

英语翻译概论.ChapterOne ppt2

英语翻译概论.ChapterOne ppt2
Comparative literature (transnationally & transculturally)
Contrastive analysis
Subject Name(1960s)
Science of translating Translatology
framework of the discipline
out research on translation A theoretical framework into which
professional translators or trainee translators can place their practical experience.
A few general distinctions
School of Cannibalism (De Campos) Postcolonial translation theory( T.
Niranjana, G. Spivak) Cultural Studies Approach (Lawrence
Discussion and research point
Cicero, Horace, St. Jerome( Septuagint Bible) , Luther,
Academic discipline: the second half of the twentieth century (linguistic-oriented)
Translation Workshop(I.A. Rechards, 1920s) reading and writing experiment
Nature, principles, criteria, techniques, history

Interpreting英语口译 ppt课件

Interpreting英语口译  ppt课件
The Course of Interpreting Skills Between Chinese and English Leslie WEI
Preparation Unit
An introduction to professional interpreting 1. Objectives 2. Overview of course structure 3. Contents of the lessons 4. Overview of interpreting skills 5. Progression of skills
▪ Listening in interpreting is more complex and effortconsuming than the listening comprehension exercises.
▪ An interpreter listens to get the message words carry. While listening, he forms the whole picture of the message, as well as the details.
▪ Coping tactics: reconstitution, skipping and asking
▪ Behaving professionally
Progression of Skills for Consecutive Interpreting
▪ Summary: analysis and organization, focus on main points
Memory in CI consists of nothing more than


• (姓名、职业、现任
职务、学术成果、社会活动、其他个人信 息) • 3. 发言顺序 • 4. 邀请第一位演讲人
Task 1 介绍发言人
• Ⅰ Before listening, please read the useful patterns and expressions often used in introducing a a speaker in the data bank.
Unit Three 会议发言
• Ⅰ常用词汇:
• 1.回顾常用的会议用语
Unit Three 会议发言
• Ⅰ常用词汇:
• 1.会议用语
• Meeting
• 普通用词,词义广泛。指一般性的会议,可用于 各种场合。
• e.g. •
• 峰会 • a summit meeting • 参加会议 • attend a meeting
• a farewell meeting
• 联欢会
• a convivial meeting
• 筹备会议
• preparatory meeting
Unit Three 会议发言
• Ⅰ常用词汇:
• Conference
• (通常持续几天的大型正式)会议, 如政府工作会 议、国际学术交流会议、各国之间的协商、会谈 等。
• 研讨会、专题报告 symposium (pl.
• is a kind of meeting, but if refers exclusively to the meetings for specialized academic discussion.
• The symposium on AIDS research lasted two days.



Profile of an Indian Negotiator
Looks for and says the truth Is not afraid of speaking up and has no fears Exercises self-control Seeks solutions that will please all the parties involved Respects the other party Neither uses violence nor insults Is ready to change his or her mind and differ with himself or herself at the risk of being seen as inconsistent and unpredictable
Understanding Negotiation Styles
For North Americans, negotiations are businesslike; their factual appeals are based on what they believe is objective information, presented with the assumption that it is understood by the other side on a logical basis. Arabs use affective appeals based on emotions and subjective feelings. Russians employ axiomatic appeals – that is, their appeals are based on the ideals generally accepted in their society.

国际商务谈判:理论、案例分析与实践(第五版)英文版课件Chapter 2

国际商务谈判:理论、案例分析与实践(第五版)英文版课件Chapter 2

Step three: determining reservation point
Alternative 1: Value of distribution through home-based company where commission is 7% of sales: 7% × 0.5 = 3.5%
Counter offer
Case Study One
•Do you think the case shows the principle of mutual giving and taking during negotiation? •How important is the exploration of alternative option in this case?
Design and offer options
Reach an agreement
Explore alternatives to
Introduce criteria to evaluate option
Estimate reservation points
Байду номын сангаас
Example of how to make an
assessment of BATNA
Step one: Brainstorm alternatives Alternative 1: Distribution through a home-based company Alternative 2: Distribution on the Net Alternative 3: Increase foreign distributor’s commission to 10% Step two: Evaluate each alternative Assume the sales potential in the market is $20 million Thus, the expected value of sales is as follows: Alternative 1: $20 million ×0.5=$10 million Alternative 2: $20 million×0.2=$4 million Alternative 3: $20 million×0.3=$6 million Sales commission under the three alternatives will be: Alternative 1: $10 million × 7% = $700,000 Alternative 2: $4 million × 4% = $160,000 Alternative 3: $6 million × 10% = $600,000

