整理的⼀些nbu命令及⽤法整理的⼀些nbu命令及⽤法(5.0)(⼀)Backup command and resultavailable_media.cmd :显⽰系统可⽤的备份介质,C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\goodies>available_media.cmdmedia media robot robot robot side/ ret size statusID type type # slot face level KBytes----------------------------------------------------------------------------DataStore poolNetBackup poolNone pooltpcleanNAMEtpclean - manages tape drive cleaningSYNOPSIS/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpclean -L/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpclean -C drive_name/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpclean -M drive_nameDESCRIPTIONtpclean allows you to monitor Media Manager tape drive usage and optionally configure tape drives to be automatically cleaned (except drives in ACS, LMF, ODL, RSM, or TLH robots; or shared (SSO) drives).#tpclean -LDrive Name Type Mount Time Frequency Last Cleaned Comment********** **** ********** ********** ************ *******qsci_drv0 qscsi 0.0 0 N/Arob_A_drv1 8mm* 11.4 30 14:33 05/29/924mm_drv5 4mm 5.6 10 13:01 06/02/92dlt_drv6 dlt 3.0 0 N/AThe following example sets the cleaning frequency for the drive named qsci_drv0 to 25 hours. The drive will be flagged as needing cleaning after 25 hours of mount time has occurred.tpclean -F qsci_drv0 25check_coverage.cmd⽐较⼰备份镜像和实际备份内容的差异C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\goodies>check_coverage.cmdFile System Backup Coverage Report (UNIX and WindowsNT/2000/XP/95/98/Me only) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Key: * - Policy is not activeUNCOVERED - Mount Point not covered by an active policyMULTIPLE - Mount Point covered by multiple active policiesCLIENT: seaskyDrive Letter Backed Up By Policy Notes------------ ------------------- -----C:\ UNCOVEREDD:\ UNCOVEREDE:\ UNCOVEREDF:\ UNCOVEREDG:\ UNCOVEREDH:\ UNCOVEREDSystem_State:\ UNCOVEREDC:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\goodies>supportnow.exe整理的⼀些nbu命令及⽤法(5.0)(⼆)Vmpool显⽰,增加,修改,删除卷池C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>vmpoolUsage: vmpool [-h volume_database_host]{-listall [-b] |-listscratch |-add "" |-change "" |-delete-set_scratch-unset_scratch}C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>vmpool -listall========================================================= ==========pool number: 0pool name: Nonedescription: the None pool (for anyone)pool host: ANYHOSTpool user: ANYpool group: NONE========================================================= ======================= pool number: 1pool name: NetBackupdescription: the NetBackup poolpool host: ANYHOSTpool user: 0 ()pool group: NONE========================================================= ======================= pool number: 2pool name: DataStoredescription: the DataStore poolpool host: ANYHOSTpool user: 0 ()pool group: NONEbpconfig显⽰或修改全局设置(modify or displays the netbackup global configuration attributes)C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpconfig*NULL* 10 12 1 2 28 0 0 0 0 1 24 1 0 2C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpconfig ?bpconfig: unrecognized option ?USAGE: bpconfig [-cd seconds] [-ha hours] [-kl days] [-kt days][-ma [address]] [-mdtm drives][-sto seconds] [-mj number][-period hours] [-ppi 0|1] [-prep hours] [-to seconds][-max_copies 2...10][-tries times] [-wi minutes] [-v] [-M master_server,...]bpconfig [-L|-l|-U [-v] [-M master_server,...]]C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpconfig -L -M SeaSkyMail Admin: *NULL*Wakeup Interval: 10 minutesMax Jobs/Client: 1Backup Tries: 2 in 12 hoursKeep Logs: 28 daysMax drives/master: 0Compress DB Files: (not enabled)Media Mnt Timeout: 0 minutes (unlimited)Postprocess Image: immediatelyDisplay Reports: 24 hours agoKeep TIR Info: 1 daysPrep Interval: 4 hours (default)Max Backup Copies: 2整理的⼀些nbu命令及⽤法(5.0)(三)Vmadm基于字符的卷管理⼯具,为了⽣效vmadm所做的任何更改, media manager volume daemon –VMD必须激活, C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>vmdvmadd往卷库中增加卷C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>vmaddmissing media typeUsage: vmadd -m -mt[-h ] [-verbose][-b ] [-rt ][-rn ] [-rh ][-rc1 ] [-rc2 ][-p ] [-mm | -n ][-op ] [-d ""]vmchange修改卷配置信息C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>vmchange.exeNo change mode specifiedUsage:(Change volume-group residence)vmchange.exe [-h ]-vg_res -rt -rn-rh -v(Change volume residence)vmchange.exe [-h ]-res -m -mt -rt-rn -rh -v-rc1 [-rc2 ](Change volume expiration date)vmchange.exe [-h ]-exp mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss -m(Change barcode for a volume)vmchange.exe [-h ]-barcode -m[-rt ](Change media description)vmchange.exe [-h ]-d "" -m(Associate this volume with a different pool) vmchange.exe [-h ]-p -m(Change volume's maximum mount count) vmchange.exe [-h ]-maxmounts -m(Change volume's number of mounts count / cleanings) vmchange.exe [-h ]-n -m(Change volume's media type)vmchange.exe [-h ]-new_mt -m(Change volume's robot type)vmchange.exe [-h ]-new_rt -m -rn(Change volume group)vmchange.exe [-h ]-new_v[-m | -b -mt -rt ](Change a volume's vault name)vmchange.exe [-h ]-vltname -m(Change the date a volume was sent to the vault) vmchange.exe [-h ]-vltsent mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss -m(Change the date when a volume returns from the vault) vmchange.exe [-h ]-vltreturn mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss -m(Change a volume's vault slot number)vmchange.exe [-h ]-vltslot -m(Change a volume's vault session id)vmchange.exe [-h ]-vltsession -m(Eject ACS, TLM, or TLH volumes)vmchange.exe -api_eject -map -w[-h ]-res -ml -rt-rn -rh [-v ](Get robot information for TL8 or TLD)vmchange.exe -res -robot_info -verbose-rn -rt -rh(Eject TL8 or TLD volumes)vmchange.exe -res -multi_eject -w -verbose-rn -rt -rh-ml(Inject TL8 or TLD volumes)vmchange.exe -res -multi_inject -w -verbose-rn -rt -rh整理的⼀些nbu命令及⽤法(5.0)(四)vmcheckXXXX报告机械臂带库的介质组分C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>vmcheckxxx.exe Usage: vmcheckxxx -rt robot_type -rn robot_number [-rh robot_control_host] [-h volume_database_host] [[-if inventory_filter_value] [-if inventory_filter_value] ...] [-full] [-list]vmdelete删除卷C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>vmdelete.exemissing media ID or volume group to deleteUsage: vmdelete.exe [-h ][-m | -v ]vmquery查寻卷C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>vmquery.exeUsage: vmquery.exe [-h ,...,-h ] [-b | -w]{-a |-m |-v |-rn |-rt |-mt |-p |-pn |-res|-assignbyid|-deassignbyid}CAUTION: The act of unassigning volumes may lead to inconsistencies between the application media database and volume database,leading to the possibility for data loss. You must expire themedia from an application interface.C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>vmquery -aVmupdate清点机械壁带库的介质组分并更新卷数据库C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>vmupdateUsage: vmupdate -rt robot_type -rn robot_number[-rh robot_control_host] [-h volume_database_host][[-if inventory_filter_value] [-if inventory_filter_value] ...][-full] [-recommend] [-interactive][-involgrp volume_group] [-outvolgrp volume_group][-mt media_type] [-p pool_name] [-use_barcode_rules] [-use_seed] [-mp media_id_prefix] [-no_sides][-no_format_optical] [-overwrite_labels] [-empty_map]整理的⼀些nbu命令及⽤法(5.0)(五)配置磁带命令C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>tpconfig Usage:(Display device configuration)tpconfig -dtpconfig -dltpconfig -ltpconfig -lsavdbhost(Add drive)tpconfig -add -drive -type -path[-asciiname ] [-index ] [-shared [yes|no]][-cleanfreq ] [-comment ] [-drstatus [UP|DOWN]][-robot -robtype ] [-noverify][-robdrnum | -VendorDrvName ][-ACS -LSM -PANEL -DRIVE ](Update drive)tpconfig -update -drive[-type ] [-path ] [-noverify][-newasciiname ] [-shared [yes|no]][-cleanfreq ] [-comment ] [-drstatus [UP|DOWN]][-robot -robtype ][-robdrnum | -VendorDrvName ][-ACS -LSM -PANEL -DRIVE ](Delete drive)tpconfig -delete -drivetpconfig -multiple_delete -drive ::(Add robot)tpconfig -add -robot -robtype -robpath [-vdbhost ] tpconfig -add -robot -robtype-port -bus -target -lun[-vdbhost ]tpconfig -add -robot -robtype -cntlhost [-vdbhost ] (Update robot)tpconfig -update -robot[-robtype ] [-robpath |-port -bus -target -lun |-cntlhost ] [-vdbhost ](Delete robot)tpconfig -delete -robottpconfig -multiple_delete -robot ::(Update standalone drive volume database host) tpconfig -savdbhostcan be one of the following:"4mm", for 4mm tape drives"8mm", for 8mm tape drives"8mm2", for 8mm tape drives (2)"8mm3", for 8mm tape drives (3)"dlt", for DLT tape drives"dlt2", for DLT tape drives (2)"dlt3", for DLT tape drives (3)"hcart", for half-inch tape drives"hcart2", for half-inch tape drives (2)"hcart3", for half-inch tape drives (3)"qscsi", for quarter-inch tape drivesis the system's name for the drive."Tape0" for examplecan be one of the following:"acs", for Automated Cartridge System robotic libraries "rsm", for Removable Storage Manager robotic libraries "tl4", for Tape Library 4mm robotic libraries"tl8", for Tape Library 8mm robotic libraries"tld", for Tape Library DLT robotic libraries"tlh", for Tape Library Half-inch robotic libraries "tlm", for Tape Library Multimedia robotic libraries"ts8", for Tape Stacker 8mm robotic libraries "tsd", for Tape Stacker DLT robotic libraries整理的⼀些nbu命令及⽤法(5.0)(六)tpreq请求挂卷及和指定的驱动名相关链C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>tpreq.exeFile Name and media ID must be specifiedUsage: tpreq -m media_id [-a (r/w)] [-d density] [-p poolname] [-f] filenametpunmount.exe从⽬录中移⾛磁带⽂件,并移⾛磁带卷从驱动器中C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>tpunmount.exeUsage: tpunmount [-f] filename [-force]Do_not_eject_standalone option is specified in the vm.confVmrule管理微码C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>vmruleUsage: vmrule [-h volume_database_host]{-listall [-b] |-add "" |-change "" | -delete}bpbakcup往备份服务器上备份⽂件C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\goodies>bpbackupSpecify either a listfile or a list of files on the command line.USAGE: bpbackup [-p policy] [-s schedule] [-k "keyword phrase"][-L progress_log [-en]] [-S master_server...][-t policy_type] [-w [hh:mm:ss]]-f listfile | filenamesbpbackup -i [-p policy] [-s schedule] [-k "keyword phrase"][-h hostname] [-L progress_log [-en]] [-S master_server...][-t policy_type] [-w [hh:mm:ss]]EXIT STATUS 144: invalid command usageBpbackupdb备份⽬录信息C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpbackupdb -help USAGE: bpbackupdb [{-dpath disk_path} |{-tpath tape_device_path [-m media_ID]} |{-opath optical_device_path [-m