselvesD. liked to wash themselves with cold water.4. The expression "There is no point whatever in talking about¡¡±in paragraph 3 means that_________A. there is no end to the talking about....B. It is harmful to talk about¡.C. It is not meaningless to talk about....D. there is no reason for talking about5. From the passage we can see that the writer's attitude toward "village life¡± is ___________A. positiveB. negativeC. neutralD. unclearPassage 3Pepys and his wife had asked some friends to dinner on Sunday, September 2nd, 1666. They were up very late on the Saturday evening, getting everything ready for the next day, and while they were busy they saw the glow of a fire start in the sky. By 3 o'clock on the Sunday morning, its glow had become so bright that Jane woke her husband to watch it. Pepys slipped on his dressing-gown and went to the window to watch it. It seemed fairly far away, o after a time he went back to bed. When he got up in the morning, it looked, as though the fire was dying down, though he could still see some flames. So he set to work to tidy his room and put his things back where he wanted them.While he was doing this, Jane came in to say that she had heard the fire was a bad one; hundred houses had been burned down in the night and he fire was still burning. Pepys went out to see for himself. He went to the Tower of London and climbed up ¡®on a high part of the buildings so that he could see what was happening. From there, Pepys could see that it was, indeed, a bad fire and that even the houses on London Bridge were burning. The man of the Tower told him that the fire had started in a baker's shop in Pudding Lane; the baker's house had caught fire from the over- heated oven and then the flames had quickly spread to the other houses in the narrow lane. So began the Great Fire of London, a fire that lasted nearly five days, destroyed most of the old city and ended, so it is said, at Pie Corner.1. What is the passage about?A. The Great Fire of London.B. Who was the first to discover the fire?C. What Pepys was doing during the fire.D. The losses caused by the fire.2. They were up very late because ________.A. it was Sunday morningB. they were not very sleepyC. they were preparing for the dinner.D. they saw the great fire start.3. What was Pepys doing when his wife told him about the fire?A. He was asleep.B. He was writing something.C. He was putting things back.D. He was looking out of the window.4. "Pepys slipped on his dressing gown.¡± " To slip on¡± means ________.A. to be wearingB. to be pushingC. to take offD. to put on5. Why did the flames spread quickly?A. The oven became very hot.B. The houses were close together.C. The baker did nothing to stop it.D. The baker's house was burning quickly.Passage 4During the American War of Independence, women were involved in the active fighting in three ways. First, as members of a distinct branch of the Continental Army, referred to as "Women of the Army¡±, women worked in field hospitals and acted as military support in such roles as water carriers. In an emergency (½ô¼±Ê±¿Ì), women water carriers, who had plenty of opportunity to