DL-酒石酸133-37-9;87-69-4;526-83-0 4J4Z8788N8 DL-苹果酸6915-15-7;617-48-1 817L1N4CKP L-苹果酸97-67-6 J3TZF807X5 α-维生素E乙酯7695-91-2 9E8X80D2L0 阿法环糊精10016-20-3 Z1LH97KTRM 阿拉伯胶9000-01-05 5C5403N26O 阿司帕坦22839-47-0 Z0H242BBR1 巴西棕榈蜡8015-86-9 R12CBM0EIZ 白凡士林8009-03-8 4T6H12BN9U 白蜂蜡8012-89-3 7G1J5DA97F 白陶土68515-07-1;1332-58-7 24H4NWX5CO 半胱氨酸盐酸盐7048-04-6 ZT934N0X4W 薄荷脑15356-70-4;1490-04-6;89-78-1BZ1R15MTK7 薄荷油8006-90-4 AV092KU4JH 倍半油酸山梨坦8007-43-0 0W8RRI5W5A 倍他环糊精7585-39-9 JV039JZZ3A 苯甲醇100-51-6 LKG8494WBH 苯甲酸65-85-0 8SKN0B0MIM 苯甲酸钠532-32-1 OJ245FE5EU 苯甲酸苄酯120-51-4苯氧乙醇122-99-6 HIE492ZZ3T苯乙醇60-12-8 ML9LGA7468苯扎氯铵8001-54-5 F5UM2KM3W7 苯扎溴铵7281-04-1 IRY12B2TQ6蓖麻油8001-79-4 D5340Y2I9G冰醋酸64-19-7 Q40Q9N063P冰片507700丙二醇57-55-6 6DC9Q167V3 丙二醇单月桂酸酯27194-74-7 M4AW13H75T 丙二醇二辛酸酯/二癸酸酯68583-51-7丙二醇二乙酯623-84-7 5Z492UNF9O 丙二醇二月桂酸酯22788-19-8丙二酸二乙酯105-53-3丙酸79-09-4丙酸钠137-40-6 DK6Y9P42IN丙酸乙酯105-37-3丙酸异戊酯105-68-0丙酸苄酯122-63-4丙酮67-64-1 1364PS73AF丙烯酸树脂包衣液[24938-16-7];[9010-88-2];[25806-15-1];[25212-88-8];[25086-15-1]玻璃酸钠9067-32-7 YSE9PPT4TH 泊洛沙姆124 9003-11-6 1S66E28KXA 泊洛沙姆188 106392125 LQA7B6G8JG 泊洛沙姆237 009003116泊洛沙姆338 009003116泊洛沙姆407 9003-11-6 TUF2IVW3M2 醋酸64-19-7 Q40Q9N063P 醋酸苯汞62-38-4 OSX88361UX 醋酸钠6131-90-4 4550K0SC9B醋酸纤维素9004-35-7;9035-69-2;9012-09-33J2P07GVB6大豆磷脂8030-76-0 1DI56QDM62 大豆油8001-22-7 241ATL177A 单糖浆57501 C151H8M554 单硬脂酸甘油酯31566-31-1单硬脂酸山梨坦1338-41-6胆固醇[57-88-5]氮酮59227-89-3蛋黄卵磷脂Lecithin [8002-43-5](卵磷脂) 卵磷脂的化学专有名词和CAS注册号很复杂。
SMT-Precision-R-Networks Type: SCNSizes: SOT 143, SOT 223, SO 8, SO 14, SO 16, SO 20LFeatures:• Thinfilm (NiCr) on passivated Si- or Alumina-substrate • Standard types and custom networks• Relative-data (tolerance, TCR and stability) much closer than with single resistorsSizes: ExampleL = Length, B = Width, D = Thickness, C = Width wrap around (in mm) (detailed drawings on request)Standard versions:Resistor bridges, single resistors and current-divider (detailed data on request)Inquiry and ordering data: SizeNumber and connection of resistors Resistance valuesTolerance and TCR (absolute and relative) Power ratingTemperature range Stability requirementsPackaging (bulk, tape/reel, magazine)Size L B D n SOT 143 3.0 2.5 1.1 4 SOT 223 6.5 7.0 1.6 4 SO 8 5.1 6.0 2.0 8 SO 14 8.9 6.0 2.0 14 SO 1610.26.02.016SO 20L 13.0 10.5 2.65 20Willow Technologies Ltd. Shawlands Court, Newchapel Road, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6BL, United KingdomTel . + 44 (0) 1342 835234 Fax. + 44 (0) 1342 834306 E-Mail.sales@ Web. SMT-Precision-R-Networks Type: SCNSizes: SOT 143, SOT 223, SO 8, SO 14, SO 16, SO 20LTechnical data – depending on sizeSizeSOT 143SOT 223SO 8So 14SO 16SO 20LPower rating P 70 (P 125 = 0 mW) 125 250 250 250 250 500 Resistance range10R / 1M10R / 5M10R / 5M10R / 10M10R / 10M10R / 10MTechnical data - general:Working voltage U_, U eff 100 V Silizium, 250 V Keramik Tolerance absolute relative± 0.05; ± 0.1; ± 0.25; ± 0.5; ± 1% < 0.0251) ; < 0.05; < 0.1%TCR absolute relative± 51), ± 102), ± 25, ± 50, x 10-6/K < 11), < 22), < 5, < 10-6/KOperating temperature range - 55°C ... + 125°C Storage temperature range- 55°C ... + 155°C Climatic category acc. to IEC 6006825/125/56Solderability IEC 60068 T2-20, Ta Meth. 1 235°C 2s Max. soldering temperature IEC 60068 T2-20, Tb Meth. 1A 260°C 10sLong term stability Tol.< 0.25%Tol.> 0.25%1000 h 10000 h 1000 h 10000 h Storage 125°C/1000h absolute relative < 0.02% < 0.005% < 0.06% < 0.02% < 0.05% < 0.01% < 0.1% < 0.05% Storage 155°C/1000h absolute relative < 0.1% < 0.05%< 0.2% < 0.1% < 0.2% < 0.1%< 0.5% < 0.2% Damp heat absolute (56d/40°C/96%) relative< 0.05% < 0.01%< 0.10% < 0.05%1) Temperature range 0 … + 70°C 2)Temperature range –25 … + 125°CIssue 01/03 Willow Technologies Ltd. Shawlands Court, Newchapel Road, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6BL, United Kingdom Tel . + 44 (0) 1342 835234 Fax. + 44 (0) 1342 834306 E-Mail.sales@ Web. 。
符合中国人的对照表0 Z 1 Y 2 R 3 N 4 S 5 W 6 L 7Q 8 B 9J书中的对照表00 OO 奥立弗·奥伊(Olive Oyl)吃菠菜Popeeye的女朋友01 OA 计算机办公自动化(Office Automation)电脑02 OB 奥托·冯·俾斯麦(Otto von Bismarck)站在轮船上铁血03 OC C-3PO 星球大战中的机器人04 OD 欧弟天天向上主持人唱歌05 OE 视窗邮件系统(Office Express)Outlook 邮箱06 OS 辛普森(O.J Simpson)杀妻案07 OG 欧记(Organized Crime and Triad Bureau)香港重案组O记配枪女警08 OH 奥利弗·哈代(Oliver Hardy)戴着圆顶硬礼帽留着小胡子的喜剧演员09 ON Devil的别称(Old Nick)又称为堕落天使黑色羽翼地狱10 AO 史密斯(AO Smith)电热水器11 AA 各自付钱(Acting Appointment)AA制聚餐餐桌12 AB 阿里巴巴(Ali Baba)四十大盗宝藏13 AC 国际米兰(AC 米兰)足球14 AD 耶稣(Jesus)公元纪年的开始十字架荆棘15 AE 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)煮怀表16 AS 阿诺德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)展示肌肉17 AG 阿甘(Forrest Gump)阿甘正传跑步18 AH 阿道夫·希特勒(Adolf Hitler)走正步举手敬礼19 AN 阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔(Alfred Nobel)授奖20 BO贝拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)首位黑人总统宣誓21 BA 文学学士(Bachelor of Arts)大学英语专业22 BB 处长(2B)二23 BC 比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)婚外性关系24 BD蓝光光盘(Blue-ray Disc)看片儿25 BE 布莱恩·爱普斯坦(Brian Epstein)放唱片26 BS 布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)玩弄蛇27 BG 比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)Windows视窗系统世界首富28 BH 本尼·希尔(Benny Hill)驾着送牛奶的马车29 BN 巴里·诺曼(Barry Norman)看电影30 CO 克里斯·奥唐尼尔(Chris O'Donnell)大斗蝙蝠侠31 CA 查理的天使(Charlie's Angels)霹雳娇娃卡梅伦·迪亚兹完美的臀部32 CB 查里·布朗(Charlie Brown)Snoopy 那只小鸟33 CC 查理·卓别林(Charlie Chaplin)拐杖和八字步34 CD 查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)进化论蝴蝶和人猿35 CE 克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)老牛仔《廊桥遗梦》36 CS 反恐精英(Counter-Strike)游戏AK4737 CG 漫画(Computer Graphics)38 CH 查尔顿·赫斯顿(Charlton Heston)乘坐战车39 CN 中国(China)中文域名国旗40 DO 多米尼克·奥布莱恩(Dominic O'Brien)玩扑克41 DA 大卫·艾登堡(David Attenborough)在矮树丛中匍匐行进42 DB 丹尼·布鲁(Danny Blue)飞天大盗骗子43 DC 大卫·科波菲尔(David Copperfield)变魔术44 DD 唐老鸭(Donald Duck)嘎嘎叫45 DE 杜克·艾灵顿(Duke Ellington)弹奏钢琴46 DS 迪丽娅·史密斯(Delia Smith)烤蛋糕47 DG 大卫·高尔(David Gower)手握板球拍48 DH达斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)雨人49 DN 死亡笔记(Death Note)拉夜神月50 EO 小驴依唷(Eeyore)咀嚼蓟草51 EA 古罗马皇帝奥古斯都(Emperor Augustus)穿着皇袍52 EB 俄妮•卜莱登(Enid Blyton)写作53 EC 埃里克•克莱普顿(Eric Clapton)弹吉他54 ED 伊莉莎•多莉特(Eliza Doolittle)卖花55 EE 埃德娜•埃弗拉吉(Edna Everage)挥舞剑兰56 ES 吝啬鬼埃比尼泽(Ebenezer Scrooge)数钱57 EG艾内斯托·切·格瓦拉(Ernesto "Che" Guevara)拉美英雄头戴革命扁帽58 EH 埃德蒙•希拉里(Edmund Hillary)站立在珠穆朗玛峰上59 EN 古罗马皇帝尼禄(Emperor Nero)拉小提琴60 SO 斯佳丽•奥哈拉(Scarlett O'Hara)晕倒61 SA 萨尔瓦多•阿连德(Salvador Allende)吃辣椒62 SB 睡美人(Sleeping Beauty)沉睡63 SC 肖恩•康纳利(Sean Connery)持枪64 SD 萨尔瓦多•达利(Salvador Dali)留着大胡子65 SE 苏•埃伦(Sue Ellen)喝着伏特加酒66 SS 斯蒂芬•斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)拍摄《外星人》67 SG 辣妹(The Spice Girls)吃咖哩粉68 SH 萨达姆•侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)烧油井69 SN 萨姆•尼尔(Sam Neill)与恐龙奔跑70 GO 乔治•奥威尔(George Orwell)打老鼠71 GA 乔治奥•阿玛尼(Georgio Armani)缝制女装72 GB 乔治•布什(George Bush)焚烧灌木丛73 GC 乔治•克鲁尼(George Clooney)戴着听诊器74 GD 杰拉尔德•德帕迪约(Gérard Depardieu)挥剑75 GE 格洛里亚•伊斯特芬(Gloria Estefan)引吭高歌76 GS 吉尔伯特和苏力文(Gilbert & Sullivan)演歌剧77 GG 杰曼•格瑞尔(Germaine Greer)焚烧胸罩78 GH 乔治•哈里森(George Harrison)沉思79 GN 格雷格•诺曼(Greg Norman)打高尔夫80 HO 黑兹尔•欧可诺(Hazel O'Connor)打碎玻璃81 HA 哈罗德•艾布拉姆斯(Harold Abrams)跑步82 HB 圣经(Holy Bible)红本子83 HC 亨利•库珀(Henry Cooper)拳击84 HD 汉普蒂•邓普蒂(Humpty Dumpty)从墙上摔下来85 HE 哈利•恩菲(Harry Enfield)电话访问86 HS 霍默•辛普森(Homer Simpson)吃油炸圈87 HG 休•格兰特(Hugh Grant)四个婚礼一个葬礼88 HH 大个子霍根(Hulk Hogan)摔跤89 HN 霍雷肖•纳尔逊(Horatio Nelson)掌舵90 NO 尼克•欧文(Nick Owen)坐在沙发上91 NA 尼尔•阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)身穿太空服92 NB 诺曼•贝茨(Norman Bates)淋浴93 NC 纳奥米•坎贝尔(Naomi Campbell)绊倒94 ND 尼尔•戴尔蒙德(Neil Diamond)坐在岩石上95 NE 诺尔•艾德曼(Noel Edmonds)扔弃油腻物96 NS 南希•西娜扎(Nancy Sinatra)与弗兰克进行二重奏97 NG 诺埃尔•盖拉弗(Noel Gallagher)用麦克风演唱98 NH 纳塞尔•侯赛因(Nasser Hussein)投掷板球99 NN 尼克•诺尔蒂(Nick Nolte)穿得像个流浪汉。
