ACCA P1考试:Nominations Committee
ACCA P1考试:Nominations Committee本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处1. BackgroundAs for remuneration,concern was raised during the 1990s over the appointment of directors in listed firms. Many institutional shareholders began to question if “the old boys networ k” was effectively operating a cartel on directorships,particularly for NEDs and therefore failing to take advantage of the available “gene-pool”。
Many considered this to be to the detriment of maximising shareholder wealth.In addressing this issue the Higgs Report (2003)recommended that nominations committees be established in all listed companies.2. Requirements of The CodeThere should be a formal,rigorous and transparent procedure for the appointment of new directors to the board.Appointments to the board should be on merit,against objective criteria and with due regard for the benefits of diversity,including gender.Plans should be in place for orderly succession for appointments to the board and to senior management,so as to maintain an appropriate balance of skills and experience in the company and on the board.There should be a nominations committee which should lead the process for board appointments and make recommendations to the board.A majority of members of the nominations committee should be independent NEDs.The chairman or an independent NED should chair the committee,but the chairman should not chair the nominations committee when it is dealing with the appointment of a successor to the chairmanship.The nominations committee should make available its terms of reference,explaining its role and the authority delegated to it by the board.Perceived AdvantagesIndependent selection procedure.Allows senior executives to concentrate on running the business.Selection process not “captured” by an individual director (e.g. CEO).Forward thinking on succession matters.3. Principal DutiesIn summary,the principal duties of the nominations committee include:evaluating the existing balance of skills,knowledge and expertise on the board;considering the ratio and number of executive and NEDs;guaranteeing transparent procedures;ensuring the board and individual board members are evaluated on a regular basis;searching for appropriate candidates in a wide range of areas to ensure that it chooses the most suitable candidates for the business;developing appropriate selection criteria;ensuring that the new board members receive proper orientation and other necessary training;and preparing for succession planning.更多ACCA资讯请关注高顿ACCA官网:。
Reference number ISO 8536-4:2010(E)© ISO 2010INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 8536-4Fifth edition 2010-10-01Infusion equipment for medical use — Part 4:Infusion sets for single use, gravity feedMatériel de perfusion à usage médical —Partie 4: Appareils de perfusion non réutilisables, à alimentation par gravitéISO 8536-4:2010(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2010All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerlandii © ISO 2010 – All rights reservedISO 8536-4:2010(E)Contents PageForeword (iv)1Scope (1)2Normative references (1)3General requirements (1)4Designation (4)4.1Infusion set (4)4.2Air-inlet device (4)5Materials (4)6Physical requirements (5)6.1Particulate contamination (5)6.2Leakage (5)6.3Tensile strength (5)6.4Closure-piercing device (5)6.5Air-inlet device (5)6.6Tubing (6)6.7Fluid filter (6)6.8Drip chamber and drip tube (6)6.9Flow regulator (6)6.10Flow rate of infusion fluid (6)6.11Injection site (6)6.12Male conical fitting (6)6.13Protective caps (6)7Chemical requirements (7)7.1Reducing (oxidizable) matter (7)7.2Metal ions (7)7.3Titration acidity or alkalinity (7)7.4Residue on evaporation (7)7.5UV absorption of extract solution (7)8Biological requirements (7)8.1General (7)8.2Sterility (7)8.3Pyrogenicity (7)8.4Haemolysis (7)8.5Toxicity (8)9Labelling (8)9.1Unit container (8)9.2Shelf or multi-unit container (8)10Packaging (9)Annex A (normative) Physical tests (10)Annex B (normative) Chemical tests (14)Annex C (normative) Biological tests (16)Bibliography (17)© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved iiiISO 8536-4:2010(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO 8536-4 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 76, Transfusion, infusion and injection equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use.This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition (ISO 8536-4:2007), of which it constitutes a minor revision. In detail, 7.1 was more clarified in alignment with B.2, and A.2.2 was changed in order to go back with the leakage test pressure to 20 kPa and to restrict the leakage test for (40 ± 1) °C.ISO 8536 consists of the following parts, under the general title Infusion equipment for medical use:⎯Part 1: Infusion glass bottles⎯Part 2: Closures for infusion bottles⎯Part 3: Aluminium caps for infusion bottles⎯Part 4: Infusion sets for single use, gravity feed⎯Part 5: Burette infusion sets for single use, gravity feed⎯Part 6: Freeze drying closures for infusion bottles⎯Part 7: Caps made of aluminium-plastics combinations for infusion bottles⎯Part 8: Infusion equipment for use with pressure infusion apparatus⎯Part 9: Fluid lines for use with pressure infusion equipment⎯Part 10: Accessories for fluid lines for use with pressure infusion equipment⎯Part 11: Infusion filters for use with pressure infusion equipment⎯Part 12: Check valvesiv © ISO 2010 – All rights reservedINTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 8536-4:2010(E)Infusion equipment for medical use —Part 4:Infusion sets for single use, gravity feed1 ScopeThis part of ISO 8536 specifies requirements for single use, gravity feed infusion sets for medical use in order to ensure their compatibility with containers for infusion solutions and intravenous equipment.Secondary aims of this part of ISO 8536 are to provide guidance on specifications relating to the quality and performance of materials used in infusion sets and to present designations for infusion set components.In some countries, the national pharmacopoeia or other national regulations are legally binding and take precedence over this part of ISO 8536.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 594-1, Conical fittings with a 6 % (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment — Part 1: General requirementsISO 594-2, Conical fittings with 6 % (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment — Part 2: Lock fittingsISO 3696, Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methodsISO 7864, Sterile hypodermic needles for single useISO 14644-1, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments — Part 1: Classification of air cleanliness1) ISO 15223-1, Medical devices — Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied — Part 1: General requirements2)3 General requirements3.1 The nomenclature to be used for components of infusion sets and of a separate air-inlet device is given in Figures 1, 2 and 3. These figures illustrate examples of the configuration of infusion sets and air-inlet devices; other configurations may be used provided they lead to the same results. Infusion sets as illustrated in Figure 2 should only be used for collapsible plastic containers. Infusion sets as illustrated in Figure 2 used1) Under preparation. (Revision of ISO 14644-1:1999)2) To be published. (Revision of ISO 15223-1:2007)© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved1ISO 8536-4:2010(E)with separate air-inlet devices as illustrated in Figure 3, or infusion sets as illustrated in Figure 1, shall be used for rigid containers.3.2 The infusion set shall be provided with protective caps to maintain sterility of the internal parts of the set until the set is used. The air-inlet device shall be provided with a protective cap over the closure-piercing device or needle.Key1 protective cap of closure-piercing device 7 fluid filter2 closure-piercing device 8 tubing3 air inlet with air filter and closure 9 flow regulator4 fluid channel 10 injection site5 drip tube 11 male conical fitting6 drip chamber 12 protective cap of male conical fittinga Closure of the air inlet is optional.b The fluid filter may be positioned at other sites, preferably near the patient access. Generally, the fluid filter used has anominal pore size of 15 µm.c The injection site is optional.Figure 1 — Example of a vented infusion set2 © ISO 2010 – All rights reservedISO 8536-4:2010(E)Key1 protective cap of closure-piercing device 7 tubing2 closure-piercing device 8 flow regulator3 fluid channel 9 injection site4 drip tube 10 male conical fitting5 drip chamber 11 protective cap of the male conical fitting6 fluid filtera The fluid filter may be positioned at other sites, preferably near the patient access. Generally, the fluid filter used has anominal pore size of 15 µm.b The injection site is optional.Figure 2 — Example of a non-vented infusion set© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved3ISO 8536-4:2010(E)Key1 protective cap 4 clamp2 closure-piercing device or needle 5 air-inlet with air filter3 tubinga Other designs are acceptable if the same safety aspects are ensured.Figure 3 — Example of an air-inlet device4 Designation4.1 Infusion setInfusion sets complying with the requirements specified in this part of ISO 8536 shall be designated by the descriptor words, followed by a reference to this part of ISO 8536, followed by the letters IS, followed by the letter G:Infusion set ISO 8536-4 - IS - G4.2 Air-inlet deviceAir-inlet devices complying with the requirements specified in this part of ISO 8536 shall be designated by the descriptor words, followed by a reference to this part of ISO 8536, followed by the letters IS, followed by the letters AD:Air-inlet device ISO 8536-4 - IS - AD5 MaterialsThe materials from which the infusion set and its components are manufactured (as described in Clause 3) shall comply with the requirements specified in Clause 6. Where components of the infusion set come into contact with solutions, the materials shall also comply with the requirements specified in Clauses 7 and 8.4 © ISO 2010 – All rights reservedISO 8536-4:2010(E)6 Physical requirements6.1 Particulate contaminationThe infusion sets shall be manufactured under conditions that minimize particulate contamination. All parts shall be smooth and clean at the fluid pathway surfaces. When tested as specified in A.1, the number of particles shall not exceed the contamination index limit.6.2 LeakageThe infusion set, when tested in accordance with A.2, shall show no signs of air leakage.6.3 Tensile strengthWhen tested as specified in A.3, the infusion set, excluding protective caps, shall withstand a static tensile force of not less than 15 N for 15 s.6.4 Closure-piercing deviceThe dimensions of the closure-piercing device shall conform to the dimensions shown in Figure 4.NOTE The dimension of 15 mm in Figure 4 is a reference measurement. The cross-section of the piercing device at this site is a circle.The closure-piercing device shall be capable of piercing and penetrating the closure of a fluid container without pre-piercing. No coring should occur during this procedure.Dimensions in millimetresFigure 4 — Dimensions of the closure-piercing device6.5 Air-inlet deviceThe air-inlet device shall conform to 3.2 and 8.2.The air-inlet device shall be provided with an air filter to prevent the ingress of microorganisms into the container into which the device is to be inserted.The air-inlet device shall be separate from, or integral with, the closure-piercing device.When the air-inlet device is inserted into a rigid infusion container, the air admitted into the container shall not become entrained in the liquid outflow.The air filter shall be fitted such that all air entering the rigid container passes through it, and such that the flow of fluid is not reduced by more than 20 % of that from a freely ventilated container when tested in accordance with A.4.© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved5ISO 8536-4:2010(E)6.6 TubingThe tubing, made of flexible material, shall be transparent or sufficiently translucent that the interface of air and water during the passage of air bubbles can be observed with normal or corrected vision.The tubing from the distal end to the drip chamber shall be not less than 1 500 mm in length, including the injection site, when provided, and the male conical fitting.6.7 Fluid filterThe infusion set shall be provided with a fluid filter.When tested in accordance with A.5, the retention of latex particles on the filter shall be not less than 80 %. 6.8 Drip chamber and drip tubeThe drip chamber shall permit continuous observation of the fall of drops. The liquid shall enter the drip chamber through a tube that projects into the chamber. There shall be a distance of not less than 40 mm between the end of the drip tube and the outlet of the chamber, or a distance of not less than 20 mm between the drip tube and the fluid filter. The wall of the drip chamber shall not be closer than 5 mm to the end of the drip tube. The drip tube shall be such that 20 drops of distilled water or 60 drops of distilled water at (23 ± 2) °C at a flow rate of (50 ± 10) drops/min deliver a volume of (1 ± 0,1) ml or a mass of (1 ± 0,1) g. The drip chamber should permit and facilitate the priming procedure.6.9 Flow regulatorThe flow regulator shall adjust the flow of the infusion solution between zero and the maximum. The flow regulator should be capable of continuous use throughout an infusion without the tubing being damaged. There should be no deleterious reaction between the flow regulator and the tubing when they are stored in such a way that there is contact.6.10 Flow rate of infusion fluidThe infusion set shall deliver not less than 1 000 ml of a sodium chloride solution [mass concentration ρ(NaCl) = 9 g/l] in 10 min under a static head of 1 m.6.11 Injection siteWhen provided, the self-sealing injection site shall reseal when tested in accordance with A.6, and there shall be no leakage of more than one falling drop of water. The injection site should be located near the male conical fitting.6.12 Male conical fittingThe distal end of the tubing shall terminate in a male conical fitting in accordance with ISO 594-1 or ISO 594-2. Luer lock fittings in accordance with ISO 594-2 should preferably be used.6.13 Protective capsThe protective caps at the end of the infusion set shall maintain the sterility of the closure-piercing device, the male conical fitting and the interior of the infusion set. Protective caps should be secure but easily removable.6 © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved7 Chemical requirements7.1 Reducing (oxidizable) matterWhen tested in accordance with B.2, the difference of volume of Na2S2O3 solution [c(Na2S2O3) = 0,005 mol/l] for the extract solution S1 and of volume of Na2S2O3 solution for blank solution S0 shall not exceed 2,0 ml. 7.2 Metal ionsThe extract shall not contain in total more than 1 µg/ml of barium, chromium, copper, lead and tin, and not more than 0,1 µg/ml of cadmium, when determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) or an equivalent method.When tested in accordance with B.3, the intensity of the colour produced in the test solution shall not exceed that of the standard matching solution with a mass concentration ρ(Pb2+) = 1 µg/ml.7.3 Titration acidity or alkalinityWhen tested in accordance with B.4, not more than 1 ml of either standard volumetric solution shall be required for the indicator to change to the colour grey.7.4 Residue on evaporationWhen tested in accordance with B.5, the total amount of dry residue shall not exceed 5 mg.7.5 UV absorption of extract solutionWhen tested in accordance with B.6, the extract solution S1 shall not show absorption greater than 0,1.8 Biological requirements8.1 GeneralThe infusion set shall be assessed for biological compatibility according to the guidelines given in C.2.8.2 SterilityThe infusion set or the air-inlet device, or both, in its unit container shall have been subjected to a validated sterilization process (see ISO 11135, ISO 11137 and ISO 17665).8.3 PyrogenicityThe infusion set and/or the air-inlet device shall be assessed for freedom from pyrogens by using a suitable test, and the results shall indicate that the infusion set is free from pyrogens. Guidance on testing for pyrogenicity is given in C.1.8.4 HaemolysisThe infusion set shall be assessed for freedom from haemolytic constituents and the result shall indicate that the infusion set is free from haemolytic reactions. Guidance on testing for haemolytic constituents is given in ISO 10993-4.© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved78.5 ToxicityMaterials shall be assessed for toxicity by carrying out suitable tests, and the results of the tests shall indicate freedom from toxicity. Guidance on testing for toxicity is given in ISO 10993-1.9 Labelling9.1 Unit containerThe unit container shall be labelled with at least the following information:a) a textual description of the contents, including the words “Gravity feed only”;b) indication that the infusion set is sterile, using the graphical symbol as given in ISO 15223-1;c) indication that the infusion set is free from pyrogens, or that the infusion set is free from bacterialendotoxins;d) indication that the infusion set is for single use only, or equivalent wording, or using the graphical symbolin accordance with ISO 15223-1;e) instructions for use, including warnings, e.g. about detached protective caps;NOTE Instructions for use can also take the form of an insert.f) the lot (batch) designation, prefixed by the word LOT, or using the graphical symbol in accordance withISO 15223-1;g) year and month of expiry, accompanied by appropriate wording or the graphical symbol in accordancewith ISO 15223-1;h) the manufacturer's or supplier's name and address, or both;i) a statement that 20 drops of distilled water or 60 drops of distilled water delivered by the drip tube areequivalent to a volume of (1 ± 0,1) ml or a mass of (1 ± 0,1) g;j) the nominal dimensions of the intravenous needle, if included.9.2 Shelf or multi-unit containerThe shelf or multi-unit container, when used, shall be labelled with at least the following information:a) a textual description of the contents, including the words “Gravity feed only”;b) the number of infusion sets;c) indication that the infusion sets are sterile, using the graphical symbol as given in ISO 15223-1;d) the lot (batch) designation, prefixed by the word LOT, or using the graphical symbol in accordance withISO 15223-1;e) year and month of expiry, accompanied by appropriate wording or the graphical symbol in accordancewith ISO 15223-1;f) the manufacturer's and/or supplier's name and address;g) the recommended storage conditions, if any.10 Packaging10.1 The infusion set and/or the air-inlet device shall be individually packed so that they remain sterile during storage. The unit container shall be sealed in a tamper-evident manner.10.2 The infusion sets and/or the air-inlet devices shall be packed and sterilized in such a way that there are no flattened portions or kinks when they are ready for use.© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved9Annex A(normative)Physical testsA.1 Test for particulate contaminationA.1.1 PrincipleThe particles are rinsed from the inner fluid pathway surfaces of the infusion set, collected on a membrane filter and microscopically counted.A.1.2 Reagents and materialsA.1.2.1 Distilled water,filtered through a membrane of pore size 0,2 µm.A.1.2.2 Non-powdered gloves.A.1.2.3 Vacuum filter, single membrane filter of pore size 0,45 µm.A.1.3 ProcedureThe filter unit, filter and all other equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned before the test using distilled water (A.1.2.1).Flush through 10 ready-to-use infusion appliances, under laminar flow conditions (clean-air work station class N5 in accordance with ISO 14644-1), with 500 ml of distilled water (A.1.2.1). The total volume is subsequently vacuum filtered (A.1.2.3). Place the particles on the membrane screen filter under a microscope at ×50 magnification using diagonally incident illumination, and measure and count in accordance with the size categories given in Table A.1.A.1.4 Determination of resultsA.1.4.1 GeneralAn appropriate number of single infusion sets (minimum of 10) are tested. The number of particles per10 infusion sets tested in each of the three size categories is the assay result.A.1.4.2 Particle countsThe values obtained from a blank control sample shall be recorded in a test report and taken into account when calculating the contamination index limit.The blank control sample is the number and size of particles obtained from 10 equivalent 500 ml water samples classified in accordance with the three size categories set out in Table A.1, using the same test equipment but not passed through the appliances under test.The number of particles in the blank, N b, shall not exceed the value of 9. Otherwise, the test apparatus shall be disassembled, re-cleaned, and the background test performed again. Values of the blank determination shall be noted in the test report.Table A.1 — Evaluation of contamination by particlesSize categoryParticle parameters1 2 3 Particle size in µm 25 to 50 51 to 100 over 100Number of particles in 10 infusion appliances n a1n a2n a3Number of particles in the blank control sample n b1n b2n b3Evaluation coefficient 0,1 0,2 5The contamination index limit is calculated as follows.For each of the three size categories, multiply the number of particles in 10 infusion appliances by the evaluation coefficients, and add the results in order to obtain the number of particles in the infusion appliances(test pieces), N a. Then, for each of the size categories, multiply the number of particles in the blank control sample by the evaluation coefficients and add the results to obtain the number of particles in the blank sample,N b.Subtract N b from N a to obtain the contamination index limit.Number of particles in the infusion appliances (test pieces):N a=n a1× 0,1 +n a2× 0,2 +n a3× 5Number of particles in the blank sample:N b=n b1× 0,1 +n b2× 0,2 +n b3× 5Contamination index limit:N=N a−N b u 90A.2 Test for leakageA.2.1 At the beginning of the test, condition the whole system at the test temperature.A.2.2 Immerse the infusion set, with one end blocked, in water at (40 ±1) °C and apply an internal air pressure of 20 kPa for 15 s. Examine the infusion set for air leakage.A.2.3 Fill the infusion set with degassed, distilled water, connect it with its openings sealed to a vacuumdevice and subject it to an internal excess pressure of −20 kPa at (40 ± 1) °C for 15 s. Atmospheric pressureshall be the reference pressure. Excess pressure, in accordance with ISO 80000-4, can assume positive or negative values. Ascertain whether air enters the infusion set.A.3 Test for tensile strengthExpose the infusion set to be tested to a static tensile force of 15 N applied along the longitudinal axis for 15 s. Inspect whether the infusion set withstands the test force applied.© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved11A.4 Determination of flow rate when using an air-inlet deviceA.4.1 Fill an infusion container with distilled water at (23 ± 2) °C and insert its closure. Insert the air-inlet device through the closure into the container and then insert the infusion set with the flow regulator set, such that no liquid flows. Arrange the container to give the equivalent of a pressure of 1 m head of water throughout the test. Open the flow regulator of the infusion set to maximum and measure the rate of flow of water from the set. Repeat the procedure with the filter removed from the air-inlet device.A.4.2 For air-inlet devices integral with the closure-piercing device of the infusion set, follow the procedure given in A.4.1 but omit the insertion of the separate air-inlet device.A.5 Test for efficiency of the fluid filterA.5.1 Preparation of the test fluidAs a test liquid, use an aqueous suspension of latex particles with a diameter of (20 ± 1) µm and a concentration of approximately 1 000 particles per 100 ml.A.5.2 ProcedureAssemble the fluid filter and position it so that it is equivalent to that of actual use in a suitable test apparatus in accordance with Figure A.1. Cut the tubing of the infusion set approximately 100 mm below the fluid filter. Flush the fluid filter with 5 ml of the test fluid from the storage bottle and discard the filtrate. Pass 100 ml of the test fluid through the fluid filter and collect the effluent under vacuum after passing it through a black gridded membrane filter with a pore size of 5 µm to 8 µm and 47 mm diameter. Mount the membrane with any retained latex particles on a suitable microscope slide or holder and count the latex particles in a minimum of 50 % of the grid squares under a magnification of ×50 to ×100. Disregard any particles which are obviously non-latex.Carry out the test in duplicate.Repeat the test if the required limit value of 80 % retention rate is not met.All procedures involved in this test should be conducted in a clean environment, if possible under laminar flow.A.5.3 Expression of results The retention rate of the filter, expressed as a percentage, is given by101100n n ⎛⎞−×⎜⎟⎝⎠ (A.1)wheren 1 is the number of particles retained on the filter;n 0 is the number of particles in the test fluid used.Dimensions in millimetresKey1 storage bottle 5 piercing device2 transfer tube 6 fluid filter3 flow regulator 7 membrane filter4 connecting pieceFigure A.1 — Apparatus for testing the efficiency of the fluid filterA.6 Test of the injection sitePlace the injection site in a horizontal, stress-free position. Fill the infusion set with water in such a manner that no air bubbles are trapped and apply a pressure of 50 kPa above the atmospheric air pressure. Perforate the injection site at the foreseen area using a hypodermic needle with an outside diameter of 0,8 mm and which conforms to ISO 7864. Keep the needle in position for 15 s. Remove the needle and immediately dry the perforated site. Over a period of 1 min, observe whether there is any leakage from the injection site. In the case of an alternative injection site design, the test should be performed by injection into the site in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer.© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved13。
Nomination Committee - Terms of Reference
ESPRIT HOLDINGS LIMITEDNOMINATION COMMITTEETERMS OF REFERENCE1.CONSTITUTIONThe Board has resolved to establish a Committee of the Board to be known as the Nomination Committee (“Nomination Committee”).2.DUTIESThe Nomination Committee is responsible for the following (as may from time to time be varied or supplemented by the Board):(a)To review the structure, size and composition (including the skills, knowledge andexperience) of the Board on a regular basis and make recommendations to the Board regarding any proposed changes.(b)To identify individuals suitably qualified to become Board member(s) and selector make recommendations to the Board on the selection of individuals nominated for directorships.(c)To assess the independence of the Independent Non-executive Directors.(d)To make recommendations to the Board on relevant matters relating to theappointment or re-appointment of Directors and succession planning for Directors in particular the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer, and the Nomination Committee shall take into account the challenges and opportunities facing the Company and therefore, what skills and expertise are needed on the Board in the future.(e)To keep under review the leadership needs of the organization, both ExecutiveDirectors and Non-Executive Directors, with a view to ensuring the continued ability of the organization to compete effectively in the market place, and in this connection, to keep up-to-date and fully informed about strategic issues and commercial changes affecting the Company and the market in which it operates.(f)To make recommendations to the Board concerning membership of the AuditCommittee and the Remuneration Committee, in consultation with the respective Chairmen of those Committees.3.MEMBERSHIP(a)The Nomination Committee shall be appointed by the Board from amongst theExecutive Directors and/or the Non-Executive Directors of the Company.(b)The Nomination Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members, atleast one of which shall be an Independent Non-Executive Director.(c)Appointments to the Nomination Committee shall be co-terminus with thedirectorship of the relevant members (whether by retirement, rotation or otherwise).(d)The Board shall appoint the Nomination Committee Chairman. In the absence ofthe Chairman and/or his appointed deputy, the remaining members present shall elect one of themselves to chair the meeting.4.SUPPORT FROM THE COMPANYThe Nomination Committee is authorised by the Board to utilize all such resources as are required for it to discharge its duties and to have access to professional advice if considered necessary.5.MEETING(a)Notice(i)Meetings of the Nomination Committee shall be summoned by the chairmanor the Company Secretary or a person designated by the Company Secretaryat the request of any of its members.(ii)Unless otherwise agreed, notice of each meeting confirming the venue, time and date, together with an agenda of items to be discussed, shall beforwarded to each member of the Nomination Committee, and any personrequired to attend, at least 3 days before the date of the meeting. Supportingpapers shall be sent to Nomination Committee members and to otherattendees as appropriate, at the same time.(iii)Only members of the Nomination Committee have the right to attend Nomination Committee meetings. However, other individuals such as theChairman, the Chief Executive Officer, the Head of Human Resources andexternal advisers, may be invited to attend for all or part of any meeting, asand when appropriate.(iv)If the Chairman or the Chief Executive Officer acts as chairman of the Nomination Committee, he shall not chair the Nomination Committee whenit is dealing with the matter of succession to the chairmanship or the positionof Chief Executive Officer.(b)QuorumThe quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the Nomination Committee shall be two, at least one of which must be a Non-Executive Director.A duly convened meeting of the Nomination Committee at which a quorum ispresent shall be competent to exercise all or any of the authorities, powers and discretions vested in or exercisable by the Nomination Committee.(c)ParticipationMembers may participate in any meeting of the Nomination Committee by meansof a conference telephone or other communication equipment through which allpersons participating in the meeting can communicate with each other simultaneously and instantaneously and, for the purpose of counting a quorum,such participation shall constitute presence at a meeting as if those participatingwere present in person.(d)Frequency of MeetingsThe Nomination Committee shall meet at least once a year and at such other timesas any member of the Nomination Committee shall require.(e)Minutes of Meeting(i)The Company Secretary or a person designated by the Company Secretaryshall be appointed by the Nomination Committee to act as its secretary andthe secretary shall minute the proceedings and resolutions of all NominationCommittee meetings, including the names of those present and in attendance.(ii)Minutes of Nomination Committee meeting shall be circulated promptly to all members of the Nomination Committee.6.ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGThe Chairman of the Nomination Committee (or if he is not able to attend, his delegate who must be a member of the Nomination Committee) shall attend the annual general meetings and be prepared to respond to any questions from shareholders with respect to the activities of the Nomination Committee.7.REPORTING PROCEDURE TO THE BOARD(a)The Nomination Committee shall make whatever recommendations to the Boardit deems appropriate on any areas within its remit where action or improvement isneeded, and it shall compile a report on its activities for the Board to consider inthe context of preparing the Company’s annual report.(b)The minutes discussed and approved by the Nomination Committee will be madeavailable to the Board. In addition, the Nomination Committee will report formally to the Board in respect of its decisions and/or recommendations, or anysignificant matters of interest, after each meeting in case these matters are not sufficiently covered in the minutes or should be reported upon before the minutesare circulated.(c)The delegation to the Nomination Committee is always subject to compliancewith the applicable laws, regulations and the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.Approved by the Board at its meeting held on June 22, 2005。
The Shipping Law Review
The Shipping Law Review
Editors James Gosling and Rebecca Warder
Law Business Research
The Shipping Law Review
The Shipping Law Review Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in The Shipping Law Review - Edition 1 (published in July 2014 – editors James Gosling and Rebecca Warder). For further information please email Nick.Barette@
rfc5680.The Nominating Committee Process Open Disclosure of Willing Nominees
