critical review of “Why I Am Not a Professor or The Decline and Fall of the British University”
Critical Review怎么写
Critical Review怎么写Writing a Critical ReviewThe advice in this brochure is a general guide only. We strongly recommend that you also follow your assignment instructions and seek clarification from your lecturer/tutor if needed.Purpose of a Critical ReviewThe critical review is a writing task that asks you to summarize and evaluate a text. The critical review can be of a book, a chapter, or a journal article. Writing the critical review usually requires you to read the selected text in detail and to also read other related texts so that you can present a fair and reasonable evaluation of the selected text.What is meant by critical?At university, to be critical does not mean to criticize in a negative manner. Rather it requires you to question the information and opinions in a text and present your evaluation or judgment of the text. To do this well, you should attempt to understand the topic from different perspectives (i.e. read related texts) and in relation to the theories, approaches and frameworks in your course. What is meant by evaluation or judgment?Here you decide the strengths and weaknesses of a text. This is usually based on specific criteria. Evaluating requires an understanding of not just the content of the text, but also an understanding of a text’s purpose, the intended audience and why it is structured the way it is.What is meant by analysis?Analyzing requires separating the content and concepts of a text into their main components and then understanding how these interrelate, connect and possibly influence each other.Structure of a Critical ReviewCritical reviews, both short (one page) and long (four pages), usually have a similar structure. Check your assignment instructions for formatting and structural specifications. Headings are usually optional for longer reviews and can be helpful for the reader.IntroductionThe length of an introduction is usually one paragraph for a journal article review and two or three paragraphs for a longer book review. Include a few opening sentences that announce the author(s) and the title, and briefly explain the topic of the text. Present the aim of the text and summarize the main finding or key argument. Conclude the introduction with a brief statement of your evaluation of the text. This can be a positive or negative evaluation or, as is usually the case, a mixed response.SummaryPresent a summary of the key points along with a limited number of examples. You can also briefly explain the author’s purpose/intentions throughout the text and you may briefly describe how the text is organized. The summary should only make up about a third of the critical review. CritiqueThe critique should be a balanced discussion and evaluation of the strengths, weakness and notable features of the text. Remember to base your discussion on specific criteria. Good reviews also include other sources to support your evaluation (remember to reference).You can choose how to sequence your critique. Here are some examples to get you started: •Most important to least impor tant conclusions you make about the text.•If your critique is more positive than negative, then present the negative points first and thepositive last.•If your critique is more negative than positive, then present the positive points first and the negative last.•If there are both strengths and weakness for each criterion you use, you need to decide overall what your judgment is. For example, you may want to comment on a key idea in the text and have both positive and negative comments. You could begin by stating what is good about the idea and then concede and explain how it is limited in some way. While this example shows a mixed evaluation, overall you are probably being more negative than positive.•In long reviews, you can address each criteria you c hoose in a paragraph, including both negative and positive points. For very short critical reviews (one page or less) where your comments will be briefer, include a paragraph of positive aspects and another of negative.•You can also include recommendatio ns for how the text can be improved in terms of ideas, research approach; theories or frameworks used can also be included in the critique section. ConclusionThis is usually a very short paragraph.•Restate your overall opinion of the text.•Briefly prese nt recommendations.•If necessary some further qualification or explanation of your judgment can be included. This can help your critique sound fair and reasonable.ReferencesIf you have used other sources in you review you should also include a list of references at the end of the review.Summarizing and paraphrasing for the critical reviewSummarizing and paraphrasing are essential skills for academic writing and in particular, the critical review. To summarize means to reduce a text to its main points and its most important ideas. The length of your summary for a critical review should only be about one quarter to one third of the whole critical review. The best way to summarize is to:1.Scan the text. Look for information that can be deduced from the introduction, conclusion and the title and headings. What do these tell you about the main points of the article?2.Locate the topic sentences and highlight the main points as you read.3.Reread the text and make separate notes of the main points. Examples and evidence do not need to be included at this stage. Usually they are used selectively in your critique.Paraphrasing means putting it into your own words. Paraphrasing offers an alternative to using direct quotations in your summary (and the critique) and can be an efficient way to integrate your summary notes.The best way to paraphrase is to:1.Review your summary notes2.Rewrite them in your own words and in complete sentencese reporting verbs and phrases (eg; The author describes…, Smith argues that …).4.If you include unique or specialist phrases from the text, use quotation marks.。
critical review范文
IntroductionIn Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor E. Frankl tells the very per sonal story of his experience as a prisoner in a concentration camp during the Holocaust. He presents this story in the form of an ess ay in which he shares his arguments and analysis as a doctor and psychologist as well as a former prisoner. This paper will review Fra nkl’s story as well as his main arguments, and will evaluate the qu ality of Frankl’s writing and focus on any areas of weakness within the story.SummaryThis section contains a summary of Man's Search. Frankl begins his book by stating that his purpose in writing the book is not to present facts and details of the Holocaust, but to provide a persona l account of the everyday life of a prisoner living in a concentration camp. He states, “This tale is not concerned with the great horror s, which have already been described often enough (though less oft en believed), but…it will try to answer this question: How was ever yday life in a concentration camp reflected in the mind of the aver age prisoner?”(21). Frankl then goes on to describe the three stag es of a prisoner’s psychological reactions to being held captive in a concentration camp.The first phase, which occurs just after the prisoner is admitted to the camp, is shock. The second phase, occurring once the priso ner has fallen into a routine within the camp, is one of apathy, or “the blunting of the emotions and the feeling that one could not anymore”(42). The third phase, which occurs after the prisoner ha s been liberated from the camp, is a period of “depersonalization”, in which “everything appears unreal, unlikely, as in a dream”(11 0). In this phase, released prisoners also feel a sense of “bitterness and disillusionment”when returning to their former lives (113). Fr ankl describes each of these phases using psychological theory and provides personal experiences to exemplify each of the stages.Author’s ArgumentsAs described above, Frankl’s main purpose for writing this book is to pr esent and analyze the average prisoner’s psychological reactions to the every day life of a concentration camp. His three main arguments are his presentat ion and analysis of each of the psychological stages that the average concent ration camp prisoner experiences: shock, apathy and depersonalization. He b ases his analyses of each of these stages on the actions of the prisoners and his own personal thoughts and reactions as he experienced life in a concent ration camp.For example, Frankl argues that the second phase of apathy forces “the prisoner’s life down to a primitive level”(47) in which “all efforts and all e motions were centered on one task: preserving one’s own life and that of t he other fellow”(47). He bases this theory on events he witnessed while livi ng in the camp himself, and states, “It was natural that the desire for food was the major primitive instinct around which mental life centered. Let us ob serve the majority of prisoners when they happened to work near each other and were, for once, not closely watched. They would immediately start discu ssing food”(48). Frankl continuously uses examples from his experiences in t he concentration camp to illustrate and strengthen his psychological argumen ts throughout the text.EvaluationThis section contains an evaluation of Frankl’s book. Firstly, the author i s a survivor of the Holocaust and was a prisoner of a concentration camp hi mself, which gives him the personal insight to be able to comment on the ps ychological conditions of an average prisoner. However, this also creates a bi as and because of his personal experience, he is unable to be entirely objecti ve in writing his analysis. Frankl acknowledges this bias in the beginning of his book, by stating, “Only the man inside knows. His judgments may not b e objective, his evaluations may be out of proportion. This is inevitable. An attempt must be made to avoid any personal bias, and that is the real difficu lty of a book of this kind”(24-25). Although he is aware of this bias, it crea tes a partiality that will sway the readers throughout his story and it serves a s a minor weakness in his writing style.A second weakness in Frankl’s writing is in the assumptions he sometim es makes to prove his point. He makes overarching generalizations several ti mes in his book, making statements that, although may have been true for hi mself and those around him, might not have been true for every prisoner in every concentration camp during the Holocaust. For example, in one instance, he says, “The prisoner of Auschwitz , in the first phase of shock, did not fear death”(37). It is very bold to say that no prisoner of Auschwitz, one of t he most well-known and deadly concentration camps of the Holocaust, did n ot fear death, as death was all around them and was a very real threat in th eir daily lives. Although he might have not feared death during his phase of shock, it is impossible for him to guarantee that no prisoner was at all fearf ul of death in this first psychological phase, and for him to make overarching assumptions like this is a weakness to the overall quality of his book.Finally, Frankl sometimes becomes too technical and verbose in his writin g style, which makes it very hard for the average reader to understand. One example of this is as follows. Frankl states, “I remember an incident when t here was an occasion for psychotherapeutic work on the inmates of a whole hut, due to an intensification of their receptiveness because of a certain exter nal situation”(102). This sentence, which is overly wordy and complicated, m akes it difficult for the average reader to understand exactly what he is sayin g. A reader can easily get frustrated when trying to decipher the author’s m eaning due to overly complicated language, and this is a third weakness of F rankl’s writing.ConclusionThis critical review has evaluated the book Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl. The psychological theories that Frankl presents are very inte resting and he does a good job of illustrating these theories with his own pe rsonal experiences. However, his writing is weakened by the presence of bias, the overarching assumptions he occasionally makes, and his sometimes overl y technical and verbose language.。
Critical reviewThe meaning of critical reviewBeing critical:•involves or requires making judgments as to the truth, merit, relevance, effectiveness, breadth, contribution of something to a particular field, as well as its informational structure.Review:•the process of going over a subject again in study or recitation in order to fix it in the memory or summarize the facts.• a general survey, esp. in words; report or account.•to survey mentally; examine: to review the situation.•to present a survey of in speech or writing.There are a couple of underlying assumptions which you should be aware of when attempting to critically review any academic work in the area of your research:•The literature is often written in expository, not literary style, and deals with information which is arranged accordingly.•To be able to make useful comments about any topic in your field, there should at least be an underlying knowledge base which provides a context and an understanding of the breadth of the subject matter (who is important, what is their contribution, what did he/she find etc.).•The first step is to acquire that knowledge base by wide reading according to the main descriptors or concepts that you have used to find the readings in the first place.Skills to cultivate for research and critical reviewYou need to ask the reading questions. For example...For textbooks:•What is the topic or subject area of this book?•What is the main purpose of this person's writing?•Why has this person written this book? (aims)•What is the information structure of this writing? How is the information arranged? •What is the order of presentation? Was it according to time or topic or importance? •What are the writer’s main points and sub-points?•Who are the most important researchers mentioned?•What conclusions are reached?•Was the text easy to read? Why/why not?•Was the information arranged for easy retrieval?•Did the writer fulfill his/her aims?•How new is the content? Are there other books on this subject matter?•Did the writer miss any important researchers in this field? Does it seem to be up-to-date?•Which points are of most interest to your areas of interest?•Did it stimulate your interest? Is it relevant to your situation?For articles (journal, collection of readings and dissertations)•What were the aims of this study? Why has the researcher done this study?•What were the researcher's hypotheses? Were they clearly expressed?•What were the results of the study? What conclusions were reached?•Did this study advance the knowledge base of the discipline, confirm other research in the same area, or simply repeat what is already known by way of confirmation? •Does it suggest to you areas for further research? Did it stimulate your interest? Is it relevant to your situation?Language for reading and writing criticallyTo be critical in the context of reading and writing involves being able to:•make judgements about what you read. These judgements may be positive or negative.Examples:•Several authors have categorised the effects of X in very useful ways.•Many papers ignore factors such as X when considering the applications of Y.•define a phenomenon clearly by drawing on the key aspects of definitions provided by other authors. Examples:•X is a difficult concept to define, because . . .•The key concepts/aspects that are covered in existing definitions are A, B and C.•establish the relative significance or importance of different aspects of what you read.Examples:•The most urgent of these questions/challenges is X, because . . .