热榨花生粕( 山东 鲁 花集 团有 限 公 司 提供 ) 麸 皮 水 量 、 发酵 温度 和发 酵 时间 四个 因素 , 采用 4因素 6 水
f 购 于济南 市农贸 市场) 。
1 . 2 试 验菌株
枯 草芽 孢 杆菌 1 . 0 7 6 9 ( 购 自中 国科学 院微 生 物研 1 . 6 花生蛋 白水解度 的测定方 法 究所) 、 米 曲霉 3 . 4 3 8 3 购 自中国科 学 院微 生物研究 所 。 1 . 3 培养 基 1 . 3 . 1 枯草 芽孢杆菌 培养基 牛 肉膏 5 g , 酵母膏 5 g , 蛋 白胨 1 0 g , N a C 1 5 g , p H值
1 0 %的 比例 接人 固体 发酵 培养 基 中 , 混 合 均匀 , 置 于 3 0℃ 、 发酵 时 间为 9 6 h 。 由图 1 可 以看 出 , 随着枯 草 恒 温培养 箱 中静 置培养 。发 酵结束 后 , 将 培养基 置于 芽孢杆 菌接种 比例 的提高 , 花生蛋 白的水 解度逐 渐增
1 . 3 . 3 固体 发酵 培养基 和一定 量 的纯 净水 , 分装入 2 5 0 m l 三角 瓶 , 装 量 为 每
瓶5 0 g , 用6 层 纱布封 口, 1 2 1 o C 灭菌 2 0 mi n 。 1 . 4 液 体种子 的制备 1 . 4 . 1 枯草 芽孢杆 菌种子制 备
2 0 1 4 年第 3 5 卷第 5 期 总第 4 5 8 期
1 材料 与方法 1 . 1 试 验材料
在 单 因素试 验结 果 的基 础上 , 根据 B o x — B e h n k e n
的 中心 组合 试 验设 计原 理 , 选取 菌 种 比例 、 培养 基 含
固态发酵试验 ,结果发现 ,p H为 6 . 5 ~ 7 . O时,细菌生长最快 ,p H为7 . 5 — 8 . 0 时 ,蛋 白酶的活性 最强;蛋 白胨 1 . 6 g ・ L - 。
的L B培养基ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ,枯草 芽孢杆 菌的生长状况最好 ,蛋白酶的活力也最 强;豆粕是优质氮源 ,能显 著促进枯草 芽孢杆茵
(K e y L a b o r a t o r y o f N a t u r a l P e s t i c i d e C h e m i c a l B i o l o g y , Mi n i s t y r o f E d u c a t i o n , S o u t h C h i n a Ag r i c u l t u r a l U n i v e r s i t y , G u a n g z h o u 5 1 0 6 4 2 , C h i n a )
Ab s t r a c t : T o s t u d y t h e e f f e c t s o f t h e i n i t i a l p H, p e p t o n e c o n c e n t r a t i o n a n d d i f f e r e n t f e r me n t a t i o n s u b s t r a t e o n t h e g r o wt h o f b a c i l l u s s u b t i l  ̄ .F o r d i f f e r e n t f e r me n t a t i o n s u b s t r a t e , l i q u i d a n d s o l i d s t a t e f e r me n t a t i o n e x p e r i me n t w a s c a r r i e d o u t . T h e r e s u l t s h o we d t h a t t h e p H a t t h e r a n g e o f 6 . 5 t o 7 . 0 ma d e t h e b a c t e r i a g r o w f a s t , a n d p H 7 . 5 t o 8 . 0 wa s b e t t e r t o p r o t e a s e a c t i v i t y . T h e b r a n c o n t e n t o f t h e s o l i d me d i u m wa s t h e ma i n f a c t o r f o r t h e b a c i l l s u s u b t i l i s g r o w t h . w h i l e 2 0 % s o y b e a n me a l 。 1 0 % o k a r a . 6 0 % w h e a t b r a n a n d 3 0 % c o r n l f o u r w e r e t h e b e s t s u b s t r a t e f o r b a c i l . 1 u s s u b t i l i s ro g w t h ; s o y b e a n p l a y e d a n i mp o r t a n t r o l e o n t h e a c t i v i t y o f p r o t e a s e , wh i l e 1 0 % s o y b e a n me a l , 1 0 % o k a - r a , 5 0 % wh e a t b r a n a n d 1 0 % c o r n l f o u r a s a f e r me n t a t i o n s u b s t r a t e , t h e a c t i v i t y o f p r o t e a s e wo u l d b e s t r o n g e s t .
结果表明:麸皮、豆粕等比例混合为最佳发酵基质,含水量65%,水中添加5%蔗糖和5%酵母粉、pH值7.5、32 ℃培养24 h时,发酵物含菌量最大,达9.62×109 cfu/g。
发酵物经65 ℃真空干燥,活菌数为9.581×109 cfu/g,为最佳干燥方式。
关键词生防菌;枯草芽孢杆菌;固体发酵;干燥工艺中图分类号S476+.1;Q93-335文献标识码A文章编号 1007-5739(2011)01-0186-02StudyonSolidFermentationandDryingProcessofBacullussubtilisStrainBs2004HUANG Xiao-qinLIU Yong ZHOU Xi-quan(Institute of Plant Protection,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu Sichuan 610066)AbstractSolid fermentation and drying process of Bacillus subtilis strain Bs2004 were studied. The results showed the best fermentation substrate was the wheat bran and soybean meal mix equal. The maximum bacteria reached to 9.62×109 cfu/g when moisture content was 65%,5% sucrose and 5% yeast extract were included in water,pH value was 7.5 and it was fermented at 32 ℃ for 24 h. The viable bacteria reached to 9.581×109 cfu/g when fermentation was dried in 65 ℃ and vacuum,it was recommended as the best drying method.Key wordsbiocontrol strain;Bacullus subtilis;solid fermentation;drying process枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)是嗜温型的好氧产芽孢的杆状细菌,在自然界中广泛存在,对人畜无毒无害,不污染环境,能产生多种抗菌素和酶,具有广谱抗菌活性。
液体种子培养基 :0 去皮土豆切成小块 , 20g 于沸水中煮沸 3 i, 4层纱布过滤, 0mn用 加入 2 0 g
蔗糖 , 再加 入水 补足至 l00mL 11o 0 ,2 C下灭 菌 2 0
mi no
平板 计数 培养 基 :0 皮 土豆 切 成 小块 , 2 0g去 于沸水 中煮沸 3 i, 4层 纱 布过滤 , 0mn用 加入 2 0g 蔗糖 和 2 脂 , 热 融 化后 再 加 入 水 补 足 至 0g琼 加
10 0mL 1 1℃下灭 菌 2 i 。 0 ,2 0m n
1 材料与方法
1 1 材料 .
m , 手握指缝有游离水 , L 以“ 但滴不下来” 为标准 ,
搅 匀后 的 固态 培养基 转入 到 20m 5 L三 角瓶 中, 培
养基经 11 C 2 灭菌 3 i, o 0m n降温后接种人 3 %(
收 稿 日期 :0 81 -I 2 0 —0I ;修 回 日期 :0 8 1-6 20 - 0 2 作者简介 : 刘唤明( 98 ) 男 , 17 ~ , 讲师 , 硕士生 , 研究方 向为发酵工程。E m i lm dy s iacm - al h g hd@s .o : n
4 9
2 结 果 与分 析
21 . 碳源 的优化
123 枯 草 芽孢 杆 菌活 菌计 数 ..
