2020蛇牌学院课程手册 - 上半年
January February
3月 March
4月 April
5月 May
6月 June
地点 Venue
第二十二届颅内外血管重建技术学习班 The 22nd Training Course of Intracranial & Extracranial Cerebral Revascularization
2020 小儿神经外科青年骨干医师培训班 Training Course of Young Neurosurgeon in Pediatric Department
上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心 Shanghai Children's Medical Center, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medcine
福建医科大学附属第一医院 The First Hospital Affiliated to Fujian Medical Universtiy
四川大学华西医院 West China Hospital, West China School of Medicine Sichuan University
第九届小儿神经系统先天性畸形诊疗技术学习班 The 9th Training Course of Congenital Malformation Diagnosis and Treatment for Pediatric Nervous System
气与力合 integration of Qi and Li (i.e. force)
肩与髋合 integration of shoulders and hips
肩臂练习 shoulder and arm exercise
肘与膝合 integration of elbows and knees
前臂斜交叉 cross forearm diagonally
臂部呈弧形 the curved arm
自然深呼吸 deep and natural breathing
转体不充分 incomplete body turn
弧形步上跳 leap in curved step
以…为轴 pivot on
以脚跟为轴 pivot on heel
两脚分开与肩同宽feet shoulder-width apart
想像性格斗对练 fight against an imaginary opponent
空中转体180度 turning body 180 degrees in the air
以拧腰带动扫腿 use waist as driving force for leg sweep
移步与转体一致 synchronize step with body turning
重心保持在左(右) 脚 hold weight on left (right) foot
重心转移到… transfer weight onto
重心移至左脚 transfer weight onto left foot
动静结合 combine movement and stillness
内外结合 combine internal and external
©NSCA Certification Commission
• 创新的三个模型——第一曲线,第二Fra bibliotek线和飞形 创新。
• 在今天这个时代如果不创新,这个词叫等死。因 为你过去的范式已经很难来延续了。但是如果创 新的话,其实创新死的概率更高。所以创新早死 。所以各位想想看,现在真的是一个难题,我不 创新死,我创新早死,说存在这样很重要的一个 二元悖论出来。
©NSCA Certification Commission
• 一个很精彩的案例,王兴在做美团的时候,他突 然之间决定把所有pc端的流量全部导给了移动端 。那个时候人们使用智能手机还没那么多的时候 ,pc上还有特别多的流量,它等于把PC这块的推 广就放弃了。然后转向移动端判断。这个判断可 以说价值千金的,真的很吓人,现在全中国第三 大互联网公司,在他当年做美团的时候,在团购 的时候,你看PC上的流量很大的时候全部放弃, 因为他判断到在增速下降,而且第二条曲线是移 动互联网把所有的钱投到移动互联网,而这还不 是唯一的一个案例。
©NSCA Certification Commission
• 怎么判断上升的S曲线?
• 你要判断它的增长速度,而不是看它的绝对值。 增长速度一开始是变大,越来越大,但它有一个 拐点,你增长速度开始变慢的时候,这就是极限 点的要来的信号。
©NSCA Certification Commission
©NSCA Certification Commission
• 所以我们特别讲究思维模型这件事情。我们认为 如果它具象的经验你学的再多,但你思维模型假 如不够深的话,只是低水平的重复一点意义也没 有。
通过培训后均可报名参加CETTIC考试,考试合格可获得由中国人力资源和社会保障部颁发的权威通用的全国紧缺性人才《CETTIC 职业培训证书》,改证书可作为日后工作上岗的资格凭证!六、收费标准:1、课程培训费:3680元,2、注册报名费:50元/人, 3、教材资料费:另收,4、考试考核费: 550元1 /人七、开学时间:一年八个班。
第4卷第4期 西南农业大学学报(社会科学版) Vol .4,No .42006年12月 Journal of S outhwest Agricultural University (Social Science Editi on ) Dec .2006生态美育的基本性质苏小芸(西南大学文学院,重庆北碚 400715)摘 要:生态美育不同于一般的生态教育和审美教育,具有自身独特的性质,它是一种情感教育,以生动的形象打动人,对人产生深刻的影响。
关键词:生态美学;生态美学;生态人中图分类号:G 40-014 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-5379(2006)04-0213-03THE BASI C NAT URE OF ECOLOGY ESTHETI C EDUCATI O NS U Xiao -yun(School of L iterature,South west University,Beibei,Chongqing 400715,China )Abstract:The ecol ogy esthetic educati on is different with the general ecol ogy educati on and the esthetic educati on,it has unique na 2ture.It is one kind of emoti on educati on,affect the hu man by the vivid i m age,has the p r of ound influence t o the hu man .Advocates the hu man and the natural high -quality har moni ous namely energetic stratificati on p lane har mony,cl ose with the hu man the survival es 2sence,the direct acti on t o inter most feelings .I m pel the transf or mati on the econom ic man app r oaches “the ecol ogy pers on ”.Key words:ecol ogical aesthetics;aesthetic educati on;ecol ogical pers on 在当前全球生态环境严重恶化的背景下,生态美学这一具有中国独创性的美学观念应运而生。
YBC,中国青年创业国际计划(英文名称为 Youth Business China-YBC)是由团中央、全国青联发起的一个旨在帮劣 (15-35周岁)中国青年创业的国际合作项目。中国青年创业 国际计划将探索符合中国国情和文化特点的创业扶劣模式,帮 劣中国青年走上创业成功之路。 YBC帮助什么人? 1、18-35周岁的青年人 2、失业、半失业或待业状态 3、有很好的商业电子和创业激 情 4、缺乏商业经验 5、筹措不到启动资金 YBC为青年创业提供: 1、“一对一”陪伴式创业导 师辅导 2、3-5万元免息的创业启动金 借款 3、免费创业培训 4、引导青年对接资源等服务
