02 - Structural Programming(Chapter 2-7)



Software A Architecture Design
—— Chapter two Software Architecture Style
李哲洙 lizhezhu@
Software Architecture Style Typical Architecture style C/S & B/S Style New Architecture Style Case Study
Pipes and Filters:Strengths
• System easy to understand
• Reuse, Enhancement & Maintainability • Concurrency can be easily exploited.
– System = simple composition of individual filters – No complex interaction between components – Easy to add filters & replace existing ones (why?)
• Components: Filter
– Completely independent entities – Consume streams of inputs and produce streams of outputs – Context independent (do not know what produced the input or will consume the output) – Output starts before input is (entirely) consumed (incremental transformation of data) – Carrier of data streams – Binding between component ports

two-stage stochastic programming

two-stage stochastic programming

two-stage stochastic programmingTwo-stage stochastic programming is a mathematical optimization approach used to solve decision-making problems under uncertainty. It is commonly applied in various fields such as operations research, finance, energy planning, and supply chain management. In this approach, decisions are made in two stages: the first stage involves decisions made before uncertainty is realized, and the second stage involves decisions made after observing the uncertain events.In two-stage stochastic programming, the decision-maker aims to optimize their decisions by considering both the expected value and the risk associated with different outcomes. The problem is typically formulated as a mathematical program with constraints and objective functions that capture the decision variables, uncertain parameters, and their probabilistic distributions.The first stage decisions are typically made with theknowledge of the uncertain parameters, but without knowing their actual realization. These decisions are usually strategic and long-term in nature, such as investment decisions, capacity planning, or resource allocation. The objective in the first stage is to minimize the expected cost or maximize the expected profit.The second stage decisions are made after observing the actual realization of the uncertain events. These decisions are typically tactical or operational in nature, such as production planning, inventory management, or scheduling. The objective in the second stage is to minimize the cost or maximize the profit given the realized values of the uncertain parameters.To solve two-stage stochastic programming problems, various solution methods can be employed. One common approach is to use scenario-based methods, where a set of scenarios representing different realizations of the uncertain events is generated. Each scenario is associated with a probability weight, and the problem is then transformed into a deterministic equivalent problem byreplacing the uncertain parameters with their corresponding scenario values. The deterministic problem can be solved using traditional optimization techniques such as linear programming or mixed-integer programming.Another approach is to use sample average approximation, where the expected value in the objective function is approximated by averaging the objective function valuesover a large number of randomly generated scenarios. This method can be computationally efficient but may introduce some approximation errors.Furthermore, there are also robust optimization techniques that aim to find solutions that are robust against the uncertainty, regardless of the actualrealization of the uncertain events. These methods focus on minimizing the worst-case cost or maximizing the worst-case profit.In summary, two-stage stochastic programming is a powerful approach for decision-making under uncertainty. It allows decision-makers to consider both the expected valueand the risk associated with uncertain events. By formulating the problem as a mathematical program and employing various solution methods, optimal or near-optimal solutions can be obtained to guide decision-making in a wide range of applications.。

Structural Analysis(结构分析

Structural Analysis(结构分析

Planar kinematic pair: revolute pair
sliding pair
2 1
planar gear pair
planar cam pair.
3 2
Spatial kinematic pair: screw pair
spherical pair
spatial gear pair
The mobile connection between the frame 1 and the piston 2 is a kinematic pair.
The mobile connection between the coupler 3 and the crank 4 is another kinematic pair.
2 1
If the connection takes place only at a point or along a line (assuming the materials to be rigid), it is known as a higher pair(高副), e.g., the gear pair and the cam pair.
The mobile connection between the two gears is also a kinematic pair.
Types of kinematic pairs:
• Revolute pair(转动副) • Sliding pair or Prismatic pair(移动副) • Gear pair(齿轮副) • Cam pair(凸轮副) • Screw pair(螺旋副) • Spherical pair(球面副)