(O 、 B D) 氨氮 、 硝酸 盐 与亚 硝 酸盐 、 化 物 等指 标 硫 严重 超标 , 池塘 水质 恶化 , 鱼虾病 害频 频发生 ] 。。 枯 草芽孢 杆菌 属 于对 人 畜 无 毒无 害 的 细菌 , 自 在 然 界分 布广泛 , 内外均 允 许 将其 用 作 饲养 添 加 国 剂 。枯草 芽孢杆 菌在 水 中增殖后 产生 的许 多胞外
meal, rice husk and straw were made into the solid-state fermentation medium. The best fermentation technology of
Bacillus subtilis was optimized by single factor test and orthogonal test of four factors and three levels. Results
3.2.1 发酵时间对活菌数的影响
数的影响结果见图1,发酵时间达到25 h时,活菌数
数也在升高,当发酵时间达到 30 h 时,增长幅度减
下培养 12~14 h。取活化后的液体培养基 2 mL 接入
200 mL 液 体 培 养 基 进 行 扩 大 培 养 , 置 于 37 ℃ 、
195 r·min-1 培养 3~6 h 后,作为种子液备用[14]。
将豆粕、稻壳、玉米秸秆粉碎后过筛,按表 1
的比例置于 500 mL 的烧杯中。将烧杯置于高压灭
质量比 631 为最佳配比,不但降低了原料成本,
验,确定最佳原料配比,结果见表 3。
斜面培养基:蛋白胨 10.00 g·L- 1,酵母浸粉
枯草芽孢杆菌固态发酵工艺流程英文回答:The solid-state fermentation process of Bacillussubtilis involves several steps. Firstly, a suitable solid substrate is selected, such as wheat bran or rice husk. The substrate is sterilized to eliminate any competing microorganisms.Next, a spore suspension of Bacillus subtilis is inoculated onto the sterilized substrate. The spores germinate and grow into vegetative cells, which produce various enzymes and metabolites. These enzymes and metabolites play a crucial role in the fermentation process.The fermentation is carried out under controlled conditions, including temperature, humidity, and pH. These conditions are optimized to promote the growth andmetabolic activity of Bacillus subtilis.During the fermentation process, the solid substrate provides a suitable environment for the growth of Bacillus subtilis. The substrate also acts as a source of nutrients for the bacteria. As Bacillus subtilis grows and metabolizes, it produces biomass and various metabolites.After a certain period of fermentation, the fermented substrate is harvested. The biomass and metabolites are separated from the substrate using techniques such as filtration or centrifugation. The separated biomass and metabolites can then be further processed and used for various applications, such as biofertilizers or biopesticides.Overall, the solid-state fermentation process of Bacillus subtilis involves substrate sterilization, inoculation, controlled fermentation conditions, biomass and metabolite production, and harvest and separation of the fermented product. This process offers a sustainable and efficient method for the production of valuable products using Bacillus subtilis.中文回答:枯草芽孢杆菌的固态发酵工艺包括几个步骤。
辽宁农业科学㊀2021(3):49~53Liaoning Agricultural Sciences文章编号:1002-1728(2021)03-0049-05㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-1728.2021.03.011枯草芽孢杆菌发酵制备花生饼粕㊁花生茎叶混合饲料条件优化研究∗迟吉捷,石太渊(辽宁省农业科学院食品与加工研究所,辽宁沈阳㊀110161)摘要:以花生饼粕㊁花生茎叶混合饲料为原料,筛选最佳枯草芽孢杆菌培养条件为目标,研究料液比㊁接种量㊁发酵温度㊁发酵时间等因素对枯草芽孢杆菌培养的影响㊂结果表明,最优培养条件:加水量(料液比) 1ʒ0.83㊁培养时间62h㊁接菌量0.78g㊁培养温度30ħ,在该条件下所得枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数为(195.222ʃ0.003)㊂关键词:花生饼粕;花生茎叶;枯草芽孢杆菌;芽孢数中图分类号:S816.46;TS201.3文献标识码:B㊀㊀花生是我国主要的油料作物,国家统计局信息显示2019年我国花生年产量约1750万t,居世界首位,花生在油料产业具有重要的地位㊂花生富含油脂㊁蛋白㊁维生素及多种矿物质,营养全面,具有保护心脑血管㊁降脂㊁降糖㊁抗癌㊁抗衰老等保健作用㊂近几年,我国花生用于食品加工的比例在逐年提升,已接近年产量的50%㊂目前,我国花生仍以榨油为主,花生种植㊁加工过程中会产生大量的花生粕㊁花生红衣㊁花生壳㊁根茎等副产物,其中花生饼粕850万t/年㊁花生茎叶1800万t/年以上,这些副产物中富含酚类㊁蛋白质㊁糖类等营养成分,但目前利用率却较低㊂对这些副产物进行综合利用及精深加工,不仅可以延长产业链,提高花生的经济价值,还可以减少资源浪费,避免因副产物废弃而造成环境污染[1~3]㊂花生饼粕的营养价值比较高其代谢能量是所有饼粕类饲料中最高的,粗蛋白质含量接近大豆粕,高达45%以上,粗纤维7%左右㊂精氨酸含量高达5.2%,是所有动㊁植物饲料中最高的㊂赖氨酸含量只有大豆饼粕的50%左右,蛋氨酸㊁赖氨酸㊁苏氨酸含量都较低㊂通过添加合成氨基酸或是添加其他的蛋白质饲料而使氨基酸得到平衡,畜禽的生长性能也可达到理想水平[4~6]㊂花生茎叶中营养物质丰富,花生茎叶中含有12.9%粗蛋白质㊁2%粗脂肪㊁46.8%碳水化合物,其中花生叶的粗蛋白质含量高达20%㊂花生秧中的粗蛋白质含量是豌豆秧的1.6倍㊁稻草的6倍,畜禽采食1kg花生秧产生的能量相当于0.6kg 大麦所产生的能量㊂花生饼粕以及花生茎叶很容易感染黄曲霉菌而产生黄曲霉毒素㊂黄曲霉毒素种类较多,其中毒性最大的是黄曲霉毒素B1㊂蒸煮㊁干热对去除黄曲霉毒素无效,因此,对花生粕中黄曲霉毒素含量应进行严格的检测,国家卫生标准规定黄曲酶毒素的允许量需低于0.05mg/kg㊂黄曲霉菌毒素易使猪的肝脏受到损害㊂少量的黄曲霉毒素就可对猪的生长性能产生显著的影响㊂花生饼粕和花生茎叶中的黄曲霉毒素及蛋白质组分的不理想,在复合饲料中添加量一般在10%左右,限制了饲料中的高效利用㊂因此,提高花生粕和花生茎叶的质量安全和品质,才能饲料行业中充分利用㊂目前,在豆粕饲料中利用枯草芽孢杆菌研究营养和安全方面研究很多,但对花生粕㊁花生茎叶的相关研究较少[7~9]㊂本研究以花生饼粕和花生茎叶为原料,采用固态发酵法,研究了枯草芽孢杆菌对花生粕和花生茎叶的发酵条件,得到最佳工艺,这对花生饼粕和花生茎叶在饲料行业中进一步利用提供理论数据㊂1㊀材料与方法1.1㊀材料与设备1.1.1㊀材料㊀枯草芽孢杆菌1389中国农业微生物菌种保藏中心提供;热榨花生饼粕和花生茎叶市场购买㊂1.1.2㊀培养基㊀枯草芽孢杆菌斜面培养基:蛋白胨10g/L,牛肉膏3g/L,NaC15g/L,琼脂2g/L,pH值7.0;∗收稿日期:2020-08-11作者简介:迟吉捷(1980-),男,助理研究员,主要从事食品营养与质量安全工作㊂通讯作者:石太渊(1965-),男,研究员,从事食品营养与质量安全工作㊂辽宁农业科学㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2021年枯草芽孢杆菌液体活化培养基:蛋白胨10g/L,牛肉膏3g/L,NaC15g/L,pH值7.0;枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢平板计数培养基:酵母浸粉2.5g/L蛋白胨5g/L,葡萄糖1.0g/L,琼脂1.5g/L,pH 