observe the firing of cannons, could replace a wounded comrade. The second way that women were involved in active fighting was as regular troop members who wore men's uniforms and fought side by side with their male counterparts. Theoretically, women were not supposed to be recruited into the Continental Army, but if a woman was a good soldier, no one made an issue of sex at a time when the army was so short of soldiers that boys not yet in their teens were also being recruited in violation of rules. Third, women were occasional fighters affiliated with local militia (ÃñÍÅ) companies or committees of safety formed to protect the local community.第 11 页 共 11 页 1.What is the main idea of the passage?A. Women played an important role in military hospitals during the Revolutionary War.B. The Continental Army was successful in teaching women to fire cannons.C. The services of women on committees of safety were crucial in winning the war.D. Women were active in combat during the revolutionary War. 2.Women sometimes fired cannons in battle because .A. they had observed the procedure and could therefore take the place of the disable men.B. local militia companies had trained them very carefully for emergence fighting.C. they had a better safety record than men for using weapons.D. it was against the law of young boys to fire weapons, 3. What is probably the main reason that women were permitted for fight in the war eventhough their formal participation was discouraged?A. only women were successful as water carriers.B. They were needed to make battle uniforms.C. Colonial women were particularly healthy and strong.D. The army desperately needed combat soldiers.4. Women were involved in fighting the was for American independence in all of the following ways except as .A. members of committees of safetyB. support personnel at medical facilitiesC. recruited soldiers for the Continental armyD. combat troops in regular army5. This passage would most probably be assigned reading for a course in the subjectof .A. NursingB. HistoryC. Social WorkD. Labor Studies²Î¿¼´ð°¸£ºI. beajhcdigfII. Passage 1:ACBBCPassage 2: DCADAPassage 3: ACADBPassage 4: DADCB。

由于施工技术或组织原因,导致混凝土浇筑不能连续进行,先浇混凝土已经凝 结硬化、再继续浇筑混凝土时形成的新旧混凝土之间的结合面。
受冻的混凝土在解冻后,其强度虽能继续增长,但已不能达到原设计的强度等 级。混凝土遭冻时间愈早、水灰比愈大,则后期混凝土强度损失愈多。当混凝 土达到一定强度后,其最终强度将不会受到损失。为避免混凝土遭受冻结带来 危害,使混凝土在受冻前达到的这一强度称为混凝土冬期施工的临界强度。
5 6

第2次作业一、阅读理解(本大题共100分,共5小题,每小题20分) 1.Prehistoric men and women enjoyed a more varied diet than people do now, since they ate species of plant and several hundreds thousands types of living things. But only a tiny percentage of these were ever domesticated. Modern shops have hastened a trend towards specialization which began in the earliest days of agriculture. The food of the rich countries has become cheaper relative to wages. It is speedily distributed in supermarkets. But the choice annually becomes less and less great. Even individual foods themselves become more standardized. We live in theworld of carrot specially blunted in order to avoid making a hole in the bag, and the tomato grown to meet a demand for a standard weight of weighting tomatoes to a kilo. Siri von Reis asks: "Only the three major cereals (谷物类食物)and perhaps ten other widely cultivated species stand between famine and survival for the world" s human population and a handful of drug plants has served Western civilization for several thousand years. A rather obvious question arises: Are we missing something?” After all, there are 800 000 species of plant on earth.