Redhayes Bridge – Designed by Parsons Brinckerhoff for Devon CC First bridge in UK designed to complete Eurocode suite, BCI Award winner
• Background • Evolution of the Eurocodes • Improving ease of use of the Eurocodes • Achieving alignment • Conclusions
Eurocodes started
ENVs started
1990 1992
Publication of ENVs
1998 2007
Conversion of ENV to EN
Publication 1st generation of the Eurocodes
Programming Mandate
Structure of tasks and sub-tasks
SC / WG etc
Task 1 Task 2
Sub-task Sub-task Sub-task Sub-task Sub-task Sub-task Sub-task Sub-task Sub-task Sub-task Sub-task Sub-task
Specific Mandate Response to Specific Mandate
2010 2011 2012 2013
10 Publication 2nd generation of the Eurocodes

编译原理第二章 文法和语言

编译原理第二章  文法和语言

第一节 文法的直观概念
当我们表述一种语言时,无非是说明这种语言的句子,如果语言只含有有穷多个句子,则只需 列出句子的有穷集就行了,但对于有无穷句子的语言来讲,存在着如何给出它的有穷表示的问题。 以自然语言为例, 人们无法列出全部句子, 但是人们可以给出一些规则, 用这些规则来说明 (或 者定义)句子的组成结构,比如: “我是大学生” 。是汉语的一个句子。汉语句子可以是由主语后随 谓语而成,构成谓语的是动词和直接宾语,我们采用 EBNF 来表示这种句子的构成规则: 〈句子〉∷=〈主语〉 〈谓语〉 〈主语〉∷=〈代词〉|〈名词〉 〈代词〉∷=我|你|他 〈名词〉∷=王明|大学生|工人|英语 〈谓语〉∷=〈动词〉 〈直接宾语〉 〈动词〉∷=是|学习 〈直接宾语〉∷=〈代词〉|〈名词〉 “我是大学生”的构成符合上述规则,而“我大学生是”不符合上述规则,我们说它不是句子。 这些规则成为我们判别句子结构合法与否的依据。 一旦有了一组规则以后,我们可以按照如下方式用它们去推导或产生句子。我们开始去找∷= 左端的带有〈句子〉的规则并把它表示成∷=右端的符号串,这个动作表示成: 〈句子〉 〈主语〉 〈谓语〉 ,然后在得到的串〈主语〉 〈谓语〉中,选取〈主语〉或〈谓语〉 ,再用相应的规则∷=右端 代替之。比如,选取了〈主语〉,并采用规则〈主语〉∷=〈代词〉 ,那么得到: 〈主语〉 〈谓语〉〈代 词〉 〈谓语〉 ,重复做下去,我们得到句子: “我是大学生”的全部动作过程是: 〈句子〉 〈主语〉 〈谓语〉 〈谓语〉 〈代词〉 我〈谓语〉 〈直接宾语〉 我〈动词〉 我是〈直接宾语〉 我是〈名词〉 我是大学生 符号 的含义是,使用一条规则,代替 左边的某个符号,产生 右端的符号串。 显然,按照上述办法,不仅生成“我是大学生”这样的句子,还可以生成“王明是大学生” , “王 明学习英语” , “我学习英语” , “他学习英语” , “你是工人” , “你学习王明”等几十个句子。事实上, 使用文法作为工具,不仅为了严格地定义句子的结构,也是为了用适当条数的规则把语言的全部句 子描述出来,是以有穷的集合刻划无穷的集合的工具。

《C++面向对象程序设计(第2版)》第1章 绪论

《C++面向对象程序设计(第2版)》第1章 绪论

1.2 面向对象思想与机制(续3)
“类”是相似物体的高度抽象,或者说,类是相似对象的 特征抽象。 简单来说,一个类都包含若干“成员”,这些成员代表了 同类对象的“特征”:
人 树 电脑 有姓名、年龄、身高、体重,思想 有高度、宽度、命名 有品牌、显示器、主板、CPU 遇到突发事件时有回应 适度浇水可以生长,扒 掉树皮就会死亡 加电就会运行,点击就 有反应
每个类的特征数量虽然有多有少,但都可以分为静态部分 和动态部分。前者称为物理特征,或属性,或数据,后者 称为行为特征,或动作,或方法。 归结起来,一个类是由数据成员和方法成员构成的。
1.2 面向对象思想与机制(续4) 2. 类与对象
一个对象不仅具有特征,而 且每一个特征都可以赋予具 体值。 在该名字前加上“这个”、 “那个”等限定词后则构成 对象。
课程说明 参考教材 :
C++面向对句程序设计 清华大学出版社 李晋江
考核要求: 考勤+作业+期末考试
关键是思 想观念的 转变