Network Working Group S. Dawkins, Ed. Request for Comments: 5680 Huawei (USA) BCP: 10 October 2009 Updates: 3777Category: Best Current PracticeThe Nominating Committee Process: Open Disclosure of Willing Nominees AbstractThis document updates RFC 3777, Section 3, Bullet 6 to allow aNominating and Recall Committee to disclose the list of nominees who are willing to be considered to serve in positions the committee isresponsible for filling.Status of This MemoThis document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for theInternet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions forimprovements. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.Copyright NoticeCopyright (c) 2009 IETF Trust and the persons identified as thedocument authors. All rights reserved.This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust’s LegalProvisions Relating to IETF Documents(/license-info) in effect on the date ofpublication of this document. Please review these documentscarefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e ofthe Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty asdescribed in the BSD License.Dawkins Best Current Practice [Page 1]Table of Contents1. Introduction (2)2. Current Rules on Confidentiality (2)3. Problems with Existing Rules (3)4. Asking the Entire Community for Feedback (4)5. Disclosing a Nominee List (4)6. Updated Text from RFC 3777 (5)7. Security Considerations (6)8. Acknowledgements (6)9. Normative References (6)Appendix A. Concerns about Open Nominee Lists (6)1. IntroductionThe Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG), the InternetArchitecture Board (IAB), and at-large IETF representatives to theIETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC) are selected by a"Nominating and Recall Committee" (universally abbreviated as"NomCom"). [RFC3777] defines how the NomCom is selected, and theprocesses it follows as it selects candidates for these positions.The NomCom is responsible for filling positions across the breadth of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The NomCom needsrelevant information about nominees being considered for thesepositions, but current [RFC3777] requirements for confidentialitylimit the ability of the NomCom to solicit that information. Theprocess change described in this document allows the NomCom to openly solicit information about nominees who are willing to be considered.2. Current Rules on Confidentiality[RFC3777] is the latest in a series of revisions to the NomComprocess, and it describes the confidential nature of NomComdeliberations in Section 3, "General", bullet 6, which states:All deliberations and supporting information that relates tospecific nominees, candidates, and confirmed candidates areconfidential.The nominating committee and confirming body members will beexposed to confidential information as a result of theirdeliberations, their interactions with those they consult, andfrom those who provide requested supporting information. Allmembers and all other participants are expected to handle thisinformation in a manner consistent with its sensitivity.Dawkins Best Current Practice [Page 2]It is consistent with this rule for current nominating committeemembers who have served on prior nominating committees to advisethe current committee on deliberations and results of the priorcommittee, as necessary and appropriate.3. Problems with Existing RulesThere are two problems with existing practice -- nominee lists aren’t as confidential as [RFC3777] would lead the reader to believe, butthey aren’t visible to the entire IETF community, either.Since at least 1996, most NomComs have sent out a "short list" ofnominees under consideration to a variety of audiences. The targetaudiences differ from year to year, but have included members ofspecific leadership bodies, working group chairs in a specific area(for IESG positions), all working group chairs (for IAB and IAOCpositions), and all document authors. The combined target audiencefor all short lists includes hundreds of recipients -- recent NomComs have sent out about 1500 requests for short list feedback.This practice is unavoidable, because most NomCom members will nothave personal experience with most nominees for most positions, butit is periodically challenged because it’s not explicitly allowed as an exception to the blanket requirement for confidentiality.In an attempt to maintain the required level of confidentiality, past NomComs have also included "ringers" (as "padding") on the short list -- nominees who are NOT under active consideration for a specificposition. Since anyone who sees the short list does not know who the ringers are, conscientious IETF participants also provide feedback on nominees who have already declined. This is a waste of preciousIETF-participant cycles, and there are widespread reports that strict confidentiality about which candidates are "real", and which areincluded as "padding", is not successfully maintained in practice.Even if confidentiality about padding is maintained, the community is aware that some nominees on the short list aren’t under activeconsideration. In some cases, people have guessed incorrectly thatan actual nominee is part of the padding, and didn’t provide neededfeedback to the NomCom about a nominee who was actively beingconsidered.We also note that the practice of disclosing a "short list" penalizes IETF participants who aren’t members of one of the target audiencesbeing surveyed -- they have no way of knowing who is beingconsidered, except for incumbent(s), and have little incentive toprovide feedback to the NomCom on individuals who might not even benominees.Dawkins Best Current Practice [Page 3]4. Asking the Entire Community for FeedbackNomComs are not required to ask for community input at all, but atthe current IETF scale, many NomComs do request community input,because members do not have personal experience with all nominees for all positions under review.We assume that asking the larger community for feedback about thesenominees is preferable to NomCom members without personal experience simply deferring to the members of the NomCom who do have personalexperience with specific nominees.We assume that asking for feedback from the entire community ispreferable to asking for feedback from large segments of thecommunity, while keeping the rest of the community "in the dark".5. Disclosing a Nominee ListIn proposing that a nominee list be disclosed as part of the NomCom’s request for feedback from the community, we considered threepossibilities:1. Asking for feedback on all nominees, whether or not they arewilling to be considered.2. Asking for feedback on all nominees who are willing to beconsidered.3. Asking for feedback on the nominees that the NomCom is seriously considering (the "short list").Asking for feedback on nominees who are not willing to be considered is a waste of precious IETF-participant cycles, and may make it less likely that the NomCom would receive feedback on some nominees whoARE willing to be considered.Asking for feedback on all nominees who are willing to be considered allows the community to point out specific strengths and weaknessesof all willing nominees, and this feedback should be useful to theNomCom in deciding which nominees to seriously consider. It alsoallows the NomCom to receive feedback on nominees who might notappear on a "short list" initially, in the event that a strongnominee is suddenly unwilling or unable to serve.We also note that the list of willing nominees will includeincumbents who are willing to be considered for an additional term. Dawkins Best Current Practice [Page 4]6. Updated Text from RFC 3777At the end of the three paragraphs in [RFC3777], Section 3,"General", bullet 6, which are currently:All deliberations and supporting information that relates tospecific nominees, candidates, and confirmed candidates areconfidential.The nominating committee and confirming body members will beexposed to confidential information as a result of theirdeliberations, their interactions with those they consult, andfrom those who provide requested supporting information. Allmembers and all other participants are expected to handle thisinformation in a manner consistent with its sensitivity.It is consistent with this rule for current nominating committeemembers who have served on prior nominating committees to advisethe current committee on deliberations and results of the priorcommittee, as necessary and appropriate.add the following paragraphs:The list of nominees willing to be considered for positions under review in the current NomCom cycle is not confidential. TheNomCom may disclose a list of names of nominees who are willing to be considered for positions under review to the community, inorder to obtain feedback from the community on these nominees.The list of nominees disclosed for a specific position shouldcontain only the names of nominees who are willing to beconsidered for the position under review.The NomCom may choose not to include some names in the disclosedlist, at their discretion.The NomCom may disclose an updated list, at their discretion. For example, the NomCom might disclose an updated list if the NomComidentifies errors/omissions in a previously disclosed version ofthe disclosed list, or if the NomCom finds it necessary to callfor additional nominees, and these nominees indicate a willingness to be considered before the NomCom has completed itsdeliberations.Nominees may choose to ask people to provide feedback to theNomCom, but should not encourage any public statements of support. NomComs should consider nominee-encouraged lobbying andcampaigning to be unacceptable behavior.Dawkins Best Current Practice [Page 5]IETF community members are encouraged to provide feedback onnominees to the NomCom, but should not post statements of support/ non-support for nominees in any public forum.7. Security ConsiderationsThis specification describes issues with the current IETF Nominating Committee process ([RFC3777]) and proposes an update to allow theNomCom to solicit feedback from the entire community on nomineesunder consideration. No security considerations apply.8. AcknowledgementsThe editor thanks the following folks who have provided usefulobservations and guidance on previous versions of this document: Fred Baker, Ross Callon, Brian Carpenter, Leslie Daigle, Lars Eggert,Robert Elz, Joel Halpern, Bernie Hoeneisen, John Klensin, BarryLeiba, Danny McPherson, S. Moonesamy, and Thomas Narten.The editor also thanks IETF plenary meeting participants who haveprovided useful feedback on previous versions of this document.9. Normative References[RFC3777] Galvin, J., "IAB and IESG Selection, Confirmation, andRecall Process: Operation of the Nominating and RecallCommittees", BCP 10, RFC 3777, June 2004.Appendix A. Concerns about Open Nominee ListsThis section acknowledges possible concerns about disclosing opennominee lists in previous NomCom-related discussions. Thanks toLeslie Daigle for providing this set of concerns to the documenteditor.One concern is that nominees who are willing to be considered if the nominee list is not disclosed would not be willing to be consideredif the nominee list is disclosed. This reluctance might be cultural, the result of personal pride, or the result of the fear ofretribution for a nominee being considered as a replacement for thenominee’s managing Area Director (this concern is usually raised inan IESG context).Another concern is that publishing the nominee list publicly wouldlead to "lobbying", public statements supporting nominees on the IETF mailing list, etc.Dawkins Best Current Practice [Page 6]Author’s AddressSpencer Dawkins (editor)Huawei Technologies (USA)Phone: +1 214 755 3870EMail: spencer@Dawkins Best Current Practice [Page 7]。
同义词:token,tokenish; phrase,noun phrase;nominative;titular。
英语句子Is this noun in the nominative?这个名词是主格形式的吗?Nominal damages象征性赔偿I nominate John.我提名约翰。
Be nominated for/win an Oscar被提名候选[获得]奥斯卡金像奖I nominate Bill for the club president.我提名比尔为俱乐部主席候选人。
英语解释insignificantly small; a matter of form only (tokenish' is informal)a phrase that can function as the subject or object of a verbbeing value in terms of specification on currency or stock certificates rather than相似短语nominal head phr. 挂名负责人nominal clauses 名词性从句nominal account 虚帐户,名义帐户nominal accounts 名义帐目,非实物帐nominal addendum 标称齿顶高相似单词nominalarea 公称截面积nominalize v. 使转变为名词, 使名词化nominalprice 低廉价格, 公道合理价虚价, 名义价格, 定价nominalization 名词化nominal a. 名义上的,名字的,有名无实的,稍许的 n. 1.名词性词 2.公称,额定。
Terms of ReferenceResource Mobilization and Partnerships Consultancy -West and Central Africa RegionType of Contract SSA International ConsultantDuration of Contract: between 15 June 2015 and 15 July 2015Locations: Dakar, SenegalLanguage required: English/ FrenchBackgroundUN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women's rights at the centre of all its efforts, the UN Women leads and coordinates United Nations system efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. It provides strong and coherent leadership in support of Member States' priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.UN Women Regional Office for West and Central Africa (WCARO) region was established in Dakar, Senegal, at the beginning of 2013 as a part of the UN Women’s new regional architecture. Much progress has been made since the establishment, but at the same time, the Regional Office faces high expectations and demands from partners at both regional and country levels as well as from UN Women Country Offices.UN Women Regional office is responsible for non-core fundraising at the regional level and for building capacities of and supporting country offices in resource mobilization. Resource mobilization efforts for gender equality in WCA region are embedded within a changing paradigm for the partnership for development. As a region with a large number of middle income countries, resource mobilization presents many context-specific challenges and opportunities. UN Women Regional Office needs to engage in a wide variety of efforts to mobilize resources, working within the reality of the strained financial climate among traditional donors. Thus, there is a strong need for the Regional Office to be strategic and innovative to mobilize resources from new and diverse sources in coming years.The four year Strategic Note of UN Women West and Central Africa (2014-2017) along with its annexed Development Result Framework outline key areas of intervention for gender equality and women’s empowerment.1. Leadership & Political Participation2. Economic Empowerment3. Elimination of Gender-based Violence4. Support to Women in the context of Peace and Security5. Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting6. Gender Responsive Inter-governmental ProcessesThe Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency Framework of the same period defines operational aspects for the implementation of the Strategic Note. Underpinning execution of intended programmatic results are the Regional Office Core and Non-Core Funds.While both funds received support from various donors (Spain, Japan, Italy, Norway, France, …) in 2014, the funding gap necessary for Strategic Plan execution has notably increased. The funding environment has been characterised by shrinking ODA which coincided with public deficits in some donor countries faced with the negative impacts of the global financial crisis.To this end, the UN Women Regional Office needs to develop and implement a resource mobilization strategy and action plan effectively and rapidly in order to intensify the resource mobilization efforts at the regional and country levels.Description of Responsibilities:Under the supervision of Deputy Regional Director, the Resource Mobilization and Partnerships consultant will develop a comprehensive outline and action plan for a resource mobilization and partnerships strategy for the UN Women Regional Office WCA region. As such, h/she is expected to conduct a comprehensive assessment on donor policies and priorities, sectoral and geographic preferences, development assistance strategies, and the needs of UN Women regional and country offices in WCA region in order to identify funding gaps and opportunities, through a desk review of key documents, in-person meetings, interviews, etc.; the consultant will also develop strategic tools to implement the strategy.•In consultation with external partners as well as relevant sections/staff of UN Women, the consultant will develop a comprehensive outline and action plan for resource mobilization and partnerships for UN Women Regional Office, including: 1) key findings from the assessment; 2) identification of strategic directions for resource mobilization in the region; 3) an action plan for regional office to facilitate the effective implementation of the strategy; and 4) a dynamic donor intelligence database ; 5) Tools to implement the strategy•Finalize the resource mobilization strategy by incorporating feedback received. Deliverables1. A comprehensive resource mobilisation and partnerships outline and plan of action that includesan overview of the situation, an analysis of past fundraising experience, explores futureopportunities and strategies, details workflow processes and mechanisms for grant management and outlines a time-bound action plan (with key responsible focal points) to systematicallyresearch and raise funds for key strategic note results.2. An annex that maps donor interests, priorities, funding windows and points to clear actions thatshould be taken to mobilise funds and develop/maintain relationships with these donors, including with the private sector and new and innovative funding mechanisms ( including crowd funding)3. A donor database including contact details, areas of interest objectives, funding and contractualmodalities and formats with a view to sustaining existing cordial relationships and identifying new potential funding opportunities4. An annex that outlines a series of fundraising materials that need to be produced to securefunding/raise the profile of key strategic note results5. An action plan that outlines clear time lines for recommendations related to improvedmanagement of donor partners portfolio6. A plan for building the capacity of key staff in mobilising and leveraging resources and developingand maintaining partnerships for UN Women WCAROThe following is the expected timeline.Task and deliverables DeadlinesConduct a comprehensive assessment and analysis 15 July- 30 JulyDraft a resource mobilization and partnerships outline and plan of action with its annexes 30 July- 15 AugustPresent the draft strategy and collect feedback August 16-21Integrate feedback and finalize the strategy August 24-31Competencies:Core Values and Guiding principles:Integrity:•Demonstrate consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UN Women in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct.Professionalism:•Demonstrate professional competence and expert knowledge of the pertinent substantive areas of work.Cultural sensitivity and valuing diversity:•Demonstrate an appreciation of the multicultural nature of the organization and the diversity ofits staff;•Demonstrate an international outlook, appreciating difference in values and learning from cultural diversity.Core Competencies:Ethics and Values:•Demonstrate and safeguard ethics and integrity.Organizational Awareness:•Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment.Work in teams:•Demonstrate ability to work in a multicultural, multi-ethnic environment and to maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.Communicating and Information Sharing:•Facilitate and encourage open communication and strive for effective communication.Self-management and Emotional Intelligence:•Stay composed and positive even in difficult moments, handle tense situations with diplomacy and tact, and have a consistent behavior towards others.Conflict Management:•Surface conflicts and address them proactively acknowledging different feelings and views and directing energy towards a mutually acceptable solution.Functional Competencies:•In-depth knowledge of gender equality and women's rights issues;•Demonstrated ability to interact effectively with government representatives of Member States (donor and programme);•Proven networking skills, and ability to mobilize support on behalf of UN Women;•Good negotiating skills;•Knowledge and understanding of UN system and familiarity with inter-governmental processes;•Excellent IT skills, including databases, extranet and office software packages;•Familiarity with UN Women.Behavioral Competencies:•Very effective at multi-tasking;•Strong analytical and interpersonal skills;•Strong initiative-taker;•Excellent communication skills;•Focuses on impact and results for client;•Identifies opportunities and builds strong relationships with client and external actors;•Participates effectively in team-based, information-sharing environment, collaborating andcooperating with others;•Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude. Qualifications :Education:•Master’s degree or equivalent in social sciences, public administration, international relations, communications, women's studies, or a related field.Experience:•7 years of experience in resource mobilization, partnerships and donor/external relations in the West and Central Africa region, African contexts and international development fields.Experience from the private sector with proven results is desirable at the country/regional and international levels.•Specific experience in resource mobilization and donor relations in the field of gender equality and empowerment of women is an asset.•Previous experience in West and Central Africa region is requiredLanguage:•Fluency in French and English (written and oral) required。