(1). Tn prehistoric times people.A.ate much more than we do todayB.lived mainly on plant foodC.had a wide-ranging dietD.were more fussy about what they ate(2).Most of us have come to expectA.no variation in our dietB. a reduction in food suppliesC. a specialist dietD.food conforming to a set standard(3). The specialization of food was started byA .B . the emergence of supermarkets the rise of agriculture the rich countries the modern shops (4).According to the passage, people in the West today survive on.A.carrots and tomatoesB.several thousand types of plants and cerealsc.a very small number of cultivated foodsD. special species planted one thousand years ago(5). The conclusion seems to be that we.A.could make use of more natural speciesB.don't cultivate the right kind of foodc.produce more food than we needD.cultivate too many different species2.human body is distributed (分布)in two different ways. Some fat people have a large chest and no waistline(腰身),looking rather like apples. Others are fatter below the waist, looking more like pears.Doctors in Cambridge, England have been examining the relationship between health and fat (脂肪)distribution. They find that the pear- shaped fat people have fewer problems than the apple-shaped fat people. What seems to be most important is not how much fat you have but where you have it. The doctors measured the apple-shaped women and peai,--shaped women with X-ray scanners (X 光扫描器).Human beingshave two types of fat:one is outside fat, that is the fat below the skin, and the other is inside fat that lies inside the body. Using the X-ray scanners, the doctors found that the “apples” have a large amoun t of inside fat.Tf this inside fat is much more than outside fat, it wi11 probably cause heal th problems such as obesi ty (月巴月半症). The best treatment for obesity is to reduce the inside fat. But unfortunately diet treatment (饮食疗法)simply makes an apple-shaped person into a smaller apple and a pear-shaped person into a smaller pear. At the moment there is no effective way of reducing the inside fat.(1).According to the relation between heal th and fatnessA.apple-shaped fat people have fewer problems than pear-shaped peopleB.it' s better to be apple-shaped than to be pear-shapedc.it' s better to be pear-shaped than to be apple-shapedD. fatness is the most dangerous enemy to health(2). The most important thing about fat people seems to beA.the amount of fat they haveB.the knowledge of which typo of the fat people they belong toC.the amount of the outside fat they haveD.the place where they have the fat(3).The basic reason why some people suffer from obesity is that •A.they take very little exercise every dayB.they have much more inside fat than is neededc.they are examined by X-ray scanners quite