你的处境 这是又一项准备——思想准备。 1. 你的庆幸: 你所写的全部C代码均可在所有支持 C++C 的编译器 越是资深的 程序员,就 中使用。 越难以跨越感情和习惯性 思维模式的鸿沟。 2. 你的不幸: 你所知道全部C语言知识和面向对象毫无关系,你 C语言学的越扎实,越习惯面向过程编程,越难转 请记住这句名言: 向面向对象。
1.2 面向对象思想与机制(续1) 1.人类认识世界和发展世界的过程

Stephen J.Chapman《MATLAB 编程(第二版) 》第二章

Stephen J.Chapman《MATLAB 编程(第二版) 》第二章
郑碧波翻译 Matlab 中文论坛首发
第二章 MATLAB 基础 ....................................................................................................................1 2.1 变量和数组........................................................................................................................1 2.2 MATLAB 变量的初始化 ...................................................................................................3 2.2.1 用赋值语句初始化变量.........................................................................................3 2.2.2 用捷径表达式(short expressions)来赋值 .........................................................4 2.2.3 用内置函数来初始化.............................................................................................5 2.2.4 用关键字 input 初始化变量.................................................................



Course Design of Data Structures and AlgorithmAnalysis C++ Version (2nd Edition) ObjectiveThe primary objective of this course design is to reinforce the understanding of data structures and algorithms through implementationin C++ programming language. The course also ms to familiarize students with the usage of various C++ libraries while designing and implementing algorithms. By the end of this course design, students should be able to: •Understand the characteristics and properties of basic data structures such as arrays, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, andsearching/sorting algorithms.•Analyze the efficiency and complexity of algorithms using big O notation•Design and implement data structures and algorithms using C++ programming language, including OOP concepts such asinheritance and polymorphism.•Solve real-world problems using data structures and algorithms.SynopsisThe course design focuses on the following topics:1.Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis2.Arrays and Vectors3.Linked Lists4.Stacks and Queues5.Trees6.Graphs7.Searching8.Sorting9.Hashing10.Binary Heaps and Priority Queues11.Heapsort12.Balanced Search Trees13.Advanced TopicsThe course design emphasizes practical implementation, therefore, each topic is accompanied by coding exercises using C++ programming language. Additionally, students are required to implement one major project in a team of two or three, which involves the usage of data structures and algorithms studied in class to solve a real-world problem.GradingThe final grade for this course design will be based on thefollowing criteria:•30%: Programming assignments•30%: Final project•20%: Mid-term exam•20%: Final examPrerequisitesIt is expected that students have a good understanding of programming concepts and basic data structures such as arrays, linked lists, and stacks/queues. Additionally, knowledge of object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation is required.Course MaterialsThe primary course material will be the textbook。



+E{0,1,3} E
+F{0,2,3} E
1) a(a | b) * a
2) (( | a)b*)*
3) (a | b)*a(a | b)(a | b)
4) a*ba*ba*ba*
5)(aa | bb)*((ab | ba)(aa | bb)*(ab | ba)(aa | bb)*)*
5) S a | S S | S S | S| ( S )
以a为变量,包括+,连接,*和括号四种运算的表 达式的集合
2.2.3 练习2.2.2中哪些文法具有二义性? 3) 4) 5)具有二义性。 以5)为例进行说明: 给定字符串 a+a+a ,对应着两棵分析树:
+A{0,1,2,3,5,6,7,9,10,11} B
+B{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11} B
+C{1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11} B
4) (a | b)*abb(a | b)*



编译原理第二版课后答案张素琴【篇一:清华大学编译原理第二版课后习答案】ss=txt>第 1 章引论第 1 题解释下列术语:(1)编译程序(2)源程序(3)目标程序(4)编译程序的前端(5)后端(6)遍答案:(1)编译程序:如果源语言为高级语言,目标语言为某台计算机上的汇编语言或机器语言,则此翻译程序称为编译程序。







第 2 题一个典型的编译程序通常由哪些部分组成?各部分的主要功能是什么?并画出编译程序的总体结构图。

答案:一个典型的编译程序通常包含8 个组成部分,它们是词法分析程序、语法分析程序、语义分析程序、中间代码生成程序、中间代码优化程序、目标代码生成程序、表格管理程序和错误处理程序。