media_ID]}][-nodbpaths] [-v] [path...]bpdbjobs[/color和NBU job数据库交互C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpdbjobs -help bpdbjobs: [-report] [-M ][-file ] [-append] [ -vault | -lvault | -all_columns ] bpdbjobs: -summary [-M ][-file ] [-append] [ -U | -L | -all_columns ]bpdbjobs: -delete [-M ] bpdbjobs: -cancel [-M ] bpdbjobs: -cancel_all [-M ][-M ]bpdbjobs: -clean [-M ][-keep_hours ] or [-keep_days ][-keep_successful_hours ] or [-keep_successful_days ] [-verbose]= [ 3..720 ] = [ 1..30 ]bpdbjobs: -versionbpdbjobs: -helpbpduplicate创建⼀个备份拷贝整理的⼀些nbu命令及⽤法(5.0)(七)bperror显⽰NBU状态及trouleshoot信息从NBU错误⽬录中得到C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bperrorUSAGE: bperror {-S|-statuscode status_code}[-r|-recommendation] [-p|-platform Unx|NTx] [-v]bperror [-all|-problems|-media|{-backstat [-by_statcode]}][-L|-l|-U] [-columns ncols][-d mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS|-hoursago hours] [-e mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS] [-client client_name] [-server server_name] [-jobid job_id][-M master_server,...] [-v]bperror [-s {severity[+]}|severity ...] [-t type ...][-L|-l|-U] [-columns ncols][-d mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS|-hoursago hours] [-e mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS] [-client client_name] [-server server_name] [-jobid job_id][-M master_server,...] [-v]Valid values for ncols:40 or moreValid values for severity:ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICALValid values for type:ALL, ARCHIVE, BACKSTAT, BACKUP, GENERAL,MEDIADEV, RETRIEVE, SECURITYBpexpdate改变备份介质⽬录的过期⽇期C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpexpdate.exe bpexpdate: -m -d [-host ] [-force][-M ]bpexpdate: -deassignempty [-m ] [-host ] [-force][-M ]bpexpdate: -backupid -d [-client ] [-copy ] [-force][-M ]bpexpdate: -recalculate [-backupid ] [-copy ][-d ] [-client ][-policy ] [-ret ] [-sched ][-M ]legal values for sched: 0=full,1=differential incr,2=user,3=arch4=cumulative incrbpimport引⼊备份C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpimport -helpbpimport: -create_db_info -id [-server ] [-L [-en]] [-passwd] [-local]bpimport: [-l] [-p] [-pb] [-PD] [-PM] [-v] [-local] [-client ][-M master_server][-Bidfile ][-backup_copy ][-st ] [-sl ] [-L [-en]][-policy ] [-s ] [-e ][-pt ] [-hoursago ] [-cn ][-backupid ] [-id ]FULL, INCR, CINC, UBAK, UARC, NOT_ARCHIVEValid values for policy_type:Standard Apollo-wbak NetWare MS-Windows-NTOS/2 AFS整理的⼀些nbu命令及⽤法(5.0)(⼋)Bplabel往磁带介质上写标签C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bplabel External media ID and density must be specifiedUsage: bplabel -m media_ID -d density [-o] [-p volume_pool_name] [-n drive_name | -u device_number]bplist列出备份及归档的⽂件C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bplist -help USAGE: bplist [-A | -B] [-C client] [-S master_server][-t policy_type] [-k policy] [-keyword "keyword phrase"][-F] [-R [n]] [-b | -c | -u] [-l] [-r] [-T] [-I] [-PI][-unix_files | -nt_files] [-Listseconds] [-flops file_options][-s mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]] [-e mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]] [filename] bppldelete删除策略C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bppldelete bppldelete: [-verbose] [-M ]bppllist列出备份策略C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bppllist -help bppllist: [] [-L|-l|-U] [-verbose] [-allpolicies][-M ][-hwos][-byclient ] [-keyword "keyword phrase"]bpmediafreeze,unfreeze,suspend,unsuspendC:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpmedia bpmedia: operation not specified-freeze|-unfreeze|-suspend|-unsuspend -m [-h ] [-v] -movedb -m -newserver [-oldserver ] [-v]bpmedialist显⽰介质状态C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpmedialist -help USAGE: bpmedialist [-mlist] [-U|-l|-L] [-m media_id] [-rl ret_level][-d density] [-p pool_name][-h host_name | -M master_server...] [-v]bpmedialist -summary [-U|-L] [-brief] [-p pool_name][-h host_name | -M master_server...] [-v]bpmedialist -mcontents -m media_id [-U|-l|-L] [-d density][-h host_name | -M master_server...] [-v]bpmedialist -count -rt robot_type -rn robot_number [-d density][-U|-l] [-h host_name | -M master_server...] [-v]管理及显⽰策略信息C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpplinfoUSAGE: bpplinfo policy_name -L|-l|-U [-v] [-M master_server,...]bpplinfo policy_name -set|-modify [-v] [-M master_server,...][-active | -inactive] [-pt policy_type][-ut] [-ef effective_time][-residence label][-pool label][-priority priority][-rfile flag] [-blkincr flag][-multiple_streams flag] [-keyword "keyword phrase"][-encrypt flag][-collect_tir_info value] [-compress flag][-crossmp flag] [-disaster flag] [-follownfs flag][-policyjobs max_jobs(0=unlimited)]Valid values for policy_type:Standard Apollo-wbak NetWare MS-Windows-NTOS/2 AFS整理的⼀些nbu命令及⽤法(5.0)(九)Bprecover恢复相关的nbu⽬录-l -dpath [-v]-l -opath [-v]-r [ALL|image_number] -m media_ID -d density [-stdout] [-dhost ] [-v]-r [ALL|image_number] -tpath [-stdout] [-dhost][-v]-r [ALL|image_number] -dpath [-stdout] [-dhost] [-v]-r [ALL|image_number] -opath [-stdout] [-dhost][-v]还原⽂件C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bprestore USAGE: bprestore [-A | -B] [-K] [-l | -H | -y] [-r] [-T] [-L progress_log [-en]] [-R rename_file] [-C client][-D client] [-S master_server] [-t policy_type][-p policy] [-k "keyword phrase"] [-cm] [-md][-td temp_dir] [-BR be_redirection_path] [-F file_options][-s mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]] [-e mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]] [-w [hh:mm:ss]] -f listfile | filenamesEXIT STATUS 144: invalid command usageBpstuadd创建nbu storage unit group or a storage unitC:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpstuadd USAGE: bpstuadd -group group_name [stunit name] orUSAGE: bpstuadd -label storage_unit_label-path path_nameor-density density_type [-rt robot_type -rn robot_number] [-host host_name][-cj max_jobs][-odo on_demand_only][-mfs max_fragment_size][-maxmpx mpx_factor][-nh NDMP_attach_host][-M master_server,...]Valid values for mpx_factor: 1..32max_fragment_size in MB:For removable media, 0 if unlimited or greater than 50 For disk, between 20 and 2000 (2GB)Bpstudel删除storage unitC:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpstudel bpstudel: -label [-verbose][-M ]orbpstudel: -group[-M ]整理的⼀些nbu命令及⽤法(5.0)(⼗)bpstulist列出storage unitC:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpstulist -help bpstulist: unrecognized option -help bpstulist: -label [-L|-l|-U] [-g|-go] [-verbose][-M ]bpstulist: -group [-verbose][-M ]bpverify验证创建的备份C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpverify -help bpverify: [-l] [-p] [-pb] [-v] [-local] [-client ] [-st ] [-sl ] [-L [-en]][-policy ] [-s mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS] [-e mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS] [-M master_server][-Bidfile ][-backup_copy ][-pt ] [-hoursago ][[-cn ] | [-primary]][-backupid ] [-id ]Valid values for sched_type:FULL, INCR, CINC, UBAK, UARC, NOT_ARCHIVEValid values for policy_type:Standard Apollo-wbak NetWare MS-Windows-NT提供密码验证的服务C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>vopied -helpUsage: vopied-standalone-debug-portnum number-max_time seconds-log_dir path-severity maskbpclntcmdC:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd.exe /?bpclntcmd.exe: unrecognized option /?bpclntcmd.exe: -svbpclntcmd.exe: -pnbpclntcmd.exe: -selfbpclntcmd.exe: -hnbpclntcmd.exe: -serverbpclntcmd.exe: -ipbpclntcmd.exe: -gethostnamebpclntcmd.exe: -is_local_hostC:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd.exe -gethostnamewind-bhvit8vzqwC:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd.exe -sv5.0GAC:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd.exe -pnexpecting response from server wind-bhvit8vzqwwind-bhvit8vzqw wind-bhvit8vzqw 2218C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd.exe -selfgethostname() returned: wind-bhvit8vzqwhost wind-bhvit8vzqw: /doc/0ef05915866fb84ae45c8d8d.html at (0x97ba80a) checkhname: aliases:。
Added BMR Server support on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 x64 Added Master Server, Media Server support on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 x64 Added GPFS 3.5 support for AIX 7 and Red Hat 6 Added Bare Metal Restore for ReFS file system Added support for BMR Client/Boot Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 Added support for BMR Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 Added Mac OS X 10.10 support Added CentOS 7 support Added Oracle Linux 7 support Added FreeBSD 9.3 support Added Client support on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 x86-64 Added Client support on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 z/Architecture Added Client support on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Added VCS (SFHA) 6.1 support on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Master Server Added VCS (SFHA) 6.1 support on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 - Master Server Added VCS (SFHA) 6.1 support on Oracle Linux 5.9 - 5.10 - Master Server Added VCS (SFHA) 6.1 support on Oracle Linux 6.3 - 6.5 - Master Server Added MSCS support on Windows Server 2012 - Master Server Added VCS (SFHA) 6.0.3 support on Oracle Linux 5.5 - 5.8 - Master Server Added VCS (SFHA) 6.0.1 support on Oracle Linux 6.1 - 6.3 - Master Server Added VCS (SFHA) 6.0.2 support on Oracle Linux 5.5 - 5.8 - Master Server
目录第1章综述 (1)1.1项目背景 (1)1.2系统现状 (1)1.2.1现有系统环境 (1)1.2.2现有系统分析 (2)1.3面临的挑战 (3)1.4系统建设原则 (3)第2章需求分析 (4)2.1备份需求 (4)第3章技术方案 (5)3.1备份系统架构设计 (5)3.1.1系统架构说明 (6)3.1.2软件配置说明 (7)3.2备份和恢复方式 (10)3.3备份策略规划 (12)3.4方案技术特点 (12)3.4.1介质服务器负载均衡/切换 (13)3.4.2智能磁盘容量管理 (13)3.4.3可选择用户恢复与复制的介质服务器 (14)3.4.4存储生命周期策略 (16)3.4.5真实镜像恢复(True Image Restore) (16)3.4.6合成全备份 (17)第4章方案优势总结 (18)第1章综述1.1项目背景武汉中韩炼化已经有正式投产,由于炼化产业的特殊性,对IT电信系统的稳定可靠及数据安全也提出了更高的要求,但由于实施和使用过程中的一些问题,导致目前数据备份系统策略混乱,部分策略无法自动运行。
二进制目录格式是由所有平台(NCR 和Sequent 除外)上的NetBackup写入的。
13 使用和维护步骤 ........................................................................................................................41
14 NetBackup 常见问题 ................................................................................................................43
3 NBU 管理界面
NetBackup 提供了三种管理界面: 1) /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/jnbSA — Java 界面
2) /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpadm /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vmadm — 字符菜单界面 bpadm 的字符界面
3) CLI — Netbackup 常用命令介绍 NetBackup 安装目录为/usr/openv(Unix) 命令行/usr/openv/netbackup/bin 普通操作命令