值7.0㊂固体培养基:用植物粉碎机粉碎花生粕和花生茎叶,颗粒大小为120目㊂按每250ml培养瓶中加入25g固体(20g花生饼粕+5g花生茎叶)㊂以上培养基均121ħ下灭菌20min备用㊂1.2㊀试验方法1.2.1㊀固态发酵工艺流程㊀花生饼粕粉+花生茎叶粉ң灭菌ң冷却ң接菌ң发酵ң烘干ң平板培养ң芽孢数量ң最佳发酵条件㊂1.2.2㊀芽孢培养计数方法㊀取0.5g发酵物干燥产品加入到4.5ml无菌水中,在80ħ恒温水浴中,经10min灭枯草芽孢杆菌后3000r/min,离心10min,上清液稀释106倍,取200μl菌液涂板培养15h后检测枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数㊂1.2.3㊀单因素试验设计㊀调查以不同的料液比㊁接种量㊁发酵温度㊁发酵时间和花生茎叶量为因素对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数目的影响㊂1.2.3.1㊀料液比对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数的影响㊀取20g花生饼粕和5g花生茎叶,加2g菌样,发酵温度为30ħ,发酵时间为72h,每隔12h搅拌1次,分别加15㊁20㊁25㊁30㊁35ml,料液比分别为1ʒ0.56,1ʒ0.74,1ʒ0.92,1ʒ1.11,1ʒ1.30测定样品的芽孢数㊂1.2.3.2㊀接菌量对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数的影响㊀取20g花生饼粕和5g花生茎叶,发酵温度为30ħ,发酵时间为72h,每隔12h搅拌1次,加25ml水,分别接种0.25g(接菌量为0.50%)㊁0.50g(接菌量为1.0%)㊁1.00g(接菌量为2.0%)㊁1.5g(接菌量为3.0%)㊁2.0g (接菌量为4.0%)㊁2.5g(接菌量5.0%)(枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数为1.2ˑ108个/g)菌量,测定样品的芽孢数㊂1.2.3.3㊀培养时间对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数的影响㊀取20g花生饼粕和5g花生茎叶,加0.5g菌样和25ml水,培养温度为30ħ,每隔12h搅拌1次,分别培养24㊁36㊁48㊁60㊁72㊁84h枯草芽孢杆菌,测定样品芽孢数㊂1.2.3.4㊀培养温度对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数的影响㊀取20g花生饼粕和5g花生茎叶,加0.5g菌样和25ml水,培养时间为72h,每隔12h搅拌1次,分别在24㊁26㊁28㊁30㊁32㊁34ħ下培养,测定样品的芽孢数㊂1.2.3.5㊀花生茎叶含量对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数的影响㊀取20g花生饼粕,加0.5g菌样和25ml水,培养时间为72h,培养温度为30ħ,每隔12h搅拌1次,分别加0㊁2.5㊁5.0㊁7.5㊁10g的花生茎叶粉,测定样品的芽孢数㊂1.2.4㊀响应面法试验设计㊀以单因素试验数据为依据,采用Box-Behnken试验设计方法,对料液比(A)㊁接种量(B)㊁培养温度(C)和培养时间(D)等4个因素,设计4因素3水平的试验方案[10~15]㊂2㊀结果与分析2.1㊀单因素试验2.1.1㊀料液比对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量的影响㊀由图1中可以看出,料液比对花生饼粕中的枯草芽孢杆菌发酵有较大影响,料液比1ʒ0.92(加水量为25ml)时枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量最高(芽孢数118.6ˑ107个/g)㊂这很可能是因为枯草芽孢杆菌是好氧菌,料液比大时水中氧气含量偏低,满足不了枯草芽孢杆菌生长,导致枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量减少㊂相反,料液比小虽然可以满足枯草芽孢杆菌氧气需求,但营养物质浓度过小,也影响枯草芽孢杆菌生长㊂图1㊀料液比对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量的影响Figure1㊀Influence of the ratio of feed to liquid on the spore quantity of Bacillus subtilis2.1.2㊀接菌量对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量的影响㊀由图2可以看出,随着接菌量的增加,发酵后的花生饼粕混合料中的芽孢杆菌芽孢数量呈现先增后降的趋势,接菌量0.5g时产生的草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量最多,达到2.3ˑ107个/g,随着接菌量增大,反而抑制枯草芽孢杆菌的繁殖㊂图2㊀接菌量对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量的影响Figure2㊀The influence of inoculation amount on the spore quantity of Bacillus subtilis2.1.3㊀枯草芽孢杆菌种培养时间对芽孢数量的影响㊀由图3看出,枯草芽孢杆菌种培养时间对芽孢杆菌芽孢繁殖有明显的影响,随着培养时间延长枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量呈现先增后降的趋势,培养时间在24~36h之间㊃05㊃第3期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀迟吉捷等:枯草芽孢杆菌发酵制备花生饼粕㊁花生茎叶混合饲料条件优化研究时,枯草杆菌繁殖缓慢,芽孢数量也较少,随着培养时间的增长,枯草芽孢杆菌的繁殖速度明显提高,培养时间到72h时达到高峰,枯草杆菌芽孢数为4.53ˑ107个/g,芽孢杆菌进入衰亡期,芽孢数量明显下降㊂图3㊀接菌量对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量的影响Figure3㊀The influence of temperature on the spore quantity of Bacillus subtilis2.1.4㊀发酵温度对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量的影响㊀由图4可以看出,培养温度对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量有明显的影响,随着培养温度升高枯草芽孢杆菌的繁殖先增后降的趋势,芽孢数目呈现先升高后培养温度在30ħ范围内时,枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量最高,达到枯草杆菌芽孢数为28.5ˑ107个/g㊂图4㊀温度对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量的影响Figure4㊀The influence of temperature on the spore quantity of Bacillus subtilis2.1.5㊀花生茎叶含量对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量的影响㊀由图5可以看出,花生茎叶含量对枯草芽孢杆菌繁殖有一定影响,但不明显㊂花生茎叶添加含量5g时枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量最多,达到0.42ˑ107个/g㊂这可能与不同的花生茎叶含量改变枯草芽孢杆菌生长环境有关㊂适合地添加花生茎叶改善了发酵花生饼粕的透气性和碳㊁氮含量,有利于芽孢杆菌生长,否则花生茎叶添加量过多或过少都不利于枯草芽孢杆菌繁殖㊂2.2㊀响应面法培养条件优化在花生饼粕以及茎叶的枯草芽孢杆菌培养单因素试验基础上,采用Box-Behnken组合设计,以枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数为响应值,以加水量㊁培养时间㊁接菌量㊁培养温度为自变量因素,进行响应面试验,优化花生饼粕以及茎叶的枯草芽孢杆菌培养条件,试验设计和分析采用应用De-sign-Expert8.0.6数据分析软件,试验设计与结果见表2㊂图5㊀花生茎叶含量对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量的影响Figure5㊀The influence of Stem and leaf content of pea-nut on the spore quantity of Bacillus subtilis表1㊀响应面分析因数与水平试验设计Table1㊀Response surface analysis factors and horizon-tal test design水平加水量培养时间(h)接菌量培养温度(ħ)-11ʒ0.74480.252801ʒ0.92600.503011ʒ1.1172 1.0032表2㊀响应面试验设计与结果Table2㊀Response surface test design and results试验序号X1X2X3X4芽孢数107个110-10412-10-10883001-151400-1-1795010-113960011149700001808-100114590-10-1391010011911-1010161120-1108413011014614010111915-1-1001381600001801710104318000017019000018620-100-1562100-117922100-1672300001792401-1010025-1100135261-10023270-10110228110082290-1-10104㊃15㊃辽宁农业科学㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2021年㊀㊀枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数所得回归方程为:Y =179.00-37.33X 1+19.25X 2+11.92X 3+15.17X 4+15.50X 1X 2-17.75X 1X 3-34.25X 1X 4+16.50X 2X 3-20.75X 2X 4+24.50X 3X 4-55.96X 12-29.33X 22-40.08X 32-50.21X 42由表3可看出, Prob>F 值小于0.01,表明回归方程极显著,而且各因数之问差异很显著,说明该试验方法是可靠有效的㊂模型R 2值为0.9730,失拟项P 