Chapter02 Functions

Chapter02 Functions

volatile while
Not allowed, because an identifier is a token
7 Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
format_string plain characters – displayed directly unchanged on the screen, e.g. “This is C” conversion specification(s) – used to convert, format and display argument(s) from the argument_list escape sequences – control the cursor, for example, the newline ‘\n’
10 Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
To display the value of a variable or constant on the screen printf(format_string,argument_list);
Need to make up your own variable names, e.g. lengths: a, b, c angles: a, b, g
For programming in C, the situation is similar choose the variable names, consist of entire words rather than single characters easier to understand your programs if given very descriptive names to each variable


– fork system call creates new process fork 系统调用创建新进程 – execve system call used after a fork to replace the process’ memory space with a new program. 在fork 用一个新程序替代了进程的内存空间之后, 采用execve系统调用
Process State 进程状态
• As a process executes, it changes state 进程执行时,改变状态 – new: The process is being created. 新建:在创建进程 – running: Instructions are being executed. 运行:指令在执行 – waiting: The process is waiting for some event to occur. 等待:进程等待某些事件发生 – ready: The process is waiting to be assigned to a processor. 就绪:进程等待分配处理器 – terminated: The process has finished execution. 终止:进程执行完毕
CPU Switch From Process to Process 进程间CPU的切换
Context Switch
• When CPU switches to another process, the system must save the state of the old process and load the saved state for the new process. • Context represented in PCB of a process,include -CPU registers -process state -memory-management information • Context-switch time is overhead; the system does no useful work while switching. • Time dependent on hardware support.



Mplus应⽤说明B_T_002_02基础语法与应⽤第⼀篇1. 基础语法与应⽤1.1.建⽴因变量和潜变量之间的逻辑关系。





具体见Mplus->Language Generator下各菜单功能。



1.2. MplusMplus采⽤标志段加简单语句构成语⾔结构,不是通⽤语⾔结构,不能进⾏特定算法逻辑表达,可以看作是内部实现的运算功能的参数表。









例如定义变量时:Vari: names are Y1 XY1-XY4;model: y1 on xy1,xy3-xy4;“-”作为序列关键字,不论是在定义变量名称还是在模型使⽤名称时,都可以⽤他来简写序列名称,如XVal1-XVal3和XVal1 XVal2 XVal3等价。


Adams, V. and Askenazi, A., Building Better Products With Finite Element Analysis , 1998
Ainsworth, M. and Oden, J. T., A Posterior Error Estimation in Finite Element Analysis , 2000
Backstrom, G., Fields of Physics on the PC by Finite Element Analysis, 1994
Backstrom, G., Fields of Physics by Finite Element Analysis, An Introduction, 1998
Baldwin, K., ed., Modern Methods for Automating Finite Element Mesh Generation, 1986, CP
Baran, N. M., Finite Element Analysis on Microcomputers, 1988
Argyris, J. H. and Mlejnek, H. P. Computerdynamik der Tragwerke, Band III Die Methode der Finiten Elemente, 1996
Ashwell, D. G. and Gallagher, R. H., eds. Finite Elements for Thin Shells and Curved Members, 1976


4. 本质上具有并行性. 5. 模块独立性好. 三,常用的OOP术语 1. 类(Class) 是程序语言的一种数据类型,包含了对数据和操作的捆绑 式描述.类可以表示出某类对象的本质,即对具有相同属性 和行为的一组相似对象的抽象. 2. 实例(Instance) 就是某个特定的类所描述的一个具体的对象,程序中一般 体现为由类所定义的具体变量.
录下一个文件名唯一确定了一个 文件,因此,目录+文件名使得 关联由原来的1:M型变成1:1型.
文件操作 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ令消息
书刊 书名,作者,出版 社,出版时间,分 类号,条码号,入 馆时间 修改记录
(3)受保护的内部实现,即私有数据和代码不能在定义 该对象类的范围以外进行访问. 7. 继承(Inheritance) OOP技术中,继承就是子类能够自动地共享基类中定义的 数据和方法,而不必重复定义它们的机制.继承具有传递性, 若类A派生类B,类B派生类C,则类B继承类A的非私有数 据和方法,类C继承类B和类A所有的非私有数据和方法. 例:实现继承机制的原理 设有A,B两个类且类B是从类A派生出来的子类,a1,b1 分别是类A和类B的两个实例(即两个变量),则变量a1的 存贮空间包括:类A中的所有数据所需的空间;访问类A中 所有方法(函数)的句柄(注意并不拷贝实际的方法代码).
例:用C++定义了一个"学生"类StuCls,则可用类名字 StuCls定义变量,如下 StuCls a,b,s[10]; 则变量a,b与数组s都是"学生"对象的实例,可以理解为学生a, 学生b, 学生s[0],s[1],…,s[9],共12个实例. 3. 消息(Message) 通知某个对象执行某种操作的规格化数据.一个消息一般 包括以下三部分: (1)接收消息的对象(消息的目的地) (2)消息名(消息选择符或消息ID) (3)零个或多个变元(消息运载的通信数据)