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd 管理命令 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies 管理脚本 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin 磁带管理命令 NetBackup 安装目录为 c:\program files\veritas\(NT)
15 附件一:备份系统的基本知识 ..................................................................................................43
NBU系统配置手册1. 初始化配置 (3)1.1配置存储设备 (3)1.2配置介质 (6)1.3配置catalog (9)1.4配置备份策略 (12)2. 介质管理 (13)2.1添加介质 (13)2.1.1通过robot自动搜索 (13)2.1.2手工添加 (14)2.2修改介质属性 (15)2.3删除介质 (17)3. 查看Device状态 (18)4. 配置Host属性 (19)4.1Master属性 (19)4.2Client属性 (22)5. 设置Policy (23)5.1NT Policy (23)5.2MS SQL备份策略 (30)5.3UNIX备份策略 (31)6. 管理存储单元 (34)6.1添加存储单元 (34)6.1.1手工添加磁带存储单元 (34)6.1.2添加硬盘存储单元 (36)6.2修改存储单元 (37)7. 查看当前活动 (37)8. 常用命令 (38)9. 数据的恢复 (40)9.1恢复NT文件 (40)9.2NT/Windows 2000灾难恢复 (43)9.3MS SQL数据库恢复 (46)9.4UNIX文件系统恢复 (48)1. 初始化配置1.1配置存储设备1.安装完成后,启动NBU NetBackup Administration,系统第一次会自动启动Netbackup Assistant,如图1图12.点击下一步,Config Storage Devices,出现设备配置欢迎画面,如图2所示:图23.单击下一步,出现选择设备主机窗口,在此你可以选择连接备份设备的主机名称,也可以添加或删除主机,如图3所示:图34.单击下一步,系统会自动搜索连接到主机的存储设备,按照系统提示完成设备的配置,如图4所示:图4在上图中,如果只检测到tape driver(s)或robot(s),则可能是物理连线问题或driver没有正常工作,如果出现这种问题,可以关闭服务器和磁带库,检查SCSI连线,确认连接正常,再启动磁带库和服务器。
为便于管理,确定MasterServer作备份系统的Global Database Host,用于存放所有的配置和备份信息。
2.4.1 NetBackup DataCenter MasterServer Installition安装前作如下准备工作,在MediaServer安装时也要作同样的准备:·连接硬件所有MediaServer/MasterServer以及带库、磁带机均连接到一台SAN光纤交换机。
·硬件识别在安装软件之前,要保证系统能够识别磁带机和机械手(只需MasterServer识别机械手)#ioscan –fnC tape·系统空间安装MasterServer之前,确保系统空间大小:RAM ≥512Mb安装目录可用空间≥64Mb/tmp可用空间≥32Mb·系统配置在备份环境中每台主机都要修改/etc/hosts文件,提供hostname/ip的解析。
在MasterServer端的/etc/hosts文件中增加如下内容:安装步骤如下:step1: pfs_mountd &pfsd 6&pfs_mount -o xlat=unix /dev/dsk/c3t2d0 /cdromstep2:切换到光盘目录#cd /cdromstep3:执行安装脚本#./installVERITAS Installation ScriptCopyright 1993 - 2002 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.Installation Options1 NetBackup2 NetBackup Client Software3 NetBackup Client Java Softwareq To quit from this scriptChoose an option [default: q]: 1/*选则1,安装Server,同时也安装mediaserver 软件The NetBackup and Media Manager software is built for use on hp hardware.Do you want to install NetBackup and Media Manager files? (y/n) [y] yNetBackup is normally installed in /usr/openv/netbackup.Is it OK to install in /usr/openv/netbackup? (y/n) [y] y/*确定Netbackup安装目录Media Manager is normally installed in /usr/openv/volmgr.Is it OK to install in /usr/openv/volmgr? (y/n) [y] y/*确定MediaManager安装目录The hp clients will be loaded.Do you want to load any other NetBackup clients onto the server? (y/n) [y] n/*确定是否安装其他client,server本身已包含client软件,所以选择“n”……Enter license key: /*输入NetBackup DataCenter Base license AJX6-OPWD-IC6K-3N36-383P-NCNP-PNNR-PPP:NetBackup DataCenter Base product with the following features enabled: Core Frozen Image ServicesOpen Transaction Managerhas been registered.All additional keys should be added at this time.Do you want to add additional license keys now? (y/n) [y] y /*输入其他相关license,也可在安装完软件后再输入其他licenseLicense Key Utility-------------------A) Add a License KeyD) Delete a License KeyF) List Active License KeysL) List Registered License KeysH) Helpq) Quit License Key UtilityEnter a letter:Installing NetBackup DataCenter version: 4.5GAIs backupserver the master server? (y/n) [y] y /*设置主机backupserver作masterserver Do you have any media (slave) servers? (y/n) [n] y/*设置其他主机作mediaserver Enter the fully qualified name of a media (slave) server (q to quit)? SUNV880_AEnter the fully qualified name of a media (slave) server (q to quit)? SUNV880_B Enter the fully qualified name of a media (slave) server (q to quit)? qChecking for a bpcd entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding bpcd entry.Original /etc/inetd.conf saved as /etc/inetd.conf.NBU_061103.10:25:08.Checking for a vnetd entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding vnetd entry.Checking for a vopied entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding vopied entry.Checking for a bpjava-msvc entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding bpjava-msvc entry.Checking /etc/services for the needed NetBackup and Media Manager services.Copying original /etc/services file to /etc/services.NBU_061103.10:31:32/etc/services to update NetBackup and Media Manager services./etc/services will be updated to add the following entries for NetBackup/Media Manager.bprd 13720/tcp bprdbpcd 13782/tcp bpcdbpdbm 13721/tcp bpdbmvnetd 13724/tcp vnetdvopied 13783/tcp vopiedbpjobd 13723/tcp bpjobdnbdbd 13784/tcp nbdbdvisd 9284/tcp visdbpjava-msvc 13722/tcp bpjava-msvcvmd 13701/tcp vmdacsd 13702/tcp acsdtl8cd 13705/tcp tl8cdtldcd 13711/tcp tldcdts8d 13709/tcp ts8dodld 13706/tcp odldtl4d 13713/tcp tl4dtsdd 13714/tcp tsddtshd 13715/tcp tshdtlmd 13716/tcp tlmdtlhcd 13717/tcp tlhcdlmfcd 13718/tcp lmfcdrsmd 13719/tcp rsmdTo change these entries modify the file /tmp/services.ov_edited.24848and enter <RETURN> when ready to continue:/etc/services has been updated to contain NetBackup and Media Manager services.To make NetBackup and Media Manager start up automatically when the system is restarted, the rc.veritas.aix script found in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies has been placed in the /etc directory, you must modify /etc/inittab to include it.……Enter which host will store global device information.(default: backupserver): backupserver /*设置masterserver 作全局设备信息中心To be able to install the client software the NetBackupprocesses need to be started. Do you want to start theNetBackup processes so client software can be installed? (y/n) [y] yStarting the NetBackup database manager process (bpdbm)./*启动bpdbm进程以装载client软件Do you want to create policy and schedule examples that you can view or usewhen you are configuring your own policies and schedules? (y/n) [y]n/*确定是否安装策略模板Client database indexing reduces the search time when restoringclient files, but it takes about 2% more disk space.Do you want to index the client database files? (y/n) [y] y/*确定是否采用client index 文件The default index level is 9 levels. Use the default? (y/n) [y] y /*确定 client index levelRunning index_clients process in background mode.Output from the process will be written to /tmp/index_clients.output.Do you want to start the Media Manager device daemon processes? (y/n) [y] y Starting the Media Manager device daemon processes./*确定是否启动MediaManager 进程Do you want to start the NetBackup bprd process sobackups and restores can be initiated? (y/n) [y] yStarting the NetBackup request daemon process (bprd)./*确定是否启动Netbackup 监听进程Done executing NB.instStep4 :确认安装成功#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/bp.kill_all关闭所有已启动的NBU进程#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/netbackup start启动NBU进程#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps –a查看NBU进程#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/jnbSA&启动NBU的java管理界面至此,MasterServer软件安装完毕。
XXX系统数据备份方案建议书VERITAS Software (Beijing) Co., LtdSuite 1008, Tower E3, Oriental Plaza No.1 East Chang An A ve, Dong Cheng District,BeijingTel: 8610-85180008Fax: 8610-85186718Web: 目录数据保护方案............................................................................................................... - 4 - 方案概述............................................................................................................... - 4 - 数据备份方案........................................................................................................ - 4 - 自动化的数据备份方案................................................................................... - 4 -系统架构........................................................................................................ - 5 - 备份和恢复的定义及实现 ...................................................................................... - 7 - 备份系统资源的定义 ...................................................................................... - 7 -备份策略的定义 ............................................................................................. - 7 -数据备份的过程 ............................................................................................. - 9 -数据的恢复 .................................................................................................... - 9 - 备份系统特点........................................................................................................ - 9 - 备份系统基础知识............................................................................................... - 10 - 数据备份的原则 ........................................................................................... - 11 -备份系统组成............................................................................................... - 12 -备份窗口选择............................................................................................... - 12 -确定介质保存时间........................................................................................ - 13 -计算所需磁带介质数量................................................................................. - 13 - 附录 ....................................................................................................................... - 14 - VERITAS公司简介 ............................................................................................. - 14 - VERITAS NetBackup 企业级数据备份管理软件 ................................................... - 16 - V eritas的技术支持、服务与培训及承诺 ............................................................... - 21 -数据保护方案方案概述依据我们对XXX系统现有状况的了解,同时,为了充分利用现有的软、硬件,我们按照XXX系统的要求设计了一套基于LAN的备份系统。
