1. 炼铁:将铁矿石在高温下还原成生铁的过程。
2. 炼钢:将生铁在高温下经过氧化、脱碳、去磷等处理,制成钢水的过程。
3. 轧钢:将钢坯经过加热、轧制等处理,制成各种形状和规格的钢材的过程。
4. 高炉:炼铁的主要设备,通过在炉内燃烧焦炭和喷吹煤粉,将铁矿石还原成生铁。
5. 转炉:炼钢的主要设备,通过在炉内吹入氧气,将生铁氧化成钢水。
6. 连铸:将钢水直接铸成板坯、方坯、圆坯等形状的过程,省去了传统的铸锭和开坯工序。
7. 热轧:将钢坯经过加热后,通过轧机轧制成各种形状和规格的钢材的过程。
8. 冷轧:将热轧后的钢材经过再结晶退火后,通过轧机轧制成更薄、更精确的钢材的过程。
9. 镀锌:将钢材表面镀上一层锌,以防止钢材生锈的过程。
10. 彩涂:将钢材表面涂上一层彩色涂料,以提高钢材的装饰性和防腐性的过程。
11. 钢板:厚度小于 4 毫米的扁平钢材。
12. 钢管:用钢板或钢带卷曲成型后焊接而成的中空钢材。
13. 型钢:具有一定截面形状和尺寸的钢材,如角钢、槽钢、工字钢等。
14. 线材:直径小于 6 毫米的圆形钢材,如钢筋、钢丝等。
15. 带钢:厚度小于 4 毫米、宽度大于 600 毫米的扁平钢材。
CHARGE: To load a furnace with scrap and flux prior to melting, or to load a soaking pit with ingots for reheating.
CHE M IS T RY : The chemical constituents of a heat of steel.
CONTINUOUS CASTER: A machine used to continuously produce blooms from molten steel with no interruptions or intermediபைடு நூலகம்te operations.
CREEP: Failure of a metal caused by gradual elongation due to constant stress.
A |B |C|D|E |F |G|H|I|J |K |L|M |N|O|P |Q|R|S |T |U|V |W|X |Y |Z
----A back to top ----A DDIT IO NS : Materials, typically alloy elements, added to molten steel to produce the chemical specifications for the desired steel grade. ALLOY: A substance that has metallic properties and is comprised of two or more chemical elements of which at least one is a metal.
DE O X IDIZ E : Removal of oxygen from steel.
GlossaryNumerous terms are used in connection with the manufacture, sale and use of coated steel sheet. The following list defines the more common terms:A |B |C |D |E |F |G |H |I | K | L | M | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | W | YA Aging - Changes in physical and mechanical properties that occur whenlow carbon steel is stored for some time. Aging is also accelerated byexposure of steel to elevated temperatures.Annealing - A process involving high-temperature heating and cooling ofthe as-rolled cold rolled steel substrate to make it softer and more formable.Return to topB Backer Coat - Usually refers to the coating on the reverse side of aprepainted sheet. The backer coating is generally not as narrowly specifiedwith reference to its color, thickness and composition as is the topcoat.Return to topC Camber - The deviation of a side edge from a straight line, themeasurement being taken on the concave side with a straight edge.Carbon Steel - Steel which owes its properties chiefly to carbon withoutsubstantial amounts of other alloying elements; also known as straightcarbon steel or plain carbon steel.Chemical Treatment - An aqueous solution of corrosion-inhibitingchemicals, typically chromates or chromate/phosphate.Coil Breaks - Creases or ridges in sheet that appear as parallel linesacross the direction of rolling, and that generally extend the full width of thesheet or strip. Also referred to as Lüder's Lines.Cold Rolled Products - Flat rolled products for which the required finalthickness has been obtained by rolling at room temperature.Color Standard - A painted sheet panel with a prescribed color of paintrepresenting the precise color it is intended to produce in the prepainted sheet. The color standard will preferably also be expressed in terms of physical attributes of hue, lightness and saturation called tristimulus values or derivatives of these values. A complete color standard definition will usually include painted panels representative of the limits of acceptable deviation from the precise standard color as well.Commercial Steel (CS) - Sheet of this quality is for simple bending or moderate forming. Commercial Steel sheet can be bent flat upon itself in any direction at room temperature.Continuous Casting - A casting technique in which a cast shape is continuously withdrawn through the bottom of the mold as it solidifies, so that its length is not determined by mold dimensions.Conversion Coating - The chemical treatment film applied to the steel or metallic coated sheet prior to painting.Corrosion - Gradual chemical or electrochemical attack on a metal by atmospheric moisture or other agents.Critical Surface - Intended for material applied to critical exposed/painted applications where cosmetic surface imperfections are objectionable. The prime side surface will be free of repetitive type imperfections, gouges, scratches, scale and slivers. This surface can only be furnished as a pickled product.Crown - A contour on a sheet where the thickness increases from some edge measurement to the center.Cut Edge - Removal of the as-rolled hot mill edge. Coil ends are cropped back to gauge when cut edge is ordered.Cut to Length - When a specific or discrete length is specified.Return to topD Deep Drawing - The process of working metal blanks in dies on a pressinto shapes which are usually more or less cup-like in character.Drawing - Forming recessed parts by forcing the plastic flow of metal indies.Drawing Steel (DS) - Sheet of this quality has a greater degree of ductilityand is more consistent in performance than Commercial Steel because ofhigher standards in production, selection and melting of the steel.Deep Drawing Steel (DDS) - Sheet of this designation should be usedwhen Drawing Steel will not provide a sufficient degree of ductility forfabrication of parts having stringent drawing requirements, or applicationsthat require the sheet be free from aging. This quality is made by specialsteelmaking and finishing practices.Dent Resistant - BH Series - Sheet of this designation is produced frompartially stabilized steel and offers a unique combination of as-receivedformability and final properties after fabrication. Sheet of this designationcombines strength and high formability. Although this steel is non-aging atroom temperature, it gains strength from work-hardening during fabricationand from carbon-aging during paint-baking. (Sometimes referred to as"bake hardenable.")Extra Deep Drawing Steel - Sheet of this designation has superiorformability and excellent uniformity. It is produced from steel having a verylow carbon content with stabilizing elements added to make it interstitialfree. It is a non-aging steel sheet with high resistance to thinning duringdrawing and is suitable for critical forming applications.Dry Film Thickness (DFT) - The thickness of the dry paint film.DS Type B Steel - Product intended for applications that require particularly severe drawing and forming.Ductility - The ability to permit change of shape without fracture. In flatrolled steel, ductility is usually measured by hardness or mechanicalproperties in a tensile test.Return to topE Elongation - The percent increase of a given distance (usually 2 inches)prior to fracture during tensile testing.Embossed sheet - An embossed sheet is one having a prominent,impressed texture or pattern on its surface(s). If the defined texture isapplied to essentially on surface only, it is most properly termed a coinedsurface. If the texture or pattern carries through the entire body of the sheetand appears on both surfaces it is a true embossed surface.Extra Smooth Galvanized - An Extra-Smooth finish is imparted to hot-dipmetallic-coated steel sheet by temper rolling after coating to decrease thesurface relief that occurs when the molten coating solidifies. The spanglepattern (grain pattern) is made distinctly less visible by the matte finishimparted by the rolling operation. Most Extra-Smooth sheet is intended foreither prepainted or post painted applications.Return to topF Flatness - Flatness is a