携手开源 成就梦想
学校简介 主要培训项目 特色培训——拓展训练
创办时间 云霄开源职业培训学校及其职业技能鉴定站创办于2010年
座落在巍巍将军山下,交通便捷,学习环境优雅,人文气息 浓厚,教学设施先进,管理规范。建筑面积达4000多平方 米,拥有多媒体教室6间,600平方米的职业技能鉴定考场2 间,500平方米的音乐厅1间。。 以服务学习型社会为办学宗旨,坚持“做真、做实、做 新”的办学方针,得到政府相关部门、企业界等90多家 合作单位鼎力支持以及社会各界人士、广大的农村农民 的认可坚持以人为本,恪尽职守,用心服务。
开源 拓展风采
方德音:男,籍贯福建云霄, 1957年11月生,原云霄茶叶 公司经理,熟悉茶叶的种植、 采摘、加工、审评。有着36 年的职业经验,国家高级评 茶师,国家考评员。主讲课 程:乌龙茶的加工不审评。
师范技能综合实训 英文
师范技能综合实训英文The Comprehensive Practical Training of Teacher's SkillsTeaching is a noble profession that requires a unique set of skills and knowledge to effectively impart information and guide students towards their full potential. The comprehensive practical training of teacher's skills is a crucial component in the development of aspiring educators, as it equips them with the necessary tools and experiences to thrive in the dynamic and ever-evolving field of education.One of the primary objectives of the comprehensive practical training is to provide pre-service teachers with a well-rounded understanding of the various aspects of the teaching profession. This includes not only the mastery of subject-specific content but also the development of effective classroom management strategies, the implementation of diverse instructional methodologies, and the ability to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences for students.During the practical training, pre-service teachers are given the opportunity to observe experienced educators in their natural classroom settings. This observation component allows the trainees to gain valuable insights into the daily routines, challenges, and best practices employed by seasoned teachers. By witnessing firsthand the dynamic interactions between teachers and students, the trainees can begin to develop a deeper appreciation for the complexities and nuances of the teaching profession.In addition to observation, the comprehensive practical training also involves the implementation of supervised teaching experiences. Pre-service teachers are assigned to work with mentor teachers, who provide guidance, feedback, and support throughout the teaching process. This hands-on approach enables the trainees to apply the theoretical knowledge they have acquired in their coursework and further develop their pedagogical skills.Through these supervised teaching experiences, pre-service teachers have the chance to design and deliver lesson plans, manage classroom dynamics, assess student learning, and reflect on their own teaching practices. The mentor teachers play a crucial role in this process, providing constructive feedback and helping the trainees identify areas for improvement. This collaborative approach not only enhances the trainees' teaching abilities but also fosters a sense of professional growth and self-reflection.Furthermore, the comprehensive practical training often includes opportunities for pre-service teachers to engage in extracurricular activities and community outreach initiatives. These experiences allow the trainees to explore the broader scope of the teaching profession, including the importance of building strong relationships with parents, collaborating with colleagues, and contributing to the overall well-being of the school community.Through participation in activities such as parent-teacher conferences, school-based committees, and community service projects, pre-service teachers gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of the teaching profession. They learn to navigate the complex web of stakeholders, effectively communicate with diverse audiences, and develop a heightened sense of social responsibility.Another crucial component of the comprehensive