整理的一些nbu命令及用法tpreq请求挂卷及和指定的驱动名相关链C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>tpreq.exeFile Name and media ID must be specifiedUsage: tpreq -m media_id [-a (r/w)] [-d density] [-p poolname] [-f] filename tpunmount.exe从目录中移走磁带文件,并移走磁带卷从驱动器中C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>tpunmount.exeUsage: tpunmount [-f] filename [-force]Do_not_eject_standalone option is specified in the vm.confVmrule管理微码C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>vmruleUsage: vmrule [-h volume_database_host]{-listall [-b] |-add <barcode_tag> <media_type> <pool_name> <max_mounts> "<description>" |-change <barcode_tag> <media_type> <pool_name> <max_mounts> "<description>" | -delete <barcode_tag>}bpbakcup往备份服务器上备份文件C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\goodies>bpbackupSpecify either a listfile or a list of files on the command line.USAGE: bpbackup [-p policy] [-s schedule] [-k "keyword phrase"][-L progress_log [-en]] [-S master_server...][-t policy_type] [-w [hh:mm:ss]]-f listfile | filenamesbpbackup -i [-p policy] [-s schedule] [-k "keyword phrase"][-h hostname] [-L progress_log [-en]] [-S master_server...][-t policy_type] [-w [hh:mm:ss]]EXIT STATUS 144: invalid command usageBpbackupdb备份目录信息C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpbackupdb -help USAGE: bpbackupdb [{-dpath disk_path} |{-tpath tape_device_path [-m media_ID]} |{-opath optical_device_path [-m media_ID]}][-nodbpaths] [-v] [path...]bpdbjobs[/color和NBU job数据库交互C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpdbjobs -help bpdbjobs: [-report] [-M <master servers>][-file <pathname>] [-append] [ -vault | -lvault | -all_columns ] bpdbjobs: -summary [-M <master servers>][-file <pathname>] [-append] [ -U | -L | -all_columns ]bpdbjobs: -delete [-M <master servers>] <jobs,comma,separated>bpdbjobs: -cancel [-M <master servers>] <jobs,comma,separated>bpdbjobs: -cancel_all [-M <master servers>][-M <master servers>]bpdbjobs: -clean [-M <master servers>][-keep_hours <hours>] or [-keep_days <days>][-keep_successful_hours <hours>] or [-keep_successful_days <days>][-verbose]<hours> = [ 3..720 ] <days> = [ 1..30 ]bpdbjobs: -versionbpdbjobs: -helpbpduplicate创建一个备份拷贝bperror显示NBU状态及trouleshoot信息从NBU错误目录中得到C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bperrorUSAGE: bperror {-S|-statuscode status_code}[-r|-recommendation] [-p|-platform Unx|NTx] [-v]bperror [-all|-problems|-media|{-backstat [-by_statcode]}][-L|-l|-U] [-columns ncols][-d mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS|-hoursago hours] [-e mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS] [-client client_name] [-server server_name][-jobid job_id][-M master_server,...] [-v]bperror [-s {severity[+]}|severity ...] [-t type ...][-L|-l|-U] [-columns ncols][-d mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS|-hoursago hours] [-e mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS][-client client_name] [-server server_name][-jobid job_id][-M master_server,...] [-v]-by_statcode is used only with both -U and -backstatValid values for ncols:40 or moreValid values for severity:ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICALValid values for type:ALL, ARCHIVE, BACKSTAT, BACKUP, GENERAL,MEDIADEV, RETRIEVE, SECURITYBpexpdate改变备份介质目录的过期日期C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpexpdate.exebpexpdate: -m <media id> -d <mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS | 0 | infinity>[-host <name>] [-force][-M <master_server,...,master_server>]bpexpdate: -deassignempty [-m <media id>] [-host <name>] [-force][-M <master_server,...,master_server>]bpexpdate: -backupid <backup id> -d <mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS | 0 | infinity> [-client <name>] [-copy <number>] [-force][-M <master_server,...,master_server>]bpexpdate: -recalculate [-backupid <backup id>] [-copy <number>][-d <mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS | 0 | infinity>] [-client <name>][-policy <name>] [-ret <retention level>] [-sched <type>][-M <master_server,...,master_server>]legal values for sched: 0=full,1=differential incr,2=user,3=arch4=cumulative incrbpimport引入备份C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpimport -helpbpimport: -create_db_info -id <media_id> [-server <name>] [-L <output_file> [-en]] [-passwd] [-local]bpimport: [-l] [-p] [-pb] [-PD] [-PM] [-v] [-local] [-client <name>][-M master_server][-Bidfile <file_name>][-backup_copy <backup_copy_value>][-st <sched_type>] [-sl <sched_label>] [-L <output_file> [-en]][-policy <name>] [-s <startdate>] [-e <enddate>][-pt <policy_type>] [-hoursago <hours>] [-cn <copy number>][-backupid <backup_id>] [-id <media_id>]Valid values for sched_type:FULL, INCR, CINC, UBAK, UARC, NOT_ARCHIVEValid values for policy_type:Standard Apollo-wbak NetWare MS-Windows-NTOS/2 AFSBprecover恢复相关的nbu目录C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bprecover -helpbprecover: -l -m media_ID -d density [-v]-l -tpath <raw_tape_device_path> [-v]-l -dpath <disk_device_path> [-v]-l -opath <optical_device_path> [-v]-r [ALL|image_number] -m media_ID -d density [-stdout] [-dhost <destination_host>] [-v] -r [ALL|image_number] -tpath <raw_tape_device_path> [-stdout] [-dhost <destination_host>][-v]-r [ALL|image_number] -dpath <disk_device_path> [-stdout] [-dhost <destination_host>] [-v ]-r [ALL|image_number] -opath <optical_device_path> [-stdout] [-dhost <destination_host>] [-v]bprestore还原文件C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bprestoreUSAGE: bprestore [-A | -B] [-K] [-l | -H | -y] [-r] [-T][-L progress_log [-en]] [-R rename_file] [-C client][-D client] [-S master_server] [-t policy_type][-p policy] [-k "keyword phrase"] [-cm] [-md][-td temp_dir] [-BR be_redirection_path] [-F file_options][-s mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]] [-e mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]][-w [hh:mm:ss]] -f listfile | filenamesEXIT STATUS 144: invalid command usageBpstuadd创建nbu storage unit group or a storage unitC:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpstuaddUSAGE: bpstuadd -group group_name [stunit name]orUSAGE: bpstuadd -label storage_unit_label-path path_nameor-density density_type [-rt robot_type -rn robot_number][-host host_name][-cj max_jobs][-odo on_demand_only][-mfs max_fragment_size][-maxmpx mpx_factor][-nh NDMP_attach_host][-verbose][-fastrax][-M master_server,...]Valid values for mpx_factor: 1..32max_fragment_size in MB:For removable media, 0 if unlimited or greater than 50For disk, between 20 and 2000 (2GB)Bpstudel删除storage unitC:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpstudelbpstudel: -label <storage unit label> [-verbose][-M <master_server,...,master_server>]or1. Solaris下:/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/sgscan changer 查看本机所有Robot设备;/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/sgscan tape 查看本机所有的磁带驱动器。
�型类种三有它 �道通的流据数份备明指来用元单储存�质介理物到写据数把元单储存过通 pukcaBteN�时份备 �元单储存�tinU egarotS �3 。等口窗份备�间时长多留保据数份备�度频的份备�档归否是、份备己 自户用者或份备量增是还�份备全做义定来用还�作操的档归和份备行进间时么什在义定来用它 �表间时份备�eludehcS �2 。略策份备义定指要主 UBN 置配。等份备行进式方么什用采、份备间时么什在、件 文或 录 目 些 哪份 备 、 份 备要 需 器 务 服些 哪 括 包 它。 法 方 份 备的 器 务 服 台 几 或 台 一 义定 略 策 份 备 �略策份备�yciloP �1
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Unicore UM4B0 Installation and Operation User Manu
U ni c o r e C o n f i dINSTALLATION AND OPERATIONUSER MANUALData subject to change without notice.Communications, Inc.Copyright© 2009-2021, Unicore RTK Positioning ModuleAll-constellation All-frequency GPS/BDS/GLONASS/Galileo U M 4B0DisclaimerInformation in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Unicore Communications, Inc. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the express written permission of a duly authorized representative of Unicore Communications, Inc. The information contained within this manual is believed to be true and correct at the time of publication.© Copyright 2009-2021 Unicore Communications, Inc. All rights RSV.UM4B0 User Manual ForewordThis <User Manual> offers you information in the features of the hardware, the installation, specification and use of UNICORECOMM UM4B0 product.This manual is a generic version. Please refer to the appropriate part of the manual according to your purchased product configuration, concerning CORS, RTK and Heading.Readers it applies toThis <User Manual> is applied to the technicists who know GNSS Receiver to some extent but not to the general readers.Contents1INTRODUCTION (1)1.1O VERVIEW (1)1.2K EY F EATURES (1)1.3T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS (2)1.4I NTERFACES (2)2HARDWARE (3)2.1D IMENSIONS (3)2.2P IN D EFINITION (T OP V IEW) (4)2.3E LECTRICAL S PECIFICATIONS (6)2.4O PERATIONAL C ONDITIONS (7)2.5P HYSICAL S PECIFICATIONS (7)3HARDWARE DESIGN (8)3.1D ESIGN IN C ONSIDERATIONS (8)3.2UM4B0R EFERENCE D ESIGN (9)3.3P INS (10)3.4PCB P ACKAGING (11)3.5R ESET S IGNAL (12)3.6A NTENNA (12)3.7E XTERNAL A NTENNA F EED D ESIGN (12)4INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION (14)4.1ESD H ANDLING P RECAUTIONS (14)4.2H ARDWARE I NSTALLATION (14)4.3S TART U P (17)4.4C ONFIGURATION AND O UTPUT (17)4.4.1Operation Procedures (18)5CONFIGURATION COMMANDS (19)5.1RTK R EFERENCE S TATION C ONFIGURATION (20)5.2RTK R OVER C ONFIGURATION (21)5.3M OVING B ASE C ONFIGURATIONS (21)5.4H EADING C ONFIGURATION (21)6ANTENNA DETECTION (22)7FIRMWARE UPGRADE (22)8PRODUCTION REQUIREMENT (24)9PACKAGING (25)1Introduction1.1OverviewUM4B0 is a high precision positioning and heading RTK module developed by Unicore Communications, targeting light robots, UAVs, intelligent vehicles, GIS information collection, etc.By employing a single UC4C0 (432 channel tracking) baseband chip and a single RF chip, using single-sided SMD packaging, UM4B0 has achieved the smallest size(30x40mm) in this industry with high accuracy heading and positioning output. It can simultaneously track BDS B1I/B2I/B3I/B1C/B2a + GPS L1/L2/L5 + GLONASSL1/L2+Galileo E1/E5a/E5b.Figure 1-1 UM4B0 Module1.2Key Features•30*40mm, the smallest multi-system multi-frequency high precision module •Support GPS L1/L2/L5+GLONASS L1/L2+BDS B1I/B2I/B3I/B1C/B2a+Galileo E1/E5a/E5b•Based on 432 channel NebulasII GNSS SoC•20Hz update rate•Instant RTK initialization and long-distance RTK•Enhanced multi-system multi-frequency RTK technology, JamShield adaptive narrow-band anti-interference and U-AutoAlign multi-path mitigation •Support odometer input and external high-performance IMU interface* •SMD packagingUM4B0 User Manual 1.3Technical SpecificationsTable 1-1 Performance SpecificationsTable 1-2 Functional Ports1.4InterfacesFigure 1-2 Block Diagram1.RF PartThe receiver gets filtered and enhanced GNSS signal from the antenna via a coaxial cable. The RF part converts the RF input signals into the IF signal, and converts IF analog signal into digital signals required for NebulasII (UC4C0) digital processing.2.NebulasII SoC (UC4C0)The UM4B0 incorporates the processing from the NebulasII (UC4C0), UNICORECOMM’s new generation high precision GNSS SoC with 55nm low power design, which supports up to 12 digital intermediate frequency or 8 analog intermediate frequency signals and can track 12 navigation signals with 432 channels.3.1PPSUM4B0 outputs 1 PPS with adjustable pulse width and polarity.4.EventUM4B0 provides 1 Event Mark Input with adjustable pulse width and polarity.2Hardware2.1DimensionsUM4B0 User ManualFigure 2-1 Mechanical Dimensions2.2Pin Definition (Top View)Figure 2-2 UM4B0 Pin DiagramTable 2-2 Pin DefinitionUM4B0 User Manual2.3Electrical SpecificationsTable 2-3 Absolute Maximum Ratings2.4Operational ConditionsTable 2-4 Operational ConditionsNOTE: Since the product contains capacitors at the input, inrush current will occur during power-on. Evaluate in the actual environment in order to check the effect of the supply voltage drop due to the inrush current.2.5Physical SpecificationsTable 2-5 Physical Specifications3Hardware Design3.1Design in ConsiderationsTo make UM4B0 work properly, you need to properly connect the following:The module VCC power-on behavior is repeatable, the initial level is lower than0.4V, and the undershoot and ringing should be guaranteed to be within 5% VCC Provide stable power to the VCC pinConnect all the GND pins to groundConnect VBAT pin to a 3.0V power supplyConnect ANT_IN signal to the antenna, and ensure the 50-ohm impedance matchingConnect ANT_PWR to +3.3~5.5 V voltage, then supply +3.3~5.5 V feed to the antenna through ANT_INEnsure COM1 is connected to a PC or an external processor, and users can use this serial port to receive position data. COM1 is also necessary for firmwareupgradesProperly connect the module’s reset pin FRESET_N to ensure complete reset of the module. It will restore the module to the manufacturing configuration.When ANT_NLOD, ANT_FFLG and antenna detection indication signal are connected, the IO without any pull-up/down of the client MCU terminal isrequired at the input.In order to obtain proper performance, special concerns should be paid during the design:Power supply: A table and low ripple power supply is necessary for good performance. Make sure the peak-to-peak voltage ripple does not exceed50mVpp. It is recommended to use a power chip with current output capacity greater than 2A to power the board.