T 事务中心
n SD方法的步骤
n 复审DFD图,必要时可再次进行修改或细化
n 鉴别DFD图所表示的软件系统的结构特征,确定它 所代表的软件结构是属于变换型还是事务型
n 按照SD方法规定的一组规则,把DFD图为初始的SC 图
接口设计 体系结构设计
n 数据流图的类型
n 变换(transform) 型结 构
n 传入路径 n 变换中心 n 传出路径
n 事务(transaction)型结 构
n 一条接受路径 n 一个事务中心 n 若干条动作路径
变换 中心
信息 传出
传入流 传出流 变换流
WriteW UtoV
u v
v Write V
c,p p
w,u rr
Get E Q P R
BtoC Read
ReadA A toB
Write W
Uto V WriteV
n 在DFD图上确定边界
C1 c1

教学课件 Python语言程序设计基础(第2版) 嵩天

教学课件 Python语言程序设计基础(第2版) 嵩天
程序设计语言是计算机能够理解和识别用户操作意 图的一种交互体系,它按照特定规则组织计算机指 令,使计算机能够自动进行各种运算处理。按照程 序设计语言规则组织起来的一组计算机指令称为计 算机程序。
更高级别的3.0系列不兼容早期2.0系列 2008年至今,版本更迭带来大量库函数的升 级替换,Python语言的版本更迭痛苦且漫长 到今天,Python 3.x系列已经成为主流
本章具体讲解了计算机的基本定义、计算机的 功能性和可编程性、程序设计语言分类、编译 和 解 释 、 Python 语 言 的 历 史 和 发 展 、 配 置 Python开发环境等内容,最后给出了Python版 本的主要区别供参考。
跨平台 + 开源
例5: from random import random rnd = random()*10 print(rnd)
Python语言的优势:面向过程 + 面向对象
脚本语言 + 语句执行
print(“Hello World!大家好!")
sum = 99999 * 99999 print(sum)
例3: months="JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec" n=4 monthAbbrev = months[(n-1)*3:(n-1)*3+3] print(monthAbbrev)



2.3.1 文法的形式定义
因此,定义语言L的文法 G=( VN,VT,P,S ) 注意: V 其中: N={A, B, D} VT≠{aa,bb} VT={a, b} P={ A→aa | aaB | bb | bbD B→aa | aaB D→bb | bbD } S=A
2.3.1 文法的形式定义
规则的作用是告诉我们如何用规 则中的符号串生成语言中的序列。
2.3.1 文法的形式定义
A→0 A→1 A→A0 A→A1
描述的语言序列只可能是由0和1 组成的符号串。
2.3.1 文法的形式定义
规则中出现的符号分为两类,一类 是终结符号,另一类是非终结符号。
非终结符号是出现在规则左部能 派生出符号或符号串的那些符号,即 每个非终结符号表示一定符号串的集 合,用大写字母表示或用尖括号把非 终结符号括起来。例如,上例中的A。
2.1 字母表和符号串
1. 字母表 元素的非空有穷集合。 例如,∑={ a, b, c }
根据字母表的定义,Σ是字母表, 它由a、b、c三个元素组成。
2.1 字母表和符号串
注意: (1) 字母表中至少包含一个元素。 (2) 字母表中的元素, 可以是字母、 数字或其他符号。 例如,∑' ={0, 1} 是一个字母表,由0、1两个元素 组成。
2.3.1 文法的形式定义
当n=1 L={____}
L={a2n, b2n | n≥1}
当n=2 L={_______} 当n=3 L={aaaaaa, bbbbbb}
L={aa, bb, aaaa, bbbb, aaaaaa, bbbbbb, … …}
即语言L是由偶数个a,偶数个b这样的 符号串组成的集合。