Terms and Conditions of useThe texts and information contained in the Court of Justice’s internet site are available free of charge for the purposes of public information.NB: Use of research results for statistical purposes is not advised due to the rules for dissemination: for such purposes, users are requested to consult the Annual Report of the Court of Justice of the European Union.The texts of the judgments, orders, Opinions, notices and other documents present on the site are subject to amendment. The final version of those texts is published in the Reports of Cases before the Court of Justice and the General Court, the European Court Reports - Staff Cases (ECR-SC) or the Official Journal of the European Union, which are the only authentic versions and take precedence in the event that there is a difference with the electronic version.The texts available on this site may be reproduced provided the source is acknowledged as well as the fact that they are not authentic and are free of charge.Readers should be aware that certain parts of such information and texts might be protected under intellectual property law, in particular by copyright.Links to the pages on this site are permitted provided that:∙the browser window does not contain any information other than that of the page of the present site to which the link is made and its address;∙none of the information provided on this site is modified.IntroductionThe InfoCuria database contains all the publicly available information concerning the cases brought before the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal.InfoCuria gives access, primarily, to the documents of the Institution (principally the judgments, Opinions, orders and notices to the Official Journal of the European Union), by means of a text search or a data search.Those data concern, in particular, the dates of certain stages of the proceedings, the subject-matter of the case, the type of proceedings, the legal acts of the European Union cited in the case-law, the nationality of the parties, etc. The availability of those data may vary according to the type of proceedings and the stage (progress) of the case.List of resultsUse this menu to choose display options and sorting options different from those offered by default. Display preferences:∙the option ‘Automatic’gives a default display of the tab ‘List of results by case’, unless the criteria ‘Documents’ or ‘Text’ were used for the search, in which case the tab ‘List ofdocuments’ will display (on ly those documents meeting the search criteria will be shown);∙the option ‘List of cases’ forces display of the tab ‘List of results by case’, whatever search criteria were used;∙the option ‘List of documents’ forces display of the corresponding tab, whate ver search criteria were used.Sorting preferences:∙the option ‘Case number in descending order’ sorts the results by default by court (first Court of Justice cases, second General Court cases and third Civil Service Tribunal cases)and, within one court, by case number in descending order (the first results shown are themost recent cases);∙the option ‘Case number in ascending order’ sorts the results by default by court (Court of Justice, General Court, Civil Service Tribunal) and, within one court, by case number inascending order (the first results shown are the oldest cases);∙the option ‘Date in descending order’ sorts the results:o in the tab ‘List of results by case’, by court (Court of Justice, General Court, Civil Service Tribunal), then by date on which the case was closed, pending casesappearing first, followed by the cases with the most recent date of closure;o in the tab ‘List of documents’ by date of publication of the documents, the most recent appearing first, irrespective of the court;∙the option ‘Date in ascending order’ sorts the results:o in the tab ‘List of results by case’, by court (Court of Justice, General Court, Civil Service Tribunal), then by date on which the case was closed, the cases with the most distant date of closure appearing first, followed by pending cases;o in the tab ‘List of documents’ by date of publication of the documents, the oldest appearing first, irrespective of the court.Availability of informationIf information is not provided, this may be due to the fact that:∙it is not relevant to the case (for example: the source of a question referred for a preliminary ruling in an action for annulment);∙it is not yet available at this stage of the procedure (for example: the publication reference for the Official Journal of the European Union before publication);∙it is not yet publicly available at this stage of the procedure (for example: the name of the Judge Rapporteur in pending cases).Case StatusUse this criterion to limit the search by reference to case status.Select ‘All cases’The search will cover:∙cases pending (on-going cases, stayed cases and cases in the process of being discontinued or withdrawn);∙cases closed.Select ‘Cases closed’The search will cover:∙cases closed only.Select ‘Cases pending’The search will cover:∙cases pending only (on-going cases, stayed cases and cases in the process of being discontinued or withdrawn).CourtUse this criterion to limit the search by reference to the court: ∙Court of Justice;∙General Court;∙Civil Service Tribunal.DocumentsUse this criterion to search by type of document.By default, the search will cover all of the documents present in the database. However, the search can be limited by reference to the type of document sought and its date of publication.Select the type of document from the list accessed via the button.The following may be selected:∙Documents published in the European Court ReportsThese are judgments, orders, Advocates General's Opinions and positions of the Courts of the European Union and published or to be published in the European Court Reports or the European Court Reports - Staff Cases (ECR-SC).The text of judgments and decisions is available on the day of delivery, that of opinions of the Court on the day when they are given and that of Advocates General's Opinions andpositions on the day of their delivery by the Advocate General. Orders are not made public until ten days after they have been notified to the parties.Summaries of decisions are also available. These are not binding on the Courts of theEuropean Union and may in no way be regarded as an official interpretation of the decisions to which they refer.Finally,information on decisions of which the full text is not published in the EuropeanCourt Reports.Documents published in the European Court Reports are available in all the officiallanguages of the European Union on the day of their delivery.∙Documents not published in the European Court ReportsThese are Judgments, orders and decisions (review procedures) delivered or made since 1 May 2004 and not published in the European Court Reports.For orders, use the drop-down menu to select a specific type of order.The full text of documents not published in the European Court Reports is available, butonly in the language of the case and the language of deliberation. For some of thosedecisions, information is published in the European Court Reports (see above).∙Notices published in the OJThese are notices relating to cases brought and cases closed (adjudged or removed from the register) published in the Official Journal of the European Union since 1 January 2002.The text of notices published in the OJ is available in all official languages upon dispatch to the Publications Office of the European Union.One or more types of document may be selected from this list.It is also possible to limit the search:∙to a particular period. Enter the start and end dates in the fields ‘from’ and ‘to’ in the format shown.Example: from 01/05/2004 to 31/12/2004.∙to predetermined periods. By clicking on the relevant button, the dates corresponding to that period are automatically entered in the fields, i.e.:o last 8 days: the search covers documents dating from the last 8 days;o last month: the search covers documents dating from the past month;o last year: the search covers documents dating from the past year;o last 5 years: the search covers documents dating from the past 5 years.∙to a specific date. Enter the date required in the field ‘date’ in the format shown.Example: 15/12/2005.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection. Using the ‘Documents’ search criterion will activate, by default, in the window showing the list of results, the ‘List of documents’ tab, giving direct acce ss to the documents in question. However, it is still possible to switch to ‘List of results by case’ showing the cases in which at least onedocument is covered by the search.ECLIThis field enables searches of the decisions of the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal by their ECLI (European Case-Law Identifier).For those decisions, the ECLI is composed of the following five sections, in the following order:a)The abbreviation ‘ECLI’;b)The code ‘EU’;c)The abbreviation corresp onding to the Court: ‘C’, ‘T’ or ‘F’;d)The year of the decision, which must be entered in four figures;e)An order number, attributed sequentially by year and by Court.The sections of an ECLI are separated by a colon (‘:’).Example: The ECLI identifier ECLI:EU:C:2012:23 corresponds to the judgment in Case C-392/10 Suiker Unie.Case numberUse this field to search for a case by its number in the Register.Examples:∙C-408/01 (408th case entered in the Register in 2001 before the Court of Justice);∙T-201/04 (201st case entered in the Register in 2004 before the Court of First Instance);∙F-16/05 (16th case entered in the Register in 2005 before the Civil Service Tribunal).The case (upper case/ lower case) makes no difference:•c-408/01 = C-408/01•t-201/04 = T-201/04•f-16/05 = F-16/05It is also possible to search using a part of the number.Examples:∙122/07 (will find Case No 122 of 2007 before the Court of Justice, the Court of First Instance and the Civil Service Tribunal)∙122 (will find Case No 122 of any year before the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal)∙/07 (will find all cases brought in 2007 before the Court of Justice, the Court of First Instance and the Civil Service Tribunal)Account is not taken of the suffixe s identifying certain types of proceedings (such as “AJ” for legal aid, “DEP” for costs, “OP” for application to set aside, “P” for appeal, “PPU” for urgent preliminary ruling procedure, “R” for application for interim measures, “REC” for rectification of a judgment, “REV” for revision of a judgment, “RX” for review, “SA” for garnishee order, “TO” for third-party proceedings, etc.).Names of partiesUse this field to search with the usual name of the case. This is the simplified form of the names of the parties to the action in question.Case (upper case/lower case) and accents make no difference: commission =CommissionNB! the institutions of the European Union are identified by their abbreviated names (Commission, Council, Europol, etc.).The following may be used to refine the search:∙Special characters:o Asterisk* is a joker character which replaces from nought to an infinite number of characters and can be used at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.Example: Alpha* will find cases involving the parties Alpha, Alpharma, Alphasteel, etc.o Underscore_ is a joker character which replaces a single obligatory character and can be used at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.Example: Post_ will find cases in which the name of a party contains this stem plus onecharacter (Posta, Poste).o To search for an exact phrase, use inverted commas ".Example:“Trade union”∙Logical operators (Boolean operators):o AND (represented by the space between two words).Example: Commission Council Parliament will find cases in which the Commission, theCouncil and the Parliament are all parties.o OR (represented by a comma between two words).Example: Poland, Cyprus will find all documents involving Poland, or Cyprus, or both.o EXCEPT (represented by an exclamation mark before the excluded word).Example: !Commission will find cases in which the Commission is not a party to theaction.Logical operators and/or special characters may be combined.Text searchThis field allows you to search the full text of e the ‘Documents’ field to choose different types of document (by default, all types of document).The following may be used to refine the search:∙Special characters:o Asterisk* is a joker character which replaces from nought to an infinite number of characters and can be used at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.Example: admiss* will find documents containing the words admissible, admissibility,inadmissible, inadmissibility.o Underscore_ is a joker character which replaces a single obligatory character and can be used at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.Example: Post_ will find documents containing that stem plus one character (Posta, Poste).o To search for an exact phrase, use inverted commas ".Example:“Trade union”∙Logical operators (Boolean operators):o AND (represented by the space between two words).Example: butter cheese will find documents containing both of those wordso OR (represented by a comma between two words).Example: butter, cheese will find documents containing the word butter, or the wordcheese,or both.o EXCEPT (represented by an exclamation mark before the excluded word).Example: butter !cheese will find documents containing the word butter but not thosecontaining the word cheese.Logical operators and/or special characters may be combined.Example: ‘wild bird*’conservation will find documents containing both the exact expression wild bird(s) (singular or plural) and the word conservation.Any differences between the results from text searches in the different language versions on the site are due to the fact that documents not published in the European Court Reports are available only in some languages.A text search will activate, by default, in the window sh owing the list of results, the ‘List of documents’ tab, giving direct access to the documents in question. However, it is still possible toswitch to the ‘List of results by case’ showing the cases in which at least one document is covered by the search.Period or dateThis criterion makes it possible to search according to:∙date of delivery of the judgment or adoption of the order;∙date of delivery of the Opinion;∙date of the hearing;∙date of the lodging of the application initiating proceedings;∙all types of date at the same time(date of delivery of the judgment or adoption of the order OR date of delivery of the Opinion OR date of the hearing OR date of the lodging of theapplication initiating proceedings).By default, the search covers the date of delivery of the judgment or the adoption of the order. To alter that selection, use the drop down menu.The following types of search are possible:∙for a specific period. To do this, enter the dates for the beginning and end of the period in the ‘from’ and ‘to’ fields in the format indicated.Example: from 01/05/2004 to 31/12/2004∙for set periods. By clicking on the desired button, the corresponding dates automatically appear in the fields, so that:o last 8 days;o last month;o last year;o last 5 years.