常用4000系列标准数字电路的中文名称资料型号器件名称厂牌备注CD4000 双3输入端或非门+单非门 TICD4001 四2输入端或非门 HIT/NSC/TI/GOLCD4002 双4输入端或非门 NSCCD4006 18位串入/串出移位寄存器 NSCCD4007 双互补对加反相器 NSCCD4008 4位超前进位全加器 NSCCD4009 六反相缓冲/变换器 NSCCD4010 六同相缓冲/变换器 NSCCD4011 四2输入端与非门 HIT/TICD4012 双4输入端与非门 NSCCD4013 双主-从D型触发器 FSC/NSC/TOSCD4014 8位串入/并入-串出移位寄存器 NSCCD4015 双4位串入/并出移位寄存器 TICD4016 四传输门 FSC/TICD4017 十进制计数/分配器 FSC/TI/MOTCD4018 可预制1/N计数器 NSC/MOTCD4019 四与或选择器 PHICD4020 14级串行二进制计数/分频器 FSCCD4021 08位串入/并入-串出移位寄存器 PHI/NSCCD4022 八进制计数/分配器 NSC/MOTCD4023 三3输入端与非门 NSC/MOT/TICD4024 7级二进制串行计数/分频器 NSC/MOT/TICD4025 三3输入端或非门 NSC/MOT/TICD4026 十进制计数/7段译码器 NSC/MOT/TICD4027 双J-K触发器 NSC/MOT/TICD4028 BCD码十进制译码器 NSC/MOT/TICD4029 可预置可逆计数器 NSC/MOT/TICD4030 四异或门 NSC/MOT/TI/GOLCD4031 64位串入/串出移位存储器 NSC/MOT/TICD4032 三串行加法器 NSC/TICD4033 十进制计数/7段译码器 NSC/TICD4034 8位通用总线寄存器 NSC/MOT/TICD4035 4位并入/串入-并出/串出移位寄存 NSC/MOT/TI CD4038 三串行加法器 NSC/TICD4040 12级二进制串行计数/分频器 NSC/MOT/TICD4041 四同相/反相缓冲器 NSC/MOT/TICD4042 四锁存D型触发器 NSC/MOT/TICD4043 4三态R-S锁存触发器("1"触发) NSC/MOT/TI CD4044 四三态R-S锁存触发器("0"触发) NSC/MOT/TI CD4046 锁相环 NSC/MOT/TI/PHICD4047 无稳态/单稳态多谐振荡器 NSC/MOT/TICD4048 4输入端可扩展多功能门 NSC/HIT/TICD4049 六反相缓冲/变换器 NSC/HIT/TICD4050 六同相缓冲/变换器 NSC/MOT/TICD4051 八选一模拟开关 NSC/MOT/TICD4052 双4选1模拟开关 NSC/MOT/TICD4053 三组二路模拟开关 NSC/MOT/TICD4054 液晶显示驱动器 NSC/HIT/TICD4055 BCD-7段译码/液晶驱动器 NSC/HIT/TI CD4056 液晶显示驱动器 NSC/HIT/TICD4059 “N”分频计数器 NSC/TICD4060 14级二进制串行计数/分频器 NSC/TI/MOT CD4063 四位数字比较器 NSC/HIT/TICD4066 四传输门 NSC/TI/MOTCD4067 16选1模拟开关 NSC/TICD4068 八输入端与非门/与门 NSC/HIT/TICD4069 六反相器 NSC/HIT/TICD4070 四异或门 NSC/HIT/TICD4071 四2输入端或门 NSC/TICD4072 双4输入端或门 NSC/TICD4073 三3输入端与门 NSC/TICD4075 三3输入端或门 NSC/TICD4076 四D寄存器CD4077 四2输入端异或非门 HITCD4078 8输入端或非门/或门CD4081 四2输入端与门 NSC/HIT/TICD4082 双4输入端与门 NSC/HIT/TICD4085 双2路2输入端与或非门CD4086 四2输入端可扩展与或非门CD4089 二进制比例乘法器CD4093 四2输入端施密特触发器 NSC/MOT/STCD4094 8位移位存储总线寄存器 NSC/TI/PHICD4095 3输入端J-K触发器CD4096 3输入端J-K触发器CD4097 双路八选一模拟开关CD4098 双单稳态触发器 NSC/MOT/TICD4099 8位可寻址锁存器 NSC/MOT/STCD40100 32位左/右移位寄存器CD40101 9位奇偶较验器CD40102 8位可预置同步BCD减法计数器CD40103 8位可预置同步二进制减法计数器CD40104 4位双向移位寄存器CD40105 先入先出FI-FD寄存器CD40106 六施密特触发器 NSC\TICD40107 双2输入端与非缓冲/驱动器 HAR\TICD40108 4字×4位多通道寄存器CD40109 四低-高电平位移器CD40110 十进制加/减,计数,锁存,译码驱动 STCD40147 10-4线编码器 NSC\MOTCD40160 可预置BCD加计数器 NSC\MOTCD40161 可预置4位二进制加计数器 NSC\MOTCD40162 BCD加法计数器 NSC\MOTCD40163 4位二进制同步计数器 NSC\MOTCD40174 六锁存D型触发器 NSC\TI\MOTCD40175 四D型触发器 NSC\TI\MOTCD40181 4位算术逻辑单元/函数发生器CD40182 超前位发生器CD40192 可预置BCD加/减计数器(双时钟) NSC\TICD40193 可预置4位二进制加/减计数器 NSC\TICD40194 4位并入/串入-并出/串出移位寄存 NSC\MOT CD40195 4位并入/串入-并出/串出移位寄存 NSC\MOT CD40208 4×4多端口寄存器CD4501 4输入端双与门及2输入端或非门CD4502 可选通三态输出六反相/缓冲器CD4503 六同相三态缓冲器CD4504 六电压转换器CD4506 双二组2输入可扩展或非门CD4508 双4位锁存D型触发器CD4510 可预置BCD码加/减计数器CD4511 BCD锁存,7段译码,驱动器CD4512 八路数据选择器CD4513 BCD锁存,7段译码,驱动器(消隐)CD4514 4位锁存,4线-16线译码器CD4515 4位锁存,4线-16线译码器CD4516 可预置4位二进制加/减计数器CD4517 双64位静态移位寄存器CD4518 双BCD同步加计数器CD4519 四位与或选择器CD4520 双4位二进制同步加计数器CD4521 24级分频器CD4522 可预置BCD同步1/N计数器CD4526 可预置4位二进制同步1/N计数器CD4527 BCD比例乘法器CD4528 双单稳态触发器CD4529 双四路/单八路模拟开关CD4530 双5输入端优势逻辑门CD4531 12位奇偶校验器CD4532 8位优先编码器CD4536 可编程定时器CD4538 精密双单稳CD4539 双四路数据选择器CD4541 可编程序振荡/计时器CD4543 BCD七段锁存译码,驱动器CD4544 BCD七段锁存译码,驱动器CD4547 BCD七段译码/大电流驱动器CD4549 函数近似寄存器CD4551 四2通道模拟开关CD4553 三位BCD计数器CD4555 双二进制四选一译码器/分离器CD4556 双二进制四选一译码器/分离器CD4558 BCD八段译码器CD4560 "N"BCD加法器CD4561 "9"求补器CD4573 四可编程运算放大器CD4574 四可编程电压比较器CD4575 双可编程运放/比较器CD4583 双施密特触发器CD4584 六施密特触发器CD4585 4位数值比较器CD4599 8位可寻址锁存器CD22100 4×4×1交叉点开关电力安全月工作总结[电力安全月工作总结]电力安全月工作总结2011年3月1日至3月31日为我公司的安全生产月,**变电站围绕;夯实基储提高素质、树立标杆、争创一流;的主题,开展了丰富多彩、形式多样的具体行动:通过看板形式宣传安全第一、预防为主的方针;通过48+4的学习机会,进行安全生产大讨论;通过安全活动进行查找本站的隐患的活动,电力安全月工作总结。
2N3906中文资料(nte)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
VCE = 1V, I C = 1mA
40 − − 80 − −
2N3905 2N3906
VCE = 1V, I C = 10mA
50 − 150 100 − 300
2N3905 2N3906
VCE = 1V, I C = 50mA
30 − − 60 − −
2N3905 2N3906
VCE = 1V, I C = 100mA
2N3905 & 2N3906 硅PNP晶体管
集电极 - 发射极电压,V
CEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40V
C = +255C), PD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5W
减免上述255℃. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12MW / 5C
减免上述255℃. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0MW / 5C
2 A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system or to affect its safety or effectiveness
September 1996
16 Lead Molded Thin Shrink Small Outline Package JEDEC NS Package Number MTC16
All dimensions are in millimeters LIFE SUPPORT POLICY NATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION As used herein 1 Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body or (b) support or sustain life and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user
常用物理词汇中英文对照Aa.c. generator 交流发电机aberration 光行差,像差absolute index of refraction 绝对折射率absolute refractive index 绝对折射率absolute temperature scale 绝对温标absolute zero 绝对零度absorber 吸收体absorbing power 吸收能力,吸收本领absorptance 吸收比absorption 吸收absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption line 吸收谱线absorption spectrum 吸收光谱,吸收谱accelerate 加速acceleration 加速度acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度acceleration-time graph 加速度—时间关系线图accelerator 加速器acceptor 接受体acceptor doping 受体掺杂acceptor impurity 受体杂质accommodation 调节,视觉调节accumulator 蓄电池accuracy 准确度acetate strip 醋酸酯条片achromatic 消色差的achromatic aberration 消色差achromatic condenser 消色差聚光透镜achromatic light 消色差光,白光acoustic blur 声响模糊acoustic board 吸音板,吸声板acoustic navigation 声响导航acoustic pressure 声压acoustics 声学act on 施于action 作用量,作用,作用力action of point 尖端作用activation 激活,活化activation energy 激活能,活化能active nucleus 活性核,放射性核activity 放射强度,放射性adapter 接合器adder 加法器adhesion 附着力,附着,黏附adhesive force 附着力adiabatic 绝热的adiabatic expansion 绝热膨胀adiabatic process 绝热过程aerial 天线??aerial induction 天线调谐电感aerial network 天线网络aerodynamic force 气动力,空气动力aerodynamics 气体动力学,空气动力学aerofoil 机翼agent 剂air blower 吹风器air column 空气柱,气柱air cushion 气垫air damping 空气阻尼air film 气膜air track 气垫导航air wedge 气楔alignment 对准,校整alpha decay α衰变alpha particle α粒子alpha particle scattering analogue α粒子放射模拟alternating current 交流电alternating voltage 交变电压,交流电压alternator 交流发电机altimeter 高度计,测高仪americium ?宝?ammeter 安培计amorphous 非结晶的,无定形的ampere 安培,安ampere-hour 安培小时,安时amplification 放大,放大率amplifier 放大器amplify 放大amplitude 振幅amplitude modulation 调幅,振幅调剂amyl acetate 醋酸戊酯anaemia 贫血analogue 模拟analogue experiment 模拟实验analogue signal 仿真讯号,非数字讯号analogue-to-digital conversion 模拟转换analyser 检偏振器AND gate 「与」门anemometer 风速计aneroid barometer 无液气压计,空盒气压计angle of contact 接触角angle of deviation 偏向角angle of diffraction 衍射角,绕射角angle of dip 倾角angle of elevation 仰角angle of emergence 出射角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 倾角angle of minimum deviation 最小偏向角angle of projection 投射角angle of reflection 反射角angle of refraction 折射角angle of twist 扭转角angstrom 埃angular acceleration 角加速度angular aperture 孔径张角angular displacement 角位移angular frequency 角频率angular impulse 角冲量angular magnification 角度放大,角放大率angular momentum 角动量,动量矩angular motion 角向运动,角运动angular seed 角速率angular velocity 角速度angular width 角宽度annealing 退火,韧化anode 阳极,正极anomalous expansion 反常膨胀antenna 天线??anticlockwise moment 逆时针力矩antifreeze 防冻剂antinodal line 腹线??antinode 波腹antiparticle 反粒子antiphase 反相,逆相aperture 孔径,口径,孔apparent depth 视深apparent expansion 表观膨胀,视膨胀apparent frequency 表观频率,视频率apparent loss in weight 表观失重apparent weight 表观重量Appleton layer 阿普顿层,F电离层aqueous layer 水层Archimedes' principle 阿基米得原理area 面积argon 氩armature 电枢artificial disintegration 人工蜕变artificial radioactivity 人工放射astable 非稳态的astable circuit 非稳态电路astable multivibrator 非态多谐振荡器astigmatism 像散,散光astronomical telescope 天文望远镜at infinity 在无穷远处at rest 静止atmosphere 大气,大气层,大气压atmospheric pressure 大气压强atom 原子atomic bomb 原子弹atomic bond 原子键atomic density 原子密度atomic diameter 原子直径atomic energy 原子能atomic mass 原子质量atomic mass unit 原子质量单位atomic model 原子模型atomic nucleus 原子核atomic number 原子序数atomic radius 原子半径atomic separation 原子间距atomic spacing 原子间距atomic structure 原子结构atomic theory 原子论atomizer 喷雾器attenuation 衰减attraction 吸引attractive force 吸力audible frequency range 听频范围audible signal 可听讯号audio frequency 声频autofocus 自动聚焦,自动对焦avalanche 电子雪崩average acceleration 平均加速度average power 平均功率average speed 平均速率average velocity 平均速度Avogadro constant 阿佛加德罗常数,阿佛加德罗常量Avogadro number 阿佛加德罗数Avogadro's law 阿佛加德罗定律axial 轴向的,沿轴的axial field 轴向场axial search coil 轴向探察线图axis 轴axis of rotation 转轴Bback e.m.f. 