-Use LDO to ensure the purity of power supply-Try to place LDO close to the module in layout-Widen the tracks of power circuit or use copper pour surface to transmit current-Avoid walking through any high-power or high inductance devices such as a magnetic coilInterfaces: Ensure that the signals and baud rate of the main equipment match those of the UM4B0 moduleAntenna interface: Make sure the antenna impedance matches, and the cable is short without any kinks, try to avoid all acute anglesTry to avoid designing in any circuits underneath UM4B0This module is a temperature sensitive device, so dramatic changes in temperature will result in reduced performance. Keep it away as far as possible from any high-power high-temperature air and heating devices3.2UM4B0 Reference DesignFigure 3-1 Minimum Reference DesignFigure 3-2 UM4B0 Reference Design 3.3PinsTable 3-1 Pin Notes3.4 PCB PackagingFigure 3-3 UM4B0 recommended PCB Packaging (unit: mil, in brackets: mm)3.5Reset SignalUM4B0 module can’t work properly unless it is correctly reset after power on. To ensure effective reset, the reset pin (RST) and power supply pin (VCC) must meet the following time sequence requirement. To reset UM4B0 during normal operation, please pull RST pin to low level for more than 5ms.Figure 3-4 UM4B0 RST3.6AntennaThe module has the antenna input pin ANT_IN, which provides a +3.3V antenna feed. When an active antenna of +3.3~5V is adopted, please make sure the 50 Ω antenna impedance is matched.Figure 3-5 UM4B0 Active Antenna Connection3.7External Antenna Feed DesignUM4B0 feeds the antenna signals to the required circuits internally, but in order to effectively prevent damage from lightning and surges, circuit protection should be installed externally to protect the module.High voltage and high-power protection chips should be used to feed the antenna from the outside of the module. A gas discharge tube, varistor, TVS tube and other high-power protective devices may also be used in the antenna circuit to effectively improve the prevention against lightning stroke and surge.ANTFigure 3-6 UM4B0 External Antenna Feed Reference CircuitRemarks:a)L1, feed inductor, 68nH RF inductor in 0603 package is recommended;b)C1, decoupling capacitor, it is recommended to connect two capacitors of 100nF/100pFin parallel;c)C2, DC blocking capacitor, recommended 100pF capacitor.4Installation and Configuration4.1ESD Handling PrecautionsUM4B0 Module is an Electrostatic Sensitive Device (ESD) and special precautions when handling are required.Electrostatic discharge may cause damages to the device. All operations mentioned in this chapter should be carried out on an antistatic workbench, wearing an antistatic wrist strap and using a conductive foam pad. If anantistatic workbench is not available, wear an antistatic wrist strap and connect the other end to a metal frame to avoid the effects of static electricity.Hold the edge of the module, not in direct contact with the componentsPlease check carefully whether the module has obviously loose or damaged components.Figure 4-1 Typical Installation of UM4B0Please check the contents of the package carefully after receiving the package of UM4B0.UM4B0 EVK suite (or evaluation board)User manualUPrecise softwareQualified antennaMMCX antenna cablePC or Laptop with serial ports (Win7 or above), with UPrecise installed4.2Hardware InstallationAfter the above preparation, please follow the steps below to install:Step 1: Make sure to take all the anti-static measures, such as wearing an anti-static wrist strap, grounding the workbench;Step 2: Align UM4B0 transfer board positioning holes and pins with EVK, and fix it in the EVK. EVK provides power supply and standard communication interface for the module to communicate with peripheral devices;NOTE: The RF connector of the board is MMCX, and the suitable connecting wire should be selected according to the package. The input signal gain at the antenna interface is optimal between 20 and 36 dB. Please select the appropriate antenna, antenna cable and online LNA accordingly.Figure 4-2 Installation InstructionStep 3: Select the GNSS antenna with appropriate gain, and fix it in a stable, non-block area, using the coaxial radio frequency cable to connect the antenna to UM4B0 EVK;Step 4: Connect the PC to the EVK serial port through direct serial cable;Figure 4-3 Connect the Serial PortStep 5: Connect a 12V adapter to the EVK power input, and switch on to powerthe device;Figure 4-4 Connect the AntennaStep 6: Open the UPrecise software on the PC;Step 7: Control the receiver through UPrecise to send commands or to log data.4.3Start UpThe power supply for UM4B0 is 3.3VDC. Before powering on the device, please connect UM4B0 serial port to the GNSS antenna. The receiver is started and the communication is connected after powering up. Testing tools are provided for module testing.4.4Configuration and OutputUNICORECOMM UPrecise software provides a user-friendly graphical interface to control and display the operation of your receiver. The features of Uprecise include: Logging Control View: Graphic interface for data loggingConsole window for sending command to the receiver (Console View)Displaying the receiver’s output in ASCII-format (ASCII View)Graphic window for displaying Position of satellite, PRN, and Signal/Noise Ratio (Constellation View)Historical and present Trajectory of the receiver (Trajectory View)Position/Velocity/Time of the receiver (PVT View)Apart from the basic functions above, UPrecise offers advanced functions as follows: Selecting and recording the logSending commands to the receiverOperating and configuration of the ASCII viewThe trajectory view for displaying the present point and the past point of the receiverSwitching Views over the tracking windowSwitching between Constellation ViewsResetting the receiverReplaying the GGA logFigure 4-5 UPrecise SoftwareUM4B0 User Manual 4.4.1Operation ProceduresStep 1. Follow 4.2 Installation Guide to connect the power source, antenna to the board, and turn on the EVK switchStep 2. Click file - > connect the serial port, and set the baud rate; the default baud rate of UB4B0M is 115200bpsFigure 4-6 Connect the Serial PortStep 3. Click the receiver settings button to configure the NMEA message output. Itis recommended to configure GPGGA, GPGSV, and other messages.Figure 4-7 NMEA Data OutputStep 4. Click the receiver settings button to configure the NMEA message output, then click send. It is recommended to configure GPGGA, GPGSV, and other messages. Step 5.In the data session window, click “Send all Message” to complete all the NMEA message output (update rate 1Hz). Right click in the data session window to adjust: output log font size, stop / resume log output, or clear log content, etc.Step 6. Use various views of UPrecise to configure or input commands as required.5Configuration CommandsUM4B0 supports abbreviated ASCII format. Simplified ASCII format without check bit is more accessible to user commands. All commands are composed of a log heading and configuration parameters (If parameters are null, there will be only one heading in the command). Header field contains the command name or message headers. UM4B0 is simple to use, and common instructions are shown in the following table:UM4B0 User Manual5.1RTK Reference Station ConfigurationIf the precise coordinates are known, the precise coordinates could be set as in this example:Mode base 40.07898324818 116.23660197714 60.4265 // set lat lon heightrtcm1033 com2 10 // RTCM1033 input from com2rtcm1006 com2 10rtcm1074 com2 1rtcm1084 com2 1rtcm1094 com2 1rtcm1124 com2 1saveconfigIf precise coordinates are unknown:Mode base time 60 1.5 2.0 // 60 seconds position averagertcm1033 com2 10rtcm1006 com2 10rtcm1074 com2 1rtcm1084 com2 1rtcm1094 com2 1rtcm1124 com2 1saveconfig5.2RTK Rover ConfigurationRTK Rover stations (rover station) receive differential correction data sent from reference stations and receive satellite signals to provide an RTK positioning solution and realize RTK high-precision positioning with cm or mm-level accuracy. Common instructions for configuring RTK rover are as follows:gngga 1saveconfig5.3Moving Base ConfigurationsRTK reference station provides precisely known coordinates of a fixed station. Unlike the RTK reference station, moving base station is in motion, at the same time receives the satellite information, and sends it to the rover station receiver (to be determined) directly or after processing. The rover station receiver receives satellite observations as well as information from the moving base station, to make relative positioning and determine the position of the rover station. Commonly used instructions to set the moving base station are as follows:Mode movingbasertcm1006 com2 1rtcm1074 com2 1rtcm1084 com2 1rtcm1094 com2 1rtcm1124 com2 1saveconfig5.4Heading ConfigurationGNSS heading refers to the clockwise angle between true North and the baseline vector constituted by the two GNSS antennas. Commonly used instructions are as follows:Mode headinggphdt com1 1saveconfigUM4B0 User Manual6Antenna Detection1The UM4B0 module offers antenna open/short detection. The corresponding pins are ANT_NLOAD and ANT_FFLG.