measure of a cut length sheet's ability to conformto a flat horizontal surface. Maximum deviation from that surface is thedegree to which the sheet is out of flat. Flatness is often expressedquantitatively in either Steepness or I-Units.Finish Coat - The topcoat or exposed prime side paint film.Flexibility - The degree to which a paint film can withstand deformationwithout significant change in color and appearance.Return to topG Gloss - The property of a surface related to its ability to reflect light. Themost common type of gloss of interest to appearance attributes is speculargloss. The parameters which must be specified for the determination of thisproperty are the angles of incidence of the light source, the angle of viewingof the gloss and the angular dispersions of the measuring beams.Return to topH Hardness - Resistance of metal to penetration of the surface.High Strength - Product intended for applications where greater strength iscritical. High Strength typically begins at 35 ksi minimum yield strength.High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) - A specific group of steels in which thestrength levels are achieved by the addition of moderate amounts ofalloying elements. The most common are columbium, vanadium ortitanium.Hot Rolled Sheet - Steel sheet that is processed to its final thickness byrolling at high temperatures on a specially designed hot-rolling facility. Also commonly known as hot rolled unprocessed.Hot Rolled Sheet Non-Temper Rolled - A U. S. Steel definition for productsupplied as a coil directly off the Hot Strip Mill with no additional processing.Hot Rolled Sheet Pickled - A U. S. Steel definition for a mill edge coil thatis pickled, oiled and temper rolled with coil ends cropped back to meetgauge tolerances.Hot Rolled Sheet Pickled Non-Temper Rolled - A U. S. Steel definition fora mill edge coil that is pickled and oiled with coil ends cropped back to meetgauge tolerances.Hot Rolled Sheet Products - Flat steel products that are brought to finalthickness by rolling through a Hot Strip Mill at high temperatures.Return to topI Impact Test - A test which is intended to evaluate the brittleness,toughness, adhesion and hardness of paint films applied to metals bysubjecting them to an indent impact force.Inclusions - Particles of foreign material (such as oxides, sulfides orsilicates) in steel as cast.Inclusion Shape Control - The use of rare earth metals or calcium alloysto control the morphology of inclusions, in order to provide improvedmechanical properties for select applications.Intercoat Adhesion - The adherence which is observed between theprimer and topcoat of a paint system.Return to topK Killed Steel - Steel that is deoxidized by silicon or aluminum to reduce the oxygen content in the molten steel to a minimum prior to solidification of themetal. Killed steels have more uniform properties and chemical composition than other types.Return to topL Leveling - Flattening of rolled sheet by reducing or eliminating distortions.Laminate - A composite construction of dissimilar materials, such as ametal and plastic film, usually made up as sheet product and intended tofunction as though it were a single material.Lüder's Lines - See coil breaks.Return to topM Matte Finish - A more uniform surface finish imparted to the sheet surface by temper rolling with shot-blasted rolls.Mechanical Properties - The properties of a material that reveal its elasticand inelastic behavior when force is applied, thereby indicating its suitability for mechanical applications.Mil - A term used to indicate the thickness of the paint film. A dry filmthickness of 0.001", i.e., the standard dry film thickness after curing forseveral common paints, is one (1) mil.Return to topO Oil - Applied after pickling or temper rolling to assist customer handling by minimizing inter-wrap gouging, improve lubricity and provide a more rustresistant product.Oiled Sheet - Sheet product that is processed with the final step being theapplication of oil to the surface. Usually, the oil is intended to provideprotection from rusting during shipment and storage. These oils are calledrust-preventative oils. The oil may also serve to assist in the subsequentfabrication process, but this is not usually the main purpose. Oils used toenhance formability are often called prelubricants or "prelubes".Return to topP Pencil Hardness - A physical measurement of the hardness of a paint film which is based on the resistance of the film to cut-through by pencil leads of specified hardness. Pencil hardness values range between 2B and 5H.Pickling - Removing surface oxides from metals by a chemical reaction.Pressure Vessel Steel (PVS) - Product intended for pressure vessels andsimilar end use applications.Prelubricant - An oil coating that is applied to steel sheet to enhanceformability (deep drawing). This lubricant is usually applied when thecustomer wishes to avoid the application of a forming lubricant in his plant.Primer Coat - The base coat of paint in a typical two-coat system. Primercoats are usually applied to produce a dry film thickness of approximately0.2 mil.Return to topQ Quality - A term used to denote the degree of perfection of the steel sheet.Often, for sheet products, relative quality refers to the degree of perfectionof the surface, i.e., the lack of scratches, absence of slivers, etc. Quality can also refer to other attributes such as internal soundness, dimensionalcontrol, etc.Return to topR Reflectivity (Reflectance) - A term to indicate the percentage of reflected light from a painted surface. Considered a function of color rather thanspecular gloss. Reflectance percentages usually range from 80% to 90% for white colors to 5% to 15% for dark colors. Reflectivity standards vary foreach industry and specific application.Registry Printing - Printing successive colors or figures in a precisepattern and with exact superposition.Roll Forming - A fabrication process whereby the metal sheet is deformedcontinuously in a linear manner by passing it through a consecutive seriesof rolls which produce a predetermined profile in it.Return to topS Salt spray test - A moisture and corrosion resistance test employing a controlled exposure of a painted sheet to a fog or mist of a salt solution,usually 5% sodium chloride, for a specified time period, say 500 or 1000hours.Slit - When two or more widths are obtained from the hot rolled substratewidth. The slitting operation results in a cut edge.Spangle:The spangle of a hot-dip coated sheet surface is the visualmanifestation of the grains that form within the coating when it solidifies asthe sheet emerges from the pot of molten coating metal. The spangle orgrain varies in size, brightness and surface relief, depending upon a number of factors, most of which are related to the composition of the coating andcooling practices.Structural Steel:When this term is applied to steel sheet, it refers to thedesignation that is used for steel sheet that is produced to meet a specificlevel of strength and formability. The formability is expressed as percentelongation in a tensile test. Structural Steel is typically used for applications where the strength of the sheet is an important design criterion, i.e., load-bearing applications.Return to topT Tandem Coating Line - A continuous coil coating line having two or more coating machines and curing or baking ovens in the