•The most important category identified appears to be X, since . . .•The most frequently mentioned advantages are A, B, and C.•distinguish between contexts, and make judgments about the validity or relevance of certain ideas/information/solutions within those contexts. Example:•This solution has been shown to be extremely effective in small to medium enterprises, but it is debatable whether it would be appropriate in large enterprises.•show the relationship (similarities, differences) between different ideas, information, theories. Example:•While X theory focuses on the role of relationships in building trust, Y theory deals primarily with the way in which the technology itself may enhance or diminish trust.•show the implications of different ideas/theories/solutions. Example:•From the perspective of X (theory), then, solutions would have to address ways of building relationships in an online environment, while from the perspective of Y(theory) solutions would involve developing effective user interfaces.•show an awareness of possible counter-claims on any issue. Example:•The predominant view on X is that it can best be solved by means of Y. However, it could be argued that Y would only work in the case of there being certainconstraints on competition between different organizations.•identify any gaps in the literature. Example:•One factor upon which appears to be overlooked is the influence of organizational structure on X practices.•identify trends and patterns in existing work. Examples:•Problems relating to X are increasingly being related to the use of . . .•While the value of X is being emphasized in the context of Y, there is also a trend towards considering X in the context of Z rather than Y.•sum up key issues, implications, or problems that emerge from each section that you cover. Examples:•It would seem, then, that X leads to Y, while A usually leads to F and G. This means that, in taking a two-pronged approach, the disadvantages of introducing X can, to some extent, be mitigated by using A at the same time.•To sum up, then, the crucial points to be taken into account are X and Y.Adapted from the following sources:Royce, T 2009, The meaning of critical review, ELSSA Centre, UTS.Royce, T 2009, Skills to cultivate for research and critical review, ELSSA Centre, UTS. Royce, T 2009, Reading and writing critically, ELSSA Centre, UTS.。
幸亏遇上我的处女审稿,我想不会枪毙它的,给他一个major revision后接收吧。
It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling,and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader。
In general, there is a lack of explanation of replicates and statistical methods used in the study。
Furthermore, an explanation of why the authors did these various experiments should be provided。
3、对于研究设计的rationale:Also, there are few explanations of the rationale for the study design。
4、夸张地陈述结论/夸大成果/不严谨:The conclusions are overstated。
For example, the study did not showif the side effects from initial copper burst can be avoid with the polymer formulation.5、对hypothesis的清晰界定:A hypothesis needs to be presented。
Anatomical entity recognition with a hierarchical framework augmented by external resources PLOS ONEThank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit, but is not suitable for publication as it currently stands. Therefore, my decision is "Major Revision."We invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses all of the concerns raised by the two reviewers. It is critical that you specifically address the following issues: 1) Provide more details on your methodology and data sources (possibly with examples), so that the reviewers can better evaluate the summary results provided in the tables; 2) Describe precisely what will be publicly available; 3) Thoroughly edit your revised manuscript before submission. Please note that PLoS ONE does not provide copy editing.We encourage you to submit your revision within forty-five days of the date of this decision.When your files are ready, please submit your revision by logging on to / and following the Submissions Needing Revision link. Do not submit a revised manuscript as a new submission. Before uploading, you should proofread your manuscript very closely for mistakes and grammatical errors. Should your manuscript be accepted for publication, you may not have another chance to make corrections as we do not offer pre-publication proofs.If you would like to make changes to your financial disclosure, please include your updated statement in your cover letter.In addition, when submitting your revision please include the following items:∙ A rebuttal letter that responds to each point brought up by the academic editor and reviewer(s). This letter should be uploaded asa 'Response to Reviewers' file.∙ A clean revised manuscript as your 'Manuscript' file.∙ A marked-up copy of the changes made from the previous article file as a 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes' file. This can be done using 'track changes' in programs such as MS Word and/orhighlighting any changes in the new document.For more information on how to upload your revised submission, see our video:/everyone/2011/05/10/how-to-submit-your-revised-manuscript/If you choose not to submit a revision, please notify us.Yours sincerely,Ramin Homayouni, Ph.D.Academic EditorPLOS ONEJournal requirements:When submitting your revision, we need you to address these additional requirements:1. We note that you have stated that you will provide repository information for your data at acceptance. Should your manuscript be accepted for publication, we will hold your manuscript until you get in touch with us with the accession numbers or DOIs necessary to access your data. If you wish to make changes to your data availability statement, please describe these changes in your cover letter and we will make them on your behalf.Reviewers' comments:Reviewer's Responses to QuestionsComments to the Author1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.Reviewer #1: PartlyReviewer #2: Yes2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?Reviewer #1: NoReviewer #2: Yes3. Does the manuscript adhere to the PLOS Data Policy?Authors must follow the PLOS Data policy, which requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction. Please refer to the author’s Data Availability Statement in the manuscript. All data and related metadata must be deposited in an appropriate public repository, unless already provided as part of the submitted article or supporting information. If there are restrictions on the ability of authors to publicly share data—e.g. privacy or use of data from a third party— these reasons must be specified.Reviewer #1: YesReviewer #2: No4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.Reviewer #1: NoReviewer #2: Yes5. Review Comments to the AuthorPlease use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)Reviewer #1: This paper presents an interesting hierarchical framework to recognize anatomical entities, which is important in healthcare domain. Authors also bring the importance and the challenges of this task. To the best of my knowledge, I summarize my comments and suggestions as follows:1) Features for the sequence labeling problems under CRF are comprehensive and acceptable. Authors include baseline natural language features, semantic features from external knowledge about Wikipedia and WordNet, co-reference, and dictionary matching.2) Authors conducted relatively comprehensive experiments to show the contribution of each individual features and combination of features to the overall precision and recall.3) Problem introduction and annotation are good too.However, some major points need to be fixed:1) The writing of this paper is really poor. All table references are not correct, grammar errors can be seen almost every paragraph. It is very very difficult to read. It took me hundreds of hours to understand what authors try to deliver. Let me just show examples based on the abstract:a) The first sentence is not a complete sentence. "To medical records."b) "They infer relevant the record but also by other diverse..." ==> "They infer relevant anatomical entities based on both explicit anatomical expressions in the record and other diverse... "c) "The hierarchical framework was demonstrated..." ==> "The hierarchical framework was F1 comparing to ???"many others in the paper!!!!!2) For the annotation, authors used A3 to check (A1, A2), then obtain the coefficient. Why not A3->(A1, A2), A1->(A2, A3), and A2->(A1, A3), then obtain the average coefficient? What if there is a annotation conflict, meaning that all 3 annotators do not agree? In addition, authors claim that their golden standard is not perfect, then why you still use them to do evaluations?3) From the experimental results, CF seems to be the smallest contribution to the precision in table 5 and table 8, then why adding CF gets a lot increase in table 6 and 9? I don't believe this result. Can you give some explanations.In addition, some suggestions,It would be great if the paper gives some formal definition of each concept and shows some real or toy examples in figure. They can help readers to catch the point.Reviewer #2: The manuscript by Yan Xu et al. describes the construction of an anatomical entity recognition framework based on a machine learning algorithm. This framework can recognize not only explicit expressions of anatomical entities, but also implicit expressions such as diseases, clinical treatments, and clinical tests. The authors insisted that the recognition of the implicit expressions was important because the implicit expressions are abundant in clinical records and it is from these implicit expressions that medical experts can infer the anatomical entities described in the documents.The framework consists of three layers of entity recognizers, all of which are based on conditional random field (CRF) models. The first layer is the multi-class CRF recognizer developed for the 2009 and 2010 I2B2 challenge; this layer recognizes entities of three semantic classes: diseases, clinical treatments, and clinical tests. The other two recognizer layers are developed in this study. One (the second layer) is for explicit anatomical expression and the other (the third layer) is for implicit expression.For use in the training and testing of the CRF models, the authors carefully made an annotated corpus of 300 clinical records (i.e., the discharge summaries in this study). The resulting annotations include 16690 explicit anatomical entity tokens and 5564 implicit anatomical entity tokens.The authors used the following features for the construction of the CRF models and considered the relative impact on the recognition performance using precision, recall, and F-score: baseline features (a standard set of useful features for general named entity recognition tasks), ontological features DF1 and DF2 (based on some of the representative anatomical ontologies: UMLS, MeSH, RadLex, and BodyParts3D), coreference features, and world knowledge features WF1, WF2, WF3, and HF, which is based on the dictionary constructed from the terms in Wikipedia and WordNet,whose definition sentences contain explicit anatomical entities, for the purpose of extracting implicit anatomical entities; HF is referred to as a hierarchical feature.This study is original and addresses an important task in processing medical documents in general. Their analytical approach seems to be sound in the sense of ordinal research on natural language processing. Therefore, this manuscript seems to warrant publication in PLOS ONE.The main criticism I have is the lack of consideration of concrete instances of anatomical dictionaries, clinical record corpuses, annotations, and experiment results. The authors only provided several numerical tables of the precision, recall, and F-score. All the main conclusions were drawn from observation of these numerical tables. Although I know that this style is common in NLP research papers, I believe that without an investigation of concrete instances, readers cannot evaluate the relative impact of the many factors that will affect the final performance.With only a little thought, one can list up many factors that affect the final results: data sources selection for the construction of the anatomical dictionaries, relative contribution of the (four) data sources on the performance, whether there exists some particular anatomical term in the four dictionaries that has a significant effect on the performance, the total size of anatomical dictionaries, semantic type of terms included in the anatomical dictionaries, type of clinical records, total number of clinical records and sentences which are annotated by the experts, target semantic types, the choices of machine learning algorithms, and the selection of the features for the CRF models, as well as many other factors. However, observation of the series of numerical tables yields only limited information about the impact of the factors and what entities can/cannot be recognized under the proposed framework.Therefore, at very least, the authors should provide a part of the list of 16690 ―explicit anatomical entity tokens‖ and 5564 ―implicit anatomical entity tokens‖ with their numbers of occurrences in the corpus, because these define the problem that this manuscript is addressing.In addition, the authors should discuss what terms in the anatomical dictionary match the annotated tokens and/or the results of the Begin/Inside/Outside (BIO) calling by the CRF model. Then some explanation of the relative impact of the framework components should be provided based on the concrete instances of matching results.A second criticism concerns the reproducibility of this study. Although the authors wrote at the end of the abstract section, ―The resources constructed for this research will be made publicly available.‖ since the resources needed for the reproduction of this study are not provided at this time, I could not evaluate whether the results can be reproduced using the resources that the authors say will be eventually provided. I know that the authors have made a great contribution to the NLP research field, not only by introducing novel concepts, but also by providing many useful resources, including software and annotated corpuses, and so I believe that the resources that will be available to the public will be quite useful for NLP researchers, but I believe that it is quite important to meet the reproducibility criteria stated in the publication criteria of PLOS ONE(―described in sufficient detail for another researcher to reproduce the experiments described‖), and in order to meet these criteria, I expect that the authors will need to write additional paragraphs describing in sufficient detail how to reproduce the result tables. I believe that the results have been largely affected by the content of the dictionaries and annotated corpuses constructed by the authors, and therefore, without these resources, it will be quite difficult for other researchers to reproduce exactly the results described in the tables.Minor pointsPage 8, lines 7–10I do not understand the meaning of the numbers described in Table 4.What is the denominator of ―Coverage of explicit named entity‖? Total number of annotated tokens in the corpus? Or number of unique tokens annotated? In typical cases, rather simple anatomical terms such as ―brain‖, ―liver‖, and ―blood‖ frequently appear in the corpus, and of course these are matched readily to the anatomical dictionaries.Page 12, lines 7–13.The table numbering in the main text is not consistent with the actual table numbers. (Table 4, ..., Table 9 in the main text should be Table 5, …, Table 10.)Page 14, lines 3–5Near the top of the DISCUSSION section, the author wrote: ―While the features based on the dictionary of anatomical entity expressions greatly improved the performance on explicit anatomical entities, they do not enhance the performance on explicit anatomical entities.‖ But the second occurrence of the word ―explicit‖ should be ―implicit‖.6. If you would like your identity to be revealed to the authors, please include your name here (optional).Your name and review will not be published with the manuscript. Reviewer #1: (No Response)Reviewer #2: (No Response)[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files to be viewed.]。