∙for a specific date. To do this, enter the desired date in the ‘on’ field in the format indicated.Example: on 15/12/2005Subject-matterUse this criterion to search by subject.The subjects correspond to the legal bases (articles of the Treaties) covered by the application or request and, after delivery, by the judgment, the order, the decision (review proceedings) or the opinion of the Court of Justice.Select the subject from the list accessible via the button.One or more subjects may be selected from this list. Subjects may be selected: ∙by navigating in the classification structure;∙via the field ‘Search for a subject’ (which does not take account of either special characters or logical operators (Boolean operators) and gives all occurrences of precisely the characters entered, whether in upper or lower case or accented).After entering the term, click the button to begin the search.For example: etat will give the subjects Aides accordées par les États, Monopoles d’État à caractère commercial, États de pénurie, États d’Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique(ACP) and États africains et malgaches associés.NB! Where a subject concerns a number of Treaties, including the ECSC and/or EAEC Treaties (for example: ‘institutional provisions’), the search results include cases related to all those Treaties. However, subjects which relate exclusively to the ECSC and EAEC Treaties have been grouped under the terms ‘ECSC matters’ and ‘EAEC matters’.NB! If several subjects are selected, they are, by default, separated by the logical operator OR. To separate them by the logical operator AND, choose the option ‘All of the chosen values’ at the bottom of the window.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.Procedure and resultUse this criterion to search by type of action or procedure and the result of the action or procedure.NB! The analysis of results may cover the outcome of different kinds of action and the same decision may produce several different results. It is therefore not advised to use this analysis for statistical purposes.Select the procedure and/or the result from the list accessed via the button.One or more types of procedure may be selected from this list.One or more types of procedure may be combined with one or more types of result.If only types of result are selected, the search will cover all procedures with the chosen results. NB! If more than one type of procedure or result is selected, they are by default separated by the logical ope rator OR. To separate them by the logical operator AND, choose the option ‘All of the chosen values’ at the bottom of the window.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.References to case-law or legislationUse this criterion to search by acts (or operative parts of acts) of European Union law cited in: ∙the grounds of the judgment or order∙the operative part of the judgment or order∙the Advocate General’s O pinionThere is a drop-down list of5 common types of citation:∙for Treaties, specify the treaty in question from the proposed list and any subdivisions (article, paragraph, subparagraph or letter).∙for Regulations, specify the order number, the year and any subdivisions (annex, article, paragraph, subparagraph or letter), or choose a specific regulation from the proposed list;∙for Directives, specify the order number, the year and any subdivisions (annex, article, paragraph, subparagraph or letter);∙for Decisions, specify the order number, the year and any subdivisions (annex, article, paragraph, subparagraph or letter);∙for Case-law, specify the court in question (Court of Justice, General Court or Civil Service Tribunal), the order number and the year, and the type of document (judgment, Opinion,order, garnishee order, third-party proceedings, opinion of the Court of Justice ordeliberation);NB! The above help will allow you to make a search on only one reference at a time and in a limited list.For a more specific or wider search, select the category ‘Other’ and enter the CELEX number(s) in the search field.Examples:∙21994A1223(01) will find documents that cite the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (1986-1994) - Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation (WTO);∙41980A0934 will find documents that cite the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations opened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980.Any subdivision of the act or provision must be entered at the end of the CELEX number after a hyphen “-”. The letters used to refer to the subdivisions are:A for article ;C for recital in the preamble to an act;L for subparagraph or for letter;N for annexe;P for paragraph;PT for point;R for rule;T for indent.Exa mple: 31977L0388-A13LBLDPT5gives access to documents citing Article 13B(d)(5) of Directive 77/388/EEC.N.B. For a rticles numbered 1 to 9,use two characters (A01, A02, ..., A09).The search in the operative part may be restricted by using codes identifying the effect of the operative part in question on the act or provision cited:∙reference for a preliminary rulingI the cited provision is interpreted;G the cited provision is validated;N the cited provision is invalidated;∙action for annulment:A the cited provision is annulled;F the cited provision is validated;M the cited provision is amended (fine reduced, annulment ‘in so far as…’ etc.);∙appeal and review:A the cited judgment or order is set aside;F the cited judgment or order is upheld;M the cited judgment or order is amended.∙indirect i nvocation(objection of illegality) (Art. 277 TFEU, Art. 241 EC, Art. 184 EEC, Art.156 EAEC, Art. 36 § 3 ECSC) :W the validity of the cited provision is confirmed;B the validity of the cited provision is not confirmed;∙others :S operation of the cited provision is suspended;R the cited judgment is revised;P the cited judgment is interpreted ;∙documents concerned by the document analysed (whatever the result) :T agreement on which an opinion of the Court of Justice is sought (Art. 218 § 11 TFEU, Art. 300 § 6 EC, Art. 228 EEC);Z provision concerned by an action for failure to fulfil obligations;X provision in respect of immediate enforcement is applied for (A rt. 83 EAEC).To refine the research, CELEX numbers may be combined with logical operators (Boolean operators):∙AND (represented by a space between two CELEX numbers).Exa mple : 31967L0548 32004L0073will find documents citing both Directive 67/548/EEC and Directive 2004/73/EC.∙OR (represented by a comma between two CELEX numbers).Exa mple : 11957E086, 11992E086, 11997E082, 12002E082, 12006E082, 12008E102will find documents citing the articles of the Treaty establishing the European Community in its successive versions relating to the abuse of a dominant position.∙EXCEPT (represented by an exclamation mark before the CELEX number to be excluded).To find out more about CELEX numbers: classification schemeUse this criterion to search using the classification scheme of the Digest of case-law, which is a systematic collection of the summaries of judgments and orders published in the European Court Reports and the European Court Reports - Staff Cases (ECR-SC).Each paragraph of a summary gives rise to one or more classification codes corresponding to the field concerned.Select the classification code from the lists accessed via the button.As a result of changes made following the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, the classification scheme has been completely reworked. Two lists are thus available:∙The systematic classification scheme after the Treaty of Lisbon (this is used for case-law since 2010) and∙The systematic classification scheme before the Treaty of Lisbon (this is used for case-law from 1954 to 2009)In those lists, the classification codes are presented in a tree diagram structure: when you click on a code, everything relating to it will appear and may be selected.Example: to access the code G-03.03 European arrest warrant click on G-European Union, then G-03 Police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters.One or more classification codes may be selected.NB! If more than one code is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR.Click on the ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ buttons at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.By default, when a code is selected in one of the two classification schemes, the search will also cover the corresponding codes in the other classification scheme. That option can be deactivated by deselecting the ‘Include earlier/new scheme’ box at the bottom of the search form.Formation of the CourtUse this criterion to search by formation of the Court.NB! Information regarding the formation of the Court is available only after the case is closed.Select the formation of the Court from the list accessed via the button.One or more formations of the Court may be selected from that list.NB! If more than one formation of the Court is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.Judge RapporteurUse this criterion to search by Judge Rapporteur.NB! Information regarding the Judge Rapporteur is available only after the case is closed.Select the name of the Judge Rapporteur from the list accessed via the button.It is possible to select one or more than one Judge Rapporteur from that list.NB! If the names of more than one Judge Rapporteur is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.Advocate GeneralUse this criterion to search by Advocate General.NB! Information regarding the Advocate General is available only after the case is closed.Select the name of the Advocate General from the list accessed via the button.It is possible to select one or more than one Advocate General from that list.NB! If the names of more than one Advocate General is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.Source of a question referred for a preliminary rulingUse this criterion to search by country of origin of a question referred for a preliminary ruling.Select the country from the list accessed via the button.One or more countries may be selected from that list.NB! If more than one country is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR. Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.Authentic languageUse this criterion to search by:∙language of the case;∙l anguage of the Advocate General’s Opinion.Select the language from the list accessed via the button.One or more languages may be selected from that list.NB! If more than one language is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR. Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the b ottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.。
************有限公司CHONGQING TONGYAO CASTING & FORGING CO., LTD.质量、环境、职业健康安全手册Quality,Environmental,Occupational Healthand Safety Manual编号:TY-QEO-2018Document No: TY-QEO-2018版本:Revision:制订:Prepared by:审核:Verified by:批准:Approved by:受控状态:Controlled Condition:分发号:Distribution No.:2018-3-01发布Released on 01/03/20182018-3-01 实施Effected on 01/03/2018体系更改记录表History of RevisionsTY-QR-JZ-021A0.1目录 (3)0.1Content (3)0.2公司概况 (6)0.2Company Profile (6)0.3.1质量管理者代表和质量保证负责人任命书 (7)0.3.1Letter of Appointment for Quality Management Representative & Supervisor (7)0.3.2环境、职业健康安全管理者代表任命书 (9)0.3.2Letter of Appointment for Environmental and Occupational Health and SafetyManagement Representative (9)0.3.3员工职业健康安全事务代表任命书 (10)0.3.3Letter of Appointment for Occupational Health and Safety Representative of Employees100.3.4认证联络工程师任命 (11)0.3.4Appointment of Certification Liaison Engineer (11)0.4手册颁布令 (12)0.4Issue Order of Manual (12)0.6.1组织机构图 (13)0.6.1Organization chart (13)0.6.2检验机构图 (15)0.6.2Inspection organization chart (15)0.7公司质量管理体系运行图 (17)0.7Structure Chart of Company’s Quality Management System (17)0.8.1质量管理体系过程适用范围及职责分配表 (18)0.8.1Quality Management System Process Applicable Scope & Responsibility AssignmentTable (18)0.8.2环境、职业健康安全管理体系过程适用范围及职责分配表 (21)0.8.2Quality Management System Process Applicable Scope & Responsibility AssignmentTable (21)0.9质量管理原则 (24)0.9Quality management principles (24)1范围 (25)1Scope (25)2规范性引用文件 (27)2Normative reference (27)3术语和定义 (28)3Terms and definitions (28)4.1理解组织及其环境 (29)4.1Understanding the organization and its environment; (29)4.2理解相关方的需求和期望 (29)4.2Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties; (29)4.3确定管理体系的范围 (30)4.3Determine the scope of management system (30)4.4管理体系及其过程 (30)4.4Management system and its process (30)5.1领导作用和承诺 (33)5.1Leadership and commitment (33)5.2方针 (34)5.2Policy (34)5.3组织的岗位、职责和权限 (36)5.3Organizational positions, responsibilities, and authorities (36)6.1应对风险和机遇的措施 (44)6.1Countermeasures for risks and opportunities (44)6.2质量、环境、职业健康安全目标及其实现的策划 (49)6.2Quality, environment, occupational health and safety objectives and planning for theirimplementation (49)6.3变更的策划 (50)6.3Planning of change (50)7.1资源 (51)7.1Resources (51)7.2能力 (54)7.2Competence (54)7.3意识 (55)7.3Awareness (55)7.4沟通 (56)7.4Communication (56)7.5形成文件的信息 (59)7.5Documented information (59)8.1运行策划和控制 (62)8.1Operation planning and control (62)8.2产品和服务的要求 (63)8.2Product and service requirements (63)8.3工艺设计和开发 (66)8.3Process design and development (66)8.4外部提供的过程、产品和服务的控制 (69)8.4Control of externally provided processes, products and services (69)8.5生产和服务提供 (72)8.5Production and service provision (72)8.6产品和服务的放行 (76)8.6Release of products and services (76)8.7不合格输出的控制 (77)8.7Control of nonconforming outputs (77)8.8应急准备和响应 (78)8.8Emergency preparedness and response (78)9.1监视、测量、分析和评价 (82)9.1Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation (82)9.2内部审核 (88)9.2Internal audit (88)9.3管理评审 (89)9.3Management review (89)10持续改进 (92)10Continuous improvement (92)11认证产品的一致性 (95)11Consistency of certified products (95)12安全文明生产 (97)12Safe and well-managed production (97)13对照检索:AAR质量体系对照通耀质量体系 (98)13Cross Reference–AAR Elements to TongYao Manual (98)14程序文件目录 (99)14Procedure Document Content (99)************有限公司是一家大型民营企业,成立于2011年1月7日,注册资金10600万元。
合同条款—国际咨询工程师联合会(FIDIC中英文对照文本)CONTENTS目录1General Provisions一般规定 (5)1.1Definitions定义 (5)1.2Interpretation解释 (10)1.3Communications通信交流 (11)1.4Law and Language法律和语言 (12)1.5Priority of Document文件优先次序 (12)1.6Contract Agreement合同协议书 (12)1.7Assignment权益转让 (13)1.8Care and Supply of Document文件的照管和提供 (13)1.9Confidentiality保密性 (14)1.10Employer’s Use of Contractor’s Documents雇主使用承包商文件 (14)1.11Contractor’s Use of Employer’s Documents承包商使用雇主文件 (15)1.12Confidential Details保密事项 (15)1.13Compliance with Laws遵守法律 (15)1.14Joint and Several Liability共同的和各自的责任 (16)2The Employer雇主 (16)2.1Right of Access to the Site现场进入权 (16)2.2Permits, Licences or Approves许可、执照或批准 (17)2.3Employer’s personnel雇主人员 (18)2.4Employer’s Financial Arrangements雇主的资金安排 (18)2.5Employer’s Claims雇主的索赔 (18)3The Employer’s Administration雇主的管理 (19)3.1The Employer’s Representative雇主代表 (19)3.2The Employer’s personnel其他雇主人员 (20)3.3Delegated Persons受托人员 (20)3.4Instructions指示 (21)3.5Determinations确定 (21)4The Contractor承包商 (21)4.1The Contractor’s General Obligations承包商的一般义务(22)4.2Performance security履约担保 (22)4.3Contractor’s Representative承包商代表 (23)4.4Subcontractors分包商 (24)4.5Nominated Subcontractors指定的分包商 (25)4.6Co-operation合作 (25)4.7Setting out放线 (26)4.8Safety procedures安全程序 (26)4.9Quality Assurance质量保证 (27)4.10Site Data现场数据 (27)4.11Sufficiency of the Contract Price合同价格 (28)4.12Unforeseeable Difficulties不可预见的困难 (28)4.13Rights of way and Facilities道路通行权于设施 (28)4.14Avoidance of Interference避免干扰 (29)4.15Access Route进场通路 (29)4.16Transport of Goods货物运输 (30)4.17Contractor’s Equipment承包商设备 (30)4.18Protection of the Environment环境保护 (30)4.19Electricity, Water and Gas电、水和燃气 (31)4.20Employer’s Equipment and Free-Issue Material雇主设备和免费供应的材料 (31)4.21Progress Reports进度报告 (32)4.22Security of the Site现场保安 (33)4.23Contractor’s Operations on Site承包商的现场作业 (34)4.24Fossils化石 (34)5Design设计 (35)5.1General Design Obligations设计义务一般要求 (35)5.2Contractor’s Documents承包商文件 (36)5.3Contractor’s Undertaking承包商的承诺 (37)5.4Technical Standards and Regulations技术标准和法规 (37)5.5Training培训 (38)5.6As-Built Documents竣工文件 (38)5.7Operation and Maintenance Manuals操作和维修手册 (39)5.8Design Error设计错误 (39)6Staff and Labour员工 (39)6.1Engagement of Staff and Labour员工的雇用 (40)6.2Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour工资标准和劳动条件 (40)6.3Persons in the Service of Employer为雇主服务的人员 (40)6.4Labour Laws劳动法 (40)6.5Working Hours工作时间 (41)6.6Facilities for Staff and Labour为员工提供设施 (41)6.7Health and Safety健康和安全 (41)6.8Contractor’s Superintendence承包商的监督 (42)6.9Contractor’s Personnel承包商人员 (42)6.10Records of contractor’s Personnel and Equipment承包商人员和设备的记录 (43)6.11Disorderly Conduct无序行为 (43)7Plant, Materials and Workmanship生产设备、材料和工艺 (43)7.1Manner of Execution实施方法 (43)7.2Samples样品 (44)7.3Inspection检验 (44)7.4Testing试验 (45)7.5Rejection拒收 (46)7.6Remedial Work修补工作 (46)7.7Ownership of Plant and Materials生产设备和材料的所有权(47)7.8Royalties土地(矿区)使用费 (47)8Commencement,Delays and Suspension开工、延误和暂停(48)8.1Commencement of Works工程的开工 (48)8.2Time for Completion竣工时间 (48)8.3Programme进度计划 (49)8.4Extension of Time for Completion竣工时间延长 (50)8.5Delays Caused by Authorities当局造成的延误 (50)8.6Rate of Progress工程进度 (51)8.7Delay Damages误期损害赔偿费 (51)8.8Suspension of Work暂时停工 (52)8.9Consequences of Suspension暂停的后果 (52)8.10Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of Suspension 暂停时对生产设备和材料的付款 (53)8.11Prolonged Suspension托长的暂停 (53)8.12Resumption of Work复工 (53)9Tests on Completion竣工试验 (54)9.1Contractor’s Obligations承包商的义务 (54)9.2Delayed Tests延误的试验 (55)9.3Retesting重新试验 (55)9.4Failure to Pass Tests on Completion未能通过竣工试验 (56)10Employer’s Taking Over雇主的接收 (56)10.1Taking Over of the Works and Sections工程和分项工程的接收 (56)10.2Taking Over of Parts of the Works部分工程的接收 (57)10.3Interference with Tests on Completion对竣工试验的干扰(57)11Defects Liability缺陷责任 (58)11.1Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects完成扫尾工作和修补缺陷 (58)11.2Cost of Remedying Defects修补缺陷的费用 (59)11.3Extension of Defects Notification Period缺陷通知期的延长 (59)11.4Failure to Remedy Defects未能修补的缺陷 (60)11.5Removal of Defective Work移出有缺陷的工程 (60)11.6Further Tests进一步试验 (61)11.7Right of Access进入权 (61)11.8Contractor to Search承包商调查 (61)11.9Performance Certificate履约证书 (62)11.10Unfulfilled Obligations未履行的义务 (62)11.11Clearance of Site现场清理 (62)12Tests after Completion竣工后试验 (63)12.1Procedure for Tests after Completion竣工后试验的程序(63)12.2Delayed Tests延误的试验 (64)12.3Retesting重新试验 (64)12.4Failure to Pass Tests after Completion未能通过的竣工后试验 (65)13Variations and Adjustments变更和调整 (66)13.1Right to Vary变更权 (66)13.2Value Engineering价值工程 (66)13.3Variation Procedure变更程序 (66)13.4Payment in Applicable Currencies以适用货币支付 (67)13.5Provisional Sums暂列金额 (67)13.6Daywork计日工作 (68)13.7Adjustments for Changes in Legislation因法律改变的调整(69)13.8Adjustments for Changes in Cost因成本改变的调整 (70)14Contract price and Payment合同价格和支付 (70)14.1The Contract Price合同价格 (70)14.2Advance payment预付款 (70)14.3Application for Interim Payments期中付款的申请 (72)14.4Schedule of Payments付款价格表 (73)14.5Plant and Materials intended for the Works拟用于工程的生产设备和材料 (73)14.6Interim Payments期中付款 (74)14.7Timing of Payments付款的时间安排 (74)14.8Delayed Payment延误的付款 (75)14.9Payment of Retention Money保留金支付 (75)14.10Statement at Completion施工报表 (76)14.11Application for Final Payment最终付款的申请 (76)14.12Discharge结清证明 (77)14.13Final Payment最终付款 (77)由14.14 Cessation of Employer’s Liability 雇主责任的中止 (78)14.15 Currencies of Payment 支付的货币 (78)15 Termination by Employer 由雇主终止 (79)15.1Notice to Correct 通知改正 (79)15.2Termination by Employer 由雇主终止...............................................................................................79 15.3 Valuation at Date of Termination 终止日期时的估价..........................................................................81 15.4Payment after Termination 终止后的付款..........................................................................................81 15.5 Employer’s Entitlement to Termination 雇主终止的权利.. (82)16 Suspension and termination by Contractor 承包商暂停和终止 (82)16.1Contractor’s Entitlement to Suspend Work 承包商暂停工作的权利..................................................82 16.2Termination by Contractor 由承包商终止..........................................................................................83 16.3 Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor’s Equipment 停止工作和承包商设备的撤离.............84 16.4 Payment on Termination 终止时的付款 (84)17 Risk and Responsibility 风险和职责 (85)17.1Indemnities 保障........................................................................................................................... ....85 17.2Contractor’s Care of the Works 承包商对工程的照管.......................................................................86 17.3Employer’s Risks 雇主的风险...........................................................................................................87 17.4 Consequence of Employer’s Risks 雇主风险的后果.........................................................................87 17.5Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights 知识产权和工业产权.......................................................88 17.6 Limitation of Liability 责任限度. (89)18 Insurance 保险 (89)18.1General Requirements for Insurances 有关保险的一般要求.............................................................89 18.2Insurance for Works and Contractor’s Equipment 工程和承包商设备的保险....................................91 18.3Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property人身伤害和财产损害险.....................93 18.4 Insurance for Contractor’s Personnel 承包商人员的保险 (94)19 Force Majeure 不可抗力 (94)19.1Definition of Force Majeure 不可抗力的定义.....................................................................................95 19.2Notice of Force Majeure 不可抗力的通知.........................................................................................96 19.3 Duty to Minimise Delay 将延误减至最小的义务................................................................................96 19.4Consequences of Force Majeure 不可抗力的后果............................................................................96 19.5Force Majeure Affecting Subcontractor 不可抗力影响分包商............................................................97 19.6Optional Termination, Payment and Release 自主选择终止、支付和解除........................................97 19.7 Release from Performance under the Law 根据法律解除履约. (98)20 Claims, Disputes and Arbitration 索赔、争端和仲裁 (98)20.1Contractor’s Claims 承包商的索赔....................................................................................................99 20.2 Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board 争端裁决委员会的任命.........................................100 20.3Failure to Agreement Dispute Adjudication Board 对争端裁决委员会未能取得一致时....................102 20.4Obtaining Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision 取得争端裁决委员会的决定...............................102 20.5Amicable Settlement 友好解决........................................................................................................103 20.6 Arbitration 仲裁........................................................................................................................... ....104 20.7Failure to Comply with Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision 未能遵守争端裁决委员会的决定....105 20.8 Expiry of Dispute Adjudication Board’s Appointment 争端裁决委员会任命期满 (105)1General Provisions一般规定1.1Definitions定义In the Conditions of Contract (“these Conditions”), which include Particular Conditions and these General Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the meaning stated. Words indicating persons or parties include corporation and other legal entities, except where the context requires otherwise.在合同条件(“本条件”),包括专用条件和通用条件中,下列词语和措辞应具有以下所述的含义.除上下文另有要求外,文中人员或当事各方等词语包括公司和其他合法实体.1.1.1The Contract合同1.1.1.1“Contract” means the Contract Agreement, these Conditions, the Employer’s Re quirement,the Tender, and further document (if any) which are listed in the Contract Agreement.“合同”系指合同协议书、本条件、雇主要求、投标书和合同协议书列出的其他文件(如果有).“Contract Agreement” means the contract agreement referred to in Sub-Clause 1.6[Contract Agreement], including any annexed memoranda.“合同协议书”系指第1.6款[合同协议书]中所述的合同协议书及所附各项备忘录.“Employer’s requirements” means the document entitled employer’s requirements, asincluded in the Contract, and any additions and modifications to such document in accordance with the Contract. Such document specifies the purpose, scope, and/or design and/or other technical criteria, for the Works.“雇主要求”系指合同中包括的,题为雇主要求的文件,其中列明工程的目标、范围、和(或)设计和(或)其他技术标准,以及按合同对此项文件所作的任何补充和修改.“Tender” means the Contractor’s signed offer for the Works and all other documents whichthe Contractor submitted therewith (other than these Conditions and Employer’s Requirements, if so submitted), as included in the Contract.“投标书”系指包含在合同中的由承包商提交的为完成工程签署的报价,以及随同提交的所有其他文件(本条件和雇主要求除外,如同时提交).“Performance Guarantees” and “Schedule of payments” mean the documents so named(if any), as included in the Contract.“履约保证”和“付款计划表”系指合同中包括的具有上述名称的文件(如果有).1.1.2Parties and Persons各方和人员1.1.2.1“Party” means the Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires.“当事方(或一方)”根据上下文需要,或指雇主,或指承包商。
Decree of the State Council of the People’s Republic of ChinaNo. 584The Regulations on Administration of Registration of Resident Offices of Foreign Enterprises, which was adopted at the 132nd executive meeting of the State Council on November 10, 2010, is hereby promulgated and shall enter into effect as of March 1, 2011.Premier Wen JiabaoNovember 19, 2010 Regulations on Administration of Registration of Resident Offices of Foreign EnterprisesChapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1 The regulations shall be formulated for the purpose of regulating the establishment and business activities of resident offices of foreign enterprises.Article 2 Resident offices of foreign enterprise in the regulations (hereinafter referred to as representative office) refers to the working bodies established by foreign enterprises in accordance with the Regulations within China engaging in non-profit programs related to their own business and does not possess the status of a legal person.Article 3 Representative offices should abide by Chinese laws and shall not impair the state security and public interests of China.Article 4 Establishment, alteration and termination of a representative office should go through registration pursuant to the regulations.A foreign enterprise shall take responsible for the authenticity of application documents and materials while applying for the registration of its representative office.Article 5 The State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) and its authorized local administrations for industry and commerce shall be the authorities in charge of registration and administration of representative offices (hereinafter referred to as registration authority).Registration authorities should establish the information sharing mechanism with other related departments to mutually offer the information concerning representative offices.Article 6 A representative office should submit the annual report to the registration authority from March 1 to June 30 every year, with the contents including valid existence of the foreign enterprise, business performance of the representative office, expenditures for the auditing of the accounting firm and other related matters.Article 7 A representative office should set up the accounting book by law to truly record funding allocation of the foreign enterprise and expenditures of the representative office and put it in the place where the representative office is located.A representative office shall not use the accounts of other enterprises, organizations or individuals.Article 8 Chief representative and representatives entrusted by foreign enterprises as well as staff of representative offices should abide by the provisions of laws and administrative regulations on entry and exit, residency, employment, tax payment and foreign exchange registration; in case of violation, related departments shall impose punishment according to laws and administrative regulations.Chapter II RegistrationArticle 9 Registration of a representative office includes the title of the representative office, name of chief representative, business scope, residency site, residency period, and title and domicile of foreign enterprise.Article 10 The title of a representative office should consist of the following subsequent parts:nationality and Chinese name of foreign enterprise, name of the city where the office is located and the words “representative office”, exclusive of the following contents and words:(1)impairing the state security or public interests of China;(2)using the names of international organizations; and(3)violating laws and administrative regulations or the provisions by the State Council.A representative office should conduct business activities in the name as registered in the registration authority.Article 11 A foreign enterprise should designate one chief representative, who shall sign the registration application documents of its representative office on behalf of the foreign enterprise within the scope authorized by the foreign enterprise in writing.The foreign enterprise shall entrust 1 to 3 representatives based on the business needs.Article 12 One person Chief representative and representative shall not be appointed as Chief representative or representative in the following conditions:(1)the person imposed penalty for impairing the state security or public interests of China;(2)the chief representative or representative of a representative office that has been revoked the establishment registration, registration certificate or ordered to close by related department by law for conducting illegal activities impairing the state security or public interests of China within 5 years upon being revoked, cancelled or ordered to close down;and(3)other conditions as the SAIC prescribed.Article 13 A representative office shall not conduct profit-making activities.In case international treaties and agreements signed or joined by China have made separate provisions, the provisions shall prevail, but except otherwise regulated by reserved clauses as China has claimed.Article 14 A representative office may engage in the activities related to the business of foreign enterprises as follows:(1)market surveys, displays and campaigns related to the products or services of foreign enterprise;and(2)liaison activities connected with sales of the product of foreign enterprise, service providing, domestic procurement and investment.In case laws, administrative regulations or the State Council provides that a representative office shall be approved while engaging in the business activities as prescribed above, it should gain approval.Article 15 The residency site of a representative office is up to the foreign enterprise.In accordance with the needs of the state security and public interests of China, related departments may require a representative office to adjust the residency site and timely report to the registration authority.Article 16 The residency period of a representative office shall not exceed the duration of the foreign enterprise.Article 17 The registration authority should record the registration of a representative office in the registration book for reference and copying by the public.Article 18 A representative office should lay the Registration Permit of Resident Representative Office of Foreign Enterprise in China (hereinafter referred to as registration permit) issued by the registration authority in the eye-catching place of its residency site.Article 19 Any unit and individual shall not forge, alter, lease, lend or transfer the registration permit and the chief representative and representative cards (hereinafter referred to as representative card).In case the registration permit or representative card is lost or damaged, the representative office should declare its invalidation on the designated media and apply for another registration permit or representative card.In case the registration authority makes the decision on approval of registration of alteration, cancellation of registration, cancellation of alteration registration, or revocation of registration permit, the original registration permit, or the chief representative and representative card issued by the authority shall be automatically invalid.Article 20 For the establishment or alteration of its representative office, a foreign enterprise should announce it to the public on the media designated by the registration authority.In case the establishment or revocation registration of a representative office shall be annulled or cancelled by law, it shall be announced by the registration authority to the public.Article 21 For the acts of a representative office suspected of violating the regulations, the registration authority may by law execute the following duties:(1)to investigate and know about information from related units and individuals;(2)to consult, copy, seal up and seize contracts, notes, accounting books and other materials connected with illegal acts;(3)to seal up and seize the tools, equipment, raw materials, products (commodities) specially for illegal acts; and(4)to investigate the accounts and accounting voucher, accounting books and statement of account related to deposits of the representative office engaging in illegal acts.Chapter III Registration of EstablishmentArticle 22 An application shall be made to the registration authority if a representative office is established.Article 23 Applying for the establishment of a representative office, a foreign enterprise should submit to the registration authority the following documents and materials:(1)application for registration of establishment of representative office;(2)domicile certification of the foreign enterprise and business license valid for more than 2 years;(3)articles of associations or organization agreement of the foreign enterprise;(4)commission documents issued by the foreign enterprise to chief representative and representative;(5)identification papers and resumes of chief representative and representative;(6)certificate of capital credit issued by financial institution having business ties with the foreign enterprise; and(7)the certification for the lawful right to use the residency site of the representative office.In case laws, administrative regulations or the State Council provides that the establishment of a representative office shall be approved, a foreign enterprise should file an application for registration of establishment to the registration authority within 90 days upon being approved and submit related approval documents.In case the international treaties and agreements signed or joined by China provide that a representative office engaging in profit-making activities shall be established, corresponding documents shall be also submitted in accordance with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations or the State Council.Article 24 The registration authority should make a decision on whether or not to approve registration of establishment within 15 days upon accepting application and may solicit opinions of related departments when necessary prior to the decision; in case an approval is made, it should grant to the applicant the registration certificate and representative card within 5 days upon making the decision; in case no approval is made, it should issue to the applicant the registration rejection notice within 5 days upon making the decision and give the reason for not granting registration.The issuing date of registration certificate shall be the establishment date of a representative office.Article 25 A representative office, chief representative and representative holds the registration certificate and