practical training is the emphasis on the integration of technology in the classroom. As the educational landscape continues to evolve, pre-service teachers must be equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively leverage technology to enhance student learning. The practical training provides opportunities for trainees to explore and experiment with various educational technologies, such as interactive whiteboards, digital learning platforms, and multimedia resources.By gaining proficiency in the use of educational technology, pre-service teachers can create dynamic and engaging learning environments that cater to the diverse needs and learning styles of their students. This exposure to technological integration not only enhances the trainees' technical skills but also fosters their ability to adapt to the changing demands of the 21st-century classroom.The comprehensive practical training of teacher's skills is further strengthened by the inclusion of specialized workshops and seminars. These targeted sessions address specific areas of teaching, such as differentiated instruction, assessment strategies, behavior management, and inclusive education. By delving into these specialized topics, pre-service teachers develop a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in meeting the diverse needs of students.Moreover, the practical training often involves collaborative learning opportunities, where pre-service teachers engage in peer-to-peer discussions, group projects, and case-study analyses. This collaborative approach encourages the trainees to learn from one another, share best practices, and develop a strong professional network. It also fosters the development of essential skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, which are crucial for effective teaching.Throughout the comprehensive practical training, pre-service teachers are also encouraged to engage in ongoing reflection and self-assessment. This process of reflection allows the trainees to critically evaluate their own teaching practices, identify areas for growth, and develop personalized professional development plans. By fostering a culture of reflection and continuous improvement, the practical training empowers pre-service teachers to become lifelong learners, constantly striving to enhance their skills and better serve their students.In conclusion, the comprehensive practical training of teacher's skills is a transformative experience that prepares aspiring educators for the challenges and rewards of the teaching profession. Through a multifaceted approach that combines observation, supervised teaching, extracurricular involvement, technology integration, specialized workshops, and collaborative learning, pre-service teachers develop a well-rounded set of skills and knowledge to effectively navigate the dynamic and ever-evolving field of education. By equipping pre-service teachers with the necessary tools and experiences, the comprehensive practical training lays the foundation for their success as dedicated and impactful educators.。
Basic Training Skills
• Alternative questions
Will you do it on Monday or Tuesday? Do you prefer task A or B?
Active Listening
When you ask questions to others – you have to ask yourself one question first: “Do you really want to know the answer?” If you answer yes to that question, it means that you can also say yes to the following: • Don’t do mind reading • Hear all that is being said and not only the parts you like to hear • Don’t daydream • Do not occupy yourself with formulating the next question in your mind • Accept the other persons rights to his or her opinion
Basic Training Skill