PPT u2-大数据专业英语教程-张强华-清华大学出版社

PPT u2-大数据专业英语教程-张强华-清华大学出版社

New Words
linker debugger merge bundle
tailored template macro script animation filter competently
[] [] [] []
[] [] [ ] [] [ ] [] []
n. (目标代码)连接器 n.调试器 v.合并,并入,融合 n.捆,束,包 v.捆扎 adj.订做的,特制的,专门的 n.模板(=templet) n.宏 n.脚本 n.动画 n.过滤器,滤波器 adv.胜任地,适合地
[2] The term includes application software such as word processors, which perform productive tasks for users, system software such as operating systems, which interface with hardware to run the necessary services for user-interfaces and applications, and middleware, which controls and coordinates distributed systems.
be opposed to system software distributed system be confused with in contrast to machine language object code ordered sequence high-level programming languages natural language assembly language
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Chapter 2-7 Structural ProgrammingIntroducing Programming with anExampleListing 2.1 Computing the Area of aCircleThis program computes the area of thecircle.ComputeAreaRunpublic class ComputeArea {/** Main method */public static void main(String[] args) {double radius;double area;// Assign a radiusradius = 20;// Compute areaarea = radius * radius * 3.14159;// Display resultsSystem.out.println("The area for the circle of radius " + radius + " is " + area);}}no value radiusallocate memoryfor radiuspublic class ComputeArea { /** Main method */public static void main(String[] args) {double radius;double area;// Assign a radiusradius = 20;// Compute areaarea = radius * radius * 3.14159;// Display resultsSystem.out.println("The area for the circle of radius " + radius + " is " + area);}}no value radiusmemoryno value areaallocate memoryfor areapublic class ComputeArea { /** Main method */public static void main(String[] args) {double radius;double area;// Assign a radiusradius = 20;// Compute areaarea = radius * radius * 3.14159;// Display resultsSystem.out.println("The area for the circle of radius " + radius + " is " + area);}}20radiusno value areaassign 20 to radiuspublic class ComputeArea { /** Main method */public static void main(String[] args) {double radius;double area;// Assign a radiusradius = 20;// Compute areaarea = radius * radius * 3.14159;// Display resultsSystem.out.println("The area for the circle of radius " + radius + " is " + area);}}20radiusmemory1256.636areacompute area and assign itto variable areapublic class ComputeArea { /** Main method */public static void main(String[] args) {double radius;double area;// Assign a radiusradius = 20;// Compute areaarea = radius * radius * 3.14159;// Display resultsSystem.out.println("The area for the circle of radius " + radius + " is " + area);}}20 radiusmemory1256.636 areaprint a message to the consoleReading Input from the Console1. Create a Scanner objectScanner input = new Scanner(System.in);2. Use the methods next(), nextByte(), nextShort(), nextInt(), nextLong(), nextFloat(),nextDouble(), or nextBoolean()to obtain to a string, byte, short, int, long, float, double, or boolean value. For example,System.out.print("Enter a double value: ");Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);double d = input.nextDouble();ComputeAreaWithConsoleInput RunComputeAverage RunIdentifiers☞An identifier is a sequence of characters that consist of letters, digits, underscores (_), and dollar signs ($).☞An identifier must start with a letter, an underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($). It cannot start with a digit.–An identifier cannot be a reserved word. (See Appendix A,“Java Keywords,” for a list of reserved words).☞An identifier cannot be true, false, ornull.☞An identifier can be of any length.Constantsfinal datatype CONSTANTNAME = VALUE;final double PI = 3.14159;final int SIZE = 3;Numerical Data TypesName Range Storage Size byte –27 (-128) to 27–1 (127) 8-bit signed short –215 (-32768) to 215–1 (32767) 16-bit signed int –231 (-2147483648) to 231–1 (2147483647) 32-bit signed long –263 to 263–1 64-bit signed(i.e., -9223372036854775808to 9223372036854775807)f loat Negative range: 32-bit IEEE 754-3.4028235E+38 to -1.4E-45Positive range:1.4E-45 to 3.4028235E+38d ouble Negative range: 64-bit IEEE 754-1.7976931348623157E+308 to-4.9E-324Positive range:4.9E-324 to 1.7976931348623157E+308Numeric OperatorsName Meaning Example Result + Addition 34 + 1 35- Subtraction 34.0 – 0.1 33.9* Multiplication 300 * 30 9000/ Division 1.0 / 2.0 0.5% Remainder 20 % 3 2Integer Division+,-,*,/,and%5/2yields an integer2.5.0/2yields a double value2.55%2yields1(the remainder