•The current monitoring chip outputs 2 bit high and low voltage; the software portion sets 2 bit IO of corresponding NII as input pull-up, and then queries the status of 2 bit IO to check the antenna state.•If ANT_PWR malfunctions, the query result is invalid.•If the antenna is not fed by ANT_PWR but by other means, the query result is invalid.7Firmware UpgradeUprecise software is used for the remote update of UM4B0. Please follow the steps below to upgrade the device:Figure 7-1 Update InterfaceClick “…” to browse the firmware update package, and click“Start” to start the firmware upgrading process (uncheck software reset):1 Optional by FirmwareFigure 7-2 Update StepsWaiting for the process to complete 100% (the upgrade time is normally within 5min):Figure 7-3 Update StepsPlease use COM1 only to update firmware.UM4B0 User Manual8Production RequirementRecommended thermal cycle curve is as follows:Figure 8-1 Soldering TemperatureTemperature rising stage∙Rising slope: Max. 3℃/s∙Rising temperature range:50℃-150℃Preheating stage∙Preheating time: 60 – 120 s∙Preheating temperature range: 150 - 180℃Reflux Stage∙Over melting temperature (217℃) time: 40 – 60 s∙Peak temperature: no higher than 245℃Cooling Stage∙Cooling slope: Max. 4℃ / sNotes:In order to prevent fall off during soldering of the modules, please avoid soldering the module in the back of the Board during design, that is, better not to go through soldering cycle twice.The setting of temperature depends on many factors, such as type of Board, solder paste type, solder paste thickness, etc. Please also refer to the relevant IPC standards and indicators for solder paste.Since the lead soldering temperatures are relatively low, if using this soldering method, please give priority to other components on the Board.9PackagingUM4B0 modules are delivered in trays, which is suitable for mainstream SMT equipment. Each box contains 5 trays, so there are 150 UM4B0 modules in the box. Table 9-1 Package Informationw 。
NBU 备份一体机中文运维手册2012/11Symantec咨询服务部文件信息版本目录1.运维巡检内容 (5)2.检查硬件状态 (6)2.1 检查SAS硬盘状态 (6)2.2 检查面板状态 (7)2.3 检查2口10G的网卡状态 (8)2.4检查4口1G的网卡状态 (9)2.5检查2口8G的光纤卡状态 (9)2.6 检查存储扩展柜硬盘状态 (10)2.7检查存储扩展柜电源状态 (11)2.8 检查存储扩展柜SAS连接状态 (12)3.使用命令行检查 (14)3.1查看 CPU状态 (14)3.2查看 disk状态 (14)3.3.查看RAID group状态 (15)3.4查看 fan状态 (16)3.5查看 power supply状态 (16)3.6查看温度 (17)3.7查看 8Gb FC HBA card (17)3.8全部硬件自检 (17)4.关于NBU软件的SNMP报警 (18)5.关于NBU A ppliance的SNMP报警 (19)6.关于CallHome (20)1.运维巡检内容每日基本检查2. 检查硬件状态2.1 检查SAS硬盘状态The eight SAS disk drive modules each contain one disk drive. Each module has2 LEDs, one red and one green. The green LED flashes when drive activity occursand is lit when no activity occurs. The red LED is lit when drive faults occur.Slot 7是hot spare盘One disk inside a carrier defines the “Disk Module.” There are two LEDs on eachDisk module. One LED indicates disk status. The other LED indicates Power and/orActivity.The control panel of the appliance provides systemactivity and fault information.2.2 检查面板状态A Hard Disk Activity LEDRandom flashing green light indicates hard disk drive activity (SAS).No light indicates no hard disk drive activity.B andC NIC 1 and NIC2 Activity LEDContinuous green light indicates a link between the appliance and the computer or network to which it is connected.Flashing green light indicates computer or network activity.D Appliance Status LEDSolid amber indicates a critical or non-recoverable condition.Solid green indicates normal operation.Flashing green indicates degraded performance.Flashing amber indicates a non-critical condition.No light indicates POST is running or the appliance is off.E Power/Sleep LEDContinuous green light indicates the appliance has power applied to it or the appliance is S0 state.Flashing green indicates the appliance is in sleep or ACPI S1 state.No light indicates the power is off or the appliance is in ACPI S4 or S5 state.F Appliance identificationSolid blue indicates appliance identification is active.No light indicates appliance identification is not activated.2.3 检查2口10G的网卡状态2.4检查4口1G的网卡状态2.5检查2口8G的光纤卡状态Note: Each port on the 8Gb FC HBA card shows three LEDs, labeled “8”, “4” and“2.” These numbers correspond to the rate of data transfer (8Gbit/s, 4Gbit/s or2Gbit/s).2.6 检查存储扩展柜硬盘状态右下角第16个盘是hot spare2.7检查存储扩展柜电源状态2.8 检查存储扩展柜SAS连接状态3. 使用命令行检查通过web页面中的Monitor->Hardware也可以查看如下状态3.1查看 CPU状态nb-app.Main_Menu>Monitor->Hardware CPUStatus The state of the CPU.Presence detected indicates that the CPU works normally.Failure detected indicates that the CPU is absentError Status■ 0: Normal.■ 1: Abnormal.3.2查看 disk状态nb-app.Main_Menu>Monitor->Hardware diskStatusThe typical running states of the disk are as follows:■ Online -- A drive that can be accessed by the RAID controller and is part of the virtual drive.■ Unconfigured (Good) -- A drive that is functioning normallybut is not configured as a part of a virtual drive or as a hot spare. ■ Hot Spare --Adrive that is turned on and ready for use as a spare in case an online drive fails.■ Failed -- A drive that was originally configured as Online or Hot Spare, but on which the firmware detects an unrecoverable error.■Rebuild -- A drive to which data is being written to restore full redundancy for a virtual drive.■Unconfigured (Bad) -- A drive on which the firmware detectsan unrecoverable error; the drive was Unconfigured Good or thedrive cannot be initialized.■Missing -- A drive that was Online but which has been removedfrom its location.■Offline -- A drive that is part of a virtual drive but which has invalid data as far as the RAID configuration is concerned.Error Status■0: Normal.■1: Abnormal.3.3.查看RAID group状态nb-app.Main_Menu>Monitor->Hardware RAIDStatusA RAID group may be in the one of the following states:■Optimal -- The virtual drive operating condition is good. All configured drives are online.■Degraded -- The virtual drive operating condition is not optimal. One of the configured drives has failed or is offline.■Partial Degraded --The operating condition in aRAID6 virtualdrive is not optimal. One of the configured drives has failed or is offline. RAID 6 can tolerate up to two drive faults.■Failed -- The virtual drive has failed.■Offline -- The virtual drive is not available to theRAIDcontroller.Error Status■0: Normal.■ 1: Abnormal.3.4查看 fan状态nb-app.Main_Menu>Monitor->Hardware fanStatusThe fan state.■ Device Present indicates that the fan works normally.■ Device Absent indicates that the fan works abnormallyError Status■ 0: Normal.■ 1: Abnormal.3.5查看 power supply状态nb-app.Main_Menu>Monitor->Hardware powerStatusThe running state of the power supply.■ Presence detected indicates that the power supply works normally.■ Failure detected indicates that the power supply is absent or faulty.Error Status■ 0: Normal.■ 1: Abnormal3.6查看温度nb-app.Main_Menu>Monitor->Hardware temperatureError Status■0: Normal.■1: Abnormal.3.7查看 8Gb FC HBA cardnb-app.Main_Menu>Monitor->Hardware FibreChannelStatusThe running state of FC HBA:■Online indicates that the FC HBA works normally.■Link Down indicates that the FC HBA link is faulty.■No HBA(s) indicates that no FC HBA detected.Error Status■0: Normal.■1: Abnormal.3.8全部硬件自检nb-app.Main_Menu>Support->Test Hardware需要约50分钟4.关于NBU软件的SNMP报警可以通过NBU OpsCenter中的SNMP发送功能配置NBU软件问题报警。
NBU备份软件安装 说明文档
____________________________Symantec Veritas Netbackup7.0安装实施技术文档V1.0____________________________目录1.软件安装 (2)1.1 安装环境 (2)1.2 NetBackup7.0服务器安装 (3)1.4 NetBackup7.0客户端安装 (11)1.4.1 NetBackup Lan 客户端安装-Windows (11)1.4.2 NetBackup Lan 客户端安装-Linux (16)Backup7.0服务器配置 (19)其它要求:备份服务器和备份客户端计算机之间必须能够解析到彼此的计算机名,如果没有有DNS服务器,则需要修改备份服务器和备份客户端系统的HOST文件,在备份服务器Host 文件中加入每一个需要备份的客户端和IP地址的解析;在每一个客户端的Host文件中加入备份服务器的IP地址和计算机名的解析。
1.2 NetBackup7.0服务器安装1. 在备份服务器上,插入光盘执行安装程序Browser.exe,点击Installation打开安装界面如下图所示:2. 选择Server Software Installation,点击Forward开始安装。
3. 在“Wecome to the Veritas NetBackup Setup Wizard(欢迎使用NetBackup安装向导)”选择“Next(下一步)”安装。
4.在“License Agreement(许可协议)”安装界面,选择“I accept the terms of the licenseagreement”同意安装协议,Next下一步继续。
6.输入授权证书上的Netbackup Server的KEY。
然后选择“Netbackup Master Server”(主服务器的安装)。
Symantec NBU备份一体机技术建议书2017.2.9目录1概述 (4)1.1备份现状分析 (4)1.2备份系统设计原则 (5)1.3备份新架构和技术选择 (6)1.3.1全新磁盘备份一体机-NBU5230 (6)1.3.2NBU Appliance 5230所带来的改变 (7)1.4NBU备份一体机设计方案 (8)1.4.1总体架构 (8)1.4.2架构详解 (8)1.4.3架构优势 (10)1.5备份方案优点 (10)1.6方案说明 (11)1.6.1备份软件的版本 (11)1.6.2备份Oracle数据 (12)1.6.3备份数据的离线出库 (12)对磁带的管理 (12)应急恢复 (14)1.6.4操作系统备份 (14)1.6.5数据复制和远程出库 (16)2NBU备份一体机实施方案 (17)2.1实施计划 (17)2.2具体工作安排 (17)2.3项目里程碑 (18)2.4提交的文档列表 (19)2.5用户方的配合工作 (20)2.6项目实施规范 (21)2.6.1备份策略规范 (21)2.6.2备份策略初步设计 (21)2.6.3备份策略命名规范 (21)2.6.4备份脚本规则 (23)2.6.5备份窗口规划 (24)2.6.6设备管理 (25)存储单元命名规范 (25)磁带介质集使用规则 (25)2.6.7catalog 备份 (26)3人员培训计划 (27)3.1现场培训 (27)3.2原厂学习 (27)1 概述企业最为宝贵的财富就是数据,要保证企业业务持续的运做和成功,就要保护基于计算机的信息。
西北师范大学校园综合管理智能化系统工程建设项目附件第一包:视频监控、报警系统设备技术参数:序号品目主要技术参数数量单位备注1 网络高速球机200万高清;6mm (1/3 Type) Exmor CMOS;20倍光学变倍;红外距离100米;最低照度:彩色: 0.05 Lux(F1.6);黑白: 0.005 Lux (F1.6);支持双向音频;音频进/出:1 In / 1 Out;音频压缩:G711a/G711u(32Kbps)/PCM(128kbps);报警进/出:7 In / 2 Out;客户端连接:最大20;水平旋转0˚~360˚, Max. 240˚/Sec;25 fps @ 1920 x 1080;H.264/MJPEG双码流;转动速度:水平0-360度,最快240度/秒;垂直-2度到90度,最快200度/秒;机械彩转黑;支持宽动态(80dB)/背光补偿功能;255个预置位/8路自动巡航/5路宏录制/自动摇摄;同时满足ONVIF和PSIA两大国际标准化网络监控协议的规范;支持多种WEB浏览器;支持iPhone, iPad, Android等手机客户端浏览;支持Micro SD卡存储MAX32GB;支持智能监测通网续传功能; ,国际知名品牌;防护等级IP66;支持AC24V供电;检测标准:公安部检测等。
4 台2 红外防水枪型网络摄像机200万高清;1/2.9“逐行扫描CMOS3~9mm 自动光圈,电动变焦镜头;最高1920*1080(200万像素);帧率可达60fps @ 1920*1080;H.264(支持high profile)/ MJPEG双编码;支持背光补偿/强光抑制/2D+3DDNR/去雾/曝光控制/自动增益/智能红外/电子防抖/宽动态(100dB)/ACE暗区补偿功能;机械式彩转黑;支持智能视频分析:目标检测, 干扰报警, 面部检测;支持移动侦测;视频管理软件:lgIpsolute VMS Suite, 手机浏览软件(iPhone, iPad, Android),第三方VMS管理软件;支持ROI动态编码;最低照度:彩色:0.1 Lux @ F1.2;黑白:0 Lux @ IR LED on;红外距离:30 米;自动聚焦;支持双向音频;音频进/出:1 In / 1; 协议兼容:ONVIF2.2 Profile S,psia1.1;输出协议:IPv4/6 - TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, RTP, RTSP, DHCP, ICMPIPv4 - FTP, SMTP, NTP, ARP, SNMPv1/v2c/v3, DDNS(LG) ;国际知名品牌;最大10个客户端连接.,电源:170 台Poe/AC24V/DC12V;检测标准:UL、FCC、CE、KCC、Police(CHINA).3 130万高清人脸抓拍机传感器类型1/3" Progressive Scan CMOS,日夜转换模式ICR红外滤片式,宽动态范围120 dB,智能分析人脸检测、跟踪、抓拍,智能报警移动侦测,遮挡报警,网线断,IP地址冲突,存储器满,存储器错,支持协议TCP/IP,HTTP,DHCP,DNS,DDNS,RTP,RTSP,PPPoE,SMTP,NTP(SNMP,HTTPS,FTP,SIP,SRTP,802.1x,IPv6可选),音频输入1路麦克风输入,3.5mm音频接口音频输出1路,3.5mm音频接口(线性电平,阻抗:600Ω);支持三码流同时输出;双路高清码流可分别独立设置不同的高清分辨率,帧率与码率;适合逆光环境监控支持3D数字降噪功能支持最大32G SD/SDXC卡本地存储;支持电动变焦镜头5 台4 百万高清镜头成像器大小1/3,焦距2.7~12mm,光圈范围1.0~360,后焦点(in air) Wide 8.31~Tele 14.92mm,焦距范围0.3m~∞,视场角1/3型Wide92.5゜x68.2゜(水平x垂直)Tele 35.4゜x26.5゜5 台5 摄像机防护罩亚安室外防雨 5 台6 摄像机安装支架钢制加工 5 台7 LED补光灯照射距离30米,角度60度 5 台8 摄像机安装立柱高度4-6米,含预埋件30 根9 接入交换机8口1000M 35 台10 室外防水拾音器拾音距离15米,远音频传输距离3000米,灵敏度-39db 5 台11 光电收发器单模100M 25 台12 摄像机专用电源AC24V/DC12V 179 台13 电源设备箱200*300 179 台14 设备管理箱400*500 20 台15NVR十六路网络数字硬盘录像机支持500W像素高清网络视频的预览、存储与回放;• 支持IPC集中管理,包括IPC参数配置、信息的导入/导出、语音对讲和升级等功能;• 支持HDMI、VGA、CVBS同时输出,HDMI与VGA输出分辨率最高均可达1920x1080p,且可分别进行预览和回放不同通道的图像;• 全新的UI操作界面,支持一键开启录像功能;• 支持冗余录像、假日录像和抓图计划配置;• 支持ANR技术,实现网络摄像机断网智能补录功能;• 支持即时回放功能,在预览画面下对指定通道的当前录像进行回放,并且不影响其他通道预览;•支持最大16路720P同步回放及多路同步倒放;• 支持标签定义、查询、回放录像文件;• 支持智能搜素和回放,提高录像回放的效率,节约录像回放时间;• 支持重要录像文件加锁保护功能;• 支持硬盘配额和硬盘盘组两种存储模式,可对不同通道分配不同的录像保存容量或周期;• 支持8个SATA接口,1个eSATA盘库,可用于录像和备份;• 支持N+1热备功能,一台工作NVR异常下线时,热备NVR接管异常NVR工作,提升数字通道存储的可靠性;• 双千兆网卡,支持网络容错、负载均衡以及双网络IP设定等应用;• 支持远程零通道预览,使用1路零通道编码视频,预览多通道分割的视频画面,充分获取监控图像信息的同时节省网络带宽;• 支持网络检测(网络流量监控、网络抓包、网络通畅)功能• 首创的双操作系统设计,系统运行更加可靠13 台16 大容量硬盘3T监控专用,硬盘容量:3000GB 接口类型:SATA3.0 转速:7200rpm。