Types of Training
• Presentation is a given situation where a person conveys a message to a number of persons and an informational character. • Teaching is a situation where a person is in charge of conveying learning to a number of participants who shall all have the same knowledge.
PCB Camera灯 光的选择(环射
前后工作台 的选择开关
Head动作的 控制按键
Nozzle交换 的开关
PCB传输 的控制键
Parts Cassette 的控制键
Supply单元的 控制按键
XY轴移动 的按键
全自动下X-Y Teaching
3、全自动下X-Y Teaching
设备运转 条件
PCB板 的应用
电源 空压 尺寸(M) 贴装范围 厚度
3相 AC200V ±10V 50HZ (9KVA)
Max.510×460 Min.50×50
Max.510×454 Min.50×44
贴装 时间
Max: 0.094sec/piece (条件: 同吸、使用2D识别)。
2. 机器的基本构造:
原点位 (Head的停留位)
Z192 ~ Z145 Z144 ~ Z97
Nozzle Station
10Head Stage2
TW 202 R Axis
Y Axis
手制 Tray
Z1 原点位 (Head的停留位)
10Head X Axis ~ Z48 Z49 ~ Z96
1.将生产模式切换到:AUTO, 1Block的方式下。
2.按下START到所要的校正 贴装步
3.点击Mount PosTeach选 择1st Stage /2nd Stage
由国家人力资源和社会保障部就业培训技术指导中心(CETTIC) 中国食品科学技术学会运动营养食品分会(CSNFS)
扎实的基础营养理论知识 学会运动营养评估方法
Hale Waihona Puke 熟练掌握增肌食谱的制作方法“体健之星——体质诊断与运动营养专家决策系统”项目主要负责人
北京大学第运动医学研究所研究员 主任 中国医师协会养生专业委员会委员 中国营养学会(CNS)常务理事 北京市食品学会、营养学会理事
北京大学公共卫生学院 博士生导师 国家食品安全标准评审委员会委员
健康营养杂志社、高等院校、中 小学院校签署了合作实习就业基
• 体育院校相关专业在校大学生
• 普通高校体育老师
Pro.Dr. Jose Antonio
国际运动营养学会 主席
初中英语竞赛辅导2011年9月田老师一.请记住下列缩略词:ABC 美国(澳大利亚)广播公司BA 文学学士BC 公元前CAAC中国民航CBC 加拿大广播公司CCTV国内长途直拔EMS 邮政速递公司IBM 美国的一家电脑公司IDD 国际长途直拔IQ 智商OK 好吧(答语)PE 体育课PRC 中华人民共和国SAR 特别行政区USA 美国VIP 重要人物,贵宾a.m. 上午cm 厘米kg 千克ATM 自动柜员机CET 大学英语等级考试DIY (Do it yourself)自己动手做ST 特别处理WWW(World Wide Web)万维网IP 特别转让GPS 全球定位系统DVD 数学激光视盘MTV 音乐电视AD 公元BBC 英国广播公司BEC 商务英语证书CBA 中国篮球协会CCP 中国共产党CD 光盘DJ音乐节目主持人HK 香港ID 身份IOC 国际奥林匹克委员会IT 信息技术PC 个人计算机PLA 中国人民解放军RMB 人民币TV 电视UK 联合王国UNESCO联合国教科文组织WTO 世界贸易组织p.m. 下午mm 毫米km 千米GDP 国内生产总值GNP 国民生产总值ICU 重症病房VOD 视频点播SOS 紧急呼救信号OA 办公自动化DOS 磁盘操作系统AM 调幅二.请记住下列校园警示语:Keep Silence/Be quiet 保持安静No entry 禁止入内No Smoking 禁止吸烟No spitting 禁止吐痰No littering 禁止乱扔废物No parking 禁止停车No through road 此路不通Keep off the grass 勿踏草坪Keep a way 切勿靠近Look out 当心Hands off 勿用手摸Seat by number 对号入座Keep the room clean 保持室内清洁Wet paint 油漆未干Close the door behind you 随手关门Welcome 欢迎光临三.colour1.go red 发怒see red 怒不可遏red 表示愤怒 表示嫉妒green-eyed 嫉妒的3.yellow 表示懦弱的You are yellow 你是个懦夫4.white 表示胆小的White elephant 昂贵又累赘无用的东西White book 白皮书White Smith 银匠 沮丧的Look blue 面容沮丧blue book名人录6.give sb a black Look 怒视某人Black coffee 纯咖啡black and blue 遍体鳞伤blackcoat 牧师black and white 白纸黑字black book 记有黑名单的书black tea红茶black sheep 害群之马,败家子7.Brown, brown bread 黑面包brown paper 牛皮纸brown rice 糙米brown sugar 红糖 apple 未熟的苹果green hand 生手Green house 温室greenroom 演员休息室 light 危险信号 a brown study 在苦苦沉思四.请记住以下谚语:1.The child is father of the man.三岁看大,七岁看老2.Wrong never comes right.错的不能变成对的3.To see is to believe./Seeing is believing. 眼见为实4.Now or never. 机不可失,时不再来5.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难朋友才是真朋友6.Failure is the mother of success 失败是成功之母7.A friend to all is a friend to none. 滥交者无友8.Out of three men, there must be one who can teach me. 三人行,必有我师9.Like father, Like son./ Like mother, Like daughter 10. When in Rome, do as Romans do 入乡随俗11.Love me, Love my dog. 爱屋及乌12.A apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一个苹果,医生远离我13.It’s better to do well than to say well.说得好不如做得好14.Like knows like. 英雄识英雄15.A bird many be known by its song. 闻其名知其人16.Sweep before your own door. 正人先正己17.Where there is a will there is a way. 有志者,事竟成18.You cait eat your cake and have it. 世事难两全19.When the cat is away, the mice will play.山中无老虎,猴子称霸王20.Fine feathers make fine birds.人要衣装佛要金装21.Beat the dog before the lion. 杀鸡给猴看22.Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不等人23.Put yourself in his place. 为他人着想26.Have a wolf by the ears. 骑虎难下27.Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧24.Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳25.Health is better than wealth. 