of the division)Problem: Displaying Time Write a program that obtains minutes from seconds.DisplayTime RunNOTECalculations involving floating-point numbers are approximated because these numbers are not stored with complete accuracy. For example,System.out.println(1.0-0.1-0.1-0.1-0.1-0.1); displays0.5000000000000001,not0.5,and System.out.println(1.0-0.9);displays 0.09999999999999998, not 0.1. Integers are stored precisely. Therefore, calculations with integers yield a precise integer result.Problem: Displaying Current Time Write a program that displays current time in GMT in the format hour:minute:second such as 1:45:19.The currentTimeMillis method in the System class returns the current time in milliseconds since the midnight, January 1, 1970 GMT . (1970 was the year when the Unix operating system was formally introduced.) You can use this method to obtain the current time, and then compute the current second, minute, and hour as follows.ShowCurrentTime RunElapsedtimeUnix Epoch01-01-197000:00:00 GMT Current Time Time System.currentTimeMills()Numeric Type Conversion Consider the following statements:byte i=100;long k=i*3+4;double d=i* 3.1+k/2;Conversion RulesWhen performing a binary operation involving twooperands of different types, Java automaticallyconverts the operand based on the following rules: 1.If one of the operands is double, the other isconverted into double.2.Otherwise, if one of the operands is float, the other isconverted into float.3.Otherwise, if one of the operands is long, the other isconverted into long.4.Otherwise, both operands are converted into int.Type CastingImplicit castingdouble d=3;(type widening)Explicit castingint i=(int)3.0;(type narrowing)int i = (int)3.9; (Fraction part is truncated)What is wrong?int x=5/2.0;range increasesbyte, short, int, long, float, doubleProblem: Keeping Two Digits AfterDecimal PointsWrite a program that displays the sales tax with two digits after the decimal point.SalesTax RunCharacter Data TypeFour hexadecimal digits.char letter='A';(ASCII)char numChar='4';(ASCII)char letter = '\u0041'; (Unicode)char numChar = '\u0034'; (Unicode)NOTE:The increment and decrement operators can also be used on char variables to get the next or preceding Unicode character. For example,the following statements display character b.char ch='a';System.out.println(++ch);Unicode FormatJava characters use Unicode, a 16-bit encoding scheme established by the Unicode Consortium to support the interchange, processing, and display of written texts in the world’s diverse languages. Unicode takes two bytes, preceded by \u, expressed in four hexadecimal numbers that run from '\u0000'to '\uFFFF'. So, Unicode can represent 65535 + 1 characters.Unicode \u03b1 \u03b2 \u03b3 for three GreeklettersProblem: Displaying Unicodes Write a program that displays two Chinese characters and three Greek letters.DisplayUnicode RunEscape Sequences for Special Characters Description Escape Sequence Unicode Backspace \b\u0008 Tab \t\u0009 Linefeed \n\u000A Carriage return \r\u000D Backslash \\\u005C Single Quote \'\u0027 Double Quote \"\u0022Appendix B: ASCII Character Set ASCII Character Set is a subset of the Unicode from \u0000 to \u007fASCII Character Set, cont.ASCII Character Set is a subset of the Unicode from \u0000 to \u007fCasting between char andNumeric Typesint i = 'a'; // Same as int i = (int)'a'; char c = 97; // Same as char c = (char)97;The String TypeThe char type only represents one character. To represent a string of characters, use the data type called String. For example,String message = "Welcome to Java";String is actually a predefined class in the Java library just like the System class and JOptionPane class. The String type is not a primitive type. It is known as a reference type. Any Java class can be used as a reference type for a variable.String Concatenation// Three strings are concatenatedString message = "Welcome " + "to " + "Java";// String Chapter is concatenated with number 2String s = "Chapter" + 2; // s becomes Chapter2// String Supplement is concatenated with character B String s1 = "Supplement" + 'B'; // s1 becomes SupplementBConverting Strings to IntegersThe input returned from the input dialog box is a string. If you enter a numeric value such as 123, it returns “123”. To obtain the input as a number, you have to convert a string into a number.To convert a string into an int value, you can use the static parseInt method in the Integer class as follows:int intValue = Integer.parseInt(intString);where intString is a numeric