oftenD.they eat too much(4).According to what is mentioned in the passage, the best treatment for obesity at present is .A.to reduce the amount of food and drinksB.to make the body shape smallerC.already known to those people in troubleD.still to be found.3.University of Arizona researcher Dr. William Rathji says that after a study based on looking into garbage cans, the average family wastes at least $150 per year in food."Homemakers go out of their way to save pennies at the store and thendon't real ize that waste of edible (可食用的)foods adds up much moreat homo," said Dr. Rathji. He was one of about 100 food experts who metin Boise for a conference on food waste and ways to prevent it.American families throw out between 8% and 20% of edible food at a costof $4. 5 billion per year. That" s almost as much as the federal government spends every year for food stamps and child nutrition programs.He found that food items which are costly and in short supply tend to be wasted more. During the 1973 meat shortage, meat waste increased to 9%, compared with 3% in 1974 and 1975. Sugar and sugar products waste jumped to 19% in 1975, when sugar prices doubled from the previous year.Dr. Rathji theorizes that high prices force consumers to experiment, sometimes buy in large quantities. In the case of meat, sometimes low-priced cuts for unappetizing varieties are purchased, consumers then tend to waste more.Ilis theory is that the more variety in food bought, the more wasted. Regular bread is wasted at about a 10% rate, but specialty breads and rolls are wasted at a 20% rate.If people are eating the same thing every day, they learn how to manage it. But if you" re trying to pull something out of the cookbook every night, that's bound to be some waste.Another finding is that lower income families waste less food than middle and upper income families. And the study found that dog food, which accounts for 8% of a shopping cart, is rarely wasted. Fresh produce and frozen items arc more likely to be wasted.The study also showed people with the most knowledge of safe, edible food waste the least. Much food is tossed out because a homemaker suspects it is spoiled when it is not.(1).Large quantities of food are thrown out because a homemaker.A.thinks they are not deliciousB.says they taste bitter and hotC.thinks they smell badD.suspects they are spoiled when they are not(2).American families throw out between of edible food every year.A.5%〜8%B.8%-10%B.20%〜28%D.8%—20%(3).When sugar prices doubled, waste of sugar.A.went downB.went upc.stayed the sameD. was cut in half(4).Which of the following statements is true?A.American housewives are not good homemakers.B.Upper-income families are more wasteful than lower-income ones.c.American families throw away almost as much food as they consume.D.Americans waste a great deal of dog food.(5).When do American families waste more food?A.When prices arc high.B.When food is scarce.c.When they think it is spoiled.D. Al 1 of the above.4.Harvard University named historian Drew Gilpin Faust as its first female president on Sunday, ending a lengthy and secretive search to find a successor (接任者)to Lawrence Summers .The seven-member Harvard Corporation elected Faust, a noted scholar on History of the American South and dean of Harvards Radcliffe Institutefor Advanced Study, as the university' s 28th president.