值为0.0534大于0.05,说明回归方程拟合程度良好,试验误差小,可以利用该方程预测枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数的理论数值㊂通过比较回归方程中的各因数显著性分析,可判断各因数的作用大小,枯草芽孢杆芽孢数影响的大小依次为加水量㊁培养时间㊁培养温度㊁接菌量㊂由图6可知,响应面曲线越陡,相互作用的因素对花生饼粕㊁花生茎叶混合饲料中培养枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数的影响越显著,该结果与方差分析结果一致㊂通过回归方程可以得到最优的预测值,即加水量(料液比)1ʒ0.83㊁培养时间时间62.15h㊁接菌量0.78㊁培养温度30.76ħ,此条件下枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数理论值195.225㊂结合实际工作,优化工艺参数,即加水量(料液比)1ʒ0.83㊁培养时间62h㊁接菌量0.78㊁培养温度30ħ,枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数为195.222ʃ0.003,所得参数比较为可靠㊂表3㊀枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量回归方程方差分析Table 3㊀Variance analysis of the regression equation of Bacillus subtilis spore quantity方差来源偏差平方和自由度均方F 值P 值显著性模型72950.47145210.7536.010.0001∗∗X 116725.33116725.33115.570.0001∗∗X 24446.7514446.7530.730.0001∗∗X 31704.0811704.0811.780.0041∗∗X 42760.3312760.3319.070.0006∗∗X 1X 2961.001961.00 6.640.0219∗X 1X 31260.2511260.258.710.0105∗X 1X 44692.2514692.2532.42<0.0001∗∗X 2X 31089.0011089.007.520.0159∗X 2X 41722.2511722.2511.900.0039∗∗X 3X 42401.0012401.0016.590.0011∗∗X 1220311.36120311.36140.35<0.0001∗∗X 225581.2615581.2638.57<0.0001∗∗X 3210421.67110421.6772.01<0.0001∗∗X 4216351.63116351.63112.99<0.0001∗∗残差2026.0814144.72失拟项1894.0810189.41 5.740.0534不显著纯误差132.00433.00总偏差74976.5528R20.9730㊀㊀注:∗∗表示显著极差异(P <0.01);∗表示差异显著(P <0.05)㊀㊀Note:∗∗indicated significant extreme difference (P <0.01);∗indicated significant difference(P <0.05)图6㊀工艺参数对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量影响的响应面Figure 6㊀Response surface diagram of the influence of process parameters on Bacillus subtilis spore㊃25㊃第3期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀迟吉捷等:枯草芽孢杆菌发酵制备花生饼粕㊁花生茎叶混合饲料条件优化研究3㊀结论3.1㊀在单因素试验的基础上,结合响应面分析法优化了各参数,并确定了花生饼粕㊁花生茎叶混合饲料中培养枯草芽孢杆菌的最优培养条件:加水量(料液比)1ʒ0.83㊁培养时间时间62h㊁接菌量0.78g㊁培养温度30ħ,在该条件下所得枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数为(195.222ʃ0.003)㊂3.2㊀实验结果表明,对培养枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数影响的大小依次为加水量㊁培养时间㊁培养温度㊁接菌量㊂3.3㊀优化枯草芽孢杆菌在花生饼粕㊁花生茎叶混合饲料中培养工艺效果好,培养枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢数量较多㊂为以后的花生饼粕和花生茎叶的利用提供理论依据㊂参考文献:[1]㊀乔治林.中国花生产业布局的影响因素分析[J].农业经济,2016(2):55~56.[2]㊀孙杰,张初署,毕洁,等.枯草芽孢杆菌发酵制备花生粕饲料条件优化[J].核农学报,2014,28(1):101~107. 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[15]㊀张友维,张晖,王立,等.枯草芽孢杆菌发酵制备花生多肽及其自由基清除活力的研究[J].中国油脂,2017,36(10):25~29.Optimization of Peanut Meal and Peanut Stem and Leaf Mixed Feedby Fermentation of Bacillus subtilisCHI Ji-jie,SHI Tai-yuan(Liaoning Academy of Agriculture Sciences,Food and Processing lnstitute,Shenyang,Liaoning㊀110161) Abstract:Taking peanut meal and peanut stem and leaf mixed feed as raw materials,screening the best Ba-cillus subtilis culture conditions as the goal,to study the influence of factors such as the ratio of material to liq-uid,inoculum,fermentation temperature,and fermentation time on the culture of Bacillus subtilis.The results showed that the optimal culture conditions:water addition(material-to-liquid ratio)1ʒ0.83,culture time62 h,inoculation amount0.78g,culture temperature30ħ,the number of Bacillus subtilis spores obtained un-der these conditions is(195.222ʃ0.003).Key words:Peanut cake meal;Peanut stems and leaves;Bacillus subtilis;Spore number㊃35㊃。
二、材料与方法1. 材料(1)菌种:枯草芽孢杆菌。
2. 方法(1)前处理:分别对基质进行干燥、热处理、酸处理和酶解处理。
三、结果与分析1. 不同前处理方式对菌体生长的影响实验结果显示,经过酶解处理的基质在固态发酵过程中,枯草芽孢杆菌的生长速度最快,生长量也最大。
2. 不同前处理方式对代谢产物的影响酶解处理显著提高了固态发酵过程中枯草芽孢杆菌产生的酶类、氨基酸等代谢产物的含量。
3. 不同前处理方式对基质降解的影响酶解处理能够显著提高基质中纤维素、半纤维素和木质素的降解率,促进基质的降解。
4. 机制研究通过分析不同前处理方式对枯草芽孢杆菌细胞结构和生理功能的影响,发现酶解处理能够破坏基质中的纤维素和半纤维素结构,使枯草芽孢杆菌更容易利用基质中的营养物质,从而促进其生长和代谢产物的产生。
二、材料与方法2.1 材料实验所用枯草芽孢杆菌菌种购自ATCC。
2.2 方法(1)前处理:分别对枯草芽孢杆菌进行热处理(60℃、90℃)、酸处理(pH 3.0、pH 5.0)、碱处理(pH 8.0、pH 10.0)以及未处理对照组的预处理。
三、不同前处理方式对枯草芽孢杆菌固态发酵过程的影响3.1 对菌体生长的影响实验结果表明,热处理和酸碱处理均能在一定程度上促进枯草芽孢杆菌的生长。
其中,90℃热处理和pH 10.0的碱处理对菌体生长的促进作用最为显著。
3.2 对发酵产物的影响前处理方式对固态发酵产物的种类和产量有显著影响。
四、不同前处理方式影响枯草芽孢杆菌固态发酵的机制研究4.1 对菌体细胞膜的影响前处理方式可能改变菌体细胞膜的通透性,影响菌体内外物质的交换,从而影响菌体的生长和代谢。
枯草芽孢杆菌发酵制备花生多肽及其自由基清除活力的研究张友维;张晖;王立;郭晓娜;齐希光;钱海峰【期刊名称】《中国油脂》【年(卷),期】2011(036)010【摘要】为优化枯草芽孢杆菌发酵制备花生多肽的条件,采用响应面法,以水解度为响应值,研究了pH、接种量、发酵时间和发酵温度对制备高水解度花生多肽的影响.最终确定最佳发酵条件为:pH7.2,接种量2%,发酵时间3.97 d,发酵温度32.6℃.在此条件下发酵制得的花生多肽水解度为22.42%,与理论预测值的误差在1%以内,说明利用建立的模型在实践中进行预测是可行的.并对制备的花生多肽进行自由基清除试验,发现该条件下制备的花生多肽具有较好的DPPH自由基清除能力和超氧阴离子自由基清除能力.【总页数】5页(P25-29)【作者】张友维;张晖;王立;郭晓娜;齐希光;钱海峰【作者单位】江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡 214122;江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡214122;江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡 214122;江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡214122;江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡 214122;江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡214122【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS229;TQ936【相关文献】1.枯草芽孢杆菌B1发酵猪骨制备多肽的条件优化 [J], 王君虹;陈新峰;周利亘2.枯草芽孢杆菌发酵豆粕生产多肽及多肽螯合铜的工艺研究 [J], 郭子好;方华;夏志生;朱校适;孙中超;沈城;焦春燕3.固态发酵制备花生多肽的菌种筛选研究 [J], 杨新建;段素云;肖海峻;田璐;王伟青;罗红霞4.枯草芽孢杆菌发酵制备花生饼粕、花生茎叶混合饲料条件优化研究 [J], 迟吉捷;石太渊5.枯草芽孢杆菌发酵豆渣制备多肽及其活性研究 [J], 尹乐斌;李乐乐;何平;刘桠丽;杨学为;罗雪韵因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