C r i t i c a l-r e v i e w-o f-W h y-I-a m-n o t-a-p r o f e s s o r-o r-t h e-D e c l i n e-a n d-F a l l-o f-B r i t i s h-U n i v e r s i t yCourse: Advanced English WritingInstructor: Professor Guo FenrongName:吴梓涵Student Number: 2014013585Review of “Why I Am Not a Proffessor or The decline and Fall of the British University”IntroductionUniversity education has been expanded widely. And more and more students get a opportunity to complete higher education. Without many benefits, there comes up with many problems such as a lower entrance standard, poor teaching quality and less quality degree.These kinds of problem have arouse worries among some experts. Dr. Mark Tarver, a professor of computer science in UK, in his article "Why I Am Not a Proffessor or The Decline and Fall of the British University", expresses his opinions over British university education. He cites his own story to points out the decline and fall of British university education under egalitarianism driven by government. From his writing, Dr. Mark Tarver doesn't mentioned the merits but present us some existed problems over university education which really have the universality among universities all over the world.SummaryDr. Mark Tarver states his own story of quoting job as a tenured lecturer and says his story is “also the story of decline and fall of British university and corruptionof the academic ideal”. Dr. Mark Tarver points out “universities are extraordinary”because of their poor “foundation blocks” medievalism left. And Dr. Mark Tarver takes his experience as a lecturer in the period of “expansion of university system” , which is in order to argue that the decline and fall begin under the egalitarianism driven by government. He believes that the expansion is noble but it brings enviousness among lecturers, and government simply choose to “water down the education system to a lower standard” rather than making efforts to “improve the educational qualities”. According to Dr. Mark Tarver, a few years later, problems of this system appear. In case of not failing students, there are two ways: “scaling” the marks and ignoring plagiarism, which result students' lower “level of attainment”. Dr. Mark Tarver illustrates two criterions of assessment: “Teaching Quality Assessment”and “Research”, which are useless and don't really work for improving educational qualities. And toward egalitarianism, he expresses his worries such as staff crisis, lower teaching quality and debt and degree inflation. He concludes that new university education systems have many hidden problems.Arguments and evaluationIn his article, Dr. Mark Tarver doesn't state the merits of university education under egalitarianism. But coins always have two sides. Dr. Mark Tarver only illustrates the problems, and readers are very likely to deny the university education. Actually university education system does have merits in many aspects. For instance, it provides valuable opportunities for those low-born students to make a better futurefor themselves. It is no doubt that egalitarianism does help in some ways. Moreover, widening access to university generally improves citizens' educational level.However, those negative points that Dr. Mark Tarver puts forward are more thought-provoking. First, government choose to " widen access to university", then they choose an easier but careless way: Simply “watering down the educational system to a lower standard” attracts more student to university. However, we know that university education is superior which provides strong backup for the needs of elites. But elites are just a small part in our society. The lower standard hurts teaching quality which is crucial to foster elites.Under the new system, Dr. Mark Tarver talks about the criterion of assessment. The ostensible aims are sounding noble but the results are not what are expected. What lectures do are mostly about completing teaching tasks, winning bonus and getting promotion. No one focus on real academy and true scholars and proffessors are less than before. These existed phenomenons are normal but no one talks about them straightly. Dr. Mark Tarver writes them down to awaken readers to current situation of university education.Conclusion:As a university professor, Dr. Mark Tarver analyses weak spots of British university education based on his own experience, although he doesn't list good parts. But his opinions are truly stunning and giving public a warning "the decline and fall of British university". So government and university should be altered and reconsider the existing system as soon as possible, and then take measures.。
It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader.2、未解释研究方法或解释不充分。
◆ In general, there is a lack of explanation of replicates and statistical methods used in the study.◆ Furthermore, an explanation of why the authors did these various experimentsshould be provided.3、对于研究设计的rationale:Also, there are few explanations of the rationale for the study design.4、夸张地陈述结论/夸大成果/不严谨:The conclusions are overstated. For example, the study did not showif the side effects from initial copper burst can be avoid with the polymer formulation.5、对hypothesis的清晰界定:A hypothesis needs to be presented。
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Effective oral treatment of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in Gunn rats
Effective Oral Treatment of Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia in Gunn Rats Anja M.Hafkamp,1Rick Havinga,1Maarten Sinaasappel,2and Henkjan J.Verkade1We sought to develop an oral treatment for unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia.In the Gunn rat model of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia,dietary supplementation with the lipase inhibitor orlistat(Orl)or with calcium phosphate(CaP)decreases plasma unconjugated bilirubin(UCB)levels.We determined whether Orl,CaP,or their combination is superior to phototherapy,the conventional treatment,and whether the effects of Orl and CaP are influenced by dietary fat content.Gunn rats were treated with Orl(200mg/kg chow),CaP (20g/kg chow),Orl؉CaP,or continuous phototherapy(19W/cm2/nm)during a low-fat (LF)diet(13energy%)or high-fat(HF)diet(35energy%).Plasma UCB and fecal fat excretion were measured before,during,and/or at the end of treatment.Orl treatment for2 weeks(HF diet)reduced plasma UCB concentrations similar to phototherapy(؊34%and ؊28%,respectively);the combination of both was more effective than either treatment alone (؊48%;P<.001).After3weeks of a HF diet,plasma UCB was46%lower compared with the LF diet(P<.001).Plasma UCB concentrations were negatively correlated with fecal fatexcretion(r؍؊0.96;P<.001).Irrespective of dietary fat content,3weeks of combined treatment(Orl؉CaP)decreased plasma UCB by approximately50%(P<.01)and was more effective than phototherapy(P<.05)at the intensity provided.In conclusion,plasma UCB concentrations in Gunn rats are negatively related to fecal fat excretion and dietary fat content.Orlistat is equally effective as phototherapy for the treatment of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in Gunn rats,and combined oral treatment with Orl؉CaP is more effective than phototherapy.The present results support the feasibility of an efficient oral treatment of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia.(H EPATOLOGY2005;41:526-534.)C rigler-Najjar disease is characterized by a perma-nent unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia due toabsent(type I)or decreased(type II)activity of the hepatic enzyme bilirubin-UDP-glucuronosyltrans-ferase.1Severe unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia can lead to bilirubin encephalopathy,kernicterus,and death.2,3 Phenobarbital treatment can usually control unconju-gated hyperbilirubinemia in Crigler-Najjar type II pa-tients via residual enzyme induction.4,5Phenobarbital is not effective in Crigler-Najjar disease type I,how-ever,so these patients have to undergo daily photo-therapy,which has considerable disadvantages. Phototherapy becomes less effective with age,probably due to skin alterations,6,7a decrease in the surface area to body mass ratio,8and a diminishing compliance to the intensive phototherapy regimen,which may take up to12hours per day.6To prevent irreversible brain damage due to kernicterus,many patients with Crigler-Najjar disease type I undergo liver transplantation in their second decade.9,10We sought to develop an alternative treatment for unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia based on oral ad-ministration and with equal or higher efficacy than phototherapy.The oral treatment strategy used in the present study is based on reducing the reabsorption of UCB11,12through intestinal capture.Reabsorption of UCB can contribute substantially to the pathogenesisAbbreviations:Orl,orlistat;CaP,calcium phosphate;UCB,unconjugated bili-rubin;LF,low-fat;HF,high-fat;HPLC,high-performance liquid chromatogra-phy.From the1Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology,Department of Pediatrics, Center for Liver,Digestive,and Metabolic Diseases,University Medical Center Groningen,Groningen,The Netherlands;and2Department of Pediatrics,Erasmus Medical Center,Sophia Children’s Hospital,University Medical Center,Rotter-dam,The Netherlands.Received October11,2004;accepted December7,2004.Grant support was received from the Najjar a Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.Address reprint requests to:Anja M.Hafkamp,M.D.,Department of Pediatrics, Center for Liver,Digestive,and Metabolic Diseases,CMC-IV,Room Y2117,Uni-versity Medical Center Groningen,Hanzeplein1,P.O.Box30.001,9700RB Groningen,The Netherlands.E-mail:;fax:(31) 50-3611746.Copyright©2005by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Published online in Wiley InterScience().DOI10.1002/hep.20589Conflict of interest:Nothing to report.526of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia(e.g.,in neonatal jaundice).Even under conditions of diminished glucu-ronidation,bilirubin can enter the intestinal lumen via biliary secretion of low amounts of UCB.13In addition, UCB can diffuse from the blood,across the intestinal mucosa,into the intestinal lumen.14,15Particularly when plasma UCB levels are high,as in Crigler-Najjar disease,large amounts of UCB can enter the intestinal lumen via extrabiliary(transintestinal)excretion.14,15 In humans,under certain conditions up to25%of the total amount of bilirubin that enters the intestine might be reabsorbed as UCB.16Amorphous calcium phosphate(CaP)was shown to bind to UCB in vitro,17 and intestinal capture of UCB by CaP decreased plasma UCB concentrations in Gunn rats,18a well-established animal model for Crigler-Najjar disease type I.19,20In Crigler-Najjar patients,however,the ef-fects of CaP treatment were less pronounced.7Other capturing agents like agar,21activated charcoal,22and cholestyramine23are no longer used for the treatment of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia because of incon-sistent clinical results and side effects.24-26More re-cently,zinc salts were shown to decrease plasma bilirubin levels in patients with Gilbert syndrome,but serum zinc levels increased simultaneously.27Other pharmacological interventions for treatment of neona-tal jaundice and Crigler-Najjar disease include metal-loporphyrins,which inhibit heme degradation,and modified bilirubin oxidase;however,concerns about safety and efficacy have limited their widespread use.28,29Recently,we demonstrated that dietary supplemen-tation with the lipase inhibitor orlistat(Orl)decreased plasma UCB concentrations in Gunn rats,parallel to an increase in fecal fat excretion.30The decrease in plasma UCB concentration was strongly related to the amount of fat excreted via the feces,supporting the concept of intestinal capture of UCB.This observation raised the question of whether dietary fat content in-fluences plasma UCB concentration.It was also un-known whether Orl treatment or combined treatment with Orl and CaP is similarly or more effective in re-ducing plasma UCB levels than the conventional treat-ment,phototherapy.In the present study,we addressed these issues byfirst comparing the efficacy of Orl with that of phototherapy in Gunn rats.Second, we studied the influence of dietary fat content on plasma UCB concentration in control Gunn rats and in Gunn rats treated with Orl,CaP,or with both.Finally, combined treatment with Orl and CaP was compared with continuous phototherapy in Gunn rats.Materials and MethodsMaterialsAnimals.Homozygous male Gunn rats(RHA/jj) weighing210to270g were obtained from the breeding colony of the Academic Medical Center(Amsterdam, The Netherlands).All animals were housed in an environ-mentally controlled facility with a12/12-hour light/dark cycle,were fed ad libitum,and had free access to water. Animals were housed individually or,in the case of pho-totherapy treatment,per experimental group.Experimen-tal protocols were approved by the Ethics Committee for Animal Experiments(Faculty of Medical Sciences,Uni-versity of Groningen,The Netherlands). Phototherapy Lamps.Two phototherapy devices were developed according to the prototype designed by Ostrow.31Each device consisted of two blue photother-apy lamps(Philips,TL20W/03T)suspended in a reflec-tive canopy20cm above the bottom of the cage. Phototherapy(19W/cm2/nm from380-480nm,as measured by an Elvos LM-1010Lux meter at a distance of 20cm)was administered continuously to Gunn rats that were shaved every7to10days on their backs andflanks. The light intensity at the level of each rat’s back was therefore higher than19W/cm2/nm. Chemicals.Xanthobilirubin-methyl ester was a gen-erous gift from Dr.J.Fevery(Leuven,Belgium).Hepta-decanoic acid(C17:0)was purchased from Sigma Chemical Co.