“This is a great day, and a historic day for Harvard. ” James R. Houghton, chairman of the presidential search committee, said in a statement. "Drew Faust is an inspiring and accomplished leader, a superb scholar, a dedicated (献身的)teacher, and a wonderful human being."Her selection is noteworthy given the heated debates over Summers' comments that genetic differences between the sexes might help explain the lack of women in top science jobs.Faust has been dean of Radcliffe since 2001, two years after the former women" s college was combined into the university as a research center with a mission to study gender issues(性另ij问题).Some professors have quietly groused that the 371-year-old university is appointing a fifth president who is not a scientist. No scientist has had the top job since James Bryant Conant retired in 1953; its last four have come from the fields of classics, 1aw, literature and economics.Faust is the first Harvard president who did not receive a degree from the university since Charles Chauncy, a graduate of Cambridge University, who died in office in 1762. She attended the University of Pennsylvania.“Teaching staff turned to her constantly. ” said Sheldon Hackney, a former president of the University of Pennsylvania and historian who worked closely with Faust. "She' s very clear. She has a sense of humor, but she' s very strong-minded. You come to trust in her because she' s so solid."(1).Which is NOT true about Drew Gilpin Faust?A.She is the 28th president of Harvard University.B.She is a famous scholar from the American South.c.She isn' t a graduate from Harvard University.D.She was head of Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.(2).Lawrence Summers held the view that .A.women cannot achieve as much as men in management B.women cannot hold important positions in society c.women can match men in science jobsD.few women make top scientists owing to genes (3).Which might be the best title for the passage? A.Harvard named its 1st female president.B.History of Harvard University changed.c.Debates on female equality ended.D.Drew GiIpin Faust, a famous woman historian.(4).This passage probably appears in a .A.biographyB.personal letterc.research paperD.newspaper report5.Jessica Alba rebelled(叛离)from her "strict" parents when she was just five. The 29-year-old actress admits her Catholic (天主教)education made her want to "break away" from her mother Catherine and father Mark.She explained: 〃It‘s always been weird(古怪的)because I grew up in a very traditional, Catholic household. Nly parents were very strict but 1 broke away from that at an early age. 1 was a feminist (女权主义者)when 1 was five. These days, 1 am much more independent but 1 still respect their beliefs.,zAs Jessica has grown older she has learnt to accept her parents' views, but still considers herself an independent woman.Tn her latest film 'Machete' Jessica gets to stab(刺)a love rival in the eye