line so it is capable ofapplying and curing two coats of paint in one pass through the line.T-Bend 0-,1-,2-, etc. - A mechanical operation wherein a sheet sample isbent back upon itself with the inside bend radius specified in terms of thesheet thicknesses. Thus a 2-T Bend is a bend with an inside radiusequivalent to two times the thickness of the metal sheet being tested.Tension Leveling: A mechanical operation wherein steel sheet, in coilform, is processed on a unit that stretches the product beyond its yieldpoint to impart permanent deformation. The stretching operation assists toflatten the sheet. Tension leveling is considered the optimum process toachieve superior flatness characteristics.Temper Rolling - A light cold reduction of the sheet steel. This operationis performed to improve flatness, eliminate discontinuous yielding and toobtain a uniform surface.Tensile Strength - The maximum stress that a material can withstand. Intensile testing, the ratio of maximum load to original cross sectionalarea. Also called Ultimate Strength.Tint - A color modification resulting from the mixture of a white paint andcolored paint such that the white is the predominant component and theresulting color is much less saturated that the pure color of the non-whitepigment.Tolerance - A term that is used to quantify the allowable deviation from adimension. For example, tolerances exist for the sheet thickness, width,flatness, camber, etc.Two-Coat System - The combination of a prime coat and a finish coat intoa specified paint film. A typical 1 mil, two-coat system will have about 0.2mil of primer coat and about 0.8 mil of finish coat.Return to topU Ultimate Strength -See Tensile StrengthReturn to topW Wash Coat - A very thin paint film applied to the back side of a prepainted sheet specified to have one finished side. The wash coat providesprotection in coiling , storage, fabricating and handling.Weathering Steel - A steel using alloying elements such as copper,chromium, silicon and nickel to enhance resistance to atmosphericcorrosion. (COR-TEN®)Wet Film Thickness - The thickness of the paint film immediately aftercoating and prior to curing. The required wet film thickness is dependent onthe proportion of solids and solvents in the liquid paint for producing theappropriate dry film thickness.Return to topY Yield Point:The load or stress at which a marked increase in the deformation of the sheet occurs without increasing the applied load. Yieldpoint is one of the characteristics of low-carbon steels after they have beenannealed. The yield point is usually calculated using a tensile-testspecimen, and it is the load that is commensurate with the point beyond theelastic limit at which the specimen lengthens considerably without anadditional increase in load.Yield Strength:The stress at which a material exhibits a specifieddeviation from a linear proportionality between load and elongation. In thetension test, the load associated with an offset of 0.2% from linearity is used for many metals to calculate the yield strength.Return to top。
钢铁行业专业术语中英文对照锰钢 ; 哈德菲尔德锰钢English-Chinese Glossary for austenitic stainless steel奥氏体不锈Steel Industry钢A R steel 高温度锰钢austenitic steel奥氏体钢abnormal steel反常钢 ;非正常钢automatic steel易切削钢aluminium-steel cable钢铝电缆automatic(al) steel易切削钢aluminized steel涂铝钢axle shaft steel车轴钢aluminum nickel steel铝镍钢axle steel 车轴钢anchored steel trestle锚固式钢栈桥 Carbon Steel Plate碳素钢板 ;碳素angle steel ruler钢角尺钢板和型材anisotropic steel各向异性钢片Carbon Tool Steel碳工具钢 ; 碳素工anisotropy silicon steel 各向异性硅具钢钢片Carbon-Containing Alloy Steel 含annealed sheet steel退火薄钢板碳合金钢annealed steel退火钢;韧钢Carbon-Free Stainless Steel 无碳不anti-creeping angle steel防爬角铁锈钢anticorrosive aluminium-coatedsteel wire防蚀镀铝钢丝Carbon-Free Steel无碳钢arc-furnace steel电炉钢Carburizing Steel碳钢arc-welded steel pipe电弧焊接钢管 Case-Hardened Steel表面渗碳硬化area of steel 钢筋断面面积 ; 钢筋截钢; 渗碳钢面面积Bolts & Nuts For Steel Slotted角钢area of structural steel型钢截面积螺丝Armco aluminized steel阿姆柯渗铝Cast Alloy Steel Piston合金铸钢活钢塞armco aluminized steel 表面浸镀铝Cast Iron Electrode With Steel Core钢钢芯铸铁焊条Armco stabilized steel阿母柯稳定 Cast Stainless Steel铸造不锈钢化钢Cast Steel铸钢件Armco steel阿姆柯软钢Cast Steel Plate铸钢板armco steel不硬化钢Cast(Carbon) Steel铸钢austenilic Ni-Cr stainless steel 奥氏Cast-In SteelBush铸入钢套体镍铬不锈钢Casement Section Steel窗框钢austenitic alloy steel奥氏体合金钢Cast-Steel铸钢austenitic chromium-nickel steel奥Cast-Steel Crossing铸钢辙叉氏体铬 - 镍钢Cast-Steel Pipe铸钢管austenitic clad steel奥氏体复合钢Cast-Steel Separator铸钢隔板 ; 铸钢austenitic heat-resistance steel奥横梁氏体耐热钢Cast-Steel Shot钢砂austenitic manganese steel奥氏体Cast-Steel Yoke铸钢轭1Cellular Steel Floor格型钢楼板Chromium-Nickel Steel铬镍钢Cement-And-Grouted Steel Bolt钢Chromium-Plated Mild Steel 筋砂浆锚杆Animal Chain镀铬软钢动物链条Cemented Steel表面硬化钢Chromium-Tungstenvanadium Cemented Templet Steel 渗碳样板 Steel 铬钨钒钢钢Chromiummanganese Steel铬锰钢Centra Steel球状石墨铸钢Chromiumnickel Austenite Centrifugal Steel离心铸钢Stainless Steel铬镍奥氏体不锈钢Centrifuge(D) Steel离心铸造钢Chromiumplated Thin-Walled Steel Channel Steel 槽钢Cylinder Liner钢质薄壁镀铬汽缸衬Channel-Section Steel槽形钢套Channeled-Steel Wheel Rim 槽钢制ChromizedSteel渗铬钢轮辋Circular Steel Support环形金属支架Checkered Steel Plate花纹钢板Clad Sheet Steel包层薄钢板Chemical Capped Steel化学封顶钢 Clad Steel 包层钢 ;双层钢 ; 双金属钢Chilled Cast Steel冷硬铸钢Clad Steel Plate复合钢板Chilled Hardened Steel淬火钢Cladding Steel包覆钢Chilled Steel淬火钢 ;淬硬钢Cladding Steel Sheet复合钢板Chisel Steel凿钢 ; 凿子钢Clean Steel 纯净钢 ;洁净钢Chrome Hardened Steel铬硬化钢Closed Die Steel闭锻模钢Chrome Steel铬钢Coarse-Grained Steel粗晶粒钢Chrome-Carbon Steel铬碳钢Coated Steel 镀层钢板Chrome-Manganese Nitrogen Steel Coating Steel Pipe镀锌钢管铬锰氮钢Cobalt High Speed Steel钴高速钢Chrome-Manganese-Silicon AlloyCobalt-Chromium Steel钴铬钢Steel 铬锰硅合金钢Coiled Steel 成卷带钢Chrome-Molybdenum Steel铬钼钢Cold Forging Steel冷锻钢Chrome-Nickel Steel铬镍钢Cold Pressed Steel冷压钢Chrome-Plated Steel Nozzle镀铬钢Cold Reduced Steel马口铁卷板喷管Cold Rolled Ribbed Steel Bar 冷轧Chrome-Silicon Steel铬硅钢竹节钢筋Chrome-Tungsten Steel铬钨钢Cold Rolled Sheet Steel冷轧薄钢板hrome-Vanadium Steel铬钒钢Cold Twisted Steel Bar冷扭钢筋Chromemanganese Steel铬锰钢Cold-Banded Steel Pipe冷箍钢管Chromium Nickel Steel高强度耐蚀Cold-Drawn Steel冷拔钢 ;冷拉钢铬镍钢Cold-Drawn Steel Pipe冷拉钢管Chromium Stainless Steel铬不锈钢Cold-Drawn Steel Tube冷拉钢管Chromium Steel铬钢Cold-Finished Steel冷加工精整钢Chromium-Molybdenum Steel铬Cold-Pressed Sheet Steel冷压薄钢钼钢板2Cold-Pressed Steel Plate冷压钢板轴承钢Bearing SteelCold-Pressing Quality Steel冷弯钢工字钢IbeamCold-Roll Steel Sheets冷轧钢板普通圆钢Round SteelCold-Rolled (Cold Rolled) Steel冷槽钢Channel轧钢扁钢Flat Steel BarCold-Rolled Carbon Spring Steel冷等边角钢Equal Angle Steel轧弹簧碳钢不等边角钢Unequal Angle Steelh Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel冷轴碳钢型钢HbeamCold-Rolled Steel Strip冷轧带钢钢坯Billet,BloomCold-Shaping Steel冷变形钢钢筋混凝土用变形钢筋High Cold-Short Steel冷脆钢Strength Deformed Steel BarCold-Steel 利器窗框钢Window SashCold-Strip Steel冷轧带钢中厚钢板Steel PlateCold-Strip Steel Rolling Mill冷轧带热轧钢板(卷)Hot Rolled Steel 钢机 ; 带钢冷轧机CoilCold-Worked Steel冷作钢冷轧钢板(卷)Cold Rolled Steel Cold-Working Steel冷作钢Sheel or CoilColdshort Steel冷脆钢镀锌钢板(卷)Galvanized Steel Color Stainless Steel彩色不锈钢CoilColored Stainless Steel彩色不锈钢钢带Steel StripColumn With Steel Hooping螺旋箍线材Wire Rod Coil筋柱无缝钢管Seamless Steel Pipe Combined Steel And Concrete 锅炉管Boiler TubeColumn 钢骨混凝土柱石油套管Pipe For Oil Field 高压Comminuted Steel Shot钢粉管 Pressure PipeCommon Straight Carbon Steel普高压气瓶用管Tube for 通碳素钢High-Pressure VesselComplex Alloy Steel多元合金钢 ; 合地质钻探用管Seamless Steel Pipe 金钢For Geological Drill In碳素结构钢Carbon Construction 镀锌焊管Galvanized WeldedSteelCarbon Tool