representative card to apply for handling related formalities of residency, employment, tax paying and foreign exchange registration.Chapter IV Registration of AlterationArticle 26 A foreign enterprise should file an application to the registration authority for the registration of alteration if an alteration of registration of its representative office occurs.Article 27 In case alteration of registration arises, an application for registration of alteration should be filed within 60 days upon the alteration of registration.In case registration of alteration shall be approved prior to registration in accordance with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations or the State Council, an application for the registration of alteration should be filed within 30 days upon being approved.Article 28 In case its representative office continues to conduct business activities after theexpiration of residency, a foreign enterprise should file an application for registration of alteration to the registration authority within 60 days prior to the expiration of residency.Article 29 For the application for the registration of alteration of a representative office, the application for registration of alteration and related documents as the SAIC prescribed should be submitted.In case registration items of alteration shall be approved prior to registration in accordance with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations or the State Council, related approval documents should be also submitted.Article 30 The registration authority should make the decision on whether or not to approve the registration of alteration within 10 days upon accepting application. In case a decision on approving registration of alteration is made, the registration certificate and representative card should be renewed within 5 days upon the decision; in case no decision on registration of alteration is made, the notice of rejecting registration of alteration should be issued to the applicant within 5 days upon the decision with the reason for not approving registration of alteration given.Article 31 In case alteration of authorized signatory, liability type of enterprise, capital (assets), and business scope of a foreign enterprise arises, it should apply to the registration authority for filing within 60 days upon the alteration of above-mentioned items.Chapter V Registration of AnnulmentArticle 32 A foreign enterprise should apply to the registration authority for registration of annulment within 60 days as of the date when the following items arise in one of the conditions as follows:(1)the foreign enterprise revokes its representative office;(2)its representative office no longer conducts business activities upon the expiration of residency;(3)termination of the foreign enterprise;and(4)its representative office shall be revoked or ordered to close down by law.Article 33 Applying for the registration of annulling its representative office, a foreign enterprise should submit to the registration authority the following documents:(1)the application letter for registration of annulling the representative office;(2)certification for annulment of taxation registration of the representative office;(3)certification for the completion of liquidating related issues or related unfinished formalities for the representative office issued by customs and foreign exchange departments; and(4)other documents submitted as the SAIC prescribed.In case a representative office terminating business activities shall be approved in accordance with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations or the State Council, related approval documents should also be submitted.Article 34 The registration authority should make the decision on whether or not to approve registration of annulment within 10 days upon accepting the application. In case a decision on approving registration of annulment, the authority should issue the approval annulment notice within 5 days upon the decision and withdraw registration certificate and representative card; in case a decision on not approving registration of annulment is made, the authority should issue to the applicant the notice of rejecting registration of annulment within 5 days upon the decision with the reason for not approving registration of annulment given.Chapter VI Legal LiabilityArticle 35 In case a foreign enterprise establishes the representative office at random or conducts business activities of a representative office without registration, the registration authority shall order it to suspend activities and impose a penalty of RMB50,00 to RMB200,000.In case a representative office conducts profit-making activities in violation of the regulations, the registration authority shall order it to make corrections, confiscate illegal income and the tools, equipment, raw materials and products (commodities) specially for profit-making activities and impose a penalty of RMB50,000 to RMB500,000; in serious circumstances, the registration certificate shall be suspended or revoked.Article 36 In case a foreign enterprise gains the registration or filing of its representative office by submitting false materials or concealing the true situation by other fraudulent means, the registration authority shall order it to make correction and impose on the representative office a penalty of RMB20,000 to RMB200,000 and on directly responsible person in charge and other persons directly responsible a penalty of RMB1000 to RMB10,000; in serious circumstances, the registration authority shall annul registration or revoke registration certificate and withdraw representative card.In case a representative office conceals the true situation and practices frauds in the annual report, the registration authority shall order it to make corrections and impose on the representative office a penalty of RMB20,000 to RMB200,000; in serious circumstances, the registration certificate shall be suspended or revoked.In case a representative office forges, alters, lease, lend or transfer registration certificate or representative card, the registration authority shall impose on the representative office a penalty ofRMB10,000 to RMB100,000, and on directly responsible person in charge and other persons directly responsible a penalty of RMB1000 to RMB10,000; in serious circumstances, the registration certificate shall be suspended or revoked and representative card shall be withdrawn.Article 37 In case a representative office conduct other activities beyond business in violation of Article 14 of the regulations, the registration authority shall order it to make corrections; in case corrections fail to be made within the prescribed period, a penalty of RMB10,000 to RMB100,000 shall be imposed on; in serious circumstances, the registration certificate shall be suspended or revoked.Article 38 The registration authority shall order it to make corrections and impose a penalty of RMB10,000 to RMB30,000; in case corrections fail to be made within the prescribed period, the registration certificate shall be suspended or revoked, in the following conditions:(1)to submit the annual report not in accordance with the regulations;(2)to conduct business activities not in accordance with the name as registered in the registration authority;(3)to adjust the residency site not in accordance with the requirements of related departments of Chinese government;(4)to announce its establishment and alteration not in accordance with the regulations;and(5)to handle related registration of alteration, registration of annulment or filing not in accordance with the regulations.Article 39 In case a representative office conduct seriously illegal activities impairing the state security or public interests of China, the registration authority shall suspend or revoke the registration certificate.In case a representative office is cancelled the registration of establishment, suspended or revoked the registration certificate or ordered to close down by the related department of Chinese government in violation of the regulations, the foreign enterprise establishing the representative office shall not set up another representative office within 5 years upon being cancelled, revoked or ordered to close down.Article 40 In case the registration authority and its staff misuse the authority, neglect the duty, or commit illegalities for personal gains to handle registration and investigate and deal with violations or support, cover up and countenance illegal acts not in accordance with the Regulations, punishment shall be imposed on according to law.Article 41 In case anyone violates the regulations by committing acts against public security administration, punishment shall be imposed on in accordance with the Penalty Law of PublicSecurity Management of the People’s Republic of China; if a crime has been constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.Chapter VII Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 42 The foreign enterprise in the regulations refers to the profit-making organization established within China according to foreign laws.Article 43 Fee items for the registration of a representative office shall be subject to related provisions by the finance department and the department in charge of price under the State Council, so shall the charging standard for the registration of a representative office.Article 44 In case an enterprise from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region or Taiwan sets up its representative office within China, it shall be subject to the registration management as the regulations has prescribed.Article 45 The regulations shall enter into effect as of March 1, 2011, and the Measures for the Administration of Resident Offices of Foreign Enterprises issued by the SAIC on March 15, 1983 through the approval of the State Council on March 5, 1983 shall be simultaneously annulled.The State Council of the People’s Republic of China 2010-11-19。
商务英语合同中名词化结构使用分析In business English contracts, nominalization is an essential element that allows for clarity and precision. Nominalization involves converting verbs and adjectives into nouns, which often results in more complicated and lengthy sentences. However, the use of nominalization helps to formalize the language, provide structure, and convey a more technical tone.When using nominalization, it is important to pay attention to the structure of the sentence to ensure clarity and precision. One key aspect is to define the noun in the sentence clearly. This can be done by using articles, modifying phrases, and specifying the scope of the noun. Additionally, when using nominalization, it is crucial to ensure that the meanings of all the terms are clear and well-understood by all parties.Furthermore, nominalization can also be beneficial in avoiding ambiguity in contracts. By converting verbs and adjectives into nouns, it is possible to avoid the use of vague verbs like “consider,” which can lead to confusion and misunderstandings. Instead,nominalization can help to clarify the implications and responsibilities of both parties.In conclusion, the use of nominalization in business English contracts is essential for clarity and precision. It allows for technical language, formalizes the document, and provides structure. However, it is important to ensure that the structure of the sentence is clear and well-defined, and all parties understand the meanings of all terms. Nominalization can also be beneficial in avoiding ambiguity and misunderstandings in contracts.名词化的结构是商务英语合同中不可或缺的元素,它可以使语言更加精确和清晰。
CHINA STARCH HOLDINGS LIMITED中國澱粉控股有限公司董事会提名委员会职权范围Terms of reference ofthe Nomination Committee of the Board of DirectorsChina Starch Holdings Limited中國澱粉控股有限公司(“Company” and “本公司”)Terms of reference of the Nomination Committee (“Committee”)of the Board of Directors (“Board”) of the Company董事会(“董事会”提名委员会(“委员会”)权责范围及程序(中文本为翻译稿,仅供参考用) 1. Constitution 组成1.1 The Committee is established pursuant to a resolutionpassed by the Board at its meeting held on 5 September2007. 本委员会是按本公司董事会于2007年9月5日会议通过成立的。
2. Membership 成员2.1 Members of the Committee shall be appointed by theBoard from amongst the directors of the Company andshall consist of not less than three members and amajority of whom shall be independent non-executivedirectors. 委员会成员由董事会从董事中挑选,委员会人数最少三名,而大部份之成员须为本公司的独立非执行董事。
2.2 The Chairman of the Committee shall be appointed bythe Board.委员会主席由董事会委任。
商务英语合同中的形容词名词化Nominalization is a linguistic phenomenon where a word that is typically an adjective or a noun is transformed into a noun. This process is commonly observed in the context of business English contracts where the use of nominalized forms can contribute to the formality and precision of the language. In the realm of commercial agreements, the nominalization of adjectives and nouns plays a crucial role in conveying the intended meaning, establishing legal obligations, and ensuring the clarity and enforceability of the contract.One of the primary reasons for the prevalence of nominalization in business English contracts is the need for conciseness and clarity. Contracts often involve complex legal concepts and the precise delineation of rights, responsibilities, and obligations. By converting adjectives and nouns into their nominalized forms, the language becomes more compact and less ambiguous. For instance, the phrase "the successful completion of the project" can be expressed as "the successful completion" where the adjective "successful" is transformed into a noun. This not only reduces the overallwordcount but also emphasizes the specific outcome being described, making it more easily understood and enforceable.Moreover, the use of nominalized forms in business English contracts lends an air of formality and professionalism to the language. Contracts are legal documents that carry significant weight and require a level of sophistication in their expression. The use of nominalized terms, such as "the acceleration of the payment" or "the termination of the agreement," conveys a sense of gravity and technicality, which is often expected in the realm of commercial transactions. This formality helps to establish the seriousness of the agreement and reinforces the legally binding nature of the contract.In addition to conciseness and formality, the nominalization of adjectives and nouns in business English contracts also serves to enhance the precision of the language. Contracts often deal with complex financial, operational, and legal concepts, and the use of nominalized forms can help to capture these nuances more effectively. For example, the phrase "the availability of the resources" is more precise than simply stating "the resources are available." The nominalized form "the availability" emphasizes the specific characteristic of the resources being described, rather than just their general state of being.Furthermore, the use of nominalized forms in business Englishcontracts can help to establish a clear and consistent terminology throughout the document. By consistently using nominalized terms, the contract can maintain a cohesive and professional tone, making it easier for the parties involved to understand and interpret the agreement. This consistency also helps to minimize the risk of ambiguity or misinterpretation, which can be crucial in the event of a dispute or legal proceedings.Another important aspect of nominalization in business English contracts is its ability to create a sense of objectivity and impartiality. By transforming adjectives and nouns into their nominalized forms, the language becomes more impersonal and less subjective. This can be particularly beneficial in contracts where the parties involved may have competing interests or differing perspectives. The use of nominalized terms, such as "the requirement of the client" or "the satisfaction of the performance," helps to create a neutral and impartial tone, which can contribute to the overall fairness and enforceability of the agreement.It is worth noting that the use of nominalized forms in business English contracts is not without its challenges. Excessive or inappropriate use of nominalization can lead to overly complex and convoluted language, which can hinder the readability and comprehension of the contract. Additionally, the overuse of nominalized terms can result in a loss of the human element andmake the language appear too formal or detached. Therefore, it is essential for contract drafters to strike a balance between the benefits of nominalization and the need for clear and accessible language.In conclusion, the nominalization of adjectives and nouns in business English contracts plays a crucial role in enhancing the formality, precision, and consistency of the language. By transforming these parts of speech into their nominalized forms, contract drafters can create more concise, objective, and legally enforceable agreements. However, it is important to use this linguistic tool judiciously, ensuring that the language remains clear, readable, and reflective of the underlying commercial relationship. As with any aspect of contract drafting, the effective use of nominalization requires a deep understanding of the nuances of business English and a keen eye for striking the right balance between technical precision and practical communication.。
Fusion Managed HR Services Managers' Guide to Term