string such as “123”.Converting Strings to DoublesTo convert a string into a double value, you can use the static parseDouble method in the Double class as follows: double doubleValue =Double.parseDouble(doubleString); where doubleString is a numeric string such as “123.45”.Programming Style andDocumentation☞Appropriate Comments☞Naming Conventions☞Proper Indentation and Spacing Lines☞Block StylesAppropriate CommentsInclude a summary at the beginning of the program to explain what the program does, its key features, its supporting data structures, and any unique techniques it uses.Include your name, class section, instructor, date, and a brief description at the beginning of the program.Naming Conventions☞Choose meaningful and descriptive names.☞Variables and method names:–Use lowercase. If the name consists of severalwords, concatenate all in one, use lowercasefor the first word, and capitalize the first letterof each subsequent word in the name. Forexample, the variables radius and area, and the method computeArea.Naming Conventions, cont.☞Class names:–Capitalize the first letter of each word inthe name. For example, the class nameComputeArea.☞Constants:–Capitalize all letters in constants, and useunderscores to connect words. Forexample, the constant PI andMAX_VALUEProper Indentation and Spacing☞Indentation–Indent two spaces.☞Spacing–Use blank line to separate segments of the code.Block Styles Use end-of-line style for braces.public class Test{public static void main(String[] args){System.out.println("Block Styles");}}public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Block Styles");}} End-of-line styleNext-line styleProgramming Errors ☞Syntax Errors–Detected by the compiler☞Runtime Errors–Causes the program to abort☞Logic Errors–Produces incorrect resultSyntax Errorspublic class ShowSyntaxErrors{public static void main(String[]args){ i=30;System.out.println(i+4);}}Runtime Errorspublic class ShowRuntimeErrors{public static void main(String[]args){ int i=1/0;}}Logic Errorspublic class ShowLogicErrors{public static void main(String[]args){ //Add number1to number2int number1=3;int number2=3;number2+=number1+number2;System.out.println("number2is"+number2);}}DebuggingLogic errors are called bugs. The process of finding and correcting errors is called debugging. A common approach to debugging is to use a combination of methods to narrow down to the part of the program where the bug is located. You can hand-trace the program (i.e., catch errors by reading the program), or you can insert print statements in order to show the values of the variables or the execution flow of the program. This approach might work for a short, simple program. But for a large, complex program, the most effective approach for debugging is to use a debugger utility.DebuggerDebugger is a program that facilitates debugging. You can use a debugger to☞Execute a single statement at a time.☞Trace into or stepping over a method.☞Set breakpoints.☞Display variables.☞Display call stack.☞Modify variables.JOptionPane InputThis book provides two ways of obtaining input.ing the Scanner class (console input)ing JOptionPane input dialogsString input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter an input");String string = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, “Prompting Message”, “Dialog Title”, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);Two Ways to Invoke the Method There are several ways to use the showInputDialog method. For the time being, you only need to know two ways to invoke it. One is to use a statement as shown in the example:String string = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, x,y, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);where x is a string for the prompting message, and y is a string for the title of the input dialog box.The other is to use a statement like this:JOptionPane.showInputDialog(x);where x is a string for the prompting message.Common ErrorsAdding a semicolon at the end of an if clause is a common mistake.if (radius >= 0);Wrong{area = radius*radius*PI;System.out.println("The area for the circle of radius " +radius + " is " + area);}This mistake is hard to find, because it is not a compilation error or a runtime error, it is a logic error.This error often occurs when you use the next-line block style.TIPif (number % 2 == 0) even = true;elseeven = false;(a) Equivalent boolean even= number % 2 == 0;(b)CAUTIONif (even == true)System.out.println( "It is even.");(a) Equivalent if (even)System.out.println("It is even.");(b)。