(St.Louis,MO).Orl(Xenical)was ob-tained from Roche Nederland BV(Woerden,The Neth-erlands).Orl is a selective inhibitor of gastrointestinal lipases that dose-dependently inhibits hydrolysis of di-etary triglycerides.Diets.Diets were custom synthesized by Hope Farms BV(Woerden,The Netherlands).The HF control diet (code4141.07)was a semisynthetic,purified diet con-taining35energy%fat and16.2wt%long-chain fatty acids(fatty acid composition[in mol%]:C8-C12:0,1.7; C14:0,1.3;C16:0,11.9;C16:1,1.2;C18:0,1.1;C18:1, 21.6;C18:2,53.3;C18:3,8.0).The LF control diet(code 4063.02)was a semisynthetic,purified diet containing13 energy%fat and5.2wt%long-chain fatty acids(fatty acid composition[in mol%]:C8-C12:0,6.9;C14:0,0.7; C16:0,30.0;C18:0,3.7;C18:1,29.9;C18:2,28.8).Sup-plemented diets were identical to control diets except for supplementation with Orl(200mg/kg chow)and/or CaP (20g/kg chow).The codes of these diets were:HFϩOrl, 4141.13;HFϩCaP,4141.15;HFϩOrlϩCaP, 4141.16;and LFϩCaP,4063.04.For LF diet studies, Orl(200mg/kg chow)was mixed into diets4063.02and 4063.04.Similar to previous studies,Gunn rats in all experiments were fed the control diets for a run-in periodHEPATOLOGY,Vol.41,No.3,2005HAFKAMP ET AL.527of at least4weeks.30All diets were semisynthetic and purified for comparability.The composition of the LF control diet was comparable with standard rat chow (RMH-B;Hope Farms BV,Woerden,The Netherlands). The HF control diet was chosen to contain approximately 35energy%fat,thus resembling human dietary fat intake in an industrialized country.Study DesignEffects of Orl and/or Phototherapy on Plasma UCB Concentrations.Three groups of Gunn rats(nϭ4-5per group)on a HF diet were randomly assigned to the Orl-supplemented diet,continuous phototherapy,or to the combination of Orl-supplemented diet and continuous phototherapy for2weeks.Before starting treatment and after1and2weeks of treatment,blood samples were obtained by tail bleeding under isoflurane anesthesia for determination of plasma UCB concentrations.After2 weeks of treatment,the enterohepatic circulation was in-terrupted through surgical cannulation of the common bile duct,32after which bile was collected for20minutes under light-protected conditions.Bileflow was deter-mined gravimetrically,assuming a density of1g/mL.Af-ter bile collection,a large blood sample was obtained via vena cava inferior puncture.Effects of Orl and/or CaP on Plasma UCB Concen-trations and Fecal Fat Excretion During LF or HF Diet.After a run-in period of7weeks on a LF diet,four groups of Gunn rats(nϭ4-5per group)were fed a LF diet for3weeks,followed by a HF diet for3weeks.Both diets were either not supplemented(controls),or supple-mented with Orl,CaP,or both.Blood samples were ob-tained every1.5weeks via tail bleeding under isoflurane anesthesia.Feces were collected per animal after2.5and 5.5weeks during72hours to determine fecal fat and calcium excretion.Plasma UCB,fecal fat,and fecal calcium concentrations were determined using high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC),gas chro-matography,andflame spectrometry,respectively(see Analytical Methods).Effects of Phototherapy Compared With Combined Oral Treatment With Orl and CaP.We compared the efficacy of continuous phototherapy with the efficacy of combined oral treatment with Orl and CaP.Three groups of Gunn rats(nϭ5per group)were fed a LF diet for3 weeks,followed by a HF diet for3weeks.One group was continuously treated with phototherapy during these6 weeks.The diets of another group were supplemented with Orl and CaP.Blood samples were obtained every1.5 weeks via tail bleeding under isoflurane anesthesia.Analytical MethodsPlasma.For UCB measurements,blood samples were protected from light and processed immediately.Plasma was submitted to alkaline methanolysis and chloroform extraction.Theoretically,it is not necessary to use alkaline methanolysis for the determination of plasma UCB con-centrations in Gunn rats.Nevertheless,this standard method was chosen because it is a validated HPLC method for clinical samples of patients with an undeter-mined type of hyperbilirubinemia and because it has been used in previous studies.14,30After evaporation under ni-trogen,the residue was redissolved in chloroform and analyzed using reversed-phase HPLC,as previously de-scribed,33,34using a Li-Chrosorb51605-m column (VDS Optilab,Montabaur,Germany),a detection wave-length of430nm,and xanthobilirubin-methyl ester as the internal standard.Plasma hemoglobin and hematocrit were determined on a Sysmex XE-2100hematology analyzer(Goffin Meyvis,Etten-Leur,The Netherlands). Aspartate aminotransferase activity,alanine aminotrans-ferase activity,triglycerides and cholesterol were deter-mined with routine clinical chemical procedures on a Mega analyzer(Merck,Darmstadt,Germany).Bile.All analytical procedures were performed in dim light.UCB was extracted from bile according to the method described above for UCB in plasma.Bile salt concentration was determined by the3␣-hydroxysterol dehydrogenase method.35Cholesterol and phospholipids were measured after lipid extraction36according to the methods of Gamble et al.37and Bo¨tcher et al.,38respec-tively.Feces.Feces were freeze dried for at least2days and mechanically homogenized.For determination of fatty acids,aliquots of freeze-dried feces were extracted,hydro-lyzed,and methylated according to the method of Lepage and Roy,39with the modification that methanol/hexane was used for methylation and extraction.Resulting fatty acid methyl esters were determined using gas chromatog-raphy(HP Ultra-1-column;Hewlett-Packard,Palo Alto, CA),and fatty acid contents were calculated in molar amounts,using C17:0as an internal standard.Determi-nation of calcium concentration was performed in dupli-cate in plastic tubes as follows.Two aliquots of approximately10mg freeze-dried feces were taken from homogenized feces and weighed.One milliliter of69% HNO3was added and the mixture was heated at95°C for 5minutes,after which5mL of0.1%lanthanum chloride (LaCl3)was added.After mixing,the samples were cen-trifuged for10minutes at1500g.The supernatant was diluted20times with0.1%LaCl3andfiltered.Calcium concentration was determined viaflame spectrometry528HAFKAMP ET AL.HEPATOLOGY,March2005(Atomic Absorption Spectrometer 3300,PerkinElmer BV,The Netherlands).Statistical AnalysesAnalyses were performed using SPSS version 11.0for Windows (SPSS Inc.,Chicago,IL).All results are ex-pressed as the mean ϮSD.Based on a normal distribu-tion of plasma bilirubin levels in large groups of Gunn rats in previous studies,30parametric tests were used for statis-tical analysis.The Student t test was used to test between two treatment groups.For comparison of more than two treatment groups,ANOVA with post hoc Bonferroni cor-rection was performed.Repeated-measures ANOVA was used for analysis of within-group differences.Linear re-gression analysis was performed to compare treatment efficacies when LF and HF diets were used consecutively,and to analyze the relationship between fecal fat excretion and plasma UCB concentration.The level of significance was set at a P value of less than .05(two-tailed).ResultsEffects of Orl and/or Phototherapy on Plasma UCB Concentrations.Figure 1shows the effects of Orl,con-tinuous phototherapy,and combined treatment on plasma UCB levels in Gunn rats fed a HF diet.Orl treat-ment decreased plasma UCB concentrations by 34%after 2weeks of treatment (P Ͻ.01),similar to continuous phototherapy (Ϫ28%;P Ͻ.01).Combined treatment with Orl and phototherapy induced a more profound decrease in plasma UCB concentrations than either Orl or phototherapy alone (Ϫ48%;P Ͻ.001).Compared with pretreatment values,1week of treatment decreasedplasma UCB concentrations by 16%(Orl,P ϭ.06),15%(phototherapy,P Ͻ.01),and 43%(Orl ϩphototherapy,P Ͻ.01),indicating that combined treatment decreased plasma UCB concentrations more rapidly.The three groups did not significantly differ in growth rates during the experiment,which is consistent with our previous experience that Orl treatment does not affect the net amount of energy uptake or growth rate in Gunn rats.30Table 1shows that relevant hematological and liver func-tion parameters did not differ among the three treatment groups.Also,bile flow rates and biliary secretion rates of bile salts,cholesterol,and phospholipids were similar after 2weeks of treatment with Orl,phototherapy,or their combination (Table 2).The biliary excretion rate of UCB was higher in the two groups that received phototherapy compared with the Orl-treated group (phototherapy,ϩ280%,P Ͻ.01;phototherapy ϩOrl,ϩ180%,P Ͻ.01).Effect of Dietary Fat Content on Plasma UCB Concentrations and Fecal Fat Excretion.Figure 2shows that dietary fat content has a profound effect on plasma UCB concentration in Gunn rats.Changing from a LF to a HF diet decreased plasma UCB concentrations by 46%after 3weeks (P Ͻ.01).Fecal fat excretion in-creased from 0.07Ϯ0.03mmol/24hours on a LF diet to 0.74Ϯ0.12mmol/24hours on a HF diet.Consistent with our previous observation that an increased fecal fat excretion is associated with an increased fecal UCB excre-tion,30plasma UCB concentrations were negatively cor-related with fecal fat excretion (r ϭϪ0.96;P Ͻ.001).Effects of Orl and/or CaP on Plasma UCB Concen-trations,Fecal Fat Excretion,and Fecal Calcium Ex-cretion During a LF or HF Diet.Figure 3shows the efficacies of Orl and/or CaP treatment during a LF and a HF diet.During a LF diet,treatment with either Orl or CaP decreased plasma UCB concentrations compared with controls by 30%(P Ͻ.05)and 40%(P Ͻ.001),Table 1.Plasma Parameters After 2Weeks of TreatmentOrlPhototherapyOrl ؉PhototherapyHemoglobin (mmol/L)8.6Ϯ0.38.4Ϯ0.38.6Ϯ0.4Hematocrit (V/V)0.41Ϯ0.010.40Ϯ0.010.41Ϯ0.02Aspartateaminotransferase (U/L)21.0Ϯ4.723.6Ϯ2.824.4Ϯ9.4Alanineaminotransferase (U/L)63.0Ϯ12.257.6Ϯ12.148.2Ϯ11.7Cholesterol (mmol/L) 1.9Ϯ0.2 2.1Ϯ0.1 1.9Ϯ0.2Triglycerides(mmol/L)2.2Ϯ0.81.9Ϯ0.61.7Ϯ0.3NOTE.Gunn rats were fed a HF diet for 4weeks followed by treatment for 2weeks with dietary Orl supplementation,continuous phototherapy,or Orl ϩcontinuous phototherapy.Blood samples were taken after 2weeks of treatment.Data represent the mean ϮSD (n ϭ4–5animals pergroup).Fig.1.Effects of Orl,continuous phototherapy,and combined treat-ment (Orl ϩPT)on plasma UCB concentrations in Gunn rats.Animals (n ϭ4-5per group)were fed a HF diet for 4weeks followed by treatment for 2weeks with dietary Orl supplementation,phototherapy,or Orl ϩphototherapy.Blood samples were taken before treatment (white bars )and after 1(striped bars )and 2(black bars )weeks of treatment.Plasma UCB values at T 0(mol/L):Orl,159Ϯ16;phototherapy,135Ϯ7;Orl ϩphototherapy,145Ϯ14.Data represent the mean ϮSD.*P Ͻ.01;**P Ͻ.001;†P ϭ.06compared with before treatment;#P Ͻ.01.UCB,unconjugated bilirubin;PT,phototherapy.HEPATOLOGY,Vol.41,No.3,2005HAFKAMP ET AL.529respectively.During a HF diet,plasma UCB concentra-tions in Orl-treated animals were28%lower compared with untreated controls(PϽ.01),whereas CaP treatment did not significantly decrease plasma UCB levels(Ϫ21%, P value not significant).Combined treatment with Orl and CaP decreased plasma UCB concentrations by54% on a LF diet(PϽ.01)and by44%on a HF diet(PϽ.01).During both a LF and a HF diet,combined enteral treatment was more effective in reducing plasma UCB concentrations than CaP alone(PϽ.05).When com-pared with Orl,combined treatment was only more effec-tive during a LF diet(PϽ.05).Figure4shows the relationship between fecal fat excre-tion and plasma UCB concentration of individual Gunn rats from the different groups(controls,Orl,CaP,and OrlϩCaP)after3weeks of LF or HF diet.The two pa-rameters were negatively correlated(rϭϪ0.87;PϽ.001).When the relationship between fecal fat excretion and plasma UCB concentration was analyzed separately for controls and CaP-treated Gunn rats(Fig.5),it ap-peared that the amount of fat in the diet influenced the efficacy of CaP to decrease plasma UCB concentrations. The higher efficacy of CaP on a LF diet(UCBϪ40%) compared with a HF diet(UCBϪ21%)corresponded with a relatively larger increase in fecal fat excretion on a LF diet(ϩ199%)versus a HF diet(ϩ95%)upon CaP supplementation.Figure6shows that a positive correlation existed be-tween fecal calcium excretion and fecal fat excretion on a LF diet with or without calcium and/or Orl supplemen-tation(rϭ0.96;PϽ.001),as well as on a HF diet with or without supplementation(rϭ0.93;PϽ.001).Orl treatment alone increased fecal calcium excretion (mmol/24h)on a LF diet(LF:1.09Ϯ0.19;LFϩOrl: 1.54Ϯ0.28;PϽ.05)but not on a HF diet(HF:2.34Ϯ0.38;HFϩOrl:2.03Ϯ0.09;P value not significant) (data not shown).Effects of Phototherapy Compared With Combined Oral Treatment With Orl and CaP.We compared the efficacy of combined oral treatment with Orl and CaP with the efficacy of continuous phototherapy.Figure7 shows that phototherapy alone decreased plasma UCB concentrations by45%on a LF diet(PϽ.001)and by 29%on a HF diet(PϽ.001)compared with controls. On a LF diet(Ϫ54%;PϽ.05),as well as a HFdiet Fig.3.Effects of Orl,CaP,and their combination(OrlϩCaP)on plasma UCB concentrations in Gunn rats during(A)a LF diet and(B)a HF diet.Gunn rats(nϭ4-5per group)were fed a LF diet for3weeks followed by a HF diet for3weeks.Diets were either not supplemented (controls)or were supplemented with Orl,CaP,or both.Data after3and 6weeks of treatment are shown and represent the meanϮSD.(A) Plasma UCB values(mol/L):controls,248Ϯ31;Orl,173Ϯ26;CaP, 150Ϯ31;OrlϩCaP,114Ϯ14.(B)Plasma UCB values(mol/L): controls,135Ϯ10;Orl,97Ϯ6;CaP,106Ϯ8,OrlϩCaP,76Ϯ7. *PϽ.05;**PϽ.01;***PϽ.001compared with controls;#PϽ.05. UCB,unconjugated bilirubin;Orl,orlistat;CaP,calcium phosphate;NS, not significant.Table2.Bile Flow and Biliary Excretion Rate of UCB and Biliary Lipids After2Weeks of TreatmentOrl Phototherapy Orl؉Phototherapy Bileflow(L/min/100g BW) 3.19Ϯ0.49 3.39Ϯ1.08 3.73Ϯ0.83 Bilirubin(nmol/min/100g BW)0.09Ϯ0.010.34Ϯ0.12*0.25Ϯ0.08* Bile salts(nmol/min/100g BW)153.9Ϯ49.2159.5Ϯ105.6162.4Ϯ57.0 Cholesterol(nmol/min/100g BW)0.77Ϯ0.310.74Ϯ0.23 1.02Ϯ0.29 Phospholipids(nmol/min/100g BW)18.6Ϯ6.918.6Ϯ7.526.9Ϯ8.9NOTE.Gunn rats were fed a HF diet for4weeks followed by treatment for2weeks with dietary Orl supplementation,continuous phototherapy,or Orlϩcontinuous phototherapy.After2weeks,bile was collected during a20-minute period.Data represent the meanϮSD(nϭ4–5animals per group).Abbreviation:BW,body weight.*PϽ.01,compared withOrl.Fig.2.(A)Effect of dietary fat content on plasma UCB concentrationsin Gunn rats and(B)relationship between fecal fat excretion and plasmaUCB concentrations.Gunn rats(nϭ5)were fed a LF diet for3weeksfollowed by a HF diet for3weeks.Data after3and6weeks of diet areshown and represent the meanϮSD.*PϽ.01.Plasma UCB values(mol/L):LF diet,248Ϯ31;HF diet,135Ϯ10.Fecal fat excretion(72h)was determined after2.5and5.5weeks.Diamonds(ࡗ)representindividual animals(rϭϪ0.96;PϽ.001).UCB,unconjugated bilirubin.530HAFKAMP ET AL.HEPATOLOGY,March2005(Ϫ44%;P Ͻ.01),combined oral treatment with Orl and CaP was more effective in reducing plasma UCB concen-trations than continuous phototherapy.DiscussionWe sought to develop an efficient treatment for uncon-jugated hyperbilirubinemia based on oral administration and with equal or higher efficacy than phototherapy.Pre-viously,we reported that treatment with the lipase inhib-itor Orl decreased plasma UCB concentrations in Gunn rats,a well-established model for unconjugated hyperbil-irubinemia.In the current study,we show that Orl treat-ment is equally effective as continuous phototherapy inGunn rats,and that combined oral treatment with Orl and CaP is more effective than continuous phototherapy at the intensity of phototherapy provided.The dose of phototherapy used (19W/cm 2/nm)was comparable with doses used for (single)phototherapy in hyperbiliru-binemic human neonates.In the clinical setting,intensive (double-sided)phototherapy is occasionally used with doses above 30W/cm 2/nm.40Understandably,our re-sults can only refer to the use of phototherapy at the specific dose provided.As previously demonstrated,31phototherapy increased the amount of UCB secreted into bile.The observation that phototherapy enhanced the efficacy of Orl supports the proposed concept that Orl treatment reduces the reabsorption of UCB.Rather than by intestinal capture of UCB by unab-sorbed fat,Orl might theoretically exert its hypobiliru-binemic effect via other mechanisms,such asbyFig.4.Relationship between fecal fat excretion and plasma UCB concentrations in Gunn rats.Gunn rats (n ϭ4-5per group)were fed a LF diet for 3weeks followed by a HF diet for 3weeks.Diets were either not supplemented (controls)or were supplemented with Orl,CaP,or both.Feces were collected per animal after 2.5and 5.5weeks during a 72-hour period to determine fecal fat excretion.Diamonds (ࡗ)represent individual animals (r ϭϪ0.87;P Ͻ.001).UCB,unconjugatedbilirubin.Fig.5.Relationship between fecal fat excretion and plasma UCB concentrations in Gunn rats,analyzed separately for controls and CaP-treated animals during LF and HF diets (see Fig.4).UCB,unconjugated bilirubin;LF,low-fat;CaP,calcium phosphate;HF,high-fat.Fig.6.Relationship between fecal fat excretion and fecal calcium excretion in Gunn rats.Gunn rats (n ϭ4-5per group)were fed (A)a LF diet for 3weeks followed by (B)a HF diet for 3weeks.Diets either were not supplemented (controls)or were supplemented with CaP or CaP ϩOrl.Feces were collected per animal after 2.5and 5.5weeks during a 72-hour period to determine fecal fat excretion and fecal calcium excretion.Each symbol represents an individual animal.