反电动势background radiation 本底辐射Bainbridge mass spectrometer 班布里奇质谱仪balance 天平,秤,平衡balance arm 秤杆,平衡臂balance point 平衡点balance bridge 平衡电桥balanced force 平衡力ball bearing 球轴承,滚珠轴承ballistic galvanometer 冲击电流计,冲击检流计ballistic pendulum 冲击摆Balmer series 巴耳末系,巴耳末光谱band spectrum 带状光谱,带状谱bandwidth 带宽bar code 条形码bar magnet 磁棒bare wire 裸线??barium 钡barometer 气压计barrier 障碍物barrier layer 阻档层,耗尽层barrier potential difference 阻档层电势差,阻档层电位差Barton's pendulums 巴尔通摆base 基极base current 基极电流battery 电池组battery charger 电池充电器battery holder 电池座beaker 烧杯beam splitter 分束器,射束分离器beat 拍beat frequency 拍频becquerel 贝克勒耳,贝克bel 贝尔,贝bell jar 钟形罩bench mat 实验台垫Bernoulli's theorem 伯努利定律beryllium 铍beta decay β衰变beta particle β粒子biasing circuit 偏压电路biasing voltage 偏压biconcave lens 双凹透镜biconvex lens 双凸透镜bicycle dynamo 自行车发电机,脚踏车发电机bifilar pendulum 双线摆bifocal lens 双焦距透镜big bang model 大爆炸模型bimetallic strip 双层金属片,双金属片binary adder 二进加法器binary system 二进制binding 结合binding energy 结合能binoculars 双筒望远镜Biot-Savart law 毕奥—萨伐尔定律bipolar 双极的birefraction 双折射bistable 双稳态的,双稳器bistable circuit 双稳电路bistable multivibrator 双稳态多谐振荡器bit 二进制制,位black body radiation 黑体辐射block and tackle 滑轮组block diagram 方框图blocking capacitor 隔直流电器容blooming 敷霜,表面加膜Bohr atom 玻尔原子Bohr radius 玻尔半径Bohr theory 玻尔理论boil 沸腾,煮沸boiler 锅炉boiling point 沸点bolometer 辐射热计Boltzmann constant 玻耳兹曼常数,玻耳兹曼常量bombardment 轰击bond energy 键能bonding 键合Bourdon gauge 布尔登气压计bow wave 弓形波,舷波Boyle's law 博伊尔定律Brackett series 布喇开系,布喇开光谱Bragg angle 布喇格角Bragg diffraction 布喇格衍射,布喇格绕射Bragg plane 布喇格平面Bragg's law 布喇格定律brake 制动器breakdown potential 击穿电势,击穿电位breaking point 断点breaking strength 抗断强度breaking stress 致断应力breeder reactor 增殖反应堆bremsstrahlung 轫致辐射Brewster's law 布鲁斯特定律bridge circuit 桥式电路bridge rectifier 桥式整流器bright fringe 亮纹brightness 亮度brittle 脆的,易碎的bromine 溴Brownian movement 布朗运动brush 电刷bubble chamber 气泡室bubble raft model 泡筏模型buffer 缓冲器buffer circuit 缓冲电路bulk modulus 体积弹性模量Bunsen burner 本生灯buoyancy 浮力burette 滴定管burette stand 滴定管架burglar alarm 防盗警报器,防盗警钟buzzer 蜂鸣器by-pass 旁路byte 二进制组,字节Ccable 电缆cadmium sulphide 硫化镉caesium 铯calcite 方解石calibrate 校准,标上刻度calipers 测径器,卡钳calorie 卡路里,卡calorimeter 量热器camera 照相机cancer cell 癌细胞candela 坎德拉cantilever 悬臂capacitance 电容capacitance substitution box 换值电容箱capacitive circuit 电容电路capacitive component 电容性分量capacitive coupling 电容耦合capacitive discharge 电容性放电capacitive reactance 容抗capacitor 电容器capacitor-input filter 电容输入滤波器capacity 容量,载量capillarity 毛细现象,毛细作用capillary depression 毛细下降capillary rise 毛细上升capillary tube 毛细管capsule 囊capture 俘获carbon 碳carbon granule 碳颗粒carbon paper disc 圆形碳纸carbon-14 dating 碳14年代测定法carburettor 化油器,汽化器carrier wave 载波carry 进位castor oil 蓖麻油cataract 白内障cathode 阴极,负极cathode ray 阴极射线??cathode ray deflection tube 阴极射线偏转管cathode-ray oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器,示波器cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管cavity resonator 空腔共振器celestial telescope 天体望远镜cell 电池,细胞Celsius temperature scale 摄氏温标centimetre 厘米centralized low voltage power supply unit 中央控制低压电源箱centre of curvature 曲率中心centre of gravity 重心centre of mass 质心centre of oscillation 振荡中心centre-tapped transformer 中心抽头变压器centrifugal force 离心力centrifuge 离心机centripetal acceleration 向心加速度centripetal force 向心力Chadwick 查德威克chain reaction 连锁反应change of state 物态变化change-over switch 换向开关characteristic 特性,特征characteristic curve 特性曲线??characteristic line 特征线,特征谱??characteristic spectrum 特征光谱,特征谱charge 电荷,充电,起电charge carrier 载荷子charge conservation 电荷守恒charge density 电荷密度charge distribution 电荷分布charge to mass ratio 荷质比charged particle 带电粒子charging by contact 接触起电charging by friction 摩擦生电charging by induction 感应起电charging by sharing 授受起电charging time constant 充电时间常数,充电时间常量Charles's law 查理定律choke 扼流,抗流,扼流圈,抗流圈choke circuit 扼流电路,抗流电路chromatic aberration 色差chromatic dispersion 色散cinefilm soundtrack 电影胶片声迹circle of least confusion 最少模糊圈,明晰圈circuit 电路circuit board 电路板circuit breaker 断路器circuit symbol 电路符号circular coil 环形线圈circular motion 圆周运动circular orbit 圆周轨道circular pulse 圆形脉冲circular wave 圆形波circular wavefront 圆形波阵面,圆形波前clamp 夹钳,夹紧clap-echo method 「拍掌—回声」法cleave 裂开clinical thermometer 体温计clip 夹子clockwise moment 顺时针力矩closed circuit 闭合电路closed pipe 闭管closed tube 闭管closed-loop control system 死循环控制系统closed-loop gain 死循环增益closed-loop voltage gain 死循环电压增益closely packed 密堆积的cloud chamber 云室cloud chamber track 云室径迹coaxial 共轴,同轴coaxial cable 同轴电缆,同轴??cobalt 钴code 编码coder 编码器coefficient of dynamic friction 动摩擦系数coefficient of friction 摩擦系数coefficient of restitution 恢复系数coefficient of static friction 静摩擦系数coefficient of viscosity 黏滞系数coherent 相干的cohesion 内聚力,内聚cohesive force 内聚力coil 线圈collector 集电极,集极collector current 集电极电流,集极电流collimator 准直管,准直仪collision 碰撞colour 颜色colour code 色码,色标combinational logic 组合逻辑common emitter 共发射极common-mode voltage 共模电压commutator 换向器compass 指南针,罗盘complete circuit 完整电路component 组件,分量,组分component of force 分力compound microscope 复式显微镜compound pendulum 复摆compressed gas 压缩气体compressibility 可压缩性,压缩系数,压缩率compressible fluid 可压缩性流体compression 密部,压缩compression spring balance 压缩弹簧天平concave 凹concave lens 凹透镜concave mirror 凹镜,凹面镜concentric capacitor 同心电容器condensation 凝结,凝聚condensation nucleus 凝结核,凝聚核condensation point 凝点,凝结点condenser 聚光器,电容器,冷凝器conductance 电导conductivity 传导性,传导率conductor 导体conical pendulum 锥摆conjugate foci 共轭焦点conservation of angular momentum 角动量守恒conversation of charge 电荷守恒conservation of energy 能量守恒conservation of mechanical energy 机械能守恒conservation of momentum 动量守恒conservative force 守恒力,保守力conserved 守恒constant acceleration 恒加速度constant angular acceleration 恒角加速度constant angular velocity 恒角速度constant force 恒力constant motion 恒速运动constant pressure 定压constant speed 恒速率constant temperature 定温constant velocity 恒速度constant volume 定容constant volume gas thermometer 定容气体温度计constantan 康铜constriction 颈缩constructive interference 相长干涉contact angle 接触角contact area 接触面积contact force 接触力continuity equation 连续性方程continuous spectrum 连续光谱,连续谱continuous wave 连续波contract 收缩control experiment 对照实验,比对实验control grid 控制栅极control rod 控制棒control system 控制系统convection 对流converge 会聚converging lens 会聚透镜converging mirror 会聚镜convex 凸convex lens 凸透镜convex mirror 凸镜,凸面镜coolant 冷却剂cooling by evaporation 蒸发致冷cooling correction 冷却修正cooling curve 冷却曲线??cooling effect 冷却效应cooling system 冷却系统,散热系统coplanar forces 共面力core 心,核心Coriolis force 科里奥利力corkscrew rule 螺旋法则cornea 角膜corona discharge 电晕放电corpuscular theory of light 光的微粒学说correction 矫正,修正cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射coulomb 库伦Coulomb's law 库伦定律count rate 计数率counter 计数器counter weight 平衡锤,配重couple 力偶coupled oscillation 耦合振荡coupling 耦合covalent bond 共价键crane magnet 起重磁铁creep 蠕变crest 波峰critical angle 临界角critical damping 临界阻尼critical mass 临界质量critical point 临界点critical temperature 临界温度critical velocity 临界速度crocodile clip 鳄鱼夹cross hairs 十字丝,叉丝cross-sectional area 截面积Crova's disc 克罗瓦盘crystal 晶体crystal diffraction 晶体衍射,晶体绕射crystal lattice 晶体点阵,晶体格子,晶格crystal planes 晶面crystalline 结晶的crystallization 结晶crystallography 晶体学cubical expansivity 体积膨胀系数,体积膨胀率curie 居里current 电流current amplification 电流放大current amplification factor 电流放大因素current amplifier 电流放大器current balance 电流天平current density 电流密度current gain 电流增益current intensity 电流强度current pulse 电流脉冲current sensitivity 电流灵敏度current stabilizer 稳流器current transfer characteristic 电流转移特性current-carrying conductor 载电流导体current-voltage characteristic curve 电流—电压特性曲线?? curved mirror 曲面镜cyclotron 回旋加速器cylindrical concave lens 柱面凹透镜cylindrical concave mirror 柱面凹镜cylindrical convex lens 柱面凸透镜cylindrical convex mirror 柱面凸镜cylindrical lens 柱面透镜cylindrical mirror 柱面镜Ff-number f数,光圈数f-stop f制光圈far point 远点farad 法拉Faraday constant 法拉第常数,法拉第常量Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction 法拉第电磁感应定律fast breeder reactor 快中子增殖反应堆feedback 反馈feedback amplifier 反馈放大器feedback resistance 反馈电阻ferromagnetic substance 铁磁性物质ferromagnetism 铁磁性fictitious force 假力,伪力fidelity 保真性,保真度field coil 场线圈field effect transistor 场效应晶体管field intensity 场强field lines 场力线??field magnet 场磁铁,场磁体field of view 视场,视野field strength 场强figure of merit 优值,灵敏值filament 灯丝,丝极filter capacitor 滤波电容器filter circuit 滤波电路filter pump 滤泵final state 终态,末态final velocity 末速度fine-adjustment 微调,细调fire alarm 火警警报器,火警钟first law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律first order spectrum 第一级光谱,第一级谱fission 裂变fission reactor 裂变反应堆fixed point 定点fixed pulley 定滑轮fixed resistor 定值电阻器flat coil 扁平线圈flat solenoid 扁平螺线管flat-bottomed flask 平底烧瓶Fleming's left hand rule 