with her stiletto heels (鞋后世艮),something she thoroughlyenjoyed.She said: "Walking in 3in heels wasn't as much fun as putting one in someone's eye. It was 104 degrees where we were shooting in Texas and they were not comfortable.Jessica - who has a two-year-old daughter Honor with husband Cash Warren - is regularly referred to as one of the world,s most beautiful women, but she docsn't think of herself as 〃sexy〃.She added in an interview with the Metro newspaper: 〃1 don't really pay attention to that sexy image. It just goes with the character in the movie. At the end of the day, it's all a part of selling a product. 〃(1).Jessica Alba called herself feminist because .A.she didn' t like living with her parentsB.she was brought up in a very poor familyc.she was often against her parentsD.she refused the training and education during her childhood by her parents(2).From this passage we know that .A.Jessica is a very cruel woman who enjoys hurting others B.Jessica acted strangely in her chi 1drenc.Jessica" s parents believe in CatholicD.Jessica rebelled her family because she hated Catholic (3).This passage is mainly about .A.a rebellious movie star JessicaB.a weird womanc.an interview with a newspaperD.a rebellious heart(4).Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?A.Although she is a rebellious woman, she still respects her parents beliefsB.She likes her characters in the moviec.She cares more about her sexy image because she is very proud of her beautyD.She got married and has a daughter.答案:一、阅读理解(100分,共5题,每小题20分)(1). C (2). D (3). B (4).2.(1). A (2). D (3). D (4).3.(1). D (2). D (3). B (4).4.(1). B (2). D (3). A (4).5. C (5). A CB (5). D D。

成绩:建筑工程项目管理形成性考核册专业:户口·子亏.姓名:河北广播电视大学开放教育学院(请按照顺序打印,并左侧装订)《建筑工程项目管理》作业一一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1. 以下说法正确的是(C)。
A. 项目管理的对象就是建设工程B. 建设工程一-定要有明确的目标C. 没有明确目标的建设工程不是项目管理的对象D. 无论目标是否明确,建设工程都是项目管理的对彖2.投资方提供的项目管理服务属千cc)方的项目管理。
A. 政府B承包商C业主D.工程师3.供货方的项目管理工作主要在CB)阶段进行。
A. 设计B设计前准备C施工D动用前准备4.项目管理的三大目标是c B)。
A. 范围、费用、进度C·投资、进度、质量B. 费用、进度、质量D范围、投资、质量5.开发方提供的项目管理服务属于CC)方的项目管理。
A. 政府B承包商C·业主D.工程师6.施工方的项目管理工作涉及CA)全过程。
A. 设计前的准备阶段至保修期B. 设计阶段至动用前准备阶段C. 设计前的准备阶段至动用前准备阶段D. 设计阶段至保修期7. C B)组织机构每一个部门只有一个指令源。
A. 职能B线性C矩阵D事业部)组织机构。
8.每一个工作部门可能有多个矛盾的指令源的组织机构是CAA. 职能B.线性C矩阵D事业部9. 建设工程项目管理规划的编制应由c A)负责。
A. 项目经理B设计方C施工方D总承包方10. 施工企业根据监理企业制订的旁站监理方案,在需要实施旁站监理的关键部位施工前CA)小时,应当书面通知监理企业派驻工地的项目监理机构。
A. 24B. 36C. 48D. 12二、多项选择题(每小题3分,共18分)1.施工方项目管理的目标包括(A BC)。
A. 施工的成本目标C·施工的质晕目标B. 施工的进度目标D项目的投资目标E.项目的质量目标2.以下对施工企业项目经理的工作性质的说明,正确的是(A BDE)A. 建筑业企业项目经理资质管理制度向建造师执业资格制度过渡的时间定为5年B. 过渡期内,凡持有项目经理资质证书或者建造师注册证书的人员均可受聘担任施工项目经理C. 过渡期满后,所有工程项目施工的项目经理必须由取得建造师注册证书的人员担任D. 项目经理是建筑施工企业法定代表入在工程项目上的代表人E. 项目经理对工程项目施工过程全面负责3.供货方项目管理的目标包括(A BC)A. 供货的成本目标D.项目的投资目标C. 供货的质量目标B供货的进度H标E. 项目的质量目标4.下列有关建设工程监理的工作方法的说明,正确的是(A BDE)。

一.单选题:1. 一个企业若要识别其竞争者,通常可从以下(A )方面进行。
A. 产业和市场B. 分销渠道C. 目标和战略D. 利润2. 某些竞争者对不同的市场竞争策略作出有区别的反应,这类竞争者称为(B )A. 迟缓型竞争者B. 选择型竞争者C. 凶猛型竞争者D. 随机型竞争者3. 选择跟随策略的突出特点是(D )A. 仿效B. 低调C. 合适地保持距离D. 跟随与创新并举4. 当一个企业规模较小,人力、物力、财力都比较薄弱时,应当采取(B )竞争策略。
A. 进攻策略B. 专业化经营C. 市场多角化D. 防御策略5. 杜邦公司发明尼龙后,不断发现这种产品的新用途,从最初的制作降落伞绳、到妇女丝袜,再到用于制作汽车轮胎、地毯等,使其产品用途不断增加,这是市场领先者采取的(A )策略。