健康胜过财富28.Look for the old so as to Learn the new.温故而知新29.All roads Lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马30.Time flies. 光阴似箭31.All rivers run into the Sea. 海纳百川32.Time is money. 时间是金钱33.A Snow year, a rich year 瑞雪兆丰年34.Do it now.机不可失,时不再来35.Far from eye, far from heart. 眼不见,心不烦36.A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友37.He who laughs last laughs longest.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好38.He who seizes the right, is the right man.谁把握住机遇,谁就能心想事成39.One finger can’t lift a small stone.众人拾柴火焰高40.Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.今日事,今日毕41.Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I may not remember, Let me try and I’ll understand.实践出真知/百闻不如一见42.Wish you happiness, cheerfulness and success!祝你幸福,快乐,成功!五.常见的标志说明:BUSINESS HOURS MENUOFFICE HOURS NO SMOKNG OPENNO PARKING CLOSED PULLPUSH ENTRANCE EXIT INTRUCTIONSON OFF DANGER STOP PLAY PAUSE NO PHOTOS初中英语竞赛辅导新目标九年级英语短语九年级英语短语 working with friends 通过和朋友一起学习2.make flashcards 制作抽认卡3.ask …for 请求…,向…要4.make vocabulary lists 制作词汇表 /study with a group 和小组成员一起学习6.learn a lot that way 以那种方式学到很多7.improve one's speaking skill 提高某人的口语技能8.practice conversations with friends 和朋友一起练习会话9.join an English club 加入英语俱乐部10.the best way to do sth 做某事最好的办法11.specific suggestions 具体的建议12.not at all 一点也不,根本不,全然不13.get excited about…对….变得兴奋起来14.make mistakes 犯错误15.make up (conversation) 编造,组成,(会话)16.later on 以后,随后17.It doesn't matter没关系18.get the pronunciation right 得到正确的发音19.find a pen pal 找到一个笔友20.get much writing practice 得到很多写作练习21.have a partner to practice English with 找一个伙伴练习英语22.laugh at sb 嘲笑某人23.take notes 做笔记,做记录 afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 afraid of sth 害怕某事26.begin with 以。
1.ESP需求分析理论综述1.1ESP简介Hutchinson&Waters指出,ESP is an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner’s reason for learning[2]69-91。
【训练过程】:育婴师指导家长用一只手将苹果呈现在宝宝的 面前,让宝宝看到苹果。家长用另一只手蒙住宝宝的眼睛,问 :“苹果在哪里?”宝宝会伸手推开家长的手,用眼睛看或伸 手摸苹果。
婴幼儿 认知能力训练
可以测试宝宝语言的模仿能 力和押韵的能力。宝宝学会 说双词后,再教他学3个字 的短句,如“小白兔”“白 又白”。一般反复练习2~3 个星期,才能学会。
【训练过程】:当宝宝已经学会给儿歌的句子添上押韵词时 ,有些家长又开始让宝宝为另外的儿歌添押韵词,使宝宝仍 然停留在说一个字的水平上,即使会给几首儿歌添押韵词, 也不会有背诵一首儿歌的可能性。只有把单词变成双词,再 变成3个字的短句,才有可能学会背诵儿歌。
分别捂住眼睛、耳朵、鼻子、嘴巴听一听,每一次都问:“听 见了吗?”告诉宝宝:“耳朵是听声音的。”
问宝宝:“耳朵能干什么?”宝宝如果不能回答是听声音的, 告诉宝宝:“耳朵能听声音。”
C-Celia Emergency Obstetrics SuiteEnhance emergencyobstetric training with the C-Celia simulation system for Cesarean deliveriesThe world’s only fully-operative emergency obstetrics trainingsolution that delivers a true, hands-in-the-body surgical experience for mastering:+ E mergency C-Section Delivery – enabling full transverse or verticalemergency C-Section and delivery procedures, featuring abdominal wall and uterine incision and repair.+ C -Section Fetal Extraction – experience and practice difficult deliveries suchas shoulder dystocia, breech, nuchal cord, prolapse arm and use of suction assist and forceps.+ P ostpartum Hemorrhage Control – practice hemorrhage controlprocedures, repair of complex lacerations and uterine artery injuries. Supports PPH control techniques including Bakri balloon, B-Lynch suture, Hayman suture and O’Leary stitch.