弗林明左手定则Fleming's right hand rule 弗林明右手定则floating body 浮体fluid 流体fluid dynamics 流体动力学fluorescence 荧光fluorescent screen 荧光屏,荧光幕flux 通量flux density 通量密度fly-back 回扫flywheel 飞轮focal length 焦距focal plane 焦平面focus 焦点,聚焦,对焦focus control 聚焦控制follower circuit 跟随电路foot pump 脚踏泵force 力force constant 力常数,力常量force polygon 力多边形force resolution 力的分解force triangle 力三角形force-extension curve 施力—伸长关系曲线?? forced oscillation 受迫振荡former 框forward biased 正向偏压forward current 正向电流fossil fuel 化石燃料Foucault's rotating mirror method 傅科旋转镜法frame of reference 参考坐标系,参考系Franck-Hertz experiment 弗兰克—赫兹实验Fraunhofer diffraction 夫琅和费衍射,夫琅和费绕射Fraunhofer lines 夫琅和费谱线??free electron 自由电子free fall 自由下坠,自由下落free falling body 自由落体free oscillation 自由振荡free path 自由程free space 自由空间freeze 凝固freezing point 凝固点freon 氟利昂,二氯二氟甲烷frequency 频率frequency modulation 调频,频率调制frequency response 频率响应Fresnel diffraction 菲涅耳衍射,菲涅耳绕射Fresnel's biprism 菲涅耳双棱镜friction 摩擦,摩擦力friction compensated 补偿摩擦作用frictionless motion 无摩擦运动fringe 条纹fringe pattern 条纹图形fuel rod 燃料棒fulcrum 支点full adder 全加法器full-scale deflection 满标偏转full-wave rectification 全波整流full-wave rectifier 全波整流器fundamental frequency 基频fundamental mode of vibration 基谐振动模式fundamental note 基音fundamental quantity 基本量fundamental unit 基本单位fuse 保险丝fuse rating 保险丝额定值fusion 熔解,聚变fusion point 熔点fusion reactor 聚变反应堆GG - clamp G-形钳gain 增益gain control 增益控制galaxy 星系Galilean telescope 伽利略望远镜Galileo's thought experiment 伽利略假想实验galvanometer 电流计,检流计gamma radiation 伽玛辐射gamma ray 伽玛射线??gap 隙gas 气,气体gas pressure 气体强压,气压gaseous phase 气相gaseous state 气态gauge 规,计Gauss theorem 高斯定理Geiger counter 盖革计数器Geiger-Marsden scattering experiment 盖革—马斯登散射实验Geiger-Muller counter 盖革—弥勒计数器Geiger-Muller tube 盖革—弥勒管general gas equation 普适气体方程general gas law 普适气体定律generator 发电机genetic effect 遗传效应geometrical optics 几何光学germanium 锗ghost effect 迭影效应glancing angle 掠射角glass fibre 玻璃纤维glycerine 甘油gold foil 金箔fold leaf electroscope 金箔验电器gradient 斜率,梯度graduated cylinder 量筒Graham's law of diffusion 格拉哈姆散定律grain 粒,晶粒gramophone record 唱片,唱碟graph 图,线图,图表graphical method 图解法grating 光栅grating spectrometer 光栅光谱仪,光栅分光计gravitational acceleration 重力加速度gravitational attraction 引力,重力gravitational constant 引力常数,引力常量gravitational field 引力场,重力场gravitational force 引力,重力gravitational mass 引力质量gravitational potential 引力势,重力势gravitational potential difference 引力势差,重力势差gravitational potential energy 引力势能,重力势能gravity 重力grazing incidence 掠入射,切入射greenhouse effect 温室效应grid 栅极grid control 栅极控制grid system 电力网groove 纹道,针槽,开槽ground 接地ground state 基态guinea and feather experiment 「硬币与羽毛」实验Hhair spring 游丝half adder 半加法器half-life 半衰期half-silvered mirror 半镀银镜half-wave rectification 半波整流half-wave rectifier 半波整流器Hall effect 霍耳效应Hall probe 霍耳探测器Hall voltage 霍耳电压hand stroboscope 手动式频闪观测器harmonic 谐音harmonic motion 谐运动harmonic oscillation 谐振荡head-on collision 对正碰撞,正碰heat 热,热量,加热,热学heat absorbent 吸热剂heat absorber 吸热器heat absorption 吸热,热吸收heat capacity 热容量heat conduction 热传导heat exchange 热交换heat flow 热流heat gain 热增益,得热heat insulation 热绝缘,隔热heat loss 热损耗,失热heat proof 耐热的,隔热的heat pump 热泵heat radiation 热辐射heat reservoir 热库,储热器heat sink 热壑heat transfer 热传递,热转移heater 发热器,加热器heating effect 热效应heating element 发热组件Helmholtz coils 亥姆霍兹线圈henry 亨利,亨hertz 赫兹,赫high dispersion prism 高色散棱镜high tension 高电压hole 空穴,空子hollow plastic lens 空心塑料透镜hollow plastic prism 空心塑料棱镜hologram 全息图holography 全息术,全息学Hooke's law 虎克定律horizontal 水平horizontal component 水平分量horizontal deflection 水平偏转horseshoe magnet 蹄形磁铁hot cathode 热阴极hour 小时Huygens' principle 惠更斯原理hydraulic press 水压机hydroelectric power 水力发电hydrogen bomb 氢弹hygrometer 湿度计hyperbolic orbit 双曲线轨道hypodermic needle 皮下注射针头hypodermic syringe 皮下注射针筒hypothesis 假说,假设hysteresis 滞后现象Iideal gas 理想气体ideal gas equation 理想气体方程ideal gas temperature scale 理想气体温标ideal machine 理想机械illuminate 照明,照亮image 像image distance 像距immerse 浸没immersion heater 浸没式电热器impact 碰撞impedance 阻抗impulse 冲量impurity 杂质in focus 焦点对准in parallel 并联in phase 同相in series 串联incident ray 入射线??incident wavefront 入射波阵面,入射波前inclined plane 斜面incoherent 不相干的incompressible fluid 非压缩性流体indicator 指示器indirectly heated cathode 旁热式阴极induced charge 感生电荷induced current 感生电流induced e.m.f. 感生电动势induced voltage 感生电压??inducing charge 施感电荷inducing current 施感电流inductance 电感inductance capacitance coupled circuit 感容耦合电路inductance coil 电感线圈induction 感应induction heating 感应生热inductive circuit 电感电路inductive component 电感性分量inductive reactance 感抗inductor 电感器,感应器inelastic collision 非弹性碰撞inert gas 惰性气体inertia 惯性,惯量inertia balance 惯性秤inertial frame 惯性坐标系,惯性系inertial mass 惯性质量infra-red detector 红外线探测器infra-red radiation 红外辐射infra-red ray 红外线??initial state 初态initial velocity 初速度input 输入input bias current 输入偏压电流input characteristic 输入特性input current 输入电流input offset current 输入补偿电流input power 输入功率input resistance 输入电阻input voltage 输入电压input-output voltage characteristic 输入—输出电压特性instantaneous acceleration 瞬时加速度instantaneous angular velocity 瞬时角速度instantaneous current 瞬时电流instantaneous power 瞬时功率instantaneous speed 瞬时速率instantaneous velocity 瞬时速度instantaneous voltage 瞬时电压insulation 绝缘insulator 绝缘体integrated circuit 集成电路intensity 强度intensity control 强度控制intensity of current 电流强度interaction 相互作用interatomic force 原子间力interatomic potential 原子间势,原子间位interatomic separation 原子间距intercept 截距,截段interconversion 互换interference 干涉interference pattern 干涉图形internal energy 内能internal force 内力internal resistance 内电阻internal work 内功international system of units 国际单位制,公制,十进制interval 间隔intrinsic semiconductor 纯半导体,本征半导体inverse-square law 平方反比定律inverted 倒立的inverter 反相器,倒换器inverting input 反相输入ion 离子ion-pair 离子偶,离子对ionic bond 离子键ionic structure 离子结构ionization 电离作用ionization chamber 电离室ionization current 电离电流ionization energy 电离能ionization potential 电离电势,电离电位ionization voltage 电离电压ionize 电离ionized atom 离子ionized layer 电离层ionizing power 致电离能力,致电离本领ionizing radiation 致电离辐射ionosphere 电离层iris 虹膜,可变光阑iron core 铁心iron filings 铁粉irreversible process 不可逆过程isobar 等压线,同质异序素isobaric expansion 等压膨胀isobaric process 等压过程isochronous oscillation 等时振荡isotherm 等温线??isothermal process 等温过程isotope 同位素isovolumetric process 等容过程JJaegers method 耶格法jet propulsion 喷气推进jockey 滑动触头joule 焦耳joulemeter 焦耳计junction 连接,接头junction diode 面结型二极管junction transistor 面结型晶体管KKaleidoscope 万花筒Kelvin 开尔文,开Kelvin temperature scale 开氏温标Kepler's law 开普勒定律key 电键kilogram 千克kilowatt 千瓦特,千瓦kilowatt-hour 千瓦小时,千瓦时kilowatt-hour meter 电表,千瓦时计kinematics 运动学kinetic energy 动能kinetic friction 动摩擦kinetic theory 分子运动论kinetic theory model 分子运动模型kinetic theory of gases 气体分子运动论Kirchhoff's law 基尔霍夫定律kit 套件knife-edge 刃形支承,刀刃,刀边kryton 氪Kundt's tube 孔脱管Llagging 保温套laminar flow 层流laminated 分层的,迭片的laser 激光,激光器laser beam 激光束laser material 激光材料latch 闩锁latent heat 潜热lateral 横向,侧向,旁向lateral inversion 横向倒置lateral magnification 横向放大,横向放大率lateral search coil 横向探察线圈lattice 点阵,晶格lattice spacing 点阵间隔,点阵间距law 定律law of conservation of momentum 动量守恒定律law of reflection 反射定律law of refraction 折射定律lead 导线,铅lead-acid accumulator 铅酸蓄电池leakage current 漏泄电流least distance of distinct vision 最小明视距离Leclanche cell 勒克朗谢电池length 长度lens 透镜,晶体,晶状体lens formula 透镜公式lens holder 透镜座lens marker's formula 透镜制造者公式Lenz's law 楞次定律leukaemia 白血病lever 杠杆light 光,光学light beam 光束,光柱light dependent resistor 光敏电阻器light emitting diode 发光二极管light guide 光导light pipe 光导管light ray 光线??light sensitive resistor 光敏电阻器light source 光源lightning 闪电lightning conductor 避雷针limiting angle 极限角limiting friction 极限摩擦line of action 作用线??line of force 力线??line spectrum 线状光谱,线状谱linear air track 线性气垫导航linear electronics 线性电子学linear expansivity 线性膨胀系数,线性胀率linear flow 线流linear momentum 线动量linear voltage amplification 线性电压放大率linearly polarized wave 线偏振波liquefaction 液化liquid 液体liquid crystal 液晶体liquid phase 液相liquid pressure 液体压强liquid-in-glass thermometer 玻管液体温度计Lissajous figure 利萨如图形live 载电,活线,火线Lloyd's mirror 洛埃镜load 负荷lodestone 磁石logic gate 逻辑门logic level 逻辑电平,逻辑级logic level indicator 逻辑电平指示器,逻辑级指示器logic value 逻辑值long sight 远视long wave 长波longitudinal magnification 纵向放大,纵向放大率longitudinal wave 纵波loop 回路,圈Lorentz force 洛兰兹力Lorentz rotating disc 洛兰兹旋转盘loudness 响度loudspeaker 扬声器low frequency a.c. generator 