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咱员员暂 余遥袁赵体玉袁刘俊雅袁等援基于 砸云陨阅 技术的麻醉药品 管理系统设计与应用咱允暂援中国数字医学袁圆园员苑袁员圆渊员圆冤院 猿园原猿圆援
咱员2暂 李晓英. 麻醉科特殊药品管理模式的创新与实践咱允暂. 中国药物经济学袁2016袁11渊6冤:188-189. 咱本文编辑院郑志惠暂
现代临床护理渊酝燥凿藻则灶 悦造蚤灶蚤糟葬造 晕怎则泽蚤灶早冤圆园员9援员8 渊11冤
现代临床护理渊酝燥凿藻则灶 悦造蚤灶蚤糟葬造 晕怎则泽蚤灶早冤圆园员9援员8 渊11冤
我国对北美护理诊断分类系统相关研究的文献计量学分析 *
钟一岳 1袁彭刚艺 2袁岳利群 1袁张倩 3 渊1 广东医科大学附属医院袁广东湛江袁524000曰2 广东省卫生健康委员会袁广东广州袁510060曰3 汕头大学袁
Zhong Yiyue1, Peng Gangyi2, Yue Liqun1, Zhang Qian3//Modern Clinical Nursing袁-2019袁18渊11冤院68.
咱基金项目暂 * 本课题为湛江市财政基金竞争性分配 项目袁项目编号为 2013A01019曰广东医科大学附属医院临 床研究项目袁项目编号为 217kpgyf20180023遥
渊1. The Affiliated Hospital, Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang, 524000; 2. Health Commission of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510060; 3. Shantou University, Shantou, 515021, China冤
咱摘要暂 目的 分析目前我国对北美护理诊断分类系统渊North American Nursing Diagnosis Association袁NANDA冤相关 研究现状袁探讨其发展趋势袁为后期进一步研究提供理论参考及数据支持遥 方法 收集万方尧知网尧维普数据库及 PubMedMedline尧Cochrane-CENTRAL尧Embase 数据库自建库至 2018 年 12 月公开发表的有关护理诊断的研究文献袁 获取文献后从 文献发文时间趋势尧主题研究尧研究类型尧证据级别尧研究关注点进行分析遥 结果 检索获取 1477 篇文献袁最终纳入 264 篇 文献遥 基于 NANDA 的护理诊断相关研究发文时间集中在 1999 年要2002 年曰主题研究主要集中在护理方法学研究曰研究 类型以非干预性研究为主曰研究证据级别以低级别的观察性和描述性文献为主曰研究关注点以 NANDA 临床应用尧推广和 使用感受为主遥 结论 我国护理研究者在护理诊断领域还没有形成一个核心的研究团队遥 需要对 NANDA 分类系统进行 跨文化的信度和效度调试袁以及研究在中国文化环境中对患者护理结果的影响袁从而为我国护理诊断理论体系提供更全 面的研究基础遥
咱缘暂 李明子援现代管理的新理念要流程管理咱允暂援中华护理 杂志袁2005袁40渊12冤院956-958援
咱远暂 黄雪芳袁练桂英袁李燕袁等援麻醉护士加强麻醉药品安 全管理的体会咱允暂援北方药学袁圆园员苑袁员源渊猿冤院员苑愿原员苑怨援
咱苑暂 LIAO R LJ袁 LIU J. Volatile induction/maintenance of anaesthesia with sevoflurane increases jugular venous oxygen saturation and lumbar cerebrospinal fluid pressure in patients undergoing craniotomy 咱允暂. European Journal of Anaesthesiology袁2010袁27渊4冤:369-376.
咱关键词暂 护理诊断曰北美护理诊断分类系统曰文献计量学 咱中图分类号暂 R47 咱文献标识码暂 粤 咱文章编号暂 员远苑员原愿圆愿猿渊圆园员9冤11原园园68原园6 咱阅韵陨暂 10.3969/j.issn.1671-8283.2019.11.012
Application of 野NANDA Nursing Diagnoses: Definition and Classification冶 in China:ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้an analysis with literature metrology
咱粤遭泽贼则葬糟贼暂 韵遭躁藻糟贼蚤增藻 To analyze the use of "Nursing Diagnoses: Definition and Classification" by North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) in China and explore the tendency of its use. Methods We established a databank by retrieving the papers published from December 2018 across the six databases (WANFANG DATA, CNKI, VIP, PubMed -Medline, EMBASE, CENTRAL). The gathered papers were analyzed in terms of publication date, research themes, research type, evidence class, and research focus. Results A total of 1477 papers were retrieved and only 264 ones were included in the study. Among them, the nursing diagnoses related papers were published between 1999 and 2002, mainly focusing on nursing methodology in terms of research themes, non -interventional studies in terms of research types, and observational and descriptive studies in terms of research level. The papers mainly involved the clinical application, spreading and experience of the , The title, abstract and full text screening identified 264 eligible citations. These citations on nursing diagnosis based on NANDA was concentrate mainly on published from 1999 to 2002.The MeSH of nursing diagnosis focuses on nursing methodology. The research types mainly are non -intervention research. The level of research evidence is mainly observational and descriptive at the lower level. The research focuses on the clinical application, promotion and experience of the nursing diagnoses classifications of NANDA. Conclusions The nursing researchers in the field of nursing diagnosis have not yet formed any core research team. It is imperative that we should carry out of reliability and validity of the NANDA classification from the cross -cultural prospective and investigate its impact on care outcomes so as to build a comprehensive research basis for domesticated nursing diagnosis theory in China.
咱愿暂 陈晓霞袁隋成袁吴美华援探讨麻醉护士主导的麻醉药品 管理模式在手术室中的应用价值咱允暂援中国医药指南袁 圆园员远袁员源渊圆愿冤院愿原怨援
咱怨暂 黄娟丽援 手术室护士对麻醉药品的管理措施探讨咱允暂援 中医药管理杂志袁2019袁27渊6冤院213-214援
咱员园暂 姜柏林袁何苗袁冯艺袁等援智能化管理模式优化临床麻 醉药品的管理咱允暂援 中国疼痛医学杂志袁圆园员远袁圆圆渊愿冤院 远员圆原远员缘援
咱收稿日期暂 2019-03-15 咱作者简介暂 钟一岳渊1983-冤袁男袁广东湛江人袁主管护 师袁硕士袁主要从事临床护理及护理管理工作遥 咱通信作者暂 彭刚艺袁教授袁博士袁E-mail:pgy06@163. com遥
护理诊断渊nursing diagnosis冤是关于个人尧家庭 或社区对现存的或潜在的健康问题以及生命过程 反应的一种临床判断袁 是护士为达到预期结果选 择护理措施的基础袁这些结果是应由护士负责的咱1暂遥 因此袁护理诊断体现了护理实践的性质和范畴 袁 咱2-3暂 它是护士发现患者护理方面问题和指导护理实 践的关键环节袁 也是评价护理结局的核心依据咱3暂遥