A. 扩大市场需求总量B. 保护原有市场份额C. 提高市场占有率D. 专业化6. 精心服务于总体市场中的某些细分市场,避开与占主导地位的企业竞争,只是通过发展独有的专业化经营来寻找生存与发展空间的企业称为(D )A. 市场领先者B. 市场挑战者C. 市场跟随者D. 市场补缺者7. 企业对市场竞争因素变化作出的反应是随机的,使竞争对手觉得不可捉摸。
这类竞争者称为(D )A. 迟缓型竞争者B. 选择性竞争者C. 凶猛型竞争者D. 随机型竞争者8. 当规模较小、力量较弱的小企业发动进攻时,比较适合的策略是(C )A. 正面进攻B. 侧翼进攻C. 游击进攻D. 围堵进攻9. 市场补缺者的策略是(C )A. 多角化B. 一体化C. 专业化D. 无差异化10. 以进攻为核心是(B )的竞争策略。
A. 市场领先者B. 市场挑战者C. 市场跟随者D. 市场补缺者二. 多选题:1. 以下哪几个是市场领先者的策略?(ABD )A. 开辟产品的新用途B.提高市场占有率C.市场多角化D. 阵地防御E. 正面进攻2. 补缺基点的特征主要有:(ACE )。

微机原理作业参考答案第一次:P16 3,4,5,71.3 冯。
诺依曼计算机的结构特点是什么?答:参考P51.4 典型微机有哪三大总线?它们传送的是什么信息?答:有数据总线(DB,双向,传送数据),地址总线(AB,单向,传送CPU要访问的内存单元地址或IO端口的端口号),控制总线(CB,双向,传送总线控制信息)。
1.5 什么叫微处理器?什么叫微型计算机?什么叫微型计算机系统?三者有什么区别和联系?答:微型计算机系统可分为三个层次,即:微处理器,微型计算机和微型计算机系统。
1.7 试用示意图说明内存单元的地址和内存单元的内容,二者有何联系和区别?答:内存单元、内存单元的地址、内存单元的内容---这三个名词可类比为:房子、房子的地址、房子里住的人。
第二次作业:P54 1,2,3,6,7,9,11,132.1 8086从功能上分为哪两个部件?每个工作部件的功能、组成和特点分别是什么?答:分为执行部件(EU)和总线功能部件(BIU)两部分。

《统计学(Ⅰ)》第二次作业标准答案川大《统计学(Ⅰ)》第二次作业答案川大————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:2我的作业列表 - 《统计学(Ⅰ)》第二次作业答案你的得分:79.0完成日期:2014年07月18日16点49分说明:每道小题括号里的答案是您最高分那次所选的答案,标准答案将在本次作业结束(即2014年09月11日)后显示在题目旁边。
本大题共25个小题,每小题2.0 分,共50.0分。
1.政治算术派产生于17世纪资本主义的英国,代表人物是威廉?配第,代表作是()( A )A.《政治算术》B.《国富论》C..《统计学的研究》D.《社会物理学》2.下面属于结构相对数的有( )( B )A.人口出生率B.产值利润率C.恩格尔系数D.工农业产值比3.设某地区有1000家独立核算的工业企业,要研究这些企业的产品生产情况,总体单位是( )( A )A.每一件产品B.1000家工业企业C.全部工业企业D.1000家工业企业的全部工业产品4.抽样平均误差说明抽样指标与总体指标之间的( )( B )A.实际误差B.平均误差C.实际误差的平方D.允许误差5.数值可以直接相加总的指标是( )( D )A.绝对数B.相对数C.时点数D.时期数6.相关系数可以说明()( B )A.线性相关还是非线性相关B.变量之间的因果数量关系C.相关关系的方向和密切程度D.变量之间的函数对应关系7.统计分组的关键问题是( )( A )A.确定分组标志和划分各组界限B.确定组距和组数C.确定组距和组中值D.确定全距和组距8.对甲、乙两个工厂生产的饮料进行质检,不合格率分别为6%和10%,则饮料不合格品数量( )( D )A.甲=乙B.甲<乙C.甲>乙D.无法判断9.相关系数r的取值范围()( B )A.-∞< <+∞B. -1≤ ≤+1C. -1< <+1D.0≤ ≤+110.假设检验是检验( )的假设值是否成立( B )A.样本单位B.总体指标C.样本方差D.中位数11.要准确地反映异距数列的实际分布情况,必须采用( )( D )A.次数B.累计频率C.频率D.次数密度12.进行相关分析,要求相关的两个变量( )( C )A.都是随机的B.都不是随机的C.一个是随机的,一个不是随机的D.随机或不随机都可以13.下面的函数关系是( )( C )A.销售人员测验成绩与销售额大小的关系B.圆周的长度决定于它的半径C.家庭的收入和消费的关系D.数学成绩与统计学成绩的关系14.反映抽样指标与总体指标之间抽样误差可能范围的指标是()。
第1次作业练习试题及答案1.对岩石地层中的工程,进行数值分析时应考虑的工程地质因素有( )。
A. 围岩地层的种类、数量及其几何展布规律B.断层、节理等软弱结构面的种类、数量及其几何展布规律C.初始地应力的大小及分布规律D.地下水的情况[ 答案 ]ABCD2.下列属于我国常见的防空地下室结构类型的有( )。
A.梁板式结构B.板柱结构C. 单跨或多跨拱和折板结构D.箱形结构[ 答案 ]ABCD3.下列选项中,属于连拱隧道的缺点的有( )。
A. 双洞轴线间距大B.设计、施工复杂C.工程造价高D.工期长[答案]BCD4.穹顶直墙衬砌由( )及底板组成。
A. 穹顶B. 环梁C. 环墙D.直墙[答案]ABC5.地下建筑结构设计方法的设计模型:( )和收敛限制模型。
A.荷载-结构模型B.类似结构模型1C.底层-结构模型D. 经验类比模型[答案]ACD6.一般浅埋地下结构主要有( )等结构形式。
A. 等结构形式B. 直墙拱形结构C. 矩形闭合结构D.梁板式结构[ 答案 ]ABCD7.按照多年来地下建筑结构设计的实践,我国采用的设计方法似可分展以下四种设计模型( )。
A.荷载—结构模型B. 地层—结构模型C. 经验类比模型D. 邓肯一张模型[答案]ABC8.在长距离顶管工程中,由于施工中的土层变化及其他因素,常会使顶力发生突变,为了安全的需要,中继环的设计一般偏保守,出现何种情况时,则需考虑设置中继环( )。
A. 总顶力超过了主千斤顶的最大顶力B. 总顶力超过了管道的强度C. 总顶力超过了前壳体的强度D.总顶力超过了后背的强度[答案]ABD9.盾构由( )等部分组成。
A.盾壳B.推进机构C.取土机构D.盾尾[ 答案 ]ABCD10.管片接头的两种类别:纵向接头(沿接头面平行于纵轴)、环向接头(接头面垂直于纵轴)。

第2次作业一、单项选择题(本大题共20分,共 10 小题,每小题 2 分)1. 假定甲厂预计每年用一种材料1000公斤,每次订货成本20元,存货储备成本为每公斤每年1元,求每次订货的最佳数量为()时,全年存货成本最低。
A. 250B. 200C. 300D. 2902. 在管理会计中,将决策分析区分为短期决策与长期决策所依据的分类标志是()。
A. 决策的重要程度 B. 决策条件的肯定程度 C. 决策规划时期的长短D. 决策解决的问题3. 当企业实行计时工资制时,其支付给职工的正常工作时间内的工资总额是固定不变的,但当职工的工作时间超过了正常水平,企业需按规定支付加班工资,且加班工资与加班时长成正比例关系,则此工资成本属于() A. 延伸变动成本 B. 变动成本 C. 半变动成本 D. 半固定成本4. 为了计算固定制造费用标准分配率,必须设定一个()A. 标准工时B. 定额工时C. 预算工时D. 实际工时5. ()是以产品的计划制造成本为依据制定的,即以制造成本法下的计划单位成本作为内部结算单价。