低频交流发电机low voltage 低电压low voltage immersion heater 低压浸没式电热器lower limit 下限lycopodium powder 石松粉Lyman series 赖曼系,赖曼光谱MMach number 马赫数machine 机械macroscopic 宏观的magnadur magnet 玛格纳多尔磁铁magnet 磁铁,磁体magnet keeper 永久磁铁衔铁magnetic domain 磁畴,磁域magnetic effect 磁效应magnetic field 磁场magnetic field board 磁场板magnetic field intensity 磁场强度magnetic field strength 磁场强度magnetic flux 磁通量magnetic flux density 磁通量密度magnetic flux linkage 磁链,磁键,磁通匝数magnetic force 磁力magnetic hysteresis 磁滞magnetic induction 磁感应强度,磁感应magnetic line of force 磁力线?? magnetic material 磁性材料magnetic meridian 磁子午线??magnetic moment 磁矩magnetic north pole 磁北极magnetic permeability 磁导率magnetic pole 磁极magnetic screen 磁屏magnetic shield 磁屏magnetic south pole 磁南极magnetic susceptibility 磁化率magnetic tape 磁带magnetic tape recorder 磁带录音机magnetic torque 磁矩magnetic track 磁迹magnetism 磁学,磁性magnetization 起磁,磁化作用magnetize 磁化magnetizing current 磁化电流magnification 放大,放大率magnified 放大的magnifying glass 放大镜magnifying power 放大率magnitude 量,量值mains frequency 市电频率mains immersion heater 市电浸没式热器mains supply 市电电源majority carriers 多数载流子malleable 展性的,韧性的Maltese cross tube 马尔塔十字管manometer 流体压强计mass 质量mass defect 质量亏损mass number 质量数mass spectrometer 质谱仪mass-energy relation 质能关系matter wave 物质波maximum error 最大误差mean free path 平均自由程measurement 测量mechanical advantage 机械利益mechanical efficiency 机械效率mechanical energy 机械能mechanical oscillation 机械振荡mechanical wave 机械波mechanism 机制,机理medium 介质medium wave 中波Melde's experiment 迈尔德实验melt 熔化melting point 熔点meniscus 弯液面,弯月面meniscus lens 凹凸透镜,弯月形透镜mercury 汞,水银metal fatigue 金属疲劳fetal grid 金属珊metallic bond 金属键metastable 亚稳态的,介稳态的method of dimensions 维量法,因次法method of no-parallax 无视差法metre 米metre bridge 滑线电桥,米尺电桥metre rule 米尺mica 云母mica capacitor 云母电容器microammeter 微安培计,微安计microelectronics 微电子学micrometer 测微计micrometer screw gauge 螺旋测微计microphone 微音器,传声器microscope 显微镜microscopic 微观的microwave 微波microwave apparatus 微波仪器microwave receiver 微波接收器microwave transmitter 微波发送器milliammeter 毫安计,毫安计Millikan experiment 密立根实验millimetre 毫米minimum deviation 最小偏向minority carrier 少数载流子minute 分,分钟mirage 海市蜃楼,蜃景mirror 镜mirror formula 球面镜公式mobility 动性,迁移率mode 模式model eye 眼球模型model power line 输电线模型moderator 减速剂,缓和剂modulation 调制,调节module 组件modulus of elasticity 弹性模量modulus of rigidity 刚性模量molar gas constant 摩尔气体常数,摩尔气体常量molar heat capacity 摩尔热容量molar volume 摩尔体积mole 摩尔molecular bombardment 分子撞击molecular force 分子力molecular motion 分子运动molecular polarization 分子极化molecular separation 分子间距molecular structure 分子结构molecule 分子moment 矩moment arm 矩臂,力臂moment of couple 力偶矩moment of dipole 偶极矩moment of force 力矩moment of inertia 转动惯量moment of momentum 动量矩momentum 动量monatomic molecule 单原子分子monochromatic light 单色光motion 运动motor 电动机motor rule 电动机法则movable pulley 动滑轮moving-coil galvanometer 动圈式电流计,动圈式检流计moving-coil loudspeaker 动圈式扬声器moving-coil meter 动圈式电表multiflash photography 多闪照相法multimeter 万用电表,多用电表multiple image 复像multiple reflection 多次反射multiplication process 倍增过程multiplier 倍加器multivibrator 多谐振荡器musical instrument 乐器mutation 突变multiple-slit interference 多缝干涉mutual inductance 互感mutual induction 互感应mutually perpendicular 互相垂直的Nn-type semiconductor n型半导体NAND gate 「与非」门,「非与」门naphthalene ???natural frequency 固有频率,自然频率nature 本质near point 近点necking 颈缩negater 反相器,倒换器negative charge 负电荷negative feedback 负反馈negative ion 负离子negative supply rail 负供电轨negative terminal 负端钮,负接线柱net force 净力network 网络,网络neutral 中性,中线??neutral equilibrium 中性平衡,随遇平衡neutral point 中和点neutrino 中微子neutron 中子neutron number 中子数newton 牛顿Newton's first law of motion 牛顿运动第一定律Newton's law of gravitation 牛顿万有引力定律Newton's ring 牛顿环Newton's second law of motion 牛顿运动第二定律Newton's third law of motion 牛顿运动第三定律Newtonian fluid 牛顿流体Newtonian mechanics 牛顿力学nichrome wire 镍铬线,镍铬合金线??Nicol prism 尼科尔棱镜nitrogen 氮no-parallax 无视差nodal line 节线??node 节点,波节noise 噪音noise level 噪音级noise pollution 噪音污染non-conservative force 非守恒力,非保守力non-inertial frame 非惯性坐标系,非惯性系non-inverting input 非反相输入non-Newtonian fluid 非牛顿流体non-ohmic conductor 非奥姆导体non-ohmic resistor 非奥姆电阻器NOR gate 「或非」门,「非或」门normal 法线??normal incidence 正入射normal reaction 法向反作用力normal stress 法向应力north pole 北极NOT gate 「非」门note 音,乐音,律音nozzle 喷嘴nuclear 原子核的nuclear energy 核能nuclear energy level 核能级nuclear fission 核裂变nuclear force 核力nuclear fusion 核聚变nuclear pile 核反应堆nuclear radiation 核辐射nuclear reaction 核反应nuclear rector 核反应堆nuclear waste 核废料nuclear weapon 核武器nucleon 核子nucleon number 核子数,质量数nucleus 原子核nuclide 核素Oobject 物,物体object distance 物距objective 接物镜,物镜。
FEATURESSee mechanical drawings for dimensions.DBV PACKAGE (TOP VIEW)51V CCD 2CLK 34GNDQDCK PACKAGE (TOP VIEW)2CLK34GNDV CC5D Q1YZP PACKAGE(BOTTOM VIEW)CLKV CCGND Q DESCRIPTION/ORDERING INFORMATIONSN74LVC1G80SINGLE POSITIVE-EDGE-TRIGGERED D-TYPE FLIP-FLOPSCES221Q–APRIL 1999–REVISED JANUARY 2007•Available in the Texas Instruments •Latch-Up Performance Exceeds 100mA Per NanoFree™PackageJESD 78,Class II•Supports 5-V V CC Operation •ESD Protection Exceeds JESD 22•Inputs Accept Voltages to 5.5V –2000-V Human-Body Model (A114-A)•Max t pd of 4.2ns at 3.3V–200-V Machine Model (A115-A)•Low Power Consumption,10-µA Max I CC –1000-V Charged-Device Model (C101)•±24-mA Output Drive at 3.3V•I off Supports Partial-Power-Down Mode OperationThis single positive-edge-triggered D-type flip-flop is designed for 1.65-V to 5.5-V V CC operation.When data at the data (D)input meets the setup time requirement,the data is transferred to the Q output on the positive-going edge of the clock pulse.Clock triggering occurs at a voltage level and is not directly related to the rise time of the clock pulse.Following the hold-time interval,data at the D input can be changed without affecting the level at the output.NanoFree™package technology is a major breakthrough in IC packaging concepts,using the die as the package.This device is fully specified for partial-power-down applications using I off .The I off circuitry disables the outputs,preventing damaging current backflow through the device when it is powered down.ORDERING INFORMATIONT APACKAGE (1)ORDERABLE PART NUMBER TOP-SIDE MARKING (2)NanoFree™–WCSP (DSBGA)Reel of 3000SN74LVC1G80YZPR ___CX_0.23-mm Large Bump –YZP (Pb-free)Reel of 3000SN74LVC1G80DBVR SOT (SOT-23)–DBV C80_–40°C to 85°CReel of 250SN74LVC1G80DBVT Reel of 3000SN74LVC1G80DCKR SOT (SC-70)–DCKCX_Reel of 250SN74LVC1G80DCKT(1)Package drawings,standard packing quantities,thermal data,symbolization,and PCB design guidelines are available at /sc/package.(2)DBV/DCK:The actual top-side marking has one additional character that designates the assembly/test site.YZP:The actual top-side marking has three preceding characters to denote year,month,and sequence code,and one following character to designate the assembly/test site.Pin 1identifier indicates solder-bump composition (1=SnPb,•=Pb-free).Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.LOGIC DIAGRAM (POSITIVE LOGIC)CLKQAbsolute Maximum Ratings (1)SN74LVC1G80SINGLE POSITIVE-EDGE-TRIGGERED D-TYPE FLIP-FLOPSCES221Q–APRIL 1999–REVISED JANUARY 2007FUNCTION TABLEINPUTS OUTPUTQCLK D ↑H L ↑L H LXQ 0over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MINMAX UNIT V CC Supply voltage range –0.5 6.5V V I Input voltage range (2)–0.5 6.5V V O Voltage range applied to any output in the high-impedance or power-off state (2)–0.5 6.5V V O Voltage range applied to any output in the high or low state (2)(3)–0.5V CC +0.5V I IK Input clamp current V I <0–50mA I OK Output clamp current V O <0–50mA I OContinuous output current±50mA Continuous current through V CC or GND±100mADBV package206θJA Package thermal impedance (4)DCK package 252°C/W YZP package132T stg Storage temperature range–65150°C (1)Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings"may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratings only,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions"is not implied.Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.(2)The input negative-voltage and output voltage ratings may be exceeded if the input and output clamp-current ratings are observed.(3)The value of V CC is provided in the recommended operating conditions table.