MANAGERS’ GUIDE TO T ERMINATION MEETINGMost managers find dismissal of an employee to be a difficult process regardless of the reasons for the dismissal. When a dismissal is necessary, it is important for the manager to:Comply with LegislationUnder the Ontario Employment Standards Act (ESA) employees terminated without cause are entitled to notice of the termination (or pay in lieu of notice). In some cases the employee may also be entitled to severance pay.Refer to the Ministry of Labour, Ontario Employment Standards Act to determine minimum requirements. Also, refer to the employee’s offer letter and/or employment contract to determine termination entitlements. Some employees may have rights under the common law that give them greater rights relating to notice of termination (or termination pay) and severance pay than those listed in the ESA.Be FairTreat employees fairly and with respect.Maintain ConfidentialityBe cautious about how much information is communicated to others about the facts and reasons for the termination.Manage People Better with FusionHow to Handle Terminations Professionally∙Prepare for the termination meeting in advance. Prepare the termination letter and a script of what you will say during the meeting. ∙ Hold the Termination meeting in a private location, such as meeting room. This allows you to leave the room at the end of the meeting and gives the employee the opportunity to stay behind for a few moments to compose themselves. ∙Hold the meeting early in the week, avoid Fridays, so that employee can seek legal advice if necessary. Pick a time of day, such as late afternoon, when there are fewer employees at the workplace. ∙Do not terminate close to holidays or the employee’s vacation or on their birthday. ∙Ensure that the employee’s supervisor or another manager is present during the meeting to act as a witness. ∙ Confirm the termination of employment in writing: letter should include effective date of terminationand confirm the notice/payment provided.∙ Keep the meeting focused on the termination and brief: maximum of 15 minutes. o Briefly explain the situation. o Treat the employee in a respectful, impersonal and unemotional way during the termination process. o Explain how the termination will be communicated to other staff and clients. o Review the termination letter with the employee and clarify any payment and benefits that will be provided. o Ensure that the employee returns the organization's property. o Explain the next step - where the person should go after the meeting, how to gather his/her personal belongings, and so forth. ∙This is primarily an information-giving meeting; however, provide an opportunity for questions. ∙Ensure that the person can get home safely, for example, provide cab fare and see the person to the cab.How to Handle Terminations Professionally∙Where a separation package is provided, explain all terms of the package (financial compensation, counseling, letter of reference) and provide the employee with 2 copies of the termination letter and release for their consideration. ∙ Do not accept the employee’s agreement to the separation package and do not accept a signedrelease during the termination meeting. The employee needs time to consider the package and seek legal advice.∙Make notes after the meeting and date and sign your notes. ∙Pay all outstanding wages, commissions, expenses, and vacation pay. ∙Pay Employment Standards Act (ESA) termination and severance payments. ∙Continue the employee’s benefits for a period of time equivalent to the notice period. ∙Prepare the employee’s Record of Employment (ROE) within 5 days of the last day of work. ∙ Arrange to have a manage r meet with the dismissed employee’s co -workers as soon as possible toinform the group. Explain how the dismissed employee’s responsibilities will be handled and how clients will be informed.The information provided is an overview. Your situation is unique. Contact Fusion Career Services for advice.。
TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR)Position title: Consultant –(mapping and documenting relevant Civil SocietyOrganizations (CSO) and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s) toengage on Tuna fisheries management in the Western and CentralPacific.Reports to: WWF-Pacific Communications Manager and to the Fisheries Policy Officer Date: As soon as possible: (10 contract days)expected between December 7th–19th, 2015Output: Regional Tuna Fisheries Management Civil Society Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations Stakeholder Analysis Report (Internal)Background:Regional tuna fisheries management processes (RFMO) and platforms have strengthened processes to allow for broader stakeholder participation which has been a fairly new element in some Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDs).As a result, in many Pacific SIDS, there are now much stronger process in place for consultation on oceanic fisheries management between government agencies and non-governmental interests and an associated strengthening of the structures for representation of non-governmental interests –though progress in this direction nationally is uneven or yet to be fully realized.Securing broader stakeholder participation in oceanic fisheries management at the regional level has been more elusive, although there are a number of cross-cutting issues with social, economic, communications and environmental dimensions that would warrant engagement by Pacific NGOs/CSOs to potentially include Tuna fisheries within existing work programmes.ObjectivesThe key objective of this consultancy is to i mprove WWF-Pacific understanding about the role of CSOs and NGOs operating across the major sub-regions of the Pacific including Micronesia (FSM, Kiribati, Palau, Tuvalu, Nauru), Polynesia (Cook Islands, Samoa/American Samoa, Tonga) and Melanesia (PNG, Solomon Islands and Fiji); their operating context, institutional structure and areas of focus to help determine CSO/NGOs that WWF-Pacific would engage as part of the project to promote, develop and strengthen broader stakeholder awareness & engagement in oceanic fisheries management.The broad criteria for selection and assessment of CSO/NGO organisations to be covered under this consultancy includes international, regional and sub-regional NGO/CSO groups that work on fisheries, oceans and or oceanic wildlife conservation in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean; includingNGO/CSOs that work on broader economic/trade issues; Private-sector; Communications and media; law and policy reform advocacy; labour NGOs (including maritime or seafarers unions); climate change and community-level rights (where related to oceans and coasts).Major Duties and Responsibilities:∙Reviewing and documenting of existing CSOs and NGOs operating across the major sub-regions of the Pacific including Micronesia (FSM, Kiribati, Palau, Tuvalu, Nauru), Polynesia (CookIslands, Samoa/American Samoa, Tonga) and Melanesia (PNG, Solomon Islands and Fiji);including providing a descriptive analysis of each organization’s operating context, institutionalstructure and area(s) of focus and general description of works programmes and staff capacities.∙Review and update of existing WWF-Pacific partnerships and details as above.∙Provide recommendations on areas of focus the CSO/NGO organization would engage on in the context of broader regional tuna fisheries management.∙Provide recommendations on areas WWF-Pacific would support CSO/NGO organsiation engagement in oceanic fisheries management.Scope of ConsultancyDesktop-based research. The required output will be a final reviewed report (in English). Relevant information to be annexed including work-plans and programmes; updated contacts and staff lists..Required Skills and Competencies∙At least Bachelor’s degree in Political science, Social s cience, Public Administration, Natural Resource Management, Environmental or Conservation Management or in its absence, atleast 5 years of practical experience in related areas (or working with socio-economicdevelopment and governance)∙Proven experience in analysis and assessment of development programmes and projects, partnership development strategy development, CSO engagement strategy development, etc.∙Good presentation & interpersonal skills∙Analytical & Report writing skills∙Fluency in written and spoken EnglishWorking Relationships:Internal: Communications ManagerExternal: CSOs to request informationPrepared by Supervisor and Project Manager - Duncan Williams & Mary Rokanadravu______________________ Date: ___11/26/2015___________Accepted by Country Director: ________________________ Date: ______________ Accepted by Consultant ________________________ Date: ______________。
⑥反映物流管理经济效益地指标,如利润率等.常见质量评价指标——6种10项①服务水平=(满足要求次数/用户要求次数)×100%缺货率=(缺货次数/用户要求次数)×100%②满足程度=(满足要求数量/用户要求数量)×100%③交货水平=(按交货期交货次数/总交货次数)×100%④交货期质量=规定交货期-实际交货期(天)正数表示提前交货,负数表示延迟交货.⑤商品完好率=(交货时商品完好量/物流商品总量)×100%缺损率=(缺损商品量/物流总量)×100%货损货差赔偿费率=(货损货差赔偿费总额/同期业务收入总额)×100%⑥收发差错率=(收发差错累计笔数/收发商品总笔数)×100%收发正确率=1-收发差错率【教材例题】某配送中心为各超市提供礼品装商品地配装和包装服务,3个月为一个结算周期,期间供配送礼品装商品20000件,超市退回地损坏商品有40件.文档来源网络及个人整理,勿用作商业用途计算过程如下:商品完好率=(交货时完好量/物流总量)×100%= [(20000-40)/ 20000] ×100%=(19960 / 20000)×100% = 99.8%则该配送中心地商品完好率为99.8%.【例题1·单选题】GY加工中心为全市50家火锅店配送调料,GY承诺商品完好率为99.9%.如果物流商品总量为4000千克,则GY公司地缺损商品量不应超过( )千克.文档来源网络及个人整理,勿用作商业用途A.2B.4C.6D.8【正确答案】B【答案解读】本题考查物流服务质量评价指标地知识.商品完好率=(交货时商品完好量/物流商品总量)×100%,则交货时商品完好量=4000×99.9%=3996.缺损商品量=4000-3996=4(千克).文档来源网络及个人整理,勿用作商业用途【例题2·单选题】某配送中心为各超市提供某商品地配装服务,一个结算周期共配送礼品装商品8000件,超市退回损坏商品40件.该配送中心配送商品完好率为( ).文档来源网络及个人整理,勿用作商业用途A.99.4%B.99.5%C.99.6%D.99.7%【正确答案】B【答案解读】本题考查商品完好率.商品完好率=(交货时商品完好量/物流商品总量)×100%,则有(7960/8000)×100%=99.5%.文档来源网络及个人整理,勿用作商业用途【例题3·单选题】与物流管理关系最密切,受到最大关注地客户服务要素是( ).A.交易前要素B.交易中要素C.交易后要素D.售后服务【正确答案】B【答案解读】通常情况下,交易中要素与物流管理地关系最密切,通常受到最大关注.【例题4·多选题】物流管理大致经历了( )等几个发展阶段.A.传统储运物流阶段B.人工物流阶段C.系统化物流阶段D.电子商务物流阶段E.物流信息化阶段【正确答案】ACE【答案解读】本题考查物流管理发展地三个阶段.【例题5·多选题】下列不属于物流评价指标中反应物流管理质量地指标地是( ).A.吞吐量B.交货水平C.物流成本D.设备利用率E.劳动生产率【正确答案】ACDE【答案解读】反映物流管理质量地指标,如物流服务质量、交货水平、商品完好率等.【例题6·单选题】物流管理地最根本地指导原则是( ).A.保证物流合理化地实现B.尽可能降低物流成本C.尽可能提高服务水平D.实现物流信息化【正确答案】A【答案解读】本题考查物流管理最根本地指导原则.版权申明本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理。
Computime Group Limited(the “Company”)(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)金寶通集團金寶通集團有限公司有限公司有限公司**(「本公司本公司」」)(於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司)______________________________________________TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE NOMINATION COMMITTEE提名委員會的職權範圍______________________________________________1.MEMBERSHIP 成員1.1Members of the Nomination Committee (the “Committee ”) shall be appointed by the board of directors (the “Board ”) of the Company.提名委員會 (「委員會委員會委員會」) 的成員須由本公司董事會(「董事會董事會董事會」)委任。
1.2 The majority of the members of the Committee shall be independent non-executivedirectors.委員會的大部份成員須為獨立非執行董事。
2.CHAIRMAN 主席2.1 The chairman of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board and shall either bethe Chairman of the Board or an independent non-executive director.委員會的主席須由董事會委任,並須由董事會主席或獨立非執行董事擔任。
3.SECRETARY 秘書3.1 The secretary of the Company (the “Company Secretary ”) shall be the secretary ofthe Committee. The Company Secretary or, in his/her absence, his/her delegate(s) or any person elected by the members present at the meeting of the Committee shall attend the meeting of the Committee and take minutes.委員會的秘書由本公司秘書 (「公司秘書公司秘書公司秘書」) 出任。
nominatevt.提名, 推荐, 任命, 命名英英解释:动词nominate:1.Propose: To fomally suggest that sb should be chosen for an important role ,prize,position,etc.2. Appoint:to choose sb to do a particular job;3. Select:to choose a time ,date or title for sth;synonym:appoint, name, constitute;name, make;propose;put up, put forwardadj.nominated 被提名的;被任命的nominative 主格的;记名的;被提名的n.nominee 被任命者;被提名的人;代名人nominative 主格nominator 提名者;任命者;续任者v.nominated 提名;任命vt.nominate 推荐;提名;任命;指定习惯用语nominate sb. as... 任命某人为...nominate sb. for ... 提名某人为...的候选人nominate sb. to (后接机构)任命某人为...的成员December has been nominated as the day of election.12月1日被指定为选举日。
.He went off in a huff just because we failed to nominate him as club president.就因为我们没提名他当俱乐部主席,他竟气冲冲地走了。
If any of my children are minors at the time of my death, I nominate my mother, KA THERINE JACKSON as guardian of the persons and estates of such minor children.如果在我死时我的孩子仍未成年,那么我指定我的母亲,凯瑟琳-杰克逊(KA THERINE JACKSO)为孩子的监护人,并且保管属于这个未成年孩子的遗产。
最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国公司法》若干问题的规定(三)Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Certain Issues Concerning the Application of the "Company Law of the People’s Republic of China" (Ⅲ)颁布机关:最高人民法院Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court文号:法释[2011]3号Document Number: Fa Shi [2011] No. 3颁布时间: Promulgating Date: 01/27/2011 01/27/2011实施时间: Effective Date: 02/16/2011 02/16/2011效力状态: Validity Status:有效Valid(2010年12月6日最高人民法院审判委员会第1504次会议通过)(Adopted at the 1504th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court onDecember 6, 2010)为正确适用《中华人民共和国公司法》,结合审判实践,就人民法院审理公司设立、出资、股权确认等纠纷案件适用法律问题作出如下规定。
In order to correctly apply the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, by taking into consideration the judicial practice, we hereby make the following provisions on the application of law by people's courts in trial of cases involving disputes over the establishment, capital contribution, equity affirmation, etc., of companies.第一条为设立公司而签署公司章程、向公司认购出资或者股份并履行公司设立职责的人,应当认定为公司的发起人,包括有限责任公司设立时的股东。
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Embry Holdings Limited安莉芳控股有限公司(“Company” and “本公司”)Terms of reference of the Nomination Committee (“Committee”)of the Board of Directors (“Board”) of the Company董事会(“董事会” 提名提名委员会委员会(“委员会”)权责范围及程序(中文本为翻译稿中文本为翻译稿,,仅供参考用) 1. Constitution 组成1.1 The Committee is established pursuant to aresolution passed by the Board at its meeting held on25 November 2006. 本委员会是按本公司董事会于2006年11月25日会议通过成立的。
2. Membership 成员2.1 Members of the Committee shall be appointed by theBoard from amongst the directors of the Companyand shall consist of not less than three members anda majority of whom shall be independentnon-executive directors. 委员会成员由董事会从董事中挑选,委员会人数最少三名,而大部份之成员须为本公司的独立非执行董事。
2.2 The Chairman of the Committee shall be appointedby the Board.委员会主席由董事会委任。
2.3 The company secretary of the Company shall be thesecretary of the Committee.本公司的公司秘书为委员会的秘书。
2.4 The appointment of the members of the Committeemay be revoked, or additional members may beappointed to the Committee by separate resolutionspassed by the Board and by the Committee. 经董事会及委员会分别通过决议,方可委任额外或罢免委员会成员。
App 11 - 13. Proceedings of the Committee 会议程序3.1 Notice:会议通知:(a) Unless otherwise agreed by all the Committeemembers, a meeting shall be called by at least seven days’ notice. 除非委员会全体成员同意,委员会的会议通知期,不应少于七天。
(b) A Committee member may and, on the request ofa Committee member, the secretary to theCommittee shall, at any time summon a Committee meeting. Notice shall be given to each Committee member in person orally or in writing or by telephone or by email or by facsimile transmission at the telephone or facsimile or address or email address from time to time notified to the secretary by such Committee member or in such other manner as the Committee members may from time to time determine. 任何委员会成员或委员会秘书(应董事的请求时)可于任何时候召集董事会议。
(c) Any notice given orally shall be confirmed inwriting as soon as practicable and before the meeting. 口头会议通知应尽快(及在会议召开前)以书面方式确实。
(d) Notice of meeting shall state the time and placeof the meeting and shall be accompanied by an agenda together with other documents which may be required to be considered by the members of the Committee for the purposes of the meeting. 会议通告必须说明开会目的、开会时间、地点、议程及随附有关文件予各成员参阅。
3.2 Quorum:The quorum of the Committee meetingshall be two members of the Committee and amajority of which shall be the independentnon-executive directors. 会议法定人数为两位成员,而大部份出席的成员须为独立非执行董事。
3.3 Frequency:Meetings shall be held at least once ayear to review, formulate and consider thenomination procedures as regards the appointment,reappointment and removal of directors (“Directors”)of the Company, their implementation during theyear and to make recommendations to the Board oncandidates for appointment as Directors. 次数:每年最少开会一次,以厘定、检讨及考虑本公司就董事委任、重新委任及罢免的提名程序、前述事项在有关年度的实施及向董事会提呈出任董事候选人的建议。
4. Written resolutions书面决议4.1 Written resolutions may be passed by all Committeemembers in writing. 委员会成员可以书面决议方式通过任何决议,惟必须所有委员会成员同意。
5. Alternate Committee members 委任代表5.1 A Committee member may not appoint anyalternate.委员会成员不能委任代表。
6. Authority of the Committee 委员会的权力6.1 The Committee may exercise the following powers: 委员会可以行使以下权力:(a) to seek any information it requires from anyemployee of the Company and its subsidiaries (together, the “Group”) and any professional advisers in order to perform its duties, to require any of them to prepare and submit reports and to attend Committee meetings and to supply information and address the questions raised by the Committee; 要求本公司及其任何附属公司(合称“本集团”)的任何雇员及专业顾问,提供委员会为执行其职责而需要资料,并提交报告、出席委员会会议及提供所需资料及解答有关问题;(b) to review the performance of the Directors andthe independence of independent non-executive Directors in relation to their appointment or reappointment as Directors; 于董事的委任或重新委任,评审董事的表现及独立非执行董事的独立性;(c) to obtain, at the Company’s expenses, outsidelegal or other independent professional advice on or assistance to any matters within these terms of reference, including the advice of independent human resource consultancy firm or other independent professionals, and to secure the attendance of outsiders with relevant experience and expertise at its meetings if it considers this necessary. The Committee shall have full authority to commission any search (including without limitation litigation, bankruptcy and credit searches), report, survey or open recruitment which it deems necessary to help it fulfill its duties and should be provided with sufficient resources to discharge its duties; 按照其职权范围就相关事项向外界寻求法律或其他独立专业意见(包括独立的人力资源顾问公司或其他独立专业人士)。