Steel PipeDrill Pipe For Oil Field碳素工具钢石油钻探杆合金结构钢Alloy Construction 铸铁管Cast Iron PipeSteel重轨Heavy Rail合金工具钢Alloy Tool Steel轻轨Light Rail高速工具钢High Speed Tool炼钢生铁Basic Pig IronSteel铸造生铁foundry Pig Iron弹簧钢Spring Steel普通圆钢钉Round Nails for 不锈耐热钢Stainless&HeatGeneral UsesResisting Steel镀锌底碳钢丝Galvanized Low3Carbon Steel Wire.heat exchanger热交换器钢丝绳Steel Wire Rope gas purifier煤气净化器钢绞线Stranded Wire turbocompressor涡轮压缩机预应力混凝土钢丝Steel Wire Forburner烧嘴Prestressed Concrete cupola化铁炉 ,冲天炉窗纱Window Screen emptier排空装置车轮Wheel Tyre trough铁水沟 ,排渣沟轮筛Wheel Circle skip料车rolling mill轧机 ,轧钢机iron and steel industry钢铁工业blooming mill初轧机ironworks铁厂roller辊foundry铸造车间bed底座steelworks, steel mill钢厂coking plant炼焦厂electrometallurgy电冶金学powder metallurgy粉末冶金学blast furnace鼓风炉mouth, throat炉口hopper, chute料斗stack炉身belly炉腰bosh炉腹crucible炉缸slag tap放渣口taphole出铁口 ,出渣口pig bed铸床mould铸模 (美作 :mold)tuyere, nozzle风口ingot mould锭模 (美作 :ingot mold) floor平台hearth炉底charger装料机ladle铁水包 ,钢水包dust catcher除尘器washer洗涤塔converter转炉hoist卷扬机compressor压缩机tilting mixer可倾式混铁炉regenerator蓄热室rolling-mill housing轧机机架drawbench 拔管机 ,拉丝机drawplate拉模板shaft furnace竖炉refining furnace精炼炉reverberatory furnace反射炉hearth furnace床式反射炉firebrick lining耐火砖衬retort反应罐muffle马弗炉roof, arch炉顶forge锻造press压锻pile hammer打桩锤drop hammer落锤die 拉模blowlamp吹炬 (美作 :blowtorch) crusher破碎机iron ore铁矿石coke焦炭bauxite铁钒土alumina铝cryolite冰晶石flux 熔剂limestone flux石灰石溶剂haematite赤铁矿 (美作 :hematite) gangue脉石cast iron铸铁4cast iron ingot铸铁锭cementite渗碳体 ,碳化铁slag炉渣pearlite珠光体soft iron软铁charging, loading装料 ,炉料pig iron生铁fusion, melting, smelting熔炼wrought iron熟铁remelting再熔化 ,重熔iron ingot铁锭refining精炼puddled iron搅炼熟铁casting出铁round iron圆铁to cast出铁scrap iron废铁tapping 出渣 ,出钢 ,出铁steel 钢to insufflate, to inject注入crude steel粗钢heating加热mild steel, soft steel软钢 ,低碳钢preheating预热hard steel硬钢tempering回火cast steel 坩埚钢 ,铸钢temper回火stainless steel不锈钢hardening淬水electric steel电工钢 ,电炉钢annealing退火high-speed steel高速钢reduction还原moulded steel铸钢cooling冷却refractory steel热强钢 ,耐热钢decarbonization,decarburization alloy steel合金钢脱碳plate, sheet薄板coking炼焦corrugated iron瓦垅薄钢板slagging, scorification造渣tinplate, tin马口铁carburization渗碳finished product成品 ,产品case hardening表面硬化semifinished product半成品 ,中间产cementation渗碳品fritting, sintering烧结ferrous products铁制品puddling搅炼coiled sheet带状薄板pulverization粉化 ,雾化bloom初轧方坯nitriding渗氮metal strip, metal band铁带 ,钢带alloy 合金billet坯锭 ,钢坯floatation, flotation浮选shavings 剃边patternmaking制模profiled bar异型钢材moulding成型 (美作 :molding) shape, section型钢calcination煅烧angle iron角钢amalgamation汞齐化frit烧结rolling轧制wire线材drawing拉拔ferronickel镍铁extrusion挤压elinvar镍铬恒弹性钢wiredrawing拉丝ferrite铁氧体 ,铁醇盐stamping, pressing冲压5die casting 拉模铸造Armco Steel不硬化钢forging锻造Austenilic Ni-Cr Stainless Steel奥氏turning车削体镍铬不锈钢milling铣削Austenitic Alloy Steel奥氏体合金钢machining, tooling加工Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Steel autogenous welding,fusion 奥氏体铬 - 镍钢welding 氧炔焊Austenitic Clad Steel奥氏体复合钢arc welding电弧焊Austenitic Heat-Resistance Steel奥electrolysis电解氏体耐热钢rimming清理焊缝Austenitic Manganese Steel奥氏体blowhole气孔锰钢 ; 哈德菲尔德锰钢钢铁业的英语词汇2Austenitic Stainless Steel 奥氏体不Abnormal Steel反常钢 ;非正常钢锈钢Aluminium-steel Cable钢铝电缆Austenitic Steel奥氏体钢Aluminized Steel涂铝钢Automatic Steel易切削钢Aluminum Nickel Steel铝镍钢Automatic(Al) Steel易切削钢Anchored Steel Trestle锚固式钢栈 Axle Shaft Steel车轴钢桥Axle Steel车轴钢Angle Steel Ruler钢角尺Bainitic Steel贝氏体钢Anisotropic Steel各向异性钢片Balanced Steel半镇静钢Anisotropy Silicon Steel各向异性硅Ball Bearing Steel Strip 滚珠轴承钢钢片带Annealed Sheet Steel退火薄钢板Ball Race Steel滚珠轴承圈钢Annealed Steel退火钢 ; 韧钢Ball-Bearing Steel滚珠轴承钢Anti-Creeping Angle Steel防爬角铁Bamboo Steel竹节钢筋Anticorrosive Aluminium-Coated Band Steel 带钢Steel Wire防蚀镀铝钢丝Banding Steel带钢; 箍钢Arc-Furnace Steel电炉钢Bar Steel 棒钢 ;条钢Arc-Welded Steel Pipe电弧焊接钢 Basic Bessemer Steel碱性贝氏转炉管钢Area Of Steel 钢筋断面面积 ; 钢筋截Basic Bessemer Steel碱性转炉钢面面积Basic Bessemer Steel Converter 碱Area Of Structural Steel型钢截面积性转炉钢转炉Armco Aluminized Steel 阿姆柯渗铝Basic ConverterSteel碱性转炉钢钢Basic Electric Furnace Steel 碱性电Armco Aluminized Steel表面浸镀铝炉钢钢Basic Open Hearth Steel 碱性平炉Armco Stabilized Steel阿母柯稳定钢化钢Battened Steel Column双肢钢柱Armco Steel阿姆柯软钢Beam Steel Plate大梁钢板6Beam With Compression Steel双筋Boiling Steel沸腾钢梁Bolting Steel螺栓钢Bearing Quality Steel滚珠钢Blue Planished Steel发蓝薄钢板Bearing Steel轴承钢Bloom Steel初轧钢 ;钢坯Bent Steel挠曲钢筋Boron Steel硼钢Bessemer Low Carbon Steel酸性转Brass Fitting Of Steel Window钢窗炉低碳钢铜配Bessemer Mild Steel贝色麦钢Brass-Plated Mild Steel Round Bessemer Steel贝色麦钢 ; 酸性钢 Bead Wood Screw镀黄铜圆头软钢Best Plough Steel Wire 铅淬火高强木螺丝度钢丝Brass-Plated Mild Steel Round Billet Steel坯段钢 ; 钢坯 ; 短条钢Head Machine Screw镀黄铜圆头软Binary Steel二元合金钢钢机器螺丝Black Mild Steel Carriage Bolt And Brass-Plated Steel Wire镀黄铜钢丝Nut黑铁马车螺丝闩Brearley Steel 布里阿雷不锈钢 ; 布氏Black Mild Steel Fish Bolt And Nut高铬钢黑铁鱼尾螺丝闩Bridge Steel桥梁钢Black Mild Steel Flat Head Rivet 黑Bright And Black Mild Steel Flat铁扁头铆钉Head Tinmen Rivet号头铆钉Black Mild Steel Flat Head Tinmen Bright Mild Steel Cotter Pin光亮软Rivet黑铁号头铆钉钢开尾销Black Mild Steel Hexagonal Nut 黑Bright Mild Steel Countersunk铁六角螺丝帽Head Wood Screw光亮软钢平头木Black Mild Steel Pan Head Rivet黑螺丝铁锥头铆钉Bright Mild Steel Hexagonal Nut光Black Mild Steel Round Head Rivet亮软钢六角螺丝帽黑铁圆头铆钉Bright Mild Steel Hexagonal Nuts Black Mild Steel Square Nut黑铁四六角光螺帽 ;六角螺丝帽方螺丝帽Bright Mild Steel Hexagonal Black Steel Pipe黑钢板Pressed Nut光亮软钢六角冲压螺丝Black Steel Sheet黑钢皮帽Black Tin Steel黑钢板Bright Mild Steel Round Head Blister Steel泡钢 ;泡面钢Wood Screw光亮软钢圆头木螺丝Abnormal Structure Steel反常组织Bright-Drawn Free Cutting Steel光钢拉自由切削钢Abrasion-Resistant Steel耐磨钢Bright-Drawn Steel光亮拉拔钢材Blue Steel蓝钢Bright-Finished Steel光亮精整钢Bluing Of Steel钢加蓝Bristol Steel Belt Lacing布瑞斯涛钢Boiler Steel锅炉钢 ; 锅炉钢板带接头Boiler Steel Plate锅炉钢板Bronze Steel镀青铜钢7Building Of Steel Frame混合料给料机mixed burden feeder Construction钢框架房屋碱度 basicityBulb Steel球扁钢焦末 nut coke, coke breezeBulb-Rail Steel球头丁字钢精矿粉 concentrate finesBurned Steel过烧钢链蓖机 grate, chain-type grate Calorized Steel涂铝钢 ;渗化钢炉尘 dustCalorizing Steel铝化钢盘式烧结机batch-type sinter Capped Steel加盖钢 ; 半镇静钢machineCarbon And Low-Alloy Steel破碎机 breakerVessels 碳钢及低合金钢容器球团 pelletCarbon Content Of Steel钢含碳量球团矿 pelletCarbon Molybdenum Steel钼碳钢燃料 fuel materialCarbon Steel碳钢; 碳素燃烧器 burnerCarbon Steel Covered Electrode碳熔剂 flux钢焊条筛分设备 screening equipmentCarbon Steel Plate烧结 sintering(1) 烧结 Sintering烧结车间 sintering plant抽风机 drawing fan, exhausting fan烧结矿 sinter除尘集灰斗dust hopper烧结矿返矿率sinter return ratio除尘设备 dedusting equipment烧结矿品位grade of sinter带式焙烧机travelling grate生球 fresh ( green ) pellet( induration ) machine石灰石 limestone带式烧结机continuous-strand熟料 clinkersinter machine竖炉 shaft furnace点火器 igniter台车 pallet垫底料给料机bedding burden 无烟煤 anthracite, anthracitic coal feeder压块 briquette多管除尘器multi-type deduster氧化铁皮 scale二次混料机secondary mixing 萤石 fluoritemachine圆盘给料机disk-type feeder返矿仓 return ore bunker圆盘造球机disc-type pelletizing 废品率 reject rate machine粉矿 fines圆筒造球机cylinderical pelletizer富矿 rich ore造球机pelletizer,pelletizing 鼓风机 blower machine含铁品位 grade of iron转鼓指数 drum index合格率 percent of pass自熔性烧结矿self-fluxing sinter合格烧结矿qualified sinter作业率 operability回转窑 rotary kiln(2) 焦化及耐火Coking and 混合料仓 mixing bunker refractory8氨 ammonia燃烧室 combustion chamber氨工段 ammonia plant瘦煤 carbonaceous coal耙焦机 coke-drawing machine碳砖 carbon brick白云石 dolomite炭化室 (炉孔 ) co oven白云石砖 dolomite brick推焦杆 pushing ram苯 benzole脱苯塔 benzole scrubber肥煤 fat coal, bituminous coal熄焦机 coke quenching machine副产品 by product洗氨塔 ammonia scrubber干熄煤机 dry quenching machine洗氨塔 ammonia washer高铝砖 alumina brick洗煤 washed coal铬镁砖 chromo-magnesite brick洗萘塔 naphthalene scrubber铬砖 chromite brick烟煤 