(4)The package thermal impedance is calculated in accordance with JESD 51-7.Recommended Operating Conditions(1)SN74LVC1G80SINGLE POSITIVE-EDGE-TRIGGERED D-TYPE FLIP-FLOPSCES221Q–APRIL1999–REVISED JANUARY2007MIN MAX UNITOperating 1.65 5.5V CC Supply voltage VData retention only 1.5V CC=1.65V to1.95V0.65×V CCV CC=2.3V to2.7V 1.7V IH High-level input voltage VV CC=3V to3.6V2V CC=4.5V to5.5V0.7×V CCV CC=1.65V to1.95V0.35×V CCV CC=2.3V to2.7V0.7V IL Low-level input voltage VV CC=3V to3.6V0.8V CC=4.5V to5.5V0.3×V CCV I Input voltage0 5.5VV O Output voltage0V CC VV CC=1.65V–4V CC=2.3V–8I OH High-level output current–16mAV CC=3V–24V CC=4.5V–32V CC=1.65V4V CC=2.3V8I OL Low-level output current16mAV CC=3V24V CC=4.5V32V CC=1.8V±0.15V,2.5V±0.2V20∆t/∆v Input transition rise or fall rate V CC=3.3V±0.3V10ns/VV CC=5V±0.5V5T A Operating free-air temperature–4085°C (1)All unused inputs of the device must be held at V CC or GND to ensure proper device operation.Refer to the TI application report,Implications of Slow or Floating CMOS Inputs,literature number SCBA004.Electrical CharacteristicsTiming RequirementsSwitching CharacteristicsSwitching CharacteristicsSN74LVC1G80SINGLE POSITIVE-EDGE-TRIGGERED D-TYPE FLIP-FLOPSCES221Q–APRIL 1999–REVISED JANUARY 2007over recommended operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSV CCMIN TYP (1)MAXUNITI OH =–100µA 1.65V to 5.5VV CC –0.1I OH =–4mA1.65V 1.2I OH =–8mA2.3V 1.9V OHVI OH =–16mA 2.43V I OH =–24mA 2.3I OH =–32mA 4.5V 3.8I OL =100µA 1.65V to 5.5V0.1I OL =4mA1.65V 0.45I OL =8mA2.3V 0.3V OLV I OL =16mA 0.43V I OL =24mA 0.55I OL =32mA4.5V 0.55I I CLK or D inputsV I =5.5V or GND 0to 5.5V±10µA I off V I or V O =5.5V 0±10µA I CC V I =5.5V or GND,I O =01.65V to 5.5V 10µA ∆I CC One input at V CC –0.6V,Other inputs at V CC or GND3V to 5.5V 500µA C i V I =V CC or GND3.3V3.5pF (1)All typical values are at V CC =3.3V,T A =25°C.over recommended operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)(see Figure 1)V CC =1.8V V CC =2.5V V CC =3.3V V CC =5.5V ±0.15V ±0.2V ±0.3V ±0.5V UNITMINMAX MINMAX MINMAX MINMAX f clock Clock frequency160160160160MHz t w Pulse duration,CLK high or low 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5ns Data high 2.3 1.5 1.3 1.1t su Setup time before CLK ↑ns Data low2.5 1.5 1.3 1.1t hHold time,data after CLK ↑ over recommended operating free-air temperature range,C L =15pF (unless otherwise noted)(see Figure 1)V CC =1.8V V CC =2.5V V CC =3.3V V CC =5V FROM TO ±0.15V ±0.2V ±0.3V ±0.5V PARAMETERUNIT(INPUT)(OUTPUT)MIN MAXMIN MAXMIN MAXMIN MAXf max 160160160160MHz t pdCLKQ39.1 1.56 1.34.2 1.13.8ns over recommended operating free-air temperature range,C L =30pF or 50pF (unless otherwise noted)(see Figure 2)V CC =1.8V V CC =2.5V V CC =3.3V V CC =5V FROM TO ±0.15V ±0.2V ±0.3V ±0.5V PARAMETERUNIT(INPUT)(OUTPUT)MIN MAXMIN MAXMIN MAXMIN MAXf max 160160160160MHz t pdCLKQ4.49.9 2.3725.2 1.34.5nsOperating CharacteristicsSN74LVC1G80 SINGLE POSITIVE-EDGE-TRIGGERED D-TYPE FLIP-FLOPSCES221Q–APRIL1999–REVISED JANUARY2007TA=25°CV CC=1.8V V CC=2.5V V CC=3.3V V CC=5V PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS UNITTYP TYP TYP TYPC pd Power dissipation capacitance f=10MHz24242527pF PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATIONFrom OutputUnder Test(see NoteLOAD CIRCUITOpenData InputTiming Input0 V0 V0 VInput0 VInputOutputWaveform 1S1 at V(see Note B)LOADOutputWaveform 2S1 at GND(see Note B)VOLVOH0 V»0 V OutputOutputt/tPLH PHLOpenTEST S1OutputControl1.8 V0.15 V±2.5 V0.2 V±3.3 V0.3 V±5 V0.5 V±1 M W1 M W1 M W1 M WVCCRL2 ×VCC2 ×VCC6 V2 ×VCCVLOADCL15 pF15 pF15 pF15 pF0.15 V0.15 V0.3 V0.3 VVD3 VVIVCC/2VCC/21.5 VVCC/2VM£2 ns£2 ns£2.5 ns£2.5 nsINPUTSt/tr fVCCVCCVCCVLOADt/tPLZ PZLGNDt/tPHZ PZHVOLTAGE WAVEFORMSENABLE AND DISABLE TIMESLOW-AND HIGH-LEVEL ENABLING VOLTAGE WAVEFORMSPROPAGATION DELAY TIMESINVERTING AND NONINVERTING OUTPUTSNOTES: A.C includes probe and jig capacitance.B.Waveform 1 is for an output with internal conditions such that the output is low, except when disabled by the output control.Waveform 2 is for an output with internal conditions such that the output is high, except when disabled by the output control.C.All input pulses are supplied by generators having the following characteristics: PRR10 MHz, Z= 50.D.The outputs are measured one at a time, with one transition per measurement.E.t and t are the same as t.F.t and t are the same as t.G.t and t are the same as t.H.All parameters and waveforms are not applicable to all devices.LOPLZ PHZ disPZL PZH enPLH PHL pd£WVOLTAGE WAVEFORMSPULSE DURATIONVOLTAGE WAVEFORMSSETUP AND HOLD TIMESVIVIVIV/2LOADVOLVOHVIVIVOHVOLSN74LVC1G80SINGLE POSITIVE-EDGE-TRIGGERED D-TYPE FLIP-FLOPSCES221Q–APRIL1999–REVISED JANUARY2007Figure1.Load Circuit and Voltage WaveformsPARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATIONFrom OutputUnder Test(see NoteLOAD CIRCUITOpenData InputTiming Input0 V0 V0 VInput0 VInputOutputWaveform 1S1 at V(see Note B)LOADOutputWaveform 2S1 at GND(see Note B)VOLVOH0 V»0 V OutputOutputTEST S1t/tPLH PHLOpenOutputControl1.8 V0.15 V±2.5 V0.2 V±3.3 V0.3 V±5 V0.5 V±1 k W500W500W500WVCCRL2 ×VCC2 ×VCC6 V2 ×VCCVLOADCL30 pF30 pF50 pF50 pF0.15 V0.15 V0.3 V0.3 VVD3 VVIVCC/2VCC/21.5 VVCC/2VM£2 ns£2 ns£2.5 ns£2.5 nsINPUTSt/tr fVCCVCCVCCVLOADt/tPLZ PZLGNDt/tPHZ PZHVOLTAGE WAVEFORMSENABLE AND DISABLE TIMESLOW-AND HIGH-LEVEL ENABLING VOLTAGE WAVEFORMSPROPAGATION DELAY TIMESINVERTING AND NONINVERTING OUTPUTSNOTES: A.C includes probe and jig capacitance.B.Waveform 1 is for an output with internal conditions such that the output is low, except when disabled by the output control.Waveform 2 is for an output with internal conditions such that the output is high, except when disabled by the output control.C.All input pulses are supplied by generators having the following characteristics: PRR10 MHz, Z= 50.D.The outputs are measured one at a time, with one transition per measurement.E.t and t are the same as t.F.t and t are the same as t.G.t and t are the same as t.H.All parameters and waveforms are not applicable to all devices.LOPLZ PHZ disPZL PZH enPLH PHL pd£WVOLTAGE WAVEFORMSPULSE DURATIONVOLTAGE WAVEFORMSSETUP AND HOLD TIMESVIVIVIV/2LOADVOLVOHVIVIVOHVOLSN74LVC1G80SINGLE POSITIVE-EDGE-TRIGGERED D-TYPE FLIP-FLOPSCES221Q–APRIL1999–REVISED JANUARY2007Figure2.Load Circuit and Voltage WaveformsPACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status (1)Package Type Package Drawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (3)SN74LVC1G80DBVR ACTIVE SOT-23DBV 53000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SN74LVC1G80DBVRE4ACTIVE SOT-23DBV 53000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SN74LVC1G80DBVRG4ACTIVE SOT-23DBV 53000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SN74LVC1G80DBVT ACTIVE SOT-23DBV 5250Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SN74LVC1G80DBVTE4ACTIVE SOT-23DBV 5250Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SN74LVC1G80DBVTG4ACTIVE SOT-23DBV 5250Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SN74LVC1G80DCKR ACTIVE SC70DCK 53000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SN74LVC1G80DCKRE4ACTIVE SC70DCK 53000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SN74LVC1G80DCKRG4ACTIVE SC70DCK 53000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SN74LVC1G80DCKT ACTIVE SC70DCK 5250Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SN74LVC1G80DCKTE4ACTIVE SC70DCK 5250Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SN74LVC1G80DCKTG4ACTIVE SC70DCK 5250Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SN74LVC1G80YEAR NRND WCSP YEA 53000TBDSNPB Level-1-260C-UNLIM SN74LVC1G80YZPRACTIVEWCSPYZP53000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)SNAGCULevel-1-260C-UNLIM(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan -The planned eco-friendly classification:Pb-Free (RoHS),Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt),or Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)-please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD:The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS):TI's terms "Lead-Free"or "Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt):This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1)lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package,or 2)lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe.The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible)as defined above.Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br):TI defines "Green"to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible),and free of Bromine (Br)and Antimony (Sb)based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1%by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications,and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided.TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties,and makes no representation or warranty as to the29-May-2007accuracy of such information.Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties.TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary,and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s)at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annualbasis.29-May-2007TAPE AND REEL BOXINFORMATIONDevicePackage Pins SiteReel Diameter (mm)Reel Width (mm)A0(mm)B0(mm)K0(mm)P1(mm)W (mm)Pin1Quadrant SN74LVC1G80DBVR DBV 5SITE 351809 3.23 3.17 1.3748Q3SN74LVC1G80DBVR DBV 5SITE 4500 3.23 3.17 1.3748Q3SN74LVC1G80DBVT DBV 5SITE 351809 3.23 3.17 1.3748Q3SN74LVC1G80DBVT DBV 5SITE 453301610.615.8 4.91624Q3SN74LVC1G80DCKR DCK 5SITE 341809 2.24 2.34 1.2248Q3SN74LVC1G80DCKT DCK 5SITE 341809 2.24 2.34 1.2248Q3SN74LVC1G80YEAR YEA 5SITE 121808 1.02 1.520.6648Q1SN74LVC1G80YZPRYZP5SITE 1218081.021.520.6648Q1PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION17-Nov-2007DevicePackage Pins Site Length (mm)Width (mm)Height (mm)SN74LVC1G80DBVR DBV 5SITE 35202.0201.028.0SN74LVC1G80DBVR DBV 5SITE 450.0185.0220.0SN74LVC1G80DBVT DBV 5SITE 35202.0201.028.0SN74LVC1G80DBVT DBV 5SITE 450.00.00.0SN74LVC1G80DCKR DCK 5SITE 34205.0200.033.0SN74LVC1G80DCKT DCK 5SITE 34201.0192.026.0SN74LVC1G80YEAR YEA 5SITE 12220.0220.00.0SN74LVC1G80YZPRYZP5SITE 12220.0220.00.0PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION17-Nov-2007Pack Materials-Page 2IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,modifications,enhancements, improvements,and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by government requirements,testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications,customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any TI patent right,copyright,mask work right,or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI products or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI. Reproduction of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications(such as life support)where a failure of the TI product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death,unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use.Buyers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their applications,and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of TI products in such safety-critical applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Further,Buyers must fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of TI products in such safety-critical applications.TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments unless the TI products are specifically designated by TI as military-grade or"enhanced plastic."Only products designated by TI as military-grade meet military specifications.Buyers acknowledge and agree that any such use of TI products which TI has not designated as military-grade is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that they are solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use.TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are designated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS16949requirements.Buyers acknowledge and agree that,if they use anynon-designated products in automotive applications,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers Audio /audioData Converters Automotive /automotiveDSP Broadband /broadbandInterface Digital Control /digitalcontrolLogic Military /militaryPower Mgmt Optical Networking /opticalnetworkMicrocontrollers Security /securityRFID Telephony /telephonyLow Power /lpw Video&Imaging /videoWirelessWireless /wirelessMailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2007,Texas Instruments Incorporated。
Lesson 1 The English alphabet一、教学内容和要求(Teaching contents and demands)二、重点难点分析(Analyses of teaching contents)本课重点是14个英文字母的名称音及书写,建议老师采用迁移的方法,用学生已有知识讲授新知识,降低学习难度。
三、教学建议(Suggested teaching methods)建议本课内容按如下步骤进行教学:1.开场白教师可以提问“我们为什么要学英语?”让学生各抒己见,然后教师做归纳,给学生讲一讲为什么要学英语以及怎样才能学好英语(具体内容参看附录五之“引言课提纲”)。
2.学习English letters Aa~Nn(1) 教师拿出一瓶AD钙奶,问学生“这是什么?”学生大都喝过这种钙奶,也很熟悉名字,学生会回答“娃哈哈AD钙奶”,教师板书字母AD,并领读。
(2) 教师拿出一支2B铅笔,问学生“画画时老师要求用什么型号的铅笔?”学生回答是“2B”铅笔,教师板书字母B,并领读。
(3) 教师出示一张CT检查的图片问学生“图中的人在做什么?”学生可以看出是在做CT检查,教师板书字母CT,并领读。
(4) 教师拿出一CD机或其照片,让学生说出名称,教师板书字母CD,并领读。
(5) 用上述方法结合实物或图片学习字母E~N。
(6) 教师领读黑板上的所有字母:AD, B, CT, CD, E, F, G, HB, IC ...(7) 教师擦去多余字母,只留14个字母,再次领读。
(8) 教师在每个大写字母后给出相应的小写字母,领读,让学生对比记忆大小写字母。
(9) 学生练习朗读,记忆字母名称音及字母顺序。
3.学习Read and write(1) 引导学生读出此部分的缩略词,鼓励学生独立朗读。
二、产品特点1. 多样化接触件:J16G系列提供多种接触件选项,包括电源插针、信号插针、插孔等,满足不同电流和电压等级的需求。
3. 安装便捷:模块化设计,便于快速安装和拆卸,减少了维护时间和成本。
4. 安全可靠:具备完善的锁定机制和防误插设计,确保连接的安全性和可靠性。
5. 广泛的适应性:适用于各类电气设备,如工业控制、铁路信号、航空航天、仪器仪表等。
三、技术参数1. 接触件材质:铜合金2. 外壳材质:铝合金3. 额定电流:5A、10A、15A、30A可选4. 额定电压:300V、500V、1000V可选5. 连接方式:螺纹连接、卡扣连接6. 插拔次数:≥500次7. 工作温度:55℃至+125℃四、产品型号及规格表1 J16G系列电连接器型号及规格型号接触件数量接触件排列尺寸(mm)J16G2P2个电源插针20x10x6J16G4P4个电源插针30x15x8J16G8P8个信号插针40x20x10J16G16P16个信号插针50x25x12五、选购指南1. 设备需求:根据设备的电流、电压等级和信号类型选择合适的接触件。
2. 环境条件:考虑设备所在环境的特点,如温度、湿度、腐蚀性等,选择相应防护等级的连接器。
3. 安装方式:根据设备结构和使用习惯,选择螺纹连接或卡扣连接。
4. 连接器数量:根据实际需要连接的线路数量,选择合适的插针/插孔数量。
5. 配套配件:确认是否需要购买额外的配件,如电缆、接头、工具等。
六、安装与维护6.1 安装准备确认设备电源已完全切断,避免安装过程中发生触电风险。
>: 虛擬還原3.03個人版 S/N:N6X480850010019
>: 木马克星: Name:icech Serial:289808514 name: serial:1286585824
>: 解霸3000英雄版: Name:crsky
Code:3319-13ns-173t-x5u1江民2004:SN:KV000-14548-BWFMB-G6ZHY-2FC4H 超级兔子魔法设置625
Tweak-XP Pro v4.0注册版 Name: Ann Heywood ID: E100104475048Turbo Searcher v2.40
Name:tjvnet Code:0454F56980223902绿鹰PC万能精灵 3.0 用户名:eghostuser00002050
Folder Protector v1.83 Name:wswdddy Code:9373760936742700Dr.eye 译典通 2003
RRRZZ-OKPUR-QDROR RRSGA-CGTVW-SCROR全能格式转换大师!First name :Thomas H. Last name
注册码Name: Serial: 4632B9AA00QGMP1FXP变脸王:XSHLS5903405 注册码(密码):
4.0 4.2
No technical content pages of this document may be reproduced in any form or transmitted by any means without prior permission of ROHM CO.,LTD. The contents described herein are subject to change without notice. The specifications for the product described in this document are for reference only. Upon actual use, therefore, please request that specifications to be separately delivered. Application circuit diagrams and circuit constants contained herein are shown as examples of standard use and operation. Please pay careful attention to the peripheral conditions when designing circuits and deciding upon circuit constants in the set. Any data, including, but not limited to application circuit diagrams information, described herein are intended only as illustrations of such devices and not as the specifications for such devices. ROHM CO.,LTD. disclaims any warranty that any use of such devices shall be free from infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, and further, assumes no liability of whatsoever nature in the event of any such infringement, or arising from or connected with or related to the use of such devices. Upon the sale of any such devices, other than for buyer's right to use such devices itself, resell or otherwise dispose of the same, no express or implied right or license to practice or commercially exploit any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights owned or controlled by ROHM CO., LTD. is granted to any such buyer. Products listed in this document are no antiradiation design.