枯草芽孢杆菌固态发酵产脂肽培养基优化及脂肽的初步鉴定李萌;李丽;张坦;牟海津【摘要】利用枯草芽孢杆菌N-2,以豆粕为主要基质,优化固态发酵产抗菌脂肽以提高脂肽产量.利用高效液相色谱法对发酵产生的抗菌物质进行初步鉴定;随后通过Plackett-Burman设计法和响应面优化,对枯草芽孢杆菌产脂肽的关键因子进行筛选并优化最佳培养基条件组合.结果表明,初步分析该抗菌物质主要成分为脂肽,其组分包括伊枯草菌素(m/z 1043.6、1057.5、1070.2、1084.0),丰原素(m/z 717.4、734.7);筛选确定MgSO4、K2HPO4、FeSO4添加量为3个影响发酵的显著性(p<0.05)因素,确定发酵培养基成分的最优组合为MgSO4 0.39%、K2HPO41.70%、FeSO40.13%,在其条件下脂肽的抑菌率达到75.62%±0.36%,该结果为脂肽的工业化生产奠定基础.【期刊名称】《食品工业科技》【年(卷),期】2019(040)006【总页数】7页(P198-204)【关键词】枯草芽孢杆菌N-2;脂肽;发酵;抑菌活性【作者】李萌;李丽;张坦;牟海津【作者单位】中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院,山东青岛266003;中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院,山东青岛266003;中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院,山东青岛266003;中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院,山东青岛266003【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS201.1抗菌脂肽是由革兰氏阳性芽孢杆菌通过非核糖体合成途径产生的具有抗菌作用的脂肽类化合物,也叫脂肽类抗生素[1-2],主要分为表面活性素(surfactin)、伊枯草菌素(iturin)、芬荠素(fengcin)三大类[3]。
枯草芽孢杆菌固体发酵条件优化杨婷;廖美德;贺玉广;刘偲嘉【摘要】为研究初始pH、蛋白胨浓度和不同发酵底物对枯草芽孢杆菌生长的影响,对不同发酵底物进行液态和固态发酵试验,结果发现,pH为6.5~7.0时,细菌生长最快,pH为7.5~8.0时,蛋白酶的活性最强;蛋白胨1.6 g·L-1的LB培养基,枯草芽孢杆菌的生长状况最好,蛋白酶的活力也最强;豆粕是优质氮源,能显著促进枯草芽孢杆菌的生长和蛋白酶活性,豆粕20%、豆渣10%、麸皮60%和玉米粉30%作为固态发酵底物,枯草芽孢杆菌的生长速度最快,豆粕10%、豆渣10%、麸皮50%和玉米粉10%为固态发酵底物,枯草芽孢杆菌分泌的蛋白酶活力最强.【期刊名称】《饲料博览》【年(卷),期】2015(000)003【总页数】4页(P5-8)【关键词】枯草芽孢杆菌;发酵;正交实验【作者】杨婷;廖美德;贺玉广;刘偲嘉【作者单位】华南农业大学天然农药与化学生物学教育部重点实验室,广州510642;华南农业大学天然农药与化学生物学教育部重点实验室,广州 510642;华南农业大学天然农药与化学生物学教育部重点实验室,广州 510642;华南农业大学天然农药与化学生物学教育部重点实验室,广州 510642【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S816.6枯草芽孢杆菌是一类广泛分布于各种不同生活环境中的革兰氏阳性好氧型细菌,常作为益生菌添加在幼小动物日粮中,能够起到改善动物肠道菌群结构、提高消化酶活性、改善机体免疫功能以及提高生产性能的作用,对人畜无毒害作用,不污染环境[1-2]。
固态发酵制备花生多肽的菌种筛选研究杨新建;段素云;肖海峻;田璐;王伟青;罗红霞【摘要】为筛选能降解花生饼(粕)、花生多肽产量高且稳定的微生物菌种,为后续优化发酵工艺,提高多肽产量、品质及活性打下基础,本试验以具有较高的蛋白、总糖含量,较低的脂肪含量的花生粕为基质,采用固态发酵技术,并借助SDS-PAGE试验及产多肽稳定性试验,对枯草芽孢杆菌、地衣芽孢杆菌、黑曲霉、米曲霉、产朊假丝酵母、酿酒酵母、植物乳酸杆菌等7株备选菌株产花生多肽能力及稳定性进行了考察.结果显示,7株备选菌株中,米曲霉产多肽量最高[(149.20±14.69) mg/g],产朊假丝酵母[(116.86±5.04)mg/g]、地衣芽孢杆菌(110.66±1.04 mg/g)次之,但在稳定性方面以地衣芽孢杆菌为最佳(P=-0.818>0.05).因此,确定地衣芽孢杆菌为目标发酵菌株.【期刊名称】《中国饲料》【年(卷),期】2015(000)022【总页数】5页(P16-20)【关键词】固态发酵;多肽;菌种筛选【作者】杨新建;段素云;肖海峻;田璐;王伟青;罗红霞【作者单位】北京农业职业学院,北京房山102442;农业部饲料生物技术重点实验室,北京海淀100081;中国农业科学院饲料研究所基因工程研究室,北京海淀100081;北京农业职业学院,北京房山102442;北京农业职业学院,北京房山102442;北京农业职业学院,北京房山102442;北京农业职业学院,北京房山102442;北京农业职业学院,北京房山102442【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S816.7花生饼(粕)是脱壳花生经压榨或浸提取油后的副产物,其营养丰富,粗蛋白质含量比豆粕大约高出3%(Hwang等,2010);多糖含量高达32.5%;代谢能水平在所有饼粕类饲料中最高;并含有Mg、K、Ca、Fe、Na、Zn、P、Cu、Mn 等多种矿物质元素。
一株饲用枯草芽孢杆菌CCAM 080032固态发酵工艺的研究
为40 g,加入适当蒸馏水,121。C高压灭菌30 rain,冷 却至室温后,以接种量为5%接人种子液,在37℃培
养48 h,然后60℃烘干、粉碎、计芽孢数。 1.5芽孢计数方法
笪:!:堑釜!二盗塑旦丝芏茎塾堑董g垦垒丛Q!塑!兰堕查垒壁三堇丝堑窒 将枯草芽孢杆菌CCAM 080032在37℃下进行 固态培养,每12 h取样测定芽孢产量,以确定最适的 发酵时间。 1.7.2发酵温度的选择 分别在30、34、37、加、45℃的温度下,发酵48 后测定芽孢产量,确定最适的发酵温度。 1.7.3料水比的确定 通过控制添加的蒸馏水的量,使培养基料水比分 别为l:1、1:1.25、1:1.5、1:1.75,其他条件保持一 致,37℃发酵48 h后测定芽孢产量,以确定最佳的初 始料水比。 2结果与分析 2.1培养基优化 2.1.1培养基固体基质的选择
葡萄糖的基础培养基中。其他条件保持一致,37℃发 酵48 h后测定芽孢产量,确定最适外加氮源的种类。
表l外加氮源对芽孢产量的影响 堡旦
60 5 O 4O 3 O O
30.36 14.29 19.“ 23.57 10.72 39.37 50 150.15
g,37℃培养48 h,芽孢产量达到7.90x10m
关键词:枯草芽孢杆茵;固态发酵;芽孢产量 中图分类号:Q815 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001—991X(2010)22-0043—04
枯草芽孢杆菌的发酵学院:化工学院专业:生物工程班级:生物10-2 :霞摘要枯草芽孢杆菌是我国农业部允许作为饲料添加剂的15 种菌种之一, 其已被越来越多地制成饲用微生态制剂。
因其制剂是无毒、无残留、无污染的“绿色” 添加剂,故具有广阔的发展前景,并已在畜牧业、饲料业广泛应用,显示巨大的社会效益和生态效益。
单个细胞0.7 ~0.8×2~3 微米,着色均匀。
革兰氏阳性菌,芽孢0.6 ~0.9 ×1.0 ~1.5 微米,椭圆到柱状,位于菌体中央或稍偏,芽孢形成后菌体不膨大。
枯草芽孢杆菌迅速消耗环境中的游离氧,造成肠道低氧,促进有益厌氧菌生长,并产生乳酸等有机酸类,降低肠道pH 值,间接抑制其它致病菌生长。
枯草芽孢杆菌菌体自身合成α- 淀粉酶、蛋白酶、脂肪酶、纤维素酶等酶类,在消化道中与动物体的消化酶类一同发挥作用,能合成维生素B1、B2、B6、烟酸等多种B 族维生素,提高动物体干扰素和巨噬细胞的活性,在饲料中应用广泛。
和其它微生物混合使用,还可以用于生物肥料和土地改良等关键词:枯草芽孢杆菌生长发酵活菌数第一章材料与方法1.1材料1.1.1菌种枯草芽孢杆菌1.1.2培养基(1)LB培养基:蛋白胨10g,酵母膏5g,NaCl10g,蒸馏水1000ml,pH 为7,(可溶性淀粉20g)琼脂20g。
主要研究结果如下:(1)固态发酵体系中,发酵前48h枯草芽孢杆菌生长繁殖迅速,活菌数量达8.34×10<sup>9</sup> cfu/g。
发酵24-48h过程中,菌体利用了培养基中的大量葡萄糖,葡萄糖含量由13.6 mg/g下降到6.38mg/g。