+ E mergency Hysterectomy – training for postpartum and caesareanhysterectomy procedures including hemorrhage control and fully-operable removal of the uterus.Unprecedented anatomical and surgical fidelityUse standard instruments to incise, dissect, retract and suture realistic tissueRealistic simulated amniotic fluid and bloodEmergency Hysterectomy Simulator, 1022564Skills Taught• Fully-operable removal of the uterus• T eamwork and human factors training for a hysterectomy following an emergency C-SectionOpen post Cesarean delivery abdomen with integrated bleeding system, including a durable, flaccid, abdominal wall insert and attachable, partially contracted uterus. Modelcontains a uterus, ovaries, bladder, ureters and detailed representations of uterine arteries.Real Mom ™and C-Celia Emergency Obstetrics SuiteA complete and fully-integrated birthing experience.Childbirth is a precious moment for mother and baby but when things do go wronga prepared delivery team can mean the difference between life and death. It’s critical that your learners train for and are prepared for any eventuality in the labor and delivery room.With the RealMom vaginal delivery simulator and the C-Celia Emergency Obstetrics Suite, you can provide a fully integrated and complete birthing experience for your learners – from natural deliveries to fully-operative emergency C-Section, postpartumhemorrhage control and emergency hysterectomy.Technical SpecsDelivery scope:Emergency Hysterectomy Simulator 10 E mergency Hysterectomy Uteri (10 x 1022636)1 Open Abdomen (1022637) 1 Gallon of Artificial Blood (1022224) 1 Blood Infusion Injector (1022638) 1 Set of Intestines (1022223) 1 16oz/473ml Bottle of Lubricant (1022253)1 Uterus holder clip (1022630)1 Spare Hardware Kit (1022629) Dimensions and weight:24”L x 24”W x 12”H (61cm x 61cm x 30cm)46lbs (21kg)3B Scientific GmbH • Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 20 • 20459 Hamburg • Germany • Phone: +49 40 73966-0 • Fax: +49 40 73966-100 • E-mail:*********************MORE INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE AT 9001144 11/19Emergency C-SectionDelivery Simulator, 1022567Postpartum Hemorrhage Control Simulator, 1022561Fetal Extraction Simulator, 1022559Skills Taught• Abdominal and uterine wall opening and closure • Instrument assisted delivery • Delivery of the placenta•Teamwork and human factors training for an emergency C-SectionSkills Taught•Complex lacerations and uterine artery injuries• Hemorrhage control techniques including Bakri balloon, B-Lynch suture, Hayman suture and O’Leary stitch • T eamwork and human factors training for hemorrhage control in an emergency C-SectionSkills Taught• Difficult deliveries such as shoulder dystocia, breech, nuchal cord and prolapse arm • Instrument assisted delivery • Delivery of the placenta• Teamwork and human factors for fetal extraction from an emergency C-SectionThe Emergency C-Section Delivery Simulator is designed to enable training in full transverse (Pfannenstiel incision) C-section or vertical emergency C-Section (running from the umbilicus to the symphysis pubis). Cesarean incision through abdominal wall, muscle, fascia, linea, uterus and amniotic sac. Includes twins babies with placenta and simulated amniotic fluid.The Postpartum Hemorrhage Control Simulator features an open, post C-section delivery abdomen with an integrated pressurized bleeding system for practicing hemorrhage control techniques including repair of complex lacerations and uterine artery injuries. An empty, durable, multi-use uterus enables scores of procedures before uterus replacement.The Fetal Extraction Simulator is designed for clinicians and learners to experience and practice difficult deliveries. An open, post C-Section, abdomen featuring a low-transverse Cesarean incision and uterus with a low transverse hysterotomy enables various extraction maneuvers and techniques including vacuum assisted extraction and forceps delivery.Technical SpecsDelivery scope:1 C-Section Delivery Simulator2 C-Section Uteri (2 x 1022634)5 Foam Abdomens (5 x 1022633) 2 B abies with Umbilical Cord and Placenta (2 x 1021924)100 Amniotic Sacs with Ties (1022226) 1 B ottle of Lubricant 