bituminous coal, bituminite硅石 silica粘土砖 chamotte brick灰粉 ash content装煤孔 coal charging hole挥发物 volatiles, volatimeter(3) 炼铁 Ironmaking焦化厂 coking plant白云石 dolomite焦炉 coke oven崩料 ,坐料 slipping焦炉煤气 coke oven gas布料器 distributor焦煤 coking coal称量车 weighing car焦炭转鼓试验 coke drum test出铁场 casting house焦油 tar出铁沟 tapping channel抗渣性 slag resistance出铁口 iron notch, taphole炼焦 coking出铁口喷火 blowing on taphole炼焦炉组 coke oven buttery出渣沟 slagging channel晾焦台 wharf吹慢风 slack-wind blowing炉门框 door frame磁铁矿 magnetite铝镁砖 aluminium大料钟 large bell镁石 magnesite低品位矿石 low grade ore镁砖 magnesia brick电动泥炮 motor operated mud gun磨煤机 coal pulverizer电子秤 electronic weigher耐火材料 refractory material吊挂保护板hanging protective 耐火度 refractoriness plate耐火粘土 refractory clay, fire clay堵铁口机taphole stopping 配煤 mixing coal machine平煤机 coal levelling machine放灰阀 dust discharging valve启炉门机 door-extracting machine废气总管 waste gas main duct气孔率 porosity风口 tuyere气煤 gas coal, bottle coal风口大套 tuyere-cooler casing轻质膨胀粘土骨料 light weight 风口管 blast pipeexpanded clay aggregate风口镜 tuyere glass9风口弯管penstock damper料车skip风量blast volume料车skip car风量控制器blast volume controller料线,料面高度stockline风速blast velocity料钟bell富矿rich ore, premiun ore料柱stock column高炉blast furnace硫酸渣purple ore高炉鼓风机blast furnace blower炉衬linings高炉骨架frame of furnace炉底bottom高炉利用系数utilization coefficient炉顶top高炉煤气BF gas炉顶卷扬机top hoist高炉外壳 shell of furnace炉顶平台 top platform高品位烧结矿high grade sintered 炉顶温度 top temperatureore炉顶压力 top pressure高压炉顶 high pressure on top炉腹 bosh格砖 checker brick炉缸 hearth鼓风机站 blower station炉缸压力 hearth pressure褐铁矿 brown iron ore炉喉 (护 )板 stock line armor换热式热风炉intermittent stove炉喉 throat荒煤气 crude gas炉况不顺 blast wandering黄铁矿 ,赤铁矿 hematite炉前工,高炉工人 blast furnace 混风阀 mixed air valve operator计划休风 scheduled down-time炉身 stack焦比 coke ratio炉身冷却壁stock cooling plate焦炭 coke炉腰 waist, straight section紧急休风emergency 螺旋推进式泥炮 spiral type clay gun blowing-down慢风 slow-wind blowing静电除尘器electrostatic 煤气调节阀gas regulating valve precipitator煤气阀 gas valve卷扬机室 hoist room煤气放散阀bleeder valve均压阀 equalizer valve煤气换向阀gas reversing valve开铁口机 tapper, tapping machine煤气净化 gas cleaning (purifying)块矿 briquette煤气总管 main gas duct块矿 lump ore泥炮 mud ( clay ) gun矿槽 bunker泥炮 mud, clay矿粉 fine ore皮带秤 belt scale冷风阀 cold blast valve皮带运输机belt conveyer冷风阀 cooled blast valve撇渣器 skimmer冷风总管 cooled blast main duct贫矿 lean, low grade ore冷却水箱 cooling water box砌体 brickwork立式冷却壁 cooling stave气缸式泥炮 cylinder type clay gun10切断闸板 cut-off damper球团矿 pellet 燃烧器burner燃烧室combustion chamber热风阀 hot blast valve热风阀 hot blast valve热风炉 stovestaggered 热风炉交叉并联透风parallel blowing热风围管 hot blast circular duct热风温度 hot blast temperature热风总管 hot blast main duct熔剂 flux上升管 uptake duct烧结矿 sinter石灰石 lime stone水冲渣 granulation双料钟 double bell死铁层 old horse探尺 ,料尺 stock rod探尺卷扬机stock rod winch铁精矿 concentrate铁矿石 iron ore铁水罐 hot metal ladle铁水罐车 hot metal ladle car铁渣比 iron and slag ratio透风期 on blast透平发电机turbo-generator透平鼓风机turbo-blower外燃式热风炉external combustion type stoveexternal combustion 外燃室chamber文氏管洗涤器 venturi scrubber无料钟炉顶 bell-less top下降管 downcomer duct小料钟 small bell斜桥 skip bridge, hoist bridge休风 blowing-down休风率downtime percentage 蓄热式热风炉,考伯式热风炉cowper stove蓄热室 checker chamber旋风除尘器 cyclonerotary burden 旋转布料器distributor烟道阀 duct damper移动保护板movable protective plateproductivity 有效利用系数coefficient有效面积 effective volume鱼雷式铁水罐torpedo ladle鱼雷式铁水罐车torpedo ladle car造渣slag-making造渣厂富氧鼓风 oxygen-enriched blast造渣填加剂 slag-making addition渣场 slag yard渣罐 slag pot, slag ladle渣罐车 slag pot car渣罐车备用停车线 slag tapping stand-by track渣坑slag pocket, slag pit渣口 , 出渣口slag notch渣口slag notch, cinder notch渣口大套slag notch cooler渣口喷火 blowing on the monkey渣口水箱 monkey jacket渣口小套 , 小渣口 monkey 渣口小套 slag (notch) tuyere 渣盘 slag pan整粒矿石sized ore重力除尘器 gravity dust collector主沟 main channel柱塞式泥炮 plunger type clay gun铸铁机 pig moulding machine 铸铁块 , 锭 pig ingot装料漏斗 charging hopper自熔性矿石 self-fluxing ore11(4) 炼钢 Steelmaking teeming奥式体钢 austenitic steel底电极 bottom electrode八角钢材 octagon bar地下料仓 underground bunker白云石 dolomite电极 electrode板坯连铸机 slab casting machine电极压放 slip, slipping半封闭型电炉semi-closed type EAF 电极接长系统electrode jointing 保护渣 slag powder system补炉机 fettling machine电极把持器electrode holder不锈钢 stainless steel电极柱 electrode mast敞开固定型电炉open stationary 电极糊 electrode pastetype EAF电极套壳 electrode casing敞开回转型电炉open rotating type电极压放装置electrode slippingEAF device敞开斜动型电炉open tilting type电炉 electrical arc-furnace (EAF)EAF电炉钢 electric arc furnace (EAF)超低头方坯连铸机extra low headsteelcaster(ELH)for bloom,顶吹氧气转炉 top bloom oxygen super low head caster ( SLH )converter超高功率电炉UHP electrical 顶底复合吹转炉 top and bottom furnace com bined blown车屑 chip converter车铸 bogie (buggy,car) casting多流连铸机multi-strand CCM称量 weighing多炉连铸continuous continuous 出钢 tapping casting出铁盘 tapping pan二次精炼 secondary refining出渣 slagging矾土 , 氧化铝 alumina除渣器 deslagger方坯连铸机billet cast machine储槽 storage bunker非铁合金 non ferro-alloy吹氧转炉 basic oxygen furnace废钢 scrap打印机 stamping machine废钢跨 scrap bay大密封罩 , 狗窝 dog house废铁 iron scrap带卷 strip coil沸腾钢 unkilled steel带型连铸机 belt type CCM分类料仓 classification bin单炉浇铸 batch cast封闭固定型电炉closed stationary 捣固料 ramming compound type EAF捣糊 pound to paste封闭回转型电炉 closed rotating 捣炉机 stoking machine type EAF底吹氧气转炉bottom bloom 付枪 , 付氧枪 sublanceoxygen converter负偏差 negative deviation底注, 下注uphill casting,uphill 富氧鼓风 oxygen-enriched blowing12钢包 , 盛钢桶 ladle浇铸机 casting machine钢包加热炉ladle heating furnace浇铸坑 casting pit钢包旋转台turret, ladle turnable浇铸平台 casting platform钢锭 ingot浇铸周期 casting cycle钢锭模 ingot mould浇注 casting钢筋 reinforcing bar, rebar浇注 teeming钢坯清理间billet conditioning yard浇注底板 pouring bottom plate钢种 kinds of steel金属硅 silicon metal高位料仓 overhead bunker浸入式水口submerged nozzle高压炉顶 high pressure top开浇 cast-on铬铁 ferro-chromium开铁口机 open hole machine给料 feeding可浇注性 castability工具钢 tool steel可逆皮带运输机 reverse belt 工业纯铁 armco-iron conveyer鼓肚 bulging坑铸 pit-casting固定碳 fix carbon content孔型设计 groove design硅锰合金 silicon manganese alloy矿石 mineral硅铁 ferro-silicon拉矫机straightening and 合金钢 alloy steel withdrawal化学成份 chemical composition machine弧型连铸机bow type CCM拉坯机 withdrawal device滑动水口 slide gate冷轧带卷 cold-rolled coil还原剂 reductant冷轧钢 cold-rolled steel还原剂 reduction agent, reductant立弯型连铸机 vertical type CCM,灰份 ash straight mould挥发物 volatile bent run-out plant混料 mixed material粒度 grain size混铁炉 mixer连铸 continuous casting火焰切割机torch cutting machine连铸机continuous casting 火焰清理flame deseaming,hotmachine- CCMscarfing溜槽 ,溜管 chute夹杂物 impurity硫印 sulphur print加料管 charging chute六角钢材 hexahedral bar碱性渣 basic slag炉壁结瘤 wall accretion结构钢 structural steel炉衬 furnace lining结晶器 mould, crystalliser炉顶料仓 top bin焦比 specific coke rate炉盖 furnace cover焦炭 coke炉缸结瘤 hearth accretion交流电弧炉 AC electrical arc furnace炉龄 campaign浇铸吊车 casting crane炉体 furnace body13炉子跨 furnace bay碳素钢 carbon steel漏钢 breakout碳素电极 carbon electrode铝块 aluminium block炭砖 charcoal brick马式体钢 Martensitic steel特殊钢 special steel埋弧电炉submerged electric 铜瓦 copper content elementfurnace添加剂 additive煤粉 pulverized coal铁合金 ferro-alloy锰铁 ferro-manganese脱锭机 , 脱模机 ingot stripper磨煤机 coal pulverizer脱磷 dephosphorise模铸 mold casting脱硫 desulphurise木材 timber脱气 degassing木片 wood chip脱气剂 degassing agent镍铁 ferro-nickel脱碳 decarburization喷煤 coal injection脱氧 deoxidising偏差 deviation脱引锭杆装置dummy bar 平炉 open hearth furnace(OHF)disconnection device平炉钢 open hearth furnace(OHF)弯曲辊 bending rollsteel弯曲应力 bending stress破碎 crush弯曲装置 bending device全连铸 sequence casting无烟煤 ,白煤 bituminite热轧带卷 hot-rolled coil下降烟罩操作法declined hood 热轧钢 hot-rolled steel operation process熔剂 flux休风率 downtime ratio塞棒 stopper rod悬挂支架 