Table 91: Derating Values for t IS/t IH – AC90/DC65-BasedData Receiver Input RequirementsThe following parameters apply to the data receiver Rx MASK operation detailed in theWrite Timing section, Data Strobe-to-Data Relationship.The rising edge slew rates are defined by srr1 and srr2. The slew rate measurementpoints for a rising edge are shown in the figure below. A LOW-to-HIGH transition time,tr1, is measured from 0.5 × V diVW,max below V CENTDQ,midpoint to the last transitionthrough 0.5 × V diVW,max above V CENTDQ,midpoint ; tr2 is measured from the last transitionthrough 0.5 × V diVW,max above V CENTDQ,midpoint to the first transition through the 0.5 ×V IHL(AC)min above V CENTDQ,midpoint .The falling edge slew rates are defined by srf1 and srf2. The slew rate measurementpoints for a falling edge are shown in the figure below. A HIGH-to-LOW transition time,tf1, is measured from 0.5 × V diVW,max above V CENTDQ,midpoint to the last transitionthrough 0.5 × V diVW,max below V CENTDQ,midpoint ; tf2 is measured from the last transitionthrough 0.5 × V diVW,max below V CENTDQ,midpoint to the first transition through the 0.5 ×V IHL(AC)min below V CENTDQ,midpoint .8Gb: x4, x8, x16 DDR4 SDRAM Electrical Characteristics – AC and DC Single-Ended Input Measurement Levels2.Micron recommends calibrating pull-up ODT resistors at 0.8 × V DDQ . Other calibrationschemes may be used to achieve the linearity specification shown here.3.The tolerance limits are specified under the condition that V DDQ = V DD and V SSQ = V SS .4.The DQ-to-DQ mismatch within byte variation for a given component including DQS_tand DQS_c.5.R TT variance range ratio to R TT nominal value in a given component, including DQS_tand DQS_c.DQ-to-DQ mismatch =R TT(MAX) - R TT(MIN)R TT(NOM)× 1006.DQ-to-DQ mismatch for a x16 device is treated as two separate bytes.7.For IT, AT, and UT devices, the minimum values are derated by 9% when the device op-erates between –40°C and 0°C (TC).ODT Temperature and Voltage SensitivityIf temperature and/or voltage change after calibration, the tolerance limits widen ac-cording to the following equations and tables.˂T = T - T(@ calibration); ˂V = V DDQ - V DDQ (@ calibration); V DD = V DDQTable 129: ODT Sensitivity DefinitionsTable 130: ODT Voltage and Temperature SensitivityODT Timing DefinitionsThe reference load for ODT timings is different than the reference load used for timingmeasurements.Figure 241: ODT Timing Reference Load8Gb: x4, x8, x16 DDR4 SDRAM Electrical Characteristics – On-Die Termination Characteristics。
论文参考文献标准格式参考文献类型:专著[M],论文集[C],报纸文章[N],期刊文章[J],学位论文[D],报告[R],标准[S],专利[P],论文集中的析出文献[A]电子文献类型:数据库[DB],计算机[CP],电子公告[EB]电子文献的载体类型:互联网[OL],光盘[CD],磁带[MT],磁盘[D K]A:专著、论文集、学位论文、报告[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[文献类型标识].出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页码(可选)[1]刘国钧,陈绍业.图书馆目录[M].北京:高等教育出版社,1957.15 -18.B:期刊文章[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码[1]何龄修.读南明史[J].中国史研究,1998,(3):167-173.[2]OU J P,SOONG T T,et al.Recent advance in research on appli cations of passive energy dissipation systems[J].Earthquack Eng,199 7,38(3):358-361.C:论文集中的析出文献[序号]析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名[A].原文献主要责任者(可选).原文献题名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页码[7]钟文发.非线性规划在可燃毒物配置中的应用[A].赵炜.运筹学的理论与应用——中国运筹学会第五届大会论文集[C].西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,1996.468.D:报纸文章[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次)[8]谢希德.创造学习的新思路[N].人民日报,1998-12-25(10).E:电子文献[文献类型/载体类型标识]:[J/OL]网上期刊、[EB/OL]网上电子公告、[M/CD]光盘图书、[DB/OL]网上数据库、[DB/MT]磁带数据库[序号]主要责任者.电子文献题名[电子文献及载体类型标识].电子文献的出版或获得地址,发表更新日期/引用日期[12]王明亮.关于中国学术期刊标准化数据库系统工程的进展[EB/OL]. /pub/wml.html,1998-08-16/1998-10-01.[8]万锦.中国大学学报文摘(1983-1993).英文版[DB/CD].北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1996.写参考文献有什么要求(一)不能公开的部资料、个人通讯、报纸及未公开发表的文章不能作为参考引文;尽量引用近年发表的处于前沿研究、水平较高与文章内容联系密切的文献,剔除那些发表时间较久、水平偏低、与文章内容联系欠密切的文献。
.045 ±.005 .386 – .393* (9.804 – 9.982) 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 1615 .033 (0.838) REF
.254 MIN
.150 – .165 .229 – .244 (5.817 – 6.198) .150 – .157** (3.810 – 3.988)
.229 – .244 (5.817 – 6.198) .254 MIN .150 – .165
.150 – .157** (3.810 – 3.988)
Start Unit 1-3 单元能力过关检测-七年级上册英语核心知识归纳精练一遍过(人教新目标)
Start Unit 1-3 单元能力过关检测一、单项选择1.下列都含有/eɪ/音的一组字母为________。
A.Dd Ee Ff Tt B.Aa Jj Kk Hh C.Ll Mm Nn Ff D.Ii Yy Oo Qq2.下列哪组字母组合的中文是“光盘”?A.CCTV B.BBC C.CD D.HB3.与字母R发音相同的单词是________。
A.are B.am C.a D.now4.I ________ George. How ________ you?A.am; am B.am; are C.are; are D.are; am5.英语字母中有两个可以独立成为单词,它们分别是________ 和________.A.I;m B.I;Q C.I;A D.f;t6.Can you see the ________ on the wall(在墙上)?A.cup B.pen C.map D.desk7.—Can you ________ “black”, please?—Yes, B-L-A-C-K.A.see B.say C.thank D.spell8.That is ________ map. ________map is yellow.A.a;An B.a;The C.the;A D.the;An9.—________ that in English?—It’s a quilt.A.What B.How C.How’s D.What’s10.—What ________ is the pen?—It’s ________.A.color; orange B.color; an orange C.name; an orange D.name; orange二、阅读单选Good morning! I’m Lily. This is a cup. It is a purple cup. It is my cup. What’s that? It’s a pen. It’s yellow.Hi! I’m David. What’s this in English? It’s a map. What color is it? It is blue. It is my map. That is my key. It is black.Hello, I’m Tina. This is my bed. My quilt is on (在……上) it. The color of the quilt is yellow. Can you see my jacket? It is on the quilt. It is white.Morning! I am James. What’s this? It is an orange. I can spell it, O-R-A-N-G-E. That is a ruler. What color is it? It is brown. It is my ruler.11.What color is the pen?A.White.B.Brown.C.Yellow.D.Blue.12.David has (有) ________.①a purple cup①a blue map①a black key①a brown rulerA.①①B.①①C.①①D.①①13.The underlined word, (画线单词) “bed” means (意思是) “________” in Chinese (中文).A.教室B.床C.操场D.食堂14.Who (谁) can spell orange?A.Lily.B.David.C.Tina.D.James.15.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage (根据文章哪一个陈述是正确的)?A.Tina has a yellow bed.B.The quilt is white.C.David has a brown ruler.D.The jacket is on the quilt.三、完形填空Helen: 24 25 is it? Beth: It’s black. 16.A .Hello B .I’m fine C .Good morning D .How are you 17.A .you B .your C .I D .my 18.A .you B .your C .I D .My 19.A .is B .am C .are D .be 20.A .what B .What C .what’s D .What’s 21.A .in B .on C .at D .to 22.A .pencil B .pen C .map D .ruler 23.A .Spell B .Sit C .Please D .Name 24.A .what’s B .What’s C .what D .What 25.A .aboutB .yourC .colorD .how四、单词填空26.G________ evening, Frank! 27.H________! My name is Mary. 28.My jacket is ________ (黑色的). 29.Can you ________ (拼出) it? 30.It is ________ “s”.五、句子配对六、多句选词填空用be动词(am, is, are)填空36.Miss Zhang, this ________ my pen.37.________ you John?38.I ________ Zhao Ting.39.It ________ a jacket in English.40.The quilt ________ white.七、小作文41.两同学下午见面,相互问好。
电解电容 16j
灵风(Ling Phon)国际音标输入法本输入法采用Doulos SIL的音标字体,并稍作以下的改造。
3、在Doulos SIL所收文字的基础上,增加希腊文、中世纪拉丁文、科普特文、格里高利文、哥特文、亚美尼亚文、早期德语音标字母、教会斯拉夫字母等。
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The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Before using this document, pleaseconfirm that this is the latest version.Not all products and/or types are available in every country. Please check with an NEC Electronics sales representative for availability and additional information.2003Document No. D15985EJ3V1DS00 (3rd edition)Date Published January 2005 NS CP(K) Printed in JapanThe mark shows major revised points.DESCRIPTIONThese products are a diode developed for ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) absorption. Based on the IEC-61000-4-2 test on electromagnetic interference (EMI),the diode assures an endurance, thus making itself most suitable for external interface circuit protection.These products are can cope with more high density assembling.FEATURES• Base on the electrostatic discharge immunity test (IEC 61000-4-2),the product assures the minimum endurance.• Mounted in the ultra super mini mold (flat) package, the product can achiever high density and automatic packaging.APPLICATIONS• External interface circuit ESD absorption. • Circuits for waveform clipper, surge absorberMAXIMUM RATINGS (T A = 25°C)Item Symbol RatingUnitRemarkPower Dissipation P 150 mW TotalSurge Reverse Power P RSM85 (t = 10 µs, 1 pulse)WJunction Temperature T j 150 o C Storage TemperatureT stg−55 to +150oCPACKAGE DRAWING (Unit: mm)0.05 M A X .5ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C)TYPE No.Breakdown Voltage Note1V BR (V) CapacitanceC t (pF)Reverse LeakageI R (µA)ESD Voltage N ote2(kV)MIN. MAX. I T (mA) TYP. Condition MAX. V R (V) MIN. I T (mA) NNCD5.6J 5.3 6.3 5 110 V R = 0 V 5 2.5 30C = 150 pFNNCD6.8J 6.2 7.1 5 90 f = 1 MHz 2 3.5 30R = 330 ΩNNCD8.2J 7.7 8.7 5 70 2 5.0 30 Contact NNCD10J 9.0 11.0 5 55 2 7.0 30 discharge NNCD16J 15.0 17.0 5 30 2 12.0 30NNCD18J 16.2 19.8 5 25 2 13.0 23NNCD24J 22.0 26.0 5 20 2 19.0 15NNCD36J 34.0 38.0 2 15 2 27.0 12Notes 1. Tested with pulse (40 ms)2. Based upon with IEC 61000-4-2Data Sheet D15985EJ3V1DS2Data Sheet D15985EJ3V1DS3TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C)Figure 1. POWER DISSIPATION vs.AMBIENT TEMPERATUREP - P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n - m WT A - Ambient Temperature - °CFigure 2. I T - V BR CHARACTERISTICS1000001000010001001010.10.0151015NNCD5.6JNNCD10JNNCD16JNNCD24J202530354045NNCD18JNNCD6.8JNNCD8.2JNNCD36JV BR - Breakdown Voltage - VI T - O n -s t a t e C u r r e n t - µAData Sheet D15985EJ3V1DS4Figure 3. C t - V R CHARACTERISTICS90807060504030201000.1110100V R - Reverse Voltage - VFigure 4. SURGE REVERSE POWER RATINGSt T - Pulse Width - sP R S M - Su r g e R e v e r s e P o w e r - WFigure 5. TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE CHARACTERISTICSt - Time - s10010m 100 m 1101001 m 1000Z t h - T r a n s i e n t T h e r m a l I m p e d a n c e - (ºC /W )Remark When using ceramic board of 10 x 7.5 x 0.75 mm (Cu film 11 x 2 x 0.035 mm)C t - C a p a c i t a n c e b e t w e e n T e r m i n a l - p FThe information in this document is current as of January, 2005. The information is subject to change without notice. For actual design-in, refer to the latest publications of NEC Electronics data sheets or data books, etc., for the most up-to-date specifications of NEC Electronics products. Not all products and/or types are available in every country. Please check with an NEC Electronics sales representative for availability and additional information.No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of NEC Electronics. NEC Electronics assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.NEC Electronics does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of third parties by or arising from the use of NEC Electronics products listed in this document or any other liability arising from the use of such products. No license, express, implied or otherwise, is granted under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of NEC Electronics or others.Descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided for illustrative purposes in semiconductor product operation and application examples. The incorporation of these circuits, software and information in the design of a customer's equipment shall be done under the full responsibility of the customer. NEC Electronics assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of these circuits, software and information.While NEC Electronics endeavors to enhance the quality, reliability and safety of NEC Electronics products, customers agree and acknowledge that the possibility of defects thereof cannot be eliminated entirely. To minimize risks of damage to property or injury (including death) to persons arising from defects in NEC Electronics products, customers must incorporate sufficient safety measures in their design, such as redundancy, fire-containment and anti-failure features.NEC Electronics products are classified into the following three quality grades: "Standard", "Special" and "Specific".The "Specific" quality grade applies only to NEC Electronics products developed based on a customer-designated "quality assurance program" for a specific application. The recommended applications of an NEC Electronics product depend on its quality grade, as indicated below. Customers must check the quality grade of each NEC Electronics product before using it in a particular application."Standard":Computers, office equipment, communications equipment, test and measurement equipment, audioand visual equipment, home electronic appliances, machine tools, personal electronic equipment and industrial robots."Special":Transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships, etc.), traffic control systems, anti-disastersystems, anti-crime systems, safety equipment and medical equipment (not specifically designed for life support)."Specific":Aircraft, aerospace equipment, submersible repeaters, nuclear reactor control systems, lifesupport systems and medical equipment for life support, etc.The quality grade of NEC Electronics products is "Standard" unless otherwise expressly specified in NEC Electronics data sheets or data books, etc. If customers wish to use NEC Electronics products in applications not intended by NEC Electronics, they must contact an NEC Electronics sales representative in advance to determine NEC Electronics' willingness to support a given application.(Note)(1)"NEC Electronics" as used in this statement means NEC Electronics Corporation and also includes itsmajority-owned subsidiaries.(2)"NEC Electronics products" means any product developed or manufactured by or for NEC Electronics (asdefined above).••••••M8E 02. 11-1。