16oz/473ml (1022253)1 Tube of Silicone Glue (1021867) 1 Uterus holder clip (1022630)1 Spare Hardware Kit (1022629) Dimensions and weight:24”L x 24”W x 12”H (61cm x 61cm x 30cm)24lbs (11kg)Technical SpecsDelivery scope:1 Postpartum Hemorrhage Simulator2 P PH Control Multi-Use Uteri (2 x 1022635)1 Open Abdomen (1022637) 1 Bag of artificial Blood (1021862) 1 Pressure Infuser Bag (1021864) 1 Set of Intestines (1022223) 1 B ottle of Lubricant 16oz/473ml (1022253)1 Tube of Silicone Glue (1021867)1 Uterus holder clip (1022630)1 Spare Hardware Kit PPH (1022639) Dimensions and weight:24”L x 24”W x 12”H (61cm x 61cm x 30cm)48lbs (22kg)Technical SpecsDelivery scope:1 Fetal Extraction Simulator2 B abies with Umbilical Cord and Placenta (2 x 1021924)1 B ottle of Lubricant 16oz/473ml (1022253)1 Tube of Silicone Glue (1021867) 1 Spare Hardware Kit (1022629) Dimensions and weight:24”L x 24”W x 12”H (61cm x 61cm x 30cm)39lbs (17.5kg)。
©NSCA Certification Commission
• 1、冷静的清醒:给大脑带来理想的清醒状态;
• 2、保持平常心:能冷静控制自己的状态就是平常心;
• 3、交感神经的适度兴奋:过度兴奋就是压力太大,适度兴 奋就是早上清醒地醒来的感觉;
• 4、减轻疼痛:抑制了疼痛的传播;
©NSCA Certification Commission
多巴胺是一种让脑兴奋的兴奋质,多巴胺带来的兴奋就是 “快感”;
去甲肾上腺素也是兴奋质,但去甲肾上腺素是和生命的危机 及不快的状态战斗的脑内物质,它带来的是“愤怒”“面对 危险时的兴奋”。
过度的压力会引起去甲肾上腺素过剩,脑的兴奋就无法控制, 会引起抑郁症、焦虑症、强迫症、恐惧症等等。血清素是脑 的指挥者,它让大脑维持在高速运转的状态。如果说去甲肾 上腺素带来“热情的清醒”,血清素就带来“冷静的清醒”。 通过有规律地释放血清素,可以调节多巴胺和去甲肾上腺素。
• 5、保持良好的姿势:刺激抗重力肌,让表情有神,身体挺 拔。
©NSCA Certification Commission
• 抑郁症有两种
• 一种是遗传基因本身的问题引起的血清素不足导致的先天 性抑郁症。这种病多发于家族遗传,特有的症状是抑郁状 态和焦躁状态反复出现。
• 开始同样在丘脑下部室旁核,但通往神经时不经过脑垂体 ,而是直接作用到了脑干部分,具体的说就是中缝核。
• 脑干的中缝核位于脑中最深处,内部有血清素能神经,释 放出与精神性疾病密切相关的神经递质“血清素”。
例如大人拿出一个娃娃,让宝宝一面替娃娃做事,一面说: “我给你吃饭”,“我给你把尿”“嘿,真棒!有尿啦”, “快点穿上裤子”,“好! 咱们出去散步吧”,“不好,大 灰狼来了,快回家,把门关上”……。有些话是宝宝说的, 有些话是大人提醒的。你一句,我一句,好像演戏一样,说 话的范围就大得多了,而且能引起宝宝的兴趣,让宝宝一面 想一面说,使字句渐渐加长。
【温馨提示】:多数宝宝都能认识常见的动物,但很少有人知道它们的用途。通过此测试提醒家长 ,应让宝宝经常观察日常的用品,告诉宝宝有哪些是从动物中来的,以丰富宝宝的知识。
【训练目的】:让宝宝对水有初步的了解。培养宝宝对事物的观察力和探索欲望。 【物品准备】:干毛巾,海绵,装少许水的盘子,字卡“水”。 【训练时间】:10分钟 【训练过程】: 育婴师指导家长把装有少许水的盘子端给宝宝看,问宝宝:“盘子里装的是什么?”引导 宝宝回答。接着再问:“怎样才能把水‘变走’?”给宝宝准备干毛巾或海绵,并让宝宝知道它们都是干的 ,请宝宝自己动手,想办法把盘中的水“变走”。育婴师或家长引导宝宝用干毛巾和海绵把盘中的水擦一擦 ,水就没有了。再让宝宝摸摸毛巾和海绵,告诉宝宝,水“跑”到干毛巾和海绵上来了,所以盘子干了,毛 巾和海绵湿了。同时教宝宝识字:水。 【温馨提示】: 在活动中,可多准备些干毛巾和海绵,让宝宝反复试验,以满足宝宝的探索欲望。在适宜 的情况下,经常给宝宝提供玩水的机会,以加深宝宝对水的了解。
【物品准ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ】:无需玩教具
【训练过程】:带宝宝到动物园去认识野生动物,如狮子、老虎、狼、熊猫、北极熊、大象、长颈 鹿、梅花鹿、犀牛、河马、猴子、黄鼠狼等等。告诉宝宝这些动物都是从山野中或森林中运来供人 们观赏的,并且有些野生动物对人类具有攻击性,所以人类要观察,就必须把它们圈起来。
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Sales Training Escalators 扶梯销售培训Information structrue主要内容Sales Argumentation 销售卖点¡Safety安全¡Design设计¡Efficient operation高效A. Critical product application elements产品应用原则Schindler 9300AE 规格Schindler 9500AE 规格Product Application 产品应用Speed > 0,5m/sRise > 8m Transition radius > 1m Inclination 27,3°yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no Schindler 9300AE-20/30Schindler 9700AERise > 13mhigh passenger frequency,Related to PT conditions PT 的要求yes no Schindler 9300AE Step Run LCustomer Demands客户需求Product Application 产品应用Decision Tree 产品选择依据Special measures are required for installationoutdoors 室外梯需要配置特殊的设备Installation C –Outdoors, Covered 半室外Installation W –Outdoors, Uncovered全室外Product Application 产品应用范围Outdoor application 室外梯Drive and components designed驱动和部件设计¡For higher duty cycles: >0.5h of 100% continuouspassenger load at theoretical capacity in continuing 3h,means 2 persons on one step)更高的工率因素: >在连续的3个小时内起码有半个小时扶梯处于理论上满载运行(每个梯级上站满两个人)¡Longer operation hours (5:00 –24:00)更长的运行时间(5:00-24:00) (>20小时/天)¡Higher speed (0,6ms/ -0,65m/s)更高的速度-0.65m/s Product Application 产品应用范围Public Transportation Requirements –what is it? 什么是公共交通要求Product Application 产品应用范围独一无二的卖点Safety 安全Safety 安全Aluminum Step 铝合金梯级Wedging Protection Solution 防卡方案Safety 安全Aluminum Step铝合金梯级迅达铝合金梯级一个不锈钢梯级有多少部件?