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Technology optimization on preparation of peanut antioxidant peptidesby bacillus subtilis solid state fermentation methodYu Lina 1, a*, Xu Tingting 1, b , Zhang Chushu 1, c , Sun Jie 1, d*, and Bi Jie 1, e1Shandong Peanut Research Institute, Qingdao 266100, China a lhtyln0626@ (Corresponding author), b 1940372672@, c zcs.2003@, d sj605@, e bj.baby@Keywords: Technology optimization, Peanut antioxidant peptides, Bacillus subtilis, Solid state fermentationAbstract. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the preparation of peanut antioxidant peptides by Bacillus subtilis solid state fermentation method and to provide a theoretical basis for further investigating deep processing products of fermentation peanut meal. The preparation technics for peanut antioxidant peptides optimized with the soluble nitrogen concentration of peptides, 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and hydroxyl free radicals scavenging rates of fermentation broth as the indexes of investigation including the cell age was 20h, bacterial suspension volume was 3.0mL, fermentation temperature was 40°C, nutrient salt solution was 15mL, the fermentation time was 42h, water bath temperature was 45°C, and water bath time was 3h. The research shows that IC 50 values for peptides scavenging of DPPH, hydroxyl and superoxide anion free radicals, iron and copper ion chelating rates, lipid peroxidation inhibiting rate, iron and molybdenum reducing activity were 3.48mg/mL, 6.24mg/mL, 2.06mg/mL, 0.54mg/mL, 1.19mg/mL, 4.56mg/mL, 9.58mg/mL and2.17mg/mL, respectively.IntroductionPeanut is rich in protein of 25%-36% and it is a good dietary protein resource. However, protein denaturation will be found after thermal extracting oil. Therefore, high temperature peanut meal has low utilization rate and it is usually used as feed and fertilizer [1]. At present, enzyme hydrolysis protein to prepare peptides is a good method to use high temperature peanut meal. Peanut antioxidant peptides, ACE inhibitory peptides, α-glucosaccharase inhibitory peptides can be obtained from peanut protein hydrolysates [2-5]. In this paper, one more effective method of bacillus subtilis solid state fermentation method was introduced in order to prepare peanut antioxidant peptides. Many kinds enzyme system including protease, cellulose, β-amylase, lipase would participate in fermentation process. So, high quality, purity and activity peanut antioxidant peptides can be obtained by using solid state fermentation method, but not protease hydrolysis method [6, 7].Materials and MethodsMaterials and Chemicals. High temperature peanut meal was supplied by Shandong Luhua Group Co., Ltd. Bacillus subtilis (CICC10071) was purchased from China Center of Industrial Culture Collection. LB broth was purchased from Beijing Land Bridge Technology Co., Ltd. High temperature peanut meal was treated at 121°C sterilization for 20min.Preparation of Bacillus Subtilis Seed. The 2 ring vaccination activation of bacillus subtilis was added to 50ml LB broth and it was cultured under the condition of 30°C. When bacillus subtilis growth was at logarithmic phase, bacteria number was about 108/mL, it can be used to solid state fermentation experiment.Technology of Bacillus Subtilis Solid State Fermentation Peanut Meal. Bacillus subtilis seed, nutrient salt solution and high temperature peanut meal were mixed and placed in an incubator to solid state fermentation for a certain time. Distilled water would be added to the above mixture after Applied Mechanics and Materials Submitted:2015-11-04ISSN: 1662-7482, Vol. 835, pp 103-108Revised:2015-12-24doi:10.4028//AMM.835.103Accepted:2016-01-27© 2016 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland Online:2016-05-11fermentation. Then the new mixture was treated in water bath for a certain time. The fermentation broth was obtained from the supernatant after the new mixture centrifugation. The fermentation broth would be ultrafiltered two times by using ultrafiltration membrane of 10kDa and 5kDa. In the end, the permeate solution of 5kDa ultrafiltration membrane was collected as antioxidant peptides and was freezed drying.Determination of Soluble Nitrogen Concentration (Lowery Method) [8].1.0mL sample solution was added to 5ml reagent A and stand reaction time 10 min at room temperature after mixing. The mixture was added to 0.5ml Folin- phenol reagent and reacted at 30°C water bath for 30min after mixing. In the end, soluble nitrogen concentration is determined by the absorption value at 750nm.Analysis Methods. All of these antioxidant activities DPPH, hydroxyl and superoxide anion free radicals scavenging rates, iron and copper ion chelating rates, lipid peroxidation inhibiting rate, iron and molybdenum reducing activity were determined in accordance with the Yu et al [2] method. Results and AnalysisEffect of Cell Age on the Fermentation Result. Effect of cell age on the fermentation result was shown in Fig. 1. In the range of 12-32h cell age, soluble nitrogen concentration increased at first and then decreased, the maximum value was observed at 20h; DPPH free radical scavenging rate overall showed a trend of decrease