(A)LF diet:r ϭ0.96,P Ͻ.001.(B)HF diet:r ϭ0.93,P Ͻ.001.HEPATOLOGY,Vol.41,No.3,2005HAFKAMP ET AL.531influencing intestinal transit time,bile salt metabolism,or intestinal microflora.The effects of Orl on gastric empty-ing and intestinal transit time are equivocal.Guerciolini 41reported no significant effects of Orl on intestinal transit time or gastric emptying,whereas others have reported accelerated gastric emptying,particularly after consump-tion of a fatty meal.42,43In a previous study in Gunn rats,30we showed that the decrease in plasma UCB levels preceded the increase in fecal bilirubin excretion during Orl treatment.This observation does not support a sig-nificant role for an increased intestinal transit time to explain our present results.Orl treatment increases fecal fat excretion and might therefore increase fecal bile salt excretion.However,bile flow rates and biliary secretion rates of bile salts were similar after treatment with Orl,phototherapy,or their combination (present study)and were not different between controls and Orl-treated Gunn rats.30Similar biliary excretion rates of bile salts between controls and Orl-treated Gunn rats are not com-patible with major differences in the intestinal concentra-tion of bile salts.Vitek et al.44recently showed that the intestinal microflora can substantially affect the metabo-lism of bilirubin.Effects of Orl on the composition of the intestinal microflora or on intestinal bilirubin metaboliz-ing activity are not known.Previously,we found similar fecal UCB excretion rates in Orl-treated and control Gunn rats under steady-state conditions.30Fecal fat excretion was again negatively associated with plasma UCB concentration in Gunn rats,similar to our previous report.30The present data indicate that plasma UCB levels are almost twice as high in Gunn rats fed a LF diet compared with a HF diet.Gollan et al.45showed that a fat-free diet increased plasma bilirubin concentrations threefold in Gunn rats.They reported that dietary sup-plementation with a variety of fats largely reversed the increased hyperbilirubinemia,regardless of their fatty acid chain length or degree of saturation.The present results allow to put these observations into perspective.Plasma UCB concentration is strongly determined by the amount of fecal fat excretion,which in turn is determined strongly by dietary fat content.Therefore,it seems justi-fiable to conclude that,under conditions of absent biliru-bin conjugation,dietary fat content negatively determines plasma UCB concentration by affecting excretion of fecal fat and probably UCB.The present data do not confirm whether UCB actually associates with unabsorbed fat (e.g.,partially hydrolyzed triacylglycerol,fatty acids,phospholipids).In vitro experiments will be needed to characterize the exact mechanism.Orl treatment effectively reduced plasma UCB con-centrations during both a HF and LF diet.CaP treatment,however,was only significantly effective during a LF diet.Previously,van der Veere et al.showed that plasma UCB concentrations decreased by approximately 40%in Gunn rats on a LF diet,18similar to our current LF diet results.CaP treatment in Crigler-Najjar type I patients,however,decreased plasma UCB levels only by 18%.7In type II patients,CaP treatment was not effective,possibly be-cause these patients did not receive phototherapy,which enhances the biliary excretion of UCB.We hypothesize that dietary fat content could partly explain the lower efficacy of CaP treatment in Crigler-Najjar patients com-pared with Gunn rats.The human Western-type diet is a HF diet containing 35to 40energy%fat,compared with the LF diet (13energy%fat)of the Gunn rat in the study by van der Veere and colleagues.We used the identical LF diet in our studies.Furthermore,we have observed in Gunn rats that combined treatment with CaP and con-tinuous phototherapy for 3weeks decreases plasma UCB concentrations more effectively on a LF diet (Ϫ70%)than a HF diet (Ϫ39%)(Hafkamp and Verkade,unpub-lished data).An explanation for the low efficacy of CaP treatment during a HF diet (compared with a LF diet)could be that UCB capture (by fat)has reached a certain maximum,and therefore CaP cannot act properly as cap-turing agent.In our study,fecal fat excretion was positively associ-ated with fecal calcium excretion.Dietary supplementa-tion with CaP has been shown to increase fecal fat excretion in rats and humans,probably through the for-mation of calcium soaps.46,47We cannot exclude that part of the effect of Orl and of CaP is based on the formation of calcium–fatty acid soaps and subsequent capture of UCB by these soaps.The low efficacy of CaP treatment during a HF diet,however,suggests that other mecha-nisms must beinvolved.Fig.7.Efficacy of combined oral treatment with Orl and CaP com-pared with continuous phototherapy in Gunn rats.Gunn rats (n ϭ5per group)were fed (A)a LF diet for 3weeks followed by (B)a HF diet for 3weeks.Animals were either not treated (controls)or were treated with continuous phototherapy or Orl ϩCaP.Data after 3and 6weeks of treatment are shown and represent the mean ϮSD.(A)Plasma UCB values (mol/L):controls,248Ϯ31;phototherapy,137Ϯ14;Orl ϩCaP,114Ϯ14.(B)Plasma UCB values (mol/L):controls,135Ϯ10;phototherapy,96Ϯ9;Orl ϩCaP,76Ϯ7.*P Ͻ.001compared with controls;#P Ͻ.05;##P Ͻ.01.UCB,unconjugated bilirubin;PT,photo-therapy;Orl,orlistat;CaP,calcium phosphate.532HAFKAMP ET AL.HEPATOLOGY,March 2005。
怎样批判性地阅读文献-Dr. Plopper’s Guide To Critical Reading of Primary Literature
Dr. Plopper’s Guide to Critical Reading of Primary Literature Overall tips: 总技巧1. Just because a scientific study has been published, this does not mean it is perfect. And the imperfections are not so minute that a non-expert cannot find them. Any student of science can, and indeed should, read science critically. This means you can read a paper by a Nobel laureate and find fault with it. It is in fact expected that, as a practicing scientist, you can criticize any science. The level of your critical analysis will differ with your experience level, but you should be able to criticize science even as a relatively inexperienced undergraduate.1、科学研究不能仅因为已发表,就认为它是完美的。
It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader.2、未解释研究方法或解释不充分。
◆In general, there is a lack of explanation of replicates and statistical methods used in the study.◆Furthermore, an explanation of why the authors did these various experimentsshould be provided.3、对于研究设计的rationale:Also, there are few explanations of the rationale for the study design.4、夸张地陈述结论/夸大成果/不严谨:The conclusions are overstated. For example, the study did not showif the side effects from initial copper burst can be avoid with the polymer formulation.5、对hypothesis的清晰界定:A hypothesis needs to be presented。
纸牌屋--第6季第3集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版You are daring them. 是你在刺激他们You've turned it into a spectacle, and now they will not stop. 是你把事情闹大了现在他们不肯罢休了Believe me. These people will not rest. 相信我这些人不会罢休的You need to make amends. 你得做出弥补For slighting her? 为对她的轻慢吗- For identifying them? - You have to give them something. -为指出他们吗 -你得给他们点什么- I don't believe in the bill. - Oh, goddamn it! -我不相信这份法案 -该死的This bill. Are you listening? 这份法案你在听吗- Vincent Abruzzo. - Ninth Circuit. -我是文森特·阿布佐 -第九巡回法院I'm so glad that we finally have a woman in the Oval Office.我很高兴总统办公室总算迎来一位女性And we've been entwined, you and I, 我们的命运一直纠缠在一起like it or not, 不管愿不愿意for decades now. 这几十年来都是如此We deserve to go our separate ways. 我们有权分道扬镳了The problem is we have something urgent to attend to 问题是我们有个紧急的问题要处理called Cathy Durant. 凯茜·杜兰特And then we can finally be free. 然后我们就终于自由了Now, you need my help. 你需要我的帮助Later tonight, 今晚晚些时候I'm going to watch you sign that bill 我要眼看着你签署that's sitting on your desk. 你桌上的那份法案"To the dead, a kingdom means nothing." "对于死者王国毫无意义"I never had sex with a farm animal 我没进行过兽交or abused a girlfriend, unless you count marrying her. 也没虐待过女友除非娶了她算虐待Let me say, it was tough, uh... 但是这的确不易narrowing down my ten most significant cases. 选出十件我最重要的案子I prefer the smaller questions. 我更喜欢那些小问题Of my professional memberships, my teaching. 关于我加入的专业组织我的教学Madam President, just between you and me, 总统女士就跟你说一句my feeling is that it's not as far-fetched as some people say.我认为这事没有有些人说的那么遥不可及I still think there is a universe 我依然认为where the ERA gets passed. 《平权修正案》是可以通过的Women truly are the best, aren't they? 女人真是最了不起了是吧I am deeply honored to be considered for the late Justice's seat.我很荣幸能成为继任大法官候选人So, tell me. 告诉我How did they buy you? The Shepherds. 他们怎么买通你的谢泼德家族Judge Abruzzo, Madam President, I hate to break this up. 阿布佐法官总统女士抱歉打扰了I have already taken 我已经占用了too much of the president's valuable time. 总统太多的宝贵时间了Madam President. 总统女士- Mr. Vice President. - Your Honor. -副总统先生 -法官大人It has been a sincere pleasure. 我真的非常荣幸I'll set up Judge Michaels for the end of the day tomorrow?我把迈克尔斯法官安排在明天下班前I have Secretary Durant waiting for you. 杜兰特国务卿在等你I felt emasculated. 我觉得很无力Excuse me. 什么Bill Shepherd guiding my hand. 比尔·谢泼德把着我的手And you looked emasculated, Mark. 你看上去也很无力马克- You're mistaken. - No, I'm not mistaken. -你错了 -不我没错I watched your face. 我看到你的表情了- Madam President-- -Please don't call me that. Please. -总统女士 -别那么喊我了- Claire. - Better. -克莱尔 -这个好点- Claire. - Yes. What? -克莱尔 -怎么了That was not a fight you were gonna win. 那场斗争你赢不了的- Do you like being the messenger? - What? -你喜欢当信使吗-什么Has it been a dream of some sort since you were a little boy? 这是你从小的梦想吗Because I can tell you something. 因为我可以告诉你Once you identify the degree to which you are boxed in, 一旦你认清你是多么受局限you'll see how liberating it is. 就会觉得无比释然Are you with me... 你是我这边的or are you with those horrible, horrible people 还是你结交的那些无耻之徒you've attached yourself to? 那边的Because I can tell you something about Bill Shepherd.因为我可以告诉你关于比尔·谢泼德的一点I could smell it on him. 我能从他身上闻出来The way I could on my father, on my mother. 我曾在我父亲母亲身上闻到过那味儿He's sick. 他病了- Well, he was. - He is. -他已经好了 -还病着呢And then where will that leave you? 然后你怎么办With her? 只剩她了Annette Shepherd? 安奈特·谢泼德I know what that woman is, 我清楚那女人的本事and more to the point, isn't capable of. 更重要的是没什么本事And that little encounter with the honorable Judge Abruzzo 还有跟阿布佐法官在筹款晚宴上at the fundraiser, that was orchestrated too, wasn't it? 偶然相遇也是安排好的吧Yes. 是的I look at him sometimes and imagine him at six years old. 我有时看着他会想象他六岁时的样子Was he always so deliberative? 他一直这么慎重Cautious? 小心吗And I think in another life... 我觉得换了别的人生some other context 在别的情况下might we have been friends. 我们或许还能成为朋友It's time to decide, Mark. 你该决定了马克I hold every president to the same standard. 我衡量每位总统的标准都一样Are you making America better, 你是让美国变好了or are you making America worse? 还是变差了That's all that matters... 这才是唯一重要的Excuse me. Could you turn this off, please? 抱歉你可以把这个关掉吗- Yes, sir. - The level of discourse in this city. -好的先生 -这个城市的言论水平啊I'm telling you. She does have a point. 告诉你她说得对You need to tell Duncan 你得叫邓肯to be careful when it comes to his pit bull. 对他的斗牛犬留点神City. 城市FDR turned this place into a city. 小罗斯福把这地方变成了一座城市With his agencies and armies of clerks. 他的各种机构办事员All the professors that followed. 还有随即而至的教授Before the war, this was just a small Southern town. 战前这里就是个南方小镇One built of marble, yeah, but just a... 虽然是大理石建的但是small town sitting on a swamp. 也只是个沼泽边的小镇Place to visit. 可以来玩Place to... 可以来protect the Republic. 保护共和制Secure States' rights. 保护各州权利That's not what it is today. 可不像今天这样Some top-down money grab for bureaucrats, 彻底沦为官僚说客lobbyists and the entire Democratic party. 和整个民主党抢钱的地方两人是远亲分别是第26任[共和党]和32任[民主党]总统You've always been more Teddy. 你一直更喜欢老罗斯福Than that traitor pig Franklin? 比那个叛徒小罗斯福强Look, I know it's a sacrifice for you to be here, in Washington. 我知道对于你来说来华盛顿是种牺牲But for God's sake, why take the same room he was in? 但老天爷啊为什么要住他当初住的房间Well-- 这个嘛Well, he wanted to keep an eye on her. 他是想盯着她Francis never could let go of the White House. 弗兰西斯放不下白宫But he did give us the opportunity we've been waiting for.但他给了我们一个我们一直在等待的机会She's not qualified. 她不够格She stole the damn thing. 总统之位是她偷来的If ever there was ever a chance 如果说有一个to shrink the office down to size, 缩小政府规模的机会it's the presidency of Claire Underwood. 那就是趁克莱尔·安德伍德在职的时候Maybe you should run for office. 或许你是该去竞选I think that time has passed. 那个时机已经过去了I'm worried about you. 我担心你Oh, don't be. 不用Never better. 我好极了Deregulation bill is the first of a hundred, 去监管法案只是个开头还有数百份ready and waiting. 都蓄势待发The speed you're moving at-- 你的行动速度I can come back. The lawyers are due any minute. 我可以待会儿再来律师就要来了No, no. Come on in here. Grab yourself a cup of something. 没事进来吧自己倒点什么喝I know Annette wanted to talk to you in person, 我知道安奈特想在其他人到来前before the rest of the team arrives. 当面跟你谈谈I passed on what you told me about the president. 我把你告诉我的关于总统的事转告她了I want you to have it all before 我希望邓肯拿到前Duncan got his hands on it. 让你先知道She admitted to all three of the abortions. 她承认了三次堕胎But I can get you the names of the men. Who they were. 但我可以查到孩子都分别是谁的No, I'm not comfortable with this. 不我不喜欢这样Let's take that off the table for now. 我们暂且不谈这个了She'll play along. 她会配合的We'll make sure of it. 我们会确保的I always imagined that if I were president, 我一直想象如果我当了总统I would want you to be a member of my cabinet. 我会请你加入我的内阁You look like a movie star. 你像个电影明星Oh, well, it's the glare. I get migraines since the fall. 是光的缘故摔倒后我经常偏头痛- They can come on quite suddenly. - Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. -而且是突然发作 -那太遗憾了The vice president said that you wanted to meet me in person. 副总统说你想当面见我It's so good to see you. 见到你我太高兴了Sit. 坐吧Not everyone comes back from a fall like that, Cathy.那样的一摔可不是每个人都能恢复过来的凯茜Yes. 是啊I'm starting to feel like a proverbial cat. 我开始觉得像九命猫了Take off your glasses, let me see your eyes. 摘掉你的墨镜吧让我看看你的眼睛You have no shortage of stories. 你不缺故事可说You know that. 这你知道My memory's been very erratic lately. 我的记忆现在不太好Sometimes, I think I might just forget 有时候我觉得我可能会the details of my time in office altogether if... 完全忘记自己在任时发生的事如果...If? 怎么Honestly, I would love nothing more 老实说我十分想than to just move on, Madam President. 向前看总统女士Well, I understand that you have a job offer. 我知道你收到了工作邀约Several. I'm lucky. 好几份呢很幸运The Eisenhower Strategic Initiative, isn't it? 艾森豪威尔战略企划是吧Yes, a think tank makes sense. Outside of government. 去智库是个合理选择离开政府Well, not entirely outside. 也没离开得很彻底And heavily funded by-- 而且资金主要来自...A coalition of industrialists and civic-minded folk, yes. 企业家和热心公益者的联盟是的Big plans to change the world. 有改变世界的大计划I haven't accepted. 我还没接受呢But you want to. 但你想接受You think I shouldn't take the job? 你觉得我不该接受吗I think you should trust your gut, Cathy. 我觉得你该相信自己的直觉凯茜Take care of yourself. 你保重Claire. 克莱尔I'm sorry I didn't write after Francis-- 抱歉我没写信向你表示悼念...Oh, there's no need to apologize. 不用道歉的I can still feel his hand... 我还能感觉到他的手...on my back. 推在我后背上Cathy, he's gone. 凯茜他已经不在了Bill Shepherd got to her. 比尔·谢泼德已经买通了她I can feel it. She's going to testify. 我感觉得到她会作证的My lawyers tell me her team is still negotiating, 我的律师告诉我她的团队还在进行协商maybe for a while yet. 可能还得要一阵呢She thinks she's safe with them, with this job. 她觉得自己有他们有这份工作就安全了Instead they're gonna be sentencing her to... 但其实他们是要让她...It needs to look like complications from her fall. 得让人以为是摔倒的并发症I can have her detail pulled. I still know some people. 我可以查到她的安保队我还有认识人The opportunity will present itself. 总会有机会的One last piece connecting us both to Francis. 这是我们与弗兰西斯最后的一环联系The world is either with us or against us, Doug. 世界要么与我们同心要么与我们敌对道格You think you'll ever wear them? 你会戴上吗Doesn't feel right. 感觉不对Do you know the last thing he said to me? 知道他对我说的最后一句话吗"Promise me you and Doug "向我保证你和道格will take care of each other." 