A. 计划制造成本型内部结算价格B. 计划变动成本型内部结算价格C. 计划变动成本加计划固定总成本型内部结算价格D. 计划制造成本加利润型内部结算价格6. 剩余贡献毛益与贡献毛益之差为()A. 变动成本B. 固定成本C. 专属成本D. 联合成本7. 作业基础成本法适用与具有以下特征的企业()。
A. 间接生产费用比重较小 B. 作业环节较少 C. 生产准备成本较高 D. 产品品种较少8. 一项100万元的借款,借款期为5年,年利率为8%,若半年复利一次,年实际利率会比名义利率高出() A. 0.16% B. 0.2% C. 0 D. 0.22%9. 下列各项中,不属于储存成本的是()A. 仓储费B. 按存货价值计算的保险费C. 陈旧报废损失D. 采购部门的折旧费10. 在财务会计中,销售费用的正确归属是()。
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1. 30kg 纯铜与20kg 纯镍熔化后慢冷至125O ℃,利用图Ni Cu -相图,确定:
⑴ 合金的组成相及相的成分;⑵ 相的质量分数。
2铋 (Bi )熔点为271.5℃,锑 (Sb )熔点为630.7℃,两组元液态和固态均无限互溶。
缓冷时=Bi w 50%的合金在520℃开始析出成分为
=Sb w 87%的α固相,=Bi w 80%的合金在400℃时开始析出=
Sb w 64%的α固相,由以上条件: ⑴ 示意绘出Sb Bi -相图,标出各线和各相区名称;
⑵ 由相图确定Sb w = 40%合金的开始结晶和结晶终了温度,并求出它在400℃时的平衡相成分和相的质量分数。
1-10. 试说明布氏硬度、洛氏硬度、维氏硬度的应用范围及相互关系 布氏硬度用于低硬度材料硬度测定
H B ≈H V ≈10H R C , H B ≈H V ≈6H S
2-2. 合金相图反映一些什么关系? 应用时要注意哪些方面的问题? 合金相图反映了合金系中合金状态、温度、成份之间的关系。
(1) 注意在非平衡状态可能出现的相及组织。
(2) 相图只给出合金在平衡状态下存在的相、相的成份及相对量,并不能反
(3) 二元相图只反映二元系合金的相平衡关系,它未反映加入其它元素后对
2-4. ★ 30kg 纯铜与20kg 纯镍熔化后慢冷至125O ℃,利用图2.3的Ni Cu -相图,确定:
⑴ 合金的组成相及相的成分;⑵ 相的质量分数。
答:⑴ 根据已知条件计算该合金成分的含N i 量为 20k g /(20+30)k g =40%,然后在图中1250℃处绘一水平线交液相线和固相线两点,过此两点作铅垂线得知此温度下该合金组成相为L 、α,测量得其成分分别为23%和49%; ⑵ 利用杠杆定律可计算出质量分数分别为:
L %=((49%-40%)/(49%-23%))×100%=34.6%
α%=1-L %=65.4%
2-5. ★ 示意画出图2.8中过共晶合Ⅳ(假定W s n =70%)平衡结晶过程的冷却曲线。
(2)室温组织中组成相的质量分数: 由于室温由α及β相组成,其质量分数各为:
α% = fg g 3 x 100
% β%= 1-α%
= fg f 3x 100% (3)室温组织中组织组成物的质量分数(二次应用杠杆由于室温组织组成物为 :初生相β、二次相αⅡ、共晶体(α+β), 各组织组成物的质量分数分别为:
L d %= de e 2 x 100% 70
室温:(α+β)% = L d %= de
e 2 x 100%, 共晶反应刚结束时: β% = de
d 2 x 100% 室温:αⅡ% = fg
g e ' x de d 2x 100% β% = 1-(α+β)%-αⅡ% = fg
f e 'x de d 2x 100% 2.6 ★题目见教材44页
2.6 铋 (Bi )熔点为271.5℃,锑 (Sb )熔点为630.7℃,两组元液态和固态均无限互溶。
缓冷时=Bi w 50%的合金在520℃开始析出成分为=Sb w 87%的α固相,=Bi w 80%的合金在400℃时开始析出=Sb w 64%的α固相,由以上条件:
⑴ 示意绘出Sb Bi -相图,标出各线和各相区名称;
⑵ 由相图确定Sb w = 40%合金的开始结晶和结晶终了温度,并求出它在
解答:1)根据已知条件“两组元液态和固态均无限互溶”可知B i —S b 合金系冷却时发生匀晶反应,构成匀晶相图
先建立横坐标为含S b %,纵坐标为温度的坐标系;
根据第一个已知条件“缓冷时W B i =50%的合金在520℃时开始
析出成分为W S b =87%的α固相”在坐标系中纵坐标为520℃处绘出一条水平线与成分分别为50%和87%的两条铅垂线相交于两点,第一点a 1为液相线上的点,第二点b 1为固相线上的点;同理根据第二个已知条件“W B i =80%的合金在 400℃时开始析出W S b =64%的α固相”得到两点a 2、b 2;
在含S b 为0%的坐标轴上绘出B i 的熔点271.5℃为b 点,在含S b 为100%的纵坐标轴上绘出S b 的熔点630.7℃为a 点,连接a —a 1—a 2—b 得到液相线,连接a —b 1—b 2—b 得到固相线,a —a 1—a 2—b 以上为L 相区,
a —
b 1—b 2—b 以下为α相区,a —a 1—a 2—b 和a —b 1—b 2—b 之间为L +α两相区这样,B i —S b 相图绘制完毕。
过40%成分点作铅垂线交液相线a —a 1—a 2—b 于a 3点和固相线a —b 1—b 2—b 于b 3点,过a 3、b 3作水平线交纵轴得到含S b 40%合金的开始结晶温度约为490℃,结晶终了温度约为325℃。
根据相图得到其在400℃时的平衡相成分为:L 相为20%,α相为64%; 利用杠杆定律可计算出质量分数为:L %= ((64%-40%)/(64%-20%))×100%=54.5%
α%=1-L %=45.5%
2.7 ★若Sn Pb -合金相图(图2.8)中f 、c 、d 、e 、g 点的合金成分分别是Sn w 等于2%、19%、61%、97%和99%。
问在下列温度(t )时,=Sn w 30%的合金显微组织中有哪些相组成物和组织组成物?它们的相对质量百分数是否可用杠杆定律计算?是多少?
⑴t =300℃;⑵刚冷到183℃共晶转变尚没开始;⑶在183℃共晶转变正在进行中;⑷共晶转变刚完,温度仍在 183℃时;⑸冷却到室温时(20℃)。
⑴t =300℃时:=Sn w 30%的合金相当于合金Ⅲ,因其与t =300℃的水平线的交点处于液相区,因此该合金只有100%的液相。
⑵刚冷到183℃共晶转变尚没开始时:合金由α+L 两相组成,
⑶在183℃共晶转变正在进行中:相组成物:βα++L 三相共存;组织组成物:L +)(βαα++;不能用杠杆定律计算其相对质量百分数。
⑷共晶转变刚完,温度仍在 183℃时:
组织组成物:)(β+α+α,其相对质量百分数用杠杆定律计算如下: ⑸冷却到室温时(20℃):
相:α和β两相,其相组成物的相对质量百分数用杠杆定律计算如下: 组织组成物:)(βαβα+++II ,其相对质量百分数用杠杆定律计算如下:
L 室温:
%2.26%100%19%61%19%30%)%(=⨯--==+L βα
2 19