after the first increase, the maximum value presented at 24h; hydroxyl free radical scavenging rate presented decreased first, increased then and constant trend, the minimum value was at 20h. Bacillus subtilis logarithmic phase was at 12-32h. In the range of 12-20h, as the cell age time extended, bacillus subtilis grew faster so that the enzyme quantity increased and hydrolysis efficiency sped up and soluble nitrogen concentration increased the maximum value. When cell age was more than 20h, the growth speed of bacillus subtilis further speed up. The amount of protein to growth increased and protein to hydrolysis decreased result in decreasing the soluble nitrogen concentration. DPPH and hydroxyl free radical scavenging rates changed with the change of soluble nitrogen. So,the optimum cell age was 20h.Fig. 1 Effect of cell age on the fermentation result.Effect of Bacterial Suspension Volume on the Fermentation Result. Fig. 2 showed effect of bacterial suspension volume on the fermentation result. In the range of 1-6mL bacterial suspension volume, soluble nitrogen concentration increased at first and then decreased, the maximum value was observed at 2, 3mL; DPPH free radical scavenging rate showed a trend of increase after the first decrease, the minimum value presented at 2mL; hydroxyl free radical scavenging rate presented overall upward trend, the minimum value was at 6mL. When bacterial suspension volume was in the range of 1-3mL, quantity of bacillus subtilis increased and bacteria growth sped up to cause enzyme and soluble nitrogen concentration increased. When bacterial suspension volume was more than 3mL, quantity of bacillus subtilis in fermentation system was too much to cause bacteria growth restrained.So,the optimum bacterial suspension volume was 3mL.Fig. 2 Effect of bacterial suspension volume on the fermentation result.Effect of Fermentation Temperature on the Fermentation Result. Fig. 3 showed effect of fermentation temperature on the fermentation result. In the range of 25-50°C fermentation temperature, soluble nitrogen concentration showed the trend of decreased, increased and decreased, the maximum value was observed at 40°C; DPPH free radical scavenging rate showed a trend of gradual increase, the maximum value presented at 50°C; hydroxyl free radical scavenging rate presented overall reduce trend, the maximum value was at 25°C. Temperature is one of the important factors that affect the growth of bacillus subtilis. With the increase of fermentation temperature, the growth sped up and quantity of enzyme increased result in obtaining high hydrolysis efficiency and the maximum soluble nitrogen concentration. When the fermentation temperature continued to rise, high temperature inhibited the growth of bacillus subtilis. Growth rate declined to cause quantity of enzyme and soluble nitrogen concentration decreased. So,the optimum fermentation temperature was 40°C.Fig. 3 Effect of fermentation temperature on the fermentation result.Effect of Nutrient Salt Solution Volume on the Fermentation Result. Fig. 4 showed effect of nutrient salt solution volume on the fermentation result. In the range of 10-35mL nutrient salt solution volume, soluble nitrogen concentration showed the trend of increased and decreased, the maximum value was observed at 15mL and 20mL; DPPH free radical scavenging rate showed a trend of gradual decreased, the maximum value presented at 10mL; hydroxyl free radical scavenging rate presented first increased and then decreased trend, the maximum value was at 25mL. In the range of 10-20mL, the gradually increased nutrient salt solution volume was beneficial to the growth of bacillus subtilis to cause the quantity of enzyme and soluble nitrogen concentration increased. When nutrient salt solution volume was more than 20mL, too much solution exceeded the demand of bacillus subtilis and the growth of bacillus subtilis flattened out. In addition, increasing nutrient salt diluted the enzyme in the fermentation system result in enzyme and substrate reducing chance to contact and making enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency lower. Then soluble nitrogen concentration decreased. So,the optimum nutrient salt solution volume was 15mL.Fig. 4 Effect of nutrient salt solution volume on the fermentation result.Effect of Fermentation Time on the Fermentation Result. Fig. 5 showed effect of fermentation time on the fermentation result. In the range of 12-42h fermentation time, soluble nitrogen concentration showed the trend of increased, the maximum value was observed at 42h; DPPH free radical scavenging rate showed a trend of first increased