会照顾好彼此"I want to thank the National Gallery 我想感谢国家美术馆for curating this magnificent exhibit. 组织了这场美轮美奂的展览Our hope is, in due time, 我们希望假以时日these works of art will return to their rightful place 这些艺术品能回到它们该去的地方in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. 阿富汗伊拉克叙利亚Mr. Nasser. 纳泽先生They're making a fool of you, these Shepherds. 谢泼德兄妹在让你出丑The special interests. The go-betweens. 特别利益中间人Your so-called peacekeeping in Syria was a shameless land grab你在叙利亚所谓的维和行动成了无耻的抢地盘built on the lives of American soldiers you sent into battle.牺牲的是你送去战场的美国士兵的性命Then you can blame Jane Davis, Mr. Nasser. 那你得怪简·戴维斯纳泽先生I do. 我是怪她I had hoped to renegotiate 我本想重新谈the deal Jane helped broker many months ago. 简几个月前促成的交易Now I know that's impossible. 但现在我知道那不可能了Oh, because she's conveniently unavailable. 因为她刚巧没空Because you're in no position to do so. 因为你根本没这个权力You've been excluded, just as I have. 你跟我一样被排挤了They're stripping power from you. 他们在剥夺你的权力Have you ever seen the Baathist playbook? 你看过复兴社会党的行动手册吗It was inspired by American intelligence agencies. 是受了美国情报部门的启发Sometimes, you need to be an insurgent in your own country. 有时候你得在自己国家里搞叛乱Well, that's interesting. Because presently, 有意思因为我正在I'm meeting with a member of a known terrorist organization. 跟一位已知恐怖组织成员见面呢Pardon me. But I'm a lawyer. 不好意思我是个律师If you allow American corporate interests 如果你纵容美国企业势力to cut ICO out of Syria's future-- 斩断哈里发国在叙利亚的未来...Are you about to threaten me, Mr. Nasser? 你是要威胁我吗纳泽先生No, but we all know what ICO is capable of. 不是但我们都清楚哈里发国能做出什么事来I'm merely conveying a message from one of my clients. 我只是在替我的一位委托人传话You and your client are one and the same. 你和你的委托人是一体的Americans have such faith in their ability to 美国人是如此自信他们能keep things and people safe. 保护局势和人民Mr. Nasser, Syria is a country of... 纳泽先生叙利亚是个former schools, former homes, former places of worship. 曾经有学校家园和清真寺的国家Your organization played a large part in the destruction. 你的组织是制造破坏的主要势力And so have you, Madam President. 你也是总统女士I'm afraid I can't help you. 我恐怕帮不了你No... 是啊you can't. 你是帮不了I got two daughters, a beautiful wife. 我有两个女儿美丽的妻子Paid my dues. 尽了职Four terms. 做了四届A Republican in a diverse district. 多元化选区的共和党人I got a ground operation second to none. 我在当地的政绩傲人And my volunteers, 我的志愿者their sons and their daughters 在他们之后are coming up right behind 'em. I just... 他们的孩子也都追随我I just feel like, um... 让我觉得this could be my moment, you know? 我的时机可能到了Fred told me about the legislation about to be introduced. 弗莱德跟我说了即将推出的立法I'm co-signing. 我要联署- It's-- - Ambitious. -是... -很有野心It's unprecedented. 史无前例It's bipartisan, is what it is. 有两党的支持You worked for her. 你为她工作I worked for her husband. 我为她丈夫工作Nobody wants her hands on a nuclear football. 没人希望她控制核武公文包Or sending any more uniforms anywhere, here or abroad. 或是把军队派去任何地方不论国内国外You're gonna have to be okay with that. 你只能接受这一点Are you? 你接受吗I owe her nothing. 我不欠她什么So what do they have on you? 他们有你什么把柄Hold on, slugger. 等等哥们I'm still trying to get acquainted here. 我们还没那么熟呢- Right. - Where do you think you're going? -好吧 -你去哪Fred Amburg asked me to meet you. 弗莱德·安博格叫我来见你- Well, Fred asked me to meet you. - And we've met. -弗莱德也叫我来见你 -我们见过了Where do you get off? 你图个什么啊- After where you've been. - You mean where I was. -就你的经历而言 -我去的地方With Mr. Amburg. 安博格先生也在The last person you worked for-- 你的上一位老板Became the President of the United States. 成了美国总统He pushed you out. 他把你赶出去了I am your chance. 我是你的机会You know, not that I have to prove myself to you, 虽然我不用向你或任何人or to anyone else, 证明自己but I can find the opening, 但我找得到漏洞the crack, the weak spot. 裂口薄弱点I don't know, 我不知道maybe it's a curse to know what people fear. 或许看得清人的恐惧是种诅咒Like you. 比如你I think what scares you, Congressman. 我觉得你害怕的议员Your base, 你的选民your ground game, all that love. 你的本地政绩人民的爱戴You thought you deserved it, 让你觉得这是你应得的that it was meant for you and nobody else. 这只属于你而不是别人You got blind. 你盲目了You forgot that they'd come for you. 你忘了他们也会找你的麻烦But they will come. 他们会来的That's how this business is built. 这一行就是如此So, I'm going to ask you again. 所以我再问你一次What is it that they have on you? 他们有你什么把柄My district covers O'Hare. 我的选区包括芝加哥奥黑尔机场Pensions. 养老金The baggage handlers. I-- 行李工的我...Shit. 该死It was stupid. 真是犯蠢Well... 嗯it's only stupid if you can't make it go away. 不能解决掉才叫蠢呢Tom, calm down. 汤姆冷静点I'm getting too old to be polite. 我已经太老做不到礼貌了Hear the deal out. Content will not be changed. 听听协议条件报道内容不会变的And you and I both know better. 你和我都清楚那不是真的Something happened that night. 那晚上发生了什么事Their marriage was broken, 他们的婚姻已破裂he went over there. 他去了白宫I'm not saying they're connected, 我不是说这有关联but the next day he winds up dead. 但他第二天就死了She knew an indictment was coming. 而她早知道他要遭起诉Do you understand what that means? 你明白这意味着什么吗Then keep writing. 那就接着写报道啊So they can turn it into a 140 characters for clickbait? 好让他们发推特骗点击量吗We don't write anymore, 我们不做报道了we come up with feed for the trough. 我们不过是在做猪食Put that goddamn thing down before I smash it! 马上把那玩意放下否则我砸了它You need to go back in there 你得回去and apologize. 道歉To whom, Dayna? 对谁道歉戴娜Our new boss is a voice on a speakerphone! 我们的新老板就是一个扬声器里的声音He doesn't even know I walked out. 他都不知道我已经出去了Why don't we write about how Gardner Analytics 我们为什么不报道加德纳分析is buying up television stations 买下了好多电视台and some of the greatest papers in this country? 和国内一些最好的报纸"Analytics." Oh, my God. "分析" 天呐What the fuck does that even mean? 这叫什么名字According to the autopsy, 尸检结果natural causes. 是自然死亡Heart attack? 心脏病吗Overdose of his liver medication. 肝脏药物服用过量Accidental, presumably. 推测为意外- What aren't you telling me? - Nothing. -你有什么没告诉我 -没有了He would never do that intentionally. 他绝不会有意那么做的Witnesses in the lobby of the Hay-Adams that night 当晚海亚当斯酒店大堂的目击者称said the former president was acting disoriented. 前总统看上去很凌乱Did you share this with his widow? 你跟他的遗孀说过这些吗She's the one who asked me to look into it. 就是她在要我调查She suspects the Shepherds. 她怀疑是谢泼德兄妹He was with them a lot, but not that night. 他当时常跟他们见面但那晚没有- And who was? - Other than her? -那谁在 -除了她吗That was her husband, Doug. 那可是她丈夫道格She's the president. 她是总统Don't you sound devoted, Nathan. 你还真忠心啊纳森My only contact with her is in my official capacity. 我跟她只有职业层面的接触Did you think you'd seen the last of me? 你以为不会再见到我了吗That's the last thing I thought. 我才不会那么想呢I'll take that as a compliment. 我就当做是称赞了Doug, here. 道格给I tracked his comings and goings 我追查了他的行踪back to when he left the White House. 一直查到他离开白宫后I got my hands on the metadata going into his computer. 我拿到了他电脑接收的元数据LeAnn Harvey's camera phone was streaming during the crash.莉安·哈维的手机摄像头在撞车时还在传输A direct feed to only one IP address. 信号直接与一个IP地址相连Francis'. 弗兰西斯的His laptop. 他的笔记本It's not easy to watch, but... 看着让人难受但...- Okay. - Up to you. -好 -你自己决定吧Mr. Hammerschmidt. 汉默施密特先生Duncan Shepherd. 邓肯·谢泼德I'm sorry I couldn't be at the meeting in person this afternoon. 抱歉下午的会议我没能亲自到场My walker drops him off when it's late. 如果我下班晚遛狗员就会送它过来Come. 来You saw my little outburst. 你看到了我的爆发I enjoyed it. 我很喜欢The outrage. 你的愤怒We need more of it. 我们需要更多这个I especially liked your appearance on television the other night.我尤其喜欢你前几晚在电视上的露面Yeah. Well... 嗯I get a little heated sometimes. 我有时候会比较激动It's exactly the kind of exposure the Herald needs. 这正是《先驱报》需要的曝光T om, 汤姆you're now part of a conglomerate 你现在是一个影响广泛with vast influence and reach. 人脉发达的大集团的一员了The point is I can bring you whatever evidence you need. 我要说的是你需要什么证据我都能找来- Hold on. - Divorce for pardon. -等等 -离婚换赦免There's a kernel of truth to it, but your source... 这是有几分真实的但你的消息源... And before you say anything, consider what I'm offering. 你开口前先想想我能给你什么An opportunity for justice. 伸张正义的机会If you're talking about manufacturing evidence, Mr. Shepherd, 如果你是说编造证据谢泼德先生- I'm not interested. - Beg to differ. -我没兴趣 -我不觉得And spare me the seasoned journalist routine, please. 拜托别拿老记者的那套来压我Your 30 years in the business. 你在这行干了30年I've spoken to your old assistant, Angela. 我跟你的老助理安吉拉谈过She's written a piece about her time with you. 她写了一篇关于与你共事的报道I could run it, or... 我可以发布也可以...Your dogged pursuit of Frank Underwood, pardon the pun, 你曾经对弗兰克·安德伍德像狗一般紧咬不放is now your pursuit of his bride. 现在改追着他的女人了Think about it. 想想吧Men your age, they unravel very easily these days. 你这年纪的男人如今都很容易崩溃Judge Vincent Abruzzo has the credentials. 文森特·阿布佐法官有资质The published writings, the public statements. 有发表论著有公开声明It all checks out. Full package. 全都没问题都齐了So what's the hesitation, Madam Prez? 所以你为什么迟迟不决定啊总统女士Beltway Television is owned by Gardner Analytics. 首都电视是加德纳分析的子公司It's the latest brainchild of Duncan Shepherd. 是邓肯·谢泼德的最新创造So far, I've deflected 我已经回避了一切all questions regarding Ms. Cruz's commentary. 关于科鲁兹小姐言论的问题Good. Let's not dignify it. 很好不要回应她No. That's fine, thank you. 行了谢谢They were a hazard, I couldn't resist. 就是有这个问题但我忍不住Sorry I missed the funeral. Were there psalms? 抱歉我没参加葬礼还念《诗篇》了吗Number 42. 第42段I love 42. 我喜欢那个Nasser had no business coming to you directly. 纳泽不该直接找到你Well, I knew if I met with him, you'd suddenly appear. 我知道如果我见他你就会突然出现He feels lied to, Jane. 他觉得被骗了简Because he was. 因为确实如此We were never gonna give those bandits a seat at the table.我们根本没打算给那些土匪一席位置Jane, he's threatened more ICO attacks. 简他威胁说哈里发国会再发动袭击ICO is neutralized, mostly. 哈里发国基本上都被消灭了It's time to re-think our involvement in Syria. 我们该重新考虑在叙利亚的行动了Stand down, rebuild. 撤军重建This deal is important for all of us. 这个协议对于我们所有人都很重要Including the Shepherds. 包括谢泼德兄妹Look, I'm no fan of that family, 我也不喜欢他们家族but in the case of Syria, our interests align. 但在叙利亚问题上我们的利益是一致的The next phase of our... 我们下一阶段presence in the region 在该地区的行动is more about the spoils than the peace. 更多是为了战利品而不是和平了The problem is Petrov, 问题在于佩特罗夫whom the Shepherds and I despise. 谢泼德兄妹和我都鄙视他What do you have on the Shepherds? 你有谢泼德家族什么把柄I'm sure one of the several agencies you're 跟你有联系的那几家机构involved with has something. 肯定有一家有料And don't you keep files on everyone you're dealing with?你不是给每个和你打交道的人都建立份档案吗Bill and Annette are very careful. 比尔和安奈特都很小心What about Annette's son, Duncan? 那安奈特的儿子邓肯呢Well, Mark knows them more than I do. 马克比我更了解他们I thought there were better options for a former president... 我觉得对于前总统还有更好的选择but Annette wouldn't leave Frank alone. 但安奈特不肯放过弗兰克That's their problem, they don't know when to stop. 那就是他们的问题他们不知何时该收手You know, when you left three months ago, 你三个月前离开时I wondered where you'd gone. 我还想你去了哪And then, I didn't think of you at all. 然后我就再没想你了You say that. 你那么说But I detect pain in your eyes, Madam President. 但我在你的眼里看到了痛苦总统女士As a deer longs for streams of water. 就像渴望甘泉的小鹿So I long for you, God. 我如此渴望你上帝Do you miss him? 你想他吗God? Always. 上帝吗总在想I'd like you to move in here with me, Jane, into the White House.我希望你搬到白宫里来跟我住简I need your counsel 我需要你的建议and your perspective when it comes to Mark. 以及你对马克的了解The truth is that whole last year in the White House... 事实上去年一整年在白宫I just lost myself. 我完全迷失了And the crazy thing is, I've never even met Zoe Barnes. 最疯狂的是我都没见过佐伊·巴恩斯Is that what you told the US Attorney? 你也这么跟联邦检察官说的吗Or did you and Claire Underwood make a deal? 还是你和克莱尔·安德伍德做了交易The president and I are on different paths. 我和总统分道扬镳了You're saying you haven't seen her. 你是说你没见过她We've spoken. 我们谈过I just don't see a role for me in her White House. 我就是不觉得她的白宫里有我的位置I'm working with Congressman Cole. 我在给科尔议员工作He's making a play for speaker. 他要竞选议长I left the Herald today. 我今天从《先驱报》辞职了If that's why you wanted to see me, 如果你是为了这个找我- make a pitch for your new guy. - No. -想让我给你的新老板做报道 -不是No, this is about making amends. 不这是在做弥补- Last fall I started drinking again. - No. -我去年秋天又开始喝酒了 -不You picked this place 你选这里because it's full of bloggers and Hill rats. 是因为这里到处是博主和国会山的鼠辈Right now, everyone here can see us talking together, 现在这里的人都能看到我们在说话like civilized people. 客客气气的As if I never called you a murderer in print. 就好像我不曾在报纸上喊你"杀人犯"Your latest article on Francis. 你最新一篇关于弗兰西斯的报道This story about the nights leading up to his death? 关于他死前的几晚- You want to make amends? - Who are your sources? -你想弥补吗 -你的消息源是谁Peter Russo. 彼得·罗素Zoe Barnes. 佐伊·巴恩斯LeAnn Harvey. 莉安·哈维Doug, there isn't a shadow for you to hide in anymore. 道格你已经没有阴影可躲了The only person knows everything is you. 唯一知道一切的人就是你I don't. 我不全知道Let him go. 放弃他吧I don't know what you're talking about. 我不知道你什么意思At some point, you're gonna have to decide. 你早晚得做出决定Claire Underwood, believe me, 克莱尔·安德伍德相信我she'll come for you when it's time. 等时候到了她会找上你的Thanks. 谢谢You know, there's caffeine in that. 那玩意有咖啡因的I do. 我知道I love that you love Arnold Palmers, but-- 我喜欢你爱喝阿诺德·帕尔默但...I love that you love Arnold Palmers, but-- 指发明这种饮品的高尔夫球手Arnold Palmer was a great man. 他可是个伟人She still on your mind? 还在想她吗This arrangement isn't working. 这样下去不行Which arrangement? 怎样Mark, come to bed. 马克到床上来She needs to feel some degree of autonomy. 她得觉得自己有点自主权Fuck autonomy. 去他的自主权She serves at our pleasure. 她要为我们服务I'm sure she feels undervalued. 她肯定觉得自己不受重视。
大学生缺乏批判精神的原因英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Why College Students Lack Critical ThinkingHi friends! Today I want to talk about why many college students don't have good critical thinking skills. Critical thinking means questioning things and not just believing everything you're told. It's an important skill, but lots of college kids struggle with it. Let me tell you some reasons why.First, many students were never taught how to think critically from a young age. In school, teachers often just made us memorize facts and things for tests. They didn't really encourage us to ask "why" or look at things from different angles. So by the time people get to college, they've never practiced critical thinking before.Second, some college students are just lazy! They want to just accept what their professors say without questioning it or doing their own research. Thinking critically is hard work - you have to read a lot, look at different sources, and really analyzethings deeply. A lot of kids would rather just do the minimum and not put in much effort.Third, social media doesn't help either! Lots of college kids spend hours every day on apps like TikTok, Instagram, etc. The stuff they see on there is often biased, one-sided, or even fake news. But they just blindly believe it without fact-checking. Social media makes it really easy to live in an "echo chamber" where you only hear opinions you already agree with.Lastly, I think the way colleges teach can be part of the problem too. In many classes, professors just lecture at students the whole time. The students are just expected to sit there, take notes, and absorb everything being said without asking questions. This teaching style doesn't leave much room for discussion, debate, or independent critical thinking.Those are some of the big reasons I think college students struggle with critical thinking nowadays. It's a skill that's really important though! If you can think critically about information, question claims, and see things from multiple viewpoints, you'll be a much smarter and more successful person. College is supposed to be a place where you learn how to think, not just what to think. I hope more students will work on developing this crucial ability!