口译研究综述 interpretingPPT课件

口译研究综述 interpretingPPT课件
• Note: A-language= native or best ‘active language’; B-language= ‘active’ language commanded with near-native proficiency; C-language = ‘passive’ language allowing ‘complete understanding’
one-to-many, monologic; vs. • Individual, power differential, face-to-face, dialogic
The classification of Interpreting • 即席翻译(consecutive interpreting),即席翻译简称交传,在教学中通

Settings and constellations

Typological parameters

Domains and dimensions
The Concepts of Interpreting
• Latin interpres (expounder, person explaining what is obscure, explaining the meaning, making sense of)
• Research as object, subject or discipline? • The field of interpreting studies, began to form a (sub)disciplinary identity of its own in
the 1990s. • Within the field of the wider field of Translation studies. • The translational activity of interpreting? • Parent vs. sub-disciplinary or independent?


• Good Christian, good parent, good child, good
wife, good husband
• 虔诚的基督徒,慈爱的父母,孝顺的儿女,
• 3. Addition of words—口译时不宜使信息过于浓

• (1) During our stay here ten years ago we spent a
the same goal, the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which all may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of government, its own course of development, free of outside interference or domination.
study. (so that we can follow their example)
• 3.注意英汉语词汇搭配不一致的问题,口译时要
• 我们准备增进与亚洲和欧洲国家的合作。我们已
对外贸进行了重大的改革,制定了一套相关的法 律。我们已将关税从23%降低到17%,最终还要 降低到发展中国家的平均水平
• (2) 海外一些发达国家和地区在这方面积累了不少经验,
• Some developed countries and regions have accumulated a