suspension frame筛分 screen旋转浇铸台 rotating casting table筛分机 screen压下率 screw-down rate烧结锰矿 sintered manganese ore氩氧脱碳argon-oxygen 渗碳 carbon penetration decarburization ACD生铁 pig iron氧枪 oxygen lance石灰石 lime stone冶炼设备 melting equipment石英 quartz冶炼周期 tap-to-tap cycle石墨电极 graphitized electrode一炉钢 one heat steel竖炉 , 竖式电炉 shaft electrical arc乙炔切割 acetylene cuttingfurnace异型钢材 shapped bar酸性渣 acidic slag引锭杆 dummy bar双壳电炉 twin-shell electrical arc引锭杆架 dummy bar tilterfurnace引锭杆坑 dummy bar pit顺行 smooth working引锭杆头 dummy bar head四流连铸机four-strand CCM萤石 fluorite碳化钙 calcium carbide优质钢 high-grade steel14有效容积 effective volume板坯 slab鱼尾板 splice bar半连续热带轧机 semi-continuous 原料 raw material hot-strip mill原料跨 raw material bay薄板 sheet增碳 carburize薄板轧机 sheet mill渣罐 cinder pot保温炉 heat holding furnace渣铁比 slag rate扁锭 slab ingot, slab轧辊孔型设计 roll pass design扁钢 flat bar轧屑 mill scale不可逆轧机non-reversing mill轧制道次 pass步进梁式加热炉 walking beam type 轧制周期 rolling cycle furnace真空电弧精炼vacuum arc refining 槽钢 channelVAR车底式加热炉car bottom furnace真空脱气 vacuum arc degassing 车轮轧机 railway-wheel millVAD车丝机 threading machine振动管运输机vibrating pipe成卷 coilingconveyer成品包装跨packing bay镇静钢 killed steel初轧机 blooming mill正偏差 positive deviation初轧坯翻转装置 bloom turnover 支架辊 back-up roll, supporting roll device直流电弧炉DC electrical arc出料拉杆 kick-out armfurnace穿孔机 piercing mill中间罐 tundish粗轧机 rough mill中间料仓 intermediate bin淬火炉 hardening furnace中心铸管 , 塞棒袖砖central pouring 搭接炉焊管机lap-welded pipe mill pipe, sleeve brick打包用带钢轧机 package mill珠光体钢 pearlite steel打捆机 bundle machine铸模 casting mould打捆机 bundler铸坯导辊 strand guide roller打印台 stamping station转炉钢 basic oxygen converter 大型型钢轧机heavy section mill steel,导辊装置 roller guidebasic oxygen furnace (BOF) steel地上卷取机up coiler自耗电极 consumable electrode地下卷取机down coiler自焙电极 self-baked electrode地下卷取机down coiler综合冶炼强度comprehensive rate地下油库 oil cellarof driving地下运输机tunnel conveyer足辊 foot roll叠板轧机 pack mill钻孔机 driller定径机 sizing mill(5) 轧钢 Rolling定心机 centering machine八辊轧机 MKW mill镀槽 coating bath15镀锡板 tinning sheet回火炉 tempering furnace镀锡槽 tinning bath回转剪 rotary cropping shear镀锡线 tinning line活套 loop镀锌板 galvanized sheet活套张紧辊bridle roll镀锌槽 galvanizing bath机后输出辊道mill run-out table镀锌线 galvanizing line机架 , 牌坊 stand, housing堆储跨 storage bay机架辊 breast roll堆垛机 piler机前输入辊道mill run-in table钝化处理 passivation挤压机 extruder多辊矫直机multi-roll straightening夹送辊 deflector pinch roll machine加热炉 heating furnace方钢 square bar碱槽 alkaline bath方坯 bloom剪切跨 shear bay非连续性轧机non-continuous减径机 reducing millrolling mill矫直机 straightening machine,飞锯 flying saw straightening mill干燥台 drying station角钢 angle steel钢坯 , 小方坯 billet揭盖机 cover carriage钢坯库 billet store紧卷 tight coil钢坯修磨 conditioning进料拉杆 kick-in arm高速线材轧机high speed wire rod浸镀 immersion coatingmill井式炉 pit batch type furnace高压水除鳞hydraulic jet descaler精轧机 finish mill工字钢 I-bar精整加工线finishing machine工字钢轧机I-beam mill精整跨 finishing bay工作辊换辊装置work roll changer卷材 , 线卷 coil工作辊支撑装置work roller均热炉 pit furnacesupporting apparatus均热炉跨 soaking pit bay钩式运输机 hook transfer均整机 ,整径机 (管 ) reeling machine 光亮退火炉bright annealing 开卷机 , 拆卷机 decoilerfurnace开坯机 cogging mill轨梁轧机 rail-beam section mill可逆辊道 reversing table滚筒剪 drum type shear空心坯减径机 shell-reducing mill横切机 transversal shear拉丝机 wire-drawing machine厚板 heavy plate扩径机 (管) repiercing machine厚板轧机 heavy plate mill冷床 cold bed环形加热炉 rotary hearth furnace冷锯 cold saw换辊小车 roll change carriage冷轧板带钢 cold rolled strip荒管 , 毛管 , 空心坯 pierced billet, 立辊 vertical rollhollow billet连续式加热炉 continuoustype16furnace酸槽 acid bath连续酸洗 continuous acid-washing酸洗槽 pickling bath链式运输机chain transfer酸洗工段 pickling department磷化处理 phosphate treatment酸洗机 pickling machine磷酸 phosphoric acid酸洗线 pickling line硫酸 sulfurous acid酸洗用酸 acid for pickling炉卷机 steckel mill甩尾 back-end whip炉用卷取机furnace coiler丝扣保护套 thread protector轮箍轧机 tyre mill四机架连续式带钢冷轧机four-stand 内表修磨 inside grinding tendem cold strip mill拧接头机 coupling applicator松卷 loose coil盘条 rod coil碎断剪 chopping shear平立 ( 万能 ) 轧机 horizontal-vertical塔式酸洗机 tower pickler(HV) mill套管接头 pipe coupling平整机 temper machine铁皮坑 scale pit破鳞辊 descaling roll通径机 drifter破鳞机 scale breaker, descaler筒式卷取机 drum type coiler切边 side crops涂漆装置 painting unit切边剪 end trimming shear吐丝机 laying head切头 top crops推钢机 , 推杆 pusher切头剪 end shear拖运机 ,移送机 dragging device切尾 end crops脱脂槽 degreasing bath去刺机 deburring machine外表修磨 outside grinding热处理 heat treatment弯辊装置 bending-up roll device热带轧机 hot-strip mill万向连轴节universal spindle 热镀 hot-dip coating coupling热锯 hot saw无扭轧机 non-twist mill热轧板带钢hot rolled strip无损探伤 non destoryed test乳化液 emulsion铣头机 chamfering machine森吉米尔轧机Sendzimir mill限动芯棒轧管机retained mandrel 上料台架 ingoing skid pipe mill深冲薄钢板deep drawing sheet硝酸 nitric acid石油管套管pipe case小型型钢轧机light section mill,收集台 collecting table merchant bar mill受料辊道 receiving table芯棒式轧管机 mandrel mill输出辊道 run-out table型钢 , 条钢 bar输入辊道 run-in table行星轧机 planetary rolling mill水力除鳞 hydraulic descaler修磨机 grinder水压试验机 hydraulic pressure 压下螺丝 screw downtester压下装置 , 压下机构 screwdown17延伸机 elongator周期式轧管机pilger mill硬度试验机hardness tester转盘 turntable油膜轴承oil film lubrication 自动轧管机plug millbearing纵切机 longitudinalshear, slitting 预精轧机 pre-finishing mill shear预热炉 preheating furnace圆锭 round ingot, round billet圆钢 round bar圆盘锯 circular saw运锭车 , 翻锭车 ingot buggy运输辊道 processing table再加热炉 reheating furnace轧边机 , 立辊轧机 edger轧钢 rolling轧钢车间 rolling plant轧管机设备tube mill equipment轧辊及辊道roller and table轧辊压下装置 roller press-downdeviceroll bearing chock轧辊轴承座轧辊支架 roll support轧机 rolling mill轧机传动装置 rolling mill drivedevice轧机跨 mill bay, mill aisle轧机输出辊道mill delivery table轧机输入辊道mill approach table窄带 strip张力减径机 ( 管 ) tension-reducingmachine张力控制 tension control罩式炉 bell type furnace支撑辊 back-up roll中板轧机 medium plate mill中厚板 medium plate中间辊道 intermediate table中型宽带轧机 medium wide-stripmill中型型钢轧机medium section mill中轧机intermediate mill18。
Oxygen Steel 吹氧钢Oxygen-Steel Process 氧化炼钢法; 氧气炼钢法Patented Steel Wire 铅淬火钢丝Pearlitic Heat Resistant Steel Electrode 珠光体耐热钢焊条Pearlitic Steel 珠光体钢Period Section Steel 周期断面钢材Perished Steel 脆弱钢; 过渗碳钢Permanent Magnet Steel 永磁钢Permanent-Magnet Steel 永久磁钢PH Stainless Steel 沉淀硬化不锈钢; 沉淀硬化型不锈钢Phosphoretic Steel 磷钢Pickled Sheet Steel 酸洗薄钢板Pig Iron For Steel Making 炼钢生铁Pinion Steel 齿轮钢Pipe Steel 管钢Plain Basic Steel 普通碱性钢Plain Carbon Steel 普通碳钢Plain Carbon Tool Steel 碳素工具钢Plain End Steel Pipe 平端钢管Plain Galvanized Steel Sheet 镀锌铁皮Plain Steel 普通钢; 碳素钢Plain Steel Rim 简单钢轮缘Plain Steel-Bar 光面钢筋Plastic Coating Technology For Steel Tube 钢管涂塑工艺Plastic Covered Steel Cord 包塑钢线Plastic Flow Of Steel 钢的塑流Plastic-Lined Steel Pipe 塑料衬里钢管Plastic-Steel Combination 塑料钢组合Plastic-Steel Laminate 塑料钢层板Plate Steel 厚钢板Plate-Steel Case 钢板机壳Plate-Steel Liner 钢板衬垫; 钢板衬砌Plating On Steel 钢材涂层Platinum Steel 白金钢Play Up Steel Production 突出钢铁生产Plough Steel Wire Rope 特号钢丝绳Plow Steel 犁钢Plow Steel Wire 铅淬火高强度钢丝Plow Steel Wire Rope 铅淬火高强度钢丝绳Plugged Steel 封顶钢; 加盖钢Ply Steel 复合钢Pneumatic Steel 气法炼钢; 喷气炼钢Polyethylene Coated Steel Pipe 聚乙烯涂层钢管; 聚乙烯涂层钢管Porous Stainless Steel 多孔不锈钢Porous Steel Parts 多孔钢质零件Pot Steel 坩埚钢Pour Steel 浇注钢水Powdered Alloy Steel 合金钢粉Power Cable With Flat Steel Wire Armouring 扁钢丝铠装电力电缆Forged Steel 锻钢Precision Seamless Steel Tubes 精密无缝钢管Pressed-Steel 压制钢Pressed-Steel Boot 模压钢开沟器Pressed-Steel Hook Chain 模压钢钩头链Pressed-Steel Plate 压制钢板Pressure-Casting Die Steel 压铸模具合金钢Prestressed Concrete Steel Wire Strand 预应力混凝土结构用钢绞线Primary Steel 通用钢Pseudo-Steel 假钢Puddle Steel 搅炼钢Punched Steel Plate 穿孔钢板Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel 弥散硬化不锈钢; 沉淀硬化不锈钢Qualitative Carbon Steel 定性碳钢Quarter Octagon Steel 四角方钢Quartz-Steel