then decreased, the maximum value presented at 30h; hydroxyl free radical scavenging rates presented small changes in different fermentation periods. In the range of 12-30h, both the growth of bacillus subtilis and the amount of enzyme increased slowly in the fermentation system to cause soluble nitrogen concentration increased slowly. When fermentation time was more than 30h, bacillus subtilis growth rate increased rapidly. Then the amount of enzyme and soluble nitrogen concentration increased rapidly. So,the optimum fermentation time was 42h.Fig. 5 Effect of fermentation time on the fermentation result.Effect of Water Bath Temperature on the Fermentation Result. Fig. 6 showed effect of water bath temperature on the fermentation result. In the range of 25-50°C water bath temperature, soluble nitrogen concentration showed the trend of first increased and then decreased, the maximum value was observed at 45°C; DPPH free radical scavenging rate showed a trend of decreased, the maximum value presented at 25°C; hydroxyl free radical scavenging rates presented the tendency of increase with the decrease of the first, the minimum value was observed at 35°C. In the range of 25-40°C, enzyme system in the fermentation system continued to hydrolysate protein. Both the digestion rate and soluble nitrogen concentration increased slowly. When the temperature of the water bath was more than 40°C, digestion rate was accelerated and soluble nitrogen concentration increased. So,the optimum water bath temperature was 45°C.Fig. 6 Effect of water bath temperature on the fermentation result.Effect of Water bath Time on the Fermentation Result. Fig. 7 showed effect of water bath time on the fermentation result. In the range of 1-6h water bath time, soluble nitrogen concentration showed the trend of first increased and then decreased, the maximum value was observed at 3h; DPPH free radical scavenging rate showed a trend of decreased, the maximum value presented at 1h; hydroxyl free radical scavenging rates presented the tendency of decrease with the increase of the first, the maximum value was observed at 3h. In the range of 1-3h, enzymolysis reaction increased and soluble nitrogen concentration increased. When water bath time was more than 3h, the amount of enzyme in the fermentation system gradually reduced result in soluble nitrogen concentration decreased. So, the optimum water bath time was 3h.Fig.7 Effect of water bath time on the fermentation result.Results of Antioxidant Activities of Peanut Antioxidant Peptides. Antioxidant activities of peanut antioxidant peptides were determined and results was seen in Table 1. Peanut antioxidant peptides had better antioxidant activities.Table 1. Results of antioxidant activities.Regression equation R 2 IC 50 [mg/mL] DPPH free radical scavenging ratey = -0.8228x 2 + 17.116x + 0.4392 0.9961 3.48 Hydroxyl free radical scavenging ratey = -0.3053x 2 + 7.3445x + 16.058 0.9945 6.24 Superoxide anion free radical scavenging ratey = -0.549x 2 + 9.7286x + 32.278 0.9971 2.06 Lipid peroxidation inhibiting ratey = -1.092x 2 + 17.219x - 5.7877 0.9923 4.56 Iron reducing activityy = -0.0031x 2 + 0.0816x + 0.0027 0.9990 9.58 Molybdenum reducing activityy = -0.0114x 2 + 0.2594x - 0.0088 0.9961 2.17 Iron ion chelating ratey = -0.7159x 2 + 11.541x + 43.926 0.9933 0.54 Copper ion chelating rate y = -2.7671x 2 + 38.633x + 7.9102 0.99071.19SummaryIn this paper, the technology optimization on preparation of peanut antioxidant peptides by bacillus subtilis solid state fermentation method was investigated. Peanut antioxidant peptides obtained from ultrafiltration separation had better antioxidant activities. Therefore, these results indicate that peanut antioxidant peptides is valuable for exploiting new hygienical food.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the Shandong Key Research and Development Program (2015GGX108006), the Qingdao People's Livelihood Science and Technology Project (14-2-3-65-nsh), and the Shandong Independent Innovation and Achievement Transformation special plan (2014CGZH0709), Youth Scientific Research Fund Project of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Young Talents Training Program of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences.References[1] Q.Q. Ming, L.N. Yu, Q.L. Yang, W.Q. Yang, J. Sun, F. Zhu, J. Bi and C.S. Zhang, Preparation and antioxidant activities of peanut (Arachin conarachin L.) protein peptides by Aspergillus niger solid state fermentation method, Food Sci. Technol. 2 (2014) 17-22.[2] L.N. Yu, J. Sun, S.F. Liu, J. Bi, C.S. Zhang and Q.L. 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