interpretation Lesson[1]精品PPT课件

interpretation  Lesson[1]精品PPT课件
表达一般比理解要难些。联合国聘用语文专业人员有一 条规定:翻译审校要一律以母语为译入语言 。因此,
在国际翻译界, 从事翻译工作的人大多将外语翻译成本 国语言。
3.但是由于国际上懂中文、并懂到能够担任翻译的外国 人还是不多,中国翻译在大多数情况下必须进行双向对 译。
3。记录,或者叫做暂存,是指将感知到的语码信息暂时储存下来。口译的信息 记录采用两种形式,一种是以 “ 脑记 ”为主, 一种是以 “ 笔记 ” 主。译员 所记录的内容主要是信息的概念、主题、论点、情节、要点、逻辑关系、数 量关系等。
4.编码是指将来源语的信息解码后, 赋以目标语的表达形式。口译的编码技 巧与笔译的编码技巧相仿, 所不同的是,口译要求快速流利, 所以无法像笔译那 样有时间斟酌字眼, 处理疑难杂症,追求目标语的 " 雅致 " 。
5.表达是指译员将以目标语编码后的信息通过口头表达的方式传译出来。口 译表达无需译员具备伶牙俐齿、口若悬河、能言善辩的演说才能,但口齿清楚、 吐字干脆、音调准确、择词得当、语句通顺、表达流畅却是一名职业译员必
口译的类型 The Categorical Classification of
口译类型的划分有三种不同的方法, 即 " 形式分类法 " 、 " 方向分类法 " 和 " 任 务分类法 " 三种。
The Definition of Interpretation
1.口译是一种通过口头表达形式,将所听到 ( 间或读到 ) 的信息准确而又快速地由一种语言转换成另一种语言, 进而达到传递与交流信息之目的的交际行为,是人类在 跨文化、跨民族交往活动中所依赖的一种基本的语言 交际工具。 2.从事上述口译工作的人叫做译员。在相当长的时期 里以口译为职业的人叫做职业译员。 3.译员必须是掌握两种语言 ( 或两种以上语言 ) 的语 言知识和语言能力的双语人。具有双语能力的人可以 通过系统学习、强化训练和勇于实践,进而较好地掌握 口译知识和技能,成为一名合格的职业译员。
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Association Internationale des Interpretes de Conferences)1953年成立于瑞士日内瓦,其通讯刊物 为《AIIC公报》(AIIC Bulletin).
4).第一种系统的口译理论——释意理论 (The Interpretive Theory),由巴黎梭邦大学高等 翻译学校达妮卡·塞莱斯科维奇(Danica Seleskovitch)创立。
4). 朱佩芬:口译是将听到或读到的一种 语言 (source language)即兴地以另一种 语言 (target language)来表述。
▪ 口译是一种通过口头表达形式,将所 感知和理解的信息准确而又快速地由 一语言形式转换成另一种语言形式, 进而达到即时传递与交流信息之目的 的交际行为,是现代社会跨文化、跨 民族交往的一种基本沟通方式。“形 变”而“意存”,“形转”而“意 达”,是口译的基本要求:“意及” 而又“神似”,“意传”而又“迅达” 是 口译的职业标准。
▪ 1. Teaching Contents Part 1 Theory (1 class)
Part 2 Practice (5 classes)
Revision (1 class)
▪ 2. Scoring ▪ Usual Performance: 30% ▪ (class attendance 10% + class
式中的意义,其具体实施过程中思维、知识 和认知过程等语言外因素起着重要作用。
5).中国的口译研究起步较晚,上世纪70年代 同声传译日益发展,但至今仍缺少科学系统 的口译理论。
▪ 2. 口译的定义
1). Interpreting is to render a message from one language into another, naturally and fluently, adopting the delivery, tone and convictions of the speaker and speaking in the first person.
2007.10. ▪ 徐海明,季海宏.实用英汉汉英口译教程.南京:南京
师范大学出版社, 2004.7. ▪ 钟述孔.实用口译手册(增订版).北京:中国对外
翻译出版公司, 1999. ▪ 赵军峰.商务英语口译.北京: 高等教育出版社,
An Overview of Interpretation
▪ 翻译专业资格(水平)考试,是我国翻译系列职称评审制度的 重大改革。翻译专业资格(水平)考试与原有翻译专业技术职 务任职资格评审制度相比,更体现了科学、客观、公平、公正 的原则,报名参加考试人员不受学历、资历和所从事专业的限 制。取得各级别证书并符合翻译专业职务任职条件的人员,用 人单位可根据需要聘任相应职务。在资格考试体系尚未完全建 立之前,新旧体系会有一个并存期。翻译专业资格考试将分语 种、分级别地逐步推开,随着考试逐步推向全国,旧有的翻译 专业技术职务任职资格评审制度将逐渐退出历史舞台。
2).口译(Interpreting,也称Interpretation),是 一种通过听取和解析来源语(source language)所 表达的信息,随即将其转译为目标语(target language)语言符号,进而达到传递信息之目的 的言语交际活动。(梅德明,1996)
3).口译不是单纯意义上的言语行为,而是 一种涉及诸多知识层面的跨文化的交际行 为。(钟述孔,1999)
试《口译实务》科目分设“交替传译”和“同声 传译”2个专业类别。报名参加二级口译考试的 人员,可根据本人情况,选择口译交替传译和同
声传译两个专业类别的考试。报考二级口译交替ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
传译的人员,参加《口译综合能力》和《口译实 务(交替传译类)》2个科目的考试;报考二级 口译同声传译的人员,参加《口译综合能力》和 《口译实务(同声传译类)》2个科目的考试;
participation 20%) ▪ Final Exam: 70%
▪ 3. Tests ▪ 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试(人事部) ▪ 上海外语口译考试
▪ 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试(China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters -- CATTI)是受国家人力资 源和社会保障部委托,由中国外文出版发行事业局(China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration)负责实施 与管理的一项国家级职业资格考试,已纳入国家职业资格证书 制度,是一项在全国实行的、统一的、面向全社会的翻译专业 资格(水平)认证,是对参试人员口译或笔译方面双语互译能 力和水平的评价与认定。
员,可免试《口译综合能力》科目,只参加《口 译实务(同声传译类)》科目的考试。
▪ 4. Bibliography: ▪ 鲍刚.口译理论概述.北京:旅游教育出版社, 1998. ▪ 梅德明.通用口译教程.北京:北京大学出版社,
2007.4. ▪ 仲伟合. 英语口译基础教程.北京:高等教育出版社,
▪ 1. 口译的历史
1). 历史悠久,可追溯到公元前2000多年,早于笔译,是人 类生产生活的产物。
“译”、“寄”、“象”、“狄”、“通事”、“通译” 2). 20世纪初,口译成为一种专门的职业。(1919年巴黎和
会,两次世界大战期间美国产生了“同声传译” ) 3). 第一个国际口译组织——国际会议译员协会(AIIC-
▪ 考试分7个语种,分别是英、日、法、阿拉 伯、俄、德、西班牙等语种;四个等级, 即:资深翻译;一级口译、笔译翻译;二 级口译、笔译翻译;三级口译、笔译翻译; 两大类别,即:笔译、口译,口译又分交 替传译和同声传译两个专业类别。
▪ 二、三级笔译考试均设《笔译综合能力》和《笔 译实务》2个科目;口译考试均设《口译综合能 力》和《口译实务》2个科目,其中二级口译考