Resonator 石英钢片谐振器Purified Steel 精炼钢Quench Allov Steel 淬硬合金钢Quench Steel 淬钢Quenched And Tempered Steel 调质钢Quaternary Steel 四元合金钢Quick-Cutting Steel 高速钢Quiet Steel 软钢; 全脱氧钢; 全镇静钢Non-Scaling Steel 不起皮钢Non-Shrinkage Steel 无变形钢Non-Shrinking Steel 抗变形钢Non-Sulfurized Carbon Steel 非硫化处理的碳钢Non-Weldable Steel 不可焊接的钢Nondeforming Tool Steel 不变形工具钢Nonmagnetic Steel 无磁性钢Normal Steel 正常钢; 正常结构钢Normal Steel Casting 普通铸钢Normalized And Tempered Steel 正火及回火钢Normalized Steel 正火钢Not Heat-Treated Steel Wire 非热处理的钢丝Notch Ductile Steel 耐冲击钢Oce Steel 无渗碳体钢Octagon Steel Bar 八角钢条Octagonal Bar Steel 八角型钢Octagonal Steel 八角钢Oil-Hardened Steel 油淬硬化钢Oil-Hardening Steel 油淬钢Oil-Operated Steel Support 液压金属支架Oil-Quenching Steel 油淬火钢Open Forging Steel 商用锻钢坯Open Steel 沸腾钢Open Steel Flooring 漏空钢板楼面; 露钢梁楼板Open-Hearth Steel 平炉钢; 马丁钢Open-Heated Steel 过热钢Ordinary Steel 普通碳钢Oriented Steel 各向异性钢片Over-Reduced Steel 过还原钢Overblown Steel 过吹钢Oxidation Resistant Steel 抗氧化钢; 不锈钢Oxygen Blown Steel 吹氧钢Oxygen Converter Steel 顶吹氧转炉钢Oxygen Furnace Steel 吹氧炼钢Oxygen Jet Steel 吹氧炼钢法Nickel Alloy Steel 镍合金钢Nickel Cast Steel 含镍铸钢Nickel Chromium Manganese Steel 镍铬锰钢Nickel Steel 镍钢Nickel Steel Gas Welding Rod 镍钢气焊条Nickel Steel Wire 镍钢线Nickel-Chrome Alloy Steel 镍铬合金钢Nickel-Chrome Steel 镍铬钢Nickel-Chromium Steel 镍铬钢Nickel-Clad Steel Plate 包镍钢板; 镀镍钢板Nickel-Manganese Cast Steel 镍-锰铸钢; 镍锰铸钢Nickel-Molybdenum Steel 镍钼钢Nickel-Plated Mild Steel Round Head Machine Screw 镀镍低碳钢圆头机器螺丝Nickel-Plated Mild Steel Round Head Wood Screw 镀镍低碳钢圆头木螺丝Nickel-Plated Steel Self Tapping Screw 镀镍钢制自攻螺丝Nickel-Plated Steel Wire 镀镍钢丝Nickel-Vanadium Steel 镍-钒钢; 镍钒钢Nickeled Steel Plate 镀镍钢板Nitrated Steel 氮化钢Nitrided Steel 渗氮钢Nitriding Steel 氮化钢; 氮化钢Non-Aging Steel 无时效钢Non-Corrosive Steel 不锈钢Non-Deforming Steel 不变形钢Non-Expansion Steel 不膨胀钢Non-Magnetic Steel 非磁性钢Non-Oriented Electrical Steel 无取向电工钢Non-Oriented Silicon Steel 无方向性硅钢片Non-Oriented Silicon Steel Sheet 不定向硅钢板Non-Piping Steel 无缩孔钢Non-Rust Steel 不锈钢Medium Manganese Steel 中锰钢Medium Steel (MS) 中碳钢Medium Temper Steel 中等回火钢Medium Width Steel Strip 中等宽度带钢Medium-Hard Steel 中硬钢Merchant Steel 商品钢; 商品条钢; 条钢Mercury-In-Steel Thermometer 钢管水银温度计; 钢壳水银温度计Mild Carbon Steel 低碳钢Mild Carbon Steel Strip 低碳带钢Mild Sheet Steel 软钢板Mild Steel 软钢; 低碳钢Mild Steel Arc Welding Electrode 低碳钢焊条Mild Steel Channel 槽钢Mild Steel Checkered Plate 花纹钢板Mild Steel Equal Angle 等边角钢Mild Steel Expanded Sheets 钢板网Mild Steel Fire Box 软钢板火箱Mild Steel Hexagonal Bolts 六角螺丝梗Mild Steel Hexagonal Bolts And Nuts 六角螺丝闩Mild Steel I-Beam 低碳工字钢Mild Steel Ingot 低碳钢锭Mild Steel Plate 软钢板Mild Steel Reinforcement (含钢量0.12--0.25%) 软钢钢筋Mild Steel Shank 软钢手柄Mild Steel Sheet 软钢皮Mild Steel Welding Rod 低碳钢焊丝Mild Steel Wire 低碳钢丝Mild-Carbon Steel Strip 低碳带钢; 低碳钢带Mild-Steel Domestic Boiler 软钢家用锅炉Mild-Steel Sheet 低碳钢薄板Mini Steel Plant 小型钢铁厂Mishima Magnet Steel 铝镍强磁钢Mold Steel 型模钢Molten Steel 钢水; 钢液Molybdenum High Speed Steel 钼高速钢Molybdenum Steel 钼钢Molybdenum-Chrome Steel 钼铬钢Molybdenum-Vanadium Steel 钼钒钢Monoblock Drill Steel 整体钎子Moulded Steel 模铸钢Mushet('S) Steel 马歇特钨钢Natural Steel 天然钢; 初生硬度钢Needle Steel 针状组织钢Needle(D) Steel 加硼硬化亚共析钢Neutral Steel 中性钢Nichrome Steel 镍铬耐热钢Low-Ductility Steel 低塑性钢Low-Expansion Steel 低膨胀钢Low-Temperature (Low Temperature) Steel 低温钢Lowalloy Structural Steel 低合金钢Machine Steel 机件钢; 机器钢Machinery Steel 机器钢Magnaflux Steel 航空用高强度钢Magnet Steel 磁钢Magnetic Steel 磁钢; 磁性钢Magnetic Steel Detector 钢筋磁性检测仪Magnetically Soft Steel 软磁钢Main Reinforcing Steel 主钢筋Major-Orthotropic Steel-Plate Bridge 主正交各向异性钢板桥Malleable Mild Steel 韧性低碳钢; 韧性软钢Malleable Steel 展性钢; 软钢; 韧性钢Man-Ten Steel 低合金高强度钢Manganese Silicon Spring Steel 锰硅弹簧钢Manganese Silicon Steel 锰硅钢Manganese Silicon Tool Steel 锰硅工具钢Manganese Spring Steel 锰弹簧钢Manganese Steel 锰钢; 哈德菲尔德锰钢Manganese Tool Steel 锰工具钢Manganese Vanadium Steel 锰钒钢Manganese Vanadium Tool Steel 锰矾工具钢; 锰钒工具钢Manufacture Of Iron And Steel By Melting 钢铁熔炼Maraging Steel 马氏体时效钢Marconi Steel Tape Recorder 马可尼磁带录音机Martensite Steel 马登斯体钢; 马氏体钢Martensitic Stain Less Steel 马氏体不锈钢Martensitic Steel 马氏体钢Martensitic Steel 马氏永磁体Martin Steel 平炉钢; 马丁钢Martinel Steel 马蒂内尔结构钢; 硅锰钢; 硅锰结构钢Mattress Netting Steel Wire 钢丝床用钢丝Measuring Case Depth For Steel 钢表层硬化深度测定法; 钢的表层硬化深度测定法Mechanically Capped Steel 机械封顶钢Medium Alloy Steel 中合金钢Medium Carbon Steel 中碳钢Medium Hard Steel 中等硬度钢; 中硬钢; 在硬钢Light Gauge Steel 轻量型钢Light Weight Steel Shape 轻型钢材Light-Gauge Steel Section 薄壁型钢Light-Weight Angle Steel 轻型角钢Lightgage Steel Joist 轻钢龙骨Lightweight Steel Construction 轻钢结构Lightweight Steel Shape 冷弯型钢Lip Hat Section Steel 带缘帽型钢Lip Z Steel 带缘Z型钢Liquid Steel 钢水Liquid-Compressed Steel 液态挤压钢; 加压凝固钢Little Bessemer Steel 小型酸性转炉钢Lock Bar Steel Pipe 箍锚钢管Locking Steel Wire 锁紧钢丝Long Steel Tape 钢卷尺Long Steel Wire Saw 长钢丝锯Long-Span Steel Framing 大跨钢构架Low Alloy Steel 低合金钢Low Alloy Steel High Side Wagon 低合金钢敞车Low Alloy Steel Plate 低合金钢板Low Alloy Tool Steel 低合金工具钢Low Alloyed Steel 低合金钢Low Carbon Steel 低碳钢Low Carbon Steel Electrode 低碳钢焊条Low Carbon Steel Pipe 低碳钢管Low Carbon Steel Welding Electrode 低碳钢电焊条Low Hysteresis Steel 低磁滞钢; 低磁滞硅钢Low Machinability Steel 难切削钢Low Manganess Steel 低锰钢Low Pressure Stainless Steel Hose 低压不锈钢软管Low Steel 低碳钢Low Steel Proportion 低含钢率Low Temperature Steel Electrode 低温钢焊条Low Tungsten High Speed Steel 低钨高速钢Low-Alloy High-Strength Steel 低合金高强度钢Low-Alloy High-Tensile Structural Steel 低合金高强度结构钢Low-Alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrode 低合金钢焊条Low-Alloy Threading Steel 低合金螺纹钢Low-Alloy Tool Steel 低合金工具钢Low-Angle Smooth Bottom Steel Bench Plane 低角平底钢刨Low-Carbon Cast Steel 低碳铸钢Low-Carbon Steel 低碳钢Low-Chrome Steel 低铬钢Hot-Rolled Mild Steel 热轧软钢Hot-Rolled Sheet Steel 热轧钢板Hot-Rolled Sillcon Steel Sheet 热轧硅钢板Hot-Rolled Steel 热轧钢Hot-Rolled Steel Bar 热轧钢筋Hot-Rolled Steel Channel 热轧槽钢Hot-Rolled Steel Joist 热轧钢龙骨Hot-Rolled Steel Section 热轧型钢Hot-Working Die Steel 热锻模钢Hubbing Steel 冲模钢Hull Steel 船用钢; 造船钢Hy-Tuf Steel 海图夫低合金高强度钢Hydra Steel 海德拉热模具钢Hydraulic Steel Holder 液压持纤器Hydraulic Steel Support 液压钢支架Hynack Steel Plate 海纳克护膜耐蚀钢板Hypereutectoid Steel 过共析钢; 超共析钢Hypoeutectoid Steel 亚共析钢Hysteresis Steel 磁滞钢I-Section Steel Pile 工字型钢桩I-Steel 工字形钢; 窄边工字钢I-Steel Pile 工字型钢桩Inclusion In Steel 钢内夹杂Indented Steel Wire 齿纹钢丝Industrial Steel Window 工业厂房钢窗Ingot Steel 钢锭; 锭钢Inland Steel (美国) 内陆钢铁公司Instrument For Measuring Oxygen In Molten Steel 钢液定氧仪Integral (Drill) Steel 整体钢钎Integral Steel 整体钢钎Integrated Iron And Steel Works 综合性钢铁厂Intermediate Grade Steel 中级钢Internal Fixation With Steel Plate 钢板内固定术Invar Steel 殷钢Iron And Steel Base 钢铁基地Iron And Steel Casting 钢铁铸件Iron And Steel Company 钢铁公司Iron And Steel Industry 钢铁工业Iron And Steel Manufacture 钢铁制造Iron And Steel Material Shaped 钢铁型材Iron And Steel Plant 钢铁厂Iron And Steel Scrap 废钢铁Iron And Steel Sheet And Plate 钢铁板材Iron And Steel Sheet Piling 铁及钢板桩法凿井Iron And Steel Wire 钢铁丝材Iron And Steel Works 钢铁厂Iron-And-Steel Furnace 黑色金属冶金炉Irreversible Steel 不可逆钢Joist Steel 梁钢Joy Extensible Steel Band 乔伊可伸缩式钢带运输机Jumper Steel 钻杆钢; 长凿钢Jute-Covered Steel Pipe 包黄麻钢管Killed Carbon Steel (KCS) 镇静碳钢Killed Steel 镇静钢Killed Steel (去氧钢) 脱氧钢Krupp Austenite Steel 奥氏体铬镍合金钢Krupp Triple Steel 克鲁普铬钼钒高速钢L.P.N. Steel 低氮碱性底吹转炉钢Lacquer-Coated Steel Sheet 涂漆薄钢板Lead Bearing Steel 含铅钢Lead Treated Steel 含铅易切削钢Lead-Coated Steel Plate 镀铅钢板Lead-Sheathed Steel-Taped 铅包钢带Leaded Low-Phosphorus Steel 含铅低磷钢Lean Alloy Steel 低合金钢Ledloy Free Cutting Steel 加铅易切削钢Light Channed Steel 轻型槽钢High-Speed Steel Lathe Tool 白钢车刀High-Speed Steel Tool 高速钢刀具High-Speed Tool Steel 高速工具钢; 高工钢High-Strength Bevel Steel Washer 