篇2Title: Why College Students Lack Critical ThinkingHi everyone! Today I'm going to talk about why college students sometimes don't have good critical thinking skills. Critical thinking means being able to look at things carefully and make good judgments instead of just believing everything you hear.First, let me tell you what critical thinking is not. It's not just criticizing or complaining about everything. That's just being negative! Real critical thinking means looking at things from different sides and seeing what makes sense and what doesn't.So why do some college students struggle with this? Well, one big reason is the way they were taught in school when they were younger. A lot of times, teachers and textbooks just told them facts and the "right" answers. The students didn't get much practice thinking for themselves or questioning what they were told. They just had to memorize and repeat things back.Another issue is that some students are afraid to disagree with their professors or classmates, even when they have different ideas. They might worry about being wrong or lookingsilly in front of others. But having different opinions is actually really good – it helps us see things in new ways!Speaking of that, some colleges don't really encourage students to think independently. The classes are mostly about listening to lectures and taking tests on what was taught. There aren't many chances for open discussions or debates where students can really explore ideas.I also think technology plays a role here. Lots of students spend hours every day on their phones, computers and TV instead of reading books or having deep conversations. All that screen time doesn't leave much room for original thinking!Lastly, let's be honest – some people are just naturally better at critical thinking than others. It's a skill that has to be practiced and developed over time. Students who struggle with it need more support and guidance.So those are some of the key reasons why college students sometimes lack critical thinking abilities. It's really important for them to work on this though. The world needs more people who can think for themselves, see different perspectives, and make wise decisions. What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with me? I'd love to hear your thoughts!篇3Why Don't College Students Have a Critical Thinking Mind?Hi everyone! My name is Xiao Ming and I'm in 5th grade. My big cousin Xiao Li just started college this year. I noticed that he seems to accept everything his professors say without questioning it. This made me curious - why don't college students think critically?First off, what does it mean to "think critically"? My teacher says it's about not just believing what people tell you. You should look at things from different angles, ask questions, and make up your own mind instead of blindly agreeing. Critical thinkers don't take things at face value - they dig deeper to understand why something is the way it is.So why might college students struggle with this? I can think of a few reasons:They are used to just memorizing informationIn elementary and middle school, students mainly need to memorize facts and formulas to do well on tests. Teachers tell you the "right" answers and you just have to remember them. This training makes it hard to develop independent, questioningminds. By the time people get to college, they are very used to just accepting what authorities tell them as truth.They are overloaded with courseworkCollege brings a ton of classes, assignments, exams and activities. Students are overwhelmed just trying to stay afloat. They don't have time or energy left to really analyze what they're being taught - they're in survival mode, just trying to pass the courses. Thinking deeper would require them to ease up on their intense schedules, which they can't afford to do.They want to please their professorsIn college, your grades are 100% decided by professors. Students know that if they want to get good grades, they need to give professors what they want to hear. Questioning the material or going against what professors say could risk your GPA. Rather than think independently, most students would rather just agree with the person giving them a score.They haven't learned it's importantMaybe college instructors don't emphasize enough why critical thinking matters. If it's not stressed as a core skill they need to develop, students may not realize its value. They could get the impression that being able to recite back information isall that's required. Without understanding the importance of questioning what they learn, they won't make an effort to do it.They trust authorities too muchAfter being taught by parents, teachers, principles and other authority figures their whole lives, students are trained to respect and obey authorities. They struggle to challenge people who have more experience, credentials and status. Professors have advanced degrees, publications and reputations that make students assume they must be correct.Those are some of the key reasons I think college students tend to lack critical thinking abilities based on my observation of cousin Xiao Li. He just accepts lectures at face value without really analyzing them. This could lead to issues like:Failing to catch mistakes, bias or limitations in what's being taughtStruggling to form their own views on complex topicsHaving difficulty thinking innovatively to create new ideasBeing unable to scrutinize claims, theories or sources for themselvesIf students can't think critically in college, they may enter the workforce without this essential skill. That could really hold them back! Critical thinking helps people make better decisions, solve complex problems, innovate effectively and become true experts in their fields.So while it's understandable that factors like heavy workloads and wanting good grades discourage critical thinking in college, it's super important for students to develop this ability. Maybe teachers, parents and students themselves need to prioritize it more. After all, the goal shouldn't just be collecting knowledge, but understanding how to analyze and use that knowledge effectively!Alright, that's my kiddy perspective on this big issue. I know kids aren't supposed to lecture adults, but I hope sharing my confused yet sincere thoughts will help open some eyes! Let's all try harder to really think about what we're learning and not just blindly accept it. Thanks for reading my ramblings!篇4In today's fast-paced world, college students face many challenges. One issue that stands out is the lack of critical thinking skills. This can be a big problem because without theability to think critically, students may struggle to analyze information, question assumptions, and form well-reasoned opinions.大学生缺乏批判精神可能有几个原因。
In today's global society, having good oral communication skills in English is essential to succeed academically, professionally, and socially. Speaking is one of the four main skills of language learning, and it requires more than just vocabulary and grammar knowledge. To become a competent English speaker, one has to develop a range of communicative strategies and techniques to convey meaning effectively in different contexts and with various interlocutors. In this teaching plan, we will explore some of the key aspects oforal communication skills in English and provide practical activities and exercises to build students' confidence and fluency in speaking.I. Setting the context and objectivesThe first step in teaching oral communication skills is to establish a relevant and meaningful context for learning. Depending on the students' interests, needs, and goals, the teacher can choose various themes, topics, or situations that require speaking in English. Some possible examples are:鈥?Describing a personal experience, hobby, or interest鈥?Giving a presentation or speech on a current issue or event鈥?Role-playing a job interview, negotiation, or social interaction鈥?Participating in a debate, discussion, or groupproject鈥?Making a phone call, ordering food, or asking for directions鈥?Giving and receiving feedback on a performance or taskThe teacher can also identify specific learningobjectives based on the students' level, age, and proficiency. Some of the common goals for oral communication skills are:鈥?Improving pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm鈥?Enriching vocabulary, idioms, and expressions鈥?Organizing and structuring ideas and messages鈥?Using appropriate register, tone, and style鈥?Listening actively and responding appropriately鈥?Overcoming anxiety, shyness, or fear of speakingII. Pre-speaking activitiesBefore engaging in actual speaking tasks, students needto warm up and prepare for the language use. Pre-speaking activities can serve several purposes, such as:鈥?Activating prior knowledge and schema on the topic鈥?Building vocabulary and language chunks related to the topic鈥?Practicing pronunciation and fluency through drilling and repetition鈥?Encouraging interaction and collaboration among peers鈥?Reducing affective barriers and anxiety about speakingSome of the pre-speaking activities that can be used are:鈥?Brainstorming : In groups or individually, students write down as many ideas or words as possible related to the speaking topic. The teacher can provide a prompt, specific questions, or a word cloud to guide the brainstorming.鈥?Vocabulary building : The teacher selects some key words or phrases from the topic and asks students to match them with their meanings, use them in sentences, or create a word web.鈥?Sentence starters : The teacher provides some incomplete sentences or questions that students need to complete or answer. For example, "I think that... because...","In my opinion, the most important... is...", "What would you do if...?"鈥?Role-playing : The teacher assigns different roles or personas to students and asks them to act out a given scenario or situation. This can help students practice functional language and social skills, as well as develop empathy and perspective-taking.鈥?Peer feedback : The teacher divides students into pairs or small groups and asks them to give constructive feedback on each other's performance or language use. This can be done through a checklist, rubric, or open-ended comments.III. Speaking activitiesAfter the pre-speaking activities, students are ready to engage in actual speaking tasks that require them to apply the language knowledge and skills they have acquired. The speaking activities can vary in complexity, length, and interaction pattern. Some examples are:鈥?Individual presentation : Each student prepares a short speech or talk on the topic and delivers it in front of the class or a small group. The teacher can provide guidelines on the length, content, and delivery techniques.鈥?Pair discussion : Students work in pairs and take turns discussing a given topic or question. The teacher can provide some prompts or cues to guide the discussion and encourage follow-up questions or clarifications.鈥?Group debate : Students are divided into two or more groups and have to defend their position or argument on a controversial issue or topic. The teacher can provide some pre-reading materials or research tasks, as well as rules and time limits.鈥?Information gap : Students are given different pieces of information on a topic or task and have to communicate and exchange them in order to achieve a common goal or solve a problem. The teacher can vary the level of difficulty and complexity.鈥?Role-playing simulation : Students are given a scenario or situation in which they have to act out differentroles or characters. The teacher can provide some guidelines or instructions on the role-play and encourage creativity and improvisation.IV. Post-speaking activitiesAfter the speaking activities, students need to reflect on their performance and receive feedback from the teacher and peers. The post-speaking activities can help students consolidate their learning, correct errors, and set goals for future improvement. Some examples are:鈥?Self-reflection : Students write down their own strengths and weaknesses in their speaking performance, as well as what they learned or need to improve. The teacher can provide a checklist or rubric to guide the reflection.鈥?Peer feedback : Students give feedback on their peers' performance using a specific criteria or checklist. The teacher can provide some sentence starters or prompts to help them give effective feedback.鈥?Error correction : The teacher writes down some common errors or mistakes made by the students during the speakingactivities and asks them to correct them individually or in pairs.鈥?Goal setting : The teacher asks students to set some specific and measurable goals for their future speaking improvement, based on the feedback and reflection they received.ConclusionIn conclusion, oral communication skills are crucial in English language learning and require a holistic and integrated approach that combines pre-speaking, speaking, and post-speaking activities. By setting a relevant and meaningful context, identifying specific learning objectives, and using a variety of techniques and activities, teachers can help students develop their confidence, fluency, and accuracy in speaking English. Ultimately, the goal of oral communication skills teaching is not only to produce competent speakers, but also to promote intercultural understanding, empathy, and appreciation of diversity.。
正确对待批评的英语作文英文回答:Constructive Criticism: A Guide to Receiving and Giving Feedback.In any professional or academic setting, feedback is essential for growth and improvement. Whether it's a critique of a project, a performance evaluation, or a peer review, criticism can provide valuable insights and help us identify areas for improvement. While receiving criticism can be challenging, it's important to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Here's a guide to help you effectively receive and give constructive criticism:Receiving Criticism.1. Stay Calm and Composed: When receiving criticism,it's easy to become defensive or angry. However, it'scrucial to remain calm and composed. Take a deep breath and allow yourself time to process the feedback before responding.2. Listen Actively: Pay close attention to thecriticism being given. Don't interrupt or dismiss it prematurely. Ask clarifying questions if needed to fully understand the perspective being presented.3. Identify the Positive: Even in negative feedback, there's often a kernel of truth or valuable insight. Try to identify any positive aspects of the criticism that you can use to improve.4. Consider the Source: Consider the person giving the criticism. Are they a trusted colleague, a respected mentor, or simply a peer? Their credibility and experience shouldbe taken into account.5. Take Time to Reflect: Don't react impulsively to criticism. Give yourself time to reflect on the feedbackand its implications before taking any action.6. Be Open to Change: Criticism can be uncomfortable, but it can also be an opportunity for growth. Be open to considering changes or improvements based on the feedback received.Giving Criticism.1. Choose the Right Setting: Give criticism in a private and respectful setting where the recipient feels comfortable and can focus on the feedback.2. Be Specific: Provide specific examples and evidence to support your criticism. Avoid making general or vague statements.3. Focus on the Behavior: Critique the behavior or action, not the person. Use "I" statements to express your perspective, e.g., "I noticed that..."4. Offer Solutions: If possible, provide constructive suggestions or solutions to address the areas forimprovement.5. Be Empathetic: Remember that the person receiving the criticism is also human. Be empathetic and approach the situation with sensitivity.6. Follow Up: After giving criticism, it's important to follow up with the recipient to ensure understanding and provide support as needed.Constructive criticism is an integral part of personal and professional growth. By following these guidelines, we can effectively receive and give feedback to foster learning, improve performance, and enhance relationships.中文回答:如何正确对待批评。