一台4.5m 的扶梯,不锈钢梯级有多少部件?20012000From the structure side, the aluminum step is more safety than St.St. step 从结构上来看,铝合金梯级比不锈钢梯级更安全不锈钢梯级Safety 安全Aluminum Step 铝合金梯级静载破断载荷滚轮螺栓破断载荷From the load side, the center break force & Eccentric break force above the roller bolt of aluminum step is much higher than St. St. step.从强度上看,铝合金梯级中心静载破断载荷和偏载螺栓破断载荷几乎是不锈钢梯级的两倍Aluminum Step 铝合金梯级Safety 安全Aluminum Step 铝合金梯级From the material side, St.St. grade of St. St step changed from304 to 439 or 430; The risk for rusty is increased, especially for outdoor application. It will be big impact for the life time of St. St. step因为成本的压力,不锈钢材料选择为439或430,在全室外或半室外的环境下会被锈蚀, 这会极大的影响不锈钢梯级的使用寿命Safety 安全Aluminum Step 铝合金梯级•塑料黄色边框是卡入梯级的,整个边框没有一个螺栓。
防火级别达到V0Safety 安全Service Brake 工作制动器Braking torque ratio for downward versus upward travel is 1:1/3,thereby cutting the risk of accidents occurring on a fully loaded unit as a result of excessively hard braking during upward travel.下行制动力矩是上行制动力矩1/3,降低了下行满载时的事故风险率Safety 安全Controller 控制系统§MICONIC F is the latest-generationmicroprocessor controller采用最新的微处理控制系统MICONIC F§State of the Art 2 Channel Safety CircuitArt 2安全回路§Monitors all the unit’s operatingparameters监控所有的运行中的参数§Two independent microprocessors(master and slave) communicatevia a digital data line两个独立的微处理控制器(主处理器和从处理器)通过数字线传递信息Safety 安全Wedging Protection Solution 防卡方案Design 设计Design 设计Aluminum Step铝合金梯级Design 设计Balustrade Profile 扶手支架-E/F/IE TypeF Typewith sandwichpanel三明治板F Type I TypeDesign 设计Aluminum Step铝合金梯级Aluminum Nature Step自然色铝合金梯级Aluminum Powder Coated Silver 铝合金银色喷粉梯级•More safety 更安全•Long life time 更长的使用寿命•Easier maintenance for less weight 重量轻,更容易维护Aluminum Powder Coated Black铝合金黑色喷粉梯级Design 设计Decking 内外盖板Aluminum Painted喷粉铝合金St. St. 不锈钢Design 设计Skirting 围裙板Skirting Black Antifriction黑色耐磨涂层Skirting Stainless Steel 不锈钢The advantage for black antifriction skirting 黑色耐磨涂层优势•Looks more nice, even after long time in operation 看上去更好看,即使运行很长一段时间后,都还不错•Less friction, Less noise 摩擦系数小,噪音小•Maintenance easier for dirt not seen 黑色比较耐赃Design 设计Combplate& Floor cover 梳齿& 前沿板Embossed St.St.冲压不锈钢Aluminum铝合金Etched St.St.蚀刻不锈钢Standard Configuration标准配置Option选项配置Premium Option较高档的选项Design 设计Handrail 扶手带There are several color for handrail, but the black one is best one for maintenance (dirt not seen).有几种彩色扶手带可供选择,但黑色是最容易维保Design 设计Lighting Options 照明选项Step Gap Lighting 梯级间隙照明Skirting Lighting 围裙板照明Balustrade Lighting 扶手照明Comb plate Lighting 梳齿照明LED Skirting Lighting LED 围裙板照明Soffit Lighting 底板照明Design 设计Typical Unit Solution 经典设计方案Configuration 配置:•Aluminum step with plasticyellow demarcation铝合金梯级带黄色边框•Skirting with black painting黑色耐磨涂层围裙板•St.St.不锈钢内外盖板•LED skirting lightingLED 围裙板灯•Clear glass无色玻璃•E type balustradeE型扶手高效-驱动系统-节能运行D riv e –Gear Box 驱动系统-齿轮箱Drive –Handrail Drive 驱动-扶手驱动When the escalator is fully loaded, Ecoline Competence is inactive.满载不起作用With low and medium loads, Ecoline Competence is active.低载或中载的情况下起作用Power consumption with and without Ecoline Competence 有无ECO功能的能耗对比Energy savings can be as high as 50% with Ecoline Premium, which consists ofEcoline Premium 由下述功能组成Ecoline CompetenceECO Competence 节能功能Power consumption for an escalator with and without Ecoline Premium 有和没有该功能的能耗对比Efficient operation 高效运行ECOline Premium –Energy savings of up to 70%ECOline Premium –能量节省最高达70%Efficient operation 高效运行ECOLINE Solution Energy Saving Comparison ECO LINE 方案的节能对比Lifetime depends 使用寿命取决于Average service life of main wear parts 主要易损件平均使用寿命近期知名项目项目名称:国家体育馆“鸟巢”扶梯:16台近期知名项目项目名称:奥林匹克会议中心扶梯/自动人行道:76台近期知名项目项目名称:华南城II期扶梯:188台项目名称:沈阳万象城近期知名项目扶梯:83台项目名称:上海世博轴扶梯:80台近期知名项目项目名称:世博中国馆扶梯:14台近期知名项目。