高强度斜垫圈High-Strength Cast Steel 高速铸铁High-Strength Low Alloy Steel 高强低合金钢High-Strength Low-Allow Steel 高强度耐低温钢High-Strength Plain Steel Washer 高强度平垫圈High-Strength Quality Steel Wire 高强优质钢丝High-Strength Steel 高强度钢High-Strength Steel Electrode 高强度钢焊条High-Strength Steel Washer 高强度垫圈High-Sulfur Steel 高硫钢High-Temper Steel 高温回火钢High-Temperature Steel 耐高温钢High-Tensile Steel 高强度钢; 高强钢High-Tensile Steel Bar 高强度钢筋High-Tensile Steel Bars 高强度粗钢筋High-Tensile Steel Reinforcement Bar Fixture 高强钢筋夹具High-Tensile Steel Wires 高强度钢丝High-Tensile Structural Steel 高强度结构钢High-Vanadium Steel 高矾钢; 高钒钢High-Yield Strength Steel 高屈服点钢; 高屈服强度钢Highyield Low-Alloy Steel 高强度低合金钢Hoe Steel 中耕机锄铲Hole Steel Propeller 钢制空心螺旋桨Hollow Drill Steel 中空钻探钢Hollow Square Steel 空心方钢Hollow Steel 空心钢; 中空钢Hollow Steel Propeller 中空钢制螺旋桨Hollow Steel Rim 空心轮辋Hollow Steel Roller 空心钢辊Hollow Steel Section 薄壁型钢Hollow Steel Spoke Wheel 空心钢辐轮Hollow-Drill Steel 空心钻杆Homogeneous Steel 均质钢; 均质钢Homogeneous Steel Plate 均质钢板; 均质钢板Honda Steel 本多磁钢Hoop Steel 箍钢带Hot Die Steel 热锻模钢; 热作模具钢Hot Work Tool Steel 热镀模具钢; 热锻模具钢Hot-Die Steel 热变形模具钢; 高温模具钢Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Wire 热镀锌钢丝Hot-Dipped Galvanized Sheet Steel 热浴镀锌薄板钢材High Strength Alloy Steel Shackle 高强度合金钢锁扣High Strength Bevel Steel Washer 高强度钢斜垫圈High Strength Construction Steel 高强结构钢High Strength Hull Steel 高强度船体结构钢High Strength Low Alloy Steel 高强度低合金钢; 低合金高强度钢High Strength Plain Steel Washer 高强度平钢垫圈High Strength Steel 高强度钢材High Strength Steel Bar 高强钢筋High Strength Steel Plate 高强钢板High Strength Steel Washer 高强度钢垫圈High Strength Structural Steel 高强度结构钢High Tensile Deformed Steel Bar 高拉力异形钢筋High Tensile Reinforing Steel 高强钢筋High Tensile Steel 高强度钢; 高级钢High Tensile Steel Plate 高强钢板High Tensile Steel Tube 高强度钢管High Tensile Steel Wire 高强钢丝High Tensile Thin Steel Plate 高强薄钢板High Yield Stress Steel 高屈服强度钢High-Alloy Steel 高合金钢High-Alloy Steel Vessel 高合金钢容器High-Carbon Alloy Steel 高碳合金钢High-Carbon Chromium Steel 高碳铬钢High-Carbon High-Tensile Steel 高碳高张力钢High-Carbon High-Tensile Steel Wire 高碳高张力钢线High-Carbon Steel 高碳钢High-Carbon Steel Heat Treated 热处理过的高碳钢High-Chromium Stainless Steel 高铬不锈钢High-Creep Strength Steel 高蠕变强度钢High-Ductility Steel 高韧性钢; 高塑性钢High-Duty Steel 高强度钢High-Elastic Limit Steel 高弹性极限钢; 高弹性限度钢High-Frequency Electric Welded Steel Pipe 高频电焊钢管High-Frequency Transformer Silicon Steel Sheet 高频变压器硅钢片High-Grade Alloy Steel 高级合金钢High-Grade Alloy Structure Steel 高级合金结构; 高级合金结构钢High-Grade Carbon Steel 高级碳素钢High-Grade Steel 高级钢High-Quality Nickel Steel Tube 高级镍钢管High-Quality Steel 高质量钢; 优质钢High-Speed Steel 高速钢; 高速工具钢High-Speed Steel Bit 高速钢车刀High-Speed Steel Drill 高速钢钻头High-Speed Steel End Mill 高速钢端铣刀High-Speed Steel Geared Tap 高速钢磨牙丝锥High-Speed Steel Ingot 高速钢锭。
钢材相关术语文章来源:钢铁E站通/dict/detail.php?id=3061 碳钢碳钢也叫碳素钢,是含碳量wc小于2%的铁碳合金。
按含碳量可以把碳钢分为低碳钢(wc≤0.25%),中碳钢(wc 0.25%一0.6%)和高碳钢(wc >O.6%)按磷、硫含量可以把碳素钢分为普通碳素钢(含磷、硫较高)、优质碳素钢(含磷、硫较低)和高级优质钢(含磷、硫更低)。
2 碳素结构钢这类钢主要保证力学性能,故其牌号体现其力学性能,用Q+数字表示,其中“Q”为屈服点“屈”字的汉语拼音字首,数字表示屈服点数值,例如Q275表示屈服点为275MPa。
3 优质结构钢这类钢必须同时保证化学成分和力学性能。
例如45钢表示钢中平均碳的质量分数为0.45%;08钢表示钢中平均碳的质量分数为0.08% 角钢优质碳素结构钢主要用于制造机器零件。
1. 钢铁(Steel)钢铁是一种由碳和铁组成的合金,碳的含量通常在0.2%至2.1%之间。
2. 炼铁(Iron smelting)炼铁是将天然铁矿石加热到高温,从中提取出金属铁的过程。
3. 炼钢(Steelmaking)炼钢是将生铁通过冶金工艺进一步精炼,去除其余的杂质,控制碳含量,并添加一些其他元素来调节钢铁的性能。
4. 冶金矿物(Metallurgical minerals)冶金矿物是指含有金属元素的矿石和矿物。
5. 铝冶金(Aluminium metallurgy)铝冶金是一种将铝从铝矿石中提取出来的过程。
6. 地下采矿(Underground mining)地下采矿是指在地下开采金属矿石的一种方法。
下表列出了比较常见的术语:时效- 低碳钢经过一段时间的储存后产生的物理和力学性能的变化。
退火- 对轧后的冷轧基板进行高温加热和冷却,以降低硬度,使其变软或变得更易成形的加工工艺。
镰刀弯- 带钢一侧的边缘与直线的偏离,测量取一直边的凹面。
碳钢- 主要指力学性能取决于钢中的碳含量,而一般不添加大量的合金元素的钢,有时也称为普碳钢或碳素钢。
化学处理- 对镀层产品表面涂覆铬酸盐或磷酸盐等防水性防腐蚀化学物质的加工工艺。
拉伸应变痕- 冲压成形后,板材上出现的与轧制方向成45°角的一系列平行线状的褶皱或不规则的折线、橘子皮等表面缺陷,一般会扩展到钢板或带钢的全宽。
冷轧产品- 在室温下轧制并达到所要求的最终厚度等尺寸要求的扁平轧制产品商用级钢材(CS) - 该种质量的板材可用于简单弯曲或轻度成型。
剪切长度- 规定的等长或不等长的长度。
深冲- 在冲床上使用冲模,把金属坯料加工成类似杯形的一种加工工艺。
冲压用钢(DS) -与商品钢材相比,这种质量级别的钢有较高的延展性和性能均匀性。
深冲用钢(DDS) - 当冲压用钢的延展性不能满足制造零件时的苛刻要求时,或要求钢板不得出现时效现象时,应使用深冲用钢。
常用钢产品术语1 碳钢碳钢也叫碳素钢,是含碳量ωc小于2%的铁碳合金。
碳素结构钢又可分为建筑结构钢和机器制造结构钢两种按含碳量可以把碳钢分为低碳钢(ωc≤0.25%),中碳钢(ωc0.25%-.6%)和高碳钢(ωc>0.6%)按磷、硫合量可以把碳素钢分为普通碳素钢(含磷、硫较高)、优质碳素钢(含磷、硫较低)和高级优质钢(含磷、硫更低)一般碳钢中含碳量越高则硬度越高,强度也就高,但塑性降低2 碳素结构钢这类钢主要保证力学性能。
塑性、韧性较好,可进行焊接,通常轧制成型钢、条钢和钢板作结构件以及制造简单机械的连杆、齿轮、联轴节、销等零件3 优质结构钢这类钢必须同时保证化学成分和力学性能。
钢铁知识大全三部分汇编目录钢铁知识大全一 (4)一、原材料 (4)二、铁矿石种类及分布 (4)三、钢材的生产工艺 (6)四、钢的分类及标准 (11)五、钢材常用术语 (20)六、辨别假冒伪劣钢材 (22)七、钢材理论重量计算 (23)八、钢板和钢带 (24)九、板材知识 (26)十、钢管知识 (30)钢铁知识大全二 (33)第一节钢的分类 (35)一、黑色金属和有色金属 (35)二、钢的分类 (36)第二节我国钢号表示方法 (39)一、我国钢号表示方法概述 (39)二、我国钢号表示方法的分类说明 (39)钢材知识大全三 (49)第一章钢的分类 (49)一、黑色金属、钢和有色金属 (49)二、钢的分类 (49)第二章我国钢号的表示方法 (50)一、我国钢号表示方法概述 (50)二、我国钢号表示方法的分类说明 (51)第三章钢材的分类 (53)第四章钢材的尺寸和重量 (54)一、钢材长度尺寸 (54)二、钢材长度尺寸举例 (55)三、钢材重量 (56)四、钢材理论重量计算 (57)第五章型材的相关知识 (57)一、型材的分类 (58)二、型钢中大、中、小型的划分 (58)三、线材 (58)四、热轧带肋钢筋 (58)五、热轧H型钢 (59)六、冷弯型钢 (59)七、优质型材 (60)第六章板材的相关知识 (60)一、钢板(包括带钢)的分类: (60)二、普通及机械结构用钢板中常见的日本牌号 (61)三、我国及日本硅钢片牌号表示方法 (61)四、电镀锡板和热镀锌板: (62)五、沸腾钢板与镇静钢板 (62)六、优质碳素结构钢板 (63)七、专用结构钢板 (63)八、彩色涂层钢板 (63)九、船体用结构钢 (63)第七章管材的相关知识 (65)一、管材的分类 (65)二、无缝钢管 (65)三、焊接钢管 (67)四、钢塑复合管、大口径涂敷钢管 (68)第八章不锈钢的相关知识 (68)一、不锈钢热轧钢板 (68)二、不锈钢冷轧钢板 (69)三、不锈钢在各领域的应用 (69)第九章相关名词解释 (70)一、共析钢、亚共析钢、过共析钢 (70)二、有关钢材机械性能的名词 (71)三、有关钢的热处理的名词 (72)钢铁知识大全一一、原材料钢的源头是铁矿砂,即铁元素(Fe)在自然界中的存在形式,纯粹的铁在自然界中是不存在的,铁矿砂主要分为磁铁矿、赤铁矿、褐铁矿三种,这些都是铁的氧化物,不同之处在于它们的氧化方式。
设Ps为屈服点s处的外力,Fo 为试样断面积,则屈服点σs =Ps/Fo(MPa),MPa称为兆帕等于N(牛顿)/mm2,(MPa=106Pa,Pa:帕斯卡=N/m2)2.屈服强度(σ0.2)有的金属材料的屈服点极不明显,在测量上有困难,因此为了衡量材料的屈服特性,规定产生永久残余塑性变形等于一定值(一般为原长度的0.2%)时的应力,称为条件屈服强度或简称屈服强度σ0.2。
钢铁产品标准常用术语和定义一. 钢产品分类术语1. 冷,热轧薄板:指厚度小于4mm的冷,热轧钢板;冷,热轧中板:指厚度4-25mm的冷,热轧钢板。
冷,热轧厚板:指厚度26-60mm的冷,热轧钢板2. 冷,热轧钢带:指冷,热轧扁平成品经最后轧制后,或再经酸洗、退火,随即卷成卷状的产品。
3. 镀锡钢板和钢带指将厚度一般不大于0.5mm的碳钢冷轧薄板和钢带,用热浸浸泡在熔融的锡槽中,或电镀方法镀上锡。
4 热镀锌薄板和钢带指将热轧薄板和钢带,或冷轧薄板和钢带,用热浸浸泡在熔融的锌槽中,并进行表面处理镀上两面等厚锌量100~700g/m2锌或锌合金。
5. 电镀锌薄板和钢带指利用电镀方法在薄板和钢带上电镀上单面7~100g/m2之间锌,并进行多种表面处理。
6. 不锈钢指碳素合金钢的一种,多为Cr钢、Cr Ni或Cr Ni Mo合金钢。
二. 产品标准通用术语1. 尺寸公差:指钢板或钢带尺寸的规定值。
2. 镰刀弯:指用1米长钢板直尺测量的数值,一般指凹入深度表示mm/m。
3. 波浪度(或叫波浪弯):指用1米长钢板直尺及高度尺测量出的数值,有时规定波高和浪距。
4. 瓢曲度:指钢板四周或单方向弯曲,用直尺测量所得数值,或置于平板上测量。
5. 边缘状态:指钢板或钢带切边或不切边,多指原卷状态。
6. 表面状态:指钢板或钢带表面的处理,如:光亮B、不光亮D、抛光、磨光酸洗等。
7. 厚薄不均:指厚度不等的现象。
8. 弯曲:指在长度或宽度方向不平直呈曲线状,表示方法为弯曲度。
9. 轧制方向纵向和横向:指钢板在最初轧制时的金属纹向。
三. 化学及试验术语1. 化学元素含量:指产品含有各种化学元素的量,通常用“﹪”表示。
设Ps为屈服点s处的外力,Fo为试样断面积,那么屈服点σs =Ps/Fo(MPa),MPa称为兆帕等于N〔牛顿〕/mm2,〔MPa=106Pa,Pa:帕斯卡=N/m2〕2.屈服强度〔σ0.2〕有的金属资料的屈服点极不清楚,在测量上有困难,因此为了权衡资料的屈服特性,规则发生永世剩余塑性变形等于一定值〔普通为原长度的0.2%〕时的应力,称为条件屈服强度或简称屈服强度σ0.2 。
设Pb为资料被拉断前到达的最大拉力,Fo为试样截面面积,那么抗拉强度σb= Pb/Fo 〔MPa〕。
⑴布氏硬度〔HB〕以一定的载荷〔普通3000kg〕把一定大小〔直径普通为10mm〕的淬硬钢球压入资料外表,坚持一段时间,去载后,负荷与其压痕面积之比值,即为布氏硬度值〔HB〕,单位为公斤力/mm2 (N/mm2)。
规格 公称尺寸 实际尺寸
规格是指同一品种、同一型号钢材的不同尺寸。规格通常用截面主要 轮廓尺寸来表示 公称尺寸是由设计和标准规定给出的标准尺寸,是生产过程中希望得 到的理想尺寸,也叫名义尺寸 实际尺寸是生产中实际得到的尺寸 钢材的实际尺寸往往大于或小于公称尺寸,实际尺寸与公称尺寸的差 值,称为尺寸偏差。由于钢材的实际尺寸难以达到公称尺寸,所以,标准 中规定了允许实际尺寸变化的范围,也即实际尺寸与公称尺寸之间允许出 现的差值,称为允许偏差。 标准中规定的允许正负偏差绝对值之和叫公差,偏差有方向性,可以 是正值、负值或零,公差没有方向性。因此, “正公差”或“负公差”的叫 法是不对的。同时, “偏差范围”一词,容易与公差含义相混,也应避免使 用 有的钢材,标准中规定了好几种尺寸允许偏差,并按尺寸允许偏差的大 小分为若干等级或组别,称为精度等级或称偏差等级。订购金属材料时, 应写明所需的尺寸偏差或精度等级 在表面质量清理和检验时,缺陷清理深度有两种计算方法,一种是从 公称尺寸算起,另一种是从实际尺寸算起。对于条钢来说,一般供冷加工 的钢材则是从公称尺寸算起,而供压力加工的钢材则是从实际尺寸算起。 先以直径为 10mm±0.5,而实际尺寸为 9.5mm 的圆钢举例如下:从公称尺 寸算起,则圆钢不允许存在缺陷或再行清理;从实际尺寸算起,则圆钢还 可以进行局部清理,清理处的最小直径为 9.0mm 仍认为合格。但是各个标 准中对缺陷清理深度的限制是不同的,有的标准除规定由何处算起外,有 时还规定保证最小尺寸。因此,应注意各标准的规定,不能认为凡从实际 尺寸算起都不保证最小尺寸 凡小于标准长度中通常长度下限,但不小于规定的最小允许长度的长 度,称为短尺长度,简称短尺。如上例提到的普通钢热轧圆钢,最小允许 长度为 2.5,凡长度为 2.5~4m 的就都属于短尺。标准规定,按通常长度交 货的钢材,允许交付一定量的短尺 按订货要求,切成某一指定尺寸的长度,称为定尺长度(钢板的定尺 长度包括长度和宽度的尺寸) 尺寸超差是指钢材实际外形尺寸超出了标准规定的允许偏差范围, 包括
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