接受批评英语作文提纲英文回答:Embracing Criticism: A Path to GrowthIn the tapestry of life, criticism is an inevitable thread that intertwines with every experience we face. It can be a daunting force, stirring up feelings of discomfort, inadequacy, and even anger. Yet, within its sharp edges lies a transformative power, an opportunity for growth and self-improvement.Acknowledge and EmbraceThe first step towards embracing criticism is to acknowledge its presence. Suppressing or denying it only amplifies its effect. Instead, I choose to meet criticism with open arms, recognizing it as a potential catalyst for change.Seek UnderstandingIt's important to remember that criticism is not solely about fault-finding; it often reflects diverse perspectives and insights. Seeking understanding allows me to step outside my own biases and appreciate the intentions behind the critique.Separate Intention from ImpactWhile the intention of criticism may be constructive, its impact can sometimes be hurtful or discouraging. I strive to separate the two, focusing on the message rather than the messenger. This emotional detachment allows me to process the feedback without being overwhelmed by negativity.Reflect and AssessReflection is a crucial step in embracing criticism. I take time to ponder the feedback, considering its validity and relevance to my growth journey. This process allows me to identify areas for improvement and develop a plan for action.Evaluate the SourceNot all criticism is created equal. It's important to evaluate the source of the feedback, considering their expertise, motives, and potential biases. This nuanced approach helps me to discern valuable insights from less constructive comments.Use as Fuel for GrowthOnce the feedback has been processed, I harness its energy as fuel for growth. I embrace the opportunity to learn, develop new skills, and refine my perspectives.Criticism becomes a stepping stone towards becoming a better version of myself.Remember the BenefitsEmbracing criticism is not always easy, but the benefits are undeniable. It sharpens my critical thinking, strengthens my resilience, and fosters humility. It reminds me that I am not perfect and that there is always room for improvement.In the end, embracing criticism requires courage, vulnerability, and a deep belief in one's potential for growth. When we open our hearts and minds to the transformative power of feedback, we unlock a path towards self-improvement, resilience, and a life lived with purpose and meaning.中文回答:接受批评:成长之路人生中,批评是不可避免的,它交织在我们的每一段经历中。
Embracing Criticism: My PerspectiveIn the journey of life, criticism often plays a pivotal role, shaping our perspectives and influencing our growth. While some may view criticism as negative or discouraging, I believe that it is an essential tool for personal and professional development.Firstly, criticism helps us identify our flaws and areas of improvement. It provides a mirror reflecting our shortcomings, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. Through critical feedback, we can gain insights into our behavior, attitude, or work output and make necessary adjustments to improve.Moreover, criticism can serve as a catalyst for change. When we receive constructive criticism, it challenges us to reevaluate our approach and consider new possibilities. This process of reflection and reinvention can lead to significant improvements and new opportunities.However, it is crucial to approach criticism with an open and positive mindset. Instead of viewing it as an attack or a negative evaluation, we should see it as anopportunity for growth and improvement. We must learn to separate the valuable insights from the unconstructive criticisms and use them to our advantage.Additionally, we should remember that criticism is subjective and can vary depending on the perspective of the critic. Therefore, it is essential to take criticism with a grain of salt and evaluate it objectively. We should strive to maintain a balanced view, acknowledging our flaws but also acknowledging our strengths and achievements.In conclusion, criticism is an integral part of personal and professional growth. By embracing it with an open mind and using it as a tool for improvement, we can transform our weaknesses into strengths and achieve greater success. Let us cherish the gift of criticism and use it to shape a better version of ourselves.**拥抱批评:我的看法**在人生的旅途中,批评往往扮演着举足轻重的角色,塑造我们的观点并影响我们的成长。
正确对待批评英语演讲稿范文英文回答:Embracing Criticism: A Path to Growth and Improvement.Criticism, often perceived as a negative force, can hold the key to unlocking our fullest potential. It is through constructive feedback that we gain valuableinsights into our strengths and weaknesses, ultimately empowering us to make conscious choices for improvement.Embracing criticism requires a paradigm shift. Instead of viewing it as an attack on our character, we should acknowledge it as an opportunity for learning and growth. By reframing our perception, we can cultivate a mindsetthat is receptive to feedback and eager to identify areas for development.Moreover, it is essential to approach criticism with an open mind and a willingness to listen. When faced withfeedback, resist the urge to become defensive or dismissive. Instead, take the time to truly understand what is being communicated, both verbally and nonverbally.Active listening involves not only hearing the wordsbut also seeking clarification and asking questions to gain a deeper comprehension. By engaging in thoughtful dialogue, we create a space where genuine understanding can thrive.Once criticism has been received, it is crucial to evaluate its validity objectively. Not all feedback is created equal. Some may be biased, incomplete, or simplynot relevant to our goals. By critically assessing the source and nature of the criticism, we can determine its usefulness and avoid being swayed by unfounded opinions.Constructive criticism is characterized by its specificity, relevance, and actionable advice. It provides clear suggestions for improvement and helps us identify specific behaviors or areas that require attention. By focusing on specific actions, we can develop targeted strategies for personal and professional growth.Furthermore, it is important to remember that criticism is not personal. It is about evaluating our actions, notour worth as individuals. By separating ourselves from our work, we can avoid taking criticism to heart and maintain a positive self-image.Embracing criticism can also foster a culture of feedback within our organizations and communities. When we create an atmosphere where constructive feedback is valued and encouraged, we create a space for continuous improvement and innovation.In conclusion, embracing criticism is not about accepting every piece of feedback blindly. Rather, it is about cultivating a mindset of receptivity, open-mindedness, and critical thinking. By recognizing the potential valueof criticism and approaching it with a willingness to learn and improve, we unlock the door to personal andprofessional growth.中文回答:正确对待批评,成长与进步的途径。
对待批评的态度 英文版
Reaction to criticismIt’s an honor to stand here to show my performance.Today my topic is personal reaction to criticism.Do you know this person?He is Li Shiming , one of the most great emperors in China .In Tang dynasty , Li Shiming , as a emperor , could accepted Wei Zheng’s criticism and correct ed his own mistakes , which made him become one of the greatest emperors in Chinese history.As the old saying goes, Lifeless, faultless.(人非圣贤, 孰能无过); Gold cannot be pure and man cannot be perfect(金无足赤,人无完人).It is inevitable that we are criticized by others. So, questions come . How would we react to these criticisms?Today we will have a discussion about it.Whether we like it or not, we are always exposed to criticism, it is the practice of judging merits and faults. But…. how does it come? It means fault-finding in early English. In the 20th century, these meanings continued, but it contains the more general connotation of evaluating one’s pro's and con's .In the 21st century, the popular meaning of the word is having an objection or rejecting something.Now, we may talk about some wrong ways to react to criticism ….Here I list some of the wrong ways of reacting to criticism:1.Tit-for-tat(针锋相对) ;2.Self-negation (自我否定) ;3. Ignorance.1.Those who are stubborn and competitive are apt to reactTit-for-tat(针锋相对) . They argue about the same thing without an end, and neither of them would bow to each other.The argument will end with no end, neither of them will benefited from it.Think back our own teenager’s life, is there anyone who didn’t quarrel with our parents? Teenagers are traitorous(叛逆的), when we are asked to go east ,we choose to go opposite . 2.Those who are self-abased and don’t have their own ideas are aptto be self-negation. They don’t have self-confidence and self –esteem, they lose themselves in life. In other words, they always live for others. Once there was a father and son , they rode a donkey ,when others said they were too cruel , they choose to walk ,when others said they are too stupid to walk with the donkey , They rode it . What should they do on earth? Ride or walk?They never make their own decision and they are driven by others.3.Those who are determined, purposeful and arrogant are apt toignore it. Those people treat what others say as rubbish, They “follow their own course and let people talk”, in this way, they lose many chances to success. Xiang Y u finally failed in the battle ofChu-Han Contention, it is not because his ability is inferior to Liu Bang, it resulted from his arrogance and not listening to others’ criticisms.All of the above are some of the wrong reactions to criticism.Now, I would share you a parade occurred in Hong Kong, we may know how to treat criticism through it.On Feb.12th, many places in Hong Kong launched the parade of fighting against the driving tour of people in mainland.Here I’d like to share you some ways to deal with it.First, treat their criticisms and rejection rationally and objectively. The fact is that roads in Hong Kong and mainland are different, and we drive in the opposite direction.Second, be aware of our own mistakes, some people in mainland don’t obey the traffic rule. Their traffic awareness is weak.Third, Think on Hong Kong’s side: if the driving tour is allowed, there would be more traffic jams and accidents, the environment will be polluted.Last, learn from it, we must strengthen the traffic awareness and obey traffic rules, only in that way the accidents will be reduced.Ok, it’s time for conclusion.Criticism sometimes seems to be harsh to the ear , but it can be themirror in our life .When we are exposed to it ,we may follow the old saying : Correct the mistakes if any , and keep the good record if none has been committed(有则改之,无则加勉) .That’s all. Thank you.。
It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader.2、未解释研究方法或解释不充分。
◆ In general, there is a lack of explanation of replicates and statistical methods used in the study.◆ Furthermore, an explanation of why the authors did these various experimentsshould be provided.3、对于研究设计的rationale:Also, there are few explanations of the rationale for the study design.4、夸张地陈述结论/夸大成果/不严谨:The conclusions are overstated. For example, the study did not showif the side effects from initial copper burst can be avoid with the polymer formulation.5、对hypothesis的清晰界定:A hypothesis needs to be presented。
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姜涛Advanced English WritingLi Jie2014/10/21Review of “Why I Am Not a Professor or The Decline and Fall of the BritishUniversity”As society develops, people pay more and more attention to education. An important measure that the government has taken is widening the access to university to let in more students attend colleges, but people merely seek the speed and the quantity rather than the quality. Dr.Mark Tarver who once worked in school of Computing at Leeds has given his understanding according to his experience. Tarver expresses the reason of the decline and fall of British university and the influence on teachers and students after the expansion of education, but in his essay,some of his opinions hold extreme bias and because of the limitation of his experience many of his views lack of adequate evidence and appropriate analysis. What’s more, in his essay he only refers to the disadvantages of expansion and no advantages are available.In his essay “Why I Am Not a Professor or The Decline and Fall of the British University”, Tarver combines his own experience with the decline of British universities and corruption of academic ideal. He quits his job because he couldn’t bear the false life. He states that the widen access to university has lowered the educational quality and the modularization system makes few students choose hardsubjects. He also presents that universities have become profit pursuers. In order to make money, they pass students by “scaling”their marks. Teachers will give some easier titles so that students can “waffle or crib off other sources”. Both teachers and students are living in a lie. Tarver also claims that teachers became more and more concentrated on the quantities of the essays. In the end, he says that there will be fewer native lecturers so that universities have to hire some immigrants whose language skills are worse than native speakers. He concludes that the teaching quality of British will suffer from it and it leaves the same desolation as the Culture Revolution did.In his essay, Tarver points out the expansion of education is the main cause of the decline of British education and it alarms people to notice the current crisis of education. As an experienced professor, he vividly exposes several problems of current British university system, such as the copying papers among students, the scaling of marks, the commonplace of teachers’papers and the widening access to university which leads to the lower educational quality. Besides, the author’s logic and reasoning is explicit and the language is also authentic. Seeing from the whole structure, it is well organized. However, some of Tarver’s views are biased towards his personal experience. In the final part, he declares that “Though some of these people are quite able, the language skills of an immigrant are on the whole worse than those of a native speaker. So the effects on the quality of teaching can only be bad.”(102) in some terms, his prejudice on immigrant and pessimism can be seen. Language is not the eternal obstacle between teaching and studying. It should notover-emphasize the teacher’s function. They are just a guide to lead students to learning rather than force them to study.Secondly, Tarver associates his experience to illustrate the decline and fall British university while using personal experience can be vivid, it’s not persuasive and representative. He should use more evidence which can represent most people’s stand to support his opinions.In addition, there are some views that Tarver hold are too absolute. Only discussing the disadvantages of expansion and failing to concentrate on the advantages of it makes the whole passage one-side. He says that the widening access to university has “watered down”the education quality. While it is true that the expansion of education sometimes brings declination of university, it also has advantages when consider it all-around. For example, if the university has not widened the access, some students have to give up study. To some extends, it could offer more people an access to learn and also to keep the society stable. On the whole, it can improve the quality and educational level of the whole nation. Universities are not founded only for these elites or talents. They are founded for all the people who want to acquire knowledge and improve themselves and founded to benefit the whole nation.Although Tarver’s understanding of the cause of the decline of British university is generally reasonable and credible, his opinions hold a little bias,his way of showing evidence is limited and some of his views are one-side. So I think this essay should not remain in our writing book.Works CitedMark, Tarver. “Why I Am Not a Professor or The Decline and Fall of the British University”Advanced English Writing. Ed. HeiYuqin, GuoFenrong, and LiYang. Xi’an: Jiaotong UP, 2011. 96-102. Pint.。