NBU for AIX安装配置手册Service Delivery Center 2011年5月23日Document Control目录安装篇 (4)一、NBU客户端安装配置 (4)配置篇 (7)一、NBU 客户端脚本配置 (7)二、NBU目录库备份设置 (15)三、NBU oracle备份作业设置 (19)安装篇一、NBU客户端安装配置1、先设置客户端的hosts文件,包括备份服务器的hosts也要对应双向解析。
training:/#vi /etc/hosts127.0.0.1 loopback localhost # loopback (lo0) name/addres s192.168.88.17 training #NBU Client--local192.168.88.57 p57192.168.88.58 ibm58192.168.88.68 NBUTEST #NBU Server2、解压安装程序3、执行安装,输入NBU服务器主机名安装结束后自动退出4、修改客户端oracle数据库为归档模式training:/home/oradev#su - oracletraining:/home/oradev#sqlplus "/as sysdba"SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Feb 25 15:48:48 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.Connected to:Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL> archive log list;Database log mode No Archive ModeAutomatic archival DisabledArchive destination USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DESTOldest online log sequence 7Next log sequence to archive 9Current log sequence 9SQL> shutdown immediateDatabase closed.Database dismounted.ORACLE instance shut down.SQL> startup mount;ORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 1610612736 bytesFixed Size 2084400 bytesVariable Size 436208080 bytesDatabase Buffers 1157627904 bytesRedo Buffers 14692352 bytesDatabase mounted.SQL> alter database archivelog;Database altered.SQL> alter database open;Database altered.SQL> archive log list;Database log mode Archive ModeAutomatic archival EnabledArchive destination USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DESTOldest online log sequence 7Next log sequence to archive 9Current log sequence 9SQL> create pfile from spfile;File created.5、oracle用户执行备份软件NBU和oracle数据库连接库程序oracle_link training:/#su - oracletraining:/home/oradev#cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bintraining:/usr/openv/netbackup/bin#./oracle_link配置篇一、NBU 客户端脚本配置1、先创建相关目录和文件training:/#cd /usr/openvtraining:/usr/openv#mkdir controlfiletraining:/usr/openv#mkdir orascriptstraining:/usr/openv#cd controlfiletraining:/usr/openv#touch control.oratraining:/usr/openv/controlfile#cd ..training:/usr/openv#cd orascriptstraining:/usr/openv/orascripts#touch ora_full.sh2、相关目录和文件赋予属主和权限training:/usr/openv/orascripts#cd ..training:/usr/openv#ls -lrttotal 80drwxr-xr-x 2 root bin 256 Jan 05 2010 share-r--r--r-- 1 root bin 5435 Jan 05 2010 swidtag.xmldrwxr-xr-x 2 root bin 256 Jan 05 2010 msgdrwxr-xr-x 2 root bin 4096 Jan 05 2010 resourcesdrwxr-xr-x 5 root bin 256 May 23 14:09 vardrwxr-xr-x 7 root bin 8192 May 23 14:10 libdrwxr-xr-x 5 root bin 4096 May 23 14:14 javadrwxr-xr-x 9 root bin 4096 May 23 14:14 netbackup-r--r--r-- 1 root bin 5435 May 23 14:15 .symantec,Enterprise_netbackup- 15 root system 4096 May 23 14:15 logsdrwxr-xr-x 2 root bin 256 May 23 14:16 tmpdrwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 May 23 14:35 controlfiledrwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 May 23 14:36 orascripts training:/usr/openv# chown -R oradev:dba controlfiletraining:/usr/openv# chmod -R 777 controlfiletraining:/usr/openv# chown -R oradev:dba orascriptstraining:/usr/openv# chmod -R 777 orascriptstraining:/usr/openv#ls -lrttotal 80drwxr-xr-x 2 root bin 256 Jan 05 2010 share-r--r--r-- 1 root bin 5435 Jan 05 2010 swidtag.xmldrwxr-xr-x 2 root bin 256 Jan 05 2010 msgdrwxr-xr-x 2 root bin 4096 Jan 05 2010 resourcesdrwxr-xr-x 5 root bin 256 May 23 14:09 vardrwxr-xr-x 7 root bin 8192 May 23 14:10 libdrwxr-xr-x 5 root bin 4096 May 23 14:14 javadrwxr-xr-x 9 root bin 4096 May 23 14:14 netbackup-r--r--r-- 1 root bin 5435 May 23 14:15.symantec,Enterprise_netbackup- 15 root system 4096 May 23 14:15 logsdrwxr-xr-x 2 root bin 256 May 23 14:16 tmpdrwxrwxrwx 2 oradev dba 256 May 23 14:35 controlfile drwxrwxrwx 2 oradev dba 256 May 23 14:36 orascripts3、编辑NBU备份数据库的rman脚本ora_full.shtraining:/usr/openv/orascripts#vi ora_full.sh粘贴如下内容(完全备份oracle数据库和归档日志,并删除备份好的归档日志,注意修改实例名oracle_sid和oracle_home和实际环境一致)=================================================================#!/bin/sh# $Header: hot_database_backup.sh,v 1.9 2002/02/06 16:48:56 lstrub Stab $##bcpyrght#******************************************************************** *******#* $VRTScprght: Copyright 1993 - 2002 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved $ *#******************************************************************** *******#ecpyrght## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# hot_database_backup.sh# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# This script uses Recovery Manager to take a hot (inconsistent) database# backup. A hot backup is inconsistent because portions of the database are# being modified and written to the disk while the backup is progressing.# You must run your database in ARCHIVELOG mode to make hot backups. It is# assumed that this script will be executed by user root. In order for RMAN# to work properly we switch user (su -) to the oracle dba account before# execution. If this script runs under a user account that has Oracle dba# privilege, it will be executed using this user's account.# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Determine the user which is executing this script.# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------CUSER=`id |cut -d"(" -f2 | cut -d ")" -f1`# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Put output in <this file name>.out. Change as desired.# Note: output directory requires write permission.# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------RMAN_LOG_FILE=${0}.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.out# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# You may want to delete the output file so that backup information does # not accumulate. If not, delete the following lines.# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------if [ -f "$RMAN_LOG_FILE" ]thenrm -f "$RMAN_LOG_FILE"fi# -----------------------------------------------------------------# Initialize the log file.# -----------------------------------------------------------------echo >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEchmod 666 $RMAN_LOG_FILE# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Log the start of this script.# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------echo Script $0 >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEecho ==== started on `date` ==== >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEecho >> $RMAN_LOG_FILE# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Replace /db/oracle/product/ora81, below, with the Oracle home path. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/product/10.2.0export ORACLE_HOME# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Replace ora81, below, with the Oracle SID of the target database. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_SID=orcdevexport ORACLE_SID# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Replace ora81, below, with the Oracle DBA user id (account).# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_USER=oracle# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Set the target connect string.# Replace "sys/manager", below, with the target connect string.# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET_CONNECT_STR= /# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Set the Oracle Recovery Manager name.# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RMAN=$ORACLE_HOME/bin/rman# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Print out the value of the variables set by this script.# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------echo >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEecho "RMAN: $RMAN" >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEecho "ORACLE_SID: $ORACLE_SID" >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEecho "ORACLE_USER: $ORACLE_USER" >> $RMAN_LOG_FILE echo "ORACLE_HOME: $ORACLE_HOME" >> $RMAN_LOG_FILE # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Print out the value of the variables set by bphdb.# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------echo >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEecho "NB_ORA_FULL: $NB_ORA_FULL" >> $RMAN_LOG_FILE echo "NB_ORA_INCR: $NB_ORA_INCR" >> $RMAN_LOG_FILE echo "NB_ORA_CINC: $NB_ORA_CINC" >> $RMAN_LOG_FILE echo "NB_ORA_SERV: $NB_ORA_SERV" >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEecho "NB_ORA_POLICY: $NB_ORA_POLICY" >> $RMAN_LOG_FILE# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# NOTE: This script assumes that the database is properly opened. If desired,# this would be the place to verify that.# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------echo >> $RMAN_LOG_FILE# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# If this script is executed from a NetBackup schedule, NetBackup# sets an NB_ORA environment variable based on the schedule type.# The NB_ORA variable is then used to dynamically set BACKUP_TYPE# For example, when:# schedule type is BACKUP_TYPE is# ---------------- --------------# Automatic Full INCREMENTAL LEVEL=0# Automatic Differential Incremental INCREMENTAL LEVEL=1# Automatic Cumulative Incremental INCREMENTAL LEVEL=1 CUMULATIVE## For user initiated backups, BACKUP_TYPE defaults to incremental# level 0 (full). To change the default for a user initiated# backup to incremental or incremental cumulative, uncomment# one of the following two lines.# BACKUP_TYPE="INCREMENTAL LEVEL=1"# BACKUP_TYPE="INCREMENTAL LEVEL=1 CUMULATIVE"## Note that we use incremental level 0 to specify full backups.# That is because, although they are identical in content, only# the incremental level 0 backup can have incremental backups of# level > 0 applied to it.# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------if [ "$NB_ORA_FULL" = "1" ]thenecho "Full backup requested" >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEBACKUP_TYPE="INCREMENTAL LEVEL=0"elif [ "$NB_ORA_INCR" = "1" ]thenecho "Differential incremental backup requested" >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEBACKUP_TYPE="INCREMENTAL LEVEL=1"elif [ "$NB_ORA_CINC" = "1" ]thenecho "Cumulative incremental backup requested" >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEBACKUP_TYPE="INCREMENTAL LEVEL=1 CUMULATIVE"elif [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" = "" ]thenecho "Default - Full backup requested" >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEBACKUP_TYPE="INCREMENTAL LEVEL=0"fi# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Call Recovery Manager to initiate the backup. This example does not use a# Recovery Catalog. If you choose to use one, replace the option 'nocatalog'# from the rman command line below with the# 'rcvcat <userid>/<passwd>@<tns alias>' statement.## Note: Any environment variables needed at run time by RMAN# must be set and exported within the switch user (su) command.# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Backs up the whole database. This backup is part of the incremental# strategy (this means it can have incremental backups of levels > 0# applied to it).## We do not need to explicitly request the control file to be included# in this backup, as it is automatically included each time file 1 of# the system tablespace is backed up (the inference: as it is a whole# database backup, file 1 of the system tablespace will be backed up,# hence the controlfile will also be included automatically).## Typically, a level 0 backup would be done at least once a week.## The scenario assumes:# o you are backing your database up to two tape drives# o you want each backup set to include a maximum of 5 files# o you wish to include offline datafiles, and read-only tablespaces,# in the backup# o you want the backup to continue if any files are inaccessible.# o you are not using a Recovery Catalog# o you are explicitly backing up the control file. Since you are# specifying nocatalog, the controlfile backup that occurs# automatically as the result of backing up the system file is# not sufficient; it will not contain records for the backup that# is currently in progress.# o you want to archive the current log, back up all the# archive logs using two channels, putting a maximum of 20 logs# in a backup set, and deleting them once the backup is complete.## Note that the format string is constructed to guarantee uniqueness and# to enhance NetBackup for Oracle backup and restore performance.### NOTE WHEN USING TNS ALIAS: When connecting to a database# using a TNS alias, you must use a send command or a parms operand to# specify environment variables. In other words, when accessing a database # through a listener, the environment variables set at the system level are not # visible when RMAN is running. For more information on the environment # variables, please refer to the NetBackup for Oracle Admin. Guide.## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------CMD_STR="ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_HOMEexport ORACLE_HOMEORACLE_SID=$ORACLE_SIDexport ORACLE_SID$RMAN target / nocatalog msglog $RMAN_LOG_FILE append << EOFRUN {ALLOCATE CHANNEL ch00 TYPE 'SBT_TAPE';SEND 'NB_ORA_POLICY=aix_ora_full';BACKUP$BACKUP_TYPESKIP INACCESSIBLETAG hot_db_bk_level0FILESPERSET 30# recommended formatFORMAT 'bk_%s_%p_%t'DATABASE;sql 'alter system archive log current';RELEASE CHANNEL ch00;# backup all archive logsALLOCATE CHANNEL ch00 TYPE 'SBT_TAPE';SEND 'NB_ORA_POLICY=aix_ora_full';BACKUPfilesperset 20FORMAT 'al_%s_%p_%t'ARCHIVELOG ALL DELETE INPUT;RELEASE CHANNEL ch00;## Note: During the process of backing up the database, RMAN also backs up the# control file. This version of the control file does not contain the# information about the current backup because "nocatalog" has been specified.# Too include the information about the current backup, the control file should# be backed up as the last step of the RMAN section. This step would not be# necessary if we were using a recovery catalog.#ALLOCATE CHANNEL ch00 TYPE 'SBT_TAPE';BACKUP# recommended formatFORMAT 'cntrl_%s_%p_%t'CURRENT CONTROLFILE;RELEASE CHANNEL ch00;ALLOCATE CHANNEL ch00 TYPE DISK ;COPYCURRENT CONTROLFILE to '/usr/openv/controlfile/control.ora';RELEASE CHANNEL ch00;}EOF"# Initiate the command stringif [ "$CUSER" = "root" ]thensu - $ORACLE_USER -c "$CMD_STR" >> $RMAN_LOG_FILERSTAT=$?else/usr/bin/sh -c "$CMD_STR" >> $RMAN_LOG_FILERSTAT=$?fi# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Log the completion of this script.# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------if [ "$RSTAT" = "0" ]thenLOGMSG="ended successfully"/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpbackup -p oracle_control_file -s user -t 0 /usr/openv/controlfile/control.oraelseLOGMSG="ended in error"fiecho >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEecho Script $0 >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEecho ==== $LOGMSG on `date` ==== >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEecho >> $RMAN_LOG_FILEexit $RSTAT================================================================== training:/usr/openv/orascripts#ls -rlttotal 24-rw-r--r-- 1 oradev dba 11832 May 23 14:42 ora_full.sh二、NBU目录库备份设置NBU安装后需要设置一个catalog目录备份作业,已保证NBU备份内部数据库损坏可以还原。
设置好后,打开IE,在地址栏中输入NBX 的IP地址192.168.1.190,回车就能登陆到NBX的Web管理登陆界面,如图1所示。
图2注意:请勿修改NBX的用户名和密码,因为我们的软件用到这个用户名和密码点击确认后进入如图3所示界面图3在这个界面中实际上是到NBX各个主要功能的快捷方式,通常我们会选择“Tab To It”这个选项,因为这个选项包含了NBX所有能设置的设置,如图4所示为“Tab To It”界面。
图4在System Configuration中的System Settings选项可以进行系统设置,如图5所示。
图5在这个界面中我们能看到系统的版本、序列号以及IP等一些重要信息,其中System Serial#一项非常重要,这是将来我们申请各种License,保修等都必须的,另外可以通过这个序列号向3COM公司查询真伪。
图6这里,我们能用到的设置是IP Address,Extensions Start at,以及右边上面3个可选项。
Extensions Start at为我们自动发现话机后分配号码的起始号码。
右边所用到的3个选项依次分别是:自动发现话机(子项“Auto Add Phones to Pickup Group 0 ”会随着自动发现话机选项的启用自动钩选);自动发现模拟外线卡;自动发现数字外线卡。
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© 2011 Symantec Corporation / 2011-05-24
7.x OS Software Compatibility List Updates
Media Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (x64) is now supported on NetBackup 7.0 and forward Added Media Server Dedupe support on Windows Server 2008 Storage Server (x64) and Windows 2008 R2 Storage Server (x64) Added Client support on Solaris 11 Express (x64) Added Client support on Solaris 11 Express (SPARC) Added Server support on AIX 7.1 (POWER) Added Server support on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x (x64). Added Media Server and Client Deduplication support on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x (x64). Added Media Server and Client Deduplication support on HP-Ux 11.31 IA64. Added Client only support on the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Kernal OEL 5 Update 5 (x64) via footnote. Added Client support on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x (x64). Added Active Directory Appendix (formally in NetBackup 7.x DB Agent SCL). Added JAVA GUI support on Windows 7 (includes TECH63372). Added Client support on FreeBSD 7.1, 7.2, 8.0, 8.1. Added OpsCenter support on AIX 6.1. Updated Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x on z/architecture to include support for NBAC. Updated Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 on z/architecture to include support for NBAC. Added Media server support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x on z/architecture. Added Media server support for Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 on z/architecture. Added Oracle Enterprise Linux 4 and Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 as separate OS platforms.
Symantec NetBackup ™ Enterprise Server and Server 7.x OS Software Compatibility List
Created on May 24, 2011
Copyright © 2011 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. Symantec, the Symantec Logo, and Backup Exec are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Symantec NetBackup ™ Enterprise Server and Server 7.x OS Software Compatibility List
Operating Systems Client Selections for Backup Policies Media Server Encryption Option (MSEO) SAN Media Server/SAN Client/FT Media Server Active Directory Support Deduplication Supported Operating Systems NetBackup Administration Consoles Virtual Systems Compatibility Bare Metal Restore (BMR) File System Compatibility OpsCenter Backup or Archiving Product Support Operating Systems No Longer Supported by NetBackup
2010-07-23 2010-07-23 2010-06-01 2010-06-01
NetBackup 7.0.1 NetBackup 7.0.1 NetBackup 7.0 NetBackup 7.0
2010-05-06 2010-03-26
NetBackup 7.0 NetBackup 7.0
Release History
NetBackup Version 7.0 7.0 7.0.1 7.0.1 7.1 7.1 NetBackup 7.0 FA NetBackup 7.0 GA NetBackup 7.0.1 FA NetBackup 7.0.1 GA NetBackup 7.1 FA NetBackup 7.1 GA Description January, 2010 February, 2010 July, 2010 August, 2010 February, 2011 March, 2011 Release Date
This Software Compatibility List (SCL) document contains information for Symantec NetBackup 7.0. It covers NetBackup Server (which includes Enterprise Server and Server), Client, Bare Metal Restore (BMR), NetBackup Access Control (NBAC), NDMP, OpsCenter, SAN Media Server/SAN Client, FT Media Server, Deduplication, File System Capability, Virtual System Capability and MSEO (Media Server Encryption Option). It is divided into bookmarks on the left that can be expanded. Reference Article TECH59978 </docs/TECH59978> for links to all other NetBackup compatibility lists.
Update Information
Description of Change Date NetBackup Version Start of Support NetBackup 7.0.1
Added BMR Client/Boot Server support for the following OS platforms, AIX 6.1 HP-UX 11.31 IA64 Oracle Enterprise Linux 4 and Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 Windows 7 and Windows Vista Windows Server 2008 Core Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 Solaris x64 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Added BMR Server support on Oracle Enterprise Linux 4 and Oracle Enterprise Linux 5. Changed Sun Solaris to Oracle Solaris Removed FT Media Server Appendix and added information to SAN Media Server/SAN Client Appendix including a link to the NetBackup 7.x HCL. Added footnotes to RHEL 4 and 5, SLES 9 and 10 on POWER CPU Architecture noting that they will not be supported in the next major NetBackup release following NetBackup 7.x. Updated BMR File System/Volume Manager Support Appendix Added NetBackup Administration Console Appendix